Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Youtube daily report May 29 2018

Stir Fried Liver with Garlic and Pepper

Stir Fried Liver with Garlic and Pepper

Pork Liver 100-300 g


Garlic 10-15

Dried chili 15-20

Oyster sauce 1 tbsp

Soy sauce 1 tsp

Fish sauce 1 tsp


Spring onion 1-2

Coriander 1-2


Pork Liver


Dried chili


Oyster sauce

Soy sauce

Fish sauce

Kaffir lime leaves

Spring onion


For more infomation >> ตับคั่วพริกแห้งกระเทียม | FoodTravel ทำอาหาร - Duration: 5:56.


Seat Ibiza - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza - Duration: 1:12.


Land Rover Andere - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Andere - Duration: 1:11.


ตับคั่วพริกแห้งกระเทียม Stir Fried Liver with Garlic and Pepper | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 1:40.

Stir Fried Liver with Garlic and Pepper


Pork Liver 100-300 g

Garlic 10-15

Dried chili 15-20


Oyster sauce 1 tbsp

Soy sauce 1 tsp

Fish sauce 1 tsp

Kaffir lime leaves

Spring onion 1-2

Coriander 1-2

1-2 serve

For more infomation >> ตับคั่วพริกแห้งกระเทียม Stir Fried Liver with Garlic and Pepper | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 1:40.


Mazda CX-3 2.0 SkyActiv-G 120 GT-M Vision Automaat Navi DAB+ Rijbaan Assistent - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 2.0 SkyActiv-G 120 GT-M Vision Automaat Navi DAB+ Rijbaan Assistent - Duration: 1:07.


Berlusconi: "Al voto unica soluzione Centrodestra unito. Vinceremo anche grazie... - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Berlusconi: "Al voto unica soluzione Centrodestra unito. Vinceremo anche grazie... - Duration: 5:10.


Grande Fratello stasera: fuori due concorrenti,ecco chi rischia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello stasera: fuori due concorrenti,ecco chi rischia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


霸道總裁張翰評價楊紫,遭網友調侃「前輩聽了想打人」 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 霸道總裁張翰評價楊紫,遭網友調侃「前輩聽了想打人」 - Duration: 4:22.


Lättlagat med Jessica Frej - Godaste bearnaisesåsen - Duration: 4:13.

What would you choose?

A real Béarnaise sauce with browned butter-

-or a super quick tarragon sauce that only takes two minutes?

I'll show you how to make both.

You don't have to choose.

I thought I'd intentionally mess up the Béarnaise sauce so that it breaks-

-so I can show you how to save it.

You need lots of saucepans to make Béarnaise sauce.

Other than that it's not that hard.

While the butter melts I prepare the reduction that gives the flavor.

It contains shallots, but yellow onions work too.

Later I'll strain out the onions, so it doesn't matter how I chop it - very nice.

1 deciliter water.

I add a little tarragon now, and then I'll add more later.

I've got some fresh tarragon here-

-and that's only to let you know that you don't need any fresh tarragon.

I think dried works just as fine.

Tarragon is one of the few herbs that has more flavor when it's dried.

The reduction is finished, so I'll strain it into another saucepan.

In order for this to become a Béarnaise sauce I need egg yolks.

You can save the egg whites and put them in the freezer-

-and take them out when you're making a meringue cake.

I think I have to change into a bigger whisk... There we go.

Now it's time to whisk it.

The heat from the butter is what makes this into a sauce.

If it's too warm, it'll break.

You can see that it's getting thicker.

I don't like it too thick, like the cold ones from the store.

They aren't even real, because they don't contain any butter-

-but are made from oil.

If it did contain butter it would become rock hard.

If I were to put this one in the fridge it'd becomes just as hard-

-as a pack of butter from the fridge.

It's so perfect that it hurts inside to destroy it, only to save it later.

I don't think I've ever made one so perfect before!

Why am I doing this to myself?

Now I'm going to heat this up until it breaks-

-and then I'll show you how to save it.

Turn up the heat, because that's what makes it break - too much heat.

It won't take long.

This is broken Béarnaise sauce, which won't make it any further in the competition.


This isn't very nice. It's grainy, the butter has separated from the yolks...

A very poor separation.

I use a clean saucepan and add a new yolk in here.

