Monday, December 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 4 2017

Why did you eat so much? PMS?

I don't know.

Whoa. Does it hurt?

Looks pretty bad.

Yes. But my heart hurts more.


Shan, let me see your phone.

What are you doing?

Hey! Why didn't you use your own account?

Well, she's got privacy settings on.

She can't know that I'm peeking.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

Well, you said she was nice.

So I did you a favor and sent her a friend request.

Well, I didn't ask for this favor!

Give it back! / No.

Give it back.


Hey. She accepted the request.


She's pretty. And beautiful.

You didn't have to say it.

Help me look, are they in a relationship?

Where's my phone?


And since when have you been friends with Archway on here?

Same place.

The day away.

Couple photo.

Where is Archwin?

I don't know.

That's why I'm here, trying to peek at the motorbike parking.

Why didn't you take the medicine?

You just bought it last month.

If you know that you'll get bad cramps every month,

Why don't you carry the meds with you?

Well, I forgot.

Wanna head home and go rest up?


As long as there's no confirmation,

on Fame and Archwin's relationship.

I still have a chance!

By dressing up like this?

This is sports clothing!

You all shall see…

That I, am the rising star athlete,

who is more of an archer that Fame can ever be!


No archers would dress like this.


Wait here. I'll go get the car.

Hurry up. Follow him.

There's a girl riding pillion.

They have already been shooting together,

And what on earth are they running together for?

I think, Fame, has a crush on Archwin.

So she managed a date.

And now she's trying to win Archwin's heart.

Like you?



Friends, surely, can run together, can't they?

That's not true. We never run together.

Well, you're always lazy.

Hey, they've started running.


Follow them! Follow them!


We still haven't got near Archwin.

I just can't anymore.

You go ahead and catch up.


Where is that rising star athlete?

I'm not gonna be one anymore.

I'll just be an athlete's girlfriend.

No need to run.

Just watch and cheer.

I'm not gonna run anymore.

Well, go rest over there.

Let's go.


Wait here. I'll be back.


Take it.

And keep it.

For next month's cramps.

Directed by

Tanida Hantaweewatana

Fame and Archwin, are you two seeing each other?

Bo and Shan, both of you look like a couple.

There will be a small competition held at our range,

Bo and Shan, why don't you sign up for it?

You can do it!

For more infomation >> Project S The Series | Shoot! I Love You ปิ้ว! ยิงปิ๊งเธอ EP.1 [5/5] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 10:50.


Project S The Series | Shoot! I Love You ปิ้ว! ยิงปิ๊งเธอ EP.1 [4/5] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 9:28.

Bo, I'm hungry.

Can we come back later?



Want to get some rest?

I'll do one more set.

Seeing Bo keeps shooting and shooting like this,

Reminds me of Fame.


Who is Fame?

Hmm. Who is Fame?

What, Pun?

Fame is my friend.

Are you sure?

Ha. Ha. Ha.

What? What? What? Pun.

Fame shoots a recurve bow.

Started not too long ago.

But she's got effort and discipline.

And she's killing it.

She really can become a national archer.


She's beautiful

She's got skills.

And she's pretty close to Archwin.

Pun, where is your girlfriend?

I'll help push you to her.

Ha. Changing the subject?

C'mon. C'mon.

Pun's been trying to talk Archway into asking Fame out.

So they'll stick to practicing together and helping each other out.

But he wouldn't do it.

Hey, Arrow, when is Fame coming in again?


Hey, Fame.

Hello, Mar.

Hello. Where's your dad?

Dad is still busy so I decided to come by myself.

You study hard and yet you never miss practice.

Such a hard working young lady.

Hello, Fame.

Errr…This is Bo and Shan. Archwin's friends.

And this is Fame, whom we mentioned earlier.

Oh, Bo and Shan. You told me about them the other day, right?

Done for today?


Wanna duel?


They can't be stopped.

They seem pretty close.


Oh. Calm down.

Oh. Calm down. They could be just friends.

Let's go practice.

Bo. Your eyes. They'll know.

Bo. Let's go. Practice.

C'mon, let's go. Let's go.

Let's go. C'mon C'mon.

Wow. 10-10-10!

There you go, girl.

Wow. She's beautiful and seriously got skills.

I hit the gold ring too.

