Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Youtube daily report May 29 2018

This is a tough place to be a woman. I've been put down, pushed aside, knocked

out. Truth is, I've had to fight my whole life because of who I am, who I love, and

where I started. But I didn't let anything get in my way.

Still, it's 2018 and women, Native Americans, gay people, the unemployed and

underemployed, have to fight like hell just to survive. And it's clear Trump and

the Republicans in Washington don't give a damn - about anyone like me or anyone

that doesn't think like them. Enough. That's why I'm running for Congress. And

one thing's for sure - I won't back down. Because progress is undefeated. We just

need to fight for it. Are you ready?

For more infomation >> Sharice Davids: Fighting for Progress - Duration: 1:06.


De chaque enfant naît l'humanité - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> De chaque enfant naît l'humanité - Duration: 5:59.


Fiori d'arancio per Albano e Romina? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Fiori d'arancio per Albano e Romina? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:47.


Woda z solą – 6 zastosowań leczniczych - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> Woda z solą – 6 zastosowań leczniczych - Duration: 11:48.


Ratna Real Estate & Consultancy - Duration: 1:11.

G.Srinivasarao - 9701333112 G.Narayana - 9394005004

G.Srinivasarao - 9701333112 G.Narayana - 9394005004

G.Srinivasarao - 9701333112 G.Narayana - 9394005004

G.Srinivasarao - 9701333112 G.Narayana - 9394005004

G.Srinivasarao - 9701333112 G.Narayana - 9394005004

G.Srinivasarao - 9701333112 G.Narayana - 9394005004

G.Srinivasarao - 9701333112 G.Narayana - 9394005004

G.Srinivasarao - 9701333112 G.Narayana - 9394005004

For more infomation >> Ratna Real Estate & Consultancy - Duration: 1:11.


「Nightcore」→ Destiny (Destined To Be a King, Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.

Nightcore - Destiny (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Destiny (Destined To Be a King, Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.


Baa Baa Black Sheep | Preschool Rhymes For Toddlers - Duration: 16:45.

Let's meet Baa Baa Black Sheep.

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

One for the master, one for the dame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

One for the master, one for the dame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

One for the master, one for the dame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full

Baa Baa Black Sheep loves to share.

For more infomation >> Baa Baa Black Sheep | Preschool Rhymes For Toddlers - Duration: 16:45.


《溫暖的弦》收官,結局沒有觀眾所期待佔寶寶,但有這點就夠! - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> 《溫暖的弦》收官,結局沒有觀眾所期待佔寶寶,但有這點就夠! - Duration: 6:07.


Awesome Tiny Shed Converted Into A Full-Functioning Home | Deluxe Playhouse Package - Duration: 1:58.

Awesome Tiny Shed Converted Into A Full-Functioning Home | Deluxe Playhouse Package

For more infomation >> Awesome Tiny Shed Converted Into A Full-Functioning Home | Deluxe Playhouse Package - Duration: 1:58.


Leczenie odcisków naturalnymi sposobami - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Leczenie odcisków naturalnymi sposobami - Duration: 11:29.


Jewelry Making Findings Starter kit Tool Set - Duration: 5:43.

hey everyone it's Kellie here from Kellie Chasse Fine Art. today I'm going to

cover some jewelry findings it's this little starter kit that I use in my

online class for my alcohol ink resin pendant and I just wanted to show you

what's in the kit and I will also give you a link down below for a special

coupon if you want to try the online jewelry course stick around and I'll

show you all the details I do have full online classes you can find them over

there at my website at kellielynnart.com where I have over 2,500 students in 85

different countries and over 24 online classes that have lifetime access so

head over there and check those out

welcome to my YouTube channel where I have new videos every Tuesday at 9 a.m.

Eastern Standard Time so make sure you click that subscribe button and click a

little bell and you'll never miss one so welcome to my youtube channel if you're

new here thanks for joining us we're gonna cover some jewelry findings today

in this little kit that I found on Amazon perfect little kit has everything

you need to get started with jewelry making you get the little pliers here

there has some little rope some wire some fishing line a little measure it

also comes with a little tape measurer fabric one and it has some tweezers

helps you grab ahold of those little tiny findings it's got two different

ones here and it also has this little kit with all the little findings in it

so there's lots of different little jump rings in here and some bails and all

kinds of little goodies so really everything you need to get started with

with this kit so we're going to start off with one of the little jump rings

here this is going to be for our round pendant that we have this one I already

had a little hole in there so all we're going to do is slip this little jump

ring right through the hole here. Now that kit does come with a couple

different sizes and it has a smaller one and has this larger one. I found that I

use the larger one for a lot of things here.

So you're just going to put that in

there and crimp that and now that will lay flat on your chain so I will give

you a link to the chains that I picked up as well and I'll leave you that link

down here in the comment section or you can also use my link on the bio page of

YouTube so all you have to do is just click the purchase projects here and I

do have the rope chains on there as well for you

so how simple is that we just want to make sure that that's lined up and you

don't have a space in there so make sure that that's crimped really well tighten

that up just a little bit more here there we go

and voila that one is finished so let's go ahead and do the next one now this

one we had to put a little eyelet on there so I'm going to use this little

crimp bail and these come with that kit as well I'm just going to separate that

out and these will just pinch right in between there and this again will hold

that so that it lays flat on your chain I'm just going to slide this in here and

then we're just going to pinch that closed


again make sure you've got that nice and tight you don't want that to fall off

and there we have it so this will like now lay flat on there just slide the

chain in there and that one will be good to go as well so they also have fabric

change they have the rope chains they have the leather there so there's lots

of different variations that you can put with these this one here is ready do the

same thing with that one little little pincher and you can see the different

shape from this mold here this one was with the alcohol ink the one with the

purple was the one that we had done with the India ink so you can see that the

alcohol ink really dropped down all the way to the bottom and the India ink more

or less stayed more at the top because we had to use the the toothpick to stir

that up a little bit so here's the finished piece on this one again we'll

add a little chain to this when this one has that crystal look to it it would be

neat to put some glitter in there you could put some rocks in the bottom of

that you could just really do anything you want mix and match the colors add a

few more alcohol inks to that so it's only what your imagination can come up

with so now this little kit helps you out and if you want to check out my full

online jewelry courses I have I think three or four of them up now on udemy

and you can head to my website at www.keytime.com

for some up sale prices so we'll see you guys next Tuesday thank you


For more infomation >> Jewelry Making Findings Starter kit Tool Set - Duration: 5:43.


