Monday, May 28, 2018

Youtube daily report May 28 2018

Obama Freaks As Dan Bongino Reveals Why Liberals Refuse To Use The Word "Spy"

Former President Barack Obama has a new reason to freak out, after former Secret Service

Agent Dan Bongino revealed why liberals refuse to use the word "spy", as the Spygate

scandal grows.

You don't want to miss this.

In recent weeks, the Spygate scandal has filled the headlines of nearly every major news outlet,

after it was discovered that the FBI planted at least one spy in or around President Donald

Trump's campaign during the 2016 election.

The debate over Barack Obama's connection to the FBI decision to spy on the Trump campaign

is raging on, and Bongino is calling out liberals who won't label the person planted by the

FBI as a spy.

Bongino appeared on Fox News Fox & Friends on Monday, May 28, 2018, where he laid it

all out for viewers after host Griff Jenkins asked him one glaring question, about former

President Barack Obama and his presence during the Spygate scandal.

"Where was President Obama?

What do you say?" he asked Bongino.

This question was a big juicy fastball right up the middle for Bongino who was ready to

hit it out of the park.

"You know, I've been itching to get this out there.

Let me explain to you from an insider's perspective, from someone who's worked in

law enforcement.

I've had interactions with intelligence often and these types of things," Bongino


Next, Bongino slammed liberals with the real reason they won't use the word "spy."

It turns out, it's all really just a favor of sorts to keep Obama from looking like the

criminal that he truly is.

"The reason they are dancing around this spy versus informant narrative is precisely,

because of what you just asked Griff: the role of Obama.

Let me explain this to you quickly.

Spy would mean it was someone from the outside inserted or designed to interact with the

campaign to get information, meaning someone told them to do it," Bongino continued,

according to Daily Caller.

Bongino went on to explain that if a liberal in the mainstream media were to use the word

"spy," it would mean they are actually helping to implicate their beloved Obama in

a crime.

Although it's very likely Obama had a direct role in the Spygate scandal, a liberal would

never want to admit it.

"An informant would have been someone inside the operation that saw something negative

and wanted to come out and speak about it.

That's why they are not using the word spy.

Precisely because it implicates Obama who put him from the outside into the Trump campaign,"

Bongino declared.

Notably, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper recently said, that Obama had

"no knowledge" of the FBI spy planted to gather intelligence on the Trump campaign.

Not surprisingly, Clapper made the remarks during an interview on CNN.

"I am sure President Obama had no knowledge whatsoever of an informant," Clapper said,

adding that the FBI has many informants who play various roles within the department,

"who provide very valuable information and do so in a legitimate way," Clapper claimed.

Months ago on Twitter, President Donald Trump included Clapper on a shortlist of D.C. biggest

liars and leakers.

"Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest

liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan, and Clapper!

Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information.

Must be stopped!" Trump wrote.

Clapper also drew a mountain of criticism for recently claiming that, if the FBI did

plant an informant in Trump's campaign, that it was a "good thing."

The reality here is that Clapper and his liberal Kool-Aid drinkers want to downplay the tremendous

criminal activity, which took place under the Obama administration.

Barack Obama and his henchmen have been caught with their pants down, and it's time for

them to pay the price.

In my opinion, liberals can refuse to use the word "spy" all the way up until Obama

administration officials, including former FBI Director James Comey, are handcuffed and

led away.

It makes no difference.

As the saying goes, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," but in this

case, a spy by any other name would be just as criminal.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Obama Freaks As Dan Bongino Reveals Why Liberals Refuse To Use The Word "Spy" - Duration: 4:38.


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Melania's Not Taking It Anymore – Swings Back With Huge Message About Her Husband, Takes Big Hit - Duration: 5:17.

Melania's Not Taking It Anymore – Swings Back With Huge Message About Her Husband,

Takes Big Hit For It

The media would have you believe things are awful between President Trump and First Lady


Nothing could be further from the truth.

If you watch how thoughtful the President is around his wife… always helping her and

looking at her adoringly and the love in her eyes for her husband, you would know this

is not the truth.

It's hateful propaganda that the media never used as a weapon against Barack and Michelle

Obama, although there was far more cause to.

Melania has had it with the lies and the false rumors being spread by the media and the left

about her marriage.

The constant fake news is getting really old and tiresome.

The "hit she took for it" was being called fake news and a liar for the message she sent

the world about her marriage and her love for President Trump.

Melania is a fantastic mother and she is dedicated to her husband and marriage and she is adamant

about it.

She's also obviously very happy in that role, despite what the left constantly says.

The First Lady just had major surgery, which by the way President Trump was in attendance

for as far as I know.

He checked on her constantly.

The media is all in a dither saying she has not been seen for more than two weeks.

Well, she had kidney surgery to remove a fibrous growth.

She spent about five days in the hospital and is now recovering in the White House.

It's no wonder she's not up and around to be 'seen'.

Give it a rest already.

This has nothing to do with their marriage.

Under a kidney procedure such as the First Lady's, doctors block a blood vessel in

order to stop blood flow to a specific area and stop a patient from bleeding.

After she returned to the White House, she thanked people for their good wishes.

"Our office has received thousands of calls and emails wishing Mrs. Trump well, and we

thank everyone who has taken the time to reach out," the White House said in a statement.

Listen to this salacious hateful rhetoric from NCT:

"Melania has been suffering under the weight of constantly finding out new and horrible

things about her husband's past, and he seemingly can't even be bothered to spell

her name correctly — a woman he's been married to for 13 years and change.

That little blunder proved one of a few things: Either he manually spelled it wrong like a

moron, or he types her name so infrequently that his phone's spell check doesn't automatically

guess what he's saying — or perhaps worst of all, an aide wrote the tweet."

"Perhaps that's why tweets are surfacing tonight about Melania moving back to New York

following her "kidney surgery" on May 14th at Walter Reed Medical Center."

"But maybe the biggest proof of all that Melania has her bags packed — or at least

plans to in the near future — is that the First Lady has changed the location indicator

on her personal Twitter account back to New York City, where she lived before she moved

into the White House with Barron after his school year ended."

First off, that's pretty much the entirety of that report, which is just lame beyond


The Trumps have a home in New York City, just as they do in Florida and in DC right now

at the White House.

Melania's official FLOTUS Twitter account she uses for her duties has Washington D.C.

as her location.

Her personal account has always had New York as the location.

Stop picking at every little thing on their social media accounts.

You people just make stuff up anymore for clicks.

Trump made a typo on Melania's name and that means he doesn't love her?

Give me a break – when I text, auto-correct sometimes gets by me and my spelling is hilarious.

