Monday, December 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 4 2017

Greetings everyone and welcome to the new tutorial.

In one of previous tutorials I've showed how to display game info on android display.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to display HWinfo sensor's on android display.

Info about your cpu,temp,voltage...

For this purpose we will be using program hwreceiver

Besides this you will need to have Hwinfo installed and configured,

you will need Hwinfo transmitter for windows.

and HWR apk for Android.

This is still unreleased version of apk so there are still some bugs with apk and also apk can crash.

So be careful to avoid problems.

When we open Hwinfo transmitter this IP address is important thing.

We will have to enter it on our Android device.

To enter it press small add server icon in the upper right corner and type in IP address.

When you are finished with typing press done then press save. Now, there will be server displayed.

To connect to the server long press on IP address and choose connect.

Now our Android device is connected to HWinfo.

In the upper right corner there is small + sign.

Press it to add some senors.

I will add 3 sensors for example.

Long press on sensor and choose settings.

For example i will choose core temp,

cpu socket temp,

gpu temp.

As you can see all sensors that we chosen is now displayed on Android device.

One important thing: Sensor refresh time is set to 1 second by default.

Delete this and

change it to 0.1 second.

When you change it sensors will start to refresh faster.

Apk is showing current value, minimal value and max value.

I dont know if you can see it since display is small. Ofc if you have bigger screen better for you.

When i owned G19 keyboard i had this all on the keyboard's display but since i dont have it anymore I wanted to try alternative way to show this Hwinfo sensors.

This is very useful during gaming when you want to check out your fps,cpu and gpu temp.

I hope you enjoyed watching this tutorial.

Support this video with LIKE,SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Until next video. Salute.

For more infomation >> Tutorial - How to display HWInfo sensors on Android display - Duration: 4:11.


Volvo V40 1.8 16V-146986 KM NAP-AIRCO-APK 06-18-BJ-03 - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.8 16V-146986 KM NAP-AIRCO-APK 06-18-BJ-03 - Duration: 0:51.


Cycle Touring California | DJI Mavic Pro - Duration: 2:35.

[Drone Flight - DJI Mavic Pro]

You see that guy

that's me

have you ever had one of those moments where

you just think to yourself

how on earth did I end up here

yeah buddy

last year I did this cycle trip from San Francisco to San Diego

Before I forgot what It was like I thought I better go back

queue San Francisco Skyline

Okay step 1 - cycle across San Francisco step 2 coffee mode

step 3 we're going four the golden gate bridge step 4 just keep going

we've got this

You see these trips have a special way of altering your perception of time

a day, a week, a month, 9 to 5, a weekend, a day off

time feels different depending on how you use it

you know i never thought this cycle touring thing would be for me

but it turns out its kind of a superpower you cant get more time

but we do get a choice of how we use it

hike and bike is seven dollars fill in one of these things

Samuel P taylor camping access

five days 270 miles

and the best way i've found to slow down time

For more infomation >> Cycle Touring California | DJI Mavic Pro - Duration: 2:35.


最後のダッジ「ヴァイパー」が生産終了。26年という長い歴史に幕 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> 最後のダッジ「ヴァイパー」が生産終了。26年という長い歴史に幕 - Duration: 2:31.


2017年モデルのダッジ「ヴァイパー」がソールドアウト。「ヴァイパー」の生産も終了? - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 2017年モデルのダッジ「ヴァイパー」がソールドアウト。「ヴァイパー」の生産も終了? - Duration: 2:46.


Hägring VS Leica model GS16 with CS20 Field Controller. - Duration: 4:22.

Mätkungen AB & Bjorkstrom Robotics AB are conducting a test between traditional survey GNSS and Hägring

We are going to test the efficiency in marking a cable.

The Team with the traditional GPS And the team with Hägring are gathering before the test

Explaining where the cable line is

Now we are heading to the "Cables" Two identical cable lines are place 5 meters from each other

This is what I, the Hägring user saw. We were talking about the cable points.

In upper left corner I can see my current position. Hard to get lost!

Lets go!

We have started

In each team one is measuring, while the other is painting the dots.

Back to Hägring, I am approaching the cable

Now I see the dots and place my foot where the dot is

My colleague Matthew is painting the dots. Sometimes my boots as well :)

The distant between the traditional team and Hägring is increasing

Lots of dots to paint

This can be tricky for traditional Survey. But with Augmented reality it is really easy.

The distans is growing

The paint will not work on water

We in the Hägring team have finished!

Now it is time to measure the accuracy

For more infomation >> Hägring VS Leica model GS16 with CS20 Field Controller. - Duration: 4:22.


海外で活躍するプロサッカー選手が所有するスーパーカートップ10が公開に。やはり1位はあの選手 - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> 海外で活躍するプロサッカー選手が所有するスーパーカートップ10が公開に。やはり1位はあの選手 - Duration: 9:16.


デーモンなんかクソ食らえ!ヘネシー・パフォーマンスがシボレー「カマロ」を1,000馬力までチューン。果たして0-100km/hの加速力は? - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> デーモンなんかクソ食らえ!ヘネシー・パフォーマンスがシボレー「カマロ」を1,000馬力までチューン。果たして0-100km/hの加速力は? - Duration: 2:23.


New cartoon with craft ideas f...

For more infomation >> New cartoon with craft ideas f...


S. Korea-U.S. ready for air force joint drills against N. Korea's missile provocations - Duration: 1:44.

Our top story this morning...

A massive South Korea-U.S. military exercise will take place over the Korean Peninsula

starting today,... the largest joint drill the allies have ever held.

Designed to boost "combat effectiveness" against North Korea,... the United States has sent

some 230 combat aircraft,... including the most sophisticated stealth fighters and bombers.

Lee Unshin starts us off.

The air forces of South Korea and the United States are ready for another joint exercise,

set to start on Monday.

The 5-day drill, dubbed Vigilant Ace, will involve more than 230 warplanes from both

sides, including 6 U.S. F-22 Raptors, and 6 F-35s -- some of the air forces' most advanced

fighter jets.

Throughout the training about 12,000 personnel will demonstrate wartime defenses and airstrikes

on mock North Korean nuclear and missile targets.

The exercises come after the North fired an intercontinental ballistic missile last Wednesday.

Pyongyang condemned the scheduled annual drill.

Its state media said Washington is "begging for nuclear war," and claimed that the missile

launch was a legitimate part of strengthening what it called its "self-defensive nuclear


North Korea's latest missile is believed by experts to be capable of reaching all parts

of the continental U.S.

Despite its range, though, reports say U.S. officials now believe the missile likely did

not survive re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.

Amid growing tensions, Washington's National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster says the North's

nuclear program is the "greatest immediate threat" to the United States -- that the risk

of war with North Korea is growing every day, and that Washington is in a race to find a


Lee Unshin Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea-U.S. ready for air force joint drills against N. Korea's missile provocations - Duration: 1:44.


S. Korea-U.S. ready for air force joint drills against N. Korea's missile provocations - Duration: 1:39.

Tensions on the Korean peninsula have escalated somewhat following North Korea's latest ICBM

launch last Wednesday.

There's concern that things could get more tense... with Seoul and Washington set to

hold a biannual military training event starting tomorrow -- which Pyongyang has already condemned.

Lee Unshin has this story.

The air forces of South Korea and the United States are ready for another joint exercise,

set to start on Monday.

The 5-day drill, dubbed Vigilant Ace, will involve more than 230 warplanes from both

sides, including 6 U.S. F-22 Raptors, and 6 F-35s -- some of the air forces' most advanced

fighter jets.

Throughout the training about 12,000 personnel will demonstrate wartime defenses and airstrikes

on mock North Korean nuclear and missile targets.

The exercises come after the North fired an intercontinental ballistic missile last Wednesday.

Pyongyang condemned the scheduled annual drill.

Its state media said Washington is "begging for nuclear war," and claimed that the missile

launch was a legitimate part of strengthening what it called its "self-defensive nuclear


North Korea's latest missile is believed by experts to be capable of reaching all parts

of the continental U.S.

Despite its range, though, reports say U.S. officials now believe the missile likely did

not survive re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.

Amid growing tensions, Washington's National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster says the North's

nuclear program is the "greatest immediate threat" to the United States -- that the risk

of war with North Korea is growing every day, and that Washington is in a race to find a


Lee Unshin Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea-U.S. ready for air force joint drills against N. Korea's missile provocations - Duration: 1:39.


TOUT sur l'augmentation mammaire - Duration: 11:02.

For more infomation >> TOUT sur l'augmentation mammaire - Duration: 11:02.


I BET YOU WILL LIKE THIS ASMR VIDEO! [SUB ENG] 100K special - Duration: 10:50.

Hi guys! Thank you thank you thank you for being with me today

Today will be a really special video. To be honest, it won't be a single video, but more videos.

I'm not good at talking so i won't be here and make an emotional speech

i just wanted to say that i'm so grateful to have this channel, to have your support and to all of you.

I hope that i can help you to sleep better and better, to relax or just make you smile.

. All this makes me extremely happy,

especially because ( i hope you notice this) i have a strong passion about making these videos, so i'm very grateful.

To show you my gratitude i have 2 things

. The first is that i made a gift to the channel. This zoom h5.

I'm so happy, i dreamed of it for a long time. I hope that the audio is better.

The second way to thank you is this, This is a framework on how this video will be.

I wrote 100k special and at the end of this video you will find 4 mini videos

that will bring you to 4 different videos, that are the most popular type of videos on my channel

I wanted to do this because i wanted a video that would be enjoyed by all of you

It will be a video of unusual mouth sounds, one of tapping no talking , one of pure inaudible whispering and one of "find your trigger" series

They, in turn, will be divided in more video to dedicate an entire video for a single trigger.

