Monday, December 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 4 2017

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"Put those monkeys back to the bed!"

For more infomation >> Five Little Pepa Pigs Jumping on the Bed - Nursery Rhymes | 5 Little Monkeys and Finger Family Songs - Duration: 3:46.


Ariana Grande - Thinking Bout You (GARRY Remix) - Duration: 3:37.

Ariana Grande - Thinking Bout You (GARRY Remix)

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - Thinking Bout You (GARRY Remix) - Duration: 3:37.


How To Help Your Cat Get Used To Their New Home | Tips To Settle a Cat In A New House - Duration: 4:12.

Hi guys! Welcome back to the channel it's Claire and Rags and as you can see Rags and

I have finally moved into our new home. Now with moving with a cat there are

going to be some troubles and some issues now I've talked about packing

with a cat and a travelling with a cat and this week and me and Rags are going to be

talking to you about how to help your cat to adjust to their new home. Now obviously

this new environment for everybody - you and your cat, but it might

be a bit more difficult for your cat to adjust correctly and to feel safe in the

new environment. So Rags and I have a few tips for you today to help your

cat feel safe and happy in their new home. Now first of all patience is key now

I feel like I use this tip for a lot of things when it comes to cats, but it is

absolutely true. Your cat will do whatever they want when they want and

at their own pace it may take a few weeks for your cat to fully adjust in a

new home so don't worry if your cat starts acting a lot skittish is a

little quiet use than usual. This is completely normal and they will get

better obviously if this behavior goes on for more than 6 weeks then

they might need a bit of attention from the vet. Secondly you have to keep your

cat in. Now this is the number one thing that that people tell you when you move

in a cat is to keep them in between two and three weeks especially if your cat

is one that likes to go outside. Now this might be frustrating for your cat and

for you because you'll have to listen to your cat complaining about being indoors

all day and but it is very important and looking dominum out at all this is

because your cat and it does have some heavy instincts so if they get out

before they're used to this home they might try and get back to their own

place or they might get themselves lost if they're feeling a little bit scared

of their new home. So it is important to keep your cat in so that they do eventually

see their new home as their new home now whilst your cat is indoors they will get

bored so to combat this boredom make sure there are a lot of toys

for them to play, give them a lot of attention a lot of grooming session a lot of

playtime. Thirdly your cat needs somewhere safe that they can go to. Now

the first two days that Ragsy was in this new house she spent it in my closet

now this isn't usual behavior for her but I wasn't worried your cat is in an

unfamiliar environment and needs to have somewhere where they feel safe and

comfortable. Now either let your cat find a safe space on their own - obviously

somewhere safe or you can create one you can use a box and one of their

blankets just make sure that is very near to their water their foods and

their litter box. And lastly if you can try spend some quality time with your

cat. Try spending a few hours of quiet time with your cats - just you and them

ma be give them a groom or place play with them or just sit somewhere

quiet. In a new environment you and your family are the only familiar thing to

them so you are going to be a big source of conflict and security for them. So if

you spend some time with them it's going to make it a lot easier for your cat to

adjust to their new home. Thanks for watching guys I hope you found these

tips useful now if any of you guys are moving house with a cat and have any

extra tips for me please let me know in the comment section below

Ragsy will pick a favourite if they're any good ones and you can win they relax my cat t-shirt

now in this new home that we have it is not just Rags who is a

resident cat. There is another cat in this home too! Now don't worry I'm going

to be doing a vlog all about introducing cats together as we have been

introducing Rags to Godiva who you may have seen in my last vlog. We are

introducing them slowly and that we are making good progress and I will share

the results for you in a vlog in January. So keep your eyes peeled for that! Thanks

again guys if you did enjoy the video please give me a big thumbs up and hit

that subscribe button if you haven't done so already and don't forget to turn

on notifications for this channel so you get an alert every time one of our new

vlogs comes out on a lot of new tracks comes out or me and Rags are going live.

Thanks again guys and we will see you in my next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> How To Help Your Cat Get Used To Their New Home | Tips To Settle a Cat In A New House - Duration: 4:12.


