Monday, May 28, 2018

Youtube daily report May 28 2018


"On the landward side, a fearful black cloud was rent by forked and quivering bursts of flame,

and parted to reveal great tongues of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified in size."

That's what Pliny the Younger, nephew of the naturalist Pliny the Elder, wrote

after watching Mount Vesuvius erupt and cover the city of Pompeii with ash in 79 CE.

And that line ends with the first known report of a phenomenon called volcanic lightning,

where lightning streaks across the black clouds of ash and smoke above an explosive eruption,

even without a thunderstorm in sight.

But despite centuries of scientific study, and millennia of first-hand observations,

we still don't fully understand why volcanic lightning happens in the first place.

Though it probably has something to do with all that ash moving through the air.

Volcanic lightning generally happens during explosive eruptions that release

huge ash clouds high into the atmosphere,

so the most popular explanation is that all that ash somehow causes the lightning.

Like we've talked about before here on SciShow, lightning in a regular thunderstorm happens

when water vapor, dust, and ice crystals rub against each other.

Electric charges jump to some molecules more easily than others,

so all that rubbing creates a huge charge imbalance,

which eventually gets evened out by a sudden burst of moving charge in the form a lightning bolt.

Scientists still disagree on some of the details, though,

since lightning can be hard to study directly.

But studying regular lightning is a piece of cake compared to studying volcanic lightning.

The explosive eruptions that cause it also tend to come with

noxious fumes, earthquakes, and clouds of super-hot ash.

But scientists, and photographers, are persistent.

And most of those scientists studying volcanic lightning think that it happens

directly because of those huge clouds of ash.

The idea is that the ash rubs together in the air just like water does in a normal thundercloud,

creating a similar sort of charge imbalance.

And once the imbalance is big enough, you get a bolt of lightning.

Laboratory experiments have reproduced the effect on a small scale,

and scientists have even been able to track ash mixing as the

charge builds up around it above an eruption.

Which seems like a pretty conclusive case that ash causes volcanic lightning,

but some researchers have said that we shouldn't be so quick to jump on the ashy bandwagon.

Since water causes regular lightning,

they think we should take another look at the water involved in an eruption.

The idea of water in a volcano might seem kind of weird at first, but enormous volumes

of water can be dissolved in the molten rock that bubbles to the surface during an eruption.

That water boils in the heat of the eruption, which could lead to water molecules rubbing

together in volcanic clouds just like they do in normal thunderstorms.

Or all that water could coat the ashy particles flying around,

changing how the clouds charge up.

And a growing group of scientists think that this is the primary source of volcanic lightning.

Now, claiming that water causes volcanic lightning isn't new; it goes back at least to the

late 1700s, when scientists knew far less about volcanoes than they do now.

But research in the last couple decades has breathed new life into the idea.

Many clouds leading to volcanic lightning seem to balloon out at similar altitudes

as normal, water-based clouds, which means that water is likely an important component

of them, and helps determine their behavior.

On top of that, charges tend to be distributed in those clouds

just like they are in normal thunderclouds.

So based on the evidence we have right now,

it seems like ash is the primary cause of most volcanic lightning,

with water and other conditions of the atmosphere playing something of a supporting role.

But like anything in science, that might change as we continue to learn more.

And if you were ever to find yourself in Pliny's position, near an eruption that seems

big enough to end the world, and then lightning starts flashing around you,

you should probably not stop to wonder if it's ash or steam to blame.

Just, you know, get out of there!

Because there have been some cases of volcanic lightning causing destruction

down here on the ground,

like the strikes during the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 that caused forest fires.

There are even a few very rare cases of volcanic lightning killing people.

But even though some volcanic lightning can strike about a hundred kilometers

from the eruption, it usually stays much closer.

So if you're close enough to a volcano that you might be hit by lightning coming straight

down from the ash cloud, you probably have bigger concerns, anyway.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you like learning about weird weather phenomena,

check out our episode on how animals can rain down from the sky.


For more infomation >> Volcanic Lightning: Because Exploding Mountains Aren't Bad Enough - Duration: 4:17.


Panini Bread Recipe/Best sandwich bread recipe/How to make panini bread at home - Duration: 7:32.

A panini or panino is an Italian word which means a small bread is a Grilled

sandwich made from bread other than sliced bread

we cut the bread horizontally and fill it with our favorite fillings and often

served warm after having been pressed in a warming grill or any type of contact

grill they are crispy they are beautiful and they are so tasty and today let's

see how to make this a panini in a quick and easy method In a bowl take 160

milliliters of warm milk and add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1/2 a teaspoon of