These 4 videos will be one of only trtr, one of ticotico, one of zac and one of point

If you will click on tapping no talkig you will have a taste of different objects

then at the end you will find a video of tapping on tascam, one of tapping on a gel bead mask, one tapping on a lemon, and one of tapping on a perfume.

If you will choose the inaudible, first you will have a pure inaudible without sounds

then one with finger fluttering, one with mic brushig and one with tapping on tascam.

The 4 video is a "find your trigger" video with the mic with the ears

because i wanted to make also a more simple and chit chat video in which i will do some trigger. Than you will have 4 options:

one with eating sounds, one with sound of necklace, one with a sweater and one with a wig on the ears

So this is it

Obv i created a playlist in which you will find all the videos , but i hope you will have fun in searching videos

Also, i wanted to say that for the forst 3-4 days i the videos will be NOT monetized

so you can enjoy the videos without worry about loud ads.

Last thing i want to say is simple but important.

If you have a passion for something, launch your self, don't be afraid to fail.

Don't care about judges, just have a lot of patience, passion and perseverance

Ok i will leave you these 4 options and i will write in the infobox all the structure of this video

I give you a big kiss and i thank you from the bottom of my heart,

comment below if you like this idea, maybe i will use this in a roleplay, thank you 

For more infomation >> I BET YOU WILL LIKE THIS ASMR VIDEO! [SUB ENG] 100K special - Duration: 10:50.


UNI & FAMILY DAY! • vlogmas day 3 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> UNI & FAMILY DAY! • vlogmas day 3 - Duration: 3:09.


Eddy Mitchell sur l'état de santé de Johnny Hally­day : « On peut simple­men - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Eddy Mitchell sur l'état de santé de Johnny Hally­day : « On peut simple­men - Duration: 2:14.


Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women & Children - Duration: 8:41.

DEPUTY SECRETARY SULLIVAN: Thank you, Ambassador Kozak.

Good morning, everyone.

Thank you for being here today.

I'm delighted to be here, honored to be able to speak before you.

Each year on November 25th, we commemorate the International Day for the Elimination

of Violence Against Women and observe the accompanying 16 days of activism against gender-based


Those 16 days of activism against gender violence offer a global platform for governments, organizations,

individuals around the world to mobilize and call attention to the urgent need to end violence

against women and girls across the board.

As Ambassador Kozak mentioned, I was just in Nigeria a couple of weeks ago and met with

civil society groups, survivors, women and girls – young girls, teenage girls – who

have endured just the most horrific crimes against them and their families.

And so it's a compelling issue for any person, but for us as Americans in particular.

Gender-based violence harms individuals, violates the most basic of our inalienable human rights.

From sexual assault, early or forced marriage and rape, to dating violence and so-called

honor killings, women and girls disproportionately face violence around the world.

The statistics, unfortunately, are both shocking and saddening.

An estimated one out of every three women worldwide has been subject to violence, rape,

or other abuse in her lifetime.

According to the World Health Organization, at least 30 percent of women worldwide have

experienced this kind of violence at the hands of a partner.

According to the – UN Women, violence against women causes more death and disability for

women and girls between the ages of 15 and 44 than cancer, traffic accidents, malaria,

and war combined.

Finally, in the United States, nearly one out of every three women – and one out of

every six men – has experienced some form of sexual violence.

Beyond the obvious and direct harm to the individual, violence against women damages

society as a whole and stifles or reverses progress made in economic development, health,

and security.

For instance, radical terrorist organization, including – organizations, including those

which we unfortunately have experienced within Nigeria, directly target women and girls to

achieve their ideological and tactical objectives.

These attacks on girls and their schools prevent them from receiving an education by keeping

them out of the classroom and alienate them from reaching their full potential as citizens,

entrepreneurs, leaders, or just as human beings.

And this violence doesn't merely impact a victim; it causes a chain reaction, further

contributing to the cycles of poverty and instability we witness in so many countries,

impacting not only individuals, but entire societies.

Whether it occurs inside or outside of the workplace, violence against women can limit

women's ability to fully participate in the economy.

It's not an easy topic to talk about – it's often painful, it's emotionally draining

to be with the survivors – but we must face it head-on if we're going to make any progress.

And one of the most important steps to ending this global problem is engaging everyone,

including men and boys.

Violence against women negatively affects men and boys in two ways: directly, as survivors

of violence, and indirectly, through their exposure to it.

Study after study has shown that when violence is witnessed or experienced, it's likely

to be repeated.

Gender-based violence is cyclical.

Men who witness violence at an early age are twice as likely to be perpetrators of violence

in the future.

Similarly, girls who experience abusive relationships early in their lives are at an increased risk

of being victimized by others later in life.

Engaging men and boys as loving, supportive, and involved husbands and fathers is critical

to achieving sustained transformational change.

Since its founding in Brazil 20 years ago, our partner, Promundo, working alongside a

number of other dedicated partners, has helped to prevent violence in more than 40 countries

through high-impact research and evaluation, targeted advocacy efforts, and evidence-based

educational programming.

Programs like Promundo engage men and boys in the fight against gender-based violence

by growing male leadership and promoting gender equality.

Promundo encourages men to be acting – active, loving, and equitable caregivers in their

roles as fathers.

To this end, Promundo has established the MenCare campaign to promote men's involvement

as dedicated fathers and caregivers, strengthen families, improve gender equality, and promote

better health for the entire family.

Promundo has also begun International Men And Gender Equality Surveys, or IMAGES, which

measure men's and women's attitudes and practices around gender equality and violence

against women and girls.

And today, we're excited to celebrate the launch of Voices Against Violence, or VAV

– a public-private partnership with the Avon Foundation that provides a comprehensive

approach to combating violence against women, and engages men and boys to break the cycle,

especially in conflict areas.

And it's in these conflict areas that the targeted use of violence against women, especially

sexual violence and exploitation, is used as a tool of war and sadly perpetrated far

too often.

From conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, and Liberia, to more recent violence

by ISIS, Boko Haram, and security forces in Myanmar, we see time and again that women

are disproportionately affected in times of crisis.

VAV works to engage men and boys at – on every level.

It brings together key stakeholders to leverage skills and best practices that can be utilized


By ensuring men and boys are involved in training to prevent violence, it helps other men recognize

that this is not just a women's issue and that we need everyone's help to make a change.

VAV has begun to conduct regional training on combating violence against women, inviting

male judicial actors, law enforcement officials, civil society, and activists to create male

champions and advocate for better protections for survivors.

Male champions are imperative to breaking the cycle of violence.

VAV will serve as an effective new tool for embassies and our bureaus here at State to

not only assist survivors of gender-based violence but also to break the cycle of violence

by working directly with men and boys on this issue.

Additionally, VAV will help the State Department undertake important initiatives like responding

to acid attacks, preventing female genital mutilation, and putting an end to honor killings

so that we can protect women across the globe who have nowhere else to turn.

Incorporating men and boys to become stout agents of change and advocates to end violence

against women and children is an essential element to solving a global problem.

We are making progress, but it's just the beginning.

There is still much more to be done.

And by continuing to work together to promote gender equality and eliminate gender bias,

I'm confident that we can make great strides in breaking this cycle of violence.

On behalf of Secretary Tillerson, I want to thank you for coming here today.

We hope that these important discussions will bring us at least one step closer in our efforts

to engage men and boys and put an end to a problem that affects all of us.

Thank you very much.


For more infomation >> Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women & Children - Duration: 8:41.



For more infomation >> JUGAMOS AL CLASH ROYALE BATTLE GROUNDS | DIRECTO - Duration: 2:08:53.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration CVT Automaat 10.246 km - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration CVT Automaat 10.246 km - Duration: 0:59.


817 S Pennsylvania St - Post repair scope - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 817 S Pennsylvania St - Post repair scope - Duration: 5:05.


New 8 Animal Planet Toy Sets Huge Shopping Spree Toys R Us Unboxing Jurassic Park - Duration: 7:03.

okay it's great to see you again we're gonna have I bought seven new Animal

Planet sets and they are really awesome let's go ahead and take a look at these

first we have the remote control alligator encounter interactive t-rex

giant remote control centipede polar bear rescue set giant Cobra a spider

Play Set babbling Dino heads in the huge deep sea mega play set let's go ahead

and take a look at these okay let's go ahead take a look at these one at a time

you got the interactive t-rex this is six exciting Dino sound this is a brand

New 8 Animal Planet Toy Sets Huge Shopping Spree Toys R Us Unboxing Jurassic Park

