Sunday, May 27, 2018

Youtube daily report May 27 2018

I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river

I've got peace like a river in my soul

I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river

I've got peace like a river in my soul!

I've got joy like a fountain, I've got joy like a fountain

I've got joy like a fountain in my soul

I've got joy like a fountain, I've got joy like a fountain

I've got joy like a fountain in my soul!

I've got love like an ocean, I've got love like an ocean

I've got love like an ocean in my soul

I've got love like an ocean, I've got love like an ocean

I've got love like an ocean in my soul!

I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river

I've got peace like a river in my soul

I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river

I've got peace like a river in my soul -

I've got peace like a river in my soul!

For more infomation >> I've Got Peace Like a River - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics - Duration: 1:45.


9 of the Weirdest Sperm Adaptations - Duration: 10:33.

[ Intro ]

Most people have at least a passing familiarity with sperm.

Like, you're probably picturing a tadpole-like thing with a head and a wiggly tail.

And that's a pretty good approximation of most mammalian swimmers.

Sperm across the animal kingdom all have basically the same job:

getting to the egg and fertilizing it.

But they have the most diverse shapes and sizes of any cell type.

That's because competition doesn't end with finding a mate — sperm duke it out inside

reproductive organs.

And that can lead to some really weird adaptations!

In fact, while researchers have described a lot of strange sperm, we don't always

have full explanations for how they came to exist.

So here are 9 kinds of sperm that might make you think twice about what you know about


All sperm are small — you need a microscope to see them.

But that doesn't mean they're the same size across species.

For instance, human sperm is about 50 micrometers long, while porcupine sperm averages around


But the current record holder for longest sperm is the tiny fruit fly.

In one species, sperm have been measured up to 5.8 centimeters long.

Sure, most of that length is the tail.

But still, that's over 2000 times longer than that porcupine sperm and about 20 times the

body length of the actual fly!

Over the years, scientists have measured sperm in lots of different animal species.

And they've found that sperm size doesn't scale with the size of the animal that's

making it.

In fact, the opposite seems to be true: in general, smaller animals produce bigger sperm.

In larger animals, the females have longer, more voluminous reproductive tracts.

So that means there's a greater risk that sperm might not make it to an egg, or even

get lost in a sea of sperm from other males.

According to the sperm dilution hypothesis, the best strategy in this case seems to be

making a whole bunch of small sperm to compete.

But smaller animal species seem to produce longer or bigger sperm.

Smaller female reproductive tracts make for smaller battle arenas where sperm can push

each other around.

In the case of female fruit flies, scientists have found that part of their reproductive

tract called the seminal receptacle has evolved to be long and coiled in certain species.

So sperm cells have coevolved to match.

The females essentially tilt the playing field towards healthier males who have the nutrients

and energy to make longer sperm.

They're able to successfully beat out the competition and fertilize more eggs.

So, I guess, size does matter for them.

There's also a lot of variation in sperm shape.

Human sperm, for instance, has three main parts: There's the head, which contains

all the genetic material and a packet of enzymes that helps the sperm penetrate the egg.

Then, there's the midpiece.

It's packed with mitochondria — cellular structures that are basically tiny engines.

And that energy powers the third part: a tail that propels the sperm forward.

Human sperm, and a lot of mammalian sperm, has kind of a conehead.

But another common sperm shape is a corkscrew head, which sometimes extends through the


A wide variety of animals have this helical sperm — like, many birds, some beetles,

centipedes, and frogs.

And even though this twisty shape evolved multiple times, scientists aren't exactly

sure why.

One hypothesis is that it might help with movement, letting the sperm swim forward like

tiny turning drill bits.

But not all sperm swim!

Some species of worms called nematodes have sperm without tails.

Their sperm crawl kind of like amoebas do, using pseudopodia, or fake feet.

In amoebas, coordinated groups of microfilaments made of the protein actin extend the pseudopodia,

which stick to a surface and then retract to drag their cells along.

Nematode sperm crawling looks really similar.

But their pseudopodia are formed by filaments made of major sperm protein instead.

By comparing the ways these proteins work, scientists have learned more about different

mechanisms cells use to move.

And they think these sperm might be better off crawling because nematode fertilization

is a tight squeeze.

In nematodes, fertilization occurs in a sperm holding chamber called the spermatheca near

the ovary or ovaries.

To get there, nematode sperm need to make their way past the uterus.

But as they crawl there, they're working against a tide of already-fertilized eggs

that are moving down into the uterus, like bowling balls through a chute.

