Incredible Stunning The Rocker Double Tiny House Listed On Many Popular Magazines
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Johny Johny Yes Papa | Nursery Rhymes by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 3:47.Johny Johny!
Yes, Papa
Eating sugar?
No, papa
Telling lies?
No, Papa
Open your mouth!
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Johny Johny!
Yes, mumma..
Hiding something............
No, mumma
Telling lies?
No, mumma
Show me your hands...
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Johny Johny!
Yes, mumma..
Eating chocolates....
No, mumma
Telling lies?
No, mumma
Open your mouth..
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Johny Johny!
Yes, Papa
Hiding something...........
No, Papa
Telling lies?
No, Papa
Show me your hands...
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Johny Johny!
Yes, Papa
liking maths
Yes, Papa
Are you sure?
No, Papa
1, 2 + 2
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Johny Johny!
Yes, Papa
Studies hard
Yes, Papa
Telling lie's
No, Papa
Show me your book .
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Johny Johny!
Yes, mumma
Feeling hungry
No, mumma
Are you sure?
Yes, mumma
Show me your hand..
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Johny Johny!
Yes, Papa
seen my phone
No, Papa
Are you sure..
Yes, Papa
Show me your hand .....Sry papa..
Johny Johny!
Yes, Papa
Feeling sleepiee..
No, Papa
Telling lie's
No, Papa
Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
Johny Johny!
Yes, Papa
Are you good boy..
Yes, Papa
No more lie ...Sorry papa..
Good night johny...
Love you...papa!
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✅ Επιβιώνω: Η Ειρήνη Παπαδοπούλου είναι εδώ με ολοκαίνουριο τραγούδι και video clip! | News | fthis. - Duration: 1:46.H Ειρήνη Παπαδοπούλου είναι εδώ με νέο τραγούδι και ολοκαίνουριο κλιπ! Δυναμική είσοδο κάνει στο καλοκαίρι μας η Ειρήνη Παπαδοπούλου, με το νέο της τραγούδι «Επιβιώνω»
Αγέρωχη και συναρπαστική, πορεύεται πάντα μπροστά και αποτυπώνει τη σταθερότητα στο χαρακτήρα της, σε αντίθεση με την εξέλιξή της στη μουσική! Νέος ήχος, έθνικ μοτίβα και πλούσια εικόνα για την Ειρήνη Παπαδοπούλου…η απόδειξη ότι «εγώ τα δύσκολα τα αγαπάω»
Με την υπογραφή των Κωνσταντίνου Παντζή και Τάκη Δαμάσχη στη σύνθεση και της Ναταλίας Γερμανού στο στίχο, η Ειρήνη Παπαδοπούλου «σηκώνεται, χαμογελάει» και δίνει φως στη θετική όψη του νομίσματος
Η οπτικοποίηση των συναισθημάτων αυτών από τον ταλαντούχο Γιάννη Παπαδάκο, παρουσιάζει την καλλιτέχνη ως αμαζόνα μέσα στη δική της φυλή και σκηνοθετεί το πρωτοποριακό μουσικό της κλιπ
Ζωντανές εικόνες σε έντονη εναλλαγή με κίνηση, που πηγάζουν από την εσωτερική της δύναμη
Με το κεφάλι ψηλά, νιώθει σίγουρη και περιπλανιέται σε νέες εμπειρίες, χορεύοντας στο ρυθμό της ζωής και της αρμονίας της φύσης
Το νέο single και video clip «Επιβιώνω» κυκλοφορεί από την Heaven Music. Απολαύστε το νέο single «Επιβιώνω» ΕΔΩ:
Lâm Á Hân và 'người tình lai Nga' nổi bật ở buổi casting The Face 2018 - TIN HOT 24h - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
Tony Robbins: This Could Change Everything ( Tony Robbins Motivation ) - Duration: 20:11.What is a breakthrough by the way so we're clear if you say you're having a
breakthrough who've never had a breakthrough you fought you fought and
then you had a break you sound will this happen before say I a breakthrough is
when there's something you struggle with for a long time you say you're gonna
change you say you're gonna make it happen you're gonna lose that weight
you're gonna grow your revenues you're gonna make that profit you're gonna make
something happen you're gonna find that relationship you're gonna stop smoking
and you start you get right near the edge and then you pull back who's done
this multiple times before but then finally how to break through you broke
through and actually change and say I so jot down with a breakthrough is and let
me give you the three steps of it a breakthrough is a moment in time that's
what it is it's a moment in time it's a moment where suddenly what was
impossible becomes possible and what makes it possible is you take immediate
massive what immediate massive what action for that to happen for the
impossibly compatible and for you to have action that's going to get results
really I found over the years any kind of breakthrough that you're gonna have
requires three things to it and if you never see me again
and you're ever in a place you say I'm sick of fighting this I'm sick of not
getting results I want I don't want to just learn more I want to break through
if you remember this and go back to the simple formula and by the way I've made
this simple purposely you know why complexity is the enemy of execution the
more complex you make it the less likely you're gonna execute I'm so good at
getting people to do things because I make it so damn simple you can't miss it
so let's do it what's it gonna take to ever break through before I tell you
let's have you think of an area where you once fought and you finally had a
breakthrough for you personally what's an area where you push them push and
pull she couldn't do it couldn't do it and you finally made yourself do it but
through how many can think of a specific area
life where you actually did create a break dude say aye
