Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 24 2017

the former first lady Marisa Letícia, 66, a wife of former President Luiz Inacio Lula

da Silva (PT), suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and was hospitalized on Tuesday (24) at the

Sírio-Libanês Hospital , In the Center of São Paulo.

After learning about the AVC, former president Lula went there.

According to the medical center, she checked in at 3:30 p.m.

The former first lady arrived consciously and was taken directly to the catheterization

room where doctors began a procedure to try and staunch the bleeding.

In his official Twitter account, the former president commented on the woman's hospitalization.

"Dona Marisa Letícia was hospitalized on Tuesday, we are very much hoping she will

recover soon."

#Diana Marisa, "said in the microblog.

For more infomation >> Lula wife, Marisa Leticia is hospitalized in SP - Duration: 0:51.


Afternoon flight before the sun sets || FPV video blogg #1 (eng sub) - Duration: 6:08.

afternoon flight before the sun sets

Hello, back behind the cam

even if I said I wouldnt....

well well

time is allmost 4.30

just picked up my kids from school and daycare

I think I can fly one lipo before the sun sets over there

lets go!

one important thing for me

when I fly

is music


and there was a crash

I think I hit a ninja branch

lets see where it is

somewhere here

I see it

what did I break this time


just a loose nut

lovely! lets rip some more

now one is calm again

the FPV craving is gone

see you another time

For more infomation >> Afternoon flight before the sun sets || FPV video blogg #1 (eng sub) - Duration: 6:08.


Tastes Like Burning - Coffee Challenge - Duration: 4:53.

I could definitely use some coffee today.

Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and I absolutely love coffee.

I have 5 different ways of making coffee.

So I've decided to try something and see if I can tell the difference.

Time to make coffee.

(glass breaking) Holy crap, I just broke my espresso pot.

I have 5 cups of coffee here.

I have an espresso from the espresso machine, I have a drip coffee, a French press, and

a mocha pot, and a mix.

I also have a cold brew machine but I figured I would know instantly which one was cold.

I have post it notes cause I love post it notes and they're post it notes on the bottom

of each one of these glasses.

So I'm just gonna drink it and guess and I think I'm gonna be pretty good at this but

I'm probably gonna be pretty frikin terrible.

This one is like completely clear.

That's why it's clear, this is weak as shit.

This, this, this is a weak one.

This is, this is a weak one.

I might adjust these later but this is too weak.

I think it's the drip.

Why is it burned?

Changing already.

That tastes burnt.

Burnt has to be drip.

I mighta done it wrong with the carafe so I'm goin with espresso.

That doesn't make sense cause it's weak.

I'm already gonna fail at this thing, damnit!

I don't- This is really hard! (laughing) Um, I'm torn between a French press and a mocha

pot on that one.

I'm torn.

I think, I think it's the mocha pot though.

I think that's the coffee I have every morning.

Nope, this is the mocha pot.

I know.

I know from one sip it's the mocha pot.

For sure.

I cannot place this at all.

It's gotta be the mix.

Gotta be the mix, gotta be the mix, can't pu- can't place it, gotta be the mix.

I'm goin' with that.


Hang on, let me drink this again.

Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.


So initial testing and fiddling with cause I can't leave anything alone has said to me

that this is the espresso pot, this is clearly drip coffee, I don't wanna drink that again,

French press, mocha pot, and the franken-mix of all of the other 4.

So I'm gonna take another sip of each and see if I agree with that.

That one's- that one's my question.

That one's a drip pot, that one's a drip pot, that one's a drip pot, don't wanna drink it

again, don't wanna drink it again!

I'm, I'm stickin, I'm stickin with my French press there.

That's clearly my mocha pot.

That is, that is my favorite.

Ok this is my final answer.

Let's see how I did.


This one I think is espresso and it is (singing) dun dun dun dunnn.

(speaking) The drip pot, shouldda gone with my initial thought.


This one I thought was the drip...and it's the mix.

I'm not good at this game!

French press...was the espresso machine.

Goddamn it Amanda, you can't do anything.

Mocha pot...MOCHA POT!

I got one! (quietly laughing) And the one I thought was the mix...is the French press.


So I fucking suck at this game but I got the mocha pot.

Let me know what you thought about this video and how much you like coffee in the comments

down below.

