Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Youtube daily report May 30 2018

In last movie I show how to remove old bearings

I try on one axle to see if this will work

Bearings work fine and axle gear need little trim

Bearings that I used are MR63ZZ 3x6x2,5 (Link in description)

And original bearings are 3x6x2 but they are more expensive :D

You need 4 bearings for axle and two for shaft

They will not fit on axle without modification

It's good to have this tool, help to get bearings off if they stuck on axle

I use sandpaper drum for this job

You need to remove small amount to let bearing slide on it

Always check if bearing go in and where it stuck

Take time with this

It stuck so I will use gear puller

Easy :)

And one side ready :)


And ready

Now small shaft with gear

You need 2 bearings here

And same process

And gear puller again :)

That's why it so good to have this :D

One bearing go inside and one go outside of cover

0,1mm tip marker

I mark where screw will hold shaft

Now I make grove there so it will hold and not slide off

And finished

Now wee need to cut gear because My bearings are longer

About 1mm on each side

Be careful to not cut Your fingers

To smooth edges :)

I could do that first :D

I use drill to run axle and let gears mach

This axle have a little problems with gears but I will fix that later

It's a RC helicopter grease for fast gears that I always use

You need longest screws for covers

For more infomation >> WPL Upgrade part 2 - Adding bearings to axles - Duration: 23:30.


Channel Update: Why My Voice Sounds Different [May 2018] - Duration: 6:07.

Hello there guys and girls,

welcome to another monthly channel update of mine.

Today I wanna clear some things up about my voice as it seems there has been a lot of

discussion about it.

Mostly it was positive feedback which I'm really thankful for because to be honest I

don't like my own voice all that much.

This is why I've been working a lot on improving not only the timbre and sound of my voice,

but also on getting rid of my german accent more and more by practicing to speak.

These channel updates and the tutorials are a big part of that practice because it helps

me learn how to speak more naturally and swiftly.

Let me show you a comparison of how I talked in a tutorial from 2015 and how I utilize

my voice nowadays:

Most of these are already well explained in the Social Club but it's good to see them

in action for better understanding.

In the third section of the tutorial I will present camera techniques and the type of

shots you can use for your machinima.

Most of these are already well explained in the Social Club but it's good to see them

in action for better understanding.

In the third section of the tutorial I will present camera techniques and the type of

shots you can use for your machinima.

It's quite the difference, ain't it?

There are a couple of reasons for that.

Not only has my voice matured naturally with me aging, but also I have been training my

vocal cords to go lower.

I did this when I was recording the vocal parts for my death metal debut record – link

to free download in the description by the way – and I haven't been doing these low

screams in almost ten years at that point.

But it really helped me to explore my capabilities in that regard again.

It got even crazier in early 2018 because I was rehearsing again with my band because

we played a reunion show.

Also, a lot of shouting and screaming there.

This helped me go lower with my voice and put more bass into it while still being able

to articulate myself properly.

More or less.

I call this my stage voice.

And I'm assuming that every radio or TV host does the same.

Now I am not saying that you should walk around and shout your lungs out until your throat

bleeds just to achieve a lower sounding voice.

It's risky and you could potentially damage your vocal chords.

I knew how to handle it though because as a teen I grew up with death metal and did

the whole grunting and shouting all the time and it built up slowly.

So please don't force your body.

Nonetheless there are a bunch of things you can do to improve your results.

For instance try to make recordings in the morning, right after getting up.

It will give you a naturally deeper voice.

You can try and prepare a test script and record the same sentences in the evening and

you'll notice quite the difference.

The effect can be maximized if you drink a couple of cold beers the night before.

Yaaay alcoholism!

In contrast some people who watched my Battlefield 1 montages were wondering where my "deep

sexy voice" went all of a sudden.

Well, there's also a simple explanation for that: The way I talk right now, so in

my tutorials and channel updates, requires a lot of focus as I am reading from a script

and want to speak clearly for everyone to understand.

When I'm playing a game I can't focus on all these little details within my voice,

also english is not my mother tongue.

It also takes away a chunk of concentration to talk in a foreign language and being funny

and witty while playing a fast paced video game.

Also I usually don't play as much so I get excited whenever I have a chance to do so.

I like to use the live commentary videos like Battlefield or Portal as an additional training

for spontaneous unscripted humor.

This way I want to train my synapses to fire quickly and create funny associations.

It's an entirely different approach to what I do normally.

These are the reasons my voice sounds a lot higher in my gameplay montages than in tutorials.

My actual voice with which I speak in real life is somewhere in between my stage voice

and my excite voice.

Well and then there are the character voices I do for the different kinds of machinima

I produce.

But I still have to learn a lot about this, too.

Copying accents of a second language in a consistent manner is pretty hard.

But it also opens a lot of options to experiment.

In the 5K subscriber special I talked about how a dream of mine was to become a director

for movies and how YouTube helped me fulfil that dream on a smaller scale.

Well, and another dream of mine was to become a voice actor.

Unfortunately I was born in a region of my country that has a very annoying accent, it

may be comparable to how Rednecks talk in the US or the Cockney accent in the UK.

Everyone makes fun of it here and it is generally looked down upon.

It is really hard to get rid of these traces of the accent in your mother tongue.

In english however, it's barely noticeable so once again YouTube allows me to fulfil

this voice acting dream on a smaller scale, too.

This is also part of the reason why I never produced videos in German.

And now I can gather experience by voicing multiple characters.

However, if you compare what I do to the work of real voice actors, even other amateurs

and semi-pros that voiced for machinima like Nucky's "Traffickers", my voice just

flobbering goobs bliss.

But I still enjoy doing this stuff.

If you wanna learn more about how to record and edit voice samples, I've got a tutorial

of mine linked for you in the video description as well.

I think that anyone can train their voice to some degree.

Even if it doesn't suffice for voice acting it can improve your gameplay videos a lot

and if you use more powerful speaking techniques it can also leave an impression on your peers

in real life to give you more confidence.

Don't underestimate that!

That's about it for this month's channel update.

Let me know what you think and I will reply for sure.

Thank you for watching and stay tuned, whanowa over

For more infomation >> Channel Update: Why My Voice Sounds Different [May 2018] - Duration: 6:07.


Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 WE'LL NEVER pay for border wall' Donald Trump_Latest News - Duration: 3:00.

Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 WE'LL NEVER pay for border wall' Donald Trump_Latest News

For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 WE'LL NEVER pay for border wall' Donald Trump_Latest News - Duration: 3:00.


仮想通貨リップル2018年6月爆上げ!?クウェート最大銀行KFHと提携イベント!リップルコイン6月爆上げ予想とは?XRPのさらなる好材料最新情報!アマゾン証券化に続くRipple最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 仮想通貨リップル2018年6月爆上げ!?クウェート最大銀行KFHと提携イベント!リップルコイン6月爆上げ予想とは?XRPのさらなる好材料最新情報!アマゾン証券化に続くRipple最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:14.


越南购买数架海上巡逻机部署南海周边 两年前救苏30不成自己先行坠毁 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 越南购买数架海上巡逻机部署南海周边 两年前救苏30不成自己先行坠毁 - Duration: 3:47.


Disney A Wrinkle in Time

For more infomation >> Disney A Wrinkle in Time


More than half of foreign visitors made repeat trips to S. Korea in 2017 - Duration: 2:18.

Last year, the number of foreigners visiting the nation plunged, mainly due to China's

ban the sale of group tour packages... part of retaliatory measures against Seoul over

a defense upgrade Beijing perceives as a security threat.

The tourism sector is recovering well now though.

We're also learning that the majority of the visitors are not flying in for the first time.

Kan Hyeong-woo help us look beyond the digits.

The number of foreign visitors to South Korea fell by more than one million in 2017 compared

to the previous year.

But according to a survey by the Korea Tourism Organization, one out of every two foreigners

who visited South Korea in 2017 had visited the country at least once before.

This marks the first time in 12 years that the return rate of foreign tourists has exceeded

50 percent.

The average number of visits by international visitors to South Korea in 2017 was four-point-one…

a 13 percent increase from the previous year.

"Last year, I've been here once and this is my second time"

"Many of the tourists who make repeat trips to South Korea come here for shopping, with

Myeongdong being one of the main attractions."

The survey shows that Myeongdong was the most visited site by international tourists in

Seoul and "Shopping" was the most popular activity with 72.5 percent of tourists surveyed

choosing it as one of their favorite activities.

"So I'll probably do a little bit of shopping and find a souvenir or two for my family to

take home"


It's a good place because we can find everything in the street and the stores are open late

at night so it's great for us."

But experts say the lower total number of tourists could be behind the high proportion

of return visitors.

"Last year, if we are calculating proportions, the decreasing number of group tours naturally

led to the increased revisiting rate because group tours are usually for first-timers.

As the total number of foreign tourists went down, the 'return rate' may not mean much."

And if the number of group tourists increases in 2018, the return rate may go back down.

So experts say it is better to focus on the long term rather than on the annual figures.

Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News

For more infomation >> More than half of foreign visitors made repeat trips to S. Korea in 2017 - Duration: 2:18.


S. Korea's defense minister Song Young-moo to attend 17th Asia Security Summit in Singapore - Duration: 0:51.

South Korea's defense minister Song Young-moo is slated to participate in Asia's largest

annual security forum,... also known as the "Shangri-La Dialogue,"... later this week,....

to call for close cooperation among participants to achieve a successful denuclearization of

the Korean peninsula.

The Ministry of National Defense announced Wednesday that during the 17th Asia Security


Minister Song will address the forum on the significance of the recent inter-Korean talks

as well as the developments on the peninsula.

Defense ministers, key officials, and security experts from over 30 Asian and European countries

are expected to attend the forum,... with South Korea's defense minister Song also expected

to hold bilateral talks with his U.S. counterpart James Mattis on the sidelines of the event.

Following the three-day forum, Song is also scheduled to visit Vietnam,... at the invitation

of his counterpart Ngo Xuan Lich.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's defense minister Song Young-moo to attend 17th Asia Security Summit in Singapore - Duration: 0:51.


Chairman of S. Korea's largest online game company says "No succession" - Duration: 0:38.

The founder of Nexon, South Korea's largest online-gaming company, will not pass down

the ownership of the firm to his children..., and instead pledged to donate more than 100

billion won or around 92 million dollars to society.

Regarding that decision, Kim Jung-ju, said, as an employer of about five-thousand workers

across the globe, it is his duty to do so.

The 50-year-old tech tycoon who developed the world's first online multiplayer game

in 1996, also added, the money he donates will be used to build rehabilitation hospitals

for children throughout Korea and support startups for young people.

For more infomation >> Chairman of S. Korea's largest online game company says "No succession" - Duration: 0:38.