So maybe an army crawl just works a little better than a flutter kick.

Sometimes those army-crawling nematode sperm get a bit overzealous, though.

In one nematode genus, some species have a lot of sperm competition.

And scientists think that it benefits those males if their sperm get as close to the ovary

as possible, to try and intercept an egg.

This favors adaptations that lead to faster, more vigorously crawling sperm — although

scientists aren't quite sure what those adaptations are right now.

But that intensity can be unpleasant for their partner.

If the sperm overshoot their mark, they might enter the ovary, or even bust out of the reproductive

tract into the body cavity and wreak havoc.

So female reproductive tracts have co-evolved to be tougher and withstand the roughhousing.

But sometimes, things get confusing in a warm, dark compost pile, and nematodes from two

different species accidentally mate.

In a series of experiments, scientists found that if a species with lots of sperm competition

mates with a species with less competition, there can be a mismatch between sperm and

reproductive tract.

In one such cross-species matchup, the aggressive sperm entered the ovary 90% of the time and

broke through the female reproductive tract 7% of the time.

So… ouch.

Other sperm competition involves some tricky tactics outside the body too.

For instance, some flatworms are simultaneous hermaphrodites, which means they have functional

male and female reproductive organs.

They have sex by reciprocal mating, where the partners take turns donating and receiving


Which seems pretty cooperative... but at least one species doesn't really play fair.

Frequently after mating, one flatworm will lean down and try to suck the sperm out of

its own female reproductive tract opening to get rid of it.

Maybe it was happy enough to fertilize that other flatworm's eggs to pass on its genes.

But it's saving its own precious eggs for a higher quality mate, or just saving its


But because of this two-timing behavior, the sperm has a trick up its sleeve too.

This flatworm's sperm has two stiff, backward-facing bristles on the head that act like barbs on

a fish hook.

They snag in the opening and make the sperm difficult to suck out — so it sticks around

and fertilizes those eggs.

Other sperm use teamwork, because, y'know, it makes the dream work.

In certain species of mice, for example, sperm form large swim teams to get to the egg.

These sperm have a hook on their head that can grab onto the head or tail of fellow sperm.

So they make a kind of disordered train-like structure.

Some scientists wanted to put deer mice sperm trains to the test, so they created a mathematical

model and also tested the swimmers under a microscope.

And they found that the sperm trains don't necessarily swim faster, but they do swim

straighter than a solo sperm.

That's because the wobbly movement of one sperm cancels out the wobbles of its partners

— kind of like all the hands on a Ouija board planchette.

So they take a straighter path to the egg spand get there sooner.

But if too many sperm link up, the train gets a derailed and they start working against

each other.

In fact, according to that study, the ideal number for a deer mouse sperm train is a lucky

Now, we tend to think of sperm as short-lived.

In humans, for instance, if sperm make it to the fallopian tubes, they may bind with

the walls and wait for a egg to be released.

But they only hang around for about 5 days max before they get broken down.

That's because sperm are stripped down DNA delivery packages.

They don't have the usual cellular machinery that allows most cells to make proteins and

repair themselves for a while.

But in some species, sperm cells live a long time — much longer than the males that produced


In some insects, like leaf cutter ants and honeybees, the queen usually has one very

brief flurry of mating early in her life and then goes off to found a new colony.

During the nuptial flight, a female honeybee mates with 7 to 15 drones in just a couple

hours — which sounds like a whole lot of love, but it's a little… deadly.

Males only mate once, because when they ejaculate, their endophallus gets ripped off, which kills

them pretty quickly.

The queen stores millio ns of sperm in her spermatheca, and can use it for the rest of

her life — 3 or 4 years later.

In honeybee queens, scientists have found that they nourish the sperm as if it were

part of their own body.

The fluids inside the spermatheca provide the stored sperm with the proteins they need

for repair and maintenance.

Plus, there are antioxidant enzymes that may protect sperm from damaging oxidative stress,

so they have less need to repair themselves in the first place.

Sounds pretty cozy in there!

But if all this sperm is chilling in a spermatheca together, things aren't all fun and games.

The battle continues inside this chamber.

In one species of leafcutter ants, scientists found that if you expose one male's sperm

to another male's seminal fluid, the sperm died more quickly.

They think that proteins in the seminal fluid poison a rival's sperm.

But even with this sperm competition, it probably benefits the queen ant to have her offspring

sired by more than one male.

