Thursday, May 31, 2018

Youtube daily report May 31 2018

Si Priyanka Chopra n'était pas accompagnée pour le mariage de sa meilleure amie Meghan Markle le 19 mai dernier en la chapelle Saint-George de Windsor, l'actrice de la série télévisée Quantico n'est pourtant plus un cœur à prendre

C'est en tout cas l'information révélée par le site américain US Weekly qui affirme que Priyanka Chopra serait en couple avec un célèbre chanteur américain âgé de 25 ans

Et l'heureux élu serait Nick Jonas, connu pour avoir été l'un des membres du groupe Jonas Brothers, avec ses frères Joe et Kevin

Le duo se connaît depuis plusieurs années déjà. Ils avaient d'ailleurs été photographiés très complices durant le Met Gala en 2017

Mais c'est les récentes photos d'eux sur un bateau avec des amis durant le Memorial Day qui ont relancé les rumeurs

Les tourtereaux auraient également assisté à un match de baseball samedi 26 mai. Plusieurs internautes ont immortalisé leur arrivée sur le stade et dévoilé les images sur les réseaux sociaux (à découvrir ci-dessous)

Si Priyanka Chopra est plutôt discrète quant à sa vie privée, l'actrice âgée de 35 ans a multiplié les idylles sous le feu des projecteurs

Elle aurait fréquenté plusieurs acteurs à l'instar de Shahid Kapoor, Shahrukh Khan, Harman Baweja ou encore Akshay Kumar

De son côté, Nick Jonas a vécu deux belles histoires d'amour avec l'actrice et chanteuse Miley Cyrus et Selena Gomez

For more infomation >> Priyanka Chopra, la meilleure amie de Meghan Markle, n'est plus célibataire et l'heureux élu n'est p - Duration: 2:45.


【デレステ/CGSS MV】 Virgin Love 【中譯字幕】 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 【デレステ/CGSS MV】 Virgin Love 【中譯字幕】 - Duration: 2:19.


백선생표 동두부 활용 별미 '두부튀김' ► My Life ► - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> 백선생표 동두부 활용 별미 '두부튀김' ► My Life ► - Duration: 4:45.


Daily Soaps v/s Reality | Couple of Mistakes | S01E16 | Karan Veer Mehra | Barkha Sengupta - Duration: 8:01.

Wake up

Your place is not there it's here

You get ready for office

i will lay the breakfast


Baby, baby


2 minutes

Sit please

Do you need anything else?

Ok i am off for work

1 minute

May I go?

I am going

I'm going

I'm going

so go, why are you shouting


Baby come a little early in the evening. We have to go shopping

ok baby


can you come by 6 in the evening?

We have to go shopping

If u want this

then I will come by 5.45 only

may i go ?



welcome sir

Late again!

Good morning, Sir

Jai shree Krishna

Jai Shree Krishna

Sorry Sir

Sir London Paris Tokyo, people have arrived from everywhere.

Will you be going home early or meeting them?

You go i am coming


i will get late.

I will not be able to come fir shopping today


but I will be going early

not going early today

Baby theres lots of work. Will get late. Will not be able to go shopping

I knew it.

Thats why i have already shopped for you and me both

But why did u go alone?

Baby if one can shop from home then whetes the need to go out?

Ok tell me blue or green?

What if i dont like anything?

they have the Latest collection you will love their clothes

Ok tel me blue or green?

Ok let it be i wil select it myself



What happened?

Why are you crying?

you wanted to shop?

Doesnt matter!


very simple Try it

use your phone

For more infomation >> Daily Soaps v/s Reality | Couple of Mistakes | S01E16 | Karan Veer Mehra | Barkha Sengupta - Duration: 8:01.


1972 Lancia Fulvia 1.3S Series II - Duration: 43:39.

For more infomation >> 1972 Lancia Fulvia 1.3S Series II - Duration: 43:39.


How to make Meat sauce spaghetti from isekai shokudou - Duration: 7:30.

Meat sauce spaghetti

Ingredients: Pasta noodles, Tomatoes (2 pieces), Minced beef (50g), Chopped pork (50g), Shiitake mushrooms (1), Onions (1/4 pieces), Chopped garlic (2 spoons) Red wine, olive oil, salt (0.5 tablespoons), sugar (2.5 tablespoons), ketchup (2 tablespoons), pepper, basil, rosemary

Hello I am Naru.

Let's make the meat sauce spaghetti of isekai shokudou.

1. Take a sheath on a tomato and cook in hot water.

I will take it out within one minute.

2. Peel the tomatoes.

3. Add chopped garlic (2 spoons) and onions (1/4) into peeled tomatoes and mix with a blender.

Cut it in two or three equal portions.

4. Boil the tomato sauce (15 minutes)

5. Add water (1/3 cup), ketchup (2 tablespoons), rosemary, pepper, basil, salt (0.5 tablespoons) and sugar (2 tablespoons) to the tomato sauce and boil it a little more.

2 tablespoons of sugar! 0.5 tablespoons salt!

The source is a little salty!

Prepare for mixing with cotton later!

6. Slice the shiitake mushrooms.

You can also use a variety of mushrooms.

7. Fry meat and mushrooms in pan with olive oil. (Salt, pepper added)

Please put plenty of oil.

I put red wine and put it on high heat.

8. Pour the tomato sauce over the roasted ingredients and finish the meat sauce.

9. Put salt and olive oil in hot water and boil pasta noodles.

Put a little olive oil on the side of the dried pasta and put it on a plate.

10. Finish the meat sauce on top of pasta.

I'll pour out the sauce at the center.

I will skip this tasting because of the sound problem.

It is very delicious, so make your own!

I will go right through .... Sorry.

1. Take a sheath on a tomato and cook in hot water. 2. Peel the tomatoes. 3. Add chopped garlic (2 spoons) and onions (1/4) into peeled tomatoes and mix with a blender. 4. Boil the tomato sauce (medium-duty 15 minutes) 5. Add water (1/3 cup), ketchup (2 tablespoons), rosemary, pepper, basil, salt (0.5 tablespoons) and sugar (2 tablespoons) to the tomato sauce and boil it a little more. 6. Slice the shiitake mushrooms.

7. Fry meat and mushrooms in pan with olive oil. (Salt, pepper added) 8. Pour the tomato sauce over the roasted ingredients and finish the meat sauce. 9. Put salt and olive oil in hot water and boil pasta noodles. 10. Finish the meat sauce on top of pasta.

Cost: $ 26 Time: 35 minutes Rating: 4 stars

Sending dolls ...

For more infomation >> How to make Meat sauce spaghetti from isekai shokudou - Duration: 7:30.


Extrait de "Attendre que la mer remonte" de Thierry Radière, lu par Jérôme Rousselet. - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Extrait de "Attendre que la mer remonte" de Thierry Radière, lu par Jérôme Rousselet. - Duration: 2:29.


Renault Clio dCi 90 Intens (CAMERA!!/R-link/Climate/Cruise/PDC/16''LMV) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio dCi 90 Intens (CAMERA!!/R-link/Climate/Cruise/PDC/16''LMV) - Duration: 1:13.





City Council 05:29:18 - Duration: 2:30:45.


welcome everyone to our Tuesday May 29th City Council meeting


TERRY MCCLUNG I'm here KRISTY Kendrick here Bob Thomas here Melissa green here

David Mitchell present we had six stand AND PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE PLEASE I pledge allegiance to

the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands

one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right

get a motion to approve the agenda follow so MOVED anybody have anything

yes I've received an email I'm sorry from

the chair of the Planning Commission concerning I would be and achieved a

moratorium yes about that yeah about a moratorium on coverage and is it

I was going to add that also yeah so I would like to have that to the agenda

and I'll move it I'll second that okay anybody else so is that we also

have visited six

in item number seven I'd like to add a resolution deleting rock street from the

city trails or parks trails MAP okay do you need a SECOND FOR THAT BUTCH he's the

mayor okay anyone else what was that Rock Street Rock Street

and here is if there's nothing else going to get a motion to approve the

agenda as amended so move to move second all those in favor signify by saying aye

aye any opposed there's so moved

the motion to approve the minutes by any additions Corrections hearing none all

those in favor of approving the minutes and submitted some signify by saying aye

aye any opposed aye opposed by one we have

PLANNING Commission had the vacancy also the hospital Commission has a vacancy

too and we do have an application from Cameron NOW I AM GOING TO MESS HIS NAME UP probably DANEWER

for the parks for your consideration yes ma'am I make a motion

there we sub Cameron for POST I'll second that

all right comments all those in favor signify by saying aye opposed okay let

Cameron know also got a vacancy two vacancies on the cemetery Commission so

anybody's interested in helping out on Cemetery

please with my office no which brings us to public comments

thank you my name is Eric Knowles and I live a to spur lane in this city I come

before you this afternoon with two questions where is the consensus that

Eureka Springs should be debt-free and second why did finance director Lonnie

Clark and MAYOR Butch berry fear the Securities and Exchange Commission so

much at the May 14th City Council meeting Clark reported that he and the

mayor want to accelerate paying off two sewer bonds to quote get out from the

under the thumb of the security Exchange Commission's Clark also reported that he

and the mayor want the city to be debt-free by 2025 BONDS bringing SEC

oversight added accounting requirements and probably more work for Clark

however the added protection well serves the bondholders the city and the

citizens because of the existing sewer bonds the SEC requires outside audit of

the Eureka Springs sewer and water department

Joyce KNOWLES and Eric Knowles use the outside audit performed last year to

inform Clark the mayor and the city council that the amortization schedule

attached to ordinance to 265 overstated the bond indebtedness by 1 million eight

hundred and fifteen thousand dollars Clark and the mayor both thanked us for

finding this error they now want to eliminate the audit the the audit that

allowed us to find it the more fundamental question has to do with why

this city would want to be debt-free this is an odd and counterproductive

goal cities incur debt so that they can have nice things now and pay for them

later like Eureka Springs has done with the sewer treatment plant and the new

police building debt is our problem only when one cannot make payments the

sewer bonds are no longer problems there's a very low interest rate 3.2

percent and 4.2 percent and are now covered by the recent sewer increases

there's no need to pay them off early and the extra money to do so could be

better spent fixing the water infrastructure debt-free seems to be a

goal only to escape audit and oversight but the SEC is not interested in taking

over this city or any city department and would do so only when there was

gross financial or administrative nonfeasance

debt is not the problem in fact that could serve the city very well a parking

structure downtown could be explored to see if it would help citizens visitors

and the economic lifeblood of this community the city should investigate

whether bonds for downtown parking dick could be guaranteed with CPA tax

collections and paid off with parking fees the city should stop acting out of

fear of the SEC to start thinking how best to use the money for this city

thank you I have one other thing I'm deaf I have trouble hearing you at this

meeting I go and I look at the you edited YouTube if there's a sign at the

bottom says it's been the YouTube video has been edited for clarity it has not

it there are many mistakes in that editing

and I implore you to go and look at that videotape and see how many errors are in

it thank you

thank you sure hi my name is

Bill King as you know because I've been here before many times so Washington

Street parking you on your agenda today you have a discussion of it and you you

have two ordinances that have been drafted for you to consider one would be

to remove three parking places and have access to point Street from two

directions the other is meant to give access to take away one parking space

and give access from a single direction that second one the ordinance is written

wrong so it's coming it's actually clearing you from the wrong direction so

if you decide to with to the floor the one way option you need to go back and

do some measurements and rewrite that if you can see on my picture I've kind of

drawn what's going on there there are three parking places across from POINT

Street there if you had access from both directions those would all go away if

you had access from just the note from the south side which is where emergency

vehicles would be coming from you would only lose one parking place and I

proposed that actually that one parking place could be saved by moving it to

over to the other side there at the trolley stop you've got 40 feet from

summit street from the corner of Summit Street to the first driveway so you

could have a 20-foot parking space there and still have 20 feet from from the

corner for to keep traffic from backing up I know I know Jimmy our fire marshal

is very insistent that we have access from both sides and I appreciate his his

dedication however I think you know he's going by the International fire code

and I think if we're gonna apply strictly the International fire code to

the city we're basically gonna have to tear the city down and start over

because it's just not doable there are many places in town where you don't have

access from two directions and I feel perfectly fine and the people on POINT

Street would feel perfectly safe if the emergency vehicles could get there from

one direction as this discussion goes during the meeting I would appreciate it

if someone if I'd like to speak some more if someone would grant me some time

to speak during the actual discussion on this topic thank you I will be brief and

