Piramide Decenas Loteria Nacional Gordito del Zodiaco Diciembre 2017 Decenas Para Gordito Diciembre - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Puffy Mattress Review-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 S-LIMITED - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Scéna s Jacque Frescom (SK titulky) - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Audi A3 1.8i,bj.99,zwart metallic,climate control,NAP uitdraai met 237951 km.APK tot 05/2018,airco,s - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Johnny Hallyday : le jour où il a choisi l'emplacement de sa tombe à Saint-Barth - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Kellyanne Conway and Ivanka Trump both drove Merriam Websters top words of 2018 - Duration: 2:15.kellyanne conway and avantco trump both joe of merriam-webster's top words of
multiple west wing advisors sent voters scurrying to the dictionary during the first calendar year of the donald trump era
according to merriam-webster s editor-at-large peter sagal offski
sickle offski was interviewed by national public radio to explain some of the top words of the year white house senior advisor
kellyanne conway helped make feminism the word of the year
the next big spike we saw was in february when kelly anne conway said in an interview that she didn t consider herself a feminist
sickle offski explained and that has the kind of thing that triggers dictionary curiosity because the word itself was the story
White house senior advisor and first daughter ivanka trump helped complicit make the list so what we have is for example
complicit the word that was used in a skit on saturday night live about ivanka trump and
then the word was used in an interview with the banker trump and
There in the interview she said i don t know what complicit means sic olaf's
keynoted and you better believe that sends people to the dictionary
sickle offski says the dictionary has been compiling the list since
2003 but it all started decades ago the real interesting story here is that we never had a measure of the public s
curiosity until we put the dictionary online and suddenly we could see what words people were looking up and when
the first time this happened was just 20 years ago when princess diana died and the word that was most looked up was paparazzi
sic olaf's kira counted and
So we were able to see when the public was really thinking about according to what they were looking up in the dictionary
president trump himself helped carnage and cough f surgeon lookups nbc news reported an
Ousted chief strategist steve bannon did the same for svengali the list may be even more important in the trump era and
that in an age of alternative facts and fake news having a neutral arbiter of meaning ends up being pretty
Important to a lot of people and turning to the dictionary in these moments is not just for spelling or pronunciation
also may be the beginning of reflection and philosophy sickle offski hoped i
mean the word love is one of the most looked up words in the dictionary and it was
Booba - Cartoon for kids-------------------------------------------
Thylane Blondeau est en couple avec le fils d'un célèbre DJ - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
La distance inter-mamelons, critère controversé d'un concours de beauté en Chine - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Los Yaguarú De Ángel Venegas - Si Tu Me Dejas en Hoy - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Jade Hallyday, une ado comme les autres : ce que révèle son compte Twitter depuis... - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
CBC NL Here & Now Wednesday December 27 2017 - Duration: 32:25.-------------------------------------------
Body Modification Tag - Duration: 14:27.-------------------------------------------
Bushcraft - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Johnny Hallyday : le jour où il a choisi l'emplacement de sa tombe à Saint-Barth - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Sono ingrassata e non so neanche perché: e ora che faccio? - Duration: 7:31.-------------------------------------------
Trump administration set to unveil $1 trillion infrastructure proposal in 2018 - Duration: 4:24.trump administration set to unveil one trillion dollars infrastructure proposal in
2018 the trump administration is expected to unveil an
infrastructure package in the new year after putting the issue on the sidelines amid other gop priorities in
2017 the white house is working to release a roughly seventy page
infrastructure proposal sometime in january for members of congress to use as a cornerstone for drafting the legislation in
2018 in
december president trump met with senior administration
officials and house transportation and infrastructure committee chairman bill shuster
Arpa to discuss the proposal the meeting with the president was encouraging and very productive shuster said in a statement
He has to builder he gets the importance of infrastructure and why it matters for jobs in the economy
addressing our nation s
Infrastructure in a bipartisan manner is going to take strong presidential leadership and i believe we have a president who can provide the necessary
leadership and who wants to rebuild our infrastructure to strengthen our economy
during the 2016 campaign trump first promised to deliver a one trillion dollars
infrastructure plan to improve the condition of u.s. Roads bridges airports and other public works
Although the administration is working to address the nation s infrastructure
several major question marks hangover the plan such as funding
The cost is going to be an issue that is going
to be a large topic of debate a senior committee aide told the washington examiner
this spring the administration calls for using two hundred billion dollars in direct federal spending over the next ten years
this was intended to spur eight hundred billion dollars in spending by states
localities and private investors i think the biggest sticking point will be funding paying for the plan said michael sargent
transportation and infrastructure policy analyst at the heritage foundation
where does this 200 billion dollars come from
shuster is open to hearing solutions from republicans and democrats on how to build the best fiscally responsible plan according to senior committee aides
The other area in question is whether an infrastructure proposal could accumulate bipartisan support
frederick hale a spokesperson for the senate
Science and transportation committee said infrastructures typically or bipartisan issue because it affects everyone
The white house is going, to have to try to compose a way to meet various needs, he said initially
democrats appeared to back an infrastructure plan house minority leader nancy pelosi d california and
senate minority leader chuck schumer d - ny
expressed interest early on to work with the administration on an infrastructure package
