Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Youtube daily report May 29 2018

Hello people, Big V MOTOPT2. For then the camera is this, it is a camera with two lenses

as you can see here, because of the have dropped the display no longer works,

the camera call Elecam 360 and come here in this box, a funny box opens

just like a drawer, then there are things all in here, the indications of

camera, WIFI, 220 degree mode, 360, and 360 degrees VR, or the camera has 3 modes,

the VR is just for CardBoard or other more advanced VR glasses. The card,

the battery of this is not removable this time is same truth is not like the turn of Rollei,

card goes there, a funny detail that has here is the reset a key that comes

that gets in there to reset the camera, because I think it stuck, never me

it happened to me, it is not here was to fool you the reset is up here. Connect to

camera is very easy and just click here connect button, stay connected, press here

Once this is flashing, it was because of that that for having spoiled the display here,

does not hurt me at all. It records for this mark so, if they see there is a

small aperture mark, so it is in this direction that it records movie. The problems

of this camera, the problems are several, the camera takes a lot of time to convert

the videos that records, then there are other problems such as at the video level,

the video with this camera is not a common video, it is not a fixed video, you do not have

a fixed plane, for example want to show this vessel, and are showing this vessel and

such, and you are talking about the pot but the people can be seeing what they want

around, it has nothing to do with the fixed plan, so the scenarios must be

very well prepared and be very well seen, another thing also that this camera has,

for example for the cinema, for the cinema This is a problem, I do not see

which is the first director who will get in a camera of these and make a movie,

because it's completely different. a film made with an example camera

so in the chest, it's called Hard-core, I know that's a Russian movie of 2016 I'm not

to remember is the name of the director, I believe be Ilya, Ilya anything, well no

matter I put his name there at the end then I will search and see, that is 2016,

that is a movie made like I said it is in first person with the camera here in the

Chest, in which the movie is all like this from beginning to end, the movie is very violent

But it's very funny, I think some of you have already seen it, it's called

Hard-core - Mission Extreme, that's it, that's not Hard-core - Final Mission, now is what it is (wrong to see in the end),

Ready I advise you to see this movie is very funny.

Now a movie with a camera like this, I'll give an example, with a camera of these

fixed plane as it is here, in a scenario with 3 characters the director films this

character films that makes big plans and such, okay, and then there is one

drama any story among those 3 characters, with a camera of this type

the thing is completely different, the 3 characters will be in the scenario will

be talking and you can see everything around, so what happens here,

it happens that, the scene has to be really interesting the director does not have any power

to control filming by turning cameras to there or to the other, and something else

also very funny that happens, is that can not even stand the film crew

and sound around, it has to be all a complete scenario made, the actors are there,

and the director can watch out of scenery, the only thing he can do is

write story script nothing else, the rest is the camera and actors who do therefore

I am not seeing for example for now, so early, maybe the generation of directors

that will work that will work with this type of cameras, not this size

but some larger 360 degree cameras, still are now in schools universities

media, and this should be for a near future, start to appear.

As I already said in fixed plan in first only person, type gamer, already exists a movie

is that Hard-core - Final Mission (wrong), if it is not final mission I put it there

In the end I will search, with a VR camera still nothing, I still do not know

nothing. Before showing how the formats come out on the computer, but before that

I want to emphasize here that from this camera I left 3 recording modes, it is the 360 degree VR mode

mode for cardboard, it's 360 degree mode, and it's the 220 degree mode you guys this mode

can reduce. They elect 360 degrees, I go around the sites where they can buy stands

there in the discretion. Be careful when taking out the box to not drop it, I turned it on,

I've been looking at the camera because it's a camera that you can not grab like this,

just around here and tips, and then like me I'm used to GoPro, who's in

of a watertight box this does not even have watertight box, here has a system of

Screw to support the camera in the brackets, also has here slot to pass a

tie but what matters the camera falls shaves the lenses, the lenses are tempered but

does not mean that you do not spoil the camera, so I barely caught it pimba

on the floor, even hit the display on the floor, finished, I was without LCD, but has no bad.

Ready is everything from here to the computer to show you some things there.

