My name is Natasha Moulas I have two sons Nikolas and Chystian
Nikolas is nearly four and a half and Chystian's nearly two and a half
So they've both got ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder Nikolas was diagnosed in January 2017
and Chystian was diagnosed in October 2017
Actually with Nikolas it was a big shock there was a lot of grief there it felt
like things were were really hard up until that point but when we finally got
the diagnosis it felt like life was going to remain an incline rather than
get easier so there's a lot of sadness there with Chystian it came as a real
shock because he presented so differently to Nikolas so Nikolas was
a little bit more dis-regulated Chystian and very placid and very quiet so we
didn't really pick it up
Actually my mother-in-law had read a little article in the newspaper that
said there was a family that had really good success with introducing new foods
to their children that had a very narrow scope of eating and she cut the clipping
out and we were having a lot of difficulty with any color she said why
don't you try these people so so I ran up and I spoke to Casey and she
organised for an assessment somebody to come out and assess Nikolas and that
was one of the reasons we did ring Can:Do 4Kids and with conversation and
you know discussing different problems we were having with Nikolas we
realised that it wasn't just the feeding that we could have helped with and we
started realising there's a whole range of different aspects of especially
specific to OT and all of the areas it can help us with
I thought I knew what it was about but then when when they went through it
it was just far greater and far more fantastic than I could have imagined so
we really segmented the day we really broke everything down into sections
things that I wouldn't even consider where a problem like Nikolas wakes up
in the morning and he starts screaming as soon as he wakes up and he won't
leave his room until one of us go in there and that just became normal for us
but it wasn't until we actually had to speak about it and go through all those
interview questions that we really nutted everything out
It made me realise how much actually happens that I didn't realise what was
happening and that I felt validated then for feeling how flat I felt I mean I
feel some days like I'm in a sinking ship and I'm just trying to get on top
of everything so having everything on paper having the day on paper visually
made it real
We had a huge list of goals so then we just had to
prioritise on you know work on certain ones that we thought were more important
with Nikolas he's we had to always prompt him to go to the toilet so
it was about okay let's work on him going to the bathroom by himself without
us having to prompt him the other issue we were having that was a problem was he
would take up to an hour to eat his breakfast with me feeding him
it was just a long and arduous process and now we actually find that you know we've
shortened that to about 15 - 20 minutes
There's probably little successes along the way we had his interaction with his
brother was really difficult probably just from birth Nikolas had a bit of an
aversion to Chystian so that was always in the back of our mind but now they
seem to be playing a lot better together just with strategy she's given us to help them
Therapy is we're always re-focusing back on the goals that we set but they can be
very fluid so some weeks we we think we're going to start off and work on a
particular goal but then I realise that something else has become a little bit
more pressing so we work on that instead so I really like the idea that the RBI
helps put everything out on the table but then we actually have the ability to
shift our focus and you know work on things that are really presenting at the moment
We've been attending therapies with the children outside of the home
and you know they're great but unfortunately when we get home their
behaviors tend to revert back to how they are here so having help in the home
anything that is an issue we address and then we can work on directly so just
modeling the type of play behavior that boy for kids should do trying to
encourage Nikolas to share with Chystian that's really helpful
We have achieved greater confidence honestly there would be days that I
would feel you know I'm not I'm not going to get through this day
there's a lot of overwhelm every day sorry
So we have identified the areas where we do have support and the areas probably
where we're lacking support we both have sets of parents that help
us with the children but what we did identify is that because of their lack
of perhaps understanding about what ASD is their support wasn't always in
alignment with how we were trying to support the children so luckily enough
Annie has been able to come with us to to visit the grandparents and to also
educate them and help them be able to better help our children
So I will highly recommend Can:Do 4Kids because they
are approaching everything from a holistic point of view and therefore the
outcomes going to be holistic as well and that's what we all want as parents
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