(thunder rumbles)

(alarm goes off)

Hey, Fame, don't go yet.

I win!

Where did the arrow go?

It's not on the target?


You may now go collect the arrows.

(thunder rumbles)

Did Arrow teach you this…

if the alarm goes off, do not shoot.

He did.

But earlier, I wanted to shoot so bad that I didn't hear the alarm.

Also, I saw that everyone could shoot well.

So I wanted to be able to do that too.

Found it.

Well, good thing is we've found the arrow.

If it hadn't been found or had gone outside the range,

It would have been a threat to other people.

Next time, if you're not certain about what you're doing.

Ask the staff to come help you, safety comes first.


I'm so sorry.




Did I just get you in trouble with Mar?

I'm so sorry.

That's alright, Bo.

Err…I just want to let you know that…

every archery range…

they got rules that emphasize safety.

Ones who can't comply.

are not allowed to come back to the range.



we all here…

really like your enthuasiasm

that you've put on archery.

Come back again tomorrow.


Next time, if you want any help, let me know.

Thank you very much, Fame.

Well, she's pretty nice.

As long as there's no confirmation,

on Fame and Archwin's relationship.

I still have a chance!

For more infomation >> Project S The Series | Shoot! I Love You ปิ้ว! ยิงปิ๊งเธอ EP.1 [4/5] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 9:28.


Project S The Series | Shoot! I Love You ปิ้ว! ยิงปิ๊งเธอ EP.1 [3/5] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 10:02.

(applauses) Yeah!

The heart of archery is precision.

And precision comes from a proper archery form,

which requires constant practice.

So keep shooting and have fun with it first.

Shan, you can continue.

But if you run out of arrows,

do not go retrieve them just yet.

Others are still shooting.

It's very dangerous.

You see the time over there? There.

It will do the countdown.

And when it goes to zero,

The alarm goes off.

That's the signal for everyone to stop shooting.

Then you are allowed to cross the shooting line.

And collect the arrows.

Ah. Bo, it's your turn now.

Oh. Umm.


Bo, take target number 5.

Arrow, what faculty are you in?

Errr, Engineering.


Actually, 'Archwin' is better.

You see, only my dad calls me by my nickname.

I'm not used to it.

Oh. Okay.




I don't exercise much.

Oh. Don't worry about it, Bo.

This bow is for beginners.

You can shoot, trust me.


Your left hand holds onto the bow like this.


If you can't draw, try to keep your elbow high.

It helps.

Here we go.

Your bow arm straight.


I'll help you hold the bow. Don't worry.

And draw back…

Draw back. Draw back.

Keep your elbow high.

Higher. Higher. Higher.

Okay. I'm gonna count to three.

And you release it.

One. Two. Three.


Oh. It hurts.

Hang on, Bo.

It hurts.

What's wrong?



Coming through. Okay.

Ice it like this.

Still hurting?

Getting better.

The first time is always like this.

Your body is not used to it so there's no strength.

And without draw arm's muscle strength,

That's when your bow arm bends.

And when it bends,

The bowstring slaps your forearm.


Oh, I dropped it.


How was it?

Did you like it?

It's quite painful.

But I like it.

Well, bring your girlfriend again next time.

Oh. No! / Oh. No. No.

We are friends.

And I don't have a boyfriend.

And I am very single.


What was that for?

But we'll swing by again tomorrow.


So I'll see you guys tomorrow then.

Bye Bye.

Archwin said it himself…

that archery required constant practice.

And that is so not you.

You'll quit.

That's not true.

It's different this time.

Because this time…

Archery leads me to Archwin.

And Archwin makes me wanna shoot more arrows.

Umm. How about your skateboarding?

You don't believe me?


If I quit shooting,


the grilled beef buffet is on me.

Yes! You can't take it back.

Yeah. / Promise?

But you won't get to eat it.

I won't quit.




Not just a pretty face but also kind…

Give me your arm. You should wear tight-fitting clothes.

Avoid baggy clothes.

It will help you shoot better.

Believe me

There. Nice. High five!

Shan, you're doing good.

What about me?


I think you should practice more.



Archwin, can you help me with my new bow?

Of course.

This one?


After we're done with the setup, let's go shooting together.


Let's do it, Shan.

Here we go.

