Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 23 2018

Welcome to Just the Facts with me, J. Jonah Jameson.

Well, folks, lock your doors and hide the fancy jewelry

because guess who I've just confirmed is back in town.

That's right.

That feline felon, the Black Cat.

No, I'm not talking about the original Black Cat,

the elderly thief who my sources say still has undiscovered

stolen art stashed throughout the city.

I'm talking about the younger, new copycat.

You know, not the kind of gal you'd bring home to mother.

The same one that always seems to allude Spider-Man

because someone can't stop thinking with his web shooters.

Look, Spider-Man, I don't know if you're listening,

but I get it.

It wasn't that long ago that I was a young, naive

20-something myself, but if you think a fancy new suit

is all you need to lock up a girl like that,

well, have I got news for you.

Maybe if you'd spend a little more time trying to actually

catch her instead of goofing off and doing obstacle courses

on that Screwball internet game show,

us normal folks would be able to sleep at night.

You see, folks,

if our "hero" can't help getting entangled with a known criminal,

he should remove himself from the equation entirely.

Instead, he's been seen playing with some sort of spider bomb,

butting into crime scenes, and getting in the way of the fine

folks of the PDNY doing actual work.

Maybe Spider-Man needs to get his head on straight

and focus his "talents" on something more useful

like stopping a full-scale Maggia gang war

from tearing the city apart

instead of flirting with a two-bit thief!

Until next time,

that's the last word from me, J. Jonah Jameson.

For more infomation >> Marvel's Spider-Man: The Heist – Just the Facts | PS4 - Duration: 2:05.


「Nightcore」→ Paradise ✗ The Scientist ✗ Adventure of a lifetime and MORE (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:07.

「Nightcore」→ Paradise ✗ The Scientist ✗ Adventure of a lifetime and MORE (Switching Vocal)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Paradise ✗ The Scientist ✗ Adventure of a lifetime and MORE (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:07.


MAKING OF VIDEO: Dj Layla & Sianna - LOVE IS CALLING - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> MAKING OF VIDEO: Dj Layla & Sianna - LOVE IS CALLING - Duration: 7:56.


Ford Ka 1.2 TITANIUM X START/STOP AIRCO / 76.000 KM - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Ford Ka 1.2 TITANIUM X START/STOP AIRCO / 76.000 KM - Duration: 1:07.


Airbnb Host Tips (How to Write a Description that gets BOOKINGS) - Duration: 5:03.

Heidi Miget: Does your vacation rental description pass the skim test?

Watch this video to find out.

Heidi Miget: Hi.

I'm Heidi Miget and I'm a digital marketing strategist for vacation rental homeowners.

For easy marketing tips and advice, be sure to subscribe to this channel and watch for

new videos every Tuesday.

Heidi Miget: So how often do you receive the same questions from guests over and over again?

Or you're receiving questions from potential guests that are already covered in your description.

If you've experienced any of these, it could be that your description isn't

passing the skim test.

I'll review three common mistakes that I see in vacation rental descriptions

and I'll also cover four steps that you can implement today to improve your description

and increase your bookings.

The first thing you'll want to do is avoid these three mistakes that I see all the time

in vacation rental descriptions.

Mistake #1: Your description is too short.

It's not giving enough information that your potential guest needs to see to actually evaluate

if your home is a good fit for their needs.

Mistake #2: Your description is too dense.

It reads like a novel and it just makes potential guests' eyes glaze over.

You definitely want to make sure that you're not putting so much information and real lengthy

paragraphs that a potential guest is just skipping it altogether because it's too much

to read.

And Mistake #3: Overdoing it with caps, exclamation

points, and bullet points even.

It can really be too much for a description.

So you'll really just want to make sure that you're using these things but you're using

them very carefully because if it's too much, it just really looks like an oversell.

Step 1: Write for your audience.

Your first sentence should really capture their attention immediately and really draw

them in as to what makes your home unique and why they should choose your home.

Step 2: Set expectations.

At the beginning right after your intro sentence, provide three to five bullets about what people

will absolutely love about your home.

You can even title it, What You Will Love About Our Home, and then place the bullets

right underneath that.

So this should really nicely summarize what makes your home such a great choice for that.

Also, if you have something about your home that you might hear complaints about

but you cannot change it, you could also set those expectations at the beginning as well

with a bullet or two.

So this may look like your home is on a gravel road, for example.

That's not something you can change.

So if that is going to cause someone to leave a negative review, you want to just deter

them from the beginning and make sure that you're sharing that information about your

home that you cannot change.

Step 3: You want to gather specific information

about every room in your house.

Be sure to address things like the appliances that you have in your kitchen, the size of

you bed, the TVs in each room, you just want to make sure that you're as detailed about

the amenities in your home so that your potential guest can find what they're looking for.

Step 4: Make it skimmable.

