Poland is building up forces on the eastern flank
and will increase the number of military personnel near the city of Suwalki
Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak said.
What consequences may such step сarry to Belarus?
What way will the Kremlin react to it?
The re-establishment of the Polish Army regiment was announced
during a visit of the Polish Defense Minister to Suwalki,
where the 14th division of anti-tank artillery is located.
The regiment was reorganized into a division 8 years ago
under the previous government.
Now the re-establishment of the regiment will increase the total number of the unit servicemen
almost three times, up to about 1,000 personnel.
Paweł Fleischer, IFIS, Warsaw:
"Minister Błaszczak earlier announced
the formation of the 18th mechanized division in eastern Poland.
It is a logical continuation of the decisions
that were made in early September.
However, the creation of this unit will take place in stages,
since now the very unit in Suwalki has obsolete weapons."
The Suwalki corridor is a strategically important place.
First of all, it is mentioned in the context of a possible conflict between Russia and NATO -
a small isthmus separates the Kaliningrad region from Belarus.
It is here that the alleged aggression can begin --
the breakthrough of Russian troops with the aim of cutting off the Baltic countries from the rest of Europe.
Alyaksandr Alesin, military expert, Belarus:
"1,000 - 3,000 personnel, concentrated in the Suwalki corridor,
do not pose a particular threat to Russia.
Given the small area of this corridor,
any area target,
be it a garrison, can be easily destroyed
by long-range multiple launch rocket systems."
The Kaliningrad region has Russian weapons --
from coastal ballistic missiles "Ball" and "Bastion"
to anti-aircraft missile systems S-400
and operational tactical complexes "Iskander-M"
capable of carrying a nuclear charge
and hitting targets at a distance of up to 500 km
Paweł Fleischer:
From the Polish side, we are responding to this threat by the acquisition of the "Patriot" systems.
We just need to remember that Poland has a missile defense system, which dates back to the 1960-70s.
Therefore, on the one hand, this is a response to the Russian threat,
and on the other, the natural removal of old weapons and their replacement with new ones."
According to experts, building up of military capabilities is not only of practical
but also of image-related importance for Poland:
Warsaw seeks to secure the status of the organization's eastern flank moderator
and the main player in the Eastern European security.
Alaksandr Alesin:
"Russia can use this as a pretext,
given that the economic situation is not very good,
to channel the negative energy of citizens not to the internal field --
-- against the government -- but to the outside,"
In turn, the Belarusian authorities are at risk once again
to fall under pressure from the Russian allies,
who, under the pretext of defense against the increased "NATO threat"
may demand the deployment of their contingent
in the country on a permanent basis.
Although this question is more political than it is military.
Zmitser Mitskevich, Belsat
For more infomation >> Poland builds up military presence in Suwalki corridor / ENG subs - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
GC Column Installation - Duration: 2:02.
Hello, and welcome to another Restek Tip. Today, we'll be covering GC column installation.
The first thing we'll need to do is cool our GC oven and turn off the instrument flow.
Then we'll remove the column from the box and mount it to the rack inside the GC oven.
Take the inlet end and slide the column nut and correct ferrule over the column end.
Next, we will want to cut the column end to ensure that we are installing a clean section of the column into the inlet.
Using an installation guide, set the column length to the appropriate depth for the inlet.
This depth can be found in your instrument manual.
Once we have the correct depth set,
tighten the column nut to the inlet reducing nut so that the column is set firmly in the inlet.
After installing the inlet side of our column, we're going to run through the same steps for
installing the detector end. And again,
you can reference your instrument manual to ensure that you are setting the correct installation depth for the detector
which you are using. Make sure that there are no severe bends in the column, and that the column is not touching the oven walls.
One trick that I like to use to make sure that I have tightened the column nut enough
is to give the column ends a slight pull.
If the column end slides out, then reinstall it and tighten the column nut a little more.
But be sure to not overtighten the column nut, because this could lead to other issues.
After installation check for leaks using an electronic leak detector.
Another method for testing the installation
is by injecting a small amount of solvent into the system. If the solvent peak tails excessively,
then you should double check your installation.
But if the solvent peak is sharp, you're good to go.
Once you are confident with your installation,
condition the column and begin running samples.
Thanks again for joining us for this Restek Tip.
Vou para o CHILE - #Libras - Duration: 3:41.
GIFTS OWN HANDS ☆ Flowers from ribbons ☆ video master class - Duration: 17:38.
価格もリフトアップも意外に高い…リバティーウォークカスタムの2018年式・レクサス「LC500」がカーセンサーにて販売中 - Duration: 5:17.
Humanos em Tacada Certeira| Steven Universo AU - Duration: 0:55.
✅ Barbara d'Urso al settimo cielo: arriva il giornale di Pomeriggio 5 - Duration: 2:28.