if you give em boy oh say it strong say I say aye
what was that area say it out loud what was here just say it out loud what area
did you break through it say it out what was the air okay so now you've had
success before let's do it again I'm gonna show you the three things you need
for breaker any one of the three can do it all three of them together you will
absolutely break through it and I'm gonna give them to you in reverse order
of importance meaning I'm gonna tell you the least important thing first because
it's the first thing most of you go for it's not the most important but it's
very important now before I do it I want you right now to think of an area you
want to break through right now what's near your life right now that you'd like
to create a breakthrough how many can think of something you came
here for I want to change this I want to lift this open I want to transform this
I want to master this who's got an area life right now
great sit up in your chair of some energy right now super your chair make
sure the people on either side of you on a peak state right pick an area you want
to credit breakthrough it what scenario you want to fray to break through it
money finance great what specifically do you want to create break your about
money in finance
I'd like some money here's the problem asking you shall so if she said I'd like
some money I could give her a dollar and go okay now you got some money let's
move on if you're that general you're probably getting what you're asking for
you just don't realize it because you're too general
what's the breakthrough you want with money to be able to travel the world
what prevents that from happening now money eat so we now know what a real
problem is I'm going to show you what a real problem is in a moment somebody
else what's the breakthrough you want what's the breakthrough
tell me raise your hand what's the breakthrough what's the breakthrough you
want sir what is it to be a leader for my family what's preventing you from
being a leader for your family my mindset what specific mindset what focus
I'm just not focused enough now I want you listen to people's answers because
you're going to see why people are changing because it's so general someone
else be honest what Co you want to break your head yes we have what do you want
to break through in she goes I want to break through in clarity of what I want
to do with my career what do you want to do with your career you don't know I
know you don't know but if you did know and how to tell me right now what would
you say I want to be up there talking to thousands of people she doesn't know and
then when I say I know you don't know what's the answer she fucking tells me
the answer instantly she just has a habit of saying I don't know when you
say I don't know I don't know I don't know over and over again you tell
yourself a story you begin to believe that story and once you believe it it's
manifest how many of you have ever had when you're a kid you're eating dinner
your parents says to you could you get me the salt and you're enjoying your
meal you don't want to get up see you don't why you said I don't know the salt
is it's not a lie you don't know its exact position in
this moment of time and your parent says you know when it's in it's in the
kitchen you go I don't know the Psaltis you go get me I don't know you giving us
salt right now what are you saying your head as you walked in the kitchen out of
the salt 'its out of the salt is I know the salt is you open the cabinet really
do up it's not here it's on the second shelf they tell you he's think I don't
know salt design of salt as you look it's not here they come storming the
kitchen to retry for your face we go what is this who's
ever had will these experience to say I now here's my question did your eyes see
the salt yes or now yes your eyes saw the salt but your mind did not allow you
to perceive the salt because you told yourself a story over and over again a
belief over and over again and it didn't want to make you a liar with yourself so
you created what's called a scotoma or a blind spot now if you listen to all the
people here they're all searching so let me give you the answer three keys to a
breakthrough think of the air you want to pur breakthrough in right now your
body your money your relationships your career your business your joy your
happiness and let's look at what your choices are first element there 3 s's
for a breakthrough first element people looking for is they're looking for the
right strategy you're saying if I could find the right strategy I could get this
result right now and by the way my life I am a life and business strategist all
I do virtually is seek out the world for finding strategies I find people been
together for 60 years and they don't just love each other their intimate
their passionate and make love and I want to know what do they have different
than other people and I don't think it's luck and I know it's not luck and I
figure out what their strategies are they do things that excite each other
then I find out what those things are and you can put them in anybody's
relationship and it's reignited I find people I just got done doing a four year
