Monday, May 28, 2018

Youtube daily report May 28 2018


Daughter Disha?

Please save my daughter , Disha.

Hey, Who are you?


Let there be damage, the owner will take care !

Raja Dutta

Disha Dutta


Madam, We will win a case for the first time..

We want a party.

Yes, Yes.

We will party the whole night today.

Masha Allah

Your glow has wounded my heart.

Masha Allah

Your glow has wounded my heart.


Amongst the " International Women Trafficking racket" ,

He is one of the most notorious criminal.

His two brothers..



Your little sister..

Your affectionate little sister..

Young girls are lucky for my business !

Plug bullets inside him !

Bang..Bang..ends !

Now, DHA ..DHA…DHA..





The number you are calling is busy doing a murder

Stop it !

Kindly call again later .

Let me know if you need my help again..

And remember,

Wherever there is taboo and chaos,

You will find SULTAN there.

Let there be damage, the owner will take care !



What If The Buyer Doesn't Exercise Their Lease Option When Using The For Rent Method - Duration: 3:21.

Hey, it's Joe Crump.

I'm answering some questions from my students here.

The first one here is, "Hi, Joe.

What do you do if you use the for rent method to sell a lease option and your buyer doesn't

exercise the option?

Do you have to pay, do you have to buy the property and honor your option?

Or, do you not buy with lease options unless you're planning on keeping the property?"

Well, actually, the beauty of what we're doing is, we don't tie ourselves into anything

as far as buying properties.

Also, it's an option, so nobody's required to fulfill that option.

You'll find that, at least I find, on most lease option buyers won't buy the property,

I'd say less than thirty percent will actually end up exercising their option.

But, while they're there, it's their property and they get to take care of it and they'll

take care of it like it's their own, and they get a three-year lease on the property,

the seller does, and so does the buyer.

So, there's some real advantages to doing it that way.

So, it's not, there's no fear that you have to keep the property or buy it or be

responsible for it.

It's really important to make a distinction between the for rent method and doing sandwich


Sandwich leases put you in control of the property with a lease option and then you

sell with a lease option, you know, you have an assignable lease option so you sell with

a lease option and then the buyer pays you and then you pay the seller.

I don't like that situation very much.

It does mean that you could get equity later and do that, but the lease options don't

give you much control and if you understand the hierarchy of zero down structures that

I teach, and you can learn that on the blog – there's a bunch of information on that

on my blog – but if you understand the zero-down hierarchy, structure hierarchy, you're going

to understand that you want to be in your control.

If you're buying a property, you want to be in control of that property.

So; you probably buy it subject to or multi-mortgage or land contract.

If you're selling the property you want the buyer to be in less control and so you

sell it on a lease option, or maybe a land contract, but you never sell it on a subject


The subject to is what puts you in control.

So if you learn those structures, it'll put you into a better place of understanding

how this stuff works and again, all the stuff is free on the blog.

I've got a book on structuring zero-down deals on Amazon for $3.00.

You can check that out.

Or, of course, if you get into my mentor program or you get the Automarketer, both of those

programs have really excellent training programs in them, you know, full featured, step-by-step

programs in them that'll help you go through this process and learn it a little bit better.

But, don't worry about buying it if you're buying it the way that I'm teaching.

Because I've set it up so that you can always walk away from a property if you need to.

There's certain restrictions and certain ways that you have to do it in order to be

honorable and ethical and not to get yourself in trouble, but if you do those things you

won't have a problem doing it the way that I teach.

All right.

Hope that helps.

For more infomation >> What If The Buyer Doesn't Exercise Their Lease Option When Using The For Rent Method - Duration: 3:21.


Drap giường giá rẻ | Ga gối cotton lụa KOSHI Peony 3 sọc KS1L-762 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Drap giường giá rẻ | Ga gối cotton lụa KOSHI Peony 3 sọc KS1L-762 - Duration: 1:01.


Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 FSI S-LINE leer ecc cruise lmv nap nette - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 FSI S-LINE leer ecc cruise lmv nap nette - Duration: 1:13.


暐瀚:誰是政治小三? - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 暐瀚:誰是政治小三? - Duration: 6:37.


Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 US launch fresh AIRSTRIKES against President Assad _Latest News - Duration: 3:25.

Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 US launch fresh AIRSTRIKES against President Assad _Latest News

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 US launch fresh AIRSTRIKES against President Assad _Latest News - Duration: 3:25.


寧可讓丁守中漁翁得利 驚爆民進黨選戰兩大「關鍵密碼」! - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> 寧可讓丁守中漁翁得利 驚爆民進黨選戰兩大「關鍵密碼」! - Duration: 5:08.


Nach Vermiss-Post: Werden sich Pascal & Denise vertragen? - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Nach Vermiss-Post: Werden sich Pascal & Denise vertragen? - Duration: 1:45.


get buff for summer 2015

For more infomation >> get buff for summer 2015


Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 FSI S-LINE leer ecc cruise lmv nap nette - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 FSI S-LINE leer ecc cruise lmv nap nette - Duration: 1:13.


Porsche Cayenne 3.0 S E-HYBRID - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Porsche Cayenne 3.0 S E-HYBRID - Duration: 1:11.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 Exclusive Rijklaar! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 Exclusive Rijklaar! - Duration: 1:06.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Diesel Exclusive/Navigatie - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Diesel Exclusive/Navigatie - Duration: 1:09.


La parka rouge de Wauquiez s'exprime pour la première fois - Le Billet de Charline - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> La parka rouge de Wauquiez s'exprime pour la première fois - Le Billet de Charline - Duration: 2:00.


Audi A6 1.8 TFSI S-Line | S-Tronic | Navigatie | Climatronic | LED - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 1.8 TFSI S-Line | S-Tronic | Navigatie | Climatronic | LED - Duration: 1:13.


Na postavičce maká kvůli tomuto fešákovi: Patricie Solaříková už neník mání! - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Na postavičce maká kvůli tomuto fešákovi: Patricie Solaříková už neník mání! - Duration: 1:03.


海贼王史上最传奇海贼诞生!罗杰、卡普在她面前都是渣? - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 海贼王史上最传奇海贼诞生!罗杰、卡普在她面前都是渣? - Duration: 3:05.


World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day - Duration: 20:45.

World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day is June 1st.

I would like to do a small review on some of the precursors to Narcissistic Personality


As much as we hate the damage caused by these abusers, Narcissists are still people, and

they came from families that weren't dissimilar to ours.