active dried yeast yeast always need a sweet and warm environment to bloom up

so stir them well until the sugar and yeast get dissolved completely and

keep it aside for the yeast to get activated in the meantime let's measure

the dry ingredients here we are taking 2 cups of flour and 3/4 teaspoon of salt

now for our yeast got activated so we are going to add 30 grams of softened

butter into this and then adding the dry ingredients and mixing them together

until everything is well combined and then transfer this on to a lightly

floured work surface and then we need to knead the dough for 6 to 8 minutes

while making a bread we don't need to be very precise in the measurements but we

should know the consistency of the final dough we can add one or two tablespoons

of water or flour accordingly and our final dough should be soft and


so in this easy method of bread making we are now jumping on to dividing and

shaping the dough so bring the dough into the shape of a log so that we can

divide them into equal pieces and then take each piece of dough and shape them

into either oval shape or into a rectangular shape according to your

preference and place them onto a baking sheet lined with a parchment paper

In this easy recipe we don't need that double proofing So we need to cover them

up with a damp cloth or with a plastic film and let them sit and rise and puff

up in a warm environment for two hours or until they gain their shape before

baking so unlike baking a regular bread this bread need a lower

temperature around 350 to 375 Fahrenheit for up to 20 to 22 minutes Bake until

the bread is cooked but at the same time we don't want that golden color on top

and be careful not to over bake the bread until they become crusty so now

after two hours they have puffed up and now they are ready to go into the


so after baking let them cool down completely if you want to store them for

long just wrap it tightly with a parchment paper

keep it inside a ziplock bag and keep it in the freezer and whenever you need

just take it out bring it to room temperature slice the bread fill it with

your favorite fillings and Grill it

so now our bread has cooled down completely and that we can slice them

and fill it with any of your favorite fillings here I have used some fresh

tomatoes as fresh mozzarella cheese and some fresh herbs and I'm using a

sandwich maker to grill the bread

just heat until we get that melted cheese crispy finish and the beautiful

grill marks on the outside they are nice and crispy and they are so beautiful

they are so tasty I really hope you like the recipe and I hope you will try this

recipe at home and I'm sure you will love it and thank you so much for your

love and support and thanks for watching this video and please don't forget to

share this recipe with your loved ones and for more recipes please don't forget

to subscribe this channel

For more infomation >> Panini Bread Recipe/Best sandwich bread recipe/How to make panini bread at home - Duration: 7:32.


Romina Carrisi Power contenta della pace tra Albano e Romina | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Romina Carrisi Power contenta della pace tra Albano e Romina | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:37.


Colpo di scena a Uomini e donne: Gemma e Giorgio ancora innamorati? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Colpo di scena a Uomini e donne: Gemma e Giorgio ancora innamorati? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.


Hulk e Magneto contro pulci e pesci elettrici - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Hulk e Magneto contro pulci e pesci elettrici - Duration: 2:41.


Volkswagen Polo New 1.0 75PK 5-deurs Comfortline | Bluetooth telefoon - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo New 1.0 75PK 5-deurs Comfortline | Bluetooth telefoon - Duration: 1:04.


Mazda MX-5 RF 2.0 Skyactiv-G 160pk GTM - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 RF 2.0 Skyactiv-G 160pk GTM - Duration: 1:08.


Mairie de Barcelone : la candidature de Manuel Valls se précise - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Mairie de Barcelone : la candidature de Manuel Valls se précise - Duration: 2:57.


Si rischia un netto calo di ascolti per Uomini e Donne dopo l'abbandono di Gemma e Marco? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Si rischia un netto calo di ascolti per Uomini e Donne dopo l'abbandono di Gemma e Marco? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:47.


최순실 선고 김세윤 부장판사 프로필 "사건 정리 최태민 박근혜 남편 정윤회 딸 정유라"|K-News - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> 최순실 선고 김세윤 부장판사 프로필 "사건 정리 최태민 박근혜 남편 정윤회 딸 정유라"|K-News - Duration: 11:11.


Julien Cour­bet bien­tôt sur M6 : l'ani­ma­teur dévoile la réac­tion de Cyril Hanouna - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Julien Cour­bet bien­tôt sur M6 : l'ani­ma­teur dévoile la réac­tion de Cyril Hanouna - Duration: 4:26.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk Automatic S Edition - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk Automatic S Edition - Duration: 1:08.


Roland-Garros : matches interrompus par la pluie - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Roland-Garros : matches interrompus par la pluie - Duration: 2:04.


Sing Along ABC Songs

For more infomation >> Sing Along ABC Songs


#PergiUntukPulang - EIGER Ramadan 1439 H (2018) - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> #PergiUntukPulang - EIGER Ramadan 1439 H (2018) - Duration: 4:57.


H罩杯被酸假奶…辣模讓人「揉捏實測」! 6秒晃動片打臉:誰敢說硬 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> H罩杯被酸假奶…辣模讓人「揉捏實測」! 6秒晃動片打臉:誰敢說硬 - Duration: 3:58.


Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan. #2 - Duration: 9:39.

Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan. #2

'He never got near my father'.

At trial, defense lawyer Grant Cooper made the decision not to contest the charge that Sirhan fired the fatal shot and instead tried to persuade the jury not to impose the death penalty by arguing Sirhan had "diminished capacity" and didn't know what he was doing.

It is a standard tactic by attorneys in death-penalty cases, but Cooper, who died in 1990, was widely criticized for not investigating the case before conceding guilt.

Sirhan is now 74 and approaching 50 years behind bars.

After California's courts abolished the death penalty in 1972, he was first made eligible for parole in 1986 but has been rejected repeatedly.

In 2016, Schrade spoke on Sirhan's behalf at his parole hearing and apologized for not coming forward sooner to advocate for Sirhan's release and exoneration.

California inmates are not permitted to give media interviews, and Sirhan did not respond to a letter from The Post.

But his brother, Munir Sirhan, said Sirhan still hopes to be released and that his defense team probably hurt his case more than helped it.

