Bhaagamathie Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed Promo | Release Date Info | Anushka Shetty | Unni Mukundan - Duration: 1:45.Bhaagamathie Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed Promo | Release Date Info | Anushka Shetty | Unni Mukundan
這國與美國公開翻臉了?威脅如不售F-35 既要買S-400還要蘇-57 - Duration: 6:32.-------------------------------------------
The Best Of The Carpenters - The Carpenters's Greatest Hits 2018 - Duration: 55:48.
✅ Internautas se burlan de Belinda por depilarse 'de más' la cara - Duration: 1:46.Ciudad de México– Si de algo podemos estar seguros, es de lo meticulosos que son los usuarios de redes sociales, o por lo menos, es lo que podemos decir por las críticas que se desataron en contra de Belinda
Aunque de por si la guapa cantante siempre crea polémica, esta vez no fue por externar sus opiniones políticas ni por un nuevo romance, sino porque no tiene patillas
Si, en serio, no estamos bromeando, una lluvia de comentarios negativos le llovió a la intérprete de 'Boba niña nice' por su depilación
Si bien la famosa ya había publicado algunas fotos parecidas, donde se nota la ausencia de sus "patillas", no fue sino hasta ahora que sus seguidores notaron más a profundidad este detalle
Como conclusión, ¡los fans están al pendiente de todo! Si no es un mal Photoshop, es una estría, "lonjita", o algo más que criticar
De lo que no cabe duda es que se ve guapísima, y no podemos esperar a que lance un nuevo sencillo
¡Mira la galería!
Jaguar XJ 2.7D V6 Final Edition 2e eigen 117.000km NAP - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Avensis Wagon 2.2 D-4D Executive Climate Leder - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Kia pro_cee'd 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line met Clima, Cruise, Bluetooth en Demovoordeel!! - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
JUST IN: Obama Staffers' Secret Coup Against Trump Just Went Into Full Effect For Dems To Take Over - Duration: 6:28.JUST IN: Obama Staffers' Secret Coup Against Trump Just Went Into Full Effect For Dems
To Take Over President Barack Obama and his minions are
applying community organizing to elections.
Obama's former staffers are running for a number of elected office positions this
year in hopes to challenge and unseat Republicans.
But the huge blue wave they originally predicted is now looking like more of a blue drip.
Americans just aren't buying what they are selling.
However, the left does see this as a secret coup against Trump so the Democrats can retake
Good luck with that.
There are at least 64 former Obama staffers running for federal, state or local office.
More are crawling out of the Marxist woodwork every day as deadlines approach for filing.
One of these progressive foot soldiers is civil rights attorney Colin Allred.
He allegedly stepped down from his Department of Housing and Urban Development position
in January 2017 because he was troubled by the prospects of Donald Trump's incoming
So instead, he threw his hat into the political ring to run for office by challenging Texas
Republican Rep. Pete Sessions in April 2017.
Allred is running in Texas' 32nd Congressional District.
28 other Obama staffers are running for the House of Representatives.
Several staffers are running for City Council and others are running for governor, according
to the Obama Alumni Association, a group run by former members of his two administrations.
By the way, there are a number of Democratic Socialists of America running for office who
are connected to Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders.
At least 17 are in political races across the country.
A number of DSA comrades are running in Texas.
Go figure.
These Obama sycophants claim that Trump's racially-charged administration has pushed
them to the brink.
That's just ridiculous because Trump is demonstrably not a racist, unlike a number
of Democrats I can think of.
If they told the truth, it's because Trump is not socialist enough for their tastes.
But I digress.
Others are having a conniption over Obamacare.
"Looking back on last year, it was the effort to take down the Affordable Care Act with
no viable replacement," said Tom Malinowski, 52, the former Assistant Secretary of State
for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.
Malinowski is now running for Congress in New Jersey's 7th Congressional District.
Considering that New Jersey is rife with illegal Muslim immigrants as well as illegal immigrants
in general, this guy fits right in.
"It was the Muslim ban, and attacks on immigrants, it was the tearing up of alliances and commitments
It was the taking down of environmental protections, it was refusing to invest in infrastructure
as Trump had promised," he explained.
Pass the shovel.
The Grio has more on the meltdown:
"And, in Malinowski's opinion, the straw that broke the camel's back is bigger than
Trump himself."
""… the silence and active complicity of Republicans, particularly in the House
of Republicans," he added.""Malinowski wants to flip the Republican stronghold in
the House.
He's vying to unseat Republican Rep. Leonard Lance in the Democratic primary on June 5."
"Obama also left an indelible impression on alum Ammar Campa-Najjar."
""A lot of us Obama babies were inspired by the President's call to action when he
retired," Campa-Najjar said."