Barbara d'Urso, arriva la rivista di Pomeriggio 5: tutti i dettagli Grandi novità in vista per Barbara d'Urso
La conduttrice di Canale 5 è inarrestabile. Da ormai diversi anni è divenuta una delle regine della televisione italiana
Come tutte le persone di grande successo, anche lei continua a raccogliere innumerevoli approvazioni e critiche allo stesso tempo
Oggi, Blogo ci rivela una inaspettata anteprima nei riguardi della presentatrice di Pomeriggio 5 e Domenica Live
Non solo sul piccolo schermo, la donna pare pronta ad approdare (nuovamente) anche in edicola
Da diversi giorni, sui profili social della diretta interessata è iniziato un curiosissimo countdown
Solo ora scopriamo a cosa si riferisce il conto alla rovescia dell'amatissima Carmelita
Pomeriggio 5 in edicola con una nuova rivista: le novità di Barbara d'Urso Nessuna ospitata nella speciale puntata del Grande Fratello Vip attesa per Giovedì 25 Ottobre 2018
A quanto pare, le novità sono ben altre. Barbara d'Urso pare sia pronta a lanciare per la primissima volta il magazine dedicato a Pomeriggio 5
La trasmissione pomeridiana di Canale 5 pare sia pronta ad arrivare in edicola con grandi e nuove esclusive e non solo
Una grande novità, che senza dubbio interesserà i milioni di telespettatori che ogni pomeriggio restano incollati alla tv per seguire la d'Urso
Ricordiamo che questo non è un vero e proprio debutto per la bella Barbara. La conduttrice provò infatti a lanciare la rivista mensile B già diversi anni fa
Barbara d'Urso, esce il giornale di Pomeriggio 5: grandi novità Pomeriggio 5 e Domenica Live continuano a portare grandissimi successi e soddisfazioni
Ora, la d'Urso è anche pronta all'attesissimo ritorno de La Dottoressa Giò. Vedremo ora se il giornale dedicato al talk-show in onda dal Lunedì al Venerdì su Canale 5 riceva un qualche tipo di riscontro da parte dei lettori italiani
Nel frattempo, si attendono ancora notizie, conferme e/o smentite riguardo la presunta partecipazione di Barbara alla speciale puntata del GF Vip in onda Giovedì 25
Nicolas Sarkozy s'est trahi en épousant Carla Bruni - Duration: 1:41.
Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S EDITION Automaat,18inch,Navi,Cruise,Xenon 1e eigenaar - Duration: 0:51.
Audi A1 1.4 TFSI 185 PK S-LINE PANORAMADAK/XENON/BOSE - Duration: 1:06.
Fiat Seicento 1.1 S - Duration: 1:03.
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoFlex S/S Cosmo - Duration: 1:08.
Audi TT Roadster 2.0 TFSI 200 PK S-Line 19 INCH TT-RS ROTOR VELGEN!! - Duration: 1:12.
Dodge Caliber 1.8 S / AIRCO / PARROT RADIO-CD / AUX / *APK 04-2019* - Duration: 0:51.
Nightcore「Lyrics」→ Ruin My Life (Zara Larsson) - Duration: 2:48.
Nightcore「Lyrics」→ Ruin My Life (Zara Larsson)
Merchandise | Making Money Beyond Ads - Duration: 7:54.
You're living the dream, making YouTube videos for a living.
Maybe you're even doing it part-time, in which case you may also have a job.
In either case, your time is at a premium.
This is why many creators sell merchandise, or merch
to earn supplementary, or even primary, revenue.
Today, I'll show you how to do it without putting a hurting on your schedule.
I'm Seth from the channel Seth's Bike Hacks, where I take my audience with me
on mountain-biking adventures.
Whether you're selling t-shirts, hats or anything else with your logo on it
branded merch is a huge win for both you and you fans.
Some creators use merch to supplement their income
while others have made it their main revenue stream.
There's no right or wrong time to start selling merch
but clues in your comment section should be your first indicator.
Are you seeing familiar names? Are people quoting you?
If so, they might wanna show their support in a more tangible way.
Throughout my mountain-biking adventures, my audience has become familiar
with certain catchphrases and sayings.
This 'Smeash' t-shirt I'm wearing has an inside joke on it
which any of my subscribers would instantly recognise.
That makes it the perfect way for them to show their support
and signal to other subscribers that they watch my channel.
Surely you've seen other examples like that shirt
and maybe you even own a few bits of branded merchandise.
But someone needs to design this stuff, warehouse it, ship it out
and handle complaints when something goes wrong.
Where would you, a busy creator, find the time to do that?
When I first started selling merch
this t-shirt was the first item I had for sale.
I had a friend design it and I had a local t-shirt supplier print them up.
I kept all the inventory in my closet
and I shipped them all out right from the same room I edit from.
I had to buy shipping supplies, I had to buy inventory
and when a size got low in stock, I had to make another minimum order
which could be thousands of dollars.
As my audience grew, so did the workload.
I'd be up late shipping out t-shirts
and I realised that before long, this wouldn't be a very viable business model.
I'd need to hire help, get warehouse space
and do all sorts of things that would cut into my profit.
That's when I discovered Teespring.
Services like Teespring allow you to sell a range of over 35 different products
including shirts, mugs, phone cases and even pillows
without ever handling physical products.
Just decide what you want to sell
list it on their site and sit back while they handle the logistics.
The seller, in this case Teespring, takes a cut of the sale to cover their costs
and you get the remaining profit.
Using a t-shirt as an example
you may be left with 8 to 10 dollars of each sale
depending on the purchase price.
While this may not be as profitable as an in-house operation
consider the cost of your time.
You can use that time to promote your merchandise
come up with new designs
and create the very content that drives traffic to your channel.
Another great thing about Teespring
is the frictionless experience it gives your users.
Since many creators are already using the platform
many of your users will already be familiar with it.
The ubiquity of Teespring is the main reason I use it.