Gorgeous Fully Furnished Cabin Cottage for sale in Western Colorado - Duration: 2:16.

Gorgeous Fully Furnished Cabin Cottage for sale in Western Colorado

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Fully Furnished Cabin Cottage for sale in Western Colorado - Duration: 2:16.


Półpasiec – jak się z nim obchodzić? - Duration: 13:07.

For more infomation >> Półpasiec – jak się z nim obchodzić? - Duration: 13:07.


《如果愛》大結局:宋喬植得了癌症,萬嘉玲成為集團的總經理 - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> 《如果愛》大結局:宋喬植得了癌症,萬嘉玲成為集團的總經理 - Duration: 5:17.


「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Demons ✗ Shots ✗ It's Time | Imagine Dragons Megamix (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:44.

「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Demons ✗ Shots ✗ It's Time | Imagine Dragons Megamix (Switching Vocal)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Demons ✗ Shots ✗ It's Time | Imagine Dragons Megamix (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:44.


Fabrizio Corona riconquista Silvia Provvedi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Corona riconquista Silvia Provvedi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.


Diretta registrazione Uomini e donne, la scelta di Sara: l'annuncio bomba | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Diretta registrazione Uomini e donne, la scelta di Sara: l'annuncio bomba | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:33.


Zaskoczony - Kawałek czosnku i cebuli w uchu? - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> Zaskoczony - Kawałek czosnku i cebuli w uchu? - Duration: 9:05.


Jon Hamm & Ed Helms Think 'TAG' Can Unite the Country 🇺🇸 | CinemaCon | MTV News - Duration: 1:13.

- So here you guys are

with another piece of Oscar Bates.

I mean you guys are always cording Oscar

like there's no tonight.

- We love to be taken seriously.

(elevator bell)

- Please tell me what's going on here.

- Our group of friends has been playing

the same game of tag for thirty years.

- What?

- [Josh] Finally a movie about competitive tag.

It feels like this is long overdue.

Is this a game that has a special place in your heart?

- Uh, it does now.

- Yeah, sure.

- Yeah. (group laughing)

Is that clear?

- Yeah, we were hoping that we were

gonna do a tie in with the Olympics

and just make it an Olympic sport. That would be really fun.

- [Ed] Yeah.

- [Jon] Let's take the US men's and women's track teams.

Set 'em up. Two captains, you get to pick your team,

and then open up a stadium. Let's go!

- [Ed] And it's not even nationalities.

Like you could pick anyone

off of any team you want.

- [Josh] It kind of brings the world

together in that way.

- Exactly. Yeah, I hope that after this

movie comes out, Liberals are playing tag-

- They could tag it out.

- with Conservatives and Democrats

are playing tag with Republicans.

Everybody's playing tag together

and before they know it they're like

"Hey we're not so different after all."

- We just solved

- Everything.

- Everything. Yeah.

For more infomation >> Jon Hamm & Ed Helms Think 'TAG' Can Unite the Country 🇺🇸 | CinemaCon | MTV News - Duration: 1:13.


Learn Colors with PACMAN and 3D M&M Chocolate for Kids & Children - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with PACMAN and 3D M&M Chocolate for Kids & Children - Duration: 2:00.


Prof. Dr. Schwarz zum Thema Ergonomie - Duration: 4:12.


Ergonomics is a term I am sure you have heard before.

We ask for ergonomic car seats, ergonomic office chairs as well as for many other everyday items,

which we might like to be formed or shaped in an especially ergonomic way.

But what is the actual meaning of the term ergonomics?

In order to find out, we have to go several thousand years back to the ancient Greeks.

They chose the term "ergon" to represent "work" and "nomos" to mean "rule, law".

This means, ergonomics is about adjusting work to human factors.

We might ask ourselves: Is it economical to invest time and money into this endeavor?

The Federal German Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has given an answer to this question.

In the year 2015, for example, 587 million days of work were lost due to a worker's incapacity to work.

This figure converts into a loss of productivity of 64 billion Euros.

If we take a look at the amount caused only by complaints related to the musculoskeletal system

– namely 14 billion Euros – it is still makes up 22 % of this estimated loss of production.

This means it is indeed economical to deal in greater depth with ergonomics

and the interface between humans and machines.

But let us take a look at the consequences first before we turn to the relevant parameters.

Ergonomics have a positive effect on a staff member's acceptance of a given task.

It can be a cause for greater work satisfaction and even for joy.

As a direct result of this, workers tend to make fewer mistakes and the absence rate from work is reduced.

In short, we can state that work productivity

and work efficiency are significantly influenced in a positive way by ergonomics.

What are the individual criteria we can manipulate to improve ergonomics?

On the one hand, these are geometric parameters, such as a worker's body height,

but also the viewing distance or the viewing angle for an operating panel, for example.

On the other, there is the room's climate, which is a very important parameter for work ergonomics as well.

Let us take a look at the effects of the room temperature, for example.

A temperature rise from 20 °C to 28 °C reduces work efficiency by 30 %.

This means, a mere 70 % of the original work efficiency is still available.

Thusly, machines emitting a lot of heat into a room have an unfavorable effect on work efficiency.

Another important parameter is humidity.

If a room becomes too moist it also has a very unfavorable effect on the workers.

Here too, the following applies: Machinery introducing large amounts of humidity into a room

has a negative effect on the work climate.

Therefore, ventilation systems are required, which extract humidity and heat from the room.

Ventilation systems in turn produce draught and increase both air velocity and air movement.

Air movement is another negative criterion for the work climate and consequently for ergonomics.

In summary, we can say that work efficiency is directly dependent on the ergonomics of the work place.

It therefore makes absolute sense from an economic point of view.

For more infomation >> Prof. Dr. Schwarz zum Thema Ergonomie - Duration: 4:12.


