Thursday, May 31, 2018

Youtube daily report May 31 2018

1. Cytrusy a katarakta.Zwyczajna konsumpcja cytrusów jakiekolwiek typu może pomóc zmniejszyć ryzyko różnych problemów wizualnych, które pojawiają się wraz z wiekiem.

A to z powodu wysokiej zawartości witaminy C oraz beta karotenu, dwóch antyoksydantów, które pomagają chronić komórki przed szkodliwym wpływem stresu oksydacyjnego.

Optymalizują one procesy regeneracyjne tkanek. Jakby tego było mało, pomagają zmniejszyć agresywne działanie słońca oraz toksyn.Pamiętaj, aby jadać:Klementynki.Pomarańcze.Cytryny.Grejpfruty.Limonki

2. Szpinak.Zawierają kwas foliowy, witaminę E oraz cynk. To składniki odżywcze, które poprawiają Twój wzrok jednocześnie zmniejszając postępowanie chorób związanych z wolnymi rodnikami.

Ponadto jadanie ich regularnie pomaga zminimalizować szkodliwy wpływ stresu, a nawet zmniejsza tendencję do zachorowania na zwyrodnienie plamki żółtej.Staraj się jadać porcję szpinaku przynajmniej raz w tygodniu, najlepiej surowego, w formie sałatki lub smoothie.

3. Oliwa z oliwek.Oliwa z oliwek z pierwszego tłoczenia to jeden z najzdrowszych produktów, który zawsze powinien być częścią Twojej diety.

Bogata w antyoksydanty oraz nienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe, chroni Twój wzrok jednocześnie zapobiegając pogarszaniu się stanu Twojej soczewki i siatkówki.Zaleca się to, by uniknąć problemów związanych z zapaleniami. Poza tym, są świetne na kontrolowanie cholesterolu.

Jadaj jedną łyżkę oliwy z oliwek dziennie na pusty żołądek, a w ciągu dnia dodawaj ją do sałatek, zup i innych potraw.

4. Kiełki pszenicy.Dodawanie kiełków pszenicy do swojej diety pomaga we wchłanianiu niezbędnych aminokwasów i witaminy E, składników pokarmowych, które łagodzą pogarszanie się stanu błon wokół oczu.

Kiełki pszenicy zmniejszają również utratę protein w soczewce jednocześnie hamując negatywny wpływ toksyn oraz słońca.Dodawaj je do smoothie i sałatek.Jadaj je jako suplement.

5. Ryba zimnowodne.Kwasy tłuszczowe omega 3, które znajdują się w rybach zimnowodnych to składniki odżywcze, które pomagają chronić oczy przed chorobami degeneracyjnymi oraz przedwczesnym starzeniem się komórek.

Substancja ta usprawnia krwiobieg, kontroluje cholesterol oraz pomaga zmniejszyć zapalenia, które wpływają na zdrowie naszych oczu.Jadaj często:Tuńczyka.Sardynki.Makrele.Łososia.Śledzie.Pstrąga.Anchois

6. Jaja kurze.Jaja kurze są ważnym źródłem luteiny i zeaksantyny, dwóch substancji, które znane są ze swoich zdolności ochrony oczu przed degeneracją zachodzącą w wyniku starzenia się komórek.

Pomagają one zachować wzrok w dobrym stanie i zapobiegają schorzeniom takim jak katarakta, szczególnie jeśli jesteś szczególnie narażony na czynniki powodujące stres i inne trudności.Jadaj jajka wraz z żółtkiem, jako że to właśnie ta część najlepiej wpływa na funkcjonowanie naszego narządu wzrokowego.

7. Zielona herbata.Przeciwutleniacze zawarte w zielonej herbacie mogą zmniejszyć ryzyko wystąpienia chorób oczu, szczególnie takich, które spowodowane są przez wolne rodniki.

Picie jej regularnie pomaga ludziom objętym szczególnym ryzykiem zachorowania na takie schorzenia jak katarakta, a to dlatego, że zmniejsza ona niszczenie soczewek.

Należy również wspomnieć, że poza powyższymi korzyściami, zielona herbata to napój, który równoważy procesy przeciwzapalne w organizmie. To klucz do zmniejszenia ryzyka zachorowania na zwyrodnienie plamki żółtej.

Pijaj zieloną herbatę dwa razy dziennie, przynajmniej trzy razy w tygodniu.Jak widzisz, istnieje wiele produktów żywnościowych, które mogą pomóc wzmocnić Twoje oczy, by zmniejszyć ryzyko problemów wizualnych.

Włącz je do swojej codziennej diety i oczywiście uzupełnij je dużą ilością wody, a katarakta przez długi czas będzie omijać Cię z daleka.

For more infomation >> Katarakta – zmniejsz jej ryzyko spożywając te produkty - Duration: 3:00.


Pororo and Dinosaur Friends

For more infomation >> Pororo and Dinosaur Friends


✅ Takhle herečka s drogovou minulostí pózovala v bikinách, zatímco se znovu chystá pod kudlu - Duration: 1:45.

Danniella Westbrook (44) byla roky závislá na drogách, což se dost podepsalo na jejím obličeji

Nyní se jí pro změnu začaly bortit lícní kosti. Westbrook ale tvrdí, že za to nemohou drogy, nýbrž osteoporóza

Chystá se tedy na náročnou operaci, která by je měla napravit. U té příležitosti si prý nechá poupravit i nos

V nemocnici chce prý zůstat tak dlouho, dokud jí budou podávat léky na bolest. „Jsem bývalý feťák, trpím všemožnými závislostmi, takže léky na bolest vůbec neberu," svěřila se v pořadu Good Morning Britain, proč chce zůstat pod kontrolou lékařů během užívání léků

Ve Španělsku, kde nyní pobývá často, se vyvalila u bazénu ve žlutých bikinách a neváhala pózovat nadšeným fotografům

Westbrook má za sebou pár těžkých měsíců, kdy prý byla na sebevraždu, poté co na veřejnost uniklo její nahé video

To se dostalo ven, když bývalé televizní hvězdě ukradli telefon na Kanárských ostrovech


For more infomation >> ✅ Takhle herečka s drogovou minulostí pózovala v bikinách, zatímco se znovu chystá pod kudlu - Duration: 1:45.