But there are plenty of alternative services that work in a similar way.
The main idea is to let the professionals handle your fulfilment
while you focus on what you do best.
A key point to consider is timing.
Leveraging an event or exciting change in your channel
is a great way to spur sales and even impulse buys.
Let's say you're redesigning your channel logo.
Before you reveal this new logo to your audience
get your merch in order.
Consider who your buyers are, your most dedicated fans
many of whom watch your content the instant it goes live.
To capitalise on this excitement
you need to prepare your product pages and links ahead of time.
Now let's talk about choosing your products.
It's up to you to decide what your audience would find most valuable.
Maybe it's a t-shirt or perhaps it's a pint glass.
Using the Polls feature, which can be found in the Cards or Community tab
is a great way to find out.
Ask your audience what they wanna see
and then read the comments for additional suggestions.
Going back to the example of a t-shirt
a simple logo is often the best place to start.
Inside jokes, catchphrases or designs relating to your channel
are also great to incorporate into merchandise.
This rendering is of me riding behind my dog Drama
as he wears an action camera.
To my viewers, this is a fond memory of a well-loved video.
So how do you prepare branded merchandise?
If you're just making a logo tee or coffee mug
it could be as simple as uploading your original logo design file.
But many of us want to create new artwork, and that's a job for a graphic designer.
Maybe you can use the designer who made your logo
or perhaps you can find a designer in your audience.
If you know other creators, asking who they use
would be a great place to start as well.
There are also sites like 99designs and Fiverr
where you can put your project out to bid and let designers come to you.
Based on my personal experience, a lot of full-time graphic designers
will want a minimum of around $150 to make a simple original design.
This number can fluctuate wildly based on your demands
as well as how in-demand the artist is.
Quality design work can be a great investment that pays you back in full
but it all starts with the guidelines that you put in place.
Using bullet points about your channel and audience
is a good way to give the designer some inspiration.
Be concise in your instructions and provide real-world examples whenever possible.
At the onset of the design process
the artist will usually give you some rough drafts.
>From there, you can provide further instructions on what you want to see.
Also, consider taking the artist's suggestions.
After all, you did hire a professional.
Once you have a design you're happy with
you'll need to apply it to a product and list it for sale.
Let's go over some guidelines to help you achieve the best results.
Mind the specifications.
Services like Teespring will provide you with the minimum size and resolution
for uploaded artwork.
But when in doubt, go bigger.
You can always shrink your design to fit your product
but stretching it out can lead to quality loss.
Building on specifications, make sure you're using the proper file type.
I've found that .PNG files can be used universally across platforms like Teespring.
A .PNG can be easily overlaid against any background color.
Double-check your proofs.
Most interfaces will give you a proof or preview
of what the final product will look like.
But spending a few bucks on a sample eliminates all the guesswork.
This can save you a ton of grief.
Write a great description.
No matter where you sell your product
it's gonna end up on a product page with a 'Buy Now' button.
Make sure to include notes about the materials your merch is made out of
and how it relates to your channel.
Take your pricing into consideration.
Don't dissuade sales with an outrageous price.
But at the same time
make sure you can cover the costs of your designer
and make the whole process worthwhile.
When in doubt, check to see
what other creators are selling their merchandise for
and use that information to stay competitive.
Now that you've gone through the process of designing and listing merch
it's time to tell the world about it.
If you have a website, make sure your product links are up to date.
If you're selling apparel, be sure to wear it in your videos
to build excitement.
Pinning a top comment with a link to your merch
is also a great way to get the word out
but make sure to do it as soon as your video goes live
so your most dedicated fans will see.
Available in certain countries
YouTube allows you to promote your merch on video end screens
as well as in a merch shelf below the description.
If you're sure your fans are interested in branded merchandise
then why not do a dedicated video about it?
Many of your audience members want to know about new merch
so take the time in your video to tell them directly.
Tell them that you hope they like it and ask for feedback in the comment section.
Getting your viewers to talk about merch not only helps get the word out
but also provides you with valuable feedback.
If you've never sold merch before
I hope this video has inspired you to give it a shot.
If you have
make sure to share some of your own tips in the comments below
to help fellow creators.
Subscribe for more great tips and tricks here on the official YouTube Creators channel.
And make sure you come visit me over at Seth's Bike Hacks.
How to Draw a Fantasy Landscape With Charcoal and Graphite - Duration: 3:30.
Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!
I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a fantasy landscape
with a castle, hills and a magician.
We begin by making two vertical lines for the tower of the castle
then some short horizontal ones to divided it into sections.
It has a nice pointed roof with a tiny triangular flag on top.
Some balconies, holes to look out a tilted roof and some smaller towers.
Let's make one square.
Why not?
I'm getting inspired for this on a beautiful castle from Germany.
I'm not doing this very precise, I'm using a slightly dull lead,
because this palace is going to be far at the distance.
And it will be at the border of a cliff.
Then we can make another hill.
We push more to make it a little bit darker
and maybe a big mountain even farther away.
It is so light, we can hardly see it.
Then another hill which is closer to us.
I have been using a big Kaweco lead holder which I really enjoy.
And a soft graphite lead in it.
The list of materials is in the information below the video.
The closer the hills and the objects are, the darker I am drawing them
to create the sensation of depth.
And now I switch to a charcoal pencil because I want this first layer really dark.
