Sunday, May 27, 2018

Youtube daily report May 27 2018

This video was *not*sponsored by Adidas (lol)

Hey all! I'm Iris Thanks for watching the video

With this song I inaugurate a section in my channel which I call

Covers that nobody asked for

probably nobody will ever ask for

that I wanted to do anyway

My 14 year old self - that's half my current age

must be very happy because Kai Hiwatari from Beyblade was my platonic love at that age

Because of that I knew some of the Japanese songs from the series and I wanted to do this one

Do you have any characters or series that you like, but are a guilty pleasure? 'Cause being honest, Beyblade wasn't all that good...

Tell me in the comments!

Subscribe if you haven't already

And if you liked this cover don't forget to like, comment & share

Here's a shout-out to my patreons Seba, Khoi, Leandro, Daniel, Prosperino and ZuelaCorp

If you want to be featured here, support me on Patreon!

All the info can be found in this link

Thanks for watching and see ya on the next video!

For more infomation >> Bokura no Jidai e -go ahead- (Beyblade G-Revolution OP1 Japanese Cover) - Iris - Duration: 2:26.


Fabrizio Corona contro Barbara d'Urso: 'Non la rispetterò mai' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Corona contro Barbara d'Urso: 'Non la rispetterò mai' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:04.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 Elegance - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 Elegance - Duration: 1:09.


Selvaggia Lucarelli in guerra contro tutti: ora è il turno di Chef Rubio | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Selvaggia Lucarelli in guerra contro tutti: ora è il turno di Chef Rubio | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:37.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 100pk First Edition - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 100pk First Edition - Duration: 0:47.


Safari fotografico tra le isole Galapagos - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> Safari fotografico tra le isole Galapagos - Duration: 9:36.


양예원 청원 지지', 후폭풍 몰고 온 수지의 안타까운 '선의' - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 양예원 청원 지지', 후폭풍 몰고 온 수지의 안타까운 '선의' - Duration: 5:07.


Toyota Prius Wagon 1.8 Full Hybrid 136PK CVT 96g Aspiration - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Toyota Prius Wagon 1.8 Full Hybrid 136PK CVT 96g Aspiration - Duration: 0:41.


Phim Tình Khúc Bạch Dương Tập 33,Quyên vẫn nhất quyết mua vé sang đến tận Mát để gặp Hùng . - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Phim Tình Khúc Bạch Dương Tập 33,Quyên vẫn nhất quyết mua vé sang đến tận Mát để gặp Hùng . - Duration: 2:55.


Wildwood Police Investigating Video Showing Officer Punching Woman On Beach While Trying To Subdue H - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Wildwood Police Investigating Video Showing Officer Punching Woman On Beach While Trying To Subdue H - Duration: 2:31.


게실염 치료법 ► Love In The MoonLight Plus ► - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> 게실염 치료법 ► Love In The MoonLight Plus ► - Duration: 5:09.


VICK VAPORUB E MEL - Depois Que Souber o Motivo Vai Querer Fazer o Mesmo! - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> VICK VAPORUB E MEL - Depois Que Souber o Motivo Vai Querer Fazer o Mesmo! - Duration: 2:43.


Kirbybille's Pitcher Will (Perfect Game) Rice Goes 1 on 1 With J Russell - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Kirbybille's Pitcher Will (Perfect Game) Rice Goes 1 on 1 With J Russell - Duration: 2:10.


JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On - Duration: 12:21.

JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On 30 Day Notice With Sudden Executive Order


President Trump has just issued a series of executive orders that potentially gut federal

employee unions' ability to negotiate with agency leaders and represent workers, as well

as reducing the time it takes for an agency to fire people for poor performance or misconduct.

I view this as a very good thing.

For far too long, government employees have felt safe from repercussions for not working

or for misbehaving.

This puts an end to that.

It looks like President Trump has had it with slackers in the federal government and he's

fixing that.

Shape up or ship out.

Trump is billing this as the first step toward broad civil service reform.

Three executive orders were issued that are aimed at making it easier to fire poor performers

and it orders harsher treatment of union representatives.

This step is long overdue and it will go a long way to eradicating corruption in the

government ranks.

It also sets the powerful unions back on their heels.

They will no longer operate like the mafia within our government.