my name is John Rankin and I'm the husband of Bill King and co-owner of one

Washington Street which is a four-plex which houses many people that are

cleaning your toilets serving you here margaritas and etc etc it's um when Bill

and I bought the building many many years ago from Carolyn green we decided

to let Carolyn it was a long story but basically we let Carolyn green die in

her place along with her husband Shalom and that was part of the deal of buying

the place so that they could not be EVICTED because of that when they both died

we had the choice of either doing whatever we wanted to do with the

building and we kept it affordable housing because we thought it was really

important but this town has affordable housing for some of the people that live

here and I think you can't punish people who are from a lower economic level

because they want to live in town I think it's only fair that they get the

chance to be part of our community well and so removing the parking it's

just going to be so detrimental to these people that are already struggling

enough you know I'm not totally altruistic you know it's going to hurt

our investment in that building if we can't say to tenants we have parking in

the near future for them off street parking so I just want to say please

don't take the parking away you're opening a huge can of worms the people

on Vaughan Street have already contacted me with concerns about that if that

parking is removed it's going to impact their Street there's no other place for

these you know our tenants to park or for guests that are coming to park in

this facility I think you're opening up a major can of worms if you do this I

mean I think you know this town is obviously very very tight we all know it

we all live it we all respect it you know there was no problem there was no

safety concerns when you know that 12 foot green what WATCH A MA call it was out

there for eight months while they fixed the building across the street there was

no cries or out cries of this is not safe anymore this is not safe I just

want to you know feed with with Council basically to please listen to Bill's

proposal the removal of one parking aspect would be I think fine for for all

the above but to have all of it removed is not very cool thank you

today all right that's into the public comments new business get a motion to

read resolution in support of pension review board rule over force although

second all right any questions comments yes I make a motion we signed the

resolution to number and read it for passage get a second for a second any

discussion all those in favor signify by saying aye aye aye

any opposed MR. MCLUNG yes miss KENDRICKS yes good no miss green

yes mr. Thomas yeah miss SCHNIEDER yes mr. Mitchel yes six 0 the resolution number

will be 7 to 7 adopting pension Review Board rule number 4 whereas the local

fire pension board has passed resolution adopting the Arkansas fire and police

pension Review Board rule number 4 and whereas this allows the pension plans

with less than 50 participants to utilize the alternate cash flow

projection valuation method of determining actuarial soundness and

whereas the City Council of the city of Eureka Springs along with a local fire

pension board certifies to the Arkansas fire and police pension Review Board

it's understanding a board rule number four and the risk

involve small group insert and certifies its understanding of the risk involved

with an alternate cash flow method now therefore be it resolved by the City

Council of the city of EUREKA SPRINGS Arkansas that the council hereby

approves the utilization of board rule number four for the local firemen's

pension fund all right that brings us to discussion the for Washington Street

parking motion second we have met with the fire marshal and building inspector

and both of our marshal chiefs here yes sir or I'm not sure who brought us to

the table they should be speaking first

what can I bring can I bring a little reference to what we've done go ahead

mr. THOMAS even obviously your names on it so go ahead tell me I would like to

ask mr. there our chief a question to start with

going back two years ago when the same issue was before us we had I had a

neighbor come to me who was very concerned about her house based upon the

point Street discussion you have your hand is he going to come till we hear

the response I'm sorry what good

so I had a neighbor come to me very concerned about her house I came to you

to talk to you about the problem in town correct and this is the response I wrote

to my neighbor and I just want to read it to you spoke to our prior to today

about equipment access to her Street according to him the fire department has

two not one as was mentioned AT A recent council meeting pumper truck both

of which would be able to turn on to a small street in addition if they were

not able to directly access your house or if they needed more water than the

two trucks could provide firefighters train regularly on hooking up hoses to

fire hydrants and then carrying laying them down the hose on the run to the

actual fire site nearby and her response was thank you for inquiring about that

this makes me feel a lot better so I guess my question what I don't

understand is what is the difference between the point Street interact

intersection and all the other little intersections in town you know every

intersection in every street in town is different this this town is unlike any

other town across our country

fire fire departments have issues accessing streets all over the country I

think anytime that an opportunity is provided for us to do what's in the best

interest of Public Safety that's going to be our fire marshals determination we

want to do what's in the best interest of Public Safety if if there's an area

and there are areas that we can't get some of our bigger fire trucks down

certain streets there will be quite a bit of carrying of hose like mr. McClung

and I've just Justin and miss Schneider and I've

discussed in the past we've relocated some of our smaller apparatus closer to

town just for that reason but the intersection there is no different than

any other intersection throughout the community if there's an area that we're

not going to be able to access we're going to be doing quite a bit of

manpower it's it's quite labor intensive so if we can't get a truck down that

road we're going to be carrying a lot of HOSE and depending on the construction

of whatever building is being built and the amount of water that's going to be

required the fire flow in order to put out the fire load you know it it just

depends on the structure and the involvement by the time we get there so

thank you MS SCHNIEDER so in your professional opinion does anything if

you have your druthers does anything need to be done at this intersection

that's question one I know at that particular intersection because we would

on two different occasions taking taken fire apparatus two different fire

apparatus to that intersection and have had had difficulty turning down

that that particular road we've had to make several point turns and with one

apparatus were unable to and Jimmy might be able to answer that one with 51 we're

unable to make access coming from one direction is that correct are you

familiar with that coming we've taken two different apparatus to that

intersection I know we took Jim you need camera we've taken the Sullivan which is

a smaller apparatus short wheelbase and coming from let's say the Crescent Hotel

direction turning into point Street we had to make a three or a four point turn

backing up pulling forward back in that foam board backing up pulling forward

and then finally making it down and then coming from the hospital direction that

way we actually had to make a tumor a three point turn but engine 54 let the

54 a primary engine that is housed at Station one up by McDonald's which is 51

right 54 used to be we've changed numbers a few times and

changed locations a few times but that particular apparatus had quite a

challenge making that that particular turn from either direction correct

I see so does that answer your question that's part of question one okay so

question two is because I know we went through this several years ago question

two is do you have a small enough engine that can make the turn fully easily from

the proper direction

not one that puts out the amount of fire flow that we required for a fully

involved structure would it be enough to contain the fire while you were walking

hose down there it just it just depends on how on how big how and all the fire

is it's all based on speculation and how big the fire is okay so the question

three and hopefully the last one for now is when you guys get these calls I

assume from our talks before that you know exactly where it is and the fact

that you need a smaller one versus larger or whatever correct no matter

where a call comes from right so you wouldn't just blindly be going out to an

address and got once we needed a different truck being that we have four

full-time paid staff they also staff the ambulances we may rely on volunteers to

acquire a particular vehicle or apparatus depending on what structure

were responding to and we would know in the location but we may not have that

vehicle parked at station one but you would have the knowledge of what was

required generally from an ADDRESS call correct

okay thank you

mr. Mitchell yes sir I want to go back to a couple things in my question will

be purview chief and also you fire marshal at the same time so even one of

you can answer as you see fit fire marshal KELLY back on July 26th

of 16 429 you wrote a letter to Bill King at that time

specifically saying you were sorry for any confusion created I realize this is

not what you want to hear but this is what I find is needed to properly access

point Street please pay a note that this letter was written to bill King back on

726 of 16 it included a list of requirements to

make Point Street achieve a level of fire code compliance based on the fact

that it had the opportunity to be compliant to those fire codes with a few

suggestions one was the dead end with the turn around is that turn around

available now there is a turn microphone

that turnaround is there where he had been constructed I have not been there

but chief Samak had told me that it was

so then if that's the case the ambulance that went down there to one of Bill

King's rental places the other day had to back out and get citizens to help it

back out because it didn't use the turn around do they just not know about that

turn around if it's not marked that's possibility and depending on

whether utilizing part-time personnel so they

have this code here from what 16 that's still not in effect

thanks well yes buildings and facilities Road should extend 150 feet grading but

one of the most down here was fire apparatus self access roads shall not be

obstructed in any manner including the parking of vehicles for this section we

have already addressed with Council and request the intersection appointment

Washington Street be marked red curb 460 feet to the south and north from the

center of point Street on the west side of Washington Street to allow room to

make an approach into point Street are you agreeing with that statement or not

that was Jimmy's interpretation at that time whenever he evaluated what code was

available pertaining to reviewing the construction

plan and so some core answer to that is yes or no you agree with it I would have

to agree with Jimmy's assessment at that time okay I got an email here from you

on April the 27th of 2018 in which he said I agree with him that we have to be

able to make the turn on the point Street I still stand by that if it can

be made accessible for us to get an apparatus and not drag a thousand feet a

five inch hose down Point Street and then after we don't mind doing you know

physical labor that's part of this job but getting apparatus as close

as possible to a burning structure means that we can get a fire put out quicker

so which one of these proposals do you support taking one or two parkings

places away are taking all three

after having a discussion with fire chief Kelly and building official and

several others dependent you know pertaining to this and there are there

are you know it's a it's a an interesting question because if you want

specifically my opinion I your professional opinion is the fire to

better department what you would recommend to us I would like to be able

to turn an apparatus down that big down that Street if at all possible from so

which one of these ordinances then do you support bill has ever seen either

ordinance I think in one or two parking spaces so that if you're coming from up

Summit Street and coming up that way there was a discussion about taking

either one or two places to make the swing-off in eliminating coming from the

Crescent Hotel down because she say most of the time fire trucks come from the

summit Street up so I think that's kind of what Bill's proposal is in a way it

may be off from it but that's kind of what suits our discussion the last time

we've since sold one fire station all right the one on White Street yes so the

probability of responding from WHITE street that direction

it's possible but it's not very probable but if we happen to be at the Crescent

Hotel on an alarm a fire alarm and a crew comes in you know or there's

another fire alarm that there's possibilities and then there's

probabilities so fire chief makes it difficult to access that street from

either direction the way now is that an acceptable alternative

it's up to the chief in the council because it's a public street

so as certainly their call I have to bring it to the attention because it was

being evaluated for a building that mr. King he asked me to evaluate the street

before he could build a building what wouldn't be needed would it be was that

Street of a proper egress or something along that nature so I went over that's

how it got started then I have to evaluated according to

several different chapters of the code on fire apparatus access to start with

before I even get into the type of building or whatever things like that so

that's how I had to put down what I felt was needed at that type of intersection

to get in there but it does create a big problem and certainly would not try to

knock people out of their livelihood or whatever they could here for parking but

I have to put it down that way as the best interest to me would be have access

from either direction it makes good sense with the teacher saying what's

being asked about can we just get there from one Street at one direction mainly

it's a good question and can it has to be somebody has to make that decision

and I think chief SAMIC because has that position or the council to decide

what we need to do but I think you all need to know and you all need to be a

part of that discussion and figure it out so that it some happens later I'm

not liable and CHIEF SAMIC may or may not want to tell you exactly that's that is

his call as my chief and chief of our fire department so John I don't disagree

with coming from the Crescent Hotel if we all hypothetical every bit of this is

hypothetical if we were to come from the Crescent Hotel on apparatus to go down

Point Street the option would be to past point Street turn up toward Ojo and some

back in VAUGHN and then access it again it would be a delay of you know 30

seconds another another question fire the chief FIRE marshal when a person is

doing new construction you have some requirements that you're necessarily

supposed to do before they get building permits is that yes and is one of those

that you assess the fire situation and the access to it was that done for the

new construction at the end of point Street yes that's that's how come about

so it so you did do the assessment and everything that allowed the building

inspector to give the permits what you're telling me yes okay good okay

okay um there was a dumpster along this street for months if not more than a

year I assume that that was there by virtue of a permit am I correct or did

they just drop it there this question didn't answer and the fire department

has no say in whether the STREET is blocked that I think we're informed when

streets are completely blocked yeah

we're informed when the street is completely blocked why were we informed

that a dumpster would be there for whatever period of time it was there I

don't know I'd have to go back through our daily logs during that period of

time and check but as far as my knowledge right now of whether we were

informed that that dumpster was going to be placed there from this point in time

to this point in time and I don't know would that dumpster have obstructed your

ability to make those terms I don't remember exactly where the dumpster was

from I'm just wondering why nobody was upset about all this when that dumpster

was there and now all of a sudden we are Christy I can answer questions they they

