Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Youtube daily report May 30 2018


Welcome to another episode of baking with The Felpers.

Today we are making a Portuguese Hawaiian specialty malasadas with lilikoi.

Are we ready?

Yes. But this hat is mine.

Now we can start.

It's a Hawaiian tradition to welcome new guest with a lei.

Hello. - Thank you.

For the dough we need:

Four cups or about 600 grams of all-purpose flour.

1/3 cup or about 65 grams of granulated sugar.

1 package of active dry yeast.

Four eggs.

1 cup or about 200 grams of granulated sugar

About 1/4 cup or 60 milliliters of warm water.

3/4 cups or about 180 grams of butter.

Vegetable oil.

1 cup or about 240 milliliters of lukewarm milk.

1 large lemon.

1tsp or about 5 grams of salt.

First we put some active dry yeast in warm water

and let it rest.

Next we cut four large strips of lemon peel.

We're gonna place it in some lukewarm milk

just to give them all sawdust some extra flavor.

And we can set this aside for a while.

Next we're gonna make mix our dry ingredients.

We're going to start with four cups of all-purpose flour.

We're gonna take a pinch of salt

and 1/3 cup of granulated white sugar.

And we're just gonna give this a mix.

We need a bigger bowl for this.

Now we have four eggs.

We add yeast water and stir to combine.

While we were waiting for the yeast to activate we melted some butter

and we're gonna add the melted butter into the mixture.

And lastly, we're gonna add the lemon milk that we prepared in the beginning.

And you can just leave the lemon peels in there.

If the mixture is too wet you can add some flour to thicken it.

So we're going to knead the dough for a little bit

and then we're gonna let it rest for about 1.5 h in a nice warm environment.

For the lilikoi filling we need:

Six large egg yolks.

1/4 cup or about 30 grams of cornstarch.

3/4 cups or about 150 grams of granulated sugar.

1 tablespoon or about 15 grams of unsalted butter.

A pinch of salt.

Couple of drops of vanilla extract.

2 cups are about 475 ml of whole milk.

About a dozen lilikois.

We are using purple lilikoi or passion fruit, but you can use the yellow one as well.

They're pretty much the same thing.

First, we're gonna cut the lilikois in half.

Now that we've have all then we want to scoop them right into a blender

Now we're going to blend the lilikois a little bit.

Once we're done blending them we do want to pass them through a strainer

just so we get rid of the pits and everything.

You do want to press it down a little bit or it gets congested.

Now we're gonna lightly beat the egg yolks.

Just a little touch.

Then we want to add about a 100 grams or 1/3 of all the sugar that we're using

and just combined them with the egg yolks.

And add about 30 grams of the cornstarch.

And while I'm combining all this Kristina is going to take over the next step .

We will heat about 2 cups of milk

and combine with about 50 g of sugar.

We're gonna take off the milk as soon as it starts to steam.

And we're gonna take a ladle full of the warm milk mixture

and we're gonna combine it with the egg yolks.

We want to mix this a little bit just so we warm up the egg yolks a little bit

and there's no shock when we put them back into the milk.

Now we stir this.

And once it's all warmed up we want to place it back into the milk.

Now we're gonna start heating this again

and we do want to heat it at a low temperature

and bring it up to boil slowly.

You want to make sure you're constantly stirring this.

So now that we've thicken our cream we can add about

just a little under a cup of the freshly squeezed lilikoi juice

and we're gonna combine this with a cream

and we do want to stir in there.

Now, don't worry! This is a little liquidy

but we're gonna let it cool and it's gonna set.

We want to add just a drop or two of the vanilla extract

And last but not least just about a tablespoon or so of some butter

to give it that buttery richness.

Now that we've combined all of the ingredients

we can just place it in a nice large glass bowl for it to chill.

Now we're gonna cover it.

and we do want the plastic to actually touch the custard.

And we're just gonna let it sit out here till gets to room temperature

and then we can place it in a fridge and you can store it up to three days.

When the dough is doubled we kneaded for another two or three minutes

until it becomes elastic.

After we're done with kneading we cover it and let it rest for another 10 minutes.

Now we're gonna oil our hands

and we want to form golf sized balls.

And once we form them we want to let them sit for about 10 or 15 minutes

before we start frying them.

And don't forget, they're so lemon peels in here. We don't want to fry those!

Final steps.

Now we're gonna fry them in hot oil for about 2 or 3 minutes in each side.

Traditional malasadas are made without feeling. But...

we actually have some lilikoi filing prepared and we're gonna fill them up.

So, we're gonna take malasada,

we're gonna insert this

and give it a nice push.

If you liked this video give it a big thumbs up and subscribe.

We upload videos whenever we feel like it! :)

Thank you.

For more infomation >> MALASADAS donuts with lilikoi | Homemade Hawaiian Doughnuts Recipe 2018 - Duration: 9:11.


History Unfolded - Questions from citizen historians - Duration: 10:51.

Hello my name is Eric Schmalz and I'm the Community Manager for the United States

Holocaust Memorial Museum's History Unfolded Project. I'm really excited

to be here today with a few of my colleagues to answer some of the

questions that community members, citizen historians, have been submitting to us

about our project. Before we begin with your questions I'd like to allow my

colleagues to introduce themselves.