"Today, the President is fulfilling his promise to promote a more efficient government

by reforming civil service rules," said Andrew Bremberg, director of the President's

Domestic Policy Council.

"Every year, the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey shows that less than one-third of federal

employees believe poor performers are adequately addressed by their agency.

These executive orders make it easier to remove poor performing employees, and ensure that

taxpayer dollars are more efficiently used."

The first thing on the agenda is reducing the time it takes to fire poor performers

and employees suspected of misconduct by standardizing the length of Performance Improvement Plans

to 30 days across the federal government.

Right now it varies agency to agency and takes somewhere between 60 and 120 days usually.

"A GAO report shows that it takes six months to a year to remove someone from government,

and can often take another nine months on appeal," an official said.

"[This] also encourages agencies to fire someone for misconduct when they've been

engaged in behavior that warrants it, instead of just suspending them."

Talk about cleaning house.

The official said the administration would also make performance a more important factor

than seniority when agencies undertake layoffs.

According to DML News:

"The second executive order directs federal agencies to renegotiate contracts with unions

representing government employees so as to reduce waste.

The anonymous administration official expressed hope that, for example, agencies could stop

having to pay expenses on both sides when unions undertake appeals on behalf of fired


"The third order aims to cut down on "official time," in which government workers who have

roles in the union, like helping colleagues file grievances, are allowed to perform those

roles during normal working hours for which they draw their usual salary.

(An analogous concept exists for private-sector unions.)

The order limits official time to 25 percent of their hours during the year."

Administration officials said they estimate the changes to labor relations policies could

save "at least" $100 million in taxpayer money.

That's very good news.

When asked about potential increased costs as a result of the decrease in official time,

which is often used to mitigate disputes before a grievance or civil litigation is filed,

an official claimed such actions would actually decrease.

Again… winning.

"Litigations and grievances, we expect those to be reduced quite substantially, although

our cost savings estimate doesn't factor that in," the official said.

"Once those are factored in, the savings would only be increased, not decreased."

And boy howdy, the unions are ticked over this.

American Federation of Government Employees National President J. David Cox said in a

statement that the executive orders are a "direct assault" on union members' legal


"This is more than union busting—it's democracy busting," he said.

"President Trump's executive orders do nothing to help federal workers do their jobs


In fact, they do the opposite by depriving workers of their rights to address and resolve

workplace issues such as sexual harassment, racial discrimination, retaliation against

whistleblowers, improving workplace health and safety, enforcing reasonable accommodations

for workers with disabilities, and so much more."

Someone get that guy a tissue.

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) praised the move in a statement, calling it an important step

toward a more effective federal government."The hallmark of the American civil service is

our commitment to hire the best and the brightest to serve our fellow Americans," he said.

"These executive orders strive to make the federal government more efficient, not only

for the taxpayer, but for our great federal workers.

We have thousands of federal employees who work very hard for the nation; it's important

that their work is not frustrated by the poor performance of a small few."

That's exactly right.

Hire the best and fire those who do not do their jobs.

In a call with the media, AFGE officials said the union will consider all possible actions

to fight the executive orders, including litigation.

"My lawyers are already looking at what possible violations of the law are contained

within the executive orders, and we will take action accordingly," said AFGE General Counsel

David Borer.

"We haven't seen the final version yet, but we're preparing our analysis and we

will respond aggressively."

Tony Reardon, national president of the National Treasury Employees Union, said in a statement

said the executive order is not only an assault on unions but on "the nation's civil service


Rather than promote efficiency in the federal sector, the administration is demanding federal

workers lose their ability to challenge unfair, arbitrary and discriminatory firings and other


This would begin the process of dismantling the merit system that governs our civil service."

No sir, this begins a system that requires government employees to be responsible not

only for their work but their actions.

It's part of the Trump Doctrine and a welcome change.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On - Duration: 12:21.


✅ EXCLU – Christine Bravo dévoile son nouveau métier : "J'ai acheté un bateau..." - Duration: 3:02.

