Thursday, May 31, 2018

Youtube daily report May 31 2018

So I apologize for the shakiness, this is kind of an unplanned video.

It's not often that you see me outside, but I'm actually gonna be borrowing the Bolt again

today to do a little video for you.

It is...

hot today.

It is about--it is currently 86 degrees and it'll go up to a high of 96 which is...

this Celsius.

And I'm going to take the Bolt EV back to my place, to work, and back which will be

a total of 184 miles.

All highway driving.

And we'll see how it does.

But before we go, I want to show you one thing here.

Because it's so warm outside I'm gonna have the Bolt precondition itself.

And I wanted to show--this is the charging station that it's on.

And as you can hopefully see the charging station is not supply power to the car 'cause

it's fully charged.

So I'm going to use the remote to remote start the car and then the charging station will

click on.

[Clunk of contactor inside EVSE]

Hear that big thunk?

So now that orange light indicates that the charging station is sending power to the car.

And very soon you'll hear the air conditioning running.

[sound of A/C compressor spinning up]

The Bolt has a variable speed A/C compressor--same

as the Volt with a 'V', it's just more efficient that way and it can run any amount of refrigerant

it needs to.

So I'm gonna let the car run like this for about five minutes to get nice and cool.

That way, right now it's pulling power from the grid; it's not using its battery at all.

So by preconditioning the cabin like this we're gonna get a little bit better battery


And then once it's cooled off, I'm gonna get in the car.

We'll use my dashcam and I'll show you a bit of the drive that I'm taking.

OK one more thing before I get going--I'm sitting inside and it's nice and cool in here

but the car is not actually on and it is still plugged in.

So I'm gonna turn it on 'cause I want to show you one thing.

Some people are worried about this.

[warning chimes as vehicle starts up]

So I wanted to show you--notice how it says

the charge cord is connected 'cause I'm still plugged in?

It will not let me shift into gear.

If I try...

[warning chime]

"Conditions not correct for shift"

[warning chime]

"Charge cord connected" So a lot of people freak out about what happens

if you move your car while it's still plugged in.

The answer is nothing!

Nothing happens.

Because it knows its plugged in and it won't let you move.

So I want to apologize for the dashcam footage because the dashcam that is in this car--

I got dashcams for my mom and dad for Christmas one year, and it's the same one as in my car--and

it's a wedge style dashcam.

And there's a blue windshield tint on the Bolt and so it's looking through that a little


So everything looks pretty blue, and I'm gonna do my best to correct that.

So this Bolt unlike probably many Bolts EVs spends a lot of time in rural areas on country

roads like this one.

This is IL-29.

I'm heading North to get to I-180 to take me to I-80.

My parents live South of I-80 and North of Peoria.

And, well, we're just entering Bureau county right now so this EV spends a lot of time

in a rural setting not anywhere near a city.

We are about 120 miles away from Chicago right now.

And part of why I want to make sure people understand that is because even for people

in a rural setting, if they have access to a home charging station which can recharge

the car in about 10 hours from empty... you know this car works for a LOT of people.

I see so many comments about EVs "They're city-dwelling car's only, you can't take them

outside of the city".

This car doesn't even live in the city most of the time!

It either spends some time with me in the suburbs or a lot of the time out here!

This is not the city!

So I have cruise control set to 70 MPH which is how its gonna stay for a good portion of

this trip.

70 MPH is actually not idea for an EV's range because generally you want to stay to 65 or

less, but I'm intentionally keeping it at 70 because I don't want to paint the picture

that I am trying to hypermile here.

I'm really not.

I'm gonna keep up with traffic as best I can.

And according to the car it is 89° outside, so we've got some nice toasty warm weather.

This part here getting to I-80 is one of the most challenging parts for this car as far

as range goes because--if you can hopefully tell in the dashcam--we're actually going

at a pretty significant incline.

Where my parents live is one of few areas in Illinois that aren't completely flat.

It's still pretty flat but there are some river valleys around here.

And, uh, so there's some pretty wild changes in elevation.

Right now to go up this hill maintaining 70 it's taking 37-38 kW which is a lot of power.

But now we are back to flat land as far as the eye can see.

By the way, just as common courtesy you should do that.

Like, if someone's on the side of the road for whatever reason move over for them.

The person behind me didn't, and there's no one around me.

Don't be a jerk.

And by the way in Illinois if that's a cop or an emergency vehicle you HAVE to get over

and if you don't you will get pulled over.

Just ask my dad about that.

Here we are on I-80, everybody's favorite.

Big East-West Interstate, going from New York to California, all the way across.

I think it's New York, maybe it's New Jersey.

Uh, anyway, I'm not going to try and hypermile, remember?

I'm keeping speed set to 70.

If I pass a truck I pass a truck, if a truck passes me, a truck passes me.

I'm not gonna follow one.

I'm trying not to present this as a "you have to be careful to drive an EV" thing, I want

to show you what it's like if you're just driving it like you would a car.

So I've got cruise control set to 70 MPH, which is the speed limit.

Yeah, you might be going a little higher than that on average but I will at least do that


Well, that's not hypermiling by any stretch of the imagination but I will at least do

that--get that little bit of range out of it.

But now, we're on this road for the next 60 miles or so.

We have just under 100 miles left in this journey and we'll see where we are when we get there.

The temperature reading on the car is now 94°!

It's going up!

Did you know that in Illinois there's a warp tunnel to Peru?

It's right there.

Just take that exit, you're in Peru.

They even have a Menards in Peru.

Oh you know, I should probably say I have the cabin temperature set to 71° F, so I'm...

In my winter range test, I kept the cabin temperature pretty cold because I have a heated

seat, a heated steering wheel and I was bundled up.

Some people complained about that.

Well now I have the temperature really comfortable.

Perfect for driving, it's 94° outside but 71° inside--nice and comfy here.

As we are moving into the 44th mile of this journey we have use 12.2 kWh which is, uh,

a little worse than average.

If we go with the EPA rating, 12 kWh should get us 48 miles.

But we've used 12.3 and we've only gone 44.7 miles so we're a little bit behind but not

a whole lot.

Here in Illinois we also have a warp tunnel to Ottawa.

Just go that way and find yourself in Canada all of a sudden.

I'm about to be passed by a Tesla!

I'll give him a nod.


Eh, he seems unimpressed.

He's also not running a front license plate, tsk tsk.

OK, so I just noticed that--and I've heard some wind noise but you can see in the trees,

or I could see in the trees of the right I'll have to back the footage up a bit, but I'm

facing a pretty significant headwind.

Which is weird because I'm going East.

And usually if I'm going East there's a tail wind.

But you know, sometimes...

It seems every single time I want to do a range test in this car the wind condition

is the wrong way.

So we're still gonna be fine but just to give some context, right now wind is not helping


It's hurting me.

So keep that in your head while you're thinking about the range here.

Every time I take this ramp there's a truck at the front going 25 MPH.


Come on in, Mr. 4Runner.

Welcome to this lane.

I bet you knew you needed this lane a long time ago but just now is when you decided

to get in because ya know,

that's how we do things!

Oh, and thank you so much for letting me know you were exiting, I really appreciate that signal.

We really have a model driver in front of us, ladies and gentlemen.

Alright, so.

We are now back and I'm parked in my garage just because I want to keep the car out of

the sun.

Just get that little bit, tiny bit of an advantage.

But we weren't super efficient this time, we took 31.9 kWh to go 113.4 (miles).

And that's probably...well I'll do the math 12.5% lower than what the EPA estimate would be.

And, uh...

I really did not account for the winds today I didn't think it was gonna be that windy.

So I just want to point out climate settings was only 4% so, and I've said this a lot to

people--air conditioning is not that big of a load for an electric car.

So even though it was 94° outside for much of the commute--it got a little cooler once

I get towards home but it was still about 88--I've been keeping the climate control

set at either 71 or 72 and that was only 4% of the energy usage for this entire trip.

So air conditioning is really not a huge deal.

If we go to the main center cluster you'll see that it's predicting 98 miles of range


And I have 70 miles that I need to go further.

Now if I were a rational human being who wasn't doing this test I would plug the car in because

I have 2 hours of charging that would give the car another 40 miles of range at least.

But I'm not going to do that!

Because I want to test this range and I really think it's gonna improve for my drive to work

because I typically go a little bit slower and also we'll be going North-South rather

than East-West, so we'll see what happens.


[Music from car intro screen thingamabob]

Alright so I did not plug in the car--you'll

notice it says "Plug in to Charge".

And our range estimate actually went up by one mile because it realized that we went

into a cooler place.

So we are still at 31.9 kWh with a distance traveled of 113.4.

Now we're going to drive 34.2 miles or something like that and then we'll see where that puts us.

[sound of electric acceleration on the on-ramp]

Alright so the trend line this early into

this leg of the journey is right in the middle.

There is no direction going up or down, but as we cut back in here we've gone about 6


Our max range is 110 and our minimum is 76.

Currently we're predicted to go 93.

So I can see that the guess...

I can see that the trend line is starting to creep up which I expected it to do so,

especially because I looked outside and the wind around here seems to by dying down.

I'm no meteorological expert but I did notice it was getting cooler as I headed toward my

place which is closer to Lake Michigan and I'm wondering if there was a high pressure

area over the lake as it always keeps the air above it colder because it's a big body

of water, and maybe that was forcing air out towards the West and that's why I had the

head wind.

I don't know.

But in any case the wind is much calmer right now, it's 93° out according to the car, and

we will be up at my work within the next half-hour or so.

Also, I should point out that I'm not taking a huge risk here.

If there are people who are like "Oh my God, range anxiety!!!"

I know two things, one my boss is fine if I plug in at work so if for some reason I

get to work and there's way less range than I think I'll plug in, but two--the O'Hare

Oasis which you keep seeing signs for has both a Level 2 AND a DC Fast Charging charger

available for the car.

So if I needed to on my way back I could just stop at the oasis.

I've never actually used the DC fast charging on this car--I won't do it unless I need to.

One day I'm gonna test that, but not right now.

But it looks like that trend line is creeping up some more and driving conditions seem much

more favorable.

Also I'm trying to keep up with traffic in this lane.

I'm not hypermiling but also people tend to go way faster than I want to on the Tri-State

so I'm not gonna join the left lanes but I will stay here and keep up with the guy in

front of me.

I know I said I wasn't gonna hypermile and it may look like I'm hypermiling because I'm

here in the right lane and everybody's passing me but if you're unfamiliar with the Tri-State...anything

goes here.

I am, to put it.... well I'm speeding.

I'm going a bit over the speed limit.

Everybody else is...


Now in Illinois we have laws where you need to follow traffic flow so really I'm going

under the "speed limit" but, ugh.

I'm just in the right lane because I don't want to go a fast as the other people are


Alright, I am now at work.

And that is our final, we are actually just at 40 kWh used which is 2/3 of the battery.

We went 148 miles so that means we could go 50% more assuming we have the exact same average

efficiency we had so what would that be?

