if you wanna see some of the best skating on roller skates and on inline skates
Olá YouTube my name is Ricardo Lino and I´m a
wheel addict I wasn't really planning to do a video today but I was a scrolling
down my Instagram and one of my favorite no not one of my favorite my favorite
roller skated just released the video and then when I went to look at the
video the video at like 70 views and I was like no way no way and that was
before I watch the Vita then I watch the video and I couldn't believe it
so I just thought I should show you a little bit of this video and I should
talk a little bit about the video let me show you so if you're not falling AJ on
Instagram you should Internet is kind of slow so
his name is AJ king he's from the United States and he's
just seriously the best guy who ever roller skated it's just you need to see
it it's just good you can do air they can do like technical stalls it can do
grind it's just it's just good so basically the video that I just put out
it's just his first day on his new roller skates which are the ones that I
designed the kayak arm escapes so I'm super super proud to cities and I'm just
gonna leave you with a little teaser of it
I just gotta click the link in the description so if you want to see AJ
skating make sure just go on the link in the description now that I'm talking
about videos I also need to make reference to the video that just came
out last week from rich Yardley well Richie is also easels of my favorite
inline skate I like basically AJ is my favorite roller skater and Ricci is let
is my first favorite inline skater like aggressive inline skater is just way too
good and like I don't think there's nothing new that I'm going to say about
Ritchie what can I do well I'm gonna show you dim the teaser for his new
video and I can basically tell you that that's probably the best video that I've
seen in 2017 I wish I saw it earlier but just came out now
got six dollars but it's just really well spent six dollars so I will also
put the link in the description for Ritchie's video so if you wanna see some
of the best skating on roller skates and on inline skates make sure that you
check those links and that's it that's what I asked for today like I told you
before I didn't add anything planned I have some stuff for tomorrow let's see
our rappers trying to have my old days with my family and and that's it
so if you did enjoy this video don't forget to subscribe to the channel if
you're not subscribed already if you liked the video give me some thumbs up
if you like Ritchie or if you like AJ they're like really really cool
skaters in all aspects so I don't know I really like what they do and that's it
for today hope to see you soon maybe tomorrow maybe not just don't forget why
we all started skating because it's fun you can smile Cheers
For more infomation >> THE BEST ROLLER SKATE AND AGGRESSIVE INLINE SKATE VIDEOS OF 2017 // VLOG 206 - Duration: 4:44.-------------------------------------------
Farniente L-Berr ◦ Ébano ◦ Louis Amoeba : CUPÓN - Duration: 3:24.
Puffy Mattress Review
Samsung Gear 360: Podijeli s prijateljima - Duration: 0:16.
Mazda 3 1.6 S-VT Touring RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:54.
Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TFSI 180pk S-Line - Duration: 0:49.
Martina Mráčková - Neuro Recruitment Workshop - Duration: 2:26.
Secure Browser: Browser in the Box by Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity - Duration: 3:57.
Hello and welcome, my name is Ivo Borsetti.
I'm here at Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity Presales Consultant.
I want to introduce you to our security solution Browser in the Box in this video.
This will effectively help you to protect against attacks from the Internet.
In case you did not know it yet: In most cases, cyberattacks or malware
reach the PC via the browser and may then get into
your company network.
It is generally the case that Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity's technology strategy follows a proactive
technological approach based on the motto "Security by Design".
Especially with zero-day exploits, that is new, unknown attacks, and advanced persistent
threats, which are ongoing and advanced attacks, you have to act with an innovative security architecture
that is not dependent on the attack or that the
attack pattern is already known.
The security architecture of Browser in the Box is based on the separation of Internet
and intranet.
This separation is realized at the computer level by virtualization on the client system
and at the network level, on the other hand, by tunneling the Internet traffic through the intranet
using IPsec encryption.
But let's take a look at the isolation at the computer level:
On the graphic you can see the concept quite clearly.
There are three isolation layers here: The first layer is a hardened Linux with
AppArmor whitelisting.
The second layer is the full virtualization with the open source software VirtualBox and
last but not least, a separate Windows user account with its own rights.
Virtualization separates the browser from the rest of the system in the first step.
Of course we also want to isolate the network.
For that, there is another hardened Linux virtual machine for our TrustedVPN client
that sets up a VPN tunnel to our Web Gateway and
reliably isolates all Internet traffic from the internal network.
