Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Idioms 162. The idiom today is to stand someone up. Okay. Let's take a look at the note. If someone stands
another person up on a date, they fail to show up for the date. We especially use
this term when the person failed to notify them that they were not going to
show up. That's basically the way we use it. All right. Let's take a look at example number one.
Sara's friends arranged a blind date for her, but Sara chickened out. Remember when
you chickened out , that means you get nervous and you get afraid. And stood the guy up.
So she just didn't go. She wasn't brave enough to go to the date. So she just
stood them up or stood him up. Okay. Let's look at number two. I cannot believe my boyfriend just stood me up. He left me
waiting outside the movie theater and I felt like a fool. He didn't even have a
good excuse. He said he was playing video games and didn't realize the time flew
by. Yeah. He's probably going to be in trouble.
Even though nowadays because most people have cell phones. This happens a little
less, but you know maybe, maybe she tried to call him. Maybe he wasn't paying
attention or maybe his phone wasn't there either. Anyway, I hope you got it. I
hope it's clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.
For more infomation >> English Tutor Nick P Idioms (162) Stand Someone Up - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Letters For Toddlers | Alphabets For Kids | ABCD For Children | Learn A to Z with Coloring Pages P-2 - Duration: 10:21.
For Toddlers Alphabets
For Toddlers Alphabets For Kids Letters For Toddlers
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王源王俊凯化妆?赵丽颖被渣男受伤?大S离家出走? - Duration: 2:55.
The America We Deserve - Ilhan Omar for Congress - Duration: 2:45.
This country says it was founded on fundamental values
of justice, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
But these core beliefs are under threat.
We're spending more money incarcerating people than educating them.
Mass shootings continue to terrorize the nation.
A wealthy few profit off of the destruction of our environment.
And children are being caged and separated from their families.
These systems of oppression were built by people.
They persist because congress doesn't have the moral clarity and
courage to fight and to defend our democracy.
Ultimately, they've proven unwilling to secure the American promise for our people.
But we can change that.
My mom is Ilhan Omar.
23 years ago, in a refugee camp, she was hearing about that American promise.
Prosperity for all and hope for a better tomorrow.
And when her family got here, they worked hard for that promise.
My grandfather worked at the post office.
My aunt cared for patients who couldn't afford health insurance.
And my mom's been a working person her whole life.
From cleaning offices in Bloomington and Richfield,
To working at call centers in Minneapolis.
She's always been an organizer.
Her grandfather taught her that if you want a certain world, you need to fight for it.
She's fought for better wages alongside her union,
for civil rights with the NAACP,
for healthy food for our poorest communities,
and for a seat at the table — and a voice,
for women like her.
Women like me.
And now, she's running for congress,
to continue that fight.
For tuition-free and debt-free college,
Medicare for all,
housing as a human right,
abolishing ICE and private prisons,
clean elections that cannot be bought,
and an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.
We need a democracy that guarantees a more equitable and just society.
That gets us closer to the American promise.
The America my mom believes in.
The America we deserve.
Basic French Pronunciation Tips & Rules for Beginners - Duration: 6:31.
-Today, you're going to learn the most
crucial pronunciation tips for French beginners.
Once you master these basic tips
you'll improve your accent dramatically
and sound more like a native speaker.
Are you ready to learn the essential rules for French pronunciation?
Let's get started.
Hi everyone, Danae here
with TakeLessons Live, bringing you the latest French tutorials straight
from our virtual classroom.
Learning new words and phrases in French is very important
but it's just as crucial to make sure
you're pronouncing all of this new vocabulary correctly.
So let's hop into Katharina's French class
to learn how to fine-tune our accents.
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-And then let's get to the alphabet.
So E, that's for E. G is like a G sound
like in measure, G. R, R.
It's pretty much all the time that the H is silent.
That's a general rule, whenever you have an H
you don't pronounce it.
So it's just like L'homme, -- It's there
but you don't say it.
It's almost like a Y sound,
almost, when you have two L's together.
So Fille, you wouldn't think that that's how you spell it.
G, it depends - if it's before an E and an I,
it's like S in measure, like a G;
but if it's before an A, O or U,
it's like a G in get,
so it depends. Let's see.
We have Le garçon, which is "the boy,"
so because we have an A right after it,
it's like G in get.
Basically, we have five different categories.
We have the accent aigu,
which is on an E only
and goes from the bottom left to the upper right,
for example on Éléphant.
That means that the pronunciation of the E changes
to an a-y, for example - Café.
It's almost like an a-y sound, café.
Then we have the accent grave, and that can be on the è,
on the à and the ù.
It's for example in Fièvre, in Là or in Où.
