Hey, I'm Alfred
I am CEO of Alfred Socks.
We make designer socks with character
Specially for Domino's Pizza
we make Alfred Socks based
on their Toni Pepperoni character.
And they come with accessories.
His apron.
For some strange reason, I'm craving
for some pizza...
This will become Toni's hairpieces
There they are!
And what the Toni Pepperoni Alfred Socks
will look like, well
that will be a secret until the first of January
Till then.
For more infomation >> Alfred S*cks in production for Domino's Pizza - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
12/27/17 3:30 PM (1828 S Township Blvd, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:28.
12/28/17 1:13 AM (PA-309 & S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:28.
12/27/17 3:30 PM (2080 S Township Blvd, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:29.
What does echelle grating mean? - Duration: 0:37.
How to make lentil soup | Rich in proteins and antioxidants (Vitamin C) - Duration: 7:05.
Hello everyone.
This humble legume is a symbol of wealth and good fortune.
It is a lucky New Year's Eve food.
Here is a heartwarming recipe.
You can use fresh coriander or the seeds.
Add water and bring to a boil.
Add lemon juice to chopped parsley.
Add extra virgin olive oil.
Lentils are ready...
...it is time to add the parsley.
You can serve this soup with a few lemon wedges.
I hope you enjoyed my recipe.
You can support my project by making a donation on my Tipeee page.
Until next time!
A special New Year Event "Cooking Mama Let's Cook" - Duration: 0:51.
Hurtworld Fear and Tears 🔴 Live - Duration: 3:42:11.
Please like and subscribe!
Qui s'en sont pris à des gendarmes à Soustons, sont condamnés à de la prison avec sursis - Duration: 3:58.
50歲的孟廣美近照變化太大嚇壞一眾網友!大S甩60斤肉妝容卻像鬼!重新復出女星怎麼都崩了! - Duration: 3:17.
車 News 24/7インディカーはハロでなくシールド式保護システムを採用へ。2月にフェニックスで実走テスト - Duration: 4:16.
최신 새:불타는 청춘 박선영 부친상 마음을 쓰다|Top korean news - Duration: 8:25.
최신 새:이하린 씨엘 동생 이중생활 인상적인 데뷔하다|Top korean news - Duration: 8:48.
Sylvie Meis ist wieder single - News 24h - Duration: 1:58.
Booba - Cartoon for kids
D for Dwarf - Drunk (Dwarf Fortress wiki reading) - Duration: 1:48.
D for Dwarf Series: Drunk
This is the normal state for dwarves.
Whenever possible, dwarves will attempt to remain at least partially inebriated; being
even the slightest bit tipsy can increase a dwarf's efficiency and productivity, and
the effect appears to be directly proportional to the amount of alcohol consumed.
Being sober for too long can induce periods of melancholy, self-reflection, and depression.
Dwarves deprived of alcohol have reported remembering traumatic childhood events, such
as the breaking of their first toy anvil, their first encounter with miasma, or the
time Papa Urist was torn limb from limb by elephants in the fortress foyer.
Most dwarves are not particularly choosy about the kind of hooch they ingest, but over time,
some dwarves will begin to favor wine over beer; these dwarves are likely to one day
rise to nobility, where snobbish behavior is expected and rewarded.
Even dwarven nobles strive to remain as drunk as possible.
Many is the merchant who has left a fortress with a trade agreement that was scrawled by
a completely smashed baron whose speech was slurred so badly that no consonants were heard
during the entire negotiation.
In these situations, the dwarves tend to come out ahead, because there are very few merchants
willing to deny a good bargain to a reeling, bearded maniac with more weapons than skin
【DFFAC字幕付き ONで見れます。】賢人がダイヤD目指すpart62【今年最後の動画投稿と締め括りのご挨拶】 - Duration: 7:47.
Ambulance Car Wash | Kids Show For Children | Cartoon Video For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:01:31.
Ambulance Car Wash!
How to make lentil soup | Rich in proteins and antioxidants (Vitamin C) - Duration: 7:05.
Hello everyone.
This humble legume is a symbol of wealth and good fortune.
It is a lucky New Year's Eve food.
Here is a heartwarming recipe.
You can use fresh coriander or the seeds.
Add water and bring to a boil.
Add lemon juice to chopped parsley.