This is probably the most important piece of updating your description and its how you

avoid that mistake that I covered earlier about your description being too dense.

This is where you'll just want to make sure you have one to two sentences in each paragraph

and use subheaders throughout to really break up all of that text.

So, now you know what to do to update your Airbnb or Home Away description

to make it more skimmable.

But how's your overall marketing strategy looking like?

If you really haven't paid much attention to your marketing strategy, that's okay I'm

here to help.

I created the Vacation Marketing Road Map and this is a 7-step process that we'll really

just walk through all the areas that you really need to focus on to get your listing seen

and booked.

So to grab your copy, just grab the link below and sign up for the free roadmap.

It'll get sent straight to your Inbox, and also if you like this video, let me know by

liking, commenting and subscribing to my channel.

Thank you so much for watching.

I'll see you next Tuesday.

For more infomation >> Airbnb Host Tips (How to Write a Description that gets BOOKINGS) - Duration: 5:03.


bináris opciók.7.05 usd 10 perc alatt - Duration: 14:23.

For more infomation >> bináris opciók.7.05 usd 10 perc alatt - Duration: 14:23.


2019 Ducati XDiavel 1260 S L-Twin Super Cruiser - Super Cruiser 1260cc L-Twin 2019 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 2019 Ducati XDiavel 1260 S L-Twin Super Cruiser - Super Cruiser 1260cc L-Twin 2019 - Duration: 2:06.


Charlotte Casiraghi et Dimitri Rassam vont-ils célébrer Halloween à L.A ? - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Casiraghi et Dimitri Rassam vont-ils célébrer Halloween à L.A ? - Duration: 1:11.


Honda Civic 1.8i V-TEC TYPE-S ADVANTAGE - 140 PK - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.8i V-TEC TYPE-S ADVANTAGE - 140 PK - Duration: 0:54.


버벌진트 여자친구 가사 논란 "걸그룹 연습생과 s*x" 사과문 인스타에 【2chStory】 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 버벌진트 여자친구 가사 논란 "걸그룹 연습생과 s*x" 사과문 인스타에 【2chStory】 - Duration: 3:52.


[TUTO] Utiliser le ConfigoMatic - TopAchat [FR] - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> [TUTO] Utiliser le ConfigoMatic - TopAchat [FR] - Duration: 10:07.


BANKOVNÍ LOUPEŽ V MINECRAFTU!!! 🚓💰 UTEKLI JSME FBI A VYKRADLI SOUSEDA? 😱 /w Attack, Ikonova Videa - Duration: 19:11.

For more infomation >> BANKOVNÍ LOUPEŽ V MINECRAFTU!!! 🚓💰 UTEKLI JSME FBI A VYKRADLI SOUSEDA? 😱 /w Attack, Ikonova Videa - Duration: 19:11.


Info VS intox - Karine Baste-Régis / Cyrus North - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Info VS intox - Karine Baste-Régis / Cyrus North - Duration: 4:47.


HOLIDAYS VLOG 추석연휴 브이로그 + 소소한 asmr|THESUZY 더수지 - Duration: 26:59.

Have a good holiday everyone~

Suzy food show

On my way to daewang park

It's the beach everyone!

the beach is always dangerous

Jaws shows up

Eating quietly away from mom and dad

it's so juicy

I spent a really, really boring youth

Favorite tv program: iron man 28, sky surfer (old korean cartoons)

I was in 2nd grade here, how did I think like this?

such a negative little kid

- are you sure you're getting the moon?


Hi everyone! It's chuseok today

we're out here to make a wish to the full moon

and this is our second beach already

but the weather is not good so it's hard to see the full moon

the news said that you can

definitely see the full moon today but...

anyways... this video will probably be up WAY after the holidays but...

have a good (Korean) thanksgiving!

if this was something like Afreeca TV

then we could read comments live

and ask... "which bar should we go to in Ulsan?"

-oh~~that place looks good.. (i would say)

- are you pretending to be a BJ right now?

-hey but....

don't you think it'd be too cold to drink beer outside?

the beer will be TOO cold

still go?

-this is the store -go?


if i drink it my stomach will probably hurt

-i already asked you that earlier and you say now??

-i'm on an empty stomach should I atleast drink milk?

-oh! they have the 5-grain latte, this looks good

-so what drink should we get?

-do you want to try going there?

-the 4 letter place? geumsangchunhwa?

-what was the name of the place again? -gold sand place

-mine (milk) doesn't taste good

-it's like mixed grain but not sweet?

-no not even mixed grain

-kind of like almond milk?

-it's a little too thick -like coarse?

-no no lolol it's doesn't have texture like that

(on a diet) they say oysters are good for losing weight

-removes metal and lead - oh it takes away the weight of that?

-it sounds like itd be so heavy

-should I try an abalone?

