Thursday, October 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 25 2018

It was a number of years ago and I was working in the emergency room

when a severely compromised 20-year-old woman with cerebral palsy

came in battling a lung infection.

She was moderately mentally handicapped and had muscle spasticity

of all her muscles which hampered her ability to cough and clean out her lungs.

This was not her first time with pneumonia, and it wouldn't be her last.

What was most remarkable about this young woman, however,

was the love and support she had from her entire family, not just mom and dad.

Her three siblings were also part of this wonderful caregiver team.

They joked with her, encouraged her, reassured her, loved her . . . all of them.

It was beautiful to see.

The story turns sad as eventually, months later, the patient succumbed

to an infection despite aggressive treatment.

However, the compassion and joy I saw that day, like rays of light

emanating out of her caregivers, left me happy inside.

Caregivers come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life:

male and female, spouse, adult child, parent, grandparent, friend or hired assistant.

They can provide care at home, in assisted living centers,

in nursing homes or in some other institution.

They will be doing this job possibly out of obligation, duty,

financial responsibility, love, compassion or sometimes as a job for pay.

Many people develop the need for a caregiver after trauma, illness, stroke,

or simply aging, while others require help from birth.

The needs of the compromised individual can also vary.

Sometimes they require lots of help with activities of daily living

including bowel and bladder care or even help with feeding and hydrating.

Sometimes the person only needs someone to check in on them every day,

or give them a kind word every once in a while.

After my Dad died, I found myself calling my mom every morning

while I was on the way to work for a short call.

After several years of this, when a stroke took this pleasure away,

I came to realize out how much I grew from and enjoyed those daily conversations.

It had been a mutual gift we were giving each other.

The following lessons for caregivers might be helpful:

1. Practice listening,

2. Be kind, honest, and respect your patient's choices as much as possible,

3. Seek alternatives if you're feeling burned out, and

4. Realize the value you receive by the giving of yourself.

For more infomation >> Caregivers Get Back More Than They Give | By Richard P. Holm - Duration: 3:08.


Chevrolet Cruze 1.8 LT | 33.845 km | climate | cruise | PDC - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Cruze 1.8 LT | 33.845 km | climate | cruise | PDC - Duration: 1:07.


Bitcoin Weekly Analysis: Price-Volume Divergences - Duration: 5:56.

Here I am going to illustrate my BTC Weekly overview against volume.

I'm going to look at OBV and KO only.

First of all, I need to establish a non-diverging descending trend.

That connects the highs but not the ones which were previously diverging with the volume indicators.

Now you can place the bearish divergence, and also if observed, the bullish divergence as well.

Here, we are done with understanding the trend until June 2018.

What happens next is interesting!

Note that the price declines but the volume picks up on most of the exchanges since June 2018. But with that rising volume, BTC could not break the price trend line.

So, why not? The price should have followed the volume.

This means that the trend has been slightly different i.e. post OBV divergence, we have a flat base/support.

So what's next?

Let us closely see if OBV continued bullish and bearish divergences.

I tried to annotate on the screen as much as I could.

It is clear that the bearish momentum is loosing while the buyers are accumulating.

OBV doesn't form any further descending trend line, while the price does.

This only means one thing, OBV has broken the trend line (leading) prior to the price, which may happen in coming weeks.

For more infomation >> Bitcoin Weekly Analysis: Price-Volume Divergences - Duration: 5:56.


'Honestidad' Sahi, en 'First Dates': "Nunca había tenido una cita con una embarazada" - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Sahi, en 'First Dates': "Nunca había tenido una cita con una embarazada" - Duration: 4:05.


Rubbing bone method that improve tennis elbow. - Duration: 5:10.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about rubbing bone method that improve tennis elbow.

My improvement video of tennis elbow is there are some. It use self massage technic of recently. My skill is increasing daily.

This time,aiming place is back side of wrist. This place is wrist side of forearm. There is radius and ulna into this place. In self care is aim between of radius and ulna.

At first,check the self condition. It is turn and stretch of hand finger,wrist movement,elbow movement,and check the pain when push elbow. Please remember that.

I told about effect of treatment of bone edge into little before. I do explain based on it. Please turn wrist.wrist bone by that is come out outer. And to touch wrist bone is become easy.