Add extra virgin olive oil.
Lentils are ready...
...it is time to add the parsley.
You can serve this soup with a few lemon wedges.
I hope you enjoyed my recipe.
You can support my project by making a donation on my Tipeee page.
Until next time!
Rig A Jig Jig | Nursery Rhyme For Toddlers | Learning Videos For Kids | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:19.
Rig A Jig Jig
Alessandra Sublet « un pas » vers Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:28.
Laeticia Hallyday, « elle a perdu son bébé » en Une de Ici Paris - Duration: 1:44.
MEDITATION : 2 pratiques faciles et efficaces - Duration: 5:45.
How To Shave Your Face Without Getting Razor Bumps | How To Shave - Remedies One - Duration: 3:24.
Are you looking for a natural shaving cream without all of those harmful side effects?
Look no further than this natural shaving cream!
Today's video will discuss Natural Shaving Cream without Chemicals.
The removal of unwanted body hair is one of the most common self-care practices.
we�d like to share a recipe for natural shaving cream that not only moisturizes your
skin, but also prevents ingrown hair and irritation.
Try it today!
How do I make this natural shaving cream?
It�s very easy to make this natural shaving cream.
Plus, it doesn�t take any ingredients that are hard to find or are expensive.
Ideally, you should get the highest quality products.
While you can find more budget-friendly ones, some do not have the same qualities or nutritional
The result is a lubricating product that will help remove hair without drying out or irritating
your skin.
4 tablespoons of peanut butter (50 g), 1/4 cup of olive oil (50 g),
1/4 cup of honey (84 g), 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g),
1/4 of a bar of natural soap, 1 vitamin E capsule,
1 tablespoon of white clay (10 g), Utensils,
Airtight jar, Wooden spoon,
1) First, put the peanut butter in a heat-resistant container and melt in a double boiler.
2) Once melted, add the olive oil and quarter cup of honey.
3) Mix well with the wooden spoon.
4) Next, add the baking soda, soap, and vitamin E capsule.
5) Keep stirring and keep on low heat for 2 or 3 minutes.
6) Remove from heat, add the tablespoon of white clay, and keep stirring until it is
completely mixed into the other ingredients.
7) If you like, let it sit a bit and then beat in a blender to get a creamier and more
compact texture.
8) Pour the mixture into a glass, airtight jar and let sit in a cool place until solidified.
Before using the product, be sure to wash the areas you�ll be shaving.
Even if you can�t see it, there may be dirt or sweat that can cause irritation.
Next, take an appropriate amount of cream and spread over the hair.
Shave like usual.
To end, rinse with warm water and store the remaining cream in a cool, dry place.
Keep in mind,
This shaving cream can last up to two months in perfect condition if kept in the commended
To avoid undesired reactions or even injuries, we advise changing one-time use blades after
every time.
Are you ready to try this at home?
Let me know in our comment section below.
Voici comment se débarrasser rapidement des pieds secs et fendillés - Duration: 5:05.
Next Step MCAT Course Review (and Promo Code) - Duration: 6:10.
Hey guys, my name is Dr Ryan Gray host of The Premed Years podcast.
I want to talk to you today about what I think is the best online MCAT prep course there
is that you can buy right now.
So what do I think is the best MCAT course that you can buy right now?
It's from Next Step Test Prep.
They're known for their 1-on-1 tutoring, but not that long ago they released an online
Now they came at it from a completely different angle than most other test prep companies
and that's why I think it's the best course out there.
Let's talk about those reasons right now.
So number one, I'll mention it, although most test prep companies give you this is access
to all of the AAMC online resources, the AAMC practice tests, that Qbank, everything that
the AAMC has online for you, you get when you buy the Next Step Test Prep online course.
Next, you get access to all ten—that's right, 10—of Next Step Test Prep's full length MCAT practice exams
Now time and time again, students come back to me after I recommend Next Step's exams
and they say Dr. Gray, Next Step has the most realistic exams out there, obviously next
to AAMC.
The AAMC is the gold standard, they're the company that makes the MCAT, but Next Step
Test Prep, time and time again, students say it was the best test to judge my overall score
that I'm going to get on the MCAT.
You get access to all ten of their practice exams and two diagnostic exams.
You also get access to their books.