I add the broken Béarnaise sauce-

-in the same way that I added the butter earlier...

...and you'll see that it'll work.

And we're back! Just like magic.

Just as smooth and nice as it was before I ruined it.

If you don't want to whisk and whisk and whisk...

-I'll show you another great sauce with tarragon that doesn't take long at all.

2 tablespoons tarragon, 1 tablespoon chicken broth-

-1/2 tablespoon vinegar, 1 jar crème fraiche-

-and 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard.

Mix it together, bring it to a boil - finished.

This is a great sauce that works as a Béarnaise sauce-

-and it only takes about one minute.

But there's nothing that beats the original-

-and it's very easy to do.

Here's two great sauces that I'd love to enjoy with a spoon, just by myself!

The recipes are available at my YouTube channel-

-Lättlagat med Jessica Frej.

For more infomation >> Lättlagat med Jessica Frej - Godaste bearnaisesåsen - Duration: 4:13.


溫暖的弦:五對情侶,兩對最幸福,兩對難圓滿,一人最可憐! - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> 溫暖的弦:五對情侶,兩對最幸福,兩對難圓滿,一人最可憐! - Duration: 6:29.


Uomini e donne 29 maggio, oggi la scelta di Sara | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne 29 maggio, oggi la scelta di Sara | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:29.


《歸去來》書澈和蕭清定婚當天,父母被抓進去!書澈一把推開蕭清 - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> 《歸去來》書澈和蕭清定婚當天,父母被抓進去!書澈一把推開蕭清 - Duration: 6:07.


U&D oggi, la scelta di Sara: il rifiuto clamoroso in studio? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> U&D oggi, la scelta di Sara: il rifiuto clamoroso in studio? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.


《歸去來》大結局:繆盈接管了家族企業,並讓寧鳴和她一起管理 - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 《歸去來》大結局:繆盈接管了家族企業,並讓寧鳴和她一起管理 - Duration: 5:07.


Uomini e donne, la scelta di Sara: il pianto dopo le dure offese | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, la scelta di Sara: il pianto dopo le dure offese | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


Loredana Lecciso attaccata dai fan di Romina Power: interviene Rita Dalla Chiesa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso attaccata dai fan di Romina Power: interviene Rita Dalla Chiesa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


「違法捜査」指摘 地検控訴せず 一部無罪確定/埼玉県 - ニュース24x7 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 「違法捜査」指摘 地検控訴せず 一部無罪確定/埼玉県 - ニュース24x7 - Duration: 2:44.


Pikmi Pops - Out Now

For more infomation >> Pikmi Pops - Out Now


La casa è un antidepressivo - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> La casa è un antidepressivo - Duration: 4:09.


Crazyflie 2.0 - Autonomous Systems I project - Duration: 2:11.

Take off!

Clear rotors, taking off!

Identify chair!

Target acquired!

Land on chair!

Runway in sight!

Threat identified!


Threat neutralized.

For more infomation >> Crazyflie 2.0 - Autonomous Systems I project - Duration: 2:11.


✅ Handel in cryptomunten te beperkt om risico te zijn voor financiële stabiliteit - Duration: 3:00.

Wel is er een mogelijk probleem met crypto's als het gaat om het financieren van misdaad, oplichting en de grote verliezen waar particuliere beleggers mee te maken kunnen krijgen, meldt het Centraal Planbureau (CPB) in een dinsdag gepubliceerd rapport

Ook zet het planbureau vraagtekens bij het hoge energieverbruik. Het zogeheten minen van bitcoin is volgens onderzoek van Digiconomist goed voor 0,3 procent van het wereldwijde energieverbruik

In de toekomst kunnen wel risico's ontstaan als de handel in crypto's meer en meer verweven raakt met de reguliere handel

Verschillende financiële instellingen verkennen de mogelijkheid van crypto's voor hun internationale betalingen

Ook centrale banken wereldwijd onderzoeken of zij eigen vormen van digitale munten willen uitgeven

Dit gebeurt bijvoorbeeld in Zweden waar een digitale variant van contant geld is uitgegeven

Lening Een aantal Amerikaanse banken verbiedt consumenten om cryptovaluta aan te schaffen met hun creditcards

Nederlandse banken hebben zo'n verbod niet ingesteld. Circa 2 procent van de particuliere beleggers in Nederland financiert de aankoop met een lening

