Sunday, May 27, 2018

Youtube daily report May 28 2018

breaking news today

welcome to USA breaking news today please subscribe and click notification

box to get all breaking news alert breaking news today Iran warning Tehran

threatens to develop nuclear weapons unless Europe buys its oil Iran has

threatened to resume the nation's nuclear weapons program if Europe does

not promise to buy Iranian oil and oppose Donald Trump's threats of

crippling US sanctions dot the 2015 Iran nuclear deal is now hanging in the

balance after tear ons supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini issued his demands to

EU powers which are likely to be rejected by the UK France and Germany

he said if Europeans hesitate in responding to out demands Iran is

entitled to resume its nuclear activities mister Khomeini made five

demands to European countries warning unless they were met Iran would resume

its enrichment of uranium he said Iran could no longer have any

dealings with the u.s. saying the Islamic Republic cannot deal with a

government that easily violates an international treaty withdraws its

signature and in a theatrical show brags about its withdrawal on television the

supreme leader called on nations to guarantee the total sales of Iran's oil

which means the continent will have to make up for any oil sales which have

been cancelled because of US sanctions he said European banks must guarantee

business transactions with the Islamic Republic mr. Khomeini called on EU

nations to issue a new UN Security Council resolution to oppose President

Donald Trump's decision to pull the u.s. out of the 2015 deal in its new list of

demands in his final demand he said Europeans must guarantee it will

not raise the issue of the Islamic Republic's missiles and regional affairs

dot the warning comes just days after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

threatened to impose new penalties if Iran does not agree to make sweeping

changes to its nuclear program and withdraw itself from the Syrian civil

war the White House warned it was ready to impose the strongest sanctions in

history creating further tensions between Washington and Tehran earlier

this month you

leader mr. Trump pulled the plug on 2015's landmark nuclear pact between

Tehran and six world powers the decision raised the risk of conflict in the

Middle East upsetting European allies and casting

uncertainty over global oil supplies a Foreign Office spokesman said we have

raised with the u.s. the need to make allowance for continued economic ties

between Europe and Iran dot thanks for watch please share like comment this

video and subscribe channel for latest news

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Demo Mondays #25 - Helium 10 - Duration: 51:47.

Hello everyone.

Welcome back to the next session of Demo Mondays.

Demo Mondays is a video series where I invite creators of different software tools which

are designed for Amazon sellers, and I ask them to present those products just like this

on the screen.

And my next guest is Helium 10.

What's up everybody?

How you doing?


And Helium 10 is presented by its co-founder Manny Coats.

And that would be me.


So Manny, can you tell us what Helium 10 is and what problems can it solve for Amazon



So Helium 10 is a software platform that we've created.

It's a suite of tools.

We've been working on it for a couple of years.

It's got over 20 total tools for Amazon sellers and it covers just about every pain point

that you would have as an Amazon seller — whether it's product research, whether it's keyword

research, whether it's tracking your keywords, you name it...whether it's even getting money

back from Amazon.

And the pain point, I guess the main one for me when I was creating all this is — and

I think everybody can relate to this that sells on Amazon because we all use tools in

different places — is THAT problem.

Like, I use a tool over here, but then I got to go to use a tool over on this side, and

then I got to go to this company over here and I got to export the data from here and

bring it over there.

So we've created a tool suite where all the tools speak to each other.


So I can do my keyword research and I can move that right into a listing optimization

and I can move that into other things.

It just makes it easier for the average seller to make money and save time.

So, average seller.

So what kinds of sellers are you targeting?

Average ones or everyone?

Well, I guess, how do you define "average?"


So a new seller — somebody who is brand new — is gonna probably be looking for products.

So if you're looking for product research, we've got two awesome product research tools.

Right at the top of the funnel, I guess you could say, "Looking for products", beginners

can start using our tools.

If you're an advanced seller, you've been selling for a couple of years, you might not

even know that Amazon owes you money from loss inventory, from damaged inventory.

So we've got refund tools that you can go in there and you can actually have it automate

the whole process of downloading your reports and giving you the information that you need

to send to Amazon to get refunds.

I've gotten back nearly $20,000 myself.

I know sellers who have gotten back over $100,000 just from that one tool.

And that tool is included in the suite of tools.

And for advanced sellers, we also have a launching strategy.

So we have the number of products you should give away per day based on the keywords that

you're going to be using and the URL structures you want to use and all that.

We have that in our keyword tools.

So it just depends where you're at in your Amazon journey as to which tool you want to


All right.

And how many marketplaces do you cover with Helium 10?

Helium 10 covers — depends on the tool — we cover most of the major markets.

We don't cover Asia, and anything with non-English characters I guess you could say are problematic

for us.

Our product research tools and all of our tools work on ".com", and luckily, a lot of

sellers, even if they're outside the US, are also selling on ".com", so our tools are specifically

geared for that.

That's our main target.

But we do have people in UK, Germany, Italy, Spain that can use specific tools for those


And then we have other tools like our listing optimization tools and one of our keyword

enhancement tools, it doesn't matter what market you're in — it will work for everybody.


So let's look at all your tools.

Let's do it.

All right.

How do you like my microphone?

It's black.

I don't see it because it's the same color as your t-shirt.

You have to put it in the front of your mouth.

Oh, this one here?



All right.

So let me share my screen.

Let's do that first.

We're on the homepage here.

So the first step is to actually create an account at

It's free to actually create.

And then once you do, what's going to happen, for example, you can go to and

sign up, or one of our new keyword tools is called "Xray."

So if you go to, it actually shows you what the tool is, there's an overview.

And you can install the Chrome extension from here.

So the first step is you want to get the Chrome extension.

Once you do, you'll see in the top right, you have this little blue circle with a black

arrow through it.

If you click that, once you've logged in for the first time, you can just launch all your

Helium tools from here.

So I can click that, it logs me in.

Again, this is a starting point — it's an overview on most of the tools that we have.

And then over on the left hand side, we have all of our tools here on the website that

you can go in.

And we've organized these by where you would typically start your journey on Amazon, right?

So product research is at the top with "Black Box" and "Trendster."

Keyword research with "Magnet" and "Cerebro."

Then we've got keyword enhancement and manipulation in "Frankenstein."

"Scribbles" is for listing optimization.

Then you want to check your indexing with "5K Checker" to see if you're indexed with


Then once everything's live and everything looks good, start tracking all your keywords

here with "Keyword Tracker."

Find out if you were being hijacked, you've got "Hijacker Alert."

And then, if you're doing launches and you're giving away product at discounts, you want

to protect your inventory and make sure that people don't take all of your inventory with

one coupon code or coupon stacking.

And then, I talked about this a little earlier, "Refund Genie" is for getting money back from


And then, "Misspellinator", we won't really get into that.

I don't use this tool that much, but we leave it there for people that like it.

But it's for fighting the misspellings.

So that's the one-minute brief summary of the tools here.

Now there's only a dozen tools here.

I say only a dozen because we have more over here.

When you click on this icon, we have four more tools: "Xray", "ASIN Grabber", "Inventory

Level" and "Review Downloader."

These are grayed out right now, I can't click on them because they work when you're on Amazon.

So if you've got a little time, I'll show you how that works.

We go in and let's just say, I type in "tactical flashlight."

I like to use this as an example, but we can type in any keyword phrase.

With tactical flashlight, the first thing you're going to notice is that this Chrome

extension — the Helium 10 Chrome extension, Augustas — actually adds all this data on

top of each product.

And as I scroll down, you can see what it is, right?

So it tells me at a glance what the primary categories and what the BSR is in that category.

Then it shows the subcategories, and this could be helpful if I'm looking for a subcategory

that maybe is less competitive.

I know I can sell, maybe in one category, it takes 100 sales per day to be the best

seller, but in another subcategory that I can put my flashlight in, maybe I only need

12 sales per day to be the number one best seller.

And that's important, right?

Because if you have the Best Seller badge, obviously, on search results, it's going to

help you out.

It's going to drive those eyes towards your product.

We have also, right off the bat, you can see the ASIN and you could see the fees, the Amazon

fees, you can see how many sellers are there.

And if you click on this "Show", you can actually see additional graph information.

You can select the dates and see what the pricing is, the BSR information, like that.

So this is on the outside.

This is what everybody gets for free.

They can start using this 10 minutes after they watched this video, they can install

the Chrome extension and they'll get all this cool data.

If you click into a product, there's a little bit more that you can do.


If you scroll down, we have that graph that I was talking about, the trends, so I can

see if something is trending over, let's say I click on one year, I can see if something

is spiking, if it's terrible in a year, if your BSR goes up, or if it goes down.

We've got "Inventory Levels."

So if I click on Inventory Levels, it'll actually pull up the sellers that are selling this

product right now.

In this case, there's two sellers.

It gives me information on how they're fulfilling it, whether it's Amazon or themselves and

some other information.

And I can see the stock amounts.

The stock amounts will start showing here.

This usually takes less than a minute, but they got a thousand or more.

That could be useful for some people, right?

The other thing that we have, if we scroll down really quickly, is if I know, if I've

already done my research and I know that this product costs me, let's say, $3 to source

and ship from China to Amazon, I can do the "Product Cost" right here.

We had this here as well.

