Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Youtube daily report May 30 2018

Hey hey! Welcome back to this episode of the Tsar Experience with me, Conor

Clyne. I'm in the Canary Islands in Tenerife and today's video is going to

be a variation what I've been doing before it's gonna be $1,000 what it can

buy you here in the Canary Islands in Tenerife before I've been doing $100 but

thanks to your feedback that you leave in the comments you wanted something it

was a higher kind of price band so I'm actually just gonna make this $1,000 or

800 euros so let's get in today's video and show you what you can get for your

money here.

So just before I get into explaining about the prices here in Madrid I'm just

gonna answer a question that I got several times on the last series of

$100 when I was traveling around that time in Eastern Europe and cities like

Brest, Warsaw and Hrodna and that's is why sometimes am I wearing shades inside?

Is it because of branding? Is it to look like you Casey Neistat? Am I blind at times? No!

The actual reason is because I suffer from really bad allergies at times and

if I don't have antihistamines these eyes get really really messed up so this

is actually something why you see me sometimes wearing shades when I'm

vlogging indoors. You can actually see here in the viewfinder I can actually

look at it while I film and it doesn't look weird I see some other vloggers do

that when they look just past the actual lens and not into the lens and speak to

you guys so I always found that a bit strange so now you know I'm not blind

and this is not really branding for ...

So the first thing that you need to do normally when you go traveling other than actually get there and figure how

you gonna fly is of course book your accommodation figure where you're gonna

be staying where is that roof of your head gonna be what's very popular here

in Tenerife in the Canary Islands of course is to rent a villa if you're in a

group you know a nice place with a pool we rented one I was at a business

mastermind actually in the south of the island that's why I originally came here

to Tenerife that cost about a thousand euros a night so about 1250 US dollars

but if you are on your own and you don't want the entire villa to yourself, of course

you can stay in an apartment like this one I got an Airbnb with this nice patio

right in the center of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which is the capital here and

that is about 60 euros a night so about seventy, seventy five US dollars

and night so if you're staying for like say three or four four days here then

that you know it's gonna work out about 250 euros more or less to get this kind

of level of accommodation in the city center.

So unfortunately Uber which is normally my go-to in terms of transport when

I'm traveling doesn't work in Tenerife so I took a taxi from the southern airport

up to the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife and it cost around $100 or 80

euros now if you are looking to rent a car which is not a great option here

then that's gonna set you back thirty to sixty US dollars per day so that's gonna

be roughly around twenty five to fifty euros if you want to take the bus

instead of taking the taxi all the way down from the capital to the southern

airport that's gonna be around ten euros more or less so about twelve dollars

fifty so that's an overview of the price range for transport. So now I'm here on

the main pedestrian street in the centre of Santa Cruz the capital of Tenerife

and if you have a glass of wine it's probably two or three euro for local

wine. That's great value. That's gonna be about yeah three or four dollars US

for that and about 1 euro 25 maybe a $1 25 for your coffee to go for

breakfast like have maybe an orange juice and coffee and yeah something

savory it's probably gonna set you back around about 5 euros here and if you go

for like got dinner was setting me back around 30 euros for maybe two plates

some coffee some wine you know there's water so one of those

kind of typical Spanish plates like with tortilla or chickpeas I had another one

garbanzos. What else did I have huevos con chorizo also seafood we're

here by the sea so go for some pulpo or some octopus something else that's probably

gonna cost you about 10 to 12 euros or twelve to fifteen dollars US so that's

kind of the overview of the restaurants. To sum up so for what can you get for

your 1,000 bucks or about 800 euros against maybe 750 euros well if you stay

for like three or four days and you don't say the Villa of course because

that would be one night gone you could stay in a place like this right in the

center then you could like eat out three times a day you're probably gonna go

through about 50 euros eating reasonably well then if you like

clubbing say the weekend you want to factor in about 50 euros unless

you're getting a table or something that's going to push up the price but I think we have a

few cocktails they were like 10 euros and then the entrance about 10 to

the best club in the island which was Papagayo in the very south at Playa De

Las Américas and then if you do something like maybe you actually

take the catamaran you go out for a day or something like that with some friends

have a party I think you probably be on the money for one thousand dollars

pretty much around that kind of price range. So let me know in the comments

section well the reason as I said this is now $1,000 not $100 is actually a

feedback that I get from you guys that you wanted to see things that were

outside of the kind of budget traveler price range exactly that's why I can

bumped up the price a little bit I'm gonna try and accommodate you and show

you what you really want to see in terms of the prices so keep writing in the

comments below ... whether you find this actually expensive whether you find it

cheap relative to where you live or where you're used to traveling to and yeah I

will see you very soon in the next video that's it from this Tip Thursday from me

Conor Clyne of the Tsar Experience. Adios y hasta luego de Tenerife de Santa

Cruz de Tenerife la capital ... Ciao! [Bye and see you soon from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the capital, ciao!]

