Thursday, May 31, 2018

Youtube daily report May 31 2018

1, 2 I Hello we are IDLE

Choose a member that has a lot of aegyo and aslo choose a member that has no aegyo

-Lets pick -Lets get it~

[this one ㅋㅋㅋ]

-its me, don't really have an aegyo -the member that doesn't have *points to soyeon*

-But you have right? -Yes right, have!

she has aegyo for her unnies right!~

so now lets pick the member that has alot of aegyo


now lets choose a topic

"Do an acrostic aegyo with you title track"


LA (RA) - Ramyun

TA - Can you finish that all?

TA - Ta la la la ㅋㅋㅋ

Yuqi, let's go

Where are you going?

Our cutie Yuqi

rock paper scissors


seriously me? really?

what should i do?

lets applaud to cheer her


-this guys seriously -feel so good

LA - wanna eat ramyun?

okay 2nd

TA - I'll buy you (ramyun)

TA - I love you

Lets pick another member

let me choose


I haven't thought anything

LA - la la la ~ la la la ~

TA - ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ~

TA - ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ~

I'm sorry

But seriously speaking, Soyeon reallly did a great job (IDLE's aegyo KING - SOYEON)

(trans by: yuqueen) please do not repost or copy my subs

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [Show Champion Behind] EP.93 TA LALALALALALA !! - Duration: 2:48.


Honda CR-V 2.0 16V 150pk 4WD Elegance Plus - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0 16V 150pk 4WD Elegance Plus - Duration: 1:09.


How to make Marble Pinball Game with Cardboard easy at home - Duration: 5:04.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> How to make Marble Pinball Game with Cardboard easy at home - Duration: 5:04.


Top 5 Doctor Who Moments (cc) - Duration: 7:33.

Okay I'm suitably fluled???, Fuled. This is why I need this. I don't speak English unless I have it.

Hi guys I'm Shelly and today I'm having a bit of fun.

Because I'm doing a Top 5 Doctor Who Moments.

Doctor Who means the world to me. And this my dears, is why.

So at number 5, we have. I am Telling You!

This is the moment that we find out who River Song is.

There has been about 3 series before this, she's been in and out of.

We haven't known who she is, this mysterious woman. Who just knows everything about the doctor.

He doesn't know who she is, and he's just like. 'Right, that's it I've had it! Who are you? Tell me who you are!'

She takes his hand, she puts it on this crib, and says, 'I am Telling You' and his face.

Matt Smith's face he bursts, into this giggle that he can't possibly contain.

He's just like 'Mwheeeeee'

He starts pointing, to everybody just like, you, and you....

But, but we, (kissing sounds) because they've kissed, in the past.

He's 'Whoa right, but I kissed you in the past'

And we, as an audience. Have no idea what's going on!

We don't know who River Song is, because it has only been told to the Doctor.

We've been waiting 2 series or 3 series to find out, who River Song is.

Now The Doctor knows. and we don't and it's not fair! I want to know!

So you have all these emotions going through your head.

You have this pure, like fun of watching Matt Smith explode in giggles.

Then you also have the pure frustration of not knowing who the heck River Song is.

Number 4, I'm not coming I'm going home.

Donna Noble to David Tennant's Doctor, in the Sontaran Stratagem.

So this moment is when Donna runs up to the Doctor. She goes 'I'm sorry Doctor, I'm not coming'

His face breaks, and he starts he's just...

' Um, okay wow. This is, this is a bit early. I was gonna take you to so many places.

I was going to take you to the 15th broken moon and the Medusa cascade.'

'Please stay with me!'

His heart's breaking. He's just like, 'You can't, What? Okay, um okay, so we'll take you home. Um okay I.........'

'You mean you're just going home for a visit don't you?'

She just looks at him and goes....

'You Dumbo!' 'You great big, outerspace Dunce'

She was just going home to visit her family, and then she's coming right back.

This, to me, just wraps up the Doctor and Donna's relationship.

He is this magical, mystical. great big outerspace person. Who just wants to take her everywhere.