And theirs is too and they know it.

Heck, sometimes I misspell my own name.

Most of the accusations in Trump's past are baseless and made up.

The rest, people are just maliciously guessing at.

Trump and Melania obviously love each other or they would not be together still.

And you know what?

It's none of anyone's business but theirs.

It amazes me the amount of gossip and hate mongering coming from the left and how nonexistent

the recognition of President Trump's accomplishments are.

He's virtually kept all his promises and has radically made things better for all of

us since he's been in office, but you'd never know it to look at the media.

You never see the pics where Melania stumbles in heels on the White House lawn while heading

to the helicopter and President Trump being right there to catch her.

You don't see the loving looks they give each other at various events.

You don't hear the kind words spoken between them when a live mic is accidentally left


At least the media is hoping you don't.

But Americans are paying attention.

I know I do and I see and hear it all the time between the First Couple.

They are not on the verge of breaking up and I highly doubt the separate bedrooms rumor.

In fact, I don't believe anything coming out of the media anymore and most of America

is in agreement with me.

Melania Trump is 'doing great' after her kidney surgery, President Trump said Friday,

but what the media focused on was that the First Lady had not been seen lately.

"She's doing great.

Right there.

She's doing great," he said on the White House lawn Friday morning before he left to

give the commencement address at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

"She's looking at us, right there," he added and pointed to a window in the White

House residence above him.

She's recovering and being the beautiful woman that Melania is, she won't want to

be seen until she's fit for duty.

As for the love between them, it is an untold fairy tale in many respects.

And it belongs to the Trumps, no one else, so knock off the lies already.

For more infomation >> Melania's Not Taking It Anymore – Swings Back With Huge Message About Her Husband, Takes Big Hit - Duration: 5:17.


Barack & Michelle Humiliated! Roseanne Crushes Obamas After They Sign Netflix Deal - Duration: 4:44.

Barack & Michelle Humiliated! Roseanne Crushes Obamas After They Sign Netflix Deal

Barack and Michelle Obama had a very bad weekend. Fresh off the announcement that they had signed

a lucrative deal with Netflix, the couple was riding high. However, their bubble was

burst by famous Trump supporter Roseanne Barr, who humiliated the former president and first

lady by crushing their dreams moments after they signed the deal.

Barack and Michelle Obama have entered into a multi-year agreement to produce new films

and shows with Netflix. The former president and first lady are "determined to produce

a diverse mix of content, including a potential scripted series, an unscripted series, a docu-series,

documentaries, and features," according to a press release from Netflix about the


According to Fox News, the streaming service revealed the projects will be available to

their 125 million members in 190 countries and the couple established Higher Ground Productions,

which will serve as the entity under which they will produce content for Netflix.

"One of the simple joys of our time in public service was getting to meet so many fascinating

people from all walks of life, and to help them share their experiences with a wider

audience," Barack Obama said in a statement. "That's why Michelle and I are so excited

to partner with Netflix — we hope to cultivate and curate the talented, inspiring, creative

voices who are able to promote greater empathy and understanding between peoples, and help

them share their stories with the entire world." Michelle Obama said the couple's willingness

to pursue filming after their time in the White House was a no-brainer. "Barack and

I have always believed in the power of storytelling to inspire us, to make us think differently

about the world around us, and to help us open our minds and hearts to others," she

said. "Netflix's unparalleled service is a natural fit for the kinds of stories

we want to share, and we look forward to starting this exciting new partnership."

Netflix Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos, an Obama mega-donor, said the streaming service

is thrilled to have the Obamas as part of their creative team and are eager to see what

the couple has to offer for viewers. "Barack and Michelle Obama are among the world's

most respected and highly-recognized public figures and are uniquely positioned to discover

and highlight stories of people who make a difference in their communities and strive

to change the world for the better," explained Sarandos. "We are incredibly proud they

have chosen to make Netflix the home for their formidable storytelling abilities."

Barack and Michelle Obama are raking in the cash, thanks to the influence of a former

campaign supporter. The couple last week signed a creative production deal with Netflix that

one entertainment-industry source said could be valued at more than $50 million.

Ted Sarandos, a major campaign contributor for Obama and the streaming giant's creative-content

chief who oversees an $8 billion budget, helped to broker the deal, the source told The Post.

Sarandos and his wife, Nicole Avant, bundled nearly $600,000 in contributions to Obama

from their friends and associates during the 2012 presidential campaign.

The couple is friends with the Obamas, and Avant served as the US ambassador to the Bahamas

from 2009 to 2011, during the former president's first term. Her father, Clarence, a music

exec, bundled a total of nearly $450,000 for Obama's presidential campaigns. [Source:

New York Post]

Comedian Roseanne Barr, who is among the most outspoken supporters of President Donald Trump

in Hollywood, decided to weigh in on the announcement, as well. She created the hashtag #ObamasNetflixShows

on Twitter and asked her followers to come up with ideas for potential show ideas the

Obamas could use. The hilarious responses which came pouring

in were enough to ruin the Obamas' weekend, and probably the rest of their month.

The American people are sick and tired of the Obamas at this point. We were forced to

put up with them for eight long years while they inhabited the White House. Now, we'd

just like them to go away.

It isn't typical for a former president and first lady to try so desperately to stay

in the spotlight even after they leave the White House. We almost never hear from the

Carters or the Bushes — unless they are doing some sort of bipartisan charity work.

The Obamas, on the other hand, have seemingly been clamoring for every new photo-op and

paycheck they can get their hands on since they were booted from the People's House

upon Trump's inauguration.

$65 million book deal, lucrative speaking engagements, and a new partnership with Netflix

— did these people not get their fill after shamelessly spending taxpayer money for the

better part of a decade? Apparently not. They're going to ride this gravy train as long as

they possibly can.

For more infomation >> Barack & Michelle Humiliated! Roseanne Crushes Obamas After They Sign Netflix Deal - Duration: 4:44.


3 Haunting Tales From Pawleys Island, South Carolina - Duration: 7:15.

Welcome Back Strangers!

Memorial Day Weekend kicks off the vacation season in the United States and each summer

more than 20 million people travel to the beaches of South Carolina.

Pawleys Island is located 40 minutes south of Myrtle Beach, and it is a great way to

spend an entire vacation or an evening checking out all the sites in the town if you are staying


The area is known for its history, beaches, and local legends.

Today we are going to tell you 3 Haunting Tales from Pawleys Island, South Carolina.

Spoiler alert!

The last one is a heartbreaker.

The Gray Man is the most famous ghost in the area that is seen roaming the coastline of

Pawleys Island.

