Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Youtube daily report May 29 2018


Every hero...

...has a goal.

A quest.

A final destination.



...most of us...

...are not just natural born heroes.


We start dreaming...


...when we are kids.


And when we grow up...

...we tend to focus on making a living.


But some of us...





Facing new challenges...


Working hard.


Making sacrifices.


Doing everything...


...to finally achieve our dreams.


...just to realize...


...they are not dreams anymore.


For more infomation >> Moonlighter | Official Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:51.


Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D RN N.A.P+Nwe A.P.K+Lift - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D RN N.A.P+Nwe A.P.K+Lift - Duration: 0:56.


Castillo y Albergue Camino de Santiago. Belalcázar, Córdoba - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Castillo y Albergue Camino de Santiago. Belalcázar, Córdoba - Duration: 1:19.


Chính thức | EVOS gạt giò GAM để đi ASIAN 2018 gây bức xúc cộng đồng LMHT Việt Nam " Và sự thật " - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Chính thức | EVOS gạt giò GAM để đi ASIAN 2018 gây bức xúc cộng đồng LMHT Việt Nam " Và sự thật " - Duration: 7:51.


15 Interesting Facts About King Cobra - Duration: 7:39.

15 Interesting Facts About King Cobra

Deep within the Jungles of Southern India and Southeast Asia, there lives a legendary King, respected and feared by all. It is swift, strong, deadly and largest and longest venomous snake in the world. Yes! You are thinking right; it is King Cobra. The king cobra has been a prominent symbol in the mythology and folk traditions of Indian Subcontinent.

King Cobra is the highly praised snake by Snake Adventurers. Its length, defensive posture, growling hiss thrill the people and make them see it many times. If you want to know more, go through these very interesting, astonishing, and thrilling facts about this king of the Snake Family, King Cobra.

1. The Longest Venomous

Native to south and southeast Asia, King Cobra normally grows to be somewhere between 10 and 13 feet long, but the longest ever recorded was an individual from modern-day Malaysia living at the London Zoo in the mid-20th century. From end to end, the King Cobra was measured 18 feet, 9 inches long.

2. A Fatal Bite!

King Cobra is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. The Fangs of king cobra can inject as much as 7 milliliters of venom almost enough to fill 1.5 teaspoons into its victim. Its venom targets the central nervous system, eventually leading to kidney, heart and lung failure. Initial symptoms include pain, drowsiness, a stumbling gait, blurred vision, paralysis of the limbs, convulsions, headache and loss of consciousness. So, try to avoid getting bitten!

3. Only Species To Build Nest

70 percent of snake species lay eggs, usually in a convenient hole or crevice, and many abandon their clutches right away. But the King Cobra is an exception. This reptile builds a nest. First, the female gathers leaves, using her coils as a makeshift rake. Thereafter she lays 20 to 30 eggs in the middle.

4. I Want Snakes Only!

Ophiophagus is the King Cobras generic name and it is a Greek-derived word, which means snake-eater, and its diet consists primarily of other snakes, including rat snakes, small pythons, and even other venomous snakes such as various members of the true cobras (of the genus Naja), and the Krait. When food is scarce, they may also feed on other small vertebrates, such as lizards, birds, and rodents.

5. Excellent Skills

King Cobra is full of skills and has an awesome adaptation power, which means they can adapt themselves to the different environments easily. Speaking of hunting skills, this giant snake has excellent vision, able to spot prey from 300 feet (91 meters) away. It also has a superb sense of smell, having one of the longest forked tongues in the snake kingdom. As we know, snakes use their tongues to sniff, picking up particles in the air. While king cobras may not have ears, they can sense vibrations on the ground, which is how they can dance to a snake charmer's flute.

6. Mind Blowing Characteristics

When comes to hunting, King Cobra are considered one of the best hunters in snake kingdom. King cobras are usually olive green, brown or black in color, with pale bands, which help them to camouflage itself in vegetation. They also have large, flexible jaws, which allow them to swallow prey whole.

7. Why Is It Called The King?

Despite being called King Cobra, he actually hails from a genus of its own, called Ophiophagus. The King Cobra, or Ophiophagus Hannah, is classified under the Elapidae family. It is not a member of the Naja genus which incorporates most cobra species, known as "true cobras". The Ophiophagus Hannah has 11 large scales on his head which resemble a King's crown, hence his majestic name. By the way, Ophiophagus is a Latin name for snake eater, so does the King Cobra. King Cobras hood is narrower and longer. The easiest way to identify a King Cobra is by its pair of large scales at the back of its head.

8. King Cobra Empire

King Cobra are found in the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh) and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, South China, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Laos, Vietnam, Singapore). The king cobra can adapt to various habitats, both wet and dry, but like to stay in dense forests with streams and swamps.

9. Never Mess With Mongoose

King Cobra can kill most of the living species but not everyone. In the case of mongoose, Cobra is not a king. Mongooses are immune to its Venom. Venom does not affect the mongoose body. Mongoose can eat king cobra easily.

10. Natural Pain Killer

The Venom of King Cobra is used to medication as well. The Venom of King Cobra is very helpful to counteract the pain. When morphine does not affect, Venom of King Cobra does. This Venom is highly regarded as a pain killer. Some study says that it is also used to cure some types of cancers and infections.

11. Thank God! They Are Shy

Most of the time when confronted with human, King Cobra prefer to flee that place. However, if continuously provoked, the king cobra get highly aggressive, they extend their hood, show their fangs and emit hiss loudly.

12. Dont Be Scared, When Cobra Is Ahead

A good defense for anyone who accidentally encounters this snake is to gradually take off the shirt or hat and toss it to the ground while backing away.

13. Wrestle To Mate

Like many other species of animal, male king cobras fight each other to mate with the female during breeding season. First, the snakes size each other up, raising their heads as high as 4 feet off the ground. Then, they wrestle. Bodies intertwined, the snakes try to pin one another to the ground.

14. On The Brink Of Extinction

Due to the increase in population, Forests are getting cut down. The populace of Kings is extremely affected. The King's habitat is diminishing and its population has dropped dramatically. In many countries, they have been placed in endangered categories. In India, wildlife protection is effective, six years imprisonment is applied for anyone who hunts the King Cobra down.