Victoria Federica de Marichalar y Borbón cumple 14 años lejos de su familia - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Victoria Federica de Marichalar y Borbón cumple 14 años lejos de su familia - Duration: 4:13.


Der Schmalzerhof, Hotel & Restaurant in Weer - Duration: 2:34.

"Der Schmalzerhof": Hotel & restaurant Weer, Austria

The "Schmalzerhof" is located in Weer in Tyrol, in the Inn Valley, just 20 km outside of Innsbruck.

We are a third-generation family business. My grandfather started it, my father continued it,

and now my sister, my partner and myself are running it.

We have 23 rooms where we mainly host travelling salesmen.

Our restaurant serves traditional homemade cuisine with a modern touch.

We have one smaller and one larger dining room, a cosy bar, and during the summer months

our terrace is a fine place to spend some time and relax.

Operating concept – ergonomics

The automatic hood lift is particularly good. It requires much less strength.

All the members of our dishwashing staff here at "Schmalzerhof" are female.

Naturally, this feature is of great help to help them since they do not have to move the lid up and down manually.

It saves a lot of strength and the machine opens and closes faster, too.

Because of this, there is much less steam in the dishwashing area

and also does not heat up as much as it used to.

Compared to before, the ease of operation has also vastly improved.

Our ladies understood the operating concept very quickly:

a simply push of the button is all that is required to make the hood pop up or close.

Cleaning result – efficiency

The cleaning result is truly amazing! We enjoy it a lot, because we put so much emphasis on cleanliness here.

This is really the first dishwasher that does not leave any residue on the back of the plates.

Also, when handled the plates seem to feel a lot softer to the touch and there are no streaks on them,

which used to be the case before.

Environmental protection is very important to us. My partner's ride is an electric car.

So, we think it is great that the dishwasher consumes a lot less energy than the one before it.


We are very satisfied with MEIKO. Currently, no other company is worth considering for us.

Our hotel is open six days every week and only closed on Sundays.

Installing the new machine on a Sunday presented absolutely no problem at all to MEIKO.

For more infomation >> Der Schmalzerhof, Hotel & Restaurant in Weer - Duration: 2:34.


Gasthaus Zum goldenen Engel, Glottertal - Duration: 2:01.

"Zum goldenen Engel": Hotel & restaurant Glottertal, Germany

This is the "Gasthaus zum goldenen Engel".

The place was first mentioned in 1507.

We have about 12 employees and 40 guest rooms with a constant occupancy of about 90 percent.

Our restaurant consists of three dining rooms.

They are called the "Engelstube", the "Gaststube", which has a bar area, and the "Scheffelstube".

We seat about 80 people during à la carte service and 100 to 120 during banquets and functions.

Ease of operation – Ergonomics – Washing result

Our employees are very happy that we have created this beautiful workstation for them

which is easier to operate and not as physically demanding as it used to be before.

I am very satisfied with the washing result. The dishes feel soft to the touch.

The automatic opening of the dishwasher hood saves us time and requires no physical effort anymore.

Space concept

I need sufficient amounts of workspace and we planned our kitchen accordingly.

This particular area and the machine work out perfectly

– not least because we can choose the wash programs individually.

For me it's the optimal solution.


The staff too wants a functional and proper workstation, one that has them say after at the end of their shift:

"Well, I've worked hard, but I'm not completely spent and still feel fit to spend time with my family."

I would never want to miss this machine again.

For more infomation >> Gasthaus Zum goldenen Engel, Glottertal - Duration: 2:01.


Casino Restaurant "The Grill", Baden Baden - Duration: 2:20.

Casino restaurant "The Grill": Baden-Baden, Germany

This is the restaurant "The Grill" at the Baden-Baden casino,

meaning that if you want to come to dine here you have to check into the casino first

before you can enjoy the beautiful atmosphere inside or on our marvelous sun terrace

as well as our menu containing sushi and steaks from all over the world.

The restaurant can seat 102 people and just as many on the terrace during summer.

We also have a beautiful conservatory and a very large bar.

Ease of operation & ergonomics

The automatic hood makes the machine very useful.

You can put the basket in and while the lid closes automatically you can already unload the basket

which has just been cleaned or fill another one with used dishes.

As soon as the machine is done, the hood pops up automatically.

This requires fewer movements and you can take care of another task while the machine runs.

Another advantage is that it is less exhausting to our staff operating the machine.

I think no one in our kitchen would be willing to give up the automatic hood again, starting with me.

I think it's a really good innovation.


If nothing else, the machine is constructed for greater durability.

It doesn't have plastic hoses but stainless steel tubing instead,

which I expect to last longer and produce fewer complications for the machine.

It is highly inconvenient when a dishwasher breaks down during dinner service.

It delays the entire business.

Room climate

Because of the heat reclamation the machine gives off less steam.

For me that's a much more comfortable climate to work in because I'm not constantly surrounded by hot mist.

Washing result

I am satisfied with the cleaning result of the machine. You could say it's pretty excellent what it does.

We don't use white porcelain here but a special dishware instead which comes from Thailand.

We are really satisfied with the cleaning result. Honestly, it's top!

I expect our partnership with MEIKO is going to work out really well because it's such a great machine.

For more infomation >> Casino Restaurant "The Grill", Baden Baden - Duration: 2:20.


Cafe Restaurant Bar DIALEKT in Merdingen - Duration: 1:55.

"Dialekt": Café, restaurant & bar Merdingen, Germany

Our restaurant is called "Dialekt". It is situated in the western foothills of the Kaiserstuhl wine growing region,

one of the sunniest areas in Germany, which is also the reason why we chose to build a glasshouse.

Our kitchen uses mainly regional and seasonal produce, adding a bit of a Mediterranean touch to it.

During the summer months we host a lot of weddings, family parties and similar functions for up to 120 people.

Ease of operation – Ergonomics

We chose the M-iClean H purely because of it is the latest in terms of technology

and because of the simplified workflow.

One of the major advantages of this machine is its capability to recover and retain hot steam.

The machine only gives off a little bit of steam when it is opened.

Our cold-storage room is right next to our dishwashing station.

Every time the door was opened a lot of hot steam used to get caught inside the cold storage.

This problem is gone now.


We are extremely happy with MEIKO's service. They show up promptly when we call them.