"Campa-Najjar is now running as a candidate in California's 50th Congressional District,
which will have its primary on June 5.
The 29-year-old once served as a deputy regional field director for Southern California on
Obama's 2012 campaign and later at the White House."
""I kind of inherited the enthusiasm that Obama created in my area in 2012 and 2008,"
he told NBC News."
Campa-Najjar is being billed as a young, handsome Latino Arab American.
Campa-Najjar, whose mother is Mexican American and whose father is Palestinian American,
says he spent a lot of time speaking to Hispanic voters in his district to get them to the
Obama was smart about setting up an attempted coup.
He went with young candidates that tended to be non-white, or at the very least are
progressive Democrats.
This guy is one of the chosen to attain office.
Campa-Najjar has spoken and written about his childhood, which was spent in Gaza, Palestine
and later in California.
He says the prospect of a wall on the southern U.S. border is personal for him and his family.
He also remembers the moment the second Intifada broke out and what it felt to be "stuck"
within walls.
I bet he does.
I wonder if he remembers persecuting innocent Jews.
Back to Malinowski, who has won the endorsement of all six Democratic county organizations
in the district.
"From standing up to dictators as an assistant secretary of state to working to forge peace
while on the National Security Council, Tom Malinowski has spent his life serving our
country and fighting for human rights," DCCC Chairman Ben Ray Luján said in a statement.
"Tom's deep knowledge, unwavering principles and dedication to regular folks will make
him an excellent congressman.
No matter the challenge or obstacle, Tom gets the job done and it's why he's built such
a strong campaign."
These are the kind of Marxists that Obama trained to carry on as he strives to stir
up even more divisiveness currently among Americans.
And there's more.
Obama left quite a leftist legacy behind for those who want to follow in his liberal footsteps.
Deb Haaland, is working to become the country's first Native American congresswoman and credits
President Obama for instilling in her the courage to be a game-changer.
"I feel like if I hadn't worked for the President, I would never have had the courage
or the wherewithal to run," she said.
"I think about him every single day."
The cult of Obama is evidently alive and still unhinged.
Here & Now Tuesday May 29 2018 - Duration: 1:05:48.-------------------------------------------
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Comme Mamoudou Gassama, ces héros naturalisés français - Duration: 5:10.-------------------------------------------
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✅ Grande Fratello 15 semifinale: chi è stato eliminato e chi sono i finalisti - Duration: 3:40.Grande Fratello 15 cosa è successo nell'ultima puntata? Eliminati e finalisti della semifinale La semifinale del Grande Fratello 15, condotta come sempre da Barbara d'Urso, è stata ricca di televoti e colpi di scena
Chi sono gli eliminati della puntata? Danilo Aquino e Filippo Contri. Il primo è uscito sconfitto dal televoto settimanale: a volere fuori l'idraulico è stato il 35% dei votanti
Filippo è uscito invece sconfitto dal secondo televoto, quello che lo ha coinvolto con Matteo e Alberto
Ma come si è arrivati a questo secondo televoto? La d'Urso ha chiamato Matteo e Alessia Prete, gli unici due concorrenti a non essere mai stati nominati dagli altri concorrenti nel corso del programma
I due sono stati sottoposti al giudizio degli altri gieffini (ad esclusione di Simone Coccia, già finalista), che hanno espresso una preferenza tra i fidanzati
Ad avere la peggio è stato il calciatore che, finito al televoto, ha deciso di portare con sé Alberto e Filippo
Matteo Gentili eletto secondo finalista del Grande Fratello Al televoto tra Matteo, Filippo e Alberto si votava per eleggere il secondo finalista
Ne è uscito vincitore l'ex fidanzato di Paola Di Benedetto, che ha ottenuto il 43% delle preferenze
Al secondo posto si è piazzato Alberto, che ha avuto il 31% dei voti mentre terzo Filippo con il 26%
Alla fine è stato proprio il fidanzato di Lucia Orlando a lasciare la Casa del Grande Fratello
Subito dopo sono state decretate la terza e quarta finalista, che sono rispettivamente Alessia Prete e Lucia
Simone e Matteo hanno scelto chi portare con sé in finale: il primo ha optato per Alberto e il secondo per Alessia
Le due ragazze rimaste – Lucia e Veronica – sono finite al televoto e hanno avuto la possibilità di nominare un altro concorrente per questa sfida
Le giovani hanno scelto Alessia, per vivere così una gara tutta al femminile. Alessia e Lucia altre finaliste; Alberto e Veronica al televoto Dall'ultimo televoto della semifinale del Grande Fratello, sono uscite vincitrici Alessia e Lucia
