Masla Namaz Haj aur Shadi ka non musilim say full Cover
Masla Namaz Haj aur Shadi ka non musilim say full Cover
Masla Namaz Haj aur Shadi ka non musilim say full Cover
Masla Namaz Haj aur Shadi ka non musilim say full Cover
Masla Namaz Haj aur Shadi ka non musilim say full Cover
Masla Namaz Haj aur Shadi ka non musilim say full Cover
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hey guys it's Bailey and today we're doing a workout for the outer thighs and
the obliques so get ready to sweat
all right so for this workout I'm using a pair of light weights however they're
totally optional you can do all the exercises without them we're gonna get
started with a bit of a sumo squat here so taking our hands to our chest sitting
back on those heels and then squeezing the glutes as we stand good sitting back
and then really thinking of exhaling pulling our belly button towards our
spine really nice just starting to warm up
through those outer thighs good sitting back and beautiful now you want to have
a slight turnout here and start to think of pressing those knees out just lightly
towards the corner of your mat starting to activate those outer thighs and hips
beautiful four more here four three
/ - good we're gonna hold it down little butterfly so bring the knees slightly
out and in out and it the very little movement you really want to keep those
abdominals engaged and then just thinking of pressing out you should feel
it start to burn through your outer thighs so it's like a modern-day thigh
master doing a few more here five more per four get lower if you can for three
for two good last one now hold it reach those arms for five four three two and
one good you should feel nice and warm from
here turn the toes so that they're parallel with the ends of the mat let's
start with our right side start sitting into that outer thigh and then back up
good so it's a bit of a side lunge now the most important thing here is that
that knee stays back over the hip so that we're really feeling it all down
the side of that thigh
good sitting back very nice
all right sitting back and squeezing up so almost thinking of pressing into the
outer edge of your right foot beautiful we're gonna start to add on
from here we're gonna take our hand down towards our ankle and then stand back up
good twisting down and lifting up so this is where the obliques come in when
we twist it really helps to cinch in those abdominals giving that sort of
hourglass shape so really exhaling as you twist seeing if you can reach a
little bit deeper if you want to even increase it starting to rotate through
that upper torso as well good lowering down exhale lift squeezing those ABS
each time and lifting up beautiful down and they good this is actually the
workout routine well part of it that I taught at nimble this morning where I
got these tights from today it was really fun we all loved it so I thought
I would film it for you guys Good really twist three more here
/ - beautiful from here what we're gonna do is press or weight off that legging
come into some side leg lifts with the right leg
so really lengthening tapping down lift and top good so I want you guys to think
about that outer thigh here it can be a little list it can be a big lift
wherever your flexibility is in the hip it's starting to activate a little bit
more through those outer thighs to make it harder for our obliques we're going
to start to lift that arm straight to the side and try to lift hold lower down
good lift hold lower down so by adding in that little hold we really squeeze
into those abdominals hold and lower down good squeeze good job you guys are
you feeling it yeah cuz I am three more good for two beautiful last one and we
take it down add those together so we tap towards the ankle we transfer our
weight up side leg lifts top down up and lift down twisting and this really good
for your balance and lift whoo hello outer thighs abs it's all
really happening good and then exhale
so you should feel this all down the side of your body good really twist and
good really twist and let
good three more good we're gonna find our balance here a
little pulses to finish up and down good try to keep that body upright really
working through those obliques good we've got another five four three two
and one good for good from here let's step back to a curtsy so just crossing
diagonally behind and all we're doing is same as before starting with those
curtsy lunges pressing our weight down into that front foot good dropping our
right knee so the slight turnout that we have through the thighs here means that
we are really still working those outer thighs guys getting those nice slim legs
beautiful pressing down and lifting up now this one's great you feel it like
wrap all the way around that thigh all the way up to those hips and glutes
beautiful good we're gonna start to add on here we're going to plie down reach
the arm up and then stand plie reach and Stand
really lengthening through those obliques and then standing up good reach
and pull beautiful this one's great you really feel that lengthening through
those side line muscles that we just worked so hard
beautiful four more here good for three stay with it it's really hard to balance
it's an advanced class today two more good now from here I want you guys to
bring that right foot forward coming into some side crunches squeeze your
knee to elbow and lengthen good squeeze and lengthen so that same arm motion we
were doing before so I'd really feel that beautiful stretch and exhale
squeeze and if you can add in that little mini hold with just a little
harder good squeeze and lengthen and like that
squeeze beautiful three first to
good now from here take it back to that curtsy reach the arm lifting forward
