Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Youtube daily report May 30 2018

For you, I could pretend

like I was happy when I was sad

For you, I could pretend

like I was strong when I was hurt

I wish love was perfect as love itself

I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden

I grew a flower that can't be bloomed

in a dream that can't come true

I'm so sick of this

Fake love, fake love, fake love

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake love, fake love, fake love

I wanna be a good man

Just for you

I gave the world,

Just for you

I changed everything,

Just for you

But I don't know me,

Who are you?

The forest just for us, you weren't there

The route I took, I forgot

I even became quite unsure of who I was

Try babbling into the mirror, who the heck are you?

For you, I could pretend

like I was happy when I was sad

For you, I could pretend

like I was strong when I was hurt

I wish love was perfect as love itself

I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden

I grew a flower that can't be bloomed

in a dream that can't come true

Love you so bad, love you so bad

Mold a pretty lie for you

Love it's so mad, love it's so mad

Try to erase myself and make me your doll

Love you so bad, love you so bad

Mold a pretty lie for you

Love it's so mad, love it's so mad

Try to erase myself and make me your doll

I'm so sick of this

Fake love, fake love, fake love

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake love, fake love, fake love

Why you sad? I don't know nan molla

Smile, say "I love you"

Look at me, even I gave up on myself

Even you can't understand me

You say I'm unfamiliar, changed into the one you used to like

You say I'm not myself which you knew well

No? What do you mean no, I'm blind

Love? What the heck is love, it's all fake love

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Fake Love (BTS / Jaydon Lewis Remix) | Lyrics - Duration: 3:20.


「Nightcore」→ Infected (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:02.

Nightcore - Infected (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Infected (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:02.


АНИМЕ ПРИКОЛЫ #51 - Проснулся с тянкой в трусах под рукой! - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> АНИМЕ ПРИКОЛЫ #51 - Проснулся с тянкой в трусах под рукой! - Duration: 5:14.


「Nightcore」→ Wolves ✗ Fetish (Switching Vocal) | Wolves(instrumental) - Duration: 2:46.

「Nightcore」→ Wolves ✗ Fetish (Switching Vocal) | Wolves(instrumental)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Wolves ✗ Fetish (Switching Vocal) | Wolves(instrumental) - Duration: 2:46.


越南急於引進以色列「斯拜德」防空飛彈的原因 - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> 越南急於引進以色列「斯拜德」防空飛彈的原因 - Duration: 6:55.


超中肯 馬英九和柯文哲兩人犯的共同最大錯誤是 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 超中肯 馬英九和柯文哲兩人犯的共同最大錯誤是 - Duration: 2:10.


Disney A Wrinkle in Time

For more infomation >> Disney A Wrinkle in Time


More than half of foreign visitors made repeat trips to S. Korea in 2017 - Duration: 2:19.

Last year, the number of foreigners visiting the nation plunged, mainly due to China's

ban the sale of group tour packages... part of retaliatory measures against Seoul over

a defense upgrade Beijing perceives as a security threat.

The tourism sector is recovering well now though.

We're also learning that the majority of the visitors are not flying in for the first time.

Kan Hyeong-woo help us look beyond the digits.

The number of foreign visitors to South Korea fell by more than one million in 2017 compared

to the previous year.

But according to a survey by the Korea Tourism Organization, one out of every two foreigners

who visited South Korea in 2017 had visited the country at least once before.

This marks the first time in 12 years that the return rate of foreign tourists has exceeded

50 percent.

The average number of visits by international visitors to South Korea in 2017 was four-point-one…

a 13 percent increase from the previous year.

"Last year, I've been here once and this is my second time"

"Many of the tourists who make repeat trips to South Korea come here for shopping, with

Myeongdong being one of the main attractions."

The survey shows that Myeongdong was the most visited site by international tourists in

Seoul and "Shopping" was the most popular activity with 72.5 percent of tourists surveyed

choosing it as one of their favorite activities.

"So I'll probably do a little bit of shopping and find a souvenir or two for my family to

take home"


It's a good place because we can find everything in the street and the stores are open late

at night so it's great for us."

But experts say the lower total number of tourists could be behind the high proportion

of return visitors.

"Last year, if we are calculating proportions, the decreasing number of group tours naturally

led to the increased revisiting rate because group tours are usually for first-timers.

As the total number of foreign tourists went down, the 'return rate' may not mean much."

And if the number of group tourists increases in 2018, the return rate may go back down.

So experts say it is better to focus on the long term rather than on the annual figures.

Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News

For more infomation >> More than half of foreign visitors made repeat trips to S. Korea in 2017 - Duration: 2:19.


OWN the DAY 4 | SUPPLEMENTS for HEALTH - Duration: 6:04.

Chapter 4*

Sup, I'm ELSO

and this is how I testosterOWN my day.




I'm so jacked on supps, I can grow a beard with my mind!!!

All you need is protein and pre-workout because





Elso is totally right,

protein and pre-workout are great for maximizing effectiveness in the gym.

There's a whole host of different supplements for all kinds of things aside from simply


Why do we need to supplement?

Because we eat mostly processed foods that are stripped of essential nutrients.

We're also a culture of germaphobes sterilizing everything with antibacterial sprays,

we're taking antibiotics for common colds, so our gut biomes are all jacked up and when

our guts are messed up, our bodies and our minds are messed up because our gut is our second brain.

Here are some of the things we supplement and why.

A healthy gut is a fundamental necessity and probiotics are a great way to balance the gut flora.

You can find it in fermented foods like kombucha, kimchi, kefir, and lately

we've been taking probiotic capsules.

It relaxes nervous system and mind, reduces stress.

The most popular magnesium supplement is called Calm.

It can also be found in foods like spinach.

Vitamin "D"?

Not that vitamin D, we're talking sunlight.

Vitamin D lifts the mood, promotes long-term brain health, hormone regulation and is good for the soul.

The omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil reduce inflammation and help the joints.



Not those joints!

Omega 3 fatty acids also be found in foods like chia seeds, flax seed, krill oil and sardines.

Greens powder is great because it rounds out the nutritional profile the body needs.

We drink it daily or whenever we feel nutritionally deficient.

It's also great for travel when we don't have access to fresh, local greens.

Hydration powder helps us increase our water intake cuz it tastes good,

but more importantly, it's great for boosting electrolytes after exercise and dehydration.

Those supplements we take daily but we also take some situational supplements that

depend on where we're at, climate, what we're doing, all kinds of things.

I take Herbal supplements like ginkgo to help specifically with my Raynauds symptoms and it's WORKING!

I also drink herbal teas like this one, chaste berry which regulates hormones and menstural cycles.

Spirulina capsules are a densely packed, vegan source of protein that we take if we need a boost

We take Alpha brain before work or when in need of cognitive clarity.

Alpha brain? That sounds SICK.

Give me some a those!

We take Shroom Tech on days with lots of physical exertion or climbing,

as it helps with energy and endurance.


Great work! This is sick!!

And we take New Mood after a long day which helps to relax and rebuild the mind.

B vitamins are also very important especially for people like us who don't eat a lot of meat.

But thankfully, you can find these B vitamins in Shroom Tech, Alpha Brain and New Mood.

If you want to have most of your bases covered without having to put a lot of thought into it,

Onnit has a product called Total Primate Care.

It's a kit of day/night time, single use packets of almost all the vitamins we talked about today.

Aubrey Marcus' company, Onnit, is not paying us to talk about their products,

but they did supply us with some free supplements to try out for this video.

It's been really fun to try them out along with our regular supplements and thanks

SO much to Erick, Dion and Paul for making this happen!!

Did we miss anything? Are there any other supplements we should include in our list?

If you take something every day that you really love and recommend, leave it down in the comments below.

Thank you so much for watching this video and we'll talk to you in the comments. Bye!

So our butt giome……

Our butt biomes!!

So our butt giome……



Must you be so dramatic? Do you really need your shoulder to swallow them?


You're ridiculous!

It gets stuck in my throat!

I can't take like 10 supps at one time!!

For more infomation >> OWN the DAY 4 | SUPPLEMENTS for HEALTH - Duration: 6:04.


Comment Kate Midd­le­ton s'or­ga­nise avec George et Char­lotte depuis la nais­sance du petit Louis - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Comment Kate Midd­le­ton s'or­ga­nise avec George et Char­lotte depuis la nais­sance du petit Louis - Duration: 2:20.


