Thursday, May 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 1 2018

How To Become Cricket Umpire

Cricket Umpire Selection Process

Omfut Tech And Jobs

For more infomation >> How To Become Cricket Umpire | Cricket Umpire Selection Process | Omfut Tech And Jobs - Duration: 4:07.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


Vedanta Does Not Support Absolute Ahimsa (100% Non-Violence) | Maharishi Ramana & Tiger Skins - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> Vedanta Does Not Support Absolute Ahimsa (100% Non-Violence) | Maharishi Ramana & Tiger Skins - Duration: 10:13.


Koopappartement: Frederik Ruyschstraat 67, 's-gravenhage - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Koopappartement: Frederik Ruyschstraat 67, 's-gravenhage - Duration: 0:54.



For more infomation >> ❤️1 ИЮНЯ - ДЕНЬ ЗАЩИТЫ ДЕТЕЙ❤️ СУПЕР ПОЗДРАВЛЕНИЕ ОТ КАРЛСОНА ❤️ - Duration: 0:44.


[加拿大旅遊] 惠斯勒一日遊 Whistler one day trip 玩一天絕對不夠啦! - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> [加拿大旅遊] 惠斯勒一日遊 Whistler one day trip 玩一天絕對不夠啦! - Duration: 3:05.


Review of Amazing Spider-Man #800 | Go Down Swinging Conclusion - Duration: 6:36.

Amazing Spider-Man has hit 800 issues.

Dan Slot is wrapping up his 10-year run on the title, but not everyone can celebrate.

Spider-Man is up against his deadliest foe yet and not everyone will survive.

Hey, I'm Brian from BMA Comics Con.

Today we are going to review Amazing Spider-Man #800.

Don't for get to enter in to win a copy of this issue free.

More information on that at the end of this video.

Previously in Amazing Spider-Man: Norman Osborn has been injected with nanites to prevent

him from accessing the Goblin Serum that flows through his blood.

So, he teams up with the Carnage Symbiote to purge himself of Peter Parker's Nano-technology

that blocks his power.

Now combined with Carnage he has become Red Goblin.

Peter fails to defeat Red Goblin and gets a broken leg for his troubles.

So, he calls on the Spider-Family and Friends to help him but Red Goblin doesn't poses

any of the normal symbiote weaknesses and nearly kills everyone of them.

Until Agent Anti-Venom shows up and proves to be his only weakness.

Flash Thompson, Agent Anti-Venom uses all the energy he has to save and heal Peter and

the Super Friends.

Leaving Flash out of commission.

So, Peter races off to stop Red Goblin from killing Mary Jane & Aunt May.

Peter is late getting to each of his loved ones, but luckily 2 of his enemies have redeemed

themselves by holding of Red Goblin until back up arrives.

To try and even the score Eddie Brock gives Peter Parker the Venom Symbiote.

So now Peter races to the old Oscorp building where Red Goblin is trying to get his company


That is where Peter confronts Red Goblin for the last time.

In this fight Norman reveals that he has poisoned half of Spider-Mans friends and family and

could easily kill them with the snap of his finger.

Luckily Flash Thompson was there, and he used his anti-venom powers to remove the poison

that was in Peter's family and friends; even Mary Jane and Aunt May.

This brought Peter & Flash close as Flash reveals that he has learned Spider-Man's

secret identity.

But in the middle of a battle with Red Goblin is no time for a heart to heart moments.

Red Goblin attacks Flash mortally wounding him setting off Peter's rage with makes

him truly turn into Venom.

It is then Flash gives his last words to inspire Peter to calm down and don't let rage consume


Peter calms down although now is the time for rage as Red Goblin has finally learned

that Peter's weakness is all human life not just those close to him.

So Red Goblin goes on a killing spree in Time Square, with his final victim being Peter


As his final breath draws closer Peter uses Norman's pride against him and convinces

him that it will forever be known that Carnage killed Spider-Man.

Causing Norman to release him and they both remove their symbiotes and have a final showdown.

First off let me start by saying sorry for just leaving you hanging like that on the

end of the book.