For more infomation >> What can you get for $1000 in Tenerife, Canary Islands as a traveler? - Duration: 6:22.


Citroën Grand C4 Picasso PureTech 130 S&S 1.2 T. Selection - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso PureTech 130 S&S 1.2 T. Selection - Duration: 0:55.


Citroën C3 PureTech 110 S&S Shine Automaat - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PureTech 110 S&S Shine Automaat - Duration: 1:12.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi S&S Feel - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi S&S Feel - Duration: 1:07.


New DIY Series

For more infomation >> New DIY Series


Suzuki Vitara 1.6D EXCLUSIVE ALLGRIP 4x4 | Trekhaak | Adaptive Cruise | Navi - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara 1.6D EXCLUSIVE ALLGRIP 4x4 | Trekhaak | Adaptive Cruise | Navi - Duration: 1:13.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 350 d AMG - LINE / LUCHTVERING / DISTRONIC / PANORAMADAK - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 350 d AMG - LINE / LUCHTVERING / DISTRONIC / PANORAMADAK - Duration: 1:07.



For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.2 D-4D COMFORT 4-WD CRUISE AIRCO TREKHAAK RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:53.


PARANOÏD - Lazy Day - Duration: 4:31.

Lazy day between hopes an fail

It's a no man's trail

It's a sorry tale

without you

And I wake up another day

And I feel so strange

Gues I need a change for my brain

Tell me what you want me to do

And I wake up another day

And I feel so strange

Guess I need a change for my brain

Story telling is out of date

Between love and hate

It's a sorry tale without you

Tell me what you want me to do

Lazy day between hopes and fail

Why you threw a spell on my tunes

And I wake up another day

And I'm on the edge

without you

Can I, Can I believe my eyes

All the people cry

Living through the veil of fortune

And the people we're passing by

Light a thousands stars

In the heavy skies of fortune

Tell me what you want me to do

You gotta tell me what you want me to ..

Lazy Day between hopes and fail

Why you threw a spell on my tunes

And I wake up another day

And I'm on the edge without you

Tell me I can replace

Your sorry tales with the best songs I've ever chose

Lazy Day between hopes and fail

It's a no man's trail

Without you

For more infomation >> PARANOÏD - Lazy Day - Duration: 4:31.


Onslow Co. leaders meet for workshop on fiscal year 18-19 budget - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Onslow Co. leaders meet for workshop on fiscal year 18-19 budget - Duration: 1:57.


Questi 4 comuni ingredienti sono la soluzione per insonnia, stanchezza, mal di testa e asma - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Questi 4 comuni ingredienti sono la soluzione per insonnia, stanchezza, mal di testa e asma - Duration: 3:02.


Volkswagen Caddy | Trendline | Trekhaak | Airco | Cruise !!! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy | Trendline | Trekhaak | Airco | Cruise !!! - Duration: 1:11.


Tragedia ad Almese (Torino). Un ventenne è morto annegato mentre provava a saltare la cascata di un - Duration: 4:37.

TORINO – Ha provato a saltare la cascata di un torrente nella bassa Valle di Susa

Una prova scellerata di abilità circense con l'amico che, telefonino alla mano, era pronto a immortalare l'impresa

Ma è finita in tragedia: il giovane è morto annegato nel piccolo lago che si forma ai piedi della cascata, ingrossato in questi giorni dai frequenti temporali

[blitz clicca qui – Oggi, App on Google Play] L'amico è stato trovato in stato di choc e ipotermia: ora è ricoverato all'ospedale di Rivoli

La tragedia si è consumata ad Almese (Torino) in una zona di mezza montagna, molto frequentata in estate da chi cerca refrigerio dal caldo

 Da una prima ricostruzione sembra che i due volessero immortalare l'impresa realizzando un video con il telefono cellulare, una moda molto in voga tra giovani e meno giovani, anche a costo della propria incolumità

La località è la Goja (come si dice pozza in piemontese) del Pis (in dialetto cascata) dove il torrente Messa forma un laghetto di una trentina di metri di diametro dopo un salto tra le rocce

Alla Goja del Pis si arriva percorrendo a piedi un sentiero segnalato e dotato di punti panoramici, tra i boschi, dopo una camminata di una ventina di minuti dall'abitato di Almese

Lì i due giovani, appassionati di arti circensi, hanno deciso di provare alcuni esercizi imparati frequentando una scuola di circo

