Monday, January 23, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 23 2017

Yes, Pandey. What's the news?

Sir, our information is absolutely correct.

She's right here.

In Navjeevan Lodge.

Chaubey..catch that girl.

Pandey sir.

This is the first time when a criminal was caught..

..because the police gun didn't fire.

And you had to take credit for it.

Now..look at her all you want.

We came for the guy, but found the girl instead.

I am thinking..let's make good of the catch.

Panday, ji!

Why are you messing with me?

Just because you've the power.. you think you can poke your nose anywhere.

Stop blabbering.

Or else I'll shove this up your rear.

And all of it.

You'll be spending few days in jail.

And with this stick. Understood?

Don't mistake me for a novice.

I've hired the best lawyer.

As soon as he arrives, I'll get bail..

..and later, acquitted as well.

I am getting married on Sunday.

So..he's getting married.

What happened? - I am missing my mother.

I thought..I'll get married..

..and fulfill her last wish.

Sir..please let me go.

I'll just get married and come back.

By.. Tuesday.

Get up. Sit.


Fine, but let me tell you.

You're committing a sin by breaking my marriage.

A sin!

Our vehicle has broken down, sir.

Rambharose, fix the vehicle and come to the police station.

Get in. Come on.

Quickly. Sit down.

"Shoot through my heart.."

"..and take my life for the sake of love."

"Shoot through my heart.."

"..and take my life for the sake of love."

"They're hands are bounded by handcuffs."

"They've a carefree attitude..enjoy even pain."

"One's dishonest..the other's brazen."

"They're wandering nomads, that's all they are."

"The world's no match for them, they're expert players."

"They're like intoxicating liquor."

"The guns smell of gunpowder."

"Everywhere they go with blazing guns."

"Shoot through my heart.."

"..and take my life for the sake of love."

'English rap song'

'English rap song'

'English rap song'

'English rap song'

'English rap song'

'English rap song'

According to the report from CBI..

..after the attack on Mumbai, the tension with India's..

This is the picture where accident took place.

It's hard to say whether there are any survivors..

..after falling from this height.

Some dead bodies have been recovered..

..but two convicts are still at large.

The Police are still investigating..

..but they are keeping their options open.

Sir, he didn't pay up.

Who didn't pay?

Hey, listen.

We're heading the wrong way.

If anyone spots us, we'll be in trouble.

That's a dirt trail that leads through the jungle.

Come on.

It's this way.

Hey, why aren't listening?

That's not the way.

Madam, why don't you cover yours.

I'll hide mine. - What?

Your back.

Rear..what else?

Mind your language.

I don't want to talk to you in the first place.

You came up to me.

I am talking about your interest. - Why?

Am I the only decent man in this jungle.. could find to earn a merit.

Listen carefully.

If you get caught, I'll be in trouble too.

I noticed your foolishness back at the eatery.

So I'm not going to leave you alone.

Secondly, I came here first.

There's no way out. I've already racked my brains.

Get that?

Look, ma'am. I'll find my own way.

And if I don't, then I'll make one.

No need to show me the way.

"I've racked my brains."

Brute..he's a big oaf.

"I'll find my own way. "

"If I don't, then I'll make one. "

Are you satisfied now?

Done racking your brains.

Stupid idiot.

Are you married?

Because I am. On Sunday.

All the marriage preparations must be done.

And the groom..

..which is me is stuck on a mountain.

Get married. Oaf.

Stop. Munna.

How do you know my name? - I am no soothsayer.

Your name's tattooed on your arm.

You've a keen eyesight.

My brain's sharp too.

Now listen carefully Munna.. - Mishra.

Munna Mishra's my name. - Munna dear.

If you don't want to die a celibate, then do as I say.

The vehicle we were in plunged in a ravine.

The police doesn't know whether anyone's alive or not.

So pretend you're dead for a while. Understand.

Think..if the police think you're dead..

..then you'll be free for a lifetime.


Come on.

Come..follow me.

By the way, can I say something?

This is the first time..

..when I'm wandering with some lady in the jungle.

And with someone who speaks English.

Listen, please can we shake hands.

Come on.

Damn fool.

I'm really enjoying this time with you.

You're being so direct.

Don't think I am flirting with you.

We can never get along.

You're not my kind of girl.

No..I mean, ladies have a grace, beauty.

Shall we go?

The waist sways as they walk.

And anklets tinkle.

They smile like set of pearls.

And you're just you.

You wear jeans.

You can't talk without abusing.

So..we can never get along.

By the way, what's your name?



Your name's Babu.

Hey PT. Usha.

Where are you running off too?

What next?

What next?

You ask too many questions.

That's how you pickpockets are.

I'm a pickpocket?

And who told you that?

You don't look like a doctor or engineer.

And this is the problem with you small-time criminals.

You're always scared.

No confidence. - What?

You've no balls.

What to do?

I never met a girl like you before.

Let's get to the point.

We've to find a rundown place..

..which is in the middle of the population..

..but, no one comes there ever.

Don't worry, I'll teach you a few tricks as well.

You look like an expert.

Seems like you've eluded the police before.

I've lost count.

This was the first time I was arrested.

How many times were you arrested?

Then the Police must respect you a lot.


I mean..I was caught like a small-timer.

And you..were arrested respectfully.

Get lost.


What did you do to deserve such honor? - Get lost.

You commit crimes.

I do business.

Amazing. Businesswoman, huh!

What the..

There's no guarantee that you'll find God.

But one can definitely find a place to hide.

Come, follow me.

So what's your business?

Why are you so concerned? - Are you a call-girl!

