Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 3 2017

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an painter abstract I have created

a DVD called the secrets of abstract painting to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> How To Create An Original 4-part Abstract Painting | Saturate Every Atom | John Beckley - Duration: 4:16.


Comment maigrir des fesses ? Y a t-il des solutions ? Jean-Michel Cohen - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Comment maigrir des fesses ? Y a t-il des solutions ? Jean-Michel Cohen - Duration: 1:21.


SAMYANG CHALLENGE (X2) ft. My Fam [Spicy Noodle Challenge] | Mr. Cool Blue VLOG #9 - Duration: 4:59.

It gets spicier!

I will get blinded with that

Of course, that's lighting. It's dark without it.

-Check the cam if I look good. -You wore sleeveless? Yes. It is good!

The camera is good.

Where's our water?

That's the challenge. Drinking is not allowed.

That's not fair.

Let's except mama.

-Wait, I'll just check the camera again. -Check if I look good first.

Yes, you look great, ma!

Im expecting it just taste like Pancit Canton.

Im nervous, okay. 1,2,3, go.

Just like what Im expecting...

It taste like...

Im expecting, it really is spicy.

I think I cant handle this. You will think it's not spicy at first.

As time goes by, it gets spicier.

You cheater! You did it quickly.

Just like what Im expecting... it is spicy.

It's the first time I get teary-eyed with spiciness.

My nose is getting runny.

My lips is getting hotter.

Mine's my throat.

Advantage of having a big mouth, Arwyn won.

It gets spicier!

Give her the ice cream.

-Why'd it became spicier? -They say if you drink water, it will.

We should drink milk instead.

For more infomation >> SAMYANG CHALLENGE (X2) ft. My Fam [Spicy Noodle Challenge] | Mr. Cool Blue VLOG #9 - Duration: 4:59.


POUBELLES, LA VIE | Episode 10 : solitudes - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> POUBELLES, LA VIE | Episode 10 : solitudes - Duration: 3:11.


Learn colors

For more infomation >> Learn colors


Bratz Doll Mini Haul and Transformation + 1 Moxie Girlz (Tutorial) - Duration: 5:47.

hi and welcome to my channel my name is Jasmine if you don't know and this is my

first doll restoration video I currently have 17 and decided to make a video on

this set of dolls transformations I'll be washing these three Bratz dolls

and one Moxie Girlz everything that I've learned for cleaning dolls comes from AzDoesMakeup

who inspired me to start collecting again and A Thousand Splendid Dolls

let's begin excuse my dirty hands I was washing other

dolls while I made this video anyway I'm going to open Stylin' Yasmin

from 2009 at first I couldn't identify which line she was from

because she doesn't show up on the Bratz Wiki or any Google Image results

but I managed to identify her through a website that I will link in the

description this Yasmin Doll has green with a bit of

yellow eyes and purple eyeshadow with glitter on her brow bone, her lips are a

nice orangish pink color with hot pink lip liner, she has pink blush the outfit

she is wearing is a brown striped jumpsuit and comes with a beaded

necklace the owner has never taken her clothes off so the elastics are still

attached to her body her heels are pink now the hair, she has one plait and tied

up side fringe she also only came with one pink earring her hair is very matted

and tangled the next doll is Hollywood-Style

Yasmin, she does not come in her original dress and I have no idea where this

dress is from although she does come in her original shoes and a necklace that

has never been removed either, with a few of her hair stuck in between her eye

shadow consists of four different colors and her beauty mark is glittery to match

her original outfit and makeup her hair is curly and matted as well I'm guessing

the previous owner hasnt brushed her hair in a while or at all

this is fashion show Chloe this doll is the only reason why I wanted this bundle

and it was at a reasonable price on eBay she was and is one of my favorite

dolls when I collected them growing up and I'm currently trying to collect

my old collection she comes with a sparkly short black dress that is held

up by her neck her bracelet has also never been removed and she comes with

her original shoes too - she didn't come with her black coat on her face she has

a lot of glitter and I don't remember if she's supposed to have this much glitter