74 on top of that, so about 221 or so.

Which is actually right about what it predicted when we first turned on the car.

So then going over to the speedometer cluster area we are at a minimum of 61 miles, predicted

75, and if you recall it said that--we started at 100.

So the range meter only went down 25 miles even though we drove 34 and that's because

it was just more efficient driving this time and we weren't facing that wind.

And still, our climate settings have now accounted for 5% of our usage but still that's very

very little and I'm still keeping myself comfortable even though the temperatures are in the 90's.

Alright so I just got out of work.

Yes I work in the evenings.

It sucks.

I drew the short straw working this particular time on Memorial Day, but let's see where

we're at.

It is showing 78 miles.

It's not exposed right--there we go.

78 miles.

So let's turn it on.

That's better.


So we have 34 or so miles ahead of us.

I'm sure we'll make it.

OK now that we are back on the Tri-State headed southbound, I normally keep my speed to 68

on this segment and then I slow down a little bit as I get towards home.

I don't have traffic to keep up with because it's late at night so I'm just setting the

speed that I always do.

And again, I'm not trying to hypermile here I'm not gonna follow a truck.

Yeah I'm going a little bit slower than the average person, but really not that much slower.

And we will see what sort of range we have when we get home.

So, uh, we'll do a bit of a time warp.

So I took us out of warp speed because I wanted to explain for those who have never been to

Illinois--the oasis that I was mentioning that has the charging station that we're about

to go under, it's more obvious what it is at night.

I don't know...they've been around for many decades, in fact there's a Williams pinball

machine from I believe the 1960's called "Highways" which has one of these oases on its backglass.

There's some trivia for you.

But anyway, these highway oases are on the tollway here and it's got restaurants and


And it's built above the tollway as an overpass--it's kinda cool.

So you can see Auntie Ann's and Starbucks maybe in there.

And, so... do other states have those?

I don't know.

Not all of them in Illinois are built over the road like that, some of them are just

off to the side.

But the ones that are built over the road, you know you uh... depending on which direction

you're going you enter through one door or the other.

And you can't turn around which kinda stinks but you wouldn't really need to in most circumstances.

But anyway, that's what the highway oasis was and over there by the Mobil gas station

there is a DC fast charger.

I have not used it myself but I have seen it and people on Plugshare have rated it so

that would've been there as an option.

But as it stands I'm still showing 56 miles of range remaining and I'm more than halfway

home so no need to stop.

Aright, we are now back home and we have gone 183 miles today which took 48.8 kilowatt-hours.

And the car thinks we will be able to do another 47.

The trend line was pretty high up towards that max 55 but that's because I was going

less than 60 MPH for the last bit of this journey.

But, uh, if we do our little math here...

Uh, the EPA estimated range of this car is 238 and we are...

oh man I'm so bad at math in my head.


OK we would have gone 230 so we're actually only 8 miles shy of the EPA estimated range

assuming that our efficiency stayed what it is because we were going 40...

If we had 47 left, with the 183 that we did we would be a 240...

no (guffaw) 230 miles

so that's only 8 miles off.

I am bad at this.

So this is gonna cost me about $5.50 in electricity, so not bad.

We did 183 miles of driving on $5.50.

I also wanted to show you the experience of plugging it in.

Because, you know, people feel like this is so hard.

There's the charge port.

I actually have like the hardest way to plug in of anybody because my charger's all the

way over here.

And I gotta unfurl the cord.

And we're just gonna walk back to the car...

And, plug it in.

And just for your enjoyment you're gonna hear a bunch of sounds.

You're gonna hear some relays clicking, you're gonna hear the actual charging station back

there make a big THUNK, and the car's gonna make a couple other weird noises.

And then, it beeps.

Just push that in.



[other odd sounds]


So incredibly complicated.

And then the car will tell you when you open the door when it will be done charging.

Its estimate is going to move up a little bit.

Oh, I have found a bug.

Let me close the door.

[startup music]

It does that a lot.


So it says that the charge will be done by 8:30 AM and, uh.

Often times that estimate will go up a little bit as I plug in because this is a 32 amp

charger but it's only on 208 volts.

So it's actually a little bit slower than my parent's charger even though the charger

itself--the Clipper Creek HCS-40--is a larger charger.

It's on 208 rather than 240V so it charges a little more slowly.

So maybe they actually--the car's software was updated over the air recently and I don't

know if it affects the instrument cluster but maybe it did.

In the past it used to be you would open it after I plug in and it say "charge complete

by 7:00...7:15...7:30...7:45" as it realized it was on a lower voltage but today it didn't

do that.

So I hope you enjoyed this video on the Chevy Bolt EV's summer driving range.

Although it missed the EPA estimate by just a hair, I think it's still pretty impressive

since for much of my drive the car was facing a headwind, and all of the miles were strictly


Unlike a conventional car, an EV does better in stop-and-go city driving because it can

use regenerative braking.

On the highway, there's no braking going on so its range will drop.

This partially explains why the EPA range estimate for Electric Vehicles is so much

more conservative than the european or asian estimates for the same vehicle--being so spread

out in the US, highway range is more important here.

Anyway, thank you very much for watching, please check out my Twitter feed if you're

into that, and a peek at my Patreon page would be much appreciated if you'd like to support

what I do on this channel.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Chevy Bolt EV Summer Range Test - Duration: 24:37.


What 100,000+ Children Taught Us About Neglect in Early Childhood - Duration: 4:26.

It was the 1970s in Romania.

Secretary General Nicolae Ceaușescu was the communist leader

in charge of the country and he wanted to grow the population,

so he enacted a series of policies that outlawed both abortion and birth control.

As you can probably imagine, this did not go very well.

The population did grow, but so did widespread poverty,

and by the time Ceaușescu was overthrown in 1989,

more than 100,000 children had been abandoned to institutionalized, state-run orphanages.

Which maybe would have been okay if they'd been given proper care.

But they weren't.

When the regime fell, it became clear that the conditions in these orphanages were horrific.

The children were extremely malnourished,

had very little social interaction with adults,

and minimal care from their nurses.

Some had been tied to their beds.

They were effectively left to fend for themselves, in some cases almost from birth.

Psychologists had already known that early life relationships and care

were incredibly important for brain development.

But what followed the release of these children is one of the

clearest examples we've ever seen of what happens

when someone is almost completely deprived of those things—

as well as how they might be able to recover.


If you're like most people, you probably don't remember much from

before about the age of three, but some pretty important stuff

happens in those early years.

Human infants are basically helpless,

so obviously they depend on their caregivers for food and shelter.

But babies also need social relationships to grow and learn.

And without that, the Romanian children in the institutions

didn't develop cognitive, emotional, and social skills the way they should have.

After the regime fell, people began adopting these children

into more stable families, mostly outside Romania.

As they were integrated into their new families,

psychology researchers began to study how they'd been affected by this

early, extreme deprivation, and the factors that influenced their recovery.

One of the main avenues of research was the English and Romanian Adoptee Study,

which followed 165 Romanian children adopted by families in the UK—

144 of whom had been in these institutions.

For comparison, it also included 52 children adopted from within the UK.

The study was longitudinal, meaning it followed the children over time to track their progress—

in this case by using tests, observations, and in-depth interviews

to measure things like their cognitive and social abilities.

Overall, after about 2 to 3 years in loving and supportive families,

these children had gone a long way toward catching up to their typically-developing peers.

But the degree of catch-up was related to how old they were when they were adopted.

Babies who were adopted before they were about 6 months old

showed the highest degree of recovery, probably because it was

still relatively early in their brains' development.

But older children were much more likely to show cognitive delays

and difficulties forming healthy relationships with their adoptive parents—

even if you take into account things like malnutrition and their overall health.

Among other things, a lot of them also had problems with attention,

impulse control, and hyperactivity, and some were aggressive.

These kids also tended to have a harder time understanding

and regulating their emotions, and they weren't as good at

identifying emotions in other people's facial expressions.

They'd gone without a consistent bond with a caregiver—or any bond at all, really—

for so long that their social and emotional skills just hadn't developed,

in a way that wasn't easy to reverse later in life.

Even before studying the children adopted from Romanian institutions,

we'd known that neglect in early childhood could cause

all kinds of developmental delays.

But you can't really design an experiment to study that—

you can't subject kids to severe neglect on purpose.

So trying to understand these children after the fact

gave researchers hard data on the effects of early neglect

that they couldn't have gotten otherwise.

But the findings from the orphanage studies taught us

something else about brain development, too:

the restorative power of relationships and interventions,

even in cases of severe deprivation.

The human brain is incredibly malleable—

and yes, it's most flexible early in life, but you can rewire it later on, too.

At least to an extent.

The road to recovery has been far from easy,

but a lot of the children who were adopted from these orphanages

have recovered more than some experts would have thought possible.

There's no denying that those first few years of life are incredibly important,

and abuse and neglect do a ton of damage.

But with the right treatment and care later on, the damage isn't necessarily permanent.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych,

which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you'd like to learn more about how our experiences drive our thoughts and behaviors,

you can go to and subscribe.


For more infomation >> What 100,000+ Children Taught Us About Neglect in Early Childhood - Duration: 4:26.


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For more infomation >> Seat Ateca 1.4 EcoTSI 150pk Xcellence | Parkeercamera | Navigatie | - Duration: 1:14.


Shopkins - Cutie Cars Shopki...

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Melania Just Made First Appearance in 2 Weeks, And Got Brutally Attacked For What She Said To Her H. - Duration: 4:39.

Melania Just Made First Appearance in 2 Weeks, And Got Brutally Attacked For What She Said

To Her Haters.

Melania Trump has been recovering from a surgical procedure, she received at the Walter Reed

Medical Center to help her with a kidney issue.

President Donald Trump spent many days visiting his wife.

She finally returned home to the White House, and her critics and fans alike have wondered

where she's been.

Since she just had a surgical procedure, it's likely that she was simply resting and having

some downtime.

Perhaps she's uncomfortable and relaxing.

Perhaps she's busy working on something important.

Regardless, the critics have gone after her from the moment she returned from the medical

center, and they keep going after her now.

People want to know why they haven't seen Melania Trump in a few weeks.

Those same people probably have friends or family who they haven't seen in weeks either.

However, since the first lady hasn't felt like spending every moment in front of the

mainstream media, the media now assume there's something going on, and they begin speculating

all sorts of weird conspiracies.

While some people craft their story about where Melania has been, there are others who

have broken down her Tweets and now believe Donald was Tweeting for her.

Either people have absolutely nothing better to do, or they were just mad about what Melania


Perhaps people were so bothered, and bitter over Melania's Tweet that they wish Donald

had said it.

Not so fast.

A simple Tweet was sent after Melania caught wind of the mainstream media's obsession

with where she was, and this Tweet caused the southern side of the afterlife to freeze

over faster than a freeze-pop in Antartica.

This Tweet sent the critics into an uproar accusing Melania of letting Donald post on

her account.

People were losing their minds over one single Tweet, because she used the word "overtime"

just like Donald once used.

