Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 3 2017

Barbara, grazie per l'invito, sono contento di essere qui

perchè il tutto è stato veramente ben organizzato ed ho apprezzato l'esperienza in generale

Grazie mille, grazie per aver accettato.

A questo punto, questa è una ICO che arriva da una società che ha già costruito il suo nome

che è già ben conosciuta, è in qualche modo qualcosa di diverso rispetto a quello che siamo abituati a vedere nel campo delle crypto.

La mia domanda è: ora avete deciso di entrare nelle crypto ed utilizzare un token

è abbastanza ovvio il perchè,

ma come mai avete scelto di crearne uno nuovo? Invece di utilizzarne

uno esistente, forse non Bitcoin perchè ne conosciamo le difficoltà, ma magari un altro.

E' davvero una buona domanda.

Prima di tutto noi vogliamo creare la Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers.

E' anche legato alla volatilità.

Per questo abbiamo preferito avere il nostro token, che possa riflettere la crescita della nostra azienda

E la crescita nel mercato degli influencers in generale.

Per esempio, comparando i quadrimestri di quest'anno con quelli del precedente.

La crescita è stata quasi del 300%

e il valore del mercato degli influencers

è previsto essere tra i 5 e i 10 milioni per il 2020

Quindi vogliamo che questa particolare cryptocurrecy, IndaHash, possa rifletterlo.

Quindi per collegare l'immagine dell'azienda

a qualcosa creato in questo settore (crypto), che cresce sempre di più.

Sì, ed anche per essere La Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers, allo stesso tempo.

Per essere identificati anche lì con quel nome

e non essere associati a qualcosaltro di già esistente. Ha senso.

L´altra domanda è..Non so se puoi rispondere, ma..

molti spettatori si chiedono quando verrà listata su qualche exchange,

se già avete contatti con qualche grande exchange e come sarà pianificato il post ICO.

La nostra roadmap è Dicembre-Gennaio, quindi alla fine di Gennaio vogliamo essere listati (su Exchanges).

Non posso rilasciare più dettagli.

Quindi ci sono già dei piani o dei contratti fatti?

Non posso rilasciare niente, ma vogliamo essere listati per la fine di Gennaio.

Ok, è questa è ancora più difficile da rispondere..

Ora il prezzo di acquisto per la prima settimana della ICO è

per 1 Ether avremo 3840 IndaHash tokens (IDH)

Questo è calcolato per essere il 20% in più rispetto a quello che si avrebbe nelle fasi finali della ICO.

Quindi, come sempre è un bonus e un vantaggio arrivare nelle fasi iniziali.

Esatto, perchè la prima settimana c'è il 20% di bonus. La seconda il 10% e nell'ultima nessuno.

Quindi, avete qualche attesa sui numeri o qualche cifra che prevedete di raggiungere?

Questa è un azienda ed un progetto a lungo termine,

la vedo così perchè questa è un'azienda consolidata e non una di quelle ICO

che pompano parecchio solo all'inizio,

ma è qui per starci (a lungo).

Quindi la domanda è se avete un'idea dei numeri che volete raggiungere, ad esempio tra un anno.

Sicuramente abbiamo dei piani. Vogliamo continuare a crescere. In realtà non posso dire di più..

ma abbiamo una roadmap nel nostro whitepaper. Vogliamo aprirci a nuovi mercati.

posizionare nuovi uffici in altre zone.

vogliamo introdurre le funzionalità di pagamento,

vogliamo implementare IndaHash coin per la fine del primo trimestre del prossimo anno.

Quindi entro Marzo 2018.

Vogliamo anche dare la possibilità agli influencers di creare i loro tokens per ripagare i followers.

Abbiamo tanti piani, direi che è abbastanza intenso.

E penso che la differenza principale è che abbiamo un business che già funziona, una app che funiona,

abbiamo un team, che hai incontrato oggi per la gran parte.

Quindi ci sono tante cose su cui noi abbiamo già lavorato.

Non è solo un white paper, ma c'è un business già funzionante a cui vogliamo fornire un token.

E riguardo all'Italia?

Abbiamo una campagna in Italia.

non lo sapevo.

Sì, sì, abbiamo due campagne (pubblicitarie) già attive in Italia.