Audi Q5 2.0TFSI/252PK quattro Sport Pro Line S · Pan.dak · Luchtvering · Matrix LED · 20"LM - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0TFSI/252PK quattro Sport Pro Line S · Pan.dak · Luchtvering · Matrix LED · 20"LM - Duration: 0:55.


Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 5.6 SE AUT - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 5.6 SE AUT - Duration: 1:11.


Weekly Torah Portion: Beha'alotcha - Duration: 15:23.


This week's Torah portion is parashat Be'halotcha, the third Torah portion in the book of

Bamidbar, Numbers, beginning with verse one of chapter 8.

There are many amazing and deep lessons in this Torah portion.

Now that the Miskhan, the

tabernacle has been dedicated, and the nation, in formation around the tabernacle and with


Shechina, the Divine Presence in their midst – the nation is now ready to move at G-d's


and begin their journey to the Land of the covenant, we can think of parashat B'halotcha,

with all its

varied features, as a true cross-cut view of life in the desert.

But it's not only the saga of the life of

that generation in the desert, at that particular time and place; as always, the Torah's eternal


lessons are directed at us, because it's all about our unfolding lives, the challenges

we face, the

obstacles and difficulties – many of them self-made and self-perpetuating – that we

can and must

rise above.

And above all, the vision, the promise, the possibility that we actually can live on a


of raised consciousness, higher awareness, of attachment to G-d in this world and with

G-d on our

side, with G-d as our focus.

That would be a living life on a different level of reality altogether.


this parasha is all about everyday reality.

Take for example the camp of Israel as they traveled – the

cloud covering the tabernacle in the daytime, and the fire at night, and whenever that cloud


lifted, the children of Israel would journey, would follow, and in the place where the cloud

would rest,

there the children of Israel would encamp.

Thus, literally, the Torah tells us that 'by the bidding of

Hashem would the children of Israel journey…and according to the word of Hashem would they


All the days that the cloud would rest upon the tabernacle they would encamp.

By the

bidding of Hashem, the children of Israel traveled, and by the bidding of Hashem, they


As long as the cloud hovered above the Mishkan, they encamped.

Sometimes, the cloud remained for several days above the Mishkan...sometimes the cloud


from evening until morning, and when the cloud departed in the morning, they traveled.

Or, the cloud

remained for a day and a night, and when the cloud departed, they traveled.

Whether it was for two

days, a month or a year, that the cloud lingered to hover over the Mishkan, the children of


would encamp and not travel, and when it departed, they traveled.

Must that not have been something?

To know where you have to be in this world, in the desert that

we have to traverse to reach our goal, and to know for how long, because G-d is literally

there giving

you a sign, showing you, leading, guiding you?

The truth is that although we translated here by the

bidding of Hashem, in Hebrew the expression here is 'al pi Hashem', literally, by

Hashem's mouth.

What is that, the mouth of Hashem?

Later on in Deuteronomy 8:3 we are going to learn, that eating

the manna in the desert was to teach us that not by bread alone does man live, but rather


everything that emanates from the mouth of Hashem.

The bread feeds the body and the mouth of

Hashem feeds the soul.

And everything that we do is guided by Hashem's bidding, by His mouth, by

the breath that He breathed into us.

Hashem's constant presence in our lives, guiding us and urging

us when to move, may not be manifest directly by cloud and fire, but nonetheless, in every


journey, challenge, test, decision that each one of us must take, the signs are there,

emanating from

the mouth of Hashem.

How do we see them is the question… that we will get back to.

You know that one of the life lessons that we learn here in parashat Behalotcha is never

to give up

or become stuck, because ordinary people can change reality.

That's the lesson of the Second


The children of Israel kept the Passover at its appointed time, but there were those who

had been impure at that time and were not able to bring the offering.

They had a tremendous,

overwhelming, all-consuming deep yearning to serve Hashem, they so much wanted to do


Passover – open up your hearts in the deepest way, imagining wanting something that is good


right, so badly, and what is it – it's do something for Hashem.

Not like some other people in this

parasha we meet who wanted something really badly, they wanted to complain.

Took to cultivating a


For some people nothing's good enough.

Give them cavier, they'll only want goose liver

…but these people who missed the Pesach offering, they craved to serve Hashem.

So they asked

Moshe for a solution.

G-d told Moshe, what a great idea.

Tell them to do it a month later.

And not

only that.

G-d said from now on, it goes like this.

Whoever was in this situation and couldn't do the

Pesach on time can do it the following month.

The Second Passover.

So before their very eyes, and

because of them – reality changed.

Hashem brought about a new creation.

Because of their burning

desire for Hashem and their sheer will, G-d Himself changed reality and made a new creation….

Nothing is impossible or difficult for Hashem and we are entrusted to change reality.

Why is this in

this week's Torah portion?

So a person can complain that he's sick and tired of the manna that Hashem is feeding

him, you can

tread water in one place, or you can see to it that today is totally different from yesterday,

and that

the moment that just passed or the day that just passed will never ever repeat itself.

Because the

cloud is moving, I'm moving on to a new place, and everything is new.

You know the parasha opens with the light of the menorah.

"Hashem spoke to Moshe saying, 'Speak to Aaron, and say to him: When you kindle

the lamps,

toward the face of the Menorah shall the seven lamps cast light.

Aaron did so, toward the face of the

Menorah he kindled its lamps, as Hashem had commanded Moshe'."

So now open up your heart in the deepest way.

The natural or 'logical' place in the Torah of all the aspects of the service of

the Tabernacle, is in the

previous book – of Vayikra.

Because that is the Book of the Divine Service.

And there we find the

instructions for the service.

So – of all the details of the Divine service – whose natural place should

be there – why does the Torah now mention the lighting of the Menorah.

And why does it appear

immediately following the conclusion of the offerings of all the princes of the tribes

of Israel at the

dedication of the Tabernacle, following which we read – last verse – 'When Moshe arrived

at the

Tent of Meeting to speak with Him, he heard the voice speaking to him from atop the cover

that was

upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two Cherubim, and HE spoke to him.'

The Shechina

is in the Temple, the Tabernacle.

And now – 'When you kindle the lamps'…what is this all about.

The portion begins with the lighting of the menorah because that is the first thing we

have to know,

its the beginning of everything, and its light is the key to everything and the secret of

our lives.

Earlier we said, in every journey that each one of us must take, the signs are there.

How do we see

them is the question…

Our sages ask, why is there a candelabrum in the Holy Temple?

G-d doesn't need to see by its light.

Fire is the source of energy and power.

Fire changes things.

Lighting the fire of the menorah

expresses the energy, the life force, the power and drive, that Hashem imbues in the



everywhere, we all generate energy, but to create light – it needs to be directed.

Light, in the Torah's

parlance, expresses wisdom and understanding.

…, 'for the mitzvah is the candle and Torah, the


Proverbs 6:23 There is a G-dly process of creation going on in this world and the spiritual


of that process, revealed by the wisdom of Torah, is what illuminates life.

The light of the menorah is a constant in our lives.

The Torah is teaching us the secret of how to

renew our energy and use it to illuminate.

The daily kindling of the menorah is the secret of our

renewal and our preparedness to be a vessel for Divine light.

The seven lights of the menorah are

the seven orifices of a human being.

In the morning when a Jewish man puts on his tefillin, which is

an act of great attachment to G-d, because it allows Divine light to shine on a person,

so in the

accompanying prayer we ask G-d to 'pour out fine oil on the seven branches of the

menorah to give

your goodness to your creations, and in this context the seven branches of the menorah

refer to a

person's seven lights.

What we do with that light and how brightly we allow it to shine is another


The menorah has to be kindled anew daily.

A person can't be on automatic.

We must never

become monotonous or fixed.

One push or wind-up is not enough; ….the energy has to be

increased, one's motivation has to be rekindled each day, with fire that will bring us to

act, to do and

to illuminate.

Our sages teach that the western flame was always lit and from it the other flames

were kindled.

There has to always be a constant inner motivation to live and to create, to fix, to


And from that inner flame that must never be allowed to be extinguished, that

inextinguishable spark of holiness, by the mouth of Hashem - a person draws strength

to renew life

each day

That's why the Menorah is lit in the Holy Temple each day.

Because we need to renew our lives

each day and renew our efforts to reflect Hashem's light….

You know there is a very famous question that many of our great sages ponder on the verse,


Aaron did so, facing opposite the face of the menorah, he caused the candles to rise

as Hashem

commanded Moshe.'