-i'm scared

-red sauce? -yup only red sauce

- i think this is really good though

-just like.. -the fires empty (lets put some more on)

-you sound like an ahjussi

-ex) my right hands not busy

-get a scoop of this (oyster) and scoop of the red sauce

and eat it

Suzy food show

-it's so good

I didn't know oysters were so good

I just sounded like I read out a textbook

like the VJ show program

-(acting) "I'm eating oysters for the first time today"

I didn't realize how good it was

let's slow down on drinking a little

we have too much food

- we can't order another bottle because of the food

-Today..... I am......

-on my way to daewangam park .... in my neighborhood....

from what I know

this is where the sun rises the fastest in Korea

from what I hear

so I was going to come see the sunrise

but it felt too dangerous to come to see the sunrise

so I brought my friend and were on a little hike

-when I was a kid

these stairs forreal felt endless

we're climbing up ALL these stairs right now

when we were in elementary school all of the schools

would come here for picnics

we'd play capture the flag, treasure hunting

then go back down those endless stairs

and then go play at the beach

was the end to the course

so everytime you'd go back home

your clothes would be so dirty

always -with sand falling everywhere

-and your clothes all wet

-we used to always have to do that

the reason why I said it's

dangerous to come see the sunrise is because...

it's very forest-y

with super tall trees

so for me...

it's a little to scary to come in the dark

no one would know if I got killed or something

it's THAT scary to me so....

oh and the friend that is helping me today is

my friend from highschool

I met this friend last night too

it was freezing last night

so we thought itd be cold today too

but it's really hot today

-do you want to try that?

are you supposed to press something?

i don't know what to do

you can see the beach all the way over there

although you may not be able to see it

but I can see it (?)

oh (winds coool)

everyones here's the beach!

we came alllll the way here


it's coming!


if I fall here.. i'll break my camera, break my legs, and my teeth probs

-you'd probably heal naturally...

don't you think it'll cost more though

to fix me, then fixing the camera?

-but you have insurance

here's how nice my friend is

the air seems super clean though

this scenery reminds of G.O.D gil

had no idea it'd be this warm today...

- I want to try riding that too.. jetski?

-i think it'd be too scary -youre scared of the water too?

-let's say you're in the beach and you can't touch the floor

but you're wearing a life vest (aren't you scared?)

-yea totally fine!

-really?but like the life vest

it like comes up to here on your face

so like your face..

it like goes in it like this...

i can't trust life vests

so today's the day after chuseok

there are a lot of families on walks

somethings on my hair

- is it a bug? -there's nothing on it

-i thought it was a leaf at first

so I was super calm

but the minute i thought it was a bug

but if it's a bug the sound doesn't sound like it'd be a small bug

i forsure thought it was a bug

(they say its a photozone here) i think you'd have to get on the horse for it to look good

and also everyone

Ulsan's signature spot Daewangam's sign. spot

and something I love,, here is the dragon slide

'dragon slide' is sometihng I named it

mix of dragon-slide

so you ride his little whiskers down

and it doesn't look that scary but it actually is

-wait what should we eat though? if we go to a cafe then to go eat

then we probs won't be starving

i think it'd be good to eat something noodle-y?

so at this neighborhood there's a famous cafe

called "shingmulwon" perfect for IG pics

not shiKmulwon, but shINGmulwon

i've been to this cafe about twice

and both times there were no seats

i will try again, today

they open at 10AM

and it's 10:53 AM right now

so only about an hour, so we should be fine right?

let's hope they have some seats today

should we take out what we bought from DAISO?

here's how the cafe looks like everyone

(door is heavy)

i'll unwrap everything

this is super cool

it's like 9000won at OLIVE YOUNG

everyone they have a mixing pallete at DAISO

and it's only 2000won it even has a pouch

want to see what I got from DAISO?

small mirror

and a selfie light

oh no the lights on :(

it's okay cuz it's chargeable

it has 3 levels of brightness

and this

mermaid pouch so pretty

I also tried out a concealer brush in this silicon material

and liked it so I bought this eyeshadow brush too

and also I wasn't able to brush my hair today

so, hairbrush it's a match with the mirror

i'm scared it's going to break

and eyelash glue

i've never tried this clear one

i hope it's a good one (not that great)

it's good

it looks like this but i already drank a lot of it

today we were going to try eating milmyun(wheat noodles)

but (because it's holiday) a lot of places are closed

we're thinking of just going to convenience store

buying some cup ramyun and eat it in front of the beach

i'm pretty excited

want to do the fire noodle challenge?

remember i like(spicy)

oh yea it probs won't even be spicy to you

i do like this one the most

this looks good

dimsum x2

it's pretty too

wanna get this?

'popular meat seaweed soup'

that's popular?