Hi, I'm David Klevan. I'm the Education lead on the History Unfolded project.

And I'm Michael Haley-Goldman and I'm back- up on pretty

much all aspects of the project.

So we're going to jump right in and get to your

questions. Our first question comes from Amy M., who is from Texas, and she wants to

know what are some of the unexpected outcomes of the History Unfolded project,

and this is one that I'm very excited to answer because one of the joys of my job

is almost every single day I get excited about some of the material we've

received to the project, all the newspaper articles that I review as part

of my job. And as far as the people who are contributing, we have thousands of

people who have uploaded articles at this point, and they go all the way from

middle school students all the way up to graduate level students and you know who

you are. We also have adult lifelong volunteers,

and I've even worked with a number of Holocaust survivors on this project as

well. So it's been really unexpected for me to work with such a wide range of

audiences for people from all over the country as well. The second thing that's

been really surprising to me is just how generous people have been in wanting

to help us. So a lot of times when I ask what are you most interested in, a number

of you have told me, well, what does the museum need most, what do you guys

want, and that question is always something that is very nice for us to

receive and surprising. And then the last thing is just the data that we've

received, the newspaper submissions, just fascinating reports from different

states, different communities all over. We've received a lot from ethnic

communities, so we have a lot from the African-American press, for instance,

foreign language press, Christian and other religious affiliated newspapers,

and I keep a running track some of our favorite finds in a document

that I share with my colleagues, and a number of your articles are on that document. So

we're really appreciative of that. We're thinking about ways they can use it.

Just one of so many examples that I'd love to share today comes from the Madera

Tribune, which is in California, in early 1936 and there was the first Nazi

vessel that went to Portland, Oregon, and it was going into port, and it turns out

that while a good number of the people in the community came to welcome

the vessel, there were eleven protesters who actually organized a demonstration

against this very event, and three of them, according to news reports, were

Reed College students. So, to me it was just fascinating that this showed the kind of

divide of Americans, that there were people, even if they were in the minority,

who took a big stand against this and they were very upset about what was

going on. This particular article came from students at Milpitas Christian

school in California, so thank you very much for that one as well. We're going to

jump now to our second question, and this one comes from students at

Colton-Pierrepoint Central School in upstate New York, and the question asked about this

new exhibit. Will this new exhibit cause Americans to reflect on the

dots that were in the news in the 1930s and 40s, so as to see and propel us to connect

the dots that are in the news today? Will Americans see their way through today's

news to do something about today's atrocities?

I'll take that one.

You know, wow, we hope so! So, we have this new exhibition, and a part of this exhibit

was made possible through the research done by the citizen historians on History

Unfolded, and the exhibit's called Americans and the Holocaust. And

obviously we really do hope that folks will reflect on what they're seeing in

this exhibit and think about ways in which it's relevant to their lives today.

One of the things that I really noticed as more and more research came in

through History Unfolded is something that I hadn't quite put together until

I really started looking at it was that even though a lot of events really were

covered all over the country, oftentimes on the front page, for most events, with

you know with the exclusion of Kristallnacht

or the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses in 33, most of these events would be

covered for one day, and then the event might not be in the news the next day,

because the news cycle would keep going there'd be something else to report. And

for me, that was one of the things that I really pulled out of it for how I think

about the way I consume news today and what's reported because unless something

is constantly in the news, we tend, we're aware of it, but we tend to forget it. We

go on with our lives. And as part of why Kristallnacht was such an extraordinary

event, it was so hard to ignore, it couldn't be ignored, and it was in the

media for weeks, and that's part of why it demanded a response. But it's really

challenging, it's really challenging for folks, even when they're aware of things,

to act on it. In the aftermath of Kristallnacht, there were public opinion

polls, and we have these polls in the exhibit as well, and Americans were

fairly united in their condemnation of Nazi persecution of Jews, 94 percent.

When asked after Kristallnacht, do you agree or disagree with the Nazi treatment of

the Jews, 94 percent said we disagree, they were disgusted.

But yet at the same time, over 70 percent that were asked, do you think we should allow more Jewish

exiles into the US, and they said no. And so there wasn't that connection between

outrage, or at least unhappiness or disagreement, and the idea of using

revised immigration policy as a solution to that. And so I think today we struggle

with the same things. There are lots of things people see going on around in the

world that they don't like, that they're upset about, but trying to figure out

what's the right solution, what sacrifices am I willing to make, or how

can I as an individual make a difference is a really really hard decision. In the

exhibit Americans And the Holocaust we tell the stories of Americans at all

levels of society who took a variety of actions, from

sponsoring immigrants to come to the U.S.,. signing affidavits, joining

nonprofits that went out and helped to facilitate rescue of refugees, who

pressured the governmen,t who wrote letters to the editor all the way up

through government officials, who tried to change policies. And so we hope that

that will inspire our people to think about what kind of power do they have,

but, you know, we really won't know, we really won't know but we hope that it

does have an impact.

Thank you very much for that response David. So, we have a

couple more questions we're going to answer now. This next one comes from students at

Beth Jacob of Boro Park in New York City, thank you for that question.

