Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Youtube daily report May 29 2018

Top North Korean official Kim Yong Chol heading to US

      Seoul (CNN)One of North Korean leader Kim Jong Uns top officials is traveling to the United States and will meet Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as the two countries lay the groundwork for on-again, off-again talks between Kim and US President Donald Trump in Singapore on June 12.

Trump himself confirmed the news of Kim Yong Chols trip to the US early Tuesday, tweeting: We have put a great team together for our talks with North Korea.

Meetings are currently taking place concerning Summit, and more.

Kim Young Chol, the Vice Chairman of North Korea, heading now to New York.

Solid response to my letter, thank you!   Kim will meet with Pompeo later this week, according to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.

  Once he touches down on American soil, Kim would be the most senior official to visit the United States since 2000, when Vice Marshal Jo Myong Rok traveled to Washington to meet with former US President Bill Clinton in the Oval Office.

Then-US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright traveled to North Korea later that month.

His trip comes as the United States and North Korea attempt to revive the summit, a potential diplomatic triumph for two countries technically still at war.

  Kim Yong Chol (C), who led the North Korean delegation to the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games closing ceremony in February.

  Read More The talks nearly fell apart last week when Trump said he was calling off the June 12 meeting in Singapore, following incendiary comments from a senior North Korean foreign ministry official who called Vice President Mike Pence a political dummy. The White House also said in a background briefing that North Korean officials hadnt answered their calls, frustrating their attempts to plan for the meeting.

But after a conciliatory statement from North Korea, Trump revived hopes for the meeting late Saturday night.

Over the weekend Kim Jong Un called an impromptu meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-In at the Demilitarized Zone and reiterated his commitment to denuclearizing.

Kims right hand man Kim Yong Chol and Kim Jong Uns sister, Kim Yo Jong, have been two of the most visible and important players in Pyongyangs push for rapprochement with South Korea and the United States this year.

Kim Yong Chols trip to the US indicates that Washington and Pyongyang have direct lines of communication open and are working closely together to work though issues ahead of the summit.

Pyongyangs foreign ministers regularly travel to New York to address the United Nations General Assembly, but this will be a much higher level presence with Kim Yong Chols appearance at the international body headquarters.

There is a power going to enemy territory.

The act itself builds confidence on both sides, said John Delury, a professor of international relations at Yonsei Universitys Graduate school of International Studies.

It shows a healthy process of the two sides working with sincerity to fundamentally change the relationship.   Kim Yong Chol is the vice chairman of North Koreas Party Central Committee, and is Kim Jong Uns top official in charge of relations between North and South Korea.

Hes often pictured with the North Korean leader and attended his two recent meetings with South Koreas President Moon at the DMZ that divides the two Koreas.

Kim Yong Chol has already met at least one senior US official.

He was pictured greeting US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo when the former CIA director visited Pyongyang earlier this month.

Kim Yong Chol was part of the delegation from the North that traveled South in February for the Winter Olympics closing ceremony, a decision that surprised many considering he was believed to have masterminded the sinking of a South Korean navy ship in 2010 that killed 46 sailors while serving as North Koreas top intelligence official.

A busy weekend The White House has dispatched officials across the globe to prepare for the possible summit.

A team of US officials traveled to North Korea Sunday for talks with their North Korean counterparts.

The team from Washington includes Sung Kim, a former US ambassador to South Korea and special representative for North Korea policy; Randall G.

Schriver, the assistant secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs; and Allison Hooker, director for Korea on the White Houses National Security Council.

Talks could potentially resume Wednesday at the DMZ, a person familiar with North Korea-US relations told CNN.

Representatives from Washington and Pyongyang have also been sent to Singapore, the island city-state that has agreed to host the talks, the first between a North Korean leader and sitting US President.

Japanese public broadcaster NHK posted footage online of a North Korean official at Singapore International Airport Monday, the same day US officials arrived for talks on logistics.

The diplomatic scramble follows a last-minute meeting between Kim and Moon on the northern side of the DMZ Saturday to discuss the next steps after Trumps surprise cancellation.