Please rub back side of wrist in that state. It soften stiff muscle that there is into this place. Please hit finger second joint of self fist into between dent of bone and bone.

Please rub with that condition. Maybe you feel strong pain. But this painful is of when soften stiff muscle.

Your muscle can't absorb the impact by having many stiff muscle. If you could to get soft muscle,that painful become none. But continue to do stimulation the same place is i don't recommend.

Because skin etc is become hurt. Please stimulation also around point.

And check now condition again. It is turn and stretch of hand finger,wrist movement,elbow movement,and check the pain when push elbow. Please check to it is improving more than before do self care.

Case of me,come out effect soon to take many time already. Person that not use this self care until now is OK with about 2 minute. Because stimulation is strong.

I hope to you check condition into some days after. Maybe your condition become healthy little by little.

If you are possible,also opposite side doing. Almost people do self care the painful side mainly. Please compare with opposite side after few days.

Maybe pain side will be soft more than opposite side. Please check now condition everyday.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> Rubbing bone method that improve tennis elbow. - Duration: 5:10.


ウェルベックが股抜きV弾!S・リスボン下したアーセナルが公式戦11連勝 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> ウェルベックが股抜きV弾!S・リスボン下したアーセナルが公式戦11連勝 - Duration: 2:28.


Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro Pro Line S , 2x s-line , navigatie - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro Pro Line S , 2x s-line , navigatie - Duration: 1:08.


ウェルベックが股抜きV弾!S・リスボン下したアーセナルが公式戦11連勝 - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> ウェルベックが股抜きV弾!S・リスボン下したアーセナルが公式戦11連勝 - Duration: 1:33.


美容大王大S再出山主持美容节目 干货多容易种草和拔草 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> 美容大王大S再出山主持美容节目 干货多容易种草和拔草 - Duration: 3:00.


昏了頭了,此國居然要求中國撤走防空彈,國防部怒懟:這是中國地盤啊 - Duration: 7:57.

圖為我軍裝備的紅旗 -9地空飛彈 近 日,





公開對華提出了一個無 理的要求:中國必須 撤走在永興島上部署 的防空飛彈。

而中國國防部發言人對 此只用了一句話進行 回答:「這是中國領 土,

部署防禦設施相當合理 。


對於越南如此的無理取 鬧,



而在在新聞中提及的防 空飛彈,

就是我軍當前裝備的最 新型地空飛彈紅旗- 9了。


它稱得上是我軍陸基和 海基方面防空的絕對 主力。

在我國各個重要地區均 有紅旗-9的部署,

而海軍的各種主力驅逐 艦,

如052C、052D 和055的垂髮里,

也都搭載了紅旗-9的 海基型號海紅旗-9 。

圖為在朱日和閱 兵上出現的紅旗-9 改進型號 在上世 紀八九十年代時,

我軍的主力防空飛彈序 列中依舊保留有大量 仿自SA-2的紅旗 -2飛彈,


痛感國土防空能力的不 足,

我軍一方面從俄羅斯引 進了S-300系列 防空飛彈,

另一方面也開始了國產 新型防空飛彈的研發 。

在1997年時這種飛 彈正式以紅旗-9的 編號列裝了部隊。

這是我軍首次裝備國產 的區域防空飛彈。

與同期的S-300類 似地,

紅旗-9採用的也是8 X8的底盤,

其發射筒外觀也與之頗 為神似,

故一度有傳言稱其實際 上就是S-300的 仿製型號。


紅旗-9的彈體結構和 S-300差別很大 。

其性能也已經超過同期 的S-300對應型 號。

紅旗-9可在125公 里內以最大4.