Ostensibly, what does this verse come to teach us or add?

Would we ever

think that Aaron would not fulfill Hashem's command?

It's like the whole verse is here to tell us that

Aaron did as he was commanded.

Rashi, in his explanation of the verse, seems to make things even more complicated.

He writes that

according to Midrash, this verse 'comes to praise Aaron, that he did not change.'


He didn't make

any changes, didn't deviate from the instructions but did what he was told.

But this makes our

question even greater, would we ever think that Aaron would make a change from what Hashem

commanded, so that now a verse is especially designated as praise of him for not changing???


open up your heart in the deepest way.

The answer is, this verse is telling us and Rashi is

explaining, that Aaron lit the menorah every single day – and he never changed – he

lit it every

single day with the same enthusiasm and energy and excitement and sensitivity with which

he lit the

menorah the very first time, and that's what it means, he didn't change it.

This is exactly what our avoda is, each of us, our Divine service of lighting up our

menorah so that in

the words of our sages, 'each day should be new in your eyes,' that no day should

be like its

predecessor, every day we rekindle and draw strength from everything that emanates from


mouth of Hashem, drawing power and direction for all our actions, so that we can shine

forth, each one of us, with the

light of the Menorah.

For more infomation >> Weekly Torah Portion: Beha'alotcha - Duration: 15:23.


Audi A6 2.7 TDI 140KW AV. QUATTR.TIP Pro Line S Open Days Edition - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 2.7 TDI 140KW AV. QUATTR.TIP Pro Line S Open Days Edition - Duration: 1:09.


Favorite Books for Creativity & Productivity - Duration: 4:01.

- Hey y'all, welcome to another WordPress Wednesday.

My name is Kori Ashton, and today I'm going to answer

a question from Celine who asked me,

"Hey Kori, can you tell us some books

"that are behind you on the shelf?

"What are you reading these days?"

So, this little section right over here,

on my shelf behind me,

I've gone ahead and pulled some of the books that I love

and give you a couple resources,

some really cool ideas.

If you've not read these yet,

definitely check 'em out.

I'll put the links to all these

in the description box below

and I'll give you some more ideas here in a minute, but

we'll start you off with three of my favorites

that help me with creativity.

I've talked about 'em before, but,

I want you guy to check these out.

This one right here is interesting.

It's "Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine,

"Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind."

So this one's really cool to just kinda help me understand

how to maximize my time in a day

and prioritize what I'm trying to do

and still get creative!

So, staying on that same thread of creativity,

I want you guys to check out Austin Kleon.

Really fantastic two books that I really, really loved.

"Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things

Nobody Told You About Being Creative".

So this is a really great tool.

I know it's a short read which I really love.

Most of these reads are going to be pretty short reads.

But how to just get your creative juices flowing.

So really cool ideas there.

And then "Show Your Work".

This book's very interesting

'cause this is really the concept

behind even this YouTube channel.

This is all about helping, kind of, reveal your process.

The subtitle says, "10 Ways to Share Your Creativity

and Get Discovered."

So, getting discovered is not really

why I created this YouTube channel.

I wanted to help the WordPress community.

But, that's been a result of.

It's just kinda, even at WordCamps,

I'll walk through the door and people come up to me and say,

"Hey aren't you that YouTube gal?"

So really cool opportunities.

But definitely, "Show Your Work",

learn how to do this, this is a great book.


As we were growing our team here at WebTegrity,

we picked up "Rework".

So it's a New York Times Bestseller,

but it's also by the guys, "37singles",

the guys who did Basecamp.

So if you're using that software,

really take a look at this book, it's pretty cool.

It teaches you, kind of, some in's and out's

on basically how to grow your team.

And it really, truthfully, kind of is gonna rework

the way you think about your culture,

your environment, your team, growing your business.

Very very interesting book, very edgy.

Alright, so here's another one.

If you are starting your business

or if you've got your own entrepreneurial business

and you're interested in making it matter,

this is a really great book.

I absolutely adore this book.

"Start Something That Matters".

This is the Tom's Shoes story.

Really really phenomenal.

It's gonna help you, kind of, refocus your thought process

on maybe your moral compass, your integrity,

your integrity compass, inside your business.


"Leaders Eat Last".

We're a fan here, huge fan of Simon Sinek.

If you guys have heard me talk about his book

"Start With Why" you know that he's a phenomenal writer.

You can check him out on his TED Talks.

But "Leaders Eat Last" is a phenomenal book.

Again, if you're trying to grow your team,

if you're trying to learn how to be an awesome leader,

and just really create a great culture,

and maybe even how to raise up other leaders on your team.

It's a really phenomenal resource.

Alright, on our website, also,

if you come here to Resources and go to My Toolbox here,

you'll see a few others that I listed out,

including that all the way down here at the bottom here.

Keep going, keep going, "Start with Why".

So you can check that out here.

There's some other resources here as well.

Some people I follow, some really great tools that we use

inside of our business here.

So, check all of these resources out

and I hope you have a great Wordpress Wednesday.

Bye, y'all.

For more infomation >> Favorite Books for Creativity & Productivity - Duration: 4:01.


Tony Stark Meets Gary the Cameraman,Stan Lee Cameo Scene | Iron Man 3 (2013) 4K - Duration: 4:10.

I have one question for you.

What would you like for Christmas this year?

Well, David...


Do not erase a programme from my DVR unless you are 100% sure...

EMCEE: One more time! Ms Elk Ridge, everybody!

All right. (LAUGHS)


CAMERAMAN: Because you erase my shows!

TONY: That ain't gonna cut it.

CAMERAMAN: We talked about this.

Excuse me, sir. I don't know who...


Morn, I need to call you back. Something magical is happening.

- Tony Stark is in my van. - Shh. Keep it down.

- Tony Stark is in my van! - No, he's not.

I knew you were still alive!

(WHISPERING) Come on in. Close the door.


Oh, wow. Can I just say, sir...


I am your biggest fan.

Okay. First, is this your van? Is anyone else gonna come in?

No, no, no. Just us.

Great. What's your name?

- Gary. - Gary.

- Oh, wow. - Right there is fine.

- Okay. (CHUCKLES) Okay?

I get a lot of this, it's okay.

- Oh, good. Can I just say? - What do you want? Yeah.

I don't know if you can tell,

but I have, like, patterned my whole look after you.

- My hair's a little... - It's fine.

It's not right, 'cause there's no product in it.


I don't want to make things awkward for you, but I do have to show you...


- A Hispanic Scott Baio. (GARY CHUCKLES)

- I'm sorry. Is that me? - Yeah. It's... I mean...

I had them do it off a doll that I made, so it's not like it's off a picture.

- So it's a little bit... - Gary. Listen to me, okay?

I don't want to clip your wings, here. We're both a little over-excited.

I got an issue. I'm chasing bad guys.

I'm trying to grab a little something from some hard-crypt data files.

I don't have enough juice.

I need you to jump on the roof... Right?

Recalibrate the ISDNs.

Pump it up by about 40%.

- Got it. - All right? It's a mission.


Tony needs Gary.

And Gary needs Tony.

- Be quiet about it. Go. - Yeah.



KILLIAN: What would you regard as the defining moment of your life?

Well, uh, I think that would be the day I decided not to let my injury beat me.


KILLIAN: Will you please state your name for the camera?

Ellen Brandt.

Okay. So, the injections are administered periodically.

Addiction will not be tolerated.

And those who cannot regulate will be cut from the programme.


Once misfits, cripples...

You are the next iteration of human evolution.

Everybody, before we start...

I promise you, looking back at your life, there will be nothing as bitter

as the memory of that glorious risk you prudently elected to forego.

Today is your glory.

Let's begin.




We gotta get out of here! We gotta get out of here!

Get her out! Get them out of here!



A bomb is not a bomb when it's a misfire.

The stuff doesn't always work. Right, pal?

It's faulty, but you found a buyer, didn't you?

Sold it to the Mandarin.

Got you, pal.

MAYA: What happened?

For more infomation >> Tony Stark Meets Gary the Cameraman,Stan Lee Cameo Scene | Iron Man 3 (2013) 4K - Duration: 4:10.


「Nightcore」→ Infected (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:02.

Nightcore - Infected (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Infected (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:02.


Thanks for Sharing your Mamma - Duration: 4:43.

