what's going on guys welcome to lesson 4 and today's training I want to be
talking to you about how you can follow up with everybody that bought your
products so that you can generate a ton of reviews and also the two best ways
that you can use retargeting and this is gonna show you how to increase your
sales to retargeting and also how to increase your reviews anyways I'm gonna
go ahead and hop in the computer so that I can show you guys exactly how to set
this up alright what's going on guys so we're gonna be talking about how to
follow up to generate a ton of reviews and the best way to use retargeting now
we want to use an email follow-up service connected within Amazon so that
whenever any of our customers decide to go ahead and purchase our products that
an email is already automatically sent out to them now there's a couple of
different email follow-up providers that are on the market right now and they're
all really great but the one that I like to use is feedback genius I started
using them a couple years ago and I've only used them for my Amazon business
now there's one such as long jump or viral launch you know you guys can go
ahead and test them out and see which one works best for you but my personal
favorite is feedback genius now let's go ahead and jump in and see what the
emails look like okay so for the follow-up emails I only have two emails
I'm anything more than that I've been testing and I see that it's just
diminishing returns if you send like three or four follow-up
emails then you start getting less reviews but if you only send one to two
emails you get more reviews and you know it hurts your brand less in the long
term because you know you don't seem as needy and you don't come off as kind of
like pestering your customers but anyways these are the emails so the
first one that you do is you go ahead and send it out as soon as the product
is delivered now it's just hi first name you guys can just um put the double
brackets and within feedback genius and it automatically pulls the first name of
the customer I just wanted to reach out to make sure that product name arrives
safe and sound with no problems we're a small family company that live
or die on the feedback of customers like yourself please do not hesitate to
message us about any question or issue you were having and we want you to have
the best experience possible with product name thank you again you know
you put your name company founder and something really cool that I saw and
I've been testing is put down sent from my iphone you know whatever can give you
guys a little competitive edge like you know we're a small family
company that's true you know most of you guys are gonna be signing like 10 20 30
40 50 thousand dollars a month making like 10 to 20 thousand dollars in profit
which is technically considered you know small family business
so um anyways if you guys go ahead and put down I sent for my iPhone you'll
start getting a bunch of responses from people saying wow like this guy really
really took the time out to message us or wow this girl really took the time
out to message us from their phone and you know you're gonna see that you're
gonna start generating and garnishing more responses and you know this is just
gonna keep people like intact with your brand because they think that you
actually care enough to go ahead and send them a message from your iPhone and
we do and it'd be awesome if we had the time to go ahead and send everybody you
know an individual message but it's just not possible with the time restraints
and if you're really scaling this business up then you know you wouldn't
want to be spending all your time just send the emails out to your customers so
that's why we have services like feedback genius and song jump anyway
some the next email that I go ahead and send this three days after delivery
hello first name you know we just wanted to follow up to the email we sent a few
days ago and let you know how excited we are to welcome you to the brand name
community if this is your first purchase of brand name product you are in for a
unique experience as you get to know and appreciate and you know you guys can
just put in what your brand stands for you know whether it's quality luxury or
anything else or you know sturdiness long lasting workmanship just whatever
it is behind every product that we make like I covered in the previous videos
branding is important and we want to make sure that we have a solid brand and
kind of get people to start like getting introductive to our brand so that they
get to know us better and know like what we're about and you know if you have a
solid brand that's you know you'll usually able to sell for a little bit
more and you can create brand loyalty with your customers now you know product
name is well known for you know enter what you're known for kind of similar to
the brand but this is just for the product and we're sure that you agree
would you be willing to leave a feedback you know as an Amazon seller we love for
you to share your thoughts about brand name and how we performed as a seller
your opinion will help Amazon shoppers make a confident buying
decision have questions about your product or brand name simply reply to
this email and someone from our team will make it a priority to take care of
you thank you again your name company founder and if you want and go ahead and
include sent for my iPhone now the reason that we go ahead and ask for the
feedback is you know just in case of somebody for whatever reason isn't happy
with the product because you know when you guys a manufacturing product some
products are uh they're always gonna have defects you know if you're ordering
a thousand there might be a handful that have defects and people might get upset
about that so that's why you ask them to go ahead and leave a feedback first so
just in case it's negative product review then you can go ahead and go to
Amazon and tell them to remove the feedback because it's not technically
feedback is technically a product with you now if they do go ahead and leave
