Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
La verità di Barbara D'Urso: ecco perché ce l'ha con Corona | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Old MacDonald Had A Zoo | Songs And Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 20:37.Old MacDonald has a wonderful zoo..
Lets go visit there..
Old MacDonald had a zoo.
And on this zoo he had a lion...E-i-E-i-O
With the Roar roar here and the roar roar there..
Here a roar there a roar everywhere a roar roar..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a gorilla...E-i-E-i-O
With then oak oak here and then oak oak there
Here a oak there a oak everywhere a oak oak...
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a elephant...E-i-E-i-O
When the trumpet trumpet here and the trumpet trumpet there..
here a trumpet trumpet there a trumpet trumpet everywhere trumpet trumpet..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a parrot...E-i-E-i-O
With a squawk squawk here and a squawk squawk there...
Here a squawk, there a squawk Everywhere a squawk squawk ..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a bear...E-i-E-i-O
With a growl growl here and a growl growl there...
Here a growl, there a growl Everywhere a growl growl.
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a crocodile...E-i-E-i-O
With a flash flash here and a flash flash there...
Here a flash, there a flash Everywhere a flash flash
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a wolf...E-i-E-i-O
With a howl howl here and a howl howl there...
Here a howl, there a howl Everywhere a howl howl..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a hippo...E-i-E-i-O
With a grunt grunt here and a grunt grunt l there...
Here a grunt, there a grunt Everywhere a grunt grunt..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
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VRay Displacement Map with Maya - 2 methods, Create real materials using only Textures - MayaTubers - Duration: 21:11.Subtitles by Carlos Álvarez V. for MayaTubers ^_^
if you will found any error into the subtitles please write to mayatubers@gmail.com Thanks ! ♪ ♫ music of the intro ♪ ♫
♪ ♫ music of the intro ♪ ♫
Welcome Back to MayaTubers!!! to another tutorial with me I´m Carlos Álvarez Velázquez,
and today's Tutorial is about generate Displacement Map known in Spanish by (Mapa de Desplazamiento)..
we are going to be able to transform a simple plane like this to this floor with just one click
❤ it's cool ❤
I will teach 2 methods to get the displacement map in Maya with VRay
1º Method is to apply the Displacement of Maya to a Material of V-Ray Mtl
2º Método es aplicar el Nodo de V-Ray Displacement a un objeto poligonal
I remove the image from here
I will also teach you how to correctly configure the VRay Displacement Quality and Control
to do it correctly, (fine) and not incorrectly, (brute)
you can define correctly and avoid errors when using the Vray Displacement Material
and finally I will teach you with all these textures
using one of my workflows to get a realistic material but using only the textures
until you reach this final result ❤
well MayaTubers strong hug and see you in tutorial Bye !!! ☺
hey !! What's up MayaTubers !! ☺ before starting the tutorial
I show you where I downloaded the Free Textures so you can follow all the steps
It's an online store of textures, but a free section called Freebie, Freebie! hehe
where we find 4 very good materials in 4K and 8K totally free, register and download them!
for this tutorial I'm just going to use the textures in 4K
I show the texture Ambient Occlusion = AO to create shadows, give more depth or create dirt ...
one of the best Bump type textures I've seen in a long time, so I will not use the Normal Map
the Color or Fuzzy Map that lacks saturation but we will arrange it inside Maya with a Node
Very important the depth texture, Depth that with this we will use the Vray Displacement Map
We could use the Normal map for the Bump or the Displacement Map, but we have other better textures
then for the Displacement Mat. we will use the Texture Depth and for the finer details the Texture Bump
and for Reflections we will use the other 3 textures, Roughness, Glossines and H.Glossines
after the presentations haha we go to the Maya Autodesk to begin with the tutorial ☺
the scene is very simple with a floor and the lighting of the tutorial of the Virtual Model with VRay in Maya
os dejo aquí el enlace del tutorial ☝
let's do a quickly Render IPR
so you check that I don't have anything applied to the ground
but before I start I explain very quickly where are the 2 methods to use Displacement Map
1º Applying the Displacement Map Native of Maya to a Material of VRay Mtl
it's there, for all the materials for V-Ray, Arnold, Corona, RedShift, etc.
and so simple how to follow the steps of the video, well we go back and eliminate the connections
2º Method is to use the VRay Displacement Node for one or several objects, for this we select the soil
right from the Menu Shelves of VRay and we apply for example the Single VRay Displacement or
Menu > Create > V-Ray > V-Ray Displacement > Single ...