Upper limb goes to the top.

To the top. To the top.

Lower limb…

Larger loop goes to the top.

Larger loop goes to the top. Smaller one goes to the bottom.

Bow stringer…

Bow stringer…

The smaller pocket covers the top.

The bigger pocket covers the bottom.

The smaller pocket covers the top.

The bigger pocket covers the bottom.

Pull back.

Yay! Yes!

It's done!

Okay. Repeat it over again.

What? But I got it already.

You must know how by heart.




Larger loop goes to…

Larger loop goes to the top. Smaller one goes to the bottom.


Hey, looks like a pro now.

Just one item missing.


You haven't bought the chest guard, right?

Here. Take mine.


Wanna try?

Go for it.

Load your arrow.

Hey, Arrow.

You can go practice if you want.

I'll take care of your friends today.



I wanna go shoot over there.

Can I?

Well, let me see you shoot first.

And then I'll get to go?


Ah, put your bow down first.

Here's the thing, Bo.

You see, if you want to go for a further distance,

You have to get all your arrows in the same direction, in a group.

Otherwise, shooting may get dangerous.

And with the bent bow arm,

Your arrows won't group.

Your bow arm must be straight.

Don't be afraid of getting slapped by the bowstring.

And your arrows will group.

And when that happens,

I'll let you shoot over there.


One more time.

Don't be afraid.



Seeing Bo keeps shooting and shooting like this,

Reminds me of Fame.

Who is Fame?

Hey, Fame.

For more infomation >> Project S The Series | Shoot! I Love You ปิ้ว! ยิงปิ๊งเธอ EP.1 [3/5] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 10:02.


Project S The Series | Shoot! I Love You ปิ้ว! ยิงปิ๊งเธอ EP.1 [2/5] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 9:21.



We got Statistics and Marketing that we can't miss today.


Bo. Wake up!

I'm gonna get to class now.

You'd better take motorbike taxi and get there in time.

(car engine revs)

(tires screeching)


(grunting) Almost didn't make it.


You took the skateboard but didn't take a shower?

Umm. Just as I told you.

Bo, Pro Skateboarder.

Carrying it around but not knowing how to stand on it?


Eat and shut up!

(hummimg happily)

What are you looking at? Drive!

We'll be late!

Shan, help me.

Ah. Ah. OK.

Help me go there.

I wanna know if it'll slide itself.

Okay. Here we go.

(shouting) Hey! Hey!



(music playing)

(shouting) Whoa.

(shouting) Whoa.


Are you hurt?

That's it!

'I'm done!'

I figured.

C'mon. Get up.


I'm a mess.


Wait, where are you going?

Get your skateboard.

Oh, our university got an archery club?

Let's go! Let's see what they've got.

Wow. That's so cool.

Shan, just like in Hunger Games.

I wanna try.

Let's go ask them if we can.


Are you looking for anyone?

No one. But we wanna try shooting arrows.

Any chance of getting new archers?

That's a pity. We're closing for good.

Today is our last day.

They're gonna turn our club into a car park.

The sport is not a hit.

People barely know.

Only few archers here.

Archwin came here to shoot at the club for the last time.


That's too bad.

That's good.

'Cause if you try and can't do it, you'll give up again.

Umm, but if you really want to try,

You can go to Archwin's.

His place is an archery range.


(theme music playing)

Your place is an archery range?


If you're both are interested,

you can always come by.

We got a coach who was a national archer.


A national archer?

I'm no national archer.

But my father was.

Actually, we're free this afternoon.


Hey, are you in a hurry?

Well, if you wanna do it, you gotta do it right away.

'Cause if you lose the will, you'll never get to do it.

I'm Bo. This is Shan.


Oh, is that yours, Archwin?

I'll help you carry it.


Go! Let's go! Everyone.


We'll be waiting for you outside.

C'mon. Hurry up!


Bo, skateboa..



Let's go.


This is Bo. And that's Shan.

Friends from university.

Wanna try shooting.


Archwin's father.

(chuckles) No 'father' here!

Just call me Mar.

You wanna try shooting arrows?


Eh, been studying there for over a year now,

This is the first time I've seen you inviting your friends over for archery.


Oh. Pun.

This is Shan. This is Bo. And it's their first time.


This is Pun.