project where I interviewed 50 of the most wealthy human beings on earth and
greatest investors in history and these are all people that started with nothing
and became multi billionaires and I interviewed them put it inside the book
the very best of what I've learned I learned I got a PhD from the people to
control the world economy from the warm buffets of the world from the raid al
use of the world once I knew what their strategies are like right now one of the
strategies I put in my book it's called money master the game I believe it's an
Australian I think it's comes in here yet if you have you seen here in this
book I got one of them to actually give me a strategy and then this man named
Ray Dalio he's the largest hedge fund in the world this is a guy that rich people
they have money to give to a hedge fund guy the big hedge funds are 15 billion
ray is 160 billion he's ten times larger than anyone on earth you have to have a
billion dollar net worth and give him a hundred million dollars ten years ago to
even in investing with him now he doesn't
care how much money though they won't take your money and I got him to give me
the strategy that he has all of his personal money and he's never told her
that anyone on earth and I put in the book because I convinced him you're not
taking anybody's money anyway so you're not getting you know all the money you
could ever take you're taking you're giving up you have your net worth I
wanted to give this the average person anybody to follow the strategy last year
beat the stock market the stock market the US was 13.2 it did 15.6 in October
last year his strategy not mine I just got it from him the stock market the Dow
dropped a thousand points in one month it dropped 6% this went up point two
percent first 7 days of this year the market was down 3% this is up 1%
right now it's up three and a half the markets up about two and a quarter and
in in the last 75 years it's made money eighty-five percent of the time imagine
and when it lost it only lost one point six percent and when it wins it wins an
average of 10 percent if you could go to Vegas and when 85 percent of the time at
10 percent and only lose one point 6 15 percent of time how often would you
fucking play it's in the book that's strategy you do once a year you
rebalance it and you're done that's how powerful it is and it's only not work
twice 2008 and in 1932 and in both cases it did twice as good as everything else
but it did lose money now that's the power of a fucking strategy but getting
it from the best on earth that's what I do now to do that it's my time energy
money effort it didn't interrupt me I had to pursue it I had expect no answers
but I want the answer and I got it so I know the power of strategies if anybody
else does but I want to tell you most of you want to lose weight you're looking
for the strategy you want a relationship you're looking with the strategy look at
the business you want your strategy all good things the right strategy save you
years save you decades can convert results in minutes that you would have
struggled for forever so I know the value of strategies but with all that I
just said about strategies they're not the most important piece to a
breakthrough cuts think about it 70% of the United States is overweight I don't
know the current number in Australia but it's starting to catch up to the
u.s. most of the world is catching up to the US we've polluted everybody else
with the same lifestyle and so guess what is it really that hard to be fit
and strong is it so complex that you'll never understand it is that why is the
strategy complex for fit and strength to be fit and strong yes or no is it like
so unique and special that only the 1% can afford it no in fact don't you have
to work your ass off to avoid the information that can make you fit and
strong in fact today god forbid if you wanted to go work out and be trained how
far would I have to leave this building to get to a place where they would train
me how far there's one right over there isn't there and we'll probably drive
there God forbid we'd actually walk to the place we're gonna workout and shit
right and oh by the way you don't have to do that now you can take out your
phone and your iPad right now and download 10 bucks we'll live in a world
where the strategies are all around you so strategy may be your problem often it
is but more often you're missing the number 2 thing you need and that is the
right story because the story you have about your life or about your business
about the area life it's not where you want the area breaking through your
story is what's making you be stuck what's the story it's a belief that you
tell yourself over and over again like I don't have to solve this out of the
stall says you tell the story so often you believe it this is a man once said
you tell a lie big enough loud enough and long enough sooner or later people
will believe you who said that Hitler and most of us are Hitler in our
own minds we convinced ourselves of challenges so when person says well you
know least I've tried someone who hasn't lost weight they'll say I've tried come
on will they say I tried everything bullshit if you tried everything you'd
be fit and strong well I've tried thousands of ways thousands name them