Shut up!

Mind your language.

Your wife might be a call-girl.

I sell stuff.

Do you know what that is?

Drugs, marijuana, coke.


That's exactly what I was trying to say.

Don't be too smart.

I know what you meant.

My business is worth millions. - Millions.

I supply to Delhi and NCR.

And business can't be done alone.

I have a staff.

It takes a lifetime to build a business and make customers.

Understand? Rascal..

You have a foul mouth.

Even though you're a lady.

According to me, ladies shouldn't work at all.

Why do you do it?

And do what? Help boys like you.

Women are the pride of the family.

You should be handling the household chores.

Take care of the kids.

Take my wife for instance.

She's very nice.

I'll make a home and she'll look after it.

You've a low-mentality.

I am a modern girl.

Not like one of those girls who..

..spend their lifetime in household chores.

I live in the Capital.

Do you know what that is?

It's Delhi.

And I take decisions of my life.

Tell me.. - Shut up.

Suck on your toffee!

Why are you always so serious?

Were you pregnant?

You.. - Don't you listen..

Speak up rascal..

Hey business lady, get up.

How had I harmed you?

How had I harmed you? - What happened?

Why are you doing this to me?

Get down. - What the..

How did they get here?

How will we escape now?

Where are you going?

Spend few days in jail, and you'll lose your attitude.

Let me go, sir. - They are not here for us.

Oh, God. We're hiding in a police station.

Firstly, you gave me a headache with your English.

And I fell for it too.

Or else, I would've slid down that slope in the mountains.

Why are you so tensed?

You haven't been caught yet.

Your wish has been granted.


We'll surely raze this building down today.

To hell with them.

I slip right passed these policemen..

..yet, they had no clue about me.

By the way, you're quite an acrobat.

If this is the case, then soon you'll be an expert criminal.

If I look too small, then carry me in your arms.

You misjudge me.

I're a big criminal, aren't you?

Well, you're better than a pickpocket.

What were you arrested for?

Don't call me a criminal.

Even I run a business. Supply.

What do you supply?


I supply threats.

Have you heard about the owner of Dalmiya Mills?

Yes, the one who owns Laal Mills? - Yes.

He was recently kidnapped.

That was me.

Get lost.

They demanded a ransom of 10 million. - So?

Will I demand any less? I will demand 10 million.

Liar. Have you seen your face.

You will demand for 10 million.

10 million goes to the customer.

I am a freelance. I work for anyone who pays me.

Ladies, Gentlemen and my army brothers..

..Kabir bids your goodbye.

We'll meet again on same time..

She looks really stunning in a sari.

An important announcement..

Please come to the cinema hall.

What's your wife's name? - I haven't met her yet.

We don't meet before the marriage.

We can ask all questions after we're married.

I'm getting 500,000 cash and a Maruti car for dowry.

Does the girl know about your business?

Tell her.

Otherwise, you'll be scared to tell her later.

What? - Scared.

Can I say something?

When I shot a gun for the first time, I was in a bad state.

I was completely wet.

It happens at first.

Later..there's no place left for fear.'s as easy as a cake.

You must be scared sometime too.

Yes, when I was a kid.

I was in an orphanage.

I was smart.

So Rathore..

The manager of the orphanage.

He got me admitted in a big school after class 6.

Not because I can get education and become successful.

No, no.

That rascal wanted me to supply stuff.. the rich kids in school.

Aren't you scared anymore? - Who? Police.

I am not scared of anyone.

If there was a mirror, that could.. our real faces, then this is how we would look.

Because we're evil.


Why do you get so furious?

Just because I called you evil?

I called myself one too.

Look, I've told you this before.

I sell that stuff to the world..because they buy it.

And Ravan was evil in his era..

..because there was a Ram.

In this era, everyone's a Ravan.

If that's what you think..

..then why did you get so upset?

Once you set your mind on something, it's hard to let go.

Your life's full of running around.

Anything else?

About marriage, kids? - Forget that.

When will I succeed in life?

When will I get the things that I desire?

You will. You definitely will.

But be careful what you wish for.

Dear, desires are a important thing.

By the time people know what they want..'s already too late.

I know what I want.

And I also know, I am destined for what I want.

Let's go.

Oh, my..

Punch him!

Punch him!

Where did you come from?

Now stay back for a while.

Don't go.

I don't ask everyone to stay back.

But you're fortunate.

By the way, there's something about you.



This happens every day.

Now that looks good.

"Where did you come from?"

"Now stay back for a while."

"Don't go."

"I don't ask everyone to stay back."

"But you're fortunate."

"By the way, there's something about you."

Want it?

"Tell me..what was my crime?"

"That you turned your back on me."

"I was punished for no reason."

"This was the first time I lost."

"We met unwillingly.."

", how do I save myself from you?"

"We locked horns unwillingly.."

" I am stuck without lifting a finger."

"What makes you so reject me."

"Don't think I am after you."

"I don't try so hard."

"We met unwillingly.."

", how do I save myself from you?"

"You shot my heart unwillingly.."

"..and, I was floored at the blink of an eye."

"We met..unwillingly."

"We locked horns unwillingly."

Waiter. Soda. - Yes, sir.

Why didn't you tell me?

Hello. I am speaking to you?

Answer me. Or have you lost your tongue?

From today..we go separate ways.

Look, I respect you, or else.. - Respect?

I saw how much you respect me.

No one can dare touch me in my village.

But here..I got slapped..

By a lady.

Well, a lady's looking for be a man.

Why are you weeping like a lady now?

Forget it.


Let go.

That's the same constable..

..who caught me before the accident.