I just realized that I haven't given away the copy of this to the winner so it's possible

at this time not everyone has read the story.

And if that's true, you should have skipped to this part anyway and not have me spoil

everything else.

Comment below if you think going forward I should just spoil the whole issue.

It's a good thing this was an oversized issue because I don't know how they could

have closed this story with a normal 28-page issue.

However, I don't think its fair to call it an 80-page issue if all 80-pages aren't


That would be my biggest gripe with it.

One thing I can't complain about is the character arc the John Jonah Jameson goes


He hits his highs and lows in this issue trying to redeem himself.

I am curious as to how long the deaths of this issue will last.

Those who died, died in a good way that is very fitting and could be permanent.

And if there ever were to be a lasting death in comics it would be in a Spider-Man book.

This issue showed me that Dan Slott knows who Peter Parker is.

And he should he's been writing him for over 10 years.

But all of what make Peter stand out from his with Great Power must come Great Responsibility,

to his nobody dies on my watch attitude, and his is the biggest screw up behaviors are

all present in this issue.

Well I'm sure it was easy to do when you have the length of almost 4 issue to do it


The pacing in this story is fast.

There isn't any down time, but when the Red Goblin has threatened to kill everyone

you love you kind of have to react quickly.

Most of the art for the Amazing Spider-Man wasn't even inside the comic, it was on

the cover.

There were like 14 different Variant covers to chose form.

You can go to the link in the description and look at the different Variant's if you

want but let me know which your favorite is.

I got the Greg Land & Rachelle Rosenberg one.

It was either going to be that or the John Romita Sr.

Each chapter of this issue was drawn and colored by a different team.

The good thing is that they followed a similar style and the story to me was compelling enough

for me to not notice until the end.

The last part, Goodbye, drawn by Marcos Martin & colored by Muntsa Vicente is much different

than the rest of the book.

Besides that, I really liked the art in this issue.

Flash Thompson.

Everything Flash Thompson is great in this story, including his send off.

I didn't read his Agent Venom comic but now I wish I had.

He is a really cool character.

And I like the irony that he used to bully Peter but also idolized him unknowingly.

Then the way they turn that around to have Peter take inspiration from him.

I really like that.

I like that he got to inspire his hero.

I don't know why it is but I really like the images of Spider-Man & Green Goblin standing

in front of the flames ready to give it their last fight.

I'm giving this comic 9 out of 10-stars.

It has everything you could want in a Spider-Man story.

Call backs to your favorite parts from his past.

A couple of your favorite Spider-Man villains and friends.

And the return of the Symbiote Spider-Man.

You still have until tomorrow June 1st when the winner will be chosen and revealed to

enter to win a copy of this issue.

To do so you'll find a link in the description on the video to watch or you can just click

the card here and see what other comics came out yesterday May 30th.

With you guys help it looks like I am going to hit the goal of 250 subscribers by June

1 so I have a second copy of this issue to add to the giveaway so please subscribe and

leave a comment on my video New Comics for May 30, 2018.

Thank you, guys, for your time and watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and give

it a thumb up.

I'll see you again tomorrow and every Friday for a look at the comics coming out next Wednesday.

Thanks again and til next time Brian Out!!!

For more infomation >> Review of Amazing Spider-Man #800 | Go Down Swinging Conclusion - Duration: 6:36.


54歲鄭浩南近照,年過半百還有8塊腹肌,前妻漂亮還是空手道冠軍 - Duration: 2:14.

90年代是香港電影的黃金時期,黑幫電影,動作電影層出不窮,因 也是讓很多演員一夜成名。鄭浩南也是在這個時期成名的。鄭浩南的 相不屬於那種很英俊的男人,但是他卻很有稜角,冷峻的眼神,堅毅 唇角,極具男人味,在影視劇中多次扮演硬漢角色

鄭浩南21歲的時候被導演林嶺東發掘,出演了《愛神一號》還 藉此劇提名香港金像獎最佳新人獎。後來又主演了徐克的《刀馬旦》 起步也是相當的高。 《刀馬旦》這部電影至今都是數得上的經典 影,雲集了眾多香港巨星,林青霞、鍾楚紅、葉倩文、秦沛等等,這 戲也是讓鄭浩南被觀眾們喜歡,名氣大增

