Monday, May 28, 2018

Youtube daily report May 28 2018

The majority leader of the House of Representatives, Honourable Femi Gbajabiamila, is currently receiving a lot of backlash from Nigerians for publicly gifting his wife a Mercedes G-wagon during her 50th birthday in Lagos on Sunday, May 27.

The move has infuriated many Nigerians who accused the lawmaker, who represents Surulere Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, of displaying opulence in the midst of poverty.

Many took to social media to condemn the move by the 55-year-old lawmaker, describing his public gesture as insensitive.

The price of the car has also been subjected to scrutiny by members of the public with general consensus agreeing that the luxury car is between N75 million to N100 million.

Gbajabiamila is currently gearing to run for his 5th term in the lower house, and he seems to have the backing of APC chieftains in Lagos state. The lawmaker is yet to address the mounting criticisms that has trailed his actions.

The car also came with a customized plate number with the word Assurance, suggesting the lawmaker took a cue from Nigerias pop artist, Davido, who did same for his girlfriend recently.

Gbajabiamila missed out narrowly on emerging Nigerias House of Representatives Speaker, after some members of his party teamed up with their counterparts in the Peoples Democratic Party, to ensure current Speaker, Yakubu Dogara, gets the position.

For more infomation >> Nigerians berate Gbajabiamila for buying wife Mercedes G-wagon - Duration: 1:53.


Mazda CX-3 SkyActive-G 2.0 120pk Automaat navi ecc - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 SkyActive-G 2.0 120pk Automaat navi ecc - Duration: 1:13.





Luca Giurato al vetriolo: 'Al Bano non sarebbe nessuno senza gossip' | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Luca Giurato al vetriolo: 'Al Bano non sarebbe nessuno senza gossip' | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:13.


Perché i lupi ululano? - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Perché i lupi ululano? - Duration: 1:49.


Tosi helppo Sin City tyylinen intro!!!! (Foreigners use cc) - Duration: 8:59.

Hi! Today we do this sin city style intro!

I have 5K 24p project here.

I changed video aspect into anamorphic and gave it some color grading.

First we add text.

I want some robocop style so I use this cgf locust resistance font. Theres a link in description if you want to use this font.

Change color to red.

Add some glow or outer shine if you want.

Here I have this smoke effect. You can download these online or do them in motion5 or ae.

Adjust the smoke screen horizontally if needed.

Change the blend mode into stencil alpha.

Choose video track, press alt/option and drag it to the top.

Change its blend mode to screen or add or soft light... What suits you best.

Add some music that fits in.

Good, eh??!!!

So as you can see this is very cool and very easy to do.

It necessary doesn't have to be just like this. You can film large crowds or lake or something.

If you shoot footage like this, be sure to use tripod. A minute without tripod gives a very shaky picture.

For more infomation >> Tosi helppo Sin City tyylinen intro!!!! (Foreigners use cc) - Duration: 8:59.


Citroën DS3 1.2 VTi Chic Navi Clima - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.2 VTi Chic Navi Clima - Duration: 1:07.


Fabrizio Corona attaccato da Alda D'Eusanio: "È stato disonesto" | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Corona attaccato da Alda D'Eusanio: "È stato disonesto" | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:20.


Come i gatti divennero amici dell'uomo - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Come i gatti divennero amici dell'uomo - Duration: 2:03.


'냉부해' 토니정 셰프, 샘킴 레스토랑 합정 염탐? "요리연구가 김희태 부인 아들"|K-News - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> '냉부해' 토니정 셰프, 샘킴 레스토랑 합정 염탐? "요리연구가 김희태 부인 아들"|K-News - Duration: 5:44.


'비행소녀' 가수 김현정 집공개 "성형전 그녀와의 이별 반려견 짱 청담동 위치 빌라"|K-News - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> '비행소녀' 가수 김현정 집공개 "성형전 그녀와의 이별 반려견 짱 청담동 위치 빌라"|K-News - Duration: 8:39.


Sing Along ABC Songs

For more infomation >> Sing Along ABC Songs


Rick Santorum: Migrant children the government lost track of aren't lost - Duration: 2:49.

Rick Santorum: Migrant children the government lost track of aren't lost

Rick Santorum said Sunday that the roughly 1,500 migrant children whom the government has lost track of arent lost.

During a panel discussion on CNNs State of the Union, the former GOP senator from Pennsylvania claimed that the children are not missing just because the government doesnt currently know where they are.