-yea ramyun -i don't know what it is

look at the drawing

kinda looks like the... japanese cartoon

we used to watch it a lot when we were younger

it was something 'family'

i want this and the jjajang one , both

let's share one and buy dumplings

-it's gag family

-yeaa something family

i'll try the dumplings

the soup is really not hot

the noodles get cold as it comes out like this

want to walk a little?(since we ate)

but it's so windy

the sand is SO bright..

and today was another

full day (it's not over yet?!)

-hurry up! a sharks going to come!

they said a sharks coming

that kind of thing can become a trauma later

I forreal after watching Jaws

thought if i go to the beach there will always be a shark

and..I can die (if I go to the beach)

if you watch Jaws it comes out all the way to the shore

Jaws the huge shark

and eats like the surfers and stuff

so for me I always thought beach = sharks

and also if I thought sharks it was always sharks like the Jaws

so you know there's sharks that like we eat

like size of your arm

but for me I always thought shark=Jaws, like HUGE ones, the size of whales

that's all I thought

so I was like 'people eat sharks?!'

'how do they catch them?' I used to think

anyways the ocean is dangerous

Jaws can still come

I am at my parent's house in Ulsan

I've taken off all my makeup

and i'm filming super comfy like this

my eyes are super bad

so I have to wear glasses if I take out my contacts

so I'm wearing my glasses right now

I've put on a selfie light

but I think my glasses are reflecting the light

i'm a bit worried it'll be uncomfortable for you to watch

the seasons are changing so my allergies are super bad

so if I wear contacts my eyes are super itchy

I hope it's okay with you guys

oh yea I didn't explain why i'm whispering like this

i've seen some other youtubers

and I'm going to try the 'eating secretly from parents' challenge

to be honest because my room door is closed

my parent's may have no idea i'm eating in here

but they're both super sensitive

so i've closed the door and turned the lights off

they even find the light between the cracks sensitive

tbh the challenge the most fun to eat right next to them (while they're sleeping)

but my parents are actually

super strict so...

so today's late night snack is..

shrimp tempura and

raw meat (yookhwae)


so this is my

late night mukbang menu

i have chosen

one restaurant sells all three of these menus

it's a place called 'saeng saeng anagutong' in Samsan

which one should Itry first?

it's been a bit since I bought this

so the shrimp is a bit damp now

i'll try this one first

it has a lot of meat

now i'll try

the raw meat

to be honest

i don't really like raw fish

so ofcourse I choose

the raw meat first before the fish

it's so good

I thought

if I only do mukbang

it might be boring

so on my IG story

I said i'll have a QnA

and asked for questions

unfortunately I uploaded it a bit too late

so I couldn't get that many questions

but i'll answer these questions

and do mukbang

I went and put on contacts again (reflection was too bad)

I hope it's a bit better to watch now

now to continue answering the QnA (the first part of the QnA got edited out because the recorder was off :( )

-Q: why are you so pretty? so charming! -A:thank you

-Q: what was your hobby in school?

-A: I had a super super boring youth

so my hobby....hobby...

if I had to choose... play the piano?

besides that nothing really special..

Q: you are so beautiful.. where do you get style inspiration?

-I think this was asked from abroad

it seems they used a translator

hmm.. style inspiration

-A: I use the explore function alot on instagram

or if not that

I also look on the app Pinterest a lot

I usually look at nail, fashion or tattoos

so usually those related things pop up on my feed

so if I look at something, they show something else related and such

Q: favorite lipstick mix?

if you mean by lipstick mix as in

what kind of lipstick do I mix?

by mixture you mean?

to be honest I never really mix lipsticks

for lipsticks I usually

what I think matches my skin type the most

are orange based color tones

lip sticks with a low contrast

sometimes make me look sick

ofcourse I do think that applies to most

however I still do like those types too

because you can't wear the same type of lipsticks always

this type of Uleok hwae (raw fish)

is really good

and ofcourse the raw meat and shrimp is good too

I just had really low expectations for the raw fish

everyone I found something fun

what this is

is my diary

from elementary school

I remember keeping a picture diary

in the first grade

but I can't find that one

so I have starting from 2nd grade

they always have these questions on the first page

dream job: doctor

best friend: park**, lee***,

best book:goosebumps

favorite tv: ironman 28, sky surfer

want the most: mimi princess

height/weight: height is blank and weight is 19.5 kg

since it's chuseok i'll read what I wrote on Chuseok in here

sept. 27 title:Chuseok

I wore Hanbok today

the hanbok was small on me now, so they're going to give it to my cousin after today

i only wore my hanbok once last year

and now they're going to give it to eunji

so it seemed like a waste

the title shouldn't be Chuseok, should be poor hanbok

I was in 2nd grade, how did I think like this?