tube Rex looks so cool let's check out the back okay it says six Dino t-rex

sounds activated by motion touch two different roaring sound stomping snarl

ground in flirting haha it's got a mouth sensor and everything so this is good

I know and then we got another new set from Animal Planet this is the babbling

Dino heads ferocious roaring sound soft for safe play it look cool looks like a

t-rex and a raptor yep it is t-rex me and the Velociraptor

so here it says these fierce predators are ready to fight off roaches freaks

out so they're roaring sound puppets also and then next we have a remote

control alligator encounter with light-up eyes and lifelike motion oh

that thing is pretty evil looking take a look at that Gator

realistic-looking so it's got light-up eyes chomping jaws lifelike motion and

remote control action cool that'll be awesome for dynamo battles it's 18

inches long and we have a really creepy looking one giant remote control

centipede it says light-up eyes squirming action haha this guy is freaky

looking there's a really cool picture of him on

the box let's check out the back okay over 20 inches long include centipede

remote control and a USB cord and here is some cool back on centipedes okay

then we have elephant rescue helicopter cool with claw grabbing action so turn

that claws grab does make engine sounds and stuff the rotor spins so that is a

really cool looking copter it says cloth grabbing action takeoff and landing

sounds warning signals working light shaking action mechanical claw and

freewheeling fun cool and here is some Animal Planet

okay then we have the animal pink planet polar bear rescue playset polar bears

got mechanical action and includes fish wolves polar bear baby mommy polar bear

guy with snowmobile and a bunch of weapons picture it says polar bears

weighing up to 1,300 pounds so there's some really cool facts on polar bears

Wow and we have a creepy one this is the giant Cobra in Spider

playset Wow I did our review separate plots spider and snake playsets but

these are different coloring and everything so there you got the giant

spider a bunch of snakes and action figure and a huge snake that looks like

a Cobra

then let's check out the back picture of it it says mechanical mouth action and

here is some facts on a king cobra if you want to pause it and read it okay

and then we have a huge place at this is the deep sea lab mega play set with

lights and sounds all around play it includes in porca which would be a

killer whale fish lab diver and Wow this thing is loaded let's check out the

options on the back it says lights and sound working searchlight dropped dog

shark cage revolving barrel door look down Lord realistic control panel in


and here is the picture back pause and read it okay guys so that is a

Animal Planet said that I will be opening soon so I just went ahead and

bought all of these from Toys R Us I will start reviewing these this week and

hopefully finish with them next week and I have a lot more awesome dinosaur

videos if you did enjoy this video please go ahead click like drop me

comment guys I got over a thousand videos the majority Jurassic world

Jurassic Park song Godzilla I've got some J mass a lot of Power Rangers so go

ahead and check out my playlist and if you like Animal Planet I got a bunch of

Animal Planet videos on the playlist

click the subscribe button below for a waffle monkey you also click the Bell

button to be notified every time I make a new video

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos if you want to see even more go

ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New 8 Animal Planet Toy Sets Huge Shopping Spree Toys R Us Unboxing Jurassic Park - Duration: 7:03.


Audi A3 1.4 TFSI COD SPORT PRO LINE S 150PK Airco, Navigatie, LED, Cruise Control, 19"LM - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 1.4 TFSI COD SPORT PRO LINE S 150PK Airco, Navigatie, LED, Cruise Control, 19"LM - Duration: 1:01.


Audi A5 Coupe 1.8 TFSI PRO LINE S [S-Line] 170pk Automaat, Vol leer, Navi, Xenon - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Coupe 1.8 TFSI PRO LINE S [S-Line] 170pk Automaat, Vol leer, Navi, Xenon - Duration: 0:57.


S. Korea-U.S. ready for air force joint drills against N. Korea's missile provocations - Duration: 1:42.

A massive South Korea-U.S. military exercise will take place over the Korean Peninsula

starting today,... the largest joint drill the allies have ever held.

Designed to boost "combat effectiveness" against North Korea,... the United States has sent

some 230 combat aircraft,... including the most sophisticated stealth fighters and bombers.

Lee Unshin has this story.

The air forces of South Korea and the United States are ready for another joint exercise,

set to start on Monday.

The 5-day drill, dubbed Vigilant Ace, will involve more than 230 warplanes from both

sides, including 6 U.S. F-22 Raptors, and 6 F-35s -- some of the air forces' most advanced

fighter jets.

Throughout the training about 12,000 personnel will demonstrate wartime defenses and airstrikes

on mock North Korean nuclear and missile targets.

The exercises come after the North fired an intercontinental ballistic missile last Wednesday.

Pyongyang condemned the scheduled annual drill.

Its state media said Washington is "begging for nuclear war," and claimed that the missile

launch was a legitimate part of strengthening what it called its "self-defensive nuclear


North Korea's latest missile is believed by experts to be capable of reaching all parts

of the continental U.S.

Despite its range, though, reports say U.S. officials now believe the missile likely did

not survive re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.

Amid growing tensions, Washington's National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster says the North's

nuclear program is the "greatest immediate threat" to the United States -- that the risk

of war with North Korea is growing every day, and that Washington is in a race to find a


Lee Unshin Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea-U.S. ready for air force joint drills against N. Korea's missile provocations - Duration: 1:42.


#WeAreMizzouBiology-Stephanie Ruck Profile - Duration: 2:35.

Hi, my name is Stephanie Ruck. I'm a senior in

biological sciences at Mizzou, and I work in the Manuel Leal lab. For our experiment we wanted to find out if

S. consobrinusis is behaviorally flexible and whether or not they are capable of learning.

This is really important for

species, in general,

because it allows us to examine how individuals are

better suited to adapt to environmental changes in novel stimuli throughout the environment

Okay should I start? For our experiment, we tested the prairie lizard, S. consobrinusis,

and, we exposed them to a tube

that they had to eventually find a way to go in through and obtain a cricket.

That would then lead to a success if they did obtain the cricket.

And from this we tested them

throughout different phases

and they had to successfully advance to each phase in order for us to tell if they were learning or not.

I got involved with research my sophomore year I believe.

I I knew I really wanted to pursue a research career eventually,

so I looked into labs on the biology website

and I looked through to see which lab was best suited for my interest and

I ended up finding some really great labs

I love biology because

I've always loved being outdoors, and I've loved

looking at the world from a scientific perspective and

inquiring about the world around us. And, I think, biology is a way to

to kind of a gain a new perspective about the world.

For more infomation >> #WeAreMizzouBiology-Stephanie Ruck Profile - Duration: 2:35.


U.S. strategic assets arrive in S. Korea for first joint drill since N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 2:12.

South Korea and the United States will hold a joint Air Force drill next week involving

almost 230 aircraft.

The regular exercise is called Vigilant Ace, planned before North Korea's latest missile


But coming so soon after, it may involve a bigger show of force than ever before.

Our Oh Jung-hee has the details.

U.S. strategic assets are arriving in South Korea for an annual joint air force drill

called Vigilant Ace next week.

The airborne exercise is set to mobilize 12-thousand U.S. personnel and almost 230 aircraft.

Six F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jets are to be deployed starting Saturday,... and all

six jets will fly over South Korea simultaneously for the first time in the history of the joint


F-22 jets are equipped with full stealth capabilities,... meaning that they can infiltrate North Korean

airspace undetected and destroy key nuclear and missile facilities.

Twelve F-35B jets will also be deployed.

The presence of the F-22 Raptor and the F-35B fighters is expected to put maximum pressure

on North Korea... as both aircraft can reach Pyongyang in only ten minutes if they depart

from Osan Air Base, located 64 km south of Seoul,... and in 20 minutes from Gunsan Air

Base in Jeollabuk-do Province.

In addition to these two, six F-35A stealth fighter jets also arrived in South Korea last

week... and B-1B bombers are expected to take part in the drill as well.

South Korea's defense ministry says... the joint exercise will focus on striking facilities

and moving targets in North Korea... as well as countering possible North Korean invasions

by sea and air.

This year's Vigilant Ace comes in less than a week after Pyongyang launched an ICBM,...

so it's expected to be carried out amid high tensions on the peninsula.

Seoul also plans to coordinate with Washington to have U.S. strategic assets deployed on

a rotational basis... until the end of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. strategic assets arrive in S. Korea for first joint drill since N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 2:12.


S. Korea's intel agency says North's latest missile most advanced ICBM tested - Duration: 1:47.

South Korea's intelligence agency briefed the National Assembly on the missile launch

earlier on Wednesday, explaining that the rocket appears to be an ungraded version of

the Hwasong-14.

And it added that there could be more provocations to come.

Kim Min-ji reports.

South Korea's intelligence agency says North Korea's latest missile is the most advanced

ICBM that it has tested so far.

At a parliamentary briefing on Wednesday,... the National Intelligence Service was quoted

as saying that it was an upgrade from the ICBMs the North has launched previously -- flying

higher and faster.

"The NIS said the distance flown was about 960 kilometers with an apogee of around 4,500


Given the high altitude and speed,... it appears to be an improvement on the Hwasong-14."

The spy agency's analysis is in line with Pyongyang's own statement which it made hours

after the test,... claiming a successful launch of the Hwasong-15.

The NIS said there were several likely reasons for the latest provocation -- to show that

the North can hit the U.S.,... to protest the sanctions against it,... and to solidify

internal unity.

It also said the test was foreseen given that Pyongyang was recently relisted by the U.S.

as a state sponsor of terrorism,... and that the regime has historically launched a provocation...

70 percent of the time when it has warned of a response.

(Stup) The spy agency added it cannot rule out the

possibility of another nuclear test either -- noting that North Korea's nuclear and missile

capabilities are progressing.

It said tensions could get higher,... should Pyongyang's provocations continue amid stronger

pressure from the international community.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's intel agency says North's latest missile most advanced ICBM tested - Duration: 1:47.


U.S. strategic assets arrive in S. Korea for first joint drill since N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 2:07.

South Korea and the United States will hold a joint Air Force drill next week involving

almost 230 aircraft.

The regular exercise is called Vigilant Ace, and it was planned before the North's latest

missile launch.

But coming so soon after, it'll likely involve a bigger show of force than ever before.

Oh Jung-hee reports.

U.S. strategic assets are arriving in South Korea for an annual joint air force drill

called Vigilant Ace next week.

The airborne exercise is set to mobilize 12-thousand U.S. personnel and almost 230 aircraft.

Six F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jets are to be deployed starting Saturday,... and all

six jets will fly over South Korea simultaneously for the first time in the history of the joint


F-22 jets are equipped with full stealth capabilities,... meaning that they can infiltrate North Korean

airspace undetected and destroy key nuclear and missile facilities.