15. For Millenniums In Cultures

For Millenniums King Cobras are highly revered in India and Southeast Asia. They are celebrated in various myths and Traditions, and even depicted in sculptures on temple walls. They have been worshiped as sun deities and associated with rain, thunder, and fertility.

For more infomation >> 15 Interesting Facts About King Cobra - Duration: 7:39.


Airtel Offer On Nokia Latest Mobile 2018 | Airtel Offers 2018 | Omfut Tech And Jobs - Duration: 7:01.

Airtel Offer On Nokia Latest Mobile 2018

Airtel Offers 2018

Omfut Tech And Jobs

For more infomation >> Airtel Offer On Nokia Latest Mobile 2018 | Airtel Offers 2018 | Omfut Tech And Jobs - Duration: 7:01.


「Nightcore」→ Destiny (Destined To Be a King, Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.

Nightcore - Destiny (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Destiny (Destined To Be a King, Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.


Renault Scénic 1.6 16v-AIRCO-177628 KM NAP-BJ 2000-APK 10-18 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Scénic 1.6 16v-AIRCO-177628 KM NAP-BJ 2000-APK 10-18 - Duration: 0:54.


陳敏鳳預言:柯P可能組黨 2020大選敗事有餘 - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> 陳敏鳳預言:柯P可能組黨 2020大選敗事有餘 - Duration: 6:00.


「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Demons ✗ Shots ✗ It's Time | Imagine Dragons Megamix (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:44.

「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Demons ✗ Shots ✗ It's Time | Imagine Dragons Megamix (Switching Vocal)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Demons ✗ Shots ✗ It's Time | Imagine Dragons Megamix (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:44.


Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 North Korea PANIC_Kim sends right hand man for EMERGENCY_Latest - Duration: 2:41.

Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 North Korea PANIC_Kim sends right hand man for EMERGENCY_Latest

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 North Korea PANIC_Kim sends right hand man for EMERGENCY_Latest - Duration: 2:41.


Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 China 'AGGRESSIVELY developing' next generation of nuclear weapons - Duration: 3:24.

Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 China 'AGGRESSIVELY developing' next generation of nuclear weapons

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 China 'AGGRESSIVELY developing' next generation of nuclear weapons - Duration: 3:24.


5/29/18 5:28 AM (2914 Bellevue Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 5/29/18 5:28 AM (2914 Bellevue Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3, Russian aircraft 'INTERCEPT' Israeli FIGHTER _Latest News - Duration: 2:56.

Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3, Russian aircraft 'INTERCEPT' Israeli FIGHTER _Latest News

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3, Russian aircraft 'INTERCEPT' Israeli FIGHTER _Latest News - Duration: 2:56.


Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 US Navy warships sailed near island claimed by China_Latest news - Duration: 2:18.

breaking news today

welcome to USA breaking news today please subscribe and click notification

box to get all breaking news alert breaking news today China latest u.s.

Navy warships sailed near Island claimed by China escalating tensions tensions

between China and the u.s. escalated after American warships sailed near a

group of islands in the disputed South China Sea Chinese warships confronted

the US Navy as President Donald Trump is trying to make peace with North Korea

the hotly contested region is rich in fossil fuels which China depends on to

supply its booming economy with cheap energy China's current operations in the

region has been condemned by Washington for trying to take control of the

strategically important seas despite the naval drill being planned months in

advance it comes at a sensitive time as the Pentagon had uninvited China from a

major US hosted naval drill dot the Higgins guided missile destroyer and the

Antietam guided missile cruiser came within 12 nautical miles of the Paracel

Islands according to an American official who only spoke on the condition

of anonymity the parasail Islands are part of a territorial dispute that China

has with neighboring countries one official said the u.s. military vessels

conducted mono you verse near the Lincoln Triton tree and woody islands in

the Paracels the Chinese defense ministry blasted the u.s. saying they

violated China's sovereignty dotted said in a statement the move contravene

Chinese in relevant international law seriously infringed upon Chinese

sovereignty and harmed strategic mutual trust between the two militaries in

another statement by China's foreign ministry it told the u.s. to stop such

military exercises it added China will continue to take all

necessary measures to defend the country's sovereignty and security China

has accused Washington of viewing Beijing in Cold War terms dot chiefs

from the Pentagon have continuously accused China of building up at military

power in the South China Sea to gain control of oil and gas rich region huge

amounts of shipping sales through the region on toward sea port in North and

South America dot thanks for watch please share like comment this video and

subscribe channel for latest news

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 US Navy warships sailed near island claimed by China_Latest news - Duration: 2:18.


Incredibles 2 Sneak Peek

For more infomation >> Incredibles 2 Sneak Peek


Metro Diner opens in S. Tampa - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Metro Diner opens in S. Tampa - Duration: 1:05.


Lawmakers investigating Gov. Greitens resume hearings Tuesday - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Lawmakers investigating Gov. Greitens resume hearings Tuesday - Duration: 1:24.


Ingraham:The left s plot to silence CONSERVATIVES - Duration: 12:40.