Waiter, get me another bottle. - Here, sir.

Keep the bottle with your right hand, on this table.

What difference does it make, sir, whether it's left or right?

These things can be a matter of life and death.

Sit. Not here.

This way.

I was in the police vehicle..

..that plunged in the ravines. - What?

But few minutes before the accident.. senior asked me to get down.

All the criminals and policemen..died.

And next day..everyone's name was on the list of dead.

Except for me.

Now I'll leave.

Always exit from south.

I forget.

Make me a peg too, let's celebrate.

One more.


Complete freedom.

What will you do now? - I will.

There's lot I still need to do.

But, I won't this mistake again.

What? You will quit this business.

Are you crazy? I won't quit my business.

I mean..I won't repeat the mistake..

..for which I was arrested.

And what about you?

Oh're a groom.

You'll get married.


Say it.

I don't think so much.

I'll see what happens.

Tell me something..

If we were still stuck, you would be.. to attend your marriage?

Then what? - Marry you.

Me? Marry me?

But you don't like working women.

I won't quit my business.

Yes..just say yes.

I mean..just impress the girl anyhow.


I can clearly see you're lying.

"Where did you come from?"

"Now stay back for a while."

"Don't go."

"I don't ask everyone to stay back."

"But you're fortunate."

"By the way, there's something about you."

My dear Munna, you don't always get what you want.

Sometimes you need to snatch it.

Munna, you hit the jackpot.

"O beloved.."

"O beloved..I am a wanderer."

"O beloved.."

"O beloved..I am a wanderer."

"I can forsake..the entire world for you."

"I can change destinies."

"I can forsake..the entire world for you."

"I can change destinies."

"O sweetheart"

"I keep an eye on your every detail."

"Sacrifice myself for all your wishes."

"O sweetheart"

"O Lord..let our memories speak.."

"O Lord..if there's a secret in the heart.."

"..then let it be revealed."

"Beloved..let's repay the debt of love."

"All the crimes in the world can be weighed too."

"All your joys should be fulfilled."

"My heart and my life's for you."

"O beloved.."

"O beloved.."

"O beloved..I am a wanderer."

"I accept any punishment You give."

"Take all I have, and just take me to my beloved."

"I accept any punishment You give."

"Take all I have, and just take me to my beloved."

"I can forsake..all kin and kith for you."

"And make..stones weep."

"I can forsake..all kin and kith for you."

"And make..stones weep."

"O sweetheart"

"I can give up my life for you."

"But I can't tolerate this separation."

"O sweetheart"

"O eyes are getting hazy."

"O beloved isn't coming back."


That's 20 million. Keep it safe at night.

"O do I cajole you now."

"I can either kill or die."

"I can win or lose."

"O beloved.."

"O beloved.."

"O beloved..I am a wanderer."

Rascal. - Let me go.

Shell out the money. - No.

I don't have anything.


You seem to be in the good books of the police.

I give them all the information..

..and also protection money.

You're an informer.

They report him. - I will the first chance I get.

But only if I get.


Who are you? - Lover.

Looking for help. - It's a love story.

You will find him.

Otherwise fate wouldn't have brought you to me.





Look out.

He'll pin you!

He'll pin you!

Don't lose.

The rascal lost.

What's wrong, Gulabo.

You look angry.

Don't you like watching wrestling?

Here. I switched it off.

One has to forsake his old love for the new one.

But my old flame has a big contribution in Rana's honor.

I was a wrestler. State level.

The rascals charged me with doping charges.

I started a business of what I was charged for.

Now..if I was still in my old profession..

..I would still be selling milk.

Tell me something new.

Jealous of my success. - Who's jealous.

Your attitude is really sharp

You're my team's manager.

If my love takes my life, it'll be worth dying.

What if your love leaves you someday?

You're not just my life, but my pride too.

If there's a conflict between love and pride.

Then I'll sacrifice love.

Uncle, it's Mika. Come out.

Breaking news before climax.

Uncle. I didn't betray you.

You think I am a fool.

I took the delivery. And kept it in the car.

Let it be, Mika.

These two can't betray us.

They don't have the guts.


We've been duped of 7 million.

Your throats must be parched.

Who can it be? - Can it be Sultan from Nagle.

No. Its defiantly Jadhav, from Mutton Bazaar.

He's been showing attitude these days.

Have you noticed.

I don't agree.

It can't be anyone of them.

Uncle, our stuff's been recovered.

Someone brought it back.

Call him.

It's the same stuff.. - Hello.

Where did you find this?

I didn't find it, I stole your stuff.

What made you change your mind?

This stuff's worth 7 million.

It would be worth that if I could sell it.

You can't sell this stuff in one go.

And even if I did, I would've been arrested.

And it takes a lifetime to settle down business, and make customers.


Sir, I just want to work for you.

What if I kill you? - Why?

I just saved you from losses.

Worth 7 million.

You're saving me from losses.. returning my own stuff?

Someone else could've taken it too.

But I returned your stuff instead.

He's new in the city.

No one has the guts to touch my goods.

I had heard the same, and I was scared too.

But when I stole the goods from your men.

I wasn't scared anymore.

You aren't scared anymore? - Yes.

Boss, don't kill me.

I can help you get loads of money.

Around 20 million.

Send some of your men with me.

I swear..if I don't get you the money..

..then you can shoot me.

Come on. - Stop.

I'll come along too.

I want to know how good he is.

If you have any doubts, then kill him.

Mika, stop the car.

It won't be right to go in trusting him.

Could be a trap.

Go take a round of the place.

I'll keep him here.