Quindi è già nei piani di espandersi, ma questo è anche dimostrato dal fatto che io sono qui!

Queste erano le domande che volevo farti.

Giusto un paio e non di più perchè ho già avuto modo di visionare l'azienda e tutto il resto.

Sembra tutto ben consolidato e mi è piaciuto ciò che ho avuto modo di vedere.

"Grazie mille!"

For more infomation >> Interview with Barbara Soltysinska - IndaHash - Duration: 6:01.


6 facteurs qui influencent l'augmentation du cholestérol - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> 6 facteurs qui influencent l'augmentation du cholestérol - Duration: 8:09.


Deine Meinung – neues Format hier in den Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Deine Meinung – neues Format hier in den Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 3:09.


التحضير الجيد لمباراة التعاقد (التوظيف بموجب عقد) |الدكتور التباري النباري أستاذ مكون بالمركز الجهوي - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> التحضير الجيد لمباراة التعاقد (التوظيف بموجب عقد) |الدكتور التباري النباري أستاذ مكون بالمركز الجهوي - Duration: 9:41.


Comment améliorer La force en vélo avec un sparadrap ? - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Comment améliorer La force en vélo avec un sparadrap ? - Duration: 4:14.


mon chat glouton mange trop vite - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> mon chat glouton mange trop vite - Duration: 7:37.


ライバルはロールスロイス・ベンテイガ!Sクラスのテクノロジーを移植したベンツの旗艦SUV「GLS」 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> ライバルはロールスロイス・ベンテイガ!Sクラスのテクノロジーを移植したベンツの旗艦SUV「GLS」 - Duration: 3:40.


黃思穎 Sih-Ying Huang - Duration: 16:22.

Liszt: Années de Pèlerinage II, S.161, No. 5, Sonetto del Petrarca 104

Bach: English Suite No. 3 in G minor, VI. Gigue

Liszt: Années de Pèlerinage III, S.163, No. 4, Jeux d'eau a la villa d'este

For more infomation >> 黃思穎 Sih-Ying Huang - Duration: 16:22.


Anny Dupe­­rey orphe­­line à 8 ans, elle revient sur le drame qui a marqué sa vie - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Anny Dupe­­rey orphe­­line à 8 ans, elle revient sur le drame qui a marqué sa vie - Duration: 2:17.


Prevent copyright strikes -Do ...

For more infomation >> Prevent copyright strikes -Do ...


Les peuples turcs - D'où viennent-ils ? - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> Les peuples turcs - D'où viennent-ils ? - Duration: 7:05.


🆒 Comment gérer la PEUR des SILENCES (Sandra Painbéni d'Oser Parler En Public) - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> 🆒 Comment gérer la PEUR des SILENCES (Sandra Painbéni d'Oser Parler En Public) - Duration: 5:20.


Mystic Messenger [Comic Dub] - Car Ride - Duration: 0:46.

We're at McDonald's, what do you want?

The day you take your last breath, realizing that everyone and everything you ever loved has ceased to exist.

Yeah, you see.. I only got like.. six dollars.

Chicken nuggets.

You think I'll scare the shit out of them if I ask for Szechuan sauce?

For more infomation >> Mystic Messenger [Comic Dub] - Car Ride - Duration: 0:46.


Comment améliorer La force en vélo avec un sparadrap ? - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Comment améliorer La force en vélo avec un sparadrap ? - Duration: 4:14.


Meet the Press with Chuck Todd - Sunday Dec 03, 2017 | Flynn Flips - Duration: 44:58.

For more infomation >> Meet the Press with Chuck Todd - Sunday Dec 03, 2017 | Flynn Flips - Duration: 44:58.


Simontive 6 Episode 3 - Duration: 2:26.

Title: Simontive 6 Episode 3 Train to Adventure

Simon: Stop this torture Erik Wamboldt because it shows that you are still part of DTO. I still must find Airport Rabbit and the duck.

Erik Wamboldt: This is a new story-line, so you can just save him right now if you want. I was under control with some creature.

Mr. Dinosaur: Thank you for saving me, and we can test out the new rail system.

Train Announcement (NYC Accent): This is the Napvile bond express train. Please stand clear of the closing doors

Simon: Oh no, I see something over there that might be threatening.