He comes here all the time.

Well, I'm in the middle of teaching…

Arrow, will you teach your friends the basic archery?

Make yourselves at home.


Just wait for me over there.

I'll go prepare all the equipments for you two.

K. I'm gonna go put this inside.

Shan, it's a match!

Bo (bow) and Arrow. Arrow and Bo (bow)

Bow and arrow?

This is the sign…

of the cupid's arrow shot right through his heart and mine.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

Arrow willl start teaching me.

and we will be closer and closer, just like in the TV series.

But you didn't shower.

Perfume! Perfume. Perfume. Perfume.

Where is it?

Archwin is here.

Shan. Bo. Let's get started.

Shan, you go ahead.

Together is fine.

I'll have to show you both how anyway.

And I'll have to explain the concept first.

C'mon. Let's go.

If you can't draw, try to keep your elbow high.

It helps.

For more infomation >> Project S The Series | Shoot! I Love You ปิ้ว! ยิงปิ๊งเธอ EP.1 [2/5] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 9:21.


Project S The Series | Shoot! I Love You ปิ้ว! ยิงปิ๊งเธอ EP.1 [1/5] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 7:39.

Shan, got it?

Make me look skinny and professional.

Got it?

I look stupid.

Those big calves.

You're so lousy.

And you blame it on me?

You're not as good as the character from that TV series.

'From now on, call me 'Bo, Pro Skateboarder.''

If you can balance yourself the first time you're on it,

I'll let you hit my head.

But how?

That's it.

I'm done.

Umm. That's what I thought.


I meant, done for today. I'll continue tomorrow.

Let's see if that's true.

Ha! try again next time.

Hey, don't cheat.


Hey, Bo!

Bo! Stop! Bo!


Don't cheat! Bo!

Let's eat!

Take the veggies.

Take the fat.

Who finishes first wins!

One. Two. Three. Go!

When are you two gonna stop competing?

Easy, there.

So, Bo…

How's skateboarding? How many times did you fall?

Bo said she's done.

Umm. I told you I'd continue practicing tomorrow!


PA Card.

In case, you fell or hurt yourself.

Keep it with you.

Thank you, Pa.

I think…

in life, there must be at least one thing we can do well.

Give it a try, Bo.

How about giving studying a try?


The good thing is that you two grew up together, been studying together.

If Bo hadn't got Shan all these times,

she wouldn't have made it.

Yay! I win!

Easy. Easy.

Bo, grab the food bag over there for Shan, would you?

Oh. Okay.


Here. This one is for you, Shan.

In case, you get hungry during your study time at night.

And this one…

for your mom when she's back from her flight.

Thank you, Mi.

You're welcome.

Bo, so I'll see you tomorrow downstairs.

I'm gonna get going. Thank you.

From Bo's Mom

You can go to Archwin's.

His place is an acrhery range.


For more infomation >> Project S The Series | Shoot! I Love You ปิ้ว! ยิงปิ๊งเธอ EP.1 [1/5] [Eng Sub] - Duration: 7:39.


Anny Duperey orpheline dès ses 8 ans : l'actrice se confie sur le drame de sa vie - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Anny Duperey orpheline dès ses 8 ans : l'actrice se confie sur le drame de sa vie - Duration: 1:52.


osu! Alert | Cookiezi's 2 Year of Reign! Touchscreen Nerf Incoming, Filsdelama 700pp + osu! Giveaway - Duration: 16:16.

What is up guys, I'm Poised and I am back for yet another episode!

This time please don't bully my J, please and thank you.

Now let's roll the intro and make sure to enjoy this episode!

And before this episode starts, I once again want to thank our friends over at

for helping us out with website hosting!

Because of their help, we host all of the skins we use in our videos directly on our


If you're ever interested in hosting servers for minecraft, terraria or even a website,

[4 video showing the process, do several cuts, just make sure they see 35% and the code]

Please do check out their link in the description, and if you want to try any of their options

use the code "CirclePeople" for 35% off your first month!

One more thing before we start this episode; After a lot of requests for ways to support

us, we over here at Circle People now have started our own Patreon!

If you haven't heard or of Patreon before, it's a support platform where you can donate

to your favorite creators and get some rewards in return!