La figlia di Bobby Solo, che è stata la meno votata, è rimasta in casa ma è ora al televoto con Alberto
Televoto che resterà aperto per tutta la settimana e che verrà chiuso solo all'inizio della puntata finale
Finale che, come scritto nei giorni scorsi, è stata anticipata a lunedì 4 giugno
✅ 10 choses que les hommes disent dans une relation et ce qu'ils veulent réellement signifier - Duration: 5:30.Depuis la nuit des temps, les désaccords et les conflits ont toujours fait partie de la vie des couples, souvent nés à cause de malentendus et de mauvaises interprétations
A croire que, les hommes et les femmes débarquent de planètes différentes et parlent des langues opposées
Ces malentendus peuvent créer des tensions au sein du couple et mettre à rude épreuve l'amour des deux partenaires et dégénérer en drames inutiles
Dans la plupart des cas, avec le temps, lorsque le couple atteint la maturité, il arrive à mieux se connaître et à se comprendre ; il faudrait néanmoins faire preuve de beaucoup de patience pour y arriver
Cependant, si vous voulez mesdames, comprendre ce que votre homme essaye de vous dire, nous vous proposons de découvrir les messages les plus courants qu'il pourrait souvent utiliser et leur réelle interprétation afin d'éviter des accrochages inutiles
1. "Crois-moi, c'est juste une amie." Ce qu'il essaye de vous faire comprendre par cette expression est que vous n'avez aucune raison de vous sentir menacée ou jalouse par cette autre femme
S'il avait eu par le passé une quelconque relation avec elle, il ne serait pas son ami aujourd'hui car il est tout simplement avec vous et que vous le comblez sur tous les plans
2. "Ok, j'avais tort et je suis désolé." La plupart du temps, un homme n'admet jamais son tort et présente rarement des excuses
S'il le fait, c'est tout simplement pour avoir la paix. Si les conflits et les disputes le fatiguent à l'extrême, il est probable qu'il mente en admettant sa faute, juste pour se défaire du stress généré par ce conflit
3. "Mon ex-petite amie s'est avérée être une vraie folle." Vous pourrez vous sentir flattée par cette phrase en pensant qu'il vous privilégie par rapport à son ex copine, alors qu'il essaye tout simplement de vous prévenir de ne pas devenir aussi folle qu'elle et que dans le cas où vous le deveniez vraiment, il préférerait le savoir, aussitôt que possible, pour prendre ses jambes à son cou
4. "Ce n'est pas toi, c'est moi." Afin d'éviter la confrontation, les hommes ont souvent cette manie d'utiliser des subterfuges
Pour se sortir de l'embarras, ils utilisent dans la plupart des cas des expressions courantes de ce genre
Or, ce qu'ils veulent réellement dire, c'est qu'ils n'ont pas assez de patience et d'endurance pour traiter ce problème avec vous
5. "Je pense que ce serait une bonne idée de passer du temps ensemble." Cette phrase veut tout simplement dire que vous lui plaisez sans pour autant qu'il y ait un engagement sérieux de sa part
Pour ne pas vous effrayer, il préfère adopter une attitude décontractée afin d'éviter de vous mettre la pression
Il aimerait vous laisser le temps de le connaître et de l'apprécier à sa juste valeur
6."Vous ( suivi du nom d'un autre homme) semblez avoir un lien très spécial." En général, les hommes sont possessifs surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de leur partenaire
Ils pourraient se sentir menacés par la présence d'un autre homme. Cette expression veut tout simplement dire qu'il a besoin d'être rassuré et de savoir que les autres hommes de votre vie ne sont pas des concurrents potentiels
7. "Je n'ai pas eu une bonne journée aujourd'hui." Par cette phrase, il aimerait vous faire passer un message relatif à la vulnérabilité et la fragilité qu'il ressent à ce moment précis, sans pour autant l'avouer réellement
Il a besoin de votre amour, de votre tendresse et de votre soutien pour se ressourcer
8. "Je ne veux pas en parler maintenant." Pour esquiver une discussion sur un sujet qui le dérange, un homme trouvera le moyen de détourner la discussion et vous faire croire qu'il sera prêt à en parler ultérieurement même s'il n'a aucune intention de le faire
9. "J'adore ton look quand tu ne te maquilles pas." L'interprétation réelle de cette phrase est qu'il est toujours embêté par vos retards dans la salle de bain pour vous habiller et vous maquiller, lorsque vous êtes invités à des dîners ou à des événements
10. "Je n'ai pas reçu ton message/Je viens de voir ton message !" Pour ne pas vous blesser d'avoir oublié de vous répondre, il peut inventer cette excuse pour se sortir de l'embarras
Mais, ne vous en faites pas, il vous aime comme au premier jour. Alors messieurs, êtes-vous d'accord ? Est-ce que vous vous retrouvez dans tous ces subterfuges ?
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