Il salto però non è riuscito e i due sono precipitati nell'acqua gelida. Il sopravvissuto ha dato l'allarme dopo essersi trascinato fuori dall'acqua ma all'arrivo dei soccorsi per l'amico non c'era più nulla da fare

Non è stato neppure facile recuperare il corpo, per la corrente del fiume ingrossato dalle ultime piogge

Sul posto sono intervenuti i vigili del fuoco di Almese e il Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico di Bussoleno, con squadre terra e un elicottero

Il sopravvissuto è stato portato con l'eliambulanza a Rivoli. Sull'esatta dinamica dell'incidente sono in corso gli accertamenti dei carabinieri della compagnia di Rivoli

Quello di Almese non è il primo caso di un giovane morto per fare una foto o un video

Lo scorso luglio in Sardegna una quindicenne ungherese è annegata in mare mentre con il cellulare si stava scattando un selfie

Nel marzo 2016, invece, un sedicenne napoletano è morto mentre facendo giochi d'equilibrio sui binari della ferrovia, forse per scattare un selfie al sopraggiungere del treno

For more infomation >> Tragedia ad Almese (Torino). Un ventenne è morto annegato mentre provava a saltare la cascata di un - Duration: 4:37.


Ben 21 giorni di precipitazioni in un mese. Fine settimana di sole, poi tornano i rovesci - Duration: 3:17.

Che al Nord Italia la primavera sia piovosa non è una novità, lo dicono le statistiche secolari che identificano proprio maggio come mese più bagnato dell'anno soprattutto sulla zona prealpina

Ma in queste settimane, in particolare al Nord-Ovest, si sta passando la misura.     Daniele Solavaggione Copyright ©   Torino, città particolarmente colpita da rovesci quasi quotidiani dallo scorso 29 aprile, ha vissuto ieri il suo ventunesimo giorno di pioggia di questo maggio, e oggi potrebbe essere il ventiduesimo - il doppio del normale - stabilendo così un nuovo primato di frequenza nella serie di dati iniziata nel 1803

Precedenti confrontabili si erano verificati con ricorrenza media quarantennale, nel maggio 1810, 1859, 1889, 1946, 1984, tutti episodi da 20-21 giorni di precipitazione nel mese

La ragione sta nella posizione anomala dell'anticiclone, disteso sul Nord Europa dove è scoppiata un'estate dal sapore mediterraneo con tempo asciutto e nuovi record di 29 °C a Copenhagen e 32 °C a Berlino, mentre il Nord Italia rimane in balìa di correnti atlantiche umide ma tiepide

Stupisce l'insistenza degli acquazzoni nostrani, non l'abbondanza: fino a ieri sera nel capoluogo subalpino, si erano raccolti 190 mm d'acqua, quantità sopra la norma che ne vorrebbe 130, ma per nulla eccezionale e già vista in altri episodi recenti (235 mm nel maggio 1999, 203 mm nel 2008)

    LEGGI ANCHE     Per la quantità di pioggia i record sono lontani: nel citato maggio 1810 di millimetri ne caddero ben 564, il Po andò in piena e le campagne soffersero «non soltanto per la perdita dei grani, dei frutti, ma anche per le inondazioni di fiumi e torrenti», come ricordano gli annali dell'Accademia delle Scienze torinese

Quest'anno, a parte qualche scroscio più violento, le piogge si sono ripartite in numerosi eventi moderati che non hanno causato problemi sul territorio, salvo qualche difficoltà nei lavori agricoli e una riduzione della produzione elettrica da pannelli fotovoltaici

Con l'eccezione di aprile - soleggiato e caldo record di due secoli - è dallo scorso dicembre che le perturbazioni atlantiche si susseguono senza posa, una situazione di blocco atmosferico contrapposta a quella che l'aveva preceduta con l'ostinata siccità dell'estate-autunno 2017

    Inconsueti diluvi hanno colpito anche la Sardegna a inizio maggio con 200 mm in pochi giorni

Nelle ultime settimane hanno ricevuto piogge via via più diradate e normali per la stagione Venezia, sempre in maggio, 78 mm in 8 giorni piovosi, e Palermo, 25 mm in 5 giorni

Un po' più di sole è atteso nel weekend. Da lunedì una nuova sequenza di giornate punteggiate da temporali


For more infomation >> Ben 21 giorni di precipitazioni in un mese. Fine settimana di sole, poi tornano i rovesci - Duration: 3:17.


Academy of Art University

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University


What can you get for $1000 in Tenerife, Canary Islands as a traveler? - Duration: 6:22.