S. Korean households spent $2,370 a month last year: Statistics Korea - Duration: 1:28.

Statistics Korea unveiled what the average Korean household spent per month.

Last year, the number stood at slighthly over 23-hundred dollars,... with transportation

expenses taking up the lion's share.

Here's Park Hee-jun with a break down of the data.

South Korean households spent an average of roughly 2-thousand-370 U.S. dollars a month

last year.

According to data released by Statistics Korea on Wednesday, single-person households spent

an average of 1,270 dollars a month, while four-person households spent 3,500 dollars

a month.

Families where the head of the household is in their 40s spent the most on average -- 2,930

dollars a month, followed by those with heads in their 50s.

Households with heads in their 30s or younger spent 2,310 dollars a month on average, and

those with heads in their 60's or older spent the least, spending just 1-thousand-670 dollars

a month.

Transportation was the biggest expense, taking up 340 dollars a month, or 14-point-4 percent

of the total average budget, followed by groceries and non-alcoholic beverages with 14-point-1

percent, or 330 dollars.

Travel-related spending made up 13.9 percent of the spending, or 327 dollars a month.

Statistics Korea said annual or quarterly comparison data could not be provided due

to changes in the evaluation system,... and that it will be released at a later date.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korean households spent $2,370 a month last year: Statistics Korea - Duration: 1:28.


중국군 러시아도입 S-300 대공미사일 사격훈련 |특수 부대 - Duration: 14:05.

For more infomation >> 중국군 러시아도입 S-300 대공미사일 사격훈련 |특수 부대 - Duration: 14:05.


Fiat Seicento 1.1 S - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Fiat Seicento 1.1 S - Duration: 1:05.


Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI S-LINE 140 PK CLIMA, CRUISE, LEER - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI S-LINE 140 PK CLIMA, CRUISE, LEER - Duration: 1:14.


Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI, 141PK / 5-Deurs / S-Line / Navigatie / Bluetooth / 17" Velgen - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI, 141PK / 5-Deurs / S-Line / Navigatie / Bluetooth / 17" Velgen - Duration: 1:05.


テスラ・モデルSにワゴン 英レメツカー社が製作 20台限定 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> テスラ・モデルSにワゴン 英レメツカー社が製作 20台限定 - Duration: 3:44.


Virtual-Reality für den Wormser Dom - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Virtual-Reality für den Wormser Dom - Duration: 2:27.


Texas governor to reveal plan to make schools safer - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Texas governor to reveal plan to make schools safer - Duration: 1:01.


Choisissez le meilleur pour votre confort #1 - Le témoignage de Mr Grocaut - Duration: 2:26.

Enerplan and

Label Pack A+ introduce

In the project framework Chose the best for your comfort

My solar thermal installation… Its energy label

With my wife, we live near the city of Pau

We installed a solar thermal combined system

Solar thermal for space heating And domestic hot water

Working with a wood stove

My solar thermal installation What benefits?

This installation is cheaper than the former one

which represented an annual budget between 2 600€ and 3 000€

Maintenance included

With this solar thermal system, I paid 800€ the first year

The invoice was nearly divided by three

Solar thermal systems have three advantages: It is a green energy

For the maintenance, it is much more sound

There is no residual odour

Regarding the environment, the installation is nearly not polluting

My solar thermal installer What role?

My installer advised me to take a solar thermal solution

Showing me a simulation and a study

He highlighted the energy savings That offers solar thermal solutions

He advised me to set it up and to choose the best place for it in my home

My installer received the Qualisol Combi Certification

Which allowed me to benefit From a tax credit of 5 000 €

Another advantage is that My installer can act remotely

On my solar thermal system

The Energy Label What information is useful?

The Energy Label is displayed on my solar thermal installation

It indicates A+ for space heating and A++ for domestic heat water

For me, it is a guarantee Of quality and reliability

My solar thermal installation The wow factor

There is a special little thing in this solar thermal installation:

It brings to my house an increase in value of about 15%

My solar thermal installation Its energy label


In the Label Pack A+ project framework

In partnership with


For more information

For more information

For more infomation >> Choisissez le meilleur pour votre confort #1 - Le témoignage de Mr Grocaut - Duration: 2:26.


Murauer Rallyesprint St. Veit 2018 | M1 Rallye-Masters - Duration: 5:10.

The 3rd round of the season brings M1 Rallye-Masters again to Carinthia for Murauer Rallyesprint in St. Veit

Günther Knobloch has good memories to this rally

My first rally was a one-day event exactly here

Of course longer rallies are more challenging, but this sprint distance also has its advantages

Rally driving is just awesome, no matter if it is a one-day or two-day rally

After the well-known stage in Straßburg, there is a new long stage to drive in the afternoon

Even experienced drivers like this new stage

It it our 10th start here. It is always great fun here and really varying

The length of the stage is great. The longer the better, because you get in that flow

The gravel part in the middle is not the best for our car

We are thinking about putting on intermeds only for the gravel

But it looks like this won't be a bad idea

For Daniel Sattler the tyre question is a bit easier

Yes, that is "great" because we are here with the 4 tyres that were on the car and one old one as a spare

So we are not very well prepared for rain

When it gets wet it will be some drift-action for us. But most important it to not damage anything

Reini Sampl had a problem already on stage 1

At first I was really frustrated but now it is better. It's just sad because the car is good, even now with an only partly working car we do ok times

We could be faster, but that is part of the game

On the other hand we are happy that we changed the gearbox. The positive thing is, now we know where the problem is

It is a software problem that should be easily solved next week

For the next rally it should work properly finally

Enrico Windisch in the Renault Clio is also not happy, although the times are not bad

The switch back from the R2 is enourmous. The times are not as bad, but the fun factor is just ....

When you have driven an R2 before ...

I was really pleased with that car last year as my beginning with rallying. It was great but now...

i thought I'd drive 4 rounds of M1, but that will not happen

For me this will be the last rally with this Clio

Michael Röck definitely shows improvements in his 2nd season. After SS3 he is in P2 only behind Knobloch

He made an intelligent approach with beginning carefully and improving without crashing

That is important because with more kilometers you get more confidence

They told me, at the first rallies I can only lose. Everybody thinks you must be fast after winning a young drivers' search

At the first races you can't be that fast, you can only overdo it. When you lie on the roof everybody is laughing

What's your opinion about the drivers' search "Racing Rookie"?

Really cool thing! We all know motorsports is not cheap and it is even harder for young drivers

It is great to have this opportunity. That's the only way to bring young talented people to motorsports and also to rally

The prize those young guys won is remarkable. The whole package is worth 40.000 euros

Taking that prize for the start into a rally season is a great thing

For me this was a great possibility to get started in rallying

Thanks to my sponsors I can even continue now in the 2nd year

Röck can't keep P2, a gearbox problem in the last stages brings him back to P4

The rain makes it difficult for everybody. Sattler gets away gently with losing 3 minutes in a wet meadow

Sampl and Windisch both don't make it to the finish

The celebration is only for Ruiner (Nissan) in the fastest LG2-car and Knobloch (Subaru)

Knobloch with his strong drive in the rain fixes not only the next M1-victory, but also P3 in the overall classification

For more infomation >> Murauer Rallyesprint St. Veit 2018 | M1 Rallye-Masters - Duration: 5:10.


Infinity War Book Tag | Bookmarks and Vlogging - Duration: 12:23.

For more infomation >> Infinity War Book Tag | Bookmarks and Vlogging - Duration: 12:23.


Le mari de Jean-Luc Romero mort subitement - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Le mari de Jean-Luc Romero mort subitement - Duration: 0:47.


✅ To je velmi radostná zpráva! Představitelka (41) krásné Heleny z Troji prý čeká první dítě - Duration: 1:33.

Německá herečka Diane Kruger (41), kterou si dobře pamatujeme z trháku Troja, je podle US Weekly těhotná

Otcem jejího prvního potomka má být herec Norman Reedus (49). O těhotenství média spekulovala už od festivalu v Cannes, kde nosila nápadně volné róby a údajně se vyhýbala alkoholu

Pro hvězdu seriálu The Walking Dead by to bylo druhé dítě. S modelkou Helenou Christensen má Reedus syna Minguse (18)

Před Normanem byla Diane v desetiletém vztahu s hercem Joshuou Jacksonem, a to do roku 2016

Před Jacksonem byla vdaná za francouzského herce Guillauma Caneta.Diane byla naposledy spatřena na veřejnosti právě v Cannes 14

května. Od té doby se prý drží v ústraní. Před tím se ještě stihla účastnit charitativní akce Met Gala

Kruger ani Reedus těhotenství zatím však nepotvrdili. ■

For more infomation >> ✅ To je velmi radostná zpráva! Představitelka (41) krásné Heleny z Troji prý čeká první dítě - Duration: 1:33.


Les fans de Johnny Hally­day se chamaillent autour l'or­ga­ni­sa­tion de la messe pour ... - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Les fans de Johnny Hally­day se chamaillent autour l'or­ga­ni­sa­tion de la messe pour ... - Duration: 2:03.



Diety cud zwykle nie należą do zdrowych i często kończą się efektem jo-jo. Zdecydowanie bardziej godne polecenia jest prowadzenie na co dzień zdrowego stylu życia.

Bywa jednak, że czasami zależy nam na błyskawicznym efekcie. Na takie nagłe sytuacje polecamy dietę jajeczną! Nie tylko daje szybkie efekty wizualne, ale też jest zdrowa i nie prowadzi do szybkiego odzyskania dawnej wagi.

Wystarczy, że będziesz stosować się do poniższych zasad.PS: Zwróćcie uwagę, że w tej diecie nie ma wyznaczonej z góry ilości spożywanych składników. To nie przypadek. Spożywane ilości regulujcie samodzielnie.

Najważniejsze jest, aby unikać pewnych określonych produktów, a zamiast nich jeść jajka!Jajka zawierają mnóstwo składników odżywczych, dlatego możemy mieć pewność, że stosując tę dietę, dostarczamy naszemu organizmowi potrzebnych witamin i minerałów.

W czasie trwania diety nie pij żadnego alkoholu, odstaw zupełnie fast foody i bardzo mocno ogranicz słodycze oraz sól.

Ważne jest też, aby pić w jej trakcie dużo wody. Możesz wybrać zwykłą mineralną albo wodę z cytryną, imbirem lub miętą. Zalecamy picie 8-10 szklanek dziennie.

Poniżej zamieściliśmy dokładny dzienny plan diety:Poniedziałek:Śniadanie: 2 ugotowane jajka + 1 owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Sałatka z warzyw z kurczakiem.Kolacja: 2 słodkie ziemniaki + 2 jabłka.Pamiętaj o piciu dużej ilości wody i herbaty!