There's plenty of damning evidence against Sirhan.

He confessed to the killing at trial, although he claims this was done on his attorney's instruction.

He took hours of target practice with his pistol earlier in the day, and he took the gun into the Ambassador Hotel that night.

He had been seen at a Kennedy speech at the Ambassador two days earlier.

He had a newspaper clipping critical of Kennedy in his pocket and had written "RFK must die" in notebooks at home, although he said he didn't remember doing that.

And he waited in the pantry for about 30 minutes, according to witnesses who said he asked if Kennedy would be coming through there.

But questions about the case arose almost immediately in Los Angeles, resulting in hearings and reinvestigations as early as 1971 by the district attorney, the police chief, the county board of supervisors and the county superior court.

Many of them focused on the ballistics of the case, starting with Noguchi's finding that Kennedy had been shot from behind, which Sirhan's lawyer didn't raise in his defense.

In addition, lead crime scene investigator DeWayne Wolfer testified at trial that a bullet taken from Kennedy's body and bullets from two of the wounded victims all matched Sirhan's gun.

But other experts who examined the three bullets said they had markings from different guns and different bullet manufacturers.

An internal police document concluded that "Kennedy and Weisel bullets not fired from same gun" — Weisel was the wounded ABC News producer — and "Kennedy bullet not fired from Sirhan's revolver.".

This prompted a Los Angeles judge in 1975 to convene a panel of seven forensic experts, who examined the three bullets and refired Sirhan's gun.

The panel said no match could be made between the three bullets, which appeared to be fired from the same gun, and Sirhan's revolver.

They found Wolfer had done a sloppy job with the ballistics evidence and urged further investigation.

In addition, witnesses said bullet holes were found in the door frames of the Ambassador's pantry, and photos showed investigators examining the holes in the hours after the shooting.

Between the three bullets that hit Kennedy and the bullets that hit the five wounded victims, Wolfer had accounted for all eight of Sirhan's shots.

Bullets in the doors would indicate a second gun.

Wolfer later said the holes and the metal inside were not bullets, and the door frames were destroyed after the trial.

Though Los Angeles authorities had promised transparency in the case, the police and prosecutors refused to release their files until 1988, when they produced a flood of new evidence for researchers.

Among the material was an audiotape, first unearthed by CNN journalist Brad Johnson, which had been inadvertently made by Polish journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski in the Ambassador Hotel's ballroom, and turned over to police in 1969.

Pruszynski's microphone had been on the podium where Kennedy spoke, and TV footage shows him detaching it and moving toward the pantry as the shooting happens.

In 2005, audio engineer Philip Van Praag said the tape revealed that about 13 shots had been fired.

 He said he used technology similar to that of the ShotSpotter used by police to alert them to gunshots, and which differentiates gunshots from firecrackers or other loud bangs.

Van Praag said recently that different guns create different resonances and that he was able to establish that two guns were fired, that they fired in different directions, and that some of the shot "impulses" were so close together they couldn't have been fired by the same gun.

He said he could not say "precisely" 13 shots but certainly more than the eight contained by Sirhan's gun.

"There were too many bullets," Robert F.

Kennedy Jr. said.

"You can't fire 13 shots out of an eight-shot gun.".

British author Mel Ayton wrote "The Forgotten Terrorist," which posits that Sirhan killed Kennedy because he supported sending military firepower to Israel — the Sirhans were Christian Palestinians forced from their Jerusalem home by Israel in 1948.

He said Van Praag had misinterpreted the Pruszynski tape and that other experts who examined it show only eight "spikes," one for each gunshot.

Ayton also cited numerous eyewitnesses who said they heard at most eight shots.

Ayton and investigative reporter Dan Moldea, who also wrote a book about the assassination, argue that Sirhan's gun could have reached Kennedy's back.

No witnesses saw the actual shots fired in the chaos of the pantry, and Moldea noted that Kennedy almost certainly turned and tried to protect himself after the first shot, which some said was preceded by Sirhan yelling, "Kennedy, you son of a b__!".

"What were Kennedy's last words?" Moldea asked during an interview.

"'How's Paul?' How would Kennedy know Paul had been injured if he had not been turned around.

He turned around when Sirhan rushes towards him, yelling 'you son of a b__ Kennedy.' Kennedy's not going to just stand there.

He turns his back defensively.".

Moldea theorized that Schrade fell forward into Kennedy, pinning him against a table and pushing him into the muzzle of Sirhan's gun, enabling him to fire four contact shots into Kennedy.

One shot went through his jacket without hitting Kennedy, one went into his back and stopped below his neck, one went through his armpit and one went into his brain.

But Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

doesn't find those theories persuasive.

For more infomation >> Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan. #2 - Duration: 9:39.


Witness recounts fatal Border Patrol shooting of young Guatemalan woman in Texas - Duration: 11:09.

Witness recounts fatal Border Patrol shooting of young Guatemalan woman in Texas

RIO BRAVO, Texas - Marta Martinez was in her bedroom about a mile from the border in south Texas on Wednesday, preparing to attend her sons end-of-year award ceremony at school, when she heard a gunshot.

She told her children to stay inside and rushed out to see a Border Patrol agent with a gun in his hand.

It was not unusual for Martinez, 39, born and raised in the area, to see agents chasing migrants who had crossed the border illegally.