This separation of intranet and Internet at PC and network level is based on the
assumption that there is no one hundred percent security and we want to prevent the occurrence of malicious code
in the intranet even on the transmission path.
That's why it's the case that even if a single system is compromised,
it does not compromise the entire corporate network.
Due to the secure separation, only the encapsulated browser is affected.
Among other things, we ensure this security by creating a snapshot
when starting the Browser in the Box Virtual Machine for the first time,
or from which every session is started.
So even if malware invades during a browser session, restarting
Browser in the Box will always continue with a clean system.
By the way, Browser in the Box is available for different usage scenarios.
If you e.g.
Fat Clients, Browser in the Box Enterprise is available.
For small to medium sized businesses, Browser in the Box SMB is the right choice.
If you use ThinClients, then Browser in the Box Terminal Server
is for you.
Browser in the Box Enterprise also includes the TrustedObjects Manager
as the central management server, a Web gateway for tunneling Internet traffic through
the intranet, and of course the Browser in the Box software, which is
installed on the client system.
In contrast, Browser in the Box SMB does not require centralized management
and hardware.
Yes, and that would be it so far.
Hopefully you got to know our Browser in the Box a bit better.
For more information we also have more videos on our website for you.
See you soon!
Volkswagen Tiguan Comfortline Business R 1.4TSI/125pk · Pano dak · Adaptive cruise control · Keyl - Duration: 0:54.
Why Ripple (XRP) Continues to Grow | Ripple Coin Future Value 2018 - Duration: 4:16.
welcome back to crypto land my name is Matthew Timothy and I make daily
cryptocurrency videos so if you're new to this channel consider subscribing
today I want to talk about ripple funs interesting article I think you will
benefit from hearing this so definitely stick around if you're into ripple let's
hear it ripple is one of those crypto currencies
that have prevailed world financial news at the year-end currency has attracted a
lot of investors banks in financial regulators across the globe
due to its reliability scalability and security today it has reached another
milestone and hit an all-time high of one dollar 43 the jumping value has also
increased its world ranking where by making it the third largest
cryptocurrency in the world with 54 mark 54 billion dollar market gap after
Bitcoin and ethereum this 20% increase in value of ripple today is due to the
announcement of the consortium between SBI holding Japan in Asia with Japanese
credit card companies whereby it's noteworthy that ripple and the SBI
holding had created SBI Ripple Asia in 2016 but the investors did not show any
interest because they were not sure about the extent that ripple will get
involved in this joint venture now the announcement of the consortium
shows that the Japanese credit card companies and SBI Holdings would adopt
ripples blockchain technology for processing cross-border payments on the
court the coin market cap shows that the news has raised the value of ripple
about 20% and has made it the third largest cryptocurrency of the world with
fifty four billion dollar market cap at the time of this recording ripple had
already beaten Bitcoin on 22nd of December with the value of the currency
jumped to $1 thirteen increased a market cap to
forty-three billion dollar here it is important to mention that ripple has not
beats in Bitcoin in token value obviously but has beaten Bitcoin in
meteoric value this means that the currency has shown a greater increase
over the year than Bitcoin people don't like to talk about this that much ripple
XRP year-to-date increase was recorded seventeen thousand and eighty three
percent on December 22nd as compared to bitcoins fifteen hundred and forty
percent the experts are the experts are of the view that this increase is due to
the announcement of large banks and financial institutions to join Ripple
blockchain technology for processing cross-border payments in seconds I think
ripple is great personally because it will make us a lot of money in the
future I see this fight between the government and financial institutions in
decentralized way of living and I think it's good to have both of them in my
portfolio I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on this are you a
supporter of ripple are you holding you don't have to support ripple to hold it
um I guess that's what I'm trying to say here but are you holding Ripple are you
supporting ripple let me know in the comments and I will have a I will finish
the discussion there that was basically what I wanted to share today in this
video I hope you got some value for from it if you did like the video again leave
in the comment what you think about ripple and I will see you in the next
video and until then stop settling and start living the coin life peace
BMW 5 Serie 523i Executive - Duration: 1:00.