Because it's my friends we'll see now here the output format, always

that you record a video with Elephan Elecam 360 the video came out with

this format, as you can see the video left with this format this is the

primary format, this was the video in which I filmed with the camera

on the helmet, so this will be the front camera, and this will be the

back camera, then when we do the conversion, I give now

an example of conversion for you see how long it takes

here is the conversion program itself that the company Elecam provides

through their website for free, I go here this file

to do the conversion, will do the conversion to mp4 on,

that is already there, this video has let's check again, see

how much time has this video, this video has 23 min and 19 sec, a

camera marks in periods of 23 min and 19 sec. let's then check

What happens when we try to convert the video, this has 3

quality assumptions, of course has to be always in

stronger, let's see let's load here, this is just for you

See, it is not to do, wait that is still chewing, it is

chew, chew, 3 hours and 29 min. It's a bit complicated, is not it,

why Let's stop, do not answer, my computer toaster is

great for this, well this video will take longer now about 2 hours

and 30 min just waiting for the computer to respond. Already,

ready then let's delete and close. To stay the video with this

Aspect, as you are seeing is after here with this exact look connected.

You are 3 palms here is to mark a peak of sound between the recorder

sound and camera, there are 3 peaks in the tracks, both on the sound track and

on the video track, and you can find out where the sound

begins and the sound ends up being a thing, which is important, already hear

Some people who asked me how I coordinated the outside sound

With the sound of the camera, it's exactly so, as I have none

clapboard like in movies, so I have to do so, is the only one

form, the clapboard also makes a noise that clack, is precisely

to trigger the spikes. Now we're going to here in an instant search.

Here is the presentation of the movie.

This is the movie that I was speaking, Hard-core, you see

How I deceived myself after all is Hardcore - Extreme Mission.

Here is the equipedia, is the Henry, Henry is the cyborg, there is

Here it is, it seemed to me Ilya Naishuler, is a movie of

2016 and was made like this with the camera as if it were

in a helmet or in the eyes or in the chest, I believe it was in

breast that they used by the way how the arms of the

movie character. I advise you to see. VR movies do not

still exists. Ready and it's more at least as it happens

and it happens. People a Big V, until an upcoming video.

For more infomation >> Part 2/2 reveal review and presentation | Elephan Elecam 360 camera. - Duration: 13:08.


ARMY and non-ARMYs react to: Fake Love! - Duration: 6:41.


Hi! I'm Kat, and I'm going to be reacting to BTS' new music video "Fake Love"

Hey guys! So, I'm gonna be reacting to K-Pop

Which is Korean Pop, my friend Katherine just told me what it was

I don't really listen to it that much but, you know what, there's a first for everything!

I'm Kelli!

[breathes in]

[breathes out]

Big Hit!


(let's turn it up a little bit)

Ouh... I don't think...Oh I'm gonna scream aren't I

Hi Jin ~

Ouh ~ Ouh! That transition!

What the...

[laughs] They look like a worm!

Who hurt you?!

Why is he crying?!

[Kat in the background] She has the English subtitles on by the way

[overwhelmed breathing]

They need some anti-depressants or something!

They need a brush! I feel like they need a brush!

Like, I could just woke up, and just, you know...

If they're sick of it why don't they just leave? I...

Is that Jin?

[giggles] Monkey bars?

Wow! What a loyal boy!

Okay but you gotta be your own person!

You can't like... copy people!

Okay that's why we use maps! So you don't forget the route!

Why...Why do all of them have different coloured highlights?

What did you do?!

They're like in this warehouse thing!

Is this...

Are they the Korean ???

The drug lords, right!

They're not??? you know!

[in the bg] I mean, in Blood, Sweat and Tears, they...

They've got the Kanye Yeezy shirt with the little holes in 'em

[in the bg] I'm sorry!

[in the bg] What happened is that... Jimin is dancing so powerfully...


[in the bg] Exactly!

Ouh! Pretty eyes!

Why is... Why the floor...?!


Why is the floor falling?!

Edward Scissorhands is in the front now!

You know, I wanna come at them with some scissors and a comb and be like "I'm coming!!"

That guy's...

Omg I can hear you guys in the background!

I gave up on myself...!

I like that one!

[in the bg] Which one?

I like that one!

[in the bg] YES I knew you'd like Suga!

[in the bg] That makes me happy about (it)

I'm blind!


That's a mood! He's in a room full of Snickers!


That was really funny!


It's just a room full of Snicker bars!

I guess he has them for all the members

Love yourself, have a chocolate bar!

Oh yes Sweetie! I support! 100%!