2馬赫的速度攔截目標 ,

並具備了一定的反導能 力。

圖為同樣使用海 紅旗-9艦空飛彈的 055大驅 在前 不久舉辦的朱日和閱 兵上,

紅旗-9的改進型號也 公開亮相了。


新型飛彈不僅射程擴展 到了200公里,

其最大的飛行速度也上 升到了6馬赫,

這無疑意味著飛彈攔截 效率有了極大的提升 。

在和能同時檢測500 公里內100個目標 的SJ-212相控 陣雷達的配合下,

可以為部隊支撐起極為 牢固的防空屏障。



即海紅旗-9也成為了 當前我軍水面艦艇的 主力裝備。

其性能已經遠超我軍進 口的俄制SA-N- 6和SA-N-7艦 空飛彈。

在陸基型紅旗-9改進 型號出現後,

毫無疑問地海基型海紅 旗-9也將迎來性能 的全面升級,

屆時我海軍的防空能力 還將得到進一步的提 升。

在將來艦載預警機服役 後,

海紅旗-9改進型的超 地平線攔截能力還將 更上一層樓。

這是中國科技的歷 史一刻! 這是中 國反擊的輝煌一刻! 一 昨夜8 點整,

華為余承東自信地走上 IFA2018世界 級舞台,

當著蘋果高通三星的面 ,

正式發布麒麟980! 六項世界第一,

炸得科技圈徹夜無眠! 1、全球第一顆 7納米的手機晶片: 華為在不到 1 平方厘米,


塞進了69億顆電晶體 。

而蘋果、高通最強 的也不過40多億顆 。

2、全球第一顆基 於Cortex-A 76的晶片: 麒 麟980共有8個內 核,


2顆高性能內核、2顆 中性能內核、4顆低 性能內核,



3、全球第一顆採 用G76 GPU的 晶片: 一直有人 說華為玩遊戲不如蘋 果,

這次集成了最高端的M ali-G76 G PU,

圖形處理能力飆升46 %,


4、全球第一顆集 成雙核 NPU 的 晶片: 去年的麒 麟970裝入人工智 慧晶片NPU,

已經讓蘋果高通措手不 及。

這一次的麒麟98 0,


5、全球第一顆L TE Cat.

21基帶的晶片: 當高通用Cat.

20向4G極限致敬時 ,



下行速度達全球最高1 .


成為5G前的最強通信 基帶! 6、全球 第一顆LPDDR4 X內存的晶片: 搞了7納米、8核、 GPU、人工智慧、 最強基帶的華為,



頻率突破2133MH z。


麒麟980里的wif i模塊,

也不再向美國博通購買 ,


又一核心實現中國國產 ! 二 這一 刻,


感謝它在2004 年卡住華為基帶的脖 子,

把華為逼上了這條自主 研發的道路! 當 時高通一點都不擔心 ,

因為華為用了5年發布 的第一款晶片K3,


甚至還不如當時的聯發 科。


華為咬碎牙發布了40 納米的K3V2,


甚至與GPU都不兼容 ,






930、950、97 0,



天不負!從K3到麒麟 980,




一雪前恥! 三 一邊是揚眉吐氣的 沸騰,

一邊卻是被關在門外的 痛心!時至今日,

我終於明白了華為的那 句:痛並快樂著! 美國封殺華為後,

澳大利亞也將華為關在 門外,



日本、俄羅斯也或將跟 進。

我們總是口口聲聲 科技無國界,

別人卻一次又一次把我 們關在門外。




西方遏制我們科技發展 的原因很簡單,


會像他們當初欺負我們 一樣,

欺負他們! 朋友 們,


便是給對手最好的「報 復」! 我們不需 要什麼禁止蘋果、高 通,

更不需要抵制這抵制那 ,


不再陷入自我否定的怪 圈。

不用怕別人耍陰招 ,

我們是開放包容的大國 ,








要知道中國一直都是在 冒著敵人的炮火,

前進! 最後,

我還是想用這句話來結 束全文:有朝一日鳳 祥天,


For more infomation >> 昏了頭了,此國居然要求中國撤走防空彈,國防部怒懟:這是中國地盤啊 - Duration: 7:57.


Renault Mégane 1.2 Energy TCe 130pk S&S Bose - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.2 Energy TCe 130pk S&S Bose - Duration: 1:07.


Brigitte Macron tremble : son mari est la cible d'un déséquilibré ! - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron tremble : son mari est la cible d'un déséquilibré ! - Duration: 1:37.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi DynamicLine Nieuw Model, Navigatie, 16'' LM velgen, Climate- & Cruise Control * - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi DynamicLine Nieuw Model, Navigatie, 16'' LM velgen, Climate- & Cruise Control * - Duration: 1:09.


