Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Youtube daily report May 30 2018

When the latest victim of Gennady Golovkin's knockout punching was asked what Canelo Alvarez should do if his rematch with Triple G still takes place in September he gave a one-word answer

'Run.' Canelo seems to be taking the advice of Vanes Martirosyan, who was flattened by Golovkin inside two rounds earlier this month

Mexico's falling idol, who Martirosyan replaced when Canelo was suspended for doping offences, seems to be looking for a way out of facing Golovkin

Who could blame him, if he was simply wary of re-entering the ring with the Kazakh world middleweight champion? After all, Martirosyan goes on to describe Golovkin as: 'The hardest pound-for-pound puncher in the world

' But Alvarez's Golden Boy promoters are pushing the envelope too far when they claim: 'Triple G is afraid of facing Canelo again and doesn't want the fight

' Their attempted justification for this is that Golovkin is now demanding a higher percentage of the mega-millions event

And the answer to that is: 'Why not?' It was Canelo who was the culprit when the May 5 date in Las Vegas was cancelled because he was found to have failed two tests for the banned substance clenbuterol

It was Canelo who had already kept the older Golovkin idle for a full year before agreeing to honour the rematch clause

It was Canelo who it appeared had to be dragged into a drugs testing programme, despite having blamed the adverse findings on contaminated meat in his home country

Shouldn't Triple G be compensated for earnings lost through no fault of his own? However reluctant Alvarez may be to yield a few percentage points above the initial rematch contract, the second fight is crucial to the restoring of his reputation and legacy

Even in his homeland, where he was rightly revered as a successor to the Mexican macho warrior legend, his stock is sinking

It began with the boos which echoed around the T-Mobile Arena when he was gifted a draw against Golovkin

Like boxing fans around the world, his own countrymen and women mostly believed Triple G had won by the length of the Vegas Strip

No one outside Canelo's immediate circle and most ardent fans will believe that Triple G is ducking the rematch

A Mexican Independence Day fight against anyone else will not cut the chilli pepper

Of the alternative opponents being touted even as Golovkin's team try to keep negotiations alive only our own Billy Joe Saunders, holder of the one middleweight belt not worn by Triple G, would be credible

If Golden Boy go for one of their own in-house boxers it will do nothing to improve the Alvarez image

If that choice is Spike O'Sullivan, who has been soundly beaten already by both Saunders and Chris Eubank Jr, it will threaten to make a laughing stoke of their star attraction

Having spent much of the first fight last year running backwards from Golovkin, Canelo cannot afford to swerve or duck now

For his own good, whatever his handlers says, he must insist on standing his ground

For more infomation >> Breaking News - Canelo Alvarez cannot afford to swerve or duck Gennady Golovkin now - Duration: 5:13.


Al Bano e Romina Power si risposano? Loredana Lecciso spiazza tutti sui social | K.N.B.T - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Romina Power si risposano? Loredana Lecciso spiazza tutti sui social | K.N.B.T - Duration: 6:28.


AQUA DE BEBER (Antonio Carlos Jobim), by TIVOLI Ensemble - May 2018 - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> AQUA DE BEBER (Antonio Carlos Jobim), by TIVOLI Ensemble - May 2018 - Duration: 6:49.


Bhaagamathie Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed Promo | Release Date Info | Anushka Shetty | Unni Mukundan - Duration: 1:45.

Bhaagamathie Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed Promo | Release Date Info | Anushka Shetty | Unni Mukundan

For more infomation >> Bhaagamathie Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed Promo | Release Date Info | Anushka Shetty | Unni Mukundan - Duration: 1:45.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 Skyactiv-G 165 6MT GT-M LINE 2WD (Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 Skyactiv-G 165 6MT GT-M LINE 2WD (Trekhaak) - Duration: 1:07.


이스라엘군 전차 극한개조의 끝은 / korean army 24h - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> 이스라엘군 전차 극한개조의 끝은 / korean army 24h - Duration: 4:51.


도대체 무슨 일이야? 가수 김하늘 이승을 떠나다...사람들은 슬퍼! - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 도대체 무슨 일이야? 가수 김하늘 이승을 떠나다...사람들은 슬퍼! - Duration: 4:02.


Caminhoneiros: para compensar perdas na exportação, carne vai aumentar - Duration: 3:49.