Mr. Dinosaur: That must be a bomb. Get down everyone!

Kimon: Oh no, it's just a phone, but I have a bad feeling that's some weapon or bomb threat happening soon.

Mr. Dinosaur: We must find out what is going on right now. I must get the media over here immediately. Airport Rabbit and the duck are responsible.

Airport Rabbit: No, that can't be the case.

For more infomation >> Simontive 6 Episode 3 - Duration: 2:26.


remede naturel - Citron, Miel et Gingembre : Le Remède Qui Marche Contre le Rhume - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> remede naturel - Citron, Miel et Gingembre : Le Remède Qui Marche Contre le Rhume - Duration: 4:00.


mon chat glouton mange trop vite - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> mon chat glouton mange trop vite - Duration: 7:37.


Getting A Professional Bike Fit | Everything You Need To Know - Duration: 7:47.

- When you buy a bike from a shop,

you should get a basic fit to make sure

you've got the right size frame,

that you're comfortable,

and it's safe to ride.

Once you've started to get familiar with your bike,

it's time to look into your position

in a little more detail.

And this is where a professional bike fit

can come in handy.

(upbeat music)

With a time trial bike,

it's often a compromise between comfort,

power production, and aerodynamics.

So, if you've invested in a new time trial bike,

you want to make the most of those aerodynamic features

and working on your position is vital.

Several small tweaks can end up making

a significant difference.

There are many tools and software

than can be used by bike fitters,

but they still require an expert eye

that can interpret them,

but also listen to your individual needs.

Now, I need to find a position

that will suit me for a long distance triathlon.

(upbeat music)

I'm delighted to say

that I've got ex pro cyclist and Ironman triathlete,

Magnus Backstedt, who's agreed very kindly

to help me out on this bike fit.

So, thanks Magnus.

- No problem.

- Where are we gonna get started?

- Well, normally we would start with setting

your cleat position up on your shoes.

But because you're in a mid-level race season,

and you've got some events coming up,

I would refrain from touching them too much right now,

so I rather you come back and see me at some point

when you've got a down time.

'Cause as soon as we start messing around with your cleats

you're always running that risk of having your knees

going a little bit tender, and so on,

and we don't wanna be jeopardising any events

that you've got coming up.

So, first of all,

I'll just get you onto the bike

and then we're gonna marker you up

so that the cameras can read what you're doing.

(upbeat music)

- Well, as you can see, and now Magnus,

you've covered me in all these dots.

What happens next?

- So, we've now made the cameras able to see you

and see every motion that you make

when you're riding your bike,

so, the next thing now is that

we've gotta get you riding your bike

for about a minute or so

for your body to settle down on the bike,

find you a comfortable position,

and then when I see that you're sitting still

on the bike in the position that you normally do

when you're putting out a bit of power,

then I'll record about 30-40 seconds of image

on the computer.

And then we'll go back in and analyse that,

see what's what, make any changes,

and then we'll repeat that until

we've found the position that we're happy with.

(upbeat music)

- Okay, so you've had a quick look.

And I know you've made some quite drastic observations.

What'd you notice, Magnus?

- Well, I've noticed that you're struggling

to open up your hip flexor on the left hand side,

which means that you're tilting over

every time you're peddling.

Most of the time, that's something that comes from

too much travelling, previous injury,

falling off your bike, even running injuries

sometimes can limit that one.

But, the biggest thing that we all struggle with,

is that we sit down at an office desk,

we sit down at home, we sit down in a car,

I don't know if you've been travelling,

aeroplanes tends to be really really nasty

on your hip flexors.

So, the first thing you can do when you're

as soon as you've travelled somewhere,

if you're having an event coming up

in the next couple of weeks,

just make sure that you stretch out

those hip flexors 'cause they make such a big difference.

Not only to your bike ride, but also to your run.

And those are the two key elements really

in any triathlon that you're doing.

So, we're gonna have a look at that.

Also adjust your position a little bit

on the saddle as well,

just to allow you to open up those hip flexors

a little bit further.

So, that's gonna be the next thing.

- [Host] Great

(upbeat music)

- Most people that come to see you,

what's the main thing they're looking to sort,

or what brings them to you?

- Well, it comes various different problems.

It's neck problems, shoulders, lower back,

knees, anything really.