And let's say, it's $2, that'll make it nice and easy.

I can now see that I can make $4.97 if this costs $2.

If my cost, let's say I knew it was $6 or let's say $7, we'll do that, I know right

off the bat I'm going to lose money.

I can't make any money if I'm buying this at $7.

And if I click on the "i", it shows actually what the fees are.

So these are just some of the additional, again, the Chrome extension, it's there, it's

free to use.

If I back out of this and I'm going to get into some of the other cool tools.

Let me go back one more.


Actually, I wanted to comment that I used your Chrome extension too when I was shopping

before Black Friday.

I wanted to buy a more expensive blender and I was looking at your Chrome extension to

check if that blender I wanted was still there or if it would be gone during Black Friday.

If not, then I just buy it now.

Ah, there you go.

So you use it for personal reasons.

So yeah, you can use that.

You can click on one year for example, and do exactly what you said — just go through

and see if there's a price change over the year.

It's pretty cool.


So once I'm on a product, we can see this product has 446 reviews, right?

So let's say I'm going to source this and let's say that most of the products in my

category that I'm going to get into has 3.5 stars or something like that, or 4 stars.

One of the things that I do is I like to go in and read all of the negative reviews of

the product, right?

Not really the 1 stars.

The 1 stars are usually people that didn't get the product or it was broken or something

like that, but 2 stars and 3 stars are really important because it's typically problems

with your product, right?

Maybe it leaks or it smells or melted or whatever.


It's not as good as you think it is.

So what I would do is I click on our Chrome extension and there's a Review Downloader.

And if I click on that, it brings up this criteria — I can select dates, I can select

whether I want it with images or only verified.

But what I want is I'm going to download all the 2 and 3-star reviews.

I unselected everything else, I can hit "Extract."

And it's super fast guys.

It'll take all of those reviews, it goes through all of them, and I'll do this on all of my

competitors that I think are going to be my competitors.

And you can see, I've downloaded, I've got all the 2 and 3-star reviews here.

So now, what I'm going to do is I'll export this and then I can send this to a virtual

assistant, or whoever I'm working with, they'll read through this, they'll make a spreadsheet

of everything that's bad and then I'll talk to my supplier and I'll say, "Hey, you've

got to fix this stuff.

This is stuff that I don't want."

So that when my product launches, if everybody else is at 3.5 stars, I can come in at 4.5

stars, maybe.


5 stars.

And I can outsell them even with fewer reviews.

Does that make sense, Augustas?

Yeah, it's a nice strategy.

So the other thing that you can do — and I'm running out of the tabs here...okay, here

we go — is there's an ASIN Grabber.

So if I go back to the original search here for tactical flashlights, for those people

that have Vendor Express or are using Headline Ads and Display Ads, things like that, you're

using AMS, right?

You can click on here.

A lot of people know that you can use ASINs with a pipe.

You can delimit them with pipes.

If I hit ASIN Grabber — that's a tool — it will actually go through all the results here

for I think the top 106 or 110 ASINs.

It'll grab all these ASINs for me, and it shows me my BSR.

But I'll export this to a CSV and I will then paste these all into AMS and I can start having

my ads of my products show up on all of these products right below their "Buy" button.

So it's just kind of a little Ninja way.

Super fast to do it.

I don't have to go in here and copy because normally, you wouldn't have the ASIN.

You have to click into each product, copy the ASIN, and it's just super time-consuming.

The stuff you usually do in one day, it does it in like 30 seconds.

So it's really cool.


Those are just Chrome extension tools.

All you guys have access to these.

The other thing that you can do, of course, is if I'm on this page — and this is one

of our newest tools — if I click it, we have Xray.

And Xray, you guys might be familiar with similar tools, it's basically going to go

through and, like an x-ray on your body that's looking and seeing what it's made of, it's

going to go to all these products and it's going to see how much sales, how much revenue

is it generating per month.

It gives you graphs, it gives you the ratings.

It also has a "Success Score" up here.

It's in beta right now — we're going to be changing this as we go and improving on

it — but it tells you whether this is a good product to get into.

I can see this is a very competitive product in terms of number of reviews.

The price point isn't the best.

You know, with the fees and stuff, I would probably go with something more expensive.

Revenue is really nice per product.


It tells you on page one that these products combined generate about almost a million dollars,

$845,000 per month.

But I can click into the graphs like, if I want to see how many sales does this product

do on a daily basis, I have graphs here where I can see what the daily amounts are as I

scroll through.

So you don't necessarily just have to have the monthly revenue, you can have the daily.

And one thing that we do that a lot of other tools don't do is we don't just take a single

day of sales and then multiply that over the month.

We actually track every single day and we give you the actual revenue for that month.

The other thing that you can do here, guys, is if you're interested in a particular product,

we have these pins here and you can actually pin whatever products you want.

And this will actually save this into your members area, and you can track it and come

back to it at any given point.

And of course, one of the things that we have — it's not on this version that you're seeing

here, but by the time you see this video, it should be out — is you'll be able to

delete any products in here that you don't think should be factored in here.

It might be pulling up the wrong thing.

You can get rid of those.

And we can't show that right now on this because I'm running a production version that's live

right now, not the development version.

And what does "SP" mean?

That little sign in front of the title.

This is Sponsored Ads.

So we pull in the Sponsored Ads.

The Sponsored Ads don't calculate into the score, but it does show here.

We want to show you what the Sponsored Ad products are actually generating in terms

of sales.

So you've got "SP" I think at the top and the bottom.


Sponsored Ads.


And you can actually mouse over and see what the products are.

I don't know about you, but I get frustrated when I was using other tools where I'm like,

I would see something and I'm like, "Oh, I want to look at the product."

Usually, you're in the product page or whatever, and I can't move this thing around.

I can't see stuff.

With this, kind of like an x-ray, right?

When I click it and I move it around, you can see behind it.

So it makes it nice and easy to like see what's behind it.

A nice little tactic that we have with the tool that nobody else has.

At least nobody has it right now, Augustas.

Maybe next week, everybody will have it.


So, that's extra guys, and this is included in the suite of tools.

If people don't want to buy a Helium 10 suite of tools, that's all of our tools as one package.

And the price on this is like $17 or something per month.

It's super reasonable for all the data that it gives you.

The other thing let's just say you're a new seller and you don't know what product

you want to sell.

You don't know that you want a tactical flashlight or whatever.

You're just getting into this.

Well, that's why we have "Black Box."

Black Box is an Amazon product research.

Black Box, like an airplane black box, stores all the data, all the important data.

That's what this is here.

Black Box for Amazon.

It stores all the Amazon data.

We have the largest database on the planet right now, Augustas — 450 million ASINs.

That's what we're starting with.

So more than anybody, except for Amazon.

I just wanted to say probably it's more than Amazon.

It's not more than Amazon.

Yeah, Amazon's probably got close to, I don't even know what number they have.

I don't think they've announced it.

But this is cool because I can go in, I can say maybe I have a passion for babies, right?

So I can click into the "Baby" category, and I only want products that are going to show

in the baby category, or maybe baby and, I don't know, "Patio", the "Kitchen and Dining."

And then I can say I want something that gets at least $10,000 in sales per month, because

I don't want to find anything that's small.

And I don't want the "Review Count" to be...what do you think, Augustas?



Let's make it 300.


So 300.

And I want the ratings to be, I want to go after a market that's kind of got bad ratings.

Let's say 2 to 3 stars.


And you can select the other stuff.

You can select "Shipping Size Tiers", "Number of Sellers" — you can say I only want there

to be one seller, so I can put Max one seller.

A lot of other things.

When you're done with this, you can hit "Search."

And this is going to give you ideas that you probably haven't even thought of.

You'd be like, "I wonder if this is a product that I want to get into."

So it's going to pull it up.

This product, for whatever reason, doesn't have an image.

I like to click into it.

But we found 24 products that match all of this criteria up here.


And I can actually sort by columns.

I can click the "Monthly Revenue", for example, and it will take just a few seconds, but it'll

actually sort by that.

And while it's doing that, I'm just going to scroll down.

We can start looking through everything here.

It's sorted by the smallest — I want to sort by largest to smallest.

And by the way, guys, over here on the top right, you can also sort by a lot of other

criteria, not just what's on the columns.

So I can scroll down.

We've got this refrigerator water filter, we got some furniture, we got these things,

these egg cookers, generate $30,000 per month, has only 126 reviews with a 3-star rating.

So this goes back to that Review Downloader I was talking about.

We can go and download all the reviews for this.

It's got an average of 3-star review.

Find out what people are complaining about, improve on this product, get our product up

to 4 or 5 stars, and then compete with these guys.

And they're doing $30,000 per month on this product, which probably will only cost you

$3 maybe.

Now this is not a really good price point — $15.

It just might be another thing.

Maybe I want to have the price point to be a certain amount.

I can say, I want it to be at least $30.

And let's say I want all categories, except I don't use computers or clothing, and then

I can search.

Now, it's going to find all the products that have $30, that are at least $30 or more.


So you scroll down, you can see stuff.

Now, there's gonna be some weird stuff.

Like this thing, $6,999.

This is some seller in there that put their price point at $6,999 for this thing.