She doesn't want to put all her eggs in one basket, so to speak.

More genetic diversity is good!

Plus, those sperm need to last her for potentially two decades, so she can't have them all

poisoning each other.

So the researchers discovered that the queen provides an antidote.

When they exposed one male's sperm to seminal fluid from another male and added fluids from

a queen ant's spermatheca, all the negative effects were neutralized.

Sperm competition can definitely lead to odd sperm adaptations, but lack of competition

can also lead to some weirdness.

In species that are more monogamous, sperm of different males aren't usually in direct


This means that quality control may not be such a priority.

Take humans.

We're generally pretty monogamous compared to many species.

And, according to some estimates, about 90% of the sperm in human ejaculate are deformed

— they might have two heads, two tails, pin heads, or other things.

And this is totally normal.

But, take comfort, because we don't have the worst sperm.

That title probably goes to the naked mole rat… because apparently everything about

these rodents is weird.

Naked mole rats are eusocial animals, which basically means they live in really tight-knit,

cooperative colonies.

Only one female in the colony reproduces and she chooses from one to three males to mate

with for a lifetime.

This means that there's almost no sperm competition.

Scientists have found that only about 7% of naked mole rat sperm are normal and functional

— most have a deformity.

And only up to 15% of a naked mole rat's sperm can even swim.

Despite sounding bad, this wonky sperm is honestly just practical.

Producing perfect sperm is costly in energy — so why bother if they don't need to be

perfect to be successful.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which is a Complexly production!

If you'd like to learn even more about sperm in humans and all things sex, check out one

of our sister channels, Sexplanations, over at youtube.comsexplanations.

[ Outro ]

For more infomation >> 9 of the Weirdest Sperm Adaptations - Duration: 10:33.


Surf da cani - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Surf da cani - Duration: 1:11.


Fabrizio Corona contro Barbara D'Urso e Nina Moric | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Corona contro Barbara D'Urso e Nina Moric | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.


Uomini e Donne: guai in vista per Nilufar Addati? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: guai in vista per Nilufar Addati? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:50.


Peugeot 2008 1.2 PURETECH (82pk) Navi /Airco /Cruise /Panoramadak! /Elek. pakket /Blueth /Dakrail /G - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 1.2 PURETECH (82pk) Navi /Airco /Cruise /Panoramadak! /Elek. pakket /Blueth /Dakrail /G - Duration: 1:05.


Opel Corsa 1.0, 90PK, T. Color Edition ** Nieuw en Euro 3.500,- korting ** - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0, 90PK, T. Color Edition ** Nieuw en Euro 3.500,- korting ** - Duration: 0:53.


✅ Eşinin kendisini sık sık dövdüğünü ileri süren Serpil T., kocasından şikâyetçi oldu. Ali T., gözal - Duration: 3:03.

Eşi affetti ama adalet affetmedi Eşinin kendisini sık sık dövdüğünü ileri süren Serpil T

, kocasından şikâyetçi oldu. Ali T., gözaltına alındı ancak daha sonra şikâyetinden vazgeçtiğini ifade etti

Habertürk'ten Enis Yıldırım'ın haberine göre suçun şikâyete tabi olmadığını belirten savcılık, iddianameyi asliye ceza mahkemesine gönderdi

Eşe, yaralama suçundan 4.5 yıldan 7.5 yıla kadar hapsini istedi. Trabzon'un Kaymaklı Mahallesi'nde yaşayan Serpil ve Ali T

arasında, bir süre önce şiddetli geçimsizlik başgösterdi. Eşinin kendisini sık sık dövdüğünü ileri süren Serpil T

, şikâyetçi oldu. Aile mahkemesi, dayakçı kocaya evden uzaklaştırma cezası verdi. Ancak Ali T

, karara rağmen 7 Şubat'ta evine gitti. Aşırı alkollü olduğu iddia edilen Ali T., evinin önünde bazı kişilerle kavgaya tutuştu

Sesler üzerine dışarı çıkan Serpil T., sokağa inerek kavgaya müdahale etmek istedi

Bu sırada kavgayı bırakan Ali T., eşini yumruklamaya başladı. BURNU KIRILDI ŞİKÂYETÇİ OLDU Eşinden dayak yediğini ileri süren Serpil T

, 155 Polis İmdat hattını arayarak kocasından şikâyetçi oldu. Ali T., gözaltına alındı

Serpil T.'nin olayda burnu kırıldı. Evine çocuğunu görmek üzere gittiğini söyleyen Ali T