As soon as you're not feeling comfortable sitting,

you know, there's something going on

every time you're riding your bike.

It's more likely that the bike's setup

isn't quite right and specific for you.

And that's what makes the difference,

but what we do as well if obviously

guiding and advice you on what to

potentially look for, so if there's any

physical imbalances that might need to be sorted,

and obviously we keep on going back to hip flexors

with people working and sitting in cars,

and so on.

So it's more like the general package,

so, I'd say having a bike fit at least once a year

is probably a good thing to do to

make sure your body changes, you crash,

you have anything that can happen to it.

As we get older, we get less flexible.

So all these things kind of come into play

when you're doing a bike fit.

(upbeat music)

- So, Magnus, I know you're keen to adjust my position

on my tribars here, what is it that needs moving?

- Well, number one, we need to move around your hands

and your wrists, basically.

Holding your wrists out like this,

and like you are currently,

opens up the whole frontal area,

so you're creating a massive amount of drag

coming into through in your stomach and pelvic area.

There was actually quite a famous

Tour de France rider who lost the Tour de France,

based on holding his wrists rolled out

like you are right now.

So the key thing is if we move

your handle bars in a little bit tighter,

alright, like that.

And then rotate your wrists in,

which naturally happens at this point,

it also rotates your shoulder in,

which releases a lot of the strain on your shoulders

which you mentioned earlier that you had.

- [Host] Yeah, feels comfortable, yeah.

- And, as you can see from the front here, as well,

the hands covering the majority of the frontal area

of your body means that you're slipperier in the wind.

(upbeat music)

- And I was, I guess pleasantly surprised,

that all the things we changed were quite minimal.

Like, a few mills from what you're telling me,

but it ends up making a big difference over all.

- Yeah, and that's what we specialise in here,

is making sure that you're getting the

level of detail and understanding

the different and how the body react

in different ways with,

so just because you feel like you're sitting

right in one way, just changing it

one or two millimetres may actually balance you out

a little bit more, like the case was with you.

We actually found that you levelled out

in terms of how you sat on the saddle

by moving the saddle three millimetres.

So, yeah.

- [Host] It's tiny, isn't it?

- Yeah, it's tiny tiny details,

and everything kind of works with each other.

So the moment we drop the handlebars,

we need to adjust the saddle and so on, and so on.

So, it's getting the whole package

and that's what we love doing here.

(upbeat music)

- That was a bike fit specific

for a triathlon time trial bike.

And the thing that really struck me

was how such tiny changes end up making

quite a big difference to my overall performance.

And I'm desperate to head out onto the road

and check it out, so,

massive thanks to Magnus for his time today.

If you like this video, give us the thumbs up.

And remember, you can subscribe to GTN

by clicking on the globe.

And if you want to watch a video

on how to descend on a time trial bike,

just click over here.

And to see some triathlon tech from our trip

to Rotterdam, click down here.

For more infomation >> Getting A Professional Bike Fit | Everything You Need To Know - Duration: 7:47.



For more infomation >> PRENDRE DU MUSCLE RAPIDEMENT - Duration: 3:42.


HOW to get free google play gift card codes free google play 2017 2018 google play gift card code - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> HOW to get free google play gift card codes free google play 2017 2018 google play gift card code - Duration: 3:23.


Secret Story 11 - Charlène : « Avec Noré, on est entrés ensemble et on finira ensemble ! » - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 - Charlène : « Avec Noré, on est entrés ensemble et on finira ensemble ! » - Duration: 2:43.


How We Manage Our Anxiety | Sophie - Duration: 7:41.

Sophie: You have a dog, or a cat that you like to walk.

Is that a thing?

Ellie: No Sophie: Maybe….. mmm

[Intro Music]

S: Well hello everyone and welcome back to my channel,

or if you are new, hello welcome to my channel, my name is Sophie.

And today I have my friend Ellie.

E: Hello S: I'm sure a lot of you will know her

and if you don't, where have you been?

E: Yeah *Laughter*

S: Today we thought we would talk about things that help us calm our anxiety,

or help us try to avoid having anxious periods.

So I thought it would be really helpful for a lot of people that are struggling with anxiety.

E: And I know when I was first diagnosed, I turned to Youtube to find out more about


S: yeah that's exactly what I did.