well if tried hundreds name them well I've tried dozens name then why did do
these two stupid things that don't work over and over again
mine was on big boned I am big boned but I was 38 pounds heavier with the
same bones so we often say things that are true to back things up they are true
your big bone but that is not why you're fat right so the story keeps us from it
if you've another relationship you want what's the story all the good ones are
gone and they're gay and I'm not or they're not gay and I am the story the
story is there in fact write this down the only thing keeping you from getting
what you want the only thing keeping you from getting what you want is the story
you keep telling yourself about why you don't have it the only thing keeping you
from getting what you really want is the story you keep telling yourself about
why you don't have it yet here's what I said divorce your story and marry the
truth divorce your story and marry the truth and don't make it when those
divorces where you revisit with your own past belief system again divorce it cut
it off and marry the truth the truth will set you what but you got to develop
the empowering story without that now some of you think in empathic story is
the one that allows you to be keep going at what doesn't work I'm not talking
about a story where you cover your ass and explain that you're still gonna
achieve you want some day in the future because no one can argue with that
because the future is not here but really you're not doing anything to
change significant who knows what I'm talking about here say I so you've got
to find a story that's gonna empower you to act a story that's gonna get you to
find the breakthrough because otherwise with a lousy story you'll never find the
strategy where you'll come up with the reason why it's too expensive you can't
get there you can't access it or you'll even get the strategy and then
half-assed apply it just so you can reward your story that says it doesn't
work as I tried it like it's all bullshit it's bullshit it's bullshit is
bullshit jumping and doing something different it out of course it's not
going to work you're not doing it it's self fulfilling how many follow those
say hi so I want you to get this is the secret and by the way I don't want to
make it so strategy it doesn't matter because it does let me give you a quick
example is there a single guy here raise your hand if you're a single guy you
just say quick single guys here if you're single guy
raise your hand I've got so many good examples here
all right single guys single guys okay so how about this gentleman right here
stand up sir give a hand what's your name Plus is it
Jesse Jesse I'm gonna get your microphone Jesse I bet you're gonna get
this cuz Jesse's he's a good kid you can feel him so I think you're gonna get the
answer so it'd probably be anticlimactic let me just ask you Jesse I want you to
imagine that you're driving in your car with a girl you're dating and as you're
driving she says to you Jesse do you need to stop to pee and you know you
don't what are you saying I don't need a pic what do I think I don't need a key
now ladies how do you feel when you ask the guy do you need a PEDV stop your
drink and he just goes no ladies make a sound of how that makes you feel make a
sound god oh come on make it loud three years ago
what time do I need to ask if she needs to pay the quick study
here's what you're missing this is why you're single
when a woman asks do you need to stop for a drink you need to pee
women don't really mean what they say they give you clues and want you to be a
detective and uncover what they mean cuz this proves that you really care it's
quite complex this shit but I'm gonna educate you right now so when she says
Dee Dee's stuff to pee your response should never be no cuz you want to pee
or yes cuz you have to be your response should always be honey do you need to
pee and then she'll say I don't know because women need to talk to see if
they have to pee is it they have to speak and then see if they have to do it
and then what you should probably pause you go you know honey I think we should
stop don't make her say yes you just make it happen now ladies if you did
that they get more response oh yes
so is this manna is this a good young man is he yes or no is he nice is he
sweet is he kind he just doesn't fucking know that women
don't mean what they say so he doesn't have the right strategy so she's gonna
be pissed at him how many guys have ever had a woman suddenly be pissed at you in
your going I did nothing gentlemen make some noise made some
noise if it's true you don't have to do anything they just get to change dates
so what you have to do is read the tea leaves now to be fair let's give Jessie
a big hand give a big happy fair let's balance it out where is a single lady in
here a single lady region single women raise your hand oh come on ladies
in the ladies so many make choices so many choice all right give her head
what's your name where you from
it's listen Sidney laser gentlemen no you didn't hear me I said it's live from
Sydney let me hear you okay Liz I'm gonna give you a little
test you find a man very attractive you're very interested in you develop
