Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 4 2017

Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I'm

bringing you a new Call of Duty video so basically I haven't done this since the

game came out and I usually do this for every call duty I'm gonna be doing a new

class setup for you guys so basically I got a v-2 bomber I think two days ago

actually me and my friend both got it in a TDM match and a lot of people were

asking oh what was your class for this so basically that's what I'm gonna be

showing you guys today matter of fact let's head on to the

class right now so straight up guys this is the class I know a lot of people a

lot of youtubers in general what they do is they like a way to a lot of time I

just want to show you guys a class and then we're gonna get into some live

gameplay that is my plan actually if you guys don't like the way I do it is to

tell me in the comments down below and I'll change it up to where you guys do

like it but here is my class so obviously we got infantry leveled all

the way up eligible for prestige which I'm gonna do after I record this but

obviously I'm gonna have all my perks to the division so I can do really good

the perks for this efficient if you guys don't know yet is stalk extended mags

not like in the clip but you know in the reserve and then what else is it right

here it says additional primary attachment and rifle bayonets so yeah so

and then for my AR for my gun I have an AR which is the FG 42 it's a rifle or an

AR the same stuff this gun is really really good if you guys don't know yet

this is a melting machine even when the game first came out I feel like this gun

is straight and it should not be changed it's good and it's fun to use it I

really don't see anything wrong with it but moderate fire rate so it's not the

slowest obviously because you have semi automatics but it's the slowest

automatic rifle so for that reason I have on a rapid fire right here for the

attachments I have quite drunk grip and rapid fire with these attachments this

gun becomes a beast now you guys can change this quick drawn grip but I

personally feel like you need rapid fire on this gun it just turns it into a

monster again it's your class y'all can do whatever you want but this is my best

class setup y'all can change you however you want you know so I could suit your

needs and how you want to play the game and then secondary I have the machine

pistol this machine piss on the game is really really good by far the best

pistol in the game is kind of like black ops 2 we have like you know the that one

automatic pistol will is like it look like

rectangle and then obviously you got like the m-19 and by cops who you had

like the 5/7 which is kind of like this and he had other guns was just kind of

like this but that machine Poisson this game is really really dominant it's

basically what I'm trying to say and with the extended mags because this only

has 12 bullets normally ten and one semis becomes 15 so I feel like you

really need that and yeah this is really really good cuz this gun doesn't have

that many bullets in the clip so when you run out you just pull out the pistol

and just start spraying and you'll most likely kill the dude for my basic

training I have on hunker this is basically flak jacket right here early

warning it to take less explosive damage and then bonus fuse of frags is reset on

throw back so it really is just flak jacket also this is the normal perk for

the Armored Division right here but anyways this basically just fly jacket

for my basic training and if for your lethal you could really put anything I

want to steal your neighbor you can have on a mine and they'd really anything I

heard the basic is the c4 I heard in this game it's really really good but

yeah I just have on the sticky really anyway so that is it for the class setup

let's get into some live gameplay alright guys so I found a game and I

don't really prefer this map to use this gun but it's whatever will use anyways

and see what happens

oh wow already burst bloody got that Noble whoa he has a shovel what though

Oh what the hell where do you go man that's why I don't like this map there's

way too many ways for enemies to attack you I hate this map because of that

especially this middle area oh my god oh my god oh my god Ron Ron what the hell

was that oh my goodness how did I survive that why is there like four

people over here no no no no I have a bad feeling they're gonna run up behind

me any second right now why did why do they make you watch two ways I'm gone

I'm out of here let me call that in real quick and then their spawn let's go

let's go let's go where were the other do that come on peek out come on oh

they're coming now they're coming from this way this way oh they stunted this

place like crazy man I really want to kill us

oh don't challenge that run run Oh Lord oh no oh no oh no oh no I don't know

where to go I don't know where to go I mean I'm so confused right now oh man oh

man I'm close to my streak - oh man may I really want to use this streak that I


alright so this one I'm gonna push all the way back into our spawn and I'm

gonna use this streak to give me some kills to hopefully get my car back

bombing alright let's see let's see what we can do

oh man I see one - oh wow could've got that third person - oh my god oh my god

he should've killed me he had a PPS H and of feel more safe because my whole

team is over here but at the same time I don't you feel me because y'all gonna

come over here Wow twelve and one while I could have my streak I was like three

kills off what are you doing he's right here somewhere Oh what the hell how do

you know to look back like that oh uh who the hell is shooting me uh what

and that's game wow I could have done so much better if I were to use my streaks

and watch my back more but yeah guys that's basically it for this video I

mean I just wanted to show off a little bit of gameplay with the class I wasn't

really even trying that hard but I mean it is what it is this gun is really

really good this map isn't even kind of like made for it anyways it's more for

like that the Thompson and the first air that you get cuz it's really really fast

and it's like kind of a small map I don't know

maps in this game are weird do you really like don't know what you really

need to use but it is what it is this gun this class setup is very very good

in my opinion I was like 11 to know at one point so

this class will be do nuclear so hopefully you helped you guys if it did

comment down below if you guys do like this class and yeah I guess there'll be

guys who got rid of you guys imagine if like if Deva does I don't my cell do you

know yeah I'll see you guys on the next one

For more infomation >> COD WW2 BEST NUKE CLASS SETUP - COD WORLD WAR 2 FG42 BEST NUCLEAR CLASS SETUP - Duration: 7:07.