If you have it on the letter E
it changes pronunciation to E, for example Crème.
It's like an e-h sound almost, or Fièvre.
For the letter a and u, it doesn't change the pronunciation,
but it can indicate that it's a different word.
For example la without an accent grave
on the A just means your article.
It's the female article. For example La femme - "the woman."
If we have it with an accent grave, it means "there."
So sometimes, it's used for pronunciation,
but then you also have the cases when it relates to a different word.
Then we have the accent circumflex,
which is like a little hat on top of the vowels.
That has a similar function like the A and the U with the accent grave,
and doesn't change the pronunciation,
but it indicates another word.
For example we have Mur, M-u-r,
without the little circonflexe it means "wall,"
but if you put a little circonflexe on top of the u, it means "ripe."
It's really important to focus on the little details
of a word to figure out what it means or how to pronounce it.
That's the circonflexe. We have the tréma,
which is like two little dots on e, i, u and y.
For example - Noël is Christmas; "maïs" for corn.
Then we have the cédille.
We talked about that before.
That's almost like a little "s" under the C,
and that means that we pronounce it soft, so - Français.
It's not very sharp but it's soft.
Then there's some basic pronunciation rules.
The stress on French words always falls
on the last pronounced syllable,
so you have the stress always at the end of a word,
like Crème as an example.
Then the ç with a little "s" on the bottom is always pronounced as "S,"
so Garçon, leçon, façon - so like a soft S.
The letter H is never pronounced.
We had that with L'Hôpital - a hospital.
You don't hear it at all.
Then there is a rule when a word ends
with a consonant and the next word
begins with a vowel or silent H, like Hôpital,
when you pronounce it, you basically connect the two words.
For exemple L'Hôpital, les enfants.
You don't say "Les enfants" because in French,
it always sounds, almost like singing, really, so "Les enfants."
Then we have any French letters like an A
and E in the words - le, la ce, je, me, te, se, de, ne and que.
Whenever you have these and you notice
that they have a vowel at the end, then the last vowel is dropped
and just a little apostrophe and you connect the other word.
L'enfant, "the child," would actually be le enfant; le is male
and because you have an E and an E coming together
you cut off the E and you replace it with an apostrophe -
l'enfant. That's again just so it sounds better
and it's not so "le enfant."
That doesn't sound as good as "l'enfant."
Then the nasal sounds, they're indicated by a vowel plus N or M.
The vowel becomes nasal, and the N or the M is not pronounced.
For example - Un. The U-n: "un."
We say the U, but we don't really say the N.
"Le pain," yes, because you have the vowel,
the I, and then you have an N, and then it's "pain."
Because the I gets nasal and the N is not pronounced.
-Hi guys. Thanks for watching.
We hope you found these French pronunciation tips super helpful.
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【ENG SUB】青春最好時 When We Were Young EP31(主演:張雪迎、曾舜晞、王博文、趙珞然、呂小雨、王一博) - Duration: 45:43.
Subtitles and Segments brought to you by the Forever Young Team
[When We Were Young]
‚ô? My heart beats too fast This has never happened ‚ô?
‚ô? But when you saw me ‚ô?
‚ô? It was during the peak of spring ‚ô?
‚ô? My whole heart is soaring ‚ô?
‚ô? I am just standing behind you ‚ô?
‚ô? Hoping you would hold my hand ‚ô?
‚ô? Yet I don‚Äôt dare to say it ‚ô?
‚ô? Hiding in silence ‚ô?
‚ô? My feelings are written on the paper ‚ô?
‚ô? Every sentence is all about you ‚ô?
‚ô? I hope someone can pass the message ‚ô?
‚ô? I wish to bring you on a journey ‚ô?
‚ô? Lying on the sand watching the stars ‚ô?
‚ô? But now I just want you to notice me ‚ô?
‚ô? I love you love you love you ‚ô?
‚ô? I love you love you love you ‚ô?
‚ô? Love has now become a melody ‚ô?
‚ô? Disintegrating my heart ‚ô?
‚ô? I love you love you love you ‚ô?
‚ô? I love you love you love you ‚ô?
‚ô? Love has now become a melody ‚ô?
‚ô? Disintegrating my heart ‚ô?
‚ô? I love you love you love you ‚ô?
‚ô? I love you love you love you ‚ô?
‚ô? The day when I met you ‚ô?
‚ô? I then know this is love ‚ô?
[When We Were Young]
[Episode 31]
Your school's Xu Kong Ling and Li Bai came to our school.
They have already found so many clues. Why is the police still suspecting you?
What? They sent to New Southern?
They went all over the place because of you.
Of course, there were us too.
Everyone helped. Them, too.