Their staff is very friendly. We feel we are in safe hands.

Cleaning result

We are very satisfied with the cleaning result. We have stopped polishing our plates and cups

– despite a water hardness of 20.

For more infomation >> Cafe Restaurant Bar DIALEKT in Merdingen - Duration: 1:55.


Unfassbare Aufnahmen! Der Mann besteigt den Berg mit einer Hantel! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Unfassbare Aufnahmen! Der Mann besteigt den Berg mit einer Hantel! - Duration: 0:54.


Metzgerei Krautter - Event Catering, Vaihingen - Duration: 3:05.

Metzgerei Krautter: Event catering Vaihingen, Germany

We have been running this butchers shop in our family for 60 years.

The company is organized in the form of a civil partnership between my brother-in-law,

my sister-in-law, my wife and myself. The four of us run this business together.

A large part of our business is catering.

On average, we prepare meals for roughly ten to fifteen thousand people over a six-month period.

We have a staff of 12 who work here fulltime or part-time and an additional 40 to 50 people on call.

We prepare 200 to 250 school lunches everyday.

We also cater for several companies with another 50 to 100 meals per day.

And we also serve 50 to 100 counter meals here in the shop.

Ease of operation – Ergonomics

One of the biggest advantages of the M-iClean H is that it operates quieter than its predecessor

– and of course the automatic opening and closing of the hood.

The advantage of the automatic opening is that the operators can turn their attention to other tasks

when they don't have to open or close the hood themselves.

So I feel it saves us time.

Another thing that we like about the new MEIKO machine is the operating height.

We often deliver finger food in Euroboxes and we can now clean those very easily.

This also includes large pots. Something that was very difficult with our old machine.

Many items were simply too tall to fit in.

Another point in favor is the stainless steel tubing of our MEIKO

which I would take again if I had to make that choice once more.

I have already been a fan because of my private ride – a Harley Davidson motorcycle

– which also has steel tubing.

Washing results – Efficiency

I am very satisfied with the washing result. Unlike our previous model,

this machine is equipped with high-pressure valves, meaning we can now put used containers

– Gastronorm containers – directly into the machine at wash program 3 without prewashing them first.

On top of the finger food tableware we also need to clean our standard dining dishes,

cutlery and coffee dishes, which is about 250 to 300 items in total.

I have to say, with the MEIKO machine we are able to clean it much faster

and more efficiently than with our previous machine.

Everything is a lot easier, just take the drying for example.

For more infomation >> Metzgerei Krautter - Event Catering, Vaihingen - Duration: 3:05.


Schwetzinger Brauhaus zum Ritter - Duration: 2:02.

We're at the "Brauhaus zum Ritter" brewery and restaurant in Schwetzingen.

This is a traditional business,

we even brew our own beer in our on-site brewery.

We offer hearty, traditional dishes

which change according to the season.

That might be a focus on asparagus,

or our schnitzel week,

American week, Bavarian week, or wild game dishes.

We can seat 350 people inside

and another 350 on the terrace.

The automatic hood system is fantastic

because you don't have to constantly check whether it's finished.

If I glance round the corner and the hood's up

then I know I can empty it ready for the next load.

If it's still down, I can carry on with what I'm doing.

You don't have to stand next to it all day long

pulling it up and down by hand.

You just press a button to make it go up

or down.

Obviously for us

and for the people who work with it most of the time

that's a lot easier.

The other big plus is how much faster it works.

You can get things done while it's washing.

And when you see it's finished

you can simply reload it and leave it alone.

And when you come back it's open again!

The dishwasher is really very easy to use.

We have one guy here with a disability,

and he has no problem using it.

It's really easy.

The machine runs quickly and quietly

which is another big advantage.

And the heat recovery system works brilliantly.

It's the perfect fit for the small space we have here,

just a great choice!

And whatever we put in the machine

we can be sure it'll come out clean.

From plates and bowls to cutlery, pots and pans.

Even if something has been burnt onto the surface,

it still comes out perfectly clean!

For more infomation >> Schwetzinger Brauhaus zum Ritter - Duration: 2:02.


Online-Metzgerei Schaufler - Duration: 2:11.

We're based here in the Schaufler Black Forest Butchery

in the middle of Offenburg.

We are a small team of only three people.

A few weeks ago, we decided

that we would close the shop and

focus on production, and the online business.

In the online business, we sent out

around 10,000 packages last year.

In our production facility, we make

home-made tinned sausage, ham, and belly of pork

and we also have a

party service at the weekend

or during the week on various public holidays.

The automatic hood system lightens our work a lot

as the business is mainly made up of women.

In the production facility, we also work

with very heavy appliances,

and when we need to wash things up it's good

if we can do this as easily as possible.

We usually use our MEIKO dishwashing machine

to wash items from production,

such as the red butchers' crates, the E2 crates,

and the screw out of the meat grinder.

We also wash the crockery from the party service,

all the bits and pieces from that.

First, we can pre-rinse everything and then make the

dishes clean in the washing machine. They always

come out sparkling clean and dry.

We have already found out that MEIKO dish washing machines

don't need a lot of power.

It's relatively cool here in the butcher's

and because the dish washing machine has

a steam extractor we have very little

condensation and the air is always fresh.

What I like about the MEIKO dish washing machine

is that it has a drying table.

This is brilliant for us.

After a party service, the glasses and plates

are really clean and dry, and

we don't need to spend so much time on washing up.

For more infomation >> Online-Metzgerei Schaufler - Duration: 2:11.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 730 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 16:04.


Princess Jing

Class I have an announcement

Today is are you telling me what if my friends from my old school is coming here for the whole day? Yes, I am

Sofia can you believes one makes it twice as much fun?

Enjoy your classes this morning Jade then we'll all go to done. There's so much to show you

And that's our enchanted art room and this is the hull of Royals. Check this out Sophia

I miss going to school with you Jade. I wish you could come to where you'll pep with me every day

Wouldn't that be great me?


it says

Frederica assembly. I I think I had a great great aunt Fredrika. I'll bet you are related to this princess


Can't wait to tell everyone oh wait by the way, which royal do you think went to the Dunwiddie school today?