, "Alkollü evime gittim. Çocuğumu gördüm. Evden çıktıktan sonra eşim bağırarak üzerime koştu

Ben kimseyle kavga etmedim. Eşimi dövmedim. Nezarethane duvarları ile kapıyı tekmelemem ve camları kırmamı ise aşırı alkollü olduğumdan yaptım

Bunun için özür dilerim" dedi. Serpil T., soruşturmayı yürüten savcılığa 14 Şubat 2018 tarihinde dilekçe ile başvurarak, eşinin eve baktığını ve şikâyetinden vazgeçtiğini ifade etti

Trabzon Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı, eşe karşı işlenen suçun şikâyete tabi olmadığını belirterek hazırladığı iddianameyi asliye ceza mahkemesine gönderdi

Trabzon Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı, Ali T.'nin kemik kırığına sebebiyet verecek şekilde yaralama suçundan 4

5 yıldan 7.5 yıla kadar hapsini istedi.

For more infomation >> ✅ Eşinin kendisini sık sık dövdüğünü ileri süren Serpil T., kocasından şikâyetçi oldu. Ali T., gözal - Duration: 3:03.


FUN AT THE PARK ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 3:06.


Ahhh, hello... she's busy.

So right now we are headed to the park with a friend.

Maybe some other people I'm not sure, but at least one of our friends is going.

So yeah, should be fun.

We have a bunch of stuff packed and ready.

Probably play games, like yard games

maybe play a board game or something, not sure.

Should be fun.

Hopefully he does okay. We'll see.

Good driver... paying attention to the road.

Alright I have to buckle up. Bye!


Finally, made it to the park.

He is sleeping which is good. Let him rest.

So now we're just waiting for our friend to show up.

That's about it.

Set up our blanket.

If he wants... well if he wakes up and wants to roll around he can do that.

Yeah, so now we're just waiting.


Right now we just took him out for a walk and he fell asleep

so we're gonna let him sleep for a little bit.

He's so cute. I'm really hot!

I turned off the AC and it's like really hot in here.

So I might have to turn it back on. I'm hot.

Hey sorry, next day. I totally forgot to end the vlog last night.

Anyways... just uh,

went home, chilled out for a bit,

ate some and played with Mikko.

We had a really hard time getting him to sleep last night.

Well, I mean...

getting him to "go to sleep".

Not sleeping overnight.

He actually did really well and slept overnight.

Woke up like once, but anyways

I'll talk more about that in the next vlog.

So see you "tomorrow".

♫ ♫♫

For more infomation >> FUN AT THE PARK ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 3:06.


Help six escape The Maw ... Little Nightmares / Xbox One - Duration: 7:57.

Hello friends on this opportunity 👥

I come to show you a


of a game called 🎮

What does it mean:

Little Nightmare

Who do we have the game 💿

From behind

let's start opening the packaging

or the plastic

there it goes

let's leave this side the garbage 🚯

on time if I do not fight

as well as other occasions

and 😆

this is the game COMPLETE EDITION

let's take the

the seal sorry

let's see if it has some code

I guess that if

if you have

a code but

🚫 it's secret do not tell anyone


but let's show it

not the code

what it includes

He says

I do not know what to include but

it looks very interesting

I think it's the child that includes 👱

I believe

I'm not sure

let's see so they see

the disc 💿

very nice cover

It is a story dark 🌇

and extravagant

that will force you to face 💢

to your fears 👻

Help Six and the Child 👥

to escape from The Maw,

of a huge

and mysterious ship 🚢

inhabited by corrupt souls

in search of your next meal. 🍔

Reveal all secrets ¿?

of this story 📔

parallel of flight, 💨

in which you will play as the escaped Child,

another prisoner

who tries to leave 🔦

of this hellish place. 🔥

Mode (s) Single player


Graphics Engine:

Release 📅: 27 APR

of 2017

Genre (s) Action and Adventure




Xbox One ,

PlayStation 4 ,

Microsoft Windows

and Nintendo switch

Approximate Size:

11.24 GB

In the description I will leave you

more information about this game 💿

I want to send greetings to 👋

Well I hope you liked the video. 👍

Do not forget to subscribe 🔴

Go ahead 👍


You will not regret

Remember to follow me

in all my Social Networks. 📲

and to whom on YouTube.

Activate the bell 🔔


It says goodbye

his friend

Cook of Games

¡ See you later !