Some of the causes are related to inheritance, but there are many other family experiences

that contribute to this disorder.

With destroyed relationships, there are feelings of emptiness, even in the midst of worldly


The life of a narcissist is a no win scenario, where real love and peace is denied.

The only futile pleasure left is a feared respect from onlookers, who are manipulated

by rewards and punishments.

There is a psychological isolation for narcissists who are stuck in their sadistic world.

It causes a revolving door of victims who are forced to abandon the narcissist when

they are tired of being an object in that world.

Recent studies have shown that there is a complex connection between emotional control

and life events that threaten a narcissist's self-esteem.

This is true for most people, but for a narcissist it is even more difficult.

The skills to be able to control emotions, opens up reactivity to difficult life events,

which in turn reduces the patient's ability to control those emotions.

The desperate need to regain control can involve "enhancement spurred by aggression or fear,

and accompanied by detachment, or dismissiveness that can readily shift to inferiority and

insecurity, accompanied by avoidance or a sense of loss of control caused by overwhelming

shame, fear or powerlessness.

Many of these life events that threaten a narcissist are related to "social dominance,

professional, physical, financial, or material contexts that can cause feelings of worth

or worthlessness.

When there are shifts in interpersonal attention, from being included, appreciated and admired

to being excluded, criticized and ignored, the self-esteem can be challenged.

Experiencing loss of control and competence can invoke intense internal self-criticism,

with accompanying shame, anxiety, rage, or fear, and result in drastic actions to regain

or to escape the situation.

Emotions can either be rewarding, challenging or threatening to narcissists, mainly depending

upon how they are seen by others and how it effects their self-esteem, and their sense

of competence and control."

One of the key deficits that threatens the self-esteem in narcissists is the ability

to mentalize.

This is the skill to see intentions in oneself and in others, which helps to protect against

self-esteem injuries.

Narcissists have trouble thinking and reflecting beyond the immediate experience when these

injuries happen.

They can fall back on aggression as a protective shield against overwhelming thoughts and feelings.

This leads to a failure to understand consequences of their aggressive and self-destructive actions.

There is some level of empathy with narcissists, but it is impaired.

But "the ability to care and have empathy can fluctuate and depend upon both emotional

control and self-esteem.

This can result in a range of interpersonal responses to others needs and reactions, from

total ignorance, avoidance or dismissive or even aggressive responses to extraordinary

attentiveness and care and contexts where such engagement is also associated to self-enhancement

and possible benefits.

People with NPD can appear unaffected by losses, separation, or experiences that normally would

evoke sadness, pain, and anguish.

They have even been considered unable to grieve.

Nevertheless, they have extreme hyper-vigilance and reactivity to certain threats, separations,

or losses of people or conditions that are crucial for their self-esteem."

Despite their lack of grieving, narcissists still sense fear, "fear can underlie several

management and avoidance strategies typical for NPD, from achievement, competitiveness,

perfectionism, risk-taking, down to procrastination, distancing, and avoidance.

The fear of negative aspects of the identity can enforce protective self-enhancement, as

well as despair and potential suicidality, which can be the last attempt at control."

What are the top reasons that lead people to Narcissism.

Like in all sciences there isn't always an easy cause and effect relationship.

There are multiple causes and effects, including inheritance, temperament, psychological trauma,

and age inappropriate roles.

For example, a twin study on heritability of Cluster B personality disorders, including

Anti-social, Borderline, Histrionic and Narcissistic, show that all these disorders have a high

heritability with narcissism being slightly higher than the others.

Although predicting personality disorders accurately is improved with the understanding

of heritability, it is not 100% predictive.

How heritability shows up in personality can be measured in different ways, and one way

is temperament.

Psychoanalysis connected a depressive temperament to narcissism.

Unfortunately, prior studies measured grandiosity more than depressive temperament, but in a

study by Tritt, a depressive temperament was found to be associated with narcissism.

In particular how patients avoid shame and humiliation to prevent losing admiration from


This temperaments leads to a vulnerability to constant trauma from chasing the ideal


"Kohut identified two disturbed aspects of the self that are characteristic of narcissistically

vulnerable individuals.

The persistence of the grandiose self, and the unending quest for the idealized parent.

The former requires that the individual's special qualities be admired and affirmed.

The latter involves the desire to merge psychologically with persons who are perceived as powerful

and strong.

In brief, the grandiose self expects absolute omnipotent control over an archaic self-referential


The narcissistic individual who experiences injury to the grandiose self responds with

rage towards an individual or world that is perceived as not having an independent existence.

The outraged grandiose self responds to trauma with 'how dare you do this to me?

I deserve better!

I'll show you!'

An apt analogy is the spoiled child who expects everything to go his or her way.

Setbacks are met with temper tantrums that dramatically illustrate the child's world,

where only the self is real."

Naturally because the world can operate independently of the narcissist's wishes, it leads to endless

psychological trauma when trying to cope with change.

How the parent treats the child also forms part of the precursors to narcissistic personality

disorder, or NPD.

Paulina F. Kernberg says, "the children of narcissistic parents are at risk during their

first year of life because of the parent's lack of empathy, which causes an incapability

to fulfill the needs of the baby.

The parent's own omnipotence leads the child to a cycle of lack of limitation, overindulgence,

and inconsistency that maintains and contributes to the preservation of the grandiose self.

In the mind of the parents the child has a role to contribute to his or her treatment

outside of what is age appropriate.

This can be seen in cases of divorced mothers with infantile personalities who treat the

child as the spouse, or the sibling, or as an endlessly infantile or dependent baby.

An echo of the mother's own sense of self.

The child then has trouble separating the personality from the parent and stays limited.

"The parent supports the child's individuation, that is the refinement and distinctness of

the child's activities, but only inasmuch as the individuation rewards the parent's

own needs.

However the parent does not support the separation.

The child exists in the service of the parent's self-esteem and does not exist as an autonomous


Paradoxically, the power given to the child to regulate the parent's self-esteem, fuels

the child's grandiosity even further.

Since the child is dependent on these narcissistic parents, there is a pathological equilibrium

between the child and his or her parents.

The child needs the parents, and the parents need the child in an interlocked mutual narcissistic

way, and the parent's narcissistic needs override the child's normal narcissistic needs.

Consequently, the child develops a sense of unreality, with unrealistic expectations against

which the grandiose self is erected.

There is a distortion of the sense of core self in NPD, especially because the sense

of boundary, including the experience of one's own body, may be brittle.