He is the most famous ghost in the area because every time he has appeared a devastating hurricane

or horrendous storm has hit the area.

He was first seen in 1822 and was last spotted in 1989 right before Hurricane Hugo hit South


He is always seen wearing gray clothes along the beach before vanishing.

In some cases, he speaks to people telling them to flee the area, in others he is just

seen as an ominous warning of the destruction that is to come.

There are several stories and legends surrounding the identity of The Grey Man.

Some believe he is the ghost of a man who was travelling from Charleston to visit his


Unfortunately, he and his horse got caught in quicksand like mud in the marshes surrounding

Pawleys Island and he died.

His sprit haunts the shore in search of the woman he loved and warning others of impending

dangers in the area.

Other variations of the story say that he is Percival Pawley who the island is named


Legend says that he still watches over the area that was once his beloved home.

Others who have witnessed The Gray Man say he wears a long coat and is dressed almost

like a pirate, leading them to think may be the Ghost of Blackbeard.

Who is doomed to wander the shores he once pillaged for all eternity warning innocent

souls of approaching danger.

Those who are fortunate enough to see The Gray Man often credit him for saving their

lives and sparing their homes.

The local ghost received national attention when Jim and Clara Moore were interviewed

after Hurricane Hugo by the show Unsolved Mysteries.

The couple's home was spared during the terrible hurricane, and they witnessed the

grey man before the hurricane hit.

If you want to spend a night in Pawleys Island, then you must stay at the legendary Pelican


Its an 8-room beachfront bed and breakfast that was originally constructed in the late


It is one of the few surviving original homes that hasn't been destroyed by hurricanes,

because it is protected by the highest sand dunes on the island.

Plowden Weston married his wife Emily in 1847.

The fortunate couple recieved multiple estates and lots of money as wedding gifts from their

affluent families.

It didn't take long for them to build a summer home on Pawleys Island that would eventually

become the Pelican Inn.

The two enjoyed their years together until the beginning of the American Civil War.

Weston joined the fight to defend South Carolina and became the commander of the Georgetown

Rifle Guard.

He quickly gained the respect of his men, many of whom would eventually visit the Pelican

Inn after the war.

Sadly, Weston's life was cut short when he we finally returned home.

He died weeks after being diagnosed with tuberculosis.

His death began the hauntings that have occur in the old beach inn.

One is the ghostly figure of a man in a Civil War uniform that is often seen briefly in

the corners of guest's eyes.

Some believe this Weston in his old gray Confederate uniform which had lead many to think that

not only does he still watch over the inn, but that he is The Grey Man of Pawley's


However, no one has ever seen the grey man's face.

Weston's wife, Emily is also seen by guests of the inn.

She is known to leave her perfume smell around to welcome new guests to the inn, and other

catch a glimpse of a young woman in 19th centuries clothes thought to be Emily.

When the sun goes down sometimes you may encounter ghostly dogs along the beach behind the old


Another local legend says a caretaker for the inn once had two Boston terriers that

he kept with him, until one swam into the ocean to a save a drowning boys life.

Regrettably, the dog passed away soon after, and the other terrier eventually died of loneliness.

However, you can still hear the dogs barking and playing in the night.

The Pelican Inn was closed for the season when we visited Pawleys Island, but we would

love to stay there and investigate the inn ourselves one day.

It has great reviews online and if you decide to spend a night there, the Pelican's website

says to be sure to ask for Caroline to tell you about the inn's spooky history.

The All Saints Church Cemetery, you will find a strange grave that only has the name Alice

inscribed on it.

It is easy to find, because of the rings and other gifts that people will leave behind

to pay their respect to the grave of poor Alice Flagg.

Alice's life reads like a 19th Century Shakespearian tragedy.

She was the sister of the very successful and wealthy Dr. Allard Flagg, but she fell

in love with a man who was from an undesirable social class for her to marry according to

her brother.

However, Alice defied her brother's wishes and secretly became engaged with the young

lumberman who stole her heart.

When Dr. Flagg discovered her engagement, he sent Alice away to boarding school in Charleston,

where she quickly contracted malaria.

Dr. Flagg graciously allowed poor sick Alice to return home, but it was too late.

She died soon after from what those close to her believe was a broken heart.

After her death, her brother discovered Alice's engagement ring attached to a ribbon under

her dress.

Enraged that his sister still defied his wishes even in death, Dr Flagg took the engagement

ring and threw it into the marsh, so it could never be found again.

He had her buried in the same cemetery as her family but would not allow the family

name to inscribed on her grave.

The ghost of Alice has been seen at the Hermitage, her family's old planation.

She is often spotted going up the staircase to her old bedroom.

Others have witnessed a ghostly woman in a white dress walking out the front door of

the Hermitage clutching something under her chest.

Visitors to the All Saints Episcopal Cemetery often report seeing a young woman wandering

the grounds looking as though she is frantically searching for something.

Some have encountered Alice's ghost in the marsh surrounding the area desperately searching

for her beloved ring that her brother hid from her in death.

There is a local superstition that if you begin at the bottom right of her gravestone

and walk around it 6 times counterclockwise and then 6 times clockwise stopping at the

letter A on her marker and leave Alice a token to ease her troubled soul and make a wish,

then your wish will be granted according to the Atlas Obscura.

We left a token on Alice's grave, but I hadn't heard of this superstition until

researching for this script and I have found that there are few other variations of this

that you might want to investigate before visiting this heartbreaking site.

Thanks strangers for watching.

Where do you plan to go on vacation this summer?

Let us know in the comments below, along with which haunting was your favorite?

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day.

Thank you to those who have served in the military and please remember those who died

protecting our freedoms that we are fortunate enough to enjoy.

Don't forget to like this video if you enjoyed it, leave us a comment and subscribe if you

haven't already done so.

It helps us out so much.

We can't do this without you.

Also be sure to smash that bell button so you never miss a Strangest video, and as always

stay strange!

For more infomation >> 3 Haunting Tales From Pawleys Island, South Carolina - Duration: 7:15.


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Ranking WTA: niewielki spadek Agnieszki Radwańskiej i Magdy Linette [Wiadomości] - Duration: 8:35.