What does water have to...

There's a lot of drama in this video!

Someone hurt them so bad!

They do all types of running water! They put one that comes off the ceiling!



Uh-uh I'm not about that sand life, it gets everywhere!


It's so aesthetically pleasing!

Okay that's...


Why are they whitewashing him?

There's a passage!!

[Kat laughs in the bg]

I hate...

Oh that's a nice shirt by the way!


He's just chilling like "I know I'm about to die"!

[laughs in the bg] Yoongi's biology!

Oh dying now?

No!! Get out!!

There's... OMG!


Such a great MV!

Looks like DNA on steroids!

He keeps saying like "I wish my love was so much better" like...

If you wish it were better, go and find someone better!






Who is that?!

Looking like a reaper or something! OMG!

[in the bg] Grim Reaper...

Who is that?!

[Kat in the bg] Maybe I should have showed you guys Singularity first...

Okay, can I have a few questions for you?

How did you like it?

Honestly... It has high-key really funny!

I mean like... this music seemed really good

But it was really funny!

'Cause he's like "I just love her so much and I wish I didn't love her so much"

You should've found yourself a good Black girl, she ain't gonna do this to you like...

That sh*t is that person's problem at that point...

So who is your favorite member?

Or multiple?

The one... The one...

[laughs] The one, the one, the one!

The one that you've said...



Who did you like Kelli?

I: He's wearing a topiiiiie! K: I can't even tell you...


That one looks dead inside...

Yeah, that one's V


'Kay, well...Bye guys!

(Hey guys! What's up?)

(We are back!)

(Today, we're going to introduce you to our brand new concept and organization)

(so...stick with us!)

For more infomation >> ARMY and non-ARMYs react to: Fake Love! - Duration: 6:41.


Disney A Wrinkle in Time

For more infomation >> Disney A Wrinkle in Time


Les scientifiques révèlent la position la plus dangereuse pour les couples | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Les scientifiques révèlent la position la plus dangereuse pour les couples | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 5:25.


11 secrets que tous les couples heureux savent sur.. | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> 11 secrets que tous les couples heureux savent sur.. | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:00.


Katja Herbers Reads Absurd Westworld Fan Theories | ELLE - Duration: 4:13.


My name is Katja Herbers, and I'm going to read you some crazy fan theories.

I play Grace / Emily on Westworld.

Yeah, it's Evan Rachel Wood...I guess

that's me...

Ok, so...I really like this.

I really like this theory, and I would love to take credit for it.

that I would have studied her and smoked, and smoked in the same way,

but I really haven't...

umm, to be honest,

but I do think Sidse Babett Knudsen is one of the most brillant actresses out there,


anyway that I can be related to her...

yeah, it makes me feel really happy.

[stumbles on the word 'sentient']

I don't know what that...

[sounds out the word 'sentient']

I'm not from this country, so I don't...

I don't know what that means.


[whispering] So it's a sentient.

So, it means...




I'm going to do it one more time.

Yup. Okay.

[stumbles on the world 'tee]

[whispering] What does that mean?

[whispering] That means...perfectly.

[whispering] to a tee...like a golf tee


Like, it's perfectly. It means...

Sorry, I'm confusing you.

Does Wyatt golf?


Does Wyatt play golf?

Predictable, I'd say, right?

...acting fairly predictable?

..or acting predictable?

[voice from off camera] It's predictably.

It's predictably? This is right. This is correct.

I was just checking if YOU know...the answers...

I mean, her skin does look really flawless,

and thanks to Rachel who's a really, really good makeup artist,

and also 'cause Evan has great skin herself.

I wouldn't say that's her big weapon, though.

I wouldn't...

Um, she's got...she's got plenty of other weapons and chops.

I'm gonna look at the next episode.

I'm gonna...

think of Stubs as being a host who's protecting Bernard and see if it makes sense.




That's a really good one.

but it looked like...it felt and looked pretty violent to me, so...

the fact that I even made it out I think is pretty special.

I don't know...

but if Ford is in control of everything, that could have happened.

It was really exhausting.

REALLY, REALLY exhausting.


That would be really terrifying,

and interesting.


we all know that this is true!

This happened.

I am, actually, the Man In Black's daughter,

and thank you for watching "Fan Theories".

For more infomation >> Katja Herbers Reads Absurd Westworld Fan Theories | ELLE - Duration: 4:13.