I don't know what but I'll bet they're having just as much fun as we are

It's school swapped a class

Visited Dunwoody village their slice it right here. Amber. I will be your guide. So if you need help, just ask Oh,

Collections don't you have rocks at Royal prep? Oh, yes. I have rubies and diamonds and sapphires

These are a little different we are going to learn rocks that act like magnets are called blue stones now

Let's see how fast you can find your lodestone. How about you amber?

Okay, miss can do

Welcome to all our dear friends from Royal prep, and thank you dear friends at Dunwiddie for hosting lunch

Swap day greater than great

I learned how to turn a lime into an emerald and we raced in the flying Derby and

We made this gallon with a magic paper. I'm starting to think you're afraid afraid

When I see something I think I'll actually enjoy I'll try it for example, I'll now try some of that

Jade is related to royalty. That means she can be a student don't write your prep full-time. No way. That's amazing

We're gonna make an announcement as soon

Then you probably don't want to eat with us. Huh? Not when you can sit with your new classmates. Oh

I don't know, but I'm going to miss seeing all of them every day - no

Maybe leaving here to go to Royal prep is a big mistake




dear Dunwiddie, I

sure don't want to part but I

Know if I stay

Ruby I need your help

What's wrong? I don't think I want to go to Royal prep

Are you kidding you weren't magic and we're jewels is to just tell Sophia

But she's really excited about me going to her school. I'm afraid I'll hurt her feelings. She's your friend

She'll understand but and now that we're going to school together. We'll have even more heart-to-heart talks

so, what's the matter Wow, I um

I'm really thirsty. Yep, but that's why the idea I just had it's so perfect

I know we decided to announce the news at lunch, but now I think we should wait

Yes, and tell everyone anything to make you feel a little at RPA. What are best friends for?

What can I say you can say yes. Yes

Architecture Oh

Yesterday you all designed a clam neighs ium today. You're going to build it. Oh

I'll just watch nope this time. You have to join us. It's our last class of the day. Oh

You know, I would but I never learned to build stuff at Royal prep. So

So I can curtsy 28 different ways. I don't know anything about rocks or blowing glass but

What if I'm no good at it? What if I make a mistake and everyone laughs at me or

What if you're great at it? What is maybe you even enjoy it?

We keep an extra dress here for emergencies just like this


and also a short presentation from each of our to school Swami's, but before we begin, please

Take a moment to talk to someone you do ever

What do they do you at that school?

They taught me this

How are you doing now without a wound I can do a lot more than that you seem distracted are you still nervous?

No, no

There's a stream back there. It reminds me of the stream, but this isn't easy for me, but

What's that? Just something I thought you'd like

My own tiara, it's just like the one I wear my first fall deed

You're going out there a village birth, but you're coming back a princess

Miss flora. May I make an announcement? Why wasn't I notified?

Without further ado. May I play?

Princess, huh? Where is she? I knew there couldn't be a princess. I've never heard of you. Haven't seen anything yet

Where could she be wait I know

Can't tell you your feelings will get hurt Hey they won't okay


Sorry, but I don't want to go to royal. Oh, I

didn't think of that I

Knew I shouldn't have told you Jade. Wait a minute. Okay, I


Disappointed, but I got used to it

I just don't think I could get used to being apart from all my other friends now, I understand

You don't have to go to Royal prep

if you don't want to The Beggar's a stone the more magnetic it is what a metal bowl a

little surfing tray

Okay, Sophie's back

So, where's this new princess? I'm sorry, everyone, but there is no new princess. Jade is the new princess

Oh, I feel faint

The truth is I want to go to Dunwiddie because that's where my friends are most of them

Is that okay? I'm sorry, Jade

She designed this whole school many years ago

That's why we keep her painting in the Hall of Royals to honor her, you know

Jade what and we're really happy to have you back it Dunwoody Oh

Still a little dizzy you'll be okay. Amber. We just need to get you back into a royal gown two friends are the best

It'd be one plus one needs it as much


The enchanted feast

Mr. Cedric was I saying it wrong before Oh, what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy preparing for the enchanted feast feast

There's a feast tonight

I am going to conjure a royal feast that will dazzle the eyes and the taste buds

Then I shall turn the entire room into a hole

Yes, now look at your reflection

You're the last time I saw the princess

Fear not dear Rosie for I have a plan tonight is the enchanted feast and the castle is going to have a surprise guest

Let's go make some royal friends

Noble ruler deserves to find a sister. Oh, that's very kind of you your sorceress NISS

Oh, please call me Sascha you're mad

oh, I would have remembered meeting such a charming young princess with such a

Beautiful amulet, of course. I have gifts for all the children, too

Allow me to introduce myself how

To introduce myself beautiful

Dad something seemed not right about this sorceress. She seems perfectly charming to me

My dad gave it to me and I promise to never take it off

Look your new necklace is so much spa if you don't want it, I'll take it. Okay? Oh

How about plan Z Pacific so I can think hmm

I need to get Sofia alone so I can force her to hand over the amulet, but how

You will sprout into slithery vines that will wrap up princess Sofia and trap

Genius or a super G a few sprinkles of my crazy crystals should do the trick super genius

If they was either lurking in the castle, I would necessarily be the first to know

Well, you think she's okay. She is more royal family

It's the least I could do after all the jewelry. You've made me miss Sasha

Why you think Sofia?

They're really nice and brick welcome you to the enchanted feast. Oh, but where is the feast you may ask?


To do that just a little joke before the main course of

Magic. Alright bring it on

Me raw milk. It's amazing. Please step forward and behold your reflection in my Morpho mirrors


It's a real Turkey everyone dance, I'm afraid Amber's right Sofia

Mr. Cedric, where'd you go? Yo, you ok so free. Mr. Cedric messed up all his smells of the feast what else is new?

Are you sure about that?

Once an old woman came to my door offering an apple

But she turned out to be my wicked stepmother in disguise and the Apple was poised

It's up to you to do something about it before it's too late

You're right

The doors are all stuck Sasha I am not amused

What's going on? Oh, you've come just in time

one for Sofia

Your binds to seal up the castle with blessing she's miss meadow who an evil fairy

She's after my amulet what no one can have that amulet for me. I mean you princess

Wait, he started it. Just try to get along. Okay?