And if you liked this video, click the like button and subscribe to my channel, I make

a new video every Tuesday.

Thank you guys so much for watching.


I'm really bad at this but this is hard.

There's broken glass everywhere!


For more infomation >> Tastes Like Burning - Coffee Challenge - Duration: 4:53.


Chrysler Grand Voyager 3.3i V6 SE Luxe - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Chrysler Grand Voyager 3.3i V6 SE Luxe - Duration: 0:49.


Who does our investing? - Duration: 2:35.

Hi. I'm Kimberly Enge, a member of the

Board of Trustees for the Saskatchewan

Pension Plan. A frequent question to our

inquiry line is, "What has the fund returned?"

When we tell them that the average

return of the Balanced Fund over the

last 30 years has been more than 8.1%,

members are delighted. And the

next question is, "Who does your investing

for you?" While the Board hires investment

managers, there really is a team working behind us

to ensure that the funds are invested

appropriately. As trustees of the fund, we are

ultimately responsible for how the funds

are invested. However, we hire experts to

ensure that our members' funds are

invested prudently. These experts

include our administration staff, pension

consultants, a custodian, actuaries and

the investment managers. In SPP's case,

there are two fund managers responsible

for investing our members' funding, Greystone

Managed Investments and Leith Wheeler

Investment Counsel. "Why two managers you

may ask?"

Having two managers is one way to

diversify risk within the fund. These

managers have differing styles and each

are able to add value to the portfolio

during bear and bull markets. Just like

an individual investor, you want to avoid

putting all of your eggs into one basket

and that's the approach we take with the

Board of Trustees. We must be prudent in

this regard and ensure that our members'

funds are protected. Access to these

investment managers is one of the

benefits you have when you become a

member of the SPP. Because of the size of

SPP's fund you also benefit from the

reduced management fees, something you

might not achieve as an individual.

As a pension plan trustee we have a

long-term view for the investment of the

Fund. The Board has developed an

investment policy that the investment

managers are expected to comply with. The

policy outlines the type of investments

the managers are allowed to invest in. We

monitor compliance on a quarterly basis

to ensure that your funds are being

invested appropriately, and we take our

position as a trustee very seriously.

We are working to invest so your

financial future is brighter. If you have

any questions feel free to contact our

staff at the Saskatchewan Pension Plan



For more infomation >> Who does our investing? - Duration: 2:35.


Singing Tips and Tricks: Breathing through the Mouth or Nose? - Duration: 3:32.

Hello happy singers!

I am Katarina, the founder of How 2 Improve Singing.

Should you breathe through the nose, through the mouth, or through the mouth and nose

at the same time when singing?

If you think that one of these methods is better than the others, then stay tuned because

in this video, I am going to tell you what really matters when inhaling for singing.

In this video, I am going tell you why the method you use to breathe in is not as important

as the final result.

Let me explain.

When you ask a group of people how to inhale for singing, some will tell you to breathe

through the nose, some will swear by breathing through the mouth, and yet, some people will

advise to breathe through both mouth and nose.

I believe that we are all individuals and what works for me may not work for you.

The final result should be a silent, quick and sufficient inhalation.

Let's explore these three methods with the end result in mind.

Breathing through the nose.

This method keeps the air moist but it can be noisy and slow.

Breathe in through your nose only if you have enough time, for example at the beginning

of the song or after a long pause.

Bonus tip: Breathing through the nose is definitely a preferred type of breathing at rest because

air passing through the nose warms up and becomes moist, which helps to keep your airways healthy.

Breathing through the mouth.

This method can have a drying effect on your vocal tract but it is quick and quiet.

If you breathe through the mouth when singing, keep a water bottle close by to prevent dryness.

Breathing through the nose and mouth simultaneously can be quick, sufficient and quiet without

the drying effect.

However, this type of breathing is most challenging and requires practice.

My recommendation is to try all these methods and decide for yourself.

Use one method or a combination of all.

Keep in mind that the outcome is more important than the method you use.

And that's a silent inhalation.

In today's video, you have learned the advantages and disadvantages of breathing through the nose and mouth.

But inhalation is only one small part of good breathing technique that makes singing powerful.

To help you understand if you are breathing correctly for singing, I prepared a complete

breathing checklist for you.

Click the link in the description below the video to download your free breathing checklist.