Arsene Wenger 'angry' after 'difficult to accept' Manchester United defeat - Duration: 2:48.

Arsene Wenger 'angry' after 'difficult to accept' Manchester United defeat

The French tactician watched on as his side were downed 3-1 at the Emirates, with goals from Jesse Lingard and Antonio Valencia sending them outside the top-four and 15 points behind Manchester City at the top of the Premier League.

Wenger's side had a host of chances but ran into an in-form David De Gea who made a string of wonderful saves.

The Arsenal boss admitted the result is 'very difficult to accept' for his side but is confident that improvement will come in the future.

'I believe the result has to make us angry and even more determined,' he said.

'If I am a player, and I think with what we produced, we have a huge potential, and we lose the game, we cannot accept that.

'De Gea is an outstanding goalkeeper and I don't want to take anything away.

But we had situations, despite De Gea, where we should have scored.

'But I take a lot of positives and I feel sorry for the players — that's why I'm angry.

Especially when you produce that quality of performance.

'We have lost games here against Man United where we didn't deserve anything.

But what makes you angry is that you produce that performance and in the end you have nothing to show for it.

'That's very difficult to accept.'.

While his defenders were guilty of making some criminal mistakes, Wenger refused to cast blame on them and insisted the buck stops with him.

'Look, I am not here to especially blame people. I am blaming nobody — I am blaming myself as always,' he added.

'I just say, I want Arsenal Football Club to win. When the performance is of that quality, we have to be efficient.

We are in this job to be efficient, you know. So I blame first myself.'.

For more infomation >> Arsene Wenger 'angry' after 'difficult to accept' Manchester United defeat - Duration: 2:48.


The importance of Routines for Babies (los beneficios de las rutinas de bebes Sub Espanol) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> The importance of Routines for Babies (los beneficios de las rutinas de bebes Sub Espanol) - Duration: 3:20.


TEST | Které logo skutečně existuje 2 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> TEST | Které logo skutečně existuje 2 - Duration: 4:12.


Channel i News 4 December 2017 Bangladesh news Today Bangla Breaking News all Bangla HD - Duration: 15:38.

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For more infomation >> Channel i News 4 December 2017 Bangladesh news Today Bangla Breaking News all Bangla HD - Duration: 15:38.



yo yo yo CPA strength here back with another mother freaking video this is

gonna be are you motivated get motivated for Monday what motivates me you know

the haters the love all the views but I was thinking this is gonna be I wanted

to do I'm gonna name drop my Tony Robbins Tony bobbins up in here yeah I'm

gonna put him in the title so I don't cook baby or not but it is Tony Robbins

I'm acting like heck right now but he says you overestimate what you can get

done in a year and underestimate what you can get done in ten years so I

walked into Community College almost 10 years ago this is a Tony Robbins thing I

I I want to kind of counter my fear going outside so that's my that's my

building I've been here for two two and a half years but you know you got to

keep on going forward just a step take it take a step every day you know one of

my favorite quotes is journey of a thousand miles starts with one step and

then what's kind of been in my head lately is this Tony Robbins quote

alright heard it from him says that you are you underestimate what you can get

done in 10 years but you what you overestimate what you can get done in a

year so I'm about 8 months I started in August 2008 I walked in Community

College for the third well I walked into University

our College for the third time I went to university failed out like right after

high school then about when I was 25 were like seven

years later I went to Community College and dropped out of there so I took my

lessons and it is December of 2017 so it's been nine years four months it's

kind of weird because that's what my lease my lease is up here and then I'm

gonna have been at this office this beautiful this beautiful office for

three years when this when this lease is up I mean I've been here for three years

this August coming up this August August of 2018 and so that's gonna be 10 years

and and I'm gonna have something even better than this spot here you know I'm

gonna have something way better than this but in 10 years so 10 years ago I

walked into Community College that was a broken person I didn't really ever tried

anything you know I had nothing no really legal skills I am you know before

I went to college I always just work to manually when I worked I just worked a

manual labor job for eight bucks I would work my wife like

ten bucks an hour so anyway so where I am where I'm going to be in eight more

months you know I'm gonna I'm gonna have a smashing smashing tax season this year