Are you planning to publish a statistical analysis of the coverage of

the different topics in newspapers across the United States? It would help

with interdisciplinary teaching of the Holocaust, for example.

So, one, it is great to hear that question that people are thinking of this as data

and thinking about what you might build out of the History Unfolded collection

that's been gathered. It was one of the goals of the project initially to create

a data source about the newspapers from the past that could be used by anybody,

so it is really great that people are thinking about what might come out of it.

The answer is that this data will be available to anyone who wants to use it.

Researchers and other groups can take the data when it's completed and do

their own research. So we're hoping there'll be a lot of things published

from History Unfolded, and the resulting research will be made available to everyone.

Thank you Michael. We have one more question we're going to

answer for you today, and this comes from a student, Autumn H., at Lakeview High

School in Michigan. How can I personally help to get more people my community

active about this project? Thank you so much, Autumn, for that question. It's one

I'm very happy to answer, as part of my job as the community manager is we work

really hard to try to inspire people to get excited about this project. You've

heard in our responses so far just about how real this research is. This is not

busy work, this is research that has already,

as David mentioned, been contributing to the work at the Museum, with the special

exhibition which is now open, and we encourage you to come and see it if

you're in Washington DC, but also the work that we're doing with our larger

initiative. We are working on lesson plans and a traveling exhibition, and a lot

of ideas. We haven't fully explored all of them, but when you're talking to other

people, tell them that this is work that the museum is currently doing for a

purpose and it could really go far. And then, as Michael said, also in the

scholarship. So it's not busy work, it's really exciting.

Beyond that, especially for the students out there, talk to your teachers, talk to

your librarians. One of our challenges here is that we don't always have the

opportunity to tell everyone, there are many people don't know this project

exists. You're on the ground, so if you're in your social studies or English class

or even some of your other classes, you go to the library, mention to your

educators about this project and then they might help you to facilitate it in

your classes. So we would really appreciate that as well. The other thing

you can do if you're really, really excited, especially if you participated

before, is help organize a research sprint. We have a guide on our website to

organize a research sprint, so you can work with us on that. We've had a number

of really successful sprints around the country so far. And then the last thing I

would say is reach out to me. Part of my job as Community Manager is to be

available to answer your questions, to talk to teachers and librarians and

lifelong learners. So you can contact me via email or phone. I'm happy to work

with you in order to get started on that. So those are the questions that we're

going to be answering today. We thank you so much again for submitting them all to us.

This project continues through 2021 and so we're going to continue to go strong

collecting as much data as we can around the country. So thank you so much for

your participation so far. We're really looking forward to continue to work with you.

For more infomation >> History Unfolded - Questions from citizen historians - Duration: 10:51.


Al Bano: Mamma Jolanda non voleva che sposassi Romina, oggi è felice che ci siamo ritrovati - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Al Bano: Mamma Jolanda non voleva che sposassi Romina, oggi è felice che ci siamo ritrovati - Duration: 3:42.


3d Bicycle Inspired Public Works of Art - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> 3d Bicycle Inspired Public Works of Art - Duration: 4:40.


Meyer Optik Nocturnus 50mm f0.95 lens for DSLR cameras - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:14.

Meyer Optik unveiled a new Nocturnus 50mm f/0.95 lens designed for DSLR cameras.

The lens will be available in a matte black or silver finish colors for Canon, Nikon,

M42 and Pentax-K mounts.

With its starting aperture of f0.95 and 15 steel aperture blades with anti-reflex coating,

the Nocturnus 50mm f/0.95 DSLR creates an impression that virtually no other lens can


The optical design enables a high degree of sharpness at focal level, even at maximum

aperture, whilst it features a dream like bokeh with effects of shapes, colors and circular

lights when blurred.

Key Features: Focal length: 50 mm.

Sharpness with aperture of f0.95 – 22.

Bokeh characterized by its versatility from swirl to softness.

Clickless Aperture ring.

Filter Thread 72 mm.

Height 51 mm.

Weight 640 g.

Angle of View 47°.

Optical Design: 8 elements in 6 groups.

15 Aperture Blade diaphragm.

Made in Germany.

For more infomation >> Meyer Optik Nocturnus 50mm f0.95 lens for DSLR cameras - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:14.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 SkyActiv-G 165 TS+ - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 SkyActiv-G 165 TS+ - Duration: 1:07.


《無法律師》李準基&徐睿知KISS戲,這齣劇無論什麼都不拖泥帶水~! - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 《無法律師》李準基&徐睿知KISS戲,這齣劇無論什麼都不拖泥帶水~! - Duration: 3:41.


Andrea e Giulia separati. Damante: "Provo dolore, io la amo ancora" | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Andrea e Giulia separati. Damante: "Provo dolore, io la amo ancora" | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:10.


Un spectacle musical pour les deux ans de la mort de Johnny? - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Un spectacle musical pour les deux ans de la mort de Johnny? - Duration: 1:33.