Prophecy | Russia Will Invade America When It Divides Jerusalem | Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj - Duration: 19:00.
my assistants have read about you a lot we just research just to find out
but you do what God says to you, you said somewhere that you were handed a note
from an angel (tru news) do you remember that ? yes can I ask you about that ?
sure a few years ago theres does this radio ministry called tru news they wanted to interview me so
they called me and did a telephonic interview when I was in Lancaster yes so
while the interview was going on and the host Rick he was sharing something as she was
sharing an angel walked up towards me and he handed me a note and I saw on the
note just four words: "Russia will invade the US"
that's all
be killed mercilessly and their bodies thrown in the streets but I
delivered this word in the meeting that day and subsequently in many meetings
have delivered this word but over the years I've seen many visions one
particular vision I saw in the late 90s was missiles been falling all over
the U.S in this particular vision I saw myself running here and there in the
North American continent but clearly the US and missiles were dropping everywhere
you know so he looked up and I cried out who dares to throw these missiles at the
US and I found myself saying these words except the Lord God who else will dare to
to permit this to happen I was very surprised when I saw that and very
recently the word of the Lord came unto me saying
Russia will attack the US and the nation will be divided into two when she will divide
Jerusalem into two this word of the Lord came unto me when I was fasting and
praying on Mount Sinai on the top of Mount Sinai in the last week of November
in 2011 you know we do a annual conference in Israel called the open
heavens prophetic conference and on that particular year before the Conference began
I was fasting in Praying on Mount Sinai on early morning as I was drinking
my cup of tea I was just meditating on the scriptures
when suddenly I saw an 8-foot angel and before me with a drawn sword and then he
said this is what will happen to the nation that will divide Jerusalem into two
when he spoke that I saw the map of the
United States appear in a three-dimensional form before the Angel
and he just thrust his sword into the very heart of the US like in The
center and a line just split in the middle and said so will the nation be
divided as Jerusalem will be divided by this nation so these are the things that
I've heard from the Lord over the u.s. that dream could be interpreted
different ways that could be a a physical division such as a a massive
earthquake that splits the nation in half but also it could be a civil war
for the country is divided and it could also be a foreign occupation yes
but the Lord didn't tell you how I was gonna be divided he just said this is
the nation will be divided if and that's the key line if it divides
Jerusalem you know last night we were having a dinner with another prophet of
God from Australia called Neville Johnson have you heard of him ?
no I'm sure many of your listeners who know me may have also heard of him
he's another wonderful man of God you should interview on
your radio program... what's his first name ?
Neville Johnson
now when we were talking about these issues over dinner last night he mentioned that he had heard from
the Lord about a foreign occupation particularly by Russia that will invade
and be positioned or stationed in the US and then take over the US Neville Johnson is
Neville Johnson is a prophet from Australia heard the Lord he heard from the Lord
that there would be a foreign occupation of this country yes and it would be by
yes you know just a few minutes ago as
as you were talking I saw an angel come and stand before me and he handed out a note
and in the note I saw it written Russia will invade the US he saw that
just before this interview that's right while you were giving the introduction
you know I was quietly praying asking to the Lord what should I tell these people
I do not know what they are going to ask me and what should I tell them that's
what when I saw this angel he came and he handed me a note saying Russia will
invade the US Sundar you don't know me this is the first time you and I have
talked but I've been on I've been on the radio over 15 years this has been my
message for 15 years really yes oh good let me tell you now from the moment you
called me or your associate as he was just talking with me a few minutes
before he passed upon to you I saw an angel coming standing before me with the
a drawn sword and he said I will give you words to speak when you have been
interviewed so I was very sensitive to that what he was going to tell me but as
soon as you started and you were introducing me that was when the angel
came and handed me the note you tell them in the name of Jesus I release you
to prophesy now on live radio speak the word of the Lord you you have the
microphone to speak freely you know it is the will of the Lord this nation serve the
Living God but not Mammon (Money) unfortunately many many Americans minus the
sincere godly Americans the after Mammon (Money) and as a result God has permitted
a spirit of lies to come upon this many preachers even prophets who are preaching
falsehood themselves but these will make the way for the great apostasy to fall away
but the same time God has sent His angels in white even many Saints in
glory in white walking all over the u.s. right now calling for our people to come
out of Babylon that is the message that is going out these days to come out of
Babylon and be separate the Americans must not choose to walk in sin or to
have any means to keep their hands and their hearts to clean so that they will
be counted worthy to stand with the Lord The American people are not going to repent
they are going to suffer in this tragedy and now I see I see the signs of war I
mean to this very day the headlines in Europe are talking of
NATO warning of war with Russia effective and so I think we are