Godzilla Ultimate Roar & Skydive Scene | Godzilla (2014) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:58.

Take position! Take position!

I saw Team 1 move to the east.

Two of our team members didn't make it. I heard bits and pieces on the radio.

Snipers on the rooftop moving into position.

Here we go. Picking up the nuke.

Which way?

One klick up the hill.

We found the warhead.

Let's go! Up the hill, this direction. Move.

Hey. Hey.


Let's move, let's move.

On my six.

For more infomation >> Godzilla Ultimate Roar & Skydive Scene | Godzilla (2014) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:58.


Süßer Hinweis: Bestätigt Ariana Grande hier ihre neue Liebe? - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Süßer Hinweis: Bestätigt Ariana Grande hier ihre neue Liebe? - Duration: 2:14.


Albert Rivera no vol que Espanya caigui en mans de «Puigdemont, Iglesias i Rufián» amb... - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Albert Rivera no vol que Espanya caigui en mans de «Puigdemont, Iglesias i Rufián» amb... - Duration: 3:23.



For more infomation >> Seat Mii 1.0 Sport Dynamic AIRCO/ PRIVACY GLAS/ STOELVERWARMING/ 6 MND DASWELT GARANTIE - Duration: 1:12.


Poema d'Ítaca. - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Poema d'Ítaca. - Duration: 2:01.


Wesley Willis inspired Song: Captian Picard Rules - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Wesley Willis inspired Song: Captian Picard Rules - Duration: 1:41.


BRITAIN'S Got Talent host Dec Donnelly apologised to BGT fans over a stage invader during the live s - Duration: 1:41.

Britain's Got Talent host Dec Donnelly was forced to apologise to BGT fans during Magus Utopia's semi-finals performance, after a stage invader sparked chaos

The mystery invader ran up behind the judges before pressing their buzzers, with many thinking it was part of Magus Utopia's act

But as the act confirmed they did not know the invader, Dec took to the camera to apologise to fans for the moment

Speaking to camera, Dec joked that people were just too keen to get their hands on the buzzers

Dec is hosting the show alone, with co-host Ant McPartlin missing from the live shows

Britain's Got Talent 2018: Highlights Tuesday, April 10, 2018 1 / 28 Play slideshow Britain's Got Talent 2018: Highlights Tuesday, April 10, 2018 1 / 28 Play slideshow Amanda Holden poses prior to the launch of ITV's Britain's Got Talent [ITV ] Ant McPartlin puts on a brave face as he returns to work on Britain's Got Talent alongside best friend Dec Donnelly and Amanda Holden, Simon Cowell, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams

For more infomation >> BRITAIN'S Got Talent host Dec Donnelly apologised to BGT fans over a stage invader during the live s - Duration: 1:41.


Why Haven't You Started?

For more infomation >> Why Haven't You Started?


Les formes du verbe russe. Extrait d'une formation immersive - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Les formes du verbe russe. Extrait d'une formation immersive - Duration: 2:03.


Poema d'Ítaca. - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Poema d'Ítaca. - Duration: 2:01.


Albert Rivera no vol que Espanya caigui en mans de «Puigdemont, Iglesias i Rufián» amb... - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Albert Rivera no vol que Espanya caigui en mans de «Puigdemont, Iglesias i Rufián» amb... - Duration: 3:23.


Katja Herbers Reads Absurd Westworld Fan Theories | ELLE - Duration: 4:13.


My name is Katja Herbers, and I'm going to read you some crazy fan theories.

I play Grace / Emily on Westworld.

Yeah, it's Evan Rachel Wood...I guess

that's me...

Ok, so...I really like this.

I really like this theory, and I would love to take credit for it.

that I would have studied her and smoked, and smoked in the same way,

but I really haven't...

umm, to be honest,

but I do think Sidse Babett Knudsen is one of the most brillant actresses out there,


anyway that I can be related to her...

yeah, it makes me feel really happy.

[stumbles on the word 'sentient']

I don't know what that...

[sounds out the word 'sentient']

I'm not from this country, so I don't...

I don't know what that means.


[whispering] So it's a sentient.

So, it means...




I'm going to do it one more time.

Yup. Okay.

[stumbles on the world 'tee]

[whispering] What does that mean?

[whispering] That means...perfectly.

[whispering] to a tee...like a golf tee


Like, it's perfectly. It means...