thanks for joining us this Memorial Day I'm Laura Ingraham welcome to this

special edition of the Ingraham angle tonight we're gonna look at the best of

our defending the first segments where we expose the enemies of the First

Amendment free expression and free thought now we'll show you an outrageous

example of a California high school teacher suspended for merely questioning

whether students could protest abortion just as they had protested gun control

ben shapiro tells us how the left tries to shut him down on campus with

everything from threats to his safety to calling him a terrorist and then

michelle malkin exposes that dark forces and the big bank rolls behind the

efforts to silence conservatives brent bozell will reveal the high-tech

techniques that Silicon Valley uses to make conservative thought just disappear

altogether from the internet and professors from across the country will

tell us how University's force them to tow the PC line to restrict students

from thinking for themselves well we begin though with my take on

bullies on the Left aiming to silence conservatives when we kicked off this

series back in early April nearly 30 years ago

dinesh d'souza wrote a book called a liberal education it described in lurid

detail how on college campuses the American Left had gone from championing

free speech to stifling it conservatism under Reagan had become a potent force a

liberating optimistic and patriotic alternative to the malaise and pessimism

of the 1970s the faculty in the administration of campuses became

dominated by liberals who were desperate to turn young minds away from Reaganism

in the America he represented which these activists maintained let's face it

as inherently racist and sexist because its founders were privileged white men

conservatives challenging the liberal orthodoxy on campus were sued maligned

and they were maligned by students and professors alike they were subject to

disciplinary action and even physically threatened the ultimate goal was to

bully them into silence of course that effort failed conservatives probably now

see how naive it was to believe that this squelching of free speech would end

once they left campus instead the left's propaganda shaped a new generation of

young adults who then parroted all that malarkey about the patriarchy and then

they came up with their own new phrases like microaggressions and safe spaces

and white privilege today left-wing activists use these terms as bludgeons

to intimidate those who disagree with them from entering the dialogue at all

so for all their talk of inclusion the left doesn't invite more voices to enter

the public discussion instead they drive out any dissenting voice and police the

dogma of their own creation generations later the chilling effect on free speech

and the workplace in the media and in society at large is palpable we all feel

it and the situation may be worsening a Brookings Institution survey was

released last fall of college students attitudes toward free speech on campus

was really depressing the researchers asked do you agree with shouting down a

controversial speaker who comes to campus 51 percent of respondents said

yes and Democrats were far more likely than Republicans to agree with stifling

free speech on campus 62 to 38 percent and by the way women were more likely

than men to believe that so-called hate speech is not constitutionally protected

the numbers were 49 to 38 percent and by the way other data indicate that

hostility to free expression is starting even earlier than college meaning

these kids are picking it up either at home or in high school junior high or in

both places this too is super disheartening it is

critical that all of us regardless of where we fall on the ideological

spectrum recognize the perilous road that we're on think about it if 40 to 50

percent of the country feels like their right to free expression is less worthy

of protection than that of any garden-variety leftist what does that

leave our First Amendment as a shell of its former self is the answer there is a

contraction of free speech all around us and few seem to even notice many of you

have become accustomed to editing yourselves let's face it expressing

views that just 5 or 10 years ago we're considered mainstream can now get you

fired it can cause you to lose a promotion or you could be branded a

hater or yes you can get boycotted sadly with people like Christopher Hitchens

and Nat Hentoff gone there are only a handful of true liberals left on the

scene to defend the vigorous exchange of ideas of a boycott job once it is wrong

you should we do this by teams it is the modern way of cutting off free speech

and the goalposts by the way are forever moving every day more issues are taken

off the table altogether and may no longer be debated at all so in other

words if you're against affirmative action you're a racist and if you wear a

make America great again hat to a gun-control rally and get beaten up well

don't expect a lot of sympathy from the attendees and if you praise the military

skill of robert e lee you're liable to be branded a defender of slavery in the

new york times remember what happened during the campaign when some left-wing

nutcases and san jose got their hands and a trump supporter this is the

tolerant left in action whether it's striking voices from social media or

driving certain viewpoints from the airwaves beating people up organizing

boycotts for perceived unforgivable offences or preventing speakers from

being heard on a college campus it's all coming from the same place a desperate

desire to stop debate by branding your opponent unacceptable and driving him or

her from the public square in just the past week while I was on my Easter break

we saw more examples of the totalitarian agenda in action popular black

conservatives diamond and silk notice that their Facebook fans weren't

receiving notifications of the new content that they were posting for

months they begged facebook for answers well on Thursday Facebook officially

formed them quote and formed them quote the policy team has come to the

conclusion that your content and your brand has been determined unsafe to the

community well they say they were never informed about how their videos our

brand were unsafe for their community or even what the community is but their

fans are still not receiving notifications and Facebook says there's

no appeal it feels like we're all again in college that the speech police demand

that you change your focus change your tone change the subject or else

then there was conservative writer Kevin Williamson

formerly a nevertrump er at National Review but he was hired in March by the

Atlantic to great fanfare well that all changed last Wednesday when the soros

funded Media Matters dug up an old podcast where Williamson described

abortion as homicide and he suggested that it would be should be treated like

any other crime up to and including hanging that's pretty rough stuff but so

is abortion the Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg announced that they were

parting ways with Williams and because quote the language used in the

podcast was callous and violent this runs contrary to the Atlantic's

tradition of respectful well reasoned debate and to the values of our

workplace of course millions of Americans believe that abortion itself

is callous and violent most obviously to the innocent life it destroys

nevertheless another non liberal voice was snuffed out at yet another esteemed

publication my friend something alarming is taking place the free speech Clause

of our Constitution doesn't just apply to speech that the elites deem

acceptable it exists to support speech that is by its nature offensive

offensive to people in power offensive at times to lawmakers offensive to

Facebook and even offensive to the cool crowd that thinks abortion is just a

sacred Rite and that Trump himself is a dangerous dictator we indeed are

reaching a crisis point where cultural walls are now being erected to

conscripted still free speech in America but we cannot let this continue at the

end of tonight's show I'm going to be announcing my response to this dangerous

epidemic and what this show will do in the coming weeks to expose the

perpetrators their tactics their major players and their funders their efforts

are Stalinist pure and simple their objective is a total transformation of

American society not through rational discourse and open debate but through

personal demonization and silencing true liberals and conservatives should defend

the freedom of speech anywhere and everywhere because the tables can turn

very quickly today it's conservatives being targeted

but tomorrow it could be left-of-centre voices as well I say let the debate

you what the speeches ours don't seem to appreciate is that there are as as many

or if not more of us than there are of them and we will never relent and we

will never give in never and that's the angle here was my interview with a

California high school teacher who was placed on leave for having the gall to

ask whether students could protest abortion in the same manner that they

had protested gun control check this out last month Rocklin high school in

California placed history teacher Julian Ben's ell on paid administrative

leave after she had the gall to question whether the school would let its

students walk out to do what well to protest abortion in the same way it did

to promote gun control now one of Ben's ELL students is putting her question to

the test by organizing a pro-life walkout set for 10:00 a.m. local time



For more infomation >> Ingraham:The left s plot to silence CONSERVATIVES - Duration: 12:40.


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S ANNIVERSARY EDITION airco! leer! cruise control! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S ANNIVERSARY EDITION airco! leer! cruise control! - Duration: 1:07.


Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T 115PK S/S CONNECT EDITION *Trekhaak | Navi | Parkeercamera | Half leder | 18in - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T 115PK S/S CONNECT EDITION *Trekhaak | Navi | Parkeercamera | Half leder | 18in - Duration: 1:08.


Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse AMG GLC 63 S 4MATIC - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse AMG GLC 63 S 4MATIC - Duration: 0:55.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION NAVI - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION NAVI - Duration: 1:12.


5 ИГРУШЕК, созданных только для детей МИЛЛИОНЕРОВ - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 5 ИГРУШЕК, созданных только для детей МИЛЛИОНЕРОВ - Duration: 5:22.


La toute nouvelle Fiesta Active | Ford Belgique - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> La toute nouvelle Fiesta Active | Ford Belgique - Duration: 1:22.


Ford Focus 1.0 ECOBOOST 125 PK ST-LINE 5Drs Automatische Airco | Bleutooth | Cruise Control | Navi S - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.0 ECOBOOST 125 PK ST-LINE 5Drs Automatische Airco | Bleutooth | Cruise Control | Navi S - Duration: 1:12.


5/29/18 5:28 AM (2914 Bellevue Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 5/29/18 5:28 AM (2914 Bellevue Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


Your Reality | Tangled The Series Parody | animaion - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Your Reality | Tangled The Series Parody | animaion - Duration: 3:49.


Opel Meriva 1.4T Ecc 1/2Leer Tel. Trekh. Usb. Cruise 16''LM Cosmo - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.4T Ecc 1/2Leer Tel. Trekh. Usb. Cruise 16''LM Cosmo - Duration: 1:08.


Nabil Fekir to Liverpool : Fabinho gives verdict on potential signing of Lyon ace ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:10.

FABINHO says it 'would be good' if Nabil Fekir follows hims from Ligue 1 to Liverpool

this summer.

The Anfield side signed the Brazilian yesterday in a £43.7m deal which significantly strengthens

Jurgen Klopp's midfield options.

Fabinho, 24, had impressed for Monaco and been heavily linked to Manchester United,

but Liverpool swooped to seal the deal quickly.

The Reds had lost the Champions League final 3-1 to Real Madrid just 48 hours before the

switch was confirmed.

Klopp looks set to splurge more money in the transfer market in order to recruit Lyon playmaker


And Brazil international Fabinho seems excited at the prospect of playing alongside the creative


Asked if he wanted Fekir to sign for Liverpool, Fabinho told RMC Sport: "Yes.

"He is a very good player, of international level.

"In Ligue 1, it is not only this season that he has shown things.

"It's been a few years of him demonstrating his quality.

If he comes, it will be good too."

Liverpool will not rest on their laurels after an exciting season in which they finished

fourth and came close to winning their sixth European title.

January's £75m signing of Virgil van Dijk has heralded a new policy of bringing in big

name stars for hefty transfer fees.

Naby Keita will also join the club this summer but there is increased demand for a new goalkeeper

after Loris Karius' blunders against Real.

Roma's star stopper Alisson is expected to be top of Klopp's shopping list.

For more infomation >> Nabil Fekir to Liverpool : Fabinho gives verdict on potential signing of Lyon ace ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:10.


Clean Air With Photocatalysis - 3 - František Peterka - Duration: 16:37.

For more infomation >> Clean Air With Photocatalysis - 3 - František Peterka - Duration: 16:37.


745306 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> 745306 - Duration: 1:00.


745309 - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> 745309 - Duration: 1:24.


ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ СОСИСКИ - игровой мультик для детей #3 Летсплей Run Sausage Run - мультфильм 2018! #СПТВ - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ СОСИСКИ - игровой мультик для детей #3 Летсплей Run Sausage Run - мультфильм 2018! #СПТВ - Duration: 12:21.



For more infomation >> HOW TO DO "# 1 NUMBER OF TREND VIDEO LIST # 1"? (WITHOUT TREND) - Duration: 1:25.


Ce que révèle la science à propos des gens qui se parlent à eux même - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Ce que révèle la science à propos des gens qui se parlent à eux même - Duration: 6:12.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


Comment aider une personne souffrant d'un trouble de la personnalité limite ? - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Comment aider une personne souffrant d'un trouble de la personnalité limite ? - Duration: 11:29.


Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D RN N.A.P+Nwe A.P.K+Lift - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D RN N.A.P+Nwe A.P.K+Lift - Duration: 0:56.


Kia pro_cee'd 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line met Clima, Cruise, Bluetooth en Demovoordeel!! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Kia pro_cee'd 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line met Clima, Cruise, Bluetooth en Demovoordeel!! - Duration: 1:06.


Laeti­cia Hally­day, comment a-t-elle écarté David de la vie de Johnny ? - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day, comment a-t-elle écarté David de la vie de Johnny ? - Duration: 1:45.


Kate Middelton éméchée en boite de nuit, une photo choc refait surface - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Kate Middelton éméchée en boite de nuit, une photo choc refait surface - Duration: 1:41.


Entretien avec Bernard Lapinalie sur les symptômes de l'inconscient - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Entretien avec Bernard Lapinalie sur les symptômes de l'inconscient - Duration: 5:33.


How to Soothe Ourselves and Others - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> How to Soothe Ourselves and Others - Duration: 5:37.


The Ultimate Donut Battle: Cake vs. Yeast - Duration: 4:45.

Hey, we all love donuts, right?

They're a delicious cultural touchstone.

Except -- there's nothing weirder than biting into a cake donut when you're expecting

the texture of a yeast donut.

It's all fried dough, right?

So what makes cake donuts and yeast donuts so different?

Chemistry, of course.

We asked Zach Foster at Blue Dot Donuts in New Orleans what makes donuts so great.

And along the way, he showed us how to make a mean cake donut.

We'll try to keep our yeast vs. cake partisanship to ourselves and just bring you the facts

except YEAST DONUTS RULE and ok now it's out of my system.



This is a yeast donut, and /this/ is a cake donut.

Both contain mostly the same stuff: flour, sugar, eggs, milk, butter, bit of salt.

Both are traditionally deep fried instead of baked.

"The main difference between them is that usually cake donuts are done with a cake flour

and yeast donuts are usually done with a all purpose basic flour.

The main difference between both them is your leavening agent.

A yeast donuts, or a yeast raise, that's what they're technically called, is done

with a yeast, either fresh or dried.

And then cake is usually done with the baking powder."

Yeast is alive; it's fungus -- it's called Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

And its job is, basically, to eat the donut dough.

Not all of it, obviously.

Yeast munches on the sugar and starch in the donut dough and produces carbon dioxide gas

as waste -- as well as lots of little  molecules that add to the flavor of the final product.

