"Also choice: I want to have stashes, safe houses, car trunks and the car can be customized
with security systems and all kinds of shit"
Well, this is something that people is also
commenting "I want to have a house" This is Cyberpunk, ok? Cyberpunk is mobile,
people usually don't buy houses except if you're a corporate or you're a Fixer and you
want some safe house to have your deals, but usually, people don't own houses
I was envisioning tiny apartments if anything
I was thinking we'd have an apartment or something
I don't expect people to have apartments when you are a Solo you don't want people
to know where are you sleeping the last thing that you're going to do is
sleeping in the same place over and over is like putting a sign "I'm here! Kill me!"
It's a game where you make an insane amount of enemies so you can't stay in the same place
for a long time maybe if you're a corpzoner of you're on of
the big fish of the city and you can afford to have an insane amount of security or you
work for a corporation and then you have your own flat in the suburbs
but usually there's a huge amount of people who don't care about having a house, they
care more about having a car so, the part of having a car and this being
customizable is an amazing idea but I don't think that having a house is so important
in this kind of universe I know that we as humans are used to think
in houses, in the terms of "places to live in", but if you're a Nomad you don't have
a house, if you're a Solo you don't want to have it, if you're a Netrunner, if you're
a Fixer, if you have an insane amount of enemies and not enough money to pay a good security
And I never really understood the point of owning a house in this massive open world,
is like in Skyrim or in other games you could get houses in different places which some
people really enjoyed that, because like to customize things and really get into the world
set up thing in their house the way they want I never did that myself
I believe that the thing about having a house is that we have the mentality of our times,
that we need a house to pack stuff into it, to have a lot of things into it, but we're
talking about a future society where you don't need to own things the way that, for instance,
you see a lot of books behind me, but what if I can have them stored directly in my brain?
What if I can have all the music stored in my brain? I don't need no place to put the
CDs, I don't need a hard drive to put all the music in MP3
Clothing? We are so used to have a lot of clothing, what if I only had one set of clothing
and wear it until it's worn out and I need to buy a new one?
The mentality is completely different unless you are a person with money but, again, we're
in a future society where middle class doesn't exist almost, there are very little people
who can be considered middle class and they're all people of the corporations, and unless
you work in a corporation you can't afford to have this kind of mentality
Usually what you own, in Cyberpunk, is called your "outfit" and you can put it in a backpack,
and you can fit it in a car, so you really don't need a house
I suppose that at some point the game is going to give you the option, more because the players
live in this mentality of owning a house, not because the universe demands it
Having that as an option, there's nothing wrong with that at all
like I said, there are options in a lot of games, that you can have a house and I own
like five houses in Skyrim
Let me make an intermission here
One of the main problems with this future society is that housing is insanely expensive,
Insanely expensive, like one million or two million just for a small flat
Is insanely expensive, so unless you work for a corporation and they put you a house
is very difficult that you can afford, and I don't know how are they going to translate
this in the game, if they're going to give you the option of having a flat of your own
because you probably will need the money to other things like upgrading yourself, upgrading
your weapons, I believe that upgrading your weapons and upgrading your body is going to
be considered more important than having a flat
It's probably not going to be necessary for the game in any way, but the question about
that though: are there any classes or you think you'll have the option of being part
of one of the big corporations?
Well, if you're a Corporate, you can work
for one of the big corporations, why not? Then you can decide what you do with your
job, because you may be inside a corporation just because it's a safe job and you have
a house and you have a certain level of commodities, and you can be in a corporation because you
want to climb up the ladder and have lots of power, you can be in a corporation because
you want to destroy the system from the inside so this depends on the way you want to play
the character
I'm just fascinated by the lore around all
these Corporations and things and I know very little about it, but that's definitely one
area I'm looking forward to exploring in the game
The thought of being able to infiltrate and destroy them from the inside or manipulate
things from the inside is fascinating, I love when you can do that
Well, you love that you can TRY that, because we're talking about a Megacorporation where
there are people over you who will kill you to protect their position and there are people
below you who would kill you for your position, and they're not kidding about the killing
But I'm the protagonist! They can't kill me!
