Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Youtube daily report May 30 2018

How to make a moodboard.

Hi, I'm James Brown.

And welcome to Pattern Designers.

I hope you're having a great day wherever you are in the world.

If you're in NYC, if you're in Melbourne, if you're in London, I hope you're having

a great day.

I'm gonna walk you through how to create a moodboard in Adobe InDesign.

You can use Illustrator and Photoshop using the kind of similar process, but I'm gonna

show you in InDesign.

But you have to stick around to the end to get a free textile design cheat sheet!

What is a moodboard?

So what is a moodboard?

A mood board is a collection of imagery, be it illustration or photography, typography

and color, to evolve an idea, to present a concept, a feel, a mood, to other people.

For this tutorial, my moodboard theme is gonna be florals, but you can apply what I'm gonna

show you to anything theme you choose, from character design to interior design.


So here's where we're gonna start.

To start off with, I'd create this mood board in whatever software you're most comfortable

designing in.

The most common softwares to produce moodboards in are Illustrator, Photoshop, or InDesign,

all of those softwares.

And in each of them, the process is very similar.

We're gonna be using InDesign in today's tutorial.

It's perfect.

It's a graphic design software for the purpose of manipulating imagery photography illustration,

typography and color.

Very easy and intuitive to use.

Once you've got your initial design, you've got a page design layout laid out, you can

duplicate that, which makes it a lot easier for all the rest of the pages.

So all you're essentially doing is creating one page layout, then finding your source

material or your imagery you wanna use for your moodboard, then populating the rest of

the pages.

You might tweak the design on some pages, but essentially you've got the same page multiple

times using different photography or illustration or typography.

You can also use it for outputting PDFs and JPEGs at different resolutions.

So if you'll want it output for web, 72 DPI, you can output jackets in PDFs.

If you wanna output for print, 300 DPI, it's great for that.

So let's dive.

Moodboard inspiration.


Let's get started.

So first up, we're gonna head over to Pinterest and look for florals.

What comes up for florals?

So we've got some nice florals which would look good in our moodboard.

All right, like a mixture of this.

I like my tabs.

I do like my tabs.

So we're gonna head over to this one, and we're also gonna check out ... I like that

one, even though it hasn't have that much color.

This one's sweet, on the wall.

So I'm basically just kind of searching for the best floral imagery that I possibly can


Wild florals.

And I'm also gonna throw a little bit of ... Let's just have a look at ... Oh, this is sweet,

so let's have a look.

It's a bit average when I look at it big.

That one.

That one's sick.

That one's super sick.

Let's have a look at what else comes up underneath.

That looks sweet on that wall.

The wall art's awesome It's amazing wall art.

This one's pretty sweet.

This one and this one.

Let's have a look.

That was the one.

I really like this.

And then let's have a look what else.

There's some.

This is sweet.

These are super sweet.

This is sweet.

I'm just gonna ... What I was gonna say earlier is I'm just gonna check out ... I don't wanna

go there.

I'm just gonna check out Camilla Frances prints, 'cause she does some good florals, and she's

got tons of stuff on Pinterest.

I don't know how so much of her stuff got on Pinterest, but it did.

So let's have a quick look.

We'll go over to Instagram in a second as well.

So I'm just gonna look up Camilla Frances ... faces ... Frances prints, and there's

tons of Camilla Frances prints.

So ... face.

We're looking for a floral there.

A lot of palms.

A lot of tropical.

Yeah, let's go for this one and this one, and this one also, for our moodboard.

This one's sick.

And this one's super sick, and it fits a bit more with what the other ones I'd selected.

So let's just get started.

That one.

So there looking good.

So we've gathered at Pinterest inspiration.

So now I'm gonna head over to Instagram.

And so, Instagram.

First up, I'm gonna go to Clover Robin.

Clover Robin.

Because I've got some ... She's got cut ... She does cut paper and she does some awesome florals,

so I just thought ... She's the first person that came to mind.

That's pretty cute.

What else?

This is sweet.

So I'm gonna have to take pictures of those, because I can't drag it off of Instagram.