Now historically the Next Step books haven't been that great and when I talk to students
about the course and Next Step materials, time and time again, the the feedback is about
the books.
There's a lot of mistakes in them, they're not as pretty as some of the other companies—that's
Next Step just revamped their whole lineup of books and you get access to all of those
new books in full color, right for you.
You also get access to over a hundred hours of online videos reviewing content for you.
It's a powerpoint presentation and the tutor's up in the corner of the screen covering the
information, but one of the best parts about this content review is that it's not passive.
Most courses out there are going to be passive where you're just watching a powerpoint presentation.
These aren't passive.
The are quizzes interspersed throughout the different lectures throughout the content
to make sure that you're paying attention, to make sure that you're understanding the
material before you move on.
Now, one of the other cool features that Next Step just revamped is a study planning tool.
One of the biggest questions that students say is, I have three months to study.
How do I do it?
How do I figure out my study schedule?
Well, Next Step built that into the MCAT course.
You log in, you tell the course planning software, the study planning software, when you want
to start studying for the MCAT, when you are planning on taking the MCAT, how much time
you have to study, when you're going to take your full-length exams and so on and so forth,
and after about a minute of clicking some boxes and some options, you have a full study
plan right there for you.
If you go off track, which most people do, most students do, you can click and drag lectures
from one spot to another and if you've got behind, you can move forward and rearrange
it as necessary on the fly.
Now, probably the biggest selling point that I think the Next Step Test Prep MCAT course
has over every other company out there is the fact that when you buy the course, you're
not only getting all of this prerecorded content, but you get access five days a week to two
hour-long live office hour sessions.
Two hours, every day, five days a week, live office hours and most of the office hours
are built around a specific content where the tutor is going to run you through content
and go over questions and you'll have the opportunity to ask questions.
Some of the sessions are just built around general Q&A if you have questions.
I've heard from students, again asking about this course as they go, you know what Dr Gray,
I logged into the live office hours and I was the only one there so it was like a free
one on one tutor for two hours, so I'm not guaranteeing that you get that, but not everybody
takes advantage of these live office hours and if you are one of those that's going to
take advantage of them, you might get a little bit more private experience with these tutors
and that is unparalleled among any of the other MCAT courses out there right now.
When you first log on, it may be a little bit overwhelming.
There's a lot of material.
There's a lot of things that you can click on and videos to watch and that may overwhelm
You do get access when you buy the course, you get access to a one-on-one orientation
session with somebody from Next Step to run you through the platform, how to use it, how
to best use it for you so that you can get started right away with your MCAT prep.
So let's talk about price, $1599 is the course price right now you can save $50 by using
the Next Step MCAT course promo code MSHQ—now that's an affiliate link—if you use that,
then I get a little commission, but I wouldn't recommend this course if it wasn't the best
course out there.
So $1549 after the $50 discount using the Next Step MCAT course promo code, MSHQ.
That's all I have for you for Next Step's MCAT course review.
I highly, highly, highly recommended it if you're going to get an MCAT prep course, I
think it's better than any other course out there.
Again, say $50 using the promo code MSHQ, for Medical School Headquarters, and don't
forget to check out the MCAT Podcast.
It's a podcast that I do with Next Step Test Prep as well.
Thanks for joining me in this video.
روزانہ دو انڈے کھانے کے حیرت انگیز فوائد || Eggs Health Benefits in Urdu - Duration: 4:30.
Hello World Song | Little Red Car | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes | Cartoons by Super Kids Network - Duration: 23:59.
Hello World Song!
Pokemon XY Episode 38 In Hindi - Duration: 20:31.
Qui s'en sont pris à des gendarmes à Soustons, sont condamnés à de la prison avec sursis - Duration: 3:58.
Carrie Fisher 1st Anniversary: Her FUNNIEST and RUDEST Star Wars stories - Duration: 5:16.
Carrie Fisher 1st Anniversary: Her FUNNIEST and RUDEST Star Wars stories
Fisher was a joy to watch as Carrie Fisher. She was even more fun as herself.
The star was a gifted storyteller with numerous bestselling books and screenplays to her name but, like her great pal Mark Hamill, she excelled at telling saucy, silly and supremely funny anecdotes about her experiences making the Star Wars movies.
She was a wonderful princess, a great dame and a potty-mouthed delight.