There's no acknowledgement of others' intentions, and a reliance on one's own subjectivity,

which infiltrates the whole world, resulting in a sense of isolation and deprivation.

In terms of separating from the adult the narcissistic personality may have a variety

of points of arrested development.

When self-absorption, and the illusion of self-sufficiency, a God-like persona, are

such that the external object represents a minute aspect in the child's world.

The positive perception of the actual self is fused with an ideal self, and an ideal


This is projected onto idealized external objects that are used and acknowledged only

to confirm the individual's own grandiose self.

A splitting occurs with all other aspects of the devalued, vulnerable self, and are

projected, resulting in a devaluation of other objects or the external world.

The world of others consists of devalued persecuting others, and fleeting unstable idealized others

who remain as long as they fit into the grandiose scenario.

The grandiose self-structure, consisting of the fusion of actual self, ideal object, and

ideal self, explains the sense of entitlement and self-centeredness."

When there are new additions to the family, they can be another source of a persecuting


"An exaggerated sibling rivalry can be seen in narcissistic children.

This can at times escalate to outright abuse.

the aloofness and sadistic behaviour expressed toward siblings serve as a protection to the

child's sense of narcissistic injury for not having been the only one in the family.

A deep protracted resentment continues throughout the childhood, adolescent years, and beyond."

The need to control the self-image is expressed in the school setting as well.

"Grandiosity is a maladaptive way of protecting the self-esteem, because the grandiosity requires

immature, or primitive defense maneuvers.

For example, devaluation, projective identification, denial, omnipotent control, withdrawal, and


A consequences of grandiosity and entitlement, is that in spite of superior intelligence,

these children can have a checkered performance at school.

They can have excellent grades, have low grades, or fail altogether, depending on their wish

to put forth effort or not."

The need to preserve this grandiose reality, extends to the world at large.

"Pathological narcissism in childhood is characterized by deficient social skills and poor peer interactions,

in terms of level of development of appropriateness.

This is because of the inability to empathize with others, their need to control and devalue

their peers, their need to avoid any difference between themselves and others in order to

allay their sense of vulnerability and envy.

In adolescence, for example, the narcissistic individual may appear charismatic.

The grandiose self exerts particular attraction on peers as it resonates with the aspirations

of other members of a group.

Thus, for a while at least, the narcissistic adolescent appears to have arrived already

at the ideal of perfection, beauty, and power.

He or she gives an illusion of a reality that the group members seek.

In turn, the group confirms the narcissistic adolescent's grandiosity, so that he or she

can protect himself or herself from any sense of hurt.

Two noteworthy aspects of social interactions occur.

One is a choice of a more popular, pretty, or handsome partner who is shown off.

The other is a choice of a friend who is the least popular, ugly, or physically handicapped.

In this case, the narcissistic adolescent can feel admired by the ugly partner, who

becomes a psychological slave and is masochistically grateful to have been chosen as an object

of attention, even if the quality of the attention is derision."

The sense of self then gets regulated by controlling the group members as they periodically attempt

to change the power structure to advance themselves against the narcissistic leader.

The psychological reward manifests in tricking, controlling, and isolating victims with a

pleasure, as described in Psychopathy and the Law, as Duping Delight.

Getting away with abuse is pleasurable for narcissists and psychopaths.

Victims often describe this duping delight smile they witness as reptilian, like you

can see at the ending of the Hitchcock movie, Psycho, when Norman Bates gets delight when

he thinks he has trapped his victim in the basement.

As sensational as movies can be, the reality is that duping delight, usually more passive-aggressive

than you see in the movies, is a shallow form of pleasure, and to be locked into that limited

happiness for the entirety of one's life is not a rich and fulfilling one.

This shallowness is exemplified in all the goal orientation towards validating the unreality,

that is the grandiose self.

That unreality leads to conversations that always lead to some aim to get the victim

to know what the narcissist wants them to know.

A form of impression management that controls and achieves their goals.

In Psychopathy and the Law they say, "problem-solving discussions is what gaslighting is.

It involves going from an unsatisfactory state to a more satisfactory state.

Gaslighting for the pathological liar is simply a means to an end.

Whether it's lying to people to put blame on others, or to avoid punishment, or to pursue

an infidelity, there's always a goal directed motive."

There are some other risks that caretakers of narcissistic children can become aware

of that may predispose the children for adult narcissism.

One is adopted children.

For example, "they were in the contradictory dilemma of being chosen because he or she

was the most 'beautiful baby', as well as because he or she was 'discarded' by the biological


The uncertainties of the period before the adoption are formalized, and contribute additionally

to the problem because they interfere with sense of secure attachment.

Number two: Abused children.

Children who are abused have the challenge of needing to fuse with an idealized parental

image to protect themselves from the external sadistic image of the abusive parent.

Three: Spoiled children.

Overindulged, or wealthy children, could have a prolongation of infantile narcissism, where

one was one's own ideal, but especially so if this combined with narcissistic personality

problems in the parents.

Number four: Children of divorced parents.

They are at risk when they attempt to fulfill their own infantile narcissism and combine

it with the omnipotence derived from fulfilling the wish to replace the other parent, and

also to gratify the step-parent with a blurring of the normal generational roles, like treating

them as a friend."

Many of these factors were in play before the victim met the narcissist.

It's important to be aware of these red flags because, once they are in play, the prognosis

for the adult narcissist is a life long nightmare of exploitative, shallow and empty relationships.

For more infomation >> World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day - Duration: 20:45.


Seat Leon 1.4 EcoTSI FR LED, Navi, 18"A-Camera - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.4 EcoTSI FR LED, Navi, 18"A-Camera - Duration: 1:06.


Matěj a Markéta – Škola končí, drama začíná - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Matěj a Markéta – Škola končí, drama začíná - Duration: 5:47.


✅ L'humoriste Dieudonné s'offre un spectacle privé - Duration: 1:51.