And then we're also gonna look for florals on painting.

So let's do #floralpainting.

See what comes up.

It's not really working That one's pretty sweet, the watercolor.

That one's beautiful.


That's a ... I was actually just gonna search for her work.

I'm gonna ... Oops.

I don't want those tags coming up.

But her floral paintings are amazing.

So let's have a look at that one.

And next, get a picture of that, see what hers is like, 'cause she's got some beautiful


These are sweet.

They're not florals, but they're sweet.

Oh, okay.

And this is kind of sweet, so ... There's a lot of that watercolor feel.

It's not floral, but it's a start.

We'll get back to that.

What's her name?

Go get ... And what else?

That one.

Okay, that's enough for the florals.

I collected a few there, and that's where I'd normally head to, Pinterest and Instagram.

Creating a moodboard in Adobe InDesign.

So lets get started.

So we're here in InDesign.

I've set up a template, basically, just an outline for where all the boxes are gonna

be, and I'm gonna call this one Floral Mood for our template.

And then these are just boxes that can be made whatever size you want them to be.

I might actually just ... 'Cause everything's snapping, snapping to the side, so I might

just change that so there's no grid.

There's just all imagery.

And then what I'm gonna do is just place, which is Apple-D, and place the imagery in


Let's have a look in these boxes.

I just placed imagery in these boxes.

I kind of like ... That's looking pretty sweet.

I've got navy in there, so what else have we got?

I'm gonna use that, with the charcoal.

Then, Apple-D. What else we got?

No, I don't wanna ... Classic florals.

We've got that.

I'm actually gonna make that, put that in the big one.

That's good.

And what are we gonna choose for this one?

Yeah, definitely.

No, actually.

I think I'd choose that one for it.

That one's sick.

And, for our last box, let's ... What are we gonna choose for that one?

That one's sweet.

So we've got that gold in there.

Let's just reduce that a little bit.


So there's our moodboard.

I might just turn that around.

Looks good.

So next, I'm gonna do some ... a color palette to go with it.

So I'm just gonna pick ... I've just gotta get rid of the outline, and then copy.

Let's do five colors, pick five colors from ... from the colors of the imagery.

We'll pick a pink.

We'll pick charcoal.

We'll pick a gray, a kind of blue, and a green.

I just got rid of the charcoal.

So let's pick that green.

I pick the green there and that's our colors.

So this is kind of just a simple way to get ... to quickly get an overview of the concept.

So we've got classic florals, we've got the use of green, charcoal, pink, green, and blues.

And it creates a bit of a mood for where we ... Like, if this was for inspiration for

a new artwork that it was gonna go in someone's house for an interior design, or if it was

inspiration for a new wallpaper or couch upholstery.

It's a starting point for where to go to.

So, from this, we might go, "Oh, okay, the gold is really standing out, and this type

of floral works really well.

So let's make this our key imagery, and then get more."

So what we might do is make a new page.

Let's duplicate that spread.

But then delete everything but that one image.

And reset.

And then, so we start off with just, with this image.

And then we go back to Pinterest and look for gold imagery.

So, Pinterest.

And type in what we had on that gold floral.

So that's bringing up diamonds and stuff.

We didn't really want that, but this ... Like this is perfect.

This is awesome.

It's a version of what we want.

And it's quite beautiful.

It's great.

What else have we got?

We've got tattoos.

You don't get many gold tattoos, so ... It's pretty, but it's not quite there.

This works, 'cause it's using the ... it's got the same colors in there.

It's a shame it's just on the outside, but it works 'cause it's got the gold and green.

And so, yeah.

Like if we go back there ... So now we've got ... I'll just reduce it a

bit more.

And so then, let's see if we can ... What was the other picture?

This one, it's not quite big enough.

The imagery isn't big enough, but ... That's a shame.

We could use it, it's just ... Well, we could just use that piece.

We'd use that and copy, paste.

Bring another image in.

But you see where I'm going.

It's kind of the development of an idea, the development of an inspirational set of images

to align with what you're producing.

Here's that gold again that we used.

I think we use that again.