All the tools that are out there, we'll see that kind of stuff.

But yeah, you just go through.

Once you find stuff, you can then go into Xray and dive in a little bit deeper.

If there's something that I want to track a little bit longer, let's just say, this

is something that I liked.

I don't even know what this is.

A "Lumix DC."

It's $2,000.

Let's go to the next page.

All right.

So we got this scrapbook album.

Generates $95,000.

See, this is those weird things.

I want to click into this.

This says $7,900.

What is $7,000?

Where is it?

It should say "Available."

Am I missing it here?

It's not available.

At some point, somebody sold it for that price.

It's crazy.

But once you have something, you can pin it.

And once you pin it, it goes into this list up here, "My List."

And when you click on My List, it will actually bring up all the things that you've pinned,

and you can track things nicely that way.

We can go back into Black Box.

I can hit the back button or whatever.

And I can also restore the last search if I want.

We're back to the last search.

You can also save searches.

You can load projects.

So I got tests, baby bib.

I got different things in here.

I can load them up right away.

"Baby bib - easy money."

I love this stuff.

The reason I had this one up here is you can actually search by...I forgot what.

There was a reason why this one was considered "easy money" and I don't remember now.


But anyways, really cool for saving your categories, your projects, finding products and then,

once you have your product, let's say, I know I wanted to go after baby bibs, then I would

go to Amazon, I would type in "baby bibs", and I would run further analysis using Xray.

I click on Xray, and then I would see if this is actually a market that I want to go after

based on the criteria that's there.

So that's our product research.

And it's gonna be updating here until it's finished.

But start with Black Box if you don't know what you want to sell because that has 450

million ASINs.

And then, once you've narrowed it down to something that's pretty cool, then you can

go into Xray like we just did and do some further analysis.

And then again, just keep coming in here and tweaking these numbers.

Here's a really cool one: "Number of Images."

Like, if I clear all the results and I "Select All", you can actually — and there's no

other tool has this Augustas — I can search by products that make a certain amount.

Let's say, it's $10,000 minimum but only have less than three images, or let's say, four


That means they're underutilized or, I'm sorry, underoptimized, right?

People probably lucked into a product that they just uploaded.

Now there's clothing.

I would get out of the clothing category.

But you'd find something and you're like, this product here generates $10,000 per month.

If you click into it, it probably has just three images.

I don't even know what this is.

If you want to get into "Thick-It" beverages.

But it gives you the ability to actually go in and find products that people haven't put

a lot of effort into it.

Once you figure that out, then you've got keywords.

"Magnet2" is our keyword tool.

It's the most powerful keyword tool I feel in the market.

It's got the fastest and the largest database of keywords.

It's crazy.

There's a bunch of stuff that we typed in here.

You could have anything on at the top of your mind that you want me to search for.

If not, I'll just type in something.

"Baby bib?"

There you go.

Okay, "baby bib."


I think we already searched for it.

Let me do that again.

"Baby bib", search.

You've searched for it.

We're going to do a new search.

I hit "Enter" too quickly there.

And it usually only takes just a couple seconds depending on your speed of your connection.

And you see "Baby bib."

The first thing that it does is it tells us what the exact search volume is on Amazon

per month.

And this changes over time because people will be searching for baby bibs more often

in a specific month than another month.

It may be seasonal, like stuff during Christmas, for example, our search volume goes way up.

I don't really pay attention too much to the "Broad Volume."

Again, we have the numbers over here, "Exact Phrase Search Volume" for baby bib is 5,076.

And I want to make this super clear.

This isn't a search engine like Google or Bing's data, okay?

This is coming from Amazon.

This is Amazon data, so you can base a lot of your product launches and your strategies

around this.

And in fact, if you're doing a product launch, for the advanced people, I mentioned this

at the beginning, we have these two columns over here at the end, which is called the

"CPR Total Giveaways" and "CPR Daily Giveaways."

I don't want to confuse people.

CPR stands for — imagine giving CPR is giving life to a person — this is giving life to

a product.

And this tells you for baby bib, if I wanted to rank to the top of page one for baby bib,

I would roughly have to give away 168 units over the launch, which we typically do over

eight days.

And over eight days, it's 21 units per day.

Now, some people like launching longer.

You could spread it out longer, or some people like going shorter, depends on what you want

to do.

But this gives you that data.

So beginners probably wouldn't be using this, but advanced people would.

Now this gives you a lot of ideas too.

So "baby bib" came up with 1,787 results.

So now, you're going to go through here with the human brain and start X-ing out anything

that you think doesn't match or it's not what you want.

So "baby bib", "toddler bibs."

So this is kind of a good example.

Maybe somebody didn't know what the word is, you know, they're not here from the US, and

they didn't know "toddler."

That'd be the thing, but they're like, "Oh, toddler bib."

So they could use "toddler bibs."

And it's going to give you a lot of ideas.

The other thing is the search volume.

If you're wondering "Does 'baby bibs' have more search volume than 'baby bib?'"

I can sort by Exact Phrase Search Volume, for example.

And you got "baby toys."

The baby bib really isn't a baby toy, so I probably wouldn't use that, but we had baby

bib right here.

5,076 searches per month.

Where was the other?

This was called "drool bibs", which is for babies.

I would never thought a "drool bibs" gets 4,057 searches.

So "baby bibs", the plural version, gets 24,000 searches per month.

So think about this: Would I want to use "baby bib" in my title or "baby bibs" in my title?

I'd probably try to use both, but if I had to choose one, I'd use "baby bibs" which gets

almost five times more search volume per month on Amazon than the singular version.

So this gives you a lot of really good insight into the keywords that shows you the number

of advertisers that have been paying for Sponsored Ads, how many competing products — it's

all here.

And the other cool thing, we have some filters here.

I'm not going to really get into this unless you want me to, Augustas.

But it's for power users, like, if I know there's brands that I want to exclude, I can

put the brands in here, with commas.

Let's say, this is "bjorn."

I don't know.

Is "bjorn" a brand or is that a word in another language that means something?

Do you know?

No, I have no idea.

So let's say "bjorn" was a brand.

I can put "bjorn" and "egg", and I'm going to set the word "brand."

But anything that has these three words would now hide.

So if I hit "Apply" — keep an eye on this number over here, 1787 — and I apply it,

it'll drop down to 1764.

So it dropped a few.


Maybe I want long tail keywords.

I only want keywords that have at least four words.


I can hit that, change that to four, hit "Apply."

That 1700 drops down to 546.

Now, it's got all the keywords that only have at least four words.

And I can show phrases that only have the word "baby bibs" in it and have four words,


And I can apply.

Now, it drops down to just 70 keywords.

So it's only going to have things that have the word "baby bibs" in it.

So it's very powerful.

Now, if I want, maybe I want something that has the word "feeding" in it, and I can see

it only has three results that have the word "feeding."

If I click "feeding" over here...Oops.

I have all these things set.

But anything that has the the word "feeding" in here is now going to show up.

So you can see "feeding" is in all of these.

And again, you can clear things out.

There's "Common Words."

There's no common words in here, but if I want things that never show up that have the

word "the" and "is" and "for" and things like that, or "Amazon", I can add these things

— add common words — and these things will never show up now in the search results.

So it's things that you can do.

So that's the keyword tool.

I would put this head-to-head against any keyword tool in the market.

I think it pulls the most results, the most relevant results, the fastest results.

It shows over here the three products that have ranked the highest over the month.

Like, this was probably in the number one position for a while.

This one was as well, and this one.

So you can click into them and find out more.

Like, if I want to find out what keywords this product have.

Let's say, I know this is my main competitor.

I could click this, it's going to bring this ASIN for this product over into our next tool

— which was what I was going to talk about, which is "Cerebro".

Cerebro is like a brain, right?

So I think it's a Spanish word, "Cerebro" for brain.

So it's a keyword brain.

So if I hit "Reverse Search", it's doing a Reverse ASIN Search — what everybody knows

typically as a Reverse ASIN — for that particular product, this ASIN.

And you can see it's pulled up 391 keywords.

Now, you might be asking, "Why do I want to use Cerebro if I already have Magnet?"

Well, Magnet, you have to start with a keyword.

You have to know, "Hey, I want 'baby bibs.'"

But now, this is going to give me keywords that this baby bib is actually ranking for.

So it might come up with keywords that Magnet doesn't come up with because somebody was

smart and came up with some weird things.

So you got "plastic bibs" and "pocket bibs."

And you have to decide, "Do I want to go after a word that only gets a 100 or a keyword phrase

that only gets 108 searches per month?"

Maybe you do.

You could rank that with like one sale a week or something like that probably.

So it just gives you additional keywords.

The way I explained people about what's the difference between Magnet and Cerebro: Magnet

is a keyword tool — it will find everything; and Cerebro is more of a competition spy — it

will go out there and spy on your competition's product and tell you the keywords that they're

ranking for.

Is that pretty clear, between the two?



I was also wondering about it.


So that's the main difference.

A lot of people use Cerebro to find all their keywords — which is fine — but you can

see it found 391 words or phrases, versus when we did Magnet, it pulled up like 1700.

And then "Frankenstein."

I mean, we can go into each of the tools, but Frankenstein just allows you to...Let

me go back to Cerebro, actually.