EWOK SEX: The Star Wars legend was being interviewed by Stephen Colbert when she made the shocking revelations about all the on-set shennanigans of the dwarf actors during the filming of A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of The Jedi.
Fisher said: You know who had the most sex out of the whole cast? They screwed like rabbits. Their trailer had to be hosed out twice a day. It was disgusting. STAR WARS 9: WILL MERYL STREEP PLAY LEIA? .
LEIA AND HAN STOPPED HAVING SEX Fisher told the crowd at the Saskatoon Comic & Entertainment Expo that the sex had dried up: He wouldnt take me on that hyperspace thing enough. You know, weve been together a while.
He smuggled way too much. And girls, I know you dont want your husband smuggling, do you? Hanging out with the hairy guy (Chewie) too often. I think there are a lot of problems with that..
3: ROBOT SEX Fisher was asked if the sex gets old after a while and shot back: No, no it doesnt. However it was her sci-fi solution to maintaining your sex drive as you age that really tickled the fans when she teased: Weve got robots for that. 4.
BABOON ASS Carrie also refuses to mince words when she discusses Leia infamous original iconic hairstyle, and the latest version. She said: Of course I wanna see what bad hairstyle they think of for me this time.
Everyone knows about the hairy earphones. The baboon ass - that is the worst one so far. It does look like a baboons ass. Not that thats a bad thing, just as a hairstyle..
HARRISON FORD AFFAIR The 60-year-old star made headlines a few weeks ago when she announced she had an affair with the married Ford on set, when she was just 19 and he was 33-years-old.
Fisher's journal reads: "Im sorry its not Mark [Hamill] — it could have been. It should have been.
It mightve meant something. Maybe not much, but certainly more." The passage appears in one of the earliest passages of the memoir, soon after she began her affair with the actor.
She writes: "Why have I become casually involved with someone who, if I am being totally honest with myself, I dont care for and who doesnt care for me? And is married..
The diary continues: I'm scared. Scared that Ill let Harrison hurt me. "The hundred-dollar question: What do we mean to one another? Lets define our relationship, you b*****d. "We could come to a full stop now if you think that would help.
Its now a question of surviving each others company instead of enjoying it.".
8 desserts qui font le moins grossir - Duration: 6:53.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Qui s'en sont pris à des gendarmes à Soustons, sont condamnés à de la prison avec sursis - Duration: 3:58.
Japan to convert warship into fighter jet aircraft carrier amid China tensions - Duration: 4:17.
Japan to convert warship into fighter jet aircraft carrier amid China tensions
The 248-metre long carrier would be the first Japanese vessels capable of launching warplanes since the Second World War, marking a continuation in Japan's recent militarisation.
Following its defeat at the end of the Second World War Japan signed a deal promising not to build any offensive weapons and to convert its military into a defensive force.
Now Japan's navy, known as the Maritime Self Defence Force, has drawn warnings from China after appearing to be moving away from the peace agreement.
Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hua Chunying said: "We urge Japan to do more that may help enhance mutual trust and promote regional peace and stability." China has warned the move may violate Japan's constitutional "no-war" clause.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has already drawn criticism after signing arms deals including one with the US to buy 42 F-35A.
The F-35A needs a runway and would be unsuitable for a converted Izumo-class carrier, however, it has been suggested that the order could be altered to include F-35Bs which are capable of vertical take off.
Local media has put the price of conversion at £372million ($500million) a figure which would rocket to £3billion ($4billion) if a similar ship, the Kaga, was added.
It is expected that the carrier would patrol disputed areas of the East China Sea where China and Japan both claim sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands.
The expansion comes after it was revealed Japan is building missile batteries on an island near China.
The move is part of a military expansion that will see anti-ship and anti-aircraft cruise missile batteries joined by troop garrisons and radar installations installed on Japanese islands.
The fortification comes as Beijing has aggressively sought to extend its power in the South China Sea to wrestle control of shipping lanes and islands from other nations.
Ishigaki island mayor Yoshitaka Nakayama said: "Until China becomes a country with a normal political system, we need to protect ourselves." However preparations were met by protests from some residents of the island who fear the move will make them a target for China's huge military.
Anti-base activist Shizuo Ota said: "We'd be wiped out in an instant." Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera confirmed the missiles were needed to protect the island from invasion.
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