As Moon revealed the substance of their discussion in a press briefing Sunday, President Trump announced that the meeting was back on.

Were looking at June 12th in Singapore.

That hasnt changed. Moon told reporters Kim requested the meeting with him on Friday afternoon, in what was only the fourth encounter between the leaders of North and South Korea.

CNNs Junko Ogura in Tokyo, Steven Jiang in Beijing and Samantha Beech in Atlanta.

Zachary Cohen and Allie Malloy contributed to this report from Washington                        .

For more infomation >> Top North Korean official Kim Yong Chol heading to US - Duration: 8:43.


La confessione di Belen sulla fine del matrimonio con Stefano | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> La confessione di Belen sulla fine del matrimonio con Stefano | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:51.


Uomini e Donne trono over: una dichiarazione ha spiazzato tutti | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne trono over: una dichiarazione ha spiazzato tutti | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:14.


AI UX | Empower People to Achieve Unique Goals | Intel Software - Duration: 3:02.

This is AI:UX, a mini series focused on 10 guidelines that

were created for all those that are involved in the design

and development of AI based systems.

I am Daria Loi.

And today, I talk about guideline number seven.

Make people feel unique.

And empower them to achieve their unique goals.

Part of human nature is the need to feel special

and to be acknowledged as an individual.

During many interviews, people describe their need

to feel unique throughout their technological interactions.

Feeling too predictable makes them feel uncomfortable.

Not only do people want to feel unique

when they interact with AI, but they

want AI to empower them to achieve their goals,

especially if those goals seems out

of reach too burdensome or complex.

My research shows that AI usages that make

people feel connected with each other

as well as cared for make them feel acknowledged, unique,

stronger, and empowered to achieve personal goals that

are meaningful to them.

It is well known in literature that social connectedness has

a positive impact on people's wellness

and ability to proactively engage

with the world around them.

Knowing that what you need, want, and do matters,

and makes a difference.

Aligned with that, AI systems that focus on companionship,

social connectedness, and mediated social interactions

all offer great design and development opportunities.

This means focusing on applications that connect

instead of isolating its users.

It means offering systems that focus

on those that have less access to social connectedness.

Imagine the opportunities of designing smart home systems

to provide social connectedness to senior citizens.

It also means developing services and systems

that focus on true personalizations,

catering to the specific needs of a specific individuals,

versus offering one size fits all solutions that

were designed for a typology of users instead of a real person.

Imagine designing applications that leverage voice

based systems to offer companionship

to those that, due to reduced mobility,

have less opportunities to directly interact

with the world around them.

Imagine services leveraging audiovisual equipment

to enable someone to have enriched

social interactions, despite physical or economical


Imagine an intelligent system that

remembers what you want to achieve,

and that contextually prompts and encourages you,

suggesting the best way forward, given time, situations,

and even the emotional state you're in.

Thanks for watching.

Don't forget to like this video and subscribe.

I will see you next week on Tuesday for more AI:UX.

For more infomation >> AI UX | Empower People to Achieve Unique Goals | Intel Software - Duration: 3:02.


Uomini e Donne trono over: una dichiarazione ha spiazzato tutti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne trono over: una dichiarazione ha spiazzato tutti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.


Finale Grande Fratello 2018: quando va in onda l'ultima puntata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Finale Grande Fratello 2018: quando va in onda l'ultima puntata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:57.


《深宮計》太平公主算什麼,皇后即將和鄭貴妃開撕,好戲在後頭! - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 《深宮計》太平公主算什麼,皇后即將和鄭貴妃開撕,好戲在後頭! - Duration: 7:46.


'아침마당' 배일호 박재란 진성 진시몬 "가수 부인 용미숙 성형전후 장모님 나이"|K-News - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> '아침마당' 배일호 박재란 진성 진시몬 "가수 부인 용미숙 성형전후 장모님 나이"|K-News - Duration: 9:12.