They were placed in vetted homes, Santorum said of the children.

The question is, they havent had communication with these previously vetted sponsors.

Does that mean that theyre lost? No..

That means theres a process going on right now to try and find why these sponsors havent checked back in to give us their location, he said.

Department of Health and Human Services officials told Congress last month that they had lost track of nearly 1,500 unaccompanied migrant children who had been placed with adult sponsors.

Santorum said on Sunday that 100 percent of the sponsors are never going to check in about their location and the children placed with them.

I think the idea that theyre lost is hyperbole to try and create an issue where I dont really think there is one, Santorum said.

Other than the fact that the bureaucracy - surprise, surprise - doesnt work very well..

If you think 1,500 children being lost is not an issue, then theres something definitely wrong, fellow panelist and former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle interjected.

The government has said that theyve lost track of them, thats another word for lost, Solis Doyle added.

That doesnt mean that these kids are out there - there are logical explanations, and again were talking about a government system, Santorum replied.

And you all know Bill [Kristol] and I will sit here forever and tell you how inadequate a lot of these government agencies are at doing a lot of things.

I mean, we lose people all the time in a lot of other government programs..

For more infomation >> Rick Santorum: Migrant children the government lost track of aren't lost - Duration: 2:49.


What the legal process looks like for an immigrant child taken away from his parents - Duration: 9:55.

What the legal process looks like for an immigrant child taken away from his parents

There's been an avalanche of grim news centered on young immigrants apprehended at the border with Mexico.

On Wednesday, the American Civil Liberties Union published a report documenting abusive encounters between young people and border agents during the administration of President Barack Obama.

Last month, the government admitted it had lost track of more than a thousand children who had been placed with sponsors after being caught crossing the border alone.

In recent days, though, attention has been focused on a new crisis for immigrant children.

Earlier this month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new policy in which families arriving at the border would be forcibly broken up, with children and parents separated from one another and detained separately.

MSNBC's Chris Hayes explored the practical ramifications of the policy: children as young as 1½, too young to form complete sentences, much less care for themselves, torn away from their parents and sent to government detention facilities.

It's a policy specifically meant to serve as a deterrent to future immigrants, as White House Chief of Staff John F.

Kelly made clear in an interview with NPR a few weeks ago.

Sessions tried to argue that it was meant to prevent trafficking and abuse, but Kelly's insistence that it was a deterrent matches reporting that indicates President Trump himself authorized the change to limit a recent increase in the number of families seeking entry to the United States.

On Saturday, Trump tweeted that the policy of ripping apart families was a law being supported by Democrats.

That's not true.

It's a policy he supported and implemented, apparently because of its "horrible" — his descriptor — deterrent effects.

The organization Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) has for a decade been supporting minors who are detained after entering the country.

Its president, Wendy Young, spoke with The Washington Post by phone on Friday to explain how Trump's policy shift affects young immigrants — and how it fits into his broader shift in how the country deals with immigrants.

Her organization provides pro bono legal services to immigrants who arrive at the border without a parent — unaccompanied children, in the parlance — once they leave federal detention facilities to join family members already in the country.

"This is the really sad and ironic and tragic part of this new policy of family separation," Young said.

"Obviously, from both a child welfare perspective and from the perspective of the U.S.

immigration system in terms of its adjudication of cases when people arrive, it is much better to have a child arrive with a parent, because that's a natural source of care and support for the child and that also means that the child's case is attached to the parent's case, and typically the parent is the one who has the information and the resources to inform the immigrant judge about what's going on.".

"Now they're making it a very formal policy to separate the child from the parent," she said.

"Because of that, the child is reclassified as unaccompanied.".

There are special protections under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 that apply to unaccompanied children.

After all, young people may lack the ability to advocate for themselves in the way that an adult might.

KIND helps provide representation to between 50 and 60 percent of those young people — but Young fears the percentage will drop now that the pool of unaccompanied children is being deliberately expanded.

"It has very serious consequences for the underlying case," she said.

"Because now you have a child — and this is being done with infants, even, babies — now you have a child with a much more challenging case detached from the parent.

Very often they're not being allowed to even communicate, and in some cases, the parent's being deported and the child's being left behind.".

When the child is meeting with an attorney or appearing before a judge, their ability to explain why they are there and the reasons they might be seeking refuge are limited.

There's a parent who could potentially answer those questions — but that parent was moved by the Department of Homeland Security to another facility.