So you aren't a sorcerer after all

Oh homicide so I got this

I should have left him tied up. Follow me

She blocked in fixit's under stairs to

Have to get those vines off the doors guards use your swords


What it's tasty if one carries you up to the window

You can chew through the vines and the two of you. I need you two to get along for one night. Just one night

All right one night if I must

Look no vines excellent

Sorry, grab a walk which one you got the ones my wand. Hmm

Great job guys. Oh that fairy will be no match for me. Now. Wait, what do you have in mind? I

Know you can do your more fill mirrors, right? But how will that coming down gladly?

Yes, again, you think you can outwit me with a party trick flora, Felicia

Right this way but she's not you think she's

Just an illusion like

Everything else about her now. I believe we have an enchanted feast to finish

Mermaid and die MacLeod. Yes, James lino

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 730 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 16:04.


「Nightcore」→ Destiny (Destined To Be a King, Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.

Nightcore - Destiny (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Destiny (Destined To Be a King, Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.


FUTURAMA | Season 5, Episode 3: Fake Delivery | SYFY - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> FUTURAMA | Season 5, Episode 3: Fake Delivery | SYFY - Duration: 1:51.


「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Demons ✗ Shots ✗ It's Time | Imagine Dragons Megamix (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:44.

「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Demons ✗ Shots ✗ It's Time | Imagine Dragons Megamix (Switching Vocal)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Thunder ✗ Demons ✗ Shots ✗ It's Time | Imagine Dragons Megamix (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:44.


CLASSIFICA CANZONI GIUGNO 2018 - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> CLASSIFICA CANZONI GIUGNO 2018 - Duration: 6:55.


Unfassbare Aufnahmen! Der Mann besteigt den Berg mit einer Hantel! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Unfassbare Aufnahmen! Der Mann besteigt den Berg mit einer Hantel! - Duration: 0:54.


Dans les coulisses du G7 (épisode 7) : Le sherpa du Canada pour le G7 au Sommet Y7, à Ottawa - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Dans les coulisses du G7 (épisode 7) : Le sherpa du Canada pour le G7 au Sommet Y7, à Ottawa - Duration: 2:07.


Jaguar planning to revive XK coupe - Duration: 3:28.

Jaguar says it won't forget sports cars in its ever-expanding SUV litter.Beyond the upcoming J-Pace that will join its top-selling F-Pace, electric I-Pace and new E-Pace SUVs will be the addition of a 2+2 sports coupe alongside an updated F-Type line-up

The leaping cat's foray into SUVs has been highly successful with the F-Pace accounting for two-fifths of all Jaguar sales

F-Type sales have been slowing, except in the US and China, but honing-in on its brand's heritage while still appeasing the crossover masses won't be hard according to JLR's head of product strategy Hanno Kirner

"We love sports cars – and I use the plural quite deliberately.Whether that is delivered by a body variant or something else remains to be seen, but for now let's just say that the body type is very important for us

" While remaining coy, Kirner is referring to next year's replacement for the F-Type that will be built on a new version of the platform that underpins the current model – and itself is based on a modified version of the architecture that the discontinued 2014 XK coupe was built on

Head of design for the brand, Ian Callum, planted the seed for the idea of a reborn XK last year when he said work was already underway

"I want a two-seater [the F-Type] and a 2+2.We're working on something now.There's nothing approved, but we instigate in design," he said

Callum's team had in fact prepared a concept for the last-generation XK's replacement that was shelved, forcing the development of a new design which is unlikely to launch until at least 2021

Drivetrains will be based on the Ingenium range of four and six-cylinder engines, replacing the Ford-sourced V6, while performance SVR versions will likely continue to receive JLR Special Vehicle Operation's supercharged 5

0-litre V8 powerplant.But electrification is also on the verge that could see both hybrid drivetrains in all future sports cars

However, Kirner doesn't want to see the end of loud petrol motors."There is an argument that says hybrid sports cars might cater for both the environment and the excitement such cars deliver," said Kirner

"A lot of people like the sound of an engine.That's a fact, and it is a defining part of a sports car

I absolutely believe that there will be electric sports cars one day, but I also believe there may be a different step of combining the battery and an engine

At Jaguar, all I can say for now is that we will continue to invest in sports cars

For more infomation >> Jaguar planning to revive XK coupe - Duration: 3:28.


Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D RN N.A.P+Nwe A.P.K+Lift - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D RN N.A.P+Nwe A.P.K+Lift - Duration: 0:56.


North Korea, U.S. in multiple preparatory meetings for summit - Duration: 2:52.

Our starting point is once again Pyongyang and Washington's multi-pronged diplomatic


All possibly designed to assist with preparations for the summit between their leaders, originally

set to be held on June 12 in Singapore.

Moments ago, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted North Korea's former intel chief Kim Yong-chol

... is heading to New York Lee Ji-won updates us on the rapid developments.

North Korea and the United States seem to be getting closer to finally announcing that

the first ever Pyongyang-Washington summit *will in fact be held.

The Vice Chairman of the North's Workers' Party, Kim Yong-chol , who is also in charge

of the regime's United Front Department, arrived in Beijing Tuesday morning to fly to the U.S.

According to South Korea's Yonhap News, citing sources in China, Kim's name is on the list

of people taking a flight to New York on Wednesday at 1 p.m.

Sources in China say Kim will meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

This would be the third time for the two diplomats to meet.

Also in Beijing with Kim was the official in charge of North American affairs at Pyongyang's

foreign ministry, Choe Kang-il.

The two initially booked a New York-bound flight leaving Tuesday afternoon but postponed

it to the next day.

The change in schedule was likely because of a meeting arranged between Kim and Chinese

officials at the airport on Tuesday.

The same sources say Kim and Pompeo are expected to put together the final pieces for the summit,...

and reaffirm the North's efforts to denuclearize and the States' effort to guarantee Pyongyang's


Meanwhile late Monday, an eight-member delegation from the North is said to have landed in Singapore,

according sources there, to meet their U.S. counterparts.

The North Koreans are led by the Secretariat of the regime's State Affairs Commission,

Kim Chang-son, a top logistics and protocol official.