Do you think you're a hero?

Don't you love your life..

..that you came here to make a mess.

Why did you come here?

I couldn't say it back then..that I love you.

And you love me too. - Who said that?

Did I say it? - I am smart.

I knew.

What do you know?

And if it's about what happened in the train..

..then, it was just the alcohol.


I feel nothing for you.

Do you have any clue who I am?

I am Rana's..

I've been with him for 2 years.

And you don't know Rana.

He if finds out, he'll kill us.


Forget everything that happened.

Don't ever show him your face again.

Now get lost. - I won't go anywhere.

Are you crazy? Rana will kill you.

If you love dying, then allow me.

What happened?

Forgot how to shoot.

Or should I teach you?

His tip is right, and there's no danger.

Wake him up.

That day he pushed me.

How dare you come in. - Where's the 20 million?

You kept it in a black bag, didn't you?


There it is.

There's the black bag. Take it. - No. Don't.

This was wrong.

I won't spare you.

I won't spare you.

Catch him.


Come on!

You didn't attend your marriage.

Betrayed your wife.

I felt pity for you, so I made the sacrifice.'re such a pain!

Look, Gulabo.

My wealth line is getting bigger.

And mine too, boss.

Because now I am under your refuge.

You see..boss, this way I'll get a job too.

There's something negative about this boy.

But I don't know what.

He looks like bad luck.

Don't be fooled.

Ne can be useful as well.

He's brave.

And we're also expanding business.

Look, don't rack your brains.

Just do as we tell you.



Yes, boss, just give me one chance.

I'll put my life and heart at stake.

So Munna Mishra.

You're at your in-laws place.

The news is right about..

..police recovering a big consignment of drugs.

From the Nepal Border.

The stuff's in the Police storehouse.

But I don't have any connections there.

It's not a difficult job for you. - Try to understand.

I get marijuana and coke for you, but this is not the same.

Cocaine is a risky job.

It's not our cup of tea.

Then take us to someone who can.

ACP Ravat.

He's the only one who can do anything.

But he's a bit over smart.

And also a big price.

And anyway, cocaine business is worth millions.

We won't make him a small offer. - What?

Fix a meeting.

Fine, I'll do something. Goodbye.

How about another peg?

Now we rob his money.

Why you..

You're dead for sure today.

These guys will shoot you.

So let them shoot me.

So what?

Open your mouth.

I've brought betel leaf for you, with rose jam.

Open up.

Not the entire thing.

You're so crazy.

Get lost.

I put my life at stake only to see you.

And you're asking me to leave.

Let's chat for a while, this is fun.

This feels like some movie..

This is not a movie.

If anyone sees you, you will die.

Now leave.

Do you want me to beg? - Fine, give me your number.

Now go, please.

What if I don't? - Then die.

Fine, I'll die. - Munna.

Munna, go. Munna, go.

You took really long to get the money.

I got it right here. Do you want me to fly?

"Everyone finds me..attitude unique."

"But you never take notice."

"I can put my life at stake for you."

"I can kick the world away."

"There should be some sagas about us too."

"I want to take these risks in love."

"Taste this intoxication."

"And you'll face reality."

"We met unwillingly.."

", how do I save myself from you?"

"We locked horns unwillingly.."

" I am stuck without lifting a finger."

"We met..unwillingly."

"We locked horns unwillingly."

"We met..unwillingly."

"We locked horns unwillingly."

Hey boy.

Are you taking a walk in the park?

Don't just stand on my head.


Why did you stop?

Keep it at.

None of the boys are as strong as you.

I am destined for these massages by you.

Who's going to win?


Boss..what do you mean?

Now..I am not talking about us.

Who's going to win the game?

Kolkata or Delhi.

Delhi should win, right?

When did you get so attached to Delhi?

Did you lose your heart in Delhi?

It's called high quality pictures.

You're joking, boss.

Give him the packet.

Right, if TV nothing without DDB.

There's a name and address on it.

Now leave.

It'll take you 2 hours. - Yes, boss.

And listen.

Address me with respect.

People call me Rana.

Rana Boss. - Yes.

Yes, boss.

And listen.

Delhi has to lose.

Now go.

Darling, you continue.

"Glory to you."

"I was heading to the temple."

"Singing praises of Goddess."

"I was praying the Goddess."

"I was heading to the temple."

"Singing praises of Goddess."

"I was praying the Goddess."

You don't have the stature to do business with me.

Standing on your toes doesn't make you taller.

That's exactly what I am here for, ACP.

And as far as my stature's concerned.

I'm taller than you.

Don't mind, ACP.

I am a Jatt, I can't be too respectful.

Hi. I am Babu.


This stuff is worth more than 100 million.

How much?

Everyone offers commission.

We want to offer you partnership.

Like I said, we're here to be friends.

I've already kept 25 million in your car.

And the rest after we get the stuff.

Just get us the stuff.



Is she your wife?

She's not my wife, but she's obedient.

Yeah, I am hanging up now.

But remember, you're playing this gamble, not me.

The risk will be completely yours.

Chadda will explain you the rest.


You've lost your mind, Munna.

Try it on first.

You're looking stunning.

What are you doing here?

Let's run away.

Run away!

Are we playing hide and seek?

Rana will find us and shoot us.

You know it. I am helpless.

What is it?

Or is it difficult to let go of your lover?

Rascal, don't be such a foul mouth.

I never had a problem with all this, until you arrived.

But now.. - So what's the problem?

This is the problem.

By the way, you can go back if you want.

No need to risk your life for my sake.

Remember my name.

Munna Manohar Mishra.

I will become violent.