《如果愛》初上螢幕,美芝「回眸殺」初戀臉,網友:謝霆鋒後悔嗎 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> 《如果愛》初上螢幕,美芝「回眸殺」初戀臉,網友:謝霆鋒後悔嗎 - Duration: 2:48.


Anticipazioni U&D, nuovi tronisti settembre 2018: ecco i favoriti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni U&D, nuovi tronisti settembre 2018: ecco i favoriti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


《宮心計2深宮計》:王蓁看似善良實則心狠,與李隆基正好相配 - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 《宮心計2深宮計》:王蓁看似善良實則心狠,與李隆基正好相配 - Duration: 7:46.


Opel Mokka 1.4 Turbo 140PK Start/Stop | Schuif-/kanteldak | - Duration: 1:13.

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The FIU bridge crushed their daughter. Her iPhone survived — but they can't unlock it #2 - Duration: 11:02.

The FIU bridge crushed their daughter. Her iPhone survived — but they can't unlock it #2

Since the collapse, more details - though not many - have surfaced.

Earlier this month, The Miami Herald revealed that a key concrete support truss in the doomed bridge developed worrisome cracks 10 days before the structure was lifted into place over Southwest Eighth Street.

The university unintentionally released photos and documents detailing the cracks in response to a records request by the Herald.

The records show that FIUs construction and engineering team discovered the potentially problematic cracks in the bridge earlier than officials had previously acknowledged.

Since the collapse, multiple lawsuits have been filed against the construction firm, Munilla Construction Management, Figg Bridge Engineers and others involved in the project.

As of yet, none of the suits name FIU or the Florida Department of Transportation because of a law giving them sovereign immunity limiting their liability.

Lawyers must also give them 180 days notice before filing a suit.

Six months and a day later, we sue them, said the familys attorney, Alan Goldfarb.

Questions about Alexa continue to haunt them, the family says.

What was she doing? What was her last conversation?.

Humble, who was in the vehicle with Duran, told the Herald he was too distraught to discuss any details about that day.

He briefly chatted with a reporter Friday - the day Alexa would have turned 19.

Last minute, he showed up weeping at a church Mass honoring the dead teen.

During the service, she was remembered as giving, always funny, always laughing - the life of the party..

Alexa was a cheerleader and dancer during her time at Archbishop Edward A.

McCarthy High School.

This was her first year at FIU, where she was studying political science and in the newest pledge class for the Alpha Xi Delta sorority.

At the conclusion of the Mass, Humble walked up to the Durans pew and shook the hands of Alexas parents.

There was no conversation during the brief encounter.

Im still really torn up about this, but I had to come.

Its bigger than me.

She was the sweetest girl in the world, he told the Herald later.

Stuart Grossman, Humbles lawyer, has said the young man is so traumatized that he quit school.

In an email to the Herald, Grossman said Alexas bodily contents were squeezed onto him..

Upon the impact of the collapsed bridge, Mr Humble was physically struck by portions of the vehicle and bridge, as well as the injured body of the driver of his vehicle, Humbles lawsuit says.

He suffered bodily injuries and witnessed the driver of his vehicle die from the impact of the collapsed bridge..

I understand the pain and shock Richard must be in, but hes really the only person who can give us closure, the girls father, Orlando Duran, said.

We havent spoken since it all happened, and all he would say is I dont know, I dont know..

The Duran family says Humble and Alexa were courting for a few months before her death.

She really liked him.

She bought so much clothes.

She wanted to dress up for him, Gina Duran said, holding up garments that still bore their store tags.

They would talk in the car in the driveway late at night as we peeked through the blinds..

The day before the collapse, Alexas sister accompanied her to take Humble some soup because he was sick.

After that, the teen took off to the Keys with some girlfriends and returned in the middle of the night.

When I woke up to go to work, I knocked on her door.

Like always, she called me over to the bed.

We cuddled for about 10 minutes and then I had to go, Gina Duran said.

That was the last time I saw her..