But they are going to try
I can just reload
But they are certainly going to try
I suspect strongly that we're gonna see them as a faction
as a faction, you can raise your reputation with
I think that's what we'll see, I'm sure that the in-game will revolve around something
to do with the big Corporations and their control over Night City and that kind of stuff
I'm sure that's a key plot and that we might see something like being able to have a multiple
ending where you force out one of the more shadier Corporations or you make your own
Corporation or lots of different things I'm sure there are tons and tons of things
that you could do with it because is kinda like it's begging for it
I'm going to interrupt you for a very short question I have from Japic O'Death: "Do we
expect this game to be an open world?" Yes
Yes, absolutely
One hundred percent this is a massive open world game, travel where you want, do what
you want, very much like Skyrim you're gonna have the main quest that you can pursue if
you want or you can play a thousand hours and never bother talking to the guy who's
supposed to watch the whole thing, right?
Just explore the world, and do stuff, yes
It would be really great if the Corporations were a big part of the game and you could
get involved and even shape the politics of the world
Well, they do shape, they are the politics of the world
But if you as a player could get in there and affect that
Because I remember the ending of Deus Ex, that, well, this is a cyberpunk world, if
you didn't play you can induce that there is a Megacorporation in there and the player
is against the Megacorporations, so it's going to be interesting that, for once, we have
a player that can be one of the "bad guys" So, I want to be part of the Megacorporations,
I want to be the one to take decisions on the politics of the world
That was one of the best parts of Deus Ex is that you get about two-thirds of the game
and you're working with these three different factions, who suddenly all have competing
goals and you have to choose which one you're going to go with and it affects the story
in a huge way, that was one of the best things, it was frustrating too because you were like
"Arg! If I do this for this person I'm gonna piss off this guy and they're all fucking
in your head, because they all have access to your com-thing implant, so they can all
see what you're doing too
Is like in the original SOTOR, or SOTOR 2,
you could go and infiltrate the Sith training facility as a student and then you work your
way up and there are all these people that arrive and there's this big power play moment
where they go "No! Join me! We will crush the light side" "No! Join ME! And WE will
crush the light side!" And you're like "I'm not actually here for either one of you, and I'm
gonna kill you all and take over your position or kill you all and destroy the Sith forever"
and their reactions were always like "wait, you're not gonna play by our game?" "No, I'm
not gonna play by your game, I'm gonna do what I want"
That's the spirit
Yes, that's always fun
Again! Weapons!
Well, someone said Climbing Gloves, that would
be awesome, that's one thing I loved about Elder Scrolls 2, I loved the climbing gloves in that game
Well, the thing is discussing this is quite
complicated because we have several Chromebooks and I only own 5, I don't own them all so
I don't know everything that you can buy in Cyberpunk and we already know that Mike Pondsmith
said that most of the technology showed there was outdated, and they were going to change
it, which is normal because they, for instance, talk about cell phones in a way that we had
them 10 years ago and they talked about ways of listening to music like in CD that is quite
old for us and they're going to change everything that is related to technology
and then thinking, what weapons are they going to consider that are also too old for the game
I don't really know, the thing is that we have such an insane amount of options in the
game that I really have no idea how are they going to translate that without having a menu
that is going to make the Dark Souls menu look like two lines of text
Because it's absolutely insane, the same happens with modifications, in the teaser we could
see that one of the brands that they talked about, that appeared in the background where
Kiroshi that is one of the manufacturers of implants that is more famous in the world
of Cyberpunk but there are many more, you have Militech implants, you have Arasaka implants
and the thing is that you have an insane amount of implants and I'm sure that lots of people
that used several kinds of implants in their character are going to be disappointed because
these are not going to be translated into things that we are going to see in the game
and, I don't know, maybe they will just cut too many things out for my taste when they
do this, because there's simply not enough space for everything, but the thing is the
most famous implant is one that is called Mr Studd™, I don't know if you know that
implant, Mr Studd™, I believe that you can imagine what this implant does and if you
don't, well, think dirty And the thing is that this is the most famous
implant and we're going to be really disappointed if it's not in the game
Did you know this implant, guys?
Syb, you wanna say anything about this?
You don't want to state an opinion about Mr Studd™
No, it's just that we have some other information that we're not gonna talk about yet because
we're still
We still gotta check it, we're good with our
sources, we want to double check stuff so we're not talking from the air
Ok, we're talking about a sexual implant and you want to double check something? This is
a joke per se You just made a joke, unintentionally I believe
Your double check of thing has something to see with how sex is going to work in the game?