Oct. 11th was a Friday

title: picnic

we went to the beach and I got a cold it was cold

i'm tired of going on picnics such a negative little kid

oh here's a historic event

Oct. 13th Sunday

title: two wheeled bike

I used to have trainer wheels

but I switched to two wheels yesterday

I rode the two wheel bike today and didn't fall it was fun

even when i'm sitting on a chair

it feels like i'm riding a two wheel bike

you know what this feels like right?

i'll also try reading a 3rd grade entry

handwriting is still the same

but.. compared to 2nd grade I wrote a lot more

Apr. 4th Friday

Title: red mask

today is the birthday of red mask

my heart felt like it was beating so fast

going to school and leaving hagwon

it felt like the bunny on the moon was pounding the rice cake (korean saying)

I thought red mask would come at


but the actual time red mask shows up is

4: 44: 04 was the actual time

the time closeby

i think this means the actual time of arrival

i'm only on the piano bus

the piano friends, unni, oppa and I

would wait for that time

once it was 4: 44: 04

there was only one grandma that passed

and we were bummed out

the oppa, and younger ones on the bus

said: oh! the grandma is the red mask

i laughed on the inside

i think the oppa and dongsaeng

thought the grandma was staring at us

now I will no longer think of the red mask

surprising I didn't really sound

too childish for a 3rd grader

this title is so funny

April 4th Tuesday, the day of hell

today I felt like I was in hell

at first, during lunch ** tried to kiss me

so I hit him

and he hit my ear bone with his spoon

i thought on the inside

that i'm going to die now

i asked ** if i'm bleeding

he said "Suzy you're not bleeding"

once I heard his answer I was okay

when I was crying ** apologized

but I could not accept

if my ear bone was bleeding

that blood would get to my brain

and I would die.

that's why I couldn't accept ** apology

I don't regret this

it's not my fault right?

anyways something

about my childhood diary

we could say

I was an angry little kid

it would be perfect

to have a little beer

a small canned beer

would be perfect for dessert

but I forgot (to buy)

i'm not like super full

but i'm getting super tired

For more infomation >> HOLIDAYS VLOG 추석연휴 브이로그 + 소소한 asmr|THESUZY 더수지 - Duration: 26:59.


Cute Dog Naps In a Lap - Duration: 2:31.

Soft music plays

Thought you guys would love to see this. Little Duke spending some time in his mama's arms.

He's a little big for it now..

But when he was a cute little puppy,

he would curl up under her jacket -

under her jacket when she when it was cold.

And he'd fall asleep.

And would probably sleep the whole afternoon.

Almost three years old.

He'll be three in November.

And now he's a little big for it; but he still loves it.

One of the few times this little guy can, hey, this little guy can actually have some mama time.

And right now,

he is absolutely falling asleep.

Where he decided to end up.

Think he likes my lap a little bit better.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video.

Please like, share, subscribe, and leave a comment below.

And I'll get back to you.

And I hope you guys have a wonderful day and a great week.


Soft music plays.

For more infomation >> Cute Dog Naps In a Lap - Duration: 2:31.


Xiaomi Blackshark Helo Full Review: Gaming/Camera Test #SamiLuo - Duration: 5:34.

The inner sports a separate graphics chipset

Supports P3 color gamut etc, which delivers cinematic visual quality and unmatched color accuracy

The screen supports HDR but no game in China supports that yet,

So Blackshark adopts a real-time SDR-to-HDR conversion technology

which enables you to have a vivid color performance

But honest to say, it doesn't change much when you playing the games

The color looks really really sharp as you can see from the video when playing games and that's ok in a game

But that happens when in daily use you will have a over saturated color as well

So don't use it for too long, not good for your eyes

We all know nowadays a flagship phone always features SD 845 chipset, and that's for Helo too, but what's special for it?

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Blackshark Helo Full Review: Gaming/Camera Test #SamiLuo - Duration: 5:34.


L'amour est dans le pré : Aude et Christopher s'embrassent, départs en série chez Guy - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> L'amour est dans le pré : Aude et Christopher s'embrassent, départs en série chez Guy - Duration: 3:02.


Take Heart Parliament House Breakfast Curtain Raiser - Take Heart - Duration: 3:12.

(heart thumping)

- Well, I didn't know about this rheumatic heart thing.

I didn't know anything about it.

- Brooklyn came into hospital two or three months ago now.

And she came to hospital

because she had sore joints, the swollen joints.

This is a condition they call rheumatic fever.

Do you know anything about rheumatic fever?

- Not really.

- Not really.

- So many of the cases of rheumatic heart disease

we see are in kids who have just gone too far,

they've ended up with severe rheumatic

heart disease and they're in heart failure.

Some of them have needed heart operations,

and the tragedy of that is that it doesn't have to be.

You can prevent rheumatic heart disease,

and if you find it early you can put kids on penicillin

and you can stop them from getting to the point

of being severe to the extent

that they never need a heart operation,

they never need to die as a result

of rheumatic heart disease.

- My uncle,

he died from rheumatic heart disease.


my other uncle died from it too, and my mum.