Thank you 😃


For more infomation >> Help six escape The Maw ... Little Nightmares / Xbox One - Duration: 7:57.


Volkswagen Caddy 1.6 TDI,NAVI,TREKHAAK,AIRCO,LM VELGEN,CRUISE C - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 1.6 TDI,NAVI,TREKHAAK,AIRCO,LM VELGEN,CRUISE C - Duration: 1:08.


투아렉 쌍둥이 동생…폭스바겐 SUV 티구안 - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> 투아렉 쌍둥이 동생…폭스바겐 SUV 티구안 - Duration: 10:08.


Making an Emotional Guitar Beat for Juice WRLD | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 19:00.

(Prod. by Georgie)

For more infomation >> Making an Emotional Guitar Beat for Juice WRLD | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 19:00.


야한잡지 '플레이보이'가 뽑은 올해의 차는… - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> 야한잡지 '플레이보이'가 뽑은 올해의 차는… - Duration: 2:38.


10 Looks For Long Hair - Men's Long Haircut Styles - Duration: 8:59.

- Okay so you've finally grown your hair out,

it's long, luscious, and beautiful,

but now what do you do with it?

Good question, in this video I'm going to be showing you

10 different variations that I've

been doing with my long hair lately.



(swish) (swish)

Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel.

My name's Thomas if you're brand new here

and I make style and hair related videos

every single week here on YouTube.

If you are brand new, I have been growing my hair out

for over a year now and my hair's finally long

and I can finally start doing different things with it.

And the purpose of this video today is just to show you

10 different variations of hairstyles that I've been doing

while my hair has been longer.

I'm really excited to show you these

and I'm actually wearing one right now,

we're going to get into that later, but yeah.

So stay tuned and let's get into it, okay? Boom.


So the first hairstyle on my list,

I've called this "wild and free."

The reason I call it wild and free is because

during the growing out process I was kind of like,

"Aw I can't wear this out because it's just so puffy

and it doesn't grow down, it grows out.

But now my hair has finally gotten

to a length of like 13 inches.

It actually, when I don't wear this hat

and I tuck it behind my ears,

I can actually wear my hair down now

without it looking too ridiculous.

So wild and free has become my new favourite

and literally, I'll just put my hair products in,

let it air dry, and let it hang down,

and I'm actually not afraid to go out in public

with it anymore so wild and free all the way,

that is number 1. Woo hoo!

Trust me, if you are one of those people as well

that's dealing with the growing out,

like it's actually growing out and not down,

just keep in there, hang in there,

because when it gets to a certain length,

it will go down and you will have the benefits of it.

You've just got to wait and persevere.


Hairstyle number 2 is probably a little bit cliche,

probably a little bit obvious,

but hey I'm going to throw it in there anyway

because it is a long hairstyle and it is the man bun.

I'm obsessed with the man bun,

I've just started doing a series on my channel

about man buns so if you have a man bun,

make sure you subscribe and come back for that.

But, the man bun definitely

has a million different variations

and I do think it's a hairstyle

that a lot of guys with long hair will be championing.

So yeah, it's really cool. Duh, man bun.


The next long hairstyle on the list is a tri-braid.

Obviously over the last couple of years

I've been trying out braids and actually learning

how to do it myself on my own head,

and that is a very fun thing.

Once you get past that point,

you can actually play around

with millions of different styles.

But this one is the tri-braid,

so I'll do one braid here on the side,

one braid on the top, one braid on the back,

and tie it all into one at the back.

It's technically another man bun variation

but it's actually a very cool look and it's different,

and if you can do it yourself,

there's something about being able to do your own braid

that is so, like, yeah, I did that.

I've got a few videos about braiding as well,

I might leave a card up there for you to go and check it out

but if you know how to braid your own hair,

you've definitely got one up on the competition

and it's something that I would recommend,

so get into it.


Look number 4 on the list is one

of my new favourites actually,

this one's great for anybody

that's dealing with the out stage.

Again, it's another Pinterest one that I've seen.

Save it once, see it a million times,

this one I'm calling "the buff look."


The buff look is very, very cool, it's like,

I think only guys with really, really curly hair

can pull this one off.

And its best look is when your hair

is at like probably I think the 5 inch mark.

It's literally just a bit of face

with big curly hair that covers the eyes

and it looks insane.

It's actually like this hair

I've got right now but all over

and it's a real like alternate, grungy look

but I, for some reason I love it.