Wtorek:Śniadanie: 2 ugotowane jajka + 1 owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Gotowane (najlepiej na parze) zielone warzywa + sałatka z kurczakiem.Kolacja: sałatka warzywna + 1 pomarańcza + 2 jajka.

Środa:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + 1 owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Sałatka warzywna + kurczak.Kolacja: Ser, słodki ziemniak + pomidor.Czwartek:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + 1 owoc.Obiad: Sałatka warzywna + pierś z kurczaka gotowana na parze.Kolacja: Owoc.

Piątek:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Sałatka z rybą.Kolacja: Warzywa na parze i… oczywiście 2 jajka.Sobota:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Kurczak + warzywa gotowane na parze.Kolacja: Owoc.

Niedziela:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Sałatka, kurczak + warzywa na parze.Kolacja: Warzywa gotowane na parze.Już po tym tygodniu zobaczysz pierwsze rezultaty, aby je jeszcze pogłębić, zastosuj się do planu diety w drugim tygodniu…

Być może macie już serdecznie dość jajek i kurczaka, ale zaręczamy, że dla takich rezultatów warto wytrwać jeszcze tydzień.

Najważniejsze, że stosując tę dietę nie głodzicie się, po prostu zmniejszacie ilość spożywanych węglowodanów, co umożliwia organizmowi spalanie tkanki tłuszczowej. I o to chodzi!Gotowi? A więc… drugi tydzień:

Poniedziałek:Śniadanie: 2 gotowane jajka + owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Sałatka + kurczak (najlepiej gotowany na parze).Kolacja: Sałatka + 2 jajka + pomarańcza.Wtorek:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Sałatka warzywna + ryba.Kolacja: warzywa na parze + 2 jajka.

Środa:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Sałatka + kurczak.Kolacja: sałatka + 2 jajka + pomarańcza.

Czwartek:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + owoc cytrusowy.Kolacja: Ser + warzywa na parze + 2 jajka.Piątek:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + owoc cytrusowy.Obiad: Sałatka + 2 jajka.Kolacja: pasta rybna.

Sobota:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + owoc.Obiad: Sałatka + kurczak.Kolacja: Owoc.Niedziela:Śniadanie: 2 jajka + owoc.Obiad: Kurczak + warzywa na parze.Kolacja: jak wyżej.Dacie radę! Zobaczycie, efekty Was zachwycą!

For more infomation >> JUŻ W 2 TYGODNIE POZBĘDZIESZ SIĘ NAWET 10 KG! - Duration: 2:47.


不懂政治與治國!敦馬反嗆哈迪:你別參政下鄉傳教吧! - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> 不懂政治與治國!敦馬反嗆哈迪:你別參政下鄉傳教吧! - Duration: 8:29.


Les experts s'inquiètent du projet américain d'arme nucléaire de faible puissance - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Les experts s'inquiètent du projet américain d'arme nucléaire de faible puissance - Duration: 7:06.


Mamou­dou Gassama : touchée par le geste d'Em­ma­nuel Macron, Rihanna lui envoie un message - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Mamou­dou Gassama : touchée par le geste d'Em­ma­nuel Macron, Rihanna lui envoie un message - Duration: 3:06.


Mitsubishi Outlander EXPORT 2.2 DI-D INTENSE+ Navi, PDC Achter, Multifunctioneel stuurwiel EXPORT - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander EXPORT 2.2 DI-D INTENSE+ Navi, PDC Achter, Multifunctioneel stuurwiel EXPORT - Duration: 1:11.


Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D LT Airco Electr. ramen 15"LM A.s. zondag open! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D LT Airco Electr. ramen 15"LM A.s. zondag open! - Duration: 1:11.


Dans le sac - Eco-Friendly Laundry - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Dans le sac - Eco-Friendly Laundry - Duration: 7:13.


Le mari de Jean-Luc Romero mort subitement - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Le mari de Jean-Luc Romero mort subitement - Duration: 0:47.


Choisissez le meilleur pour votre confort #1 - Le témoignage de Mr Grocaut - Duration: 2:26.

Enerplan and

Label Pack A+ introduce

In the project framework Chose the best for your comfort

My solar thermal installation… Its energy label

With my wife, we live near the city of Pau

We installed a solar thermal combined system

Solar thermal for space heating And domestic hot water

Working with a wood stove

My solar thermal installation What benefits?

This installation is cheaper than the former one

which represented an annual budget between 2 600€ and 3 000€

Maintenance included

With this solar thermal system, I paid 800€ the first year

The invoice was nearly divided by three

Solar thermal systems have three advantages: It is a green energy

For the maintenance, it is much more sound

There is no residual odour

Regarding the environment, the installation is nearly not polluting

My solar thermal installer What role?

My installer advised me to take a solar thermal solution

Showing me a simulation and a study

He highlighted the energy savings That offers solar thermal solutions

He advised me to set it up and to choose the best place for it in my home

My installer received the Qualisol Combi Certification

Which allowed me to benefit From a tax credit of 5 000 €

Another advantage is that My installer can act remotely

On my solar thermal system

The Energy Label What information is useful?

The Energy Label is displayed on my solar thermal installation

It indicates A+ for space heating and A++ for domestic heat water

For me, it is a guarantee Of quality and reliability

My solar thermal installation The wow factor

There is a special little thing in this solar thermal installation:

It brings to my house an increase in value of about 15%

My solar thermal installation Its energy label


In the Label Pack A+ project framework

In partnership with


For more information

For more information

For more infomation >> Choisissez le meilleur pour votre confort #1 - Le témoignage de Mr Grocaut - Duration: 2:26.


Smighties -Cartoons Compilation Just For Kids |Sneevil Gets Transformers Power |Children's Animation - Duration: 14:07.

Smighties -Cartoons Compilation Just For Kids |Sneevil Gets Transformers Power |Children's Animation

Forest Fairy Fest is my all time favorite day!

We get to laugh and play and celebrate the fairies who protect our forest.

Have you ever seen a forest fairy?

No... But every year I put my note in the Old Maple Tree in the middle of the woods.

Uh huh...

And the legend says that if you sing a song the fairies will appear!

Why don't you come with me and see for yourself?

If it'll get you to stop, then sure.

I'll show them some fairies

What are we doing here, Boss? You promised me we could see some fairies --

With the right potion, we will look like fairies.

We can trick the Smighties and steal the Earth Stone.

Then the forest will be mine!

one of these should work

Come on! Up ahead!

Ewwww! Okay, I've had enough. We're missing all the fun so we could be in this dirty part of the forest.

I'm sorry Leila, but there's just no such things as -- fairies!


Greetings, Smighties. We are the fairies of the forest.

My name is... Puck. And this my fairy friend, uh --


Eeeee! I knew you were real! I just knew it. Here!

It's my letter. I put it in the Old Maple Tree deep within the forest.

Don't you remember? I do it every year.

No, because we're not --

Of course we do! But we can't accept it here. Fairy rules, you know?

In fact, we have a special surprise for you at the Old Maple Tree.

Come with us and we'll grant you a wish!

These fairies look strangely familiar... I just can't put my finger on it.

Biggs! Biggs? BIGGS! Seymour...

What's up, boss?

Now for some real fun to begin! I'm going to use some fairy magic to trick the Smighties.

While these two are arguing, we will go and steal the Earth stone!

Zip, over here!

Biggs! Use the Sapper!

The Earth Stone will be mine!

I'll use my force field blast and have us out of here in no time.

Oh no! My powers have been zapped -- er I mean, sapped.

I finally have the Earth Stone!

Now I will rule the forest and the Smighties will throw a festival in my honor!

My powers. I can feel them fading.

Zip! Leila! I could sense you were in trouble. Are you, okay?!

Leila's powers are growing weak and Sneevil will soon control all of the forest.

What about the fairies, Leila? We could sing and wake them up, right?

That's just a story. It's like Zip said, "fairies aren't real."

I'm sorry I said that. I should never have encouraged you to give up your beliefs. Come on let's try!


Yeah! Everyone!

When the Earth has been kissed by the dew and the mist in the place where the tall trees grow.

Where the great bear hails there are fairy tales of the fairies of long ago.

We're free!

Thank you! Thank you!

You are quite welcome, my dear. We always love your yearly note and it's the least we can do.

But we still need to stop Sneevil! He has the Earth Stone.

Can you help us?

It would be our pleasure to help you Fairies, assemble!

There he is!

you can't stop me this is my world now

Whoaa. Hey. Wipeout!

Super Speed! Go!

Eat Forcefield!

Let's show this poor sap what the forest can really do!

You can't stop me! I'll get you for -- Hey!

What do you think you're doing?!

The stone! I had it! It was in my hands!

It's okay, Boss. Look on the bright side, at least we get to keep the wigs.

If my Chaos Cannon's not operational in the next five seconds, I'll...Finished!

cancel it I've got the smiley clubhouse in my

sights ! Load the cannon!

if you want something done right you've got to do it yourself now let's see

what's going

oh the boss isn't gonna like this

Da da da da dah da dah. Something that sounds like da da da!

come on everything has to be perfect for our

annual Smighty Firelighty Camping Trip! I said...

SNEEVIL!!! Alrighty Smighties, prepare for battle!

Stand back, Sneevil!

Sneevil? What's a Sneevil? Who are you? Where am I? Who am I?

It appears that that calamitous tumble has given Sneevil...amnesia!

Amnesia? Not amnesia! (beat) What's amnesia?

It means he lost his memory. He can't remember who he is!

Then that means he doesn't remember what a bad guy he was!

So what do we do with him?

Isn't it obvious? We tell him what a great guy he is!


Sneevil! My man!

So glad to have you back, brah!

You're just in time for the Smighty Firelighty Camping Trip. Your favorite!

so I liked camping You sure did, brah!

You liked camping, helping people, giving compliments, and, uh, not being evil!

Hiya Nardy! / On your left!

Hey guys! Sorry we're late.

Yeah, we had that Sneevil??

Are you sure I love giving piggyback rides? This doesn't ring any bells

bells It's a long story.

Oh no! The Boss must have hit his head, which turned him nice!

There's only one way to bring him back...Hitting him in the head again

Here are your toasty roasty marshmallows!

that didn't work

I'm gonna win I'm gonna win

that didn't work that didn't work

Morning, Woodrow, Furelda. Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows?

Zip, Zap! I made you your favorite eggs - sunny side up!

They're happy - just like me!

Dude and Nardy! Have I told you how handsome you both are? You should be models!

Sneevil, I never thought I'd say this...but you're Smightyriffic!

Yeah!You're incredible//We love you!/Yeah! That's right.

Now what'll I do?

Oh, this is all your fault!

Guys, I just want to thank all of you for being such great friends.