Seduce her with the wonderful things, 'come with me my pretty, I'm going to show you things'

She's just goes, 'Oh you idiot, you are absolute bloody idiot!'

They're best friends, they're like, she.... It's like, she's the big sister, and he's the younger brother going...

Look at me, look at me. Go on adventures, we're gonna do this....

And she says 'Oh for Christ's sake, why do I have to travel with this 5 year old?'

'I mean, I want to go traveling and I want to see all the things. But he is so annoying!'

Next up is from a Christmas episode called the Christmas Invasion.

It's the aftermath of Christopher Eccleston, Doctor number 9.

Turning into David Tennant, Doctor number 10.

It's the whole speech that David Tennant says, as he comes out of the TARDIS.

There's a whole 40 minutes in the episode, where the doctor just, just is having a nap in some some pajamas.

He suddenly just goes bang! Pop! I'm coming out of this TARDIS, I'm so fantastic.

Do Not Mess With Me!

The best moment in this speech, when he's trying to save the world.

Is when he tries to describe the human race.

So he's doing this big, long, massive speech. Going, 'You can't pick on these people. They're just, they're just humans.'

'I mean they're little. I mean...'

'From the day they arrived on the planet, and blinking stepped into the Sun.'

'There is more to see, that can never be......'

'Hang on that's the Lion King!'

He literally says that, and my brain just went....

1, Genius!

2, When the heck did the Doctor watch the Lion King?

I mean, did he just have a bad weekend and watch all Disney movies?

So many things went off with my brain!

The way David Tennant did that speech was just...... It showed you the doctor he was going to be.

He was a child, and he was bouncing about from different thing, and he couldn't stand still, and then he starts quoting The Lion King!

It's just slightly genius!

Number 2, 'Give me this one, please give me a day like this one!'

This is from the first series. It's Christopher Eccelston, and it's an Episode called The Doctor Dances.

It was the first two-part episode we ever got. It's The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances.

It's the really, really freaky one, that everybody loved with the kid and the gas mask and the.....

Are you my Mummy?

Throughout the whole series that has been going on so far. Everything's going wrong for this Doctor.

He's just falling to pieces, and Christopher Eccleston as an actor....

This is one of the moments I fell in love with him, because.

His face just cracks into this wonderful, beautiful smile.

As he realizes, that for once, everything's gonna be okay.

Everything is gonna go right, everybody's gonna live.

He does this kind of little speech, and he's just like.

'You want moves Rose, I'll give you moves' and then goes 'Everybody lives!'

He does this magical thing in this hands. But everybody lives.

You see the Doctor that David Tennant is gonna be, the Doctor that Matt Smith is gonna be.

Christopher Eccleston, plants the seed for the Doctor, that is to come.

For the funny, 'I'm gonna fix this, everything's gonna be great!' Doctor.

He just switches on a dime. Instead of being this guy, who killed everybody.

Who's been walking around in funk and trying to undo, it and trying to be okay.

He becomes the Doctor again.

It's just a little bit magic.

And a number 1! The reason I fell in love with Doctor Who in the first place.

I suppose it's a collection of moments, but this is the first one, that happens.

First episode, new regeneration. We've had about 10 minutes of the episode, and we've not seen a Doctor at all.

All we've seen is this young girl, Rose Tyler trying to go through her life.

Everything's going a bit hinky! She thinks she's about to die.

She's pressed against the wall, like this, and this mannequin is coming towards her. It's gonna kill her.

Then the camera zooms in on her hand, which is out on the wall like that.

This other hand just grabs it, and you see Christopher Eccelston head.

Doctor number 9, Just pop around the corner, and go 'RUN'

Then they run, down this corridor and he's holding her hand.

It's the running and the holding of hands, but mainly the holding of hands, that just makes it perfect for me.

It happens throughout the series, it happened with Christopher Eccleston, it happens with David Tennant.

It happens with Peter Capaldi, and it happens with Matt Smith. I imagine it would happen with Jodie Whittaker.

The Doctor reaches out, and holds people hands.

Just to say, I got you.

Doctor holding hands, especially that 1st one.