the courage to go uptown start a conversation and then you say to him hey
listen would you like to have lunch maybe next Thursday and he says no
Shh what does it mean from honestly what is it B where's your gut say it means
first thing he says no he what he's not interested now he said no and then she
made up a whole fucking story in her head this is what women do what else do
you tell you he's not interested what else do you think he's probably got a
girlfriend fucking gay gay girlfriend what else he's stupid okay now I want
you to notice why she's single because all he said was no so I'm going to help
you in the women's world they see shit and you have to make it up what it means
in a man's world we actually say what we fucking mean it's fucking crazy if a guy
guys are you with me if a guy's asking me to have lunch on Thursday and I say
no guys what does this fucking mean what does it mean just means no it doesn't
mean I'm not into you doesn't mean him of sex with someone else doesn't mean
that day it just means no the fucking Thursday how about Friday
Hey ladies and gentlemen did you see how her story would get in the way of a
strategy that would work yes or no can you see how this strategy lack of
understanding would make women make up a story about him the time yes or no so
they all affect each other don't they but the glue that holds you in place is
the story if you want to grow a business I can
teach you a million strategy will change you overnight and if I get you to use a
strategy and grow your business 30% like that you are gonna get so excited that
your story about your business will change won't it feel like I can lift
this open I'm gonna make this thing a hundred percent more profit that's why
80 percent owes people I can grow them thirty two hundred thirty percent
because once I get into momentum people's story changes and when their
story changes the third and most important thing changes their state
because that's what really changes it all and that's why when I first came to
the audience I was listening what you wanted why I changed all my content
today to give you what I delivered because I realized since you want so
many different things to have a breakthrough the most important one is
Dungeons & Dragons Factions - Order of the Gauntlet and Cult of the Dragon - Duration: 5:47.This episode of Forgotten Realms Explained is sponsored by Patron Blades.
Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.
Let's continue with our faction talk and dive into the next one, the Order of the Gauntlet.
I'll preface this video by saying I couldn't find a ton of information on the Order.
I believe it was created to flesh out the factions for D&D probably in 4th edition but it wasn't really
given a rich history.
I'll do my best though but this may be a shorter video!
The Order of the Gauntlet is a new organization.
Comprised mostly of clerics, paladins, and monks of the lawful good variety.
They have an agenda similar to that of the Harpers.
Wanting to squash evil wherever it can be found, and uphold the just laws of civilization.
Ending oppression and keeping the people free.
Similar to the Harpers in ideals their methods are vastly different.
Unlike the Harpers they don't hide in the shadows but work out in the open to stop evil.
Frequently seeking aid from law enforcement.
Members of this organization are faithful and vigilant seekers of justice.
They wish to protect others from evildoers and will exact swift retribution against those
who violate the law.
Many people who are in the Order of the Gauntlet worship a set of specific deities.
They are the deities you would expect, Tyr, Helm, Torm, and Hoar.
Gods of justice, law, protection and retribution.
Which I've made a deity video on all of those guys, so check it out if you're curious
for more.
Order of the Gauntlet is full of holy warriors, that tend to be proficient in Religion.
They respect the Harpers but I feel wanted to take a more lawful approach to evil which
is why the organization was formed.
The order will not act until evil has broken the law.
Which makes them different from the Harpers.
The Harpers see evil and will stop it, prevent it if you will.
But the Order of the Gauntlet must wait until you've committed an evil act or broken the
law to take action against you.
It's followers are faithful in their god, their friends, and their self.
Faith is considered their greatest weapon against evil.
Their symbol is a gauntlet grasping a sword by the blade.
It symbolizes the willingness to face danger head on and protect those that evil would
strike at.
It really feels more like the military version of the Harpers in a way.
They don't have a main headquarters or keep and operate primarily out of temples of Helm,
Torm, and Tyr.
And honesty that's all the information I could find about the Order.
I don't know when it was founded other than it was recent, which I'm assuming is in
the last 100 years of Forgotten Realms History.
So that's it for today, thanks for watching everyone and…..
Well I can't just end a video like it's just too early…
Let's talk about another organization, an evil organization if you will.
We can talk about one of the Order of the Gauntlet's main enemy in Faerun.
The Cult of the Dragon.