Agnieszka Radwańska i Magda Linette przesunęły się w dół o jedną pozycję w ostatnim notowaniu rankingu WTA przed Rolandem Garrosem 2018

Liderką na czas międzynarodowych mistrzostw Francji będzie Rumunka Simona Halep. Agnieszka Radwańska spadła na 29

miejsce, ponieważ wyprzedziła ją mistrzyni ze Strasburga, Rosjanka Anastazja Pawluczenkowa

Natomiast Magda Linette jest od poniedziałku 68. rakietą globu, bowiem duży awans zaliczyła Johanna Larsson

Szwedka triumfowała w Norymberdze i wobec tego wskoczyła z 97. na 59. lokatę.Liderką na czas Rolanda Garrosa 2018 pozostanie Simona Halep

Szansę wyprzedzić Rumunkę ma pięć innych tenisistek, a największe ma Dunka Karolina Woźniacka, aktualna druga rakieta świata

W pierwszej "10" nie doszło w poniedziałek do żadnych roszad. Z kolei w Top 20 zadebiutowała Japonka Naomi Osaka

Kolejne notowanie rankingu WTA ukaże się 11 czerwca 2018 roku, po zakończeniu Rolanda Garrosa

Wówczas tenisistkom będą zaliczone punkty za występ w eliminacjach do paryskiej imprezy Wielkiego Szlema oraz grę w challengerze WTA w Bol, który odbędzie się w drugim tygodniu trwania międzynarodowych mistrzostw Francji

:1. Simona Halep (Rumunia) 7270 pkt 2. Karolina Woźniacka (Dania) 6935 3. Garbine Muguruza (Hiszpania) 6010 4

Elina Switolina (Ukraina) 5505 5. Jelena Ostapenko (Łotwa) 5382 6. Karolina Pliskova (Czechy) 5335 7

Caroline Garcia (Francja) 5160 8. Petra Kvitova (Czechy) 4550 9. Venus Williams (USA) 4201 10

Sloane Stephens (USA) 4164 11. Julia Görges (mcy) 3090 12. Andżelika Kerber (mcy) 3040 13

Madison Keys (USA) 2826 14. Daria Kasatkina (Rosja) 2825 15. Coco Vandeweghe (USA) 2533 16

Elise Mertens (Belgia) 2525 17. Ashleigh Barty (Australia) 2360 18. Magdalena Rybarikova (Słowacja) 2225 19

Anastasija Sevastova (Łotwa) 2225 20. Naomi Osaka (Japonia) 2150 . 29. Agnieszka Radwańska (Polska) 1526 68

Magda Linette (Polska) 865 136. Magdalena Fręch (Polska) 433 344. Iga Świątek (Polska) 126 371

Katarzyna Piter (Polska) 110 374. Urszula Radwańska (Polska) 109 473. Marta Leśniak (Polska) 71 513

Maja Chwalińska (Polska) 61 772. Katarzyna Kawa (Polska) 21 890. Paulina Czarnik (Polska) 14 910

Julia Oczachowska (Polska) 13 983. Weronika Foryś (Polska) 10 1024. Daria Kuczer (Polska) 8 1101

Paulina Jastrzębska (Polska) 6 1164. Wiktoria Kulik (Polska) 4 1182. Joanna Zawadzka (Polska) 4 1208

Alicja Rosolska (Polska) 3 1216. Katarzyna Wysoczańska (Polska) 3: 1. Simona Halep (Rumunia) 3285 pkt 2

Karolina Woźniacka (Dania) 3130 3. Petra Kvitova (Czechy) 2902 4. Elina Switolina (Ukraina) 2820 5

Andżelika Kerber (mcy) 2300 6. Karolina Pliskova (Czechy) 2111 7. Elise Mertens (Belgia) 1821 8

Daria Kasatkina (Rosja) 1645 9. Naomi Osaka (Japonia) 1591 10. Caroline Garcia (Francja) 1482

58. Agnieszka Radwańska (Polska) 482 89. Magda Linette (Polska) 340:1. Karolina Woźniacka (Dania) 3 508 771 dol

2. Simona Halep (Rumunia) 2 758 056 3. Petra Kvitova (Czechy) 2 381 643 4. Elina Switolina (Ukraina) 2 122 509 5

Naomi Osaka (Japonia) 1 662 835 6. Sloane Stephens (USA) 1 608 643 7. Andżelika Kerber (mcy) 1 476 793 8

Daria Kasatkina (Rosja) 1 418 446 9. Karolina Pliskova (Czechy) 1 335 559 10. Jelena Ostapenko (Łotwa) 1 136 486

43. Agnieszka Radwańska (Polska) 283 882 71. Magda Linette (Polska) 192 384: 1

Latisha Chan (Tajwan) 8245 pkt 2. Jelena Wiesnina (Rosja) 8240 2. Jekaterina Makarowa (Rosja) 8240 4

Timea Babos (Węgry) 7080 5. Ashleigh Barty (Australia) 5680 6. Andrea Sestini Hlavackova (Czechy) 5560 7

Barbora Strycova (Czechy) 4540 8. Kristina Mladenović (Francja) 4446 9. Lucie Safarova (Czechy) 4426 10

Katerina Siniakova (Czechy) 4380 . 44. Alicja Rosolska (Polska) 1820 193. Magda Linette (Polska) 385 212

Katarzyna Piter (Polska) 341 309. Magdalena Fręch (Polska) 216 344. Paula Kania (Polska) 176 495

Paulina Czarnik (Polska) 92 542. Katarzyna Kawa (Polska) 76 558. Daria Kuczer (Polska) 71 567

Justyna Jegiołka (Polska) 68 708. Weronika Foryś (Polska) 40 709. Maja Chwalińska (Polska) 40 789

Joanna Zawadzka (Polska) 33 887. Anna Hertel (Polska) 22 949. Aleksandra Buczyńska (Polska) 19 1011

Marta Leśniak (Polska) 15 1045. Paulina Jastrzębska (Polska) 14 1092. Iga Świątek (Polska) 12 1117

Stefania Rogozińska-Dzik (Polska) 11 1122. Katarzyna Wysoczańska (Polska) 11 1145

Julia Oczachowska (Polska) 10 1211. Alicja Zduniak (Polska) 8 1258. Ewa Duda (Polska) 6:1

Makarowa / Wiesnina 3715 pkt 2. Babos / Mladenović 3430 3. Klepac / Martinez Sanchez 2217 4

Dabrowski / Xu 1786 5. Atawo / Grönefeld 1692 6. Krejcikova / Siniakova 1662 7. Melichar / Peschke 1288 8

Barty / Vandeweghe 1225 9. Hsieh / Peng 1087 10. Kiczenok / Rodionowa 1073 . 18. Rosolska / Spears 823 97

Linette / Dijas 130 </form>

For more infomation >> Ranking WTA: niewielki spadek Agnieszki Radwańskiej i Magdy Linette [Wiadomości] - Duration: 8:35.


✅ Luc Besson accusé de viol : Les analyses mettent en cause la version de la plaignante - Duration: 2:17.