대낮에 중학교에서 속옷보이며 춤춘 후 논란일자, "삼촌이 더불어민주당 사무국장이다. 물타기 당하지말라" - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> 대낮에 중학교에서 속옷보이며 춤춘 후 논란일자, "삼촌이 더불어민주당 사무국장이다. 물타기 당하지말라" - Duration: 2:24.


Ilary Blasi strappa la conduzione del Summer Festival alla Marcuzzi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Ilary Blasi strappa la conduzione del Summer Festival alla Marcuzzi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:04.


蘇志燮、劉寅娜確定合作MBC新劇《我身後的Terius》!孫浩俊也有望合流該劇 - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> 蘇志燮、劉寅娜確定合作MBC新劇《我身後的Terius》!孫浩俊也有望合流該劇 - Duration: 2:07.


Co robić, żeby mieć więcej energii? - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Co robić, żeby mieć więcej energii? - Duration: 5:50.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4i-16v 85pk 5drs Comfortline Executive DSG - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4i-16v 85pk 5drs Comfortline Executive DSG - Duration: 1:07.


秘書撲倒副會長?《金秘書為何那樣》5mins預告根本不過癮! - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> 秘書撲倒副會長?《金秘書為何那樣》5mins預告根本不過癮! - Duration: 2:26.


韓劇《油膩的Melo》張赫也奪下美人唇~這不知結果的三角戀曲! - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 韓劇《油膩的Melo》張赫也奪下美人唇~這不知結果的三角戀曲! - Duration: 3:38.


Kia Picanto 1.0 5drs Seven - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 5drs Seven - Duration: 0:39.


Trzy sposoby na rwę kulszową - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Trzy sposoby na rwę kulszową - Duration: 2:35.


O czym może świadczyć ból języka? - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> O czym może świadczyć ból języka? - Duration: 2:57.


Watch MasterChef on FOX - ...

For more infomation >> Watch MasterChef on FOX - ...


His dad won the National Spelling Bee in 1985. Now, he's competing for the 2018 title - Duration: 5:37.

His dad won the National Spelling Bee in 1985. Now, he's competing for the 2018 title


 — Atman Balakrishnan has an obvious spelling bee role model to idolize: His dad Balu Natarajan, who won the Scripps National Spelling Bee in 1985.

Balakrishnan, 12, from outside Chicago, is one of the more than 500 competitors looking to bring home the trophy here at the National Harbor Convention Center, but unlike his competition, he has a father who knows what it takes to win.

For Natarajan, 46, watching his son on the stage is more nerve-racking than when he competed himself.

Like anything else for a parent, it is much more emotional watching your kid when you dont have any control over it, he said.

I have a much deeper appreciation for my parents and their emotional state when I was competing..

Spelling on the national stage in 1985, Natarajan had the bright lights to face, but unlike today, ESPN wasnt live streaming the competition and airing the final round in prime time on Thursday night.

It is one of the biggest changes to the Bee that Natarajan has seen, but the advice for being on stage remains the same: Block everything else out and focus on the word.

I liked the feeling of being up there — being on stage and being on television, Balakrishnan said. But I didnt really think about that.

I just thought about me and (pronouncer) Dr.

Bailly and the word..

His word: cantico, meaning a ceremonial dance of the Algonquian Indians of the Atlantic seaboard, according to Merriam Webster.

The sheer number of words and influence of technology has also changed the Bee since Natarajan competed.

He had to physically look up words in a dictionary to study and needed to know only around 10,000, whereas his son studies online and may need to know between 40,000 and 80,000 words, he said. .

Balakrishnan said he gets up every morning around 4 a.m. to 5 a.m.

to study on his own. His dad, mom and coach, among others, also help him prepare.

He does a lot, Natarajan said.

To be able to just see him get here through all his hard work, thats the most important thing.

And Im really proud of him..

And while the sixth grader says his dad is his inspiration, he doesnt feel extra pressure from him.

He encourages me to do it, but he says its fine if I dont want to, Balakrishnan said.

But I want to, so he pushes me to work harder..

The father-son team want to win this year, but theyre realistic with it being Balakrishnans first year on the national stage.

 Balakrishnan said he has a goal of winning in the next few years, and he and his dad are proud of making it this far.

The goal was to get here, Natarajan said.

Itd be nice to make it to Thursday morning, but 90% of the people dont.

So well see what happens..

Either way, Natarajan has seen his son improve and mature making it this far.

I learned through the spelling bee what hard work is, and I got closer to my family.

And weve done that, Natarajan said.

The sky is the limit as to what we could get, but even if nothing else happens from here, weve gotten quite a bit already..

For more infomation >> His dad won the National Spelling Bee in 1985. Now, he's competing for the 2018 title - Duration: 5:37.


Gun-reform activists spur voter registration at high schools - Duration: 5:42.

Gun-reform activists spur voter registration at high schools


— Students at more than 1,000 schools across the country are registering young voters in lunchrooms, hallways and even at upcoming graduation ceremonies in a week of activism aimed at electing lawmakers who support gun reforms in response to school shootings in Florida and Texas.

David Hogg, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, is spearheading the national effort along with the New York-based organization HeadCount.

Hogg and organization officials say students at more than 1,000 schools in 46 states are participating, with most starting their drives Tuesday.