Twelve F-35B jets will also be deployed.

The presence of the F-22 Raptor and the F-35B fighters is expected to put maximum pressure

on North Korea... as both aircraft can reach Pyongyang in only ten minutes if they depart

from Osan Air Base, located 64 km south of Seoul,... and in 20 minutes from Gunsan Air

Base in Jeollabuk-do Province.

In addition to these two, six F-35A stealth fighter jets also arrived in South Korea last

week... and B-1B bombers are expected to take part in the drill as well.

South Korea's defense ministry says... the joint exercise will focus on striking facilities

and moving targets in North Korea... as well as countering possible North Korean invasions

by sea and air.

This year's Vigilant Ace comes in less than a week after Pyongyang launched an ICBM,...

so it's expected to be carried out amid high tensions on the peninsula.

Seoul also plans to coordinate with Washington to have U.S. strategic assets deployed on

a rotational basis... until the end of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. strategic assets arrive in S. Korea for first joint drill since N. Korea missile launch - Duration: 2:07.


S. Korea considering various ways to increase pressure on N. Korea - Duration: 2:15.

South Korea says it's considering ways to strengthen international pressure on North

Korea over its missile test.

And the United States, meanwhile, is calling for more sanctions.

Specifically, the Trump administration has decided it's time for China to cut off the

regime's oil supplies.

Ji Myung-kil has more.

South Korea's foreign ministry said Thursday that the government will continue to pressure

North Korea through tough sanctions in order to thwart Pyongyang's nuclear and missile


The ministry said it will use all diplomatic means to resolve the crisis in a peaceful


(Korean) "The government is closely negotiating with

the U.S. and other permanent Security Council members to devise countermeasures.

At this stage, we are closely monitoring the UN Security Council."

South Korea's foreign ministry spokesperson also said the government was keeping a close

eye on Washington's possible moves to place further unilateral sanctions on North Korea,

even if there is no new UN resolution.

U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley called for all nations to fully implement UN sanctions on

North Korea and cut off all diplomatic ties.

She also suggested additional moves, such as taking away the regime's voting rights

at the UN... and cutting off oil.

(Reuters No. 3234) "China can do this on its own, or we can take

the oil situation into our own hands."

Haley pointed out that China was North Korea's biggest supplier of oil, and said that President

Trump had asked China's President Xi to turn off the taps to the regime.

China's ambassador meanwhile urged North Korea to comply with UN resolutions, and advocated

dialogue between all relevant parties.

Russia placed some responsibility on South Korea and the U.S, calling on the two nations

to refrain from carrying out any more joint military drills for the rest of the year,

saying it could "inflame an already explosive situation."

Whether the UN Security Council will pass a new resolution to implement further sanctions

remains unclear.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea considering various ways to increase pressure on N. Korea - Duration: 2:15.


S. Korea considering various ways to increase pressure on N. Korea - Duration: 2:14.

South Korea is considering ways to strengthen international pressure on North Korea following

its latest provocation.

And the United States, meanwhile, wants more sanctions -- specifically,... saying that

China should cut off the regime's oil supplies.

Ji Myung-kil has more.

South Korea's foreign ministry said Thursday that the government will continue to pressure

North Korea through tough sanctions in order to thwart Pyongyang's nuclear and missile


The ministry said it will use all diplomatic means to resolve the crisis in a peaceful


(Korean) "The government is closely negotiating with

the U.S. and other permanent Security Council members to devise countermeasures.

At this stage, we are closely monitoring the UN Security Council."

South Korea's foreign ministry spokesperson also said the government was keeping a close

eye on Washington's possible moves to place further unilateral sanctions on North Korea,

even if there is no new UN resolution.

U.S. ambassador Nikki Haley called for all nations to fully implement UN sanctions on

North Korea and cut off all diplomatic ties.

She also suggested additional moves, such as taking away the regime's voting rights

at the UN... and cutting off oil.

(Reuters No. 3234) "China can do this on its own, or we can take

the oil situation into our own hands."

Haley pointed out that China was North Korea's biggest supplier of oil, and said that President

Trump had asked China's President Xi to turn off the taps to the regime.

China's ambassador meanwhile urged North Korea to comply with UN resolutions, and advocated

dialogue between all relevant parties.

Russia placed some responsibility on South Korea and the U.S, calling on the two nations

to refrain from carrying out any more joint military drills for the rest of the year,

saying it could "inflame an already explosive situation."

Whether the UN Security Council will pass a new resolution to implement further sanctions

remains unclear.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea considering various ways to increase pressure on N. Korea - Duration: 2:14.


Lethal Weapon - Only On FOX

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Allaitement: Comment augmenter sa production de lait maternel Confessions d'une maman - Duration: 4:42.

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Mitsubishi Space Star 1.9 DI-D DIAMOND *Airco*EXPORT* - Duration: 0:52.

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Volvo XC60 2.4D AUT(6) KINETIC NAVI/PARK ASSIST V+A/17INCH - Duration: 1:00.

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Tens talent trailer - Duration: 0:38.

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Russians and vodka - From Moscow to Murmansk - Duration: 45:02.

For more infomation >> Russians and vodka - From Moscow to Murmansk - Duration: 45:02.


Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women & Children - Duration: 8:41.

DEPUTY SECRETARY SULLIVAN: Thank you, Ambassador Kozak.

Good morning, everyone.

Thank you for being here today.

I'm delighted to be here, honored to be able to speak before you.

Each year on November 25th, we commemorate the International Day for the Elimination

of Violence Against Women and observe the accompanying 16 days of activism against gender-based


Those 16 days of activism against gender violence offer a global platform for governments, organizations,

individuals around the world to mobilize and call attention to the urgent need to end violence

against women and girls across the board.

As Ambassador Kozak mentioned, I was just in Nigeria a couple of weeks ago and met with

civil society groups, survivors, women and girls – young girls, teenage girls – who

have endured just the most horrific crimes against them and their families.

And so it's a compelling issue for any person, but for us as Americans in particular.

Gender-based violence harms individuals, violates the most basic of our inalienable human rights.

From sexual assault, early or forced marriage and rape, to dating violence and so-called

honor killings, women and girls disproportionately face violence around the world.

The statistics, unfortunately, are both shocking and saddening.

An estimated one out of every three women worldwide has been subject to violence, rape,

or other abuse in her lifetime.

According to the World Health Organization, at least 30 percent of women worldwide have

experienced this kind of violence at the hands of a partner.

According to the – UN Women, violence against women causes more death and disability for

women and girls between the ages of 15 and 44 than cancer, traffic accidents, malaria,

and war combined.

Finally, in the United States, nearly one out of every three women – and one out of

every six men – has experienced some form of sexual violence.

Beyond the obvious and direct harm to the individual, violence against women damages

society as a whole and stifles or reverses progress made in economic development, health,

and security.

For instance, radical terrorist organization, including – organizations, including those

which we unfortunately have experienced within Nigeria, directly target women and girls to

achieve their ideological and tactical objectives.

These attacks on girls and their schools prevent them from receiving an education by keeping

them out of the classroom and alienate them from reaching their full potential as citizens,

entrepreneurs, leaders, or just as human beings.

And this violence doesn't merely impact a victim; it causes a chain reaction, further

contributing to the cycles of poverty and instability we witness in so many countries,

impacting not only individuals, but entire societies.

Whether it occurs inside or outside of the workplace, violence against women can limit

women's ability to fully participate in the economy.

It's not an easy topic to talk about – it's often painful, it's emotionally draining

to be with the survivors – but we must face it head-on if we're going to make any progress.

And one of the most important steps to ending this global problem is engaging everyone,

including men and boys.

Violence against women negatively affects men and boys in two ways: directly, as survivors

of violence, and indirectly, through their exposure to it.

Study after study has shown that when violence is witnessed or experienced, it's likely

to be repeated.

Gender-based violence is cyclical.

Men who witness violence at an early age are twice as likely to be perpetrators of violence

in the future.

Similarly, girls who experience abusive relationships early in their lives are at an increased risk

of being victimized by others later in life.

Engaging men and boys as loving, supportive, and involved husbands and fathers is critical

to achieving sustained transformational change.

Since its founding in Brazil 20 years ago, our partner, Promundo, working alongside a

number of other dedicated partners, has helped to prevent violence in more than 40 countries

through high-impact research and evaluation, targeted advocacy efforts, and evidence-based

educational programming.

Programs like Promundo engage men and boys in the fight against gender-based violence

by growing male leadership and promoting gender equality.

Promundo encourages men to be acting – active, loving, and equitable caregivers in their

roles as fathers.

To this end, Promundo has established the MenCare campaign to promote men's involvement

as dedicated fathers and caregivers, strengthen families, improve gender equality, and promote

better health for the entire family.

Promundo has also begun International Men And Gender Equality Surveys, or IMAGES, which

measure men's and women's attitudes and practices around gender equality and violence

against women and girls.

And today, we're excited to celebrate the launch of Voices Against Violence, or VAV

– a public-private partnership with the Avon Foundation that provides a comprehensive

approach to combating violence against women, and engages men and boys to break the cycle,

especially in conflict areas.

And it's in these conflict areas that the targeted use of violence against women, especially

sexual violence and exploitation, is used as a tool of war and sadly perpetrated far

too often.

From conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, and Liberia, to more recent violence

by ISIS, Boko Haram, and security forces in Myanmar, we see time and again that women

are disproportionately affected in times of crisis.

VAV works to engage men and boys at – on every level.

It brings together key stakeholders to leverage skills and best practices that can be utilized


By ensuring men and boys are involved in training to prevent violence, it helps other men recognize

that this is not just a women's issue and that we need everyone's help to make a change.