Where is it?

And we need, kind of need two more images, just to get this page popping.

I think that's it for gold floral.

So if we use gold ... gold flowers instead.

That's sweet.

And then I'm gonna use these.

These aren't flowers, but you've got ... Well, we focused on the gold.

So we've moved on from the original.

So this be here.

It's not perfect, but it's moving towards where I want it to move to.

It's established.

That's not ... It's got the gold in there.

It's kind of cool.

And then the ... What's our final image was that kind of, that kind of Japanese image.

So there we go.

It's a graduation.

So we start off with this page, okay?

We're gonna go with this, this golden kind of floral, and then we move it on again.

And then we'd probably change the colors in this, so that they suit ... 'Cause we've not

got the pinks in here.

We might choose more of these kind of green tones.

So green, plus a little bit of gray, blue, and green.

This blue.

So I like to ... For some reason, I just like to have the colors in kind of graduation,

'cause that may be ... Maybe, for this one, I might just pick a lighter ... It may not

be in the palette, but I might just make it that, a little bit lighter so it's graduating.

So that's ... Yeah, that's where we're at.

That's how I create a moodboard.

To output this moodboard now, we will go over to File and Export.

And then, immediately, Exports is PDF.

But you can choose as a JPG as well.

So let's start off with PDF to save.

'Cause I've got the settings 72 and 150, that I've saved as custom settings, but the smallest

file size is normally 72, and then this press quality and high quality is 300 dpi.

So let's have a look.

300 compression and 300 dpi, see?

And so that'll print it.

That'll export every page into a multi-page PDF at the resolution that you want it to


So that's 72.

We can have it at 150 or we can have it at high quality 300.

If you want to export to JPEG, it does a similar kind of ...

It has a similar kind of menu, and you can print out all pages or just one page.

And you can just print it out as spreads or just singular pages, which joins the pages

together like a book.

And you can select your dpi to 72, 150, 300.

And that's how you export from InDesign.

So I hope this tutorial has helped you drag your next moodboard.

Be sure to download our textile design cheat sheet.

The link is in the description.

So subscribe to our channel, why don't you?

It'd be nice.

Smash that!

The Like button like you don't know what's going on.

And, yeah, it'd be nice.

See ya!

Actually, see you in the next video.

See ya!

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE A MOODBOARD :P CREATE A MOOD BOARD - Duration: 24:18.


沒把國民黨放在眼底 港媒曝蔡英文兩個心頭大患 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 沒把國民黨放在眼底 港媒曝蔡英文兩個心頭大患 - Duration: 2:06.


わざとじゃないよ!飼い主を水の中へ突き落してしまった犬の心配する後姿【癒される】 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> わざとじゃないよ!飼い主を水の中へ突き落してしまった犬の心配する後姿【癒される】 - Duration: 2:06.


Disney A Wrinkle in Time

For more infomation >> Disney A Wrinkle in Time


Russia S-500 Missile Secret Test To Attract More Attention To China's Needs? - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Russia S-500 Missile Secret Test To Attract More Attention To China's Needs? - Duration: 7:57.


Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI Adrenalin S line pdc achter Navi Rijklaar - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI Adrenalin S line pdc achter Navi Rijklaar - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> Audi A5 NEW-CABRIO S-LINE/EDITION/19"/NAVI/XENON/PARELMOER/INR&GAR.MOG. - Duration: 0:55.


✅ Benefiční den dětí s Kambodžou: Khméři děti i dospělé pohostí tradičním jídlem - Duration: 1:40.