If you really enjoy our content, and you want to see it evolve and improve, please check

out our Patreon in the description below!

Some of the rewards include, but are not limited to, getting your name displayed on-screen

at the end of each osu!

Alert episode, getting access to our super special private Discord channel, and having

our eternal love here at Circle People.

In the future we want increase the amount of rewards available, as we really do appreciate

any and all help.

If you have any ideas for what rewards we could have, please do comment them below!

We cannot thank you enough for the continued support on our channel, and want you to know

that all of the money pledged via Patreon will be put back into the channel for the

improvement of our videos.

That's all I have to say about our Patreon.

We hope you enjoy this episode of osu!


Kicking off this episode, peppy has doubled the friend limit for osu!supporters from 250

to 500.

Also, if you run out of supporter, you can keep more than 250 friends, but you cannot

add more.

Do you guys remember that guy who paid over 1k dollars for a lifetime of osu!

Supporter that we talked about last week?

Well he managed to get into this episode too, but this time because he has created a website

called "LookAtMyScore", which you can use if you've ever set an awesome score

and wanted to brag to all of your friends, but you also want to make sure to include

awesome information like how much pp it is worth without showing them your ecchi skin.

If you're interested, LookAtMyScore has your back.

LookAtMyScore takes your replay file and generates a small but detailed graphic showing everything

from Max combo to pp given.

Now onto a bit more serious topic; one of osu!'s featured artists, Helblinde, is having

some financial difficulties because of private reasons at the moment, and is currently having

a sale for a collection of all of his songs for 50% off on his bandcamp.

Let's go and give him some CP love.

Next up we have a bit of a happier topic as it has been over 2 YEARS since Cookiezi was


Following his unban, he has held the number 1 spot for over a Year and has broken countless


It's really nice to have him back in the community, now we just have to get some other

players up there to poke him,,, pls rafis we're counting on you

Speaking of un-restrictions, the player jot_bab recently got unrestricted and within his first

day back set 2 600pp scores.

We can't wait to see what kind of plays he'll make in the future.

Now for some news a big part of the community has been waiting for for a long time: peppy

announced on reddit that there will be an upcoming touchscreen nerf.

Hopefully the tech will be a bit more polished soon as quite a lot of players have been getting

the "Touchscreen Detected" message on their plays, and it also appears a lot in

the older 30fps replays

Next up we have Mathi going ham this week and taking the #9 spot with his 629pp choke

on radwimp['?]s Yume Tourou hidden hardrock doubletime.

This technically makes him the highest ranked player without a 700pp score, which is kinda

funny as he does have an "unranked" 830pp score on the loved map Monochrome Butterfly

with Double Time.

We also have Bro_Gamer72, previously known as gayzmcgee taking the #2 USA spot from HappyStick

with his 608pp 1 miss choke on Stonebank All Night hidden doubletime!

Speaking of big achievements, osu! player Zalaria has managed to get over 20000 SS ranks.

She got her 20 thousandth SS on a 6 minute map that no one had SS'd with Hidden until

she managed to.

Next up we have the "Winter 2017 Fanart Contest" starting, so if you're an artist

and haven't submitted your art yet, get drawing because you only have until wednesday

to submit!

If you do submit art, please make sure to read all of the rules and guidelines so that

you're eligible to win that sweet osu!

Supporter when the time comes!

There was also a criteria change for r/osugame's scoreposts so be sure to check that out if

you're one of the cute score posters on osugame

Speaking of reddit, we have two threads which were made to help highlight some lesser known

maps and plays.

The First of which was as simple as typing a comment of a player and someone else will

reply with their favourite 3 plays of that player.

The second thread asked redditors to comment the name of a mapper while others reply with

their favourite 3 maps of said mapper.

The threads were a huge success, raking in over 700 comments between them.

Be sure to check them out in the link below.

Also, we have a collab map from hvick225, Nathan, and VINXIS being ranked.

The map is a marathon featuring a single diff called "NathanZhanKamal225's Blossom".

Truly a work of art.

Moving on, we have reddit user Ivrih giving us some extremely detailed statistics on osu!

World Cup's Group Stage, where they Showed the average accuracy of each player and each

team, and also who fc'd the most maps.

In order to keep things fair, single player statistics are only taken for the players

that played over 5 maps in the group stage.