Les analyses toxicologiques réalisées suite à la plainte pour viol portée contre Luc Besson sont négatives

Il y a une dizaine de jours, le réalisateur et producteur avait été visé par une plainte pour viol déposée à son encontre par une jeune actrice, Sandrine Van Roy

«Elle raconte avoir bu une tasse de thé puis s'être sentie mal et perdre connaissance

À son réveil, en fin de soirée, lui seraient revenus en mémoire des attouchements et pénétrations

Luc Besson aurait quitté l'hôtel avant elle, lui laissant une liasse de billets. Elle dit avoir alors quitté les lieux pour se réfugier chez une amie »

Par l'intermédiaire de son avocat, le réalisateur et producteur de 59 ans avait à l'époque réagi à cette poursuite

Il disait être « tombé de sa chaise » après avoir eu vent de cette plainte. «Il reconnaît voir épisodiquement cette comédienne », mais assurait « ne l'avoir jamais ni droguée, ni violée »

Mais d'après, Le Point, les analyses toxicologiques de la plaignante, qui ont été effectuées via des prélèvements sanguins et capillaires, se sont révélées négatives

Le laboratoire central de la préfecture de police a outre livré ses analyses toxicologiques

Selon ces dernières, la plaignante « n'aurait ingéré aucune substance (de type GHB) susceptible d'altérer son discernement »

For more infomation >> ✅ Luc Besson accusé de viol : Les analyses mettent en cause la version de la plaignante - Duration: 2:17.


3 S wie Studium - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 3 S wie Studium - Duration: 2:08.


Time to laugh #1 - Too Funny Videos(try not to laugh) - Duration: 8:26.

Thanks for watching Zoeira Never Ends

I hope you have fun

Please, like, comment and subscribe

When the carrots are missing in

the market because of the truckers' strike



Get off your sister.


My God, get out of there.


I'm going to teach here

a way to get out of the house without spending gas

Temer(president) son of a bi ***

Oh Lucão

I thought I had got a

good company to drink

these days on the beach.

Can't you drink anymore ?

My wife isn't letting me drink

Just coconut water?

But when she doesn't see, look what i do


Hey baby

Baby, if you're sleeping,

send me your dreams

But if you're crying, send me

your tears

But if you're happy, send me your smile.

I am shiting, what do i send you?

My God, who is this devil?


I'm ready

Come on, courage.

Do not you want to ride in high heels?

Hey, you're going to fall.

This is rotten

Have to step on the other


3, 2, 1


I am selling this product here

for when your wife arrives in a bar

you run and hide

Like this

I'm going to take a picture here.

Oh, your dog is lazy.

Two policemen



This is crazy, man.



Climb the snake attack

This I hit too fast.

So the speed of the attack you can only see

if it's that way

Take a look for yourself to see

Did you see it?

It's that way for you to wake up.

This is for you to learn

Oh, son of a bit**


Disgrace, stop filming

For more infomation >> Time to laugh #1 - Too Funny Videos(try not to laugh) - Duration: 8:26.


Élodie Gossuin et Inés Sastre radieuses à Roland-Garros - Duration: 1:57.

Pour cette nouvelle journée du tournoi de Roland-Garros, nombreuses sont les personnalités à s'être rendues dans les gradins afin d'assister aux matchs programmés ce lundi 28 mai 2018

Tandis que Gilles Simon, Benoît Paire et le couple formé par Kristina Mladenovic et Dominic Thiem tentaient de se qualifier pour le second tour, acteurs, animateurs et mannequins ont profité du village et des tribunes

Radieuse, l'ex-Miss France Élodie Gossuin a fait une arrivée remarquée. L'heureuse maman et animatrice radio a volontiers pris la pose en petite robe rouge et baskets assorties, non loin d'un autre ancien mannequin, Inés Sastre

Du côté des comédiens, l'acteur américain Gary Dourdan était de la partie pour assister aux Internationaux de France

L'ex-star de la série Les Experts a également pu croiser la Suissesse Noémie Schmidt, notamment vue dans la série Versailles, mais aussi Hafsia Herzi, autre figure de la jeune génération d'actrices francophones

Rod Paradot, César du meilleur espoir masculin en 2016, était quant à lui accompagné de sa chère et tendre Jade, au même titre que Pascal Légitimus, venu avec sa femme Adriana Santini

Revue des arrivées du jour en images.

For more infomation >> Élodie Gossuin et Inés Sastre radieuses à Roland-Garros - Duration: 1:57.


Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal (2001) HD | Megacineflix - Duration: 2:24.

harry potter e a pedra filosofal

she's ever McKenna's in Hatton anything you couldn't explain you're a wizard

Harry I'm a watt

dear mr. Potter we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted a

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in a few moments you will pass

through these doors and join your classmate keep an eye on the staircases

they like to change

good afternoon cars welcome to your first flying lesson take your right hand

over the broom and say

do you really have to stop

whitehead mr. Potter our new celebrity first years should note that the dark

forest is strictly forbidden with no magics to be used between the

classes in the corridors

the third-floor corridor is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to

suffer a most painful death understand this sorry because it's very important

not all Wizards are good on greats bed before either of you come up with

another clever idea to get us killed was expelled seeing this or her priorities

I think it is clear we can expect great things from you


For more infomation >> Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal (2001) HD | Megacineflix - Duration: 2:24.


Sclerosi multipla: 14 campanelli d'allarme da conoscere - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> Sclerosi multipla: 14 campanelli d'allarme da conoscere - Duration: 8:08.


10 Songs to Smash To in Smash Bros. Switch Vol. 1! (Super Mario, Yoshi, & Donkey Kong Series) - Duration: 30:47.

In the lead-up to a new Smash Bros, there are always the same conversations: which characters

should make the cut, what would make for an excellent stage, and which items might be

added to the mix.

And it makes sense.

These are key elements to any Smash Bros game--but there's another aspect of Smash that we

can't wait to see.

Or rather, hear.

Ever since Brawl, the musical representation of Nintendo and friends' finest has been

utterly superb.

So many great songs with some truly fantastic remixes and rearrangements.

And it got us thinking as to what NEW songs could and should make their way in to Smash

Bros for the Switch.

Of course, there's a loooot to choose from!

Even just picking a single song from one franchise can be a Herculean task.

So we're going to handle it in volumes, with each installment covering three different

series currently represented by a playable character in Smash Bros, starting with Super

Mario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong--and we decided to put our heads together and have myself,

Ash, and Jon pick one song for all 3, making for 9 songs total.

And then Andre's going to weigh in with only a single choice himself to bring us up

to an even 10.

Not only that, but in an effort to provide a better sense of what the songs will actually

be like in the context of Smash, we'll be showing off each one with a 2-Minute match

with the sound effects on.