Daardoor lopen financiële instellingen in Nederland volgens het CPB geen grote risico's wanneer digitale munten zouden crashen

Opgepot Vooralsnog worden crypto's, waar vooral door particulieren in wordt geïnvesteerd, vooral opgepot in plaats van uitgegeven

Ongeveer 490.000 Nederlandse huishoudens bezitten crypto's. Dat komt neer op 6,5 procent

Volgens het CPB is deze manier van bewaren van waarde wel risicovol, omdat niet duidelijk is of een aan een token verbonden dienst ook daadwerkelijk wordt geleverd

Volgens het CPB is de toekomst van crypto's moeilijk te voorspellen. Een ineenstorting van de markt is denkbaar

Institutionele beleggers zullen zich niet zo snel wagen aan ongedekte blootstelling aan de munten

Strenger toezicht en een grotere vraag zorgen mogelijk voor stabielere prijzen. Zie ook: Bij beleggen in cryptogeld kan de koers ineens flink omlaag gaan

For more infomation >> ✅ Handel in cryptomunten te beperkt om risico te zijn voor financiële stabiliteit - Duration: 3:00.


항공모함의 탄생 / korean army 24h - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> 항공모함의 탄생 / korean army 24h - Duration: 7:07.


일본을 뒤흔든 록히드 스캔들 / korean army 24h - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> 일본을 뒤흔든 록히드 스캔들 / korean army 24h - Duration: 10:32.


APUSH FINAL PROJECT 2018 MS. BACON P.5 - Duration: 3:16.

The Constitution had never promised us better days, yeah

The Constitution had never promised us better days

The Constitution had never promised us better days

We sit abolished and still perceived as real estate

White men still segregate, we still receiving hate Our rights manipulated, how do we elevate

I mourn my brothers, grow colder and colder with every death Was the Passage really that bad? It was merely a step.

Their technique: make us weak and to dehumanize With all this trauma, they got us living all terrified

It's either that or embracing the fact that we in hell But it don't matter as long as the economy is well

No care for welfare, all they care for is putting us on sale

See I believe if God is real, he'll try to help us, man Because he loves us all and therefore lend a helping hand

Resolve our problems, give us blessings, a better life Instead of keeping us here where we still live in strife

You know we're bonded by these chains, kept in confines

But the only real pain come from inside But the only real pain come from inside

But the only real pain come from-

My brothers don't even names, that's how they die But the only real pain come from inside

But the only real pain come from inside But the only real pain come from-

Yeah, their cruel ambitions. Being free is really a fiction

Getting hurt was our fate achieved without discretion To see a million holding cotton baskets

They got a fear if they don't do it, they gon see their masters Where are our rights? This is our birthplace, judged by our race

Apparently three-fifths but we're still treated like we're primates Now the abolitionists are fighting 'gainst the slaves states

Now we got our freedom but the question that's at hand is what now?

The next step is go ahead and tackle civil liberty, then our ability to get our votes by

Genes were a pain because of racist views, and who are they to go and tell us what to do

We don't comply

It's patriotic that British tyrants are what you fight Cause they impeding all your rights which are also mine

We can't oblige dog you got us scarred

So live life then refer to God, you'll see who's barred Mister

You know we're bonded by these chains, kept in confines

But the only real pain come from inside

But the only real pain come from inside

But the only real pain come from-

My brothers don't even names, that's how they die

But the only real pain come from inside

But the only real pain come from inside

But the only real pain come from-

now that it's done Still getting shunned

This time pursued by them Jim Crows. Portrayal by all them minstrels

Had us all doubting and questioning ourselves

Though we fall, MLK had a dream we'd excel

Standing tall, after all of the pain they done dealt Count our flaws, through the color of skin we held, it's default

There is no valid reason. Our scars remind us of the truth that we're no longer bleeding, we're healing

the end :)

For more infomation >> APUSH FINAL PROJECT 2018 MS. BACON P.5 - Duration: 3:16.


Hardy_Sandhu_Naah_Full_Video_With_English_Subtitels_Norah_Fatehi_Sony_Music_India - Duration: 3:16.

She says...

She says...

She says...