L'humoriste Dieudonné s'est trouvé des fans dans le Volvestre, près de Toulouse. Samedi soir il a donné un spectacle en catimini, sur un terrain privé d'une zone industrielle de Carbonne, non loin de l'autoroute A 64

L'annonce de sa venue avait été relayée sur les réseaux sociaux. Entre 600 et 700 personnes se sont déplacées, venues des quatre coins de l'Occitanie, de l'Aude, du Tarn et bien sûr de Haute-Garonne, pour applaudir le polémiste jusqu'à 22 heures, sans aucun incident

Le spectacle s'est déroulé sur un terrain privé appartenant à un salarié d'une concession automobile, avec vraisemblablement l'accord du propriétaire

Une billetterie a été mise en place pour accéder au show. Ce spectacle a pris de court les élus de la commune de Carbonne et en premier lieu le maire qui aurait joint la préfecture pour demander des précisions sur la venue du polémiste

Aucune infraction n'a été constatée par les gendarmes de Carbonne. Dieudonné avait été condamné en 2017 par la cour d'appel de Paris à 2 mois de prison avec sursis pour propos antisémites tenus dans l'un de ses spectacles

À la suite de ses démêlés avec la justice, plusieurs spectacles avaient été annulés ces derniers mois

For more infomation >> ✅ L'humoriste Dieudonné s'offre un spectacle privé - Duration: 1:51.


Bella Hadid : Canon à Monaco, elle s'éclate avant le Grand Prix - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Bella Hadid : Canon à Monaco, elle s'éclate avant le Grand Prix - Duration: 2:30.


何守正婚變慘兮兮!遭直擊「獨自開BMW」在街頭閒晃,就連健身房也超冷清「學員剩4人」..... - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 何守正婚變慘兮兮!遭直擊「獨自開BMW」在街頭閒晃,就連健身房也超冷清「學員剩4人」..... - Duration: 3:28.


凱特王妃和威廉王子約會照曝光,邊上的哈裡王子表情很尷尬 - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> 凱特王妃和威廉王子約會照曝光,邊上的哈裡王子表情很尷尬 - Duration: 5:52.


阿嬌婚宴伴手禮曝光夫妻畫像,前男友方力申送祝福! - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> 阿嬌婚宴伴手禮曝光夫妻畫像,前男友方力申送祝福! - Duration: 5:13.


Yoon Mi Rae revealed to have featured in Kim Yong Guk's solo debut song - Duration: 1:09.

It's been revealed that Yoon Mi Rae will be featuring in Kim Yong Guk (Jin Long Guo)'s solo debut single

Insiders reported that Yoon Mi Rae featured as a rapper on his debut song, and his label confirmed, "We received Yoon Mi Rae's support on Kim Yong Guk's solo song

We're grateful to Yoon Mi Rae for featuring on the song."SEE ALSO: [RECAP] Identity LA 2018 and Exclusive Interview with Headliner Hotel GarudaHis solo song will be released in June

Yoon Mi Rae,Kim Yong Guk,

For more infomation >> Yoon Mi Rae revealed to have featured in Kim Yong Guk's solo debut song - Duration: 1:09.


黃曉明兒子「正面照曝光」!孩子濃眉大眼,好基因全遺傳!黃曉明卻大怒發文「我跟你死拼到底!」 - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> 黃曉明兒子「正面照曝光」!孩子濃眉大眼,好基因全遺傳!黃曉明卻大怒發文「我跟你死拼到底!」 - Duration: 4:00.


✅ PHOTO – Karine Le Marchand profite de la fête des mères pour parta­ger une photo de sa fille - Gal - Duration: 1:38.

Elle est d'ordi­naire plutôt protec­trice avec ce qui concerne sa vie privée. Si l'anima­trice Karine Le Marchand a pour habi­tude de s'immis­cer dans la vie person­nelle et senti­men­tale des paysans français et même des hommes et femmes poli­tiques, elle préserve féro­ce­ment son propre jardin secret

Mais pour cette fête des mères elle a tenu à oublier sur le réseau social Insta­gram une photo souve­nir de sa fille Alya

Celle qui est main­te­nant une jeune fille y appa­rait en compa­gnie de sa maman en tant que ravis­sante fillette. Et ce très beau portrait de deux femmes est accom­pa­gné d'une tendre décla­ra­tion d'amour de la mère à sa fille : « Il y a presque 16 ans, je deve­nais maman… ma vie qui fait sens…­voilà la petite bonne femme de ma vie… Depuis le CM2, plus de dessins à paillettes, de boîtes d'al­lu­mettes en alumi­nium, de colliers de nouilles, de poèmes de 6 lignes qui finissent par "Maman je t'aime"

On devrait obli­ger les gosses à fabriquer des cadeaux manuels jusqu'en Termi­nale ! Ça lui foutrait la honte, mais je serais heureuse et je verse­rais ma larme…­comme d'ha­bi­tude quand elle me regarde avec amour

 »Crédits photos : COADIC GUIREC / BESTIMAGE

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO – Karine Le Marchand profite de la fête des mères pour parta­ger une photo de sa fille - Gal - Duration: 1:38.


Le défi de la semaine #22 - L'appel - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Le défi de la semaine #22 - L'appel - Duration: 1:25.


BMW X5 3.5D HIGH EXECUTIVE (Nieuwegein) Exclusieve & comfortabele kilometers in het verschiet - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.5D HIGH EXECUTIVE (Nieuwegein) Exclusieve & comfortabele kilometers in het verschiet - Duration: 1:11.


BMW X3 2.0D High Executive Navigatie 19"LM 177PK! Leder L. 2e Pinksterdag autoshow! - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0D High Executive Navigatie 19"LM 177PK! Leder L. 2e Pinksterdag autoshow! - Duration: 1:12.


Toyota Yaris 1.4 D-4D-F BUSINESS PLUS NAV/A.CAMERA/AIRCO - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.4 D-4D-F BUSINESS PLUS NAV/A.CAMERA/AIRCO - Duration: 1:07.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.6 CRDI X-TRA - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.6 CRDI X-TRA - Duration: 1:10.


La parka rouge de Wauquiez s'exprime pour la première fois - Le Billet de Charline - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> La parka rouge de Wauquiez s'exprime pour la première fois - Le Billet de Charline - Duration: 2:00.


Permesso di lavoro per mestruazioni dolorose: sareste d'accordo? - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Permesso di lavoro per mestruazioni dolorose: sareste d'accordo? - Duration: 7:18.


Sacrificio damore, la serie: quando torna in prima tv su Canale 5? - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Sacrificio damore, la serie: quando torna in prima tv su Canale 5? - Duration: 4:52.


MIT Designs Printable Autonomous Boats - Duration: 0:28.

Researchers from MIT have designed a fleet of autonomous boats that offer high maneuverability

and precise control.

These boats can be 3-D printed using low-cost hardware and materials, and could serve as

models for future self-assembling, driver-less water taxis transporting people and goods

from place to place.

For more infomation >> MIT Designs Printable Autonomous Boats - Duration: 0:28.


La magie des mandalas pour soulager le stress - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> La magie des mandalas pour soulager le stress - Duration: 7:44.