Anupama, seems like we have to hold on this resume. Why do you say that? It's

because it says here that she had a break of five years and I doubt whether

she can really fit in and really cope up with our industrial trends in IT as of now.

You know Lakshmi right? Ya. She plays such an important role in our major

products and leads her team with so much passion and ease

So Lakshmi in our delivery department?Oh that Lakshmi. Okay. Ya yes. All this in

spite of being a mother of two. Oh! So believe me, being a mother makes them better managers

It was my 13th interview. When I said I had a break of five years

I expected to hear we'll get back to you soon.

One of the major problem faced by the woman all over the world is that they are denied a second chance

especially if there is a break span more than six month it makes us to doubt our

own potential and making feel a demotivated and out of sync with the

corporate world that we were previously a part of.

My interview here came as a surprise - When I was hired as a senior test engineer three months back.

Children fall ill very often and we are really not able to predict when they are going to catch an infection or hurt themselves.

And when they are ill they always tend to cling to their mothers I'm sure even we would do the same given a chance right?

There have been days when I've had to call up in the morning

and say that I'll not be able to make it to work as Aadhri's not well there have

been days when I've had to leave early for a pediatricians appointment or a vaccination schedule.

And many of us depend on a caretaker to take care of

our kids while we are at work so when they call in asking for a day off it's a domino effect.

Not everybody is fortunate enough to work in an

environment where you can follow extremely flexible working hours where

your request for leave is not always looked at with suspicion and where you

can make use of the work from home option at any point of time.

Coming back to work post the birth of my second child raised huge concerns for me

keeping in mind the fact that I stay very far away from the office.

Traveling up and down would consume three to four hours on a daily basis, added to which I

was moved to a product in its beginning phase which required us to put in extra hours

at work. We as working mothers want to get back home as soon as possible - we

wait the whole day to see our kids but there are days when we leave before they

wake up and reach only after they head to bed.

The journey since has filled with positives

I'd be very grateful to them in giving me a second chance to grow and show my dedication back.

They have ensured that all these are available in the place that I belong and this has helped me to pursue my career along with raising a toddler at home.

They always helped me out by arranging a cab which would drop me home.

This ensured my safety and also my kids' smiles to see me back home earlier than expected.

For more infomation >> Thanks for Sharing your Mamma - Duration: 4:43.


Volvo V60 T4 190pk Business Sport - Luxury - Scandinavian - AUT - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 T4 190pk Business Sport - Luxury - Scandinavian - AUT - Duration: 1:09.


간식은 건강의 敵?…노인이라면 허기짐 없어도 '필수' - 당신의 건강가이드 헬스조선 - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> 간식은 건강의 敵?…노인이라면 허기짐 없어도 '필수' - 당신의 건강가이드 헬스조선 - Duration: 4:39.


Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:07.


Jang Ki Yong Gets Pelted With Eggs During Emotional Moment In "Come And Hug Me" - Duration: 2:21.

Jang Ki Yong Gets Pelted With Eggs During Emotional Moment In "Come And Hug Me"

s character experiences a humiliation during an important moment in his life on .

On May 30, the MBC drama Come and Hug Me revealed stills of Jang Ki Yongs character graduating from police academy.

Come and Hug Me tells of the love story between a psychopaths son, who becomes a police detective, and a young actress whose parents died at the psychopaths hands.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

Although Jang Ki Yongs character, Chae Do Jin, was a model student at the police academy, he is pelted with eggs at his graduation photo as people hold up signs around him.

The signs protest the fact that Chae Do Jin received an award at his ceremony despite the fact that hes the son of a serial killer.

In the stills, Chae Do Jin doesnt lift a finger to defend himself, staring impassively into the distance as people crowd around him and yell in his face.

The production staff stated, Please look forward to the broadcast to see how [Chae Do Jin] bears the weight of this burden on his shoulders..

Watch the latest episode of Come and Hug Me on Viki below:.

Source ().

For more infomation >> Jang Ki Yong Gets Pelted With Eggs During Emotional Moment In "Come And Hug Me" - Duration: 2:21.


(ENG SUB) KOREAN ASMR Chinese Stinky Tofu real sound Mukbang eating show - Duration: 13:05.

Where are you going now?

It seems to vomit. I think he will leave my channel.. But I understand..

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Greetings in 4 languages

this is jae~yeolllllllllllllll

Today 's food.

Stinky Tofu


I'm Satisfied

I can not smell it yet.

This blue is white tofu Red is a la tofu In Chinese, la means spicy Perhaps this is like a spicy tofu.

can not smell it yet.

I'll open it.

This video is an asmr video... The asmr video should not be loud...

I'm Satisfied

The smell is better than I thought. i not vomit.

To prove I will smell for ten seconds.

Then the red tofu

The smell of red tofu is worse. The blue smell can be thought of as sesame oil smell.

Red tofu smells of sewage water, food waste.

Smell two at the same time

Now we have to eat. I'll bring the plate for a while.

Pour into a dish


I feel strange.

It looks tasteless.

Let's eat now. I become nervous. But it is not scary. I have 188,000 love subscribers. I eat with each of you every time.

let's begin.

oh.. It feels like eating the dung in the sewer.

Next is the red tofu. It smells more stink

Too salty!

It is a very salty taste that I have not experienced.

I heard that it was okay to eat with rice.

Now I will have a big tofu. Eat rice first.

Can you do it? jaeyeol you can do it

Ow salty!

Unhelpful habits!

Viewers? Is there anyone you can help me with?

Me! I'll help you. I eat together!

Oh really? thank you

Where are you going now?

It seems to vomit. he will leave my channel.. But I understand..

Who will challenge again?

How difficult is that? I will challenge

Oh really? Try it once

i think he will leave my channel. channel

I should eat a lot. I will acting with another soul

llllllll This is a cream cake. This is a sweet cream cake.

lllllll This is strawberry cake This is a strawberry cake. Strawberry cake.

Wow ~ is fun really fun.

Wow ~ the cake looks really good. looks delicious. looks delicious.

Wow, originally Do i eat cake with rice?

wow~ it is really really delicious.

wow~ it is really really delicious.

Next is my favorite strawberry cake! wow~

The taste is good taste is good !!!!

all delicious food should be eaten together.

you have to eat strawberry cake.

Taste is good ~

Taste is good ~

?? Why does he eat good food and go to the bathroom?

acting end

If you like the video, click on the like button&subscribe.

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB) KOREAN ASMR Chinese Stinky Tofu real sound Mukbang eating show - Duration: 13:05.


Vale­rie Trier­wei­ler qui avait assisté au mariage de Jean Luc Romero fait part de sa peine après - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Vale­rie Trier­wei­ler qui avait assisté au mariage de Jean Luc Romero fait part de sa peine après - Duration: 2:33.


Clémence Castel (Koh-Lanta All-Stars 2018) : son nouveau projet très personnel |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Clémence Castel (Koh-Lanta All-Stars 2018) : son nouveau projet très personnel |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:43.


Pascal clashe une ex-candidate de Koh-Lanta sur Twitter |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Pascal clashe une ex-candidate de Koh-Lanta sur Twitter |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 3:51.


6 remèdes maison qui vous aident à soulager les acouphènes - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> 6 remèdes maison qui vous aident à soulager les acouphènes - Duration: 7:13.


Kia cee'd SW 1.6 GDI PLUS PACK - GARANTIE 2020 - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd SW 1.6 GDI PLUS PACK - GARANTIE 2020 - Duration: 0:55.


✅ Al Bano, il retroscena sulla mamma: "Non era d'accordo che sposassi Romina" - Duration: 1:59.

"Mia madre è la base della nostra famiglia, ma anche la testimone di 90 anni di storia d'Italia", così Al Bano Carrisi al settimanale Chi racconta la mamma, la signora Jolanda, protagonista di un film-documentario in onda su Rete 4 il 10 e il 17 giugno, dal titolo "Madre mia"

  "La sua vita sembra davvero un romanzo - ha spiegato il cantante - ha attraversato tutti gli eventi dimostrando che se mantieni i valori importanti non perdi mai la rotta

E' sempre stata una rivoluzionaria, per esempio, per stare insieme all'amore della sua vita, mio padre Carmelo Carrisi, è scappata da casa in bicicletta e l'ha sposato"

  Sul matrimonio del figlio, invece, non era molto d'accordo i primi tempi della sua storia con Romina Power

"All'inizio non era d'accordo che la sposassi - ha spiegato Al Bano - poi però l'ha adottata come se fosse una figlia

Quando abbiamo divorziato ha sofferto molto, ma ora è felice che abbiamo riallacciato i rapporti"

Per Al Bano sognava un posto fisso, ma anche su questo ha dovuto presto ricredersi: Quando ha visto che ce l'avevo fatta ha capito di aver fatto bene a lasciarmi inseguire i miei sogni"

For more infomation >> ✅ Al Bano, il retroscena sulla mamma: "Non era d'accordo che sposassi Romina" - Duration: 1:59.