But this time, she said, she confronted a gruesome scene: outside her room, the body of a young woman lay bleeding on the ground, shot in the head.

When I started to film and I saw the woman, I got mad, so I started shouting at the man, Martinez said.

The shooting in a residential area about 15 miles southeast of Laredo has stirred controversy from south Texas to Central America at a time when President Trumps administration has vowed to crack down on illegal immigration.


Border Patrol officials initially said the agent fired after migrants attacked him, but backpedaled Friday as the victims relatives in Guatemala, Martinez and other border-area residents called for a deeper investigation into the circumstances of the killing.

The agent, a 15-year veteran, was responding to a report of illegal activity near a culvert when he discovered migrants around 12:30 p.m.

Wednesday, the Border Patrol said in its initial statement.

The statement said the agent fired after being attacked by migrants armed with blunt objects, which officials described as two-by-four pieces of lumber.

The agent then fatally wounded one of the assailants, the statement said.

On Friday, the agency released a second statement saying the migrants rushed the officer after ignoring orders to get on the ground.

The second statement did not mention blunt objects and called the gunshot victim a member of the group. The agent, who has not been identified, was placed on administrative leave.


Customs and Border Protection canceled a news conference about the shooting Friday.

An FBI spokeswoman declined to comment due to the ongoing investigation.

Webb County Medical Examiner Corinne Stern and the Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Affairs identified the shooting victim as Claudia Patricia Gomez Gonzalez, 20, of San Juan Ostuncalco, Guatemala.

Gomez had studied accounting but was unable to find a job and left to work in the U.S.

out of necessity, her aunt, Dominga Vicente, told reporters in Guatemala City on Friday.

This is not the first person dying in the United States, Vicente told Guatevision TV.

There are many people that have been treated like animals, and that isnt what we should do as people..

Gomezs mother, Lidia Gonzalez Vasquez, said she wanted her daughters body returned.

She left home 15 days ago, saying: Mamita, were going to go on ahead, Ill make money.

Theres no work here, Gonzalez said.

But shamefully they killed her.

The migration killed her..

Carlos Narez, secretary of the National Council for Migrant Assistance in Guatemala, joined Gomezs relatives at the Friday briefing and called for an exhaustive, impartial investigation.

On Saturday, Narez tweeted, The Border Patrol changes its version and sows doubts about the death of an immigrant.

Gomez, whose nickname was Princesita, or Little Princess, was on her way to Virginia to join her boyfriend, Morales Yosimar, who posted photos of her and expressed his grief on Facebook.

She was assassinated, he wrote, while trying to make them a couple again.

For those questioning the official account of the shooting, Martinez - the neighbor who saw the aftermath - is a key witness.

Martinez said she often sees the Border Patrol chasing migrants near her home not far from the Rio Grande.

The river is just 10 or 15 houses away from here.

Immigrants just pass by my house running away, scared, trying to hide, she said Saturday.

They have never knocked on my door.

They have never tried to hurt me.

They just run away trying to hide behind trees and the grass.

Immigration agents chase them; they run away scared..

But in her 20 years in the area, there had never been a chase involving shooting, she said.

Before emerging from her house Wednesday, Martinez said, she never heard [the agent] tell her to stop.

Outside, she began recording with her cellphone and broadcasting on Facebook Live.

Martinez said she saw the same agent yell at three young male immigrants, See what happens? Do you see what you caused?.

I didnt think; I just started filming.

I always have my phone at hand; Im always filming everything.

My family always says, Be careful, take away her phone because she is going to film us! Martinez said.

But this was her first time filming law enforcement.

Several other agents had already arrived.

The officers were telling me that I could not film, she recalled.

I told them that I was filming them live, that I was going to expose them on Facebook..

Martinez watched an officer flip Gomezs body over and begin chest compressions in a grassy lot.

She said it wasnt clear what the migrants had been doing before the shooting.

I dont know if they attacked or not because I didnt see, she said - but she didnt see the migrants armed nor any two-by-fours in the area.

In the video, a uniformed officer can be seen performing chest compressions.

The young womans face was covered with dirt on one side and blood on the other, Martinez said.

Thats when I saw that the young lady was not moving, she said.

Martinez kept filming as the agent captured two men who ran from the scene after the shooting and walked them through a vacant lot.

Martinez said she heard the agent say: This is what happens.

You see?.

She said she also heard the agent tell the men, Be quiet; you have weapons.

Border Patrol said agents arrested three migrants at the scene who had crossed the border illegally.

Martinez can be heard in the video yelling in Spanish as the officer led the men to his vehicle.

Why do you mistreat them? Why did you shoot the girl? You killed her.

He killed the girl. Shes there.

Shes dead.

I saw you with the gun! she yelled.

After the shooting, she noticed Border Patrol agents driving by her familys house in their green-and-white vehicles, stopping just outside.

She later spoke with FBI investigators, and said she trusts they will investigate thoroughly.

Martinez has received hundreds of messages, including from Gomezs neighbor and cousin, who described her as humble and studious - a good person.

For more infomation >> Witness recounts fatal Border Patrol shooting of young Guatemalan woman in Texas - Duration: 11:09.


'OMG This Is Wrong!' Retired English Teacher Corrects a White House Letter and Sends It Back - Duration: 6:31.