Mercedes-Benz GT 4.0 S AMG SPEEDSHIFT | Pano.Dak | Burmester | Comand | LED - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GT 4.0 S AMG SPEEDSHIFT | Pano.Dak | Burmester | Comand | LED - Duration: 1:08.


Audi A6 2.0 TDI PRO LINE S-LINE 20" NAVI PDC BTW BOSE XENON 177PK 118DKM - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 2.0 TDI PRO LINE S-LINE 20" NAVI PDC BTW BOSE XENON 177PK 118DKM - Duration: 1:08.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC PANODAK.CLIMA.CAMERA.KEYLESS BIJNA 2012 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC PANODAK.CLIMA.CAMERA.KEYLESS BIJNA 2012 - Duration: 0:54.


Porsche Cayenne 4.8 S Aut Techart Uitvoering (Sportleder/Memory Navi Luchtvering Schuifdak BiXenon 2 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Porsche Cayenne 4.8 S Aut Techart Uitvoering (Sportleder/Memory Navi Luchtvering Schuifdak BiXenon 2 - Duration: 1:08.


X-Men Opening Theme (Scene) | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:58.

The future.

A dark, desolate world.

A world of war, suffering, loss...

on both sides.

Mutants and the humans who dared to help them.

Fighting an enemy we cannot defeat.

Are we destined down this path?

Destined to destroy ourselves like so many species before us?

Or can we evolve fast enough to change ourselves?

Change our fate?

Is the future truly set?

For more infomation >> X-Men Opening Theme (Scene) | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:58.


Khloe Kardashian Fans Think She Just Blasted Kanye West in Profanity-Laced 'Gemini' Tweet - Duration: 4:10.

Khloe Kardashian Fans Think She Just Blasted Kanye West in Profanity-Laced 'Gemini' Tweet

Khloe Kardashian fans think that the new mom may have just blasted Kanye West in a profanity-laced Gemini tweet. Oh s—! Is it Gemini season, Kardashian asked her followers adding next, Who else thinks Geminis are f—ing crazy?.

At first the tweet seemed mostly harmless, but some fans are now speculating that she could be talking about West, who is her brother-in-law by way of his marriage to her sister Kim Kardashian, and has a June 8 birthday.

Well look [at Kanye West.] Is he GEMINI, one fan joked, while another quipped, Lol. The Kanye shade is real in this tweet..

Interestingly, when Kardashian originally posted the tweet, it came across as more of a jab at Tristan Thompson, her NBA star boyfriend who was allegedly cheating on her while she was pregnant.

While it isnt necessarily obvious in the first tweet, a reply Khloe sent to a follower gave a hint that things between the two may not as well-off as some reports have indicated.

The follower tweeted back and asked Kardashian what star signs she is comparable with, to which she joked, Who the f— knows lol.

Its notable — and a potential clue as to her current position on the relationship — that she didnt say she was compatible with a Pisces, which is Thompsons astrological sign due to his March 13 birthday.

Additionally, Kardashian also appeared to snub Thompson in an anniversary card for her sister, Kim, and West.

In a note to the couple, Kardashian wrote, Happy anniversary Kimye. Love always wins!! She then signed the card from KoKo and True, acknowledging herself and her infant daughter, but leaving Thompsons name absent.

The suspected snubs come as bit of a surprise, considering that Kardashian has reportedly been putting in efforts to forgive Thompson for his indiscretions.

The couple have reportedly been trying to save their relationship, with recent headlines indicating that they are attending couples therapy. "Tristan had no interest in going, but Khloe insisted on it," a source close the couple reportedly said, according to Radar Online.

"Her sister Kim advised her that it was a good idea, because their relationship was already going to be a challenge with a new baby around, let alone a cheating scandal hanging over their heads," the source continued.

"The sessions have been difficult," the source added, commenting on the couple's conversations with a professional therapist. "Their fights are monumental at the moment.".

Eventually the source also revealed that Kardashian and Thompson "barely talk — except when it comes to the baby — but there have been some very frank discussions during the session.

"The relationship seems unlikely to survive," the source finally said. "Friends think there's no way Khloe wants to raise her daughter in such a toxic environment.".

For more infomation >> Khloe Kardashian Fans Think She Just Blasted Kanye West in Profanity-Laced 'Gemini' Tweet - Duration: 4:10.


Don't Drill Healthy Teeth! No Dentist Smile Makeover by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 11:25.