Sorry, I'm confusing you.

Does Wyatt golf?


Does Wyatt play golf?

Predictable, I'd say, right?

...acting fairly predictable?

..or acting predictable?

[voice from off camera] It's predictably.

It's predictably? This is right. This is correct.

I was just checking if YOU know...the answers...

I mean, her skin does look really flawless,

and thanks to Rachel who's a really, really good makeup artist,

and also 'cause Evan has great skin herself.

I wouldn't say that's her big weapon, though.

I wouldn't...

Um, she's got...she's got plenty of other weapons and chops.

I'm gonna look at the next episode.

I'm gonna...

think of Stubs as being a host who's protecting Bernard and see if it makes sense.




That's a really good one.

but it looked like...it felt and looked pretty violent to me, so...

the fact that I even made it out I think is pretty special.

I don't know...

but if Ford is in control of everything, that could have happened.

It was really exhausting.

REALLY, REALLY exhausting.


That would be really terrifying,

and interesting.


we all know that this is true!

This happened.

I am, actually, the Man In Black's daughter,

and thank you for watching "Fan Theories".

For more infomation >> Katja Herbers Reads Absurd Westworld Fan Theories | ELLE - Duration: 4:13.


Les scientifiques révèlent la position la plus dangereuse pour les couples | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Les scientifiques révèlent la position la plus dangereuse pour les couples | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 5:25.


Origin Bank & KW Industries - Duration: 2:00.

- [Joe Cox] When my son was eight he had a career day and it's dangerous to ask a

banker to take your son on career day, but I immediately thought of Jim.

The first question was, "Can you tell me what you do?"

And Jim said, "Charlie, I know you like baseball.

I'm like the manager of the baseball team. All nine players have their role and they

have to be good at what they do." That's what I do here,

I try to identify the right people for the right positions and make sure they all

work together.

- [Jim White] I enjoyed meeting his son and we're friends today.

I do see a lot of parallels between KW Industries and Origin

in our abilities to do things quickly and without a lot of the red tape.

- I joined Origin Bank because it's a little more entrepreneurial than the

previous large bank that I worked at. It's nice to be empowered to serve your

customers and not have to get other people involved to get decisions or get things

done for your customer.

- We're a smaller company, we have to do the same thing.

And so we understand how important it is to be able to deal directly with the

customer and get the answer as quick as you possibly can.

- I've always enjoyed manufacturing, so obviously when I go on a plant tour

like this, I'm kind of a kid in a candy store. When we first met,

he took me through the plant and I could see his passion for his business.

But it goes beyond that, he knew every one of his employees

by name. And I see that's a person that pays attention to detail and treats their

people well, and there's more to it than just making a light pole.

- I had an opportunity to buy this company that I worked at for 40 years.

I didn't know anything about buying a business, and because of my relationship

with Joe, I felt comfortable talking to him and say, "Hey, what do I need to do?

How do I need to do this?" And Joe was right there to help me go

through the whole process and that means a lot. You've got to have good people

behind you in order to run your business. There's thousands of banks in this town,

what makes them stand out are the employees that work for the bank.

♪ [music] ♪

For more infomation >> Origin Bank & KW Industries - Duration: 2:00.


New Music is Coming & Jesus the Vine - Duration: 9:38.

New Music is Coming & Jesus the Vine May 29, 2018

Thank You, Lord, for this productive and protected time with You.

My heart rejoices at Your sweet invitation to come away with You.

Thank you for this time apart.

Well, my dear Heartdwellers, all is well with us.

I have just been working day and night on vocals and a new song—which I thought I

could put up tonight.

But working on it a good 18 hours already, I had to put it down.

I just wanted to reassure you that your prayers have wrought mighty victories for us, and

both Ezekiel and I are working on new songs of joy to worship God with and to share with


In addition to working on music, we've been spending substantial time trysting with the

Lord, and being in His presence.

Comforting Him, loving Him and being comforted by Him.

These times are so very necessary, because we get so busy, we begin to shorten our time

with the Lord.

And that's really a tragic thing to do.

We don't want to do that.

That will definitely pull us away from every good fruit.

And He misses us!

He really misses us when we're not there.

And I don't know how your rhema card boxes are going, but here's one from mine: "Prayer

is the encounter of God's thirst with ours.

God thirsts that we may thirst for Him."