'OMG This Is Wrong!' Retired English Teacher Corrects a White House Letter and Sends It Back

The notes were sprawled across a letter bearing President Trump's signature.

In the top left corner: "Have y'all tried grammar style check?".

At the top right: "Federal is capitalized only when used as part of a proper noun.

And toward the bottom: "OMG this is WRONG!".

The letter, dated May 3 and printed on White House stationery, was addressed to Yvonne Mason, 61, a former high school English teacher who retired last year but hadn't quite left "grading-paper mode," she said on Sunday.

So when she received the letter in the mail, she pulled out her go-to purple pen and started making corrections.

Then she snapped a picture, posted the letter on Facebookand mailed it back to the White House.

"It was a poorly worded missive," she said.

"Poor writing is not something I abide.

If someone is capable of doing better, then they should do better.".

Mason, a Democrat who lives in Atlanta, had written to Mr Trump to ask that he visit each family of those who died in the shooting that killed 17 people at a school in Parkland, Fla., in February.

"I had written to them in anger, to tell you the truth," she said.

"I thought he owed it to these grieving families.".

The letter she received did not address her concerns, she said.

Instead, it listed a series of actions taken after the shooting, like listening sessions, meetings with lawmakers and the STOP School Violence Act, a bill that would authorize $500 million over 10 years for safety improvements at schools but had no provisions related to guns.

Then there were the grammatical errors.

"Nation" was capitalized, so was "states." Ms.

Mason circled both.

A sentence about a "rule" banning devices that turn legal guns into illegal machine guns was unclear.

"Explain 'rule,'" she wrote.

There was more. Much more.

"If my students turned that in they would get exactly the same marks," she said.

But she didn't correct everything.

"I did not mention the dangling modifier," she said.

"I focused mainly on mechanics.".

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The letter stood in contrast to other letters she has received from politicians, Ms.

Mason said.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, sent "beautiful" letters that struck a tone that "makes me more important than him," she said.

She has written to several legislators in South Carolina, where she taught Advanced Placement English language and composition.

Following up on a New Year's resolution, she has written a postcard to the White House every day since Jan.

1, she said.

When she was teaching, she wanted to show her students that their voices mattered, even if they weren't old enough to vote, she said.

"You're important.

You need to be a part of this, you need to pay attention to what's going on," she said.

When word spread about the corrected letter she had sent to the White House, Ms.

Mason received hundreds of messages from people across the country — some positive (a lawyer in Houston wanted to know if she would be interested in looking over his appellate briefs) and others venomous (one person suggested she "must be a lonely bitter hag with a lot of cats").

But Ms.

Mason wasn't focusing on the negativity.

"Let them have their day, bless their little hearts," she said.

"They aren't changing my mind.".

For more infomation >> 'OMG This Is Wrong!' Retired English Teacher Corrects a White House Letter and Sends It Back - Duration: 6:31.


23 Images That Show How Books Take Me On Adventures - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> 23 Images That Show How Books Take Me On Adventures - Duration: 3:13.


Gagner et perdre en équipe - Florian Amstutz - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Gagner et perdre en équipe - Florian Amstutz - Duration: 2:36.


Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan. #2 - Duration: 9:39.

Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan. #2

'He never got near my father'.

At trial, defense lawyer Grant Cooper made the decision not to contest the charge that Sirhan fired the fatal shot and instead tried to persuade the jury not to impose the death penalty by arguing Sirhan had "diminished capacity" and didn't know what he was doing.

It is a standard tactic by attorneys in death-penalty cases, but Cooper, who died in 1990, was widely criticized for not investigating the case before conceding guilt.

Sirhan is now 74 and approaching 50 years behind bars.

After California's courts abolished the death penalty in 1972, he was first made eligible for parole in 1986 but has been rejected repeatedly.

In 2016, Schrade spoke on Sirhan's behalf at his parole hearing and apologized for not coming forward sooner to advocate for Sirhan's release and exoneration.

California inmates are not permitted to give media interviews, and Sirhan did not respond to a letter from The Post.

But his brother, Munir Sirhan, said Sirhan still hopes to be released and that his defense team probably hurt his case more than helped it.

There's plenty of damning evidence against Sirhan.

He confessed to the killing at trial, although he claims this was done on his attorney's instruction.

He took hours of target practice with his pistol earlier in the day, and he took the gun into the Ambassador Hotel that night.

He had been seen at a Kennedy speech at the Ambassador two days earlier.

He had a newspaper clipping critical of Kennedy in his pocket and had written "RFK must die" in notebooks at home, although he said he didn't remember doing that.

And he waited in the pantry for about 30 minutes, according to witnesses who said he asked if Kennedy would be coming through there.

But questions about the case arose almost immediately in Los Angeles, resulting in hearings and reinvestigations as early as 1971 by the district attorney, the police chief, the county board of supervisors and the county superior court.

Many of them focused on the ballistics of the case, starting with Noguchi's finding that Kennedy had been shot from behind, which Sirhan's lawyer didn't raise in his defense.

In addition, lead crime scene investigator DeWayne Wolfer testified at trial that a bullet taken from Kennedy's body and bullets from two of the wounded victims all matched Sirhan's gun.

But other experts who examined the three bullets said they had markings from different guns and different bullet manufacturers.