Kia cee'd 1.4 T-GDi ExecutiveLine Lederen bekleding, Pannorama schuif-/kanteldak, Navigatie, 17" LM - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.4 T-GDi ExecutiveLine Lederen bekleding, Pannorama schuif-/kanteldak, Navigatie, 17" LM - Duration: 1:14.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI Comfortline Navigatie, Achteruitrijcamera, 16" LM-velgen * - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI Comfortline Navigatie, Achteruitrijcamera, 16" LM-velgen * - Duration: 1:12.


Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI BUSINESS PACK 5D, Navigatie, 17" velgen, Trekhaak afneembaar * - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI BUSINESS PACK 5D, Navigatie, 17" velgen, Trekhaak afneembaar * - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 0:52.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution AMG - Duration: 0:52.


BMW X3 3.0d High Executive - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 3.0d High Executive - Duration: 1:10.


Why Acura is Better Than Mercedes - Duration: 5:34.

Rev up your engines, petris says good morning scotty I'm planning

on buying an Acura TLX, what do you think is it a good pick over a c class mercedes

or 3 series bmw, yes for that it is acuras as they age they get to be more expensive

to repair than say a toyota or lexus, but they generally don't start falling apart

until their 10 years or older, while mercedes and bmw are endless money pits from the very

beginning, your much better off buying the acura if those

are the choices you have, because I mean the mercedes and bwms, now you can get used ones

a lot cheaper because their resale values are garbage, but their going to cost you a

lot more to fix, the resale value of the acura is acutally higher percentage wise than the

bmw or mercedes, because it is a better made car in the long run,

beast says my dad wants to buy a 1971 vw bus any thoughts, I guess he was a hippy back

in the day right, now he wants to relive his hippy days or wants to pretend he's a hippy,

those are very simple vehicles, their pretty easy to work on, the problem is those are

becoming very popular, because a lot of people who were hippies in the 60's now have money

to spend, so they go for an awful lot of money, I've seen them around here in texas, some

of those things are going for $15-20k, to be that's a lot of money for a thing that

can barely get out of it's way, they had weak very little power engines, but if he really

wants one, the parts are around and their easy to work on, you know their fun vehicles

to drive around if he doesn't mind spending the money he has to spend, parts are around

and if he really like one, hey go right ahead, super, when I drove my car it started spitting

oil after a transmission fluid change, ok I'm assuming whoever did the change put too

much fluid in, all automatic transmission have to be vented because of the way their

designed, so they all have a little vent and usually

the vent has a check valve, so it can't suck water or anything and it can only spit the

fluid out, if some fool put too much fluid in it, automatic

transmissions, most of them hold a lot of fluid, some of them hold 18-28 quarts of fluid,

and they get hot and as they get hot the fluid expands, and if they put too much fluid and

as it expands, it's going to start spitting the fluid out of that vent hose, so you want

to make sure it doesn't have too much fluid, have it checked, if it has too much fluid,

drain it out so it has the right amount of fluid, odds are that's what it is, I see that

all the time, people put too much fluid in and then when it heats up, it start spitting

the fluid out, now if it's not transmission fluid or something

else, whoever did the work messed up and knocked

a hose or a line off or something and take it back to them and have them fix the problem

they created in the first place, mc says scotty can a bad oxygen sensor give

me bad gas mileage, well of course it can but here's the thing

you have to understand about oxygen sensors, oxygen sensors measure the left over oxygen

that's in your exhaust and that tells the computer so the computer will always try to

make your car run at the perfect air fuel ratio, which is like 14.7 parts air to 1 part

gasoline, so generally the oxygen sensor is just telling

you how the system is working, and if the oxygen sensor shows that your system

is running rich, more often it's a problem like a leaking fuel injector, you have a problem

that's making the engine have too much gasoline in it so more comes out of the exhaust and

the oxygen sensor tell you it's running rich, it's not usually the problem itself, now oxygen

sensors can like everything else wear out over time and let's say you got a junker that

burns a bunch of oil, well that oil burning is going to clog up the oxygen sensor and

give it false reading of course, most of the time the oxygen sensor is telling

you of a different problem in the car and it's not the senor themselves,

I bought an old 1982 ford f150 300 straight 6 cylinder for $900, it's cold in North Dakota,