Opel Astra 1.6 ECOTEC 85KW 5-D Edition LPG - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6 ECOTEC 85KW 5-D Edition LPG - Duration: 1:01.


Peugeot 208 - Even Sebastien Loeb needs a hand in the city - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 - Even Sebastien Loeb needs a hand in the city - Duration: 1:01.


Laura Smet et Laeticia Hallyday, avaient-elles joué la comédie à Saint-Barth ? - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet et Laeticia Hallyday, avaient-elles joué la comédie à Saint-Barth ? - Duration: 1:28.


Toronto Paramedic Services Deputy Chief, Mike Neill thanks his staff for their reliable dedication. - Duration: 1:27.

I'm Michael Neill, Deputy Chief for Program Development and Service Quality

for Toronto Paramedic Services.

I'd like to tell you a little bit about what our group does.

We are responsible for education, professional standards, planning, community paramedic activity

and media relations for the organization.

That means that our experts provide all the recruitment and advanced level training of

the paramedics as well as providing public education through Toronto's Safe City Program.

We are the custodian of all the medical records provided by paramedics and we oversee the

strategic and the event planning of the organization.

Our Community Paramedics provide specialized care to seniors and vulnerable sectors of

Toronto's population as well our media relations provide public advisories and continued information

to the media on events of the day.

we'd like to thank our staff for the excellent work that they do and thank the community

for their continued support.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> Toronto Paramedic Services Deputy Chief, Mike Neill thanks his staff for their reliable dedication. - Duration: 1:27.


Toyota Corolla Verso 2.0 D-4D Terra - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 2.0 D-4D Terra - Duration: 1:10.


Comment Kate Midd­le­ton s'or­ga­nise avec George et Char­lotte depuis la nais­sance du petit Louis - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Comment Kate Midd­le­ton s'or­ga­nise avec George et Char­lotte depuis la nais­sance du petit Louis - Duration: 2:20.


6 médicaments pharmaceutiques qui détruisent immédiatement votre santé ! - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 6 médicaments pharmaceutiques qui détruisent immédiatement votre santé ! - Duration: 3:52.



For more infomation >> DUAL THE WEBSERIES (#2 OFFICIAL TRAILER) - Duration: 2:07.


Comment réduire les rides avec 5 masques au miel - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> Comment réduire les rides avec 5 masques au miel - Duration: 10:44.


『Acapella Cover』BTS (방탄소년단) 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold)(Feat. Steve Aoki) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> 『Acapella Cover』BTS (방탄소년단) 전하지 못한 진심 (The Truth Untold)(Feat. Steve Aoki) - Duration: 4:07.


How to pronounce /th/sound? Comment pronconcer le son /th/ en Anglais?? - Duration: 7:32.

If you really want to learn how to say the /th/ sound in english

so difficult to many french speaking people, it's the topic of the video

And do stay until the end because this /th/sound

won't hold any secrets for you

Hi i'm Derek

your online english teacher who is Scottish!!

Translation into french!

If you haven't done so

Please subscribe to this youtube channel

helping french speaking people become bilingual!

Click right there

on the image at the bottom right of your screen

you can also click on the bell icon

to be the first to view my videos

you will be told when a new video is online

and if you want to learn english

(or start from scratch) to have good foundation

I have created 21 tips to become bilingual

It is FREE! You will have tutorials,

the BEST tool

to learn new vocabulary in an easy way,

how to have 100% in grammar, discover your level in english...

All of it is FREE

Click on the screen or in the description below

I send it to your email address

Then you can start to learn english and progress

in a simple and fun way

and ENJOY IT!!

So, the /TH/ sound...

I have bad news for you...

There isn't ONE /th/ sound....but ...2!!!

To grasp the two /th/sounds

We will begin with two sounds (in french) that you know

the /f/ sound

the /v/ sound

SO back to the /f/ sound, like family! No need of your vocal cords

It's just air... ffff

On the other hand, the /v/ sound like vehicle

you need your vocal cords. you speak the sound and say "v"

for /f/ and /v/ your mouth doesn't change.

It's all about vocal cords.

It's exactly the same in english for the /th/ sound.

One is /th/

(unvoiced) and the other one is

/th/ (voiced) you speak.

To learn how to say it we will do it using

"with".I am sure you know it.

because you can say it either way.

Either without your vocal cords "with"

or with your vocal chords "with"

Let's fix it once and for all!

this /th/ sound is NOT:

No, no, no.This /th/ sound in english

is either "with" (unvoiced) or with (voiced)

So; to break it down 2 tips

First of all, I will exaggerate

Right, even if it is not natural


to learn you must exaggerate

Please do exaggerate to learn the /th/ sound even if you feel ridiculous

No, you are not ridiculous, your english level will be better!

Second tip

I will take my time and speak SLOW-LY

even if it is not natural to speak that SLOW-LY

Those two tips are to be taken into consideration

If you don't exaggerate and speak fast to learn

you won't master it!

Unvoiced /th/ sound:

Open your mouth and stick your tongue out

You need to be able to pinch it.

A lot of french people pronounce this /th/ sound at the back of the mouth.

Thus my advice to OPEN your mouth and STICK your tongue OUT because it is NOT natural to do that.

Then close your mouth on your tongue.

Do exaggerate

Then you will put your tongue against your upper teeth

And let air out through your teeth.

There is some air going out through my teeth

and allows your to do the /th/sound!

Avoid this common mistake to blow air with your cheeks.

It's not right. It must go through your teeth.

let's say our word "with"

Try to play with your tongue.

Just see what's best for you.

2 other words to practice.

Smiling is always better

Another words is the number 3:

I know what you are thinking

It's weird, and not natural.It's normal.There is an effort to make

We pronounce inside the mouth

whereas english language pronounces either outside the mouth or at the back of your mouth.

It's normal if it feels strange.

This is the /th/ sound with no vocal cords.

The /th/ sound with vocals.

It is a little bit different because you will stick your tongue out but

not as much, and speak.

and vibrate your tongue as if you were a bee.

like when you were a kid, making this noice for fun

And that's it! So, Open your mouth stick your tongue out

Your tongue needs to be right in front of your teeth.

2 or 3 words as examples.

So to sum pup

Open your mouth, stick your tongue out

close your mouth, tongue against your upper teeth

Same for voiced /th/ sound

stick it a little bit less and use your voice.

and vibrate

And there you go...the /th/ sound

Difficulty kicks in

when it comes after/before another sound

You will have to adapt with what is right before to bring this /th/sound.

So here, we have the word "with".

So how do you know which /th/ sound to use with "with"?

It is fairly logical

If the word following "with" is unvoiced, then the

/th/sound in "with" is unvoiced too.

Her, no need to speak the /h/.Just air.

But, if the word following

"with" is voiced, then you

will need to speak "with" and it is a voiced /th/ sound.

For the /m/ sound, I need my vocal cords.

I hope this video helped you and that you found some value in it.

I hope you can do it now, but train some more!

There will be some examples to train now!

But if you want the whole tutorial

with 3 examples of people that progressed!

If you want to see how I teach to make people progress

and have much more examples.

It is in my 21 tips to become bilingual! (on the screen or in the description below)

Don't forget to subscribe to this youtube channel

And if you really want to become bilingual, DO IT NOW!

Have a good one! BYE!

For more infomation >> How to pronounce /th/sound? Comment pronconcer le son /th/ en Anglais?? - Duration: 7:32.


Nebulas Incentive Promo Final - Duration: 2:27.