dangerously close to these prophecies being fulfilled and I and I dread to
tell people what I what I saw because it's under what I saw was after war the
American people were slaves and I think I think the aftermath was even worse
than what I saw him it was... my brother you will be very amazed to hear that
whatever you are saying to me right now for the very things that we were
discussing last night what God has shown to Neville Johnson and me and we were just talking
about exact same things that you are repeating right now what did you talk
about about America being attacked and the Russian army been stationed
the US and then the people the Americans becoming slaves everything you must get
Neville to be interviewed on your station you know yes I want our audience
particularly here in the USA yes to comprehend Russian bombers
penetrated US airspace at least 16 times in past 10 days Russian strategic
nuclear bombers conducted at least 16 incursions into northwestern US Air
Defense identification spawns over the past 10 days an unusually sharp increase
in aerial penetrations is happening here we have a brother from from India a
meeting last night with a a brother from Australia and they're discussing a
Russian attack on the United States and the American people becoming slaves
my heart I want to cry on the air I don't know how to wake up the
American people that God has been crying out to this nation for decades repent
you took the wrong road you were deceived you were misled but you can
turn around you can go back to the place sheet you took the wrong road and you
can get back on to the path of righteousness may I say something is a
man to give a leaf of hope yes I was preaching once a few years ago in
Michigan and as I was preaching I saw in an open vision about an American patriarch
kneeling down with his right foot - was kneeling down bent down on the ground
and his left leg was tilted up stout in head and his tears were all dropping
on the ground and the Lord told me this is George Washington listen to what he is praying
this was a scene in heaven and I heard
George Washington pray Lord save my nation
save my nation save my nation and the tears rolled on his eyes in front on the
ground and a Lord Jesus told me I will surely answer the prayers of this saint
so last night as we were discussing but then Neville he mentioned that you know
this mythical bird called the phoenix that will rise up from the fire and ashes yes
the nation was certainly being judged she will certainly be whipped by the
Lord she will certainly go through all this but it is for redemption he will
turn the nation around and she will once again rise up from the ashes like the
Phoenix bird and will seek out God and fulfill her rightful destiny do you know
do you know about George Washington's vision ?
No except for the name of George Washington I know nothing about him
George Washington had a vision and this is recorded in the Library of Congress there's no record of
George Washington himself telling the vision but the story is of that I want
to say this was in the 1800s an elderly man approached the editor of the
patriotic magazine which is now the Stars and Stripes magazine all of our
veterans know that magazine I forget the original name of the magazine and this
elderly man told the editor he had a story to tell
and he told the editor that he served with George Washington at
and that he personally heard George Washington tell of a strange experience
that Washington was in his tent praying and a vision unfolded a heavenly being
appeared in the tent and said I will show you three wars that your nation
will fight and the first war was the Revolutionary War that they were in at
the time the second war was brother against brother which was the civil war
and then the the angel said and the third war will be in the distant future
and Washington saw a a dark ominous cloud rise up from from Europe and
another cloud rise up from Asia and another cloud rise up from North Africa
and the three dark clouds merged together and came across the Atlantic
and hovered over America and fire and lightning came out of the cloud and it
was basically raining fire on on America but the people cried out to God and God
saved them amen and that's a true story that this man swore he heard George
Washington relate this to himself so again there's a historical record that
this man told the story there's no there's no historical proof that George
Washington himself ever spoke of this vision but it's interesting that you had
you had a vision of George Washington weeping and crying sighs saved my nation
assistants have read about you a lot we just researched just to
find out what you do what God says to you you said somewhere that you were
handed a note from an angel do you remember that yes can I ask you about
that sure a few years ago there's this radio ministry called true news they
wanted to interview me yes so they called me and did a telephonic interview
when I was in Lancaster yes so while the interview was going on and the host Rick
he was sharing something as he was sharing an angel walk up towards me and he
handed me a note and I saw on the note just four words Russia will invade the US
that's all
Russia Will Invade the United States ?
why how when I don't so he never expect he never heard no more about that so
when I shared that on the radio Rick was shocked and he said he had
received the same revelation some many years ago did this was way before maybe
20 years ago was fasting and praying one morning they saw a vision huge missiles
were dropping all over the US and I saw myself running here and there to avoid
the missile drop on me and I heard myself shout at the top of my voice who dares
to destroy the US and then the answer comes : except the Lord God when he
permits it so if any such thing whether it's not Korea or the US or or Iran or
anybody if they ever were going to drop nuclear missiles in the US it's because
God has removed his safety net from the nation
Die krassesten MYTHEN in Clash Royale! 😎 **unglaublich!** - Duration: 4:30.