I'm guessing, but I think that's Mother Theresa.

It's sounds like something she would have said.

So, He thirsts for an encounter with us.

He wants us to be with Him.

Well, not to belabor that subject.

To go on, I think that perfectionistic spirit caught my attention as I tended to details

of the song.

But I really want it to be special for you.

The title is, "I Sought the Lord and He Answered Me".

The rest of that line is, "He delivered me from all of my fears".

I wanted to wait until Ezekiel's turn-around before I ventured out to finish this song—so

I would really have something to boast about in the Lord.

His mercy endures forever.

Well, it's dawn right now and I just made a final pass at the lyrics.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Or shall I say, today is a new day!

And hopefully we can get this song up by the end of the day.

I really want to make it special for you, to tell a story, of sorts.

That doors got opened, but God delivered us.

And now we are wiser, having learned how we opened those doors.

I wanted this to be a very special song in remembrance of Ezekiel's deliverance and

healing ,and how very faithful the Lord is.

This is all by way of saying, "Forgive me for neglecting you."

We really have been working hard on music!

A new album which was just released on Sound Cloud.

And a YouTube site for music, and a website dedicated to music, as well.

So, there's a lot of things in the background in the works.

And the album on Sound Cloud.

I think we got a little confused about the title.

I think it might be "Favorite Dwelling songs."

Or "Dwelling Songs Sampler."

I think is what it is.

It's a composite of several different songs, which we've had on the Internet before.

So, you'll probably recognize them.

You old-timers will recognize them.

But it's just a cross-section of music from Ezekiel and myself.

And we'll be adding to that, as well as the playlists on the YouTube Channel.

There's gonna be a lot of music on that Channel that you've never heard before, because I

never published it.

But mostly, the thing that's important is finishing the songs He's already given me.

And that's what I'm working on now with this song.

All of this work is done in the shadows, so you don't get to see the results just yet—but

it is coming.

Thank you so very much for your prayers and letters and support.

Today I had to make another decision: to plow into that huge stack of letters—or work

on the song.

So, if I have not answered you, there's good reason for it.

The Lord is most adamant.

He wants this song completed and given to you to strengthen you.

So, this is why I have been so 'quiet' on the outside, but working 17-hour days putting

music together and working my vocal chords—which are coming around.

In the meantime, the Lord has been faithful to deflect the bullets and fiery darts of

the enemy so we could both work on music.

Oh, praise the Lord for that!

This precious protection and time of productivity has been wonderful.

Jesus, have You something to say?

(You know, He always does...)

Jesus began, "My dear ones, be patient with Clare as she applies herself to My mandate

to sing.

It will not be her voice alone that will be coming to you, but My very special anointing,

to go deep into your souls and hold your attention.

To the articles of our faith.

To the battle plans of the enemy—which hinge almost totally on how well you protect Virtue

in your lives and keep doors shut.

"All of you have had substantial losses over the past few months and much heartache.

I am wanting to turn that around now.

But I ask of you, please: keep up your prayers for your president and the world.

Please be ruthless with yourselves in identifying lapses in virtue or compromising your faith.

And especially making compromises with the world when you know in your hearts that I

do not approve of certain things."

Boy, that's a constant struggle with me!

I'll be so happy when it gets to the point that it's not.

Jesus continued, "Your safety and right to exercise your mission and ministry depend

very much on the life of virtue you lead.

If you have a wonderful gift to cultivate, understand it will not move forward very far

if you are compromising.

When you open doors, the enemy rushes in and you have to stop the creative work to brandish

the sword and repent for failures.

This sets the work back.

"It is a privilege to be used in ministry of any kind.

But this privilege gets suspended when you have to drop everything to fight your way

through each day.

"This is why I admonish you to stay pure and faithful to My known wishes for each of

you, particularly, so that you keep the doors shut tight and your defense is seamless.

The moment you compromise, gossip, judge, spend money you shouldn't, let duties get

behind—when you do these things, you open doors and it makes it doubly hard for you

to keep going, let alone expand into the beautiful callings on your lives.

"Oh, My Loves!

Do spend ample time with Me.

How I long for your company.

The Branch can only bear fruit when it is attached to the Vine.

And the enemy has made great inroads with many of you who have not been vigilant in

protecting our trysting time."

He's also talking about me here, guys.

So, don't feel like the Lone Ranger.