No comment
I will comment on this, but not from a leak
or officially They may as well throw in the whole bucket,
because, why the hell not, it's CDPR after all so, you know, let's have some fun and,
sure, why not? I think I tweeted somebody about that? Or was it a message? Nevermind
It's just why the hell not? Implants? Go nuts Anything
I don't want to get political, even though this is not a political thing, but if you
can replace your entire body with implants and mechanics and stuff like that then really
at that point gender and sex doesn't really mean very much, you can be like a fucking
cyborg conversions I don't know how that will work
It'll be interesting to see
We were discussing about that in the official
forums of CDPR, the official Cyberpunk 2077, and there was a lot of people that were really
upset that you would have the option, which actually is in the game, because not only
is sex and gender not a special thing anymore, being a person is not special anymore, you
can be a shark, you can be a cat, you can be whatever you want, it's a world full of
possibilities We see the things nowadays as, let's call
it "politics" because these are things we are discussing but in Cyberpunk, they are
over them, they don't really care about that, there are things that are way more important
Will I have enough money to afford to buy air this winter?
This is a very important thing to think about
This is why is a dystopia, there's always
the moral questions and ethical questions of what does it mean to be a person and have
human rights and we start, all those things become blurred when a person can become a
spaceship as Syb wants to
I'm gonna become a giant spaceship that it
looks like either a dragon or a shark
That his dream for the future
It's full of possibilities "What's the combat system gonna be like? Or
you already talked about that?" No, we were going to but we didn't
We got a little disconnected So, let me give my 2 cents here on combat
there was a job posting put out just two, three days ago and they're hiring somebody
for stealth, so we know stealth is in the game, taking the fact that we know that Mike
has talked about there are different ways to resolve things and also that there are
different ways your character can influence stuff and then looking at all of the different
things, they want there to be guns, they want there to be big guns, they want there to be
huge guns, they want there to be vehicles
The worst and funniest thing about combat
is the insane amount of different type of weapons you can have, from the small knife to a katana
and then guns: small guns, big guns, huge guns, fucking big guns
Arm blades
I'm wondering what good a small knife is gonna
be in a world where everybody is half a robot
It depends on what this knife includes, you know?
Did you never watch Starship Troopers? "What
good is a knife in a world where there are guns and nukes, and you can push a button
and nuke somebody from across the planet?" and it's like "Sam, put up your hand there"
"what, like this?" He takes a knife out and pins his hand to the world and it's like "In
a world where you can push buttons if you can prevent your opponent from pushing a button
you win!"
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
That reminds me of a funny, ok, there was a comment here I'm just looking for it
It was something about...
Oh, here it is
Dekaton Kyle "Imagine you get Mr. Studd™ at the beginning of the game and find no use
for it, and then you use it to keep a grate from closing down on the party at the end
game day and save the day
In game one of the uses of this kind of implant
was mostly for socializing and for getting information out of people after having sex
because people usually want to talk a lot after having sex, so that was one if the uses
that people gave it in the game Yes, you can also roleplay after sex and during
sex and before sex it was a social implant, it was considered
to be a social implant because if you use it to do a good job then,
after the job is finished, the person would be more keen on letting you know whatever
you want to know It has uses in game
Ha! Social implant
Yes, social implant
Actually, some game directors would allow you to have more charisma
if you had a Mr. Studd™ or a Midnight Lady™
More charisma
Yes, more charisma
I'm trying to picture which stat is that
It's like I'm raising charisma and I'm just gonna have like, "how good you are in bed"
is like one of your stats
If you use sex to obtain information or to
obtain things from people, I mean...
You were so amazing that I'm going to spill all my corporate secrets now!
Wasn't there a major feature in the first Witcher game? I'm pretty sure there was amajor feature
I don't remember that because I didn't play the whole Witcher
I know you collected cards of naked girls
like every time you slept with the girls and it's like "Hoo!" Cards of naked girls! She
gave you her picture for you to remember all this
No, he wasn't such stat apparently
So, we were discussing the weapons and then
we jumped to Mr. Studd™ so... what were we thinking about?
So going back to the building, to the weapons
There's your next mascot, MadQueen
A weapon?
A Mr. Studd™
The Mr. Studd™ and Mr Ruvver show, Imagine that
I believe that maybe Mr Ruvver would like that too much
You wouldn't be able to put that on YouTube
I know
YouTube is already demonetizing a lot of my videos, I don't want them to demonetize the
rest of them I would like to keep my partner
Going back to the weapons So, what kind of weapons would you like to
see in the game? Do you believe that they are going to keep
all the blades or we are going to be more focused on fire weapons? Because for what you said
it seems that they are useless, actually, they are not, most of the players like me
used to have a character that had the arm blades, like Deus Ex, that was pretty typical,
or you had a katana, or you had a small blade and, then, the guns
what's your preference on that?
