Monday, December 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 4 2017

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For more infomation >> ATN News 4 December 2017 Bangladesh news Today Bangla Breaking News all Bangla HD - Duration: 18:00.


Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI 150pk Sport Pro Line S-tronic - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI 150pk Sport Pro Line S-tronic - Duration: 1:01.


Audi A4 2.0 TDI 150pk Sport Pro Line S-tronic - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 2.0 TDI 150pk Sport Pro Line S-tronic - Duration: 0:54.


Chronique | CONQUEST | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Chronique | CONQUEST | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:08.


Chronique | CHOUQUETTE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Chronique | CHOUQUETTE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:21.


The sales story - Dr. Martin Auer MBA (137) - Duration: 4:08.

Hello, this is Martin Auer speaking again from Science Sales Academy.

This video is number 137 and it is about: The sales story

The sales story provides a basic, attractive and appealing answer to the question

"Why should I as a customer purchase your product?"

- regardless of product specifications or technical features.

Each sales message is, in a sense, a story.

In most cases today unfortunately it is the wrong story.

Often, the sales story is really bad.

Which is why most sales stories do not really work or even do the opposite of what they are meant to do.

In such a poor sales story the sales company is glorified as a hero, the goal of the hero

is that the salesperson makes the close and the customer in this sales story is a background actor,

who supports the hero either to achieve his goal or fight against it.

Such a concept of a sales story is fundamentally wrong.

In a good sales story there is only one hero, and that is the customer - and not the salesperson

and not the sales company.

The hero's goal in this sales story is exactly what the customer wants to achieve.

And the salesperson or the sales company in a good sales story is a background actor,

who supports the hero, which means the customers, to reach their goal and to provide them the

best available tool for this task.

What makes a good sales story?

• A good sales story is not focused on the product nor on the sales company, but rather

on the answer to the question why as a customer you must choose this product in order to achieve

their goal.

• A good sales story always works with concrete and tangible statements and never with abstract ones.

• A good sales story always addresses the emotional level and is not intellectual nor technical.

One example: The best example of a very good sales story

is that of IBM in the 1980s.

IBM as the largest company with the most patents, the highest turnover, the most employees, etc.

had lots of material for a normal, classical sales story.

Instead, their sales story was only "Nobody ever got fired for choosing IBM".

This sales story can only be described as brilliant.

Do you want to learn more about the power of sales history?

Then just contact us, we will help you!

Please subscribe to my channel and never miss a new video – here on the right bottom side.

It's totally free of cost for you and there are no further obligations whatsoever,

for you it is only one single mouseclick and for me – well, me it helps a lot!

Thank you very much!

And – as your personal starting point to more effectiveness in everything what has

to do with people, just click on this little „i" at the right top side - here is free

for download your personal DISC-booklet - your most important foundation for success in strategic

sales in lifescience- and biotech market.

You have questions?

Just contact me.

My contact information is on my homepage. Thanx a lot for listening and watching, take

care and see you again next time!

For more infomation >> The sales story - Dr. Martin Auer MBA (137) - Duration: 4:08.


Chronique | CRASH TEST AGLAE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Chronique | CRASH TEST AGLAE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:06.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:09.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:07.


笨柚廚房[#88] - 能吃的聖誕樹! - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 笨柚廚房[#88] - 能吃的聖誕樹! - Duration: 5:02.


Matthew West – Live from Ne...

For more infomation >> Matthew West – Live from Ne...


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT 105pk COMFORT PACK Airco-Trekhaak-Metallic lak-Radio/cd - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT 105pk COMFORT PACK Airco-Trekhaak-Metallic lak-Radio/cd - Duration: 1:00.


U & D, Nicola Panico corteggiatore di Sara Affi Fella: la sua decisione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> U & D, Nicola Panico corteggiatore di Sara Affi Fella: la sua decisione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.


Is Fascism Right Or Left? - Duration: 5:38.