If you like this video, hit the like button below, share it with your friends, and be

sure to subscribe.

Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video. Happy singing!

For more infomation >> Singing Tips and Tricks: Breathing through the Mouth or Nose? - Duration: 3:32.


New Barbie™ Movie

For more infomation >> New Barbie™ Movie


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego


Singing Tips and Tricks: Breathing through the Mouth or Nose? - Duration: 3:32.

Hello happy singers!

I am Katarina, the founder of How 2 Improve Singing.

Should you breathe through the nose, through the mouth, or through the mouth and nose

at the same time when singing?

If you think that one of these methods is better than the others, then stay tuned because

in this video, I am going to tell you what really matters when inhaling for singing.

In this video, I am going tell you why the method you use to breathe in is not as important

as the final result.

Let me explain.

When you ask a group of people how to inhale for singing, some will tell you to breathe

through the nose, some will swear by breathing through the mouth, and yet, some people will

advise to breathe through both mouth and nose.

I believe that we are all individuals and what works for me may not work for you.

The final result should be a silent, quick and sufficient inhalation.

Let's explore these three methods with the end result in mind.

Breathing through the nose.

This method keeps the air moist but it can be noisy and slow.

Breathe in through your nose only if you have enough time, for example at the beginning

of the song or after a long pause.

Bonus tip: Breathing through the nose is definitely a preferred type of breathing at rest because

air passing through the nose warms up and becomes moist, which helps to keep your airways healthy.

Breathing through the mouth.

This method can have a drying effect on your vocal tract but it is quick and quiet.

If you breathe through the mouth when singing, keep a water bottle close by to prevent dryness.

Breathing through the nose and mouth simultaneously can be quick, sufficient and quiet without

the drying effect.

However, this type of breathing is most challenging and requires practice.

My recommendation is to try all these methods and decide for yourself.

Use one method or a combination of all.

Keep in mind that the outcome is more important than the method you use.

And that's a silent inhalation.

In today's video, you have learned the advantages and disadvantages of breathing through the nose and mouth.

But inhalation is only one small part of good breathing technique that makes singing powerful.

To help you understand if you are breathing correctly for singing, I prepared a complete

breathing checklist for you.

Click the link in the description below the video to download your free breathing checklist.

If you like this video, hit the like button below, share it with your friends, and be

sure to subscribe.

Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video. Happy singing!

For more infomation >> Singing Tips and Tricks: Breathing through the Mouth or Nose? - Duration: 3:32.


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


DIY Mickey Felt Pin

For more infomation >> DIY Mickey Felt Pin


Hacker gets nine months behind bars for stealing nude pics from celebs such as Jennifer Lawrence - Duration: 1:44.

CHICAGO — A Chicago man was sentenced Tuesday to nine months in prison for hacking the electronic accounts of 30 celebrities and stealing private information, including nude videos and photos.

Edward Majerczyk, 29, also was ordered to pay $5,700 in restitution for counseling services for one undisclosed celebrity victim whose photos were disseminated online.

Majerczyk is accused of orchestrating a phishing scheme that illegally accessed more than 300 email and other online accounts, including those belonging to actress Jennifer Lawrence.

According to his plea deal, Majerczyk sent emails to his victims that appeared to have come from internet service providers seeking usernames and passwords.

Majerczyk illegally accessed the accounts of those people who provided that information.

Majerczyk pleaded guilty in federal court in Los Angeles last year to one count of unauthorized access to a protected computer to obtain information. He signed a plea agreement for his case to be transferred to Chicago. He was not charged or accused of selling or posting the material online.

In this Sept. 27, 2016 photo, Edward J. Majerczyk, leaves the Dirksen Federal Courthouse in Chicago.

(Santiago Covarrubias/AP)

Both sides agreed he should receive a nine-month prison term. The charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

Majerczyk's attorney Thomas Needham said in a court filing that his client was "suffering from depression and looked to pornography websites and internet chat rooms in an attempt to fill some of the voids and disappointment he was feeling in his life."

Needham said in a sentencing memo that the fallout from the hacking scandal "deeply affected" Majerczyk, who has seen a therapist for anxiety and panic attacks.

Federal agents have said Lawrence broke down and became distraught during a 2014 meeting about nude photos of her that appeared online. Lawrence called the leak a "sex crime" in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine.

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