The U.S. team, consisting of some 30 officials from the White House and State Department,

led by Deputy White House Chief of Staff Joe Hagin, arrived in the Southeast Asian city-state

earlier that day.

Although the exact time of the meeting has not been disclosed, the two sides are expected

to meet as early as Tuesday, to discuss logistics, protocol and specific venues and itineraries

for Kim Jong-un and President Trump.

Representatives of the U.S. and North Korea are also to resume their meeting at the inter-Korean

border village of Panmunjom on Wednesday.

Those delegations are led respectively by former U.S. ambassador to South Korea and

former nuclear negotiator Sung Kim,... and North Korea's Choe Son-hui, who serves as

the regime's vice foreign minister and is a former director of her ministry's North

American department.

The talks began on Sunday but, according to diplomatic sources, they did not convene on

Monday and Tuesday.

The same sources say the two are expected to have worked on the summit's agenda and

other details.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea, U.S. in multiple preparatory meetings for summit - Duration: 2:52.


ik main hi nahi un par qurban zamana hai - Hafiz Zahid Raza Qadri - Urdu Naat - Duration: 3:41.






For more infomation >> ik main hi nahi un par qurban zamana hai - Hafiz Zahid Raza Qadri - Urdu Naat - Duration: 3:41.


Miles From Tomorrowland American Animated Memorable Moments Episode 776 - Pink Monkey - Duration: 16:41.

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Yuri's Night

Not yet. Miele Gagarin was the first human in space. So when we say something is Yuri, it means it's incredible. We're here

What do we do first write the journal ricochet rockets they can't send us on a mission now

Can they we can't miss Yuri's Night sorry kids, but you know our missions always come first and as soon as we're done

We'll get back to the park. We need you to escort a very important guest to the tethoscape for the party

oh the one the only

Bootjet groovestar a town bootjet needs a lift to the tethoscape. He has to be there before the quantum fireworks go off

Don't worry Admirals you can count on us

Excellent bootjet. Let's rocket

I'm locked on boot Jets coordinates. There's a ship, uh

Looks like it's overheating

That ships about to blow activating safety well hello there people

Are you okay?

Oh, yeah

Bootjet groovestar keeps the fuck no matter what not sure about the starship though people

I have to share a low down group with yo. My gear was blown to bits along with my starship

It's hard to rock the funk without your gear tell me

The quantum fireworks shoe starts in less than thirty minutes we'd better get moving Leo take us to the tethoscape

Yuri's Night, here we come

Maybe that's gonna stop us. This is harsh people

What is it a ditalion ship and death aliens are not the nicest aliens in the galaxy

Which is why they you are trespassing in a just a lien star zone we have orders to lock you up

Oh, man, you stomping my groove big guys. Now. I really am gonna miss the concert. Do we have your autograph?

Can you sign my helmet? Oh, I have all your digital files. I love you. I love you

I love you your biggest fans and probably his scariest

Well, your outfits are funk tacular so I say yes

The all power to main engines the only way we'll make it now in order for me to bring the funk I

need to charge up my instruments mind if I plug the

Tethoscape here we come

It means we're stuck and we can't call for help can we take the starjetter Oh

Unfortunately, no while our other vehicles were plugged in and charging so they'll be fried then. You also know that URI never gave up

No matter how impossible things seemed and if Yuri

Never gave up neither. Should we what are you spacetastic idea miles? Let's give it a shot

We'll sear miles Merc time for a spacewalk

She's got spunk and if you've been david

We're not gonna make it buddy, it's all over we just don't have enough power

Mom meters inside the tethoscape

The Hoverbike Diaries the secret to zero-g tag is stealth

Activators camp this weekend to learn even more moves you want to come? Oh, that sounds galactic, but I've already got plans. It's Callisto purse

But and you don't wait I was totally wrong you do have a hover bike

Camp which we'll miss if we don't leave soon. Give me a double doubles partner

Crew I can do that piece of cake

Wait, what are the rules ride responsibly help out and think ahead ride responsibly. How do I work?

Stella rific but there's one other really

Important thing you've got to do before we go. What's that? Let go of the bike

We're gonna ride out to grok Rock

It's a natural rock formation shaped like a Grox head hunt the road out to the rock and be pretty tricky

Oh down big guy, thanks kiddo, but maybe you should do the gear checklist instead. It's an improv

Back to work

Come on mouth it's time to ride

All right crew get ready to kick up some serious stuff Myles pull back and watch us before you ride through

Almost there

Buycks please we kicked up a lot of dust on that last stretch

Maybe I could help with the jet booting over the cliff thing buffing

The bikes is just as important miles dust can mess up the gears and soon

What do you think they're trying to tell us let me take a look wing shield

Hang tight guys storms passing good thing it's moving

Dad Uncle Joe I think I left it behind some clothes don't remember I turned out to be

You guys you're trying to tell me about let's

Right where I left it behind Thanks

What a ride hey guys, haha, you said it bro too bad I messed it up guess I don't have one

It's make friends along the way

Well, that's true and all but miles. I still don't think you can join the Callisto crew. Why not?

Well, it's simple you don't have a crew jacket wait

Who stole the stellosphere

So we can go to the tethoscape

That was the deal. You've worked hard. I'm very proud of you

Miles Callisto a hologram aw craters

Attention Callisto's we are now approaching the Tetons

Or I am gadfly Garnett


anyone aboard

No last chance

Because you do not want to know ship computers

I am Stella. What is your name? Unidentified pilot? Just call me

Captain Oh not after I install this superfast ripped drive. It won't

And I want

Hey, how's my little wait if you guys are here then?

I'm going to do to him. Don't worry

Gadfly is not dangerous tribe can basically skip across the galaxy in seconds if gas line souls that drive

Attention Spaceguard Cruiser a provided we leave that tethoscape. Oh

Who you listen to just think?