and so yeah I'm gonna have you know my kind of compound I'm gonna have a house

with with a you know a studio and then I can just all whole house hopefully

hopefully I'll have that that place that I was doing from the garage hopefully

that I'll be mine the whole house come next August it just seems like from

where I was in ten years you know just because I always kept going you know

year year by year so just start you know you'll be amazed

cuz year by year seemed like I wasn't getting anywhere you know one year yes I

graduated community college got my a that was nice but I still did three more

years so I did four years of university you know of college four years so it's

like that second you know what were you over asked me what you can do is it

feels like I felt like I should have been making money but I wasn't you know

it took a while so the thing is you know don't get discouraged if you don't seem

like you're going anywhere you can definitely go you know if you just keep

on putting up one foot in front of the other so year to year I didn't really do

that great of that biggest stuff it's it's you know you want to do more but in

ten years ten years time I'm gonna do a ten years you know August of next year

when I'm in my new place because I'm not renewing this Leif's I feel like three

years it's time to move on so the ten years is gonna be amazing from where I

went you know to where just because I kept

going just like putting a foot one foot in front of the other for ten years it's

amazing where you can go and and you do not have to be perfect in those ten

years like a professional a professional career life college and a professional

career life like accounting and stuff and I guess this YouTube too because I'm

making money at it but I didn't start ten years ago but I did start learning

accounting you know I wasn't perfect I mean for the first five years of my ten

years I was still partying I mean some semesters I would drop a couple classes

but I went all year round so this is way long enough but the point is just keep

on going just keep on putting one foot in for and the other one foot in front

of the other just keep on going forward you know sometimes you're just gonna

you're gonna keep climb forward and you're gonna go one step up three steps

down and you're like paying I'm telling you just keep climbing because then then

then a time you're gonna make three steps forward and two steps down and

then you're gonna do that a couple times and

you know you don't have to be perfect you just have to keep going so I know

it's not it doesn't seem like you're getting anywhere but it will anyways

this is CPA strength I'm out until tomorrow morning

oh please please like if you made it this far please come in please like

please share please subscribe all that good stuff deuces



Dino Dan - Full Episode :Duels #20 | Apprendre Dinosaures les animaux et leurs cris pour les enfants - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> Dino Dan - Full Episode :Duels #20 | Apprendre Dinosaures les animaux et leurs cris pour les enfants - Duration: 10:44.


ちょっと予想外な?!2つの欠点 クリッカーシューズ CT5【ロードバイク用品30秒レビュー】 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> ちょっと予想外な?!2つの欠点 クリッカーシューズ CT5【ロードバイク用品30秒レビュー】 - Duration: 0:52.


スプラトゥーン中級者がイカした上手い人になる!?目指せ最強実況プレイ動画 part38 - Duration: 14:51.

For more infomation >> スプラトゥーン中級者がイカした上手い人になる!?目指せ最強実況プレイ動画 part38 - Duration: 14:51.


Russian Hurghada to Krasnodar Krai (my Version) ► Trip to Sochi - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Russian Hurghada to Krasnodar Krai (my Version) ► Trip to Sochi - Duration: 10:27.


Learn colors

For more infomation >> Learn colors


El PDeCAT impedirá a Puigdemont tomar decisiones tras el 21-D - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> El PDeCAT impedirá a Puigdemont tomar decisiones tras el 21-D - Duration: 6:09.


BMW 5 Serie 525 d E61 TOURING AUT High Executive - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 525 d E61 TOURING AUT High Executive - Duration: 0:59.


Ford Fiesta 1.6D Leer Navi Ecc Pdc Keyless Led Lmv Tel. Cv Priv.Glass Lease Titanium 1.6 TDCi - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.6D Leer Navi Ecc Pdc Keyless Led Lmv Tel. Cv Priv.Glass Lease Titanium 1.6 TDCi - Duration: 0:57.


GF Vip: il gesto d'amore di Ignazio per Cecilia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> GF Vip: il gesto d'amore di Ignazio per Cecilia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:24.