海贼王史上最传奇海贼诞生!罗杰、卡普在她面前都是渣? - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 海贼王史上最传奇海贼诞生!罗杰、卡普在她面前都是渣? - Duration: 3:05.


Découvrez 5 manières de tonifier votre flux sanguin cérébral - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> Découvrez 5 manières de tonifier votre flux sanguin cérébral - Duration: 10:09.


Barbara D'Urso umilia Corona:ecco cosa centra il figlio della conduttrice - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso umilia Corona:ecco cosa centra il figlio della conduttrice - Duration: 4:31.





What If The Buyer Doesn't Exercise Their Lease Option When Using The For Rent Method - Duration: 3:21.

Hey, it's Joe Crump.

I'm answering some questions from my students here.

The first one here is, "Hi, Joe.

What do you do if you use the for rent method to sell a lease option and your buyer doesn't

exercise the option?

Do you have to pay, do you have to buy the property and honor your option?

Or, do you not buy with lease options unless you're planning on keeping the property?"

Well, actually, the beauty of what we're doing is, we don't tie ourselves into anything

as far as buying properties.

Also, it's an option, so nobody's required to fulfill that option.

You'll find that, at least I find, on most lease option buyers won't buy the property,

I'd say less than thirty percent will actually end up exercising their option.

But, while they're there, it's their property and they get to take care of it and they'll

take care of it like it's their own, and they get a three-year lease on the property,

the seller does, and so does the buyer.

So, there's some real advantages to doing it that way.

So, it's not, there's no fear that you have to keep the property or buy it or be

responsible for it.

It's really important to make a distinction between the for rent method and doing sandwich


Sandwich leases put you in control of the property with a lease option and then you

sell with a lease option, you know, you have an assignable lease option so you sell with

a lease option and then the buyer pays you and then you pay the seller.

I don't like that situation very much.

It does mean that you could get equity later and do that, but the lease options don't

give you much control and if you understand the hierarchy of zero down structures that

I teach, and you can learn that on the blog – there's a bunch of information on that

on my blog – but if you understand the zero-down hierarchy, structure hierarchy, you're going

to understand that you want to be in your control.

If you're buying a property, you want to be in control of that property.

So; you probably buy it subject to or multi-mortgage or land contract.

If you're selling the property you want the buyer to be in less control and so you

sell it on a lease option, or maybe a land contract, but you never sell it on a subject


The subject to is what puts you in control.

So if you learn those structures, it'll put you into a better place of understanding

how this stuff works and again, all the stuff is free on the blog.

I've got a book on structuring zero-down deals on Amazon for $3.00.

You can check that out.

Or, of course, if you get into my mentor program or you get the Automarketer, both of those

programs have really excellent training programs in them, you know, full featured, step-by-step

programs in them that'll help you go through this process and learn it a little bit better.

But, don't worry about buying it if you're buying it the way that I'm teaching.

Because I've set it up so that you can always walk away from a property if you need to.

There's certain restrictions and certain ways that you have to do it in order to be

honorable and ethical and not to get yourself in trouble, but if you do those things you

won't have a problem doing it the way that I teach.

All right.

Hope that helps.

For more infomation >> What If The Buyer Doesn't Exercise Their Lease Option When Using The For Rent Method - Duration: 3:21.


Matěj a Markéta – Škola končí, drama začíná - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Matěj a Markéta – Škola končí, drama začíná - Duration: 5:47.


✅ Macron reconnaît le caractère antisémite d'un meurtre commis en 2003 - Duration: 3:18.

ANTISÉMITISME - Le président Emmanuel Macron a reconnu, dans un courrier adressé au député Meyer Habib, le caractère antisémite du meurtre en 2003 de Sébastien Selam, le comparant à l'assassinat de Mireille Knoll, indique la lettre rendue publique dimanche par cet élu

Meyer Habib, député des Français de l'étranger (UDI, Agir et Indépendants), lui avait écrit pour lui demander de reconnaître le caractère antisémite du meurtre de ce jeune homme de 23 ans, alias "DJ LamC", assassiné à coups de couteau le 19 novembre 2003 à Paris, dont le meurtrier avait alors revendiqué ouvertement un acte antisémite, indique-t-il dans un communiqué

"Ce motif n'avait alors pas été retenu, car la circonstance aggravante de crime antisémite ne date dans le code pénal français que de 2003", selon Meyer Habib

Son meurtrier présumé, atteint d'une schizophrénie délirante paranoïde, était l'ami et voisin du disc-jockey. "Ravivé par l'assassinat odieux de Mireille Knoll, le souvenir de ce jeune Français tombé sous les coups du fanatisme le plus sombre est encore vif

Soyez assuré que sa mémoire perdure au sein de notre communauté nationale, profondément affectée par les crimes à caractère antisémite tels que celui de Sébastien Selam", lui a répondu le président de la République dans un courrier en date du 22 mai

"A cet égard, je suis déterminé à lutter contre les agressions à l'égard de nos concitoyens juifs en raison de leur confession", poursuit le chef de l'État, qui dénonce "des idéologies infâmes qui conduisent à haïr l'autre"

"Aussi, s'il ne m'appartient pas de me prononcer sur une décision de justice (.) je puis vous assurer que vous me trouverez toujours aux côtés de celles et ceux qui sont visés par la violence antisémite", ajoute-t-il

Gilles-Jean Portejoie, avocat à l'époque de la famille de Sébastien Selam, a déclaré à l'AFP qu'il s'agissait pour lui "incontestablement d'un crime dont l'antisémitisme était le mobile" mais que "le caractère antisémite était passé au second plan derrière le débat sur la responsabilité pénale" de l'auteur présumé du meurtre

Ce débat a été tranché en janvier 2010 devant la chambre de l'instruction de la cour d'appel qui l'avait jugé irresponsable pénalement, écartant toute perspective d'un procès pour la famille du jeune disc-jockey

La famille avait obtenu en 2014 une réparation de l'établissement psychiatrique qui avait levé l'hospitalisation d'office du futur meurtrier

"Je suis ravi que le président Macron se souvienne de cette affaire qui est pour moi un symbole des crimes antisémites", a commenté l'avocat

"C'est une injustice profonde pour la famille depuis quinze ans", a ajouté Axel Metzker, un autre des anciens avocats de la famille de Sébastien Selam

À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> ✅ Macron reconnaît le caractère antisémite d'un meurtre commis en 2003 - Duration: 3:18.