into that front foot squeeze your knee to your elbow curtsy reach pressing into that
heel and squeeze good curtsy exhale squeeze is this one such a good
balance challenge should feel those thighs sideline muscles beautiful slow
and controlled and squeeze three beautiful no rush the slower you do it
the harder it is
good three more
for two
good last one reach and squeeze good turning those feet
just parallel with the mat starting with those side squats so sitting down
squeezing as we stand good sit back and squeeze then I start to notice my knee
tries to go forward so I really want to keep it back so do you guys at home but
you want to sit back into those glutes and then press off through the outside
of that left thigh so that we're really gonna tone the outside of those legs
good I'm each time you stand really exhale think of engaging those
abdominals keeping them on nice and tight
good I think we're all ready to add on right let's up that little twist and
Stand good twist and Stand remember each time you twist like you're twisting
cinching in that waistline so really trying to exhale and twist
but we can pull that other arm back to deepen it and good three more or two
good coming into those leg lifts this time we stand up lift that leg to the
side tap it down little lifts and tap so really press down through the right leg
that left leg is going to lift and lower
and lower beautiful so really working through the outside of that left thigh
and lower good keeping our core on tight holding those waist really makes us keep
our abs engaged good I've actually been doing this one
with ankle weights on at home and these really light ones I bought from Kmart
for four dollars highly highly recommend if you're looking to amp up any of
these workouts you can always add a pair of light ankle weights
the second time you do it or once you find the exercises they're becoming
easier add those and it just makes it that bit harder
love to give you guys options hard harder hard a bit of a balance challenge
good now that we should start working through those obliques our sideline
muscles more arm to the side we lift and lower lift and lower now it doesn't
matter how high what we're really thinking of squeezing into those
abdominals if you can try to hold it for a bit at home it's like a little micro
second hold lower down really activating those obliques hold and lower down
lengthening those legs swimming down those outer thighs my problem area for
sure good three more for two great get ready let's take those together so we
side lunge twist down press off leg lifts lunge and twist press off leg
lifts now it's totally fine to tap the toe in if you need that little bit more
support and slow and controlled with these
I love doing some of the workouts really slow like feeling that burn like today
is it really helps just sculpt and lengthen and then adding in those cardio
workouts as well such a good combo
beautiful all right
hello I like feel those inner obliques outer obliques
oh really really working right now three more / - good hold this one little
pulses lifting to the side those outer thighs are gonna be burning your abs
good job guys five four three two and one
shake it out let's go into those curtsies we're going to step back with
the left leg so just diagonally behind and then starting to lower down and lift
so keeping that nice turnout through the thighs good out and and you're really
gonna feel this down the outside of the leg if you don't feel it through the
outside of the thigh you might just want to turn that right
heel in a little bit so it's angled out a bit more because you should feel it
all the way down the outside like wrapping around your hips inglese
good keeping that core nice and tight
these are some of my favorite exercises to do in a barre class as well they're
really good for toning up the legs go we're gonna start to add that reach up
overhead and then lengthen the legs so really push down into your right heel
stretch bring it in plie stretch and pull it in and plie
and pull it in beautiful I love this one really feels that nice stretch after all
of that intense oblique work three more here oh it feels so good doesn't it that
may slow burn for two good reach and then from here stepping that leg out to
the side so then I take the left arm up and over start to really squeeze and
lengthen please and lengthen really enjoy that stretch
beautiful and then really trying to hold tweeze use that abdominal control
good job you guys stay strong three more
we and reach we're gonna take those
together step back to your plie reach the arm up we've really pressed down
into that right foot squeeze the knee to the elbow good lower down reach and
squeeze good this one's really advanced you guys lengthen and squeeze good it's
really hard to activate those outer thighs so these are definitely my go-to
really strong you guys feel that lengthening and that squeeze beautiful
two more
good last one hold it in squeeze beautiful and then take those weights
down to the mat I'm here let's take our hands over to that left leg bending the
opposite leg away and in really feeling that a nice stretch through the back of
the leg through the side two more now walk your hands through Center to the
other side beautiful spending away doing that nice
stretch so important that we stretch out these muscles we want to keep them nice
and long and lean beautiful two more
coming through Center just shake out the head and neck soft then roll on up and
give yourself a big round of applause good job you guys I hope you enjoyed
that outer thigh an oblique workout if you did please subscribe I post new
workouts every single week I'll see you soon
✅ Έκπληξη! Έγκυος στα 54 γνωστή ηθοποιός - Η ανακοίνωση έγινε μέσω Instagram | News | - Duration: 1:33.