I can go into the "History."

I'm going to show you this.

I can load up more than one product if I want.

Like, if I click on tactical flashlight, these two tactical flashlights, I think they are

different, right?

Or maybe they're the same.

But there's one there and there's one there.

So I can hit these four.

These are eight Reverse ASINs that I've done before previously.

And if I hit "View", it loads all four of these ASINs' keywords in.

Now, look at this, Augustas.

We have 4,257 keywords.

It's removed all the duplicates for all of these, and it's showing every phrase, and

they might not be all good phrases.

Let me see.

Let's find a bad one.

"Best flashlights on Amazon", and, I don't know, there's probably something in here.

But the point is these are keywords that these things are ranking for, most likely on page


So this is cool because now I have massive amounts of keywords.

I've got to have a VA (Virtual Assistant) go through and clean this up.

And then I can actually start.

If I don't like a particular keyword, I'm like, "Oh, I don't like 'lantern made in USA.'"

I can X that out and it's gone.

When I'm done, I can actually export this.

Isn't this cool though?

The power of putting four things or five things all at once and just removing all the duplicates

in a split second.

You don't have to export anywhere, do anything, and it just shows you all the keywords.

Now I can go to "Export" and I can bring these into a CSV file or Excel, or I can just bring

it right into "Frankenstein" — which is the tool I was just about to show you — and

it will bring all these keywords now here in the Frankenstein.

Check them out.

So many keywords.

And I can start processing them here and I could do a million things with them.

And I'm going to delete some of these because there are so many keywords here.

Let's just click to the bottom so there's less confusion.

So I've got 871 characters, 116 total words.

You can do things like, maybe I want to get these all comma-separated.

So I can say "Add commas, no spaces."

If I hit "Process", it's going to take all of these keywords, individual keywords, and

it's going to remove the duplicates and it puts each keyword in here with a comma.

Nothing is duplicated here, so that's pretty cool.

Or I might say no, "I don't want them to eliminate the duplicates."

"I want the Exact Phrase in here."

So I can say "Maintain phrases."

I hit "Process."

Now, it's going to show each of the keywords in their full form with commas.

Or maybe, I want to add commas with space, right?

And I can process that.

And there's a lot of stuff.

Or maybe, let's say, Maintain phrases is off, and I want "One word/phrase."

Now what this is going to do, I keep doing that there.

This is going to remove all duplicates and it's going to put each word on its own line.

So I can go through.

Now, obviously, "j", I wouldn't want that.

I don't know why.

J's part of "j5", I can get rid of that.

And I can protect numbers, I can add keywords before everything — add to the start — and

I can say "best."

And this is the last thing I'm going to do for you here.

And we'll move on.

I could maintain phrases.

If for some reason you want to do this, you could do that.

And now, it's going to add the word "best" in front of all of these keywords.

It makes everything super fast.

And then I can take these keywords if I wanted, and I'm going to remove "best."

Let's get this processed.

And the next step is to go into our "Scribbles" listing optimization tool.

Over here, we got Scribbles.

So I can take all of these.

Let's say, I want to use every single one of these phrases in my listing.

I can click on Scribbles and it will add these right here.

And then, I can start typing in the title, the description, put my keywords, my bullet


And the cool thing is, as I type these keywords in here, if I type in like "tactical flashlight",

you'll see as soon as I hit space on the word "tactical", so it's over here right now, watch

when I hit space bar.

It's gone.

It's over here now.

It's a "Used keyword."

It's been removed here.

And I know that it's done.

That's good.

I got to try to eliminate all of these, so I'll say "tactical flashlight for camping

and whatever", right?

So as I type these things in, the keywords get used, and then I can go in and I could

type in description.

It's an "LED flashlights with the highest lumens."

And again, the keywords start getting used.

Obviously this is a small list, but you'd have a big list in here and you want to make

sure that all of these keywords get used.

And I created this.

The story behind this was when I was first starting out, Augustas, I was doing this manually

I think with an Excel sheet.

And I would use the keywords and I would delete them or I'd move them or I think I was deleting

them and then I had it all set.

I think I went to dinner, I left, I came back, we all do this, right?

You read your title and everything and you're like, "Oh, that doesn't sound good."

So then you start changing it again.

And I remember I think I took the main keyword and I deleted it and I was going to paste

it somewhere else.

Probably got a phone call or something happened.

And when I came back, I forgot that I deleted or whatever.

And I started doing stuff and it never got put back on my listing.

And so for the longest time, one of my primary keywords in my title was never there, so I

was losing sales.

So I was like, you know what, I'm going to create a tool like this.

So I never forget if it's not in there, it's going to alert me and I'll be done.

So this tool is a lifesaver.

The other thing a lot of people want to do is, let's say, you have LED flashlight.

This is actually, this is keyword.


Let me go to bullet points.

Let's say "led flashlight - great for night viewing."

What I can do very quickly is I can click "All Caps" and it makes everything all caps.

Or I can say I only want the "First Letter Caps" where it does the first letter for each


So it just makes editing everything very easy.

If I want to highlight stuff, I can just highlight just the part that I want to actually make

caps just to make my listing look more pretty when I'm doing everything.

If I go back into any particular product and I grab an ASIN, let's say, this was my competitor's


I can go in here and I can import the listing, I can put the ASIN, hit "Import."

It's going to take a few seconds.

"Is this the product I wish to import?"

I can say "Yes."

Okay, you're going to overwrite my data.

That's okay.

We're going to get rid of anything.

Now, it just imported all the data from this particular ASIN, it's already put it in there.

So if I want to start with a template from somebody else that's already crushing it,

then I've got this in here and that I can go in and I can start editing stuff.

And then I still have my keywords, my original keywords here.

You can see out of the stuff that they have here, we still have a lot of keywords that

they didn't use.

So I'm like, "Oh look.

They're not really that optimized for some of these keywords."

I can actually start tweaking it to make it my own and then I can save it.

And of course, there's History.

We can save everything and go from there.

And one of the cool things about all these tools is, if I'm going really fast and confusing

people, there's "Learn" buttons at the top.

Like, if we're on Black Box and I click on "Learn", it brings up videos.

And you've got all kinds of videos here to learn whatever it is you want.

So, yeah.

That's Frankenstein and Scribbles.

Index Checking, we don't need to go into.

Keyword Tracking — it does exactly what you would think it does.

You can go in there, add a product, paste in all your keywords, and it will track all

of your keywords that you have in there.

It shows your graphs.

You can add colors to stars so that you can see what they mean — Facebook campaigns

are words that are yellow.

You can tweak this.

I can say I don't want it to be Facebook campaigns.

It could be, let's call it "Product Launch" or something like that.

So, "Product Launch Keywords."

And then you change it and you can sort by this.

And you can click into the graphs and see how something's been ranking.

You can also add notes.

If I go here, I can say, "Started social media campaign on whatever," and then you can save


And now, it actually adds a little dot right here.

So, in the future, if I ever go back to this and I opened it up, I go, "What was this?"

And I can click here and go, "Oh, we started a social media campaign."

Typically, if you add something, you'll see some kind of results coming afterwards — like,

you'll see your ranking spike up.

So you can add notes and do things like that.

You can, of course, sort by any of these columns as well.

So that's the Keyword Tracker.

And then we've got "Hijacker Alert."

For those of you that don't know what hijackers are, it's when somebody jumps on your listing

and, most of the time, they're selling counterfeit products and you don't want them on there

because these products are probably going to be bad.

I click on Hijacker Alert, and you add your products in here.

And if people are buying these counterfeit products and they leave reviews, it goes on

the listing and then it hurts you.

So this, you just put your ASINs in here, and then, you can determine how you want to

be alerted.

When you're setting this up under "Settings", you can go in and you can set whether you

want to be sent a text message, you can say, "I don't want to be disturbed if it's in the

evenings or between certain times."

You can say why you want to be alerted.

Is there a new seller on your listing?

You can find out when they've left, when you've lost the Buy Box.

There's a lot of criteria in here guys for you to actually put in there.

There's things called "Snipers."

Here's a little tidbit that probably 99 percent of people that watch this won't know.

So there's hijackers, and then there's snipers.

Hijacker is very easy.

If there's any kind of hijacking tool, that'll catch that.

But a sniper is a guy that comes on for like an hour, and then just grabs any sales for

the hour, and then they're off.

And you'd never know.

You just don't know.

And then one day, you're looking at your Buy Box percentage, you're like, "Why am I at

87 percent?"

And it's because you had these snipers going in and they're stealing your sales.

Well, Hijacker Alert will actually catch that.

It's constantly going in and checking your listing and if it sees somebody, it captures

all their information and then it'll email you or it'll save it and then you can go back

and you can contact them that, whether they're on your listing or not, and say, "Stop doing

this or you there's going to be trouble."

"Inventory Protector."

We've heard the horror stories where somebody creates coupon codes, they do a launch on

some service, but they forget to set limits, and somebody goes in and adds a coupon code

and they go, "Oh, I can get this product for $1 — it's normally $30.

I wonder if I can add 900 of these to my cart."

And they type it in and it works, and they take 900 of your products.

Or maybe, they do two coupons stacks, and they can steal all your products that way.

So this will keep you from doing that.