Delphine de Vigan lit un extrait de "Les Loyautés" - Duration: 0:53.
Apprendre les animaux en français l ZOO Animaux Bébé Trouver Maman - Duration: 5:08.
【鍼灸国試】第18回経絡経穴学概論.問題113【解説】 - Duration: 0:42.
Votre signe du zodiaque révèle le nombre d'enfants que vous allez avoir | HOROSCOPE 2018 - Duration: 6:28.
Family fun on the water
Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4D LX DC - Duration: 0:59.
Volvo XC60 2.4D SUMMUM AWD Geartronic , BJ`2009, Blis, Cruise control adaptief ! - Duration: 0:57.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 180 D EDITION SPORT Automaat, Navi Pro, Xenon, HLeer - Duration: 0:57.
9 façons d'être meilleur au lit. Infos utiles à lire et partager ! - Duration: 5:37.
Delphine de Vigan lit un extrait de "Les Loyautés" - Duration: 0:53.
Airbnb versus Booking mon avis dans ce Kris Investandthecity - Duration: 17:55.
KARD Unanimously Chooses The Member They Think Would Be Worst At Dating - Duration: 6:01.
KARD Unanimously Chooses The Member They Think Would Be Worst At Dating
KARD has revealed which members they think would make the best leader, who they think is the coolest, and who they think would be the worst at dating!.
On December 27, the four members of KARD appeared on the SBS Power FM radio show NCTs Night Night. During the show, they were asked various questions about their fellow members, including which member they would choose to be the group leader.
(Unlike many other K-pop groups, KARD does not have an official leader.).
Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.
300x250. ATF.
Somin picked BM, saying, Somehow, it just seems like hes the best at deciding things.
How do I put it? It seems like he always knows how to settle differences of opinion..
J.Seph chose Somin, referencing her strong personality and past experience as the leader of.
He said playfully, Because Somin always clearly voices her opinions, and since she promoted [as a singer] in the past before we did, when Somin says something from the standpoint of a senior artist, her word is law..
Jiwoo decided to abstain from the question, explaining that all the members had leadership qualities, while BM picked one of their managers.
Shes KARDs real boss, he joked.
When asked which member they thought would be the worst at dating, the vote was unanimous—all four members chose Jiwoo, including Jiwoo herself.
Its not that shed be bad at dating, exactly, explained Somin.
Shes often blunt, but she also has a really cute side.
But I think shed be too shy to show her cute side when dating someone.
Shes very shy and easily embarrassed..
BM agreed, with J.Seph adding, Jiwoo is very open and easygoing.
But when dating, you sometimes have to act coy.
I dont think shed be able to do that..
The final question was which fellow group member they thought was the coolest.
J.Seph picked BM, saying, He has a great body. He also praised BMs discipline and commitment to working out.
Somin also chose BM, but for different reasons.
When he dances freestyle, he dances differently every time, she remarked.
I think its cool that hes so good at it..
Jiwoo, on the other hand, picked Somin.
Because Somin has more experience than the rest of us, she elaborated, she looks more natural onstage, which I thought was cool..
BMs choice was Jiwoo, and he jokingly expressed feeling hurt that she hadnt picked him back.
He went on to explain, The side of Jiwoo that I typically see, and which many people dont get to see, is very cute and bright, since we rehearse together.
But on stage, she becomes an entirely different person, someone with swag..
At that point, J.Seph cut in, I have a question.
Why didnt anyone pick me?.
The other three members laughed apologetically, with Somin and Jiwoo suddenly insisting, J.
Seph looks really cool when hes wearing a scarf!.
He has a real hip-hop vibe, BM chimed in.
As someone who has rapped together with him for five years, Ive seen his cool side. He then jokingly whispered to J.Seph in English, [Dont worry,] I got you!.
Do you agree with KARDs answers? Leave your thoughts below!.
Source ().
KLAN ÇEKİLİŞİ ( Clash Of Clans ) - Duration: 2:22.