That carbon dioxide creates all the spongy air pockets you see in a yeast donut and gives

the dough its rise.

But something has to prevent all the CO2 from bubbling out.

That job goes to the wheat protein complex we call gluten.

We've got a whole video on gluten if you're interested, but it basically creates a strong

stretchy web that traps the gas inside the dough.

It also gives the dough that chewy texture, or crumb in baker's parlance.

"For us, proofing time, if your dough's too green it will shrink, usually.

So if you've ever made like bread or made any kind of dough, pizza dough even.

A pizza dough you're trying to stretch it out.

If it's too fresh, if it hasn't proofed long enough, it won't stretch, it will just

start shrinking right back.

So you have to make sure you have enough proof time to get it to be able to do what you want

it to do."

Should this be lower where we bring up proofing, or the section on proofing higher?

Cake donuts are chemically leavened.

That means they contain baking powder, baking soda, or both.

Baking soda is a base, and it reacts with acid to produce that same CO2.

If you're going to leaven a batter with baking soda, you need to add some acid for

it to react with.

Buttermilk, which contains lactic acid, is a popular choice.

Baking powder is a combination of baking soda and an acid already mixed in -- something

like cream of tartar or sodium aluminum sulfate.

Those reactions look like this -- and generally won't happen until wet and/or heated, meaning

your cake donuts will puff up in the fryer.

Chemical leaveners are new on the scene, having only been invented in the last 200 years or

so, and they provide some benefits over yeast.

Like being much faster.

Yeast has to be proofed, which means it wakes up from the preserved state you buy it in

and starts eating.

So yeast takes its time to munch on those tasty sugars and produce the bubbles you want.

Baking powder and baking soda rely on a fast, straightforward chemical reaction, and waiting

will just result in gas bubbling out of your dough.

But that speed affects the texture too.

Yeast doughs are kneaded to build up that gluten web.

Chemically leavened batters are generally just...mixed.

There's very little gluten developed, and that leads to that softer, cakier texture.

But since it also doesn't trap as much CO2, cake donut batter is denser.

After that, the donuts go into the fryer.

Cake donuts can be baked, but Blue Dot clearly prefers the oil method.

"And all it does is drop out the certain amount you want anywhere from 1 ounce to 3


We max ours out because we like to go big go big or go home.

Then get up over the fryer and then just start.

The longer they stay down the denser they will be."

This is generally pretty similar between cake and yeast donuts, although yeast donuts have

to be shaped and proofed a second time before they go in.

Cake donuts can be piped just before you put them in the fryer or straight into the oil.

Oh, and if you want to know more about frying we've got that covered too.

So that's the how and why of the great donut divide, and may we remind you that the correct

side to be on is  team chewy, fluffy yeast donuts.


Just kidding.

We wouldn't say anything mean against these fine people's cake donuts.

Thanks again to Blue Dot Donuts, and thanks for watching.

And remember to subscribe and hit that bell there because it helps us make more mouth-watering

videos like this one.

We'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> The Ultimate Donut Battle: Cake vs. Yeast - Duration: 4:45.


Les Anges 10: Charles séparé de Barbara, il sort de son silence - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Les Anges 10: Charles séparé de Barbara, il sort de son silence - Duration: 3:21.


Tuto e-commerce - Google Adwords pour l'immobilier - Market Academy par Guillaume Sanchez - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Tuto e-commerce - Google Adwords pour l'immobilier - Market Academy par Guillaume Sanchez - Duration: 4:10.


「Nightcore」→ Destiny (Destined To Be a King, Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.

Nightcore - Destiny (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Destiny (Destined To Be a King, Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.


海贼王:骨灰级的五位老顽童,两位想杀赤犬,一位睡过四皇 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 海贼王:骨灰级的五位老顽童,两位想杀赤犬,一位睡过四皇 - Duration: 3:53.


[ Севастополь - 35-я Батарея ] - Duration: 11:44.

For more infomation >> [ Севастополь - 35-я Батарея ] - Duration: 11:44.


桃機喊窮/免稅店賺33億月租僅14萬 桃機苦喊提高權利金 - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> 桃機喊窮/免稅店賺33億月租僅14萬 桃機苦喊提高權利金 - Duration: 6:38.


✅ Barbara D'Urso e la gaffe social su Corona che non ti aspetti - Duration: 1:06.

ROMA – Barbara D'Urso da settimane è in lite con Fabrizio Corona e scrive l'ultimo capitolo firmando una gaffe sui social network

[blitz clicca qui – Oggi, App on Google Play] Proprio mentre la conduttrice di Pomeriggio Cinque e Grande Fratello stava girando una storia su Instagram, ha mostrato ai suoi fan che segue il profilo dell'ex fotografo dei vip e che ne guarda anche le storie

Insomma nonostante i due si attacchino e non perdano l'occasione per duri botta e risposta tra trasmissioni e social, ecco che i fan si chiedono perché la D'Urso segua il nemico, scrive il sito :

For more infomation >> ✅ Barbara D'Urso e la gaffe social su Corona che non ti aspetti - Duration: 1:06.


Nobel Royal - Rumoe Watches - Men's Dress Watch Review - Duration: 7:33.

Nobel Royal - Rumoe Watches - Men's Dress Watch Review what is up this is Andrew with my watch addictions calm and today we're gonna

take a look at a new dress watch that I found from Rumoe watches so

if you haven't heard of rumo watches before that that likely doesn't surprise

me it's a relatively new watch brand out of Sweden and I happen to come across it

by just flying through social media a little bit but it's a micro brand that

was started by a group of watch enthusiasts that got together and

decided that they wanted to design a gorgeous dress watch that was based on

style and simplicity so we're gonna jump into this watch and take a look at it

here in a second and find out a little bit more about it but before we do that

guys do me a favor go down there in the right hand corner of the screen is that

subscribe button if you have not already go ahead and smash that guy so you can

follow us in the future so if we crack into this guy real clean box design just

black cardboard box outer box we open this guy up and on the inside tissue

tissue paper I should say protecting this black piano finish watch box very

very heavy-duty box we have a push button to open it up and inside we have

leather covered inside to this watch box and then there it is there's the noble

royal stainless steel so if we take this watch out and take a look at it with you