And to show my appreciation, I've prepared a song for you all! (clears throat) Ohhhhhhhhhhh...

Sneevil? You okay, brah?

Ew - Smighties everywhere!

There's only one thing to do.


He's baaaack!!


Oh boss I'm so happy you're back

hey can I have a piggyback ride


For more infomation >> Smighties -Cartoons Compilation Just For Kids |Sneevil Gets Transformers Power |Children's Animation - Duration: 14:07.


Initial D: Special Stage - Legend of the Streets (2nd Run) - Part #60 - Shingo Shoji (ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:52.

high-performance engine oil change

We could finally meet..

I have been waiting for this opportunity.

I have to admit your abilities.

I cannot leave it like this as a local.

Hand over the title of the fastest in Myogi..

Today I will take it from you!

aero bonnet

high-performance differential oil change

I think you could get killed like this..

I think that something is fundamentally different with the level of speed.

You have come to this far.. I am feeling tied down..

For more infomation >> Initial D: Special Stage - Legend of the Streets (2nd Run) - Part #60 - Shingo Shoji (ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:52.


Enora Mala­gré très inquiète pour sa mère grave­ment malade - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Enora Mala­gré très inquiète pour sa mère grave­ment malade - Duration: 2:01.


Les Anges 10: Emilie Nef Naf se confie sur son intégration - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Les Anges 10: Emilie Nef Naf se confie sur son intégration - Duration: 3:39.


Syphon Filter Walkthrough, Mission 1: Georgia Street, D.C. (No Commentary) - Duration: 20:24.

For more infomation >> Syphon Filter Walkthrough, Mission 1: Georgia Street, D.C. (No Commentary) - Duration: 20:24.


Droga al GF? il comunicato della produzione: la D'Urso attacca Aida | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Droga al GF? il comunicato della produzione: la D'Urso attacca Aida | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


L'Impardonnable Épisode 124 - Duration: 21:20.

For more infomation >> L'Impardonnable Épisode 124 - Duration: 21:20.


Grande Fratello: Barbara D'Urso 'litiga' con Aida Nizar per la vicenda 'droga' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello: Barbara D'Urso 'litiga' con Aida Nizar per la vicenda 'droga' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


Pas trop amateur de légumes verts ? Voici la recette parfaite de smoothie vert pour vous - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Pas trop amateur de légumes verts ? Voici la recette parfaite de smoothie vert pour vous - Duration: 6:00.


How To Make Chicken Fried Steak And Gravy - Pressure Cooker Recipes - Duration: 9:32.

what is up everybody this is Lyle with no hippie BBQ what I'm be doing today is

I'm gonna be making some chicken-fried steak and I'm gonna be using a pressure

cooker now the reason I would be using a pressure cooker because I was just on

the phone with a guy that I met on YouTube his name is Pierre and he's an

over-the-road trucker and we started talking about you know what

truckers eat and you know the complications with cooking food over the

road and I told him what I thought would probably be the best appliance for an

over the road trucker would be a pressure cooker and the reason is you

can cook low and slow on it like a crock-pot

or you can cook real fast like a pressure cooker

or as you will see in this recipe you can use this not even in the traditional

pressure cooker way so the advantages to using this pressure cooker in this

application if you are a regular home cook and you're going to be doing at

home is the size of this pressure cooker keep the oil from spilling out of that

so your cleanup is going to be a lot easier this would not only be good for

over the road truckers but a lot of people that are into RV camping and

things like that this is great for that I know a lot of times RV people have a

hard time keeping their kitchen area clean and this does reduce down on the

oil splatter anyway we're gonna be doing it like I said the pressure cooker I am

going to try to adapt this recipe a little bit towards what a truck driver

may be doing so let's get out of these ingredients not tell you what our

adaptions are be having this recipe in the description below if you do have to

be an over-the-road truck or just use some of the techniques I'm talking about

here anyway I'm gonna go ahead I have my flour I have that too a bag typically it

would not be adding this to a bag but like I said I'm trying to

DAP this for people that are on the road so I have the flower I have some

seasoning and I have some cornstarch and we're just going to kind of mix this bag

up I'm gonna go ahead and set this to the side I'll mix it up off-camera

what I would be using in place of this if I was like and over the road trucker

would be you can buy these this happens to be a shrimp fry but you could buy a

chicken fry in these bags that are about this size so you're not traveling around

with a bunch of stuff so I would just use this and throw that in the bag and

that would be all that you need right there

we're also going to need some eggs and I'm using three whole eggs and I'm

hitting it with a little bit of heavy cream milk whatever we're just trying to

thin it out a little bit so I'm just adding about two tablespoons of that to

my eggs now what I would be using if I was over the road trucking or if I was

in our beer or something like that you know they sell those little cartons

of eggs that are already beaten I would just use that and I was horrible I'm

with four good of the milk since I don't think it's absolutely that necessary

what I don't think the difference would really be that big alright so typically

I would not put this in the bag either but we're trying to make this you know

pretty easy to clean up afterwards so like I said you got your little milk

carton throw your milk into a ziplock bag and then it's a done deal

alright now we're gonna go ahead and get our cube steak which I'm gonna be using

in this egg white or in the flour then the egg wash them the flour again then

we're gonna set it aside if you're over the road truck and you would go pan

straight into the pressure cooker with this cube steak since you're not going to be cooking as much

so this is what we're using right here I have some beef chuck cube steak make

sure you get you some gloves especially for your trucker out there and we're

just going to go ahead and throw it in the flour right quick come into our egg


we're just gonna kind of let it drain a little bit and we're gonna come back to

the flower and you could just shake this bag if you'd like now listen if you're a

single over the road trucker boom this is done right here now you're ready to

fry what I have about four or three or four more of these to go so I'm go ahead

and get those done and I'll meet you back at the pressure cooker so these

pressure cookers pretty much either have a sautee feature on it or they have a

brownie feature on it I'm just going to go ahead and turn on the browning

feature and once this starts to really start sizzling we're gonna go ahead and

start cooking these cube steaks looks like our oil is hot we're going to

go ahead and see if we can add two of these in here

we're just gonna cook it until it's golden-brown so this has gone about

three minutes we may end up flipping this twice but

I'm gonna go ahead and flip it right now and see we're looking like

that's a nice color right there

so this is fully cooked right now I'm just gonna go ahead and set it on a

broiler pan to let it drain depending on what your situation is you might just

want to put it on a plate with some paper towel I'm gonna finished up these

last let's together do four more and then we'll just start on the green

chicken-fried steak that I might go ahead and add some of the flour that we

used to coke to the cube steaks go ahead and add that to our oil this in


and this is just something that you have to highball I really don't have an exact

amount on this but not much should do it now that we got that in we're gonna go

ahead and add some milk

and this is gonna thicken up I am going to go ahead and season it with a little

bit of salt and pepper

so our gravy is picking up nicely I'm gonna go ahead and turn this pressure

cooker off and I'm just gonna serve this with some instant mashed potatoes

so that deal got the chicken-fried steak and the gravy done and the pressure

cooker now first time I've done so one thing I will tell you and the reason you

might want to just do this at home with the other pressure cooker is there was

no grease splatter or anything like that whatsoever and this guy heated up a lot

faster than any of the skillets with a big cast iron or stainless steel so that

is a definite plus anyway I'd like to thank one rich for giving me that idea

listen one rich has a truck in YouTube channel and I actually like this channel

just because a lot of the business stuff that he talks about and some of the like

motivational things as uh some good stuff anyway let's go ahead and get into

this I will also leave a link to this pressure cooker in the description below

one of the things I like about this pressure cooker is Teflon coated so when

you do get to an area where you can clean that thing out it's going to be

super simple let's get in can I did make some instant mashed potatoes go along

with this just to keep things on the easy theme

tonight it's tasty and shoot if I was cooking for one person

I know it's just doing one of these cute stuff to make chicken-fried steak out of

that might have only taken them out let's see you about seven minutes to

cook the chicken fried steak maybe another three minutes I mean this

could be done another I mean let's just say under 15 minutes to be you know just

to keep it safe anyway come to finish killing it so I'll let you guys go but I

do want to thank you guys for stopping by though hippie BBQ I appreciate it

comment subscribe I'm out Cube Steak recipes. Chicken Fried Steak Recipes

For more infomation >> How To Make Chicken Fried Steak And Gravy - Pressure Cooker Recipes - Duration: 9:32.


Les fans de Johnny Hally­day se chamaillent autour l'or­ga­ni­sa­tion de la messe pour ... - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Les fans de Johnny Hally­day se chamaillent autour l'or­ga­ni­sa­tion de la messe pour ... - Duration: 2:03.


'Deliver us from evil' (Original Version With Subtitles) - Duration: 33:29.

I took a year off and I came to France.

I wanted to take a break from my work

and I came to do a biblical and theological training at the Abbey of Hautecombe.

It was at that moment that the Lord spoke to me,

that He was really present.

Before, when someone would say:

"Oh the meal you made is really good." I would tell myself,

"Either they are making fun of me, or they are just being nice,

or they don't want to tell me that what I made is not good."

For me, it was impossible to really hear someone tell me that I am good.

I would answer with a big smile, without saying anything,

but in fact, in my heart, I could not accept it. I did not understand,

I could not understand that really I could be a good person.

This is a habit that I had acquired in my youth,

because in my family, I had experienced denigration.

Also in society in general, people often expect others to be perfect,

so when we are not up to par, we are considered useless.

So there were many things

that made me have this habit of considering

what I do as useless and who I am as useless and myself as unworthy.

In the community, they suggested that I follow the Siloam program

which runs in 3 retreats over the course of a year, to review our life,

work on what we don't like and follow the Lord better.

And it was during one of the retreats

that I was able to discover my relationship with the Lord.

What happened is that I believed. I believed that Christ really healed me.

He really freed me.

He is always there,

and He loves me just the way I am.

Christ sees me in this way and this helps me be kind and capable.

In our everyday life,

we sometimes feel a lack of freedom.

It's as if we get stuck over and over again

because of a certain attitude or an inner thought.

At times, this frustration shows up in everyday situations

as an exaggerated negative reaction.

This could be a disproportionate anger,

a closed off attitude,

or a difficulty in trusting others.

And despite all our efforts, these attitudes keep coming back.

In the end we even give up fighting against these sins,

these sins which are akin to slavery.

Any of these difficulty situations may be a sign

that we need deliverance.

Paul says in the letter to the Galatians,

Chapter 5 verse 1

"For freedom, Christ set us free."

The very word 'deliverance' may seem strange to some.

Indeed there are some Churches where there is little talk of deliverance.

Either people think that it doesn't pertain to them

or they think it is only about exorcism.