He continued, "The more you long to be with Me, the more you give in to that longing—the

deeper, wider and fuller your anointing becomes.

Because we are One in each other and I labor through you to bring forth the fruits of salvation

and sanctity in your lives and the lives of your families.

"So, if you are feeling flat or dry, please remember: the Branch can bring forth no fruit

unless it remains healthy, drawing it's life from the Vine."

And He quickened the Scripture to me:

"I am the vine and you are the branches.

The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit.

For apart from Me you can do nothing" John 15:5

The Lord bless you, dear Heartdwellers.

And I'm gonna tag on just one very short part of the song at the end of this.

So, you'll kinda get a clue about what I've worked on:

(singing) I sought You, Lord and You answered me.

You delivered me from all of my fears.

I sought You, Lord and You answered me.

You delivered me from all of my fears.

For more infomation >> New Music is Coming & Jesus the Vine - Duration: 9:38.


Liverpool transfer : Jurgen Klopp told the SIX signings he needs this summer ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:27.

LIVERPOOL boss Jurgen Klopp needs to make six new signings ahead of next season.

That's the verdict of former Anfield ace Stan Collymore, who's called for Klopp to

bring in two new goalkeepers in the wake of Loris Karius' Champions League final nightmare.

Liverpool saw a hugely promising campaign end in disappointment on Saturday night as

they went down 3-1 to Real Madrid in Kiev.

But they have plenty to build on and Klopp is set to splash the cash this summer as he

looks to take his team to the next level.

Liverpool announced their first signing of the off-season last night with Fabinho due

to join them from Monaco on July 1.

That capture falls into line with Collymore's take on what Klopp must to do before the 2018/19

campaign kicks off in August.

"2 Goalkeepers, 1 central defender, 2 N'Golo Kante type holders, 1 out and out striker,"

said Collymore, when asked on Twitter what Liverpool need for next season.

Liverpool will be hoping Fabinho can have a similar impact at Anfield to the one two-time

Premier League champion Kante had at Leicester and Chelsea.

The Brazilian's arrival on Merseyside coincides with Emre Can's expected departure, with

the 24-year-old set to join Juventus on a free transfer.

Klopp has hailed Fabinho's versatility, saying: "We have signed a fantastic player,

but someone who is an equally fantastic person I think.

"His reputation as a character in the dressing room and his attitude in training has come

through from everyone we speak to.

"He has ability and mentality to play at the highest level in a number of positions.

He can play '6', '8' and '2'.

This is cool.

"He is tactically very strong and football smart.

I think he improves our squad and there aren't that many players you can say that about in

this moment, because the quality we have already is

so high.

For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer : Jurgen Klopp told the SIX signings he needs this summer ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:27.


Itinerary Insights: CÔTE D'AZUR — Hiking the Esterel Mountains - Duration: 1:31.


I'm here today on the Côte d'Azur, on the Cap Dramont, it's called,

in the Esterel Mountains — le Massif d'Esterel.

You'll see the beautiful, red, volcanic rock; it's 250-million-years-old.

This mountain range that has these cliffs and little outcroppings, jutting into the sea.

250 million years ago, actually, it was part of Africa.

And then, when the Mediterranean came through, it separated and here we are!

So, on a sunny day — a little bit sunnier than today —

you'll enjoy the amazing colors of the Mediterranean,

all the azures and turquoises and beautifulness.

In addition to this American West reddish of the volcanic rock, there's more vegetation;

it has umbrella pines and beautiful, sweet-smelling flowers here in May.

In the summer, you'll be a little more limited in what you can do

because they close down a lot for fire fear,

up in the big part of the Massif d'Esterel.

But here on the Cap Dramont,

there's a really easy little circuit —

there's free parking, down just east of Saint-Raphaël,

park by the Tikki Plage,

and there's a beautiful little walk.

It doesn't take much time at all.

If it were sunny, you could dip into the water and different points; go down to little beaches.

So, definitely not to miss!

If you're on the Côte d'Azur and you want to get away from the glitz of Cannes and Nice, and all that,

then head this way and take a little walk!

For more infomation >> Itinerary Insights: CÔTE D'AZUR — Hiking the Esterel Mountains - Duration: 1:31.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4TSI/125pk Highline Business R · R-Line pakket · Verwarmde voorruit · - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4TSI/125pk Highline Business R · R-Line pakket · Verwarmde voorruit · - Duration: 1:14.