I drive it 5 miles down the road and it putters along and seems like it's not getting power,

what seems to be the problem, what are you talking about, a 27 year old truck, you know

there could be a bunch of different problems, start out with the most simple thing would

be, change the spark plugs, the air filter, the fuel filter, then see what happens, if

it still does it, the you'd want to pressure test the fuel pump, a weak fuel pump will

do the whole thing, and you only paid $900, you might if you have a pressure gauge or

a friend with one, just do a wet and dry compression test of the engine, I've got videos for that

on YouTube, and see if the engine is just flat worn out,

because if it's that old and you find out the pressure in the cylinders are low, it's

just a worn out engine, and that's so easy to test on those it would take you 15-20 minutes,

you might start by checking the engine to see, hey is this worn out or is it good and

I can fill it with other stuff, Chad says I got an Audi v8, I'm looking for

a cheap way to clean intake valves, how concerned should I be about destroying my cat thanks,

well audi the company itself tells people not to use cleaners, because they say if you

get carbon built up, the carbon can get out if it breaks up and not only can it ruin the

catalytic converter, if you have a turbocharged ones it can get in an ruin your turbocharger,

they advise you not to do it at all, but if you want to do it,

I've got a video on how to make your car run better with a little spray cleaner, watch

that, those cleaners are pretty safe cleaners, I've used them on customers cars and I've

never had any problems with them yet, so you might try that and it will cost you like $15

for the cleaner just follow the directions to a T to what I show and your not going to

hurt anything generally, so if you never want to miss another one of

my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!

For more infomation >> Why Acura is Better Than Mercedes - Duration: 5:34.


Brigitte Macron grince des dents : Alexandre Benalla a encore dérapé ! - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron grince des dents : Alexandre Benalla a encore dérapé ! - Duration: 1:35.


SC candidates for governor prepare for second and final debate - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> SC candidates for governor prepare for second and final debate - Duration: 1:49.


Absolutely Cute Lil Blue THOW New Hampshire by Tiny Living Spaces - Duration: 2:53.

Absolutely Cute Lil Blue THOW New Hampshire by Tiny Living Spaces

For more infomation >> Absolutely Cute Lil Blue THOW New Hampshire by Tiny Living Spaces - Duration: 2:53.


WORST Rappers in the Game? - Kid Buu (Episode 25) - Duration: 11:20.

So this is an interesting one.

I've seen so many people talk about the controversies around Kid Buu, but not many

actually talking about his music.

So even though he doesn't have a whole lot out, just like the Lil Pump video, we're

making an exception and doing one on him early because i was really curious to see how his

music sounds, and I have something to say about it.

So today in Worst Rappers in the Game? we will be looking at the man formerly known

as Humongous the God.

aka 30 year old who pretends to be 20.

To get an opinion of his music, I listened to his Blind For Love project and three separate

singles that he has also released.

So, is Kid Buu one of the worst rappers in the game?

Well this is CDTV, and that's the question we're about to answer.

Part 1: Voice

Kid Buu has claimed that he is a clone, and you guys might be surprised when I say this,

but I believe him.

And here is the proof.

Like yeah, this is the proof, his music is the proof because oh my god this guy does

not have his own unique sound.

You're gonna notice a theme with each of these segments in this episode, and that is

that it's hard to grade Kid Buu's music like this because he literally copies other

rappers styles.

Like I don't mean indirectly, I mean straight up biting their music with no shame.

And because of this, it's honestly impossible to actually decipher what his vocal style


As far as I'm concerned Kid Buu doesn't exist vocally.

A perfect example of this is the song Heart Break where he sounds like Trippie Redd on

the hook and sounds like a carbon copy of Lil Uzi on the verses.

It's the same for the song No Romance too.

There are songs like Greener Days though, where it's either him actually sounding

a bit different, or I just haven't heard the rapper or song that he's biting yet.

But the problem with that song is that his voice just sounds dreadful anyway.

It sounds like if you took an early 2000's emo band singer and waterboarded his voice

with autotune.

As for the tracks where he's not singing and he's just rapping, his voice can be

ok, but it's just very non-descript like on the song Double Up.

I honestly think the only song where I like his voice is the verse of On Me, and that's

pretty much it.

Overall, I'm gonna have to give Kid Clone a 1/10 for his voice.