An internal police document concluded that "Kennedy and Weisel bullets not fired from same gun" — Weisel was the wounded ABC News producer — and "Kennedy bullet not fired from Sirhan's revolver.".

This prompted a Los Angeles judge in 1975 to convene a panel of seven forensic experts, who examined the three bullets and refired Sirhan's gun.

The panel said no match could be made between the three bullets, which appeared to be fired from the same gun, and Sirhan's revolver.

They found Wolfer had done a sloppy job with the ballistics evidence and urged further investigation.

In addition, witnesses said bullet holes were found in the door frames of the Ambassador's pantry, and photos showed investigators examining the holes in the hours after the shooting.

Between the three bullets that hit Kennedy and the bullets that hit the five wounded victims, Wolfer had accounted for all eight of Sirhan's shots.

Bullets in the doors would indicate a second gun.

Wolfer later said the holes and the metal inside were not bullets, and the door frames were destroyed after the trial.

Though Los Angeles authorities had promised transparency in the case, the police and prosecutors refused to release their files until 1988, when they produced a flood of new evidence for researchers.

Among the material was an audiotape, first unearthed by CNN journalist Brad Johnson, which had been inadvertently made by Polish journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski in the Ambassador Hotel's ballroom, and turned over to police in 1969.

Pruszynski's microphone had been on the podium where Kennedy spoke, and TV footage shows him detaching it and moving toward the pantry as the shooting happens.

In 2005, audio engineer Philip Van Praag said the tape revealed that about 13 shots had been fired.

 He said he used technology similar to that of the ShotSpotter used by police to alert them to gunshots, and which differentiates gunshots from firecrackers or other loud bangs.

Van Praag said recently that different guns create different resonances and that he was able to establish that two guns were fired, that they fired in different directions, and that some of the shot "impulses" were so close together they couldn't have been fired by the same gun.

He said he could not say "precisely" 13 shots but certainly more than the eight contained by Sirhan's gun.

"There were too many bullets," Robert F.

Kennedy Jr. said.

"You can't fire 13 shots out of an eight-shot gun.".

British author Mel Ayton wrote "The Forgotten Terrorist," which posits that Sirhan killed Kennedy because he supported sending military firepower to Israel — the Sirhans were Christian Palestinians forced from their Jerusalem home by Israel in 1948.

He said Van Praag had misinterpreted the Pruszynski tape and that other experts who examined it show only eight "spikes," one for each gunshot.

Ayton also cited numerous eyewitnesses who said they heard at most eight shots.

Ayton and investigative reporter Dan Moldea, who also wrote a book about the assassination, argue that Sirhan's gun could have reached Kennedy's back.

No witnesses saw the actual shots fired in the chaos of the pantry, and Moldea noted that Kennedy almost certainly turned and tried to protect himself after the first shot, which some said was preceded by Sirhan yelling, "Kennedy, you son of a b__!".

"What were Kennedy's last words?" Moldea asked during an interview.

"'How's Paul?' How would Kennedy know Paul had been injured if he had not been turned around.

He turned around when Sirhan rushes towards him, yelling 'you son of a b__ Kennedy.' Kennedy's not going to just stand there.

He turns his back defensively.".

Moldea theorized that Schrade fell forward into Kennedy, pinning him against a table and pushing him into the muzzle of Sirhan's gun, enabling him to fire four contact shots into Kennedy.

One shot went through his jacket without hitting Kennedy, one went into his back and stopped below his neck, one went through his armpit and one went into his brain.

But Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

doesn't find those theories persuasive.

For more infomation >> Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan. #2 - Duration: 9:39.


Classical Musicians React: TWICE 'Wow' vs 'Eye Eye Eyes' - Duration: 15:44.

Jarod: This is cool [sings bass line]

Katie: I like... are those fifths?

Umu: First we'll be reacting to a girl group called twice and they debuted in 2015 under JYP entertainment

And they're actually currently one of Korea's most popular girl groups. The very first song that we'll be reacting to was released in 2017

And as you can see on your screen, it is a fan-made lyric video for this b-side track. It was released on their

twice-a- gram album get it? cause instagram but

Twice? --- a gram??

katie: insta- *siiiiigh*

[weird laugh] this was composed by Pop Time and Kriz Lindsey: let's make a "W" Davis: sure put your mouth-

Umu: oh wow [lol] lindsey: did you get it Umu: i got it

Isaac: Wow

Olivia: sounds like the peanuts

Charlotte: i know i know Peyton: [sings along]

oh oh charlie brown charlie brown

Davis: ohhhh Lindsey: whattttt

Davis: that's really cool Lindsey: woah the beat is so cool

Davis: yeah yeah Lidnsey: it like started out very downbeat oriented and then quickly moved away from that

Olivia: they have Sax(ophone) in there now

people dont use Sax(ophone) enough, i like it

Davis: I like the different keyboard sounds (Lindsey: now we're moving) they're using they've already used so many different sounds

Olivia: ohhh that little piano part Aaron: that piano solo

Jarod: This is so like flirtatious and just very cute Katie: this is the definition of swanky

Katie: oh my god

Peyton: This is like got a weird like pop feel on like a boogie woogie, jazz Charlotte: yeah, funk