There's a lot of words we all use, but that doesn't mean we're all the same person.

Either way, the social media critics would have their fun and criticize her.

They soon received a bit of payback though, it seems like Melania didn't care what they


She posted a nice update to let people know she's well and working, but of course, that's

not ever good enough for the people who simply hate her existence in the White House.

You know what they say about haters, right?

Mirror wrote this: "Melania Trump has finally acknowledged her 'disappearance', after

weeks out of the public eye with a tweet, but questions are already being asked over

who actually wrote it.

The First Lady was last seen 21 days ago, when she joined her husband to meet American

hostages coming home from North Korea.

Since then she's been treated at a medical centre for a kidney condition, with the president

tweeting his heartfelt congratulations to his wife on her recovery on May 19.

Although he managed to call her Melanie instead of Melania, it was at least an acknowledgment

she appeared to be on the mend.

Yesterday, some eleven days later, a message was posted on Mrs Trump's Twitter profile.

Although in recent days she had also posted messages about Memorial Day and America's

military, this was the first time she appeared to directly address the speculation on her


However, the tone and phrasing of the message seemed out of character with many questioning

whether she actually wrote it.

A number of the phrases in the tweet not only sound like the sort of thing her husband would

say, they actually appeared in previous tweets of his.

"Working overtime" is a common Trump phrase, as is his endless obsession with how the media

reports on him and his family.

It didn't take long for people on social media to turn the post into a running joke,

with many referencing the fact the message was put up, on the same day Kim Kardashian

turned up at the White House."

Can't they all find something better to do?

Does every Tweet by the President and his wife need to be analyzed, and turned into

conspiracy theories?

Wasn't it enough to take the message at face value, be happy she's doing well, and

hope that she's working on something amazing?

Social media has turned our world into a babbling brigade of blithering critics, just spending

way too much time overanalyzing things and looking for trash to throw on the Trump family.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Melania Just Made First Appearance in 2 Weeks, And Got Brutally Attacked For What She Said To Her H. - Duration: 4:39.


ボルボが世界初の正面衝突被害低減機能を採用! たった10km/h速度を落とすだけのもつ意味とは - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> ボルボが世界初の正面衝突被害低減機能を採用! たった10km/h速度を落とすだけのもつ意味とは - Duration: 5:14.


Chevy Bolt EV Summer Range Test - Duration: 24:37.

So I apologize for the shakiness, this is kind of an unplanned video.

It's not often that you see me outside, but I'm actually gonna be borrowing the Bolt again

today to do a little video for you.

It is...

hot today.

It is about--it is currently 86 degrees and it'll go up to a high of 96 which is...

this Celsius.

And I'm going to take the Bolt EV back to my place, to work, and back which will be

a total of 184 miles.

All highway driving.

And we'll see how it does.

But before we go, I want to show you one thing here.

Because it's so warm outside I'm gonna have the Bolt precondition itself.

And I wanted to show--this is the charging station that it's on.

And as you can hopefully see the charging station is not supply power to the car 'cause

it's fully charged.

So I'm going to use the remote to remote start the car and then the charging station will

click on.

[Clunk of contactor inside EVSE]

Hear that big thunk?

So now that orange light indicates that the charging station is sending power to the car.

And very soon you'll hear the air conditioning running.

[sound of A/C compressor spinning up]

The Bolt has a variable speed A/C compressor--same

as the Volt with a 'V', it's just more efficient that way and it can run any amount of refrigerant

it needs to.

So I'm gonna let the car run like this for about five minutes to get nice and cool.

That way, right now it's pulling power from the grid; it's not using its battery at all.

So by preconditioning the cabin like this we're gonna get a little bit better battery


And then once it's cooled off, I'm gonna get in the car.

We'll use my dashcam and I'll show you a bit of the drive that I'm taking.

OK one more thing before I get going--I'm sitting inside and it's nice and cool in here

but the car is not actually on and it is still plugged in.

So I'm gonna turn it on 'cause I want to show you one thing.

Some people are worried about this.

[warning chimes as vehicle starts up]

So I wanted to show you--notice how it says

the charge cord is connected 'cause I'm still plugged in?

It will not let me shift into gear.

If I try...

[warning chime]

"Conditions not correct for shift"

[warning chime]

"Charge cord connected" So a lot of people freak out about what happens

if you move your car while it's still plugged in.

The answer is nothing!

Nothing happens.

Because it knows its plugged in and it won't let you move.

So I want to apologize for the dashcam footage because the dashcam that is in this car--

I got dashcams for my mom and dad for Christmas one year, and it's the same one as in my car--and

it's a wedge style dashcam.

And there's a blue windshield tint on the Bolt and so it's looking through that a little


So everything looks pretty blue, and I'm gonna do my best to correct that.

So this Bolt unlike probably many Bolts EVs spends a lot of time in rural areas on country

roads like this one.

This is IL-29.

I'm heading North to get to I-180 to take me to I-80.

My parents live South of I-80 and North of Peoria.

And, well, we're just entering Bureau county right now so this EV spends a lot of time

in a rural setting not anywhere near a city.

We are about 120 miles away from Chicago right now.

And part of why I want to make sure people understand that is because even for people

in a rural setting, if they have access to a home charging station which can recharge

the car in about 10 hours from empty... you know this car works for a LOT of people.

I see so many comments about EVs "They're city-dwelling car's only, you can't take them

outside of the city".

This car doesn't even live in the city most of the time!

It either spends some time with me in the suburbs or a lot of the time out here!

This is not the city!

So I have cruise control set to 70 MPH which is how its gonna stay for a good portion of

this trip.

70 MPH is actually not idea for an EV's range because generally you want to stay to 65 or

less, but I'm intentionally keeping it at 70 because I don't want to paint the picture

that I am trying to hypermile here.

I'm really not.

I'm gonna keep up with traffic as best I can.

And according to the car it is 89° outside, so we've got some nice toasty warm weather.

This part here getting to I-80 is one of the most challenging parts for this car as far

as range goes because--if you can hopefully tell in the dashcam--we're actually going

at a pretty significant incline.

Where my parents live is one of few areas in Illinois that aren't completely flat.

It's still pretty flat but there are some river valleys around here.

And, uh, so there's some pretty wild changes in elevation.

Right now to go up this hill maintaining 70 it's taking 37-38 kW which is a lot of power.

But now we are back to flat land as far as the eye can see.

By the way, just as common courtesy you should do that.

Like, if someone's on the side of the road for whatever reason move over for them.

The person behind me didn't, and there's no one around me.

Don't be a jerk.

And by the way in Illinois if that's a cop or an emergency vehicle you HAVE to get over

and if you don't you will get pulled over.

Just ask my dad about that.

Here we are on I-80, everybody's favorite.

Big East-West Interstate, going from New York to California, all the way across.

I think it's New York, maybe it's New Jersey.

Uh, anyway, I'm not going to try and hypermile, remember?

I'm keeping speed set to 70.

If I pass a truck I pass a truck, if a truck passes me, a truck passes me.

I'm not gonna follow one.

I'm trying not to present this as a "you have to be careful to drive an EV" thing, I want

to show you what it's like if you're just driving it like you would a car.

So I've got cruise control set to 70 MPH, which is the speed limit.

Yeah, you might be going a little higher than that on average but I will at least do that


Well, that's not hypermiling by any stretch of the imagination but I will at least do

that--get that little bit of range out of it.

But now, we're on this road for the next 60 miles or so.

We have just under 100 miles left in this journey and we'll see where we are when we get there.

The temperature reading on the car is now 94°!

It's going up!

Did you know that in Illinois there's a warp tunnel to Peru?

It's right there.

Just take that exit, you're in Peru.

They even have a Menards in Peru.

Oh you know, I should probably say I have the cabin temperature set to 71° F, so I'm...

In my winter range test, I kept the cabin temperature pretty cold because I have a heated

seat, a heated steering wheel and I was bundled up.

Some people complained about that.

Well now I have the temperature really comfortable.

Perfect for driving, it's 94° outside but 71° inside--nice and comfy here.

As we are moving into the 44th mile of this journey we have use 12.2 kWh which is, uh,

a little worse than average.

If we go with the EPA rating, 12 kWh should get us 48 miles.

But we've used 12.3 and we've only gone 44.7 miles so we're a little bit behind but not

a whole lot.

Here in Illinois we also have a warp tunnel to Ottawa.

Just go that way and find yourself in Canada all of a sudden.

I'm about to be passed by a Tesla!

I'll give him a nod.


Eh, he seems unimpressed.

He's also not running a front license plate, tsk tsk.

OK, so I just noticed that--and I've heard some wind noise but you can see in the trees,

or I could see in the trees of the right I'll have to back the footage up a bit, but I'm

facing a pretty significant headwind.

Which is weird because I'm going East.

And usually if I'm going East there's a tail wind.

But you know, sometimes...

It seems every single time I want to do a range test in this car the wind condition

is the wrong way.

So we're still gonna be fine but just to give some context, right now wind is not helping


It's hurting me.

So keep that in your head while you're thinking about the range here.

Every time I take this ramp there's a truck at the front going 25 MPH.


Come on in, Mr. 4Runner.

Welcome to this lane.

I bet you knew you needed this lane a long time ago but just now is when you decided

to get in because ya know,

that's how we do things!

Oh, and thank you so much for letting me know you were exiting, I really appreciate that signal.

We really have a model driver in front of us, ladies and gentlemen.

Alright, so.

We are now back and I'm parked in my garage just because I want to keep the car out of

the sun.

Just get that little bit, tiny bit of an advantage.

But we weren't super efficient this time, we took 31.9 kWh to go 113.4 (miles).

And that's probably...well I'll do the math 12.5% lower than what the EPA estimate would be.

And, uh...

I really did not account for the winds today I didn't think it was gonna be that windy.

So I just want to point out climate settings was only 4% so, and I've said this a lot to

people--air conditioning is not that big of a load for an electric car.

So even though it was 94° outside for much of the commute--it got a little cooler once

I get towards home but it was still about 88--I've been keeping the climate control

set at either 71 or 72 and that was only 4% of the energy usage for this entire trip.

So air conditioning is really not a huge deal.

If we go to the main center cluster you'll see that it's predicting 98 miles of range


And I have 70 miles that I need to go further.

Now if I were a rational human being who wasn't doing this test I would plug the car in because

I have 2 hours of charging that would give the car another 40 miles of range at least.

But I'm not going to do that!

Because I want to test this range and I really think it's gonna improve for my drive to work

because I typically go a little bit slower and also we'll be going North-South rather

than East-West, so we'll see what happens.


[Music from car intro screen thingamabob]

Alright so I did not plug in the car--you'll

notice it says "Plug in to Charge".

And our range estimate actually went up by one mile because it realized that we went

into a cooler place.

So we are still at 31.9 kWh with a distance traveled of 113.4.

Now we're going to drive 34.2 miles or something like that and then we'll see where that puts us.