I Youtubed people to see what they did.

E: Yeah S: So we thought we would share our knowledge

and yeah, lets crack on with this video.

S: So the first thing that helps both of us is music.

E: Yeah!

Definitely S: I, Could not live without my music.

It means that you can zone out of everything and just …


E: Yeah, I know for me if I'm feeling really anxious all I wanna do is hide in my room,

with headphones on listening to music so..

S: like, on top volume E: yeah.

Like pretending the world doesn't exist.

S: What kind of songs would you listen to?

E: Oo that's such a good questions S: Cuz I know that my playlist would be Demi

Lovato E: I knew you were gonna say that.


Anything that I know.

S: Yeah…

E: Honestly, that I know all the words to,

that isn't too sad.

S: like, Skyscraper…

E: oh Yeah!

Motivating songs are quite good.

S: Yeah.

Real good.

Which is why I find Demi Lovato, has quite a lot of motivating songs.

And Jessie J. E: Yeah, I was gonna say Pink.

S: Yep.

E: So the second thing that we both use is Youtube.

Again I think just for distraction like, it's so easy to watch a 10 minute video

and completely forget about how you're feeling.

Or forget a little bit about how you're feeling.

S: Yeah.

Or sometimes even a youtube video that is about anxiety.

E: Yeah S: then makes you feel less alone.

E: Yeah definitely S: so then you don't feel like you're

the only one with anxiety and get yourself even more worked up.

E; cuz it does make you feel very isolate.

Like it's kinda nice to know that it's normal,

other people go through it, other people have got through it,

so we can also get through it.

S: Which youtuber would you say that you watch the most?

E: Zoe Mark

Superfruit, Do you even know them?

S: I don't E: They're good.

They're just funny so that helps.

S: I'll check them out but I also watch Lilly Singh/Superwoman like

I think i probably turn to her the most recently.

I think it's between her and Zoe or like Zoe and Mark Vlogs.

E: they're amazing yeah..

S: because like their vlogs i could watch over and over and over

and the world just doesn't seem to exist.

And i forget all of my feelings.

There's 2 extremes.

Either watch someone that is upbeat and motivating and productive

and pushes that on you and you kind of think about life.

But not in an anxious way just how you could improve your life.

Or i just watch pure out distraction like Zoe & Mark.


And you forget.

But we were saying before and you haven't watched it,

which is Lilly Singh's movie from when she was on tour,

Which is (A trip to) Unicorn Island.


E: I really need to watch this…

S: It like properly motivated me and made me feel like i could conquer the world.

S: So the 3rd one is one that is more for me personally because i have a dog

and that is going on a dog walk.

It kind of depends why I am anxious If i am feeling unwell and that is causing

anxiety then maybe a walk isn't the best thing,

but if I am just feeling anxious and need some fresh air,

it's a great excuse to just get out and the dog loves it and loves me for it.

So i find a dog walk whilst listening to music but i..

yeah… i think when i am anxious the dog gets like

the longest walks.

I will literally just go for an hour walk to the point where he will sit down and and

he will refuse to move.

S: The 4th thing we both kind of agree on this one

and that is reading.

I mean i've got more into reading recently just because i can take my hearing aids out

and not think about the world.

but again it's distraction but you're… it's distraction in a different way.

E: Yeah.

It's more like, I find with reading you can completely go into a completely different

world which is the book.

S: Yeah E: It takes you away from where you are which

is making you nervous.

S: i have been reading how to conq….

how to be a boss…


How to be a Bawse.

From Lilly Singh.

I just sound like a stalker right now.

Like i am obsessed with her (which i am).

but her book helps like… helps you realise that everything you are

feeling is normal but this is how you can ..

E: make it better S: make it better.

S: The next thing that we find really helps is,

for us it is cheer but exercise in general is a really great way to feel better about

life and about yourself.

E: Yeah like if you're starting, like right at the beginning, if you're starting

to feel anxious, go on a run ad you'll feel so much better


S: Or even if you're not a cardio person because,

i know i hate running, just like,

i will literally do a plank in my room, E: Yeah..

. S: or like follow a youtube video of exercises

that you can do at home that don't require any weights or equipment.