Přestože se jedná o akci, která je zejména pro děti, organizátoři myslí i na rodiče

 „Aby to dospělým nebylo líto, máme připraven duální program. Dvě generace, dvě patra

Divadlo a atrakce pro malé, ochutnávky a koncert pro velké," slibují organizátoři zábavu i pro dospělé

A jelikož se jedná o kambodžský den dětí, mezi podávanými jídly rozhodně knedlo, vepřo, zelo neobjevíte

 „ K dostání bude i originál kambodžská káva připravená přímo před vámi," prozradila jedna z organizátorek Markéta

Mezi pojídáním dobrot si můžete s vašimi ratolestmi vytvořit náramky, uplést copánky, ozdobit si cupcaky, pomalovat si tvář a nebo si odpočinout u sledování divadelního představení

Honzy Křížka, kterého vystřídá kytarové blues Stoláč&Tomson. Celý program objevíte

Kdy? 31. května od 15 hodinKde? Ovocný trh, Praha 1Vstupné? žádné

For more infomation >> ✅ Benefiční den dětí s Kambodžou: Khméři děti i dospělé pohostí tradičním jídlem - Duration: 1:40.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Automaat.Panodak.Cruise. 28.000 km! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Automaat.Panodak.Cruise. 28.000 km! - Duration: 1:07.


深夜宣告「退出」! 小S怒飆他X的:我受不了了 Big Ears - News - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 深夜宣告「退出」! 小S怒飆他X的:我受不了了 Big Ears - News - Duration: 1:57.


Getting Dressed - Clothes Song for Kids - Duration: 1:07.

My shirt goes over my head.

My shirt goes over my head.

This is my favorite shirt Because my shirt is red.

Now I pull up my jeans.

Now I pull up my jeans.

These are my favorite pants Because my jeans are clean.

My socks go on my feet.

My socks go on my feet.

Socks keep my feet so warm.

These socks are really neat.

One shoe goes over my sock.

One shoe goes over my sock.

My shoes keep my feet so dry.

When I walk down the block.

Next, I get my coat.

Next, I get my coat.

Now I am almost dressed.

A scarf will warm my throat.

I put my scarf on last.

I put my scarf on last.

Now I can go outside.

I really got dressed fast!

For more infomation >> Getting Dressed - Clothes Song for Kids - Duration: 1:07.


Mariage de Meghan Markle : sa rolls, acte manqué ou tacle royal ? - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Mariage de Meghan Markle : sa rolls, acte manqué ou tacle royal ? - Duration: 2:46.


Rihanna, son message inat­tendu à Emma­nuel Macron - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Rihanna, son message inat­tendu à Emma­nuel Macron - Duration: 2:33.


How to stop taking drugs With switch words||quit drug addiction - Duration: 5:53.

Diclaimer: I am not professional healer,therapist and practitioner .I completely share my own experiences and teaching my guruji and other healers techniques.


like and subscribe my channel











For more infomation >> How to stop taking drugs With switch words||quit drug addiction - Duration: 5:53.


Eddy Mitchell tacle son ami Johnny Hally­day et défend Laeti­cia - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Eddy Mitchell tacle son ami Johnny Hally­day et défend Laeti­cia - Duration: 4:19.


【VOCALOID Original Spanish Song】 I Can't Sleep 【Hatsune Miku】 - Duration: 4:06.


Vocal: Hatsune Miku (append Dark)

Video & Illust: CATTS

3:00 am...

I cover my ears to so I can't hear

Without any sound...

The night goes on without looking back

The roof...

of my room- I memorized it

Without blinking...

The hours pass to their rhythm


My eyes are starting to hurt

With a cup of coffee I deprive myself from sleeping...

I can't sleep

I say to myself with big eye bags

If I sleep, the hours fly

and I'll have to affront my life

I can't sleep

I let the night pass without blinking

I'm too much of a coward

to change the reality I hate...

5:00 am...

There's two hours left for the world to end

Without cable TV...

The programing has already ended.


I can hear the birds singing

The lyrics of my music- no one is going to listen to them

I can't sleep

There's only one hour for the end

I don't want to wake up,

for them to laugh at me more

I can't sleep

My body got used to the night

My world is so beautiful

I don't want to get out of it...

I don't want to get out of it...?


I can't sleep (x6)

I don't want to sleep

Don't wake me up anymore...

For more infomation >> 【VOCALOID Original Spanish Song】 I Can't Sleep 【Hatsune Miku】 - Duration: 4:06.