Volvo V50 2.0D EDITION II / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / LEDER / XENON / PDC / LMV / TREKHAAK / * APK 05-2018 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 2.0D EDITION II / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / LEDER / XENON / PDC / LMV / TREKHAAK / * APK 05-2018 - Duration: 1:00.


GF Vip: Tonon parla e Giulia inizia a piangere, ecco il perché | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> GF Vip: Tonon parla e Giulia inizia a piangere, ecco il perché | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.


Laura Smet et Natha­lie Baye : comment elles se sont redé­cou­vertes en travaillant ensemble - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet et Natha­lie Baye : comment elles se sont redé­cou­vertes en travaillant ensemble - Duration: 3:26.


Exclusion Diets for Eczema - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Exclusion Diets for Eczema - Duration: 5:48.


Vowel Song | Learning Street With Bob The Train | Kids Shows | Cartoons Videos For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:04:57.

Hi kids!

Guess who's here

Yes it's me bob..

Join me for learning street with bob

For more infomation >> Vowel Song | Learning Street With Bob The Train | Kids Shows | Cartoons Videos For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:04:57.


THERE IS NO COUNTER?! INSANE 1-SHOT BURST | QUINN TOP FULL BUILD | League of Legends 7.23 - Duration: 10:48.

Everyone, I need back up here

- Oh wait a minute - Fuck


Hey how you doing bros It's your boy, LolLap

I'm playing Quinn against cancer champ for most players, Riven 🤪

I need to take farms well

Until now it's perfect I'm trying to collect stacks

Ok that's enough 😅 It's Just a prank, bro

- Oh look at my just one (Q)

- One (Q) did damage on her ?

- Look Look !!!

- Oh 🤭

- I did (two Q) - WOW 😁

OK just wait the gank and you'll kill her first blood

Hey Master Yi 😭

Come on ! Please please 🙈

The Turret

- OK - Not big deal ! At least I killed her

I'm gonna ward Master Yi's Jungle If I saw him with low health I'll kill him quickly

I'm gonna gank you for Oriana let her do push

OK ?

- But it's hard to let her closer

OK just let her, cuz Hecarim gonna be there too

Go Go Go ! Nice

- Wow - Wooow 😻

WTF !! She has been cleared 😂

- She sound getting frustrated - Fuck !!! This game is terrific 😎

- Oh To me my friends ! - oooooh 😱

Run !!

- WT.... 😂

Don't worry, bro I got you

OK Double kill

Let me take double kill, please

- Nice 😉 - Oh Nice

- Wait a minute !! I'm gonna kill Tristana solo in Bot - Be careful there someone with her

Why ? Braum just died !

- Oh my Gosh 😞 - Knock her

- Nooo - Nooo 🤐

I wish to play in (NA) but the problem is the (Ping) gonna be so high

And I guess you have to pay too

Oh wait a minute

Tell me that she has no (HP) I can kill her just by (E)

- OK OK - did they come to you ? 😅

Fuck 😬

- Oh - Wait a minute

- You have an awesome (Auto Attack) 😍 - don't worry about it! I save it with Electrocute & Passive

- Oh it's Braum 🙄 - Where is he ?

- Be careful ! - Oh

- All the Gang just arrived - Stun !! Stun !! 😬

Come on here he is

Just kill anybody 😂😂😂

That's him !! 😆 Ok nice

I'm there ! I'm there 😹

Wait wait I'm around you

I'm gonna recall cuz I've (No Mana)

OK Go back

Yes Nice Nice

Ok I've Lignite

- Boom - Yes Yes Stun her 🤪 Wait a minute !

Oh my Gosh !! I will go behind her Oh Ok Ok 😑

- She did her Ult - I've Stun

By Electrocute she absolutely gonna die 1-Shot

- OK I'm getting in a fight - OK

Hi !! How you doing bro ? It's your boy 😂

WTF is that, man ? 😁

How (MS) do you have ?

- I guess it's (1000ms) - Why ?