It´s the same, we select the Single... and we create the node that we see in the OutLiner and within the Node
we find the ground, all the objects that are inside the Node will have the same Displacement
then, we can with the middle mouse button, MMB, drop all the objects inside the node, dragging them
It is very simple!! hehe but now Where do we add the texture to VRay Displacement?
well from the Attribute Editor select the Object or selecting the Node VRay Displacement
Click in the Checker > Select File We select the texture Depth
It is very well done
already applied, remember to have a correct UVs Let's do a Render IPR
So in my example, the Displacement Map is barely visible because I have scaled 50x times the size of the scene
It is very big, I have done it to teach you to modify the value of the displacement, look do you see very little the effect hehe
How can we change the value of the Displacement Map?
we select the object and go to in the shape tab, in this example is FloorShape
click in Attributes > VRay > Displacement Control
here we can define the Amount Displacement, you put a value between 1 ~ 5, and I need put the value 50 because my scene is bigger
Magic! that great floor just in a second, very easy ❤ ❤
I love it! i go center ithe camera because it has been displaced by applying the Displacement Map
IMPORTANT: Now you may have a problem if you are using objects with Smooth or Hard Surface, because of the configuration
that has VRay by default go to the VRay Settings > Settings
with a Max Subdivision of 256, this high value is not a problem for the Displacement Mat, but yes, if you have ...
if you have activated the ViewPort Subdivision in Overrrides + the value of 256 in Max Subdivision will have a big problem
so I recommend that whenever you put the value in 4 for the Smooth Subdivisions
y el Max. Subdivision lo configuras en el Displacement & Subdivsion Quality independientemente in each object
Now I do render with the value Max. Subdivision in 4, it looks like a bump hehe
How do we configure the Max. Subdivision specifically?
with the object selected go to the tab FloorShape and activates the, Attributes > VRay > Subdivision & Displacement Quality
now yes, we can change it, for example, from 4 to 28, which I think will be sufficient subdivisions. Render IPR
we already have the Displacement Mat Subdivisions configured again and correctly. ! I love it!!!! ❤
but, What is the Edge Length and what is it useful for? first I put a high value, for example 8
you will see what happens if I do an IPR Render
At first sight the error is not appreciated, but I will expand an area and make an IPR Render in Full HD 1080p
now yes!, look at this area, i make a zoo Do you see those serrated edge?
it´s need more definition in the length of the edges, but with 8 reduces the times of renders, but in exchange we
generates errors at the edges... everything is bad for me hehe, bad and bad..
How do I solve this problem? - giving more definition to the edge, with a lower value in Edge Length
we lower this value, but it is important that you never go below of 1,000 if you have a normal computer
because the increase in time to load the scene in the memory and in render times will drastically increase
but in one should not give problems just take a bit more of time in load the scene with the Render IPR
only calculates this once, the first time, once calculated the others renders are to normal velocity
I hope that my computer don´t leave me as a liar haha .. because my computer is new and powerful haha
I leave the Review of the i9-7940X Computer here ☝
good has not taken long time haha is already calculated and now you see the difference are not have the serrated edge
it looks great and the improvement is amazing with a good definition
⌚ I'm going to make a comparison, this part does not need transcription, it's repeating the same, check the video ⌚
Image 1 is A = Left = Bad Definition Image 2 is B = Right = Correct Definition
the difference is impressive, if you have few resources and/or don´t need as much definition put the value 8 instead 1
now we are going to finish the material with all the textures that we have downloaded, this is one of my workflow for
this type of textures, I leave everything as before and launch an IPR Render to verify that everything is correct
You see, it calculates faster, it only takes more time the first time ❤
we start with the workflow to create materials with only textures, it suits you because this method is
similar for users who use Substance Painter ... well we open the Hypershade > go to Node Editor window
pulsa la tecla tabular y escribe "File" y selecciona File Texture, uff esta todo muy pequeño jeje zoom
we load the Roughness Texture to place it in the VRay Material Reflection
TIP: you can invert the texture, but I like more to use it as comes by default
..Ops.. haha sorry Let's activate the Render IPR first and we check that the soil has no reflection
We select the VRay Material and with the middle mouse button, MMB, we drag and drop the File in the Reflection slot
look at the floor has shines and gives a feeling of being wet hehe ❤
but we can correct this excessive brightness with the 2 textures of Glossiness
I explain this Workflow or method as an example, because there are thousands and you can use the textures to your liking hehe
the important thing is that you understand how works and the workflow
We repeat the same operation but with the Texture Glossiness and we apply it in the Material Glossiness
now the brightness has changed, it is almost matt, it is logical if it is stones, but before continuing an advice
If you want to change the values provided by the texture, add the RemapValue node after the file and play with the values of the curve
It would be the same method that I explain later with the Color texture, but using the RemapHSV node go to 16:20
We continue: We unlocked the High Glossiness from VRay Mtl, because we still need to define some mirror reflections