Buy me sandals, my love I say no way

Not a chance, beloved

My ears yearn for earrings, my love

I say no way

Not a chance, beloved

All I have is love

This is not how to doom a poor man you shove

All I have is love

This is not how...

Everyone has a bungalow, she says

I say no way

Not a chance, beloved

She says...

Buy me sandals, my love I say no way

Not a chance, beloved

She says...

She says...

She says...

If you want to do tantrums

To be with someone else you are welcome

If you cannot love me

You are as good as dead for me

If you want to do hey baby tantrums

To be with someone else you are welcome

If you cannot love me

You are as good as dead for me

I've only 2 dresses left, she says

I say no way

Not a chance, beloved

She says...

Buy me sandals, my love I say no way

Not a chance, beloved

She says...

She says...

I sometimes feel like

Giving you to the moon

But you'll never be satisfied

I know, I am no fool

I sometimes feel like

Giving you to the moon

But you'll never be satisfied

I know, I am no fool

She says, there are millions like you, my love

I say no way

Not a chance, beloved

She says...

Buy me sandals, my love I say no way

Not a chance, beloved

She says...

She says...

She says...

For more infomation >> Hardy_Sandhu_Naah_Full_Video_With_English_Subtitels_Norah_Fatehi_Sony_Music_India - Duration: 3:16.


Давид Якобашвили - Детские мечты миллиардеров | Forbes - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Давид Якобашвили - Детские мечты миллиардеров | Forbes - Duration: 0:50.


Comment utiliser notre TEMPS de TRANSPORTS pour RÉFLÉCHIR ? - Duration: 7:52.

For more infomation >> Comment utiliser notre TEMPS de TRANSPORTS pour RÉFLÉCHIR ? - Duration: 7:52.


走過路過,不要錯過!2018歐美單曲Top50 - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> 走過路過,不要錯過!2018歐美單曲Top50 - Duration: 13:01.


Seksowna Jennifer Lopez w sportowych ciuszkach otworzyła wspólny biznes z ukochanym Alexem! - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Seksowna Jennifer Lopez w sportowych ciuszkach otworzyła wspólny biznes z ukochanym Alexem! - Duration: 4:31.


✅ La première femme qui accuse Tariq Ramadan de viol fait évoluer sa version - Duration: 3:20.

JUSTICE - L'enquête sur les accusations de viols contre Tariq Ramadan se poursuit. Entendu par les juges, Henda Ayari, la première femme a avoir accusé l'islamologue a fait évoluer sa version, selon franceinfo

Une information confirmée quelques minutes plus tard par la plaignante elle même, sur les réseaux sociaux. "J'ai été entendu par les juges et non les enquêteurs

Après de longues recherches, j'ai retrouvé des éléments importants (date et lieu) qui prouvent que je n'ai jamais menti contrairement à ce que dit l'avocat de TR qui veut me faire passer pour une menteuse!", écrit Henda Ayari

Quelques minutes plus tôt, franceinfo écrivait que la femme de 41 ans, ancienne salafiste devenue militante féministe avait fait évoluer sa version auprès des juges

Si elle décrit toujours la même violence dans les actes de Tariq Ramadan, elle explique que le viol s'est déroulé au Crown Plaza, dans le 11e arrondissement de la capitale et non à l'Holiday Inn, proche de la gare de l'Est comme elle l'affirmait auparavant depuis sa plainte d'octobre 2017

Henda Ayari a également daté précisément le viol, évoquant le 26 mai 2012, soit deux mois avant la période énoncée lors de sa plainte

Depuis sa plainte, Henda Ayari a longuement fouillé dans ses notes "agendas, répertoires, relevés de comptes et talons de chèques de l'époque", explique franceinfo

De nouvelles informations qui agacent Emmanuel Marsigny, l'avocat de Tariq Ramadan. "On change d'hôtel, on change de date, bientôt on changera aussi d'auteur des faits

Tout ceci n'est pas sérieux", cingle-t-il. L'islamologue, atteint d'une sclérose en plaques dont le traitement a été jugé compatible avec la détention par une expertise, est écroué depuis sa mise en examen le 2 février 2017 pour deux viols présumés, dont l'un sur une personne vulnérable, qu'il conteste vigoureusement

L'enquête a été déclenchée en octobre par les plaintes de deux femmes, dans le sillage du scandale Weinstein aux Etats-Unis