I've tried to recreate it myself,

there's going to be a few pictures floating over the screen

right now of my version of this,

but I've also seen it a lot on Pinterest.

And I would recommend this for anybody

that's got that big, out, bushy hair

that's trying to get it longer,

Because you can actually still

make yourself look really, really

good while you're in that stage.

It's just about making the most of what you've got.


Look number 5 is the broad brimmed hat look.

That's the exact look I'm wearing right now.

I actually have never worn a hat like this on my channel.

I actually want to know what you guys think of this look

in the description box below, comment box,

sorry I always call it the description box.

And, yeah, this is pretty much the buff look

but combed back a little bit

with a hat chucked on top of it.

If you guys follow me on Snapchat,

I went to Couran Cove a couple of weekends ago

and my friend Tom, funnily enough his name is Tom,

it was his birthday, and he had a hat just like this

and I was like, "Can I borrow that for a minute?"

Anyway, I tried it out and this is the look I got.

So I went and bought my own

and I actually think it looks really groovy,

really alternate, and it's something

that I just have never really worn before.

Thumbs up for the broad brimmed hat look.


The next hairstyle on the list is the Jon Snow highballer.

You'll recognise this from my first man bun monthly series.

This is one of my favourite man buns that I've seen

and ever since Game of Thrones,

I've always been in love with Jon Snow's hair.

And, yeah, since my hair's gotten a little bit longer,

I thought, "Fuck it, let's try it, let's try this look out."

And I really like it on myself

and I would encourage anybody else to go for it as well.

The highballer Jon Snow.

(makes swish noise) (swish)

And for long hairstyle number 7,

so this one's a really cool one,

I've never really worn this look either.

This look only really works for me

when I've got my hair straightened,

but I call this one "the Thor."


Typically because it looks a little bit Thor-like,

or Chris Hemsworth, like if I looked

like him that would be great.

Um, no, this hairstyle is really cool.

It's kind of, I don't know,

it's almost a little bit Legolas as well

with the ponytail at the back

but all the long flowy hair down the side of the head.

I really, really like this look.

I've never really worn it either

until my hair got to a certain length,

and now that it's at that length,

I'm really playing with those styles

and I really, really like this look.


And long hairstyle number 8 is the man pony.

So I've documented this before in my video

about 10 looks with an undercut, I documented the man pony.

But I only wore the man pony

when I had the disconnected undercut

and I looked like Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

However, now that my hair's full length,

when I wear the man pony,

it actually gives me a really different look.

If I'm honest, I don't particularly like this look

that much on me,

but I do think some guys out there can really rock it.

I mean, the pictures that I got of it, yeah,

they're pretty cool because I sit there

until I get the right selfie, but yeah.

I don't know, the man pony was definitely going to be

on the list because I think it's groovy.

I just don't particularly like it on my own head.

But it's definitely one to put in the list.


Moving onto hairstyle number 9,

this one's one that I like to think

that I kind of created myself,

but really I kind of copied it

from really old school footage that I've seen before.

I call this one "the Vegemite scroll."


It's actually a, I don't know,

it reminds me of an old wench-y hairstyle.

It's kind of like all I do is literally

like coil my hair up on the sides,

chuck a couple of bobby pins in it,

and then legit looks like a scroll.

(laughing) It's pretty funky.

I can understand why most guys

probably won't want to wear this

because it might look a little bit feminine or whatever,

but I'm so alternative this is probably a hairstyle

that I would just chuck in my hair

and waltz around the house in,

or I would probably, you know,

wear it at a Youtube event

or something where I really had to make a statement

about the kind of stuff that I do.

And it's just like a really random one

that I thought I would chuck in here

because yeah, why not? The Vegemite scroll.

Who doesn't love Vegemite?

I actually don't, I don't like Vegemite.


And for long hairstyle number 10,

this one is called "the Beyonce."


Typically because it is big, curly, wild, and crazy.

We all know our Queen Bey has very, very crazy hair

and I actually started to get this look

after doing the wash-and-go routine,

so with the Jane Carter solution,

the shea butter, and the flax seed gel.

I just noticed it would give me really, really in-depth curl

but with a lot of volume as well.

Like I literally, I could have been Beyonce's twin.

So that's why I called it that one.

And I have been wearing that one a lot more as well.

It doesn't, I can't really wear

that one as the wild and free,

it doesn't really sit down when I do that method on it,

it goes out and big,

so, yeah, that's why I called it the Beyonce.

But that one definitely had to be on the list too

because I have been playing around with that

and I don't know, I think big, curly, crazy hair

is really in right now.