positive feedback and leave it as a product review because a lot of people
tend to do that they tend to go on the feedback link and leave a product review
then you can just go ahead and message them ask them to go ahead and copy and
paste it over to the review section so you're not gonna have two birds with one
stone with this strategy so you're getting both feedback and you're also
generating reviews for your product while filtering out any negative reviews
anyways guys that's it for the follow-up sequence as you see we kept it super
simple just one to two emails as what works best and in the first one we send
it immediately upon when the product is delivered so you know you just ask them
to make sure everything's okay with the product if they have any questions or
anything like that to go ahead and send you a message and then the second email
that we send is three days after the products delivered you know kind of
introduce them to your brand and what you're about and then go ahead and ask
for the feedback this way you know you're generating positive feedback for
your account which keeps your account in good health with Amazon and you're going
to be also generating positive reviews for your product so you're not gonna two
birds with one stone while also diminishing any negative feedback or any
negative reviews that people might be leaving for your product anyways guys
we've been talking a lot about retargeting over the past couple videos
so I want to go ahead and talk about it a little bit more in-depth and show you
guys how we use it so anyways I'm in case you guys don't know what
retargeting is I'm gonna explain it real quick with this diagram here so
your potential customer they visit your site you know whether it be your bridge
page your giveaway page you know if you're running people straight to let's
say a sales page with clickfunnels or if you're running a Shopify store you know
they visit your site but they leave without checking out anyways you know
this could be for a variety of different reasons could be the mailman could be
the kid could be the dog could be anything but you know later down the
road you know later the same day or later during the week they're on the
website they're on the website later they're surfing the web and you know
they're on Facebook or they're on their favorite web site and you know your ad
pops up and recapture their interest and their attention and it brings them back
to your site to get them to complete whatever it was that they were doing
whether it be you know checking out or you know leaving their information for a
coupon or some sort of ebook or anything and you know then your potential
customers turn into happy customers and you know you've made money you've made
them happy and they're most likely to come back because you've been able to
capture their attention again now this is something that a lot of Amazon
sellers don't do and you know retargeting is super cheap because it's
it's a lot cheaper than what normal advertising is because you're getting
people back to your website which already returned and you know sometimes
it takes a couple of times for people to see your product and to see your company
and see what you're about before they buy but you know if they keep on seeing
your retargeting ads over and over again they're more likely to go ahead and
click on your link again and go ahead and purchase or get them to do whatever
you know you were gonna get them to do in the first place anyways I'm if you
guys don't remember this is the Amazon FBA sales funnel that we're gonna be
using you know I've talked about it in the previous lessons and if you still
haven't downloaded it into your account make sure to go ahead and download it
into your account but anyways we send Facebook ads or outside traffic we send
them to an opt-in page or a bridge page depending on what our objective is and
then from that page we take them to our Amazon listing and you know since we've
captured their email address then we get to go ahead and send them emails and
follow up with them and you know see if they want any products kind of introduce
them to a brand and offer them any discounts or anything that we decide to
do as part of our marketing strategy now retargeting this
is where you add the retargeting pixel you added on to your opt-in page or your
bridge page so as you guys can see here you know this cool little graphic that I
added to the sales funnel and it's the retargeting pixel and that's where we
want to had it and you know if you guys are on click funnels it's super easy to
go ahead and add you just go ahead and click on the Settings tab just copy and
paste your retargeting pixel from Facebook add it to there and then that's
done now there's two main ways that we use retargeting so the first one is to
drive potential customers back to our listing so we go ahead and we you know
set up a retargeting added within Facebook and we go ahead and drive them
back to our product listing now we usually don't drive facebook ads
straight to our listing but once people have seen you know they've been tower
bridge page you know they potentially seen our listing already they could have
left for a variety of reasons and we're just using this retargeting ad to kind
of remind them and get them back and let them know that they were about to
purchase the product or try to get them back to purchase the product so you know
here's some potential ad copy that you can use you know the life get in the way
we notice you forgot to take advantage of this deal click here to get 30% off
you know use coupon code 30 off now and they can just add your link and use like
a Google shortener or a bitly shortener link and then right below you can use
like limited quantities available or you can say offer expires in 48 hours and
you know this is it's super simple ad copy but guys simple is what works and
the second way that we use retargeting is to get customers to come back to
leave a review so you know we've set up a retargeting ads similar to the one