all over her makeup also has glitter on them too with purple inner corner eyeshadow

brown outer corner a faint Brown cut crease and some silver above that her lips

are a metallic pink with more pink lip liner now her hair isn't as bad as the

two Yasmin's which is good but it does feel a bit greasy

so this is Avery Moxie Girlz doll that was included with the bundle I

think she's first edition I don't collect Moxie dolls so I'm not too sure

she's wearing what looks like white tracksuit pants with a white and gold

stripe with no velcro on the back to assist with removing the outfit like

Bratz dolls she has some red converse looking shoes white hooped earrings and

a black tank top that matches the color scheme of her outfit her hair is very

thick, matted and curly so her hair would take the longest to fix

she has a few stains on her arms

for cleaning the dolls I am using an old toothbrush and first brushing their

bodies with antibacterial hand wash rinsing it off and then brushing the

dolls again with baking soda I also wash their hair with the

antibacterial hand wash I then rinse the dolls and get them

ready to condition as I said earlier I have learnt everything from AzDoesMakeup

and A Thousand Splendid Dolls so if you're interested in more information

then I absolutely recommend checking out their videos for conditioning I'm

applying hair conditioner and scrubbing through their hair with my fingers first I

I then lay the dolls on a flat surface to brush and detangle the knots in their hair

until I can brush and comb through smoothly depending on the dolls condition it may

take a while longer than others once the hair is smooth I then rinse off all the

conditioner and brush their hair with running water then I put the doll's hair

in boiled water remove them after at least half an hour and stand them up on

my bed with a towel underneath a fan on to dry them with the accessories I

clean them the same way as the dolls bodies for doll clothes I place them in

a separate small tub and add in some laundry detergent I then add some cold

water mix them around for a bit and leave them to sit for a while in this

video I soaked them for a few hours when that is done rinse the clothes in

new water until there are no more laundry detergent bubbles in the water

although I forgot to film it I dry the clothes pegged on a coat hanger with

a fan on facing them so these are what the dolls look like now I have

cleaned everything I have also removed some stains with some benzoyl peroxide made

their heads less wobbly using elastics the Stylin' Yasmin dolls hair

is still frizzy at the bottom and I will fix that eventually I have reattached

her necklace with elastic as well so it doesn't fall off so that is the end of

my doll restoration transformation video if you enjoyed the video and would like to

see more as this is my first please leave a comment so I know and don't

hesitate to contact me anyway thank you for watching if you have made this far

For more infomation >> Bratz Doll Mini Haul and Transformation + 1 Moxie Girlz (Tutorial) - Duration: 5:47.


12 rêves que nous faisons fréquemment ont un sens secret dans la vraie vie - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> 12 rêves que nous faisons fréquemment ont un sens secret dans la vraie vie - Duration: 7:43.


With a Baked Potato through Edinburgh | vlog 1/2 - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> With a Baked Potato through Edinburgh | vlog 1/2 - Duration: 6:50.


Student Request | दिल की बात | CGL | Delhi Police | Clerk | CAT | SSC | Friends Education - Duration: 18:36.

For more infomation >> Student Request | दिल की बात | CGL | Delhi Police | Clerk | CAT | SSC | Friends Education - Duration: 18:36.


George - Episodul 5 - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> George - Episodul 5 - Duration: 11:00.


SAMYANG CHALLENGE (X2) ft. My Fam [Spicy Noodle Challenge] | Mr. Cool Blue VLOG #9 - Duration: 4:59.

It gets spicier!

I will get blinded with that

Of course, that's lighting. It's dark without it.

-Check the cam if I look good. -You wore sleeveless? Yes. It is good!

The camera is good.

Where's our water?

That's the challenge. Drinking is not allowed.

That's not fair.

Let's except mama.