It's just my thing, I love it, clearly.



Alright guys and that is it for my 10 long hairstyles.

I really hope you enjoyed that

and I hope that gave you some inspiration.

This is what these videos are all about.

I just kind of want to bring variety to you

so you can see what's out there and what might work for you.

You might never have seen some of these hairstyles

and want to go give them a try.

I really recommend anybody with like medium to long hair,

get one of these hats, you will freaking love it.

This is probably my favourite one of the whole video.


But yeah, so that's what I've got for you

and please let me know what your favourite hairstyle was

in the comment section below

because I'm always interested to hear.

And that's it.

If you are keen to see my man bun monthly series,

make sure you subscribe and come back once a month.

I'm still going to be, I'll be refining like

what week and each month it's going to be coming out.

That's, maybe you can let me know what you'd prefer

in the comment section below.

But yeah, make sure you stick around for that

because I'm really excited about that content

and again, if you haven't joined the Facebook group,

make sure you head down to the description box

and you'll be able to find a link there.

All you have to do is ask to join,

answer 3 questions, and then boom, you're in.

So, yeah, that's it.

Have a really good week and I'll see you next time.


(explosion sound)

For more infomation >> 10 Looks For Long Hair - Men's Long Haircut Styles - Duration: 8:59.


Volvo S40 1.8 CLIMATE / 155.893KM / 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Volvo S40 1.8 CLIMATE / 155.893KM / 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 0:52.





Making an Emotional Guitar Beat for Juice WRLD | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 19:00.

(Prod. by Georgie)

For more infomation >> Making an Emotional Guitar Beat for Juice WRLD | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 19:00.


✅ Karine Le Marchand dévoile une photo de sa fille pour la fête des Mères - Duration: 1:56.

Depuis 2003, Karine Le Marchand est maman d'une fille prénommée Alya. Très discrète concernant sa vie de famille, l'animatrice de M6 avait fait des confidences dans les colonnes de Gala en 2015, en se livrant sur son inquiétude de voir sa fille être harcelée : "Toutes les femmes ont été harcelées sexuellement au moins une fois dans leur vie, j'ai donc la certitude que ça lui arrivera

Et ça, c'est horrible pour une maman. C'est compliqué de lui donner confiance en les hommes tout en la mettant en garde contre les dangers potentiels qu'elle pourrait rencontrer

Elle arrive à un âge où elle peut devenir une proie potentielle"."Il y a presque 16 ans, je devenais maman"Et alors qu'elle n'avait jamais dévoilé le visage de sa fille sur les réseaux sociaux, Karine Le Marchand a profité de la fête des Mères ce dimanche 27 mai pour poster une photo rare de sa fille sur laquelle elle pose avec Alya : "Il y a presque 16 ans, je devenais maman… Ma vie qui fait sens… Voilà la petite bonne femme de ma vie

Depuis le CM2, plus de dessins à paillettes, de boîtes d'allumettes en aluminium, de colliers de nouilles, de poèmes de 6 lignes qui finissent par "Maman je t'aime"

On devrait obliger les gosses à fabriquer des cadeaux manuels jusqu'en terminale ! Ça lui foutrait la honte, mais je serais heureuse et je verserais ma larme… comme d'habitude quand elle me regarde avec amour"

Par Alexia Felix

For more infomation >> ✅ Karine Le Marchand dévoile une photo de sa fille pour la fête des Mères - Duration: 1:56.


[LOONA] Yves x The Hunger Games - Duration: 0:41.

"Hope is the only thing stronger than Fear."

"You've got to go through it to get to the end of it."

"Any last advice?"

"Stay alive."

For more infomation >> [LOONA] Yves x The Hunger Games - Duration: 0:41.


Surf da cani - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Surf da cani - Duration: 1:11.


Park&Zhong 고민상담소 새우초밥편📋💚 ENG SUB-مترجم بالعربي - Duration: 52:39.

For more infomation >> Park&Zhong 고민상담소 새우초밥편📋💚 ENG SUB-مترجم بالعربي - Duration: 52:39.


大考验来了!王俊凯给粉丝说了一句莫名其妙的话,真爱粉秒懂! - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> 大考验来了!王俊凯给粉丝说了一句莫名其妙的话,真爱粉秒懂! - Duration: 2:42.


Making an Emotional Guitar Beat for Juice WRLD | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 19:00.