I understand why people are afraid of cosmetic dentists and you should be

drilling your teeth down to cones or stumps is so permanent why would anyone

drill perfectly good teeth I knew very fast that drilling was not for me I just

wanted to look better or do something different why would I want to do

anything to my teeth that's not reversible and that's why I say no to

drilling I've done my research and the technology it's changed and it's

changing every single day just look at the people who receive dental veneers

the five or ten years ago today they would make a different choice for me

it's all about choice either drill or bill I'm Kimberly Kloss I chose bill

veneers by brighter image lab

how'd you hear about us I was on Instagram and there was this social

media you know person that I loved her teeth and she was just really real about

you know how she approached getting you know a better smile and I looked at her

YouTube and on her YouTube videos she had she was one of your clients I was so

intrigued I had to you know I was brought to mhm your web page and I was

just like it was almost like automatically I felt like my perspective

had changed upon you know getting a sense of doing veneers just so impressed

that there she avoided doing the drilling and the step-by-step process

that it would take that's so invasive that to me I like it because his high -

yes that's incredibly deceptive oh my god what happens is is they showed the

before they show the after but they never show the ride home and the

difference is when they saw before and after it's a deceptive position like

before and after it's like these are your teeth and now these are your teeth

drilled down and so there's really not an after past that because the third

picture is here your here's your teeth when you apply a veneer here's how we

hide your teeth but the before and after should be real teeth cone teeth my

entire life I have growing up I had you know pretty

baby teeth and my dentist always said that and it stuck with me because when

my teeth came in the way that they did I was not as pleased you just want a

different yeah and so it's like and that's one of the theories that we get

into is that nobody should drill healthy teeth yeah that's terrifying to me

what they do is they drill a tooth to grind it down but it the grinding comes

from the drill and so we just say stay away from the drill we all the time see

people who send us their cases you want to know if they can get their veneers

removed because they want to go back to what

they had my can't when you said that you didn't want to drill then that got my

attention like for instance I don't know if you

know but I think you told me already Invisalign jump out of him yeah

the reason because oh my god it was the biggest mistake ever it was not what

what I tell people is is that there you know you you have to know what to expect

if your teeth didn't come in fully they don't continue to come in fully

I mean straighten them don't make them nicer just makes it more obvious and

sometimes if they're not shaped right they have to be straighter teeth and you

makes it more obvious oh I really need cosmetic and so most people go straight

from braces straight into cosmetic which they could have bypassed it and so

especially for things if you've done it 10 years ago or even five years ago the

choices we make today for those same veneers are so different in color and

shade and translucency and a bunch of things so why commit yourself to

something that's going to fit in its backdating the technology has changed

why continue to do the service that I want to show you something on your smile

okay you have almost no changes the shape of this one in this one's

underdeveloped this is probably one of those cases that are strictly cosmetic

like and but if you could make those changes on a case like this you can do

any case and so I can't believe this is really happening

those are my impressions those are my teeth those are gonna go in my mouth

he's always how they work this is supposed to be your mouth

if it on and so that's where we take it from oh the best thing to do is try it

have to take a deep breath I it's gonna feel weird no I can't even describe

since I have like this is a big moment for me because since I have been like a

little girl on I have always had such since I was 6 years old and my front

teeth came in and this tooth has always been such an insecurity of mine and I

never smiled with my teeth and it's you know maybe it's all a mental thing that

I just like I can't believe this moment is really here

you gotta let the camera see this is unreal

you look amazing I came from amazed look how shiny they were like so perfect and

shiny I can't notice in your Instagram your lip to lip on almost everything and

and my family always gives me such a hard time and it's always been an

insecurity thing you're not having a problem smile now or I mean now we're

talking I'm never gonna do the duck face again we're talking I just learned that that was the real face

I thought it duck made hide oh they look perfect I can't believe it

do you mind changing other ones please I always tell people wait three or four days

before you get used to the bottom but some people get adjusted the first and

they were the second one it all depends on how good it looks should look so real

but it's gonna feel big and it's gonna feel right so let's look at it so what

it is

Push them down they should be tight

oh my god I can't believe this no that's a lot you get used to how does it feel it's crazy big it

was great I can't believe this you know a large percentage of the people that

come to me and never came to me to look good whenever one time I asked to look a

bit better I'm a young lady in Ohio called me and

said I need I mean a really great smile it was Brittney yeah I watched it and

she's like you can do this then she was in the dentist for four years and he

couldn't fix her smile and so that's what we really got on let's make these

more perfect so with that I'm getting to see the word for the first time I don't

get to see it up this close I have to tell you something else people are gonna

ask we don't know each other and we're never ready for today right instagrammed

one time yeah I reached out to you I don't even always reaching out to you I

didn't know who I was reaching out to because I think it's like a Saturday or

Sunday morning it was a Sunday morning you didn't try these on before today oh

and so with that like I this is unreal nothing I liked about you graduated from

college these smart girls that they do their

work they don't drill you obviously don't have people take you to know any

cosmetic dentist in Florida if you wanted to make that choice you could have easily

made it and it wasn't an accident that you put that in our first message like

I'm not drilling so this helped me and I'm thinking how does she know to say

that like I'm always concerned that somebody in my office might have heard

me say it's they go I was just telling this but but we were looking at trying

to start a campaign that is don't drill and I knew you were doing your

investigations and I knew that you could make other choices

and I know there's a time where you didn't want to make any mistakes you got too many people

coming in but I will tell you I have been here for the last 15 minutes or so

and I don't see anything about you that's going to have anything but

positive on you making an impression or where you no longer have the negative I

don't think you're ever going to worry about that one tooth being too small it

looks perfect now let me see there perfect perfect like the tips match

exactly bite for bite it's still way hard for you to believe I can feel the

energy of shock this is insane crazy your parents are gonna see you for

graduation your mom's gonna see you for Mother's Day and you're gonna walk your

stage you're gonna have your friends yeah there might be one more I have to

oh these are my these people will judge me

uh-uh smiling the entire way down we did pretty good we did pretty good I have to

see it again pretty good you did good way to go

They look like matching teeth I know Kariann always had the best teeth she's my twin I got robbed

can you believe it they look so good I know you're the person I'm showing how do they feel amazing

don't they look amazing KK? You're smiling! you're smiling That's awesome I know

Learn more at

For more infomation >> Don't Drill Healthy Teeth! No Dentist Smile Makeover by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 11:25.