In some countries or places, where people are more aware

of the surrounding spiritual reality, 'deliverance' is on the contrary very present.

This word can also be scary, admittedly as we immediately

think of something spectacular, reinforced by imaginary

scenes from the movies.

However, deliverance and liberation

are deeply rooted in the ministry of Jesus,

Jesus who came to free every man and every woman.

In inaugurating his public ministry in the synagogue of Capernaum,

Jesus proclaimed that he came to fulfil the words of Isaiah :

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me

to bring glad tidings to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives

and recovery of sight to the blind,

to let the oppressed go free."

So we need to be delivered from evil.

This is what we ask from the Lord daily when we say the Lord's Prayer.

'Evil' in the Our Father does not mean an abstract force

or a negative energy,

but rather Evil in person,

whom Sacred Scripture knows by the name of "the tempter",

the "father of lies", Satan, or the devil.

In summary : Christian life involves a spiritual struggle,

and the deliverance of evil spirits

is part of the mission that Jesus entrusted to his Church.

Deliver us from evil

Following the conference on the deliverance ministry in Rome in 2014

organised by the ICCRS : (International Service of Catholic Charismatic Renewal),

which brought together theologians and practitioners from around the world,

the document The Ministry of Deliverance was published.

The ICCRS, an organisation recognised by the Holy See since 1993,

is responsible for providing the link between worldwide Catholic Charismatic Renewal

and the Church authorities.

Dr. Mary Healy, chairwoman of the ICCRS Doctrinal Commission

and Professor of Sacred Scripture at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary

in Detroit, Michigan

and Fr Etienne Vetö, member of the Chemin Neuf Community

and Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome,

are the main writers of this document.

The drafting of this document was also a significant event for the church.

Firstly, because we worked with theologians

in the United States, in India and in Germany

as well as practitioners of all kinds, from quite a few different countries.

So this work provided an opportunity to work together in a unified manner,

and we realised to what extent in the depth of our hearts,

we thought and felt the same things.

Despite the different ways we did things, our hearts were united.

We were amazed by the positive reception we received from the church authorities.

So, naturally, there were also a number of people who reacted saying,

"Stop talking about evil spirits!

That's just superstition!

That's a pretty primitive way of thinking."

And it seems to me that the most important thing is to proclaim the Lordship of Christ,

the power of the freedom that he wants to give us

and the effectiveness of his power to deliver us

and that we do not always have to understand exactly every aspect

of what we have been delivered from.

Sin remains a mystery, the forces of evil too.

And in our times, it is also important to find a simple

but consistent message regarding these powers of evil.

What we see in the New Testament is that not only are demons active

in a few very troubled demon possessed individuals

but in some sense in all of human society, in all of human life.

So Jesus call Satan 'the ruler of this world". St Paul calls him "the god of this world".

And the first letter of John says that the whole world is in the power of the evil one.

So every one of us is in some way affected by the malignant influence of evil spirits.

Scripture tells us a lot about how Satan works.

He works through temptation to sin,

he works to deception making good appear evil, making evil appear good,

making God out to be an enemy, making us think we can't trust God.

Satan works through fear, he fills us with all kinds of fear,

fear of physical calamities, but also all sort of fears,

fear of our position, of failure, of human disapproval

and whenever we allow ourselves to be ruled by those fears

we can end up placing ourselves under the influence of evil spirits.

Their influence in human lives is due to sin.

Jesus says:

whoever sins makes himself a slave to sin.(Jn 8,34)

So every time we choose to disobey God we place ourselves

in some way under the influence of evil spirit.

But the good news is that Jesus, by his death and resurrection

has defeated Satan and we can share in his victory.

The Gospels give us many beautiful accounts of Jesus' activity

of casting out demons and each one shows us something unique.

For instance, in the casting out of a demon from a man in the Synagogue,

we see from the people's response that they are astonished.

They say it's a new teaching,

he cast out the demon with a word and that shows us

it's Jesus' teaching of the truth, his proclamation of the word of God

that in itself, has the power to free people from captivity to evil.

Because spiritual oppression is very often rooted in lies and deceptions.

There is a great mystery,

how is it possible for a spirit outside us,

which is not us,

to influence our will and affect our freedom?

Most theologians throughout the centuries argued

in my opinion quite rightly

that this is not possible.

That is to say, the devil and the demons

can affect our imagination and touch our emotions,

so they can instil fear.

They can suggest images

that will scare or make us fall into despair

or that will attract us.

But they cannot directly touch our intelligence and our will,

that is, they cannot control us

like a puppeteer controlling a puppet.

On the other hand, what happens is that these concerns,

this fear, this despair, these different elements can lead us to react in a certain way

and to certain forms of behaviour.

For example: I shut myself away whenever someone hurts me

or I sense something bad or I have been hurt.

For example, the automatic reaction of a woman who has been hurt by a man or by several men

will be to feel a sense of hatred

towards these men, at which point the evil spirit will accompany this movement,

accentuate it and gradually lead the woman to consent to it.

What happens is that the will, by the consent that has been given

to a certain form of behaviour, to the lie and the spirit or spirits

that lurk in the background, becomes bound.

There is not really a better description than the word "bound".

We can also use the word "paralysed", that is, we feel like changing it

but nothing happens.

We can ask ourselves

who can perform the prayer of deliverance,

or more generally, the deliverance itself.

I would like to distinguish between performing deliverance

and a ministry of deliverance because they are not exactly the same.

Anyone can perform a certain form of deliverance.

This is a power entrusted by Christ to us, that is, every baptised person,

every Christian, every believer.

The most obvious sign of this is that the Lord Jesus

sent the apostles to cast out evil spirits,

but in Luke, for example, chapter 10,

when he sends out the seventy,

that is to say those who are the image, the model of all the disciples,

they return from the mission,

saying,"we have cast out demons in Your Name."

And Jesus answers, "I saw the devil fall from Heaven."

This is the sign that the disciples, all the disciples,

had received authority in the name of Jesus to cast out demons,

and that Jesus confirmed them, and he was in agreement with this practice.

And at the end of the Gospels, when he sends them on their mission,

to go out and baptise the Nations: "baptise the nations,

preach and cast out demons",

this is a mission that applies to everyone.

There are many ways of practising deliverance,

many ways of praying for deliverance,

and there is not one model,

but it seems to me that there are at least two aspects

that should always be present.

One aspect is the renunciation and the other aspect

is the direct order given to the spirit,

or at least a word of command.

The renunciation means that the person who is bound must, either spontaneously

or when asked by those who are praying with him, says,

"I renounce, for example, this spirit of shutting myself away,

I renounce this spirit of hatred

or I renounce my behaviour of hate,

or I renounce etc..."

Why is this important?

Because, ultimately, what opens the door to the spirit

is my consent. I was the one who consented.

So, I appeal to the same freedom,

which the Lord gives me, which is touched by grace,

by my baptism, by the theological virtues

and by the Christian life, in faith;

and it is with an act of this same will

that I willgo back and renounce what I consented to.

I was the one who let it in

and I am the one who is responsible for making it leave.

On the other hand, given that we believe these cases of bondage

to be not simply a vulnerability,

but the actual presence of a force of evil, a spirit ,

it is not enough to renounce it. The spirit must also be ordered to leave.

Once again there are several ways of doing this,

either by asking the Lord to drive this spirit away

or to directly address the spirit yourself

and tell it to leave.

It really started with a personal encounter with the Lord.

I was baptised in the Holy Spirit in January 1970

I began to realize over the years that I was not as free as I would like to be

and at that time people who prayed for deliverance,

only prayed for people that were severely demonized

and had big problems,

so whenever I would ask somebody to pray for me for deliverance they would say:

"Oh don't give the devil too much attention"

and they looked at my life and they could see that I prayed every day,

I was serving the Lord and nobody wanted to pray for me

and so I had to wait for almost 15 years before somebody said yes.

So this one day I was at a conference and the Lord really touched me,

He renewed me and you know like in worship

I wept for the first time that I could remember, just because He loves me

and I saw this man that I knew prayed for deliverance

and I went up to him and said "would you pray for me for deliverance,

I always thought I needed some freedom" and he said

"what makes you think you need deliverance" and I said "here we go again!"

but this time I said to him "you know, before a spiritual event

often times my back would go out and before I came to this conference

my back acted up and I spent the first couple of days of the conference

at the back of the room lying on the ground"

and he said "Ok, so I'll pray for you".

He prayed and then he said "do you feel that ?"

And I felt something right here and I said

"Yes, I feel that " but in my head I was thinking

"No it's not of that, that's me!" And then he asked what happened to you

and I did not really respond from my memory,

I just responded to his authority in the questions he asked

and I said I was humiliated in front of the class in first grade

the next thing I remember is that he said "In the name of Jesus

I command the spirit of rejection to leave"

and I felt this thing that I thought belonged to here

just kind gently lift off my head and so I experienced

what it means to be set free,

what it means to be delivered and yet it took a number of years before I learned

how I could give this away to other people.

Neal Lozano of Philadelphia Pennsylvania is Catholic.

He is the founder of the ministry of the "Heart of the Father",

and author of "Unbound: A Practical Guide To Deliverance."

He was one of the main speakers at the conference on the issue

attended by 400 people from different churches

and led by the Chemin Neuf Community

in Tigery near Paris France.

So I'm best known for my book "Unbound, a practical guide to deliverance",

it's published in numerous countries and languages

and in that book I talk about the 5 keys.

And the five keys are Repentance and Faith,

Forgiveness, Renunciation, Authority

and The Father's Blessing.

So the image that I use in the book is that if you picture a door with 5 locks

and you have 5 keys but you just use 2 or 3 of them, the door stays locked.

But if you use all five the door opens and so there is a way which all these 5 Keys

fit together in a beautiful way as we minister to people.

Sometimes when we teach about repentance and faith,

people think only about repentance.

But Jesus when He came in from the desert, He proclaimed the Kingdom of God is here,

repent and believe, he connected the two together.

So there is one action of conversion, it's turning away,

renewing your mind, embracing the truth.

So we will lead people, even those that have a commitment to Jesus,

we will give them an opportunity, we will say,

"would you like to pray a prayer of surrender to Jesus today"

or if they've never had that opportunity we say

"would you like to commit your life to the Lord,

would you like Him to embrace Him as your Saviour?"

The second key is one of the most significant ones,

it is Forgiveness, most people know that they need to forgive

but a lot of people are stuck they don't quite kind of get freedom,

the freedom they need, that they should get

when they forgive in Jesus' name and so we listen to this story

and then we will help them to pronounce forgiveness.

And so we might say: "In the name of Jesus,

I forgive my Dad for choosing alcohol over me.