And we draw her a little magician or a person [laughter] looking at the castle.
His hair and coat blowing in the air
he has a big pole and we draw the ground.
Very good!
And back to the graphite to finish the hills.
As you see, I left pretty light what is right behind the magician, so that he
doesn't get lost.
That's one trick you can use when one thing ends up right
in front of another one and together they can get lost.
I give the last touches to the hills and I will darken even a little bit more
with another layer this first one.
Let's make a few more trees over here…
and then very so lightly some clouds over there.
I am not even sure if you can see them, they are so light!
And its ready!
If you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends
and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.
And I will see you on Tuesday ;)
Subtitled by Grethel Trejo
Understanding Noncount Nouns - Duration: 7:57.
Today we are going to talk about the difference between count and noncount nouns.
Most nouns in English can be counted.
Think of the noun shirt, as in, "I bought a shirt."
If you have more than one shirt, you just add "s" to make it plural.
"I bought 10 shirts."
But a shirt is part of a larger category: clothing.
You can say "I bought three shirts" but you cannot say, "I bought three clothings."
Clothing is a noncount noun.
You cannot use a, an, or a number before a noncount noun.
Grammatically, a noncount noun is always singular, even if it refers to multiple items like furniture,
luggage, or equipment.
A count noun in your native language might be a noncount noun in English.
For example, the Spanish translation for homework (tarea) is a count noun.
But homework is a noncount noun in English.
It would sound strange to say, "I had three homeworks."
You could say, "I had a lot of homework."
You can also could say, "I had three homework assignments."
In this example, homework is used as an adjective.
It describes assignment.
You can count assignments, but you cannot count homework.
There is no perfect rule to determine if a noun is count or noncount.
Fortunately, most noncount nouns fall into a few categories.
Noncount nouns often refer to groups of similar objects.
Furniture, for example, is a noncount noun.
Furniture is a collection of similar countable items like chairs, sofas, tables, shelves,
beds and so on.
Luggage is also a noncount noun.
You can count bags, packages, and backpacks, but you cannot count luggage.
Other noncount nouns that refer to groups of similar things include equipment, food,
garbage, mail, money and vocabulary.
Abstract words are noncount.
These are words that refer to ideas or qualities instead of physical objects or events.
Abstractions are usually things that you cannot see: They only exist in the mind.
For example: love, hate, information, news, peace, music and art.
There are tens of thousands of abstract words.
It is logical that particles -- things that come in very small pieces -- are noncount
It would be difficult to count rice, corn, salt, sugar and dust.
The names of academic fields of study are noncount.
Even though physics, economics, and mathematics all end with an s, they are singular noncount
For example, "Physics is difficult."
Words related to nature and weather are often noncount, such as rain, wind, snow, lightning,
fire and air.
A few words can be used as count and noncount nouns.
But the meaning changes a little bit.
Let's look at the word glass.
As a noncount noun, glass refers to the clear material used to make windows.
For example, "The lamp was made of glass."
As a count noun, glass refers to a drinking container made of glass, as in "Could you
bring me a glass of water?"
The plural glasses has two meanings.
It could refer to more than one drinking container.
"Please wash the glasses."
Glasses could also refer to spectacles, a pair of lenses used to correct vision.
"I have been wearing glasses since I was a teenager."
Coffee, along with other drinks, has a count and noncount meaning.
"Coffee is grown in Colombia" refers to coffee as an agricultural product.
"I'll have a coffee" refers to a single cup of coffee.
There are a few very important words that make it possible to count noncount nouns.
Many food words are noncount nouns.
But if you are cooking, you need to measure specific amounts of food.
A recipe for cookies might call for "2 cups of sugar, a half-pound of butter, and 1 teaspoon
of vanilla."
Pound, cup and teaspoon are examples of measure words that you can use to make noncount nouns
One of the most useful of these measure words is piece.
You cannot countinformation but you can count a piece of information.
Piece is a very useful word because it can be used with both count and noncount nouns.
For example, you can have two pieces of pie or three pieces of information.
Listen to this song by Paul Young.
Every time you go away You take a piece of me with you.
Here is a video of Paul Young singing Everytime You Go Away.
Some of these measure words have poetic qualities to them, such as: a grain of sand, a speck
of dust, a bolt of lightning, a flake of snow, and a breath of air.
Let's look at some common mistakes with noncount nouns.
Traffic might seem like a count noun.
After all, it refers to a lot of cars.
But traffic is a noncount noun in English.
Vocabulary, hardware, information, music, and advice are noncount nouns that English
learners often confuse for count nouns.
And let us not forget the most important noncount noun of all: grammar.
You cannot count grammar.
But you can count grammar rules.
I'm Jill Robbins.
I'm Rick Hindman.
Come on come on come on come on and Take it!
Take another little piece of heart now baby Break it!
Break another little piece of my heart I know you will
Have a ... Have another little piece of my heart now
Joker Interrogation Scene | The Dark Knight (2008) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:09.
Harvey Dent never made it home.
- Of course not. - What have you done with him?
I was right here.
Who did you leave him with?
Hm? Your people?
Assuming, of course, that they are still your people...
...and not Maroni's.
Does it depress you, commissioner...
...to know just how alone you really are?
Does it make you feel responsible for Harvey Dent's current predicament?
- Where is he? - What's the time?
What difference does that make?
Well, depending on the time, he may be in one spot or several.