VAV has begun to conduct regional training on combating violence against women, inviting

male judicial actors, law enforcement officials, civil society, and activists to create male

champions and advocate for better protections for survivors.

Male champions are imperative to breaking the cycle of violence.

VAV will serve as an effective new tool for embassies and our bureaus here at State to

not only assist survivors of gender-based violence but also to break the cycle of violence

by working directly with men and boys on this issue.

Additionally, VAV will help the State Department undertake important initiatives like responding

to acid attacks, preventing female genital mutilation, and putting an end to honor killings

so that we can protect women across the globe who have nowhere else to turn.

Incorporating men and boys to become stout agents of change and advocates to end violence

against women and children is an essential element to solving a global problem.

We are making progress, but it's just the beginning.

There is still much more to be done.

And by continuing to work together to promote gender equality and eliminate gender bias,

I'm confident that we can make great strides in breaking this cycle of violence.

On behalf of Secretary Tillerson, I want to thank you for coming here today.

We hope that these important discussions will bring us at least one step closer in our efforts

to engage men and boys and put an end to a problem that affects all of us.

Thank you very much.


For more infomation >> Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women & Children - Duration: 8:41.


SsangYong Rexton W - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> SsangYong Rexton W - Duration: 1:01.


Harry et Meghan Markle, leur histoire était prédite dans Love Actually : la théo­rie qui - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Harry et Meghan Markle, leur histoire était prédite dans Love Actually : la théo­rie qui - Duration: 2:22.


Chi vincerà il Grande Fratello Vip 2017? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Chi vincerà il Grande Fratello Vip 2017? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.


Uomini e Donne over: la cena di Gemma Galgani e Giorgio Manetti | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne over: la cena di Gemma Galgani e Giorgio Manetti | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:19.


Wheels On The Bus | Bottle Squad | Superhero Cartoons For Toddlers | Videos For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 57:56.

Bottle Squad with a boom we are ready to zoom

Bottle Squad!

Bottle Squad ! Be strong,

Be brave,

Be smart,

Be kind

Solving problems we don't mind!

We are the closest friends you'll ever find.

Bottle Squad

Ba Ba Bottle Squad

Wheels on the bus..

"Where is the bus?"

"It should be here any moment!"

"I'm kind of nervous about riding a bus."

"Whatcha waiting for, Ben?"

"I don't know. I've never ridden a bus before. It's kind of scary to try new things…"

"Well don't worry, Ben! You'll be save here on the bus with us! Look! Barkie saved you a seat by him!"


"Alright everyone! Let's go!"

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round

'Round and 'round 'Round and 'round

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round

All through the town!

BARKIE & BABBLES bark and meow,

Bark and meow, Bark and meow,

BARKIE & BABBLES bark and meow,

All through the town

We are on our way to the zoo, way to the zoo

Way to the zoo

We are on our way to the zoo… Come join us too!..

"It looks like we have a flat tire… but what could have caused it…"

"Just one moment!"

"I used my super smarts and saw that this is what caused our flat tire."

"Do you have a spare tire?"

"Hmmm…We know what to do"

"Ba ba boom We're ready to ZOOOM!"

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish

Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish swish, swish..

All through the town

The engine on the bus goes Vroom, vroom, vroom,

Vroom, vroom, vroom, Vroom, vroom, vroom,

The engine on the bus goes vroom, vroom, vroom,

All through the town.

We are on our way to the zoo, way to the zoo

Way to the zoo

We are on our way to the zoo… Come join us too!..

ZOO!! Straight ahead!!!"


"See Ben? It wasn't too terrible!"

"I'm sorry if it was a bit bumpy… After all, I don't know how to drive! Haha!

If you need a help u can count on us...

That's her ba ba promise to you!


We don't mind we are


In the walls below basic for show

We see you

Battle squad be strong be brave be smart be kind selfie problems. We don't mind

We are closest friends you'll ever find

Babies there are some visitors waiting for you at the mission center. They need your help

This early in the day. I wouldn't look at be

Battle squad be strong be brave be smart the kind solving problems. We don't mind

We are close to spent you'll ever find

Why don't you ask mr.. Yellow what happened oh, I didn't mean to

Sorry, mr. Green

it all started when we were walking into the forests collecting honey for a new recipe and

Right then we ran into the riddle me which

Me wish haven't you heard of Ruby which she lives a little far two trucks? You looked ahead swing her riddles

And then she takes away, what is yours like she?

Took away, she took away our colors

Mr.. Green mr.. Yellow mr.. Indigo mr. Blue mr.. Orange

Mr. Violet, and I were no match for her

That's terrible we'll get your colors back. Don't you fret time to power up?

Hold it right there riddle me, which those colors belong to our friends I

Was expecting you bottle squad

I'll give you the colors if you can answer three simple rhythms bring it on

It's Luke's game it opens around what you eat is around, but what you spit out is black?

Watermelon, it's a watermelon

Orange violet together blue red and indigo that is in the rainbow

Again slowly miss

Violet and you go yellow orange and three green dancers green

Black and white and red all over

How can something be black and white when it's red all over a

Newspaper is black and white and red all over. Thank you for helping us with the answer riddle me which

We would like those colors now

Thank You babies for bringing our color back

Anything for you mr.. Red and for our favorite colors mr.. Blue mr.. Green mr.. Yellow, mr.. Orange mr.

violet and mr., indigo

Be strong be brave be smart be kind selfie problems. We don't mind we are close to special effort

With a yen in five babies, let's eat

For three

You're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy, and you know it

If you're happy, and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy

And you know it clap your hands if you're happy, and you know it some peace if you're happy

And you know it stomp your feet

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet

If you're happy, and you know it shout hurray

If you're happy, and you know it shout hurray

If you're happy, and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy, and you know it shout hurray

If you're happy one when I clap your hands if you're happy and you know it clap your hands

If you're happy, and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy, and you know it clap your hands

You're happy and you know it snap your fingers if you're happy, and you know

It if you're happy, and you know it snap your fingers if you're happy

And you know it strike a pose if you're happy

And you know it strike a pose if you're happy

And you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy, and you know it strike a pose

If you're happy and you know it jump around if you're happy, and you know it jump around

If you're happy, and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy, and you know it jump around

If you're happy, and you know it do all eyes

If you're happy, and you know it do all five

Surely show it if you're happy, and you know it do all five

We power up it don't give up that's our Baba promise feel


Battle squad be strong be brave be smart the kind solving problems. We don't mind

We are close to spend you'll ever find

What a beautiful day to get some fresh air

Something's here

Be strong be brave be smart kind something problems. We don't mind we are closed to special emperor

Hey little guy it's okay, we're here to help you he must have lost his mommy


See three footprints heading over that hill over there, I don't know which one are the mommy bears let me help

The ones leading to the bush are squirrel tracks

The ones leading into the cave our Fox Trax

The ones that lead over the hill are definitely bear tracks

We don't want them to get in danger, can I trust you guys to keep them safe?

Don't worry we'll get you out of here in no time

Wait we aren't heavy enough that way that there use your super strength to get the biggest rock you can find. I'm on it

Generally walk away from us towards the other side we have your back

I'm glad we could help

Well now that's what I call a bear hug

If you yell you can count on us, that's our Baba promise see you you

Be strong be brave be smart be kind something problems. We don't mind we are the closest friends you'll ever find

Now that we finished our homework

Hey, where's perky

Where is Sparky I can't see him around let's see in the pillar room after having his fill of tree


Battle squad be strong be brave be smart be kind selfie problems. We don't mind

We are close to spend you'll ever find


I've looked everywhere. He's nowhere to be seen we need to split up and find him. Do you know where Becky can be?


MALDI he's in the mall

Let's split up and check the mall but before that let's power up you guys stay here. Okay. We'll be back soon

Barney was talking about something important he had to do all day, and he was being really secretive about it. I wonder why?

Where click bar key B, which is his favorite shop in the mall bingo?


Sorry thought you were my friend never seen bar key anywhere

There was a dog that came in but with another little girl from the description. I was given. It sounds like barky

He was given lots of candy treats, and he left with a little girl. Oh no did barky leave us

Whatever it is we must find them he's our pet let's go

Beckoned Deveny you head that way then inaudible head this way we'll sign him today

Where are you little fella, you scared us we thought you away

Be strong be brave be smart be kind something problems. We don't mind we are closest friends. You'll ever find

Guys I found a note it says

An adventure awaits you babies today using your brains with fun and play

1/300 you learns accounts day by day you learn a certain amount you will be given a clue for starts

Then you'll find a riddle so use your smarts your force riddle and your clue at the end of surprise for you

finish your surprise

Numbers just what I love

Here's the riddle I'm something that gets inflated, but I'm not a tire and when I'm filled with helium

Let go and I thought higher and higher the clue barkis doghouse

Something that gets inflated, but I'm not a tire and when I'm filled with helium let go and I slip higher and higher

Hmm, I wonder what that could be guys a balloon it gets inflated

Just like a tire and when they're filled with helium they slow

Only super smarts to think oh well we do have some balloons left from Buzzy's birthday

Nothing's too heavy for me. Why don't you guys go to Barney's doll house, and I will join you there, okay?