但是可惜的是之後他就沒什麼好作品了,連個過渡期都沒有,直接淪 了二線演員。 1991年鄭浩南認識了大島由加利,兩人喜結連 步入了婚姻的殿堂。大島由加利是日本演員,16歲就獲得了日本空 道冠軍,她的迴旋踢可以擴展到頭部

在香港早期的電影中,經常能看到大島由加利的身影,尤其是在《力 》中飾演的黃泉給觀眾留下深刻的印象,一身黑色緊身衣,二八分的 髮,男性雄厚的嗓音,讓人記憶深刻。 和鄭浩南結婚後第二年, 妻兩合作動作電影《黑星風雲》,只是這部片子當時沒有引起多大反 ,因此鄭浩南又淪落到了沒戲可接

在妻子的勸說下,鄭浩南接拍了風月片《香港奇案之強姦》扮演心機 沉的變態色魔,沒想到這部戲播出後,鄭浩南再次引起觀眾的注意。 但是命運總是對他不公平,本以為憑藉這部劇紅了,可是後來依然 是沒片約,而大島由加利也和他在1994年離婚了

1997年鄭浩南又參演了風月片《赤足驚魂》,再次回歸熒幕。 1998年鄭浩南參演了《98古惑仔之龍爭虎鬥》,在劇中扮演東 五虎之一「司徒浩南,劇中的他一身肌肉把陳浩南直接完爆了,最經 的一句台詞是」銅鑼灣里只可以有一個浩南「

因為精彩的演出,鄭浩南還被楊紫瓊看中成為了旗下藝人,但是 惜的是最終難逃不紅的宿命,在多部影視劇中只能淪為配角。 對 自己的不溫不火,鄭浩南慢慢的也是看淡了很多,他並沒有因此而失 拍戲的興趣,從最初的為了生計到變成了為演戲而演戲

他曾說:「作為一個演員,能被觀眾記住劇中的某一個角色,就已經 成功了。」近幾年鄭浩南也是陸續參演了《無界之地》《瘋狂倒計時 《傾城絕戀》《驕陽似我》《衝鋒車》等劇,雖然都反響一般,但是 浩南也是兢兢業業

事業雖然不盡人意,但是鄭浩南的家庭卻十分美滿,他與妻子鮑愛玲 經過朋友介紹認識的,兩人交往後彼此之間感覺非常合適,也就步入 婚姻的殿堂。從2002年結婚至今,兩人在一起度過了16年,雖 婚後沒有什麼浪漫和激情,但是卻非常溫馨,一雙兒女出生後,更是 去了身上的稜角,成了繞指柔

很多網友說現任老婆沒有大島由加利漂亮,有能力。但是她卻是一個 柔賢惠的好妻子,能和鄭浩南恩愛這麼多年,也是有她的魅力所在。 今的鄭浩南也是54歲了,雖然年過半百但是身材保持的非常好,依 能看見八塊腹肌,很多年輕人都趕不上他的好身材

除了家庭之外,鄭浩南也在陸續拍戲,雖然大多數都是配角,但是也 在其中。希望鄭浩南能在拍出很好的電影,等待大器晚成的一天。

For more infomation >> 54歲鄭浩南近照,年過半百還有8塊腹肌,前妻漂亮還是空手道冠軍 - Duration: 2:14.


Samsung Galaxy S10 'Confirmed' To Have In Display Fingerprint Reader ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:34.

Looks like Samsung's successor to this year's Galaxy S9 will indeed come with a new biometric


South Korean media are claiming that the tech giant's upcoming Galaxy S10 is more or less

"confirmed" to arrive with an in-display fingerprint reader.

On Wednesday, Korean-language news outlet Etnews reported that Samsung Electronics will

indeed outfit the Galaxy S10 with an in-display fingerprint sensor.

The site also noted that the inclusion of such a technology will allow Samsung to come

up with a full screen or bezel-less smartphone.