[sound of electric acceleration on the on-ramp]

Alright so the trend line this early into

this leg of the journey is right in the middle.

There is no direction going up or down, but as we cut back in here we've gone about 6


Our max range is 110 and our minimum is 76.

Currently we're predicted to go 93.

So I can see that the guess...

I can see that the trend line is starting to creep up which I expected it to do so,

especially because I looked outside and the wind around here seems to by dying down.

I'm no meteorological expert but I did notice it was getting cooler as I headed toward my

place which is closer to Lake Michigan and I'm wondering if there was a high pressure

area over the lake as it always keeps the air above it colder because it's a big body

of water, and maybe that was forcing air out towards the West and that's why I had the

head wind.

I don't know.

But in any case the wind is much calmer right now, it's 93° out according to the car, and

we will be up at my work within the next half-hour or so.

Also, I should point out that I'm not taking a huge risk here.

If there are people who are like "Oh my God, range anxiety!!!"

I know two things, one my boss is fine if I plug in at work so if for some reason I

get to work and there's way less range than I think I'll plug in, but two--the O'Hare

Oasis which you keep seeing signs for has both a Level 2 AND a DC Fast Charging charger

available for the car.

So if I needed to on my way back I could just stop at the oasis.

I've never actually used the DC fast charging on this car--I won't do it unless I need to.

One day I'm gonna test that, but not right now.

But it looks like that trend line is creeping up some more and driving conditions seem much

more favorable.

Also I'm trying to keep up with traffic in this lane.

I'm not hypermiling but also people tend to go way faster than I want to on the Tri-State

so I'm not gonna join the left lanes but I will stay here and keep up with the guy in

front of me.

I know I said I wasn't gonna hypermile and it may look like I'm hypermiling because I'm

here in the right lane and everybody's passing me but if you're unfamiliar with the Tri-State...anything

goes here.

I am, to put it.... well I'm speeding.

I'm going a bit over the speed limit.

Everybody else is...


Now in Illinois we have laws where you need to follow traffic flow so really I'm going

under the "speed limit" but, ugh.

I'm just in the right lane because I don't want to go a fast as the other people are


Alright, I am now at work.

And that is our final, we are actually just at 40 kWh used which is 2/3 of the battery.

We went 148 miles so that means we could go 50% more assuming we have the exact same average

efficiency we had so what would that be?

74 on top of that, so about 221 or so.

Which is actually right about what it predicted when we first turned on the car.

So then going over to the speedometer cluster area we are at a minimum of 61 miles, predicted

75, and if you recall it said that--we started at 100.

So the range meter only went down 25 miles even though we drove 34 and that's because

it was just more efficient driving this time and we weren't facing that wind.

And still, our climate settings have now accounted for 5% of our usage but still that's very

very little and I'm still keeping myself comfortable even though the temperatures are in the 90's.

Alright so I just got out of work.

Yes I work in the evenings.

It sucks.

I drew the short straw working this particular time on Memorial Day, but let's see where

we're at.

It is showing 78 miles.

It's not exposed right--there we go.

78 miles.

So let's turn it on.

That's better.


So we have 34 or so miles ahead of us.

I'm sure we'll make it.

OK now that we are back on the Tri-State headed southbound, I normally keep my speed to 68

on this segment and then I slow down a little bit as I get towards home.

I don't have traffic to keep up with because it's late at night so I'm just setting the

speed that I always do.

And again, I'm not trying to hypermile here I'm not gonna follow a truck.

Yeah I'm going a little bit slower than the average person, but really not that much slower.

And we will see what sort of range we have when we get home.

So, uh, we'll do a bit of a time warp.

So I took us out of warp speed because I wanted to explain for those who have never been to

Illinois--the oasis that I was mentioning that has the charging station that we're about

to go under, it's more obvious what it is at night.

I don't know...they've been around for many decades, in fact there's a Williams pinball

machine from I believe the 1960's called "Highways" which has one of these oases on its backglass.

There's some trivia for you.

But anyway, these highway oases are on the tollway here and it's got restaurants and


And it's built above the tollway as an overpass--it's kinda cool.

So you can see Auntie Ann's and Starbucks maybe in there.

And, so... do other states have those?

I don't know.

Not all of them in Illinois are built over the road like that, some of them are just

off to the side.

But the ones that are built over the road, you know you uh... depending on which direction

you're going you enter through one door or the other.

And you can't turn around which kinda stinks but you wouldn't really need to in most circumstances.

But anyway, that's what the highway oasis was and over there by the Mobil gas station

there is a DC fast charger.

I have not used it myself but I have seen it and people on Plugshare have rated it so

that would've been there as an option.

But as it stands I'm still showing 56 miles of range remaining and I'm more than halfway

home so no need to stop.

Aright, we are now back home and we have gone 183 miles today which took 48.8 kilowatt-hours.

And the car thinks we will be able to do another 47.

The trend line was pretty high up towards that max 55 but that's because I was going

less than 60 MPH for the last bit of this journey.

But, uh, if we do our little math here...

Uh, the EPA estimated range of this car is 238 and we are...

oh man I'm so bad at math in my head.


OK we would have gone 230 so we're actually only 8 miles shy of the EPA estimated range

assuming that our efficiency stayed what it is because we were going 40...

If we had 47 left, with the 183 that we did we would be a 240...

no (guffaw) 230 miles

so that's only 8 miles off.

I am bad at this.

So this is gonna cost me about $5.50 in electricity, so not bad.

We did 183 miles of driving on $5.50.

I also wanted to show you the experience of plugging it in.

Because, you know, people feel like this is so hard.

There's the charge port.

I actually have like the hardest way to plug in of anybody because my charger's all the

way over here.

And I gotta unfurl the cord.

And we're just gonna walk back to the car...

And, plug it in.

And just for your enjoyment you're gonna hear a bunch of sounds.

You're gonna hear some relays clicking, you're gonna hear the actual charging station back

there make a big THUNK, and the car's gonna make a couple other weird noises.

And then, it beeps.

Just push that in.



[other odd sounds]


So incredibly complicated.

And then the car will tell you when you open the door when it will be done charging.

Its estimate is going to move up a little bit.

Oh, I have found a bug.

Let me close the door.

[startup music]

It does that a lot.


So it says that the charge will be done by 8:30 AM and, uh.

Often times that estimate will go up a little bit as I plug in because this is a 32 amp

charger but it's only on 208 volts.

So it's actually a little bit slower than my parent's charger even though the charger

itself--the Clipper Creek HCS-40--is a larger charger.

It's on 208 rather than 240V so it charges a little more slowly.

So maybe they actually--the car's software was updated over the air recently and I don't

know if it affects the instrument cluster but maybe it did.

In the past it used to be you would open it after I plug in and it say "charge complete

by 7:00...7:15...7:30...7:45" as it realized it was on a lower voltage but today it didn't

do that.

So I hope you enjoyed this video on the Chevy Bolt EV's summer driving range.

Although it missed the EPA estimate by just a hair, I think it's still pretty impressive

since for much of my drive the car was facing a headwind, and all of the miles were strictly


Unlike a conventional car, an EV does better in stop-and-go city driving because it can

use regenerative braking.

On the highway, there's no braking going on so its range will drop.

This partially explains why the EPA range estimate for Electric Vehicles is so much

more conservative than the european or asian estimates for the same vehicle--being so spread

out in the US, highway range is more important here.

Anyway, thank you very much for watching, please check out my Twitter feed if you're

into that, and a peek at my Patreon page would be much appreciated if you'd like to support

what I do on this channel.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Chevy Bolt EV Summer Range Test - Duration: 24:37.


Twenty - Mauvais Délire - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Twenty - Mauvais Délire - Duration: 2:44.


11 Tips for How to Keep a Dog Cool in Summer + Prevent Heatstroke | Hot Weather Dog Care pt 5 - Duration: 8:04.

if you're wondering how to keep your dog cool in summer when it's hot outside how

to help keep your dog comfortable and prevent heatstroke then I've got eleven

tips for you coming up Hi, I'm Dr alex from helping

you and your dog to live a healthier happier life so make sure that you're

subscribed and let me know in the comments down below which tip your dog

enjoys the most make sure you watch right to the end as after I've run

through my eleven tips to keep your dog cool in summer I'll let you know an

essential summer dog care tip you might never have thought of so my first tip is

to make sure that your dog has access to plenty of water so at home and in the

garden this can just mean that you've got plenty of water bowls dotted around

the place making sure that they're regularly refreshed sometimes even

adding ice to them can help keep that water cool and that can encourage your

dog to to drink more water now if you're outside if you're on a walk somewhere

then actually making sure that you carry a water bottle not just for yourself but

for your dog is very important and we can help our dog drink this water in a

couple of different ways so the first is that we can carry a folding bowl that

you can just then pop out and pour the water in there to allow your dog to have

a drink or you can also get water bottles specifically for your dogs that have got a

fold-out drinking bowl attached to that so that you'll never forget that and

leave that behind I'll put some links in the description down below for those

products ok so tip number two is to use a fan now obviously when it's hot we

have a fan it helps blow the air over us it helps us lose heat better and your

dog is exactly the same so this can just be if you're at home normal just a

normal household fan directed over your dog's bed or the area that they like to

sit you can also get crate fans so they attach onto the side of the crate onto

the bars and that will blow the air through the crate and over your dogs so

that really can be useful actually if you're traveling in the car or even just

at home if that's the place that they like to sit or if you're away and that's

where you leave your dog in their crate so using a fan to help keep your dog

cool can really help okay so tip number three to keep your

dog cool in hot weather is actually use cooling ice packs or

cooling towels cooling mats so we can do this in a number of different ways you

can get cooling towels and mats that you just add a little bit of water to kind

of shake them out that starts if that great thing that water starts

evaporating and it cools those down and can actually be quite a big difference

between temperature of the towel and their outside temperature you can also

get other cooling aids and one of these is an ice pack or a cool pack that goes

around their neck so you pop that in the fridge and then when you need to cool

your dog down you just take it out and put it around their neck and it provides

some nice cooling but you can also get jackets that you put on very much like

cooling towels but they won't slip off so if your dogs out and about then you

just wet those jackets the water then evaporates that caused them down and

that can make a really big difference okay so tip number four to keep your dog

cool is to use cooling treats so we like ice creams or ice blocks and our dogs

are no different so what we can do is we can actually make up treats pop them in

in advance we can pop them in the freezer and then when it's hot we can

take those out and actually my next video is going through two really great

treats frozen treats that we can give to our dogs so make sure you check those

out okay tip number five to keep your dog cool and prevent injury is to

actually use some booties for their feet so this is especially important if you

live in the town in the city and you're walking on concrete or pavement a lot so

it's amazing how quickly that can heat up and I've actually done a video on

that which I'll link in the card up here but using booties on their feet and make