When he grabs Roses hand around the corner, ten minutes into the series.

Just sort of makes me bubble up a little bit.

So that's it. That's a very long explanation of my Top 5 Doctor Who.

Happy moments. Excitement moments. Reasons that I watch this flippin series.

Just, they give me the Collywobbles, in a really good way.

They just give me all the feels.

I would love to know what your moments are?

That, if you watched Doctor Who? If you're a fan? What are the moments that just make you go.

Yeah, this is the reason I watched this series?

So hit me up down, below. Because I'd love to know them.

I hope you guys are good, and you've enjoyed this video.

I might be doing more on Doctor Who, just because I love it so damn much.

Raxacoricofallapatorius, Byeeeee!

And he's just like, hi hee ho who????...

That was my earing.... ow!

For more infomation >> Top 5 Doctor Who Moments (cc) - Duration: 7:33.


Destruction Has Noise / Whatsapp Status / Creation Quiet / Motivation Lines - Sarada News in Telugu - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Destruction Has Noise / Whatsapp Status / Creation Quiet / Motivation Lines - Sarada News in Telugu - Duration: 0:33.


이환우 검사의 내부게시판 글에 환호하는 이유 - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> 이환우 검사의 내부게시판 글에 환호하는 이유 - Duration: 6:58.


《結愛》關皮皮和慧顏相遇,自己和自己飈戲,宋茜演技絕了 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 《結愛》關皮皮和慧顏相遇,自己和自己飈戲,宋茜演技絕了 - Duration: 3:40.


《結愛》大結局:關皮皮賀蘭結婚,兩人終於修成正果了 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> 《結愛》大結局:關皮皮賀蘭結婚,兩人終於修成正果了 - Duration: 4:01.


ฝอยทอง Gold Threads | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 2:18.

Gold Threads

Duck egg 10

Albumen 40 g

Eggs 5

Oil 20 ml

Water 1 ½ cup

Sugar 2 ½ cup

Jasmine flavor 1/2 tsp

Pandan 4-5

3-4 serve

For more infomation >> ฝอยทอง Gold Threads | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 2:18.


《結愛》還在熱播,張柏嘉又接新劇了,造型比千花還美 - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> 《結愛》還在熱播,張柏嘉又接新劇了,造型比千花還美 - Duration: 4:15.


Honda CR-V 2.0 I ES Rijklaarprijs incl 6 maanden garantie - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0 I ES Rijklaarprijs incl 6 maanden garantie - Duration: 1:12.


Shopkins - Cutie Cars Shopki...

For more infomation >> Shopkins - Cutie Cars Shopki...


🍰 LE BROOKIE : BROWNIE + COOKIES 🍰 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> 🍰 LE BROOKIE : BROWNIE + COOKIES 🍰 - Duration: 2:27.



For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.4 TURBO ANNIVERSARY EDITION,120PK, TREKHAAK,AIRCO,CRUISE C,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:08.


アウディ初のEV、e-tron…SUV世界最高の空力性能で航続400km実現へ - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> アウディ初のEV、e-tron…SUV世界最高の空力性能で航続400km実現へ - Duration: 1:53.


スバルの歩行者保護エアバッグシステムが自動車技術会賞「技術開発賞」受賞 - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> スバルの歩行者保護エアバッグシステムが自動車技術会賞「技術開発賞」受賞 - Duration: 1:24.


PSAグループ、SUVの生産能力を引き上げへ…プジョー3008や5008の需要に対応 - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> PSAグループ、SUVの生産能力を引き上げへ…プジョー3008や5008の需要に対応 - Duration: 1:44.


Electro Swing Piano Cover - All Night by Parov Stelar [FREE SHEET MUSIC] - Duration: 2:45.

Then lets ride.

Yeah gonna ride...

let's ride!

Then let's ride.

Yeah gonna ride.

Let's ride...

All night!

Then let's ride.

Gonna ride.

Let's ride...

All Night!

(He'd had would have) 10x

He'd had would have tried!


He'd would have faced you!

All night long!

Then at last you've gone!

He'd had would have tried!