Gina begged her daughter not to go to school that day because she needed help at the family business, a dry cleaners in Miami Lakes that Alexa helped run.

She told me No, Mami.

I have an appointment with the guidance counselor.

I have to go, Duran said.

I told her to hurry back..

The mother spoke to her daughter about seven minutes before the bridge fell.

Then all the reports said she was taking Richard to a doctors appointment, she said.

I just want to know about my babys last day on Earth..

What was she talking about when the bridge collapsed? Was she happy, mad, sad? Was she in love? What song was on the radio?.

Only Humble knows.

Carefully yet lovingly, Gina Duran folded Alexas unwashed clothes.

I cant let her smell get away, she said, holding her pair of Adidas sweatpants.

She placed her nose on the seams and strongly inhaled.

This is all I have left..

Except for the folded laundry, the teens room remains untouched.

The dogs arent allowed inside.

If you come in, you must close the door behind you quickly so that the teens scent wont escape.

On her bed lay the towels she used that morning - two red ones and a purple one.

Her bed remains undone.

Shoes piled up in her open closet.

Makeup bags on her dresser.

Beside her white pillows is a green stuffed alligator.

The only thing I wont do is read her diaries, Gina said.

She opened one up and riffled through the pages.

One entry started with Dear universe.

Gina closed her eyes and slammed the book closed: I cant do it.

She shoved it back in the drawer.

In a small, magenta, hand-crafted box are strands of Alexas long black hair.

I took them off her brush, bed, shower, bedroom floor, anywhere, Gina said.

One tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream.

I loved her hair.

It was so thick and pretty..

In an attempt to collect the troves of memories Alexa left behind, the family has altered her garments and wears them, as well as her jewelry and sunglasses.

For more infomation >> The FIU bridge crushed their daughter. Her iPhone survived — but they can't unlock it #2 - Duration: 11:02.


The FIU bridge crushed their daughter. Her iPhone survived — but they can't unlock it - Duration: 8:46.

The FIU bridge crushed their daughter. Her iPhone survived — but they can't unlock it

MIAMI - Tucked away inside a white, weathered dresser rests a brown, crumpled paper bag.

Inside that bag are a few ounces of whats left of the dead teen - two wrinkled dollar bills, a quarter, a dusty hair tie, a black leather choker, a long pendant necklace, a silver ring, a sorority keychain, a Sunpass transponder and a drivers license.

This is what they handed to me, whispered Gina Duran, angry tears dribbling down her cheek.

The mourning mother held the chalky items up into the light.

Her voice cracked.

They handed me my daughter in a freaking paper bag.

Alexa Duran, 18, was one of six people crushed to death on March 15 when the pedestrian bridge at Florida International University collapsed onto ongoing traffic.

The FIU freshman would have turned 19 last week.

The mountain of concrete crushed cars, even the strongest of pickup trucks, at 1:47 p.m.

that day.

Alexa, who was driving her fathers Toyota 4Runner, was going east on Tamiami Trail and was on her way to drop off a dear friend at home.

In an instant, the bridge - which was still under construction - caved, mangling the SUV.

Footage shows a yellow school bus halting just moments before the disaster.

Dozens climbed out of their cars and dashed toward the rubble as dust and crumbled concrete drifted through the air.

An immense slab fell diagonally, almost precisely, onto the drivers side of Alexas vehicle.

The passenger, FIU student Richard Humble, was spared.

It was as if God chose my daughter that day, Gina said.

As the public waits for answers on what happened - at the same time government agencies are stanching the flow of vital information - the Duran family is busy fighting to preserve her memory with one other salvaged possession: Alexas unscathed iPhone.

My daughters body came back as flat and thin as a cracker but her iPhone survived without a single scratch, Gina Duran said.

The familys quest to live out their daughters last days and find closure in the wake of the teens death hasnt come without major obstacles - specifically Alexas password, which was her thumbprint.

As a backup, Alexa armed her cell with a six-digit pin code.

About a dozen friends and family members have tried to guess it and had no success.