Industry sources allegedly told local media that Samsung has already confirmed the adoption

of the in-display fingerprint reader on the Galaxy S10, which is scheduled to launch early

next year.

Samsung has reportedly started preparations with Samsung Display and its partner, Qualcomm.

To make the fingerprint sensor work, Samsung Display will collaborate with Qualcomm to

combine OLED display panels with ultrasonic sensors.

The sensors will be attached onto the back of the display panel, and the setup will be

responsible for reading the fingerprint of the user whenever a fingertip is placed on

the front surface of the panel.

According to Sammobile, Samsung may have opted to use the ultrasonic sensor over the optical

in-display fingerprint sensor that Chinese manufacturers are using because the former

is more accurate than the latter.

The ultrasonic sensor transmits an ultrasonic pulse against the finger to map the ridges

and pores unique to each fingerprint.

This results to a more accurate 3D reproduction of the fingerprint.

The Galaxy S10 — the 10th anniversary installment in the S series —is believed to be unveiled

at the Consumer Electronics Show in January 2019.

Samsung is then expected to introduce its highly anticipated foldable phone at the Mobile

World Congress the following month.

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy S10 'Confirmed' To Have In Display Fingerprint Reader ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:34.


মশা আপনাকে কেন কামড়ায় জেনে নিন এই ভিডিও থেকে - Duration: 3:43.

Hello Friends

Do you see it?

If you are in the middle of a lot of people and mosquitoes bite you more!

Your hands and feet swelling in red mosquito bite are seeing in your mind maybe owns that

Why your friends sitting next to you or a colleague of mosquitoes may

Not a bite and but you are right biten?

The answer is you mosquito magnets.

Yes, you are right guys!

Attracting more people to the mosquito magnets moscato.

Why a man is mosquito magnets

5 concerning the scientific explanation

About away.

Blood group "O"

Research published in 2004 in the journal of medical entomology

The report found that,

Other than the man whose blood group blood group "O" to attract more mosquitoes.

So if your blood group "O" then you will bite more mosquitoes.

Pregnant women

Adult men and children more mosquitoes bite pregnant compared to women.

2004 annual research report published in tropical medicine and paracitologyte is expressed in that

Mosquitoes bite pregnant women compared to others the possibility of eating double. Its

This is because mosquitoes are more attracted to those who suffer them rate more.

If their body composition rate of more carbon dioxide produces more and more attracted by the mosquito.

And other than the pregnant women suffer higher rates of.

Because of the Jinn

Another reason to love you more mosquitoes are your gene.

Infections in 2013, published in the journal of genetics and ivlation

In a research report that,

Human leukocyte-antigen-RRB-(HLA) gene in the cells of the body which

They attract more mosquitoes.

This gene controls the smell of human body.

HLA genes with the human body, a special kind of chemical issues which attract mosquitoes.

If your HLA genes in the body, then you are in a group or crowd and

Mosquitoes bite you in your show and the smell.

At the time of exercise.

Lactic acid is produced in the body during exercise, which is outside the surface of the skin through sweat glands.

A study of Germany confirmed that,

Mosquitoes are attracted to lactic acid and can detect it at a distance of around.

Feet odour

PLOS ONE, a journal published by the research reported

That those who are foot odour to attract mosquitoes.

Responsible for the creation of its offensive smell of bacteria.

University of Florida medical entomologyr Professor Dr. Jonathan de says:

Mosquito bite chose the place where the body of

Where blood is closer to the skin

Such as forehead, wrist, elbow and neck. In addition, hands and legs and bite like mosquitoes.

Those who have their skin surface than the heat of the body and blood are more attracted to them and mosquitoes.

In addition, the tall men and women attracted to boys than mosquitoes.

The male mosquito is the female mosquitoes drink blood for pustisadhaner of their eggs.

Thank you for Watching

Even more don't forget to subscribe to the channel to see video

Bye !!!

For more infomation >> মশা আপনাকে কেন কামড়ায় জেনে নিন এই ভিডিও থেকে - Duration: 3:43.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


Comment dépurer votre vessie en deux semaines - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Comment dépurer votre vessie en deux semaines - Duration: 5:42.