Hi, I'm Dustlin, many may know me as Satoshi Bytes. Today, I'm here to introduce you to the Nebulas Developer Incentive Program. With so many blockchain to develop on, choosing the right platform is the difficult decision for the new or even the season developer. So why take Nebulas? Let's take a closer look. Nebulas is the next generation blockchain platform build for decentralized apps, also known as DApps, and this means Nebulas has a distinct advantage in the future of decentralization. The smart contract development using Javascript, low transaction fees and support for thousands of transactions per second, and the consensus algorithm design to reward quality DApps. Nebulas is truly the developers playground. Until July 2 of 2018, Nebulas is offering an incentive program to developers to build DApps on the Nebulas blockchain with simple requirements and rewards over $100,000 per DApp. There is never been a better time to build your application on the blockchain. Why does Nebulas create this program? Since Nebulas believes that the most important users on the blockchain are DApp developers and end-users, they want to make it easy for all types of developers to create user-friendly applications on the blockchain. With the same mind, Nebulas introduced a new blockchain ecosystem, that is built reward quality DApps. By utilizing the new consensus algorithm, expensive proof of work and proof of stake are no longer required. This means the hardwear miners are no longer the so benefactors of block-minting rewards. Now only this program offers huge rewards, it's developer friendly. So if you make a DApp, simple or complex, take advantage of this opportunity. Starting, just visit or click right here ( to learn more. Whether you are a game, web or application developer, this program is for you. Even if you have never worked for the blockchain before, it's easier than you think. To help you get started, check our latest resources by clicking here. So get ready, be created, and let's share with the world. Background photos from the NASA Hubble Space program More information: Nebulas Incentive Program DApp Submissions Are Now Open: Can You Get NAS Rewards Even If You Don't Know How to Develop a DApp? Yes! : Nebulas Incentive Program Q&A : Official Interpretation of Nebulas Incentive Program Implementation Details Season 1:

For more infomation >> Nebulas Incentive Promo Final - Duration: 2:27.


bea miller - like that | traduction française (+multicouple & collab) - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> bea miller - like that | traduction française (+multicouple & collab) - Duration: 3:14.


La prise obsessionnelle de selfies est une maladie d'après les scientifiques - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> La prise obsessionnelle de selfies est une maladie d'après les scientifiques - Duration: 5:12.


Rooster Finger Family | Nursery Rhymes For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 1:53.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Rooster Finger Family | Nursery Rhymes For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 1:53.


L'Impardonnable Épisode 125 - Duration: 19:45.

For more infomation >> L'Impardonnable Épisode 125 - Duration: 19:45.


KORKUNÇ OKULDAN KAÇIYORUM! 😱🔥 - Minecraft - Duration: 11:30.

For more infomation >> KORKUNÇ OKULDAN KAÇIYORUM! 😱🔥 - Minecraft - Duration: 11:30.


Batman, The Joker and Philosophy: Nihilism Revisited (Part #1) - Duration: 11:25.

Each portrayal of everyone's favorite Batman villain has its own feel but only a few of

them feature a backstory.

In many adaptations, it's been made explicitly clear that even The Joker himself isn't sure

of his own past.

Most recently, Jared Leto portrayed The Harlequin of Hate in 2016's (apparently Oscar worthy)

Suicide Squad.

Once again, his backstory remained a mystery.

Personally, I'd love to know how they managed to cross Jim Carey, a large tiger and Jared Letto.

THIS HANDSOME HUNKA, HUNKA! * Joker starts growling and purring *

Now, I've touched on all of this before, but today I want to revisit the channel's most

popular video.

I want to talk about The Joker's most consistent character trait.

Let's discuss his belief in the philosophical doctrine of nihilism (And hopefully do a better

job than Jay from the past was capable of).

This is Batman, The Joker and Philosophy: Nihilism Revisited.

Buckle up, this is a long one.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy does a great job of summing up nihilism.

Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless

Unfortunately, the article then goes off the rails and displays some serious bias.

It claims that all true nihilists have no loyalties or purpose other than perhaps an

impulse to destroy.

That, simply put, is not the case.

In short, they muddy the waters between what it means to be a nihilist and how some people

cope with nihilism.

This is very common a problem.

Nihilism in the existentialist sense, in the eyes of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche,

does not entail any particular response.

The nihilist doesn't necessarily believe that life must be meaningless.

Rather, the nihilist rejects that life has any inherent meaning.

One possible response to this could be an impulse to create meaning rather than to destroy

(and we'll get into that in more detail in a moment).

First however, in order to set the The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy straight, let us

endeavor to indulge in the tired cliche of quoting the dictionary:

The rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless

Okay, so that seems to fit the Joker.

I would say that he strongly rejects all religious and moral principles.

The man has no rules.

His only goal, in most adaptations, is to simply prove his point of view to Batman and

the rest Gotham.

All Jokers are nihilists at heart because (again) even at his silliest, he still strongly

rejects all religious and moral principles.

Whether he's a prankster out to take over Gotham City with a flying saucer or a mobster,

driven mad, climbing to the top of the criminal underworld, he's always the nihilist.

And I know what you're thinking.

By that definition, lots of villains are technically niliihists.

Well, yeah, but being a nihilist and allowing your nihilism to drive your every action are

not the same thing.

Over time, adaptations of The Joker have become more and more nihilistic, thanks due in large

part to some extremely influential work by Allan Moore.

However, even before The Killing Joke, the more silly aspects of the Joker (and Batman)

we're mostly due to the Comics Code Authority.

It enforced strict guidelines during the Silver Age of comics.

DC Comics retconned most of these stories to have taken place on Earth-Two, one of many

alternate DC realities.

So let's explore The Joker's coping mechanism.

Do laughter and complete devotion to chaos help him deal with what he sees as the meaninglessness of life?

Did his nihilistic attitude originate from just one day day?

Joker: All it takes is one bad day. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.

John Marmysz (author of Laughing at Nothing: Humor as a Response to Nihilism) describes

nihilism as a force every human must reckon with, which arises as people contemplate their

own mortality, the nature of human existence, and see the futility and lack of meaning in

their lives because of life's inevitable outcome: death.

In short, you are a speck of carbon stuck to the side of a rock flying through space

and nothing you do will affect the universe at large... and if you think about it that's

kind of funny.

Or as The Joker puts it:

You have to keep pretending that life makes sense, that there's some point to all

this struggling!...

Sill Goose! It's all a joke!

Everything anybody ever valued or struggled for... it's monstrous!

So why can't you see the funny side?

Why aren't you laughing?

People cope with existential questions in a few different ways.

Marmysz explained that people who dwell on the seeming futility of life can suffer from

malaise or "a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is

difficult to identify".

Do order, morality, and knowledge matter if life is truly meaningless?

Why not do whatever you want when we're all just going to die anyway?

Enter the Joker whose way of dealing with his own existential crisis was to devote himself

to chaos and laugh at the absurdity of life.

It's interesting to note that Batman and the Joker both deal with nihilism, but both

react in opposite ways.

Although more recent versions of the character get pretty existential, Bruce Wayne becomes

Batman because of a personal loss and not nihilism.

Sill, he's affected by (and must react to) The Joker's nihilism and his own existential


The Joker embraces the concept that life has no meaning and devotes himself to chaos, while

Batman becomes a vigilante on the side of justice to create meaning... and also more justice.

The juxtaposition of these two characters creates conflict, driving the stories forward

in interesting ways.

It's good writing.

Joker tries to convince Batman to let go of the meaningless conventions set up by society

and embrace chaos.

Batman tries to convince Joker to adhere to societal norms.

Or as Wisecrack once put it:

Batman and The Joker Have something in common. Both live their lives are responses to traumatic-world shattering events.

Events that represent an existential crisis that most people have to deal with, sooner or later.

How do you respond when life destroys your sense meaning? Choosing how to deal with this loss of meaning animates the entire Batman universe.

Batman decides to uphold some form of conventional morality as a vigilante.

The Joker chooses to abandon it entirely and the villain two-face splits the difference,

literally flipping a coin to decide whether he'll uphold conventional morality or rebel

against it. * bang *

Batman and The Joker arise as super-villain and superhero because of each other, being

tied together to various degrees depending on the adaption.

While most people find meaning in their daily lives and the things they do, the Joker feels

that their efforts are just meaningless attempts to maintain control, something they never

had in the first place.

Perhaps you've also heard someone say that The Joker is an Absurdist.

The first version of this video got a couple comments to this effect.

So let's take a moment to discuss exactly what that means.

An absurdist is someone who is intentionally ridiculous, surreal or bizarre.

"Mista J" certainly fits that description.

a person who holds the belief that we exist in a purposeless and chaotic universe.

Well, honestly that fits The Joker perfectly as well.