Citroën Grand C4 Picasso PureTech 130 S&S 1.2 T. Selection - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso PureTech 130 S&S 1.2 T. Selection - Duration: 0:55.


Kamera Mikrofon vergleich [RODE vs. CM-520] - Duration: 3:59.

hello dear people it is finally back as far as a new video is on the start.

[today] is on Thursdays because of want I can handle this through this one

Thursdays or sometimes in between, but at least until

thursday video out had what I have always one week so his words from

main channel is from thursday to next steps that I then the

browser or today as I said it's about the microphones or micro

against an input or honor them 5 2 what i say now 5 2 0 520

So I'm aware of herbert but what's going on here or that can

man yes i would have i as well as home at he just starts a test and

sorry about the bad audi today she is there as in wickede times

each one became I have to say again for the whole

Just test me a camera that's the eos 550d and I would say goes through and

soon so friday so tomorrow was coming not something such a review on the

so hey roll the action in the previous year So people, so to speak, evil in the test

tomorrow will come to box also said is what's up for sorry

the bad picture but it works not about it's not like that

picture but it is about the sound from this micro where that is

This time Rohde and the same will come still it was said on it and people I that

say that this is your cabinet even shop make that is not played

but it's just about doing what actually very important for me is like

you also see little difference I would show you at the end again

so people there is park quality differences and I will

Thanks now, we have the sound from the other microphone on it and yes

I hope that leaves because I have to unfortunately talking to the microphones because

first and therefore again and instead there Of course, there are also red ones but me

just does not like that now it is first on the quality

back and we'll be alright now let's go to the quality here

Rohde say that here in part is actually meant for that

if we somehow cropped the field a camera education was cold damn

noises with that there is not that although without being able to move

but that breaks especially since it has to be here I have to turn it on and off

and yes advantage it can also be a second made on it we do not have yet

because like in my game but now if you want to see it all again

a title here on it there is so linked this whole

equipment and if he what about later what she always sticks her there too

is first place, but that is already laid at the beginning and secondly that

video which lens it better that goes wrong or the 550 205 sure

I do not know at once too many people that's all

this video said tomorrow will come too Another review of the role I

but can say the name the ezb pointed out why

Channel is gone You can become a blogger here

subscribe to this could be my gaming channel

here you can peel in foil ceo rent and here you can the

watch playlist so far

For more infomation >> Kamera Mikrofon vergleich [RODE vs. CM-520] - Duration: 3:59.


How To Make A Word Search - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> How To Make A Word Search - Duration: 9:35.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


Cette chatte est devenue la maman d'un bébé très très différent - Animaux 360 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Cette chatte est devenue la maman d'un bébé très très différent - Animaux 360 - Duration: 2:52.



For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.2 D-4D COMFORT 4-WD CRUISE AIRCO TREKHAAK RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:08.


Welcome Home: Soyuz Landing In 360/VR - Duration: 4:01.

[Background music with ambient sounds]

For more infomation >> Welcome Home: Soyuz Landing In 360/VR - Duration: 4:01.


Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse 250 d Combi XL 7 Pers. Avantgarde Edition Marge | Certified - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse 250 d Combi XL 7 Pers. Avantgarde Edition Marge | Certified - Duration: 1:09.


Meghan Markle : son père Thomas assure qu'il n'a jamais demandé d'argent à sa fille - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle : son père Thomas assure qu'il n'a jamais demandé d'argent à sa fille - Duration: 3:45.


Do Placebos Work For Animals? Yes, Weirdly Enough - Duration: 5:09.


If you know someone who swears that they're living proof coconut oil is the cure for everything,

you might be familiar with the placebo effect.

That's when something with no real pharmaceutical power, like a sugar pill,

actually does help solely because someone believes it'll work.

But weirdly enough, animals also seem to be fooled by placebos.

Which seems like something that definitely shouldn't be a thing,

since they don't know what medicine is.

Scientists have a few ideas, though, as to why these effects happen.

And their very existence could have serious implications for scientific research,

especially drug testing.

We don't know a ton about how the placebo effect actually works,

even in us, but it's thought that it largely hinges upon you believing

what you're taking has the power to fix what ails you.

That's why it's kind of strange that dogs, rats,

and other animals also seem to respond to placebos.

After all, a dog doesn't know what a pill is,

let alone that it's supposed to fix something that's broken.

Still, the effect has been documented in multiple studies.

For example, in a 2012 study, a group of 19 rats were trained to expose their

faces to a painful heat source in order to get a treat.

Then they were injected with morphine, and offered the treat again.

Since the morphine dulled the pain, they were less bothered by the heat.

The eight that received saline instead of the painkiller

were understandably less interested in the tasty reward.

After a couple rounds of this, the researchers

switched to injecting both groups of rats with saline.

Yet the originally morphine group were still mostly willing to brave the heat,

even though they didn't have the painkiller anymore.

For them, the saline acted as a placebo.

And that's probably due to conditioning:

where an individual is trained to react in a certain way to a signal.

It's a phenomenon made famous by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov

through his experiments with dogs,

who were trained to associate the sound of a bell with a juicy steak.

Eventually, the sound alone was enough to make them start drooling.

Conditioning can lead to a special kind of placebo effect, where the response to a medication

is so strongly associated with the experience of receiving it that the body keeps responding

even after it stops getting the actual drug, like seen in the rats in that 2012 study.

They were conditioned to associate an injection with less pain,

so even when the stuff in the injection changed, their pain was still dulled.

But not all animal placebo effects can be explained by conditioning.

For example, a 2010 meta-analysis examined

three studies where epilepsy medication was tested in dogs.

The researchers found that 79% of the 28 pooches in the placebo groups had fewer seizures.

It's less likely conditioning was at play in these studies.