I just cannot give him a higher score when he's intentionally ripping off other rappers

styles, because it means Kid Buu doesn't actually have a voice.

I legit would not recognise him if he featured on someone else's track, and I genuinely

can't say that for any other rapper in this series.

Part 2: Flow

As you can imagine, this one isn't really that different from the last segment.

Usually when you're imitating another rappers voice, you try to hide it by doing a different

flow, but not Kid Duuplicate.

And by far, the absolute worst showcase of this is on the song Dead Roses.

I don't know how he managed to do this man.

Kid Buu, you ripped off NAV.

How do you rip off Navraj?

How in the world do you rip off somebody who isn't even that original himself in the

first place?

He even straight up re-uses some of NAV's lyrics.

That is theft on a whole different embarrassing level.

Another shameful example of this is Death 2 SoundCloud, where he steals Smokepurpp's

flow for the hook and X's flow and ad libs for the verses.

This mans taking so many bites that I'm surprised he's still skinny.

But, I do have something at least kinda positive to say here.

Even though they're not original flows by any means, he pulls off some impressive cadences

on poppa, On Me, and Double Up.

He's obviously aiming for a Ski Mask Flow, who features on the track, but at least it

goes together nicely.

I'm gonna give him a 3/10 here, his flows are definitely compatible with the beats he

uses and he doesn't really have any glaringly bad ones, but again the biting is just way

too strong.

You can't really give someone a high score for listening to someone else's rapping

and structuring their bars the exact same way.

Part 3: Lyrics

We don't need to spend too much time on this one.

Like, at all.

The best way I can show this is by bringing up a point about most of the rappers in this

series so far; most of them, even the ones with obnoxiously bad lyrics, have something

that is unique to them.

You hear it in their lyrics and you know it's them.

With Juice WRLD you'll get sad lyrics about drug abuse and heartbreak.

With NAV you'll get the same, with more glorification of the drugs and a sprinkle

of brown boy thrown in there.

Even Lil Pump has lyrical tendencies, talking about having sex with your family members

and ridiculous lyrics that are funny cause they don't make sense.

It fits the ignorant but confident character he's tryna portray.

Just little things like that that you then associate with that artist.

Kid Buukake doesn't have any of this.

Nothing that I hear and think of him.

Also if you care about rhymes at all, he's not even good at that, commonly rhyming with

just one syllable or just throwing out any attempt at writing and just rhyming the exact

same words with each other.

No creativity, no originality, no interesting mannerisms or any cool concepts, big fat old

0/10 for you my man.

And I don't give those out lightly, Kid Kounterfit is literally devoid of anything

to make him stand out.

If you could point out a bar of his that has actually stuck with you in the comments, I'll

give you a big old heart on that comment, cause I can't think of one.

Part 4: Beats

Unsurprisingly, this is the best aspect of Buu's music, he frequently works with a

producer called Oohdem Beatz, and he's fairly good.

Nothing innovative of course, but he knows how to make some hard hitting production.

For example, the beat for Death 2 SoundCloud, that is just incredibly hard.

The bass is very heavy without being distorted, it sounds very Ronny J-like, and the siren

sound adds even more urgency to the sound of the beat.

But without a doubt, the most interesting beat he has used is the one for Poppa.

It's got this chilled out vocal sample in the background, but most of the other elements

of the beat have a kind of creepy sound to them and it makes for an interesting contrast.

And anther great beat is the one for his song Drought Season.

Honestly there's not really any beats he's used that I think are awful, but there are

a few that are just kinda average.

Tracks like Say No Names and Heart Break don't really have production that is that intriguing,

and that's not great when production is pretty much the primary reason to listen to

Kid Buu.

Considering that most of the beats alone sound pretty good and they do work with Kid Buu

well enough, I'll drop him a 7/10 for this.

Just like with everything else, his production choice doesn't have any unique elements

to it at all, and it only changes depending on who he's copying, but fundamentally it

does sound nice.

Part 5: Enjoyment

You already know he's not getting a high score here.

Now I can kinda understand why no one has really talked about Kid Buu's music in a

critical way, because it's just very obviously a rip off.

And it's very clear that he knows this.