O setor exportador de carne bovina contabiliza prejuízos de US$ 170 milhões em uma semana por causa da paralisação dos caminhoneiros

Por isso, o brasileiro vai pagar mais pela carne nos próximos dias. A afirmação é do presidente da Associação Brasileira das Indústrias Exportadoras de Carne (Abiec), Antônio Jorge Camardelli

Teremos que aumentar preço para compensar o estrago feito, tanto no mercado interno quanto no externo"Antônio Jorge Camardelli, presidente da Abiec Semanalmente, o setor embarca ao exterior 40 mil toneladas de carne bovina, volume que não tem chegado aos portos desde a terça-feira da semana passada devido à greve dos caminhoneiros – o movimento foi deflagrado na segunda-feira (21/5)

Mais sobre o assunto GDF desiste de transporte aéreo e carga de soro virá em caminhões Senado Federal aprova reoneração da folha de pagamento Cade apresenta 9 propostas para reduzir os preços de combustíveis PRF escolta caminhoneiros "acuados" em bloqueio na divisa com o DF Para minimizar o efeito da falta de transporte na atividade do setor, afirmou Camardelli, será necessário mais crédito

"O governo disse que vai dar suporte", confirmou. "Sem crédito, teremos um problema a mais, que pode se refletir em mais inflação", emendou

De acordo com o representante da cadeia exportadora de carne bovina, se o problema não se resolver até esta quinta-feira (31), o ciclo exportador da proteína também será quebrado, a exemplo do que disse o ministro da Agricultura, Blairo Maggi, sobre a cadeia de aves e suínos

"Tenho contratos de produção, um contrato em carteira e um navio no mar. Sem transporte, toda essa sequência fica quebrada", destacou Camardelli

"Não recebo mais contêiner vazio que vem do porto e, por consequência, eu perco navios no qual poderíamos embarcar a carne", acrescentou

Ele espera que a partir de agora o governo tome medidas mais firmes para romper os bloqueios mantidos nas rodovias pelos caminhoneiros e atitudes "mais enérgicas" para resolver essa crise "o quanto antes"

Frigoríficos sem habilitação Camardelli participou nesta tarde de reunião com o ministro Blairo Maggi para discutir as consequências da greve para o setor de proteína animal, durante o Fórum de Investimentos Brasil 2018, em São Paulo

Também se encontrou com o vice-presidente da Associação Brasileira de Proteína Animal (ABPA), Rui Vargas

"O Chile vinha segunda-feira (4) e já cancelou", informou. "Estamos com 120 frigoríficos associados paralisados, sem abates

E sem abates não é possível haver auditoria para exportação", lamentou. Segundo ele, 1,4 mil caminhões estão parados nos bloqueios, com produtos perecíveis


For more infomation >> Caminhoneiros: para compensar perdas na exportação, carne vai aumentar - Duration: 3:49.


Shopkins - Cutie Cars Shopki...

For more infomation >> Shopkins - Cutie Cars Shopki...


BREAKING: Look Who Just Called For John Kerry's ARREST! H*LL YES!!! - Duration: 2:35.

BREAKING: Look Who Just Called For John Kerry's ARREST!


Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, isn't all that happy with deep

state puppet John Kerry meddling in foreign policy.

Nunes has now called for the arrest of Kerry on charges of treason.

According to US law, (laws these same politicians write with no attempt to obey) no private

citizen may meet with a foreign power to negotiate a deal.

Since Kerry was working directly against US policy and is and trying to sabotage the elected

government the charge of treason would apply, according to Steadfast and Loyal.

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) made his demand to imprison the former Massachusetts Democrat

under the Logan Act, which could theoretically result in three years in federal prison.

The allegations followed a new Boston Globe report on former Secretary of State Kerry

is quietly working with to save the Iran nuclear deal which he helped draft.

[Kerry] sat down at the United Nations with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to discuss ways

of preserving the pact limiting Iran's nuclear weapons program.

It was the second time in about two months that the two had met to strategize over salvaging

a deal they spent years negotiating during the Obama administration, according to a person

briefed on the meetings.

With the Iran deal facing its gravest threat since it was signed in 2015, Kerry has been

on an aggressive yet stealthy mission to preserve it, using his deep lists of contacts gleaned

during his time as the top US diplomat to try to apply pressure on the Trump administration

from the outside.