-Wait, I'll just check the camera again. -Check if I look good first.

Yes, you look great, ma!

Im expecting it just taste like Pancit Canton.

Im nervous, okay. 1,2,3, go.

Just like what Im expecting...

It taste like...

Im expecting, it really is spicy.

I think I cant handle this. You will think it's not spicy at first.

As time goes by, it gets spicier.

You cheater! You did it quickly.

Just like what Im expecting... it is spicy.

It's the first time I get teary-eyed with spiciness.

My nose is getting runny.

My lips is getting hotter.

Mine's my throat.

Advantage of having a big mouth, Arwyn won.

It gets spicier!

Give her the ice cream.

-Why'd it became spicier? -They say if you drink water, it will.

We should drink milk instead.

For more infomation >> SAMYANG CHALLENGE (X2) ft. My Fam [Spicy Noodle Challenge] | Mr. Cool Blue VLOG #9 - Duration: 4:59.


Beard Food Fitness - Welcome To My Channel - Duration: 2:37.

Ten months ago...


Ten months ago I weight 250 lbs.

Now I weight 230 lbs.

I opened this channel to share with you how I lost 20lbs in ten months

and to show you how I will lose another 70lbs.

Right now I am 230lbs and my goal is to get to 160lbs.

This is a disclaimer.

Anything that I do on this channel exercises, diet, everything...all the information is

my own personal opinion and for me to do.

I'm not asking you guys to do anything.

If you do anything that I do it's at your own risk.

You should always ask a professional and a certified doctor before you start anything.

I'm not telling you to do anything.

So everything on this channel is for me to do and for you guys to watch and enjoy.

So I hope this channel motivates you and entertains you.

Welcome aboard.

Join me on the greatest journey of your life.

Join me and be with me watch me go down to my healthy weight level.

You're free not to subscribe, but if you'd like it's absolutely free to do so.

So please subscribe if you wish and you can leave comments,

like share and all that good stuff as you please.

Even if you don't subscribe you're still welcome to come as you please, go as you please

watch the videos, comment, like...anything you want...You're welcome.

Thank you for watching and stay tuned right here for more videos coming soon.

Beard Food Fitness.

By the way they call me Lion.

For more infomation >> Beard Food Fitness - Welcome To My Channel - Duration: 2:37.


POUBELLES, LA VIE | Episode 10 : solitudes - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> POUBELLES, LA VIE | Episode 10 : solitudes - Duration: 3:11.


Comment maigrir des fesses ? Y a t-il des solutions ? Jean-Michel Cohen - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Comment maigrir des fesses ? Y a t-il des solutions ? Jean-Michel Cohen - Duration: 1:21.


Matthew West – Live from Ne...

For more infomation >> Matthew West – Live from Ne...


SAMYANG CHALLENGE (X2) ft. My Fam [Spicy Noodle Challenge] | Mr. Cool Blue VLOG #9 - Duration: 4:59.

It gets spicier!

I will get blinded with that

Of course, that's lighting. It's dark without it.

-Check the cam if I look good. -You wore sleeveless? Yes. It is good!

The camera is good.

Where's our water?

That's the challenge. Drinking is not allowed.

That's not fair.

Let's except mama.

-Wait, I'll just check the camera again. -Check if I look good first.

Yes, you look great, ma!

Im expecting it just taste like Pancit Canton.

Im nervous, okay. 1,2,3, go.

Just like what Im expecting...

It taste like...

Im expecting, it really is spicy.

I think I cant handle this. You will think it's not spicy at first.

As time goes by, it gets spicier.

You cheater! You did it quickly.

Just like what Im expecting... it is spicy.

It's the first time I get teary-eyed with spiciness.

My nose is getting runny.

My lips is getting hotter.

Mine's my throat.

Advantage of having a big mouth, Arwyn won.

It gets spicier!

Give her the ice cream.

-Why'd it became spicier? -They say if you drink water, it will.

We should drink milk instead.

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