"I was heading to the temple."

"Singing praises of Goddess."

"I was praying the Goddess."

"O Goddess, show Yourself to your devotees."

"O Goddess, show Yourself to your devotees."

"I was staying awake at night."

"I was hinting the moon."

"I was praising the Goddess."

"I was staying awake at night."

"I was hinting the moon."

"I was praising the Goddess."

"O Goddess, show Yourself to your devotees."

"O Goddess, show Yourself to your devotees."

This was an easy job.

The cocaine will be yours..

..and I'll get my commission.

Give it.

Hail Goddess.

I don't know where they come from.

Get down from the car and surrender yourself.

You called yourself a friend, Chadda.

This is a nice way to keep our friendship.

To hell with our friendship.

Come on, surrender yourself.

Shoot at the tire.

Shoot at the tire.

Don't let him escape.

Here, sign here.

Munna, I called the narcotics on your advice.

But Rana escaped.

But Chadda was killed.

He was a bad guy anyway.

I still feel bad, couldn't be any help to you.


And Babu's way would've been cleared.

Forget it, I'll think of something else.

But I'll be indebted to you.

I am indebted to you..for giving me Chadda's tip.

He had ruined my business.

I had thought of trapping him. But..

We have no enmity, Mika.

You were conspiring against boss.

But who told the cops about this.

Except for you me and Mika no one else knew about.

Who's the betrayer?

Whoever it is..

Hello, boss.


Mika called me at the highway, but he didn't turn up.

So I thought I'll go take a look myself.

Boss.. - Why did Mika call you?

He said he needs your stuff delivered somewhere.

And he also said.. one should know about it.

Boss. Boss. No, boss.

He's lying. - No. No.

I don't know about the rest, but I'll kill him today.

He's the betrayer.

Don't be crazy, Rana.

Only Mika and we knew about this.

So how can it be him? You just said that.

He might not know?

But I've had a negative feeling about him.

I will.. - Stop, Rana.

Boss, Mika's on TV.

One of them was our informer..

..and the other, from whom we recovered the cocaine..

..hasn't been indentified yet.

Seems like he gave information about his gang. rascal.

I will always regret that someone else killed you.



Yes, ACP.


That asking for the rest of the money.

We don't have the stuff, how will we arrange for the money.

We'll have to, or else we'll be in trouble.

And this ACP..will arrest us both.

No, Rane.

Even after we borrow money from the market..

..we're still short by 10 million.

And he was 25. Where will we get the money?

Boss, how about the bank.

The bank.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we're going to play..

.."Who will be a Millionaire".

Keep them here, I'll be right back.

"Your making me crazy."

"A beautiful girl..dwells in my eyes."

"The two were bit flirting around."

"The boy was really naughty, everyone was scared."

"The boy was rich..loaded with riches."

"Wielding a gun."

"The boy's intoxicated..with your beauty."

"The boy's intoxicated..with your beauty."

"He says, my pockets are filled with money."

"Your beauty made me fail."

"Your beauty made me fail."

"Say yes, and come to me."

"I like you, how do I make you say yes."

"I'll even go to jail."

"The boy was rich..loaded with riches."

"The boy was rich..loaded with riches."

"Wielding a gun."

"The boy's intoxicated..with your beauty."

"The boy's intoxicated..with your beauty."

"He says, my pockets are filled with money."

Brother, take us to the fair.

Hey, don't blabber.

You want to go see a fair with this?

Go straight, no need go anywhere else.

Will go home? - Yes.

Let's go sightseeing, now that we have a chance.

We still have time.

Yes, We do have time.

But it doesn't take too long before time goes bad.


Time will mess up after we go back.

Lucky only for a day.

No freedom to love.

This is not life.

Why, did you get any love all day?

That's true.

What we did today, can't we do it every day,

Don't dream.

Fate doesn't shine on you every day.


Even after paying for our lives..

..this is all we have left.

Even I never made such a big profit.

The Lord has strange ways.

Sometimes He shuts down one option..

..and shows us another.

Sometimes He tightens His hold..

..or just lets us go.

Now watch..I was about to kill this boy.

You stopped me.

And now..we got this because of him.

Boss..I say, we can get more if you want. haven't understood me yet.

Think about business.

Chadda is dead.

Who will get us the stuff.

I don't understand this. - But I do.

Or should I said..I understand completely.

You mean..we can do this often.

Boss understands.

Whatever you say is right.

I can plunder the world for you.

"Fair faces..but evil at heart."

"Your loss is their gain."

"They care for no one.."

" they'll never care for you either."

"They've set out to hunt themselves."

"The guns smell of gunpowder."

"Everywhere they go with blazing guns."

"Shoot through my heart.."

"..and take my life for the sake of love."

"He looks naïve, and she's too hot."

"A picture carved on a wall with a dagger."

There have been many incidents..

..of loot and plunder around New Delhi..

..and in the neighboring areas .

Criminals are looting in broad daylight..

..but the police couldn't find a clue about them yet.

"You'll find them wherever there's commotion."

"Two wild birds in the city."

"The guns smell of gunpowder."

"Everywhere they go with blazing guns."

"Shoot through my heart.."

"..and take my life for the sake of love."


Through the back way.

Catch the scoundrels.

Don't let her run.

Catch the b***h.

Let the girl go. let her go.

Or else I will blow his brains out.

Let me go!




Munna! Munna!

Take care of him.

Why are you quiet? Say something.

I can't speak.

My mind's blank.

Maybe you're scared. - Scared?

You barely escaped by an inch.

If anything had happened to you..

..then what about me?