a really big difference it provides a layer of insulation so it will stop them

conducting heat from the ground into their body and it will also stop their

paws getting burnt so that can really help to certainly not only keep your dog

cool but prevent them from getting some quite serious injuries sometimes step

number six is to use a sprinkler or a paddling pool of some description in the

garden so that will allow your dog to get wet too and that will help cool them

off so that water will then evaporate and we can think of that almost as like

sweating for dogs so dogs they can't sweat they can't lose heat in the same

way that we can they can only but if they get wet then that water that

then evaporates actually takes a lot of heat with it and can keep your dog cool

so as long as there's no water restrictions having the sprinkler

running on low or having a paddling pool that you allow and encourage your dog to

use can make a really big difference in keeping them caught and help you to

prevent heatstroke tip number seven is to have shaded areas so if your dog is

outside if you keep them outside and they're not in the house then just make

sure that they've got somewhere shady and cooler for them to retreat to

there's nothing worse than seeing dogs in gardens where there's absolutely no

shade or you see them really tucked up against the this thin slither of shade

and the side of the fence and that's really the only place they can get out

of the beating Sun so just providing a nice shady spot can help keep your dog

cool so tip number eight might not be quite so obvious and that's weight loss

so a lot of our dogs unfortunately are overweight and I've got a whole video

series on obesity and the importance of losing weight and how to actually go

about losing weight that I'll link in the card up here and in the description

down below but losing weight can make a huge difference and then tip number nine

is to groom your dog so especially if they've got a long coat if they've got a

thick coat then actually clipping them out in the summer can make a big

difference in their temperature so just imagine a big heavy thick long coat is a

bit like wearing the big insulating jacket to remove that jacket so you just

need to clip all their hair so getting your dog regularly groomed and make a

big difference to keeping them cool in the summer

tip number ten is to only exercise or walk them in the cool of the day so the

best time is generally first thing in the morning before the sun's out and

it's full strength and before the temperatures started to really warm up

so targeting the cool of the day so morning is best late evening is another

option limiting their exercise actually in the middle of the day is also

important so even if you think that your dog wants to run if they want to chase a

ball just really not doing that for them not taking them out not playing with

them to exuberantly will help to prevent heatstroke because

overexertion actually is a really big cause of heat stroke if that exertion

takes place in the heat of the day and then my final tip tip number 11 is quite

simple never leave your dog in a parked car

so there's very little that's better at killing a

dog through heatstroke than leaving them in a parked car in warm weather it

doesn't even really need to be that hot outside and if you've got any doubts

about that if you're not sure about how quickly a car can get warm then I've got

a whole video about that that I'll link up here and I'd really encourage you to

watch that one and share that with your friends and family it's very important

because every year dogs do die in hot cars and it's so

avoidable and completely unnecessary so as promised I've got a bonus suncare tip

for you and that is to actually consider using sunscreen for your dog it's

something that we often don't think about but our dogs noses especially or

the tips of there is really susceptible to sunburn and sun damage and that

definitely can lead to some cancers which can be very aggressive and very

difficult to treat especially if they're not addressed straight away I would

recommend a specific pet sun cream so other sun creams can have harmful or

irritating ingredients so using a pet specific sun cream can just help prevent

skin irritation while at the same time preventing burns you can check out the

links to any of the items I've mentioned in this video in the description down

below let me know which tip helps your dog the best in the comments and make

sure that you check out my other hot weather dog cat videos linked in the

card over on the side here so until next time i'm dr. alex from our pets health

because they're family

For more infomation >> 11 Tips for How to Keep a Dog Cool in Summer + Prevent Heatstroke | Hot Weather Dog Care pt 5 - Duration: 8:04.


✅ «Να το δαγκώσω ή όχι»;  Ρωτάει τους φίλους της - Duration: 1:16.

H Ρία Αντωνίου, μία από τις πλέον όμορφες Ελληνίδες που ζει στην Ιταλία έχοντας κερδίσει το κοινό της γειτονικής χώρας, τον τελευταίο καιρό ανεβάζει προκλητικές και ημίγυμνες φωτογραφίες στον λογαριασμό της στο Instagram

To μοντέλο, στην τελευταία του ανάρτηση απολαμβάνει ένα μήλο έχοντας ξεκούμπωτο το πουκάμισο του

Όπως θα δείτε, η Ρία δεν φοράει σουτιέν, γι αυτό και έχει καλύψει με «μουτζούρα» τη θηλή της

Στις προηγούμενες αναρτήσεις της η Ρία είχε αποκαλύψει και πάλι το γυμνό της στήθος αλλά και τα οπίσθια της

  Στη λεζάντα της εικόνας ρώτησε τους θαυμαστές της: «Να το δαγκώσω ή όχι»; 

For more infomation >> ✅ «Να το δαγκώσω ή όχι»;  Ρωτάει τους φίλους της - Duration: 1:16.


✅ Seeed: Frontman Demba Nabé ist tot - Duration: 1:26.

"Da die Nachricht von Dembas Tod die Band tief getroffen hat und sie Zeit und Ruhe für ihre Trauer benötigt, bitten wir aktuell von weiteren Anfragen Abstand zu nehmen", zitiert die Zeitung den Anwalt

Der Dancehall- und Elektromusiker alias Boundzound wurde 46 Jahre alt. Nabé war neben Peter Fox und Dellé Frontmann der Band

Von seinen Bandkollegen heißt es: "Wir trauern um unseren Freund und Sänger Demba Nabé

" Tour war für Herbst 2019 angekündigtVor einem Monat hatte Seeed eine Tour für den Herbst 2019 angekündigt

Laut "Tagesspiegel" waren innerhalb von 30 Minuten etliche Konzerte ausverkauft, die Server der Ticket-Plattform seien wegen des Ansturms zeitweise zusammengebrochen

Im Video: "Kampf gegen Lungenkrankheit verloren": Schlagersänger Jürgen Marcus ist tot

For more infomation >> ✅ Seeed: Frontman Demba Nabé ist tot - Duration: 1:26.


Juice WRLD X Yung Bans Type Beat "Lilac" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:11.

(Prod. by Georgie)

For more infomation >> Juice WRLD X Yung Bans Type Beat "Lilac" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:11.


Living While Black: Viral videos raise concerns about everyday racial profiling - Duration: 12:00.

Living While Black: Viral videos raise concerns about everyday racial profiling

MEMPHIS — Sitting in his car outside a boarded-up house on a recent Saturday morning, Michael Hayes went through the mental checklist of things he does to make sure suspicious people know he is an enterprising young real estate investor, not a burglar or a drug addict.

He readied his business cards.

He grabbed a sign with his business website and phone number to plant in the front yard of the brick house on Douglass Avenue.

He queued up the contract that the homeowner signed allowing Hayes to go inside and take pictures for potential investors.

He even had the owner on the phone as he worked one of the boards loose.

And, as always, he exhibited a polite and respectful demeanor to anyone he met.

None of it was enough.

Before that afternoon was over, Hayes — a 31-year-old father, former teacher and an entrepreneur with a growing portfolio of rehabbed homes for sale — would have to justify his presence to a screaming neighbor and the police officers summoned to the scene.

He had committed no crime, and the police did not arrest him.

But many of the millions of people who saw the video he recorded of the conflict say his transgression wasn't what he did, but who he is: He was real estate investing while black.

"You know why the lady called the police on me," he said, looking directly into the camera.

"I don't look threatening.".

In recent weeks, a host of viral videos have shown black Americans engaged in innocuous activities that led to 911 calls.

On May 12, members of a black sorority were questioned by a state trooper while picking up litter on a Pennsylvania highway.

Four days earlier, a Yale University student was interrogated by police after her dorm neighbor called the police because she was napping in a common area.

And a week before that, a neighbor reported a burglary in progress as a group of black women left their Airbnb in Rialto, Calif.

The incidents have given rise to the hashtag #livingwhileblack and often end with a black person being interrogated by police or being carted off in handcuffs.

In the worst cases, the incidents have escalated to body slams or even gunshots.

Starbucks has planned to shut down 8,000 U.S.

stores on Tuesday afternoon to engage employees in discussions about racial bias after a manager at a Philadelphia Starbucks last month called police on two black men who were waiting for a friend before ordering.

A viral video shot by another customer showed police removing the men in handcuffs.

Last week, NAACP President Derrick Johnson accused President Trump of encouraging the trend, saying there is "a direct relationship between the racist language and policies emerging from the White House and the growing number of hate crimes and blatant attacks on the humanity of black people.

While cellphone videos have raised the profile of such incidents, they're not a new phenomenon: In 2009, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.

was arrested after a neighbor saw him attempting to enter his own home when he was locked out.

President Barack Obama, who would later hold what some called "a beer summit" with Gates and the arresting officer, said he didn't know whether race played a role in the incident.

But, he added, "There's a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.".

When they have spoken publicly, the 911 callers and responding police departments typically have denied that their suspicion was racially motivated.

Tiffiany Albert said race played no role in her decision to confront Hayes, the black real estate investor.

Albert, who identifies as Spanish and has a black boyfriend, said her reaction was reasonable, given crime in the neighborhood.

Phillip Goff, president of the Center for Policing Equity, a nonprofit that promotes police transparency and accountability, said that many people see the police as more than just instruments for enforcing the law.

They use them as enforcers of unwritten social rules, which can be steeped in discriminatory thinking.

"The issue is that, for many folks, law enforcement has been seen as their own racism valet," Goff said.

"We talk about not just crime, we talk about disorder — anything that makes folks feel uncomfortable or says that the social norms that we've all agreed to are being violated," he said.

"And the problem is that black skin frequently violates the social order.".

Youre going to jail.

Hayes does not consider himself particularly intimidating.

He's a 5-foot-9 Memphis native with a master's degree who taught English-as-a-second-language classes.

Soft-spoken and introverted, he seasons his sentences with "yes, ma'am" and "I appreciate it.".

He started investing in real estate three years ago as a means of "keeping my family from punching a 9-to-5 clock.

" He finds cheap houses whose owners have an incentive to sell — recently inherited properties or homes nearing foreclosure — fixes them up and offers them to investors.

On May 5, he was prying the boards off an abandoned home when he came across Albert, 49.

Albert, who had watched the house become a hub for prostitution, drug dealing and other crimes, demanded that Hayes leave and threatened to call the police.

Another neighbor who saw their squabble did it for her.

Hayes pondered leaving.

But he had a legal reason for being there, and he thought turning tail would have validated Albert's groundless suspicions.

So he took out his cellphone and began recording.

"For one, I need this on record, just in case anything happens," he reasoned.

"Two, this footage needs to be seen.".

He stared into the camera and spoke to what would ultimately balloon to more than 3.4 million viewers: "A young black man out here trying to do what's right, and we get the police called on us," he said.

"This hasn't been the first time I done seen this.".

Recalling the incident later, Albert defended her behavior.

She and her neighbors had lobbied the city for two years to board up the abandoned house and eventually did it themselves.

Still, someone broke her back windows and twice broke into her shed, she said, "stealing all the tools and even the gas can.".

So when she heard the boards being pried off that day, she ran outside to confront Hayes.

She asked him for paperwork; he pointed to his sign in the front yard and mentioned paperwork on his phone.