The Cult of the dragon, also known as the Keepers of the Secret Hoard, or the Wearers
of Purple is a semi-religious evil organization that sought to create and worship undead dragons
or dracoliches.
The cult was founded by a man named Sammaster, a powerful wizard.
Now Sammaster was a former chosen of mystra and is the one who discovered the process
to turn a dragon into a dracolich.
Born in 800 DR and by 851 DR become a chosen of Mystra.
However by 875 DR Sammaster was convinced to attack his former lover.
Sammaster was striped of his chosen powers and he fully embraced evil this point on.
By 902 DR Sammaster created his first dracolich and documented the process in a book entitled
Tome of the Dragon.
He then created a cult known as the Cult of the Dragon which started to spread across
Faerun acquiring many enemies such as the Harpers.
Sammaster truly believed that dead dragons would rule the world and thus began working
towards that goal.
It was around 1370 DR the cult had spread greatly with different leaders in separate
These leaders started having their own ideas of which direction the Cult of the Dragon
should go, which ultimately causes more problems for groups like the order of the gauntlet
and the Harpers.
This one cult now had multiple motivations and was acting on each of them.
The cult loves dragons, but more than that evil dragons, but even more than that dracoliches.
They gather intelligence for evil dragons in Faerun and contribute treasure to their
Aiding them in any way possible, they do this in hopes the dragon will return the favor
and aid them however it can.
This might be in battle, through magic, or leadership.
Sammaster eventually died, he became a lich but was destroyed battling an avatar of Lathander.
This was an epic fight, and you can read it in the Cult of the Dragon page 19.
But to summarize Lathander used his holy light that became brighter than the sun and destroyed
Sammaster turning him into a few pounds of fine ash.
However being a lich Sammaster's soul fled to his Phylactery where he returned some 300
years later.
There are active cult cells all over Faerun.
Wherever you find dragons, especially evil dragons you will most likely find some members
of the Cult of the Dragon.
They worship evil dragons, attempt to gain intelligence and magic items for them in hopes
to live with them in their lair.
And eventually convince them to become a Dracolich, which can only be created with the help of
wizards who have the Tome of the Dragon written by Sammaster.
The order of the gauntlet is a sworn enemy of the Cult of the Dragon.
But they have lots of enemies.
The Harpers also, as well as the Zhentarim, the Church of Tiamat, and the Red Wizards
of Thay.
I want to thank Patron Blades for sponsoring this video.
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Their motto is giving back, here's how it works: Patron Blades shares profits with online
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Check 'em out with the link in the description.
And that's it for today, really
I'll keep going with the faction videos and hopefully find more information than I
did on the Order of the Gauntlet.
It felt like Wizards wanted to have some options for factions but didn't get a rich backstory
to some of them.
However the Cult of the Dragon has an interesting history and if you want to learn more there's
a great supplement called the Cult of the Dragon that has loads of information.
Thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you next week with another video from Forgotten
Realms Explained.
Top Latino Songs 2018 ★ Latin Music 2018: Pop & Reggaeton Latino Music 2018 - Duration: 1:57:40.-------------------------------------------
「Nightcore」→ Infected (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:02.Nightcore - Infected (subtitles in video)
Putin Greets Russian Border Guards - Duration: 2:22.Comrades, veterans,
I congratulate military
and civilian personnel and veterans of the FSB Border Guards Service
on Border Guards Day.
The decree to establish the Border Guards Service
was issued 100 years ago,
in 1918,
which were very challenging times for our country.
As we mark this historic occasion,
we can be proud of the glorious tradition
of courage that runs deep in history,
spanning the frontier strongholds of the Russian epic heroes,
the bogatyrs,
those who served on Great Abatis Border fortification lines,
soldiers and officers of the Separate Border Guard Corps,
the immortal feats of heroic border guards
who fearlessly went into combat in the summer of 1941
and those who performed their duties in Afghanistan
and combatted international terrorism.
The memory of military valour,
honour and unrivalled courage will never fade,
and will serve as a moral compass
for those who guard the borders of their Motherland,
today and in the future.
Today, the FSB Border Guards Service carries out extremely responsible
and multi-faceted tasks,
and is very effective in enforcing border controls
and protecting national interests.
The government will continue its comprehensive efforts to improve border management.