【人とくるまのテクノロジー展2018】「トミーカイラZZ」をベースのコンセプトカーを京セラが出展!! - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 【人とくるまのテクノロジー展2018】「トミーカイラZZ」をベースのコンセプトカーを京セラが出展!! - Duration: 2:52.


ポルシェ初の電気自動車「ミッションE」、2020年に国内発売決定 - Duration: 2:36.

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特朗普像牛般橫衝直闖 美國在中東一敗塗地 - Duration: 15:58.

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------------------------------------------- Đồng hồ Bulova 96P167 - MSP: 69420 - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Đồng hồ Bulova 96P167 - MSP: 69420 - Duration: 0:21.


✅ Za rozchodem Dary Rolins a Rytmuse stojí vážný problém: Tohle vám vyrazí dech! - Duration: 2:08.

Vztah Dary Rolins (45) a Rytmuse (41) je už dávno minulostí. Lidé ovšem nečekali, že to bude právě Rytmus, který necelé dva měsíce po rozchodu vyrukuje s novou přítelkyní

Nyní je už všem dostatečně jasné, že jeho novou láskou je Jasmina Alagič. Jasmina i Dara jsou dospělé a rozumné ženy, proto není divu, že na sebe vzájemně neplivou

Naopak, obě dvě se k celé kauze vyjádřily velmi pozitivně. „Slečnu jsem potkala na společenské akci, kterou moderovala

Sympatické, normální děvče. Žádná vypatlaná kráska. Já bych se do ní taky zamilovala, takže se Patrikovi vůbec nedivím, že ji registruje," řekla samotná Dara pro blesk

cz Nyní se všichni dohadují jenom nad tím, co skutečně stálo za rozchodem Dary a Rytmuse

I přesto, že se zpěvačka před časem vyjádřila, že se rozešli v dobrém, ale dál spolu už být nemohli, tak nějak všichni cítí, že to není všechno

A možná mají pravdu. Jasmina se totiž rozpovídala pro portál Č o miminku. „Přiznám se, že ještě víc než z mé strany, tak ze strany Patrika je tam touha mít dítě," prozradila

To by nahrávalo spekulacím, že se Dara s Rytmusem rozešli právě proto, že se jim nedařilo zplodit dítě

Šušká se, že se blonďatá zpěvačka s rapperem snažili o dítě již od začátku svého vztahu

Tak snad se to Rytmusovi s Jasminou podaří.

For more infomation >> ✅ Za rozchodem Dary Rolins a Rytmuse stojí vážný problém: Tohle vám vyrazí dech! - Duration: 2:08.


フォルクスワーゲン「T-Roc」の高性能モデルと思しきプロトタイプ車両が路上に出現! 「T-Roc GTI」あるいは「T-Roc R」か!? - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> フォルクスワーゲン「T-Roc」の高性能モデルと思しきプロトタイプ車両が路上に出現! 「T-Roc GTI」あるいは「T-Roc R」か!? - Duration: 4:09.


Camilla Kvartoft erbjuds två miljoner kronor om året för att följa med Leif GW Persson till TV4 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Camilla Kvartoft erbjuds två miljoner kronor om året för att följa med Leif GW Persson till TV4 - Duration: 2:36.


✅ PHOTOS. Roland-Garros 2018 : Denis Brogniart et sa femme Hortense, complices et amoureux en tribun - Duration: 2:18.

Chaque jour à cette période de l'année, des personnalités assistent aux matchs de tennis lors du tournoi du Grand Chelem de Roland-Garros

Denis Brogniart, grand sportif, s'est accordé une petite pause et était présent, le mardi 29 mai dernier, dans les tribunes avec sa femme Hortense

Les deux tourtereaux, régulièrement éloignés l'un de l'autre à cause de leur emploi du temps et des tournages de l'animateur de Koh-Lanta, semblaient très heureux d'être ensemble

En effet, Denis et Hortense Brogniart se sont affichés très complices à Roland-Garros

Câlins, bisous,. l'animateur et sa femme semblent amoureux comme au premier jour et c'est trop mignon

Les deux tourtereaux, qui se sont rencontrés sur le tournage de Koh-Lanta, se sont dits oui pour la vie en 2007, et ont eu quatre enfants ensemble