As a last resort, relatives have attempted to figure out her Apple ID password.

Could it be her dogs name, Lola? No.

Her favorite food? No.

How about her birthday or boy crush? No.

After the maximum number of failed attempts, the phone locked itself.

Her older sister, Dina, said, Alexa set the password to have the maximum number of characters allowed, making it that much harder to crack.

To no avail, the grieving family even tried local independent technology companies.

They could not hack into it.

Apple requires a court order, a death certificate and proof of them being trustee of Alexas estate - an exhausting process the Duran family is currently navigating.

Apple has no way to unlock phones because it doesnt store pass codes, thumbprint or face recognition data, according to the company.

However, with a court order, it can access whatever the user uploaded to his or her iCloud.

They said they would call me back but they havent, Gina Duran said.

As a teen, you dont tell your parents every single little thing, Gina said, holding the iPhone 6.

Opening this phone will give me a glimpse into my babys last moments.

What was she thinking? What was her last selfie? Anything.


The Miami Herald contacted Apple directly, but the company would not elaborate on its policies regarding iCloud and Apple ID ownership after death, and referred to its privacy policy online.

Until it can be accessed, the phone rests in a box under the dead teens pillow.

Her parents are afraid that further fiddling with it will erase the data.

I cant lose it.

I cant lose whats in there, just in case one day we can get it to open, Gina Duran said, fluffing her teens white pillowcase.

This is the only place I know it will be safe.

Since his daughters death, Orlando Duran can only cope by sending his pumpkin text messages.

Almost every day, the teens most trusted secret-keeper sends her a brief note.

Three days after the collapse, Alexas body was finally identified and she was officially pronounced to be dead.

Bye, my little girl, I will send you another message tomorrow hoping you might answer, one text from her father read.

Im sitting here with mom drinking and thinking about you without saying a word.

We love you and miss you, read another.

He squeezed his phone tightly and polished the glowing screen with his shirt cuff.

Every time I write a message I die a little.

For more infomation >> The FIU bridge crushed their daughter. Her iPhone survived — but they can't unlock it - Duration: 8:46.


Doña Letizia se alía con sus ex compañeros contra la posverdad - Noticias del Clavel rojo - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Doña Letizia se alía con sus ex compañeros contra la posverdad - Noticias del Clavel rojo - Duration: 2:54.


Musica Rilassante E Suono Dell'Acqua Che Scorre Per Dormire 🆁🅴🅻🅰🆇 - Duration: 2:02:19.

Relaxing Music And Flowing Water Sound For Sleeping

For more infomation >> Musica Rilassante E Suono Dell'Acqua Che Scorre Per Dormire 🆁🅴🅻🅰🆇 - Duration: 2:02:19.


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Medytacja Pisma Świętego - Miłość Ojca [#Mt 28,16-20] - dla niesłyszących (j. migowy) - Duration: 59:37.

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Mix Pop Latino 2018 MEGAMIX HD Maluma, Nicky Jam, J Balvin, Daddy Yankee, Bad Bunny, Shakira - Duration: 1:28:14.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Mix Pop Latino 2018 MEGAMIX HD Maluma, Nicky Jam, J Balvin, Daddy Yankee, Bad Bunny, Shakira - Duration: 1:28:14.


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For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] 28.05.2018 180528 BTS remercie les ARMYs [No 1 on Billboard 200 Chart] - Duration: 2:20.


Going Up Foxton Staircase Locks In My Narrowboat - 51 - Duration: 7:08.

It was now time to navigate up Foxton Locks.

There are ten locks here consisting of two staircases of five. Staircase locks are used

when a canal needs to climb up a steep hill and each lock opens directly into the next.

Foxton locks were opened in 1814 after four years of construction. The British Civil Engineer

Benjamin Bevan was given the job of designing the locks, and he had two huge problems to


The first was the 20 mile summit pound between Foxton and Watford had limited water supply

and the second was the 75 feet height difference between each canal.