"He's a fascist!"

For decades, this has been a favorite smear of the left, aimed at those on the right.

Every Republican president—for that matter, virtually every Republican—since the 1970s

has been called a fascist; now, more than ever.

This label is based on the idea that fascism is a phenomenon of the political right.

The left says it is, and some self-styled white supremacists and neo-Nazis

embrace the label.

But are they correct?

To answer this question, we have to ask what fascism really means:

What is its underlying ideology?

Where does it even come from?

These are not easy questions to answer.

We know the name of the philosopher of capitalism: Adam Smith.

We know the name of the philosopher of Marxism: Karl Marx.

But who's the philosopher of fascism?

Yes—exactly. You don't know.

Don't feel bad. Almost no one knows.

This is not because he doesn't exist, but because historians, most of whom are on the

political left, had to erase him from history in order to avoid confronting fascism's actual beliefs.

So, let me introduce him to you.

His name is Giovanni Gentile.

Born in 1875, he was one of the world's most influential philosophers in the first

half of the twentieth century.

Gentile believed that there were two "diametrically opposed" types of democracy.

One is liberal democracy, such as that of the United States, which Gentile dismisses

as individualistic—too centered on liberty and personal rights—and therefore selfish.

The other, the one Gentile recommends, is "true democracy," in which individuals

willingly subordinate themselves to the state.

Like his philosophical mentor, Karl Marx, Gentile wanted to create a community that

resembles the family, a community where we are "all in this together."

It's easy to see the attraction of this idea.

Indeed, it remains a common rhetorical theme of the left.

For example, at the 1984 convention of the Democratic Party, the governor of New York,

Mario Cuomo, likened America to an extended family where, through the government,

people all take care of each other.

Nothing's changed.

Thirty years later, a slogan of the 2012 Democratic Party convention was, "The government is

the only thing we all belong to."

They might as well have been quoting Gentile.

Now, remember, Gentile was a man of the left.

He was a committed socialist.

For Gentile, fascism is a form of socialism—indeed, its most workable form.

While the socialism of Marx mobilizes people on the basis of class, fascism mobilizes people

by appealing to their national identity as well as their class.

Fascists are socialists with a national identity.

German Fascists in the 1930s were called Nazis—basically a contraction of the term "national socialist."

For Gentile, all private action should be oriented to serve society; there is no distinction

between the private interest and the public interest.

Correctly understood, the two are identical.

And who is the administrative arm of the society?

It's none other than the state.

Consequently, to submit to society is to submit to the state—not just in economic matters,

but in all matters.

Since everything is political, the state gets to tell everyone how to think and what to do.

It was another Italian, Benito Mussolini, the fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943,

who turned Gentile's words into action.

In his Dottrina del Fascismo, one of the doctrinal statements of early fascism, Mussolini wrote,

"All is in the state and nothing human exists or has value outside the state."

He was merely paraphrasing Gentile.

The Italian philosopher is now lost in obscurity, but his philosophy could not be more relevant

because it closely parallels that of the modern left.

Gentile's work speaks directly to progressives who champion the centralized state.

Here in America, the left has vastly expanded state control over the private sector,

from healthcare to banking; from education to energy.

This state-directed capitalism is precisely what German and Italian fascists implemented

in the 1930s.

Leftists can't acknowledge their man, Gentile, because that would undermine their attempt

to bind conservatism to fascism.

Conservatism wants small government so that individual liberty can flourish.

The left, like Gentile, wants the opposite: to place the resources of the individual and

industry in the service of a centralized state.

To acknowledge Gentile is to acknowledge that fascism bears a deep kinship

to the ideology of today's left.

So, they will keep Gentile where they've got him: dead, buried, and forgotten.

But we should remember, or the ghost of fascism will continue to haunt us.

I'm Dinesh D'Souza for Prager University.

For more infomation >> Is Fascism Right Or Left? - Duration: 5:38.