guys one thing I noticed right off the bat when I was looking at this watch is

it reminds me a lot of that ball enterprise that I

have just in that dial design with those stainless-steel indices at the our

markers very very clean design so here we zoomed in on this noble royal this

watch has a 40 millimeter case diameter with a case thickness of only 11 and a

half millimeters which from a dress watch standpoint that's really really

nice size fits under the cuff of a shirt this is 316l stainless steel and does

have a sapphire glass crystal the strap on this is a genuine leather black calf

strap with a butterfly buckle or the quick-release buckle right there with

rumo engraved right onto that buckle one thing that's really kind of interesting

about this watch is if you look at the back of this it does have an engraved

seeing right on that case back if I can get a picture for you guys there the

skyline the movement in this watch is a Japanese Seiko NH35 Automatic Movement now you guys

have seen a lot of watches that I've reviewed with that NH35 movement

very solid 24 jeweled movement 21600 beats per minute hacking and

bi-directional winding thanks to that NH35 this is a dress watch so the

water resistance is a lot lower on this then you would see in some watches this

is only going to be a 5 atm water resistance or 50 meters very solid

clicks to the crown on this watch you can see the hacking right there

this is not a screw down crown by chance but it does have that bi-directional

winding now rumoe watches when they started the brand actually originally

launched this watch via Kickstarter campaign yeah and it looks like this

Kickstarter campaign which incidentally I wasn't a backer of I didn't find this

watch until after the fact so I definitely missed out on this campaign

but the super early bird special on these watches which went to a hundred

and thirty-four backers these watches went for $199 in US and these guys

shipped in January of 2018 it looks like when these watches shipped originally

from their Kickstarter campaign they had 151 total backers to complete their

Kickstarter campaign now currently this watch is selling on rumo calm that's our

Rumoe.com this watch is selling for three hundred and ninety nine

dollars with that Seco and h35 movement and this watch does come in a number of

color combinations along with strap combinations so they

have a royal rose gold case they have the noble royal stainless steel with a

white dial as well as the rose gold with the white dial as well and then they

have a number of different types of watch straps that you can pick up to add

to this watch so that was a noble royal stainless steel from room o watches very

clean little dress watch that I definitely think it's gonna get some

wrist time from me I in my daily daily rotation if you want to see this guy and

my wrist don't forget you can follow us an Instagram slash watch addiction dot

us to see what's on my wrist on a daily basis anyway guys post up in the

comments below and let me know what you think of this watch do you like it d

hate it what do you think they could or should have done differently definitely

post up in the comments but oh and let me know what you think anyway

guys we're to get out of here have a great week stay safe and we'll see you


For more infomation >> Nobel Royal - Rumoe Watches - Men's Dress Watch Review - Duration: 7:33.


CLASSIFICA CANZONI GIUGNO 2018 - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> CLASSIFICA CANZONI GIUGNO 2018 - Duration: 6:55.


Baa Baa Black Sheep | Preschool Rhymes For Toddlers - Duration: 16:45.

Let's meet Baa Baa Black Sheep.

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

One for the master, one for the dame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

One for the master, one for the dame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

One for the master, one for the dame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

Baa Baa Black Sheep loves to share.

For more infomation >> Baa Baa Black Sheep | Preschool Rhymes For Toddlers - Duration: 16:45.


How Can I Achieve More by Doing Less? with Tiffany Dufu - Duration: 14:48.

Hi Tiffany! Hi there! Can you guys hear me okay? Yeah I can hear you perfectly, can you

hear me? Yeah I can hear you fine. Sorry about that ladies I have dropped the

ball on Instagram, I just need a little help there! No and I was also saying earlier I was like look,

this is live and this is the beauty of live is you get to see all the behind

the scenes but also I mean let's give us all a break there's Instagram post

Instagram lives Instagram stories so there's a lot going on here and I'm

really thankful for you taking the time to join us today thank you. No problem,

thank you! So Tiffany, I already kind of give them a

little bit of an intro to you but I would love to hear from you or you share

with the audience you know who are you what you do obviously you just talked a

little bit about drop the ball but tell them what that is as well.

Oh absolutely! So my life's work is advancing women and girls that's what I

do and that's why I'm pretty much on the planet. I feel really lucky because I get

to execute that purpose in several different ways. Right now I am spending a

lot of time talking about drop the ball because I released the book last year

and people are still...Excellent book! Go to Amazon get drop the ball it's it kind of,

actually for me, when I read it Tiffany, just so you know—and this is not just a

suck up—but like it kind of helped me change my mindset about stuff you know?

That's great! You know change it from feeling bad to being like nothing

to feel bad about this... So anyway I just have to give you a

little shout out, it's been amazing. That's the whole idea! And I

also do a lot of public speaking I work with Fortune 500 companies to help them

figure out how to retain in advance the talent in their workplace which they

were losing in droves which is why I wrote drop the ball. I also serve on

nonprofit boards that are really important to me, I'm on the board of

Girls Who Code and Simmons College in Boston. And

Monday, I'm launching a new venture called The Crew that is all about really

creating a place where women can thrive and can support one another. You can

go to find your crew and it's cru.com I love it.

Congratulations, that's amazing! You've had a busy year! A very

busy year but you know what if you're someone who's really clear about why

you're here and you have a life that's very driven by your passion in your

purpose yep then you're always kind of relentlessly executing and it really

does feel like a joy. Let me just tell you a

little bit how Mentor Monday works since you are first-time guest. So mentor

Monday is really our opportunity to give back to our audience and we answer their