– The Boston Globe

These actions by Kerry prompted a tweet from Nunes:

"G Men" is short for "government men" and since 1935 has been used exclusively to

refer to FBI special agents, the Bureau claims.

But Nunes is facing what may be insurmountable odds.

In history, only two indictments were ever made using the Logan Act and neither ever

went to trial.

According to The Gateway Pundit, several leading officials have called on the Sessions DOJ

to prosecuted John Kerry for violations against the Logan Act.

The corruption in the American government right now is at unprecedented and never before

seen levels.

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For more infomation >> BREAKING: Look Who Just Called For John Kerry's ARREST! H*LL YES!!! - Duration: 2:35.


Volkswagen Crafter 35 2.5 TDI L2 DC PICK-UP Dubbele Cabine 2800Kg Tr.H. - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Crafter 35 2.5 TDI L2 DC PICK-UP Dubbele Cabine 2800Kg Tr.H. - Duration: 1:05.


Trump to campaign in Tennessee to thwart Dems' US Senate bid - Duration: 5:59.

Trump to campaign in Tennessee to thwart Dems' US Senate bid

WASHINGTON — Diving into the midterm elections, President Donald Trump is seeking to build a stable of Republicans who will help promote his agenda and serve as a check on Democrats aiming to win majorities in Congress.

Trump is traveling to Nashville, Tennessee, on Tuesday to raise campaign cash for Republican Rep.

Marsha Blackburn, the partys leading U.S.

Senate hopeful in Tennessee, and headline a rally with his most loyal supporters.

Blackburn is expected to face Democratic former Gov.

Phil Bredesen to replace Republican Sen.

Bob Corker, who is retiring.

The Tennessee campaign is among several races crucial to Trumps plans to maintain control of the Senate, where Republicans are defending a narrow two-seat majority.

Trump is planning a series of political rallies and events in the coming months to boost Republicans and brand Democrats as obstructionists to his agenda.

The president held a similar rally in Indiana earlier this month, appearing with Republican businessman Mike Braun and ripping Democratic U.S.


Joe Donnelly as a swamp person who refused to aid the GOP agenda.

Were not getting complacent.

We cant, Trump said in Elkhart, Indiana.

If we elect more Republicans we can truly deliver for all of our citizens..

Earlier Tuesday, Trump raised the prospect of special counsel Robert Muellers Russia probe affecting the November elections and blamed Democrats for Collusion.

On Twitter, he said the 13 Angry Democrats on Muellers team will be MEDDLING with the mid-term elections, especially now that Republicans (stay tough!) are taking the lead in Polls.

Mueller is a Republican.

Beyond Indiana, Trump has used his Twitter page to boost California Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox, hoping to strengthen the partys chances of securing a spot on the ballot in November.

He has also set his sights on Montana, where Democratic Sen.

Jon Tester is seeking re-election in a state Trump carried in a landslide.

The two states have primaries on June 5.

The president is raising money later in the week in Texas to benefit Senate Republicans and his 2020 campaign.

Tennessee has a history of electing centrist senators and the race could be complicated by Corkers up-and-down relationship with Trump.

Corker once said Trump had turned the White House into an adult day care center and the president tweeted that Corker couldnt get elected dog catcher in Tennessee..

Yet Corker was in the Oval Office on Saturday, receiving praise from the president for his help in securing the release of a man imprisoned in Venezuela.

The breakthrough happened after Corker held a surprise meeting in Caracas with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

In his final year in the Senate, Corker has called Bredesen a friend and said he wont actively campaign against him.

Trump, meanwhile, offered an early endorsement of Blackburn in April, calling her on Twitter a wonderful woman who has always been there when we have needed her.

Great on the Military, Border Security and Crime..

Blackburn, who served on Trumps transition team, has embraced the president and called herself a hardcore, card-carrying Tennessee conservative.

Bredesen, who is attempting to become the first Democrat to win a Senate campaign in Tennessee since Al Gore in 1990, has aired TV ads in which he says that hes not running against Donald Trump and that he learned long ago to separate the message from the messenger.

For more infomation >> Trump to campaign in Tennessee to thwart Dems' US Senate bid - Duration: 5:59.


Trump knocks Dems for tweeting 2014 images of children in cages at border - Duration: 3:08.