Chronique | DES PLANS SUR LA COMETE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Chronique | DES PLANS SUR LA COMETE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:28.


Quiche à la courgette et l'oignonكيش رائع في المذاق بالكرعة والبصلة - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Quiche à la courgette et l'oignonكيش رائع في المذاق بالكرعة والبصلة - Duration: 7:01.


SFX MAKEUP : Lutin du Père Noël | CALENDRIER DE L'AVENT 4/24 - Duration: 6:51.

Today I transformed myself into a christmas elf

I put some prosthetics on my ears

and made myself a fake nose

I start by applying my ears prosthetics

link to buy is in the description box (french site)

I put them on my ears and then glue them

quickly with some spirit gum

i don't care about the edges

or matching color to my skin because

I will put my hair around them

I applied spirit gum on my nose and then put some

plasto wax on top

I work the wax to create an elf

nose shape to look like

a christmas elf lol

Put some cream or vaseline

on your fingertips

it will help you to work the wax easier

This is the major step of this makeup

so take your time to create the

best elf nose you can

Once I finished the nose I can apply my foundation

I apply it all over with a beauty blender

except on the plasto wax because

it looks gross

I can now put my concealer

I apply it on my dark circles and on the edges

or the plasto wax as well

don't put it ON the plasto wax

be careful

I set with Laura Mercier

transluscent powder

I do some contouring with some powdery

MUFE products. I start with the lightest shade

and apply it on my light points

and I sculpt with the darkest shade

If it's too dark take your puff

and use it like an eraser

I apply a pink blush from Cozzette

I apply it on the apple of my cheek in a round way

I apply a bit on the tip

of my nose as well

I comb my eyebrows hairs to the top

I use this eyebrow cream from LASplash

in shade Cinnamon Daisy

I make them look fluffy and fuller

I apply a white crayon from Linda Hallberg

on my waterline

Another crayon from Linda Hallberg

this is one of the new ones

This shade is WONDERFUL with little glitters!!

I use it as a base on my lower lash line

I now use Plumeria from Makeup Geek

he lived a hard life lol

I love this shade and I use it to draw the cut crease

I smudge

I use Modern Mattes palette from BH Cosmetics

I put this shade on top of my pencil

on my lower lash line

and I blend with this shade

I use this one on my cut crease

on top of the pencil

and then use this to blend the crease

take your time to do a beautiful blending

Use use a gold flash color on my lids

it helps me precise the shape of the cut crease as well

I left an empty space between the lash line

and the gold color to do my eyeliner because

I don't want the gold and the black to be mixed together

I do my eyeliner as I usually do it

I line the white shape on my inner corner as well

I will apply some glitters on my lids so

I first use this glitter base from Lit

with those glitters from MAC

I put my brush into the clearly base and then directly

in the glitters and it creates a glitter gel

I use the brow product from Wunderbrow

to create some fake freckles

I first draw some dots with a liner brush

and dab with my fingers before it dries

doing this way creates very natural fake


I apply my lashes, now you know how to apply them

and if you don't the link to my video is in bio :)

I apply some bottom ones too

same if you don't know how to apply them yet, link in the description :)

I go for some red lips obviously

I put a red orange wig on

from Hea Hair

I style it to let my ears be visible

and I put this elf hat I bought on Amazon

Thanks for watching !

I hope you enjoyed this video

don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you liked

and subscribe to my channel if you wanna help me

See you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> SFX MAKEUP : Lutin du Père Noël | CALENDRIER DE L'AVENT 4/24 - Duration: 6:51.



Hey it's Tracy and welcome back to my channel and today I've got something really special

for you.

I'm having a little holiday party and I'm gonna make some delicious and healthy Holiday

Appetizers for you.

So, if you're new to my channel, hello thanks for coming here and I really hope you subscribe

to my channel because I put out brand new fitness, wellness and lifestyle video's every

single week.