Got it great job Blake, maybe we should count them when we fill them with helium. Yeah. Yeah, Oh

one two




Six seven eight nine

Ten great counting Bethenny, let's all count with Bethenny

Hmm guys look there's a metal hook for the balloons. I think we need to attach it there

I'm usually white but not a sheet of paper dogs have rubber toys of me not rubber balls, but greater oh

Oh boy we have to dig up his rubber bones

How many do you think there are I don't know

But I do know we need to count starting at 11 we need to keep track of where we are from 1 to 100

12 13 14 15 16 17

Well it seems like that's where our next riddle is yeah, but it's late

Place right, we should call it a day more fun in numbers tomorrow same time same place

We should get all of our bones and balloons back to the mission center. I want to see our progress

create yeah



Have at it boy

Squat be strong be brave be smart kind something problems. We don't mind

We are close to spend you'll ever find

Good morning babies are you ready for part two of the numbers adventure?

Yes, color right even have fun. Counting 21 for 40 guys look a new riddle

These things are made of metal you might have many or single if you give them a good shape they make a lovely

jingle jingle

Yeah, but how can you have mini or single of Santa's sleigh oh?

Yeah wait you're right back up. Oh well almost it's not fastly, but honestly

Guys it's babbles color great job in her colors are all over the place

Let's split up and look for them good idea


Can't believe this little kitten can make such a huge mess

Hmm missing one I have a feeling we didn't find them all because we haven't absolutely yet



The next riddle amuse for flight especially on birds. I'm the lightest of things except for fur

In the pillow room

You really are kidding when you say you have super smart

Where are the babies after my fee

Guys look here, it's different

First my colors. Oh, this is my beautiful coats there it is a bit better

Whoa there's some Freddie, let's get back to the mission center to captain


Know I don't like waiting either all right, so we ended on 30 with the collars so we start with 31

It looks like my super smart circuit pages

Together 21

22 23 24






30 31





I think it's your turn to get your things taken

Looks like bosnia's founder next clue shall we

Squad be strong be brave be smart be kind something problems. We don't mind we our closest friends

You'll ever find

Good morning ladies today watch is part three of our numbers adventure. I'm so excited

Me too

I'm excited my things get left alone yeah

Beat you

Now the riddles spaced across Fozzie's milk cartons

You'll find that there's 41 5050 leave it to bazi to drink ten cans of milk in a day

41 42 43 44






Fozzie we're not taking them forever even have them back once we're done I

Didn't finish my milk you can have the rest if we can borrow your mom cartons

Just a bit how does that sound they do keep their word Fozzie Bear?

Let's make sure they're in the right order

Yeah, where's the next riddle, I think I know

They're what makes a rainbow, but not the colors all we use at school and at home

We need to go to the classroom

Why don't you apply bath and crayons there the colors in the rainbow that we can use at school and at home in

The high school is in our homes

It has to be here somewhere


Fuzzy there's the first carton of milk in the kitchen if you want it

That was very clever Bethany

Here's our pocket rainbow do you think it's in the box only one way to find out


Looks like a clue

It just says rainbow wrapping it has to be talking about the rainbow crayon

Maybe the next riddle is on the inner side of that wrapping

136 eight more than halfway through

With this next ripple another adventure awaits you you last furry friend Plus this veggie

That doesn't cost too much money

Speaking of veggies it's time for dinner it sounds great

41 52 53 54 55

We'll search more tomorrow same time same place

We don't give up that's our Baba promise see you

Squad be strong be brave be smart the kind something problems

We don't mind. We are close to spend you'll ever find

Well good morning mr. Sun. Why is he always so bright?

Today let's go

Our clue was

136 tea more than halfway through

With this next riddle an adventure awaits you you lass. Furry friends loves this veggie that doesn't cost too much money. Oh


Oh boy

As long as it's not our favorite one that she's leaving with I have a feeling. We'll need it

Let's start with her other carrot dolls. It should be around the classroom. Let's look for them before she gets up. We should power up

The orange one I think we might need it, let's get our little caper down here to thought sewer

I told you it's about time they took your things

So I think you figured it out, huh

Really need it for a moment to count Beansie girl. It'll be back to you by the end of the day promise

Thank you

So we ended on 60 yesterday, which means we start with 61 right

Yep 62 63 64

You guys great helps me when I'm down. I figured you could use it

Hey look there's a pocket inner carrot be super careful

Congratulations on corralling your friends to give you their favorite items that lend

now for another challenging feat a musical item that gives a beat use for marching bands for a football game or

Use on a stage for fame okay a beat like a cowbell

Huh a job keeps the beat. Oh, yeah

Then where's your toy drum? It's somewhere in here. I love to buy the Cubbies Oh

Found the drumsticks Bucky you think you could throw it where the drama siding

Let's see what Bucky I think he wants me to fight the loud bucket oh

I hid it in the bottom drawer of the dresser over there. Why'd you hide it? I have sensitive ears

You know the lad bucket hurts them

Well I found the drum and then some

We've been doing all their counting you guys want to count this one together, yeah

To see our progress all right

Ready ready

Break I think she made a quick stop in a baby boot camp to do a quick workout to power her money

She's really getting into this counting

Great work Blake what's it? Say you've almost made it babies

That's super great, but now you'll need to lift some super weight

You'll climb the monkey bars and run the treadmill you'll have to conquer the poop can the holds room

Sounds like honey - I got some

Pretty sleepy let's recap before we go to bed


Yeah, good job guys. We make a great team and so do our little capers

Your bean see girl. Thank you for lending it to us

Squad be strong be brave be smart kind something problems. We don't mind

We are closest friends your Emperor fine

I've never seen you so excited about learning

I'm beginning to feel super smart learning all these numbers, but let's power up and head to the baby boot camp

Wow Blake you were really in a hurry like I said

Using super smarts like you plus when I was going through my morning workout

It bothered me to see the numbers all jumbled up like that since already in line. Let's count them all together


Wait we're missing -

Hmm I

Know she's super strong, but this


That was sweet of you guys impressive you can't be maintained my super Street

What did I miss just baazi going in circles without you?

But where's the next riddle

Mrs.. Mission

Center mission dinner time to go, but here

Now that's the way to finish

Here you little papers earn these guys

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus | Bottle Squad | Superhero Cartoons For Toddlers | Videos For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 57:56.


Gossip Grande Fratello Vip, Cecilia e Ignazio: la svolta clamorosa | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Gossip Grande Fratello Vip, Cecilia e Ignazio: la svolta clamorosa | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


Opel Meriva 1.6-16V 105PK TEMPTATION Nav. Trekh. - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.6-16V 105PK TEMPTATION Nav. Trekh. - Duration: 1:01.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 132PK FIRST EDITION Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 132PK FIRST EDITION Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:59.


GF Vip 2: polemica su Cecilia e Belen Rodriguez | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> GF Vip 2: polemica su Cecilia e Belen Rodriguez | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.


Unknown World (1951 Full Movie) - Duration: 1:13:59.

what the future will bring no man can say but one fact is certain mankind

stands at the crucial crossroads of history the threshold of a new era the

Atomic Age well the people of the u.s. skilled in the uses of science and

technology the Atomic Age is profoundly significant across a continent enormous

in its agricultural potential Americans have drawn from the earth a rich bounty

have built great cities have reared towers into the sky have spun intricate

networks of highways across the land by the application of science industry has

grown increasingly productive making possible a good way of life with

assurance Americans look with an abiding faith to the future for many citizens

and scientists alike atomic energy means the promise of a more abundant life but

for many another the atom is a threat and evil promise the paralyzing panic of

our time thus to answer the perplexing question of the atom in its implications

the people have turned their attention to the forum of Public Affairs have

sought to search out realities to find the facts or to listen to men of science

like dr. Jeremiah Morley famed geologist the embattled founder of the now-defunct

Society to save civilization it was Morley who told a Los Angeles audience

that a series of atomic explosions either accidental or deliberate could

set off a chain reaction to annihilate every man woman and child on the face of

the earth it could cause a death of every living thing

in a gloomy report more they took a dim view of history recall the tragically

repetitious story the decline and fall of all past civilizations said morally

modern civilization could by the phenomenon of atomic fission be brought

to dust and ashes for example if an a-bomb were definite Adad the Empire

State Building the area of total destruction would cover an area of two

miles now since the a-bomb is already obsolete

consider the area of total destruction of an h-bomb and science has promised us

bombs a thousand times more powerful poisoning with radioactivity

all the air and water of this earth this could mean not only the end of our own

civilization but the very possibility of any future civilization what are we

gonna do a forest I'll tell you what I am going to do about us I have a plan a

plan to preserve human life on this planet I hope you will join with me in

carrying it out

the response to dr. Morley's appeal was immediate and enthusiastic the society

to save civilization was set up to its headquarters flocked amateur do-gooders

and professional scientists from them morally chose a staff of experts dr. max

abe our eminent geophysicist hosted by hitler from the university of munich in

1933 dr. James Paxton metallurgical engineer twice winner of the McKenna

Scientific award June Lindsay medical doctor and art and feminist who for her

research in biochemistry was named winner of the annual award by the

American Confederation of women scientists dr. George Coleman authority

on soil conservation and Andrew Austin guard sand hawk explosives expert marine

veteran of World War two it was this team qualified each in his own way that

helped set in motion more lays audacious project a daringly planned program which