The trip through the ten locks takes around about 45 minutes and there can be a bit of

a wait during busy times. I thought I'd have a huge delay when returning from Market

Harborough, but luckily I went straight in.

Large side ponds provide storage of water for the locks. It not only prevents wastage,

but it significantly speeds up the traffic. The water is controlled by paddles in and

out of the ponds. A past lock keeper painted the paddles either red or white and there's

an old saying "Red afore white and you'll be alright. White afore red, and you'll

wish you were dead".

If you get the sequence wrong you could not only drain the system, but flood the pub at

the bottom of the flight. Luckily it's all operated by either Canal and River Trust staff

or volunteers like Andy, who's helping me today. You must book yourself in with the

lock keeper who will record the name of your boat and the time in their book. No booking

in, means no traversing. You also need to ensure you can be through the flight before

it's closed and locked up for the night.

So I'm half way through now. There's a small pound in the middle, which is capable

of holding one boat really. And that's there for example, one boats going up and four boats

are coming down, the one boat can wait in the middle and all four can pass them. The

lock keeper, or the volunteer that's helping me get through the locks has just indicated,

don't leave this lock chamber until he's opened the gates of the next one because apparently

as there's a tiny bit of a pull on the water. So he's going to drain the next lock up,

open the gates, give me a signal and I'm going to drive straight through... hopefully.

To reduce the turbulence within each lock, once in and the gates are closed, I put Alice

into a slight reverse, keeping the stern butted up against the bottom gate. Foxton Locks are

the largest flight of staircase locks on the English canal system and the locks became

part of the European Route of Industrial Heritage in 2008.

During weekends and holidays there can be hundreds of visitors crowding around the locks

and watching. It can become a bit intimidating as people peer through your windows, into

your floating home.

Today it was quiet and I was up onto the top section of the Grand Union Canal relatively


So I made it through Foxton Locks. Had a really good night's sleep because I was absolutely

shattered. Both from the sun yesterday and going all the way to Market Harborough. And

then this morning, I had this to wake up to.

I've left the boat in the shade today. I don't think it's going to be as hot today

but I've left Molly on board because today I'm walking down to a local village. Which

will take me about half an hour, three quarters of an hour, and then I'm catching a bus

back to Market Harborough and then another bus back to where my car is. I tried giving

up my car for a couple of weeks, to see how long I could cope without it. I didn't really

last very long so I know, deep down I do want to keep a car, regardless of all this hassle

of going back and forth to get it. Especially whilst I'm doing the fit out anyway.

I've travelled down the Leicester arm of the Grand Union to go to the Crick Show. I

moored up just north of the marina, nice and early. This gave me time inside my narrowboat

to continue with fit out jobs. If you like this episode, please do give it

a thumbs up. If you've not already subscribed, hit that subscribe button and click the bell

icon to be notified about future episodes. Until next time, see ya later.

For more infomation >> Going Up Foxton Staircase Locks In My Narrowboat - 51 - Duration: 7:08.


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Ramzan Mein Sehri Time 10 Bar Parhain | Ghurbat Hamesha Ke Liye Khatam | by kamran sultan

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AOA's "Bingle Bangle" Ranks High On Global iTunes K-Pop Charts + Domestic Music Charts(News) - Duration: 1:17.

AOA's "Bingle Bangle" Ranks High On Global iTunes K-Pop Charts + Domestic Music Charts

AOAs new mini album is doing well on the charts!.

The girl group dropped their fifth mini album Bingle Bangle on May 28 and, soon after its release, it entered the Top 3 on iTunes K-Pop Albums charts in 13 countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. The album also entered in the Top 10 of iTunes Top Album charts in nine countries, including Finland, Norway, Thailand, and Singapore.

The title track of the same name also rose as high as No. 1 on Bugs, Mnet, Genie, Olleh Music, and Soribada, and No. 3 on Melon in South Korea.

For more infomation >> AOA's "Bingle Bangle" Ranks High On Global iTunes K-Pop Charts + Domestic Music Charts(News) - Duration: 1:17.





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