Be sure to check it out in the link in the description..

While on the topic of the world cup, Last week, we talked about the group stage, so

this week it's time for the round of 16.

Nothing too surprising happened except for Canada losing 6-3 to Brazil.

But for more info be sure to check out the Round 16 recap on our channel made by Junihuhn.

Link of course will be in the description.

Let's get into scores, shall we?

First of all, we have Totoki getting a Full Combo on Skrillex, First Time of the Year

with Double Time, getting 406pp.

While the pp may not say that much, the map is 326bpm with Double Time.

Then, filsdelama FC's the loved map, Shounen Ripples.

Taking the first FC and #1 on the 8.11 star map would have gotten him 732pp if the map

was ranked.

Keeping with filsdelama, he also reversed choked Inai Sekai's Regret difficulty getting

a single slider break in the first 200 combo, the choke got him 594pp, without the slider

break he would have gotten over 650pp and the first Hard Rock FC on this map.


And then we have Rucker doing his usual thing as he Full Combos Mountain of Faith with Hidden,

getting a single 100.

The best acc on the map, and with Hidden too.

Sadly, the play was only worth 388pp.

Last week we mentioned Detro Volcanic getting loved.

This week Cookiezi takes #1 on the map with Hidden and 94.17% accuracy, getting only 13


Next up, Bro_gamer72 takes #1 on High Free Spirits Extra diff with Hidden Doubletime

along with only 2 100s, outaccing Vaxei's previous #1 on the map by over 1%.

This play got him 580pp

Then we have Aireu on Susumu Hirasawa - Aurora 2, KIRBY Mix diff with Doubletime.

The map has less than 20 no mod fc's, I'll just let this play speak for itself.

Next up we have Totoki going absolutely ham this week FC'ing Shiori Hidden Hardrock

Doubletime with 94% accuracy, he got himself 707pp.


on the Totoki hype train, he also fc'd LiSa - Datte Atashi no Hero, plus ultra Diff with

Hidden Doubletime, with 97.47 acc he got himself a deserved 673pp

Next up we have mathi taking #1 on the newly LOVED Sakura no Zenya with Hidden with 99.86%


Next up we have WubWoofWolf getting a Hidden Hardrock FC on Reol - Asymmetry Asphewin's


The map has no other Hardrock FC's and WubWoofWolf's impressive 99.66% acc got him 523pp

Finally we have osu player84 returning from his little break by sniping Cookiezi's #1

on Unreal Color.

His 98.71% acc got him 591pp.

And now for everyone's favourite section.

The memes.

Be sure to stick around after the memes for the giveaway

You know what time of the week it is.

2 winners, 4 months of supporter.

Link in the description, get up on it, and be sure to check out all of our other shizzle

my nizzle like livestream highlights and the OWC recap videos :cowboi:

For more infomation >> osu! Alert | Cookiezi's 2 Year of Reign! Touchscreen Nerf Incoming, Filsdelama 700pp + osu! Giveaway - Duration: 16:16.


[Top Anime] Top Action Romance/Harem Anime 3 - Duration: 4:16.

Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle

Blade Dance of the Elementalers

Absolute Duo

The Asterisk War

IS: Infinite Stratos

For more infomation >> [Top Anime] Top Action Romance/Harem Anime 3 - Duration: 4:16.


Learn colors

For more infomation >> Learn colors


Grande Fratello Vip, nuovo aereo per Luca Onestini: dedica d'amore speciale - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, nuovo aereo per Luca Onestini: dedica d'amore speciale - Duration: 3:45.


Ce n'était pas bon mais en 1 mois j'ai perdu 10 Kg sans exercice - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Ce n'était pas bon mais en 1 mois j'ai perdu 10 Kg sans exercice - Duration: 4:56.


Arizona State's extremely business-jargony - Duration: 7:41.

Arizona State's extremely business-jargony press release somehow made its hire of Herm Edwards even weirder

Arizona State AD Ray Anderson is hiring Herm Edwards, the former NFL coach who counted Anderson as his agent way back in the day.

Edwards hasn't coached full-time since 2008 and hasn't coached in college since 1989 at San Jose State, and ASU just paid eight digits to fire a winning Todd Graham in order to try and install Edwards atop the existing coaching staff.