- Here was a wonderful young girl,

born with a completely normal heart

who died of an entirely preventable disease.

- I don't wanna see other kids get rheumatic heart disease,

and they'll end up like me.

- In the cities back where I live in Sydney,

no one's even heard about it.

No one knows about it.

I mean, there's some in the older generations

that say, oh yeah, I remember it was a bit of a problem

back in the '40s and '50s.

- Here was a disease that was fairly widespread

in the mainstream community across most populations,

and now it is prevalent primarily amongst these

small, minority, Indigenous populations.

- To be honest I think it' s,

for the guys down in the south,

they need to come up and experience this stuff,

sort of stuff up here, in the top end.

- NT Government, and whoever any governments,

we need to support heart disease,

or rheumatic heart disease.

We need to support it more.

So we need to know what the responses will be,

and to work together as a team.

- I don't want to take a stroke,

'cause I'm too young to die.

For more infomation >> Take Heart Parliament House Breakfast Curtain Raiser - Take Heart - Duration: 3:12.


[한글 자막] 181011 방탄소년단 NME 인터뷰 - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> [한글 자막] 181011 방탄소년단 NME 인터뷰 - Duration: 3:17.


El brutal artículo de Rosa Díez contra Sánchez, golpistas, proetarras y bolivarianos: "Tenemos que . - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> El brutal artículo de Rosa Díez contra Sánchez, golpistas, proetarras y bolivarianos: "Tenemos que . - Duration: 3:05.


Baking powder, recipe at home - Duration: 7:04.

Baking powder for dough, recipe at home, how to cook and how to replace?

If subtitles bother you, turn them off!

Hello everyone, Dina is with you! Welcome to my Recipe Collection channel.

My friends, today we will discuss how to make baking powder or baking powder at home.

In the comments you often ask: What is baking powder? What can replace it? How to cook it yourself?

In this video I will answer all your questions.

What is baking powder and what is it for?

The baking powder is intended to give the test friability and pomp.

It is often used for the preparation of various pastries, both sweet and savory.

It consists of three components - dry citric acid, soda and flour,

the proportion of which is chosen so that during baking the reaction is complete

and the finished products did not have an unpleasant peculiar taste and smell - as is the case when using only soda.

Therefore, the baking powder does not need to be dissolved, it is mixed with dry products - flour or starch, and then injected into the dough.

When baking powder gets into any liquid base, the reaction starts immediately -

the soda is quenched with acid, carbon dioxide is released, the bubbles of which are rising, loosen the dough, making it light, fluffy and airy.

Therefore, the dough prepared with the addition of baking powder, it is important, as soon as possible to send in the oven,

only so the products are obtained with a good rise and evenly baked.

What to replace baking powder?

Many of you ask, what can replace baking powder.

If baking powder is indicated in the recipe, then it is desirable to use it,

but, if suddenly baking powder was not, then there are 2 options -

cook it yourself (but more on that later) or replace it with soda.

Soda need to take 2 times less than baking powder.

If the dough contains such acidic foods as: lemon juice, kefir, sour cream, whey, yogurt, yogurt, fruit or berry juices and mashed potatoes,

That soda does not need to quench anything, just enough to mix it with flour.

The most important thing when using soda, as well as baking powder, is to bake the dough right away, because the reaction is very fast.

And if the dough contains no acidic products, i.e. those with which soda would react, they need to be added,

if this is not done, then baking will not be airy and porous, and will acquire an unpleasant, specific smell and taste of soda.

In this case, the soda is mixed with flour, and vinegar or lemon juice is added to the liquid ingredients.

There is a fairly common mistake - when in the dough they add soda already slaked with vinegar -

This is fundamentally wrong, because the reaction that was to take place in the dough has already passed in the open air and most of the carbon dioxide has evaporated.

How to make baking powder at home?

And now I will show you how easy and simple it is to make baking powder at home.

The advantages of home baking powder are obvious:

it does not contain any chemical additives, it is much cheaper to shop, it has a higher quality and is always at hand.

As a rule, we use the usual baking powder or with various additives, saffron, lemon zest, cinnamon.

Additives are a matter of taste, and we will prepare the usual classic baking powder.

For this we need: 3 parts of dry citric acid, 5 parts of baking soda and 12 parts of flour or starch.

Measure these proportions can be by weight or any dimensional capacity.

As a rule, for these purposes, I use a measuring spoon from the bread maker; I can measure both teaspoons and tablespoons.

I will measure with a tablespoon, because I bake often and baking powder in the house is always needed.

First we take citric acid, but since its granules are rather large, it is necessary to grind it.

We measure out 3 parts of dry citric acid, in my case it is 3 tablespoons flush and send it to the grinder,

You can also grind the acid using a blender or a conventional mortar.

Granules of acid are quite strong, so try to grind it as small as possible, preferably in powder.