Still, scientists aren't 100% convinced that a true placebo effect explains things, either.

Something called the Hawthorne Effect could be the culprit instead, which is where someone,

or an animal, improves just by being involved in a study.

That's because study subjects are closely monitored and cared for.

Basically, they get more attention, so they tend to do better.

Or, it might really be a placebo effect,

but in the people involved in the studies, not the dogs.

The caregiver placebo effect can happen if the researchers or the animals' owners expect

the treatment to be working, which makes them more likely to report improvement.

And that's something scientists have definitely seen.

For example, a 2017 literature review re-analyzed five studies on cats with joint pain,

and found that between about half and three quarters of

cats on placebos were classified by their owners as improving.

But using more objective measures, only between 10 to 63 percent actually improved,

suggesting that some if not most of the supposed improvement was just in the owner's heads.

And it's actually a really big deal that these kinds of placebo or

placebo-like effects can happen in animals, because we do a lot of research in animals.

Before medications are prescribed by veterinarians, they undergo clinical tests

similar to what we do with our drugs.

And a lot of our pharmaceuticals are often tested in animals

before they're tested in people.

Placebo effect could make a dud seem like a wonderdrug.

Which can be especially dangerous because placebos usually just improve symptoms rather

than treating the underlying cause.

An animal with cancer might act less ill on a placebo,

but their tumor could still be growing.

Or, placebos could make it seem like a good drug isn't effective,

if the control group on a placebo does overly well.

Further studies of the placebo effect in animals and how it might mess with clinical tests

could help researchers design studies that minimize these pitfalls.

Because the phenomenon definitely exists, even if it seems like it shouldn't.

And it just might explain why that friend of a friend of yours

thinks that homeopathic drops are curing their pup's arthritis.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

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well, we have an entire channel dedicated to that!

You can head over to to check it out.


For more infomation >> Do Placebos Work For Animals? Yes, Weirdly Enough - Duration: 5:09.


Une recette incroyable pour les paresseux qui veulent un ventre plat sans faire d'exercice ! - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Une recette incroyable pour les paresseux qui veulent un ventre plat sans faire d'exercice ! - Duration: 6:05.


Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo Wants $10M for TPS Immigration Services - Duration: 1:49.

Members I rise to cope with an AB 1862 a measure that would provide legal

assistance to a newly vulnerable sector of our immigrant population who have

lost their temporary protective status known as TPS as my colleague from Los

Angeles said this bill builds on current efforts to assist members of our

community that have been stripped of their protection and main durable for

the removal for the first time in decades

TPS recipient recipients from El Salvador Nicaragua Haiti and other

countries are included in this group earlier this year we had a few TPS

recipients visit our chambers and afterwards and shared heartbreaking

stories with me and others about their uncertainty and their fear of having

lost their legal status they followed all of the requirements this country set

on them and trusted that if they worked hard and played by the rules they would

get to raise their children in a safe and welcoming country but are now left

with only a few options to stay here as an immigrant from El Salvador I feel it

is important that we recognize our community's potential and as a state and

and as a state respond to their concerns these deportations will cost our state

thousands with law by law-abiding hardworking residents who contribute

millions to our economy the tibias recipients pay taxes own homes and start

their own business across our state particularly in my district and

surrounding LA communities TPS recipients are also parents to

children who are American citizens and if they are forced to leave thousands of

more families will be torn apart in response to the senseless end of TPS it

is our responsibility to safeguard affected California residents by

offering qualified legal services to help them and advise them this bill will

make sure our committed nonprofit partners have the funding to undertake

this task and I respectfully ask for your aye vote

For more infomation >> Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo Wants $10M for TPS Immigration Services - Duration: 1:49.


Vin Diesel Thanks His Mom for Not Getting an Abortion During Commencement Speech - Duration: 1:19.

vin diesel sinks his mom for not getting an abortion during his college

commencement speech hey everyone I'm Whitney with the blasts so Vin Diesel

returned to Hunter College to get his honorary PhD and during his speech in

front of 1,800 graduates he put his mom on blast for thanking her for not

getting rid of him before he was born

I just so thankful you didn't have an abortion mom thank you so much ven goes

on to say how happy and proud he is that his mom's actually in the audience

watching this whole thing unfold he went to Hunter College back in the 1980s and

he was an English major until he dropped out to make his career in Hollywood Ben

says that receiving this honorary PhD is even bigger than his Hollywood Walk of

Fame star that is HUGE the college seemed to really enjoy Vince speech and

everyone was so happy he was there I happen to like those stunner shades

For more infomation >> Vin Diesel Thanks His Mom for Not Getting an Abortion During Commencement Speech - Duration: 1:19.


Don't Drill Healthy Teeth! No Dentist Smile Makeover by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 11:25.