- If we're gonna play games... - Mm-hm?
...I'm gonna need a cup of coffee.
Ah, the "good cop, bad cop" routine?
Not exactly.
Never start with the head. The victim gets all fuzzy. He can't feel the next...
You wanted me. Here I am.
I wanted to see what you'd do.
And you didn't disappoint.
You let five people die.
Then you let Dent take your place.
- Even to a guy like me, that's cold. - Where's Dent?
Those Mob fools want you gone so they can get back to the way things were.
But I know the truth. There's no going back. You've changed things.
- Forever. - Then why do you wanna kill me?
I don't wanna kill you.
What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off Mob dealers? No, no.
No. No, you...
You complete me.
- You're garbage who kills for money. - Don't talk like one of them. You're not.
Even if you'd like to be.
To them, you're just a freak...
...like me.
They need you right now...
...but when they don't...
...they'll cast you out like a leper.
You see, their morals, their code...
...it's a bad joke.
Dropped at the first sign of trouble.
They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you.
When the chips are down, these...
These civilized people...
...they'll eat each other.
See, I'm not a monster.
I'm just ahead of the curve.
Where's Dent?
You have all these rules, and you think they'll save you.
- He's in control. - I have one rule.
Oh. Then that's the rule you'll have to break to know the truth.
Which is?
The only sensible way to live is without rules.
And tonight you're gonna break your one rule.
I'm considering it.
There's only minutes left, so you'll have to play my game...
...if you wanna save one of them.
You know, for a while there, I thought you really were Dent.
The way you threw yourself after her.
Look at you go.
Does Harvey know about you and his little bunny?
Where are they?!
Killing is making a choice.
- Where are they?! - Choose between one life or the other.
Your friend the district attorney, or his blushing bride-to-be.
You have nothing, nothing to threaten me with.
Nothing to do with all your strength.
Don't worry, I'm gonna tell you where they are, both of them.
And that's the point. You'll have to choose.
He's at 25052nd Street...
...and she's on Avenue X at Cicero.
Popping Dance Choreography [Tutorial] - Duration: 2:52.
Hello guys, my name is Baidy Ba and
I'm a dancer of hip-hop, traditional dance of Senegal Sabar which is our traditional dance , and I'm a contemporary dancer too.
I used to do a lot of styles, you know.
I live in Dakar but I was born in Kaolack.
So today I will teach you one choreography
which is the mix of popping dance and traditional dance lie the sabar, for example
So now from the beginning to the end. 5-6-7 go.
So guys, this is the choreography I wanted to teach you today.
And if you want follow me, you can go on my Facebook "Baidy Ba",
or Youtube "Baidy Ba", instagram "baidyba",
and my homepage too which is "baidy ba l'afro krumper official".
Big hug to NICOLA, Michela, Johnny and all the people from NICOLA project.
How To: Clip In to Your Pedals (2-Bolt) - Duration: 2:43.
Well hey there!
How To: Clip In to Your Pedals (2-Bolt)
Clipping in to your pedals using shoes with cleats gives you a better workout than riding with platform pedals.
You use your quads, hamstrings, calves, and core to add power to your pedal stroke.
It also gives you a more balanced pedal stroke that uses energy more efficiently.
So you ride stronger for longer.
Today, we're using a two bolt system for pedals and cleats.
Two bolt pedal systems are most commonly used on mountain bikes.
But, they can be used on the road, gravel, or anywhere you ride.
When clipping in, it's helpful to practice while your bike is still and stable.
You can set your bike up in a trainer to practice, or even just hold your hand against a wall to keep steady.
To clip in, slide your toe towards the front lip of the pedal until you feel the front of the cleat catch.
Shift your weight back towards your heel.
Press down with your body weight until you hear a click and feel the back of the cleat catch in the pedal.
Simple as that.
It can take a bit of time to get a sense of where your cleat meets the pedal.
Don't worry, practice will make perfect.
With some pedals, you can also adjust the tension needed to get in and out of the pedal.
When you're ready to roll, clip in starting with your dominant leg.
This will give you enough momentum from the first pedal stroke to stay stable while clipping in your second foot.
As you begin to push off, your unclipped pedal will rise back and around.
As that pedal reaches the 12 o'clock position, it's time to make your move.
Slide your toe along the pedal, hook the front of the cleat and push down to engage the cleat.
And you're off!
Of course, once you're in, you'll eventually have to get out.
To unclip, swiftly twist your heel outward, away from the bike.
This will release the clipping mechanism and free you from the pedal.
It's easiest with the pedal in the 12 o'clock position.
Practice clipping in and out with both feet in an empty parking lot
or along a quiet road before moving onto a busier street or trail.
Clipless pedals will feel natural in no time.
To learn more about clipless pedals and how to install them, check out Trek's YouTube channel.
Visit trekbikes.com or stop by your local Trek retailer to find which pedals and shoes are right for you.
Letizia d'Espagne, comment va-t-elle sauver la couronne ? - Duration: 1:37.
Автопарк ХАБИБА НУРМАГОМЕДОВА против Автопарка КОНОРА МАКГРЕГОРА/ машины ХАБИБА и КОНОРА ЦЕНЫ - Duration: 5:04.
LOL Surprise Dolls play hide and sick with Momo in Under Wraps capsule on Halloween at 3AM - Duration: 2:09.
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hide in the shop!