Έγκυος στο πέμπτο της παιδί είναι η γνωστή ηθοποιός Brigitte Nielsen, η οποία έκανε την έκπληξη, ανακοινώνοντας την απρόσμενη εγκυμοσύνη της μέσω Instagram
H δίμετρη Δανέζα, που πλέον είναι 54 ετών και στο παρελθόν ήταν παντρεμένη με τον Sylvester Stallone, θα γνωρίσει την μητρότητα για μία ακόμη φορά, ενώ αυτό θα είναι το πρώτο παιδί που θα αποκτήσει από τον κατά 15 χρόνια μικρότερο σύζυγό της, Mattia Dessi
Η ίδια είναι ήδη μητέρα τεσσάρων αγοριών, του 28χρονου Killian, του 25χρονου Douglas, του 23χρονου Raoul και του 34χρονου Julian, ενώ έχει παντρευτεί συνολικά πέντε φορές
Η Brigitte Nielsen έχει κατά καιρούς απασχολήσει πολύ με την προσωπική της ζωή, ενώ στους μεγάλους της έρωτες συγκαταλέγονται, μεταξύ άλλων, οι Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone και Sean Penn
Την ευχάριστη είδηση ανακοίνωσε η ίδια η Brigitte Nielsen, με μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε στο Instagram και στην οποία έγραψε: «Η οικογένεια μεγαλώνει»
How to Drill 90-Degree Holes - The Work Around - HGTV - Duration: 1:21.
hey guys it's Bailey and today we're doing a workout for the outer thighs and
the obliques so get ready to sweat
all right so for this workout I'm using a pair of light weights however they're
totally optional you can do all the exercises without them we're gonna get
started with a bit of a sumo squat here so taking our hands to our chest sitting
back on those heels and then squeezing the glutes as we stand good sitting back
and then really thinking of exhaling pulling our belly button towards our
spine really nice just starting to warm up
through those outer thighs good sitting back and beautiful now you want to have
a slight turnout here and start to think of pressing those knees out just lightly
towards the corner of your mat starting to activate those outer thighs and hips
beautiful four more here four three
/ - good we're gonna hold it down little butterfly so bring the knees slightly
out and in out and it the very little movement you really want to keep those
abdominals engaged and then just thinking of pressing out you should feel
it start to burn through your outer thighs so it's like a modern-day thigh
master doing a few more here five more per four get lower if you can for three
for two good last one now hold it reach those arms for five four three two and
one good you should feel nice and warm from
here turn the toes so that they're parallel with the ends of the mat let's
start with our right side start sitting into that outer thigh and then back up
good so it's a bit of a side lunge now the most important thing here is that
that knee stays back over the hip so that we're really feeling it all down
the side of that thigh
good sitting back very nice
all right sitting back and squeezing up so almost thinking of pressing into the
outer edge of your right foot beautiful we're gonna start to add on
from here we're gonna take our hand down towards our ankle and then stand back up
good twisting down and lifting up so this is where the obliques come in when
we twist it really helps to cinch in those abdominals giving that sort of
hourglass shape so really exhaling as you twist seeing if you can reach a
little bit deeper if you want to even increase it starting to rotate through
that upper torso as well good lowering down exhale lift squeezing those ABS
each time and lifting up beautiful down and they good this is actually the
workout routine well part of it that I taught at nimble this morning where I
got these tights from today it was really fun we all loved it so I thought
I would film it for you guys Good really twist three more here
/ - beautiful from here what we're gonna do is press or weight off that legging
come into some side leg lifts with the right leg
so really lengthening tapping down lift and top good so I want you guys to think
about that outer thigh here it can be a little list it can be a big lift
wherever your flexibility is in the hip it's starting to activate a little bit
more through those outer thighs to make it harder for our obliques we're going
to start to lift that arm straight to the side and try to lift hold lower down
good lift hold lower down so by adding in that little hold we really squeeze
into those abdominals hold and lower down good squeeze good job you guys are
you feeling it yeah cuz I am three more good for two beautiful last one and we