Albert was not convinced.

"I said, 'You're going to be trespassing,' " she told The Washington Post.

"I told him I was going to call the police.".

Hayes knew he had done nothing wrong — a conviction that was confirmed when two officers arrived, one white and one black.

They checked his paperwork and found that he had a legal right to be there.

That didn't sit well with Albert.

In the video, she glowers from the porch, then yells that she is a friend of the sheriff.

"I don't care if you're friends with the president," the white officer says.

"If you try to do anything to stop him, you're going to jail.".

Albert then turned her attention to Hayes: "Hurry up and do it and get out!".


He can take all day," the officer responded.

"He's in control. He's got a contract.".

The officers then waited outside the abandoned house while Hayes took pictures.

For more infomation >> Living While Black: Viral videos raise concerns about everyday racial profiling - Duration: 12:00.


Virginia Senate Backs Medicaid Expansion, Promising Health Coverage To Almost 400,000 - Duration: 5:26.

Virginia Senate Backs Medicaid Expansion, Promising Health Coverage To Almost 400,000

Medicaid expansion is all but a reality in Virginia after the state Senate voted Wednesday to provide health coverage to as many as 400,000 low-income residents of the Old Dominion.

The majority-GOP Senate passed the measure with the votes of all 19 Democrats along with a handful of Republican senators, bringing a six-year debate over whether Virginia should accept funding from the Affordable Care Act to expand Medicaid nearly to a close.

 The Senate continued debating the underlying bill Wednesday afternoon, but passage is assured.

The state House of Delegates, also controlled by Republicans, will have to vote on the measure and is expected to adopt it; every House Democrat and 19 Republicans in the lower chamber passed a different Medicaid expansion bill earlier this year.


 Ralph Northam (D), who campaigned in favor of Medicaid expansion last year, has said he will sign the legislation.

Once the bill becomes law, Virginia will join 32 states and the District of Columbia in expanding Medicaid.

 Almost 400,000 Virginians may qualify for health coverage as a result, according to the state's Department of Medical Assistance Services.

 Benefits will become available at the beginning of next year, Northam told WTOP-FM Wednesday.

The Affordable Care Act calls for the program's benefits to be available to anyone earning up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $16,000 for a single person.

Under the law, the federal government provides at least 90 percent of the funding for the expansion.

The Virginia legislation covers the state's share of the expenses via an assessment on hospitals.

The bill also reduces state spending on other programs that provide health care to uninsured people.

As written, the Affordable Care Act would have expanded Medicaid nationwide in 2014.

But the Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that states could refuse to enact it.

To date, 18 states ― including Virginia ― have not implemented the policy, leaving 4.5 million people uninsured, according to an analysis published by the Urban Institute this month.

Three other states may join Virginia by accepting Medicaid expansion this year.

Activists in Idaho and Utah gathered enough signatures from residents to place the question on the ballot for voters to decide this November, and a campaign to do the same in Nebraska is underway.

Maine voters approved a similar measure last November, but Gov. Paul LePage(R) has thus far refused to implement it.

Virginia legislators had been at an impasse over the Medicaid expansion since the Supreme Court ruling.

Former Gov. Robert McDonnell (R) opposed it, while former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) supported it but was unable to persuade lawmakers to go along.

The political dynamics changed when Democrats made significant gains in last year's House of Delegates elections.

Although Republicans retain majorities in both chambers of the General Assembly, the election results left them with just a one-vote margin in the House, the same they had in the Senate.

Although Democrats are poised to succeed in their quest to expand health coverage through Medicaid in Virginia, there is a notable trade-off.

The Medicaid expansion legislation also imposes work requirements on some enrollees, which is likely to result in fewer people gaining and keeping Medicaid benefits.

President Donald Trump's administration announced this year that it would permit work requirements for the program for the first time in history.

For more infomation >> Virginia Senate Backs Medicaid Expansion, Promising Health Coverage To Almost 400,000 - Duration: 5:26.


Chevy Bolt EV Summer Range Test - Duration: 24:37.

So I apologize for the shakiness, this is kind of an unplanned video.

It's not often that you see me outside, but I'm actually gonna be borrowing the Bolt again

today to do a little video for you.

It is...

hot today.

It is about--it is currently 86 degrees and it'll go up to a high of 96 which is...

this Celsius.

And I'm going to take the Bolt EV back to my place, to work, and back which will be

a total of 184 miles.

All highway driving.

And we'll see how it does.

But before we go, I want to show you one thing here.

Because it's so warm outside I'm gonna have the Bolt precondition itself.

And I wanted to show--this is the charging station that it's on.

And as you can hopefully see the charging station is not supply power to the car 'cause

it's fully charged.

So I'm going to use the remote to remote start the car and then the charging station will

click on.

[Clunk of contactor inside EVSE]

Hear that big thunk?

So now that orange light indicates that the charging station is sending power to the car.

And very soon you'll hear the air conditioning running.

[sound of A/C compressor spinning up]

The Bolt has a variable speed A/C compressor--same

as the Volt with a 'V', it's just more efficient that way and it can run any amount of refrigerant

it needs to.

So I'm gonna let the car run like this for about five minutes to get nice and cool.

That way, right now it's pulling power from the grid; it's not using its battery at all.

So by preconditioning the cabin like this we're gonna get a little bit better battery


And then once it's cooled off, I'm gonna get in the car.

We'll use my dashcam and I'll show you a bit of the drive that I'm taking.

OK one more thing before I get going--I'm sitting inside and it's nice and cool in here

but the car is not actually on and it is still plugged in.

So I'm gonna turn it on 'cause I want to show you one thing.

Some people are worried about this.

[warning chimes as vehicle starts up]

So I wanted to show you--notice how it says

the charge cord is connected 'cause I'm still plugged in?

It will not let me shift into gear.

If I try...

[warning chime]

"Conditions not correct for shift"

[warning chime]

"Charge cord connected" So a lot of people freak out about what happens

if you move your car while it's still plugged in.

The answer is nothing!

Nothing happens.

Because it knows its plugged in and it won't let you move.

So I want to apologize for the dashcam footage because the dashcam that is in this car--

I got dashcams for my mom and dad for Christmas one year, and it's the same one as in my car--and

it's a wedge style dashcam.

And there's a blue windshield tint on the Bolt and so it's looking through that a little


So everything looks pretty blue, and I'm gonna do my best to correct that.

So this Bolt unlike probably many Bolts EVs spends a lot of time in rural areas on country

roads like this one.

This is IL-29.

I'm heading North to get to I-180 to take me to I-80.

My parents live South of I-80 and North of Peoria.

And, well, we're just entering Bureau county right now so this EV spends a lot of time

in a rural setting not anywhere near a city.

We are about 120 miles away from Chicago right now.

And part of why I want to make sure people understand that is because even for people

in a rural setting, if they have access to a home charging station which can recharge

the car in about 10 hours from empty... you know this car works for a LOT of people.

I see so many comments about EVs "They're city-dwelling car's only, you can't take them

outside of the city".

This car doesn't even live in the city most of the time!

It either spends some time with me in the suburbs or a lot of the time out here!

This is not the city!

So I have cruise control set to 70 MPH which is how its gonna stay for a good portion of

this trip.

70 MPH is actually not idea for an EV's range because generally you want to stay to 65 or

less, but I'm intentionally keeping it at 70 because I don't want to paint the picture

that I am trying to hypermile here.

I'm really not.

I'm gonna keep up with traffic as best I can.

And according to the car it is 89° outside, so we've got some nice toasty warm weather.

This part here getting to I-80 is one of the most challenging parts for this car as far

as range goes because--if you can hopefully tell in the dashcam--we're actually going

at a pretty significant incline.

Where my parents live is one of few areas in Illinois that aren't completely flat.

It's still pretty flat but there are some river valleys around here.

And, uh, so there's some pretty wild changes in elevation.

Right now to go up this hill maintaining 70 it's taking 37-38 kW which is a lot of power.

But now we are back to flat land as far as the eye can see.

By the way, just as common courtesy you should do that.

Like, if someone's on the side of the road for whatever reason move over for them.

The person behind me didn't, and there's no one around me.

Don't be a jerk.

And by the way in Illinois if that's a cop or an emergency vehicle you HAVE to get over

and if you don't you will get pulled over.

Just ask my dad about that.

Here we are on I-80, everybody's favorite.

Big East-West Interstate, going from New York to California, all the way across.

I think it's New York, maybe it's New Jersey.

Uh, anyway, I'm not going to try and hypermile, remember?

I'm keeping speed set to 70.

If I pass a truck I pass a truck, if a truck passes me, a truck passes me.

I'm not gonna follow one.

I'm trying not to present this as a "you have to be careful to drive an EV" thing, I want

to show you what it's like if you're just driving it like you would a car.

So I've got cruise control set to 70 MPH, which is the speed limit.

Yeah, you might be going a little higher than that on average but I will at least do that


Well, that's not hypermiling by any stretch of the imagination but I will at least do

that--get that little bit of range out of it.

But now, we're on this road for the next 60 miles or so.

We have just under 100 miles left in this journey and we'll see where we are when we get there.

The temperature reading on the car is now 94°!

It's going up!

Did you know that in Illinois there's a warp tunnel to Peru?

It's right there.

Just take that exit, you're in Peru.

They even have a Menards in Peru.

Oh you know, I should probably say I have the cabin temperature set to 71° F, so I'm...

In my winter range test, I kept the cabin temperature pretty cold because I have a heated

seat, a heated steering wheel and I was bundled up.

Some people complained about that.

Well now I have the temperature really comfortable.

Perfect for driving, it's 94° outside but 71° inside--nice and comfy here.

As we are moving into the 44th mile of this journey we have use 12.2 kWh which is, uh,

a little worse than average.

If we go with the EPA rating, 12 kWh should get us 48 miles.

But we've used 12.3 and we've only gone 44.7 miles so we're a little bit behind but not

a whole lot.

Here in Illinois we also have a warp tunnel to Ottawa.

Just go that way and find yourself in Canada all of a sudden.

I'm about to be passed by a Tesla!

I'll give him a nod.


Eh, he seems unimpressed.

He's also not running a front license plate, tsk tsk.

OK, so I just noticed that--and I've heard some wind noise but you can see in the trees,

or I could see in the trees of the right I'll have to back the footage up a bit, but I'm

facing a pretty significant headwind.

Which is weird because I'm going East.

And usually if I'm going East there's a tail wind.

But you know, sometimes...

It seems every single time I want to do a range test in this car the wind condition

is the wrong way.

So we're still gonna be fine but just to give some context, right now wind is not helping


It's hurting me.

So keep that in your head while you're thinking about the range here.

Every time I take this ramp there's a truck at the front going 25 MPH.


Come on in, Mr. 4Runner.

Welcome to this lane.

I bet you knew you needed this lane a long time ago but just now is when you decided

to get in because ya know,

that's how we do things!

Oh, and thank you so much for letting me know you were exiting, I really appreciate that signal.