So, let's get into this delicious appetizer.

What I'm making is an avocado toast appetizer, so it's super healthy but (secret) is I'm

actually not using toast or crackers at all, I'm using a cauliflower crust pizza, pizza

crust from Cali-flour foods.

Super healthy, four simple ingredients, low carb, delicious and you're gonna love it.

So all I did (this is so easy you're going to laugh) so I took the pizza crust and I

put it in the oven for 12 minutes and I flipped it half way so it got nice and crispy.

So then I have some avocado (obviously) and all I did here was just slice it up and I'm

gonna just smash it up here.

Super easy.

We love avocado because it is a good healthy fat, Why we love good healthy fat is because

it makes you satiated so you're not starving and it's delicious and on top of it we have

that great green holiday color here.

So what we are going to do is just take this delicious smashed avocado, it's also a good arm workout, and we're going

to put it on the cauliflower pizza crust.

Even my husband likes this crust, that's how delicious it is.

So, we're gonna just take it and smoosh it around here.

Make it nice.

So I smashed the avocado all over the pizza crust and you also want to use either lemon

or lime juice and the reason why you want to do that is you want to keep this beautiful

green vibrant color.

Then I just sliced it into these tiny little slices like this, you can do any shape that

you want, that's why I love this because there's just so many versatile options here.

Next, we are going to have some little grape tomatoes, so high in vitamin C, delicious.

People don't necessarily need to know we're being healthy.

Surprise we are :) So, I'm just putting these all over.

You can arrange these however it feels beautiful, festive and lovely for you.

I'm just going to do one per slice here.

So, we've got the cauliflower high in fiber, really rich in vitamins and minerals and the

healthy fat in our avocado adding it with some beautiful vitamin C with our tomatoes,

so all good things and then lastly, we're gonna just take a little bit of fresh ground

pepper and just sprinkle that over.

Now options here are really endless.

You could do this with ground pepper, you can add some pink sea salt if you wanted,

you know what would also be really cute and kind of add a little but more holiday flare

is even doing a little bit of lime zest.

It will give you just a little bit more zing.

So, super amazing.

So again this is low calorie, low carb, really healthy and most importantly, absolutely delicious.

Gluten free, all amazing things.

So we're going to do a second option here using another crust.

So again, I have it all toasted up, but look at how cute I made this.

So, we crisped it up and cut it up into little tiny squares here, so it looks like little


Then I have some fresh hummus here, so people can just dip and amazing.

And they don't even know that they're not eating bread or crackers.

So you're going to be the HIT of the party because everyone's gonna love it and you're

being super healthy, you're really keeping with your lifestyle choices.

You will be that woman that thru the holidays doesn't get that wider waist, but that you

keep that really stealth and sexy look that I know we all want.

So I hope you liked this.

I also have a great discount for you for Cali-flour foods pizza crust, it's absolutely delicious

so I'll leave that down in the decription box below.

Make sure that when you make this recipe that you leave me a comment and let me know how

much you wow'ed your guests, your family, everyone and I'll see you next time.

Okay, Bye!



Chronique | CRASH TEST AGLAE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Chronique | CRASH TEST AGLAE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:06.


Chronique | CHOUQUETTE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Chronique | CHOUQUETTE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:21.


Barbara D'Urso sta male: a rischio la puntata di Pomeriggio 5 di oggi? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso sta male: a rischio la puntata di Pomeriggio 5 di oggi? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:43.


Chronique | CONQUEST | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Chronique | CONQUEST | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:08.


Une astuce infaillible pour votre enfant pour apprendre à utiliser le pot pendant 3 jours - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Une astuce infaillible pour votre enfant pour apprendre à utiliser le pot pendant 3 jours - Duration: 4:21.


GF Vip, anticipazioni: ecco chi è entrato nella casa per la finale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> GF Vip, anticipazioni: ecco chi è entrato nella casa per la finale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:11.


Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:08.