Come on

She has been cleared

- I have (Infinity Edge) I'm gonna do 1-Shot - Oh man 😱

Kill this The Tank Guy

Come on !! Nice

Oh nice Well-played me

Ok Go on for Tristana Try to focus Tristana

- I'm gonna kill her - I'll stun her because she has the (Garden Angel)

- No No No 😂 - No problem

- Look ! - Oh

Did you see that ? 1-Shot WTF 😱

Unfortunately, she lost herself 1-Shot

Come on ! Come on ! Start a fight

Yes .... Oh Gosh Tristana

- Go to Tristana, Where are you ? Son of the Biscuits 😜 - Are you fucken kidding me ?

Oh Nice 😘 Thanks for moving me away

Do we can go Baron ?

Did you see my (Q) Damage ? Yes, of course

Noooo Help me out

Help me out 😭😭

I really killed him

Come ! Come with me

- Oh Wait a minute - Fuck ! Fuck !

Oh my Gosh

Master Yi got shocked He says: ( What just happened ? )

- Oh my God

Oh look !! Just Look at this

- Oh my Gosh - GG

I'm gonna take their Red

Let's go Baron Baron !!

Ok nice

Bye Bye

- Boom bitch - Well-played dude

Hi bitch 🤪

- Did you see my damage ? - Sure

- Damn dude !! You're so fast - Yeah Yeah

When you're using (W), does this give you (Movement Speed) ?

- Yes, (W) gives me (Movement Speed) - This is so freaked

- So freaked, right ? 😁 - This is overstated !! Damn

- Does the (Speed) reach 600 ? - Yes

- Look - Let's kill Master Yi

1-Shot baby 😎

- Noo - OK OK



- That's it !! Ok back - GG bro

Be careful ! Tristana gonna come to us Let her come !! Let me show you what I'm gonna do 😂

Noo, I don't want to die

Oh my Goodness, What just happened ?

- I'm dead - Executed

Oh !! (Statikk Shiv) or (Infinity Edge) ? The (Garden Angle)

Look ! I'm full build

Ok let him go I need 1-Shot

Someone Look at this 🤪

- Did you see that ? She has been hidden - Awesome

Look ! Let's have fun Don't finish the game

I won't finish it Let's run behind each other 😂😂

Just farm Minions 😅

Ok let them go don't kill them

They surr

Ok the game is over


For more infomation >> THERE IS NO COUNTER?! INSANE 1-SHOT BURST | QUINN TOP FULL BUILD | League of Legends 7.23 - Duration: 10:48.


Mechanic Monday: Scotty Kilmer, S1 E1 - Duration: 2:17.

one, two, three, four!

Rev up your engines!

It's time for Mechanic's Monday!

welcome to my new segment, mechanic Monday, every Monday I'll be getting back

to you guys, by hosting a giveaway, where you can enter and win a free tool signed

by me, and here's this week's tool, it's an Actron CP 9580A, I paid 250

bucks for it a couple years ago, and it's going to be autographed by me, you get a

chance to win it, this is a serious can tool, I used all the time when I was

working on cars, it's got very high-level analysis, but it's also very user

friendly, now of course it does the usual, tell you the trouble codes, give you a

definition of it, but this thing even has a code connect, when there is a code, you

push the button and it shows you the most common fixes, this Toyota has an ABS

problem and not only did it read the code, but it tells you the most common

fixes, replacing the brake light switch, pretty cool, now when you look here, it

even records data, so if you have an intermittent glitch, you can put it on

record data, you can drive the vehicle until the trouble acts up, then you just

push the enter button, and it memorizes the last 45 seconds or so, so you can

look at the data and see what the problem is, it's a pretty good scan tool,

now to enter and get a chance to win the tool, all you have to do is post one

non-offensive comment below in this video on the YouTube comments, now the

winner will be chosen at random on Wednesday at 9 a.m. Central Standard

Time, when the winner is chosen, it will be announced on a pin comment on this

video, I'll also send a reply to there originally posted comment on this video

letting them know that they've won, and for more giveaway details, read the

Official Rules below in this video's description, and remember if you or

company has an interesting new tool that you think is good, then mail it to me, and

I'll try it out, and if it's good enough, a featured in another mechanic Monday

episode, and give it away to a fan,

thanks for watching this video, and good luck in the giveaway!