You see, he even directly copied his name from Kid Buu, a character from Dragon Ball

which I'm pretty sure is a copyright infringement issue but whatever.

Now in Dragon Ball, Kid Buu is a character that, from what I understand, changes his

powers depending on who he absorbs.

In that way, there's kind of a concept around Kid Buu the rapper, where he does the exact

same thing, but just absorbs other rappers cadences, lyrics and flows.

That's almost a cool idea, but does that really excuse the fact that he just chose

that name as an excuse to not be unique in any way, shape or form?

Absolutely not.

All you need to know is his best songs are Double Up, poppa, On Me and Drought Season.

Boom bam pow, let's him with the 0.5/10 for my enjoyment.

This is another one of those rare rappers in this series where I legitimately do not

feel the need to come back to his music ever again, unless he drops something new to check

out if he's improved, and that is not an exaggeration.

Part 6: Verdict + Ranking

So overall, Kid Buu gets a score of 12/50 here, placing him pretty close to the bottom

of our list as you can imagine.

More specifically, this puts him at number 23 out of 25, 1 spot below Lil Pump (who definitely

needs to be re-rated soon), and 1 spot above Lil Xan.

And even then, I might have to give Xan an extra point here or there to move him up,

because at least he's recognisable.

Kid Copy Paste is genuinely the most disposable rapper I've ever heard.

When you've listened to a full tape from an artist and you still genuinely don't

know what that rapper actually sounds like, that's a problem.


For more infomation >> WORST Rappers in the Game? - Kid Buu (Episode 25) - Duration: 11:20.


GTA San Andreas - La Serie - Episodio 7/54 Temporada 6 - Duration: 13:09.

For more infomation >> GTA San Andreas - La Serie - Episodio 7/54 Temporada 6 - Duration: 13:09.


Charlotte Casiraghi maman, comment elle poursuit la tradition - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Casiraghi maman, comment elle poursuit la tradition - Duration: 1:35.


Brigitte Macron : l'étrange comportement de Tiphaine, sa fille, sur Instagram... - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron : l'étrange comportement de Tiphaine, sa fille, sur Instagram... - Duration: 1:35.


Just Another Tournament | Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Ninfora Tournament #41 - Duration: 44:48.

I have a license to use Nintendo's content in this video through the Nintendo Creators Program. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo, but any advertising revenue from this video will be shared with Nintendo.

For more infomation >> Just Another Tournament | Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Ninfora Tournament #41 - Duration: 44:48.


Laeticia Hallyday discrète à Paris, la vraie raison de son retour - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday discrète à Paris, la vraie raison de son retour - Duration: 1:22.


Liverpool or Man City to win the title? Man Utd legend Gary Neville reveals his preference - Duration: 3:14.

 But Manchester United legend Gary Neville knows the title could come down to a battle between their two biggest rivals and he's revealed who he'd rather see lift the trophy

 Last season, Manchester City stormed the Premier League, breaking the 100-points barrier, losing just twice in 38 games

 Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool could only finish fourth, as they battled to a Champions League final, finishing a huge 25 points behind City

 But with Liverpool spending big in the summer, many pundits and fans are predicting the Reds to be a lot closer in their challenge this time around

 And with nine games of the season gone, it's City and Liverpool who find themselves joint top with neither side yet to taste defeat

 "The last thing I want to see is Manchester City and Liverpool at the top of the league!" Neville, who won eight Premier League titles with United, told Sky Sports

 "Liverpool could potentially win the league this season and that does not even bare thinking about for a United fan

 "And in some ways the lesser of the two evils is, let's hope City win it if it is going to be one of the two

 "Because at this moment of time, Liverpool actually look really dangerous and they are going to go a lot closer, and that is a real threat

 "So that should be the biggest challenge for United, because in reality you are looking at the two most successful clubs in English football history and that should motivate everybody to try and make sure the club wins

" As for United, Jose Mourinho's men currently occupy 10th spot in the league ahead of Everton's visit to Old Trafford on Sunday

 The Red Devils suffered a 1-0 defeat to Juventus in the Champions League in midweek and were comfortably outplayed on their own turf

 And Neville feels it's a major concern for the club that teams no longer fear playing at the near 75,000-seater stadium

 "There is not a team that comes to Old Trafford now and thinks, 'We do not have a chance,'" Neville added

 "That is just the reality of it. "And Everton will come with some confidence, but they will also realise it is Old Trafford and they have had some bad experiences there as not many of them will have played in teams that will have won there


For more infomation >> Liverpool or Man City to win the title? Man Utd legend Gary Neville reveals his preference - Duration: 3:14.