That way you'll really be able to hear whether you like our ideas or not.

With that said, let's jump right into it and crank the volume up for some Mario tunes!

While Paper Mario: Color Splash left fans feeling a bit mixed, there's no denying

that the final battle theme is just fantastic.

It has the proper epic feel of a final battle with some guitar riffs that you just don't

expect from Mario.

And while it does change things up from the typical Mario sound, it's still unmistakably

a Mario song.

Plus I can't help but think of the final battle in Yoshi's Island with those riffs!

Confession time: While I love "In the Final" from Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

as much as anyone, I actually think "Adventure's End," its final battle theme cousin from

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, is somehow even better and *more* dramatic.

Perfect for an epic showdown between Cloud and Link on Final Destination!

But no matter which song you prefer, one thing's for sure: Yoko Shimomura's world-class battle

themes are perfect for Smash.

Super Mario Odyssey is a game dripping in a vast array of different cultures, yet Bowser's

Kingdom's strong Japanese influence came out on top.

The short intro feels perfectly timed with character entrances and then the fast paced

beat carries the fight forward.

It almost feels like a dance to the death as the drums rapidly get faster and more intense,

this will surely heighten even the most timid of battles.

Those are our Mario choices but what about those sweet licks from Yoshi?

Yoshi's Woolly World's whole soundtrack is so amazingly consistent that it'd be

very difficult to pick a song that wouldn't go perfectly with a new Yoshi stage, but I'm

a big fan of Shy Guys in general and I just can't get enough of the relentlessly peppy,

bouncy "Shy but Deadly."

Shy Guys are super lovable in an ever-so-slightly irritating way, much like this song -- which

makes it a perfect tune for a Jigglypuff main to land a well-timed Rest to!

When I played Yoshi's Woolly World for the first time, there was this wonderful moment

upon entering the first Special Course and hearing its music.

My ears perked up, I sat forward, and was awestruck by just how good this song was.

It's an immediate charmer with a fun, uplifting melody that conveys this great sense of excitement.

And if it works for the challenging Special Courses in Woolly World, that appeal can absolutely

carry over

to Smash.

Let's end it off with the King of Swing himself, Donkey Kong and his jungle beats!

Homecoming Hijinx is a song of determination.

In Tropical Freeze, it's about DK storming back his former home and its heroic melody

would lend itself perfectly to Smash.

Imagine being two stock down when all of a sudden the invigorating chorus pumps in and

gives you the motivation you need for the comeback of the century.

Tropical Freeze is full of a wide array of genres and tempos but Homecoming Hijinx is

my (Jon's) personal favourite choice to Smash to.

I'm a sucker for a good string instrument and the main beat of Scorch 'N' Torch

is so layered and nuanced that I get chills listening to it.

There's this wonderful sense of danger yet you can hear the influences of the African


I love the idea of being able to smack around opponents with such an impactful yet strangely

chill song in the background.

Look, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze's soundtrack is one of the best and deserves

every last bit of praise it gets, but for my money, David Wise's finest work is still

Donkey Kong Country 2 and it's a travesty that it's only been represented in Smash

by Stickerbrush Symphony.

Yeah, Stickerbrush Symphony -- AKA StickerBUSH Symphony -- is amazing, but DKC 2's soundtrack

is so much more than that.

Case in point, Crocodile Cacophony is one of DK's most memorable, epic final battle

themes, and I'd love to think of my childhood showdowns with Kaptain K. Rool while battling

it out in Smash.

So we've hit 9 songs leaving only one more to suggest from these 3 series.

And we're going to leave it up to Andre to weigh in on what song he wants most from

either Super Mario, Donkey Kong, or Yoshi.

I can't believe you 3 numbskulls missed the most important one!

Well leave it to Uncle Andre to set things right.

So Super Smash Bros is, more than anything, a celebration of Nintendo's history.

So what better way is there to honor that than with a song that celebrates the very

heritage of Smash Bros's most well known character?

That's right, the infectious Jump Up Super Star is a perfect fit for Smash Bros, with

it bridging Mario's newest adventure, Super Mario Odyssey, to his oldest in the original

Donkey Kong--which would be especially fitting for a game that lets you recreate that classic

Mario vs Donkey Kong matchup.

Plus, there's just something inherently hilarious about Mario and the gang beating

on each other to the upbeat sound of the Mushroom Kingdom's latest pop song.

Obviously, there are so many more choices when it comes to songs that we could pick

for each series.

These are just a few of the ones that we personally want to see in Smash Bros for the Switch.

But what about you?

What tunes would you most want to see from Mario, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong?

And what three franchises should we cover next?

Let us know in the comments and as always, be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more

on Smash Bros, the Nintendo Switch, and other things gaming.

For more infomation >> 10 Songs to Smash To in Smash Bros. Switch Vol. 1! (Super Mario, Yoshi, & Donkey Kong Series) - Duration: 30:47.


Jaguar X-Type Estate 2.0 D - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Jaguar X-Type Estate 2.0 D - Duration: 1:04.


Isuzu D-max 4x4 LSX Automaat - 5 Persoons - Grijs kenteken - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Isuzu D-max 4x4 LSX Automaat - 5 Persoons - Grijs kenteken - Duration: 1:12.


Isuzu D-max 2.5 4x4 Double Cab L Airco - Grijs kenteken - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Isuzu D-max 2.5 4x4 Double Cab L Airco - Grijs kenteken - Duration: 1:11.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 ZEER NETTE AUTO!!! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 ZEER NETTE AUTO!!! - Duration: 1:07.


Prix littéraire de l'Oeuvre d'Orient : le monachisme d'Orient couronné - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Prix littéraire de l'Oeuvre d'Orient : le monachisme d'Orient couronné - Duration: 4:33.


Comment utiliser le basilic pour combattre la fatigue et la dépression - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> Comment utiliser le basilic pour combattre la fatigue et la dépression - Duration: 9:58.


Renault Mégane Estate DCI 110 LIMITED - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate DCI 110 LIMITED - Duration: 1:01.


Ford Fiesta 1.3 FUTURA 5 deurs airco - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.3 FUTURA 5 deurs airco - Duration: 1:04.


Élodie Gossuin et Inés Sastre radieuses à Roland-Garros - Duration: 1:57.