So, can both of these viewpoints be correct?

Let's take this opportunity to further define our terms.

I'm taking these directly from the essay "The Difference Between Existentialism,

Nihilism, and Absurdism" (link in the description below).

Existentialism is the belief that through a combination of awareness, free will, and

personal responsibility, one can construct their own meaning within a world that intrinsically

has none of its own.

Nihilism is the belief that not only is there no intrinsic meaning in the universe, but

that it's pointless to try to construct our own as a substitute.

Absurdism is the belief that a search for meaning is inherently in conflict with the

actual lack of meaning, but that one should both accept this and simultaneously rebel

against it by embracing what life has to offer.

To me, being an absurdist can be a reaction to nihilism.

So basically The Joker is an absurdist because he has reacted to his nihilistic views.

Now you may see this a different way and that's okay.

As writer Daniel Miiessler points out, people have written entire books on each of these


However, agree or disagree, let's explore the concept of Absurdism a little further.

In philosophy, the concept of the absurd, as defined by Albert Camus, refers to a conflict

between the human tendency to look for inherent value and meaning in the universe and the

complete lack of any such value or meaning.

Put simply, we want the universe to have meaning, order, and reason but the universe is chaos.

Walter White: The universe is random. It's not inevitable. It's simple chaos. It's sub-atomic particles in endless, aimless collision.

That's what science teaches us... but... What is this saying?

To Camus, an "Absurd Hero" is a person who can see and fully comprehend the lack of both

meaning and inherent value in the universe, accept it, and embrace the freedom that knowledge


They make their own meaning and they're happy with that.

In short, Camus suggests that acknowledging the truth, the eternity and futility of our

fate, is enough to render it less crushing.

His point was that we can accept and live in a world devoid of meaning or purpose.

So this video is far from over.

In fact, we're only halfway there.

Fortunately, it was all written and recorded at the same time.

So join me on Thursday and we'll continue our discussion of Batman, The Joker and Philosophy.

We're going to discuss The Myth of Sisyphus and how it relates to Camus' Absurd hero.Then

we'll explore the origin of The Clown Prince of crime, both in the comics and real life.

And finally, we'll tell the story of The Joker's one bad day and discuss what The

Joker really wants.

Thank you for watching.

Go my children, in the name of the like, the share and the holy subscribe button.

Get the channel some exposure.

I would really appreciate it.

This channel is totally fan-funded by our lovely patrons on Patreon. If you can, please support the channel at

Even $1 a month can make a big difference.

Until next time, be kind to each other, I'm Jay Parks.

For more infomation >> Batman, The Joker and Philosophy: Nihilism Revisited (Part #1) - Duration: 11:25.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...



For more infomation >> PENTAGONO: "ECCO I PRINCIPALI PROBLEMI DEL CACCIA F-35" - Duration: 8:38.


2015-2017 F150 Raxiom Raptor Style XL Grille Light Kit - Plug-and-Play XL & XLT Review & Install - Duration: 10:45.

The Raxiom Raptor Style Grille Light Kit is designed for the '15 to '17 XL and XLT F-150s,

and it's an easy way to change up the front look of your rig with some LED running lights

that closely resemble the Ford Raptor's own lights.

You don't have to change out your entire grille, unlike some of the other kits that include

these lights.

The light kit is pre-cut, so it fits without any cutting or prep work, and the amber LEDs

are color-matched to the actual Raptor's light bar, as well as the rest of your truck's amber


This is a plug-and-play design, that I'll be giving one-out-of-three wrenches on the

difficulty meter, with an install time of about thirty minutes.

The three LEDs are mounted on a machined aluminum bracket, which is then powder-coated to protect

against corrosion and all the elements.

The black bracket will blend in for a clean look, and will also use the existing studs

that are located behind the top of the grille, for an easy install.

A plug-and-play design at just under 90 bucks is a great alternative compared to buying

an entire Raptor-style replacement grille just to get these lights.

A complete grille is gonna come in at right around 250 bucks, and the options go up from


This is the most affordable way to get a little bit of that style, without the cost and the

install time.

These amber LEDs are color-matched to your truck's current lights, and they are DOT-approved

in all 50 states.

They're protected inside a clear housing that is sealed to be 100% waterproof.

Making these work requires no guesswork or switches either.

The kit functions with your daytime running lights, so you have full control over them

with your dashboard's factory light toggle.

Switching gears to the install, this is a plug-and-play kit that has no drilling or

cutting required, and I'm gonna be giving it one-out-of-three wrenches on the difficulty

meter, and expect it to take about 30 minutes to complete.

The only tools you'll need are a ratchet and socket set.

Now, I'm gonna be handing it over to one of our installers, who are gonna walk you through

the best steps to get this installed.

With a pry tool, we're gonna remove the 10 push pins on the radiator cover.

You can now remove the radiator cover.

Next, we're gonna remove the four large push pins on the top portion of the grille.

Next, we need to remove the two 10-millimeter nuts located behind the rubber flap right


So we're gonna pop this push pin off first, and if you reach back in here you can feel

the nut.

You wanna make sure that you push in on the grille, so you only take the nut out, and

not the stud.

I'm gonna repeat the same thing for this side.

Using the provided string, we're gonna attach one end to the mounting bracket and then attach

the other end to the other side of the mounting bracket, and this is gonna help us drop the

light down into place.

So, what we wanna do is turn this sideways, hold onto the string, pull out on the grille,

and just work itself down in there.

Fish my wire in here and get it out of the way.

We're gonna get the light to sit right under the two mounting tabs.

Sandwich it in there.

And once you think you've got it in place, you can just take a razor knife and cut the

string off.

Once you've got the grille light in place, you're gonna mount it with the four big push

pins that you removed previously, and the center two are what is gonna hold the light.

Now we can start putting back in all the push pins that we removed previously.

Next, we can put our two 10-millimeter nuts back on, to secure

the grille.


And we can put this push pin right back in.

Next, we're gonna run our wire over to our side marker light, and keep in mind that you

do have flaps behind your grille that move, so away from the flaps, if at all possible.

All right.

Put our extra wire down in there.

Now we can unplug our marker light, and we can plug in our new Y-adapter.

Next, we can put our radiator cover back in place

and reinstall our 10 push pins.

Once you've reinstalled all your push pins, you can turn your lights on, check the grille

light, make sure it works, and your installation is complete.

As you can see, this is a very easy install that you can do at home with just a bit of

free time.

And that's gonna wrap up my review of Raxion's Raptor Style Extra-Large Grille Light Kit,

which you can check out right here at

For more infomation >> 2015-2017 F150 Raxiom Raptor Style XL Grille Light Kit - Plug-and-Play XL & XLT Review & Install - Duration: 10:45.


Networking with Venues as a Photographer - Duration: 8:10.

Hey everyone, I'm Jamie, from

Today I'm going to be chatting about how you can become a preferred vendor at venues and

overall just how you can network with venues and vendors so let's get started.

How we're going to structure this video today is I'm going to assume that you're already

shooting weddings to start and you're already working in a few venues and with a few vendors

that you want to network with and then we'll kind of work back and I'll provide a few tips

if you're brand new.

If you're already working with vendors and with venues there's a few ideas I want to

give you right of the bat, first of all let's talk about why it's important to network with

venues and vendors.

Well they can be an amazing source of referrals in your local industry because they are meeting

with clients who are getting married obviously and so that is in a crazy targeted market

that you should want to be a part of and have your name name dropped in those circles and

some of the best marketing dollars, marketing time you'll ever spend.

If you have a list of venues and vendors you want to get to know a bit more and that you

would love to have their clients hire you what I want you to do is i want you to approach

those venues.

Now I'm going to chat about this a little bit but already after every wedding I want

you to be emailing out a selection of images to every vendor you worked with and the venue

as well.

That's really important to establish that relationship and so when you approach them

to ask, "Hey is there anything I can do to help you?

Would it be helpful if I made a beautiful sample album for your waiting room showcasing

your beautiful venue or showcasing your beautiful floral work or makeup," whatever it is, "Would

that be something that's helpful for you?"

The reason I suggest that you ask venues and vendors what they want is that every person

or business might be different.

Some businesses might say, "We'd love to have a gorgeous sample album to put in our waiting

room," and other businesses might say, "Actually most of our meetings are on the go, we're

walking through the venue, it would be a lot better if you could provide like a little

tiny flip book or postcard, something like that," so I don't want to spend a bunch of

money and time giving something to the vendors that they're not going to use.