Dont Let Art Supplies Hold You Back | Cheap vs Expensive | Stay Creative by Jacob Sheetz - Duration: 3:19.

Have you found yourself asking that maybe she had better or supplies you can draw better?

I don't think you'd improve it a faster rate. Well, I'm telling you. It's not about the are supplies

it's about the artists themselves and being creative and

Just going out there and doing your best. I

Know for example not a cheap

Big ballpoint pen here and they've been using for my drawings. I've been doing recently

it you don't eat anything expensive something cheap like this you can get in a pack and a pack of

1224 however many unique you get them in a dollar store Walmart

Any art store, you don't need anything as expensive

Because if you get expensive supplies

You're gonna feel that you have to have them and then I'm gonna feel that you know without them that you're not any good

Just take whatever you have near you as far as our supplies and start practicing with that

because when I first started getting the join I

thought that you know

I have to look perfect pen the perfect pencil that you know how to have name-brand and everything. You absolutely do not need name-brand


Sure, if you're doing something that's you know

A finished piece of work and it know it's a huge drawing or something like that then maybe it's gonna help me in long run

But you don't need to eat anything is super expensive

Just get started and start on something and the most important thing is being creative in practicing a lot

They don't give you a lot farther than no spinning all this time that is being wasted

Thinking that you can't get any better because you need a better pen

I've got expensive pens I've got

All kinds of sketchbooks, but that's because I've been doing this for a very long time. I've

Accumulated and collected these over many years

and so that's why I have so many and because it's a really big passion of mine and


Just want to tell everybody about that. I've talked about it many times the formatives, but I just want to reiterate that and

Explain it again

You don't

Need to spend all that time worrying about the cost of dollars supply

I've even done a drawing where I was drawing on a paper blade

It doesn't really matter what you have around you just start working on something. So the excuse that you don't have the money to draw

There's not a reason because going after me I never had any money

I was really really poor and so I had to gel with whatever was around me

I was using really really cheap pens, you know a big pen like this or really cheap off-brand

Graphite pencils and I just kept using those. I mean, where would I have been now if I given up way back then?

When I had cheap art supplies, I wouldn't be where I'm at right now. So

Just just keep trying was what you have and don't worry so much about

what you can or can't do with our supply you have and as I said before just

keep practicing and practicing being creative and so just get out there and

stay creative and

don't let anything hold you back because

Something like this is cheap. They'll get you a lot farther than what you think. You can get if you spend so much time

Worrying about the cost of the art supply. So thanks for watching and you have a good day

For more infomation >> Dont Let Art Supplies Hold You Back | Cheap vs Expensive | Stay Creative by Jacob Sheetz - Duration: 3:19.


[360 VR영상] 감귤창고 개조한 카페가 있다? 제주네이처캔바스로 가보았다 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> [360 VR영상] 감귤창고 개조한 카페가 있다? 제주네이처캔바스로 가보았다 - Duration: 1:11.


Rencontre entre Corée du Nord et Etats-Unis à New York - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Rencontre entre Corée du Nord et Etats-Unis à New York - Duration: 7:39.


Réduisez vos niveaux de sucre dans le sang grâce à ces aliments - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Réduisez vos niveaux de sucre dans le sang grâce à ces aliments - Duration: 5:12.


Evacuation du camp de migrants du Millénaire : « Je fais une bêtise en montant dans le bus ? » - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> Evacuation du camp de migrants du Millénaire : « Je fais une bêtise en montant dans le bus ? » - Duration: 9:39.


Saving Money on Heart Disease Treatment - Duration: 3:54.