Pour citric acid in a bowl in which we mix all the ingredients.

A prerequisite - all utensils for cooking and storing the baking powder must be completely dry.

There we also add 5 parts of ordinary baking soda.

And now add 12 parts of flour, starch, or a mixture of flour and starch in equal proportions.

Flour can be used any: wheat, whole grain, oatmeal, etc.

Starch, too, you can take absolutely any, by the way with him baking powder is stored much longer.

And a tip for those who are allergic to gluten - to prepare homemade baking powder can be based on corn, rice, buckwheat flour or starch,

because the baking powder, as a rule, is prepared on wheat flour.

The dry mixture is well mixed and must sift,

do not forget that all the dishes in this case must be dry, so as not to start the reaction.

As a result, 230 g of a baking powder came out of this proportion, and these are 23 standard store bags!

Sifted mixture immediately poured into a jar with an airtight lid,

This is an important condition, because Ready baking powder is very active and reacts even with moisture from the air.

If you do not bake often, then it is better to cook it in small portions so that it does not stick.

If you plan to do more, then put in a jar a couple of pieces of sugar to eliminate moisture.

Keep baking powder in a dry place with a tightly closed lid!

So, friends, I showed you how to make baking powder at home and answered frequently asked questions,

but if suddenly they stayed - write, I always try to respond to all your comments.

All the recipes for baking using baking powder that you just saw, I have on the channel.

Links to all these videos, as well as playlists "Pies", "Cakes", "Sweet pastries" and "Savory pastries" I will leave in the description.

Come, see, choose your favorite recipes and cook with pleasure!

I wish you all successful baking!

If this video was useful to you - put your finger up and share with friends!

Do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel - "Collection of Recipes" and click on the bell to receive alerts about the release of new videos.

Let me remind you that all the links you will find on the screen and in the description.

Dina was with you. To new meetings, to new delicious recipes!

For more infomation >> Baking powder, recipe at home - Duration: 7:04.


강성진 아내 이현영 걸그룹 에스 출신...충격적인 사실이 드러났다! - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> 강성진 아내 이현영 걸그룹 에스 출신...충격적인 사실이 드러났다! - Duration: 11:58.


Audi A1 1.4 TFSI PRO LINE S-tronic autom, Navi, ECC, LMV, PDC - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 1.4 TFSI PRO LINE S-tronic autom, Navi, ECC, LMV, PDC - Duration: 1:06.


FARMER BOYS - Born Again (OFFICIAL TRAILER #1) - Duration: 2:02.

Our last album was released around 2004

It was clear to us, that this was not our last album

So we made a little creative break

We did a couple of other things in the meantime

Matze, for example, went on to compose scores for movies while I continued in the rock n' roll biz

A little later we met up again and started writing songs together again

We then thought, that they where so good, we should make an album out of those

The sound is still more or less identical, I would say.

We still have those massive riffs and the epic melodies

We still tend to the new waves of the 80's

We tend to conjure up those huge, epic soundscapes and images

It may sound and feel a bit more grown up and "ripe" both musically and lyrically

I'm definitely proud of the kind of music we make and the kind of sound we have

I'd say that it is unique and wasn't there before in the same way it is now

Which was our goal back when we started making music together

The essence hasn't changed, but it got more refined and emotionally deeper

We also have gotten better at our musical and technical skills sinc ethen

Every bit of experience we've gained is fed into our music

And we're more than happy with the new album


For more infomation >> FARMER BOYS - Born Again (OFFICIAL TRAILER #1) - Duration: 2:02.


Ellen Pompeo Gets Emotional Over 'Grey's Anatomy' Impact - Duration: 2:03.

All right, let's talk about Grey's Anatomy.

This is the 15th season.

Will there be a 16th season?

Yes, of course.





It's fantastic.


Oh, good.


I was wondering if you--

I thought that there was a possibility that it wasn't.

Well, my contract is till season 16,

and so I'm completely obligated to do season 16.

And you know these numbers-- there's

just no end in sight with streaming,

and the show is so popular.

And I have to say, again, I love coming here.

Thank you for giving me this platform because not only

do we get to do great things, but we get to say thank you.

Because everywhere I go, whether it's Italy,

whether it's France, London, Kansas--

the people that come up to me with tears in their eyes

and tell me how meaningful the show is to them.

You know, the episode-- the last episode that I directed--

it was the first episode I directed, actually.

It was a teenager was in the show.

And he was gay.

And he played a gay character on my show.

And after we had filmed the whole entire episode

he said to me, my whole life, I've

watched the show with my parents.

And I've sort of used the show as a way

to tell my parents that I was gay.

And to show my parents that it's OK, that I'm not different.

There's nothing wrong with me.

And Grey's really helped my parents

to understand what having a gay son meant

and that it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

And for my parents to now see me as an actor getting

a part on this show, you know, it's just been everything.