Dans quelques semaines, les téléspectateurs de TF1 retrouveront Christine Bravo en duo avec le chanteur Amir dans un nouveau numéro de L'Aventure Robinson

En amont de cette diffusion très attendue après le succès du tandem Kendji Girac /Maître Gims, la célèbre animatrice de 62 ans a accepté de répondre aux questions de Purepeople

com et en a profité pour évoquer, pour la toute première fois, son nouveau projet professionnel

Un projet très ambitieux ! En effet, celle qui a accepté de participer au programme de la Une pour rassembler des fonds pour l'association Les petits frères des pauvres (une association qui invite chacun à donner de son temps pour rendre visite à des personnes âgées isolées) a révélé : "Je me lance dans un deuxième métier

J'ai acheté un bateau sur la Seine, un bateau pour douze passagers, là il va partir en chantier naval, et je lance des croisières culturelles historiques sur la Seine

Mon dossier a été accepté, il y a beaucoup de candidatures, moi j'ai proposé un projet culturel et le dossier est passé (

) J'ai acheté mon bateau, c'est un super van craft qui est garé au port de l'Arsenal

À partir de septembre, je suis toute la journée sur mon bateau. (.) Voilà mon nouveau métier

Le projet s'appelle Sous les jupons de la Seine et de ses canaux." Ce n'est pas tout, Christine Bravo a aussi annoncé qu'elle changeait de mode de vie

"J'ai aussi acheté une péniche pour y vivre", a-t-elle dévoilé. Tournée vers l'avenir, Christine Bravo a aussi balayé toute possibilité de retourner dans Les Grosses Têtes de Laurent Ruquier à l'avenir

"J'ai arrêté. D'abord, je ne veux plus de contraintes du tout et j'ai plus envie de me lever tôt, c'est enregistré le matin

J'ai travaillé 25 ans avec Laurent Ruquier, là je veux plus de cette contrainte, d'être enfermée dans un studio

C'est plus ma vie", a-t-elle assuré. Julien Perret Propos exclusifs ne pouvant être repris sans la mention de Purepeople


For more infomation >> ✅ EXCLU – Christine Bravo dévoile son nouveau métier : "J'ai acheté un bateau..." - Duration: 3:02.


✅ Douillet arrêtera la politique en 2021 - Duration: 2:30.

POLITIQUE - Dans trois ans, ce sera fini pour lui. David Douillet annonce ce mardi dans Le Parisien qu'il quittera la vie politique à l'occasion des prochaines élections régionales

Élu LR à la région Ile-de-France, il ne briguera pas de nouveau mandat; depuis sa défaite aux législatives de 2017, il s'agit de sa dernière fonction élective

"Je n'ai aucun regret et je ne suis pas amer. Je tourne une page. J'ai vécu de belles expériences pendant neuf ans

(.) La politique représente une activité chronophage. (.) J'ai 49 ans, je veux vivre et profiter de mes proches", explique celui qui a débuté comme député des Yvelines en 2009 avec un assistant parlementaire nommé Gérald Darmanin

Proche de Nicolas Sarkozy qui l'a propulsé à la direction de l'UMP, l'ancien judoka est brièvement promu ministre à la fin du quinquennat

Secrétaire d'Etat aux Français de l'étranger pendant trois mois durant l'été 2011, il est ensuite ministre des Sports

Réélu député en 2012, il est balayé par la vague macroniste en 2017; cela n'empêche pas la Haute autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique de faire un signalement de son patrimoine à la justice au début de l'année 2018

Aujourd'hui patron de la fédération LR des Yvelines, il abandonnera ce poste à l'automne et en profite pour tacler Laurent Wauquiez

"J'ai pris du recul après la présidentielle et les législatives de l'an dernier, j'ai été déçu par le comportement de beaucoup de gens y compris des cadres du parti

Je ne partage pas la ligne de Laurent Wauquiez, le nouveau président national du parti

Il n'est pas rassembleur", déplore David Douillet. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> ✅ Douillet arrêtera la politique en 2021 - Duration: 2:30.


楊冪的4部「爛片」,《談判官上榜》,圖一劇情太狗血! | NHP News 24.7 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 楊冪的4部「爛片」,《談判官上榜》,圖一劇情太狗血! | NHP News 24.7 - Duration: 2:39.


Train Cartoon Teach Colors | ABC songs For Preschool Kids | Train Songs For Children - Duration: 29:08.

Do you know your A-B-C's

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's Next time won't you sing with me.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

26 letters from A to Z

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