Their goal is to have 90 percent of the nations high schools host drives before the current senior class graduates in hopes of boosting young-voter turnout, which is traditionally low, especially during midterm elections.

HeadCount, a national organization that has registered nearly half a million voters since 2004, mostly at concerts and music festivals, also hosted voter tables at the March For Our Lives gun-reform rally organized by Hogg and other Parkland students in Washington, D.C., that drew hundreds of thousands of young people in March.

Voter-registration drives were the logical next step after months of rallies and schools walkouts, the activists said.

Hogg says all the rhetoric on gun reform is worthless unless voters oust lawmakers who are beholden to the National Rifle Association.

The students want tighter regulations on guns, including universal background checks and training for people who own AR-15s and similar semi-automatic rifles.

We need to vote people out of office that are perpetuating issues affecting young people like gun violence.

The youth dont vote lawmakers into office and as a result they dont work for them, he said.

Student organizers are trying to reach teens in spots they frequent, including coffee shops and at school assemblies, where they say it takes less than two minutes to register them.

There was little activity at the voting booth at Douglas High School on Tuesday because the majority of eligible students have already registered, Hogg said.

The students have held three other voter drives in the months after the Valentines Day shooting that claimed 17 lives.

On Tuesday, Douglas High Principal Ty Thompson tweeted a photo with a big, gold trophy congratulating them for registering more students than any other school in Broward County.

Roughly 43 percent of 18-year-olds in the United States were registered to vote in 2016, but only 34 percent voted in that years presidential election, HeadCount representatives say, citing statistics from the U.S.

Census Bureau.

Turnout for congressional and local elections is even lower.

Theres an inequality in the education system when some schools have very organized voter-registration efforts and others have nothing, said HeadCount executive director Andy Bernstein.

But this is one of those rare societal problems that can be fixed pretty easily.

If some schools already do a great job helping students register, theres no reason all schools cant do the same..

Nurah Abdulhaqq, a 14-year-old at Chapel Hill High School in Douglasville, Georgia, has been an advocate for gun reform since 2016, when her cousin was gunned down in her small town.

The teen hosted a town hall with lawmakers in April to discuss the issue, saying she broke down after watching the Parkland shooting on the news.

It was kind of shocking to me, and the fact that this has happened time and time again in this country and nothings changed.

Theres been no stronger gun-control laws passed, she said.

For more infomation >> Gun-reform activists spur voter registration at high schools - Duration: 5:42.


Como Fazer Vitrais em MDF - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Como Fazer Vitrais em MDF - Duration: 1:53.


Affirmative Action Hurts Those It's Intended To Help | Dr. Steven J. Allen - Duration: 2:45.

What if I told you there was a way we could have more black doctors, more black engineers,

more black scientists, more black college professors, and we already have the key to

accomplish this.

All we have to do is open the door.

Isn't that something we all want?

Well, as it turns out, the door blocking the way is "affirmative action" policies that

give preferential admissions treatment to students along racial lines.

That might sound counter intuitive, but well accepted science has shown these policies

produce the opposite outcome of what most people pushing for them want.

How can that be?

Ask Richard Sander, economist and law professor at UCLA.

Interested in the effects of affirmative action on law school classes and supported by the

Searle Freedom Trust, Sander conducted research finding that when students are paired with

schools that match their prior academic credentials they do better, and when they're put in

schools where they have lower academic credentials than their classmates, they don't do as

well in the long run.

At his school, UCLA, Sander found that 90% of law students who were admitted with large

racial preferences were graduating, but only 50% of those students passed the bar exam.

If they had gone to different schools that better matched their academic credentials,

they were more likely to pass the bar.

Sander named this problem "mismatch".

Sander continued to study mismatch, but it wasn't easy.

Many universities refused to provide him or other researchers with access to data, presumably

out of fear it would overturn the prevailing narrative over racial equity in education.

While Democrats and so-called progressives have denounced mismatch theory as racist,

nonpartisan investigative teams, including one from Duke and Cornell Universities, have

concluded that there is substantial evidence for mismatch theory.

For example, when California passed Proposition 209 in 1996, which prohibited state governmental

institutions from considering race, sex, or ethnicity in public education, African American

attendance at UC Berkeley and UCLA went down, BUT throughout the UC System as a whole the

number of African Americans increased by 30% and the number receiving bachelor's degrees

went up a whopping 70%.

Additionally, research found that under Affirmative Action, African American students were more

likely to switch out of STEM majors and into easier majors with fewer career opportunities.

So the science is clear: affirmative action is counterproductive.

Open the door and remove affirmative action, and you'll see more black professionals—exactly

what preference supporters claim to want.

I'm Dr. Steven J. Allen, to learn more watch Episode 17 of the Influence Watch Podcast.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Affirmative Action Hurts Those It's Intended To Help | Dr. Steven J. Allen - Duration: 2:45.


Strategically Thematic: Adrenaline - Duration: 2:26.


This is Ambie from Board Game Blitz, and this is Strategically Thematic, a segment where

I talk about theme in different strategic games.

This time, I'm talking about Adrenaline.