"On s'est cachés"Dans une interview accordée au Parisien en 2016, Denis Brogniart revenait sur sa rencontre avec Hortense : "On se croise d'abord à LCI en 2003, où elle est chef d'édition

Elle aime voyager, moi aussi, on se raconte nos séjours respectifs au Costa Rica, elle a envie de bouger

Alors, je lui propose d'intégrer l'équipe de Koh-Lanta." Puis. "la magie de l'amour opère"

Mais hors de question pour Hortense de dévoiler sa relation avec l'animateur tout de suite : "Aux yeux d'Hortense, ça la foutait mal, à peine arrivée dans l'équipe, se mettre avec l'animateur ! On s'est cachés pendant les trois quarts du tournage, seule mon assistante était au courant !"

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTOS. Roland-Garros 2018 : Denis Brogniart et sa femme Hortense, complices et amoureux en tribun - Duration: 2:18.


New DIY Series

For more infomation >> New DIY Series



For more infomation >> À 19 ANS, ELLE REMPORTE LA 2E PLACE D'UN TROPHÉE DE PÂTISSERIE - Duration: 1:30.


Caroline de Monaco au chevet de Ernest-August de Hanovre encore hospitalisé - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco au chevet de Ernest-August de Hanovre encore hospitalisé - Duration: 1:45.


BMW X3 2.0D XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE AUTOMAAT Xenon Navi Leer Sportstoelen - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0D XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE AUTOMAAT Xenon Navi Leer Sportstoelen - Duration: 1:09.


BMW X5 3.0 D AUT High Executive 7persoons! - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0 D AUT High Executive 7persoons! - Duration: 1:10.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT X-TRA - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT X-TRA - Duration: 1:04.


The Island Célébrités : Camille Cerf malade et sur le point d'abandonner, Lâam au plus mal... - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> The Island Célébrités : Camille Cerf malade et sur le point d'abandonner, Lâam au plus mal... - Duration: 8:32.


[MV] Lee Sunhee(이선희) _ Coward(겁쟁이) - Duration: 1:06.

Love me

Don't make me cry

Don't close your eyes Look at me

Even when I'm trying to speak in your ears

I step backward in front of you

I'm just a coward

I only wait for you

For more infomation >> [MV] Lee Sunhee(이선희) _ Coward(겁쟁이) - Duration: 1:06.


[MV] Lee Sunhee(이선희) _ Last Love(끝사랑) - Duration: 1:07.

If you did something wrong like me

Would it be easier to stay with you?

Leaving me because you love me

Because you don't deserve me

I was scoffing at you

But you, only you are

My first love my last love

If you'll forget about me

You'll be my only love forever

For more infomation >> [MV] Lee Sunhee(이선희) _ Last Love(끝사랑) - Duration: 1:07.


TIB ET TATOUM - Dent de sabre - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> TIB ET TATOUM - Dent de sabre - Duration: 12:01.


[MV] Samuel(사무엘) _ TEENAGER(틴에이저) (Feat. Lee Rohan(이로한)) - Duration: 3:19.

I'm suffocated

Now I wipe my eyes

Locked in a pitch-black darkness I feel overwhelmed

Do this and do that

I meet your standards

Please shut your dirty mouth

I'm on the brink of a cliff

Who will notice me?

I'm protecting myself anywhere

Who I am for myself I'm precious

Being young is not everything

I know what sorrow is

Nobody in this world

Reaches out to me





I'm a Teenager

After the infection in me bursts out

I seize an opportunity and hang in there

A 19 year old young man in this country Pretending to be a grownup

My reality has become a dream In a different way

Everyday is stressful I thought it's gonna be better if I make money

Grabbing my painful heart I move on saying I'm okay

This is never what I wanted

Breathing is considered a proof of survival

Being young is not everything

I know what sorrow is

Nobody in this world

Reaches out to me





I'm a Teenager

In this dark maze Be my light

In this world I'm locked Don't ignore me

I gotta be a man Grab me

Before I fall down

no way

I don't want it that way

I don't want it that way



I don't want it that way

I don't want it that way


I'm a Teenager

For more infomation >> [MV] Samuel(사무엘) _ TEENAGER(틴에이저) (Feat. Lee Rohan(이로한)) - Duration: 3:19.