If you go into Inventory Protector, you can add your ASINs and limit things to one per


And "Refund Genie" allows you to get money back from Amazon.

It takes just a couple minutes for it to actually process everything, and then it takes five

minutes for your virtual assistant to contact Amazon through the Support page and submit

the documents.

And you'll be surprised — you can get enough money back to pay for your Helium 10 plan

for years and years and years.

And that's kind of the extent of the tools.

I'd be more than happy to talk about any of the things we talked about here in more detail

or answer any questions.

The second tool called "Trendster", I don't remember you covered it.

Yeah, Trendster, I didn't cover because we're about to update this.

So I didn't want to cover it.

If I start covering it now, when people go to Trendster, they'll be like, "Oh, that's

not what he showed."

It's going to be completely updated.

It's going to have a lot of really cool information for finding products that are trending.

Like, you can look for things that are seasonal and you can get keyword data.

A lot of things that we're gonna be putting in here is not in this tool right now.

So I would skip this tool, guys.

I would skip Trendster and skip "Misspellinator" because Trendster's going to be heavily updated,

and the Misspellinator, we might actually be removing from the product list.

It was awesome a year ago, two years ago.

It was crazy good, but Amazon has gotten really good at correcting for misspellings now.

So there's probably only 10 percent of this misspelling opportunities that there was two

years ago.

So it's not as powerful anymore, to be honest.


Another question.

So most tools don't need Seller Central account to be connected, but Refund Genie [requires


Is there anything else [that needs] to be connected?

Refund Genie, Hijacker Alert, yeah.

You'd need to connect there.

You only need to connect once and then you can use any tool that would require connection

to your account.

Other than that, Inventory Protector as well, because it has to go in and set it automatically,

set your product listings to one, or whatever it is that you want.

You can say, "I only want five units to be purchasable by any one person."

So those are the tools that require access.



All good.

So let's talk about the pricing.



So, pricing.

Remember, guys, at the top here, when you're in...oh, if you're ever doing stuff, you're

on Amazon or whatever, like I said, if you're on Amazon, you can always click on the icon

up here to start running, whether it's Xray or Inventory Levels or Review Downloader.

But this is how I always do it.

I don't actually type in numbers, that Helium 10 or whatever.

I just, I click that thing.

I click "Launch Helium 10 Tools", and boom!

I'm in here.

But once you're in here, we have "Plan Details" at the top.

Remember, you have "My List", which is anything that you're tagging that you're following

— I'll show you again, guys.

That's for all the products.

And then, the "Learn" buttons to learn things.

You can always contact us for Support if you have any questions, and then your profile

information to update stuff.

Then you have Plan Details, and this is what Augustas is talking about right now.

If you click on that, it was a couple things that we have.

I would say 95 percent, 96 percent of our members are on this plan.

They have the Platinum Plan, which gives you all of the tools, everything that we just

covered, you have essentially unlimited use on all these green check boxes.

And then you have some limitations on some of the other things.

Keyword Tracker, for example, you can have 2,500 keywords that you can track.

And Hijacker Alert, you can track up to 300 different ASINs to see if you're being hijacked.

This is by far more than enough for the majority of sellers, unless you're some kind of power

seller that has 3000 ASINs.

This works for everybody.

We have a bigger plan here that just gives you a little bit more usage for some of the


And we have what's brand new.

This is new, new, new.

We have A La Carte or Solo Plans.

So let's just say that you're just starting out and you're like, "I'm not even at the

keyword stage.

I don't want to do keyword stuff and I certainly don't need the Hijacker Alert and all this


You can say, "I just want Black Box."

So you can get Black Box.

It's $37 a month.

You just click it, it's $37.

You say, "Well, I actually want Black Box and Xray."

Xray, $17 a month.

So I add those two together.

So you'd just get those tools for $54 a month.

It's a la carte.

You can add whatever you want.

I later want Cerebro for keyword stuff.

Now I'm at 91 bucks.

Now I want Magnet.

Now, it starts to get to the point where it's like, it makes no sense to do a la carte,


We selected four tools and we're more than the actual Platinum Plan.

And if you start adding everything, you go in, now we're at $300.

The value: $336 versus $97.

So that's the way we do it.

And I believe you have a special link or a coupon code as well that people can use if

they want to jump in and start trying out Helium 10.

Is that right?


I think it's "DEMOMONDAYS", so people can get seven days free to try.


And guys, you can see here on the screen, this is where you would type it in.

It'd be one word.

So it'd be DEMOMONDAYS, like that.



So using that will allow people to essentially try the products.

Like, you can try all of these products for seven days.

It's essentially going to pay your plan for a week.

It's not a trial version where everything's limited, you know, like, "Oh, you can only

do this two times."

You're actually gonna be able to have full use of everything.

There's a free plan that you can try as well.

You have very limited uses of each of the tools and some of the tools, you won't have

any use at all.

So, I recommend you definitely try DEMOMONDAYS as a coupon code and give it a shot.

The way I look at it, Augustas, is if you're starting a business, you gotta have the tools,


Stuff that's going to save you a lot of times, going to make you money.

And just one of these tools can do, like I said, in one minute, it can do what takes

you an entire day to do manually.

Or things that we used to have our VA's do, like Index Checking.

It would take them all day to do it — we can do that now in like 30 seconds with a


It's cool.

Just go in.

It's a small investment.

There is a money back guarantee with everything that we do.

We want to make sure that everybody that uses Helium 10 is happy.

And remember, guys, if you go to and create an account, just download the extension

or you can go to

It was

And you can actually watch the video there.

It'll open in a second.

And you can actually click here and install the extension and start using all the tools

that are in here that we showed you earlier.


So many tools and you went through them so fast.

My question: What is on your roadmap?

What features are you planning to release to the public?


So Xray, you know, Jungle Scout's out there, there's a lot of tools that try to do things


Jungle Scout I think does things pretty well.

They've been around for years.

Our product, Xray, is similar to that tool.

And I mentioned them by name because most people know that product.

Our product is seven weeks old at this point, so it's a baby.

I feel like the data in the product is better than any of the products on the market.

The data's really good.

The UI and some of the features that we're going to be adding, for example, in Xray,

one of the things, if I can go back to Xray, and I'll just show this, you pull it up.

One of the things that it doesn't have right now, for example, I mentioned by the time

people watched this video, you'll be able to delete certain keywords.

So I think some of the competitor might have that.

You can't scrape page two right now, but by the time people watched this video, they'll

be able to do that.

So every single week, we're going to be adding all these new features.

And I think we'll probably be doing that for the next couple of weeks to catch up in terms

of the little features that really honestly don't make that much of a difference for what

you're doing — they're just nice little things.

And I think after that, talk to us in another two months and we'll be beyond what everybody

else is doing.

So, the data though, it's fantastic.

I would rely on our data before anybody else's data by far, for sure.

The Success Score, guys, it's in beta.

I'm always up front.

Don't just go by that.

I know so many people that only go by whatever's said there, and I can show you a million different

ways with other tools where it's completely wrong.

Look at it.

Use it just as a guideline.

And if all the data that you see, the data itself, you have to look at with your eyes

and kind of make sure that it makes sense.

And one of the final questions, or probably the final question.

What about Support?

How can people get support from your team?


So if anybody needs any support, they can always email

We've got a well-trained staff.

We try to get back to people right away.

If it's during work hours, usually, it's going to be within an hour — you're going to get

a response.

If it's after-hours, we'll get to people within a day.

We also have, at the top, I showed this earlier, at the top of the Tools page, when you click

into it, there's a "Support" button.

So if you run into a problem, just click that and you can submit your report.

It helps if people can show screenshots and explain exactly what issue they might be seeing.

Again, you're going to see very, very little in terms of companies that are out there.

We have a really, really good reputation.

We don't BS people.

We don't say, "Hey, this is awesome" when it's not awesome.

We don't say this data is the best when it's not the best data.

If there's something wrong, like I talked about the UI, we have some things that we're


The Success Score, I think it's going to be awesome in a month.

Right now, it's in beta, and take it with a grain of salt right now.

I would just use it again as a guideline.

I think it's really good.

I just feel it's super ultra conservative.

So if you see something that has four stars, it's probably super awesome, like, go after


But finding something with four stars right now is difficult as conservative as it is.

So again, it's in beta.

But yeah, we have some new tools.

I can't really mention what some of the newer tools are coming up.

Again, when people log into their account, we want them to be able to basically run their

entire business and see everything right there, but we're missing a few elements.

And I'd be more than happy to jump back on your show when those are out — and there'll

be out here in the next few months.

We should see some massive releases here.

So I'm excited.


Sure, we can make an update.

And everyone who wants to try Helium 10 for seven days, use coupon code DEMOMONDAYS.

Thanks a lot, Manny, for presenting Helium 10, and good luck in your business.

Bye bye.

Thank you.

Yeah, thank you for having me.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Demo Mondays #25 - Helium 10 - Duration: 51:47.


De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise - Duration: 11:12.

De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise

Robert De Niro's hatred of President Donald Trump erupted once again as he launched a

restaurant and hotel in Spain called "Nobu," which is part of a worldwide chain he co-owns

with famous Japanese chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa.