Saving money on heart disease treatment

what are your rights at the moment

there are no acts or laws in place to ensure that the 83,000,000 U.S. adults who are

suffering from heart disease receive help with their treatment

what problems might you run into

almost all of the tests currently use to check heart function are seen as necessary by insurance companies says Dr. Nike Goldberg

a cardiologist and medical director of the john H tisch center for women's health in New York

there aren't really any of the standard tests that you have trouble getting covered

but she did caution about some of the newer scans available

something like the latest CT scan which looks for plaque in arteries might not be guaranteed coverage and could cost $500 or $600 she sat

don't think you need to get a procedure done just because it's available and brand new

definitely talk to your Dr. and insurance company first so you aren't settled with a bill you can't pay

how can you save money on treatment

having heart disease can end up costing you a lot of money

according to the American heart association

a 2009 survey found that more than half of people suffering from heart disease had

difficulties paying for all of their treatment even if they had Health Insurance

and 46% of those who had a hard time financially delayed getting recommended care

one way you can improve your heart health is to make lifestyle changes stop smoking eat healthier exercise more

and these are things that won't necessarily cost a lot of money

it's expensive to meet one on one with a nutritionist so look into doing a group program like weight watchers Dr. Goldberg says

or see if the hospital you've got onto has nutritionists on stuff that type of service won't be covered by insurance typically

that going to a hospital nutritionist instead of one in private practice will cut down on costs

as for exercising

walking is a great way to get moving

to make sticking with your workout regimen easier

the American heart association has a program called my walking club that Peres you up with other walkers in your area

visit my walking to either start a club of your own or join an existing one

a major part of treatment costs for heart disease are the prescriptions you'll be put on a combination of anticoagulants

aspirin ace inhibitors

beta blockers and more which can become very expensive

and deep liquid medicines like plaid Exar brand name and there aren't really generic options yet keeping their price high Dr. Goldberg says

that both cholesterol lowering drugs and blood pressure medications are available in generic forms so you'll likely be able to save money

there she says to make sure to shop around since these are often drugs you're going to be on for a long time if not forever

do price comparisons and see what CVS

Walgreens even Costco would charge

she sat if there's no option besides a name brand high price drug look into the partnership for prescription assistance

the program has teamed up with most major pharmaceutical companies to offer discounted

medication to those who can prove their income is below a certain level

For more infomation >> Saving Money on Heart Disease Treatment - Duration: 3:54.


Lafarge en Syrie : un représentant légal de l'entreprise convoqué le 5 juin en vue... - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Lafarge en Syrie : un représentant légal de l'entreprise convoqué le 5 juin en vue... - Duration: 3:03.


✅ Jessica Alba : Cette phrase crue mais drôle qu'elle adore lâcher à ses enfants - Duration: 2:31.

Jessica Alba a beau poser dans une robe glamour signée Givenchy en couverture de l'édition de juin 2018 du magazine américain InStyle, dans la vraie vie, elle est comme tout le monde, débordée par sa vie pro et perso mais aussi adepte d'humour léger

Évoquant la manière dont elle élève ses enfants, ses filles Honor (9 ans) et Haven (6 ans), ainsi que son petit dernier, Hayes (bientôt 5 mois), Jessica Alba a déclaré : "J'ai cette terrible habitude

Peu importe ce que mes enfants me demandent quand ils cherchent quelque chose, du genre 'où est mon sac à dos, ma brosse à dents, etc

' je leur dis juste : 'Dans ton cul.' Je pense que c'est une mauvaise éducation", a-t-elle blagué

Est-ce que le mari de l'ex-star de Dark Angel, Cash Warren, est d'accord cette habitude ? Mystère

Jessica Alba a aussi raconté comment l'arrivée d'un troisième enfant dans sa vie avait été un challenge physique à affronter

La star s'est remise au sport pour perdre ses kilos de grossesse et ce n'est pas une partie de plaisir

"Cette connerie est bien dure. Faire de l'exercice n'est pas simple mais je le fais

Je lâche un nom ici mais j'étais avec Kate Hudson à la salle et elle est si fine ! Et j'étais en mode : 'Tu t'exerces tous les jours ?' Et elle de dire bien-sûr

J'ai alors pensé : 'P*tain, elle ne se pose pas de questions, alors je ne devrais pas non plus'", a-t-elle raconté

Ses efforts ont toutefois payé puisqu'elle est toujours aussi canon ! Thomas Montet

For more infomation >> ✅ Jessica Alba : Cette phrase crue mais drôle qu'elle adore lâcher à ses enfants - Duration: 2:31.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


[4K UHD] Venezuelan Bolívar Fuerte 2, 5, 10 Bs.F --- [CC Subs Available] - Duration: 10:01.