Adrenaline is a board game that's themed around a first person shooter video game,

where players are different characters trying to pick up different weapons and ammos and

shoot the other players and kill them to get points.

One of the main mechanisms of Adrenaline is Area Control.

But instead of a typical Area Control where you're trying to control different territories,

in Adrenaline the territories are the other players.

So whenever you shoot another player, you get your tokens on them and it shows that

you've done damage to them.

And whoever did the most damage gets more points when the player dies.

You could also get bonus points for overkilling a player which happens a lot in first person

shooter video games.

There are a bunch of different weapons and ammo that you can pick up in the game, and

they spawn at different points on the board just like in a video game.

The weapons are represented by different cards and the ammo is represented by colored cubes.

So each weapon needs certain colored cubes in order to load up the weapon.

You can move around on the board and pick up weapons and ammo just like in a video game,

and you have to spend your ammo in order to reload your weapon so that you can shoot.

Also the different weapons each have different powers which are thematic.

Like, for example, the Tractor Beam allows you to pull an enemy towards you before shooting,

and the Shotgun does a lot of damage but only if you're close to the enemy.

So if you get a couple of different weapons, you can combo them to make good attacks.

The name of the game, Adrenaline, also plays a part in the theme of the game, because when

you get damaged, you end up getting more powerful because of the adrenaline you get after getting


All of these different mechanisms work really well together to bring the theme of a first

person shooter video game to a board game form.

I really enjoy playing Adrenaline trying to combo the different weapons together to get

a really good shot off on someone, and to try to go for the overkill.

Thanks for watching Strategically Thematic!

Let me know what you think in the comments!

For more infomation >> Strategically Thematic: Adrenaline - Duration: 2:26.


DJ Treasure WATCH n LEARN Clean Dancehall Mix►June 2018►18764807131 - Duration: 1:06:59.

Hi Subscribers and Visitors! Thanks for visiting DJ Treasure, The Mixtape Emperor YouTube channel.

I hope you enjoy listening to this mix. Putting this project together was fun.

For more infomation >> DJ Treasure WATCH n LEARN Clean Dancehall Mix►June 2018►18764807131 - Duration: 1:06:59.


Renault Scénic 1.6-16V Expression Sport Airco, trekhaak. - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Renault Scénic 1.6-16V Expression Sport Airco, trekhaak. - Duration: 0:53.


Fiat Punto 1.2 Sound AIRCO - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto 1.2 Sound AIRCO - Duration: 1:07.


DANGEROUS BOB - À propos de la TEAM Fox - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> DANGEROUS BOB - À propos de la TEAM Fox - Duration: 3:07.


Volkswagen Caddy 1.9 TDI 850 kg. AIRCO / MARGE AUTO - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 1.9 TDI 850 kg. AIRCO / MARGE AUTO - Duration: 1:07.


Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia définitivement de retour en France ? On en sait plus - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia définitivement de retour en France ? On en sait plus - Duration: 1:56.


Sarah Fraisou (Les Anges 10) métamorphosée, elle change radicalement de look - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Sarah Fraisou (Les Anges 10) métamorphosée, elle change radicalement de look - Duration: 2:20.


♫ 2018 YABANCI REMİX ŞARKI LAR (Set 1) ABONE OLALIM LÜTFEN♫ - Duration: 40:51.

For more infomation >> ♫ 2018 YABANCI REMİX ŞARKI LAR (Set 1) ABONE OLALIM LÜTFEN♫ - Duration: 40:51.


Christophe Dugarry : «J'ai marqué le premier but, je voulais marquer le dernier...» - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Christophe Dugarry : «J'ai marqué le premier but, je voulais marquer le dernier...» - Duration: 8:14.


Improvisation? Das sind die "Let's Dance"-Halbfinaltänze - Duration: 2:13.

Der Titel "Dancing Star 2018" ist zum Greifen nah! Nur noch vier Kandidaten sind bei Let's Dance im Rennen: Barbara Meier (31), Judith Williams (45), Julia Dietze (37) und Ingolf Lück (60) kämpfen um den Einzug in das große Finale

Kein Wunder, dass die kommende Runde den Promis alles abverlangt: Das Quartett muss drei Tänze präsentieren – und von einem erfahren die vier erst während der Show! In der dritten Runde wird es dann besonders spannend: Beim "Impro Dance Extreme" erfahren die Teilnehmer erst in der Show, welchen Tanz sie zu welcher Musik performen müssen

Anschließend haben die Stars und ihre Profi-Partner drei Minuten Zeit, sich umzuziehen und eine Choreografie einzuüben – danach geht es direkt aufs Parkett! In dem RTL-Format ist nur noch ein Mann übrig: Ingolf! Seinen Platz als einziger männlicher Teinehmer möchte der Komiker mit einer Samba zu "Bem, Bem Maria" von den Gypsy Kings und einem Paso Doble zu James Horners (✝61) Hit "Plaza Of Excecution" verteidigen

Model Barbara flog bereits einmal raus – damit das nicht wieder passiert, wird die Bald-Braut bei ihrem Slowfox zu der 90er-Jahre-Nummer "Lovefool" von der Band The Cardigans und ihrem Jive zu den Klängen von Wanda Jacksons "Let's Have A Party" alles geben