were and the homeowners that look good having the dumpsters put there actually

called the fire department and the fire department said to move it up as close

to that that distant driveway as possible to make the point the swing off

of off of Washington Street coming in from from Summit so they actually had

the the dumpsters moved and they were than they were continued thereafter on

the on the part of the fire department and that would be in our daily log that

we keep I don't like I said I don't have that with me right now I have a question

of the city attorney um do we require permits for dumpsters on city streets

I would have to look but I don't believe so that would be a question you'd you'd

be better off to sight TO a building official he would be at for charge of

that action miss Schneider okay go through me and MICKY have you guys

okay you said you didn't have a chance head and had a chance to read these

Jimmy have you seen them okay I would like to suggest we don't take any action

today until the marshal and the chief have sat down looked at this and had

discussion with Bill in regards to his map and see if something equitable and

workable could be worked out though it would make the people safe but also not

destroy parking but would that work with you guys well not yet bill guys we've

had several discussions I'd be happy to SIT down you ever read those probably

take me a couple minutes to well then I make a motion that we put this off till

the next meeting so that they can read these go over them three can get

together see what's going on or the two as need be and come up with a final

workable decision second that I just got a motion to defer this for the next

meeting I would like to amend that motion so that bill has an opportunity

to present to the fire department a third I included it him I said his may I

finish America no because I included him researcher

yeah I would like to make an amendment that bill has an opportunity to write up

a third ordinance that the fire department can it's right here okay we

got an amendment interruption mr. King right a third ordinance in SUBMIT along

with the council for these two ordinances question on that amendment do

I have a second second okay okay discussion on the amendment I already

included him I included his map I included them working together what is

the point she wants him brought an ordinance right an ordinance you're

going to ask a non-legal person to write an ordinance okay that makes sense

yes sir mr. David god I'm almost agree with MICKEY this is scary I does happen I

know long second thought I'm second all

right any further discussion on the amendment

if I may have an opportunity to speak uninterrupted I would like to elaborate

I believe bill could describe in writing a better or earning his mind at least a

better location than was presented in those two ordinances a map is not the

same as writing it up I want bill to have the opportunity to

write up the description of what he suggests no I do want to talk him here

okay yes sir mr. Mitchell we have a fire chief WE HAVE A fire marshal we had a

building inspector and I have an email here from the building inspector and

very clearly heard from the building inspector that he agreed with the fire

marshal very clearly these are the experts these are the ones that defend

this city from fire these are the ones that have hold the codes these people

sitting at this table here do not upholds but we're supposed to uphold

them in their decisions I don't hold myself out as an expert on the fire I

didn't volunteer as the fire department put out fires so I don't have a clue I

know about the ambulance a lot but I'm not going to tell them how to run an

ambulance either with my medical background I'm not going to do it

they're the experts and for us to sit here and ask a citizen to write an

ordinance it's based on this need of the person for parking over the fire chief

and the fire marshal is obscene utterly obscene I'm sorry

yeah thank you mr. mayor first of all and I don't know if I should even be

talking about this until you've made a decision on this on this on this

amendment and in the motion that Nikki need I'd like to get back to the topic

at hand but I don't know if I should be discussing we're talking about them

and I have nothing to say about that okay we will be back mm a minute mr.

Thomas did you have something on the amendment no MS SCHNIEDER the whole point

of my motion was to include bill just because he has a quick map doesn't mean

he doesn't know what he's talking about nor does it mean that the two experts

don't know what he's talking about that was the whole point of including the

property owner along with the two experts we do not need to have any other

ordinances or anything else these two will be sufficient or whatever they end

up with taking those two combining them into a final

think no further discussion on the amendment I've got them vote on the

amendment that would have mr. king right a third ordinance to go along with our

other ordinances all those in favor signify by saying aye aye those opposed

see what I'm saying no no motion fails all right

brings us back to the original motion to defer this to our next week may we

discuss first certainly thank you okay I think before we do that you know in a

perfect world all streets would be 60 feet wide but they're not and you know

these streets have been narrow in this town since the inception of the TOWN

GRANTED you know vehicles were smaller wagons cars and trucks and all that but

we have what we have and so you know PRECEDENT is a big thing in this town

and and and if it was a 60 foot street mr. Kelly and mr. Samak would be correct

absolutely you know there's you know there should be anything that's

constructive but it's when it's not you know it's it's it is the street exists

as it exists so you have to take all that history into consideration and and

if you set a precedent by taking away parking spots at a been there and used

historical historically since you know a term an attorney used to use in town

with since the beginning of time well it's not the beginning of time of course

but it's the inception this time then when you do it one place then you aren't

going to open yourself to every place else and this is real

slippery slope and I recommend not going there the the fire department

GRANTED it would be great if they could get a larger apparatus down there but

you know they just have to deal with what they have to deal with that's all

right actually we got the MOTION to DEFER for two weeks into motion stop

waiting with them on that no it's all saved my discussion all those in favor

of deferring this route to our next council meeting signify by saying aye

aye any opposed they say okay so thank you

mr. King we'll get together along with the fire marshal building inspector in

part she discusses president let them send the boys here's their don't want

you have copied oh you got a copy of the ordinance

that brings us to our next item on the agenda 2017 budget cleanup resolution

much to discuss so moved second MR CLARK all right we've got a resolution

for amending our cleanup for 2017 it's for the 2017 here at budget and it's

just simply adjusting the budget to the actual numbers as I came in and that's

something that is we've done every year puts us where we are in compliance

Thomas two years ago this council passed a bit of regarding a specific format

they wanted the clean up resolution to be in at to clean up resolutions and to

mid-year budget resolution SINCE THEN for all four of them we've had to go back

and say this is not in the proper format you know bring it back to us when it is

so I would move to table this until it's in the format adopted by the City


I hear a second I'm confused but FORMAT I'll second it for sake of

discussion okay

discussion but I can answer yeah what for what for me I suppose mass guarding

it would be the original budget figures the final budget figures but the

differences in each category and totals following the differences between the

original budget sentence and the final budget okay now I remember what you're

talking about okay discussion is this possible to do Oni it is it will be very

simple to do something to the furthest we do it this is this is a format that

has been used for years but we can we can comply with that without a problem

motion to defer all those in FAVOR SIGNIFY BY saying aye opposed Thank You


next item is discussing remodel in the auditorium

mr. Thomas just want to point out that at the March 12th meeting of City

Council we had kind of consistence that we wanted to get into the gym for City

Council meetings there was a motion to have cost estimate in phases at least

the middle of April we're almost to the 1st of June now and there's nothing been

done so I would like to set up a schedule for getting estimates and work

started and moving down the stairs and I'd like to have mayor's input on what a

reasonable timeline would be it took me until about two weeks ago to be able to

get the people from the elevator company over here to give us estimates on

elevators and then actually it was about three weeks ago and then I had to send

them back because I'm not sure we could get the elevators there's two different

elevators that we can use we can use a elevator lift without a problem

unfortunately the elevator lift will only carry approximately a total of

twelve hundred pounds and lifted basically a wire cage into there to get

an elevator that would carry up to 2,500 pounds which is more feasible down

through there which the problem I had with making sure we had the Headroom and

I'm still not sure we have we need 14 inches for a pit underneath that and so

I still got to have the floor cut to see if we got 14 inches underneath the floor

the difference between the two is about 65,000 just for the elevator that's for

the main elevator versus 35,000 for the lift if we did the elevator we're going

to have to have a walkway over there plus the bathrooms we're probably

looking at anywhere from a minimum of roughly 125,000 to accounting the

handicapped bathroom to maybe 150 thousand dollars if we do that then

we're going to have to go ahead and hire an architect for it if we do that and

that's what the council wants to do then we're going to have to do that and we're

looking at probably six months before we able to get it set of documents forward

be able to put out for bids if that's what the council wants to do I think the

council needs to make a decision if we're willing to go either way we're

probably looking at we're probably still looking at $100,000 to one hundred and

fifty hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars for the elevator and okay the

bathroom remodel on mr. Mitchell that at cost range is very helpful in

making going ahead with we have north street sitting there and city is not a

very good landlord when it comes to collecting rents especially on north

street it seems not that you know there was a lot of extenuating circumstances

and i certainly understand them i certainly don't want to repeat them but

north street has some value and i would assume north street if we put it up for

bidding would probably bring in a good hundred thousand at least for that

building with the property in the way it's sitting now who would want to buy

it there's probably a fair number of people would want to buy it anywhere

from allegiance to the hospital or endorse somebody for a home even the

flip it at that price range so considering that that money could go

into expanding the use of this auditorium making it more functional

functionable for the city and the citizens and bring this place back up to

its glory fully occupied and fully used i think deserves

the ability to go forward and yes we should meet all ADA compliance standards

and have that bathroom I'm not I'm not too sure that I understand the twenty

five hundred fifteen hundred twelve hundred pounds lifts but so you can't

bring a ton of merchandise down the elevator at one time you can bring it

down twice keep it under twelve hundred pounds and that even saves more money

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that we ought to go ahead and make the

decision to formally to move to the auditorium and to proceed Isecond THAT

if thats a motion Mr MCCLUNG if this would need to be an

amendment to that but I like the idea of the basement then utilized I really do

and I and I agree with the concept of the lower weight unit would yeah you

make two trips instead of one I have no problem with that I'm good with that too

and I like the idea of eliminating North Street and use those funds dedicate that

to the project I think that's huh so do do we need a

you think it'd be wise to have a motion added to that too or separately to to

offer that North Street for sale and can it be publicly marketed yeah that's a

separate issue that's a separate issue perfectly yeah

okay no I just wanted to say the people that have talked to me are so excited

about us doing this and I think what David suggested and mr. McClung

suggested is I think we should make the motion but the North Street up for sale

and proceed I think saving this building is just a

really fabulous thing a place where the community can do things we can also

attract state CONVENTIONS which we've had to rent places when we've had HDC

conventions we could also now have like the governor's convention the tourism

convention and we would have a place I just think it's a fabulous idea all

right this comes could you clarify hit David's motion from written the note to

commit to moving to the auditorium okay then I'd like to amend that to say that

we would hire an architect to pursue developing the plans

I want to ask the question about that I guess I'm gonna have to second it to ask

the question you can ask a question I think if you don't understand that I'm

taking his amendment so that I can have discussion I would think with the amount

of money that were potentially with the the rough estimate we just got from the

mayor which requires an architect I didn't know why we needed an amendment

to the motion to hire one especially since we're talking to the mayor of /

architect in the first place he's done allowing but he's not allowed

but I don't if I'm to guess that was my only concern Bob I just don't understand

why we needed an architect when we're going to have to get more than anybody

so well my concern is that you can make the motion to move downstairs in the

auditorium and that MOTION can sit there for the next 10 years with the motion to

move Oh HIRING AN architect isn't going to make it move any quicker so we

probably should put a timeframe on it well it still will take six months to

get the trying to tell you're trying to tell A lawyer how

fast SOMETHING we'll go through COURT then I would say hire an architect

within the next two months

mr. mayor do you need counsel to give you authority to hire an architect

MR MCLUNG do you have to have an architect if you get to it with just anything over

a hundred thousand dollars has to have an architect can't just be an engineer


they're probably a combination that no there's going to be an architect

involved because you got plumbing and some interior work I mean they're couple

every engineers involved in the architecture one's going to be

coordinating an engineer IS NOT GOING TO be able to draw up the ADA bathrooms an

architect we're getting the architect doing anything how puts a reasonable

HIRING an architect well I can put put up proposals and get some requesting on

my way to get that done relatively quick yes SIR MR. MCLUNG I was also thinking that something

that you know I know how this kind of thing goes and been in and the cost goes

up exponentially each day that's delayed you know once once once it's outlined in