You're so sweet.

Forget all that.

I am right here, besides you.

Did anything happen to me?

I am alive. - I'm obliged that you're alive.

Check upstairs. Spare no one.

Can I say something?

I love you.

Can I say something too?

You're really lethal.

There's no one here. Let's go.

The house is empty. Inform Mr. Chauhan.

This is enough.

Let's get out of this city.

Sir, the house is empty, Rana gave us the slip.

But we've given orders to setup checkposts.

No matter where we go, Rana will find us.

And we'll have to gamble.

Then play it.

You're here.

Who are you trying to gamble with, darling?

Fill me in too.

I am really lucky for you.

Those cops know about us.

We were planning to deal with them..

..and you arrived. you handle all this.

Don't burden me with this anymore.

That's why I came here sniffing your scent.

Don't worry.

Come on.

I've a gift for you in the old manor.

So much?

The money that you looted..

..I spent it all on this.

Our drugs business just became international.

And it's head office will be far away..

In Nepal.

This is exactly what you wanted, right?

And business. What about the business here?

Don't worry about that.

Leave that to me.

Now Munna will handle the business here.

You just think about your dreams.

I've shown you the way.

Tomorrow morning we'll leave this place.

Make arrangements.

I have just two ways.

Either I die..

..or kill that scoundrel.

There's another way.

He's always alone with me. He trusts me.

This is an easy job for me, compared to you.

Your intentions don't look good.

I want your life.

What can be better than that?

You don't need to try too hard. You're a dagger.

I can just kill myself if you want.

Go and do pushups.

Only lovers can give their life.

You've none of those qualities.

It's not that difficult.

What do you want me to do.. that even I can be your lover-boy?

First time when I saw you..

..I felt a sensation in my heart..of lust.

I decided back them.

That this girl will be mine.

Boss..they're here with the stuff.

Again, breaking news before climax.

I'll be right back.

You couldn't do it?

Why couldn't you do it?

He was with you. And all alone.

I thought he might be dead by now.

Why couldn't you do it? - I was scared.

That's why I couldn't do it.

What now?

What have you thought? - I don't know.

Fine, no point in getting furious.

I'm really worried..I am in pain too.

I didn't ask you to come here.

When I said you should go back..

..and there's no chance for us, you didn't listen.

And now you say you're in pain.

What do I do about it?

I get it now.

You had a change of mind.

You always wanted to go abroad.

And that rascal's doing just that.

You're too smart.

And I am a fool.

I danced to your tune.


Your game was really nice.

Very nice. - Rascal.

If you think I betrayed you..

..then stab me right away.

Enough of this charade.

And tell me..what did you tell him?

I am sure he knows everything about me.

When have you two decided to kill me?

"I never imagined..I'll lose faith."

"My love..will face such consequences."

"If you didn't love me.."

"..I wonder why I still did everything you said."

"We met..unwillingly."

"We locked horns unwillingly."

"We locked horns unwillingly."

Boss. Boss.


You have her photo.


Tell me.. rascal.

Who sent you?

Who sent you?


Who d you think I am?

You like taking pictures, don't you?

You like getting romantic?

Tell me who you are.

Tell me.

Look. Look at the photo.

You dare to challenge me in my place.

Now I'll make her kill you.

Here you go.

Free him from his misery.


Don't leave me alive, Babu.

I'll be indebted.

I came here for you.

If you kill me.. trip will be successful.

Kill him. - Kill me.

It'll put an end to this love story.

Kill him.

Stop, Rana. Let him go or I'll shoot!

Munna, get in the car.

Look, Rana. Let me go with Munna.

I love you.

You go your way, and let us go our way.

You turned out to be a serpent.

Go. Go as far as you can go.

So that I'll have the time to decide your fate.


You did the right thing by telling me your intentions.

Now leaving you alive will be idiotic.

You're coming with me to my village.

But do you know any of the household chores?

Or will I have to do that.

Rascal, don't get too oversmart.

I know how to fire a gun.., why can't I learn the chores?

And what will you do, hog free food?

Why? Who's going to earn money?

I won't be getting any dowry.

How about some piping tea? - Yes.

I'll be right back.

How many were they?

Who was with them?

Sir, it was him. He was with the girl.

Even after all those good times we had.. still have some juice left in you.

If you had stayed with me.. would've lived life in luxury.

But're body will lay waste.

It'll be no good to you..or that lover boy.

Now call him.

You can't live together.

At least you two can die together.

You'll have to run for your life..if he comes here.

You think you're a player, Rane.

But he's been making you dance to your tunes.

Who informed the police?

My love.

Who killed Mika?

My love.

He kept you busy counting notes..

..and spent time with your darling.

And now he eloped with me..

..from right under your nose.

So who's the player?

Won't you say it now?

I know you feel very bad.

You lost, Rana.

You lost.


The police haven't succeeded in this hour long operation.

Both the criminals are hiding in this area.

And we've to soon will the police succeed.


They will throw us in jail.

Then how will we get married?

We'll have to settle our old scores.. start a new life.

Come on.

Can't you hear! Shut shop.

How old are you? - Rascal.

You're asking a woman her age.

Now, I was wondering.. many years would we have..

..after we get out of jail.

I don't know how much, but whatever we do..

..we can at least live freely.

We surrender.

We accept any punishment by the law.

No surrender.

Munna. Shoot the rascals.

Catch them, don't let them escape.

I think we're stuck.

Are you scared?

I won't lie.

I am scared now.

I am scared too.'s also paining.

The pain of my dreams shattering..

..which I wished to fulfill with you.

I couldn't get married after all.