Alle Infos zu "Let's Dance" im Special bei Schauspielerin Julia gilt als Favoritin der Sendung

Ob sie diesem Status mit einer Samba zu "Mi Gente" von J Balvin feat. Willy William und einem Paso Doble zu "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" von The Animals gerecht wird? Fehlt nur noch eine im Bunde: Unternehmerin Judith

Sie tanzt zunächst einen Tango zu dem Lied "Libertango" von Astor Piazzolla. Im zweiten Durchgang präsentiert sie eine Samba zu dem Sommer-Hit "Échame La Culpa" von Luis Fonsi (40) feat

Demi Lovato (25). Tipps für Promiflash? Einfach E-Mail an:

For more infomation >> Improvisation? Das sind die "Let's Dance"-Halbfinaltänze - Duration: 2:13.


Mit K.O.-Work-outs: Khloe K. sagt Babypfunden den Kampf an! - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mit K.O.-Work-outs: Khloe K. sagt Babypfunden den Kampf an! - Duration: 1:03.


GLOBAL HABARI MEI 30: Waziri Mkuu Ataja Takwimu ya UKIMWI - Duration: 26:04.

For more infomation >> GLOBAL HABARI MEI 30: Waziri Mkuu Ataja Takwimu ya UKIMWI - Duration: 26:04.


Ana Patricia ve sufrir a Alan y a Carlos en su embarazo simulado | Dr. Juan - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Ana Patricia ve sufrir a Alan y a Carlos en su embarazo simulado | Dr. Juan - Duration: 1:35.


DJ Treasure WATCH n LEARN Clean Dancehall Mix►June 2018►18764807131 - Duration: 1:06:59.

Hi Subscribers and Visitors! Thanks for visiting DJ Treasure, The Mixtape Emperor YouTube channel.

I hope you enjoy listening to this mix. Putting this project together was fun.

For more infomation >> DJ Treasure WATCH n LEARN Clean Dancehall Mix►June 2018►18764807131 - Duration: 1:06:59.


Rozay Mein Pyas kam lagne ka nuskha in urdu | gharelo totkay in urdu | روزے میں پیاس کم کرنے کا نسخہ - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Rozay Mein Pyas kam lagne ka nuskha in urdu | gharelo totkay in urdu | روزے میں پیاس کم کرنے کا نسخہ - Duration: 2:21.


Continuano le riprese sul set della fiction Un Passo Dal Cielo - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Continuano le riprese sul set della fiction Un Passo Dal Cielo - Duration: 4:09.


Gossip U&D, Andrea Damante spiazza: dichiarazione damore per Giulia De Lellis - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, Andrea Damante spiazza: dichiarazione damore per Giulia De Lellis - Duration: 4:10.


Meyer Optik Nocturnus 50mm f0.95 lens for DSLR cameras - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:14.

Meyer Optik unveiled a new Nocturnus 50mm f/0.95 lens designed for DSLR cameras.

The lens will be available in a matte black or silver finish colors for Canon, Nikon,

M42 and Pentax-K mounts.

With its starting aperture of f0.95 and 15 steel aperture blades with anti-reflex coating,

the Nocturnus 50mm f/0.95 DSLR creates an impression that virtually no other lens can


The optical design enables a high degree of sharpness at focal level, even at maximum

aperture, whilst it features a dream like bokeh with effects of shapes, colors and circular

lights when blurred.

Key Features: Focal length: 50 mm.

Sharpness with aperture of f0.95 – 22.

Bokeh characterized by its versatility from swirl to softness.

Clickless Aperture ring.

Filter Thread 72 mm.

Height 51 mm.

Weight 640 g.

Angle of View 47°.

Optical Design: 8 elements in 6 groups.

15 Aperture Blade diaphragm.

Made in Germany.

For more infomation >> Meyer Optik Nocturnus 50mm f0.95 lens for DSLR cameras - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:14.


CNN's Brook Baldwin Gets MAD When Wife Of Deported Illegal Refuses To Condemn Trump(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:12.

CNN's Brook Baldwin Gets MAD When Wife Of Deported Illegal Refuses To Condemn Trump

a top trump administration official is pushing back against reports that nearly

1500 immigrant children are lost instead the deputy secretary for Health

and Human Services explains it this way Eric Harkin says the children so-called

sponsor home quote does not answer the phone when we make the call after 30

days a call he insists is voluntary and not required for his agency to do his

statement comes after some renewed scrutiny that some children are being

separated from their parents at the border it is a policy the Trump

administration has defended if you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute

you and that child may be separated from you as required by law but to truly

understand the gravity of what is happening with families being separated

I wanted to revisit a family who made national headlines back in January the

country watched this heartbreaking goodbye the Garcia family clutching on

to their father and husband Jorge who was brought to this country when he was

just 10 years old the video ends as ice agents escort him to a plane bound for


with me now Jorge's wife of 15 years Cindy Garcia Cindy thank you so much for

for taking a minute with us and and just on your husband have you laid eyes on

Jorge since he left you in in January yes we were down in Mexico for two and a

half months in April and we were glad that we were able to go and see him and

how's he doing he lost 30 pounds he looks different than what he did living

here in the US the Mexico life has take a toll on him I was reading saying you

know listen a lot of people would be furious about what the government has

done maybe expressed their ire toward the president but I read that you're not

mad at the government you understand the laws can you explain that to me a little