take it down add those together so we tap towards the ankle we transfer our
weight up side leg lifts top down up and lift down twisting and this really good
for your balance and lift whoo hello outer thighs abs it's all
really happening good and then exhale
so you should feel this all down the side of your body good really twist and
good really twist and let
good three more good we're gonna find our balance here a
little pulses to finish up and down good try to keep that body upright really
working through those obliques good we've got another five four three two
and one good for good from here let's step back to a curtsy so just crossing
diagonally behind and all we're doing is same as before starting with those
curtsy lunges pressing our weight down into that front foot good dropping our
right knee so the slight turnout that we have through the thighs here means that
we are really still working those outer thighs guys getting those nice slim legs
beautiful pressing down and lifting up now this one's great you feel it like
wrap all the way around that thigh all the way up to those hips and glutes
beautiful good we're gonna start to add on here we're going to plie down reach
the arm up and then stand plie reach and Stand
really lengthening through those obliques and then standing up good reach
and pull beautiful this one's great you really feel that lengthening through
those side line muscles that we just worked so hard
beautiful four more here good for three stay with it it's really hard to balance
it's an advanced class today two more good now from here I want you guys to
bring that right foot forward coming into some side crunches squeeze your
knee to elbow and lengthen good squeeze and lengthen so that same arm motion we
were doing before so I'd really feel that beautiful stretch and exhale
squeeze and if you can add in that little mini hold with just a little
harder good squeeze and lengthen and like that
squeeze beautiful three first to
good now from here take it back to that curtsy reach the arm lifting forward
into that front foot squeeze your knee to your elbow curtsy reach pressing into that
heel and squeeze good curtsy exhale squeeze is this one such a good
balance challenge should feel those thighs sideline muscles beautiful slow
and controlled and squeeze three beautiful no rush the slower you do it
the harder it is
good three more
for two
good last one reach and squeeze good turning those feet
just parallel with the mat starting with those side squats so sitting down
squeezing as we stand good sit back and squeeze then I start to notice my knee
tries to go forward so I really want to keep it back so do you guys at home but
you want to sit back into those glutes and then press off through the outside
of that left thigh so that we're really gonna tone the outside of those legs
good I'm each time you stand really exhale think of engaging those
abdominals keeping them on nice and tight
good I think we're all ready to add on right let's up that little twist and
Stand good twist and Stand remember each time you twist like you're twisting
cinching in that waistline so really trying to exhale and twist
but we can pull that other arm back to deepen it and good three more or two
good coming into those leg lifts this time we stand up lift that leg to the
side tap it down little lifts and tap so really press down through the right leg
that left leg is going to lift and lower
and lower beautiful so really working through the outside of that left thigh
and lower good keeping our core on tight holding those waist really makes us keep
our abs engaged good I've actually been doing this one
with ankle weights on at home and these really light ones I bought from Kmart
for four dollars highly highly recommend if you're looking to amp up any of
these workouts you can always add a pair of light ankle weights
the second time you do it or once you find the exercises they're becoming
easier add those and it just makes it that bit harder
love to give you guys options hard harder hard a bit of a balance challenge
good now that we should start working through those obliques our sideline
muscles more arm to the side we lift and lower lift and lower now it doesn't
matter how high what we're really thinking of squeezing into those
abdominals if you can try to hold it for a bit at home it's like a little micro
second hold lower down really activating those obliques hold and lower down