I didn't know my other wife's name.

Do you know my name?


Bindiya Thakur.


..have you ever played "House".

Look that way.

You're back. You're late.

Your husband has a business, of farming.

He's bound to get late.

You was your day.

Forget about me.

Freshen up, I'll make tea.

Come on.

Did you make breakfast yourself..

..or make it yourself?

Rascal..come, sit.

I made it myself.

What do you think?

Are you the only one who knows everything?

Let go, your hands are wet.

Let's go up.

What's in it? - You'll know after you eat it.

But my hands are wet.

It's nice. Whatever it is.

Rascal. Liar.

You're lethal too.

No. No.

Munna. - No. No.


Well..are the kids asleep?

Open the door!

Open the door!

Break it down.

Open the door!

'If there was a mirror, that could..'

' our real faces, then this is how we would look.'

'Because we're evil.'

For more infomation >> Tamanchey Full Movie | Hindi Movies 2017 Full Movie | Hindi Movie | Bollywood Movies - Duration: 1:52:09.


Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:10.


Afonía, tratamiento y solución para la voz | CIO Bilbao - Duration: 3:57.

Hello, i'm Doctor Pérez Abraguin, we are at CIO Bilbao and we're glad to se you

here with us. Today we want to talk about aphonia, and more specific, about some

home made remedies that we can use where we are at home with disphony because

flu, or because we forced our voice. And also bust some myths about

some things we can use that are not really effective. Most disphonies

are produced because a voice abuse. Some are

produced because a sickness, and other because irritants like

tobacco or birth defects like cysts. But today we're going to focus on the most

typical ones. Those ones when you go to a party, or to San Mamés to

yell at a football match or simply a flu. ¿What

can we do at home? Well, as you already know, try to speak loud or

yell, speak slowly, not using long breaths nd ending

phrases taking air and speaking.

We'll see what we can do. What home made remedies can we use. A good one

that anyone can do is infusions. An infusion with a teaspoon of

bitter chamomile, mallow and mocil. We brew this and drink it

at night. This one is a great remedy. But if we don't like infusions

we can use the same ingredients but with vapor or steam. Another good

remedy is honey and lemon. ¿Can we use honey and lemon?Yes, this one works.

It works with disphonies, and also for those moments that our throat

is in pain and we're coughing. The lemon has this immunity stimulating

effect and also is an anti-infective, thanks to vitamin C. And honey, according

to some recent studies, because it has always been kind a myth from grandparents, but

some recent study shows that honey creates a film around the mucous

membrane, allowing to smooth that pain and even making our cough less

painful. But, the caloric amount is brutal, so if we are all day with

honey and lemon, we're going to get some weight. Another warning at this is

to avoid honey on children below 2 years old. Because honey can produce botulism

and kids are more exposed to this. Another alternative is the lemon, just lemon.

Lemon juice with half cup of water and a teaspoon of baking soda.

This produces an effect very similar to the one before mentioned.

Those three are the most useful home made remedies that we can use. Menthol

candy are not a good remedy. Menthol candy produces and inmediate

cold by evaporation, and is a fake feeling. It seems like we're getting better

but really we are drying the throat. We are going

to feel better for 5 minutes but the disphony is going to persist.

Lately is in a fashion the Chinese menthol. And its very irritative,

can cause chest pain and turn red. From here, we

advise against it. Its better to use the chamomile as we said,

and the honey and lemon, and we all can afford that and its going to help until

we can see you in the clinic. We always recommend to do an exploration, so we can see if there is

some important problem, and see why this disphony produces to try to avoid it

in the future. But those remedies are a good starting point

for you in this cases. So, we say goodby, thanks once more that you are with us,

and we want to remind you that you can consult us any doubt you may have,

both on our YouTube channel and our website or in our clinic or by phone.


For more infomation >> Afonía, tratamiento y solución para la voz | CIO Bilbao - Duration: 3:57.


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego


New Barbie™ Movie

For more infomation >> New Barbie™ Movie


1/23/17 16:12 (28-30 Hữu Nghị) - Duration: 46:37.

For more infomation >> 1/23/17 16:12 (28-30 Hữu Nghị) - Duration: 46:37.


DIY Mickey Felt Pin

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Build A Online Business Fro...

For more infomation >> Build A Online Business Fro...


#5 films anciens & cultes - Duration: 14:27.

For more infomation >> #5 films anciens & cultes - Duration: 14:27.


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


The Light Between Oceans

For more infomation >> The Light Between Oceans


Constitutional Court holds eighth hearing in impeachment trial - Duration: 3:07.

Korea's Constitutional Court is holding the eighth hearing in the impeachment trial of

President Park Geun-hye.

For the details, we go straight to our reporter Kim Ji-yeon at the court.

Ji-yeon, what's the latest?

This afternoon, Cha Eun-taek, the former co-director of the Creative Economy Initiative and a former

TV commercial director, testified that he saw President Park's longtime confidante Choi

Soon-sil use her computer to revise the president's talking points for Cabinet meetings.

Cha said Choi only used the computer to review drafts of the president's speeches,... which

he saw her do when he would go to her office.

He said that every time he visited Choi's office, which was once every two to three

weeks, he thought he heard Choi speaking with President Park using a phone she regularly

used to talk to the president.

Cha also mentioned that he was surprised when a phrase that he had shared with Choi... was

later included in remarks the president made at a meeting with senior presidential secretaries

-- word for word.

The phrase was about how good companies are being bought by conglomerates and great companies

are being bought by Google, while really fantastic companies are being bought by Alibaba.