Le défi de la semaine #22 - L'appel - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Le défi de la semaine #22 - L'appel - Duration: 1:25.


✅ Ce que la couleur de vos yeux révèle sur votre partenaire sexuel idéal - Duration: 6:38.

Les yeux sont révélateurs de choses que nous ne soupçonnons même pas. Par simple contact visuel, Ils peuvent révéler nos intentions, trahir nos sentiments les plus profonds, dévoiler notre état d'âme et notre tristesse et mettre à nu toutes nos émotions enfouies que nous refusons d'exprimer

Cependant, il a été prouvé que la couleur des yeux est non seulement révélatrice de notre personnalité mais également de notre pouvoir d'attraction

Selon une étude scientifique, la couleur des yeux peut déterminer notre âme sœur ou notre partenaire sexuel idéal

L'iris est la partie teintée des yeux. Qu'ils soient, verts, bleus, marrons ou gris, la couleur de nos yeux révèle des traits de notre personnalité que la plupart du temps nous ignorons et qui de surcroit peut influencer nos choix en matière de relation amoureuse et du genre de partenaire qui nous attire et nous convient

Voici, selon la couleur de vos yeux, le genre de partenaire qui enflammera votre cœur et votre passion sexuelle

Les yeux noirs Les yeux noirs, se caractérisent par leur rareté et surtout par le mystère secret et profond qu'ils dégagent

Si vous avez cette couleur des yeux, votre partenaire sexuel qui vous attire doit être tout aussi énigmatique avec une personnalité complexe et intrigante

Votre amant est l'homme aux multiples facettes, jouissant d'un charme incomparable et surtout d'une âme obscure que vous aurez envie d'explorer pour en tirer le maximum de lumière

C'est son côté impénétrable que vous aimez !   Les yeux marron De toutes les teintes d'iris, la couleur des yeux marron est la plus répandue

Elle peut varier du brun clair au plus foncé. Si vous avez les yeux marron, vous êtes doté d'un optimisme créatif  et vous voyez toujours le bon côté des choses et de la vie

Votre priorité est l'engagement sérieux dans les relations. De ce fait, votre partenaire sexuel devrait répondre à votre besoin d'engagement et de  loyauté indéfectible

L'honnêteté, la fidélité, l'amour sincère sont pour vous la base de toute relation sérieuse et vous exigez la réciproque de votre partenaire

Il doit vous apporter toute son attention et son écoute. C'est votre besoin primordial

  Les yeux bleus  Les yeux bleus sont réputés par leur beauté et par leur côté désirable et intriguant

On plonge dans l'océan des yeux bleus par leur profondeur et leur sensualité qui rappelle la couleur de la mer et du ciel

Si vous avez cette couleur, vous avez besoin d'un partenaire sexuel qui soit autant doux, chaleureux, affectueux que stimulant et parfois rude, tel le caractère de l'océan

Ses traits de personnalité contradictoires vous donneront envie de l'explorer et de le découvrir

Le défi et la lutte sont vos principaux moteurs de vie mais votre besoin d'être aimé et adulé a aussi de l'importance pour vous afin de rallumer l'étincelle sexuelle envers votre partenaire

Les yeux couleur noisette La couleur noisette est un mélange entre le vert et le brun qui lui confère une beauté, une grâce et une élégance dans la personnalité

Généralement, les personnes avec des yeux couleur noisette, sont pleines de sensualité et sont en contact constant avec leur moi intérieur

Si vous avez la couleur noisette des yeux, vous avez besoin d'un partenaire disponible qui soit en parfaite harmonie avec toutes les sensations de votre corps et de votre esprit

Un partenaire sexuel profond et non superficiel, doté d'une forte confiance en soi

Les yeux gris Le gris, qui est un mélange de noir et de blanc, traduit l'ambiguïté

Les personnes avec des yeux gris sont impénétrables et secrets et se réservent un monde propre à eux, totalement à l'opposé du monde réel

Ils cachent souvent une personnalité fascinante intéressante à découvrir. Si vous avez cette couleur des yeux, vous êtes une personne créative et perspicace capable de déceler la vraie nature des gens

Vous avez besoin d'être impressionnée par votre partenaire avant qu'il ne plonge dans votre lit

Il doit  mériter votre respect avant tout engagement sexuel ou relationnel. Les yeux verts La couleur verte associe aussi bien le côté doux, nourricier et intuitif de la nature que son côté libre, sauvage, débridé et primitif

Si vous avez cette couleur des yeux, vous alliez la luxure brute et l'amour inconditionnel, le calme et la passion

Cet équilibre fait de vous une personne excitante et calme, tumultueuse et sereine

  Votre partenaire doit jouir d'un côté primitif et équilibré. Il doit suivre la voie de votre vie excitante, avec la même intensité et la même passion sexuelle mais aussi vous assurer tout l'amour et toute l'attention dont vous avez besoin

Votre amant doit non seulement vous prouver son amour par les mots mais aussi par sa démarche sexuelle débridée et sans retenue

Il doit vous étonner et attiser constamment votre curiosité pour ne pas perdre l'intérêt que vous avez pour lui

For more infomation >> ✅ Ce que la couleur de vos yeux révèle sur votre partenaire sexuel idéal - Duration: 6:38.


✅ L'humoriste Dieudonné s'offre un spectacle privé - Duration: 1:51.

L'humoriste Dieudonné s'est trouvé des fans dans le Volvestre, près de Toulouse. Samedi soir il a donné un spectacle en catimini, sur un terrain privé d'une zone industrielle de Carbonne, non loin de l'autoroute A 64

L'annonce de sa venue avait été relayée sur les réseaux sociaux. Entre 600 et 700 personnes se sont déplacées, venues des quatre coins de l'Occitanie, de l'Aude, du Tarn et bien sûr de Haute-Garonne, pour applaudir le polémiste jusqu'à 22 heures, sans aucun incident

Le spectacle s'est déroulé sur un terrain privé appartenant à un salarié d'une concession automobile, avec vraisemblablement l'accord du propriétaire

Une billetterie a été mise en place pour accéder au show. Ce spectacle a pris de court les élus de la commune de Carbonne et en premier lieu le maire qui aurait joint la préfecture pour demander des précisions sur la venue du polémiste

Aucune infraction n'a été constatée par les gendarmes de Carbonne. Dieudonné avait été condamné en 2017 par la cour d'appel de Paris à 2 mois de prison avec sursis pour propos antisémites tenus dans l'un de ses spectacles

À la suite de ses démêlés avec la justice, plusieurs spectacles avaient été annulés ces derniers mois

For more infomation >> ✅ L'humoriste Dieudonné s'offre un spectacle privé - Duration: 1:51.