indecision just like just like the Public Works building it went from

seventy five thousand to two hundred you know this has an example you know it

just I think we better set up some kind of a ceiling or something and trying to

give us some parameters that's what I'm thinking it so and I want to I want to I

would like to proceed with this but but that's not exactly sure the right

direction well we get I mean I've given you some

rough costs just for the equipment and possible construction you know if I

think once we get the parameters from from a design standpoint we'll have

small FIGURE cost figures at that point in time will be presented to the council

I mean it won't be just going out for bids and saying

the difference between the $70,000 maintenance building and the 200,000 was

the fact that the original building was a poultry processing metal building

right right we're not we're not we're not going to we're not going to try and

recreate the Taj Mahal either I mean that's that's we've got a basic BUILDING

structure yes sir I'm gonna go out on a limb here and ask a question when I I

think it was at the beginning of your term so it would have been my second

term on council and you were you as mayor I came mayor and you were working

on the architectural drawings for the pavilion out at Lake leatherWOOD but I

believe and council made an exception to allow you to to be the architect so I'm

going to go ahead and ask a question I'm making a motion I'm going to ask a

question if this council made an exception and acknowledged you as being

had having the ability to be the architect of this project is is that

legal the council can do that I'm not sure that I would accept that I think I

want to I've talked to another architect about downstairs and I've had him look

at it with me to make sure it was in you're ahead of the game already we're

looking at you know making sure that you know things are going on so they're

based on that can you speed up that timeframe I can find out and I don't

know whether I can speed it up because you know it's like anything else people

are busy this construction is going up and I don't know what everybody's time

schedule is but I can certainly get in contact with Inka saying about hiring an

architect to proceed with this and coming back like the council know where

we are mr. mayor yes sir just someone to ask

something of the fire chief or FIRE MARSHALL KELLY and that is how does the

capacity downstairs that is it as it exists right now do you have it you

recall okay yeah I mean I know it's gonna be for meetings but they have to

be involved in this to some degree I think occupancy yeah so I don't have

that number in front of it we can look that up to find out probably somewhere

around 100-150 I think but just another note on that does the elevator would

have to connect it to the alarm system as well when it's put in would it be

another requirement that not oversight to so keep that in mind that's going to

be a little cost and additional stuff that I think we would be capable of and

I don't know what that a panel it's pretty old too if it's capable of that

so keep that in mind an elevator that's actually adding a third entrance

excellent no elevators not allowed TO BE USED AS A life safety device or access exit

idea yep and I believe probably it's not I think we have enough egress with the

openings it's just the square footage that determines yeah you're already okay

on your occupancy right now that you have plenty for depends on how you set

it up I think you're okay on that

okay we had a motion we were well I have a question because mr. Thomas amended

his amendment by adding within the next two months and I did not hear a second

to that no his amendment went down in flames so does that leave us with mr.

Thomas original motion and to say hiring our architect to develop plans without

the timeframe of within the next two months does it take us back to that I

think that was bones amendment mr. Mitchell wait a minute I'm backing up

into the order of things okay second amendment to well your amendment to your

amendment was to say within the next two months

correct okay and so there was not a second on that by virtue of that fact

that we back up into your original amendment correct to say to hire an

anarchic and architect to develop plans and that did get a second oh now we're

voting on that amendment if I'm understanding correctly

okay that's correct thank you okay so we're voting on the

amendment to hire an architect everybody understand mm-hmm and all those in favor

signify by saying aye any opposed all right so now we're back to the

original motion which is to move to the auditorium okay

all those in favor signify by saying aye any opposed all right then just while

we're on this topic I'd like to make a motion at this point in time that we

start the process for putting North Street up for sale second the point of

order that's in addition to the agenda which can't be done but it has to be

added to the agenda that's too late to the agenda no it's not it can be done

okay yeah I make a motion that we add us that the sale of North Street to the

agenda is a topic second okay in further discussion on amending the agenda to

adding North Street hearing none all those in favor signify by saying aye any

opposed okay now okay so that takes us to item 5

which has been deferred to June 11th meeting number 8 are we going to vote on

selling it then are we going to move out oh it's okay

so you're going to move the north to the end of the agenda story okay sorry to

the end of new business which would make it number 8 okay okay that brings us the

next next item is Rock Street resolution I'll make a motion to assign a number to

the resolution full and you did and read it written for brutal read it for

approval really okay did I hear a second

second discussion at the thomas property owner

affected has been dealing with this several years and has requested that we

put timeline and there further removal from the master plans redacted and take

him out KRISTY isn't this as if he's written mean that it would be effective


no that's right it says it's been recognized as having been done correct

position and MR.MCCLUNG yeah refresh my memory what is it it's

in the resolution it know where it is ROCK STREET down and magnetic

McKinley wages out after this thank someone to go right in front of Rachel

bricks HOUSE

is this what we needed her or wasn't then we didn't close it

right yeah into the property right and it was on the magic trail masters master

trail list but it was decided to be take it off with the counselors they were

taking in our FORMALLY and so this formally takes it off from the trail to

master list it's on parks trails okay we know what we don't own anymore happens

we didn't know where to begin mr. Thomas I could ask Justin the

question passing this resolution tonight how long

did it take you to get this off of your MAP it will be a Photoshop process the

original data that was created at MAP stand back miss mayor we've got a

horrible bug on our sound system right now

or someone puts our donors yeah he's got it

somebody's phone ringing buzzing

yes ma'am oh I'm sorry oh yeah

years ago the city vacated that one section that was basically the driveway

for the works house at that point the trails plan was at the far end of the

land property and it went and dealt with marble flats there was it was not going

to be touching our private property so I don't understand what this is Terry do

you remember that discussion on the trail versus the street they don't I

don't have an easement across marble plants but no but I mean but it was at

that end of the property barrio Parks has no easement across marble plants

right there's no there's no access to marble FLATS by city street from that

end okay but that's what I'm saying that was the section it was close to the

marble flats it was at that end of the property so I don't understand what this

is do you I do go ahead check that was a different

Street it finally became clear that what was on the TRAILS map was indeed the

BRICKES property oh there okay the ordinance

that section of land it is the section of rock stream that runs in front of the

brick house and that is still on the trails a TRAILS MAP when I know it's

on the map IT GOES with the resolution saying that the council supports the

trails map is were conducting okay so and I can show you the documentation if

you yeah no she's I couldn't I was trying to figure out where it was

because I know that one part in front of the house went up like through the woods

and that's where they were talking about coming down that and the far end so okay

MR. THOMASI just I miss Justin's answer when I asked him how that was

when this buzz came out how long is it going to take you to change the map the

the process itself is as a measure of scanning photoshopping out that section

I don't have the original data and putting it on this is just procedural

this is a council approved master plan and it's not appropriate for us to make EDITS

without a resolution from that's really all we're asking for that section

again it's proposed it's to literally two inches from the word proposed trails

it's not on a trail map it hasn't been on a trail map and just to discuss

there's been some comments about us not listening to some things we've not been

approached about this for some time and then we recommend it to the person

complaining to come make that request perfectly finds again proposed trails

not a trail map not anything on there so that's fine yes we want to run a trail

through there someday that's why it's proposed because we don't have a thing

we're perfectly fine with taking rocks CREEK off the map and not showing that

as a trail and it's described don't four or five different pages as being a part

of your trail I spend it in one page on our master by the way one page two

inches from the word proposed TRAILS you know the additional pages that I have

them at home yes what are your suggestions yeah tell me Robin I'm not

saying it doesn't exist our current master trail plan that keeps being

referenced in this issue it's in one place yeah and again we understand

that's vacated it's not going it's been not an option since I arrived here so

it's not something we've been like yeah we're going to do that it just hasn't

been taken off because it's a procedural issue

by this body myself I'll SEND IT TO YOU perfect

make sure they're not being put out anywhere certainly I mean a good we look

and we were told that we did look forward is the only place that I found

found that MS. KENDRICK section the City Council vacated this property in 2014

why was it not taken off the MAPS THEN I can't answer that question I want some

here until 2016 but okay you were here in 2016 just a moment ago as a council

City Council approved master I DISAGREE I think it was it all action was

appropriately taken four years ago and I do not understand why it remains on the

MAP I can't speak to four years ago but I can say again that the procedure for a

council approved master plan is the council to make a resolution to make

that edit it's not appropriate for me to make that edit we that's we're trying

right now we're dealing with this resolution so any confusion and I agree

doing it but I feel like this is unnecessary this should have been done

for years whether it should or should it we're doing it taken care of I'm hoping

any further questions all right we got a motion and to read this resolution

find a number and read it for passage do we need a second we're okay ah oh yes

miss SCHNIEDER yes miss KENDRICKS yes MR. McClung yes

Mitchell yes mr. Thomas yes okay THE RESOLUTION number will be

a resolution clarifying theROCK STREET is no longer a part of the master plan for

Chris where's the City Council Eureka Springs Arkansas have you been informed

that an issue has arisen AS TO THE status of rocks STREET master plan

for trails and whereas THE CITY OF Eureka Springs recognized the master plan for

trails by resolution six four two on July 14 2014 and vacated an unnamed area

of rock street in ordinance 22 15 passed on July 28 2014 now if they report be

resolved by the City Council of the City OF EUREKA SPRINGS ARKANSAS park beside the rock STREET

is recognized as having been removed from the master plan for trails by

ordinance 22 15 thank you all right our next item under new business is

discussion of being B&B CUP moratorium on

ms Kendricks I thank you a motion to discuss a second

I received a an email from an ally who is the chair of the Planning Commission

indicating that has come to her attention that they're making applicants

coming before the Planning Commission for a B&B cup in the guise of tourist

lodging and she is respectfully requesting that the City Council passed

a six-month moratorium on on B&B cups I back in January ninth 2017 the City

Council passed resolution 700 which was a moratorium on all new cups in r1 and

r2 until June 30th 2017 I gathered that the issues at that time I was very

concerned about the effect of increased B&B B&Bs ON

the availability of affordable housing I don't think that any of these issues

have yet has yet been addressed so I would like to move that we that the City

Council place a moratorium on all new B&B cups in r1 and r2 four until six six

six months from the date of this resolution I'll second that

and then yes MS GREEN when when she gave the timeline in the last moratorium

the Planning Commission worked really hard to come up with code definitions

and changes to make it where the public asked us for no more cps in the

residential area any kind of CUP and the new codes that we will be working on

have made it to where you would have to apply for variance to get one it doesn't

totally take them out but it makes it where really the neighbors are going to

have to approve we've made it instead of a two hundred feet frontage road it's a

200 foot radius that you cannot have any kind of a CUP within those unless yellow

variance and the public has definitely asked for this and what is kind of come

to my attention is that there's still there's that loophole of getting in with

a B&B license really not living there just throwing a renter into what may be

the living quarters or the area and the public is asked that we stop doing this

so I agree with Kristy I think six-month moratorium till we get those quotes

cleaned up would be appropriate

mr. MCCLUNG I just have one question for her before I said anything else who's

who's the public when we were other other B&B owners there are other B&B

owners people that came in and talked to us the people that came and protested

when we remember we had like three of them in 2017 we had three applicants and

it was just a bruja on three of them that people just did not want them but

yet they were approved anyway one was approved that was the one on Washington

Street - were not here's and here's another

question her email she mentioned that they're trying to get permits under

tourist lodging which tourists is no longer allowed anyway what what they're

doing mr. MCCLUNG is let's say I have a property that like maybe a duplex I put

a renter on the top hold on honk that's my manager and then I can start renting

out the bottom the people on the top are just renters they're not REALLY

managers so basically it's just regular renting it out lately yes yes there if

I'm in correctly from wrong they're trying to apply for a B&B right right

but they're really OVRNIGHT lodging its overnight lodging they'll have a

quote-unquote renter saying there's kind of reverse of the way I interpreted her

email then because I interpreted it the other way yeah yeah it wasn't super

clear I mean what she meant because I worked on those cold definitions and

revisions with her okay present discussion it could have a

question for Miss green sure because when we did this before when we were

discussing before and you were on right yes wasn't there just what you said

there was just one little area of town where there actually could possibly be a

new CUP because it was yes but what we've left is there is a variance if

somebody wants to come in and apply in an area of the two

feet they can apply with the variance for CUP and and what we would do is the

Planning Commission could award a variance along with the CUP people and so

this this one that they're afraid of is going to be in a where they needed a

variant I don't I don't think it's quite come understand people coming down and

asking they can do this and you know there was talk of someone building some

stuff to do this and so mr. Mitchell declare something miss green is talking

about with the variance for the two hundred she's talking about the proposed

rules not the current rules that are in place so under the current rules in

place there has been a movement by people into town to grabbing B&B

licenses and there is more activity in that realm than there ever has been

before so just because there's one really active right now does there's

more following that's what we're trying to say but on there grabbing existing

being realizes no no I'm trying to apply well I thought there was only one little