he took three months later to the board of directors of the Carlyle Foundation

and so my colleagues and I believe that humanity can escape annihilation can

find a temporary Haven a promise of hope that come what may

life can be sustained deep within the earth itself while below the surface we

shall seek a natural geological shelter we have a team ready for the effort all

we lack of funds can we get them from your foundation dr. Morley I believe it

would expedite matters if I were to ask the questions we're blaming you know

first of all isn't the inside of the earth solid

the interior of the earth is made up of vast caverns and air pockets joined by

natural avenues leading from the surface natural avenues funnels and fishes such

a fissure lies within the world's largest extinct volcano at mountain le

that is where we intend to start our journey he's followed how far down do

they go hundreds of miles perhaps thousands to the very core of the earth

but isn't the inside of the earth the very core a molten fiery man to the

contrary the latest body of theory holds that the inside of a sphere such as the

earth is cooler than the temperature at its surface and how would you traverse

these thousands of miles dr. Coleman the perspective drawings Queen this is a

cyclotron now what it's an amphibious conveyance based on

the principles of the ovoid 'el atmosphere Oh what like a submarine with

the mobility of a tractor its head contains a burrowing device and its

walls can withstand extremes of temperature and pressure but even with

the cycle tram of the year that's a sphere of the what not how do you know

you'd be successful in finding this underground Haven we don't know but we

must try there is no other alternative no other course no other hope of keeping

the spark of life a lie and the cost

that's a lot of money dr. Morley well surely you don't expect what we do I

know you and your family mean well mean well next you'd be calling a starry-eyed

idealist dr. Lindsey you're out of order the whole world is out of order and I

suppose you and your associates consented right

we couldn't have said it wrong if we tried the appropriation was denied to

carry on his work dr. Morley issued repeated appeals to the members of the

organization it failed and so last week the society to save civilization was

itself extinct and one of its leaders a professor Jeremiah Morley and his

enthusiastic colleagues where were they headed after a year of devotion to a

lost but spectacular cause to newsreel reporters dr. Morley had only this to

say we have no plans we have no hope

better standby Frank we may want to run that again

well gentlemen what do you think it's like asking a man what he thinks of his

own obituary I thought you'd like to see it for its release in case you had any

objection now he thinks of our objections

you've been crucifying us for a year mr. Thompson in the newspapers you read it

the magazines you publish syndicates you control and now there's newsreel just a

minute gentlemen you seem to have me confused with my

father he dictates the policies of our publications like father like son

nothing dr. Bower could be more unscientific as a matter of fact my

father nah never see eye to eye on anything so he's the villain of the

piece and you are the hero quite the contrary my father has all the virtues

of our society he makes the money I spent the large occupation oh I have no

occupation timestream you would hey daddy of yours dr. Molly I'm not

exploring the inside of the earth you know I'd like to try that just for the

kicks I'm sure you wouldn't find it very exciting oh I don't know

gentlemen I came here tonight with a proposition I have the money of my own I

would like to finance your project are you serious sit down my boy there's one

stipulation however I go with you and what could you do I'm afraid you don't

realize what you'll be up against going a thousand miles inside the earth just

to satisfy a whim gentlemen you activate the fate of humanity hung upon you

granting me this whim

plans for the expedition are being completed ahead of schedule

and Morley is pleased with our progress the cycle time nears completion adequate

nutrition and concentrated form has been perfected and for an axillary water

supply the Sloane h2o condenser will be used by the study of our laboratory

animals in a new environment we expect to gather important scientific data at

last the cyclotron is ready to be loaded

aboard the SS Aurora our destination the extinct volcano Mountain la where the

inside of the earth begins this was our base a lonely desolate Beach at the foot

of the extinct volcano

well let's go

what a place to spend our last night on earth

you sound like you'll all be dead in the morning it's a possibility we stay here

and II take the controls follow the ridgeline keep out of the

ravines descend an angle of about more than 33 degrees

something's wrong

not right

Estate 2000rpm follow watch our plan harmful check

what's our elevation now approaching 6,300 feet angle of ascent 19 degrees

speed constant 2100 rpm I wonder how long has hired long it's gonna hold up

still take out you can't get rid of me so easily give me a reading on a forward

rotational unit we're up to 9,000 climbing at 24 mph angle 31 degrees and

that great will make the savage in 4 hours

dr. mother we are meeting some unstable isotopes increased allow elunatan

12,000 hey this is getting rough

approaching position our for our computation show an error of less than

clusters 0.14 good we'll reach the summit in 30 minutes

five hours and 27 minutes thanks Dylan 33 minutes ahead of our age

division schedule we'll make a final check of our position before we enter

the crater

sure glad the professor picked this volcano for our expedition maybe this

one could come to life too not a chance no better

concerned there's no reason for us to wait till dawn we'll proceed into the

crater now

one last look appeared yeah what a way to remember it follow the downward

spiral keep it inside ledges speed 1200 rpm

brother is really black out there

as we descend ever deeper into the volcano I have observed no unusual

physical symptoms Paxton seems withdrawn irritable but

with such an annoyance as like thompson present the condition may not be

considered abnormal the descending ledges are getting awfully narrow we

must be a position r18 yes we are cut the switcher

till they're doing some biking now but I have some brick

rise and shine morning how can you tell breakfast is served breakfast well I've

always said there's nothing like starting off a hard day's work then

what's a good West hey Doc how would you know you don't like my kind of guy I do

not very much but I'll make an exception of you you I

don't like a lot Colman take the control will scout the way on foot will follow

on down along the widest lake

fuck that

now I don't like it but did you expect him dear Garden of Eden I'm not talking

about volcanoes I mean right Thompson he doesn't belong here

none of us belongs we're doing what has to sit down he doesn't feel that

responsibility he's just a useless piece of excess baggage of such selfish no

secret but without him to feed the hex british army

can't eat Downers

nice pretty much those times what's your trouble

oh nothing but don't they ever talk unless they got something to say that's

what it is with smart people maybe they're not so smart maybe they don't

know what they're doing down here listen buster each one of them has

plotted more colleges than you flunked out now what are you doing down here

among all those brains I managed to make myself useful it might be well if you

did the same thing doing what this

you lead the way for a while

where we've reached the end of the channel establish our position our depth

below means sea level two point six miles

James friend underground geological expedition reaches for June 12 1937 oh

but we assume that they have good reason for doing so good luck thanks gran we're

living today he'd know the reason the world has changed since 1938 the world

has changed since yesterday you better get to work

look that's pressure from the other volcano we'll have to work this side

accent yes dr. Morley stop making density readings on that wall over there

yes sir

this is in the point of least resistance okay Andy I'm ready I like the psychic

Ram users 1 & 2 set

wonder what we'll be running into there's only one way to find out

broken through

so far so good what are you gas masks just in case Pullman's

will set the pace you'll follow along with the cyclotron

the air is fresh and clear you can take a mask off pressure seems nervous

I wonder where it leads that's exactly what we're gonna find out

fade away Amy

how did it all happen long time ago the earth above was covered with water when

the sea vanished he'd left great limestone deposits behind was all this

limestone yes and then the water gathered in

underground streams and carved out the soft limestone drop quite drop here by

ear the water dissolved the stone each drop carried a tiny particle of sediment

that's what formed these columns about an inch every thousand years well how

long did this whole process take about 200 million years

hello Coleman Coleman bring up the tram we'll proceed from


we're down 100 miles you better pull up

hop the switches

buddy I first got here I felt a sort of

exaltation no I feel depressed I don't know why the oxygen content is adequate

I know but I too feel suffocated maybe it's the unreality of this place

you know once when I was working in the Holland Tunnel

I got cut off my crew for ten hours I felt this way then

I think I know what it is

this loneliness there's a feeling of a person away from people I fell it on the

top of a mountain in Tibet Anna jumped on the Arabian desert it's

like the last chord tying you with humanity and cut it's more than that

people have deepened the only relation to many other people alone and manases

useless is any rock out there oh you're both talking nonsense nature doesn't

influence man man influences nature one man one strong man can change nature oh

you're on dr. Patten it isn't one man if the many men working together like

teacher men together no more than sheep one man standing alone leads the way

then the Sheep fall please cheer for me volunteers for all of you for yourself

scientists swayed by a self-indulgent young fool I'm going ahead I hope that

by the time you catch up with me the atmosphere will have cleared the cobwebs

from your brains I'd better go with him it isn't safe for a man to be alone down

here ah he's all right he's the leader type I'll go with him anyway

there wouldn't be leaders they weren't sheep like me to be led

I still don't see any sign of Paxton Coleman Oh keep going high-tech home

never got the gas back

they are

digging can't erase 110 miles under

let's go on it's too late to turn back now

no Andy

all right now I'd give $1,000 for a good hamburger but and another thousand for

onions all

dr. mori our water supplies not the switches

polluted by the gas fumes yeah somebody left it open back there just before

Paxton and Coleman took off I guess I forgot to close it hey it was an

accident an accident we may never find water again now I suppose you'd give

$1,000 for a glass of that Annie there's a job to be done we've got to find water

fast and in this area yeah I know we got a

better chance 4000 of finding it

no there's Andy

hello so far so good


thing like this enough to drive man stir-crazy it's snowing use 240 miles

inside year yeah no water

here I'll be setting it to the animal

go ahead enjoy yourself it doesn't cost a cent this is ridiculous we have

something larger estate than your personal petty fury are you two can come

with us or stay here and kill each other I'm going out to the psychic trail never