The aging actor exploded in a tirade, banning the president from every Nobu in the world.

Now, De Niro looks like a fool as Trump gave him a nasty surprise he won't forget.

Robert De Niro was once celebrated as one of the greatest actors in the world.

All that fame and celebrity went to his head, and at 74-years-old, he is consumed with rage

over Donald Trump as our president.

Every interview he gives includes De Niro losing his cool as he obsesses over Trump.

As Kellyanne Conway says, "He should pay rent to Trump for all that space he is taking

up in his head."

That's exactly what happened while De Niro was in Marabella, Spain, opening up another

"Nobu" hotel and restaurant.

Daily Mail reported, "The Taxi Driver legend, 74, spoke exclusively to MailOnline…Robert

discussed his reluctance to retire, his marriage-like relationship with Chef Nobu and his strong

feelings on President Donald Trump – who he revealed would be barred from every Nobu

restaurant if he tried to enter."

De Niro said of Trump, "I don't care what he likes.

If he walked into a restaurant I was in, I'd walk out."

The expensive Nobu chain draws the biggest celebrities, and yes, the president has dined

at Nobu in the past.

Of course, it's pretty darn arrogant of De Niro to think Trump has any inclination

to dine at his restaurant now.

But that was just the start of a big brouhaha behind the scenes with his co-owner who happens

to be the world-famous chef that the Nobu chain is named after.

Nobuyuki was quick to refute De Niro during the interview, saying, "It's my dream

for Trump to sit next to Bob.

To make them sushi!"


Yep, Nobuyuki owns the name "Nobu" and is the guy who inspired the chain of restaurants,

and he just slapped De Niro with that remark.

But that's not all.

The Raging Bull star got a nasty surprise this morning thanks to President Trump: Nobu

is a supporter of the president.

Only hours after De Niro banned Trump, his PR rep comes out and retracts the ban, and

the only person who could have instigated that move is Nobu.

The Hollywood Reporter writes, "Despite the Daily Mail saying that the president would

be 'barred from every Nobu restaurant if he tried to enter,' the actor's PR rep

says it's not true."

Referring to Nobu's comment that "It's my dream for Trump to sit next to Bob.

To make them sushi," the Hollywood Reporter added, "Looks like that could still happen,

because when THR reached out to De Niro's rep for comment, he said, 'Bob has not banned

anyone from dining at Nobu.'"

Regarding the Daily Mail's story, which has been picked up by dozens of media outlets

worldwide, he added, "I know what they wrote.

No one is banned."

Good for Chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa.

He made sure his nutjob partner, De Niro, got the message that his crazed obsession

and hatred for our president isn't something he or his restaurants will endorse, and I

bet that made him furious.

We checked to see if De Niro gives Trump any credit for our booming economy with the unemployment

rate at 3.9%, the lowest level in over 20 years.

Or if De Niro sees Trump as doing anything "good" in the last 18 months.

No, De Niro just 4 weeks ago gave an interview at the screening of his Showtime documentary

series called The Fourth Estate, and his motive is to "get Trump impeached."

This film is about the New York Times that De Niro sees as the "bastion of truth,"

which is an incredibly ignorant statement.

"I'm not so much concerned about Republicans believing Trump's bellowing bullsh*t about

fake news.

They're not that stupid, most of them, but they're pretty f*cking stupid," De Niro


"I'm very concerned about Republicans' gutless acquiescence to Trump dismissing facts

and creating his own alternate reality.

This will never, never be right."

De Niro added, "That's why I'm very grateful to the [New York Times] journalists

we're about to see and legitimate journalists everywhere who devote themselves to showing

us the truth."

De Niro's ignorance of the New York Times is shocking.

For the last year, their White House correspondent Maggie Haberman, featured heavily in De Niro's

film, has been knowingly reporting fake news straight from the Deep State rats.

It was just last week that the NYT had to admit Trump was right, he was spied on by

Barack Obama's FBI and DOJ.

Of course, they are still covering for the Deep State criminals helping them create a

new false narrative that the spies were really just "informants," so it wasn't really


Yeah, they can call the spies whatever they want, they were still spies.

They use word games like reporting "no spies within the Trump campaign," because the

spies didn't get hired by the Trump campaign.

See how they twist the facts?

And these are the bald-faced liars De Niro is backing as agents of truth?

For Robert De Niro and his cohorts in the mainstream media and Hollywood, a reckoning

is coming.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall as De Niro realizes his series The Fourth Estate will

go down in the history books as an example of the scourage of fake news in America.

Poor Bobby De Niro, he won't be remembered for The Godfather, he'll be remembered as

an ignorant duped tool of the Deep State swamp


in Washington, D.C.

For more infomation >> De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise - Duration: 11:12.


Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TFSI LAUNCH EDITION Nw-Prijs € 57.599,= - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TFSI LAUNCH EDITION Nw-Prijs € 57.599,= - Duration: 1:14.


Voici 3 masques d'aspirine pour un visage radieux et plus jeune ! - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Voici 3 masques d'aspirine pour un visage radieux et plus jeune ! - Duration: 1:55.


N'achetez plus d'adoucissants chimiques, préparez-en un naturel et bon marché - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> N'achetez plus d'adoucissants chimiques, préparez-en un naturel et bon marché - Duration: 4:59.


001 Course Intro & Overview - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 001 Course Intro & Overview - Duration: 2:58.


李連傑女兒,7歲給劉德華伴舞,8歲跟成龍走紅毯,16歲成這樣 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> 李連傑女兒,7歲給劉德華伴舞,8歲跟成龍走紅毯,16歲成這樣 - Duration: 2:21.


Watch Beat Shazam Season ...

For more infomation >> Watch Beat Shazam Season ...


De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise - Duration: 11:12.

De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise

Robert De Niro's hatred of President Donald Trump erupted once again as he launched a

restaurant and hotel in Spain called "Nobu," which is part of a worldwide chain he co-owns

with famous Japanese chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa.

The aging actor exploded in a tirade, banning the president from every Nobu in the world.

Now, De Niro looks like a fool as Trump gave him a nasty surprise he won't forget.

Robert De Niro was once celebrated as one of the greatest actors in the world.

All that fame and celebrity went to his head, and at 74-years-old, he is consumed with rage

over Donald Trump as our president.

Every interview he gives includes De Niro losing his cool as he obsesses over Trump.

As Kellyanne Conway says, "He should pay rent to Trump for all that space he is taking

up in his head."

That's exactly what happened while De Niro was in Marabella, Spain, opening up another

"Nobu" hotel and restaurant.

Daily Mail reported, "The Taxi Driver legend, 74, spoke exclusively to MailOnline…Robert

discussed his reluctance to retire, his marriage-like relationship with Chef Nobu and his strong

feelings on President Donald Trump – who he revealed would be barred from every Nobu

restaurant if he tried to enter."

De Niro said of Trump, "I don't care what he likes.

If he walked into a restaurant I was in, I'd walk out."

The expensive Nobu chain draws the biggest celebrities, and yes, the president has dined

at Nobu in the past.

Of course, it's pretty darn arrogant of De Niro to think Trump has any inclination

to dine at his restaurant now.

But that was just the start of a big brouhaha behind the scenes with his co-owner who happens

to be the world-famous chef that the Nobu chain is named after.

Nobuyuki was quick to refute De Niro during the interview, saying, "It's my dream

for Trump to sit next to Bob.

To make them sushi!"


Yep, Nobuyuki owns the name "Nobu" and is the guy who inspired the chain of restaurants,

and he just slapped De Niro with that remark.

But that's not all.

The Raging Bull star got a nasty surprise this morning thanks to President Trump: Nobu

is a supporter of the president.

Only hours after De Niro banned Trump, his PR rep comes out and retracts the ban, and

the only person who could have instigated that move is Nobu.

The Hollywood Reporter writes, "Despite the Daily Mail saying that the president would

be 'barred from every Nobu restaurant if he tried to enter,' the actor's PR rep

says it's not true."

Referring to Nobu's comment that "It's my dream for Trump to sit next to Bob.

To make them sushi," the Hollywood Reporter added, "Looks like that could still happen,

because when THR reached out to De Niro's rep for comment, he said, 'Bob has not banned

anyone from dining at Nobu.'"

Regarding the Daily Mail's story, which has been picked up by dozens of media outlets

worldwide, he added, "I know what they wrote.

No one is banned."

Good for Chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa.

He made sure his nutjob partner, De Niro, got the message that his crazed obsession

and hatred for our president isn't something he or his restaurants will endorse, and I

bet that made him furious.

We checked to see if De Niro gives Trump any credit for our booming economy with the unemployment

rate at 3.9%, the lowest level in over 20 years.

Or if De Niro sees Trump as doing anything "good" in the last 18 months.

No, De Niro just 4 weeks ago gave an interview at the screening of his Showtime documentary

series called The Fourth Estate, and his motive is to "get Trump impeached."

This film is about the New York Times that De Niro sees as the "bastion of truth,"

which is an incredibly ignorant statement.

"I'm not so much concerned about Republicans believing Trump's bellowing bullsh*t about

fake news.

They're not that stupid, most of them, but they're pretty f*cking stupid," De Niro


"I'm very concerned about Republicans' gutless acquiescence to Trump dismissing facts

and creating his own alternate reality.