Rubbing bone method that improve tennis elbow. - Duration: 5:10.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about rubbing bone method that improve tennis elbow.

My improvement video of tennis elbow is there are some. It use self massage technic of recently. My skill is increasing daily.

This time,aiming place is back side of wrist. This place is wrist side of forearm. There is radius and ulna into this place. In self care is aim between of radius and ulna.

At first,check the self condition. It is turn and stretch of hand finger,wrist movement,elbow movement,and check the pain when push elbow. Please remember that.

I told about effect of treatment of bone edge into little before. I do explain based on it. Please turn wrist.wrist bone by that is come out outer. And to touch wrist bone is become easy.

Please rub back side of wrist in that state. It soften stiff muscle that there is into this place. Please hit finger second joint of self fist into between dent of bone and bone.

Please rub with that condition. Maybe you feel strong pain. But this painful is of when soften stiff muscle.

Your muscle can't absorb the impact by having many stiff muscle. If you could to get soft muscle,that painful become none. But continue to do stimulation the same place is i don't recommend.

Because skin etc is become hurt. Please stimulation also around point.

And check now condition again. It is turn and stretch of hand finger,wrist movement,elbow movement,and check the pain when push elbow. Please check to it is improving more than before do self care.

Case of me,come out effect soon to take many time already. Person that not use this self care until now is OK with about 2 minute. Because stimulation is strong.

I hope to you check condition into some days after. Maybe your condition become healthy little by little.

If you are possible,also opposite side doing. Almost people do self care the painful side mainly. Please compare with opposite side after few days.

Maybe pain side will be soft more than opposite side. Please check now condition everyday.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> Rubbing bone method that improve tennis elbow. - Duration: 5:10.


Getting Unstuck - Duration: 3:29.

You may say to me: Oh George Pransky, you don't understand.

That journey should have been two years, not 20 years.

But I would say you were the one that didn't understand if you said that.

You see because, you didn't anticipate all the things you'd have to encounter on this journey.

It's like the Ulysses. You know everybody's journey is like Ulysses.

It has setbacks and it has temptations and it has everything.

Now, what I'm doing with her is trying to show her, how human she is,

and how this is just a human experience that she's having, but she doesn't quite see it,

as a human experience because she has her own, like Michael says she has her own idea,

of how things should be for her,

which is not quite the same, as the rest of the human race.

But if you can see that, the humaneness of it, it won't have the meaning.

The meaning is what's hurting you. Not that time delay, it's not the difficulty.

It's the meaning that you're placing on it.

I don't know whether you feel bad about yourself, or you feel bad about the world.

but there's some meaning you're placing on it, that is causing your distress.

And that's what joining the human race does it washes away that meaning.

I mean it sounds to me if I can throw my oar in.

it just that you're worried about running out of time.

You're not gonna get there. Right! Well ....

Not gonna get my work done. Right! Yeah, yeah!

and you know. You might not (all right) and that's the truth of it for all of us.

Right, I mean I'm really kind of counting on getting home tonight.

But I'm also aware, that I live on a planet where that doesn't always happen (yeah)

Ah! So it's like it's the other way around, so instead of it's that thing

like instead of kind of presuming it's all supposed to work out.

We're lucky when it does, so if I do get my work done, or some of my work done (yeah)

Well, and I'm even gonna say it a little bit different than that. okay

whether we think it's lucky when it works out or we think it's unlucky when it doesn't,

we're just making up an opinion about the fact

that sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't.

yeah yeah! I didn't think it, it has to do with luck.

No, No! I'm just saying that essentially what we're the "truth of the human condition",

"one of the truths of the human condition", one of the inanities I'm about to speak ,

and it's a name because it's so obvious.

Is: "some of the stuff you try to do, will happen and some of it won't".

That's for those of you professionals at home.

This is a subtle clue, be collapsing in a fit of laughter, that someone has had an insight.

Thank you Jackie!

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