I'm only borrowing a chip you got it can take this ship anywhere just like that


Now find that kid miss robot everything we'll see who gets locked up

Take me to the engine room Sarah

Zoe ah

There you are

My bracelet just gonna plug you into that engine

Hey, where's the kid nurse robot other way here

Sixty seconds until our tow beam reaches the stellastot we need to get gadfly away from the controls

Bellows fear gravity has been turned off

Come on gadfly, it's all over wait. I know

Miles Merc for your part in apprehending the biggest pests in the cosmos I'm trees

Attack of the flicker at

Be there in a minute

I'm not moving

How does it look

Good. Yeah, good. Yeah

Admiral's it drone disappeared somewhere on California, and we don't know why that's problem number one, and now presenting

Doe Thank You Crick around the same. It's too dark to work at least without bumping into things

So we've evacuated our crew. We need you to find that drone and get the spaceport lights back

Now why didn't I think of that you're gonna need all the light you can get down there. I'm telling you it's dark

Good luck Callisto's didn't you say there were three problem

Wow, well, I am anyway

These glow poles are so cool. It's kind of like leaving bread crumbs mark. Where are you?

That was so funny what else can you do?

Merc you can show off more when we're done

Hey miles

These optical fibers should be glowing looks like something chewed through them. Yeah, maybe the same something that snacked on that roof

I need a closer look activate nitrous resume

Then they eat it for dinner

Merc turn that off. We don't want the flickorax teach you

The weird thing is slick rocks don't live and then hopped off at the spaceport on this planet right got it

Leo you are the light of my life

That's a blastastic idea Merc if we send it off the tech slope then

You go tell mama gasps. We'll leave these light eaters away from the spaceport and get mercs Rocky. Okay, let's go boy

It worked

Great since your old class board was too slow to outrun the flickorax. I added turbo speed. Yeah, it's all yours miles

You restored light to the California spaceport solve the mystery of the delivery drone and

Return the flickorax to Tetro. It's fabulous. You just saw

For more infomation >> Miles From Tomorrowland American Animated Memorable Moments Episode 776 - Pink Monkey - Duration: 16:41.


MIN - Em Mới Là Người Yêu Anh | MV Making - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> MIN - Em Mới Là Người Yêu Anh | MV Making - Duration: 6:25.


Kpop groups formed through live reality shows ( Eng-sub turn on subtitles CC) - Duration: 3:58.

Kpop groups formed through live reality shows

Perhaps the audience is too familiar with the survival programs - a familiar motif of the Korean radio station to look for new generation of music.

There are many great idol groups formed from live shows, and the point is to see who they are!


YG Entertainment used the reality show "The Big Bang Documentary" in 2006 to select the full Big Bang. Starting point with 6 members, through the process of selecting and evaluating harshly, YG type SO-1 (Jang Hyun Seung - former BEAST member) left the group.

Big Bang officially debuted with five members including G-Dragon, Taeyang, T.O.P, Daesung and Seungri on August 19, 2006 at the Olympic Park Stadium in Seoul.

2. 2PM & 2AM

The "One Day" group project from JYP's "Hot Blood Men" has created 2 PM's 2 PM's 2AM and 2 AM's with two different musical styles.

The three members were excluded from the project after the harsh evaluation of the program, one of whom was eliminated by Yoon Doo Joon (HIGHLIGHT).


VIXX is the first group of Jellyfish Entertainment. VIXX debuted with 6 members through a reality show called "MyDOL" produced by Mnet in 2012.

4. Winner & iKON

In 2013, the YG's "Win: Who is next?" Live show, "Dinosaur Recruit" debuted as "Team A" - the winner of the " Team B ", both are YG Entertainment trainee.

After just one year of "Win: Who is next?", YG continues to hold a new show called "Mix & Match" in 2014 to find the next boy group. iKON officially released the single from their first album "My Type" with some members from "Team B" known previously.


MONSTA X is a 7-member group selected through the survival program of Starship Entertainment - "No Mercy" in 2015.


JYP female group members are selected from Mnet reality show "SIXTEEN" produced in 2015

The program is divided into two teams: "Majors" and "Minors", trainees will compete to win. Launched as an official member of TWICE.


MOMOLAND from Duble Kick Company is also looking to become an idol group on the reality TV show "Finding MOMOLAND" on Mnet.

8. I.O.I

Mnet - "Produce 101" season 1 has picked up the 11 best pieces from 101 contestants. Although the group has been active for only 10 months, IO.I has made a big comeback in Kpop's 3rd generation girlgroup.


One of the most popular idols in the world today is Wanna One. The boy band of "Produce 101" season 2 has become the fever of both Kpop in 2017 and promises to boom over in 2018.

10. fromis_9

Another girl group is produced by Mnet and CJ E & M. Fromis consists of nine members, formed on January 24, 1818 by CJ E & M through the "Idol School" program.

11. Stray Kids

JYP Entertainment's new "Chicken War" will be officially released on March 25, Stray Kids is a 9-member group that competes on the reality show "Stray Kids" in 2017.

Besides, other live reality shows like "The Unit", "MIX9" ... will also quickly bring the winning group of the show "to the floor" in the coming time. In the future, we are sure to see many groups debuting in the form of live reality show like this.

For more infomation >> Kpop groups formed through live reality shows ( Eng-sub turn on subtitles CC) - Duration: 3:58.


Ramazan Main 4 Logo Ki Toba Qabool Nahi Hugi | Molana Tariq Jameel | Latest bayan | Hidayat Ka Rasta - Duration: 1:59.

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For more infomation >> Ramazan Main 4 Logo Ki Toba Qabool Nahi Hugi | Molana Tariq Jameel | Latest bayan | Hidayat Ka Rasta - Duration: 1:59.


✅ Volleybalster Schoot terug bij Vilsbiburg - Duration: 1:16.

Volleybalster Myrthe Schoot zet haar loopbaan voort bij de Duitse ploeg Vilsbiburg

De club die de bijnaam 'Rote Raben' heeft, neemt de libero over van Dresdner SC waarvoor ze zes jaar uitkwam

Schoot is ook een van de libero's in de Nederlandse selectie.De 29-jarige speelster uit Winterswijk keert daarmee terug bij de club waar haar Duitse avontuur in het seizoen 2011-2012 begon

Met Dresden, waar ze sinds 2014 aanvoerster was, pakte ze driemaal de Duitse titel en twee keer de beker

Schoot komt momenteel met Oranje uit in de Nations League.

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