yo yo yo CPA strength here back with another mother freaking video this is
gonna be are you motivated get motivated for Monday what motivates me you know
the haters the love all the views but I was thinking this is gonna be I wanted
to do I'm gonna name drop my Tony Robbins Tony bobbins up in here yeah I'm
gonna put him in the title so I don't cook baby or not but it is Tony Robbins
I'm acting like heck right now but he says you overestimate what you can get
done in a year and underestimate what you can get done in ten years so I
walked into Community College almost 10 years ago this is a Tony Robbins thing I
I I want to kind of counter my fear going outside so that's my that's my
building I've been here for two two and a half years but you know you got to
keep on going forward just a step take it take a step every day you know one of
my favorite quotes is journey of a thousand miles starts with one step and
then what's kind of been in my head lately is this Tony Robbins quote
alright heard it from him says that you are you underestimate what you can get
done in 10 years but you what you overestimate what you can get done in a
year so I'm about 8 months I started in August 2008 I walked in Community
College for the third well I walked into University
our College for the third time I went to university failed out like right after
high school then about when I was 25 were like seven
years later I went to Community College and dropped out of there so I took my
lessons and it is December of 2017 so it's been nine years four months it's
kind of weird because that's what my lease my lease is up here and then I'm
gonna have been at this office this beautiful this beautiful office for
three years when this when this lease is up I mean I've been here for three years
this August coming up this August August of 2018 and so that's gonna be 10 years
and and I'm gonna have something even better than this spot here you know I'm
gonna have something way better than this but in 10 years so 10 years ago I
walked into Community College that was a broken person I didn't really ever tried
anything you know I had nothing no really legal skills I am you know before
I went to college I always just work to manually when I worked I just worked a
manual labor job for eight bucks I would work my wife like
ten bucks an hour so anyway so where I am where I'm going to be in eight more
months you know I'm gonna I'm gonna have a smashing smashing tax season this year
and so yeah I'm gonna have you know my kind of compound I'm gonna have a house
with with a you know a studio and then I can just all whole house hopefully
hopefully I'll have that that place that I was doing from the garage hopefully
that I'll be mine the whole house come next August it just seems like from
where I was in ten years you know just because I always kept going you know
year year by year so just start you know you'll be amazed
cuz year by year seemed like I wasn't getting anywhere you know one year yes I
graduated community college got my a that was nice but I still did three more
years so I did four years of university you know of college four years so it's
like that second you know what were you over asked me what you can do is it
feels like I felt like I should have been making money but I wasn't you know
it took a while so the thing is you know don't get discouraged if you don't seem
like you're going anywhere you can definitely go you know if you just keep
on putting up one foot in front of the other so year to year I didn't really do
that great of that biggest stuff it's it's you know you want to do more but in
ten years ten years time I'm gonna do a ten years you know August of next year
when I'm in my new place because I'm not renewing this Leif's I feel like three
years it's time to move on so the ten years is gonna be amazing from where I
went you know to where just because I kept
going just like putting a foot one foot in front of the other for ten years it's
amazing where you can go and and you do not have to be perfect in those ten
years like a professional a professional career life college and a professional
career life like accounting and stuff and I guess this YouTube too because I'm
making money at it but I didn't start ten years ago but I did start learning
accounting you know I wasn't perfect I mean for the first five years of my ten
years I was still partying I mean some semesters I would drop a couple classes
but I went all year round so this is way long enough but the point is just keep
on going just keep on putting one foot in for and the other one foot in front
of the other just keep on going forward you know sometimes you're just gonna
you're gonna keep climb forward and you're gonna go one step up three steps
down and you're like paying I'm telling you just keep climbing because then then
then a time you're gonna make three steps forward and two steps down and
then you're gonna do that a couple times and
you know you don't have to be perfect you just have to keep going so I know
it's not it doesn't seem like you're getting anywhere but it will anyways
this is CPA strength I'm out until tomorrow morning
oh please please like if you made it this far please come in please like
please share please subscribe all that good stuff deuces
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