We really have a model driver in front of us, ladies and gentlemen.

Alright, so.

We are now back and I'm parked in my garage just because I want to keep the car out of

the sun.

Just get that little bit, tiny bit of an advantage.

But we weren't super efficient this time, we took 31.9 kWh to go 113.4 (miles).

And that's probably...well I'll do the math 12.5% lower than what the EPA estimate would be.

And, uh...

I really did not account for the winds today I didn't think it was gonna be that windy.

So I just want to point out climate settings was only 4% so, and I've said this a lot to

people--air conditioning is not that big of a load for an electric car.

So even though it was 94° outside for much of the commute--it got a little cooler once

I get towards home but it was still about 88--I've been keeping the climate control

set at either 71 or 72 and that was only 4% of the energy usage for this entire trip.

So air conditioning is really not a huge deal.

If we go to the main center cluster you'll see that it's predicting 98 miles of range


And I have 70 miles that I need to go further.

Now if I were a rational human being who wasn't doing this test I would plug the car in because

I have 2 hours of charging that would give the car another 40 miles of range at least.

But I'm not going to do that!

Because I want to test this range and I really think it's gonna improve for my drive to work

because I typically go a little bit slower and also we'll be going North-South rather

than East-West, so we'll see what happens.


[Music from car intro screen thingamabob]

Alright so I did not plug in the car--you'll

notice it says "Plug in to Charge".

And our range estimate actually went up by one mile because it realized that we went

into a cooler place.

So we are still at 31.9 kWh with a distance traveled of 113.4.

Now we're going to drive 34.2 miles or something like that and then we'll see where that puts us.

[sound of electric acceleration on the on-ramp]

Alright so the trend line this early into

this leg of the journey is right in the middle.

There is no direction going up or down, but as we cut back in here we've gone about 6


Our max range is 110 and our minimum is 76.

Currently we're predicted to go 93.

So I can see that the guess...

I can see that the trend line is starting to creep up which I expected it to do so,

especially because I looked outside and the wind around here seems to by dying down.

I'm no meteorological expert but I did notice it was getting cooler as I headed toward my

place which is closer to Lake Michigan and I'm wondering if there was a high pressure

area over the lake as it always keeps the air above it colder because it's a big body

of water, and maybe that was forcing air out towards the West and that's why I had the

head wind.

I don't know.

But in any case the wind is much calmer right now, it's 93° out according to the car, and

we will be up at my work within the next half-hour or so.

Also, I should point out that I'm not taking a huge risk here.

If there are people who are like "Oh my God, range anxiety!!!"

I know two things, one my boss is fine if I plug in at work so if for some reason I

get to work and there's way less range than I think I'll plug in, but two--the O'Hare

Oasis which you keep seeing signs for has both a Level 2 AND a DC Fast Charging charger

available for the car.

So if I needed to on my way back I could just stop at the oasis.

I've never actually used the DC fast charging on this car--I won't do it unless I need to.

One day I'm gonna test that, but not right now.

But it looks like that trend line is creeping up some more and driving conditions seem much

more favorable.

Also I'm trying to keep up with traffic in this lane.

I'm not hypermiling but also people tend to go way faster than I want to on the Tri-State

so I'm not gonna join the left lanes but I will stay here and keep up with the guy in

front of me.

I know I said I wasn't gonna hypermile and it may look like I'm hypermiling because I'm

here in the right lane and everybody's passing me but if you're unfamiliar with the Tri-State...anything

goes here.

I am, to put it.... well I'm speeding.

I'm going a bit over the speed limit.

Everybody else is...


Now in Illinois we have laws where you need to follow traffic flow so really I'm going

under the "speed limit" but, ugh.

I'm just in the right lane because I don't want to go a fast as the other people are


Alright, I am now at work.

And that is our final, we are actually just at 40 kWh used which is 2/3 of the battery.

We went 148 miles so that means we could go 50% more assuming we have the exact same average

efficiency we had so what would that be?

74 on top of that, so about 221 or so.

Which is actually right about what it predicted when we first turned on the car.

So then going over to the speedometer cluster area we are at a minimum of 61 miles, predicted

75, and if you recall it said that--we started at 100.

So the range meter only went down 25 miles even though we drove 34 and that's because

it was just more efficient driving this time and we weren't facing that wind.

And still, our climate settings have now accounted for 5% of our usage but still that's very

very little and I'm still keeping myself comfortable even though the temperatures are in the 90's.

Alright so I just got out of work.

Yes I work in the evenings.

It sucks.

I drew the short straw working this particular time on Memorial Day, but let's see where

we're at.

It is showing 78 miles.

It's not exposed right--there we go.

78 miles.

So let's turn it on.

That's better.


So we have 34 or so miles ahead of us.

I'm sure we'll make it.

OK now that we are back on the Tri-State headed southbound, I normally keep my speed to 68

on this segment and then I slow down a little bit as I get towards home.

I don't have traffic to keep up with because it's late at night so I'm just setting the

speed that I always do.

And again, I'm not trying to hypermile here I'm not gonna follow a truck.

Yeah I'm going a little bit slower than the average person, but really not that much slower.

And we will see what sort of range we have when we get home.

So, uh, we'll do a bit of a time warp.

So I took us out of warp speed because I wanted to explain for those who have never been to

Illinois--the oasis that I was mentioning that has the charging station that we're about

to go under, it's more obvious what it is at night.

I don't know...they've been around for many decades, in fact there's a Williams pinball

machine from I believe the 1960's called "Highways" which has one of these oases on its backglass.

There's some trivia for you.

But anyway, these highway oases are on the tollway here and it's got restaurants and


And it's built above the tollway as an overpass--it's kinda cool.

So you can see Auntie Ann's and Starbucks maybe in there.

And, so... do other states have those?

I don't know.

Not all of them in Illinois are built over the road like that, some of them are just

off to the side.

But the ones that are built over the road, you know you uh... depending on which direction

you're going you enter through one door or the other.

And you can't turn around which kinda stinks but you wouldn't really need to in most circumstances.

But anyway, that's what the highway oasis was and over there by the Mobil gas station

there is a DC fast charger.

I have not used it myself but I have seen it and people on Plugshare have rated it so

that would've been there as an option.

But as it stands I'm still showing 56 miles of range remaining and I'm more than halfway

home so no need to stop.

Aright, we are now back home and we have gone 183 miles today which took 48.8 kilowatt-hours.

And the car thinks we will be able to do another 47.

The trend line was pretty high up towards that max 55 but that's because I was going

less than 60 MPH for the last bit of this journey.

But, uh, if we do our little math here...

Uh, the EPA estimated range of this car is 238 and we are...

oh man I'm so bad at math in my head.


OK we would have gone 230 so we're actually only 8 miles shy of the EPA estimated range

assuming that our efficiency stayed what it is because we were going 40...

If we had 47 left, with the 183 that we did we would be a 240...

no (guffaw) 230 miles

so that's only 8 miles off.

I am bad at this.

So this is gonna cost me about $5.50 in electricity, so not bad.

We did 183 miles of driving on $5.50.

I also wanted to show you the experience of plugging it in.

Because, you know, people feel like this is so hard.

There's the charge port.

I actually have like the hardest way to plug in of anybody because my charger's all the

way over here.

And I gotta unfurl the cord.

And we're just gonna walk back to the car...

And, plug it in.

And just for your enjoyment you're gonna hear a bunch of sounds.

You're gonna hear some relays clicking, you're gonna hear the actual charging station back

there make a big THUNK, and the car's gonna make a couple other weird noises.

And then, it beeps.

Just push that in.



[other odd sounds]


So incredibly complicated.

And then the car will tell you when you open the door when it will be done charging.

Its estimate is going to move up a little bit.

Oh, I have found a bug.

Let me close the door.

[startup music]

It does that a lot.


So it says that the charge will be done by 8:30 AM and, uh.

Often times that estimate will go up a little bit as I plug in because this is a 32 amp

charger but it's only on 208 volts.

So it's actually a little bit slower than my parent's charger even though the charger

itself--the Clipper Creek HCS-40--is a larger charger.

It's on 208 rather than 240V so it charges a little more slowly.

So maybe they actually--the car's software was updated over the air recently and I don't

know if it affects the instrument cluster but maybe it did.

In the past it used to be you would open it after I plug in and it say "charge complete

by 7:00...7:15...7:30...7:45" as it realized it was on a lower voltage but today it didn't

do that.

So I hope you enjoyed this video on the Chevy Bolt EV's summer driving range.

Although it missed the EPA estimate by just a hair, I think it's still pretty impressive

since for much of my drive the car was facing a headwind, and all of the miles were strictly


Unlike a conventional car, an EV does better in stop-and-go city driving because it can

use regenerative braking.

On the highway, there's no braking going on so its range will drop.

This partially explains why the EPA range estimate for Electric Vehicles is so much

more conservative than the european or asian estimates for the same vehicle--being so spread

out in the US, highway range is more important here.

Anyway, thank you very much for watching, please check out my Twitter feed if you're

into that, and a peek at my Patreon page would be much appreciated if you'd like to support

what I do on this channel.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Chevy Bolt EV Summer Range Test - Duration: 24:37.


✅ Alain (Moundir 3) récemment hospitalisé : "J'en ai payé le prix" - Duration: 2:02.

Alain a vécu une grosse frayeur le 3 mai 2018. L'ancien candidat de Secret Story (saison 11, en 2017) – que l'on retrouve actuellement dans Moundir et les apprentis aventuriers 3 – s'est ouvert la tête après s'être évanoui et il a donc dû aller en urgence à l'hôpital

Un épisode sur lequel il est revenu au cours d'une interview pour Purepeople et Purebreak : "C'était une baisse de tension toute bête

Je me suis évanoui et en tombant je me suis ouvert la tête. Je suis tombé contre le radiateur

On a fait un check-up, tout va bien, je suis en parfaite santé. Tout va bien, je pense que c'est lié au surmenage

J'ai fait énormément de choses ces dernières semaines et je n'ai peut-être pas dormi suffisamment

J'en ai payé le prix comme ça et j'en tire une leçon." Le jour de l'événement, Alain avait expliqué en détail à ses abonnés ce qu'il a vécu

Aussi a-t-on appris qu'il a eu des points de suture, qu'il a passé des radios et fait un IRM

Heureusement, rien n'a été décelé. Contenu exclusif ne pouvant être repris sans la mention Purepeople

com et

For more infomation >> ✅ Alain (Moundir 3) récemment hospitalisé : "J'en ai payé le prix" - Duration: 2:02.


Twenty - Mauvais Délire - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Twenty - Mauvais Délire - Duration: 2:44.


BREAKING: Trump Swoops in to Rescue ' - Duration: 14:09.

BREAKING: Trump Swoops in to Rescue 'Roseanne' Slams Disney CEO by EXPOSING Massive Liberal


In the day that followed the unceremonious cancellation of ABC's "Roseanne" in

response to an offensive tweet by the show's star, a number of pundits called on President

Donald Trump to publicly denounce the rhetoric.