right so we go in under the old code which is opening all of residential

right they were just until we finished working on these codes are asking us to

have a moratorium on C ups so that we can at least YA OR NEA THESE CODES further

discussion all right so got a motion to have a

six-month moratorium on the B&Bs and CUPs and sieepiess nor 1 and r 2 for no

further discussion all those in favor of the motion had stated signify by saying

aye any opposed so moved

all right they bring this up to our new business of selling North Street and I

remember I got A MOTION TO DISCUSS Mitchell yes I'd like to make a motion that we

actively engaged the appropriate process for the sale of the property on Norris

Street probably putting minimum bid in of a hundred thousand dr. second I heard

again sorry mr. MCCLUNG I think we'll have to get in a little

APPRAISAL first I would I don't think we can set our own price I think we do

you mind would you mind taking back here back to my second I make a motion that

we get in pencil on North Street and start the process post that selling the

property second okay further discussion hearing none all those in favor of

getting an appraisal 425 North Street for sale signify by saying aye

all right any opposed that's a move that brings us back to unfinished business

ordinance number 22 66 the second reading get a motion to discuss some

moved second last time we had some figures that were backwards on the

well we're going to cost for the so contained breathing apparatuses and the

generators we've since gotten that corrected and have gotten their correct

prices in there I'm not sure mister where do we need to reread the ordinance

or it would be best if you were to read it in whole and add those changes as

amendments just to break the entire ordinance and then as you go through

mention that those are the places for amendment then both the amendment then

both the owners gave copy of the old ordinance j5d that did look the same

I have one up my truck I think don't even get it I don't have a copy of it

come to me first thank you

okay I appreciate all right so

yeah all those in favor of the witness ordinance 2266 on the second reading

think saying aye okay I make a motion and we read the amended form okay

okay need a second to read the amended form

second question sir yes I have a question

okay as I recall it was it was the figures were not the same there was

two locations for the figures and they were not identical that was what the

problem was I believe right and I think since then I don't remember which that

was right then which wasn't but but I believe that's what it was

okay so do you want to proceed with mr. Leivers recommend it

yeah yeah if you know if you're if you know what the what the amendment needs

to be then yes okay yeah okay all right all those in favor of reading the

ordinance 22 us for second amended ordinance 2366 on second reading signify

by saying aye aye any opposed what is number two 266 as

many an ordinance waiting requirements of competitive bidding for the purpose

of purchasing self-contained breathing apparatus and compressor unit whereas

the city Eureka Springs Fire Department is desiring to purchase 10 Scott

self-contained breathing apparatus inlaid accessories for cost not to

exceed seventy four thousand nine hundred $21.98 as well as one Scott

compressor unit and related accessories for cost not to exceed forty one

thousand five hundred thirty-five dollars and sixteen cents over the next

one month period and whereas the fire chief doesn't this gave the

manufacturers of the required air packs and compressor to determine the one

that's desirable for the city she needs and

whereas equipment compatibility safety and cost efficiency required continued

use of proprietary equipment manufactured by Scott health and safety

with from the dealer emergency vehicle specialists that is EBS a Conway

Arkansas now therefore the ordained by the City Council is a city to have

Eureka Springs Arkansas second one that pursuant to the provisions of section

3.0 4.0 2 of Eureka Springs Municipal Code the council have said city plans

that this be an exception situation in which the procedure for competitive

bidding is being not feasible or practical competitive bidding is hereby

specifically waived and the city fire department is authorized to purchase up

to ten units for self-contained breathing apparatus manufactured by

Scott health and safety from EVs at a cost of not more than seventy four

thousand nine hundred twenty one dollars and eighty eight cents and a compatible

Scott compressor unit related accessories at a maximum cost or 41

thousand five million thirty-five dollars and sixteen cents

purchases shall be completed no later than June 4th 2018 section 2 that all

reduces our resolutions in and conflict her with her hereby

repealed to the extent of such conflict section 3 that each of the provisions of

this organ are several and the decision of any court having jurisdiction as to

the validity of any provision shall not affect remain provision the one that was

read at the previous meeting had the two amounts reversed in the first whereas

the in section one

the fifth line had an amount of six thousand fifty dollars and it needed to

have been seventy 4921 one complete the last figure in that section was the

reverse and is now forty one thousand five hundred thirty five dollars and

sixteen cents and those are the corrections the two figures with and

your leg but this line section one was incorrect because it was per unit and I

guess the custard yeah yeah I'm fine I'm ready to make a motion that we approve

the amendment I think we need to do that first let's just prove the ordinance

tonight you know I think we have to improve the amendment first okay here I

get a motion to approve the amendment I'll second that

any further discussion all those in favor of approving the amendment signify

by saying aye any opposed that's where I'd like to

make a motion that we approve ordinance number 22 66 on the second reading


discussion I tagged along to all those in favor signify by saying aye all right

any opposed thanks so much mr. McCLUNG yes mister MAYOR I like to suspend the rules

and read ordinance number 22 66 were third and final reading second by title

only SECOND discussion

yes just imagine yes yes miss green yes mr. Thomas yes yes the ORDINANCE number

is 260 self-contained breathing apparatus and compressor unit well yes

sir I'd like to approve ordinance number 22

66 on its third and final reading second

for the discussion okay hearing none mr. Thomas yes this McClung yes yes yes yes

yes mr. mayor yes sir mr.MCCLUNG I would like to make a

motion that we approve and read you heard the emergency clause ORDINANCE NUMBER

22 66 that as they have a time line of order those within one month of now

which we're almost late I think in a second

and discussion mr. MCCLUNG is right we have a deadline of getting this done by June

4th that's the race to the emergency clause otherwise the price will go up

yes ma'am yes miss Greene yes yes yes yes mr. Mitchell yes

emergency clause section for the due to the need to finalize the purchase no

later than June 4 2018 and for the health welfare and safety of the

citizens of the CITY an emergency is hereby declared to exist in this order

shall take effect upon this passage by each spring the City Council assigned by

the CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE EUREKA SPRINGS MAYOR next to them it's the league's opinion

of parks rights motion to discuss so moved second I think I'm not sure if

everybody's got the copy of we finally received clarification and copies from

Municipal League last week from two different attorneys regarding some

similar questions plus a couple ones that I had after reading their their

comments I had additional questions open it up for discussion

yes ma'am you refer that on you see the third paragraph or second paragraph on

the first page you say the validity of the late Leatherwood sales tax has is a

topic that has already has a legal opinion from the Municipal League all I

have ever I don't think I've ever seen anything I think I've just heard from

mr. Weaver that he spoke to them on the phone

it is there such a legal written legal opinion

there is not a written legal opinion at the time they were in a position to give

us an oral opinion and that is what I received comment okay as you may see it

took two months to get answers to these other questions I I understand I would

just simply like to point out that lower on it

apparently that opinion was was issued and when they still apparently they are

still missing the language of the Leatherwood sales tax and so no that was

provided to them at the time they spoke with me okay they say they say they

don't have it so I said I'll turn it on - they do have it they said this is

synopsis and I sent it between the March 15th or May 15 after they received that

I sent him to language on that because a lot of their statements in here are

contingent upon that language such as their opinion under number 3 number 3

seems to indicate that they have not seen it so I would just like to point

that out and I would believe that the reference there is to one of the other

members of the league then who I spoke with but I'm not going to speak for that

he shared it with who when I spoke with him originally so

I'm sorry I feel that the opinion therefore is doesn't address certain

issues I'm sorry would you repeat that I it because of these discrepancies

between what is said in this written legal to pinyin and what you're telling

me I I don't believe that the OPINION believe the opinion is lacking in

addressing that issue

if you would like to put your thoughts and get in writing I would be glad to

forward it on to the Municipal League for their response that's all I can do I

have sent them there the information that they had asked for regarding the

documents I thought their May 22nd clarification and some of those others

was response from that they never said that they still needed additional

information from me or from the city so mr. mcclain apparently if they thought

any different than what they'd already written with information you provided

them they would've sent a follow-up and they did not so apparently what they

what they stated this what they still believe miss tiger okay the whole point

of this whole thing was in regards to Kim Parks work along side of the

community center regardless of the decision of the city not being involved

until certain things were met and basically what they're saying everywhere

in here in regards to that and that was the whole point of this question is

Parks is autonomous they will do as they so need to or want to every single

response it here sits here and says

parks is on their own Council cannot say yea or nay like in regards to the green

house and whatever else would be going on has nothing to do with that typo all

of this has to do with can they make contracts and deal with Community Center

and they are saying these MUNICIPAL League is saying yes they can they're autonomous

mr. Mitchell if you read the Municipal Code you you would know very well that

nobody should even question that they're autonomous in that level absolutely I

have a couple questions in here but I'm more interested in this MS KENDRICKS

motion that this that some of this data is possibly tainted because of the

wording and the interpretation is missing and I know she's not sitting

here as our counsel legal counsel but I think with her background if she has

raised a question and has been invited to put her concerns in writing to be

sent back to the Municipal League that we probably shouldn't be taking any

action per se on this I do have a question of the Lonnie specific to

something but I'm not going to ask him at this point but I am going to make a

statement about this the ultimate authority or the parks commission rests

with the City Council their existence rests with the City Council the ability

to remove a commissioner for cause rests with the City Council and it might be

very interesting for this council to consider dissolving the parks Commission

and moving it to a department under the city like the fire police etc and

letting Justin be the department director that's my comment

KRISTY I I would just like to clarify that the reason this opinion was

obtained has nothing to do with parks doing business with the Community

Foundation it had to do with a statement that I made in council I believe back in

March perhaps about how I found several deficiencies in the parks tax and and in

the way parks the Parks Commission was reporting to City Council and the

failure of the City Council to appropriate the lake Leatherwood tax for

his four purposes so that parks could use it

I find this opinion too to be lacking in addressing the parks tax I also find it

to be lacking in addressing the fact that we apparently don't have an

ordinance that approved the lake Leatherwood master plan upon which the

whole tax hinges so yes I would like to have the opportunity to submit my own

questions to the Municipal League okay which comes I could ask questions for

ms Kendrick is there anything you don't want to deal with municipal LEAGUE directly

I know there's not no reason I've called them a couple of times and they've never

returned my call but other than that I have no problem with dealing with them

directly I mean if you're gonna write up your questions and stuff which I would

be happy to do that and I would I I would like to have that opportunity if

that's certainly okay I will do that miss SCHNIEDER okay I I don't know why all

these things are being all put into one thing other than you contacted upon

various goodies this whole thing is supposed to be in regards to whether

parks has the right to make a contract with the community center that's what

the whole issue is the other stuff is all different issues and they sit on the

bottom of page four and this is from the Municipal League I do not believe that

the City Council has that level of oversight of the parks Commission

importantly the Commission has quote the authority to enter into contracts of

persons firms corporations or organizations for the use of

recreational park buildings or parts thereof unquote Arkansas Code Annotated

fourteen - two six nine - 203 finally the Attorney General has opined that a

parks commission may contract for services facility usage and all person

purchases the Arkansas and so on and so forth it's very clear from them parks

can do what they see fit the city the council whatever cannot say well we

aren't going to allow us to do it so therefore you can't according to them

everywhere through here parks can do they need to do they are autonomous they

are their own boss we started the parks situation oh my god

eons ago for very definite reasons they are now a very very viable financial

part of this city in regards to drawing people and everything else to sit there

and even consider ending it it was one of the most horrific city thoughts I've

ever come across it's like whenever we've had local

people start something brand new in town a really great event and it does super

good three four or five years the city decides well we're going to take it over

and do it right and the whole thing dies this has been happening time after time

after time and all those long times here can sit there and name every single

special event that this has been damaged by parks is doing a great job they are

doing a phenomenal job we do not want to micromanage them we do not want to try

to control them they are the experts we are not mrs Kendrick said you had

YOUR HAND UP and this for right now and going until little there's been several

questions that really haven't been answered yet

I support the director of parks at this point in his leadership that he has

provided he could easily provide that leadership as a department to the mayor

and it will still not affect the ability of parks to be managed appropriately

physically and and astutely for the needs it can easily be a department this

this council has been for a good while now discussing various issues of concern

regarding the chairperson the collusion between parks and the community center

we questioned the ability about the green house because we never really got

a full answer about the financial viability of it and we really never got

an answer to Alderman Thomas's question about why not the school never was that

question answer was the school green house considered what happened why was

it what was going on never got an answer to that

we know they spend seventy five hundred dollars a year the Bear Creek out there

buying the plants but how much is it going to cost to do the green house on

the community center we never had a discussion in the past about the various

other aspects that have taken place with the Parks Commission in regard to the

community center so we had some very valid questions that were raised about

the collusion it's a good work between parks and the community center and they

were very valid and my point is that I believe parks could very easily be a

viable functional and exceed all expectations as a department so

therefore I'm going to go ahead and make the motion that the parks commission be

dissolved in favor of becoming a department of the city with a director

I'll second that all right discussion ms Schneider how much more stupid can a

city be to take a viable entity and screw with it when we made parks

apartment and I was here you weren't most of you weren't some of us were we

went through hell and back to come up with a proper workable unit we had to

get special permission from state to write this up

we were the originators of this perks the whole set up the whole thing them

being autonomous and they were made autonomous he couldn't have people like

you and you and you think I don't want them around my backyard

I got want them here I don't even like trees or any of the other mundane stupid

things that get thrown out there for five million reasons all over the world

this is ridiculous they are bringing in people why do we

need people because that's our only business right now they are the most

viable financial resource that we have and they know what they're doing and

they can do it and do it well because nobody else can sit there and say well

my friends don't like you my friends don't want this I'm responding to my

friends there keeps all of us out of their business and lets them get the job

done did any of you anybody in this room go down to Lake Leatherwood this holiday