Trump knocks Dems for tweeting 2014 images of children in cages at border

President Trump blasted Democrats on Tuesday for mistakenly posting a series of photos online purporting to show undocumented immigrant children being held in cages, accusing liberals of trying to make his administration look bad.

Democrats mistakenly tweet 2014 pictures from Obamas term showing children from the Border in steel cages, Trump tweeted.

They thought it was recent pictures in order to make us look bad, but backfires.

Dems must agree to Wall and new Border Protection for good of country.Bipartisan Bill!.


Some of the photos began surfacing this week on Twitter, with a handful of liberal activists claiming that the children in the images were being detained by the Trump administration.

In fact, the photos were originally published in 2014 by the Arizona Republic, meaning that the children had been held by the Obama administration, rather than he Trump administration.

After the error was pointed out, many Twitter users who had tweeted the photos deleted their posts, although some remained online.


Trump accused Democrats over the weekend of refusing to repeal a policy separating immigrant families at the border.

The tweet came after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced earlier this month that the Trump administration would prosecute immigrant families separately after they enter the U.S.

If you cross the border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you.

Its that simple, Sessions said.

If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you.

And that child may be separated from you, as required by law..

For more infomation >> Trump knocks Dems for tweeting 2014 images of children in cages at border - Duration: 3:08.


North Korean Official Heading To US Represent Kim Jong Un, Who is Kim Yong-chol? - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> North Korean Official Heading To US Represent Kim Jong Un, Who is Kim Yong-chol? - Duration: 3:23.


Troian Bellisario (Pretty Little Liars) enceinte de Patrick J. Adams (Suits)? Les photos qui ... - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Troian Bellisario (Pretty Little Liars) enceinte de Patrick J. Adams (Suits)? Les photos qui ... - Duration: 2:14.


REACTION/ILK IZLENIM: Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin - I Like It - Duration: 6:17.

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For more infomation >> REACTION/ILK IZLENIM: Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin - I Like It - Duration: 6:17.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 BLUETEC HYBRID LEASE EDITION | AMG-STYLING | NAVI | LEDER/ALCANTARA | 1e - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 BLUETEC HYBRID LEASE EDITION | AMG-STYLING | NAVI | LEDER/ALCANTARA | 1e - Duration: 1:06.


Daily Current affairs in hind|30 may current affairs in Hindi|General Knowledge|Current Affairs Quiz - Duration: 11:40.

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daily current affairs in hindi

current affairs 30 mai in hindi

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For more infomation >> Daily Current affairs in hind|30 may current affairs in Hindi|General Knowledge|Current Affairs Quiz - Duration: 11:40.


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For more infomation >> Volkswagen Touran 1.6-16V FSI Athene 117.393km! - Duration: 1:05.


Seat Ibiza 1.4 16V 3drs Last Edition I AIRCO - Duration: 1:09.

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For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Comfort 5drs, Airco, NIEUW MODEL - Duration: 1:06.


Volkswagen Touran 1.6-16V FSI Trendline / 116.101km / AIRCO - Duration: 0:53.

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Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI Highline 5drs/ Grootbeeld NAV / LMV / 77.582km/ 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:07.

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BMW 1 Serie 116i Business Line 5drs / Open dak/ Stoelverwarming / 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:05.

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Ford Focus 2.0-16V Rally Edition 2.0-16V Rally Edition AIRCO LMV - Duration: 1:12.

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Ford Focus Wagon 1.6 TDCI ECOne Lease tic Titanium/NAV/PDC/CLIMATE/Driver Assistance Pack - Duration: 1:13.

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Trump is winning his effort to demonize Mueller New video

For more infomation >> Trump is winning his effort to demonize Mueller New video - Duration: 5:27.


Ghost gas pump charges Orange County customers while they aren't pumping - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Ghost gas pump charges Orange County customers while they aren't pumping - Duration: 1:38.


ถูกบุกทางเลือกคือสู้ เนื้อเรื่องมาร์คัส ตอน 5 ซับไทย - DETROIT : Become Human MARCUS PART 5 - Duration: 26:06.

For more infomation >> ถูกบุกทางเลือกคือสู้ เนื้อเรื่องมาร์คัส ตอน 5 ซับไทย - DETROIT : Become Human MARCUS PART 5 - Duration: 26:06.


मेरा पीर बादशाह है | Ramzan Special Qawwali | Mera Peer Badshah Hai - Duration: 8:23.


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