I forgive him for his angry words

and I forgive him to be emotionally absent for me,

and I forgive him for not being the Dad I needed him to be,

I forgive him for the way he treated Mom,

especially when he yelled at her and hit her."

You know whatever the story might be, when someone is able to tell their story,

sometimes that itself opens up and validates their story

so that they can forgive.

I remember this one man,

I prayed with him not too long ago and I said :

"You know when you're alone in your thoughts

what kind of negative thoughts come to your mind?"

And he says : "Well, I think I am a loser, I am never going to amount to anything"

and I say then : "Did anyone ever say that to you?"

He thought for a moment and he said "My Dad spoke those words"

And you know sometimes words have power and when words are spoken,

even if they are isolated they can stick.

So recognizing the lies, recognising the strategies of the enemy

and just speaking out loud and saying "in the name of Jesus I renounce self hatred

in the name of Jesus I renounce loneliness, isolation,

in the name of Jesus I renounce sadness

in the name of Jesus I renounce shame

in the name of Jesus I renounce the lie that something is wrong with me,

that everything is my fault, in the name of Jesus I renounce the lie

that I have to be perfect to be accepted..."

You know there are as many lies are they are people

and as many different lies as there is in our imagination,

if it does not wind up with God's word, if it does not line up with the truth,

then we can renounce it.

The fourth Key is authority and I find that lot of Christians

don't understand that they have authority.

In the Scriptures, it says that we have been given the power,

another translation of that word is authority,

we've been given the authority

to become the children of God and we have authority over anything

that God has given us responsibility for.

And one of the things that we know He has given us responsibility for,

is our own souls, our own lives!

And we shouldn't be bashful about knowing that we can speak in the name of Jesus

to break the power of the lies that we've believed

and command any spirit that's attached to them to leave

And the fifth Key is the Father's blessing

which is something that I needed to learn over the years,

something on the very beginning of my walk with Jesus,

Jesus began to show me the face of the Father.

Some of us want to be free from things but we will never understand

the full freedom Jesus wants for us

until we understand what He is bringing us into,

which is the love of the Father, the heart of the Father.

To me deliverance is about freedom.

Jesus said to Peter: you are rock and on this rock

I will build my church

and the gates of another world will not stand against it.

That tells us that Satan is on the retreat. The church is on the offensive,

just as Jesus was, against the kingdom of darkness,

taking ground from the kingdom of darkness.

So no Christian should feel like we are fleeing in terror

from the advance of Satan.

I can say that in the last few years of my ministry,

and also in the writing of this document,

I have become increasingly aware of how simple the issue of deliverance is.

As I have already said, it is part of everyday life and it is very simple.

I realise that, quite easily, even as I'm walking down the street,

I may suddenly feel that I am being attacked by a thought,

and then after a while I start to recognise my personal demons,

I start to recognise the thoughts that come to mind and I say,

"I renounce it". And I keep walking, and everything is fine again.

Deliverance ministry has also become

a more important part of the prayer ministry that I do,

when I'm praying over people, I have a deeper consciousness of the fact

that evil spirits very often are playing a role

when someone is in some way oppressed or depressed

or feeling that they are in bondage in some way.

And I have a greater sense of the authority

that all baptized believers have in the name of Jesus,

to resist evil one, to cast out demons, to tell them that they have no place

in those who have been purchased by his precious blood.

So I'm more confident of his victory and of sharing his victory.

As the great Pastor Thomas Roberts used to say,

"you have to believe in a very big Jesus and a very little devil".

And I would add: you must believe in a big Jesus

and then you must know that a very small devil exists,

because one doesn't believe in the devil.

So the devil and the demons have been defeated.

They are small in relation to the saving power of Christ,

but they exist and if we refuse to accept that they exist

then we become vulnerable to superstition

and ultimately to leaving the back door open to them.

The evil will want to make his stand more powerful than he is.

He's lost, he's a loser and even the gates,

the last stand of an army against an advancing army,

even the gates of another word will not stand against the church

in the power of the name of Jesus overcoming evil.

Letter of Paul to the Colossians (Col 1: 12-14)

"Let us give thanks to the Father for having made you worthy

to share the lot of the saints in light. He rescued us from the power of darkness

and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son.

Through him we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins."

Lord Jesus, you who have come to save us

and have already won the victory over evil,

open our eyes to all the ties that bind us and come deliver us.

Help us to be aware of the authority over evil spirits

that you granted to us at our baptism. To carry out this ministry of deliverance,

may the Holy Spirit inspire and guide

our Churches to all those in such urgent need of redemption.

For more infomation >> 'Deliver us from evil' (Original Version With Subtitles) - Duration: 33:29.


Breaking News - Karius receives contract offer from third-tier Italian side Rimini - Duration: 3:24.

Loris Karius has been given an escape route from his Liverpool nightmare after being offered a contract by Italian minnows Rimini

The third-tier club's president has offered the goalkeeper an opportunity to rediscover some form after two horrific errors saw the Reds lose 3-1 to Real Madrid in the Champions League final

Karius was seemingly on the path to justifying Jurgen Klopp's faith in him until disaster struck in Kiev, but now he has been offered a shot at redemption

Rimini president Giorgio Grassi wants to aid Karius' comeback by giving him the platform to rebuild himself and has offered the German a one-year deal in Northern Italy

'On June 22, Loris Karius will turn 25 years old. I would like to host the German goalkeeper for a few days in Rimini, a welcoming town that has always been frequented by his fellow countrymen and women,' Grassi wrote in an open letter

'I would be happy to meet him in Rimini to remind him that it just takes courage, or perhaps good sense, to understand the best life lessons are often also the toughest, the most difficult to bear

'We've all been through these moments, unfortunately for him, his moment was in front of millions of people

At the end of the day, the only real failure is allowing defeat to get the better of us

' Karius appeared to have left his early Anfield blunders behind him, but made an untimely mistake when he threw the ball into Karim Benzema and it deflected in to give Madrid the lead

Subsequently with the game poised at 2-1, the keeper let a Gareth Bale strike from distance slip through his fingers and put the game beyond doubt

However, Grassi admitted Karius wouldn't just waltz straight into their first-time, despite Rimini playingin the third-tier of Italy, Serie C

'Let it be clear, this wouldn't be a walk in the park, because he'd be in competition with a great goalkeeper like Francesco 'Ciccio' Scotti, but he'd certainly find a big family and a city ready to support him as he got back to being a Number One in the Lega Pro


For more infomation >> Breaking News - Karius receives contract offer from third-tier Italian side Rimini - Duration: 3:24.


La Mini Transat, c'est quoi ce projet ? - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> La Mini Transat, c'est quoi ce projet ? - Duration: 2:20.


F-35: sai acordo de US$ 7 bilhões para 71 caças, em dois lotes de produção - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> F-35: sai acordo de US$ 7 bilhões para 71 caças, em dois lotes de produção - Duration: 2:57.


Instalación de la TW F-150 - TWIN BUSCH ® - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Instalación de la TW F-150 - TWIN BUSCH ® - Duration: 6:14.


フォードの高性能ピックアップ「F-150 ラプター」、優れた電子制御式ダンパーとオフロード用クルーズ・コントロール機能を新たに搭載! - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> フォードの高性能ピックアップ「F-150 ラプター」、優れた電子制御式ダンパーとオフロード用クルーズ・コントロール機能を新たに搭載! - Duration: 3:21.


GH5 Firmware 2.3 - More reliable AF? - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> GH5 Firmware 2.3 - More reliable AF? - Duration: 7:09.


F&F and Judje Napolitano : "Release MAJOR case OPINIONS" - Duration: 17:27.

it's the all about Brian show this is Casey listed this weekend Prager

University released its latest message on

Americanism and this one has a familiar face the United States had to fight not

one but two Wars for his independence the first of course with the

Revolutionary War can you name the second it was the war of 1812

now both wars were against the British and in both cases the Americans should

have lost the Revolutionary War is very much celebrated in American history

the second one has all but been forgotten but had it been lost America's

history would have been much much different that is great yeah they do a

series of videos just educational videos huge hit Brian I gotta say I recently

drove across the country and listened to your book on audiotape

you were with me for 12 hours yeah reading to me never Kent the hardest

part for me and I'm still getting complaints is to slow down yeah

everyone's like slowed down it is it's a fantastic book and a great reminder you

forget about the war of 1812 it was all gone possum you're a good teacher

our team is Brian there's your book oh yeah oh yeah you wanted for Father's Day

people love war fathers love war stories Andrew Jackson

the miracle of New Orleans if it wasn't for him we don't win and we don't hold

on to anything horrible diseases and he's like its shoulder I mean he still

carried on he got he got she had a bullet in shot dysentery and he's down

to 140 pounds at 61 but they still were able to prevail and of course Memorial

Day people think about that because a lot of families have legacies back to

the Battle of New Orleans and they have written me and said you know we had

relatives in that background buy it for Father's Day it is a great great book

and a great gift for your dad all right now let's talk Netflix okay Michelle

wolf has a new show and you might recognize that name can't picture who

that is she's the one right there remember she spoke at the White House

Correspondents Dinner and she got a lot of grief because she was making fun of

Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her looks so now she has a new show on net flow rate

she does and it debuted or whatever first couple episodes played well she

went on more to extrapolate about this administration glass ceilings the CIA

Sarah Sanders listened to what she had to say support women's empowerment and

our national security but opposes her nomination is a total hypocrite well of

any one's an expert on hypocrites it's Sarah Huckabee that was not a looks

based joke that was about her ugly personality she has the Mario Batali of

personality I guess he's a chef who's had some trouble which is more

ridiculous if you meet Sarah Huckabee Sanders which

he did she's one of the nice people you'll ever meet she really is is that

funny it's not funny I wish I mean I like I like funny I will laugh I'm a

very generous laugher I wish that was even remotely funny well Entertainment

Weekly interviewed her and said how did you feel about all the attention that

you got after the White House Correspondents Dinner and she said I

think it's awesome if people hated what I did at the dinner they're really gonna

hate my show fantastic I will say this here here's an example no more I think

we broke news that that peak considers himself in a good laughs generally if

you would add that to your newscast I can do that number two I think that Don

Rickles was somebody who spent his entire career insulting people but made

everybody laugh and I think that if you listen to Rush Limbaugh even if you are

a Democrat he doesn't have eight coming out

he has opposite opinions and he always does it a lot of times he doesn't

tongue-in-cheek like I'm the smartest on the best I can beat the world with one

arm behind tied behind my back there's no humor it's just venom well

you know we've heard if you're a good comedian if you can do it without saying

sexual stuff you know and heard that that means you're really good

I remember science but always said that in this case I think you're a really

good comedian if you don't get political or if you keep it can you I think that's