11 manières insolites de réutiliser les sachets de thé - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> 11 manières insolites de réutiliser les sachets de thé - Duration: 8:06.


11 secrets que tous les couples heureux savent sur.. | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> 11 secrets que tous les couples heureux savent sur.. | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:00.


Da quale animale proviene la lana d'angora? - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Da quale animale proviene la lana d'angora? - Duration: 1:47.


Faites cela au moins une fois par semaine et votre visage sera 10 ans plus jeune! - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Faites cela au moins une fois par semaine et votre visage sera 10 ans plus jeune! - Duration: 2:05.


Gossip U&D, Gemma e Giorgio lasciano la trasmissione? L'annuncio choc - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, Gemma e Giorgio lasciano la trasmissione? L'annuncio choc - Duration: 3:50.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


An obligatory TotalBiscuit video - Duration: 2:24.

Fun fact: I wrote and scrapped the script for this video four times already.

I wrote about who TotalBiscuit was, what he did, his contributions to video games,



you name it.

I wrote how I felt about him, how others did, in the third version I got really off track

and rambled about personal integrity and

how morally distressing is marketing through YouTube influencers.

And then I finally reached the conclusion that nobody really cares about these and if

you do you have almost assuredly seen at least a dozen videos about it already.

So I finally phrased what I want to say like this:

This is a biscuit.

Today is the 29th of May, 2018, coincidentally the Biscuit Day over at everyone's favourite

former island-based empire

and yes

that really exists.

Both Biscuit Day and the United Kingdom.

From this questionable little country hailed this man.

John Bain, better known under the internet alias TotalBiscuit.

"And you are?"

"John Bain AKA TotalBiscuit, benevolent and supreme leader of the Terran Republic."



*300 reference*

*300 reference*

*300 reference*

He died recently at the age of 33 but in the short time he had he did a lot of shit for

gaming in general regargdless.

Without him we probably wouldn't have videos of Vay Hek and Tyl Regor playing chess so

let's try to remember him for a year or two, as long as our memeory willingly serves.

Here is a clip of the Eiffel Tower with some sentimental music underneath.

For more infomation >> An obligatory TotalBiscuit video - Duration: 2:24.


小算盘打得精?安倍要求特朗普在美朝会晤时提"绑架问题" - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 小算盘打得精?安倍要求特朗普在美朝会晤时提"绑架问题" - Duration: 3:06.


小区业主卖房时联合涨价是否违法?涉嫌扰乱市场吗 - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> 小区业主卖房时联合涨价是否违法?涉嫌扰乱市场吗 - Duration: 7:15.


MSCI主席:希望A股平稳纳入,避免走得太快引起市场波动 - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> MSCI主席:希望A股平稳纳入,避免走得太快引起市场波动 - Duration: 6:08.


浙江一女士网上写信请小偷归还亡夫遗物,小偷落网后见信招供 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> 浙江一女士网上写信请小偷归还亡夫遗物,小偷落网后见信招供 - Duration: 3:34.


✅ Paparazzi! Σοφία Φυρού: Σε παραλία της Μυκόνου με το πιο αποκαλυπτικό μπικίνι | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:22.

Τρεις μήνες έχουν περάσει περίπου από το πρωί της Καθαράς Δευτέρας, όπου ο Ηλίας Βρεττός και η Σοφία Φυρού είχαν σοβαρό τροχαίο στην παραλιακή, με αποτέλεσμα ο τραγουδιστής να υποστεί τρία κατάγματα, στο χέρι, στο πόδι, και στη λεκάνη

Η νεαρή κοπέλα, που βρισκόταν στη θέση του οδηγού, έχει επιστρέψει πλέον στους κανονικούς ρυθμούς της καθημερινότητάς της και πρόσφατα βρέθηκε στη Μύκονο

Η ίδια δεν έχασε φυσικά την ευκαιρία να απολαύσει τις βουτιές της στα καταγάλανα νερά του νησιού των ανέμων

Η Σοφία Φυρού τράβηξε πάνω της όλα τα βλέμματα με το αποκαλυπτικό της μπικίνι και την αψεγάδιαστη σιλουέτα της, ενώ ο φωτογραφικός φακός του FTHIS

GR βρέθηκε εκεί και απαθανάτισε τις στιγμές.

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