This will never, never be right."

De Niro added, "That's why I'm very grateful to the [New York Times] journalists

we're about to see and legitimate journalists everywhere who devote themselves to showing

us the truth."

De Niro's ignorance of the New York Times is shocking.

For the last year, their White House correspondent Maggie Haberman, featured heavily in De Niro's

film, has been knowingly reporting fake news straight from the Deep State rats.

It was just last week that the NYT had to admit Trump was right, he was spied on by

Barack Obama's FBI and DOJ.

Of course, they are still covering for the Deep State criminals helping them create a

new false narrative that the spies were really just "informants," so it wasn't really


Yeah, they can call the spies whatever they want, they were still spies.

They use word games like reporting "no spies within the Trump campaign," because the

spies didn't get hired by the Trump campaign.

See how they twist the facts?

And these are the bald-faced liars De Niro is backing as agents of truth?

For Robert De Niro and his cohorts in the mainstream media and Hollywood, a reckoning

is coming.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall as De Niro realizes his series The Fourth Estate will

go down in the history books as an example of the scourage of fake news in America.

Poor Bobby De Niro, he won't be remembered for The Godfather, he'll be remembered as

an ignorant duped tool of the Deep State swamp


in Washington, D.C.

For more infomation >> De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise - Duration: 11:12.


EP.1 CHARLEMAGNE (feat. Anthony Fabien) - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> EP.1 CHARLEMAGNE (feat. Anthony Fabien) - Duration: 4:17.


Des remèdes maison pour faire baisser la fièvre - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> Des remèdes maison pour faire baisser la fièvre - Duration: 7:26.


Vegan Rap: Radio Edit Edition 🥗 - Duration: 0:43.

Right out of the hood

Eat only veggies

Only beets and veggies!

I'm going to let you guess now

I'm Vegan

I only eat this kind of veggie

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I'm Vegan

I'm Vegan

I'm Vegan

I'm Vegan

Should I wear it or care it?

I have coconut in my shampoo

For more infomation >> Vegan Rap: Radio Edit Edition 🥗 - Duration: 0:43.


Warface: Никому не нужный ? Fabarm STF 12 Compact «Стужа» - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Warface: Никому не нужный ? Fabarm STF 12 Compact «Стужа» - Duration: 6:22.


COMEY COMES CLEAN! Drops Bom On Lynch & Obama – Says Exactly What They Pressured Him To Do - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> COMEY COMES CLEAN! Drops Bom On Lynch & Obama – Says Exactly What They Pressured Him To Do - Duration: 5:34.


See What Happens To Your Body If You Run Everyday │ Health Benefits of Running Everyday - Duration: 2:54.

Health Benefits Of Running.

Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape, but it also can benefit

almost every part of your bod and lift your mood.

Whether it's your favorite part of the day or something you have to push yourself through,

the benefits are undeniable.

The next time you're thinking of skipping a run, think of these 5 reasons to get your

butt out the door.

In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of running.

So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.

Number 1.

Score you Vitamin D. The human body gets most of its vitamin D

from sun exposure, but since people spend all of their time indoors, well, you know

how it goes.

That explains why 41.6 percent of Americans are deficient in the vitamin, according to

research published in Nutrition Research.

Taking your run outside can help boost your levels to ward off depression.

Number 2.

You Might Lose Weight.

Running is one of the best forms of exercise for losing or maintaining a consistent weight.

You will find that it is a leading way to burn off extra calories and that it is the

second most effective exercise in terms of calories burned per minute, following only

after cross country skiing.

Number 3.

Strengthens your Knees.

No, running doesn�t wreck your knees.

It does the exact opposite.

Research from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory shows that running (even marathoning!)

decreases the risk of knee osteoarthritis.

That may be because running increases the flow of nutrients to the cartilage in your

knee while also strengthening the ligaments around the joint.

Number 4.

Running Strengthens your Bones.

Unlike every other aerobic workout you can crank out in the gym, running is high impact,

meaning it loads and remakes your bones along with your muscles.

�Swimming, cycling, and working on the elliptical don�t train your bones,� says Jason Fitzgerald,

a USA Track & Field-certified coach and the founder of Strength Running.

�If those are the only things you do, you�re at risk for weak bones and osteoporosis.�

Number 5.

Running can help improve one�s mood.

Those people who have been running agree that running generally alleviates their mood regardless

of what they are feeling before running.

As a matter of fact, some people use running purposely to improve their mood and it is

even recommended by some therapists.

This is not only because of the common condition known as �runner's high� which is caused

by the rush of feel-good hormones called endocannabinoids.

For more infomation >> See What Happens To Your Body If You Run Everyday │ Health Benefits of Running Everyday - Duration: 2:54.





Mayor Who Honored Stormy Daniels With Key To City Hit With $500K Anvil - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Mayor Who Honored Stormy Daniels With Key To City Hit With $500K Anvil - Duration: 8:01.


이재명 비토에 올인하는 親文, 왜? - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> 이재명 비토에 올인하는 親文, 왜? - Duration: 6:44.


Video Lucu Banget Bikin Ketawa Ngakak Abis Terbaru 2018 Part 51 - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> Video Lucu Banget Bikin Ketawa Ngakak Abis Terbaru 2018 Part 51 - Duration: 12:03.


Run Faster, Jump Higher, Be Stronger - Sports Podiatry Seminar 9th June 2018 - Duration: 0:56.

- Are you an athlete?

If you run or jump in your sport,

then this seminar is for you.

Run faster, jump higher, and be stronger,

while remaining injury-free.

You'll learn the best exercises to use,

mobility and range of motion routines,

strengthening and performance tools,

injury prevention programs to help you stay on the field,

choosing the right footwear for your sport,

recovery tools, and common injuries and how to rehab them.

We'd love to see you come along, so let us know.

For more infomation >> Run Faster, Jump Higher, Be Stronger - Sports Podiatry Seminar 9th June 2018 - Duration: 0:56.


Early Summer Thunderstorm | Heart Touching Short Films from Vietnamese (Eng sub) - Duration: 29:34.

Yes, Son La.

They peeled its skin already.

This is very delicious.

You should take a rest, don't work anymore.

I want to finish making this flower.

I asked the boss for wages yesterday.

Because I have not worked for a long time, he was hesitant.

But he may agree the next day.

I am sorry.

That is my fault.

It is normal to be sometimes sick.

Let's eat now.

What is that, Minh?

It is beautiful, right?

I met one lady today, she is very kind. She gave it to me.

It is beautiful.

Can I take a look?

This is Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

There are many lotus flowers in our house, is it?


I saw this flower somwhere.

Room 202!?

Hey Khiem?

Can we go out to talk?

I only want to talk with one person.

Who rents this room?

Are you the person renting this house?

Please come here to talk!

My sister is sick.

My, I told you

You have not paid rentals for this room from this early month.

- Your brother asked me to come here to get the rentals. - My sister made you come here to talk ...

Come here to talk?

We haven't had money yet.

I had to try to walk very hard from the the first floor,

to hear you tell me that you are paying late, not paying for me?, rascal?

Don't talk like that! How can you say that we are not paying you...

So have you had money to pay?

...We are paying late some days this month.

Now many people are asking for renting this house.

If you guys don't have money to pay

let others rent this house.

Can you give us some more days?

I have been given more jobs to do.

I am the landlord, I am not a charity.

If you guys don't have money, please go out to stay!

-I am sick, my brother... -Did I make you sick?

- Did I take tuition fee from your brother? - If you dismiss us, where can we go...

I don't care about that, it is up to you.

If you want to stay here, you have to pay rentals.

I am going have money, I go to work now.

Can I believe you?

He is not telling a lie.

Okay. I give you the last appointment.

At the same time tomorrow,

If you don't have money, please!

Okay. We will have money for sure.

I will pay you money tomorrow.

Don't tell a lie!


Let's continue to eat.

I will ask my boss to pay me in advance. He will pay me soon.

Don't worry!

You don't understand what I am saying?

Just follow what I tell you.

What field will I worok in, Lam?

Just do!

I will bear the responsibilities.

Even we have been working with you for many years, you don't believe me?


Come in please!

You see.

The rental of this room is 1.5 millions (Vietnamese đồng) per month.

It is cool in summer, it is warm in winter.

You can not find a room as good as this one in Hanoi.

Please go out.


Don't care, watch!

Go out, please

This is my room. I haven't moved out yet.

Take a look!

-Let's go. -You guys don't wat to see any more.


How can you dare!

You dare to dismiss my guest. Are you the landlord or am I the landlord?

I don't want to talk now. Please go out, I will close the door!

Who are you dismissing?

I don't dismiss anyone.

This is female room, I haven't moved out yet.

Please go out, otherwise I will shout loudy.

I am very tired with you guys.

If you don't have money, don't think about renting the house. Sleep on the street.

Please stop talking!

I will have money tomorrow, I will send you.

I don't need waste time following you guys.

I change my mind!

I will come at 8 pm tonight.

If you don't have money, please move out!

If you don't move out, I will dismiss you.

If you don't want to have trouble, move out early.


Minh, can you come home soon?

You guys!

How can you do like that!




Can you pay me money one month in advance?