Prophecy | Russia Will Invade America When It Divides Jerusalem | Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj - Duration: 19:00.
my assistants have read about you a lot we just research just to find out
but you do what God says to you, you said somewhere that you were handed a note
from an angel (tru news) do you remember that ? yes can I ask you about that ?
sure a few years ago theres does this radio ministry called tru news they wanted to interview me so
they called me and did a telephonic interview when I was in Lancaster yes so
while the interview was going on and the host Rick he was sharing something as she was
sharing an angel walked up towards me and he handed me a note and I saw on the
note just four words: "Russia will invade the US"
that's all
be killed mercilessly and their bodies thrown in the streets but I
delivered this word in the meeting that day and subsequently in many meetings
have delivered this word but over the years I've seen many visions one
particular vision I saw in the late 90s was missiles been falling all over
the U.S in this particular vision I saw myself running here and there in the
North American continent but clearly the US and missiles were dropping everywhere
you know so he looked up and I cried out who dares to throw these missiles at the
US and I found myself saying these words except the Lord God who else will dare to
to permit this to happen I was very surprised when I saw that and very
recently the word of the Lord came unto me saying
Russia will attack the US and the nation will be divided into two when she will divide
Jerusalem into two this word of the Lord came unto me when I was fasting and
praying on Mount Sinai on the top of Mount Sinai in the last week of November
in 2011 you know we do a annual conference in Israel called the open
heavens prophetic conference and on that particular year before the Conference began
I was fasting in Praying on Mount Sinai on early morning as I was drinking
my cup of tea I was just meditating on the scriptures
when suddenly I saw an 8-foot angel and before me with a drawn sword and then he
said this is what will happen to the nation that will divide Jerusalem into two
when he spoke that I saw the map of the
United States appear in a three-dimensional form before the Angel
and he just thrust his sword into the very heart of the US like in The
center and a line just split in the middle and said so will the nation be
divided as Jerusalem will be divided by this nation so these are the things that
I've heard from the Lord over the u.s. that dream could be interpreted
different ways that could be a a physical division such as a a massive
earthquake that splits the nation in half but also it could be a civil war
for the country is divided and it could also be a foreign occupation yes
but the Lord didn't tell you how I was gonna be divided he just said this is
the nation will be divided if and that's the key line if it divides
Jerusalem you know last night we were having a dinner with another prophet of
God from Australia called Neville Johnson have you heard of him ?
no I'm sure many of your listeners who know me may have also heard of him
he's another wonderful man of God you should interview on
your radio program... what's his first name ?
Neville Johnson
now when we were talking about these issues over dinner last night he mentioned that he had heard from
the Lord about a foreign occupation particularly by Russia that will invade
and be positioned or stationed in the US and then take over the US Neville Johnson is
Neville Johnson is a prophet from Australia heard the Lord he heard from the Lord
that there would be a foreign occupation of this country yes and it would be by
yes you know just a few minutes ago as
as you were talking I saw an angel come and stand before me and he handed out a note
and in the note I saw it written Russia will invade the US he saw that
just before this interview that's right while you were giving the introduction
you know I was quietly praying asking to the Lord what should I tell these people
I do not know what they are going to ask me and what should I tell them that's
what when I saw this angel he came and he handed me a note saying Russia will
invade the US Sundar you don't know me this is the first time you and I have
talked but I've been on I've been on the radio over 15 years this has been my
message for 15 years really yes oh good let me tell you now from the moment you
called me or your associate as he was just talking with me a few minutes
before he passed upon to you I saw an angel coming standing before me with the
a drawn sword and he said I will give you words to speak when you have been
interviewed so I was very sensitive to that what he was going to tell me but as
soon as you started and you were introducing me that was when the angel
came and handed me the note you tell them in the name of Jesus I release you
to prophesy now on live radio speak the word of the Lord you you have the
microphone to speak freely you know it is the will of the Lord this nation serve the
Living God but not Mammon (Money) unfortunately many many Americans minus the
sincere godly Americans the after Mammon (Money) and as a result God has permitted
a spirit of lies to come upon this many preachers even prophets who are preaching
falsehood themselves but these will make the way for the great apostasy to fall away
but the same time God has sent His angels in white even many Saints in
glory in white walking all over the u.s. right now calling for our people to come
out of Babylon that is the message that is going out these days to come out of
Babylon and be separate the Americans must not choose to walk in sin or to
have any means to keep their hands and their hearts to clean so that they will
be counted worthy to stand with the Lord The American people are not going to repent
they are going to suffer in this tragedy and now I see I see the signs of war I
mean to this very day the headlines in Europe are talking of
NATO warning of war with Russia effective and so I think we are