Pour cette nouvelle journée du tournoi de Roland-Garros, nombreuses sont les personnalités à s'être rendues dans les gradins afin d'assister aux matchs programmés ce lundi 28 mai 2018

Tandis que Gilles Simon, Benoît Paire et le couple formé par Kristina Mladenovic et Dominic Thiem tentaient de se qualifier pour le second tour, acteurs, animateurs et mannequins ont profité du village et des tribunes

Radieuse, l'ex-Miss France Élodie Gossuin a fait une arrivée remarquée. L'heureuse maman et animatrice radio a volontiers pris la pose en petite robe rouge et baskets assorties, non loin d'un autre ancien mannequin, Inés Sastre

Du côté des comédiens, l'acteur américain Gary Dourdan était de la partie pour assister aux Internationaux de France

L'ex-star de la série Les Experts a également pu croiser la Suissesse Noémie Schmidt, notamment vue dans la série Versailles, mais aussi Hafsia Herzi, autre figure de la jeune génération d'actrices francophones

Rod Paradot, César du meilleur espoir masculin en 2016, était quant à lui accompagné de sa chère et tendre Jade, au même titre que Pascal Légitimus, venu avec sa femme Adriana Santini

Revue des arrivées du jour en images.

For more infomation >> Élodie Gossuin et Inés Sastre radieuses à Roland-Garros - Duration: 1:57.


Time to laugh #1 - Too Funny Videos(try not to laugh) - Duration: 8:26.

Thanks for watching Zoeira Never Ends

I hope you have fun

Please, like, comment and subscribe

When the carrots are missing in

the market because of the truckers' strike



Get off your sister.


My God, get out of there.


I'm going to teach here

a way to get out of the house without spending gas

Temer(president) son of a bi ***

Oh Lucão

I thought I had got a

good company to drink

these days on the beach.

Can't you drink anymore ?

My wife isn't letting me drink

Just coconut water?

But when she doesn't see, look what i do


Hey baby

Baby, if you're sleeping,

send me your dreams

But if you're crying, send me

your tears

But if you're happy, send me your smile.

I am shiting, what do i send you?

My God, who is this devil?


I'm ready

Come on, courage.

Do not you want to ride in high heels?

Hey, you're going to fall.

This is rotten

Have to step on the other


3, 2, 1


I am selling this product here

for when your wife arrives in a bar

you run and hide

Like this

I'm going to take a picture here.

Oh, your dog is lazy.

Two policemen



This is crazy, man.



Climb the snake attack

This I hit too fast.

So the speed of the attack you can only see

if it's that way

Take a look for yourself to see

Did you see it?

It's that way for you to wake up.

This is for you to learn

Oh, son of a bit**


Disgrace, stop filming

For more infomation >> Time to laugh #1 - Too Funny Videos(try not to laugh) - Duration: 8:26.



guys it's just so cloudy outside today but I'm so excited for this vlog because

it's going to be a cook with me and kind of a wedding today I haven't even eaten

breakfast yet you guys so I'm gonna go downstairs and make breakfast

but I just want to mention to you guys I'm so excited in this video I'm working

with hellofresh I'm gonna show you guys a recipe I'm

gonna be cooking with them today they are a meal kit company so the delivery

meals right to your door I know that a lot of you guys with your busy

lifestyles it's just so hard to sometimes make time for cooking but a

lot of the meals you can cook under 30 minutes you don't have to spend a ton of

time in the kitchen in bath all the ingredients come pre-measured already

for you and every single thing is labeled there's like no way that you

guys can mess up on this so this we can actually have a really busy week so when

I saw that box to be honest with you I was relieved I was like okay I don't

have to meal prep this week I don't really have to do much because I have

three meals from them you guys will see how easy their website is to use they

offer three plans and you guys can see which one fits your lifestyle the best

and you guys will also notice that they do change their meals weekly which keeps

everything nice and interesting they have so many good looking meals you guys

are interested for three dollars off your first week at hellofresh visit

hellofresh comm and enter my promo codes death Macedo 30 it's time for my coffee

this is like the number one thing I have to do every single morning and I wasn't

kidding you guys when I said that I bought an actual box of their stevia off

of ebay but I actually have a link for Amazon so I will leave a link down below

for you guys and then I just kind of keep refilling this little tiny canister

over here and I use two of these in my coffees

guys probably always think that I use these all the time but I am using these

all the time because I absolutely love them these Lilydale turkey sausages I

like to bliss them up like I've shown you guys before it's just easier to cook

and it also makes me feel like I'm eating a lot more of it I'm gonna be

doing three of them my go-to omelet that I absolutely love

so I just rip a ton of spinach in here a little bit of onion powder you guys can

add actual cut-up onion then I put garlic track some salt in there's three

eggs in here but I only use one full one the other two I'm only using the whites

and that's a very good like calorie cutting tip that I can share with you

guys the whites are much less calories

with everything up

this is such an easy breakfast you guys this whole breakfast just let you guys

know is 210 calories - my coffee my coffee is like an extra 15 calories

delicious omelet is done I always serve it with a little bit of ketchup on this

side make sure you guys try this out I'm telling you you guys will love it I know

this does not sound exciting spinach omelet oh my god so exciting but it is

it's actually really really really good so while I eat my breakfast I'm gonna

catch up on some love and hip hop Atlanta for those of you who don't know

I actually watch it on mr. world premiere if you guys want to go in there

and check it out just wanted to show you guys the box and how it comes so it

comes in this box over here with their cute little logo on the front check this

out this is like a full-on interior cooler going on here so this is how they

come just like this inside of here and then at the very bottom they have given

me all the meat and they actually put ice packs at the bottom as well to keep

everything all nice and fresh I think I'm gonna be doing the yogurt and dukkha

crusted chicken that's the one that kind of stood out to me the most so the first

thing is these chicken breasts and it says here raised without the use of

antibiotics and added hormones that was the very first thing that I noticed so I

have to show you guys what happened sometimes I'm very impulsive

I just grabbed all of the papers and ripped I ripped the recipes in half and

then I'm like oh my god stuff I think that those are the recipes so I had to

like take it back up honestly stuff you are the words like

Pisces you are so horrible this is probably the best feature I love about

hallow fresh are they give you this step-by-step instruction card for your

recipe and it just shows you picture by pictures step by step a lot of people

don't feel confident when they're cooking and I just feel like this is

such an amazing thing that they do we have our yogurt I got this little tiny

white wine vinegar then we have some red onion in here you guys it's already

chopped up for you our Dukas by ace flavour chicken broth had a bell pepper

eggplant some parsley I love how this is packaged we got our bulgur wheat I'm so

excited to try this out and cook it up step by step so the first step is to

chop up all of our veggies so I have to cut the eggplant into 1-inch cubes and I

have to cut the bell peppers into half inch cubes and I'm gonna roughly chop

the parsley it says and then in a medium pot we're gonna put the broth

concentrate that they gave us and we're gonna put 3/4 cup of water inside of a

pot I'm just gonna put the three sporter cup of water gonna add our broth inside

of there I think this is gonna taste so good and their meals you guys they only

take around 30 minutes to do which is so amazing

so the next step already says to have a baking sheet so I just have my pan ready

over here and I'm just gonna drop my eggplant pieces on top

so it says once the water has come to a boil you have to add the bulgur inside

of the boiling water remove the pot from the heat then cover it and let the

bulgur sit for 15 to 16 minutes so we're just gonna add our packet of bulgur and

inside of there I'm just gonna give it a quick stir and we're gonna close it up I