For more infomation >> FAITES DU BRUIZZZ POUR LES ABEILLES ! - Duration: 1:39.


get buff for summer 2015

For more infomation >> get buff for summer 2015


Toyota Yaris 1.4 D-4D-F BUSINESS PLUS NAV/A.CAMERA/AIRCO - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.4 D-4D-F BUSINESS PLUS NAV/A.CAMERA/AIRCO - Duration: 1:07.


실전에서 큰 공을 세운 스텔스 이전 최상급 다목적 공격기 | KR ARMY | - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> 실전에서 큰 공을 세운 스텔스 이전 최상급 다목적 공격기 | KR ARMY | - Duration: 8:29.


World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day - Duration: 20:45.

World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day is June 1st.

I would like to do a small review on some of the precursors to Narcissistic Personality


As much as we hate the damage caused by these abusers, Narcissists are still people, and

they came from families that weren't dissimilar to ours.

Some of the causes are related to inheritance, but there are many other family experiences

that contribute to this disorder.

With destroyed relationships, there are feelings of emptiness, even in the midst of worldly


The life of a narcissist is a no win scenario, where real love and peace is denied.

The only futile pleasure left is a feared respect from onlookers, who are manipulated

by rewards and punishments.

There is a psychological isolation for narcissists who are stuck in their sadistic world.

It causes a revolving door of victims who are forced to abandon the narcissist when

they are tired of being an object in that world.

Recent studies have shown that there is a complex connection between emotional control

and life events that threaten a narcissist's self-esteem.

This is true for most people, but for a narcissist it is even more difficult.

The skills to be able to control emotions, opens up reactivity to difficult life events,

which in turn reduces the patient's ability to control those emotions.

The desperate need to regain control can involve "enhancement spurred by aggression or fear,

and accompanied by detachment, or dismissiveness that can readily shift to inferiority and

insecurity, accompanied by avoidance or a sense of loss of control caused by overwhelming

shame, fear or powerlessness.

Many of these life events that threaten a narcissist are related to "social dominance,

professional, physical, financial, or material contexts that can cause feelings of worth

or worthlessness.

When there are shifts in interpersonal attention, from being included, appreciated and admired

to being excluded, criticized and ignored, the self-esteem can be challenged.

Experiencing loss of control and competence can invoke intense internal self-criticism,

with accompanying shame, anxiety, rage, or fear, and result in drastic actions to regain

or to escape the situation.

Emotions can either be rewarding, challenging or threatening to narcissists, mainly depending

upon how they are seen by others and how it effects their self-esteem, and their sense

of competence and control."

One of the key deficits that threatens the self-esteem in narcissists is the ability

to mentalize.

This is the skill to see intentions in oneself and in others, which helps to protect against

self-esteem injuries.

Narcissists have trouble thinking and reflecting beyond the immediate experience when these

injuries happen.

They can fall back on aggression as a protective shield against overwhelming thoughts and feelings.

This leads to a failure to understand consequences of their aggressive and self-destructive actions.

There is some level of empathy with narcissists, but it is impaired.

But "the ability to care and have empathy can fluctuate and depend upon both emotional

control and self-esteem.

This can result in a range of interpersonal responses to others needs and reactions, from

total ignorance, avoidance or dismissive or even aggressive responses to extraordinary

attentiveness and care and contexts where such engagement is also associated to self-enhancement

and possible benefits.

People with NPD can appear unaffected by losses, separation, or experiences that normally would

evoke sadness, pain, and anguish.

They have even been considered unable to grieve.

Nevertheless, they have extreme hyper-vigilance and reactivity to certain threats, separations,

or losses of people or conditions that are crucial for their self-esteem."

Despite their lack of grieving, narcissists still sense fear, "fear can underlie several

management and avoidance strategies typical for NPD, from achievement, competitiveness,

perfectionism, risk-taking, down to procrastination, distancing, and avoidance.

The fear of negative aspects of the identity can enforce protective self-enhancement, as

well as despair and potential suicidality, which can be the last attempt at control."

What are the top reasons that lead people to Narcissism.

Like in all sciences there isn't always an easy cause and effect relationship.

There are multiple causes and effects, including inheritance, temperament, psychological trauma,

and age inappropriate roles.

For example, a twin study on heritability of Cluster B personality disorders, including

Anti-social, Borderline, Histrionic and Narcissistic, show that all these disorders have a high

heritability with narcissism being slightly higher than the others.

Although predicting personality disorders accurately is improved with the understanding

of heritability, it is not 100% predictive.

How heritability shows up in personality can be measured in different ways, and one way

is temperament.

Psychoanalysis connected a depressive temperament to narcissism.

Unfortunately, prior studies measured grandiosity more than depressive temperament, but in a

study by Tritt, a depressive temperament was found to be associated with narcissism.

In particular how patients avoid shame and humiliation to prevent losing admiration from


This temperaments leads to a vulnerability to constant trauma from chasing the ideal


"Kohut identified two disturbed aspects of the self that are characteristic of narcissistically

vulnerable individuals.

The persistence of the grandiose self, and the unending quest for the idealized parent.

The former requires that the individual's special qualities be admired and affirmed.

The latter involves the desire to merge psychologically with persons who are perceived as powerful

and strong.

In brief, the grandiose self expects absolute omnipotent control over an archaic self-referential


The narcissistic individual who experiences injury to the grandiose self responds with

rage towards an individual or world that is perceived as not having an independent existence.

The outraged grandiose self responds to trauma with 'how dare you do this to me?

I deserve better!

I'll show you!'

An apt analogy is the spoiled child who expects everything to go his or her way.

Setbacks are met with temper tantrums that dramatically illustrate the child's world,

where only the self is real."

Naturally because the world can operate independently of the narcissist's wishes, it leads to endless

psychological trauma when trying to cope with change.

How the parent treats the child also forms part of the precursors to narcissistic personality

disorder, or NPD.

Paulina F. Kernberg says, "the children of narcissistic parents are at risk during their

first year of life because of the parent's lack of empathy, which causes an incapability

to fulfill the needs of the baby.

The parent's own omnipotence leads the child to a cycle of lack of limitation, overindulgence,

and inconsistency that maintains and contributes to the preservation of the grandiose self.

In the mind of the parents the child has a role to contribute to his or her treatment

outside of what is age appropriate.