Roseanne Barr, a Trump supporter like her character on the popular series reboot, received

the president's praise on multiple occasions in light of the show's high ratings.

Though Trump did not respond to Barr's comments directly in either a rally Tuesday night or

in any of his tweets throughout the day, he did reference the controversy on Wednesday

morning in a tweet criticizing the network.

Continuing his running narrative of unfair treatment by media outlets, he attempted to

portray Disney CEO Bob Iger's apology as hypocritical.

Trump claimed that Iger apologized directly to Obama administration adviser Valerie Jarrett,

who was the target of Barr's incendiary tweet.

The president went on to suggest that he should have received a personal apology for unspecified

statements made about him by network personalities.

"Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that 'ABC does not tolerate

comments like those' made by Roseanne Barr," Trump wrote.

"Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements

made and said about me on ABC.

Maybe I just didn't get the call?"

The backlash over Barr's tweet suggesting Jarrett is the child of the "muslim brotherhood

& planet of the apes" was rooted in its perceived racism.

It was unclear from Trump's tweet which comparable comments he believes have been

made about him on ABC.

While some of his supporters expressed support for Trump's latest claim of a media double

standard, many other responses to his tweet urged him to rise above such public spats.

Several critics opined that the president is not in an ethical position to dictate which

comments deserve an apology.

Trump's schedule was reportedly too hectic on Tuesday to allow for a response to the

growing controversy.

When asked for a White House reaction, press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters that

Trump was focused on more important issues.

"Look, as you know, the president has been extremely focused, as I just walked through

the things going on with the upcoming summit," she said.

"And the president is focused on North Korea.

He's focused on trade deals.

And he's focused on rebuilding our military, the economy.

And that's what he's spending his time on; not responding to other things."

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump Swoops in to Rescue ' - Duration: 14:09.


New Haven's Top Model Search featuring New York City agencies - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> New Haven's Top Model Search featuring New York City agencies - Duration: 4:31.


The most TINGLY country name? (70+ country names in their own language)(ASMR Whispers) - Duration: 13:59.

Hello everyone

and welcome to this new video in a lot of languages.

Today, I'm going to say the name of your country in your language, maybe!

But first, let me thanks everyone who has helped me for this project.

There were a lot of people so thanks a lot, really.

OK, so let's start to whisper.

For more infomation >> The most TINGLY country name? (70+ country names in their own language)(ASMR Whispers) - Duration: 13:59.


Seat Leon 1.6-16V Sport Climate/NAV - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.6-16V Sport Climate/NAV - Duration: 1:08.


Leftists Try to Ruin Moment Between Trump & Boy, Patriots Put Them in Their Place - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Leftists Try to Ruin Moment Between Trump & Boy, Patriots Put Them in Their Place - Duration: 3:58.


✅ Zinédine Zidane : Karim Benzema réagit à son départ du Real Madrid - Duration: 2:17.

La nouvelle a fait l'effet d'une bombe ce jeudi 31 mai : Zinédine Zidane ne sera plus l'entraîneur du Real Madrid la saison prochaine

Cinq jours seulement après une troisième victoire consécutive historique en Ligue des champions, Zizou a en effet annoncé sa décision de quitter la Maison Blanche : "J'ai pris la décision de ne pas continuer

Cette équipe doit continuer à gagner et elle a besoin d'un changement pour continuer à gagner

L'équipe a besoin d'un autre discours, d'une autre méthode de travail, c'est pour ça que je m'en vais" a-t-il déclaré en conférence de presse

Si l'incompréhension règne chez les supporters, les joueurs du Real Madrid ont, eux, avant tout tenu à remercier leur coach

Karim Benzema remercie ZizouC'est d'abord Cristiano Ronaldo qui a dit toute sa fierté d'avoir évolué sous les ordres de Zinédine Zidane pendant deux ans et demi

Le Portugais a également remercié Zizou pour tout ce qu'il lui a apporté. Mais la réaction la plus attendue, c'était évidemment celle de Karim Benzema, avec qui le légendaire numéro 10 des Bleus entretenait une relation particulière

C'est sur Instagram que le banni de l'équipe de France a rendu hommage à son entraîneur : "Quel honneur d'avoir évolué sous les ordres d'un grand homme comme toi!!! Merci zizou" a écrit l'attaquant du Real Madrid en légende d'une photo de Zinédine Zidane et lui

Forcément, il verrait d'un bon oeil l'arrivée de Zidane à la tête de l'équipe de France

  Par Benjamin S.

For more infomation >> ✅ Zinédine Zidane : Karim Benzema réagit à son départ du Real Madrid - Duration: 2:17.


Juice WRLD X Yung Bans Type Beat "Lilac" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:11.

(Prod. by Georgie)

For more infomation >> Juice WRLD X Yung Bans Type Beat "Lilac" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:11.


Where Did My Voice Go? Will it ever return? | #DrDan ⏱ - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Where Did My Voice Go? Will it ever return? | #DrDan ⏱ - Duration: 1:59.


2018-19 International Theater Series: A conversation between UMS President and Programming Director - Duration: 6:35.

(simple orchestra music)

(astronaut breathing)

- You know what's really amazing to me

is the history of UMS starting, really,

exclusively as a classical music institution,

really from the very beginning

and really under your leadership

and under Ken Fischer's leadership

blossoming into this multi-dimensional vibrant platform

not only for great music of different genres

but for dance and especially for theater.

So I'd love for you to talk about

the theater series for next year.

- We'll kick it off

with the US debut

of a really celebrated and in some ways legendary

Greek theater maker named Dimitris Papaioannou

and his ensemble performing a work called The Great Tamer.

It's certainly and defiantly living in a contemporary space.

There are no words. - Mmm.

The story telling is delivered through movement,

stage picture, and gesture.

And a sort of kind of wonderful use

and tip of the hand to circus arts as well.

And I think one of the things I love about the piece so much

is its openness. - Mmm.

- It's giving you lots of

really really clear exciting imagery

and it's engaging you as an audience member

in meaning making.

It's really your willingness to participate

in the performance

that's gonna help really create the meaning for you.

- [Matthew] And another work

that threads through the Blue Danube waltz.

- [Michael] Yeah I mean to be perfectly honest--

- [Matthew] So there was an musical,

an atmospheric sort of soundtrack to this work as well.

- No doubt, no doubt.

I mean the music is the Blue Danube waltz.

And also I think it's probably important

to call out the fact that

this theater artist is really mining the world

and the history of visual art.

It's very cool, very unexpected.

The first time the artist is ever

in the United States, - Wow.

- and we're really lucky to have them here.

We're also

presenting the work of a very important

and much recognized and celebrated

American photographer, video artist,

MacArthur Genius Grant recipient

and first African American woman

to ever receive career retrospective at the Guggenheim,

and her name is Carrie Mae Weems.

She's created a work called Past Tense

and for me

having gone to Washington DC last fall to see it

I really related to and understood the work

as not only a theatrical experience

but really a moment of community ritual.

And frankly,

ritual around mourning, - Mmm.

- and how we're dealing with and thinking about

the social justice issues

that emanate out of violence in our culture,

violence specifically focused on

African American communities and black bodies.

Her time here at the university

over the course of the week

will be, I'm sure, very rich, powerful, and meaningful

and she's really thinking about this work

and tying it back also to a classical text;

Antigone, which really has at the center of it

this question of

how do we mourn and how do we bury our brothers?

So, very very heavy stuff, - Timely.

- very important.

- [Matthew] So, and a Julius Caesar?

- [Michael] Yes a Julius Caesar

as well-- - And not just

a Julius Caesar, - not just a Julius Caesar.

- [Matthew] a very interesting Julius Caesar.

- This is really gonna, I think,

challenge people's perspectives

on what Shakespeare can and should look like on stage.

It grew out of a partnership

between a French theater director named Arthur Nauzyciel

in the American repertory theater in Boston.

And they have re-staged and re-thought about

this drama within the context of 1960s America.

It's sort of loosely set in the JFK era.

There's a jazz band on stage,

mining the American songbook jazz standards

and really creating a kind of commentary.

- It's incredibly stylish and sort of live

and it's-- - very stylish.

- Yeah, yeah.

And then the,

certainly not the last piece of theater

but a new work

which will receive its world premiere performance

here at the University of Michigan.

- Well when we decided

we were gonna get serious about theater

and presenting theater

we also knew that we had an obligation

to also invest resources - Yup.

- in supporting creative artists,

creative theater artists to bring work

to the stage for the first time.

And so we're really thrilled to be able to work with

Bryce Dessner, of The National, who's composing.

Daniel Fish, who's directing.

Robert O'Hara, who's writing the libretto.

And it's all being put in service

to a music theater work

that's going to explore the meanings

and the reverberations

of the photography of Robert Mapplethorpe.

Everyone will assemble here in Ann Arbor for two weeks.

They'll be working in the Power Center

over the winter break

and then when the students come back

there'll be an additional week of work

which will have much more of an engagement

with the campus, - Yeah.

- and that will culminate

in two or possibly three public performances.

Before it's set on its way

it will go to New York,

it will be seen in London, Paris,

LA will get a piece of the action.

I mean it's really, hopefully gonna--

- A great project

but a great group of co-commissioners

and partners internationally

and shows the depth and ability of UMS

to really work at the very very highest level.

(orchestra music)

For more infomation >> 2018-19 International Theater Series: A conversation between UMS President and Programming Director - Duration: 6:35.


bmw m5 윤계상 불법 개조 약식 기소 "범죄도시 탈세 1인시위 이하늬 나이"|K-News - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> bmw m5 윤계상 불법 개조 약식 기소 "범죄도시 탈세 1인시위 이하늬 나이"|K-News - Duration: 5:56.


'키스 먼저 할까요' 박시연 김성수 관계? "성형전후 남편 이혼 사유 간기남 집안"|K-News - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> '키스 먼저 할까요' 박시연 김성수 관계? "성형전후 남편 이혼 사유 간기남 집안"|K-News - Duration: 8:02.


'사람이 좋다' 가수 자두, 소향 우울증 고백 "남편 지리미 목사 홀로아리랑 듣기" 동영상|K-News - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> '사람이 좋다' 가수 자두, 소향 우울증 고백 "남편 지리미 목사 홀로아리랑 듣기" 동영상|K-News - Duration: 5:41.


이윤택 '연희단거리패' 출신 유명배우 곽도원 오달수 성추행? "장소연 결별 결혼 청각장애"|K-News - Duration: 17:48.

For more infomation >> 이윤택 '연희단거리패' 출신 유명배우 곽도원 오달수 성추행? "장소연 결별 결혼 청각장애"|K-News - Duration: 17:48.


Uomini e Donne, Nilufar confessa il complotto: 'Ero sotto ricatto' - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Nilufar confessa il complotto: 'Ero sotto ricatto' - Duration: 4:13.


Juice WRLD X Yung Bans Type Beat "Lilac" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:11.

(Prod. by Georgie)

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