We repeat the same operation but with the Texture H.Glossiness and we apply it in the H.Glossiness of Mtl
It is perfect because it has the exact shine to the stone w0w, I like it! ❤
We repeat the same operation but with the texture and the applications in the bump of the material
En el Bump del Material tambien puedes usar la Textura Normals, cambie el Map Type, usa el que más te guste
but I will use the texture Bump because is very well made and will give us that extra contribution of definition in the details
IMPORTANT: if you are using the default scene of Maya put in the Bump Mult. 0.150 ~ 0.250
but since my scene is very big, I need a big value, so I will use the value 15
the Bump Delta Scale value you change it to 0.100 both you and me too, yeah I love! it looks more defined ☺
I will make a comparison of the material with Bump and without Bump, it does not need transcription, Watch the video ☺
Image 1 is A = Left = with Bump Image 2 is B = Right = without Bump
we have achieved that subtle contribution of definition, I recommend not to abuse the bump channel of a material
in the Color section I will add too the texture of the Environmental Occlusion
I will make 2 channels for the color, one with the texture of Color only and another with Color + Ambient Occlusion
so for this we repeat the same operation and load the texture Ambient Occlusion
if you do not have this texture AO, you could use the V-Ray Dirt, do you want me to do a tutorial for V-Ray Dirt?
write it in comments of this video and I will do it to you !! well with the texture AO you can get create extra shadows or create dirt
for this we repeat the same operation and load the texture Color or Diffuse
I think there this need more saturation in the color texture, we load the RemapHSV node !!
drag the File that containing the Color texture and drag it to the RemapHSV > Color, watch the video
now we enter the saturation curve and modify the maximum and the minimum without abusing
the minimum value we raise it very little since if we abuse. this will greatly increase the saturation of the texture
look at the video and I put nice numbers in the values, minimum: 0.150 and maximum: 0.850 hehe
already has a little more color or saturation ❤
We are going to use a mixer of Maya, it's very similar to when we use Photoshop or the Composite in 3DsMax
the Node is "Layered Texture", not to confuse it with LayeredShader, ok? and then for the first layer we are going to
for the 1st Layer we use the Ambient Occlusion, with the MMB we drag it to the Color of the Layer 1
Now the layer is not green but blue, this is all correct
we created the 2nd Layer, pressing in this area with the MLB and we already have a new Layer in green
We select the 2nd Layer and after we drag the texture of the Color in the slot of color of the 2nd Layer, watch the video
the blend mode of the 2nd Layer you change it to Over or to None, it doesn't matter for this example hehe
the 1st Layer is really above the 2nd Layer, I want that the 1st layer multiply the one below, change the blend mode to Multiply
good, it's darker, then we are going to do 2 examples, 1st under the Alpha to 0, this is same to turn off the Ambient Occlusion
good before there is that apply the Layered Texture in the Color of the VRay Material hahaha, well it is already !! hehe
Currently the Ambient Occlusion is turned off, let's do an IPR Render and I save it.
OMG this is Incredible!! I like it!! I like very much!! ❤ we wait a bit for the Render to have more definition
Remember this render is without AO, I keep it. Now I will use the AO to give more shadows and depth to the Color
If I want 55% of AO, I have to modify the Alpha to 0.550 of the 1st Layer
we obtaining a 55% of the AO multiplier on the texture of the Color, IPR Render and Comparison
you can see that he has AO hehe especially in the darkest areas ... stop the IPR Render and we compare
Image 1 is A = Left = with AO Image 2 is B = Right = without AO
for my opinion it improves! What do you think? you are not obligated to use it if you don't like it hehe
This is my little workflow that I have prepared for you when you are using textures of the type
Substance Painter, Textures Purchased and / or created by you by scanning or painting
I hope you have learned how this type of textures and Displacement works in VRay for Maya more or less
❤ I leave you with the Final Renders and Trailer ❤
What did you think about the tutorial? Did you like it? ✎ If you have any idea of new tutorials put 1 comment
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♪ ♫ a strong hug MayaTubers and see you in the next tutorial Bye!! *^_^*
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海贼王里的纹身含义,艾斯的纹身是为了纪念萨博,最后一个鲜为人知 - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
ĐẬP HỘP WEBCAM LOGITECH C920E FULL HD DÀNH CHO STREAMER | 2 TRIỆU 1 - Duration: 7:50.-------------------------------------------
J-10 não pode ser exportado - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
Estrenos Reggaeton y Música Urbana JUNIO 2018 Maluma, Bad Bunny, Becky G, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin - Duration: 1:24:33.Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
Chevrolet Matiz 0.8 Style 5 Drs, Airco, nieuwstaat - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Food Sources of Iron (Vegan) - Iron Foods for Pregnancy Recipes - Duration: 7:51.Hey guys, I'm Anastasia from Happy Bellyfish and today we are going to
talk about iron
Iron deficiency is pretty common nowadays, it especially
concerns women and more so pregnant ladies
I myself had no idea about iron deficiency
until I became pregnant. During pregnancy one of my blood tests
showed my iron levels below the norm and I was prescribed high dose iron
supplements. The doctor was even more convinced in my need of a supplement
when she found out that I was mostly consuming plant-based foods and that red
meat was not a staple in my diet.