For more infomation >> Mechanic Monday: Scotty Kilmer, S1 E1 - Duration: 2:17.


Anticipazioni GF Vip finale: arriva l'annuncio bomba | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni GF Vip finale: arriva l'annuncio bomba | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.


Faire de la MAGIE en PHOTO ?! - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Faire de la MAGIE en PHOTO ?! - Duration: 1:43.


How To Help Your Cat Get Used To Their New Home | Tips To Settle a Cat In A New House - Duration: 4:12.

Hi guys! Welcome back to the channel it's Claire and Rags and as you can see Rags and

I have finally moved into our new home. Now with moving with a cat there are

going to be some troubles and some issues now I've talked about packing

with a cat and a travelling with a cat and this week and me and Rags are going to be

talking to you about how to help your cat to adjust to their new home. Now obviously

this new environment for everybody - you and your cat, but it might

be a bit more difficult for your cat to adjust correctly and to feel safe in the

new environment. So Rags and I have a few tips for you today to help your

cat feel safe and happy in their new home. Now first of all patience is key now

I feel like I use this tip for a lot of things when it comes to cats, but it is

absolutely true. Your cat will do whatever they want when they want and

at their own pace it may take a few weeks for your cat to fully adjust in a

new home so don't worry if your cat starts acting a lot skittish is a

little quiet use than usual. This is completely normal and they will get

better obviously if this behavior goes on for more than 6 weeks then

they might need a bit of attention from the vet. Secondly you have to keep your

cat in. Now this is the number one thing that that people tell you when you move

in a cat is to keep them in between two and three weeks especially if your cat

is one that likes to go outside. Now this might be frustrating for your cat and

for you because you'll have to listen to your cat complaining about being indoors

all day and but it is very important and looking dominum out at all this is

because your cat and it does have some heavy instincts so if they get out

before they're used to this home they might try and get back to their own

place or they might get themselves lost if they're feeling a little bit scared

of their new home. So it is important to keep your cat in so that they do eventually

see their new home as their new home now whilst your cat is indoors they will get

bored so to combat this boredom make sure there are a lot of toys

for them to play, give them a lot of attention a lot of grooming session a lot of

playtime. Thirdly your cat needs somewhere safe that they can go to. Now

the first two days that Ragsy was in this new house she spent it in my closet

now this isn't usual behavior for her but I wasn't worried your cat is in an

unfamiliar environment and needs to have somewhere where they feel safe and

comfortable. Now either let your cat find a safe space on their own - obviously

somewhere safe or you can create one you can use a box and one of their

blankets just make sure that is very near to their water their foods and

their litter box. And lastly if you can try spend some quality time with your

cat. Try spending a few hours of quiet time with your cats - just you and them

ma be give them a groom or place play with them or just sit somewhere

quiet. In a new environment you and your family are the only familiar thing to

them so you are going to be a big source of conflict and security for them. So if

you spend some time with them it's going to make it a lot easier for your cat to

adjust to their new home. Thanks for watching guys I hope you found these

tips useful now if any of you guys are moving house with a cat and have any

extra tips for me please let me know in the comment section below

Ragsy will pick a favourite if they're any good ones and you can win they relax my cat t-shirt

now in this new home that we have it is not just Rags who is a

resident cat. There is another cat in this home too! Now don't worry I'm going

to be doing a vlog all about introducing cats together as we have been

introducing Rags to Godiva who you may have seen in my last vlog. We are

introducing them slowly and that we are making good progress and I will share

the results for you in a vlog in January. So keep your eyes peeled for that! Thanks

again guys if you did enjoy the video please give me a big thumbs up and hit

that subscribe button if you haven't done so already and don't forget to turn

on notifications for this channel so you get an alert every time one of our new

vlogs comes out on a lot of new tracks comes out or me and Rags are going live.

Thanks again guys and we will see you in my next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> How To Help Your Cat Get Used To Their New Home | Tips To Settle a Cat In A New House - Duration: 4:12.


Horror Poster Advent Calendar - Day Four - Duration: 1:19.

Welcome back to Dark Corners Advent Calendar of Horror.