All of that is really weird. ASU Football: 10 points to consider on Herm Edwards. Now let's get even weirder. Here's a portion of ASU's 2,600-word announcement of the hire. See how much of this you understand:.

Arizona State University and Vice President of University Athletics Ray Anderson has unveiled plans for a restructured ASU football model and named former NFL head coach Herman Edwards as the 24th head coach of Sun Devil Football, pending approval by the Arizona Board of Regents.

The departments New Leadership Model will be similar to an NFL approach using a general manager structure.

Its a collaborative approach to managing the ASU football program that includes sport and administrative divisions, which will operate as distinct, but collective units focused on elevating all aspects of Sun Devil Football.

This structure will allow the department to form a multi-layered method to the talent evaluation and recruiting processes, increase its emphasis on both student-athlete and coach development and retention, and provide a boost in resource allocation and generation.

Our goal for this football program is to reach unprecedented heights, and therefore we need to find a way to operate more innovatively and efficiently than we have in the past, Anderson said.

In the spirit of innovation, our vision for this program is to have a head coach who serves as a CEO and is the central leader with a collaborative staff around him that will elevate the performance of players and coaches on the field, in the classroom and in our community.

Equally important, the head coach will be a dynamic and tireless recruiter. Edwards, who will oversee the New Leadership Model, arrives in Tempe with a football legacy that has impacted thousands, whether as a player, coach, analyst, motivational speaker and author, or community advocate and philanthropist.

The New Leadership Model will allow for resource sharing and strategic planning between the football staff and administrators who are directly involved with the program.

The administrative division will be primarily composed of Anderson, Executive Senior Associate Athletics Director Jean Boyd and Senior Associate Athletics Director Scottie Graham.

The sport division will operate with an experienced and senior football administrator, Senior Associate Athletic Director Tim Cassidy, helping to manage day-to-day operations, along with a variety of staffers responsible for player development, player personnel, and recruiting, among other areas.

Sun Devil Footballs existing recruiting infrastructure will be upgraded through additional staff support and evaluation resources, by instilling a culture of accountability at all levels, and building long-term relationships in communities across the country to help ensure recruiting quality and consistency.

Both the sport and administrative divisions will play key roles in student-athlete development.

The New Leadership Model affords coordinators and assistant coaches more flexibility in how they develop student-athletes on the field, and enables Sun Devil Football to build on the Championship Life program already in place through the Office of Student-Athlete Development to better equip student-athletes with the tools and skills necessary to succeed in their respective future endeavors.

Boyd is a former ASU football student-athlete who has risen to the role of Executive Senior Associate Athletic Director after 22-plus years of experience in Sun Devil Athletics.

He has overseen the dramatic evolution of the departments Student-Athlete Development efforts and has been nationally recognized.

Graham, who joined Sun Devil Athletics in June 2014, has served as a sport administrator with additional responsibilities surrounding student-athlete development and welfare for the past three-plus years.

He will transition to a new role where he will serve as the liaison between the sport and administrative divisions.

He has an extensive background with the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) as he was the Director of Player Engagement for four years before arriving in Tempe, playing a key role in cultivating, maintaining and enhancing relationships with current and former players, business partners and other stakeholders.

Edwards will take a proactive approach to developing coordinators and assistant coaches, drawing on his nearly three decades of NFL experience in a variety of capacities and wide range of leadership positions within both the sport of football and in other endeavors.

What does that mean? It means a lot, man.

For more infomation >> Arizona State's extremely business-jargony - Duration: 7:41.


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moon - Duration: 1:51.

Hello Dr. Moore.

Thank you for taking the time

to watch this

you might remember the question i had concerning the moon

and its visibly illuminated portion

I was convinced that from different places on earth...

the side that appears illuminated should change.

I was told that it doesn't.

since the topic has come up again recently,

and since its been bugging me all this time

I had to get this out there and see what you think of it.

here we see the moons left side illuminated.

3rd quarter, dec 10

and now

on our way to Australia

where, from what i figure..

our heads have flipped from their previous orientation

with this new perspective..

we should expect to see

The moon, flipped relative to its original orientation.

surface structures, as well as the illuminated side..

should appear to have been rotated

Im sorry if the answer to my confusion

Is glaringly obvious

But i cant seem to understand this.

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