As I believe that the best source for
vitamins and minerals is food I refused the supplement and I was given three
weeks to bring my iron levels back to normal. I adjusted my diet and with the
help of Srikant's cooking skills the guy who is cooking on this channel we
created the meal plan and followed it and in three weeks we raised my iron
levels back to normal standard
On a side note: different countries have
different standards of what the appropriate iron level is, so what was
good for my doctor could not be good for your doctor
In this video I'm going to
share with you what exactly I ate and what foods especially plant-based foods
you should include in your diet to avoid iron deficiency
I will also leave a few
links below to the recipes that you can use at home and I will also share with
you my personal meal plan during pregnancy check the links below
I did not take any supplements or any additional vitamins and I'm healthy, my
baby is healthy and we had a wonderful delivery and postpartum recovery
Yes, there is a difference between the iron that is found in animal foods and in
plant-based foods and the one that you find in animal foods is easy digestible
however it doesn't mean that you can't meet your iron needs with the
plant-based food. It's just important how much you eat and how you combine your
food to improve your digestion and absorption.
so which foods should become
a staple in your diet?
First of all make sure
that every single day you eat a little bit of beans or lentils
there are different ways you can cook them
you can make delicious soups, or curries, or you can even prepare
loafes with them pies and sauces
Another powerhouse for iron is seeds
flax seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds. You can create tasty pastas
with them, you can just make a pasta sauce and pestos with the seeds, you can
bake with them or just throw them and have them as a snack. A special attention
goes to sesame seeds and the paste made out of them, tahini. Probably it's a known
word to you. Please make it at home it will be much fresher and also
cheaper than from the shop. How to eat tahini? There are delicious sweets you can
create with that or you can simply take a banana, take an apple and combine it
with tahini on top and have it as a snack. It takes no time to cook and it's
so good for your iron
For the grains opt for quinoa or buckwheat
For breakfast have a bowl of organic oatmeal and make sure that it's not a ready-made oatmeal
and that it's not fortified
leafy greens are probably the best-known iron source
out there. I'm talking first of all about spinach, Swiss chard and also beet greens
if you're fond of comforting vegetables opt for potatoes with skin. Yes, only with
skin, only if you eat your potatoes with skin they will have the iron you need.
bake them and add some dried tomatoes on top
yes, dried tomatoes have completely different nutritional profile than the fresh
tomatoes. And there are also your iron powerhouse. And here we have also good
news for you. Also there are some sweets which are wonderful when it comes to
iron. First of all I'm talking about molasses and about jaggery (gur)
original organic non-processed cane sugar and also about
dried fruits like apricots. And here is the secret tip. Yes there are delicious
spices that also have a lot of iron. First of all it's fenugreek seeds, cumin
and even ground turmeric. And no, I'm not telling you to eat a bowl of turmeric or
fenugreek seeds, even one teaspoon is enough which you can easily add to your dishes
It's important to say that when it comes to minerals and vitamins
absorption it's very important not just what we eat but also how we eat it
it's crucial what foods we combine and how we do it
so for iron to increase your iron absorption you should always include
vitamin C with each of your meals. Vitamin C is not just lemon juice though
it's also a wonderful thing to sprinkle on top of any meal of yours but it's
also found in products like red bell pepper, green peas, tomatoes and parsley
be brave to mix these foods! And a secret trick one of the best vitamin C boosters
is the green chili - yes, fresh green chili. Cook one of your favorite curries daily
and you will have no problems with your vitamin C in the meal. It's also crucial
that you don't mix your Iron-rich meals together with foods that contain
caffeine and the foods that contain calcium. It means that when you have an
iron rich meal do not have a coffee or black tea right away before or after the
meal in fact make sure you have at least two hours between your meal and your
coffee cup. Same goes to the foods that contain calcium so mostly it's dairy, you
should not eat a yogurt or have a glass of milk with your iron rich meal. You do
need to have at least two hours in between. Another two products that you
should abstain from if you want your iron to be absorbed correctly is refined
flours, I'm talking about white wheat flour first of all, and also refined
sugar. Yes you should exclude them from your diet
anyways not just for the iron
so what did I eat, what did my daily food look like?