It seems there aren`t anybody in the shop
ooo What is it?
Is it Momo lol Surprise?
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GIFTS OWN HANDS ☆ Flowers from ribbons ☆ video master class - Duration: 17:38.
Les Sapiens S01E03 - Duration: 23:01.
Ligue des champions : Thiago Silva (probablement) forfait, Di Maria et Verratti vont mieux - Duration: 4:25.
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Letizia d'Espagne, comment va-t-elle sauver la couronne ? - Duration: 1:37.
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The Largest River On Earth Is In The Sky - Duration: 6:57.
The Amazon rainforest covers 40% of South America, contains nearly 400 billion trees,
and creates one-fifth of our planet's oxygen.
The river basin feeding the mighty Amazon carries one-fifth of Earth's river water
into the Atlantic ocean every day.
This water adds enough mass to the continent that it distorts the gravitational field over
South America.
But the river at the center of this is NOT the biggest river on Earth.
There's one that's even bigger…, but it's invisible, flying around in the sky.
I promise I haven't lost my mind.
Hey smart people! Joe here.
You can get a clear view of the Amazon basin on Google Earth, but you'd almost never
get a clear view if you were actually in space.
Compared to other parts of Earth, it's always obscured by clouds.
And that's thanks to 400 billion geysers shooting water into the sky.
Not geysers like those… trees!
When pores on leaves open up during photosynthesis, plants also lose a lot of water.
Like what happens when you suck on a straw, this evaporation pulls water from the roots
to the tops of trees, up to 60 meters off the ground.
A large tree in the Amazon can release 1,000 liters of water into the atmosphere every
Altogether, trees in the Amazon basin release 20 billion tons of water, or 20 trillion liters,
each day, enough to fill 8 million Olympic swimming pools… which I'm pretty sure
you can't really picture, but it's true.
Boiling that amount of water would require the energy from more than 30,000 hydroelectric
power plants like China's Three Gorges Dam, the largest in the world.
But trees?
They do it all with the power of the sun.
This living water pump creates a "river in the sky" above the Amazon, stretching
from the ocean to the Andes, that moves even more water than the Amazon river itself, and
the rain this sky river creates is the reason the world's largest rainforest even exists.
But it takes more than water in the air to make rain.
Even in the driest places on Earth, a cubic meter of air contains a million, million,
billion water molecules.
But H2O can't form droplets on its own – ever.
Much like the plants they nourish, raindrops grow from seeds.
At the heart of every raindrop is a tiny impurity, anything from specks of dust, to salt, pollen,
or even chemicals.
Rain seeds give water molecules something to cling to, so they can grow into droplets.
Trillions of these droplets make up every cloud we see, and when they eventually get
big enough and heavy enough, they fall.
So that's rain.
It's water collecting on little islands of floating sky junk and pixie dust.
But why do some places get so much rain and others get so little?
Because not every place on Earth has the same type, or same number, of rain seeds in the
And that takes us back to the Amazon and all that green stuff.
95% of the of the Amazon's rain seeds are made by the trees and plants that live there.
Along with water vapor, trees in the Amazon release chemicals that act as super-sticky
H2O magnets.
These biogenic volatile organic compounds are how the forest makes its own rain.
The air over the Amazon contains just 300 particles per cubic centimeter, making it
some of the cleanest air on Earth.
It's likely that a couple hundred years ago, before the industrial revolution, most
of Earth's air was that clean, but these days, thanks to pollution, even our cleanest
air elsewhere has 2,000 particles per cubic cm.
And while you might think more particles = more rain, that extra stuff in the sky spreads
the same amount of water across more seeds, and smaller droplets means fewer fall as rain.
If you live in the US – whether it's in Big Sky Montana, or crowded LA – there's
probably less rain now than there was a few hundred years ago, just because of the extra
stuff in the air.
What's SUPER cool is when trees need rain – they release different amounts of rain-attracting
chemicals, seeding more of their own clouds and rain.
As the water released by the trees condenses into clouds, it lowers nearby air pressure.
This creates the winds that drive this river in the sky from the Atlantic all the way to
the Andes.
[NASA Animation here - showing that motion]
Without the Amazon's trees and this continent-wide rain cloud conveyer belt, areas like this
would probably be desert, like other regions at the same latitude.
In school, we learn that rain falls on land, makes its way to the ocean, evaporates, moves
inland and falls again.
But we never hear about this green ocean–the Amazon–filled with living geysers.
Trees around the globe act like great green pumps responsible for 90% of the water that
reaches the atmosphere over the continents.
We don't usually think of weather as a living system, but these hundreds of billions of
trees in the Amazon and elsewhere are an invisible process, more powerful than human engineers
could ever design, yet built all the same by the hands of time and evolution, harnessing
the sun not only to give animals air to breathe, but to move the element that makes life itself
The Amazon rainforest is often called the "lungs of the planet", but it feels a
little more like
the heart, don't you think?
Stay curious.
Merchandise | Making Money Beyond Ads - Duration: 7:54.
You're living the dream, making YouTube videos for a living.
Maybe you're even doing it part-time, in which case you may also have a job.
In either case, your time is at a premium.
This is why many creators sell merchandise, or merch
to earn supplementary, or even primary, revenue.
Today, I'll show you how to do it without putting a hurting on your schedule.
I'm Seth from the channel Seth's Bike Hacks, where I take my audience with me
on mountain-biking adventures.