This can be seen in cases of divorced mothers with infantile personalities who treat the

child as the spouse, or the sibling, or as an endlessly infantile or dependent baby.

An echo of the mother's own sense of self.

The child then has trouble separating the personality from the parent and stays limited.

"The parent supports the child's individuation, that is the refinement and distinctness of

the child's activities, but only inasmuch as the individuation rewards the parent's

own needs.

However the parent does not support the separation.

The child exists in the service of the parent's self-esteem and does not exist as an autonomous


Paradoxically, the power given to the child to regulate the parent's self-esteem, fuels

the child's grandiosity even further.

Since the child is dependent on these narcissistic parents, there is a pathological equilibrium

between the child and his or her parents.

The child needs the parents, and the parents need the child in an interlocked mutual narcissistic

way, and the parent's narcissistic needs override the child's normal narcissistic needs.

Consequently, the child develops a sense of unreality, with unrealistic expectations against

which the grandiose self is erected.

There is a distortion of the sense of core self in NPD, especially because the sense

of boundary, including the experience of one's own body, may be brittle.

There's no acknowledgement of others' intentions, and a reliance on one's own subjectivity,

which infiltrates the whole world, resulting in a sense of isolation and deprivation.

In terms of separating from the adult the narcissistic personality may have a variety

of points of arrested development.

When self-absorption, and the illusion of self-sufficiency, a God-like persona, are

such that the external object represents a minute aspect in the child's world.

The positive perception of the actual self is fused with an ideal self, and an ideal


This is projected onto idealized external objects that are used and acknowledged only

to confirm the individual's own grandiose self.

A splitting occurs with all other aspects of the devalued, vulnerable self, and are

projected, resulting in a devaluation of other objects or the external world.

The world of others consists of devalued persecuting others, and fleeting unstable idealized others

who remain as long as they fit into the grandiose scenario.

The grandiose self-structure, consisting of the fusion of actual self, ideal object, and

ideal self, explains the sense of entitlement and self-centeredness."

When there are new additions to the family, they can be another source of a persecuting


"An exaggerated sibling rivalry can be seen in narcissistic children.

This can at times escalate to outright abuse.

the aloofness and sadistic behaviour expressed toward siblings serve as a protection to the

child's sense of narcissistic injury for not having been the only one in the family.

A deep protracted resentment continues throughout the childhood, adolescent years, and beyond."

The need to control the self-image is expressed in the school setting as well.

"Grandiosity is a maladaptive way of protecting the self-esteem, because the grandiosity requires

immature, or primitive defense maneuvers.

For example, devaluation, projective identification, denial, omnipotent control, withdrawal, and


A consequences of grandiosity and entitlement, is that in spite of superior intelligence,

these children can have a checkered performance at school.

They can have excellent grades, have low grades, or fail altogether, depending on their wish

to put forth effort or not."

The need to preserve this grandiose reality, extends to the world at large.

"Pathological narcissism in childhood is characterized by deficient social skills and poor peer interactions,

in terms of level of development of appropriateness.

This is because of the inability to empathize with others, their need to control and devalue

their peers, their need to avoid any difference between themselves and others in order to

allay their sense of vulnerability and envy.

In adolescence, for example, the narcissistic individual may appear charismatic.

The grandiose self exerts particular attraction on peers as it resonates with the aspirations

of other members of a group.

Thus, for a while at least, the narcissistic adolescent appears to have arrived already

at the ideal of perfection, beauty, and power.

He or she gives an illusion of a reality that the group members seek.

In turn, the group confirms the narcissistic adolescent's grandiosity, so that he or she

can protect himself or herself from any sense of hurt.

Two noteworthy aspects of social interactions occur.

One is a choice of a more popular, pretty, or handsome partner who is shown off.

The other is a choice of a friend who is the least popular, ugly, or physically handicapped.

In this case, the narcissistic adolescent can feel admired by the ugly partner, who

becomes a psychological slave and is masochistically grateful to have been chosen as an object

of attention, even if the quality of the attention is derision."

The sense of self then gets regulated by controlling the group members as they periodically attempt

to change the power structure to advance themselves against the narcissistic leader.

The psychological reward manifests in tricking, controlling, and isolating victims with a

pleasure, as described in Psychopathy and the Law, as Duping Delight.

Getting away with abuse is pleasurable for narcissists and psychopaths.

Victims often describe this duping delight smile they witness as reptilian, like you

can see at the ending of the Hitchcock movie, Psycho, when Norman Bates gets delight when

he thinks he has trapped his victim in the basement.

As sensational as movies can be, the reality is that duping delight, usually more passive-aggressive

than you see in the movies, is a shallow form of pleasure, and to be locked into that limited

happiness for the entirety of one's life is not a rich and fulfilling one.

This shallowness is exemplified in all the goal orientation towards validating the unreality,

that is the grandiose self.

That unreality leads to conversations that always lead to some aim to get the victim

to know what the narcissist wants them to know.

A form of impression management that controls and achieves their goals.

In Psychopathy and the Law they say, "problem-solving discussions is what gaslighting is.

It involves going from an unsatisfactory state to a more satisfactory state.

Gaslighting for the pathological liar is simply a means to an end.

Whether it's lying to people to put blame on others, or to avoid punishment, or to pursue

an infidelity, there's always a goal directed motive."

There are some other risks that caretakers of narcissistic children can become aware

of that may predispose the children for adult narcissism.

One is adopted children.

For example, "they were in the contradictory dilemma of being chosen because he or she

was the most 'beautiful baby', as well as because he or she was 'discarded' by the biological


The uncertainties of the period before the adoption are formalized, and contribute additionally

to the problem because they interfere with sense of secure attachment.

Number two: Abused children.

Children who are abused have the challenge of needing to fuse with an idealized parental

image to protect themselves from the external sadistic image of the abusive parent.

Three: Spoiled children.

Overindulged, or wealthy children, could have a prolongation of infantile narcissism, where

one was one's own ideal, but especially so if this combined with narcissistic personality

problems in the parents.

Number four: Children of divorced parents.

They are at risk when they attempt to fulfill their own infantile narcissism and combine

it with the omnipotence derived from fulfilling the wish to replace the other parent, and

also to gratify the step-parent with a blurring of the normal generational roles, like treating

them as a friend."

Many of these factors were in play before the victim met the narcissist.

It's important to be aware of these red flags because, once they are in play, the prognosis

for the adult narcissist is a life long nightmare of exploitative, shallow and empty relationships.

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