Here in Dark Corners Unholy and mystifying art collection of the cinematic undead

we're celebrating the festive season with a browse though the greatest horror movie posters of all time.

day 4

If you're looking for a clear difference between classic and modern horror movie posters

then it's that modern ones tend to favour a less is more approach as exemplified by Alien.

It borders on minimalist, focusing on the ominous egg with that troubling green light and smoke coming out of the crack.

What's great about this poster is that it stays with you when you watch the film,

so when John Hurt leans over the egg you find yourself shouting at the screen,

'don't do it John! I saw it on the poster! It's got all that green shit inside!'

In addition to this, the lack of much else going on directs you towards what has to be one of the most effective

movie taglines of all time

Do you prefer modern movie posters or the classics?

Let us know in the comments below.

Then subscribe to out channel for reviews, tributes, top tens and all manner of great stuff.

For more infomation >> Horror Poster Advent Calendar - Day Four - Duration: 1:19.


Anticipazioni GF Vip, ecco cosa vedremo stasera 4 dicembre | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni GF Vip, ecco cosa vedremo stasera 4 dicembre | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.


In The Field: Periwinkles - Duration: 2:24.

Welcome to the abyss.

Today we're in the field exploring the rocky intertidal habitat.

We're looking at the common periwinkle.

Let's dive in.

It may not look like it, but the intertidal zone is an extremely hard place to live.

The animals that live here must be adapted to both living underwater and on land.

For many hours of the day they're underwater and have to be able to breathe and find food.

For the rest of the day, they have to survive above water conditions and survive desiccation

or drying out, as well as the hot temperatures of the sun.

One animal that is well adapted to this environment is the common periwinkle Littorina littorea.

They are a mollusc and are basically just an ocean snail.

They are commonly found in the intertidal zone of temperate waters.

When they are underwater periwinkles come out of their shell and crawl along the ocean

floor and along rocks.

They use a tooth like structure called a radula to feed on diatoms and certain species of algae.

When the tide goes out and periwinkles are left on land, they try to find and area to

hide with as moisture as possible, such as tidal pools, the cracks in-between rocks and

under a bed of seaweed.

They then attach themselves to a rock, tuck themselves into their shell and seal themselves

off from the external environment.

Periwinkles also have a structure called an operculum.

This is a calcareous flap which that they can use to seal off the opening of their shell.

These adaptations allow for periwinkles to survive desiccation and wait out until the

tide comes back in and they're underwater once again.

That's it for this episode.

If you want to see more in the field videos let us know in the comments down below.

As always thanks for watching and remember to like and subscribe.

Until next tide, I will sea you later.

For more infomation >> In The Field: Periwinkles - Duration: 2:24.


#75 [On y va ou pas ?] COCO //Critique à chaud - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> #75 [On y va ou pas ?] COCO //Critique à chaud - Duration: 3:13.


teoria finale sul ultra istinto come il mushin di bruce lee - Dragon ball teories - Duration: 6:09.

the ultra instinct is based on a style of Eastern martial arts that called Mushin

It is to mean lenteralmente mind full vacuum ie a free mind

in fact the mushin is one based on style instinct, the mushin warriors enter a

kind of mental state where become one with cio that surrounds them and their body reacts

independent external dangers to achieve this state of mind is

need lots of training it blows and dodge lots must be repeated

times to ensure that our body learns the as automatic actions such as when

There comes a ball instinctively take it hands will be with the same techniques

combat than to repeat fury They are recognized as autonomous actions

But to reach this stage is not enough fisicalmente only train but also spiritually

mushin in fact is very important meditation to clear your mind

Now, however, we try to understand why goku It is much more powerful mode ultra instinct

when Goku reaches this state becomes almost unpredictable due to the increase in

speed and instinctive movements but especially in the first use we see

that fails to increase its strength as he still thinks about what is the best

way to attack what is it that his mind is completely free

but let's take as an example the launching goku the kamehamea against Kefla

like he never manages to be so strong? well according to my theory Goku thanks to this

mental state gains access to a few minutes at 100% of its power but instinctively

this power still manages to focus on a single point in this case in kameameha

that is creating so that his attacks are much stronger than the normal basic form

in a sense, and as if Goku were concentrating all the strength of blue ssj Kaioken x 20 in

an unpredictable stroke This would also explain why when goku

It depletes the power of the ultra instinct is exhausted

this theory came to mind when seeing who was one of the greatest exponents of

mushin style and guess who it is? one of the greatest exponents of this style

bruce lee, and the one who is at the base of the style jeet ku do a non-traditional martial art