Charlène de Monaco complice avec son homme au Grand Prix de Monaco - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco complice avec son homme au Grand Prix de Monaco - Duration: 1:19.


[MV] Lee Sunhee(이선희) _ A Glass Of Soju(소주한잔) - Duration: 1:06.

Hello, it's me How are you?

Hello, why don't you say anything?

Are you crying? Because it's been a while

Because I'm the person you love

I pushed out your precious heart

To me when I was selfish

I shouted to bring you over again

Like I'm crazy

For more infomation >> [MV] Lee Sunhee(이선희) _ A Glass Of Soju(소주한잔) - Duration: 1:06.


Rihanna, son message inat­tendu à Emma­nuel Macron - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Rihanna, son message inat­tendu à Emma­nuel Macron - Duration: 2:33.


MaXi - Rester Zen - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> MaXi - Rester Zen - Duration: 11:01.


Johnny Hally­day : un spec­tacle musi­cal qui retrace la carrière du rocker est en... - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hally­day : un spec­tacle musi­cal qui retrace la carrière du rocker est en... - Duration: 2:28.


Why Manchester United did not sign Fabinho | Transfer News Now #mufc - Duration: 2:34.

Manchester United passed on signing Fabinho to focus on specialist targets in the transfer


Fabinho joined Liverpool from Monaco on Monday night in a deal worth £39million but the

suggestion the Brazilian rejected an approach from United at any stage is false.

The MEN revealed last year that United manager Jose Mourinho had ruled out a move for Fabinho,

having identified Tottenham's Eric Dier and Nemanja Matic as his first and second-choice

defensive midfield targets.

Mourinho's preference was to recruit an established Premier League player, and Fabinho was also

partly dismissed because he was a converted midfielder, having begun his Monaco career

at right-back.

Dier was desperate to join United but Spurs refused to budge, and Chelsea eventually agreed

to allow Matic to reunite with Mourinho on July 31.

Mourinho has settled on Fred as his principal holding midfield target this summer, and United

would prefer to conclude a deal for the Shakhtar Donetsk midfielder, while he is in England

with the Brazil national team this week.

The MEN reported last week United are close to completing the signing of the 25-year-old

after he almost joined Manchester City in January.

United had no interest in signing Fabinho this summer or last, despite reports to the


Last June, an Italian journalist with close connections to Juventus erroneously claimed

the Brazilian had agreed to join United, after Juve officials failed to reach a breakthrough

with the versatile Monaco midfielder.

Last week, a French reporter claimed United were in discussions with Fabinho, but they

were not.

Clubs have previously fabricated United's interest in a player to smoke out a bidder,

and that tactic was used by Hoffenheim with Roberto Firmino in 2015, before he moved to


Despite intense speculation surrounding a Fabinho to United move, there was no concrete

evidence he was ever targeted by United under Mourinho, despite a clamour from a minority

of supporters.

For more infomation >> Why Manchester United did not sign Fabinho | Transfer News Now #mufc - Duration: 2:34.


[ Севастополь - Сапунгорская ул. - Балаклава ] - Duration: 17:08.

For more infomation >> [ Севастополь - Сапунгорская ул. - Балаклава ] - Duration: 17:08.


Droga al Grande Fratello, il responso del perito: la d'Urso litiga con Aida - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Droga al Grande Fratello, il responso del perito: la d'Urso litiga con Aida - Duration: 2:52.


Mariage de Meghan Markle : sa rolls, acte manqué ou tacle royal ? - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Mariage de Meghan Markle : sa rolls, acte manqué ou tacle royal ? - Duration: 2:46.


Какой портал в Майнкрафт Желейный Мишка выберет Супер Мотоцикл, Гоночный Мотоцикл и нуб майнкрафт - Duration: 12:02.