It just makes me feel like I'm doing something for my body

E: Yeah S: rather than something against my body.

And like i know that it's scientific that it makes you feel better.

E; Yeah… releasing them Endorphins.

S: And the last one that we both find really helps is planning ahead.

Because then you know what to expect like, when we went to Winter Wonderland last year,

we planned every single part, E: Yeah..

S: like we planned what time the train was, what train we were getting,

how we were getting there, where we park, like we planned everything because we knew

that going there and how we were getting there, there was a good chance we could get anxious.

E: Yeah, S: so we wanted to avoid that.

So if you are going somewhere that you know could potentially trigger your anxiety,

or even just like…

I plan everything don't i like…

E: mmm S: even if it's not something necessarily

that i think will make me anxious, i'll still plan.

just in case.

E: Yeah.

S; I might not stick to timings all the time E: This morning….

* laughter * S: Yeah…

S: SO that is all of our top tips that help us either stop anxiety or potentially avoid


or when we are anxious.

We would love to know what things help you with anxiety,

because I'm always looking for new ways to try and control my anxiety and help

when i do feel anxious and i'm sure you're the same,

E: definitely S: So, if you have any,

leave them in the comments below.

E: Let us know.

S: Yasss please and if you haven't already please be sure

to click that thumbs up button so that we know that this video was helpful

or that you enjoyed it.

either or.

Also, if you haven't clicked that subscribe button yet,

i really think you should, because…

our channels are awesome.

So my link is below, i will leave the link to Ellie's channel

in the description box below.

So be sure to subscribe to both of our channels.

And if you're from Ellie's channel, Heyyyy

E: yeah if you're from mine, Subscrbe….

S: And until next time Keep Watching

Stay Strong And

Stay Safe Bye Guys

E: Byeeee


For more infomation >> How We Manage Our Anxiety | Sophie - Duration: 7:41.


Dia de redenção! Em São Januário, Vasco duela por vaga na Libertadores - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Dia de redenção! Em São Januário, Vasco duela por vaga na Libertadores - Duration: 1:29.


MonsteR Car Racing Games for kids 23 - free car or car videos - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> MonsteR Car Racing Games for kids 23 - free car or car videos - Duration: 10:51.


Serena Grandi avverte Ignazio e Cecilia: la storia potrebbe finire| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Serena Grandi avverte Ignazio e Cecilia: la storia potrebbe finire| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:22.


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For more infomation >> Une astuce géniale pour rendre vos pieds plus jolis, ne gaspillez plus votre argent dans.. - Duration: 6:43.


(祈禱的回應 Ep 2) - (03:12 開始) 腦細(上帝), 可唔可以唔食藥?? ; 神回: 我要醫好你, 一粒藥都唔洗(不藥而癒) + 祈禱求籤真是有回應?? - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> (祈禱的回應 Ep 2) - (03:12 開始) 腦細(上帝), 可唔可以唔食藥?? ; 神回: 我要醫好你, 一粒藥都唔洗(不藥而癒) + 祈禱求籤真是有回應?? - Duration: 5:45.


Secret Story 11 – Barbara n'y croit pas ! |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 – Barbara n'y croit pas ! |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 3:53.


黃思穎 Sih-Ying Huang - Duration: 16:22.

Liszt: Années de Pèlerinage II, S.161, No. 5, Sonetto del Petrarca 104

Bach: English Suite No. 3 in G minor, VI. Gigue

Liszt: Années de Pèlerinage III, S.163, No. 4, Jeux d'eau a la villa d'este

For more infomation >> 黃思穎 Sih-Ying Huang - Duration: 16:22.


Simplify Networking in a Hybr...

For more infomation >> Simplify Networking in a Hybr...


Ford Recalls 177,000 2016 F-150s and Explorers for Loose Seat Mounting - Duration: 1:20.

Ford Recalls 177,000 2016 F-150s and Explorers for Loose Seat Mounting

Ford is recalling 177,264 trucks and SUVs in the United States for loose seats.

The automaker said the 2016 F-150 and Explorer have front power-seat sliding tracks that may have loose bolts, which could cause the seat to move excessively in a crash.

Full details, including when Ford discovered the defect and how it attempted repairs, were not available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Dealers will check the torque applied to the "upper pivot link bolt," take it out, clean it, coat it with adhesive, and bolt it back.