We will do everything we can to make sure
that our border guards have cutting-edge weapons,
communications and inspection systems.
thank you for your honest and responsible work.
I am confident that you will always perform your duties with the same professionalism and perfection.
I wish you and your close ones good health,
success and all the very best.
Happy Border Guards Day!
陳慧珊48歲生日曬出童年照,爸爸帥氣媽媽氣質好,一家人非常溫馨 - Duration: 1:09.現年48歲的陳慧珊當年是TVB炙手可熱的花旦,在她最輝煌的時 ,就連香港很多唱片公司多邀請她出專輯,人氣可謂是非常的火爆, 還曾成為劉德華演唱會的嘉賓。 陳慧珊雖然是幕後出身,但因為 質好被導演相中出演經典劇《壹號皇庭》,從此就穩坐女一號的位置 但其後在2006年與經理人鍾家鴻結婚,在第二年便誕下女兒,之 為了照顧家庭女兒,她也開始大幅度減產
2013年曾志偉的邀請她復出拍攝劇集《女人俱樂部》,早前 與林保怡、郭秀文出席活動時,同場林保怡也有向媒體透露,他曾經 過陳慧珊出演一些電視劇,但因她現時修讀教育博士所以沒檔期
據港媒在5月30日的報道,原來今天是陳慧珊的48歲生日, 還在社交網貼出了她和爸爸媽媽一家三口小時候的照片,非常溫馨甜 !只見陳慧珊爸爸那時年輕帥氣,陳慧珊的媽媽也長得很有氣質,而 中有一張照片可以很清楚的看到,陳媽媽當年的樣子和陳慧珊現在的 子非常相似,簡直就像「餅印」一樣
很多網民看完都說,原來陳慧珊的氣質那麼好都是遺傳了媽媽的 看得出他們一家人是非常的甜蜜溫馨! 此外,陳慧珊曾參演過的 集《鑑證實錄》,早前劇組就相隔20年後再次聚首一起吃飯,很多 少露面的主演都有出席,絕對是喚起了網友無限回憶!
China-Opera - EDM Biết Channel - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
「Nightcore」→ Wolves ✗ Fetish (Switching Vocal) | Wolves(instrumental) - Duration: 2:46.「Nightcore」→ Wolves ✗ Fetish (Switching Vocal) | Wolves(instrumental)
Opel Astra 1.6 ECOTEC 85KW 5-D Edition LPG - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Kids Cartoon: Pepa Pig Toys Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 3:01.Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
నువ్వులు,బెల్లంతో ఈతంత్రం పాటిస్తే ధనసమస్యలు తీరిపోతాయి | Astrology | Tips for Business Development - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Badal by Manav Kaul | E 09 | Hindi Poetry | Terribly Tiny Tales - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
Gorgeous Brand New 2018 Athens Park Deluxe 604 from Athens Park Model RVs - Duration: 2:57.Gorgeous Brand New 2018 Athens Park Deluxe 604 from Athens Park Model RVs
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 160 Automaat AMG Line | Navi | LED | Panoramadak | Regensensor - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Former FIESTAR Member Cheska Says Emotional Effect And Stress Has Led Her To Stop Making Music - Duration: 2:07.Former FIESTAR Member Cheska Says Emotional Effect And Stress Has Led Her To Stop Making Music
Former FIESTAR member Cheska has shared that she has stopped making music following the emotional toll and stress it has caused her.
On May 29 KST, Cheska posted on Instagram in response to fans questions about when shell be releasing future music.
Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.
300x250. ATF.
I am no longer going to be making music due to the stress, she explained.
Music has destroyed my confidence and happiness.
I had fun and learned a lot from it but I noticed that it was killing me slowly.
Thank you so much for those who have supported me through my ups and downs from 2012 till my last single Aura..
Read her full statement below:.
A post shared by (@sleeepyminji) on May 28, 2018 at 11:38pm PDT.
After promoting as a member of the girl group FIESTAR, Cheska left the group in 2014 and went on to release music as a solo artist.
✔✔ Oh!쎈 레터 난 의리 있는 사람 19년째 김도훈♥ 오나라의 말말말 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 6:26.-------------------------------------------
धड़क - Dhadak Trailer - Jhanvi Kapoor - Ishaan Khatter - Sairat Remake – Movies Trailers - Duration: 1:17.Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018
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