Xia Er! We'll support you! Xia Er!
I didn't expect you unreliable rascals can be so loyal too.
Xia Er!
Also me! Also me! I believe in you too!
Although you used to sell some low quality products
I believe that
you are still a kind person.
What are you saying? What low quality products?
Those masks which we sold are genuine.
That glowing face, it was purely incidental.
Okay, it's already in the past.
Xia Er, I think highly of you.
I've always believed that you're an exceptional person.
Look at some of your good traits.
Even though sometimes you have some shortcomings,
you skipped classes and cheated in exams.
Dabble in some sidelines.
But, you got everybody to see the real world.
If you don't experience the storm, how will you see the rainbow?
Life is a lesson.
I believe in you. Do your best.
A new problem surfaces before the old problem is solved. I couldn't even do anything for Xia Er.
Don't be anxious. Don't let anyone see how spiritless you are.
What you should do now, it's to comfort Xia Er and Yin Yin..
When they see you, they will feel more secure.
How can I not be concerned? Xia Er was my student before.
I regarded her like my own younger sister. Moreover, I know her very well.
I really want to charge to the police station and tell them that
Xia Er will definitely never take part in the robbery.
Don't be anxious. You don't even know the ins and outs of this matter.
If you do this, you will only ruin everything.
Hey listen to me. The most important thing right now is for you to relax.
Take a deep breath.
Come on! Close your eyes.
Exhale. Inhale.
Exhale. Inhale.
Teacher Lan.
Xia Er is at her lowest point in life.
You must believe her. Give her more comforts and encouragements.
You have to believe the police. The truth will be revealed.
Thank you, Teacher Lan.
- Go now.
- Thank you, Teacher Shi.
Teacher Shi.
Teacher Shi, I would like to apply for leave for Xia Er.
Apply for leave? Is it because of what happened to her recently?
As Xia Er's previous homeroom teacher,
I hold some responsibilities in this matter regarding Xia Er.
It's now Xia Er's most anxious moment.
I would like to give her some time and space
and let her settle her state of mind.
Okay. I will ask Principal Zhang to let her have special time off
to let her have a good rest.
Teacher Lu, regarding Li Ni Ke's relationship with her father,
it has made me reflect on my relationship with the students
on whether I was too inflexible and strict.
You were right. Not only are they students,
they are also people with ideas and feelings. Because of my principles in the past,
I didn't consider their feelings.
I only focused on their actions and not their psychological growth.
I'm not a good supervisor.
Teacher Shi, don't say that.
I know that, in your heart, you love the students.
I care too much about them.
I was afraid that they would be hurt and wanted to control them.
I didn't want them to fly.
I should learn to let go and let them fly.
Of course, to fly within the school compound.
As a homeroom teacher, I have even more responsibilities.
In the past, we were only concerned about their studies and grades. We neglected their psychological state.
Teacher Shi, let's work hard together.
By the way, Teacher Shi,
regarding about when Teacher Lan wanted you to go to the principal's office,
I'm apologizing to you on his behalf.
It's okay. It's already in the past.
But Teacher Lu,
why are you the one apologising on his behalf?
I.. I..
Teacher Shi, I have things to do. I'm going back to work.
Li Bai, can you get the hacker to check my previous login records?
Why? Is this related to Xia Er's case?
It might not be related on the surface.
But if we can find out about Yin Yin's past situation,
perhaps, this might be able to help Xia Er.
Okay. Leave it to me.
I found it!
He gave me an IP address. It's from the female dormitory
but I can't specify which.
You don't need to. I already know.
Li Ni Ke again?
How much stuff is she hiding from us?
Let me go and ask her.
You testifying for Xia Er goes to show that you've let go of your resentment.
I'm really happy for you.
I already said that I trust you.
Why do you keep believing me?
Because I understand your personality and temperament. And I believe my faith in you will prove true.
You bravely faced everything that happened before - that's already a huge step.
Ni Ke, you are really great.
Yuan Ye,
thank you.
Kong Ling.
How is Xia Er?
She's already back in school. She has taken leave to rest at the dormitory for a few days.
This is great. Is she okay?
That suspect - how can he vilify Xia Er?
Kong Ling, I believe that Xia Er is definitely innocent.
If you need my help, I will definitely do my best.
But Ni Ke, I have some other matter to ask you.
What is it?
It's something you already knew? F.
That day, when I was in the library looking for a book, I heard you and Yin Yin talking.
You both said you would fail the test.
At the next analysis report, do you dare to get an "F" together with me?
I dare to.
You're still the person I can trust best.
How much is this software? Will there be any tutorial?
Don't worry. This is included.
You're sure it works? It can make a copy of the account and password?