weekend Eureka's biggest weekend of the year anybody and what did you see it was

packed my son and his family came down and spent four days down there in one of

the brand-new little teeny tiny cabins it was awesome

my six-year-old granddaughter caught her first fish in LAKE LEATHERWOOD it

was the coolest thing I've ever seen her little face now our any of you going to

be able to sit there and promote handle or do what they have done because we

have had to keep our hands off of them and let them do their job

they know what they're doing we don't all we're doing is supposedly

representing the people by sitting there trying to micromanage and screw with

something that's working is the worst thing and you can do this town much more

on the mr. Mitchell use uses the word collusion and I consider it a

partnership big difference and then the other thing is as far as dissolving the

PARKS Commission it yeah I certainly don't feel that's the right direction to

go either you know it may not be perfect but but it is truly one of the strong

points of the community as follows as far as volunteerism goes it's it's

there's so many people that are involved in parts the commissioners to the trails

people in it it's it's just I think you kill it I think I think you

would kill it I think you would have a probably it uprising in town if he tried

to do it now I am totally against that I just do not believe that would be the

right direction to go mr. mr. HUSES his his abilities are great and he's and

he's good and and and the the confines of these working under now are are great

you know I I think I think we're okay that's my observation mr. Thomas well I

think that the primary concern with with the way parks was operating now is

something that Miki was talking about doing things for friends doing special

things for friends that you don't do for for everybody else in the community

that's the concern that I've heard from from that's my concern and that's

concerned that I've heard from a lot of people in the community so I'm you know

it's not having a Parks Commission doesn't eliminate doing things for your


convenience that what is what is tightening strings through Planning

Commission for CUPs when that position initiated by people in the same business

as well I mean once it you know friends or friends this is a small town and

we're a small community and we're pretty darn tight-knit so you know I think that

instincts mr. Weaver the BEFORE you dissolve a department or a commission

things you need to refer back to what the Municipal League has said in your

synopsis at least briefly that doing so can create a world of problems the

border until you know wanted order what is your point I don't believe I believe

that the city attorney is speaking as a city council member and not in his role

as an attorney I my legal opinion at this point he is getting illegal opinion

and I'm asking you to refer to the legal opinion that was given by the Municipal

League to this council at their request and it tells you very plainly in there

but to interfere with removal of a commission can interfere with contracts

and constitutional issues that need to be addressed before you do said act so

if you want to dissolve the Commission do it right don't do it in a hurry

don't do it at his whim make sure you know what contracts they

have make sure you know what other issues that may lie there that this city

suit because that is what I'm here for as the legal counsel of the city is to

try to protect the city from getting sued as often as possible and part of

what the Municipal League said was make sure you understand before you dissolve

a commission what that means

mr. Mitchell I'm going to ask the second of my motion to rescind it and I'm going

to change it oh yes I will okay I withdraw my motion I make a new motion

that we ask the city attorney to draft up what is necessary that would need to

be done in the process of potentially looking at removing the parks commission

moving into a department of the city with the director second and I want to

finish my discussion with after that

Mickey's emotional argument is very true and I totally understand it but there's

a person sitting right here it's perfectly capable all of those

subcommittees all of those volunteers all those people

will very clearly respond to this director who reports directly to the

mayor who is the administrator of the city everything else is totally in place

the finance department will be looking at the financial issues going through

them Justin will be overseeing relations with the public promoting the trails and

he'll be doing it with subcommittees committees and volunteers nothing takes

away nothing takes away community spirit nothing takes away the operations of the

parks department nothing takes away their incentive to continue to make it

the best part possible it rests the ability with the mayor and the

department head as it should and very easily can happen that City Council will

not be micromanaging it you are wrong alderman Snyder completely because again

the mayor is the administrator with the director so there is a lot of advantage

to streamlining and potentially bringing it in and again it will not and

shouldn't affect the ability of that parks to be

exactly what it has grown to be that's the end of my discussion miss Schneider

so you're saying the city won't be micromanaging what the hell do you call

what you're trying to do right now here in regards to parks and the Community

Center and the City Council that my dear is called micromanaging now just because

they know what to do and they still like Justin and he would know what to do

doesn't mean you or anybody else on any council at any time and keep your super

little fingers out of there let them do their job just because you don't like

something or you are misunderstood doesn't mean you take it out on them and

I can tell you now is a long time the people in this town will revolt if you

try to sit there and cancel their whole thing and I will help lead them mr.

Trump I'm not ready to dissolve parks tonight that would be something I'd want

to work on but I have something I don't understand I haven't understand it

understood it for a few months now how can you be autonomous if somebody can

dissolve you that's I don't understand that I think we still have some some

control over parks I think we still have a summit in and for them to try to work

or this and I think it's possible I think we just put a whole new breath of

fresh air on the Commission Parks Commission tonight and I think that's

possible to change the way some operations are going but what is the

difference between being how can you be autonomous if somebody can dissolve you

it is very much like I would equate it to

having a superior in any business that superior ultimately can fire you but if

they trust you they allow you the way with all to do your job I agree and the

job in this instance of the Commission is to run the partners and unless you

have completely lost confidence as their boss and what to remove them they're

autonomous in that they can do their day to day actions they're able to go in and

make contracts they're able to go in and do certain things ultimately yes the

City Council sets above them one has the right to dissolve a boss in a factory

can go to an underboss and will leave them with their duties if they believe

they're not doing those duties properly but they leave them with the autonomous

ability to function on their day to day work but not like just like say I have

not totally lost confidence in parks I'm not ready to solve it which carry it is

not so simple Parks is not as autonomous is all that your Schneider has latched

on a few words out of this opinion and not read the rest of it for example City

Council has total control over the appropriation of the Lake Leatherwood

tax and as far as I know we have not appropriated it to the Parks Commission

for their use indiscriminately we have control over how that money is spent and

not spent yes maybe the parks can contract with the

Community Foundation but they are going to if that's if they're going to do that

autonomously and independently then they are going to have to report to City

Council as to what actions they are taking

autonomously and independently with the funds that they receive from the or the

profits from their operations as opposed to what they do with the funds that come

from that tax and City Council has total control over that tax within the

boundaries of the within the boundaries that was stated in the passage of the

tax that it be used for LAKE Leatherwood but city council can specify that it be

used for specified purposes within lake Leatherwood and so no parks is not

totally autonomous its autonomous to a certain extent just like an employee but

not fully MR.MCCLUNG I just wanted to say that barks has already agreed to

to submit reports on anything and everything it does to the council

according to what there were guidelines that are out there and you know maybe it

wasn't done in the past but I doubt that a lot of the people that are on parks

now were aware of what their reporting requirements are but once I found out

you know they've agreed to produce it I know that they already do it they have

it you know they're they have to provide an audit so I mean anything you want to

look at I'm sure it's available to you at any time mr. green I'm not ready at

this time to dissolve Parks either I think what mr. Mitchell and miss

Kendrick and even myself I've gotten a lot of concerns about partnering with

private entities and I think that's what has stimulated a lot of this

conversation and why these questions were asked and I agree with what

Christy's saying I think we do have control over the tax and we have control

of what they do with that tax so I just I'm gonna just say I'm not ready

at this time to consider that miss SCHNIEDER there's four people in this room

that were in this town when this whole PARKS thing went through we know what

we had to go through to get this done we know how long it took we know how hard

we had to work with the state and everything else I have never ever ever

used the term total autonomous I have never implied total autonomous I have

said they are autonomous and they are the only thing we have to do with the

park's tax is in making it an official election thing on the ballot they are

the ones who come up with taxes where they need it we discuss it we agree yes

this tax will be going to parks and they will be utilizing whatever just like it

stated in the thing they have to get us to approve it for the BALLOT cuz that's

how it works with elections they do their own thing we do not need to be

telling them how to we do not have to be holding their hands or anything else

that's why we worked it out with the state decades ago to make this a proper

and well-run situation which it is to think about dissolving it is ridiculous

miss Mitchell I'd like the city clerk to read my last

motion please I can read the both of it that's why all the word

that's okay I'll take what you've got and see what it was to draw up these

papers and do what's necessary to dissolve parts and create a department

the attorney to draw which would still have it I'm just clarifying it madam I

say I said I just was clarifying it yes yes you've repeated it multiple times I

got your point you don't need to continue I'm moving on past you because

I'm finished with it so my point behind it keep it up just

keep it going come on yesterday mr. Mitchell please continue both ways it's

too history so my point behind this whole thing is this very clearly the

Commission needs to understand that there is a problem with what's been

going on with parks the Commission and possibly a fair number of people sitting

at the council table council is not necessarily happy with what's been going

on nor with the ability with the Leatherwood tax or other aspects that

have been taken place and it would probably be who've them to take a

serious look at what's going on at this table

and consider making some changes on their own to possibly reinvent

themselves to be more in line with some of the concerns that this body seems to

have expressed and obviously that's for them to do at this point but my motion

very clearly was changed and it wasn't to dissolve them but it was to have the

attorney look at what would be required and I think the attorney should look at

that and see what it is in a warm counsel exactly what that entails

since he brought it up that there is a lot of aspects about that that we would

have to consider and at the same time he's doing that very clearly the

Commission ought to take a good look at themselves their leadership and

everything else ms Kendricks any response to mr. Snyder's comments about

the the like Leatherwood tax I'd like to read from the opinion the Municipal

League opinion says thus the City Council does control the fund that's

referring to - LAKE Leatherwood sales tax but the funds can only be used for

those purposes relating to Leatherwood City Park ultimately to policy

decisions of funding the parks commission is up to the city and can

only be addressed by City Council

MS SCHNIEDER yeah that's exactly what I said it makes the council to get the tax to

take care of parks no we cannot tell them how to write their checks we can

make sure that they've got the funds and is used for Lake Leatherwood that's what