lengthening those legs swimming down those outer thighs my problem area for
sure good three more for two great get ready let's take those together so we
side lunge twist down press off leg lifts lunge and twist press off leg
lifts now it's totally fine to tap the toe in if you need that little bit more
support and slow and controlled with these
I love doing some of the workouts really slow like feeling that burn like today
is it really helps just sculpt and lengthen and then adding in those cardio
workouts as well such a good combo
beautiful all right
hello I like feel those inner obliques outer obliques
oh really really working right now three more / - good hold this one little
pulses lifting to the side those outer thighs are gonna be burning your abs
good job guys five four three two and one
shake it out let's go into those curtsies we're going to step back with
the left leg so just diagonally behind and then starting to lower down and lift
so keeping that nice turnout through the thighs good out and and you're really
gonna feel this down the outside of the leg if you don't feel it through the
outside of the thigh you might just want to turn that right
heel in a little bit so it's angled out a bit more because you should feel it
all the way down the outside like wrapping around your hips inglese
good keeping that core nice and tight
these are some of my favorite exercises to do in a barre class as well they're
really good for toning up the legs go we're gonna start to add that reach up
overhead and then lengthen the legs so really push down into your right heel
stretch bring it in plie stretch and pull it in and plie
and pull it in beautiful I love this one really feels that nice stretch after all
of that intense oblique work three more here oh it feels so good doesn't it that
may slow burn for two good reach and then from here stepping that leg out to
the side so then I take the left arm up and over start to really squeeze and
lengthen please and lengthen really enjoy that stretch
beautiful and then really trying to hold tweeze use that abdominal control
good job you guys stay strong three more
we and reach we're gonna take those
together step back to your plie reach the arm up we've really pressed down
into that right foot squeeze the knee to the elbow good lower down reach and
squeeze good this one's really advanced you guys lengthen and squeeze good it's
really hard to activate those outer thighs so these are definitely my go-to
really strong you guys feel that lengthening and that squeeze beautiful
two more
good last one hold it in squeeze beautiful and then take those weights
down to the mat I'm here let's take our hands over to that left leg bending the
opposite leg away and in really feeling that a nice stretch through the back of
the leg through the side two more now walk your hands through Center to the
other side beautiful spending away doing that nice
stretch so important that we stretch out these muscles we want to keep them nice
and long and lean beautiful two more
coming through Center just shake out the head and neck soft then roll on up and
give yourself a big round of applause good job you guys I hope you enjoyed
that outer thigh an oblique workout if you did please subscribe I post new
workouts every single week I'll see you soon
God of War - Behind the scenes mit Cory Barlog #3 [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 20:59.
Volvo C30 1.8 SPORT | LEDER | CRUISE | TREKHAAK AFN. - Duration: 1:06.
去年港姐亞軍在港鐵上向男友貼面擁抱 誰說港女不懂撒嬌? - Duration: 2:29.
不知道大家還記得去年宣萱回歸TVB拍了一部關於女人撒嬌的電視 嗎?這部就是《不懂撒嬌的女人》。裡面講述的就是香港女生不會撒 而被其他女生搶了男友,而自己就孤獨在職場拼搏
那大家對於去年港姐前三甲還有沒有印象,那屆的港姐最出名就是冠 雷莊兒了,不過不是因為她很好,而是因為被很多人嘲諷。原來去年 姐亞軍很懂撒嬌,完美告訴我們港女都會撒嬌的
這部《不懂撒嬌的女人》主要講述了幾個職場女士如何將工作放 第一位,永遠不會在男同事面前妥協。尤其是宣萱和唐詩詠扮演的角 。整個劇集告訴我們不懂撒嬌的女人是怎麼在現實生活中度過
至於今天的主角就是去年港姐前三甲裡面的,去年港姐選舉完後 多新聞應該就是冠軍雷莊兒了。很多網友嘲諷她顏值很低,還有她的 情也被媒體關注。其他的港姐就沒有太多消息,而今天要說的就是亞 何依婷,有人說何依婷更有資格當冠軍
其實何依婷的顏值也不低的,看起來還是很漂亮。目前她的演藝 涯才剛開始,在鏡頭露面機會不多,她有主持一些節目,在今年5月 才正式簽約TVB。未來應該有更多機會看到她,就是不知道演技和 眾緣如何? 日前有記者拍到身穿白色露肩衣服的何依婷和一位身 白色T恤的型男現身中環,她的顏值在人群中還是能讓人注意到
她似乎不想別人認出來,兩人走著就分開成兩米的距離,完全裝 不認識,剛好兩人都在玩手機,不知道是不是靠著手機來聊天呢?兩 搭上港鐵後就放鬆了,兩人靠得很近在看東西
女方看著男方突然笑起來,笑容很甜啊。 接著女方突然嘟著 巴想親吻男生,剛才還不能認為兩人是情侶關係,現在這麼親密相信 該是情侶啦。何依婷的雙眼都沒有離開過男方,不過男方確實也挺帥
女方又開始新一輪撒嬌啦,她直接和男友臉貼臉,然後身體靠著 方,看得出來男友也是很開心。 回程再搭港鐵的時候她就直接靠 了男方肩膀上,從何依婷的動作來看,完美告訴我們其實港女也會撒 的,而且還非常熟練
How To Make Chicken Fried Steak And Gravy - Pressure Cooker Recipes - Duration: 9:32.