dangerously close to these prophecies being fulfilled and I and I dread to
tell people what I what I saw because it's under what I saw was after war the
American people were slaves and I think I think the aftermath was even worse
than what I saw him it was... my brother you will be very amazed to hear that
whatever you are saying to me right now for the very things that we were
discussing last night what God has shown to Neville Johnson and me and we were just talking
about exact same things that you are repeating right now what did you talk
about about America being attacked and the Russian army been stationed
the US and then the people the Americans becoming slaves everything you must get
Neville to be interviewed on your station you know yes I want our audience
particularly here in the USA yes to comprehend Russian bombers
penetrated US airspace at least 16 times in past 10 days Russian strategic
nuclear bombers conducted at least 16 incursions into northwestern US Air
Defense identification spawns over the past 10 days an unusually sharp increase
in aerial penetrations is happening here we have a brother from from India a
meeting last night with a a brother from Australia and they're discussing a
Russian attack on the United States and the American people becoming slaves
my heart I want to cry on the air I don't know how to wake up the
American people that God has been crying out to this nation for decades repent
you took the wrong road you were deceived you were misled but you can
turn around you can go back to the place sheet you took the wrong road and you
can get back on to the path of righteousness may I say something is a
man to give a leaf of hope yes I was preaching once a few years ago in
Michigan and as I was preaching I saw in an open vision about an American patriarch
kneeling down with his right foot - was kneeling down bent down on the ground
and his left leg was tilted up stout in head and his tears were all dropping
on the ground and the Lord told me this is George Washington listen to what he is praying
this was a scene in heaven and I heard
George Washington pray Lord save my nation
save my nation save my nation and the tears rolled on his eyes in front on the
ground and a Lord Jesus told me I will surely answer the prayers of this saint
so last night as we were discussing but then Neville he mentioned that you know
this mythical bird called the phoenix that will rise up from the fire and ashes yes
the nation was certainly being judged she will certainly be whipped by the
Lord she will certainly go through all this but it is for redemption he will
turn the nation around and she will once again rise up from the ashes like the
Phoenix bird and will seek out God and fulfill her rightful destiny do you know
do you know about George Washington's vision ?
No except for the name of George Washington I know nothing about him
George Washington had a vision and this is recorded in the Library of Congress there's no record of
George Washington himself telling the vision but the story is of that I want
to say this was in the 1800s an elderly man approached the editor of the
patriotic magazine which is now the Stars and Stripes magazine all of our
veterans know that magazine I forget the original name of the magazine and this
elderly man told the editor he had a story to tell
and he told the editor that he served with George Washington at
and that he personally heard George Washington tell of a strange experience
that Washington was in his tent praying and a vision unfolded a heavenly being
appeared in the tent and said I will show you three wars that your nation
will fight and the first war was the Revolutionary War that they were in at
the time the second war was brother against brother which was the civil war
and then the the angel said and the third war will be in the distant future
and Washington saw a a dark ominous cloud rise up from from Europe and
another cloud rise up from Asia and another cloud rise up from North Africa
and the three dark clouds merged together and came across the Atlantic
and hovered over America and fire and lightning came out of the cloud and it
was basically raining fire on on America but the people cried out to God and God
saved them amen and that's a true story that this man swore he heard George
Washington relate this to himself so again there's a historical record that
this man told the story there's no there's no historical proof that George
Washington himself ever spoke of this vision but it's interesting that you had
you had a vision of George Washington weeping and crying sighs saved my nation
assistants have read about you a lot we just researched just to
find out what you do what God says to you you said somewhere that you were
handed a note from an angel do you remember that yes can I ask you about
that sure a few years ago there's this radio ministry called true news they
wanted to interview me yes so they called me and did a telephonic interview
when I was in Lancaster yes so while the interview was going on and the host Rick
he was sharing something as he was sharing an angel walk up towards me and he
handed me a note and I saw on the note just four words Russia will invade the US
that's all
Russia Will Invade the United States ?
why how when I don't so he never expect he never heard no more about that so
when I shared that on the radio Rick was shocked and he said he had
received the same revelation some many years ago did this was way before maybe
20 years ago was fasting and praying one morning they saw a vision huge missiles
were dropping all over the US and I saw myself running here and there to avoid
the missile drop on me and I heard myself shout at the top of my voice who dares
to destroy the US and then the answer comes : except the Lord God when he
permits it so if any such thing whether it's not Korea or the US or or Iran or
anybody if they ever were going to drop nuclear missiles in the US it's because
God has removed his safety net from the nation
Balloon Movie Review | Jai Anjali | Janani Iyer |ESSAIMASTERMAD - Duration: 3:21.