For more infomation >> Какой портал в Майнкрафт Желейный Мишка выберет Супер Мотоцикл, Гоночный Мотоцикл и нуб майнкрафт - Duration: 12:02.


Watch The Four: Battle For St...

For more infomation >> Watch The Four: Battle For St...


特朗普像牛般橫衝直闖 美國在中東一敗塗地 - Duration: 15:58.

For more infomation >> 特朗普像牛般橫衝直闖 美國在中東一敗塗地 - Duration: 15:58.


Фристайл на олдскульных коньках (Oldschool Ice Skates Freestyle) - Duration: 8:37.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. In this video we are going to compare ice skating using soviet vintage hockey skates and the modern ones.

I couldn't find any similar videos, only some of them with comparison of basic hockey elements without freestyle ice skating.

Accidently I found an advertisement for some soviet ice skates. They didn't have a name.

Using google I realized that they were from 40s or 50s.

After buying them I realized that it would be hard to skate using them – foot fixation is like when you wear snickers, they also got too soft and don't fixate feet at all.

But I got lucky with the size. I only have to put socks sewn by my grandy to make skating more comfortable :D

Well, I bought those skates with the right size, but I was at a medium level in ice skating so I needed my colleague

who was much more experienced to help with this video. His name is Aleksey Markov.

When he came from Moscow, we went to the skating rink for testing those skates. A lot of ice skating experience is required to film this video.

So, here we are performing a couple of elements so you can see our level of ice skating.

The first element we're going to perform is "Grapevine", the one of basic elements known by freestyle ice skaters.

As you can see, I perform it easily in my modern skates, but if I take the vintage ones…

Here Alexsey is shooting his legs, let's wait a while.

So, now is my first try...

Well, that's to be expected.

The main task here is not to fall. I'm performing as if I put ice skates for the first time in my life.

The next element is "Footwork".

It was easier to perform this one, but it goes slower and without the proper technique.

The next element is called crab (and eagle)

With warming up it's possible to do "The eagle".

The next one is "Pandorum", one of the most difficult elements in freestyle ice-skating.

I don't know why I even tried this one using my soviet skates. I was thinking it was possible but I failed.

Well, at least I could do some rotations on my feet.

I also managed a small jump.

Now is the easiest element, which we call "The cross".

You can learn it fast and perform using soviet ice skates as well.

Here you can see how I brake.

It was difficult to brake in vintage skates, because they were just after sharpening.

If the razors weren't so sharp, it would be easier to brake.

Anyway, it's possible to brake in soviet ones.

Now I give the floor to Aleksey Markov.

He performs all elements equally good using both vintage and modern ice skates,

so in this video you'll see him performing only in vintage ones.

Let's watch…

Hi there, let's get started with „Grapevine" in the line. As you can see, it's pretty easy to perform this one without having difficulties.

But as I perform "Grapevine" on the spot, difficulties start to show.

Because of a weak ankle support, the feat moves along the wrong line, I gravitate to the side.

I'm trying to keep the right position, but fail to.

Eventually my phone decided to escape and not to see this "Grapevine" on the spot.

By the way, I agree with Sasha about braking. It's difficult, but possible.

A usual "Hockey stop" is easy to perform, but it's complicating to brake on one leg.

I was afraid to fall and didn't try again.

Performing "Pandorum" in soviet skates is as difficult as performing "Grapevine" on the spot because of a weak ankle support.

It's complicated to fixate a leg in one position and there's no chance to do more than a couple rotations.

As you can see, we have a good ankle support using hockey skates and it's possible to do some rotations.

I was surprised with my successful performing of "The eagle", but switching between "the eagle"

and my favorite rotation happened to be difficult

I believe we had such difficulties because of a big contact area between an ice floor and razors.

Barrel roll is a simple one. Doesn't matter which skates I use. I only have to switch my legs.

I was scared of jumping. I managed a straight jump

but not so good as a 180 jump. It's amazing.

Thanks, I give the floor to you, Sasha.

Well, in summary we can say that many simple elements are possible to perform using vintage ice skates.

Practice makes perfect.

Thanks for watching, goodbye and good luck!

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