He'd would have faced you!

All night long!

Then at last you've gone!





He'd had would have tried!


He'd would have faced you!

All night long!

Then at last you've gone!

He'd had would have tried!


He'd would have faced you!

All night long!

Then at last you've gone!









For more infomation >> Electro Swing Piano Cover - All Night by Parov Stelar [FREE SHEET MUSIC] - Duration: 2:45.


頑張るあなたに元気をチャージ~クラシック [鑑賞用BGM/作業用BGM] - Duration: 1:01:17.

For more infomation >> 頑張るあなたに元気をチャージ~クラシック [鑑賞用BGM/作業用BGM] - Duration: 1:01:17.


[한 밤의 덕밍아웃 BTS편 Ep.8] 드라마보다 더 드라마같은 리얼 계 스토리!! [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:43.

(The conversation of my soul) (Fan's Night)

(Only huge fans are allowed here)

(A crazy talk show starts now)



(You will fall for BTS again)

Have you had unexpected luck related to BTS?

Yes, I have

I went to the same high school with V


V was 2 years younger than me

- V was your junior in school - Yes

After he become a trainee, he move to Seoul

You guys shared the same place and the playground

You should've been close to him

That's what I'm saying, we even lived in the same town

On the way home, I always think:

'V must have walked down this street'

You should've bumped into him or something

I wish I had the same walkie-talkie from 'Signal'

I'd really like to

If I had the walkie-talkie, I would send a message to me

Saying 'Start a conversation with V'

'You catch him first'

'Mr.V, are you there?'

But back then, V was not outstanding

Because one student was more famous than V

(More famous than V?)

He was 'Jang Moon Vok'

Check check

Vok was really famous

V and Vok are still close?

Yes, they are still friends

Let's suppose that this is the walkie-talkie

- Hello? - V, are you listening?

'This is V, who is talking?'

'I just love you'

(She confessed her feeling)

(Boom can't concentrate)

What was that?

'I love you', all of sudden?

How could I not recognize you, V?

What was I thinking?

(I'd like to turn back time)

Once I visited 'The Mins'

What is it?

It's a cafe whose owner is Changmin from 2AM

It's famous among teenagers

My daughter and I were taking a picture together there

Changmin's mom got interested in us

She asked where we came from, and we said we were from Busan

Then Changmin's mom said,

'Look over there',

'There are J-Hope's mom and RM's mom'


So we run into

two moms there

Their moms were very beautiful

I should've bowed to them

Saying 'Thank you'

(It's your fault)

It was a bit awkward to bow at the cafe

Another reason was,

whaf if their moms and you were nearly the same age?

(What are you talking about?)

I think gods are angry


I'll show you something

You should have a look

What is it?

It's something special

'Hi, we are BTS'

'Groom, Wook hyung Kim and'

'Bride, Ju-hee Lee', congratulations on your wedding

'Congratulations on your wedding?'

Who is it?

(It's me)

You'll have many cute children


I hope you enjoy married life

Wow, it's unbelievable

You are really a huge fan

It's not just a simple message

How did you get this?

I really wanted to get a video of congratulation

I just tried it blindly

I didn't know anyone close to BTS

It's unbelievable

(We respect you, No.1)

Once I was having a meal at my cousin's restaurant

I asked my cousin that

if she knew anyone close to BTS

An employee working in the kitchen asked

'You mean, BTS?' all of sudden

So I asked her back, 'Do you know BTS?'

Then she said 'Of course I do'

I asked, 'How do you know them?'

It turned out that

her son was a manager of BTS


(It's amazing)

It's unbelievable

I just went down on my knee and begged her

A few hours later,

I got a phone call from my cousin

What she sent me was a video from BTS

I just squealed with delight


(It sounds like a movie)

I haven't experience such things

Even though I'm also an entertainer like them

You guys were really lucky

(Just go for it, lovely fans!)

For more infomation >> [한 밤의 덕밍아웃 BTS편 Ep.8] 드라마보다 더 드라마같은 리얼 계 스토리!! [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:43.