Welcome to Numismat Banknotes and Coins

Today we analyze 3 banknotes of Bolivar Fuerte from Venezuela in denominations of 2, 5 and 10 Bolívares

Since 1879 the Bolívar is the official currency of Venezuela and it was approved in 2008 a monetary reconversion that results in the Bolívar Fuerte

Simply put, due to inflation, three zeros were removed from the currency to avoid handling stratospheric amounts

Today we will see three banknotes of the Bolivar Fuerte in denominations of 2, 5 and 10 Bolívares

The first one is the 2 Bolívares bill

This family of banknotes is one of the most beautiful, very colorful and full of small details

These banknotes are manufactured directly by the Central Bank of Venezuela

On the left the denomination and two signatures and on the right illustration of a river dolphin and a star with micro texts

Known as The First Universal Venezuelan, Francisco de Miranda dominates the front of this bill

Very good detail in this macro shot

He was a participant in the Independence of the United States, the French Revolution and later of the Independence of Venezuela

Let's see the reverse

Many marine motifs are contained in this banknote

Banknotes with fauna are always very appreciated by collectors

The reverse is dominated by two river dolphins, a worm flower and in the background the National Park Médanos de Coro of Falcón state

On the left the coat of arms of Venezuela

Our next issue is the 5 Bolívares

In warmer tones we have this piece with the same vertical arrangement as the rest

Dominating the obverse we have the face of Pedro Camejo better known as Negro Primero

That's what they called him because of his great bravery and dexterity in handling the spear

Small illustration of a Cuspón, a star and micro texts

The colors of this ticket are very nice

On the back we see two Cuspones or Giant Cachicamos and in the background the Venezuelan flats

Let's see in macro

On the left the coat of arms

Denomination and micro texts

We continue with the denomination of 10 Bolívares

The first thing we see is Guaicaipuro, native chief of the Teques, aboriginal people of the current Caracas region

The details at this scale are impressive

Considered the greatest symbol of bravery and native wit against the Spanish conquerors

Ceremonial masks

Impressive micro details

One of the most beautiful pieces

The ink has bright flashes

Exceptional detail

Small detail of the Harpy Eagle, a star and micro texts

On the back we have the Harpy Eagle in front

In the background the Canaima National Park with the waterfall Salto Ucaima and the tepuyes or plateaus Venado and Kurún

Coat of arms

Denomination and micro texts

In 2018, another monetary reconversion is authorized, removing three zeros more from the currency and giving rise to the new Bolívar Soberano

I hope it was to your liking and if you want to see something more in detail or some ticket or currency in particular, let me know in the comments

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Thanks for your visit and until next time

For more infomation >> [4K UHD] Venezuelan Bolívar Fuerte 2, 5, 10 Bs.F --- [CC Subs Available] - Duration: 10:01.


GH5 autofocus with 2.3 firmware - an unfair camera "test" - Duration: 3:26.

so I don't have time today to sit down and learn all the new features of the

firmware but I know one of the biggest questions everybody has is the autofocus

so let's go do some of the most ridiculous things we can do with the

autofocus and see what happens

be honest I don't use autofocus I don't know much about it and can't say I've

got a lot of experience with it but

way I figure yada just built point camera at something and it should read

your mind and automatically focus on whatever you're thinking of

it's night it's late it's dark what better conditions to go test a

camera that doesn't do well with low light or autofocus

so here's some face tracking autofocus and in the ridiculous light conditions

at F 3.5 it's actually finding my face part of the time maybe if the lights

were on it could actually find it the rest of the time

all right most of my tester is in single area auto focus or one area but in case

that isn't enough I'm gonna try the 225 area never used it before so way I

figure 225 was well 225 times better than one

as you can see autofocus isn't exactly doing what it should be doing but maybe

if I gave the camera a fighting chance it actually focus maybe tomorrow we'll

try it and I don't know daylight

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