bit and what tell me also what has ice said to you um yes I am not upset at our

government due to the fact that I am a US citizen and that our laws come first

our laws are just broken and need to be fixed

but I can't be mad at Trump for doing his job because that is his job to

protect us as US citizens from criminals the only thing is my husband was not a

criminal and those are the laws that need to be fixed because they're broken

for the people that are here were Broadus children doing the right thing

and have never committed a crime we need to fix a pathway to citizenship for them

for the criminals that have come here illegally they need to go back have you

had I mean a lot of people would be critical

of this administration I'm not hearing criticism from you and I'm just

wondering have you had any kind of communication with the White House and

are they giving you any any glimmer of hope that this will be resolved with

your husband um no at this time I have not had any news from the White House we

are in the process of trying to get our appointment in Cuates to see what their

decision is when we go hopefully witson within the next month or so and that's

what we're hoping for and we're hoping for good news when we go down there but

it's all up to them and now we can do pray that everything goes well in our

case because there should be nothing against us the only law that he come the

only crime that he committed was coming here at ten years old into the country

but he was a child at that time Cindy Garcia let's stay in close contact with

you thank you so very much thank you for having me on thank you god bless you and

God bless america

For more infomation >> CNN's Brook Baldwin Gets MAD When Wife Of Deported Illegal Refuses To Condemn Trump(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:12.


Söz Sezon Final Senaryosu - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Söz Sezon Final Senaryosu - Duration: 1:20.


La familia real danesa, de gala benéfica para la Cruz Roja - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> La familia real danesa, de gala benéfica para la Cruz Roja - Duration: 2:31.


#06 - HTML Basics - Formations - Duration: 6:46.

Hey how you doing guys this is A+ Courses with Frank and this is the sixth part of the html basic series

We left off in the previous episode by extending our document with a little informative table, what you can

See here if you haven't seen that one make sure that you watch and today, we are going to work with forms

So without any further ado let's get started

Let's create a form here, below our table that's gonna be the root of our form

And i'm going to delete the action for now

Inside our form we are going to have fields. For grouping fields, we have a fieldset

Also, we are going to have a legend inside the fieldset

the fieldset is pretty descriptive, it groups fields and inputs together

And the legend is there to give a title to our fieldset, so let's create a fieldset and

Inside define our legend

and if you go right rick open in browser

And scroll down, we can see the

The legend written here with a border around it

Let's populate it with some useful stuff, we want to have some input

With, which our users can interact with, so let's create an input by saying


And it's going to be a self closing tag and we can specify here a number of types for example text

or email

or tel

Password and so on and it's going to be validated accordingly to its type but for now

We are going to go with a simple text type

Now for our inputs to be referencable by our form we need to specify a unique name as well.

With the name attribute and i'm going to give it a value of


And of course if you go back and refresh the page, we now have

an empty input so we want to label it, so our users will know

What this input is for. In order to do so, let's define a label in front of the input


Say, we are expecting a name so now you can bind labels with inputs, by giving the input field an id

and reference that id in the label with the for attribute

so i am gonna give it an id of your-name

and reference this id inside the for attribute

Now, say the value of it will be, Name

Now if i go back to the browser, and refresh, you can see that the label appeared in front of the input

This way, whenever the user clicks on the label the input gets the focus automatically

Another way you can define the label, is by giving an, extra attribute to the input tag

a placeholder so to say

and you can give it a value as well

now going back and refresh you can see, the only difference is that it's appearing inside

and when you start typing

It will disappear and come backs as soon as there is no value inside the input field

We are going to have another field called a


A textarea is like a text input except it's bigger

and resizable so, we can write cool stories here, and let's give it a name and a label as well

for the name will be


and i'm gonna give a label in front of it

And let's say the id will be message

so i reference, the id again in the label's for attribute

And also let's add two more attributes, rows and cols. Rows and cols stands for rows and columns

and it is there to make the textarea bigger by default

You want to go with five and fifty for example and of course the form is worth nothing without a terms and conditions

so let's create a check box

It's also an input except it's type is check box, and don't forget our label

label for terms, so i'm gonna give an id

of terms here

it's a self closing tag and the biggest lie on the internet i read and accept the terms and conditions

Don't forget our name

and give it a value of terms

and now, we are only missing a button

Which you can send the form with it's usually the last thing in a form and can be defined in two ways

one is saying

Input type submit and the other one is saying button type


Both are acceptable and work fine however i would prefer button as you can

Put extra stuff inside button tags, for example if you have an icon you can put an image tag here

and also give it a value of


Or let's say send

And going back to our browser let's see what we have here, so we have the name, we have a message

And we can also resize this

We have a checkbox i read and accept the terms and conditions

Again if i click on the label it will check the checkbox for me and we have the send button and now

we have an extensive form, hope you learned a lot in this tutorial as always thanks for watching and see you in the next one

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