Four Detox Drinks for Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 2:58.

Four Detox Drinks for Weight Loss Including detox drinks in your diet can help

you lose weight, cleanse your body and eliminate excess toxins that can cause illnesses.

Try these great options!


Pineapple and cucumber detox drink

Pineapple is a food that contains high levels of fiber, iron, magnesium and zinc, which

provide us with excellent health benefits.

Cucumber is also an incredible source of vitamin A, B and C, antioxidants, calcium and phosphorus.

Both ingredients are capable of:

Cleansing the body Satiating hunger

Preventing constipation Ingredients

1 medium sized pineapple 1 cucumber

1/2 aloe leaf 1 apple

2 cups of water (400 ml)


Wash all of the ingredients with cold water to eliminate any residue they may have.

Remove the skin and cut the pineapple into small pieces.

Slice the cucumber and the apple, leave the skin on.

Peel the aloe leaf.

Add all of the ingredients to the blender and process them until you have a homogenous


How to consume it

Drink 2 glasses of this drink on an empty stomach throughout the week.

For the best results, we recommend that you have a breakfast that gives you energy for

the rest of the day and that are beneficial for digestion.


Papaya detox drink

Papaya is a fruit that�s capable of effectively fighting bloating and eliminating the harmful

parasites found living in the intestines.

Also, it contains high levels of analgesics and is rich in complex B vitamins, potassium,

magnesium and fiber.

These properties make papaya an excellent choice for natural cleansing.


1/2 kilo of papaya 2 peaches

1 carrot 3 peeled garlic cloves

1 beet 1 banana

2 cups of water (400 ml) Preparation

Wash all of the ingredients with cold water to eliminate any dirty residue.

Use the entire papaya, including the seeds and skin.

Take the pit out of the peach.

Mash the garlic cloves.

Continue by cutting all of the ingredients into small pieces and add them, and the water,

to the blender.

Process until there are no lumps.

How to consume

Drink between 2 and 3 glasses of this detox drink throughout the day.


Orange and kiwi detox drink

Oranges are one of the fruits with the highest amount of vitamin C. Among its benefits are:

Prevents kidney stones Levels out cholesterol

Strengthens the immune system Keeps the skin healthy and hydrated

Kiwi doesn�t just help to get rid of constipation, but it is also capable of reducing liquid

retention and promoting healthy digestion.


The juice from 5 oranges 3 kiwis


Extract the juice from the oranges with the help of a juicer and then add it to the blender.

Peel and chop the kiwi and then add it to the orange juice.

Blend until you have a homogenous mixture.

How to consume it

Drink between 2 and 3 glasses throughout the day.

For more infomation >> Four Detox Drinks for Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tips - Duration: 2:58.


J'ai testé l'épilation par lumière pulsée en institut - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> J'ai testé l'épilation par lumière pulsée en institut - Duration: 5:47.


Animés vus en novembre | Vlogmas 3 (w/ english subtitles) - Duration: 5:00.

Hello everyone! As written in the title, today we're going to talk about animes.

Yes I pronunce the word "anime" "animÉ".

In November I watched 3 animes and I thought that it could be a good idea

to tell you about it in a video.

The first anime that I watched is called Hyouka and it's an 22 episodes anime.

It's an adaptation of a novel series written by Yonezawa Honobu.

It came out in 2012 so I would say that it's quite recent and it was also produced by Kyoto Animation.

You probably know about this studio if you know a bit about animes because it's also the studio that produced

the anime Air TV, the anime Clannad, the anime Free!, and also the anime K-ON!.

So really when it's Kyoto Animation, we know that it's going to be badass

and Hyouka doesn't disappoint in that regard.

But before I talk about the animation, let's talk about the story. What is Hyouka about?

Hyouka is an anime which talks about the adventures of a young high school student called Hotaru.

He has decided to live his life by making the less efforts possible.

One day he becomes a member of the classical literature club of his school

at the insistence of his older sister.

He finds himself resolving a bunch of little mysteries and investigations with the others members of the club.

This anime is a succession of small mysteries and small investigations that

this club will try to resolve.

Okay to be honest I found it a bit boring and lengthy in some places

and when I finished it, I just thought : "Oh okay, it was nice".

I wasn't really amazed.

However! The animation is really beautiful.

The sceneries and the characters are really pretty and some emotions felt by the characters

are materialized and animated in a really impressive way.

The second anime that I watched in november is called Orange and it counts 13 episodes.

It's an adaptation of a manga by Takano Ichigo.

This manga tells the story of a 16 y-o young girl called Naho who receives one day

a letter written by herself but 10 years in the future.

In this letter, the future Naho tells her about her regrets and asks her to take better decisions than her.

Particularly in regards to the new student who has arrived in current Naho's school,


I started this anime months ago but I took a lot of time to finish it

because I knew that the end would be very sad, very emotional,

and I didn't want to be sad for days after watching this.