we can do as far is Marin has a problem with hurts I think they love a problem

and have had a problem since January 8 when because of a problem with somebody

else parks got dragged into all of this and

it's ridiculous they have nothing to do with anything but they are being picked

on because they want to go ahead and do their job I'm going to say it one last

time dissolving this is the biggest a mistake

this city could make we did not work on this decades ago to have a landmark

decision something that has been utilized across the country not just in

Carroll County we are known for starting what our parks

is set as so yeah let's go ahead and let involvement dissolved that that's


okay further discussion if not madam clerk would you read the motion back

again one more time for a vote as a city attorney to draw up documents and do

what's necessary to dissolve parks and create the department no further

discussion let's have a real coffee but one less like I like them in that motion

to clarify that the attorney is to draw those documents up it'll come back full

review by counsel before any action is taken second

I'm not sure what you're asking an athlete attorney to me well can't take

any action anyway I want to be sure that the motion doesn't read like that we've

already made the decision in any way shape or form to dissolve the council

we're asking the attorney who said that there is a lot into considering before

you dissolve it that we're asking the attorney to to develop our list out or

explain to us in some form or fashion exactly what is involved before we would

ever consider or vote on disbanding the Commission I want to be sure that he is

providing us with the factual information of what is involved before

we would even consider that topic I want to heat I want to hear what that is

because what I'm trying to get to I'm not sure we need the amendment but the

amendment to clarify okay not much since the amendment and if it's the most we

know the City Council can't do anything okay could we just we can't do anything

to the City Council votes on it okay as long as people understand that we're not

we're not dissolving them based on that we're just getting generate motion to

having drops and was all that wait see what takes to dissolve it absolutely yes

ma'am I just I sweat Davidson couldn't we just put it on our agenda as

a discussion as for the info just have that have mr. Weaver bring us the

information we can just essay will be on the agenda when it gets done okay so

does it need a motion then there is there is a motion does it that motion

need to stand ARCIC can that be on the agenda and still achieve what I was

mentioning as soon as mr. Weaver gets it the information if this motion passes

and he develops that information he'll present it to the council for the

councilors review okay so it needs a motion for heating before he can do that

that's what I'm saying right now we need a motion to direct him

to do this okay that's what I wanted to

know thank you but there was an amendment in

a second I need a check are you withdrawing your amendment or

bleeding he disappear heceta okay then I rescind my second office I'm aware okay

so we're back to the original motion what yes ma'am just to clarify if I

wrote yes to have this done it's it's basically it's not a done deal it's

nothing it's just going to be brought here for us to discuss

man yes sir the way I take this and and so maybe we need better clarification if

this is not what is intended as you're authorizing me to start spending money

to figure out what it takes if you guys decide to vote in the future and to

prepare the documents and the procedure that you would go through in order to

destroy the Commission and place it back as a department heads are fund your

choice of words destroy to be almost interesting i am i fine going to be

granted right I'm gonna okay mr. man we got it we got a motion all those in

favor from the questions about the saying aye any opposed

all right so back to the original motion a roll call vote between the motion

just go I've got enough Sun worth of what the motion is do a three motion

reread yes yes we we read motion one more time a motion to ask the city

attorney to draw up the necessary and do it I'm not sure what that trace was and

do what's necessary to dissolve parks and create a department okay thank you

that's the motion mr. Mitchell

not exactly no way we call the question and approve that let's go yeah all right

roll call vote mr. Thomas no miss Greene no yes

nope mr. Mitchell yes Aaron motion fails

all right we go on to your next order of business

like what before we move on if miss Kendrick is going to supply questions to

the Municipal League I don't want to have an input on what her questions are

but as the chief legal counsel the city I would like to submit a copy of those

to me so if I'm questioned by the Municipal League I will know what I'm

responding to okay I'm sorry I'm sure you'd like a copy of your request

requires pre-approval privileges question not be what they are a kind of

thing he he dare to yeah that's it I want to talk yeah all right our last

item of business is the audit and audit data from the community center

foundation when available and talking with miss Murphy her accountant has out

of town and they are trying to get the schedule

probably for the last meeting in June and he will present to the council at

that point so that's all I know on that

brings us to an agenda setting Miss Snyder do we need to add this

Buzzard thing to the agenda is that something you do this one

well that's I mean for the next meeting well maybe when weakens lest we see if

you want to hedge it add it to the next meeting I've got something entirely we

have we have bought this bird for a long time well I know that's right or the

council can do anything I didn't know if he wanted to reiterate that at the next

meeting I'll reiterate we're still trying to see what we could do well this

was asking if he was going to add it or finding needed to I can bring it up okay

thank you mr. MCCLUNG yes I would like to add for not the next meeting but the

second meeting in June I would like to projected schedule of sewer and water

repairs I'm it's time to get moving with this stuff I'll second catch anybody

else all right thanks for comments mr. Mitchell yes I'm

going to make several comments back to something that was said if the public

comments about being debt-free it wasn't just the mayor and the Director of

Finance that wanted the city to achieve a debt-free status I'm not mistaken I

think it was unanimous if the City Council set here and agreed to that

concept so we all share in the hope the desire and by taking action that this

city would move towards a less indebtedness than it has ever probably

had in its past looking back and it wasn't just done so we could eliminate a

sec Aude it by any means that was brought up as something that could

happen but it was brought up on the basis that we wanted

be debt-free we wanted to turn that money into a huge amount of money that

would then be plowed back into the infrastructure and if people will go

back and take a look at that council meeting and that particular topic we

very clearly discussed that the I and I funds are not really going to be used in

reducing this indented 'no sand they are available now for infrastructure changes

and work it is not look there is not going to be money to repair stuff it's

going to be that basic just what mr. MCCLUNG said by adding it

we need a schedule for some of the work now this council is the ones that push

to get the equipment so we could start identifying water leaks it was this

council that put in or the council before this I believe it was actually

that put in the issue of changing out the water meters when we were told that

that was the major source of the leaks which obviously we have found out is not

the case but we went ahead did it anyway which was great because we needed to

change those water meters but obviously that wasn't the problem now there's been

leaks identified up at the top of planter Hill and we're into the major

tourist season so guess what that's not going to get repaired

so mr. McClung is right this council is going to have to take a very active and

stronger approach in the repairs and it's not because we don't have the money

to be doing some of them we do and if the problem comes up that we don't have

enough employees and our the ability to handle it in public works then we

certainly should look at the option of contracting it out because we certainly

looked at that for the water meters and we're convinced it wasn't necessary and

then it took how many years and I'm not too sure we're still to a hundred

percent so debt free is a big deal and as far as bringing up a parking deck you

want to spend a whole bunch of the city's money for a parking deck it's not

going to be a five viable financial office up option

I agree parking is a problem by building a parking deck that has been explored in

the past multiple times doesn't create enough spaces to be financially viable

so some of those discussions while they sound altruistic and sound pretty good

on a campaign platform they're not necessarily viable that's all I have to

say it's great I'm gonna get her a lot of what mr. Mitchell just said when I

voted for the amur ization my thoughts were kind of what he was saying but it

was for a huge chunk of money a few years up the road not to band-aid things

like that's what we're doing constantly but to where we can start the projects

that really need to be started and have the money to start them and nothing is

ever perfect but I think that was an incredibly good idea of the council they

did it before I was here and I applaud them for doing that

mr. ironically I was playing and talking about parks tonight and the great

weekend that my son and daughter my two grandkids my husband and I and my dog

all enjoyed on Lake Leatherwood when I moved here March 1st of 44 of 74 we

lived we lived on that original bridge right there at leather with at the old

bridge okay and there was strictly a pavilion and

three or four fire pits what they have done now with Lake Leatherwood has been

phenomenal there was a little teeny fish big thingy that was open sometimes other

than that we stayed in my son stayed in one of their new little camping cabins

I believe it's being known as like a permanent teepee something like that you

know of rainproof TP better than what you had they are so

cute 3d bitty little but are you going to do a sleep because you're at the park

if you're playing you're walking around you're playing with your kids you're

doing all kinds of stuff are you gonna do they're asleep you've got a beautiful

huge deck that's been put together beautifully everything out there was

totally awesome the kids had a super great time my son

always brings his family to Lake Leatherwood because that's pretty much

where he was raised was Lake Leatherwood they all loved it I want to see it keep

going I can't believe how much it's grown and changed it's gone from one

pavilion to I don't know how many cabins and showers and this and that and it's

like oh my god this place is great you need to take time to go out there and

have a picnic if you do nothing else take your stuff go down to a grill make

your steaks your burgers whatever and just sit back and relax and enjoy mother

nature because that's what the parks are there for thank you

Richard cow I just like to say congratulations to our newest Parks

Commissioner came into the room

we voted you in case you didn't have that and thank you for willingness to

serve I would just like to say that I believe the Parks Commission is

undergoing a crisis of confidence when to city council persons are prepared to

basically implode the Commission as the city attorney put it I think that they

really need to consider their responsibilities to the City Council and

the the and they also need to respect the power that the City Council does

have over the Parks Commission and I hope that they take all of this to heart

and start considering all of that I just would like to concur with mr. Mitchell

on the indebtedness in that the idea of getting that free also enables us to go

back and debt because there are some seward areas there's a lot of things

that that that that we can do if we can go back into debt it's if it's I mean

you're naive to think that that the city will not be in debt because we will I

mean there's so much to do but it enables us to get to where we can do

that again we're not the position to borrow money now and so being that's

that was that was my foundation for it because it enables us to to improve ooh

improve our borrowing position tremendously right which right now with

it we haven't got it I agree that as far as the Securities Exchange Commission

I've never heard of them yet going in a and pulling the plug on anybody and I've

always been a proponent as long as you pay your bills they're not ever gonna

say a word but you know that but that was never my concern on any of this

anyway so you know I'm I'm pleased with the direction we're taking there I think

it's it's a solid you know we're going to make mistakes but it's it's it's the

right way to go it's proactive and and and I and I believe in parks and I'm

just gonna leave it at that

so his comments goes we've got some activities coming up this coming month

starting with this next week on May 30th we got the Mayfest closing dinner from 3

to 9 p.m. which will be on Center Street from beach setting up a little area

there right around the DEVITOS area then on the 31st through the third will be

mustang weekend it's going to be all day and throughout the weekend starting out

at EUREKA INN AND in the Pine Mountain Village the MUSTANG PARADE will be on

Saturday the second starting at 4 p.m. and starting out at pine mountain

village and then go around the upper loop and back down Spring Street and

back into Pine then mountain and then on the second also that evening will be

drumming in the park at the basin park and on the 8th and 9th it's a fiber folk

art conference which will be outfit into the Ozarks all day up there and then on

the 9th will be the second Saturday gallery stro 6 to 9 p.m. on downtown

galleries and I also want the citizens to know that on the 4th we will be

starting the Flint Street tunnel construction city of EUREKA Springs will

start the repairs rate to Flint 3 beginning on June 4th the intersection

of Flint Jackson Flint and North Maine will be closed for the duration of this

project we will be maintaining one lane traffic between North Maine and Flint

first Street and Armstrong we're going to have a project it's completed in 30

days so if you got any questions or comments call the Public Works to 5 3

9600 so we're finally getting that job done unfortunately we couldn't get it

when we started for a lot of different reasons usually most of its government

red tape but we finally got it in and are going with it so the motion to

adjourn second on favor okay so much thank y'all

so we're going to be a one lane traffic

For more infomation >> City Council 05:29:18 - Duration: 2:30:45.


破天荒大尺度! 小S镜头前大尺度"粉红点点"!!! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> 破天荒大尺度! 小S镜头前大尺度"粉红点点"!!! - Duration: 4:36.


普京執政18年用三場戰爭告訴世界:俄羅斯,不好惹 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 普京執政18年用三場戰爭告訴世界:俄羅斯,不好惹 - Duration: 4:50.


Didier Deschamps : «On s'est dit que c'était notre jour» - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Didier Deschamps : «On s'est dit que c'était notre jour» - Duration: 6:21.


Découvrez les 2 infusions naturelles les plus riches en magnésium - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Découvrez les 2 infusions naturelles les plus riches en magnésium - Duration: 7:04.


✅ Laëtitia Milot, bientôt un 2e enfant ? "Nous nous sommes posé la question..." - Duration: 2:46.

Depuis le 14 mai 2018 à 17h50, Laëtitia Milot et son compagnon Badri sont les heureux parents d'une petite Lyana (50 cm et 3,100 kilos !)