just this those are so predictable these do it without conventional Trump hate

then you might actually be funny right yeah that's true all right let's head

over Jill you know have some more headlines yes and we have a Fox News

Alert Pete you are a good laugh you asked and I deliver all right no

seriously though we are following some news that we want to get you caught up

on starting with this a twice deported illegal immigrant suspected in the death

of his girlfriend and the disappearance of her child is an ice custody Alberto a

barato Gutierrez Reyes from Mexico omits to

burying the woman's body at a western New York farm where he worked he says he

didn't kill her the search now intensifying for her 14 month-old son

Owen Hidalgo counter on it was last seen nearly two weeks ago he killed a police

officer in cold blood but now he's suing New York City for not protecting him in

prison Demetrius Blackwell claims he was jumped

last year by two inmates and suffered a deep cut on his face his suit against

the city's corrections department claims prison staff did nothing to stop it

Blackwell is serving life without parole for killing officer Brian Moore in 2015

no comment from the department the father of the toddler saved after

dangling from a balcony you know we showed you this yesterday well he left

his kid alone to play pokemon go that little boy rescued by a real-life

spider-man who scaled the building in Paris the father now accused of neglect

could be going to jail as for spider-man he's an immigrant from Mali who's now

been offered French citizenship and a job as a firefighter let's look at your

headlines and thank goodness for him right I mean that is a real-life hero

right there we were wondering why the other people weren't jerking that baby

up to but it looks maybe there's a divide there's got to be something going

on there yeah but wait probably the best athlete I've ever seen imagine having

that body pad that shrank as if he did that 20 times before how do you even

know you can call a lot of it have you practiced yeah it's

unbelievable he's a cross veteran somebody not impressed

Janice Dean that was incredible and yes I did read a story that where there were

there was another couple and but they were at the adjacent apartment they

could only hold on to him so much so that's when this superhero took over

incredible story okay listen we have the tropics to talk about the actual

hurricane season doesn't start till June first but we have already had our first

sub tropical storm this is Alberto it has been downgraded to a depression

however we are expecting heavy rain to be a threat we unfortunately have

already lost lives with this storm so know what you're gonna do if there's a

watch or your warning in the area the main threat from this is going to be the

potential for heavy rain on order of two to four even six inches of heavy

rainfall across portions of the Mississippi River Valley Tennessee Ohio

River Valley even parts of the Appalachians so that's gonna be a threat

over the next couple of days eventually the storm pushing up towards the

Northeast also this is a separate danger this is a separate system across the

central us where we could see large hail damaging winds tornadoes we had reports

of tornadoes yesterday across the Rockies and the high plains

there's your severe threat today again this is a separate system from Alberto

tornado threat is you know it's elevated throughout the afternoon in the evening

and there's your forecast today so a lot of weather unfortunately to talk about

throughout the day today a beautiful 85 and sunny skies today and Pete I love

your generous sense of humor enjoy it I love a bad joke can be a good I watched

Janice while you said that and she was nodding yes you you're wonderful Janice

oh thank you tanner all right well coming up this morning former US

Attorney Andy McCarthy councillor to president Kellyanne Conway and ben

shapiro i hear he might be here on set all here live Plus this is exciting the

Supreme Court set to issue key opinions any day now including the fate of

president Trump's travel ban and your religious rights

Joseph Paula tato has gotten dressed on a Tuesday for us

judge all right some quick headlines now thousands of Starbucks stores closing

their doors for racial bias training this afternoon but why they it's

although it's unconscious racist bias training the move a direct response to

last month's incident in Philadelphia where two black men were arrested inside

a store while waiting for a friend the training includes about 175,000

employees in 8,000 corporate owned stores and good luck finding a straw on

your next trip across the pond the European Union is proposing a ban on all

single-use plastic products like straws plates cups and cutlery straws cause

wrinkles anyway is that true what about sippy cups it all out meant

to me that oceans clean which by the way plastics are a big problem in in oceans

but sippy cups are a big solution that's true and we'll get to that so should

government employees be forced to pay union dues the Supreme Court set to

release a major opinion and that's not the only one also on the docket the fate

of president Trump's travel ban and your religious right okay so here to break it

all down for us tell us why it's important to you and your family our Fox

News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano good morning good

morning judges the Union case I think is very important and will touch a lot of

people it may actually affect taxes in the States

there are many states New Jersey Illinois where if you work for the

government you are forced to join the Union whether you want to join or not so

let's say you pay two thousand dollars a year in union dues five hundred of it

goes to support political candidates that you disagree with you can designate

where that five hundred goes to but you still have to join the union you still

have to send them the two thousand dollars and you're being forced to

associate with people with whom you choose not to associate the Constitution

says freedom of association also means the right not to associate so if this

case goes the way it appeared it would go in the oral argument which is

against the unions you will see a radical reduction in the power of labor

unions in the public workforce we're not talking about labor unions for private

corporations so we're talking about labor unions that raise the cost of

operating government which raises taxes what's gonna happen how are they gonna

vote I think they're gonna go five to four in favor of the challengers the

Challenger here is a very courageous and lonely work because nobody else in

Illinois is with him Republican governor of Illinois I think he's going to win

and once this is challenged then the power of the unions will shrink the cost

that they impose on the government will be reduced and taxes can go down in

judge guess what I think the union's agree they think they likely lose

they're already starting a campaign yes - okay stay with us stay in the Union

make the choice matter if the union is a good thing and some unions are they

should attract your to them by the benefits and services they offer not by

the force of law you will join or you can't have your job that's the law Nolan

also on the list today religious liberty what's going on there okay well that's

that's the birthday cake the masterpiece birthday cake Colorado case so a

same-sex couple not birthday wedding skews the same-sex couple wants a

wedding cake and a Christian Baker says I don't believe in same-sex marriages

I'm not gonna bake you this cake I'll suggest a place you can go to it's not

very far from here they'll bake you a cake just as nice as that well no we

want you to make me want to force you to do it state of Colorado forced them to

bake the cake they challenge that we'll see what the Supreme Court says can

Colorado force you to do business with people you don't want to do business

with or does your religious liberty your religious views this is a practice with

which I disagree right Trump the ability Trump the ability of the state to say

judge how is that different from race I don't want to serve you because you're

Asian or white very great challenge Brian when the when the government

started telling people who you had to do business with where where is that going

sure that is the argument in favor of of the state of Colorado how about the

travel ban that's up on the I don't think that that's gonna come out this

week because the Chief Justice has like mister kilmeade a flair for the dramatic

and this is the case of the year I think it's gonna come out the last day which

is four weeks from yesterday June 25th it is of course the famous travel ban

there are many of them this is the one decision right right one of the

challenging his initial travel ban or the second or third iteration the first

one's gone the second one's gone it's the third third one yes yes this is the

one that was upheld by some of the lower courts this student signed out to serve

our country after finishing high school but she couldn't wear her army sash at

graduation because it didn't match the school colors that student and her

veteran dad are going to join a fly next Sylvania high school senior can't wear

an army sash during graduation Tony cress has already signed in enlist

her enlistment papers to join the army with plans to leave for boot camp in

August the school apparently saying this sash didn't coincide with school colors

so it can't be warned Tony Crest the graduating senior along with her father

and military veteran Wayne pres join us now to discuss thank you both for

joining us this morning thank you both for your service by the way sir you

served in the Air Force I believe and Tony you want to join the join the army

and you will be joining the army what explanation were you given to start out

for why you can't wear an army sash with your graduation gown for starters the

first explanation I was given is that it didn't match the school colors is that

in the handbook because I think some have scoured your actual policies and

procedures and there's nothing in there that says that you know something

doesn't match you can't wear it yeah some people looked into it and they

actually figured out there is nothing in the handbook that says that I'm not

allowed to wear it and so so when it comes to graduation I believe is on June

1st will you are you gonna wear it or are you gonna buy by school policy what

are you gonna do there I'm gonna abide by school policy you know like people

are like saying like I'm gonna be like a rule breaker and stuff like that but I

have known doing that at all you know if the school

says I'm not allowed to wear it I'm not gonna wear it you know I'm not gonna

disrespect the school like that but if I do have a chance you know off stage when

I can wear it I'm gonna wear it you know Wayne as a father watching this you

raise a daughter who says I want to raise my right hand and defend this

country I'm gonna go to boot camp I want to be a part of the military how does it

make you feel that a school won't allow her to recognize that I'm disappointed

she worked hard for this you know she went through the ROTC program through

the school you know in today's world where you know we have kids out there

eating Tide Pods you know she's willing to stand up you know and fight for her

country and you know both of my my kids are actually in the army and I couldn't

be more proud of both of them Wayne still to you your service I mean what

what as you raise young kids that want to join the military how did you infuse

them with the the values that they needed to say I want to I want to be a

part of it as well you just got to you know just start you know young you got

to instill with them you know discipline integrity and you know in the end you

know both my children have come out to be you know excellent kids Tony

regardless of whether you get to wear it or not and guess what our viewers are

with you they believe the school should make an exception for that what are you

looking forward to the opportunity to serve your country oh absolutely I'm

actually really stoked I'm really stoked to you know to serve my country it's

been my dream since I was a kid I love it well Tony thank you very much in

Wayne thank you for service stoked is a good way to put it we'll take that we

appreciate it thank you Congrats on your graduation


For more infomation >> F&F and Judje Napolitano : "Release MAJOR case OPINIONS" - Duration: 17:27.


大戰一觸即發伊朗霸氣,90枚火箭彈回應以色列的停戰請求 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> 大戰一觸即發伊朗霸氣,90枚火箭彈回應以色列的停戰請求 - Duration: 3:02.


Measles rubeola causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment vaccines & pathology - Duration: 7:34.

German measles rubella

What is German measles?

German measles

Also known as rubella is a viral infection that causes a red rash on the body

Aside from the rash people with German measles usually have a fever and swollen lymph nodes

The infection can spread from person to person through contact with droplets from an infected persons sneeze or cough

This means that you can get German measles if you touch your mouth

Nose or eyes after touching something that has droplets from an infected person on it

You may also get German measles by sharing food or drinks with someone who's infected

German measles is rare in the United States with the introduction of the rubella vaccine in the late

1960s the incidence of German measles significantly declined

However, the condition is still common in many other parts of the world

It mainly affects children more commonly those between five and nine years old, but it can also occur in adults

German measles is typically a mild infection that goes away within one week even without treatment

However, it can be a serious condition in pregnant women as it may cause congenital. Rubella syndrome in the fetus

Congenital rubella syndrome can disrupt the development of the baby and cause serious birth defects such as heart abnormalities

Deafness and brain damage. It's important to get treatment right away. If you're pregnant and suspect you have German measles

When are the symptoms of German measles?