what is up everybody this is Lyle with no hippie BBQ what I'm be doing today is
I'm gonna be making some chicken-fried steak and I'm gonna be using a pressure
cooker now the reason I would be using a pressure cooker because I was just on
the phone with a guy that I met on YouTube his name is Pierre and he's an
over-the-road trucker and we started talking about you know what
truckers eat and you know the complications with cooking food over the
road and I told him what I thought would probably be the best appliance for an
over the road trucker would be a pressure cooker and the reason is you
can cook low and slow on it like a crock-pot
or you can cook real fast like a pressure cooker
or as you will see in this recipe you can use this not even in the traditional
pressure cooker way so the advantages to using this pressure cooker in this
application if you are a regular home cook and you're going to be doing at
home is the size of this pressure cooker keep the oil from spilling out of that
so your cleanup is going to be a lot easier this would not only be good for
over the road truckers but a lot of people that are into RV camping and
things like that this is great for that I know a lot of times RV people have a
hard time keeping their kitchen area clean and this does reduce down on the
oil splatter anyway we're gonna be doing it like I said the pressure cooker I am
going to try to adapt this recipe a little bit towards what a truck driver
may be doing so let's get out of these ingredients not tell you what our
adaptions are be having this recipe in the description below if you do have to
be an over-the-road truck or just use some of the techniques I'm talking about
here anyway I'm gonna go ahead I have my flour I have that too a bag typically it
would not be adding this to a bag but like I said I'm trying to
DAP this for people that are on the road so I have the flower I have some
seasoning and I have some cornstarch and we're just going to kind of mix this bag
up I'm gonna go ahead and set this to the side I'll mix it up off-camera
what I would be using in place of this if I was like and over the road trucker
would be you can buy these this happens to be a shrimp fry but you could buy a
chicken fry in these bags that are about this size so you're not traveling around
with a bunch of stuff so I would just use this and throw that in the bag and
that would be all that you need right there
we're also going to need some eggs and I'm using three whole eggs and I'm
hitting it with a little bit of heavy cream milk whatever we're just trying to
thin it out a little bit so I'm just adding about two tablespoons of that to
my eggs now what I would be using if I was over the road trucking or if I was
in our beer or something like that you know they sell those little cartons
of eggs that are already beaten I would just use that and I was horrible I'm
with four good of the milk since I don't think it's absolutely that necessary
what I don't think the difference would really be that big alright so typically
I would not put this in the bag either but we're trying to make this you know
pretty easy to clean up afterwards so like I said you got your little milk
carton throw your milk into a ziplock bag and then it's a done deal
alright now we're gonna go ahead and get our cube steak which I'm gonna be using
in this egg white or in the flour then the egg wash them the flour again then
we're gonna set it aside if you're over the road truck and you would go pan
straight into the pressure cooker with this cube steak since you're not going to be cooking as much
so this is what we're using right here I have some beef chuck cube steak make
sure you get you some gloves especially for your trucker out there and we're
just going to go ahead and throw it in the flour right quick come into our egg
we're just gonna kind of let it drain a little bit and we're gonna come back to
the flower and you could just shake this bag if you'd like now listen if you're a
single over the road trucker boom this is done right here now you're ready to
fry what I have about four or three or four more of these to go so I'm go ahead
and get those done and I'll meet you back at the pressure cooker so these
pressure cookers pretty much either have a sautee feature on it or they have a
brownie feature on it I'm just going to go ahead and turn on the browning
feature and once this starts to really start sizzling we're gonna go ahead and
start cooking these cube steaks looks like our oil is hot we're going to
go ahead and see if we can add two of these in here
we're just gonna cook it until it's golden-brown so this has gone about
three minutes we may end up flipping this twice but
I'm gonna go ahead and flip it right now and see we're looking like
that's a nice color right there
so this is fully cooked right now I'm just gonna go ahead and set it on a
broiler pan to let it drain depending on what your situation is you might just
want to put it on a plate with some paper towel I'm gonna finished up these
last let's together do four more and then we'll just start on the green