I understand why people are afraid of cosmetic dentists and you should be

drilling your teeth down to cones or stumps is so permanent why would anyone

drill perfectly good teeth I knew very fast that drilling was not for me I just

wanted to look better or do something different why would I want to do

anything to my teeth that's not reversible and that's why I say no to

drilling I've done my research and the technology it's changed and it's

changing every single day just look at the people who receive dental veneers

the five or ten years ago today they would make a different choice for me

it's all about choice either drill or bill I'm Kimberly Kloss I chose bill

veneers by brighter image lab

how'd you hear about us I was on Instagram and there was this social

media you know person that I loved her teeth and she was just really real about

you know how she approached getting you know a better smile and I looked at her

YouTube and on her YouTube videos she had she was one of your clients I was so

intrigued I had to you know I was brought to mhm your web page and I was

just like it was almost like automatically I felt like my perspective

had changed upon you know getting a sense of doing veneers just so impressed

that there she avoided doing the drilling and the step-by-step process

that it would take that's so invasive that to me I like it because his high -

yes that's incredibly deceptive oh my god what happens is is they showed the

before they show the after but they never show the ride home and the

difference is when they saw before and after it's a deceptive position like

before and after it's like these are your teeth and now these are your teeth

drilled down and so there's really not an after past that because the third

picture is here your here's your teeth when you apply a veneer here's how we

hide your teeth but the before and after should be real teeth cone teeth my

entire life I have growing up I had you know pretty

baby teeth and my dentist always said that and it stuck with me because when

my teeth came in the way that they did I was not as pleased you just want a

different yeah and so it's like and that's one of the theories that we get

into is that nobody should drill healthy teeth yeah that's terrifying to me

what they do is they drill a tooth to grind it down but it the grinding comes

from the drill and so we just say stay away from the drill we all the time see

people who send us their cases you want to know if they can get their veneers

removed because they want to go back to what

they had my can't when you said that you didn't want to drill then that got my

attention like for instance I don't know if you

know but I think you told me already Invisalign jump out of him yeah

the reason because oh my god it was the biggest mistake ever it was not what

what I tell people is is that there you know you you have to know what to expect

if your teeth didn't come in fully they don't continue to come in fully

I mean straighten them don't make them nicer just makes it more obvious and

sometimes if they're not shaped right they have to be straighter teeth and you

makes it more obvious oh I really need cosmetic and so most people go straight

from braces straight into cosmetic which they could have bypassed it and so

especially for things if you've done it 10 years ago or even five years ago the

choices we make today for those same veneers are so different in color and

shade and translucency and a bunch of things so why commit yourself to

something that's going to fit in its backdating the technology has changed

why continue to do the service that I want to show you something on your smile

okay you have almost no changes the shape of this one in this one's

underdeveloped this is probably one of those cases that are strictly cosmetic

like and but if you could make those changes on a case like this you can do

any case and so I can't believe this is really happening

those are my impressions those are my teeth those are gonna go in my mouth

he's always how they work this is supposed to be your mouth

if it on and so that's where we take it from oh the best thing to do is try it

have to take a deep breath I it's gonna feel weird no I can't even describe

since I have like this is a big moment for me because since I have been like a

little girl on I have always had such since I was 6 years old and my front

teeth came in and this tooth has always been such an insecurity of mine and I

never smiled with my teeth and it's you know maybe it's all a mental thing that

I just like I can't believe this moment is really here

you gotta let the camera see this is unreal

you look amazing I came from amazed look how shiny they were like so perfect and

shiny I can't notice in your Instagram your lip to lip on almost everything and

and my family always gives me such a hard time and it's always been an

insecurity thing you're not having a problem smile now or I mean now we're

talking I'm never gonna do the duck face again we're talking I just learned that that was the real face

I thought it duck made hide oh they look perfect I can't believe it

do you mind changing other ones please I always tell people wait three or four days

before you get used to the bottom but some people get adjusted the first and

they were the second one it all depends on how good it looks should look so real

but it's gonna feel big and it's gonna feel right so let's look at it so what

it is

Push them down they should be tight

oh my god I can't believe this no that's a lot you get used to how does it feel it's crazy big it

was great I can't believe this you know a large percentage of the people that

come to me and never came to me to look good whenever one time I asked to look a

bit better I'm a young lady in Ohio called me and

said I need I mean a really great smile it was Brittney yeah I watched it and

she's like you can do this then she was in the dentist for four years and he

couldn't fix her smile and so that's what we really got on let's make these

more perfect so with that I'm getting to see the word for the first time I don't

get to see it up this close I have to tell you something else people are gonna

ask we don't know each other and we're never ready for today right instagrammed

one time yeah I reached out to you I don't even always reaching out to you I

didn't know who I was reaching out to because I think it's like a Saturday or

Sunday morning it was a Sunday morning you didn't try these on before today oh

and so with that like I this is unreal nothing I liked about you graduated from

college these smart girls that they do their

work they don't drill you obviously don't have people take you to know any

cosmetic dentist in Florida if you wanted to make that choice you could have easily

made it and it wasn't an accident that you put that in our first message like

I'm not drilling so this helped me and I'm thinking how does she know to say

that like I'm always concerned that somebody in my office might have heard

me say it's they go I was just telling this but but we were looking at trying

to start a campaign that is don't drill and I knew you were doing your

investigations and I knew that you could make other choices

and I know there's a time where you didn't want to make any mistakes you got too many people

coming in but I will tell you I have been here for the last 15 minutes or so

and I don't see anything about you that's going to have anything but

positive on you making an impression or where you no longer have the negative I

don't think you're ever going to worry about that one tooth being too small it

looks perfect now let me see there perfect perfect like the tips match

exactly bite for bite it's still way hard for you to believe I can feel the

energy of shock this is insane crazy your parents are gonna see you for

graduation your mom's gonna see you for Mother's Day and you're gonna walk your

stage you're gonna have your friends yeah there might be one more I have to

oh these are my these people will judge me

uh-uh smiling the entire way down we did pretty good we did pretty good I have to

see it again pretty good you did good way to go

They look like matching teeth I know Kariann always had the best teeth she's my twin I got robbed

can you believe it they look so good I know you're the person I'm showing how do they feel amazing

don't they look amazing KK? You're smiling! you're smiling That's awesome I know

Learn more at

For more infomation >> Don't Drill Healthy Teeth! No Dentist Smile Makeover by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 11:25.


Trump Is Going Buy Russia Witnesses' Silence With Pardons - Duration: 1:37.