Cha also admitted to recommending several people for key government posts and a conglomerate

marketing team at Choi's request,... including his uncle and former senior presidential secretary

of education and culture Kim Sang-ryul . Cha said that no business within two government-linked

foundations that Choi is said to have controlled -- Mir and K-Sports -- could be done without

Choi's approval.

He also said Choi had once told him to advertise certain Korean food brands at the K-Con festival

in France, indicating to him that the president would appear at their booths as part of her

itinerary in the country.

This morning, Kim Chong , the former second vice minister of culture, sports, and tourism,...

gave testimony as witness.

What did he have to say?

Kim provided details on Choi's alleged influence-peddling in the culture and sports sectors.

Kim is suspected of helping to establish the K-Sports Foundation, one of the government-linked

foundations allegedly run by Choi, and the Blue K, a paper company allegedly run by Choi.

Kim, who said he met with Choi once every one or two months,... said she asked him to

help set up the Blue K, though he did not suspect that she was directly involved in

running the organization.

Kim was also questioned about whether he used his authority to turn the Blue K into an organization

representing a disabled fencing team... and established by a culture ministry affiliate.

Kim also said that he didn't know about Choi's ties to the president because she had never

talked her in their meetings.

However, he also said he received direct orders from former presidential chief of staff Kim

Ki-choon on sports-related issues -- not from his direct superior, the minister of culture.

Lee Seung-chul , the vice chairman of the Federation of Korean Industries, is on the

stand as we speak, and I'll have more on his testimony in our next newscast.

Back to you.

For more infomation >> Constitutional Court holds eighth hearing in impeachment trial - Duration: 3:07.


HSN | 10 FAVES 01.23.2017 - 03 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | 10 FAVES 01.23.2017 - 03 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


How Bulging Under the Eyes When Smiling may be Mistaken for Eye Bags - Duration: 8:10.


you for your question.

You submitted 2 photos.

One of yourself and your mother and you state that you are dealing with under eye bags that

are genetically caused and you are looking for a non-surgical solution to prevent your

under eye area from looking like your mother's and you submitted 2 very good photos to help

illustrate your concern.

So certainly, I can give you some guidance about the issues related to under eye bags.

A little bit of background, I'm a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial

plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

I have been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years and helping people

with the aesthetics around their eyes is a big part of what I do in my day to day practice.

So, when I look at the photos you submitted, I have to at least break down a little bit

of what you are describing as under eye bags.

So where I typically look when someone questions me about having under eye bags is usually

in an area that's above the bone structure or the rim where the eyes would look puffy

and have large pockets which are typically referred to as lower eyelid fat prolapse.

In your situation, the photo you submitted of your mother, I don't see those things.

What I believe you are probably referring to is actually the area right below the eyelid

margin where the eyelid skin appears to bulge a little bit especially when you smile and

very often people do come in and refer to that area as under eye bags.

The differentiation between this area for you and your mother is that for your mother,

it appears to be a little bit more prominent and you see a few more lines.

So in terms of management in this area, it is very important to first understand what

the basis for this concern is.

Well, if it's when you are smiling or even when, baseline, not smiling, there is a little

bit of a ridge there.

That ridge represents a muscle called orbicularis oculi muscle and this is a muscle that is

important for the support of the lower eyelid.

In general, this is not something that really responds well to most non-surgical options

and the definitive one or the most common or popular one being an injection of a neurotoxin

like Botox® or Dysport®.

What that's doing is to relax the muscle slightly so that the muscle doesn't bunch.

Basically, when you smile, the orbicularis oculi muscle contracts and when it contracts,

it causes a ridge to form.

So it is possible to put something like micro Botox® or very small number of units of Botox®

in your mother's situation more than in yours.

Now, there is also an opportunity sometimes to at least explore the area below called

the tear trough.

And in this tear trough area, there may be a little bit of contrast that we are not appreciating

with the photos you submitted where it may look relatively hollow compared to the area

just above it which might have a slight degree of puffiness.

Now this tear trough area is a relative hollow that can be addressed with the use of fillers

such as Restylane or Juvederm or basically hyaluronic acid filler that can fill this

area and we often combine that with something called platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is derived from your own blood and consists of a concentration

of the wound healing and growth factors that are necessary when you have an injury or a


So what we are basically doing is we are trying to improve the tissue quality as well as the

skin quality to help stimulate collagen, blood supply and overall fill this area.

Now, this solution would probably be more appropriate for your mother than for yourself.

I realize that you are trying to do everything you can to try and prevent the aging process

to be as significant for you but unfortunately, there isn't always so much that you can


Now it doesn't mean that there are things you can't do to take action but it doesn't

necessarily mean procedures.

What I am referring to is healthy lifestyle, avoiding excess sun exposure, eating a good

diet, getting enough sleep, minimizing stressors.

But otherwise, the genetics of aging, there is an opportunity, maybe when you are a little

bit older, to do things such as platelet-rich plasma(PRP) and fillers to try to minimize

some of the signs of aging.

However, I think it's a little bit early for you to do anything that is more invasive

based on the photo you submitted.

Now if there is a level of dimensionality that is not being appreciated, certainly it

is always valuable and beneficial to at least meet with a doctor who can guide you and your

mother about options.

It is not unusual for me in my practice to take care of people in several generations

because of this genetic tendency to have these types of issues but at the same time, it is

also the role of your physician to guide you when to do something and what to do as what

not to do.

So meet with doctors who you feel comfortable with.

Learn about your options, understand the distinction, the anatomic issues as well as the strategies

and then figure out what is worth pursuing and what is worth deferring until later.

So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question.

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