Do you want to continue to work?


Don't mention this with me again.


The bus will run at 9 pm tonight, remember to come on time.



I want to ask you about the issue yesterday again,

Can you pay me money one month in advance?

I promise!I will frequently go to work.

You can take my paper?



Everthing is fine.

I am better.

Can you go home early today?

You don't need to be worried about money.

Okay, don't worry about me. I will try to go home early!

How is your sister?

Thank you, My sister is better.

Since she stayed in the hospital, I have been very worried. She can't talk with me.

I see you are so worried. The worriness expresses on you face.

you must be close with your sister?

Yes, My sister really cares for me.

She always protects me.

I used to be bullied before.

You know, they said I was stupid, they bited me whenever I did something.

You are not stupid, people who bit you are stupid


The lotus you gave me, can I hang it near my studying corner?

That is fine. I made it by myself.

Falun Dafa...

Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance? That is right!


"Truthfulness" means we are sincere, we don't tell a lie, we don't not cheat anyone.

"Compassion" means we are kind to people, We don't harm anyone, we don't do bad things.

We think about others first when we do anything.

How about "Forbearance"?

"Forbeance" means everyone sometimes get into difficulty.

The important thing is when we face those difficulties,

We can keep patient, compassionate.

Compassionate with others and, I think, with ourselves.

Sister Hong!

Do you want to go out to do excercises with others?

It is good for you.

Yes, maybe another day, I will go there another day for sure.

So I will go, wait me for a while.



Please buy for me.

I don't want to buy.


Chewing gum?


Or Q-tip?


- Can you sell this for me? - Please buy candy for me?

Thank you so much!

You can take it.


I want to give it to you.

Thank you.


Yes, alo?

Lien and I will go to your house now?

okay, show me the way ...


Hong, sit here, Lien, sit here.

Wow, it is raining heavily.

Luckily, it started raining when you had come here.

Yes, when we had just come here, it rained. Are you better?

When can you go to work again?

I am better.

I'll probably go back to work soon.

Is this your house? This is the first time I have come here.

It is not my house anymore.

I will move out soon.

why? I think this place is good.

It looks like a coffee shop, right?


You don't know.

Where is your "innocent" brother that you often talk about?

He is going home.

I met one boy today. Everyone meets him will tell he is silly.

But I don't think so, He is only kind.

My brother is also kind, He touches everything gently as if he is afraid they will be hurt.

That boy robbed your bag this afternoon?

Yes, but I think he didn't do that deliberately, There must be a reason.

Was only your bag robbed?

No one likes you!

You know, the boy robbed her bag in front of her.

I don't understand Hong!

I can see his kindness.

I think sometimes everything is not the same as we see them.

Can you help me?

8 pm!

Please talk quietly! I am having guests.

Have you packed your suitcase?

You don't have money, right?

We are having guests. Please go down later to talk.

You mean whenever you want to talk to me, I have to talk to you, right?

Now you don't have money, what can you do?

Do you want me to throw your items way?

Please go out!



What can you say now?

I told that I only gave you the last appointment at 8 pm tonight.

Please talk quietly!

It's 8.10 pm now.

If you don't have money, move out!

Don't be cruel like that! where can we go now?

I am bored to listen to you!

You have many friends.

You can borrow money from they.

I will pay you tommorow morning.

Don't make others involved in this problem.

We will pay you for all days we have stayed here.

- what can we do now? - Hi!

- You are here. - Minh!

Do you have money?

Wait me! I have money here.

- You have to pay for whole month. - Wait me!


Exactly a month!

A whole month!

- You only need to pay a half month, we will move out tomorrow. - You stay here a half day in the next month.

you have to pay for a whole month.



Don't let me change my mind.

If I change my mind, you will...

This is Hong, manager of our company.

This is Minh, my brother.

Chị chào em. Hi.

This is Lien.

- She is... - Tell him to take a bath.

Take a bath, Minh.

Take a bath.

What happens with you?

We have to go home now.

Can You and Lien stay here longer?

Another time.

Calm down.

Everything will be fine.

Everything is fine, Minh.

Why you don't tell me this problem?

Do you want to go downstairs with me to see them off?

What happens with you?

I am okay.

I go downstairs now.


Sister Hong!

For more infomation >> Early Summer Thunderstorm | Heart Touching Short Films from Vietnamese (Eng sub) - Duration: 29:34.


Album post­hume de Johnny : Warner Music annonce une sortie offi­cielle pour « l'automne » - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Album post­hume de Johnny : Warner Music annonce une sortie offi­cielle pour « l'automne » - Duration: 2:58.


Mayor Who Honored Stormy Daniels With Key To City Hit With $500K Anvil - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> Mayor Who Honored Stormy Daniels With Key To City Hit With $500K Anvil - Duration: 8:00.


Wendy van Dijk brengt Ibiza naar Nederland - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Wendy van Dijk brengt Ibiza naar Nederland - Duration: 1:01.


Lesson 3 - Learn Urdu Course for Beginners | Use of He She in Urdu - Duration: 5:06.

Urdu course lesson 3

In this lesson, we will learn use of He, She and is in Urdu language

With examples and some vocabulary

Let's have a start

'He', in Urdu language 'He' is "Woh"

And she is also "Woh"

"He & She" are same in Urdu language, which is "Woh"

And we know "is" is hai, therefore, she is = Woh hai

Or he is = Woh hai

Let's see some example

She is Jennifer = Woh Jennifer hai

she = Woh is = hai Jennifer = Jennifer

who Jennifer hai

Another example

He is boy = Woh larka hai

Another example

Sarah is a teacher = Sarah ustani hai

We use "Ustani" for female teacher

Sarah ustani hai

She is girl = Woh larki hai

Next example

Sarah is a mother

Instead of using pronouns "He / She" you can also use name of someone (proper noun)

Sarah is a mother = Sarah maan hai

Let's learn some more vocabulary we use in our daily life

David is a gardener = David maali hai

"David" is a man, therefore, you can also say

He is a gardener = Woh maali hai

Or you can put name of someone else (means for practices)

He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai

We use "Ustad" for male teacher and for female teacher, we use "Ustani"

He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai

Or David is a teacher = David Ustad hai

Another example

She / He is a lawyer = Woh wakeel hai

In Urdu language, lawyer is "Wakeel" and we use this word for both gender

Another example

Jack is a farmer = Jack kisan hai

And the next is

David is a tailor = David darzi hai

Another example

Maya is a magician = Maya jadugarni hai

We use "Jadugarni" for female magician and if it is masculine then it will be "Jadugar"

And next we have

He is a servant = Woh nokar hai

We use "Nokar" for male servant

And if female servant, we use "Nokarani"

She is a servant = Woh nokarani hai

Another example

He is a postman = Woh dakian hai

This is end of the lesson number 3

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For more infomation >> Lesson 3 - Learn Urdu Course for Beginners | Use of He She in Urdu - Duration: 5:06.


Kate Midd­le­ton, une maman comme les autres : elle adore jouer avec ses enfants - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Kate Midd­le­ton, une maman comme les autres : elle adore jouer avec ses enfants - Duration: 2:31.


Voici 3 masques d'aspirine pour un visage radieux et plus jeune ! - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Voici 3 masques d'aspirine pour un visage radieux et plus jeune ! - Duration: 1:55.


N'achetez plus d'adoucissants chimiques, préparez-en un naturel et bon marché - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> N'achetez plus d'adoucissants chimiques, préparez-en un naturel et bon marché - Duration: 4:59.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


Liverpool transfer : Reds set for fresh Alisson approach after Loris Karius' nightmare ● News ● #LFC - Duration: 2:29.

LIVERPOOL are set to make another approach for Roma keeper Alisson in the wake of Loris

Karius' nightmare night against Real Madrid.

But they face another battle with the Spanish giants, who reportedly want Alisson if they

can't get prise David De Gea away from Manchester United and have already had an initial bid

for him turned down.

Kop boss Jurgen Klopp has previously baulked at the £70m-plus asking price.

But it is understood that Alisson remains the only real goalkeeping target for Klopp

this summer.

But Roma are likely to play hardball after they admitted they made a huge mistake in

selling Mohamed Salah to the Reds for just £36.9m last summer.

That deal came before Neymar's £200m move to Paris St Germain, which inflated transfer

fees across Europe.

Salah's goal glut this season as left the Serie A side red faced and they are not prepared

to let Alisson go easily.

Liverpool were previously ready to throw the towel in on their pursuit of the 25-year-old

Brazilian keeper and stick with Karius.

But they may now have a rethink on the situation following the 24-year-old's catastrophic

errors in their 3-1 Champions League final defeat.

They will approach Roma to see if a deal is possible, but if not they might not move for

another keeper this summer.

Klopp has so far taken the stance that it is Alisson or nobody, as he did when chasing

Virgil van Dijk last summer.

Even when it became clear that Southampton wouldn't sell the defender after a tapping-up

row, Klopp refused to look at other targets despite needing defensive reinforcements.

Simon Mignolet's future may force Klopp's hand though with the Belgium keeper set to

decide his next move after the World Cup.

He has been relegated to No 2 this season and may look for first-team football elsewhere,

which would leave Liverpool desperately short.

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