submitted questions live on Instagram and then for anybody who's joining if

you miss watching this live you can always go to our YouTube channel and

watch any of our replays and and it's a great opportunity for us to get to work

with experts like you Tiffany to answer. We've got three questions so let's go

ahead and get started I know you have probably been asked a gazillion types of

questions out there but and what's really nice is that these are all

questions very much related to dropping the ball so let me grab my questions

really quick. Okay so the first question is how can I achieve more by doing less

which I'm sure you have literally a whole book about but let's see if you

can answer in like you know your best tips for this absolutely so you know I

would basically just mention the framework that's in the book because

obviously there's a whole book about dropping the ball yeah which it's that

I'm dropping the ball is essentially about getting clear about what matters

most to you separate and apart what matters to everybody else and yet me

what matters most to me is advancing women in girls and nurturing a really

great relationship with my husband and raising conscious global citizens mm-hmm

the second step is really getting clear about what your highest and best use is

to achieve what matters most to you instead of just being kind of obsessed

with our to-do lists every day which is what I used to be obsessed with and then

the last piece is really figuring out how you

meaningfully engage other people in your life because we don't look out in the

back and then trust me if you start dropping the ball and you don't let

anybody know ya it you're gonna hit some some bumps which I

did so meaningful engaging other people in your life but at the end of the day

you know I just reappropriated the term. I used to be someone who is

terrified of ever dropping balls and now I think it's really important that we

drop these crazy and realistic expectations yeah that we have of

ourselves to begin with but by the way are we I was at the United State of

women summit this weekend and Michelle Obama was the keynote speaker and she

actually said women have a higher standard for other women and for

themselves like we demand perfection of ourselves and I think your message is

super super important like you can actually achieve more by doing less you

just need to reprioritize and know what items to drop the ball on and I thought

that was just such a you know it's such a real you know that but when someone

else does it and they articulate it like that you're like you're right we've got

to put ourselves some slack and communicate with each other like you're

saying like let people know what you need to drop the ball with that's it

yeah yeah okay the next one next question that came through which is um

what are your best tips for starting the process of letting go yeah so I guess it

depends on what stage your act if you are like on your bathroom floor in tears

because you're so overwhelmed you can barely do anything yeah you know I would

say in that state you want to take your cell phone or your device and you want

to just call someone who you know has your best interests at heart

now if you wanted to tell them I know this sounds crazy but I am on my

bathroom floor in tears I'm so overwhelmed and I'm so stressed and I

don't have a plan and I'm just reaching out to someone because I need up okay

but you want to do in that case if you have more time to reflect and you really

think there are a couple of exercises that I think are awesome one was me

popular about I this guy named Steven Covey he wrote a book called the seven

Habits of Highly about that book that's a funeral visualization exercise where

you really think about your life in the future personally your funeral and what

would imagine three people a friend a colleague a family member

eulogizing it right so what would I say about you at the end of your life it's a

very important exercise to get you out of the trees and really looking at the

forest hanging out of your day to day because at the end of the day you don't

want people standing up at your funeral saying well you know she got a lot of

things done on our to-do list the second exercise that I would encourage

everybody to do is to get a collection of people who have known you at

different parts of your life particularly ones with people have known

you when you were a child now and just ask them to share with you about a time

when they experienced you at your best yeah and then be quiet record them if

you can transcribe everyone's response even better and then lay that out on a

table or on the floor and start circling words and phrases that are similar to

one another that's amazing ever people have had a consistent experience with us

since we were in kindergarten but you forget that because you're in your own

skin living your own life and it is a really empowering and powerful exercise

to really take a step back and look at the feedback from other people because

it really will help you tap into your best self and your superpower yeah

absolutely we had a question just come through that I think it's great which is

um after stepping back how do you trust yourself to re-engage with the world of

work in a meaningful way so once you've gone through those exercises and now

it's been made obvious to you what parts you maybe need to step back on or about

the ball with how do you read engage like how do you take away and then go

back in yeah it's really tough so the I would say dropping the ball is a

practice it's kind of like yoga you know you take little steps and there are

times when you're gonna slide backwards so the whole idea of this like yoga it's

like if you're not very flexible it's okay yes you know right be perfectionist

drop the ballers okay so you're going to set your intention

you're gonna communicate to other people around you um let's just say you know

you're gonna drop the ball on the dishes I don't know yes please you're gonna let

people know and when the dishes start piling up and

you're literally getting anxious and then begin to get hives because you've

never left the pile up that high up you're gonna just you're gonna relax and

you're gonna practice you can imagine all the things you're gonna imagine your

funeral you can imagine all of the things that you could and should be

doing in order to make the world a better place and to live your best place

if you weren't obsessed with the dishes and you said as a silly example it's

probably something much deeper than that but it's practice right right so if

you're going back into work it's like first create this framework or this

foundation and then practice it practice it and baby steps and then eventually

like you were saying with the yoga example which I love because I'm not

flexible at all so when I go to yoga I'm like what am I doing here but um it's

the same ideas like you'll work your way up into that so you should reengage you

have to reengage back into it that's it um okay so last question that we got

which was how can you tell whether you're feeling burned out oh sorry how

can you tell while they're feeling burnt out is a sign you need to take a

temporary break like a vacation or you need to change jobs entirely and I think

that's probably a super-popular question that you get a lot which is what is the

burnout really signaling yes so all of us have

things that bring us joy and one of the recommendations that I make in the book

is to find these moments of joy hopefully on a daily basis one of the

things I encourage us to do what if here's someone who's like I have an

experience joining so long I don't know what is you know what that is right and

you think about when you were a child what you used to do when I was a little

girl I used to dance with reckless abandon to make Janet Jackson tapes you

know and they'd be like the ribbon would come out and I would have to like take

the pencil for me what what brings me joy and that was a little girl that's

just like putting on music and dancing and dancing and dancing if you for 10

minutes or 20 minutes or three minutes or even an hour can engage in whatever

it is that brings you joy and after you experience that you feel like you've

made a little bit of a comeback like you can come back to life that means that

you don't to leave your job that's right you know

it means that you just need to really kind of regain perspective and tap back

in to what matters most to you and really get centered and organized and

induce the mindset shifting in order for you to be able to get back you know in

the swing of things again if you do something like that for

20 minutes 30 minutes an hour and afterward it makes no difference yeah

you'll feel like you're down in the jaws not sign that you might need to get more