Elles ont été rejointes en mars par une troisième. Cette dernière a affirmé avoir été violée en France, à Londres et à Bruxelles à neuf reprises entre 2013 et 2014

Cette ancienne escort-girl, protagoniste au côté notamment de l'ex-directeur général du FMI Dominique Strauss-Kahn dans l'affaire pour proxénétisme de l'hôtel Carlton de Lille, doit être bientôt auditionnée par les juges français

L'audition prévue le 5 juin de Tariq Ramadan - la première depuis sa garde à vue - pourrait conduire à une nouvelle mise en examen pour ces faits

Une quatrième femme a également déposé une plainte pour viol à Genève. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> ✅ La première femme qui accuse Tariq Ramadan de viol fait évoluer sa version - Duration: 3:20.


Paroles de diplômés – Executive MBA Stratégies et Consulting Promotion 2017 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Paroles de diplômés – Executive MBA Stratégies et Consulting Promotion 2017 - Duration: 2:11.


171003 超美「打工美」上線 精彩現場照片搶先看! - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> 171003 超美「打工美」上線 精彩現場照片搶先看! - Duration: 0:41.


K-9 국산 자주포, 북유럽 누빌까 / korean army 24h - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> K-9 국산 자주포, 북유럽 누빌까 / korean army 24h - Duration: 5:44.


【MUKBANG】 Matsuya's New Spicy Cheese Potato Beef On Rice, Tartar Chicken..Etc [8Items]7000kcal[CC] - Duration: 5:55.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa! a matsuya haul featuring 3 of their limited edition dishes

tarutaru chicken bento X 2 bibin bowl X 2

beef and cheese on rice X 2 and since they looked so yummy I picked up some

onion and beef bowl X 2

8 dishes in total the one that I'm excited about is this cheezy beef bowl

Their hamburger bowl with brown sauce that I had of theirs was super delish as well

meat and beef go perfectly together (yep... she probably meant to say cheese)

itadakimasu the cheese hardens right away so lets eat it first

these matsuya bowls often come with this black pepper

its not black pepper its black chili

Just look at this it looks so yummy The stuff in the middle is potato

cheese is the bestest

cheese and potato are a perfect pairing

slightly sweet and nestled in fluffy potatoes is this cheese..... its so yummy

meat is also so yummy as well

Since we have this meat it goes so nicely with the rice

matsuya's meat is so tender and with a nice amount of fat I totes love it so much

This salad came with the tarutaru chicken meal but whatevs I'll eat it now

tastes so good with rice as well

Second helping When cheese gets cold it gets hard right away

but since the potato is so fluffy its still very yummy

this meat is so good

next up is this tarutaru chicken meal

lets add some of this chili

the chicken looks so yummy

I love the flavor of the sauce on it the sweet and savory sauce goes so nicely with the chicken

And even has onion

Since there's so much sauce lets Pour it over the rice

The rice taste so good with the added sauce

next we have this bibin bowl this seems like its a callback menu item

The runny egg looks so yummy

burdock and kimuchi/kimchee/gimchee/kimuchee beef and spinach

all sorts of things are in here

looks so yummy

the spicy kimchee/kimuchi/gimchee is covered by the egg its so yummy

You're supposed to mix up this bibimbap

Get to taste all sorts of different vegetables its so good

last up is is the onion and egg bowl with beef

its got this egg on top

this one comes with black sesame

It smells amazing

The egg looks so pretty

I love the taste and Aroma of the onion it gives a nice fresh mouthfeel and taste

the egg really helps mellow out the flavors

Last mouthful itadakimasu


the one I liked the most was the cheezy potato and beef bowl

I love the flavor of potato and cheese together and beef bowls are so yummy of course

they're yummy on their own as well but its so awesome putting both of those yummy things together

the tartar chicken meal and bibin bowl were yummy as well It was all so yummy want you all please give it a try

And as always thank you for watching If there's anything you want me to do or you just please tell

me in the comments section below if you like this video Please set the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Matsuya's New Spicy Cheese Potato Beef On Rice, Tartar Chicken..Etc [8Items]7000kcal[CC] - Duration: 5:55.


R.G.P Goes to BCM in Busan! Pt. 1 - Duration: 10:00.

Sori's YouTube Channel

We're here~!

As you can see...