did my onion instance as well the one that's already pre chopped that just

shows that they're aware that sometimes cutting onion can be such a pain it says

we need to drizzle oil on top but I'm just gonna use my olive oil Pam over

here and just spray it add salt and pepper and now we are going to put this

in the oven and bake it for 20 to 25 minutes halfway through we're gonna stir

these up and make sure that they get evenly cooked so it says to roughly chop

the parsley I'm just gonna grab a bowl and instead of chopping it I'm just

going to grab my scissors my little trick I love to use just cuz it's so

quick and easy so it's time to prep the chicken and it says just to kind of Pat

it dry with a little bit of paper towel I'm just going to lay it down and then

we're gonna mix our seasoning up so I have my dukkha over here my Dukas

white so as you guys can see like I was mentioning everything comes separately

and it's all individually labeled for you super easy so we're going to add

that in oh my god I have to smell this oh man there's like a burst of like a

bunch of Middle Eastern flavor in there add in top of our yogurt into there I'm

also gonna add some salt and pepper to a bit of pepper to mix up this mixture

okay looks really good so we're gonna add our

chicken inside of this bowl and we're gonna coat it and coating the chicken

just like that and our chicken breast is all coated okay so now it says transfer

the baking sheet and roast in the center of the oven so I'm gonna grab the

leftover yogurt it says and put it inside of a bowl here add half of your

parsley inside of this bowl with the yogurt I've also added two teaspoons of

water now we're gonna season it with salt and pepper

when veggies are golden brown remove from baking sheet and we're gonna mix

that all up love sauces so I'm so happy that this

sounds like a sauce so in this bowl we are going to add our bulgur it just to

first fluff it up and I've already done that so I'm just gonna add it in here

and in all of our roasted veggies rest of our parsley inside of there oh my god

that looks so good a tablespoon of the little bottle of white vinegar that they

gave us and says I'm 1 tablespoon of oil I'm actually going to skip that part

just because of my calorie intake that's myself in there mix this mixture all up

and show you guys as I mix it oh my god this looks so colorful how amazing our

crusted chicken looks look at that now I'm gonna chop this up into slices and

we are going to do our plate

the chicken was super easy to cook after the veggies were done baking I put it on

boil I flipped it in between and it got so golden on the other side as well oh

my god it just looks so good not going to be using as a fall entire breast just

because I am on my calorie deficit we are going to drizzle a little bit of our

yogurt sauce over top there like I said I am crazy about sauces so we're not

gonna be like super late with this and that's our finished plate I'm gonna

taste test this with you guys because I am so excited have to say it was so easy

to cook this recipe I love to step by step and I love the pictures I'm such a

visual person sorry I'm trying to find the perfect bite because that's what

stuff does she always has to find the perfect I always think it's so rude when

I don't like chewing but I have to taste those for you guys I'm just gotta do it

there's a ton of flavor in there I'm gonna go in for another bite if you guys

don't mind me let me just finish this bites I can finish talking you guys so

rude sorry I actually love that I'm not eating rice today I'm having bulgur

because normally I'm always eating rice you guys I keep wanting to say hella

fresh like I can't tell you how hilarious that is but I'm not gonna lie

like how old fresh was hella front I'm going to be making one of my favorite

favorite cold salads I'm gonna be doing a mango cilantro with apple salad and

I'm also doing some salmon on the side here and then I have

left over jasmine rice in that container and I'm just going to kind of put it all


so what you want to do is cut them into like sheets and obviously you're going

to run into the little seed in the center there but I just need you to cut

it into like sheets like that so do it this way if it's easier just to

tip you guys it's a lot better when the mangoes are actually very firm and

they're not super ripe like this but that's kind of all that they had a salad

does turn out much better if they are more firm you're just gonna grab the

slices and you are just going to do them into little parts want to slice them

into like these little slivers we are going to use an apple I don't really

like I'm not too picky about the Apple that I use I don't think the green ones

that's the only thing I would not do it would not do the green because the green

are very sour we are not gonna peel off the skin we're gonna cut it into thin

little slices like this and then we are going to chop it up just like we did

with the mango now we're gonna go ahead and chop a whole bunch of cilantro

inside of here I've just grabbed a bunch over here and again I'm gonna use my

kitchen scissors because that's my favorite I love cilantro you guys the

fragrance of cilantro I just love it I love the taste it pairs so well with the

sweetness of the mango we're actually gonna use a little bit of the white

vinegar that came with our package tablespoon and a half inside of there if

you're having this type of portion some salt over top the salt goes so well with

the sweetness thanks this all up oh my god I'm the Stoics that if you guys to

try this it is delicious like I don't think you guys understand and actually

this salad does take red onion I just didn't choose to put that in there today

if you guys like red onion the red onion gives it like this extra zest to the

salad I know this combination might sound weird but I actually found this at

a Mediterranean place I used to go pick up food on it and it really inspired me

to kind of try it at home as a little bit of that salt inside of it that's

cilantro with that kick and that really like I don't know it just has this crazy

flavor and then you have this is from the Apple and the mango oh my

god the combination all together it's literally its fireworks you guys have to

try this recipe we are having fire salmon the salmon tastes so good if you

guys want my salmon recipe I will leave the link up here above so that you guys

can check it out and I show you guys how I marinate it then I have a little bit

of jasmine rice I kind of minimized my portion of the jasmine rice just because

the mango salad is a little bit higher as well because mango does have calories

in it it's not like ultra super low so I just took away a little bit of the rice

plus the salmon is a little bit high too in calorie and then I have my really

really colorful taste you sell it on the side I feel like the dampness like the

humidity outside is just making my hair like a little bit frizzy I'm not gonna

lie I like a little bit frizzy for those of you who really like my waist I will

leave a tutorial up above or if you guys want to check it out that is basically

it for this vlog if you guys enjoyed make sure you guys give this video a big

thumbs up and also don't forget to subscribe to my channel I hope you guys

enjoyed thank you guys so much for watching and I will see my beautiful

babes next time

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