For breakfast I would have a bowl of quinoa with sun-dried tomatoes and
pumpkin paste. For a snack I'll eat a few soaked apricots and also a few soaked
walnuts. Then comes the time for lunch. For lunch I would eat a bowl of lentil
or a bean curry with a bit of rice on the side or a little bit of buckwheat
for snack number two I'll eat a banana, an apple and a tablespoon of tahini,
at least a tablespoon because it's so tasty for dinner I would eat spinach cooked
with potato with skin and a bit of green chili and a kale salad. Or a kale salad.
depends on my hunger on the day
I'm sharing a complete pregnancy meal plan
on our website. it's a meal plan that I followed and it
also includes all the nutritional information and tables of foods that
contain iron and that contain all the vitamins and minerals that you need
It's 90 percent plant-based
you can also find a lot of delicious recipes in the
recipe section on happybellyfish.com
I hope you enjoyed this video now head over to
happybellyfish.com and check out some amazing online programs and cooking
classes that we are offering together with food experts from all around the world
Eat healthy, keep your belly and taste buds happy!
✅ Ellen Pompeo : Son sac volé sous son nez en Italie, elle accuse "le rosé" ! - Duration: 1:52.L'actrice américaine, qui incarne le personnage de Meredith Grey dans la série à succès Grey's Anatomy, a posté un message sur son compte Instagram pour relater le vol dont elle a été victime alors qu'elle prend du bon temps à Florence, en Italie
"Mon sac a été volé sous mon nez !! J'accuse le rosé !! Mais merci à celui qui l'a volé de l'avoir finalement abandonné en pleine rue, intact
J'avais traqué mon téléphone et t'avais pris en chasse. Si je t'avais chopé, ça ne ce serait pas bien terminé pour toi
Je suis gentille mais n'oublions pas mon héritage. NAPOLITAIN. J'espère aussi que tu avais le sourire aux lèvres car je suis sûre que tu as été filmé", a écrit l'actrice de 48 ans
Ellen Pompeo, qui visite l'Italie avec au moins ses deux filles aînées Stella (7 ans) et Sienna (2 ans) – elle est également la maman d'un petit garçon, Eli, 5 mois – a aussi remercié la police de Florence et le restaurant Frescobaldi pour leur aide
"Merci @EllenPompeo #GreysAnatomy Nous sommes heureux de savoir que la police de Florence vous a aidée", ont écrit les forces de l'ordre sur Instagram
✅ Morandini Live : De la triche dans Koh-Lanta ? Clémence Castel répond aux rumeurs (Vidéo) - Duration: 2:21.C'est la première candidate à remporter deux fois le célèbre jeu d'aventures de TF1
Ce vendredi 25 mai, Clémence Castel a été sacrée grande gagnante de "Koh-Lanta : Le Combat des héros", 14 ans après sa première victoire sur l'île des Pins
Un véritable exploit, sur lequel elle est revenue dans "Morandini Live", diffusé en simultané sur CNews et Non Stop People
Très fière de son parcours, la belle a confié à Jean-Marc Morandini qu'il s'agissait de sa dernière participation au programme
"J'avais ressenti une frustration lors de ma deuxième participation, je voulais la gommer
C'est fait, donc je souhaite désormais rester sur cette note positive" a-t-elle en effet déclaré
"Le mythe du partage d'argent existera toujours"Outre son avenir au sein du jeu, Clémence Castel a répondu aux rumeurs qui circulent sur l'émission présentée par Denis Brogniart
Il y a quelques jours, Gilles Verdez a en effet affirmé sur le plateau de "Touche Pas à Mon Poste" que la candidate avait fait un pacte avec Jérémy, Pascal et Javier afin de se partager les 100 000 euros promis au vainqueur
Une accusation que la principale concernée nie en bloc. "Moi j'ai fait le jeu pour l'aventure (…) Le mythe du partage d'argent sera toujours là mais si Gilles Verdez a envie de parler de triche (…) Ce pacte n'existe pas et il n'y a pas eu de triche" a-t-elle en effet martelé auprès de Jean-Marc Morandini
Reste à savoir qui dit vrai dans toute cette histoire… Par Lana Muller
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