Hey hey! Welcome back to this episode of the Tsar Experience with me, Conor

Clyne. I'm in the Canary Islands in Tenerife and today's video is going to

be a variation what I've been doing before it's gonna be $1,000 what it can

buy you here in the Canary Islands in Tenerife before I've been doing $100 but

thanks to your feedback that you leave in the comments you wanted something it

was a higher kind of price band so I'm actually just gonna make this $1,000 or

800 euros so let's get in today's video and show you what you can get for your

money here.

So just before I get into explaining about the prices here in Madrid I'm just

gonna answer a question that I got several times on the last series of

$100 when I was traveling around that time in Eastern Europe and cities like

Brest, Warsaw and Hrodna and that's is why sometimes am I wearing shades inside?

Is it because of branding? Is it to look like you Casey Neistat? Am I blind at times? No!

The actual reason is because I suffer from really bad allergies at times and

if I don't have antihistamines these eyes get really really messed up so this

is actually something why you see me sometimes wearing shades when I'm

vlogging indoors. You can actually see here in the viewfinder I can actually

look at it while I film and it doesn't look weird I see some other vloggers do

that when they look just past the actual lens and not into the lens and speak to

you guys so I always found that a bit strange so now you know I'm not blind

and this is not really branding for ...

So the first thing that you need to do normally when you go traveling other than actually get there and figure how

you gonna fly is of course book your accommodation figure where you're gonna

be staying where is that roof of your head gonna be what's very popular here

in Tenerife in the Canary Islands of course is to rent a villa if you're in a

group you know a nice place with a pool we rented one I was at a business

mastermind actually in the south of the island that's why I originally came here

to Tenerife that cost about a thousand euros a night so about 1250 US dollars

but if you are on your own and you don't want the entire villa to yourself, of course

you can stay in an apartment like this one I got an Airbnb with this nice patio

right in the center of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which is the capital here and

that is about 60 euros a night so about seventy, seventy five US dollars

and night so if you're staying for like say three or four four days here then

that you know it's gonna work out about 250 euros more or less to get this kind

of level of accommodation in the city center.

So unfortunately Uber which is normally my go-to in terms of transport when

I'm traveling doesn't work in Tenerife so I took a taxi from the southern airport

up to the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife and it cost around $100 or 80

euros now if you are looking to rent a car which is not a great option here

then that's gonna set you back thirty to sixty US dollars per day so that's gonna

be roughly around twenty five to fifty euros if you want to take the bus

instead of taking the taxi all the way down from the capital to the southern

airport that's gonna be around ten euros more or less so about twelve dollars

fifty so that's an overview of the price range for transport. So now I'm here on

the main pedestrian street in the centre of Santa Cruz the capital of Tenerife

and if you have a glass of wine it's probably two or three euro for local

wine. That's great value. That's gonna be about yeah three or four dollars US

for that and about 1 euro 25 maybe a $1 25 for your coffee to go for

breakfast like have maybe an orange juice and coffee and yeah something

savory it's probably gonna set you back around about 5 euros here and if you go

for like got dinner was setting me back around 30 euros for maybe two plates

some coffee some wine you know there's water so one of those

kind of typical Spanish plates like with tortilla or chickpeas I had another one

garbanzos. What else did I have huevos con chorizo also seafood we're

here by the sea so go for some pulpo or some octopus something else that's probably

gonna cost you about 10 to 12 euros or twelve to fifteen dollars US so that's

kind of the overview of the restaurants. To sum up so for what can you get for

your 1,000 bucks or about 800 euros against maybe 750 euros well if you stay

for like three or four days and you don't say the Villa of course because

that would be one night gone you could stay in a place like this right in the

center then you could like eat out three times a day you're probably gonna go

through about 50 euros eating reasonably well then if you like

clubbing say the weekend you want to factor in about 50 euros unless

you're getting a table or something that's going to push up the price but I think we have a

few cocktails they were like 10 euros and then the entrance about 10 to

the best club in the island which was Papagayo in the very south at Playa De

Las Américas and then if you do something like maybe you actually

take the catamaran you go out for a day or something like that with some friends

have a party I think you probably be on the money for one thousand dollars

pretty much around that kind of price range. So let me know in the comments

section well the reason as I said this is now $1,000 not $100 is actually a

feedback that I get from you guys that you wanted to see things that were

outside of the kind of budget traveler price range exactly that's why I can

bumped up the price a little bit I'm gonna try and accommodate you and show

you what you really want to see in terms of the prices so keep writing in the

comments below ... whether you find this actually expensive whether you find it

cheap relative to where you live or where you're used to traveling to and yeah I

will see you very soon in the next video that's it from this Tip Thursday from me

Conor Clyne of the Tsar Experience. Adios y hasta luego de Tenerife de Santa

Cruz de Tenerife la capital ... Ciao! [Bye and see you soon from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the capital, ciao!]

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