The child, detained by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, has probably had no contact with his or her parent.

It's tricky for the attorneys to make contact, too.

"It can be extraordinarily challenging to figure out where that person went, to establish communication," Young said.

"If that parent is deported in the meantime, then you have the added challenge of trying to find the parent back in the home country.".

"From humanitarian perspective, we're quite concerned about this," she added, "but also from a government efficiency perspective, it's creating an additional case in a backlogged system and it's making it more challenging for the immigration judge or the [Citizenship and Immigration Services] officer to sort out what's going on in this child's life.

Remember: Those legal complications begin only once the child is released from detention.

That period in detention is problematic for its own reasons — and Young says that the amount of time children are spending in detention is increasing.

Under Obama, children were held for about a month, Young said, while the government tried to find family members who could take them in.

The law, she said, "is really grounded in the notion that children are better off cared for by their families than they are in a detention center by the federal government.".

That month-long detention is getting longer.

"We're starting to see that creep up more into the 45- to 55-day range," she added.

"Which is also concerning to us because obviously locking children up is not a good thing.".

In part because of the new policy of child separation, the government is exploring opening detention centers on military bases, housing hundreds or thousands of kids.

But such mega detention centers already exist.

"I actually was down at the border a few weeks ago," Young said, "and saw a facility that opened in the past year or so, that's actually a permanent facility, a converted Walmart with 1,200 beds.

"Generally what we're seeing there, through a whole lot of administrative changes, is they're turning what were intended to be protection tools under the trafficking act into law enforcement tools," Young said.

She added, "The framework of protection is starting to really fragment." KIND recently released a report documenting recent changes to immigration policy.

She said that her organization had seen an increase in the number of children separated from their families.

Asked if she thought it would at least be an effective deterrent for future immigrants, she said it wouldn't.

"This is truly a refugee crisis," Young said.

"People become refugees when they're desperate to escape violence.

The violence is throughout Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and the governments are too weak or too corrupt to control it.

So people make the only choice they feel they have available, and they run.

"You're not going to be able to stop that," she added, "until conditions in the home country improve.

For more infomation >> What the legal process looks like for an immigrant child taken away from his parents - Duration: 9:55.


NYPD has received 18 percent more threats of school violence this year than last: report - Duration: 2:13.

NYPD has received 18 percent more threats of school violence this year than last: report

The New York Police Department (NYPD) fielded 334 threats of violence against schools since September, an 18 percent increase from the last school year, according to the New York Post.

The NYPD did not provide the Post with the number of arrests linked to the threats.

In the 2016 to 2017 school year, 282 threats were received.

New York City schools reported threats for three consecutive days the week after the recent Santa Fe, Texas, shooting, which left ten dead.

The threats came by phone, letter, email, social media and even verbally, NYPD spokeswoman Sgt.

Jessica McRorie told the Post.

The school that President Trumps son Barron once attended was one of the schools evacuated and closed after the words shooting today at 12:45 were found written on campus.

The school reopened the following day and there is an ongoing investigation, the Post reported.

The Post pointed out that schools have a wide range of policies in place for dealing with threats of violence at school, but the threat is becoming more deadly.

A new study found that more students have died because of school shootings in the past 18 years than in the entire twentieth century.

After the Parkland, Florida, school shooting in February, which left 17 people dead, a national debate over the best way to address school shootings reignited with student survivors leading a push for stronger gun restrictions.

For more infomation >> NYPD has received 18 percent more threats of school violence this year than last: report - Duration: 2:13.


Hawaii volcano lava flow crosses onto geothermal plant's property as more escape routes threatened - Duration: 4:03.

Hawaii volcano lava flow crosses onto geothermal plant's property as more escape routes threatened

A new lava flow spewing from a fissure caused by Hawaii's Kilauea volcano crossed onto the geothermal plant property and continued its slow advance as officials worry that the molten rock could block more escape routes, trapping residents in several nearby neighborhoods on the Big Island.

Lava flow from fissure 21 crossed onto the Puna Geothermal Venture, known as PGV, and continued advancing east on the property, USGS reported.

The flow continued its "slow advance eastward" early Sunday morning, but "has not moved significantly closed to Kapoho Road.".

County, State and Federal agencies continue to monitor Hydrogen Sulfide levels and no Hydrogen Sulfide has been detected.

Again, no Hydrogen Sulfide has been detected, officials said on Sunday.