chicken-fried steak that I might go ahead and add some of the flour that we
used to coke to the cube steaks go ahead and add that to our oil this in
and this is just something that you have to highball I really don't have an exact
amount on this but not much should do it now that we got that in we're gonna go
ahead and add some milk
and this is gonna thicken up I am going to go ahead and season it with a little
bit of salt and pepper
so our gravy is picking up nicely I'm gonna go ahead and turn this pressure
cooker off and I'm just gonna serve this with some instant mashed potatoes
so that deal got the chicken-fried steak and the gravy done and the pressure
cooker now first time I've done so one thing I will tell you and the reason you
might want to just do this at home with the other pressure cooker is there was
no grease splatter or anything like that whatsoever and this guy heated up a lot
faster than any of the skillets with a big cast iron or stainless steel so that
is a definite plus anyway I'd like to thank one rich for giving me that idea
listen one rich has a truck in YouTube channel and I actually like this channel
just because a lot of the business stuff that he talks about and some of the like
motivational things as uh some good stuff anyway let's go ahead and get into
this I will also leave a link to this pressure cooker in the description below
one of the things I like about this pressure cooker is Teflon coated so when
you do get to an area where you can clean that thing out it's going to be
super simple let's get in can I did make some instant mashed potatoes go along
with this just to keep things on the easy theme
tonight it's tasty and shoot if I was cooking for one person
I know it's just doing one of these cute stuff to make chicken-fried steak out of
that might have only taken them out let's see you about seven minutes to
cook the chicken fried steak maybe another three minutes I mean this
could be done another I mean let's just say under 15 minutes to be you know just
to keep it safe anyway come to finish killing it so I'll let you guys go but I
do want to thank you guys for stopping by though hippie BBQ I appreciate it
comment subscribe I'm out Cube Steak recipes. Chicken Fried Steak Recipes
蔡依林近期现身机场身穿黑色大衣却胖成这副模样!网友:3年没发专辑却胖成这样!到底经历了些什么? - Duration: 4:36.
✅ Camille Cerf (The Island) affaiblie par une infection urinaire - Duration: 2:32.
Dans «The Island Célébrités», l'émission de survie de « M6 », Camille Cerf a été confrontée non seulement à la fatigue, mais elle a aussi connu quelques ennuis de santé
Elle a en effet eu infection urinaire. «Je me sens faible. J'ai l'impression que mon coeur bat fort et que ma tête est serrée
Je ne me suis jamais sentie aussi faible de toute ma vie. Je crois que j'ai une infection urinaire
J'ai mal dans la vessie et mon pipi sent vraiment mauvais », confie-t-elle à a-la camerawoman, Séfora, avec qui elle était isolée sur une ile
Les secours n'ont pas tardé à être alertés, et ils lui ont conseillé de boire au moins 2 litres d'eau pour ne pas que l'infection touche les reins, ce qui pourrait mettre sa vie en danger
Même très affaiblie, pas question pour la nordiste d'abandonner l'aventure à laquelle elle a participé en hommage à son papa décédé
«Je me dis qu'en survie, les bas sont très bas, donc les hauts doivent être très hauts
Pour vivre ces hauts complètement, il ne faut pas que je me laisse abattre. En plus, tous mes proches croient en moi », dit-elle
Et à la jolie blonde de poursuivre : «Je ne veux pas les décevoir. Et particulièrement, j'ai un de mes proches avec moi tout le temps, c'est mon papa
Et je me dis qu'il n'aurait pas voulu que j'abandonne. Il s'est battu contre sa maladie, le cancer, jusqu'au bout
Et je n'ai pas envie de lui montrer que, sur cette île, j'ai abandonné. Donc c'est mon devoir d'aller au bout »
Camden County teen starts foundation raising funds for local K-9 Unit - Duration: 2:29.
ㄉㄅㄑ|K'WA - Duration: 9:28.
K-9 폭발사고 당한 이찬호 병장, 국가유공자 된다 - Duration: 1:48.
K-9 자주포 폭발 사고 이찬호 병장, '국가유공자' 된다 - Duration: 2:39.
Summer heat, heavy showers in the south _ 053018 - Duration: 1:41.
Hello I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.
It was hot today, and the air cleared up, but smog will flow in this evening, so you
should have your masks ready.
It was sunny all afternoon in Seoul, but Gangwon-do and the southern provinces have been getting
some showers due to instability in the atmosphere.
Those showers will bring down between 5 and 20 millimeters along with thunder and lightning.
Tomorrow, we start the month of June,... and it's going to be hot under a scorching sun,
so apply a good amount of sunblock and don't stay out for too long because the UV and ozone
levels are going to be shooting up.
The morning of June 1st in Seoul will begin at 14 degrees Celsius.
Daegu starts at 16, and Gyeongju at 15.
As for the day time, Seoul tops out at 27 degrees, Gwangju hits 28, while Busan looks
a little cooler at 24 degrees.
Get ready for summer because the mercury won't be coming down much anytime soon.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
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