Whether you're selling t-shirts, hats or anything else with your logo on it
branded merch is a huge win for both you and you fans.
Some creators use merch to supplement their income
while others have made it their main revenue stream.
There's no right or wrong time to start selling merch
but clues in your comment section should be your first indicator.
Are you seeing familiar names? Are people quoting you?
If so, they might wanna show their support in a more tangible way.
Throughout my mountain-biking adventures, my audience has become familiar
with certain catchphrases and sayings.
This 'Smeash' t-shirt I'm wearing has an inside joke on it
which any of my subscribers would instantly recognise.
That makes it the perfect way for them to show their support
and signal to other subscribers that they watch my channel.
Surely you've seen other examples like that shirt
and maybe you even own a few bits of branded merchandise.
But someone needs to design this stuff, warehouse it, ship it out
and handle complaints when something goes wrong.
Where would you, a busy creator, find the time to do that?
When I first started selling merch
this t-shirt was the first item I had for sale.
I had a friend design it and I had a local t-shirt supplier print them up.
I kept all the inventory in my closet
and I shipped them all out right from the same room I edit from.
I had to buy shipping supplies, I had to buy inventory
and when a size got low in stock, I had to make another minimum order
which could be thousands of dollars.
As my audience grew, so did the workload.
I'd be up late shipping out t-shirts
and I realised that before long, this wouldn't be a very viable business model.
I'd need to hire help, get warehouse space
and do all sorts of things that would cut into my profit.
That's when I discovered Teespring.
Services like Teespring allow you to sell a range of over 35 different products
including shirts, mugs, phone cases and even pillows
without ever handling physical products.
Just decide what you want to sell
list it on their site and sit back while they handle the logistics.
The seller, in this case Teespring, takes a cut of the sale to cover their costs
and you get the remaining profit.
Using a t-shirt as an example
you may be left with 8 to 10 dollars of each sale
depending on the purchase price.
While this may not be as profitable as an in-house operation
consider the cost of your time.
You can use that time to promote your merchandise
come up with new designs
and create the very content that drives traffic to your channel.
Another great thing about Teespring
is the frictionless experience it gives your users.
Since many creators are already using the platform
many of your users will already be familiar with it.
The ubiquity of Teespring is the main reason I use it.
But there are plenty of alternative services that work in a similar way.
The main idea is to let the professionals handle your fulfilment
while you focus on what you do best.
A key point to consider is timing.
Leveraging an event or exciting change in your channel
is a great way to spur sales and even impulse buys.
Let's say you're redesigning your channel logo.
Before you reveal this new logo to your audience
get your merch in order.
Consider who your buyers are, your most dedicated fans
many of whom watch your content the instant it goes live.
To capitalise on this excitement
you need to prepare your product pages and links ahead of time.
Now let's talk about choosing your products.
It's up to you to decide what your audience would find most valuable.
Maybe it's a t-shirt or perhaps it's a pint glass.
Using the Polls feature, which can be found in the Cards or Community tab
is a great way to find out.
Ask your audience what they wanna see
and then read the comments for additional suggestions.
Going back to the example of a t-shirt
a simple logo is often the best place to start.
Inside jokes, catchphrases or designs relating to your channel
are also great to incorporate into merchandise.
This rendering is of me riding behind my dog Drama
as he wears an action camera.
To my viewers, this is a fond memory of a well-loved video.
So how do you prepare branded merchandise?
If you're just making a logo tee or coffee mug
it could be as simple as uploading your original logo design file.
But many of us want to create new artwork, and that's a job for a graphic designer.
Maybe you can use the designer who made your logo
or perhaps you can find a designer in your audience.
If you know other creators, asking who they use
would be a great place to start as well.
There are also sites like 99designs and Fiverr
where you can put your project out to bid and let designers come to you.
Based on my personal experience, a lot of full-time graphic designers
will want a minimum of around $150 to make a simple original design.
This number can fluctuate wildly based on your demands
as well as how in-demand the artist is.
Quality design work can be a great investment that pays you back in full
but it all starts with the guidelines that you put in place.
Using bullet points about your channel and audience
is a good way to give the designer some inspiration.
Be concise in your instructions and provide real-world examples whenever possible.
At the onset of the design process
the artist will usually give you some rough drafts.
>From there, you can provide further instructions on what you want to see.
Also, consider taking the artist's suggestions.
After all, you did hire a professional.
Once you have a design you're happy with
you'll need to apply it to a product and list it for sale.
Let's go over some guidelines to help you achieve the best results.
Mind the specifications.
Services like Teespring will provide you with the minimum size and resolution
for uploaded artwork.
But when in doubt, go bigger.
You can always shrink your design to fit your product
but stretching it out can lead to quality loss.
Building on specifications, make sure you're using the proper file type.
I've found that .PNG files can be used universally across platforms like Teespring.
A .PNG can be easily overlaid against any background color.
Double-check your proofs.
Most interfaces will give you a proof or preview
of what the final product will look like.
But spending a few bucks on a sample eliminates all the guesswork.
This can save you a ton of grief.
Write a great description.
No matter where you sell your product
it's gonna end up on a product page with a 'Buy Now' button.
Make sure to include notes about the materials your merch is made out of
and how it relates to your channel.
Take your pricing into consideration.
Don't dissuade sales with an outrageous price.