Now it has less certain if
democrats will get on board especially as members of congress have engaged in partisan fights over issues such as health care and tax reform in
2017 experts also point to democrats recent concerns that the gop
astonishes of potential recent democrats would be less inclined to get behind an expensive infrastructure plan as
we saw from this tax reform
effort now that the democrats are opposing the
republicans in a lot of these policy battles they now all of a sudden care about the deficit as well
sergeant's said they might voice that as a concern or use that as leverage to perhaps get things they want
Even so the mutter of the problem-solvers caucus in the house is compiling a report
To identify some bipartisan solutions that could be used in the package
additionally shuster does not expect a large infrastructure plan to progress without bipartisan support and wants to include democrats
according to senior committee aides
another major piece of legislation that is expected to cost some debate in
2018 as the federal aviation
administration reauthorization bill known as the 21st century aviation innovation reform and
reauthorization act
included in the measure
championed by shuster is a controversial provision that would remove air traffic control from the faa and instead establish an independent
To oversee the function as the expiration of the faa s legal authority approached the end of september the bill did not
gain enough support which led to a six-month extension that will expire in march the house committee
emphasized that shuster will continue working to push for air traffic control reform and that it remains another
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...-------------------------------------------
Lexus RX 450h F Sport Line Mark Levinson, Sunroof - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Bushcraft - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Lifting Others sub español (Levantar a otros) . - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING NEWS From White House! He Just Tried To DESTROY Trump's Entire Family! - Duration: 4:41.BREAKING NEWS From White House!
He Just Tried To DESTROY Trump's Entire Family!
While we had all hoped Obama would drive his golf cart into the sunset, he's now making
trouble more than ever before.
His talons since the election have been fully embedded into Washington D.C. as his shadow
government's "spies" keep infiltrating Trump's administration to do his dirty bidding.
As Obama and his Iranian Muslim Brotherhood agent operates their shadow government from
the headquarters of Obama's D.C. mansion that's conveniently just 3 miles from the
White House, there's still believed to be around 30 "leakers" who have infiltrated
Trump's administration, where they continue to take classified government intelligence
back to the liberal media.
While Trump is no doubt watching his back now more than ever, he was never prepared
for one of his top military generals and trusted advisors to also be one of Obama's spies.
Trump just learned through a CIA official what this Obama spy has illegally been doing
for months through an illegal covert operation, and now all hell has broken loose at the White
Obama has been relentless in his pursuits to take down President Trump ever since our
new President took office, where he even managed to get one of his Muslim operatives a job
in Trump's Homeland Security for a brief period of time.
Trump's Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Habib Powell was discovered to not only
be a Muslim, but good buddies with Hillary Clinton and Obama's former Iranian Muslim
Brotherhood advisor Valerie Jarrett as well, who was reporting everything she knew back
to the liberal media.
Trump promptly fired Powell after discovering she the one behind Obama's coup, and the
series of leaks coming from the White House.
President Trump has been careful in recent months to properly vet members of his inner
circle after being repeatedly stabbed in the back, but he had no idea that his very own
National Security Advisor and top military General, H.R. McMaster has been an Obama plant
this entire time.
McMaster has been working secretly with Obama for months, even authorizing illegal surveillance
on President Trump.
This latest scandal that's ripping through Washington D.C. was just unearthed by CIA
officer John R. Maguire, who revealed during a recent intelligence-gathering operation
that McMaster was the individual this entire time authorizing illegal surveillance on President
Trump, including Trump's entire family and also Steve Bannon.
Maguire revealed that McMaster was one of the members of Obama's inner circle for
eight years, saying that the military general has been using a burner phone to send information
of his unlawful surveillance to an outside source.
What's even more chilling is that this intelligence that was gathered by McMaster was then sent
straight to a surveillance facility in Cyprus that is owned by George Soros.
The Intercept reports:
Maguire told at least two people that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, in coordination
with a top official at the National Security Agency, authorized surveillance of Steven
Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.
Adding to these unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the potential donors he also had evidence
H.R. McMaster used a burner phone to send information gathered through the surveillance
to a facility in Cyprus owned by George Soros.
President Trump has finally had enough of the treachery, and is launching a spy network
of his own to combat Obama and the spies who keep infiltrating his administration.
Trump is now planning to hire Blackwater founder Erik Prince and John R. Maguire who will then
"provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network
that would go around the U.S.'s official SWAMP-INFESTED intelligence agencies," The
Gateway Pundit reported.
This plan would be a massive blow to Obama's shadow government.
Trump's own private spy network would be able to circumvent the FBI and CIA; both agencies
that have become corrupt and politicized under Obama with the appointment of ardently anti-Trump
judges and directors.
This would allow Trump to oust these infiltrators without the interference of any crooked members
of these agencies working to bring him down.
It's awesome to see that President Trump has a plan of his own when it comes to combating
Obama's shadow government.
What Obama and his team of morons don't realize is their antics are a serious federal
crime, as subversion of a sitting president is a direct violation of federal law.
General McMaster needs to answer for his crimes, but this is just the tip of the iceberg as
more information about this treasonous scandal comes to light.
What do you think about this?
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