Peyton: yeah there's a funk thing into it

Jarod: ohhhh the syncopation though man! syn-co-pation

Kevin: wow manga reference

Kevin: that Sax is a real sax Olivia: I think

Olivia: I think if they thickened up the texture it would've been better

It's pretty thin right now, which is not necessarily a problem, but I think if it was a little thicker of a texture, it would be


Kevin: yeah it's very light, like, even the drop is just like

Fluffy... fluffy drop

[imitating the lower wubwow synth]

Isaac: It's always the slow part Kevin: 2 -5 -1

Kevin: alright, a little minor

A little flat three mixture, not bad

Peyton: [sings and counts along]

Oh, yeah!

space is important people

Charlotte: stop time stop time yes uh

lindsey: [snaps] Davis: oh yeah get the snaps in there

cause you're going there one more time gotta

make it more interesting. It's probably almost over Lindsey: some harmonies yeah

Davis: oh yep there you go

LIndsey: oh wow that was really impressive

oh yeah that like really just ended

Charlotte: that was so cute Umu: yeah what'd you think about that song Charlotte: that was so cute

Very funk Peyton: they put a pop swing on it too like you still, you still felt like it was a pop song

But like not, I guess it was i don't know

It's kind of hard to put my finger on it because there are a lot of layers to it

You know? they have obviously there was a real pianist behind that like one like [sings]

And like just cause like you can't really get a midi thing just like make you feel like that, you know, cuz it'll just go

Yeah, they had a lot of really cool sounds in it and also there's like this one like moment was like [sings]

And then like i just thought that was like the coolest thing in the world

Just like you know it just stops and it's just like swinging like super hard for about 30 seconds

KEvin: so well mixed it's light and light. not a radio hit because it doesn't have that bass and the

over-the-top production for radio, but I like it a

Lot more than some of their hits Isaac: I thought it was like texture-wise, very bubbly

where just like the inflictions are very like they're going upwards

whoop Kevin: yeah

out of context if like I didn't know twice and I heard this song I'd still be like wow, this is really different because

It's a very interesting

synthesis of


An acoustic instruments, that was not intentional. Um, it sounds kind of, it sounds organic

It doesn't sound very heavily produced. It's doesn't sound very digital and it's nice

It's light! nice light songs are needed

Most of the chords are normal

but then you get those little weird chords like a flat 3 in there and then the part where it's like

Oh We're gonna do F

And you're gonna think we're gonna go to B flat but we're not going to I think the bridge is just all over the place

But I liked it.

me Likey

Jarod: it was fun it was very fun to listen to because it's like it was like very blues inspired not necessarily following the strict blues form

But there's definitely some like some blue notes as you could call them Katie: ohhh blue notes

Katie: blue notes, I want to be a Blue Note for Halloween that would be---- Jarod: You want to be the Blue Note?

Katie: Flat three Olivia: bassline had its moments where it was pretty

Flat and then had like maybe two or three measures where they would throw in a little spice

Aaron: I mean, it wasn't simple but it was say--- we were going back into the the chorus or something and it wasn't suddenly like Oh

JK we're gonna do like a six or like a Picardy third or like surprise us or something. It was very like predictable

Oliva: I wish they did more with the instruments they added. Aaron: Yeah

Aaron: if they had a sax solo in there Olivia: tbh they added Sax but they didn't really use it a whole lot

they could have used it way more and they could have used it in a more interesting way Aaron: and the melody wasn't exactly the most


Because like I you know like I saw a like through the video that every time like each different girl was singing

Like her picture lit up and they all kind of like sang the same

Melody it's the same melody yeah Davis: that one should it has the like surface-level to me

it was like oh this sounds like a really simple just like a little catchy tune, but

Lidnsey: that was so much Davis: Don't take it for granted. I think that was a lot like death and layers to that that can

Davis: Maybe be its own like enemy and make it like so that you just tune it out

it's just like a wash of sound but if you'd actually like listen and pick apart the different instruments and sit like

Keyboard sounds they were making and like all the different


Style changes that they were making Lidnsey: so many

Davis: Yeah, you can it adds it like it stacks up...the lyrics were weird. Lindsey: I wanted there to be like heavier drums and bass and stuff

yeah, especially towards some of the beginning parts but it just felt like so catchy and it like

I'm so glad that they didn't do it though because it like added tension

It was like it added tension and then when the like when it didn't pick up I was like yeah

This is what I wanted. But like I think it worked Umu: so the next one called

Eye eye eyes was also released in 2017 on their album called signal. This was composed by Katie: Lise Kristin Kvenseth,

Katie: Erlend Elvesveen

Jo Svarre Sande, Tone Ravna Bjornstad, Rune Helmersen, and Elizaveta Vassilieva

Umu: and then two of the twice members

Jihyo and Chaeyoung wrote the lyrics. Kevin: Alrighty

Kevin: TWICE, tell me What is Love with your Eye Eye Eyes

Peyton: wow Charlotte: what

Kevin: This is a lot

Aaron: i feel like it modulated to the dominant Olivia: We went to a completely different song and I'm really confused

:O What?

Jarod: this is cool [sings]

Katie: i like---- are those fifths?

lindsey: woo!