But at the same time
make sure you can cover the costs of your designer
and make the whole process worthwhile.
When in doubt, check to see
what other creators are selling their merchandise for
and use that information to stay competitive.
Now that you've gone through the process of designing and listing merch
it's time to tell the world about it.
If you have a website, make sure your product links are up to date.
If you're selling apparel, be sure to wear it in your videos
to build excitement.
Pinning a top comment with a link to your merch
is also a great way to get the word out
but make sure to do it as soon as your video goes live
so your most dedicated fans will see.
Available in certain countries
YouTube allows you to promote your merch on video end screens
as well as in a merch shelf below the description.
If you're sure your fans are interested in branded merchandise
then why not do a dedicated video about it?
Many of your audience members want to know about new merch
so take the time in your video to tell them directly.
Tell them that you hope they like it and ask for feedback in the comment section.
Getting your viewers to talk about merch not only helps get the word out
but also provides you with valuable feedback.
If you've never sold merch before
I hope this video has inspired you to give it a shot.
If you have
make sure to share some of your own tips in the comments below
to help fellow creators.
Subscribe for more great tips and tricks here on the official YouTube Creators channel.
And make sure you come visit me over at Seth's Bike Hacks.
How to Draw a Fantasy Landscape With Charcoal and Graphite - Duration: 3:30.
Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!
I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a fantasy landscape
with a castle, hills and a magician.
We begin by making two vertical lines for the tower of the castle
then some short horizontal ones to divided it into sections.
It has a nice pointed roof with a tiny triangular flag on top.
Some balconies, holes to look out a tilted roof and some smaller towers.
Let's make one square.
Why not?
I'm getting inspired for this on a beautiful castle from Germany.
I'm not doing this very precise, I'm using a slightly dull lead,
because this palace is going to be far at the distance.
And it will be at the border of a cliff.
Then we can make another hill.
We push more to make it a little bit darker
and maybe a big mountain even farther away.
It is so light, we can hardly see it.
Then another hill which is closer to us.
I have been using a big Kaweco lead holder which I really enjoy.
And a soft graphite lead in it.
The list of materials is in the information below the video.
The closer the hills and the objects are, the darker I am drawing them
to create the sensation of depth.
And now I switch to a charcoal pencil because I want this first layer really dark.
And we draw her a little magician or a person [laughter] looking at the castle.
His hair and coat blowing in the air
he has a big pole and we draw the ground.
Very good!
And back to the graphite to finish the hills.
As you see, I left pretty light what is right behind the magician, so that he
doesn't get lost.
That's one trick you can use when one thing ends up right
in front of another one and together they can get lost.
I give the last touches to the hills and I will darken even a little bit more
with another layer this first one.
Let's make a few more trees over here…
and then very so lightly some clouds over there.
I am not even sure if you can see them, they are so light!
And its ready!
If you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends
and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.
And I will see you on Tuesday ;)
Subtitled by Grethel Trejo
How To: Clip In to Your Pedals (2-Bolt) - Duration: 2:43.
Well hey there!
How To: Clip In to Your Pedals (2-Bolt)
Clipping in to your pedals using shoes with cleats gives you a better workout than riding with platform pedals.
You use your quads, hamstrings, calves, and core to add power to your pedal stroke.
It also gives you a more balanced pedal stroke that uses energy more efficiently.
So you ride stronger for longer.
Today, we're using a two bolt system for pedals and cleats.
Two bolt pedal systems are most commonly used on mountain bikes.
But, they can be used on the road, gravel, or anywhere you ride.
When clipping in, it's helpful to practice while your bike is still and stable.
You can set your bike up in a trainer to practice, or even just hold your hand against a wall to keep steady.
To clip in, slide your toe towards the front lip of the pedal until you feel the front of the cleat catch.
Shift your weight back towards your heel.
Press down with your body weight until you hear a click and feel the back of the cleat catch in the pedal.
Simple as that.
It can take a bit of time to get a sense of where your cleat meets the pedal.
Don't worry, practice will make perfect.
With some pedals, you can also adjust the tension needed to get in and out of the pedal.
When you're ready to roll, clip in starting with your dominant leg.
This will give you enough momentum from the first pedal stroke to stay stable while clipping in your second foot.
As you begin to push off, your unclipped pedal will rise back and around.
As that pedal reaches the 12 o'clock position, it's time to make your move.
Slide your toe along the pedal, hook the front of the cleat and push down to engage the cleat.
And you're off!
Of course, once you're in, you'll eventually have to get out.
To unclip, swiftly twist your heel outward, away from the bike.
This will release the clipping mechanism and free you from the pedal.
It's easiest with the pedal in the 12 o'clock position.
Practice clipping in and out with both feet in an empty parking lot
or along a quiet road before moving onto a busier street or trail.
Clipless pedals will feel natural in no time.
To learn more about clipless pedals and how to install them, check out Trek's YouTube channel.
Visit trekbikes.com or stop by your local Trek retailer to find which pedals and shoes are right for you.
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3 Habits Make You Successful | Habits of Successful People | কিভাবে একজন সফল মানুষ হতে হয়? - Duration: 4:12.
৩টি অভ্যাস সফল মানুষের
সফল মানুষের অভ্যাস
কিভাবে একজন মানুষ হতে হয়
3 Habits Make You Successful
Habits of Successful People
কিভাবে একজন মানুষ হতে হয়?
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