Christmas Song | Super Car Royce | Kids Show | Cartoon Video For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:45.
Christmas Song Super Car Royce
Family Heartbroken After 13-Yr-Old Dies Of Cancer, Then Find Note She Left For Them Behind Mirror - Duration: 2:23.
Family Heartbroken After 13-Yr-Old Dies Of Cancer, Then Find Note She Left For Them Behind
Some children are wise beyond their years.
Somehow they seem to know more than can be attributed to their years and life experience.
If you've ever had a health scare, you can probably relate to the idea of living your
life to the fullest.
If you were lucky, your health scare was just that – a scare.
But what if it wasn't?
How would you cope?
What advice would you leave for others?
When Athena Orchard was 12-years-old, she collapsed in the kitchen of her home and was
rushed to the hospital.
She was later diagnosed with a form of bone cancer called osteosarcoma.
Doctors found a tumor on Athena's spine.
It would take seven hours of intensive surgery to remove it, but this was only the start
of the brave young woman's journey.
She endured chemotherapy to destroy cancer found in her head, neck, and shoulder.
This warrior child fought hard to beat her disease, but sadly, she would not survive
On May 28, 2014, Athena slipped away into eternity.
Her family grieved together.
Finally, they felt they had the strength to begin going through her things, and that's
when they found something that left them all stunned.
On the back of the mirror hanging on the wall of Athena's bedroom was a 3,000-word note.
"Happiness depends upon ourselves," it started.
"Maybe it's not about the happy ending; maybe it's about the story."
Athena's dad, Dean, said Athena had never mentioned the note, "but it's the kind
of thing she'd do.
She was a very spiritual person; she'd go on about stuff that I could never understand
— she was so clever."
"Every day is special, so make the most of it," the note continued, "you could
get a life-ending illness tomorrow so make the most of every day.
Life is only bad if you make it bad."
Athena also touched on the subject of love, writing, "Love is not about how much you
say I love you — it's about how much you can prove it's true.
Love is like the wind, you can feel it, but you can't see it."
What a remarkable girl.
Even in her weakest, most difficult moments, Athena found the courage to write these precious
words her family – and others – will cherish forever.
I 20 video musicali più belli del 2017 secondo Yahoo - Duration: 1:48.
Gigi D'Alessio e Anna Tatangelo separati: realtà o escamotage? - Duration: 3:50.
Missing This Vitamin In Your Diet Is Causing You Migraines And Headaches - Duration: 2:23.
Missing This Vitamin In Your Diet Is Causing You Migraines And Headaches
This type of a headache is extremely painful and attacks suddenly, without a warning.
In some cases, it makes people see nothing except blurry spots while in other cases individuals
get a pounding headache and they are forced to lie down for the rest of the day.
Nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity are the most common migraine symptoms.
There have been conducted many studies about the reasons which can cause a migraine.
Some of them showed that weather changes can be the cause, especially living in the hot
temperature regions, and also consuming excessive amounts of sugar in 1-2 day period.
It is considered that change of serotonin levels in the brain or reduction or increment
in blood flow to the brain, can be another reason for the occurrence of migraines.
According to a recent study, the deficiency in vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, and vitamin
D, can be the cause of frequent migraines.
Actually, you can increase your risk of migraines by 300% if these vitamins are not present
in your diet.
So, it is of great importance to ensure that your body is getting the recommended intake
of these vitamins.
It is confirmed that these foods can trigger migraines:
Anchovies Avocados
Bananas Caffeine
Citrus Fruit Cheese (aged)
Chocolate Figs
Herring Lentils
Peas Peanuts
Processed Meats Raspberries
Raisins Red Plums
Sardines Soy Sauce
Wine Other things that can trigger migraines:
Fatigue Lack of sleep
Skipping meals Flashing lights
Change in pressure Pungent smelling substances such as perfumes,
paint, or chemicals If you suffer from a frequent migraine, you
should take notes of the food you consumed and everything you did on the day you had
a migraine.
In this way, you can identify a potential trigger which will help you to protect yourself
from a future migraine
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