Davis: was what a shimmering... that was weird

Peyton: ohhh flat seven

Charlotte: it's a very floaty voice Peyton: Yeah

Olivia They're really changing it up there's like Aaron: I like that, wow that was very jazzy. I don't know. there must been like some flat 6 in there or some sh*t

Lindsey: i think it started on a pickup cause it's like 1,2,3,4,5 pause 6, 7,8,9

Lindsey: i'm also uninterested in men

Davis: same

Lindsey: I think puberty came late to me Davis: not same

Lidnsey: oh my god these lyrics are so cute

Peyton: Just like a tambourine sound back there Charlotte: I'm so confused

Charlotte: Like what is this modal mixture what is happening?

Olivia: each verse is completely different Aaron: they're really different

Olivia: they're really different it's like completely different in terms of bassline

and just like, yeah aaron: even like octaves of the bass line

CHarlotte: What Peyton: this is like a tran- it's like over a pedal



Kevin: They still keep it fresh they keep it instrumentally fresh too in slow sections so [click] , you know it's like sonata form

There's always a development

Kevin: [sings along] fast swing

Katie: "your heart is ice and i'll melt you"

you'd fit right in with Rochester. Sorry, it's currently

April 16th

and still snowing.

Jarod: I like how the beat kinda follows the melody, you know pretty sick

KEvin: i like the Dominant seventh thing

it's pretty awesome

Kevin: it ends on the dominant seventh of course

Olivia: i've ben bamboozled! my ears have been


I definitely would have to listen to it multiple times to be like alright, I kind of grasp what's going on. Aaron: They stretch out like

The melody, I guess. Yeah with like


Dominant Olivia: sections are like different styles. Completely different styles.

Aaron: and then you got like some in between the sections like you

Got some jazz chords of some kind that I thought was interesting

Kevin: It's great. I like both of these

Isaac: Both very soft in texture. So this is nice to just relax and just listen to it

But this one particularly. It's like it's a nice track. Like the bassline is very interesting the vocal line..

I don't know for some reason. I think it's like nine people

Kind of just takes away the whole

For me if I can't really pin down like what their sound is like.

I feel like for me it's a little bit more difficult to manage

nine people cause like, some people I want to hear more some people I'm just like

Kevin: I think we got to see music video with them in action like TT because I think it's very well balanced

I really like the way their voices are distributed, but but it's true. Like I don't know it's who's singing what in these?

Isaac: Well, they show it (Kevin: Ik they show it) but--- it's a bit confusing sometimes but it's still really good for a b-side song

Kevin: But this one got the you know, the fast swinging like [sings] which is really catchy

But then every section kind of switches up the beat like both these songs like every section feels like it's distinct little world

And I like it. It's like traveling. you're traveling through places in this song kind like cheer up cheer up

has that a little bit of that but it's much more mainstream and it's not as

It doesn't pop out as much as this

Katie: I think that their songs don't have a lot of harmonic substance

but they're really fun to listen to and bouncy and fun and something you would jam out like we just did but I don't

Think it's the most musically interesting thing. jarod: Ooh, I disagreeeeeeee


fight fight fight

Jarod: what I thought this did a really good job of is the beat kinda follows the melody. cuz often times

you catch some k-pop songs where it's like, a consistent beat throughout the melody changes

But it's just the same kind of like, you know

You could just picture them on their audio software. Just copy paste copy paste copy paste

whereas like this is like it's a little bit more interactive and it's like I felt like maybe the

Harmonically they didn't smack you all at once but I felt like you can hear like spelling different things individual notes

if that make sense? So it's not like some of the stuff or it's like boom

Here's a big fat chord all at once

it was like

interlace kind of like like a cute little line because I think that

The aesthetic that this group was going for is obviously very cute

Very like playful child esque, you know

The little chimes that they use like the the the tes- the tessitura the type of the color of their voices

Very lends itself to that kind of- (katie: colour) the colour lends itself to being very, um, very like young, you know

And that's what I feel like the vibe they are going for so it's like a little bit more minimalistic-ish

But not minimal not true minimalism. Peyton: they really used that tritone there though

flat seven to the three Charlotte: I think my favorite part was when we went into

to halftime. that feel was really nice and how they just both

I mean it was everything like normally what I expected but it was so nice

I'm very confused in the whole counting section whenever that keeps coming back with what they're playing with there

like I definitely want to say a major key, but like there's some moments where I'm like nopeeee

Peyton: Harmonically I thought they just kinda it was just like kind of broken up into like sections like I thought it was a major but just

Cuz like all the like the biggest moments and the longest stretches charlotte: and the choruses were all major

Yeah, and it ends in major so it's like there's enough major evidence to be like ha! major Charlotte: Yeah


the one section that was pretty confusing was just like I'm like like they were just kind of like doing the upper extensions over a pedal

you know and then it usually makes everyone go like [EEAAA!!!!??]

Charlotte: like I did

Umu: Hello everyone, welcome to our channel if you're new I'm the channel runner and producer of this series

Thanks for watching this video if you enjoyed it, don't forget to subscribe


if you're curious to see what else we're going to react to in the future go ahead and check the description for a bunch of

Links that I have to playlists and schedules also

Please check our patreon

If you want to support us patrons get access to unedited full-length reaction videos

Access to exclusive content as well as early access to all the videos posted on here and more

So, thank you so much, and I hope you have a wonderful day

For more infomation >> Classical Musicians React: TWICE 'Wow' vs 'Eye Eye Eyes' - Duration: 15:44.


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