mind I'll go get it


wow sounds like running water well where's the coming from it's behind the


it is filling water well why don't we go through the wall a psychopath no just

his brother misty such a thing is just too much but he could be an underground

scene Andy Andy bring a couple of heavy hammer

what's up professor we think there's one behind that wall hi Frankie sure

come in here let's take care of that arm

the outside temperatures rising fast up 280 degrees

hey Lucifer could go on forever

oh it's a temperature stop in fact the outside pressure is dropping too good

condensation will soon take place there you're pretty good doctor at that you're

a pretty good patient at that thanks water look look at this water

John are you alright


what should we do now all right I'll say it I'll say what's on all of our minds

don't try to read our minds Thompson just speak for yourself then I say let's

go back and I say go on but look at John we've gotten nowhere

deeper and deeper you don't know where Salem

we're our failure Bailey less if we turn back now our chances of living would be

greater if we go on we're dead dead is Paxton and Coleman that's a chance we

have to take the stakes are high higher than our lives

they involve the life and death of all mankind that's a great speech but I

won't buy it all right let's put it to a vote

Thompson go back and eat go on

go on seems to be a deadline I suppose none of us would like to reconsider

doesn't Woman Suffrage count here what do you say : I say go on and let's not

waste any more time

how those burns coming along gonna do owe you that well goodbye

here what's it for does it pass before something does

everything have to be functional good luck ring hey my life in Tibet here

take it I give it to me haven't you ever been

romance before not 900 miles below sea level then it's about time if there were

any flowers around here I'd pick them for you there's a highly scientific

theory which states that if any man and any woman are cast away anywhere for any

length of time soonerlater 15 feel in love that's

what's happened to you that very having a value it should apply to you know

well I guess I need a little more time I'll talk about it later

they have up fullness jalopy level for them just long enough for speed all

these straight jackets and stretch

how much longer is it gonna be like this ready it's gonna be like this the rest

of the way why go on why waste time let's just make any difference to you

you've never done anything but wait listen you meathead just because your

ass and hog delight to go crawling around the ground and you're a mob

needle with his head in the clouds

I don't know

fuck water

we're out of it

this might be what we're looking for

let's make a landing and explore the area

it's got a high calcium content but it's drinkable Hey look what I found their

capers capers how much they worth calcium carbonate calcium carbonate

sulphate of lime plaster of Paris better you take the romance out of every here

you are doc two souvenirs from Haiti vacation land of the underworld thank

you back home I'll be the envy of every kid on the block I'm not so sure to take

a caper into the sunlight turns gray and ugly and the flower it'll crumble to

dust how about this fish it's a rare species Nevada below they have no why I

think I'll stick them till they lost their eyes ten million years ago

what kind of a places allow a tumble of dust in your hands

stones would look like per fish without I nature sure a practical joker I

suppose you could have done better ten million years I couldn't have done worse

morally believes this is the shelter we've been searching for a valley of

shadows the light can be sustained a shelter for humanity and yet our morale

is very low what do we want a rare tour sunshine the change of seasons starry

night in this graveyard Molly thinks we can build a new life right here

you mean this is what we're looking for you'll get used to it well who wants to

get used to it why don't we go on a little further but

we've come 1,100 miles already how can you make sure what we've been to a mile

I say let's go back or go on but this is no place

what is your wish we've come so far let's go

which way we go

I suppose we'll have to explore both channels I'll take the right one right

you take the other why me I'll tell you why I'm sick of taking

your orders that's the trouble with you Thompson that's all you do is take you

never give without me there wouldn't have been any expedition well that's not

enough it's time you gave something yourself and not you're part of our

candy why not as well get started

you're supposed to be taking it easy try to get some rest

listen to me right you've been like this for days how long can you keep it up he

didn't like me any more than I liked him yet he saved my life

it doesn't help brooding over it he died saving my life

he did what he believed was right my trouble was I never believed in anything

you can start now Murli wants to go back to that value of the shadows you liked

so much well it's better than this but it isn't good enough what do you want to

do I too want to go back but all the way back

now that end is dead now that Andy is dead we've got to go on we've got to

until we find what we're after if we fail then we can talk about going back


this must be a continuation of the other river no I think it's just a seepage

Brahman yep what's that


like a dream after a nightmare


we have discovered a vast and radiant cabin deep within the earth along the

shores of this incredible cave by the great underground sea gathering up the

waters of the area a strange sunless light is reflected from the

phosphorescent dome the growing Peaks are weathered and shot the go is deep

the wind is soft and the climate Pleasant vapors rise up into the bright

dome forming luminous cloud

the area is rich in chemical resources that means power and industry according

to Bowen and Wright says a real estate boom is on

come out you sure sure

how you coming professor is this still feeding those rabbits they'd like pigs

small wonder they're expecting in a couple of weeks all of the rabbits no

silly just the lady rabbit tell me more here make yourself useful

get some more water explorations and surveys of the surrounding area continue

Morley and Thompson has set out to the southeast to investigate the land in its


the strange kind of sand let's not saying that's while kena cash the ash

will make good fertilizer for crops crops let's face facts morally this is a

desert the very word means deserted by life and

you talk about crops it can be irrigated this company has everything water soil

air heat yeah you're forgetting one thing though no summer science can

adjust that crops can fly without sunlight perhaps but can we

so species is it it's the first remains of a species of lung fish to breathe by

means of both lungs and gills he came out of the sea 300 million years ago he

was the ruler of the animal kingdom with his lungs he was a pioneer in a new way

of life how did they become extinct like some of us on earth they seemed to hurry

the process of extinction let's get out of here do you act like you swallowed a

canary for breakfast this is the day right this is what day the day we

expecting the first litter or for a pee well who's gonna pass the cigars around

here Perry don't realize the importance of I'm sorry by observing the rabbits

we've already learned that they respond to nature basically as we do as any

mammal does and from their young born today we can predict how a onion will

respond in the new world come on you go ahead I'll get plenty of hot water

well how many more rabbits and how many girl

what's the matter it did they're all born dead I can't understand why there

must be some cause some biological reason we've been searching for causes

investigations have been checked tests rechecked examination of genetic tissue

proves that all experimental animals born here are sterile

you know what this means this new world

a haven for the dead this is the end of the line now we know that the human race

could not reproduce itself in this underworld region it appears a mission

is a failure then we can't stay here at least one generation could and after

that what the end of humanity that I won't accept neither can you run away

from facts

I've always run away climbing mountains trying to prove something I don't know

what my to run away instead of fighting but now I've run away okay and I was

always afraid I couldn't compete in a man's world I think I want to go back

and try again go back - what - a world bent on self-destruction we can live the

rest of our lives here in peace Maury you're wrong

this isn't peace this is a resting place for the Living Dead I don't believe it's

the end of the world I don't believe it's the end of mankind you're young you

don't know I've lived through the terrors of two great wars I've had


take over

something's wrong something's pulling us down

we are lost

we're in a blind alley ever since we started we've been on a blind we can't

carry ourselves in the unexpectedly maybe that's a secret

Molly honest - it strange we didn't know it before I used

to be afraid of death I was afraid of life

strange curtain three

we're above the level the underground thing

we found a channel to the other ocean

the universe is still in harmony

good life on that on people I feel like I live

For more infomation >> Unknown World (1951 Full Movie) - Duration: 1:13:59.


Reconduite, la prime de Noël sera versée à partir du 18 décembre - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Reconduite, la prime de Noël sera versée à partir du 18 décembre - Duration: 2:53.


Matthew West – Live from Ne...

For more infomation >> Matthew West – Live from Ne...


美 F-22·F35A 동시 한반도 전개는 美 군사옵션 일환? - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> 美 F-22·F35A 동시 한반도 전개는 美 군사옵션 일환? - Duration: 5:17.


The Master Key System Charles F. Hannel Part 20 Law of Attraction - Duration: 16:51.

For more infomation >> The Master Key System Charles F. Hannel Part 20 Law of Attraction - Duration: 16:51.


DCS: F-15C FC3 - Radar WVR - Dogfight - AN/APG-63 (V)1 - #7 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 8:34.

Hi and welcome to Revientor Reborn, this is DCS in a F-15 with a camo Mig type

now we´ll speak about the radar dogfight mode, under the webcam you have the key to use today

you can see the previous video to now how to operate the radar

with the radar off, you can also get the dogfight mode on

for example, this is the vertical scan, you got some data in the radar now

from A9 to A39, in theory the vertical scan use 5º under the nose and 55º up the nose

but those number of the radar do not match with my opinion of the altitude to scan

there are a Su27 and you will see how if I put the Su27 in my vertical I get a lock

there is the lock, and you can see the sidewinder is the selected one, I change now to other missile to avoid that sound

in Flood dogfight mode, look the dogfight mode are always at 10 nm, see how it change from normal mode to dogfight

this is the close combat mode, this work just putting the enemy inside the circle

must be over there the target... xD

thee it is, and just lock it, in this mode

in the bore mode like I like to say, the target must be in the small circle, the big one is the missile

ones you have a lock, the radar will follow the target all over it´s coverage, not only vertical or that small circle

depending which missile you have

we can use the FLOOD mode or not, now with the AIM7 selected, I have the flood mode operational, this is a big circle in the HUD,

I have to search for the enemy again... XD

in this mode you will not get a lock, this is a particular mode for the Aim7 to shoot the aim7 without any lock

you have to put the target in that circle , there it is, as you can see there is no lock , my radar now is emitting in that area

and those yellow light means something has been detected in that circle, now we can shoot it and the missile will follow it and the target will never know that you shoot

in that circle could be many target, the Aim7 will select the biggest or the closest one, kind of random

you can see the flood in the radar, only with the aim7, the antenna is stopped

in the other modes, the bore one, you can see the radar say only 13000 feet, but I move my altitude and nothing happens, thas is buggy, in reality the important is the hud view

do not look to much the number in the radar just aim with the hud that is the important thought

when the flood mode is not possible due we have other missile selected, we get other mode, like the bore, it´s autoguns

let me look for the target...

is there, you have to put in the circle also, this could work when many planes are together to aim to specific one

only when inside of that circle

this is kind of weird mode, do not use it xD

it´s better use the vertical mode and keep the lock, each time you change the mode you lose the target lock

this ones are the dogfight mode,only 3, vertical scan, the bore, and autoguns/flood

this was the tutorial, kind of short, in the next video will speak off the AA weapons, and as usual, subscribe, thumbs up, and give a comment, bye bye and be happy

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