That's if the bolt was tightened to factory spec.

If not, Ford will replace the link assembly with new fasteners and bushings.

For more infomation >> Ford Recalls 177,000 2016 F-150s and Explorers for Loose Seat Mounting - Duration: 1:20.


10 Old School Celebrity Scandals That Would've Broken the Internet - Duration: 15:32.

For more infomation >> 10 Old School Celebrity Scandals That Would've Broken the Internet - Duration: 15:32.


Cape Foulwind Walkway in Westport - New Zealand's Biggest Gap Year – Backpacker Guide New Zealand - Duration: 6:02.

Today we are going to see the laziest seals in New Zealand.

This morning our day begins in the awesome Bazils Hostel which is a cool and colourful

hostel full of different murals on the wall as well as different places to relax and kick

back, watch some rugby on the nearby rugby field - classic Kiwi sight.

But these 365 Days of 365 Activities are not going to do themselves.

that's right, so we are heading today to Cape Foulwind which is the places where there is

one of the best and biggest seal colonies in New Zealand and there is also some awesome

rocky cliffs and some stunning beaches so there is a lot to unpack today so off we go.

Cape Foulwind is located only about 10km out of Westport and it's definitely a must-see.

The hike is really easy.

It's a well-marked and really easy kind of concrete path and it's only about an hour

walk if you take it really slowly.

Although it's a one-way track there is a lot to see along the way so in our books it's

definitely a must do.

The first stop on the Cape Foulwind Walkway is the Cape Foulwind Lighthouse.

There are heaps of different lighthouses in New Zealand and this one has to be one of

my favourites.

The awesome thing about this lighthouse is that it is surrounded by this native bush

called flax which the Maori actually used to use to make clothing and baskets for example

and this makes a complete contrast to the white lighthouse itself.

A couple of locals tells us that the place is called Cape Foulwind because it receives

the wind from Australia so foul wind.

I don't really know how true that is but it makes them laugh.

But we are already onto the next spot that we want to check out during this walk which

is the seal colony.

Laura and I are really keen on checking out this seal colony so we are kind of power walking

our way through the coastal line.

Because the native bush around is quite low we actually get some really awesome views

of the coastal headlands all the way along the walkway.

Although we don't quite see all the way to Australia we do see why this place is called

the wild West Coast.

The rocks on the cliffs below are getting absolutely smashed by the waves and the wind

up here is pretty strong as well.

As we getting closer and closer and closer to the coastline we are hearing the waves

crashing on the rocks.

It kind of feels like a build-up from an American movie right here.

It's going stronger and harder and louder and soon enough we finally arrive at the seal


It is a rugged coastline bashed by the waves and it takes us a few minutes to spot our

first seal.

The viewing area here is absolutely huge and it keeps us a good distance away from the

seals so we can watch them doing their natural thing.

The seals are exactly the same colour as the rocks and the fact that most of them are just

sleeping and just chilling out it just makes it a little hard to spot them at first.

But a few of the smaller ones, the younger ones, are a little bit cheeky a little bit

more movement and it's really surprising how well these seals can sleep when the waves

are absolutely crashing around them.

In New Zealand the law requires us to stay at least 20m away from seals.

they are marine mammals that were harassed by humans in the past decades and the New

Zealand Department of Conservation is trying to populate the local seal colonies and we

can see that the program has been a great success with so many seal pups around.

Laura and I are falling in love with those seals.

There is like the tiny ones which are really hilarious and the big ones which are super

grumpy and super hairy.

We are having a lot of fun watching them and we spend here a lot of time.

Actually we spend here over two hours that's crazy the amount of time those seals entertained


The Foulwind Track is a one-way track so we are making our way back the same way that

we came in which gives us the opportunity to check out those views from a different


I really do like that.

And we get back to the Bazils Backpackers for another night and hopefully tomorrow we're

going to be surfing.

They are flapping their flippers.

You know kind of like [wimpering sounds] he's gonna catch me... that was a hard one.

I'm going to eat another fish.

And then you get some which are really happy they go with their feet like so you know they're

dreaming about like oh my god so many fishes I'm eating so much fish.

So you can see literally what their dreaming about which is pretty epic.

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