[한 밤의 덕밍아웃 BTS편 Ep.7] 세상은 넓고 방탄 덕질은 끝이 없다 [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> [한 밤의 덕밍아웃 BTS편 Ep.7] 세상은 넓고 방탄 덕질은 끝이 없다 [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:08.


పసుపుకొమ్ములతో ఈవిధంగా చేస్తే ఏవిద్యలోనైనా మీకు తిరుగుండదు | Astrology | Success In Life - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> పసుపుకొమ్ములతో ఈవిధంగా చేస్తే ఏవిద్యలోనైనా మీకు తిరుగుండదు | Astrology | Success In Life - Duration: 4:55.


Incoming Cover dance! Toxic practice pt. 2 - Duration: 19:53.

Sori's YouTube Channel

TOXIC Practice Day 2

Hi, everyone! Sori here.

Britney Spear's "TOXIC!"

The second part of the dance practice,

Here we go!

Last time, I was coming up with a couple new moves to add...

I gonna revise a couple.

I've been wondering how to...

improve upon the choreography

and some inspiration hit me, so I turned on the camera.


Would this be okay?

That was a workout!


Gosh, I'm exhausted...

I feel so out of shape recently, guys! What should I do?

Working out all the sudden wouldn't help.

The floor's so slippery.

I'm getting a bit tired...


I'm gonna have this Vita-500! (Name of energy drink)



The time now is...

10 PM? Maybe a little past that?

I dunno exactly...

Here's a banana that I bought a few days ago.


I'm clearly losing it...


...and it's rolling around!


~Don't drink just half of it~ ~that's a no-no~

~Of course, Vita-500 goes down in one gulp~

I don't think I can down this in a single gulp though...

I really wanna down this,

I'm so parched right now.

I think I can gulp it down right now.

I guess i needed to hydrate.

I usually don't

drink much water when I work out

I don't hydrate much, and don't sweat a lot either,

Even when I sweat it's just underneath my nose.

I feel alive!

For delicious vitamin-C, Vita-500 see?!

There's a very little left.

Can you guys see?

*Can't do one shot* *Just can't do one shot*

Now I'm gonna have these... because,

It's past 10 now, and I usually clock out at 11.

but since...

Anyways, I'm gonna go home at 11

and planning on cooking something.

So, I'm not gonna have too much snack.

So, I'm gonna have some Uji matcha KitKats.

There are 3 in a box, 1...

2... 3!

I'm gonna try one.


Those were pretty good!

I think I'm gonna have another.

Am I done practicing?!


The last one...

It's a pretty solitary night.

Do you feel lonely too?

I feel a bit despondent today...


Be Youthful, Korea!

You've got more days to go!

I'm still young so, loneliness is okay!

Feeling lonely...

It's a part of life.

I finished it!

Alright, shall we...

get back to the practice?

This is gonna be

the last minute spurt, seriously!

just a little more to go,

~ I can do it!~

You've got this, Sori. Fighting!

From here...

with my phone,

I'm gonna shoot a video.

With this phone,

I'm gonna shoot it all the way through, and monitor myself,

If I spot any odd places, I'll fix'em.

Got that?

Yes, yes ma'am!

Stand still, muh phone.

Ah, seems good.

I'm here!

I'm gonna look at the recording now.

I need to lie down...

(Monitoring in progress...)

that part needs to be more powerful!

It still needs more power overall...

It feels "weak..."

I should watch

the original versions by Britney (Spears).

Britney unnie's.... wow!

It's so different, another level!

So much sexier!

A self-esteem killing moment.

It's completely different!

Shall we take a look?

I should not have shown you that...

What should I do?

What should I do with all these things I lack?

So much more powerful!

She's so good.

Of course, why wouldn't she?

She's the OG,

and with this song,

She gripped the whole wide world...

But how did she get to achieve that drastic of a makeover, from innocent to sexy?

Mad... respect!

The more I see...

it's like...

I'm not sure...

What to do.

I'm gonna go back to practicing...

Hopefully a good result awaits.

Really, really!


Pretty please~

with a cherry on top! I'm gonna get back to it.


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