help but out something deeper that might be going on it could be your job it

could be potentially depression but I really encourage you to seek out more

help and access resources if that's you I'm curious in that question do you

think a lot of people assume it's their job do you think most people immediately

like when something's not going well they're like oh I hate my job it has to

be my job I if I can fix my job it will fix everything else so here's the thing

one of the things I learned when I was a young manager I want you a really

amazing course called managing to change the world and I'll never forget the

statistic that nearly 50% of people who start jobs are not a good fit for the

job okay so in Wyoming and then are not a

good fit and what happens is that poor management means that people don't

really want to admit that the person who hired them doesn't want to admit that

they made a bad decision a person who's in the job doesn't want to admit they

mean it that decision you usually know within about a week I mean it doesn't

take long for you know very mistake but what ya do is compensate for that and

that's where the challenges and the problems begin and so if you feel like

this may not be a good fit I think the most important thing for you to realize

is that's okay and that's probably normal all right eight but it may not be

I got to really seek out I think really great managers and certainly mentors and

sponsors in your environment who can help you keep mystify what's going on

yeah absolutely no I think I think that's great I you

know running career contessa obviously we hear a lot of you know I don't like

my job how do I change it and one of the pieces of advice from somebody we had a

webinar about how to switch careers and her first thing was

is it that you don't like your job or is it the culture the boss the manager you

know like really getting clarity about what it is because otherwise you just

take that wherever you go and um anyway so some really great tips and I also

think you're just really solidifying um kind of what that person had said which

is hey wait wait wait hit the brakes for a second do some internal work first and

so that we can then go into you know what it is that we need to change

because other reason is taking that to the next job as well that's it yeah well

Tiffany thank you so much for joining us today and where can people find you and

find your book and can you give us just kind of the directions of what they

should do next they should definitely go to tiffanydufu.com

in order to find me and then I also could encourage people

to check out findyourcru.com and see yeah yeah and then just as a

reminder guys her book is called drop the ball how to achieve more by doing

less which I think we can all sign up for we don't want to be slaves to our

to-do list so Thank You Tiffany again and we hope to have you back here soon

thank you so much! Bye! Bye!

For more infomation >> How Can I Achieve More by Doing Less? with Tiffany Dufu - Duration: 14:48.


Dans les coulisses du G7 (épisode 7) : Le sherpa du Canada pour le G7 au Sommet Y7, à Ottawa - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Dans les coulisses du G7 (épisode 7) : Le sherpa du Canada pour le G7 au Sommet Y7, à Ottawa - Duration: 2:07.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


Huurappartement: Goorsestraat 22 F, Hengevelde - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Huurappartement: Goorsestraat 22 F, Hengevelde - Duration: 0:40.


终于出手!俄战机越境拦截以军F-16?俄媒解释让你瞬间明白 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 终于出手!俄战机越境拦截以军F-16?俄媒解释让你瞬间明白 - Duration: 3:52.


奶油烤鮭魚。butter roasted salmon - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 奶油烤鮭魚。butter roasted salmon - Duration: 3:14.


Jaguar planning to revive XK coupe - Duration: 3:28.

Jaguar says it won't forget sports cars in its ever-expanding SUV litter.Beyond the upcoming J-Pace that will join its top-selling F-Pace, electric I-Pace and new E-Pace SUVs will be the addition of a 2+2 sports coupe alongside an updated F-Type line-up

The leaping cat's foray into SUVs has been highly successful with the F-Pace accounting for two-fifths of all Jaguar sales

F-Type sales have been slowing, except in the US and China, but honing-in on its brand's heritage while still appeasing the crossover masses won't be hard according to JLR's head of product strategy Hanno Kirner

"We love sports cars – and I use the plural quite deliberately.Whether that is delivered by a body variant or something else remains to be seen, but for now let's just say that the body type is very important for us

" While remaining coy, Kirner is referring to next year's replacement for the F-Type that will be built on a new version of the platform that underpins the current model – and itself is based on a modified version of the architecture that the discontinued 2014 XK coupe was built on

Head of design for the brand, Ian Callum, planted the seed for the idea of a reborn XK last year when he said work was already underway

"I want a two-seater [the F-Type] and a 2+2.We're working on something now.There's nothing approved, but we instigate in design," he said

Callum's team had in fact prepared a concept for the last-generation XK's replacement that was shelved, forcing the development of a new design which is unlikely to launch until at least 2021

Drivetrains will be based on the Ingenium range of four and six-cylinder engines, replacing the Ford-sourced V6, while performance SVR versions will likely continue to receive JLR Special Vehicle Operation's supercharged 5

0-litre V8 powerplant.But electrification is also on the verge that could see both hybrid drivetrains in all future sports cars

However, Kirner doesn't want to see the end of loud petrol motors."There is an argument that says hybrid sports cars might cater for both the environment and the excitement such cars deliver," said Kirner

"A lot of people like the sound of an engine.That's a fact, and it is a defining part of a sports car

I absolutely believe that there will be electric sports cars one day, but I also believe there may be a different step of combining the battery and an engine

At Jaguar, all I can say for now is that we will continue to invest in sports cars

For more infomation >> Jaguar planning to revive XK coupe - Duration: 3:28.


殲-20飛行員能用「眼神」發射導彈 - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> 殲-20飛行員能用「眼神」發射導彈 - Duration: 7:25.


✅ "Das Wahre": Süßes Liebes-Pic von Jerry Grube & Yve Pferrer! - Duration: 2:03.

Sie sind ein absolutes Traumpaar! Jeremy Grube (24) und Yvonne Pferrer (23) lernten sich am Köln 50667-Set kennen und der Funke sprang auch abseits der Kamera über

Seit mehr als vier Jahren sind die Schauspieler, die der Soap 2016 den Rücken kehrten, mittlerweile ein Paar – und könnten wohl nicht glücklicher miteinander sein

Das beweist Jerry jetzt mit einem süßen Pärchen-Schnappschuss vom Strand! Das aktuelle Turtelfoto auf seinem Instagram-Account sorgt für eine Flut an Komplimenten

Die Community ist sich einig: Yve und Jeremy sind ein echtes Dreamteam. Auf dem Bild, das die Begeisterungsstürme ausgelöst hat, liegen die beiden eng aneinander gekuschelt auf einem Handtuch am Meer – und strahlen ohne viel Schnickschnack und Filter in die Kamera

Die natürliche Momentaufnahme versah der Musiker mit den schlichten, aber romantischen Worten: "Du und ich, das Wahre

" Erst vor Kurzem verrieten Yvonne und Jeremy: Sie wollen für immer zusammenbleiben! Während eines Trips durch Las Vegas ließen sich die Verliebten Ring-Tattoos stechen

Für die Influencerin ist das etwas ganz Besonderes, wie sie im Promiflash-Interview betonte

"Es ist schon verrückt, wenn wir beide irgendwo zusammensitzen und unsere Partner-Tattoos sehen – es ist schon ein schönes Gefühl, verbunden zu sein", schwärmte Yve

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