So I got to keep doing it, man, because, you know,

we're touching lives and making a difference.


Yeah you are.

You are.


Hi, I'm Andy.

Ellen asked me to remind you to subscribe to her channel

so you can see more awesome videos,

like videos of me getting scared or saying embarrassing things,

like ball-peen hammer, and also some videos of Ellen

and other celebrities-- if you're into that sort of thing.




For more infomation >> Ellen Pompeo Gets Emotional Over 'Grey's Anatomy' Impact - Duration: 2:03.


Info VS intox - Karine Baste-Régis / Cyrus North - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Info VS intox - Karine Baste-Régis / Cyrus North - Duration: 4:47.


Alain Privat : "pas besoin d'avoir recours à un embryon humain pour développer nos connaissances" - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Alain Privat : "pas besoin d'avoir recours à un embryon humain pour développer nos connaissances" - Duration: 1:06.


Volkswagen Transporter TDI 150pk L2H1 Dubbel Cabine 2 Schuif.d - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter TDI 150pk L2H1 Dubbel Cabine 2 Schuif.d - Duration: 1:08.


BMW X5 2.5D Automaat XDRIVE HIGH EXE Navi/Leder /Clima/Xenon/PDC - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 2.5D Automaat XDRIVE HIGH EXE Navi/Leder /Clima/Xenon/PDC - Duration: 1:15.


Kia Picanto 1.0 COMFORT PACK 5-D - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 COMFORT PACK 5-D - Duration: 1:04.


Tiger TV 10-23-2018 - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Tiger TV 10-23-2018 - Duration: 4:57.


Sen. Kamala Harris proposes $6K handout for low-income house - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Sen. Kamala Harris proposes $6K handout for low-income house - Duration: 7:32.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution Limited - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution Limited - Duration: 0:45.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Launch Edition AMG Line - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Launch Edition AMG Line - Duration: 0:53.


Is ESPP Worth It | A Few Things to Consider - Duration: 1:43.

- So what's the ideal level of participation

when it comes to an employee stock purchase plan, or ESPP?

Well I actually get this question quite often from clients,

and as you can imagine,

it is not an easy or quick answer.

Many factors go into accounting for or recommending

the appropriate level of participation

in a program like that.

I think one consideration that is often overlooked

that should be considered

is the amount of non-cash contribution you get

relative to total compensation from an employer.

For instance, in a typical case

you're gonna have medical benefits,

life insurance, disability,

possible 401(k) that allows you

to participate in company stock,

and you're gonna be layering on top of that in ESPP,

or maybe even some type of other equity compensation

like RSUs or non-qualified stock options.

And that begins to be a lot of eggs all in one basket.

And what you really wanna consider

or start to protect yourself from

are any amount of cognitive biases

that will keep you from making

really sound, pruded decisions.

Now this is why I always advocate at this juncture

developing a financial plan that takes a global view

of all your assets and investments

so that you can diversify appropriately.

Hopefully that's been helpful.

Thank you for watching this episode

of Office Hours With Dominique Henderson.

For more infomation >> Is ESPP Worth It | A Few Things to Consider - Duration: 1:43.


Jenifer et Thierry Neuvic, précoce, leur fils se lance dans la chanson - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Jenifer et Thierry Neuvic, précoce, leur fils se lance dans la chanson - Duration: 1:27.


Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Automaat Shooting Brake Business Solution AMG - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Automaat Shooting Brake Business Solution AMG - Duration: 1:08.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Bat Man SuperHero Mech Armor vs Superman Villain - Duration: 10:56.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Bat Man SuperHero vs Superman Villains

What yeah

I'm coming

Hello there come over here

What are we waiting for




Don't worry do your worst having fun yet. I'm gonna take you down

You don't want to do that

I can't believe how much stronger I am. Ah

Ha ha someone needs a hug



Okay, let's go

Oh No come over here don't worry

That's me I got this so I never run from a challenge

Don't worry Luke, whoa

Come over here

Come over here

Do your worst nope, what are we waiting for Oh


Hello there

Of course I can't really say for sure you don't want to do that, thanks for nothing

I'm coming learn some tactics. Don't feel bad when I beat you what are we waiting for Oh No


Hello there

Wow, this is too cool

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Bat Man SuperHero Mech Armor vs Superman Villain - Duration: 10:56.


Keys to a Long-Term Passive Income | Cut Intan (Promo) - Duration: 0:42.

Hello hello FFG Family all over the world!

Hello Indonesia!

Hello Asia!

Hello Africa!

Europe, Australia, America,

Pacific Islands,

and all of you all over the world!

I'm Intan from Indonesia.

How are you today?

I know you are happy.

I'm happy.

FFG Family is always happy.

I have something for you.

How to make our business,

have a long term Passive Income.

Check it out in FFG TV.

See you on 30th October 2018!

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