Residents have been concerned about the lava rupturing wells at the plant, causing deadly hydrogen sulfide and other gases to be emitted, Reuters reported.

Authorities already shut down the plant and removed 60,000 gallons of flammable liquid at the start of the volcanic activity.

The wells were also deactivated.

At least 82 structures, including dozens of homes, have been destroyed since the volcano began erupting three weeks ago.

About 2,000 people have fled their homes as lava encroached on neighborhoods.

         Authorities are concerned about lava cutting off escape routes on the Big Island.

Highway 137 was shut down after lava flows crossed the road and entered the ocean, creating a deadly plume of gas called laze.

Highway 130 is now the only way in and out of towns such as Kalapana, Kaimu, Kehena and Opihikao,  Hawaii News Now reported .


The highway, however, also poses a risk of shutting down.

Officials covered the road with heat-resistant plates after large cracks began appearing.

Even though the steel plates have slightly heated in the areas of Highway 130, the steel plates are heat resistant and are still safe, Tim Sakahara, spokesman for Hawaii Transportation Department, said.

No problems have been reported or associated with the plates..

Lava could also begin approaching Highway 132.

If the lava flows cut off the highways, officials may resort to air evacuations to get residents trapped in the area out.

Our tasking is essentially to take 400 people within four hours from the furthest most LZ [landing zone] south up to Hilo to be evacuated, Marine Maj.

David Bachta said.

For more infomation >> Hawaii volcano lava flow crosses onto geothermal plant's property as more escape routes threatened - Duration: 4:03.


Shinee ~ Good evening (Vostfr) - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Shinee ~ Good evening (Vostfr) - Duration: 3:44.


After John Brennan Warns Congress To - Duration: 13:23.

For more infomation >> After John Brennan Warns Congress To - Duration: 13:23.


[SFM]mon animation prévu depuis longtemps - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> [SFM]mon animation prévu depuis longtemps - Duration: 0:51.


Jessie J夺冠中国"歌手"节目:文化与商业互赢 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Jessie J夺冠中国"歌手"节目:文化与商业互赢 - Duration: 2:28.


How to Find the Rate Law and Rate Constant (k) - Duration: 3:42.

In this question we are asked to find our rate law and our rate constant and

we'll go over how to find the correct units so you don't lose any points on

your next test. Hello everyone I'm Melissa Maribel, your personal tutor

and these are the formulas you need to know. That first one helps us find x and

y, so you can plug that into the second formula because that is your rate law

formula. Now this question gives us a table that shows three different trials

the concentrations of our reactants A and B measured in molarity and the rates

of each trial measured in molarity divided by seconds. We'll use this

formula to solve for x and y which are the reaction orders since there are two

unknowns we will pick trials two and one because they have the same values, which

would cancel out and we would be left with just one unknown which is y. So we

will divide rate two by rate one and plug in the values for each reactant A

and B. Next we can cancel out like terms so the k's cancel and this entire term

cancels out. When we divide the left side we get nine and when we divide

0.6 by 0.2 we get three. That three still has an exponent of Y

and since three squared is nine then Y is equal to two. Let's solve for x using

this same exact process but this time we will use trials 3 and 2 since

reactant B does not change and this time that will cancel out. When we plug

everything in we get this. We can cancel the k's and the Y's and when we divide

the left side we get one. Dividing 0.4 by 0.1 gives us four to the

power of X. Now for this one, remember anything raised to the zero power is one

so X must equal zero. Replace the X with zero and the y with the two and we will

get this but remember anything to the zero power is one so our actual

rate law only includes reactant B. But wait don't forget about your rate

constant! We must use the rate law to find the rate constant K. Using the known

values in the table we will plug that all in since all our numbers in the

table follow some sort of pattern then it does not matter which trial we use. In

this case we will use trial 1 and plug in the values square the 0.2 and the

unit and we will get this. Divide over that 0.04 to both sides and we get this

value but we need our units. You know I always see students getting marked off

for these units so let's find our units separately. This is where we left off

this M Squared is actually divided by 1 and can be re-written as such so we are

dividing fractions when dividing fractions you must multiply by the

reciprocal of the second fraction. 1 M cancels and we are left with 1 s and 1 M

on the bottom which can be re-written to M to the negative first and s to the

negative first. So this is our rate constant with the proper units. Now what

happens if the given values in the table don't follow a pattern and you're left

with decimals? That example and explanation are in this video make sure

to check it out. Alright guys I'll see you over there.

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