In the end, well, it IS really sad, but we kind of expect it, we feel it coming.

so I would say that it makes it a bit more easier to watch.

It's a very beautiful anime about separation, regrets, mourning.

And the characters are really likeable even if a bit dense but we can put this on their age.

I spent a really nice moment watching it even if I had a lump in my throat during most of it.

If you like slice of life type of animes I really recommend it.

And the little science fiction twist makes the story really original and interesting.

About the animation I don't really have anything to say,

I would say that in general it's quite nice even if I have to admit that some shots look a bit rushed.

And I'm also not a big fan of the design of the characters.

And the best anime for the end! Card Captor Sakura!

That I haven't finished yet but I wanted to talk about it.

Okay this anime doesn't really need to be introduced,

everyone has already heard about it, and most people saw it when they were younger.

Card Captor Sakura is an adaptation of the eponymous manga by CLAMP.

He came out in 1998 and was produced by the studio Madhouse which

also doesn't need to be introduced anymore.

I watched this anime for the first time when I was really, really young

so I didn't remember the story nor the characters and when I heard that a new season

was planned for 2018, I thought: "That's it! I need to rewatch this really popular anime."

And you know what? I think this is one of the best decision I took this year.

Card Captor Sakura is really a beauty, the story but also the characters and the animation.

Yes, the episodes are like one bad guy per episode, but it stays enjoyable

because it follows a main thread and it doesn't really repeat itself to the point of being unbearable.

It's the kind of cute anime that doesn't really bring you anything,

that is just agreeable to watch from time to time in the evening.

If you decide to watch it, I recommend that you do so in VO.

So that you can have all the subtleties of the relationships Tomoyo/Sakura and Yukito/Toya.

They are really beautiful, canon, really well-written, incredible, canon, really pretty and cute,

and CANON.

And that's it! That's the end of this video!

If you have any anime recommandation like magical girls or slice of life

don't hesitate to put them in the comments down below. I will try to look at it.

I hope you liked this video. It was made during Vlogmas which means that I'm currently

trying to upload a video every single day until Christmas.

If it interests you and if you would like to watch my next videos, don't hesitate to subscribe

to this channel. Aaand that's it.

I will see you tomorrow, bye!

For more infomation >> Animés vus en novembre | Vlogmas 3 (w/ english subtitles) - Duration: 5:00.


I SHAVED MY GIRLSTACHE | VLOGMAS 2017 DAY 2 - Duration: 9:08.

Hello web surfers

Today is day 2. Vlogmas number two

Today, what I would do is that I could clean my room because I have clothes to fold that I haven't folded in a week. And then, I will clean the kitchen.

Wooow! Look at the view outside. It's pretty eh. You see this forest over there?

The clothes over there are clean okay? It's just that um

We are going to clean my room

Well I am almost done but I will leave you

Be prepared for school for all the students . And for the workers, well...

See you tomorrow

For more infomation >> I SHAVED MY GIRLSTACHE | VLOGMAS 2017 DAY 2 - Duration: 9:08.


J'ai perdu 66 kilos en 6 mois grâce à cette boisson à base de 2 ingrédients, c'est miraculeux pour - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> J'ai perdu 66 kilos en 6 mois grâce à cette boisson à base de 2 ingrédients, c'est miraculeux pour - Duration: 4:51.


Want to trade anything online?

For more infomation >> Want to trade anything online?


Wildstyle Pistolero (Mirage Saloon Act 1 K Mix) - Sonic Mania - Duration: 2:12.

It's your main female Knuckles

and we're in Mirage Saloon

You ready to get some sand in your shoes?

Let's go!

Runnin' through the blazin' sand dunes

Watch out for my wicked fast tunes

Did someone just crank up the heat?

Just got a whiff of my heckin' Knuckles feet

The power of the Emerald is in my hand

I'll try to find some more in the sand

I used my knuckles to break this boulder,

I wish this stage was a wee bit colder

I climb, I hop,

I'll never stop

Just wait and see I'm at the top

I am Knuckles and I'm the best,

I'll put these fools to the test

Once or twice I've been bamboozed

Now I've learned, I'll never lose

Sorry guys, I have to run,

My pizza rolls just got done

My heart goes out, how did you know the name?

My heart goes out, how did you know the name? Totino's, Totino's,

Totino's, Totino's,

how did you know?

Feelings abound, now I know the name:

Pizza rollation

Just got back from the divine

These pizza rolls are so damn fine

This verse ain't worth a thousand rings

I only own shoes and Emerald bling

Just got knocked off that plane

I think it was Masked Man Bane

Unlike Sonic, I don't chuckle

I'd rather flex my knuckles

Goodbye to the hedgehogs who hated on me

I'll grab these rolls and leave, you'll see

Come from an island in the heavens,

but they don't have a 7/11

I'll write this line a little later

La la la la lala la,

I'm near the end, I will not saunter

Now here's a quick word from our sponsor

My heart goes out, how did you know the name?

My heart goes out, how did you know the name? Totino's, Totino's,

Totino's, Totino's,

how did you know?

Feelings abound, now I know the name:

Pizza rollation

Right on!

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