Un bonheur à peine croyable pour le couple qui a dû livrer un combat de tous les jours, pendant de nombreuses années, contre l'endométriose – une maladie gynécologique capable de provoquer l'infertilité et s'accompagne de douleurs intenses – qui touche la jolie comédienne de 37 ans

Dans Paris Match, Laëtitia Milot a d'ores et déjà évoqué la possibilité pour elle d'avoir un deuxième enfant malgré son endométriose

Une possibilité qui s'offrirait à elle grâce à une chirurgie qui mettrait une nouvelle fois sa maladie en sommeil le temps de la grossesse

"Bien sûr, Badri et moi nous sommes posé la question d'un deuxième enfant. Nous nous sommes battus pendant dix ans pour Lyana

Je ne sais pas si j'ai envie de revivre le même combat. Et puis j'ai 37 ans... Pour l'instant, je profite de ma petite merveille, de ce cadeau de la vie", a indiqué la comédienne rendue notamment célèbre par son rôle de Mélanie dans Plus belle la vie (France 3)

En ce qui concerne sa santé et le retour inévitable de la maladie, la jolie trentenaire a évoqué son nouveau traitement censé l'aider à mieux vivre son endométriose au quotidien

"En ce qui me concerne, je vais commencer à suivre un traitement : une pilule prise en continu", a-t-elle révélé. Et Laëtitia Milot de poursuivre en assurant qu'elle désirait, plus que jamais, continuer son combat contre la maladie : "Je sais à quel point j'ai de la chance d'être mère, par rapport à de nombreuses femmes qui souffrent

Je sais combien elles peuvent se sentir seules, ce qu'elles endurent. Moi, j'ai gagné ma petite bataille, par miracle, mais je veux continuer à me battre pour elles

Je ne lâcherai jamais. Aucune femme qui désire avoir un enfant ne devrait être privée de ce bonheur." Un article à découvrir dans son intégralité dans Paris Match, en kiosque ce 31 mai 2018

For more infomation >> ✅ Laëtitia Milot, bientôt un 2e enfant ? "Nous nous sommes posé la question..." - Duration: 2:46.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D LT Airco Electr. ramen 15"LM A.s. zondag open! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D LT Airco Electr. ramen 15"LM A.s. zondag open! - Duration: 1:11.


Songs for the Elderly - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 3:31.

Are you elderly?

Yes I am.

Do you find today's modern music

difficult to relate to?


I do.

I do as well Mary.

Introducing 'Songs...

...for the Elderly'

Because I still haven't found...

What I'm looking for.

Where are my glasses Mary?

Sit back, relax

and complain about everything...

With Songs...

for the Elderly

Because everything hurts...

Jesus Christ almighty

Are you're children just sitting around

waiting for their inheritance?

Hit back with this classic track.

Ha, ha, ha, ha,

Staying alive!

Staying alive!

Ha ha ha ha

Staying alive.........

Oh Jesus! Oh Jesus!!

Got yis.

If you are going to have a fall...

Fall for these classics

Because she's buying...

a stair-lift

thank heaven.

Having a senior moment?

Have it with 'Songs for the Elderly'

I just called...

to say...


Get some much needed R&R

With some classic R&B.

I said my hip popped.

My hippy

Now take me to the hip hip Doc

you don't stop

Sure look it I have a bad back luvee

Get up there in a hurry

Going home to make my hubby some tea.

Hi, my name is...


My name is...


My name is...


Jim Brady

Howya Mary?

Oh I'm fine Jim. Thank you.

Come here to me Mary, would you like some rich foods?

Can't touch this.

Can't touch this.

My, My, My, My

My back is bad, my kness are gone

My mouth is dry and my pants are high.


Nap time.

Pop on those dancing slippers

with these great moving numbers

Everyday I'm shuffling.

Finally hit back at those pushy kids

with this classic rock hit.

Dad you are going to love this place...

There is a view of the lake and its peaceful ya know?

You have to do what they tell you.

There is activities and you get all your meals provided for.

You have to do what they tell you.

I mean you are always saying that the house is too big for you now anyway.

You have to do what they tell you.

You have to do what they tell you.

You have to do what they tell you.

You have to do what they tell you.

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!!

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!!

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!!



For more infomation >> Songs for the Elderly - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 3:31.


Extrait de "Attendre que la mer remonte" de Thierry Radière, lu par Jérôme Rousselet. - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Extrait de "Attendre que la mer remonte" de Thierry Radière, lu par Jérôme Rousselet. - Duration: 2:29.


Kanku Dai Bunkai - KARATE - Duration: 2:33.

hello dear karateka, today, let's train on a bnkai of kanku dai kata.

I choose for you a mouvement in the kata that you can find also in Heian Sandan.

It's about the same footwork.

This footwork.

You reconized it. It's this part of Kanku Dai / Naifanchi. And this one in Heian Sandan.

This footworks is called Mawarai Ashi, in 360° version.

Grab and of course I will follow.

So when he is pulling, I let him pull and then

at the same time, my hand goes this way, see the finger pointing the direction,

he's pulling and I move upward to gain a momentum.

Now I can grab with my other hand, and turn.

And now I pull in this direction.

What's important,

when he's pulling is to do this!

It's this mouvement.

I going toward him, close, and put his elbow in tension.

Then I pivot and keep him in tension

Then I can throw him to the ground.

We can find this mouve, Shio Nage,

like this, we can find it in numerous martial art style,.

I do it in URA, meaning going on the back

If I was doing it in OMOTE it will be kinda like this,

But in the kata, we are doing this move.

Turning, sticking to put his elbow in tension,

putting down my center of gravity,

and now this hand, will go toward the ground to throw him.

One more time.

Keep his hand!

For more infomation >> Kanku Dai Bunkai - KARATE - Duration: 2:33.


Comment prendre soin de votre cuir chevelu tous les jours - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> Comment prendre soin de votre cuir chevelu tous les jours - Duration: 11:14.


Découvrez les graisses saines qui ne font pas grossir - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> Découvrez les graisses saines qui ne font pas grossir - Duration: 8:21.


Ten Little Piggies | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 1:04:14.

Ten little Piggies jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping in the mud

Nine little Piggies jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping in the mud

Eight little Piggies jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping in the mud

Seven little Piggies jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping in the mud

Six little Piggies jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping in the mud

Five little Piggies jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping in the mud

Four little Piggies jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping in the mud

Three little Piggies jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping in the mud

Two little Piggies jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping in the mud

One little Piggie jumping in the mud

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

Put those Piggies right to bed

For more infomation >> Ten Little Piggies | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 1:04:14.


Jean-Jacques Goldman, l'anti-Johnny Hallyday : "il a continué de payer ses impôts en France" - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Jean-Jacques Goldman, l'anti-Johnny Hallyday : "il a continué de payer ses impôts en France" - Duration: 2:34.


БРОНЯ ШТУРМОВИКОВ - НЕ ОТСТОЙ?! А что же тогда? - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> БРОНЯ ШТУРМОВИКОВ - НЕ ОТСТОЙ?! А что же тогда? - Duration: 11:33.


Learn Spanish: (88) Expressions of frequency - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Learn Spanish: (88) Expressions of frequency - Duration: 2:46.


Je soutiens le tour alternatiba ! - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Je soutiens le tour alternatiba ! - Duration: 0:56.


Maine Coon, el gato más espectacular - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Maine Coon, el gato más espectacular - Duration: 5:03.


Vải áo dài in 3D (cập nhật ngày 31/05/2018) - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> Vải áo dài in 3D (cập nhật ngày 31/05/2018) - Duration: 8:51.


Panneaux solaires SuperSola: à installer soi-même en 5 minutes - Duration: 1:02.

Nous produisons des panneaux solaires prêts à l'emploi

vous n'avez pas besoin de les faire installer,

vous les mettez juste sur votre toit

ou dans votre jardin

et vous les branchez à votre réseau électrique

vous pouvez commencer avec un panneau

et en ajouter d'autres plus tard

les locataires peuvent l'utiliser

les emporter lors d'un déménagement

l'énergie solaire est destinée aux propriétaires

nous proposons un produit pour le public

un peu comme une machine à laver:

tout le monde peut l'acheter, l'installer et l'utiliser

bien sûr plus l'ensoleillement est fort,

plus les panneaux produisent

mais ils produisent beaucoup d'énergie

où que vous les placiez

L'énergie solaire, c'est respectueux de l'environnement

la production a un impact,

mais ramené à la durée de vie du produit,

c'est très positif

merci de votre écoute

à demain pour une nouvelle startup

For more infomation >> Panneaux solaires SuperSola: à installer soi-même en 5 minutes - Duration: 1:02.


Découvrez les 2 infusions naturelles les plus riches en magnésium - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Découvrez les 2 infusions naturelles les plus riches en magnésium - Duration: 7:04.


Priyanka Chopra, la meilleure amie de Meghan Markle, n'est plus célibataire et l'heureux élu n'est p - Duration: 2:45.

Si Priyanka Chopra n'était pas accompagnée pour le mariage de sa meilleure amie Meghan Markle le 19 mai dernier en la chapelle Saint-George de Windsor, l'actrice de la série télévisée Quantico n'est pourtant plus un cœur à prendre

C'est en tout cas l'information révélée par le site américain US Weekly qui affirme que Priyanka Chopra serait en couple avec un célèbre chanteur américain âgé de 25 ans

Et l'heureux élu serait Nick Jonas, connu pour avoir été l'un des membres du groupe Jonas Brothers, avec ses frères Joe et Kevin

Le duo se connaît depuis plusieurs années déjà. Ils avaient d'ailleurs été photographiés très complices durant le Met Gala en 2017

Mais c'est les récentes photos d'eux sur un bateau avec des amis durant le Memorial Day qui ont relancé les rumeurs

Les tourtereaux auraient également assisté à un match de baseball samedi 26 mai. Plusieurs internautes ont immortalisé leur arrivée sur le stade et dévoilé les images sur les réseaux sociaux (à découvrir ci-dessous)

Si Priyanka Chopra est plutôt discrète quant à sa vie privée, l'actrice âgée de 35 ans a multiplié les idylles sous le feu des projecteurs

Elle aurait fréquenté plusieurs acteurs à l'instar de Shahid Kapoor, Shahrukh Khan, Harman Baweja ou encore Akshay Kumar

De son côté, Nick Jonas a vécu deux belles histoires d'amour avec l'actrice et chanteuse Miley Cyrus et Selena Gomez

For more infomation >> Priyanka Chopra, la meilleure amie de Meghan Markle, n'est plus célibataire et l'heureux élu n'est p - Duration: 2:45.


✅ Laëtitia Milot, bientôt un 2e enfant ? "Nous nous sommes posé la question..." - Duration: 2:46.

Depuis le 14 mai 2018 à 17h50, Laëtitia Milot et son compagnon Badri sont les heureux parents d'une petite Lyana (50 cm et 3,100 kilos !)

Un bonheur à peine croyable pour le couple qui a dû livrer un combat de tous les jours, pendant de nombreuses années, contre l'endométriose – une maladie gynécologique capable de provoquer l'infertilité et s'accompagne de douleurs intenses – qui touche la jolie comédienne de 37 ans

Dans Paris Match, Laëtitia Milot a d'ores et déjà évoqué la possibilité pour elle d'avoir un deuxième enfant malgré son endométriose

Une possibilité qui s'offrirait à elle grâce à une chirurgie qui mettrait une nouvelle fois sa maladie en sommeil le temps de la grossesse

"Bien sûr, Badri et moi nous sommes posé la question d'un deuxième enfant. Nous nous sommes battus pendant dix ans pour Lyana

Je ne sais pas si j'ai envie de revivre le même combat. Et puis j'ai 37 ans... Pour l'instant, je profite de ma petite merveille, de ce cadeau de la vie", a indiqué la comédienne rendue notamment célèbre par son rôle de Mélanie dans Plus belle la vie (France 3)

En ce qui concerne sa santé et le retour inévitable de la maladie, la jolie trentenaire a évoqué son nouveau traitement censé l'aider à mieux vivre son endométriose au quotidien

"En ce qui me concerne, je vais commencer à suivre un traitement : une pilule prise en continu", a-t-elle révélé. Et Laëtitia Milot de poursuivre en assurant qu'elle désirait, plus que jamais, continuer son combat contre la maladie : "Je sais à quel point j'ai de la chance d'être mère, par rapport à de nombreuses femmes qui souffrent

Je sais combien elles peuvent se sentir seules, ce qu'elles endurent. Moi, j'ai gagné ma petite bataille, par miracle, mais je veux continuer à me battre pour elles

Je ne lâcherai jamais. Aucune femme qui désire avoir un enfant ne devrait être privée de ce bonheur." Un article à découvrir dans son intégralité dans Paris Match, en kiosque ce 31 mai 2018

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