Ryder Plays Pinwheels Learn colors with nursery rhymes Kids Songs Children Toddlers Baby Videos - Duration: 2:28.

Ryder Plays Pinwheels Learn colors with nursery rhymes Kids Songs Children Toddlers Baby Videos

For more infomation >> Ryder Plays Pinwheels Learn colors with nursery rhymes Kids Songs Children Toddlers Baby Videos - Duration: 2:28.


Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:08.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 132PK FIRST EDITION Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 132PK FIRST EDITION Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:00.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 132PK FIRST EDITION Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 132PK FIRST EDITION Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:59.


Hero Mom Loses Both Legs Saving Children From Tornado. 1 Year Later She's Still Helping Others - Duration: 4:02.

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Hero Mom Loses Both Legs Saving Children From Tornado.

1 Year Later She's Still Helping Others

In life, events happen where there is no explanation or reason given.

You either roll with the punches or curl up and give into despair.

One Indiana mom chose to become an inspiration for others after losing both legs when an

F4 tornado ripped through her home.

It was 2012 when wife and mother Stephanie Decker made the life-altering sacrifice to

put the lives of her two young children before her own.

Stephanie was living in Henryville, Indiana, with her husband, Joe and their two young

children, Dominic, 8 and Reese, 5, when a March day turned particularly nasty.

As Stephanie arrived home with her kids, they hurriedly headed to the basement.

That's where Stephanie, now 42, had to make a choice many would hesitate over.

"I don't even think twice about it," she said.

"I wouldn't change it for a million bucks.

Things happen for a reason.

It was my time to step up."

Stephanie described how her home fell apart around them as the tornado hit.

"I looked up and I saw our trampoline that was staked in the ground go flying across

the yard," she recalled.

"Then the entire house started to shake.

I became petrified at that point, and one of the windows busted in."

To protect her children, Stephanie grabbed a blanket, wrapped Dominic and Reese in it,

and laid down on top of them to provide them some kind of shelter, taking the debris on


"I watched the foundation separate from the house and lift up," she said.

An F4 tornado with wind gusts of 175 miles per hour ripped through her dwelling.

Stephanie glanced up and, to her horror, a 20-foot steel eye beam that once held her

family's home together came falling toward her.

"I could see it in slow motion," she said.

"I was covered in bricks and stones."

At this point, many would abandon ship, but not Stephanie.

She had already made her choice:

"I could let go of them, move the stuff off me and get away from that beam.

I chose to let the beam fall instead of letting go of my kids.

The feeling was, 'I'd rather get my arms ripped off instead of letting go of my kids.'"

Stephanie's legs became crushed beneath the beam, but her ordeal wasn't over yet.

An F2 tornado blew through what was left of her home.

The storm sent a pillar heading straight for Reese.

"The pillar was coming straight for my daughter's head," Stephanie recalled.

"Now that I only have upper-body movement I can't cover them, so I'm twisting back

and forth taking the brunt of the flying debris.

I twisted my body, and it broke eight ribs and punctured my lung."

Because of his mother's heroic actions, Reese was safe.

After the storms were gone, Dominic and Reese left their mother to get help.

As she lay there, Stephanie made a personal, private pledge: "I knew if I could get out

of here I would somehow try and make an impact."

And she did just that.

Exactly one year after she lost her legs, Stephanie started the Stephanie Decker Foundation.

This foundation has since assisted 250 children who have lost limbs attend a local sports


This experience has changed Stephanie's life in other ways too.

She now travels around the country as a motivational speaker.

She recently took up running with prostheses, and she would also love to be a contestant

on Dancing With the Stars.

"I love the impossible," she says.

"That's my forte."

We love the courageous and strong spirit Stephanie exhibits.

Keep on running and, heck, dancing, even if DWTS doesn't call!

Stephanie serves as a true inspiration to us all.

She didn't back down when faced with those storms; she stood her guard and protected

her children.

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