Phil Rucker, I want your

thoughts -- I watch you on the


We don't know if there is a

cause and effect, interestingly

after two giant pieces of the

obstruction of justice coming to

focus, the president today, I

don't know if he spins a dial on

who is looking for a pardon, he

picked dinesh d'souza and

pardoned him.

I don't know if they're setting

up a hot line 1-800-pardon me,

he's getting comfortable with

his pardon power.

>> That's right, Nicolle.

The announcement came out of


There is actually sort of an

ordinary process for pardons

that begins at the justice


There is an office of the pardon

attorney and thousands of people

will apply for a pardon there

and that process makes its way

to the white house and a

presidential decision.

But this president has made his

pardon decisions personally and

on his own and on his own


Not through those normal


That's why he pardoned sheriff

Joe arpaio in Arizona.

That's why he pardoned scooter

Libby and dinesh d'souza.

It sent a message to the

personal attorney and people

ensnard, like national security

advisor Mike Flynn that this

president trump is willing to

exercise his power of clemency

to help out his friends and

allies to prevent them from

serving jail time or to pardon

them after the fact.

I talked to some people who are

in trump's outer orbit who may

For more infomation >> Trump Is Going Buy Russia Witnesses' Silence With Pardons - Duration: 1:37.


Here & Now Thursday May 31 2018 - Duration: 36:21.

For more infomation >> Here & Now Thursday May 31 2018 - Duration: 36:21.


Worried Meghan Markle is ringing her dad pleading over his health, says friend - Duration: 3:17.

The Duchess of Sussex has reportedly made a series of worried phone calls to her 73-year-old father after he backed out of walking her down the aisle at last minute to recover from a heart operation

He instead watched the Royal Wedding alone at a £23-a-night Airbnb in Mexico eating jelly and fruit salad, according to reports

And now it has emerged the new bride and her husband Prince Harry have been calling Mr Markle to make sure he slows down in his recovery

A neighbour of Mr Markle also revealed how Prince Harry, 33, called the retired lighting director to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage

Lori Davis, 38, who lives in the same community as Mr Markle, told The Sun: "He's spoken to Prince Harry on many occasions and he has spoken to Harry and Meghan since the wedding

"They're worried about him and have told him not to drive as he recovers from his heart operation

"Mr Markle actually spent the big day holed up in a Mexican villa, just miles from his home in San Antonio Del Mar

He even asked the landlady if the apartment had a TV so he could watch the spectacular Royal Wedding, which took place in the grounds of Windsor Castle

Speaking with the permission of Mr Markle, mother-of-three Ms Davis said: "Harry called him to ask for permission to propose to Meghan and Tom was always intending to go to the wedding

"It was nerve-wracking for him because he is shy but he was really excited by it."It was heart problems he suffered at his home at the same time as the staged pic scandal that put paid to any hopes he had of going to the wedding

"Mr Markle, who divorced the Suits star's mother Doria when Meghan Markle was just six-years-old was due to walk his daughter down the aisle on May 19, but Harry's father Prince Charles stepped in at last minute

He was forced to undergo an operation to insert three stents following a heart attack and is now likely to have to take blood-thinning medication for the rest of his life

Meghan and Prince Harry were said to have been devastated Mr Markle was a no-show and are reportedly making plans to fly to California to see him

Ms Davis added: "Tom watched the wedding by himself."He thought the ceremony was beautiful but I am sure forever he will regret not being there

"I'd bought him some Jell-O and a fruit salad which he ate while he watched it."

For more infomation >> Worried Meghan Markle is ringing her dad pleading over his health, says friend - Duration: 3:17.


Préparez-vous au Congrès annuel 2018 de la FCM! - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Préparez-vous au Congrès annuel 2018 de la FCM! - Duration: 1:59.


айхерб покупки с iherb! Что Покупает Моя Жена и Родители на #IHERB. ОГРОМНЫЙ ЗАКАЗ с Америки Посылка - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> айхерб покупки с iherb! Что Покупает Моя Жена и Родители на #IHERB. ОГРОМНЫЙ ЗАКАЗ с Америки Посылка - Duration: 8:10.


Mariage du prince Harry et Meghan: pourquoi ils ont été obligés de renvoyer 8 millions d'euros - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Mariage du prince Harry et Meghan: pourquoi ils ont été obligés de renvoyer 8 millions d'euros - Duration: 2:32.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 135pk DynamicLine | LEER | GT-LINE PAKKET - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 135pk DynamicLine | LEER | GT-LINE PAKKET - Duration: 1:09.


Despacho Semanal de Noticias - 31 de Mayo - Duration: 11:39.

For more infomation >> Despacho Semanal de Noticias - 31 de Mayo - Duration: 11:39.


少女被变态父亲关了24年 强迫发生关系3000次怀7个孩子 - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> 少女被变态父亲关了24年 强迫发生关系3000次怀7个孩子 - Duration: 3:49.


Melhoria no F/A-18 é garantia contra atraso do F-35 - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Melhoria no F/A-18 é garantia contra atraso do F-35 - Duration: 7:27.


Versatility by Design in Extrusion - Duration: 4:47.

My name is Michael Gibson. I'm the extrusion engineer here at PacMoore.

I've been working here since November 2016.

Most extrusion facilities that I've walked through are set up to do one thing,

and they'll make that one thing really good. Day-in, day-out, 24 hours a

day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Here at PacMoore, our line is built up

with versatility in mind. So we have the ability to

do a rice crisp, do a quick clean, turnaround, and we'll be able to do a soy

crisp. While doing that, our machines have the ability to be pushed inline

pushed out of line. Screw profiles can be completely changed from a low shear

screw profile to a super high shear screw profile. We also

have a multitude of different dies that we have cut. We can cut a custom die

to make a product specifically for that customer, or we can use one of our other

dies and dial it in and get a close product before we decide we need to go

ahead and make that giant leap to cut a new die specifically for that customer.