There's a huge banner of our show "idolm@ster.KR"


It's a bit warmer here.


Pretty warm!!

and pretty bright too..

Everyone's taking photos.

BCM! Busan Contents Market 2018!

We've arrived!

We're gonna be on stage for the opening ceremony

along with other things.

Shall we go inside?

We changed into our costumes

and on our way to rehearsal.

We've changed into our stage clothing and gonna rehearse.

This is Haseo of blue team at ping pong club.

Haseo, you're so cute!

That outfit really suits you.

It hardly fits me, I feel like I've gained a couple pounds.

(to section chief in front of Sori) Hey why are you laughing over there?

I'm on my way down to the convention floor,

and I can see fans waiting!

That makes me happy!

Busan Contents Market!

Dress rehearsal is on its way.

We just finished the rehearsal~

Do we have another one?

The 2nd rehearsal?

Ah, we're going to photo op.

To photo op, go go!

You've lost tons of weight, Sori unnie.

Slim Sori!

Busan, Busan!


Cutie pie Haseo!

Cutie pie Sori!

According to Haseo, her tummy is macaron~

From the exposed belly between the outfit.

I pulled up the skirt as much as I could.

You've got the tiniest feet!

Those shoes really fit Haseo!

They hurt though, from standing around too much.

Your legs are so thin!

Super friendly RGP!

My hair's...

(Jeewon) This ain't no mirror!

My bad~

The video isn't paused, guys.

This thing's pretty heavy...

This thing's heavy,

Can someone else hold this?

(Checking the makeup :D)

(Waiting for their turn to start)

Please come over and see us!

For the next song~

We're gonna sing "Ping Pong Game"

(While waiting, we practiced what to say on stage ^^)

Let's do this!

..2 3! Hello everyone!

From drama to reality, we're Real Girls Project!!

Thank you so much!

Both in the drama, and in real life, we're working super hard!

Please give us more support,

We also have our own booth at the convention, so please come check us out as well!

Thank you so much!

For the next song, We're gonna sing "Ping Pong Game!"

We felt grateful for so many people coming and watching us.

We finished our performance without a hitch.

Then, we visited our "idolm@ster.KR" booth.

There is our booth!

This is an unseen footage, that I didn't know about.

None of us knew about this...

There's no Jeewon in here.

Our posters here, "idolm@ster..."


and a bunch of dramas from "God in Media"

"My Secret Romance..."

So, this is our booth!

Which one are you talking about, Jeewon?

Can you show us?

This is probably from the photoshoot in Japan

I have pink hair back then.


It's really...


pretty too!

Even though it's not a mirror, but I'm using it like one.

The resolution on this one's crazy!

Isn't it?

I wanna take one of our merchs

That was the first time we sang "Ping Pong Game" in a while...

Can you hold up the camera a little bit up?

The music came on all the sudden and I briefly froze up.

I made some mistakes, I think.

I was supposed to go left but I went stage left.

I really froze up for a sec.

I haven't made any particular mistakes, but that was my first show after I dyed my hair,

and I wonder what people's receptions were.

Would they be surprised?

It was pretty "fresh!" I bet no-one expected that.

You think so?

I'm bummed out that I made mistakes.

This camera's really good though!

Would you like to come with me?

You think this camera's good?

I'm getting pretty good shots.

I thought you're saying I'm pretty.

We're moving to the next stage~


Hey, ain't this the same camera from before?!

That camera!

Today's schedule is over!

Thank you so much!

Busan's trip's wrapped up!


I'm doing the spin-o-rama!

They caught me being nuts all by myself,


Thank you so much!

Thanks for coming!

Hope to see you soon!


The trip to BEXCO has come to an end.

Shall we move on then?

Thanks for the hard work today!

We're on our way to get dinner.




Anne of Green Gables is walking ahead of us.

It's getting cold~

Woah, cold!


It's Jeewon...

She says she's no Anne. lol

Alright, Redhead Won then.

Anyways, we're going to go have dinner.

I call the shotgun!

Alright, so long~

Everyone say goodbye!

Goodbye everyone, so long!

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> R.G.P Goes to BCM in Busan! Pt. 1 - Duration: 10:00.


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For more infomation >> 走過路過,不要錯過!2018歐美單曲Top50 - Duration: 13:01.


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