that we set up to get them to come back to our listing but this time we get them
to either leave a review or to leave feedback and I'll leave that up to you
guys to see which one you want to do but I usually Drive retargeting ads to leave
a review because if people are gonna be inclined to click on the ad they're most
likely gonna leave something positive and in my experience I've used I've
usually seen people leave more positive reviews than negative reviews it's like
ninety nine to one but anyways here's the potential ad copy that you can use
did you love XYZ product that you've recently purchased on Amazon will go
here and you know kind of add a link here and let us know what you think and
we'll go head and send you a coupon for 20% off
your next order now this isn't necessarily against the Terms of Service
because you know you're saying let us know what you think you can also put you
know like let us know your honest thoughts or something and we'll go ahead
and send you a coupon for 20% off I don't think 20% off is gonna be you
know it's Amazon so not gonna really say anything about it because I've seen
supplement companies say you know come leave a review and we'll give you a free
bottle next time and you know they've been selling on Amazon for a couple
months I see I've seen a couple of them selling for like a year or two on Amazon
they're still doing that and you know they're so up so Amazon hasn't been
cracking down on them and this company does like two to three hundred thousand
dollars per month in sales so you know I don't want to tell you guys what to do
and what not to do with your business but um you know this is a great way to
go ahead and generate some extra reviews you know incentivize people with the
coupon and you know most people will go ahead and leave the review if they see
your retargeting ad on Facebook and lastly I want to leave you guys all for
the bonus strategy now I buy a lot of things from Amazon and a lot of them are
from private label sellers and this is one thing that I see a lot of people not
doing and it literally only cost like $0.02 to $0.03 per product like an
additional cost and kind of like inside of your packaging include a little
product insert that collects emails and reviews or feedback now this is super
cheap because you know manufacturers in China can go ahead and print five
hundred thousand two thousand of these for just a couple of pennies and you
know it's definitely worth it because you generate reviews and you can also
generate email addresses now on the front side of what I like to do is get
them to leave their email address so a lot of the times you know what you can
do is to go ahead and ask for you know if people want to go ahead and get a
warranty for their product you know within the next twelve months if
anything happens if it breaks they can just go ahead and send you an email and
then you can go ahead and replace the product now this is not against Terms of
Service or anything like that asking for their email and this way because you're
asking them you know if they want a warranty for the product and think about
it if you get anything from like Sony or any of like their super big brands
they leave you a link to go ahead and sign up for warranty for their product
but this is just a smart way to go ahead and start capturing your customers email
address so that you can go ahead and build your audience and start
introducing them to your brand in another way and then on the back side
you can that you can get them to leave a review and basically just say what we
said in the follow-up emails you know we are a small family business and reviews
are the lifeblood of our business please don't forget to leave an honest review
on Amazon and you know Amazon's not gonna be cracking down on this they're
not gonna be opening your product inserts and checking everything to make
sure that it's all good and honestly you know if you say that we're a small
family business don't forget to leave an honest review and you don't say anything
about compensation you're gonna be more than okay I've done this for a couple of
my products and you know I've had no problems so far so this is definitely a
great way to collect email addresses and to get people to go ahead and leave you
a review for your product and that's basically it guys you know it's a super
simple strategy for the retargeting ads you can spend like five to ten dollars a
day per ad or just for both of them combined and you know only spend like
150 to 300 dollars per month but that also generates a great ROI for your
business because you're getting reviews and you know the more reviews you have
on Amazon the more sales you tend to get but you know if you're using a
combination of these or just a couple of these strategies you can expect for your
reviews to jump anywhere from five to twenty percent I'm depending on how well
that you do on this because I'm you know a lot of people talk about
differentiating your product but one of the best ways that you can go ahead and
differentiating your product is by providing a great like product
experience and having great customer service because you know online and on
the internet there's a lot of companies that you know they just go ahead they
sell the products and that's it they don't really care about customer support
or customer service but if you have great customer service and you actually
care about your customers people will see that and you know it'll make them
think twice about purchasing from somebody else and having a bad
experience and they'll come back to you whenever they need to purchase anything
within that niche and that's why we have a couple of more products that we can
offer our customers and you know we'll have done that research to know which
products they want so when people are looking for that
specific product they'll go ahead and come back for us
anyways guys that is it for today's lesson and I will see you guys in the
next one
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