Based on the essential combat the translation literally it means way of the intercepting fist

His training included all the elements fitness, muscular strength and endurance,

cardiovascular endurance and flexibility. He used traditional techniques of bodybuilding

to sculpt and increase muscle mass. However, always it was careful to stress

as the mental and spiritual preparation They were critical to the success of training

Physical and practice of martial arts. Also remember that punch you in the form goku

blue ssj gave a golden freezer that's one of the most popular techniques

bruce lee fact that stroke is enclosed a strong ki quantities released a few

centimeters from the opponent and the same principle my theory is used to

attacks in ultra instinct was just that ki in this shot is much higher

also is not the first time that the master toriyama it inspired or quotes the great bruce

lee Finally we know that soon reach goku

a new transformation by the very instinct I believe that with this new form Goku succeeds

to reach a new divine state that allows you to tune in to what you

surrounding it like animals plants etc. etc. and I think this might be their last,

divine goku being that what would allow him to be a 100% fact with deities

This new transformation Goku think not I have seen more limits than to draw

its energies reference may be made also to those of everything that surrounds you remember the

mushin is when a warrior becomes one with that which surrounds it

in the description I leave you some links that I used it as a source to achieve this

theory I hope the video you enjoyed remember

to leave a like and a comment with your theories

For more infomation >> teoria finale sul ultra istinto come il mushin di bruce lee - Dragon ball teories - Duration: 6:09.


Vous n'aurez plus besoin d'acheter de pommes de terre grâce à cette astuce - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Vous n'aurez plus besoin d'acheter de pommes de terre grâce à cette astuce - Duration: 2:44.


Smart Holiday Light Display

For more infomation >> Smart Holiday Light Display


Taking a closer look into U.S. fighter jet assets - Duration: 2:39.

Staying with the combined air exercise.

There has never been one of this scale before.

The biggest and baddest weapons including F-22 Raptor, F-35 stealth fighter are all

being deployed.

Ji Myung-kil helps paint a clearer picture of the firepower involved.

The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a fifth generation... all-weather stealth tactical

fighter jet capable of undertaking high speed ground attacks, electronic warfare and signal


The F-22 is designed to be highly difficult to detect and track by radar.

It can carry three internal weapons in its fuselage and other missiles on its wings such

as air-to-surface and air-to-air weapons.

The Raptor formally entered service in December 2005, each unit costing around 150 million

U.S. dollars.

The Lockheed Martin F-35 is also an all-weather stealth multi-role fighter... designed for

ground attacks and air superiority missions.

The F-35 can carry a total of four weapons in its internal bays.

Two can hold air-to-surface missiles and the other two can hold smaller weapons such as

air-to-air missiles.

The F-35 also has a low-radar cross section and uses radar-absorbent materials... to increase

its stealth.

Built into the aircraft is an integrated electronic warfare system.

F-35's were introduced in 2015 and cost from 95 to 120 million dollars.

The B-1B bomber supersonic jets have a top speed of Mach 1-point-2, making them the fastest

bombers in the U.S. Air Force.

They can hold up to 24 cruise missiles and have a greatly reduced radar signature, especially

at low altitude.

The B-1B has the addition of an improved radar jamming and deception system.

Introduced in 1986... the cost of one unit is over 3-hundred million dollars.

The F-15 is a staple of the U.S. Air Force.

It's a twin-engine, tactical fighter jet designed to gain and maintain air supremacy in aerial


As a smaller, lighter plane, the F-15 has better maneuverability and a top speed of

over Mach 2.

It can be armed with a variety of air weaponry on its fuselage and is capable of in-flight

refueling and conducting deep interdiction missions.

It was first introduced in 1976 and is by far the cheapest at around 30 million dollars.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

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