(Prod. by Georgie)

For more infomation >> Making an Emotional Guitar Beat for Juice WRLD | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 19:00.


Idols Who Sued Their Own Entertainment Company | Kpop Idol /Entertainment Company Lawsuits - Duration: 5:52.

Welcome to my channel 'Kai Let's Kpop'. so today

I shall be talking about idols who sued

their own company . it's not like idols will

always seem to be enduring the way their

entertainment company wants to be

sometimes entertainment companies do things that

are purely unfair with their own

celebrities , which basically means


their contracts. Not all but

however some idols sued their own

entertainment company. so i will tell you the names of the idols

today. So i ll talk about three idol groups

who sued their own entertainment company.

Number 1 DBSK (TVXQ). TVXQ is a boy group

formed by SM Entertainment in the year 2003.

They were a group of 5 members. Now

TVXQ is duo consisting of

U-know Yunho and Max Changmin. The former member of

TVXQ are Hero Jaejoon , Mickey

Yoochun , XIan Junsu.

On 31st july 2009 TVXQ filed a lawsuit against

SM Entertainment. The members included in the lawsuit

were Hero Jaejoon , Mickey Yoochun ,

Xian Junsu. In the lawsuit it is claimed that their 13 year old

contract is exclusively long. Schedules were

held out without the permission or consent of the members

of the group. Contract terms had been changed or exchanged without the

knowledge of the group. Also the group's earnings were not

fairly distributed among the members of the group. The lawsuit on

SM Entertainment made a big

effect causing them to drop their stock price

upto 10% . In response to the lawsuit 1200,000

fans signed a petition

against SM Entertainment's exclusive long

contract to the Seoul District Court.

However the lawsuit came to an end in the year 2012

in 28th november. Number 2 B.A.P

B.A.P is known as

Best Absolutely Perfect. B.A.P. is formed by

TS Entertainment . BAP is a 6 member idol group consisting of

Bang Yong Guk , Zelo , Youngjae , Daehyun , Himchan and

Yong-gup. In the year 2014 BAP filed a

against their own entertainment company

TS Entertainment. In the lawsuit

it is claimed that TS entertainment violated civil rights

and went against what is outlined by the

Fair Trade Commission. Profits which were made from the group were not

among the members of the group.

which means that TS is collecting most of the

profits and leaving the group with only a

small fraction of their earnings.

Since BAP debuted in the year 2012 they made

over 9 million dollars. over which

each member received only

16 thousand usd dollars. Group member

Daehyun's vocal coach has

come forward backing the group's claim.

On twitter he stated various mis-management by the company done to the group

He revealed that the company wouldn't give

any details of their bank accounts when it

were asked

Also the company didn't allow them to meet their families

Lastly it is said that they had no cell phones

for 3 years to contact anyone. He also revealed

that the company's own CEO

started screaming and cursing

at the gorup member's families because

they were arguing to meet them.

However they were only allowed to meet

during their break time from their activites because

the families and the company were arguing constantly .

Later on TS entertainment released a statement.

that they are looking in to the details of the matter.

However they stated that the unfair contract clauses

and slave contracts never existed

and the mistreatment done

by the company to the artist never happened. In the year

2015 BAP returned to TS

entertainment after they reached a settlement.

In the year 2015 BAP returned back

to TS entertainment

after both the parties reached a settlement. Number 3

Luhan , Kris and Tao

from EXO . Luhan , Kris and Tao

were the

chinese members of the boy group EXO . EXO is formed by

SM entertainment in the year 2011. Luhan filed a lawsuit

against SM entertainment because they were violating human rights.

In june 2015 tao filed a lawsuit against

SM entertainment to terminate his contract

The specific reason for

the lawsuit was

his health concerns he was badly injured and

they didnt had any concerns towards him because

he had to work non stop according

to their schedules . In the year 2014 Kris Wu filed a lawsuit against sm entertainment

to breach

his contract. however in the year 2015

SM Entertainment filed a lawsuit against

against Kris Wu

claiming that his illegal activities infringed on the rights of


and SM entertainment .

stating that his illegal activites had

caused great financial harm

to them and their partner

however in the end a settlement was reached by both the parties

by both the parties where it is stated that

he will be under management in Korea. so guys

thats all for today. i hope you like my video. what do you think

about the lawsuit made by the idols against

their entertainment companies. please like the video and share the video and dont forget to

subscribe to my channel lf you are a new

visitor. thank you for watching and drop down your comments below

if you have any opinions regarding the lawsuit

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