I mean that reason's kind of all about me, but second I don't want the vendors to think,

"Oh she's being really salesy or we didn't ask for this," and to have them feel this

guilt over the fact that they're not going to use it so start with that email and just

ask like, "How can I help you?"

And provide a few examples.

Then once you have those promotional materials in the venues and with those vendors at their

businesses thank them again so much for that.

I also recommend that throughout the year when you think of it you can check in with

these venues or with these vendors and ask, "Is what I provided helpful or do you like

more postcards, is that sample album still being viewed?

Is it something you want me to make a note for next year?"

Just kind of touch base that way and establish those continuing communication lines so that

the vendors have you top of mind and are always thinking about your work and what you could

offer their clients.

Okay so that last part was about before the wedding day, if you're currently shooting

weddings but before an actual wedding.

Now we're going to chat about on the wedding day, now on the wedding day whether you've

worked at the venue before or you haven't when you enter the room, when you enter the

space I want you to find as many staff members as you can, introduce yourself to them, let

them know you're Jamie, you'll be photographing the wedding, if there's anything I can help

you with let me know.

Of course if you've met the coordinator before be sure to remember her name, be sure to find

her, thank her for her hard work, and throughout the evening I want you to watch for opportunities

that you could help staff.

Of course, of course, of course your priority needs to be capturing amazing wedding photos,

of course, but there's absolutely 30 seconds of downtime throughout the evening where if

somebody's struggling to like move a table or something like that you can jump in there

and you can help and that's going to make a lasting impression, not only on the vendors

and the catering staff but also your clients and the guests that are also watching you


People want to work for helpful people, we want to be around people who are helpful so

it just seems like an obvious choice to have a win for everybody in the room by helping

other people do their jobs better.

Now after the wedding day is when we're going to follow up as I mentioned with all of the

vendors and let them know they can see their business tags on my blog posts and there's

a selection of images there for them.

I also send along some high resolution images right away for them to use in their social

media marketing.

Now I've been collecting something fun the last couple years, where I get all of the

Instagram handles of the entire vendor team in advance and then I email out the vendor

team a few days before the wedding and then also within a day or two after the wedding

with a few sneak peek images, of course the sneak peeks are only after the wedding.

Three to five days before I'm introducing myself to the vendor team and I'm letting

them know that I will be sending these sneak peek images on the Sunday or on the Monday

if it's a Saturday wedding and kind of letting them know they can copy and paste these exact

Instagram tags for their social media marketing.

What's awesome about this is not only are they tagging me but of course they're tagging

every other vendor.

If you kind of can picture this it means that the florist is going to post a picture of

the bride and her flowers she's also going to tag the venue, the makeup artist, the hairstylist,

if the groom's in the photo the tux company, all of that.

Not only am I sharing the word about vendors and vendors sharing the word about me I am

empowering other people to share the word about this whole circle of vendors.

If you follow that system it's going to establish amazing reputation for your business in your

local industry and you'll become known as a photographer that vendors want to refer.

Last note, when it comes to being a preferred vendor on venue lists or other vendor lists

that just comes with time, it comes with implementing all of these things, of reaching out to them,

seeing how you can help, just being helpful on the wedding day, and providing images quickly

after the wedding day.

I also wanted to provide a tip if you're just starting in weddings, it can be tricky to

build these relationships with vendors when you haven't had a chance to actually work

with them so I do have a few ideas for you.

When I was getting started I made a list of every single vendor and venue that I wanted

to connect with and then every week I tried to reach out to one or two of them so this

can be something as simple as introducing yourself by email, letting them know what

you love about their work, and letting them know how you could help them and also asking,

"How can I help you?"

So you could offer a headshot session for their team, if it's a floral studio you could

offer to do some photos of their studio space, and let them know this is all complementary

and you just want to help them and make new connections in the industry.

The other key thing on this is it's okay to shoot above your level sometimes but you're

going to have a lot more success if you reach out to people that have maybe been in business

just a year longer than you or a year or two longer than you so you're all at that same

level and then you guys can all ... and there's that saying that a rising tide lifts all boats,

ships, something like that, so you can all be lifted up together as you help one another.

It all starts with just being specific with your list of people you want to connect with

and then every week just make sure you're reaching out, asking people how you can help.

When it comes to venues most venues are really happy to have photographers do walkthroughs

and meet the coordinator, when you do bring flowers, bring a gift, bring something like

that, send a thank you card afterwards just bless people with gifts and with thank yous

because it's not fake, we really want to be appreciative of their time and I think if

more photographers did this they'd have more ins at certain venues.

With those venues you can also ask, "May I rent your space for a styled shoot?"

You could set up a session with the bride and groom and then great, now you have wedding

photos at that venue so there's lots of opportunities that way.

Okay last bit on this, I have an email template that I want to give you guys free.

It's all about how I communicate with vendors before and after the wedding day all around

those Instagram handles.

You can grab that at and the link is going to be in the description

below as well.

Thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Networking with Venues as a Photographer - Duration: 8:10.


How to Improve Productivity & Competitive Advantage - Duration: 5:17.

All right,

So how do you improve

productivity without

burning yourself out burning yourself

to a crisp, Right?

That's always the question.

Because of course we all can be more productive,

but at what cost?

So in this video

I want to talk to you about

how do you improve productivity

in a way that you don't have

that burn out and overwhelm,

and this is part of a

series of videos I'm doing

on leadership productivity

and your greatest competitive


If you haven't watched those other videos

make sure that you do that

and then come back to this one.

I'm Nicole Wipp

and this is Healthy Success 101

where Smart Success

is all about no

burnout and no overwhelm.

So to think

about the conative part of your mind.

There is this concept called

the science of Optimal


the science of optimal experience,

and it was sort of codified in

this book Thinking Fast

and Slow by Nobel

Prize winner Daniel Kahneman

and in it he talks about

how our brain works.

OK, so he did a lot of brain studies

and this is how I explain it.

This is not how he explains it this is how

I explain it.

So if you think about what your day

often looks like,

isn't it so often like


Here you are,

and here's all the things that

you need to do.

And all of your energy is being used

up by all these things

and you go home at the end of the day

and you're like

uh don't talk to me.

At least that's me. Anybody else feel that way

or am I alone here?


I think. So,

And also what's happening is not always

are a lot of things getting done.

I mean how many times have you said

I did a lot of things today.

What did I do?


And this is what the problem is.

What we want is

we want for our energy to look way

more like this.

Right? Where the things

that we need to do. There is a straight

line of productivity

we're getting a ton done,

and then maybe there's a couple extra things to do.

Wouldn't this feel

so much better?

So much better?

And the idea of what this is

called in some circles in

these brain science circles as flow.


So, flow is all about your

mental energy

and it's why we can expend considerable

effort for long periods

of time without having to exert willpower.

So, instead of sitting there,

"I got to do this thing I got to do this thing I've got

to do this thing." Where we're beating up on ourselves

about what I got to do, I got to do,

I got to do...

It's when you sit down

and you work

and then next thing you know hours have

passed by

and you're like, "Where did the time go?"

And you might be a little tired,

but you don't feel like somebody just ripped your brain

out of your head,


That's what having the right type of mental

energy is like. That's flow.

That is when you are using

the Conative part of

your mind... .

About Flow, and you're thinking about what

does this conative part of my mind

really mean?

Because this is not a concept that's natural

for most of us.

What you are thinking about is

the difference between

what it feels like to just

use your dominant hand,

because if I said to you,


you got to use your non dominant hand

to do all of your work for

the rest of the month,"


That automatically makes you feel a little

sick to your stomach.


if you are not using,

you're using the wrong conative energy to

do your work because you feel like you have to,

because you feel like, you feel like,

you feel like you're a failure if you don't.

And I'm going to get into exactly what this means

in a second,

but that's when it's the equivalent of writing

with your non dominant hand.

It doesn't feel as good as

just sitting down and writing it.

And when we have maximum flow...

We have maximum productivity.

That's when we are seeing


but we fight it,

we fight it all the time

and this is a self-awareness concept

that is so important to all of


And imagine what it would feel like again

to be in that state of getting things

done and really finishing

strong and feeling great about

what you just did every single day... that would be awesome... this concept for me personally

made a huge difference.

It's the thing that enables me to run

two companies.

every single

day. That'd be awesome. So, I just want to share with you guys you know

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