With that in mind we also have our dryer. Our dryer has a lot of flexibility built

into that as well. We have the ability to go from four minutes all the way up

to 45 minutes to dry. Temperatures anywhere from 180 degrees (F) all the way up

to 375 degrees (F). We have a new oscillating spout that basically gives you the

ultimate variability. If you have a piece that's a particular size, it'll

land on the belt differently than another piece of a different size.

We have the ability to make about five or six different adjustments to have a good

proper bed depth for drying. Our whole line is built with versatility in mind.

Instead of running something day-in and day-out, we have the ability to switch

around and still make a good product at the end. We have the ability right now in

our extruder facility to blend ingredients. Say we get in 50-pound

bags and you have a certain ratio: maybe you have 5 ingredients, maybe you have 20.

We can dump all those into our mixer, mix them out and then they can go through

our process. We also have the ability to bypass our blender altogether

and just dump straight out of a tote sack into our system. So if there's just

one ingredient or we have a pre-blended ingredient that comes in, we

just dump directly into our system, bypass our mixer, don't need to use it.

From there we have a surge bin above our feeder. Our feeder is an AccuRate feeder from Schenk.

We have the ability to go anywhere from as low as 800 pounds an

hour to 3,000ish, maybe 4,000 pounds an hour depending on the density of the product.

Our feeder: we have the ability to add different agitation rates,

internal and external. We have the ability to change our feeder spout with

that being said, when we change our feeder spout, we have the ability to move

our preconditioner in and out of line. So our preconditioner as I said before

has a retention time of anywhere from 1 minute 30 seconds to five minutes, depending

on how you set up the shaft spinning. But the preconditioner is where we can

start cooking or start adding moisture to products that need that extra

residence time to soak up that moisture. We have the ability to add steam and

water in there. We also have ports in there where we can open up and pump in

extra liquids - whether it be color, or sugar mixture, or extra vitamins,

or whatever we want to pump into the preconditioner. When the preconditioner

is in line that will feed directly into the extruder.

We have the ability to go from 50 rpms all the way up to 485 rpms.

We have a five-headed zone extruder. It's a Coperion C-120 extruder. We have five heads

on that. We can go from 60 degrees (F) all the way up to 295 degrees (F) or so.

One of those zones we have the ability to really go up and down. So just really

depending on the product. If it's a product that doesn't need a lot of work

or a lot of thermal energy, dial everything down.

So the screw speeds up, or slow it down depending on what the product needs.

We have a couple different knife variations that we can put at the front end of the extruder.

Most of the time we use a flex blade configuration.

The best part about PacMoore is all the people that I work with. Whether it be Chuck, Josh Marsh,

John Barnhill, Adam. All of those guys, they soak it up like a sponge. They want

to learn more stuff. Anything they can learn about extrusion they want to learn.

It's been rewarding bringing all the knowledge and tossing it on

people, not having it fall on deaf ears. These guys just soak it up. Want to learn more,

want to process more, and it's pretty gratifying.

For more infomation >> Versatility by Design in Extrusion - Duration: 4:47.


Khloe Kardashian Fans Think She Just Blasted Kanye West in Profanity-Laced 'Gemini' Tweet - Duration: 4:10.

Khloe Kardashian Fans Think She Just Blasted Kanye West in Profanity-Laced 'Gemini' Tweet

Khloe Kardashian fans think that the new mom may have just blasted Kanye West in a profanity-laced Gemini tweet. Oh s—! Is it Gemini season, Kardashian asked her followers adding next, Who else thinks Geminis are f—ing crazy?.

At first the tweet seemed mostly harmless, but some fans are now speculating that she could be talking about West, who is her brother-in-law by way of his marriage to her sister Kim Kardashian, and has a June 8 birthday.

Well look [at Kanye West.] Is he GEMINI, one fan joked, while another quipped, Lol. The Kanye shade is real in this tweet..

Interestingly, when Kardashian originally posted the tweet, it came across as more of a jab at Tristan Thompson, her NBA star boyfriend who was allegedly cheating on her while she was pregnant.

While it isnt necessarily obvious in the first tweet, a reply Khloe sent to a follower gave a hint that things between the two may not as well-off as some reports have indicated.

The follower tweeted back and asked Kardashian what star signs she is comparable with, to which she joked, Who the f— knows lol.

Its notable — and a potential clue as to her current position on the relationship — that she didnt say she was compatible with a Pisces, which is Thompsons astrological sign due to his March 13 birthday.

Additionally, Kardashian also appeared to snub Thompson in an anniversary card for her sister, Kim, and West.

In a note to the couple, Kardashian wrote, Happy anniversary Kimye. Love always wins!! She then signed the card from KoKo and True, acknowledging herself and her infant daughter, but leaving Thompsons name absent.

The suspected snubs come as bit of a surprise, considering that Kardashian has reportedly been putting in efforts to forgive Thompson for his indiscretions.

The couple have reportedly been trying to save their relationship, with recent headlines indicating that they are attending couples therapy. "Tristan had no interest in going, but Khloe insisted on it," a source close the couple reportedly said, according to Radar Online.

"Her sister Kim advised her that it was a good idea, because their relationship was already going to be a challenge with a new baby around, let alone a cheating scandal hanging over their heads," the source continued.

"The sessions have been difficult," the source added, commenting on the couple's conversations with a professional therapist. "Their fights are monumental at the moment.".

Eventually the source also revealed that Kardashian and Thompson "barely talk — except when it comes to the baby — but there have been some very frank discussions during the session.

"The relationship seems unlikely to survive," the source finally said. "Friends think there's no way Khloe wants to raise her daughter in such a toxic environment.".

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