The symptoms of German measles are often so mild that they're difficult to notice when symptoms do occur

They usually develop within two to three weeks after the initial exposure to the virus

They often last about three to seven days and may include pink or red rash that begins on the face and then spreads

Downward to the rest of the body mild fever usually under 102 degrees Fahrenheit

Swollen and tender lymph nodes runny or stuffy nose

headache muscle pain

inflamed or red eyes

Although these items may not seem serious. You should contact your doctor if you suspect you have German measles

This is especially important if you're pregnant or believe you may be pregnant in rare cases

German measles can lead to ear infections and brain swelling

Call your doctor immediately. If you notice any of the following symptoms during or after a German measles infection

Prolonged headache earache stiff neck. What causes German measles?

German measles is caused by the rubella virus

This is a highly contagious virus that can spread through close contact or through the air

It may pass from person to person through contact with tiny drops of fluid from the nose and throat when sneezing and coughing

This means that you can get the virus by inhaling the droplets of an infected person or touching an object

contaminated with the droplets

German measles can also be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her developing baby through the bloodstream

People who have German measles are most contagious from the week before the rash appears until about two weeks after the rash goes away

They can spread the virus before they even know that they have it who is at risk for German measles?

German measles is extremely rare in the United States

Thanks to vaccines that typically provide lifelong immunity to the rubella virus

most cases of German measles occur in people who live in countries that don't offer routine immunization

against rubella

The rubella vaccine is usually given to children when they're between 12 and 15

Months old and then again when they're between ages 4 & 6 this means that infants and young

Toddlers who haven't yet received all vaccines have a greater risk of getting German measles to avoid complications during pregnancy

Many women who become pregnant are given a blood test to confirm immunity to rubella

It's important to contact your doctor immediately

If you've never received the vaccine and think you might have been exposed to rubella

How does German measles affect pregnant women when a woman contracts German measles during pregnancy?

The virus can be passed on to her develop Bing baby through her bloodstream

This is called congenital. Rubella syndrome

Congenital rubella syndrome is a serious health concern as it can cause miscarriages and stillbirths

It can also cause birth defects in babies who are carried to term

including delayed growth

intellectual disabilities heart defects


poorly functioning organs women of childbearing age

Should have their immunity to rubella tested before becoming pregnant if a vaccine is needed

It's important to get at at least 28 days before trying to conceive

How is German measles diagnosed since German measles appears similar to other viruses that cause rashes?

Your doctor will confirm your diagnosis with a blood test

This can check for the presence of different types of rubella antibodies in your blood

Antibodies are proteins that recognize and destroy harmful

Substances such as viruses and bacteria the test results can indicate whether you currently have the virus or are immune to it

How is German measles treated most cases of German measles are treated at home?

Your doctor may tell you to rest in bed and to take acetaminophen

Tylenol which can help relieve discomfort from fever and aches

They may also recommend that you stay home from work or school to prevent spreading the virus to others

Pregnant women may be treated with antibodies called hyper immune globulin that can fight off the virus

This can help reduce your symptoms. However, there's still a chance that your baby will develop congenital. Rubella syndrome

Babies who are born with congenital rubella will require treatment from a team of specialists

Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about passing German measles on to your baby. How can I prevent German measles?

for most people

Vaccination is a safe and effective way to prevent German measles

the rubella vaccine is typically combined with vaccines for the measles and mumps as well as rice ala the

virus that causes chickenpox

these vaccines are usually given to children who are between 12 and 15 months old a

Booster shot will be needed again when children are between ages 4 & 6

since the vaccines contain

Small doses of the virus mild fevers and rashes may occur if you don't know whether you've been vaccinated for German measles

It's important to have your immunity tested, especially if you are a woman of childbearing age and aren't pregnant

attend an educational facility

Work in a medical facility or school plan to travel to a country that doesn't offer

Immunization against rubella while the rubella vaccine usually isn't harmful the virus in the shot could cause adverse

Reactions in some people you shouldn't be vaccinated

If you have a weak immune system due to another illness our pregnant or plan to become pregnant within the next month

For more infomation >> Measles rubeola causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment vaccines & pathology - Duration: 7:34.


Samsung Discreetly Fixes Galaxy S9 Black Crush Issue With May Update ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:37.

Like most flagships, the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ launched with its fair share of bugs,

the most annoying ones being call quality issues and dead zones in the touchscreen panel.

It took Samsung several updates to fix the call quality issue and that one's settled,

for now.

Additionally, Snapdragon-based variants of the flagships were found to have a bug which

could trigger a device reboot,

but that seems to be more of a problem with the Adreno 640 GPU, thank the devices themselves.

One of the less talked about bugs was with the super AMOLED panel being unable to display

deep blacks properly in HDR mode, otherwise known as black crush and colour banding issues.

It results in a grainy or a pixelated picture with blocks of black which is immediately

apparent when watching dark images or videos.

The problem is not entirely new as has been a recurring theme across several of the S9's


The issue is bit specific and would slip by unnoticed to the untrained eye.

Samsung never officially acknowledged that it existed, but seem to be aware of it as

they have fixed it with the latest May security patch.

The build number of the update for the S9 and S9+ is respectively and has rolled out

to several countries such as Russia, Switzerland, Spain, Romania, Netherlands, and in the UK,

with more countries to be added soon.

The May security patch for the Galaxy S9 and S9+ restored call recording functionalities

on the devices too.

Previous Galaxy devices had no problems recording calls natively or via third-party apps,

but the feature was disabled in the S9 and S9+, presumably to avoid lawsuits in regions

that required consent from both parties to record phone calls.

It's good to see this chapter of the Galaxy S9 come to a close, though an official acknowledgement

in the changelog would be nice.

For more infomation >> Samsung Discreetly Fixes Galaxy S9 Black Crush Issue With May Update ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:37.


Breaking News - Kimmich and Rudiger have to be separated during Germany training - Duration: 2:47.

There was a blip in Germany's preparations for the World Cup when Antonio Rudiger had to be pulled away from Joshua Kimmich after the pair clashed following a strong tackle from the Chelsea defender

In a bid to impress Germany coach Joachim Low during their pre-World Cup training camp, Rudiger made a nuisance of himself as he hounded Kimmich before putting in a heavy challenge

The Bayern Munich player took objection to the tackle and in the heat of the moment the pair squared-up to each other during what was meant to be a routine training session on Tuesday

Assistant coach Miroslav Klose had to seperate the duo after they clashed heads during the bust up, according to Bild

Germany are currently training in Eppan, Italy, as they get ready to launch a defence on the World Cup, having won it in 2014

There was more concern for the holders during the session after Julian Draxler took an elbow to the face and needed treatment

After a timeout and an ice pack the PSG winger was able to continue, though Low would have envisaged a smoother day of training

Low is yet to name his final 23-man-squad and with four players set to be cut ahead of the deadline on June 4, the players are fighting for their place in every training session

Germany are set to face Austria this week in a friendly before wrapping up their preparations for the tournament against Saudi Arabia

They will then head to their training camp in Russia and kick-off the World Cup against Mexico on June 17, with games against Sweden and South Korea completing Group F

For more infomation >> Breaking News - Kimmich and Rudiger have to be separated during Germany training - Duration: 2:47.


✅ Ευαγγελία Αραβανή: Αλλάζει τηλεοπτική στέγη την επόμενη σεζόν; | News | - Duration: 1:40.

Η Ευαγγελία Αραβανή, αδιαμφισβήτητα, υπήρξε ένα από τα πιο πολυσυζητημένα πρόσωπα της σεζόν

Η παρουσία της στο My Style Rocks του ΣΚΑΪ σχολιάστηκε θετικά και στη συνέχεια, η μεταγραφή της στον ΑΝΤ1 στις αρχές του 2018 για να αναλάβει τα ηνία του έκτου κύκλου του Dancing with the Stars κρίθηκε ακόμα θετικότερα

Φαίνεται, όμως, ότι η Ευαγγελία Αραβανή θα είναι και ένα από τα πρόσωπα που θα μας απασχολήσουν αρκετά και την επόμενη σεζόν

Όπως αναφέρει δημοσίευμα της Espresso, η ξανθιά καλλονή θα αλλάξει τηλεοπτική στέγη και ήδη αναζητά το επαγγελματικό βήμα που θα την ενθουσιάσει

Σύμφωνα με αποκλειστικές μας πληροφορίες, η Ευαγγελία Αραβανή είναι ένα βήμα πριν «κλειδώσει» οριστικά στο Epsilon tv

Ας μην ξεχνάμε, εξάλλου, ότι διατηρεί άψογες σχέσεις με τη "σιδηρά κυρία" του σταθμού, Άλκηστις Μαραγκουδάκη, η οποία από την πρώτη στιγμή πίστεψε στις δυνατότητες και το ταλέντο της Ευαγγελίας

For more infomation >> ✅ Ευαγγελία Αραβανή: Αλλάζει τηλεοπτική στέγη την επόμενη σεζόν; | News | - Duration: 1:40.


В России раскрыли секрет «Томагавков» - Duration: 2:45.

Попавшие в Россию из Сирии фрагменты американских крылатых ракет «Томагавк» детально изучены, а полученную информацию предполагается использовать для создания новых российских комплексов радиоэлектронной борьбы, заявил РИА Новости советник первого заместителя гендиректора концерна «Радиоэлектронные технологии» Владимир Михеев

«Новая техника должна перекрывать все частотные диапазоны — и оптические и радиотехнические, которые мы увидели в изделиях наших визави», — сказал он

По его словам, для создания новых комплексов потребуется два-три года. «Нам, в первую очередь как специалистам, очень интересно наблюдать за реальным применением различной боевой техники в Сирии, в том числе за "Томагавками"

Имея же эту ракету в руках, мы четко понимаем, какие она имеет каналы связи, передачи информации и управления, навигации и локации», — отметил Михеев

Он добавил, что появилась возможность оценить степень защищенности этих каналов. «Зная все эти параметры, мы сможем еще более эффективно блокировать эти крылатые ракеты на всех этапах их боевого применения», — подчеркнул Михеев

Советник отметил, что в настоящее время особый интерес для российских специалистов представляет наблюдение за беспилотниками западного производства, а также американскими истребителями F-22 Raptor и F-35 Lightning II

США, Великобритания и Франция ночью 14 апреля этого года нанесли ракетные удары по сирийским правительственным объектам, которые, по их мнению, используются для производства химического оружия

США заявили, что большинство ракет достигли целей, в России утверждают обратное.Позже стало известно, что сирийская сторона передала российской две неразорвавшиеся крылатые ракеты

Фрагменты «Томагавков» были показаны на специальном брифинге Минобороны. Военные заявили, что элементы ракет изучат, а результаты работы будут использовать для совершенствования российских образцов вооружения

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