Any and all
yes, please When it comes to weapons the answer is
YES The answer is YES
You have the opportunity in this game to have, someone in the chat mentioned "monomolecular
wire" that I don't know exactly what it is
You don't know what monomolecular wire is?
It's a wire that is comprised of a single molecule
So it's basically unbreakable and can cut through anything
That's what I was envisioning but you have the opportunity to have some unique weapons
that maybe haven't seen in other games so it would be awesome to be a complete stealth
assassin with really compact weapons that you could kill somebody in a crowded room
and nobody know it was you that would be really neat
I need to make an interruption because Nexus Zen is asking "So, it's going to be a first-person shooter?"
Well, no, this is a roleplaying game where
you're going to have guns and you will be able to shoot people
that doesn't mean that this is a shooter
It will have a first-person shooter component,
it'll have a combat component
having a combat component and having a shooter
component I believe that is not the same, because Deus Ex, for instance, has a combat
component but you could do it stealthily, you could not shoot if you didn't want to,
so when I think of a shooter I think of DOOM, I think of things like that, where you shoot
or you shoot, that are your only options
I see what you mean, that's why the first
person shooter game there's probably gonna be some first-person
shooter combat in the game but I wouldn't call it a first person shooter
Because this is a roleplaying game
They stated very clearly that this was going
to be first and third person and that's so because of all the really obvious things that
it comes to in an RPG you wanna see your character, you wanna be
identified with your character, plus this game is all about style, have you seen some
of the art coming out of this?
I remember saying that in a video, or something
similar in a video, and someone replayed "Hey, I played the Witcher 3 and I spent the whole
game seeing Geralt's butt, and this wasn't quite pleasant because I don't like males butts
that's why I want a first-person game, because I don't want to be watching back parts
of other people and that was your phone, wasn't it
My bad I'm sorry
Don't worry
Stealth, I'd love a stealth infiltration kind
of character and some really cool weapons and tech to go along with it
that would be really neat
Well, I believe that stealth has many possibilities
and also when you played Deus Ex you could be invisible, that is something that you have
different ways of being in Cyberpunk 2020 so, it would be really funny if you have different
versions of the same thing like you have in the game
you have the cheaper version, and you have the expensive version so when you buy the
cheaper version of something then this something fails, because is not great, it's cheap, like
you bought an invisibility cloak and then you try to do something stealthy and in the
middle of your action you go visible again and then you go invisible again, like a glitch,
then people around you more or less notice you or something like that
it would give us really funny scenes to play I don't know if people would find this annoying
but I would find it really funny
When it forces you to adapt on the fly
I love that in games where you state your plan and you move into doing something and
you're like "Ok, I'm gonna shoot this person, and then I'm gonna quickly drop assassinate
that guy and then run over there and take that guy before they realize what's going
on and before they can trigger the alarm" and then you go to do this and you're in the
frying pan and you're out of ammo so, first you're like "I'm an idiot, why didn't
I check my ammo?" but then you have to adapt on the fly and so I love that when that happens because
to have a weapon or a device randomly fail because
it's poor quality that would be a really interesting aspect,
I'd love that
Deadman Gutter asks: "Do you think we could create our own weapons?"
That's something that I really find annoying
from video games that suddenly everybody knows how to create
a weapon I mean, in real life, if we were living in
Cyberpunk 2077 most of us wouldn't have any idea of how to build a weapon
You could try to find a tutorial on the future YouTube but it's like everybody should know
how to build a weapon maybe you can go to a person who actually
knows, some kind of Techie who actually knows how to build a weapon and ask this person
to personalize or to make your weapon but doing it by yourself
I find it, I don't know, is like in the future you're going to go to school and they're going
to teach you how to build a weapon it's quite illogical, not everybody has this
knowledge I find this a bit annoying in video games
like, everybody should know how to do that, to know how to build a weapon
But if there was an engineering skill and the more you learn, level that up, the better
weapons you can build that could work, and then in you don't
Well, if you're a Techie Yes, if you're Techie
If you're a Techie maybe you can do it, and maybe if you're a Solo you're more or less
forced to know a little about that, but your weapon is going to be worse than one made
by a Techie If you're a Netrunner you most probably have
no fucking idea of how building a weapon
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