That's definitely not a problem. There's no system I can't hack.
Kong Ling, I would like to use your laptop to check something.
The Internet in our dorm is too weak. I want to download some software.
My stomach is not feeling good and I need to take some medicine. Can you get some water for me?
You made a copy of my account and password?
You switched the analysis report.
Subsequently, while pretending to comfort Yin Yin, you told her that
her mother and her blood types didn't match.
After that, Yin Yin disappeared. And after that,
I never thought after she came back, she has amnesia.
What I didn't expect was that, she was not Yin Yin at all.
When we were checking Yin Yin's Weibo,
you realized, before us, the clues Yin Yin left.
You felt that it might be of no advantage to you.
Thus, you deleted her geographical coordinates and
then looked for someone to falsify the content.
You already knew about this.
Can you tell me the real reason?
Kong Ling, we grew up together.
We are considered childhood friends.
It's impossible you didn't know that I have always...
liked you.
In order to help you get into the quota,
I can sacrifice everything.
So, you secretly changed my grade.
That's because I didn't want to see you give up on yourself because of someone else.
You should go to the best school. Why would you give up this opportunity?
From that time on, I told myself that
I must help you to get that quota. Even if I can't get it,
at least, my father promised me that as long as I agree help him with his business after I graduate,
he will pay for me to study overseas.
No matter what, I would have the opportunity to be in the same city with you.
Even if it was only for a short period of years.
But I know now.
There are some things that I can't achieve using this method.
Why didn't you tell me about this?
Because I have my pride.
I know I shouldn't have done such stuff.
But everyone in the school fights hard, battered and bruised, for themselves.
I only wanted to use all the strength I had
to help you get the quota.
No matter what I said, you were not willing to listen.
You were playing this "Dare to or not" game with Chu Yin Yin.
You are messing around with your future.
Of course I tried to find ways to stop you.
Yet it didn't change your mind.
I couldn't admit to you that I'd done so many secret things behind your back.
Ni Ke.
Since young till now, I've always thought you were a strong person.
Capable of facing anything.
It was my oversight that you are a girl who has a weak side too.
For this, I'm also responsible.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's already in the past.
After going through everything, I finally understood.
No matter what's the original intention,
I shouldn't have done this.
Don't think too much about this. I understand.
Thank you, Ni Ke.
Kong Ling, I know that
it's because of me that Yin Yin has to go through so much.
I'm sorry about it.
Stop blaming yourself.
All this information should help Yin Yin recover her memory quickly.
It should also help shake off suspicion from Xia Er.
I believe Xia Er will be fine.
Teacher Shi, you wanted to see me?
Yin YIn. I was too harsh with you.
I didn't take into account how much you could bear.
That's why so many things had happened.
I'm apologizing to you now.
Teacher Shi, why are you suddenly apologizing to me?
Yin Yin, you didn't prepare well for this examination
or were there other matters worrying you?
Why is your result like this?
I heard Chu Yin Yin and Xu Kong Ling have been busy with studying outside the school.
The competition for the interview quota is so intense.
I think they should differentiate what's good for them.
Teacher Shi, you don't need to be so harsh with just failure.
Even if it's related to the quota,
I believe Yin Yin will use other grades to bring up the score.
Teacher Shi. After failing in the exam, everyone's reaction
was a great blow to me.
Although Teacher Lu has been comforting me,
I only feel that everyone cared only about my results.
But when I thought about it and understood that
It was because I couldn't take failures back then.
Whether it was Ms. Lu or you,
you were considering for my future.
So to say, you have forgiven me?
I have never blamed you.
It was me who was too stubborn.
I'm the one that should reflect on my thoughts and actions.
Thank you, Yin Yin.
Mom, why are you here again?
What do you mean I'm here again? Do you really hate seeing me?
Let me ask you, I heard that Chu Yin Yin and Xia Er's issue, it's getting more and more serious.
Are you going to come to school again to appeal?
No. I was just on the way to your Aunt Ning Jing's house
To discuss with them about our plan so I came to see you on the way.
You're just finding an excuse to go to their house to spend your time, right?
Let me tell you, I'm thinking for our long term plans.
It's for your future.
- That's right.
- For me?
It's about you and Xia Er.
Mom, what are you thinking of?
Okay, you have seen me. Go back now.
Go now.
- Okay.
- Then I'm really going
Do I look nice today?
Hey. I'm asking you a question.
I think, criminals like these that are caught, they must be punished harshly.
Yet they're framing Xia Er..
That's right. Just look at the nickname he gave himself. He's called "Slippers".
He's being stepped on by others and he's still not going the right path.
If only Yin Yin can remember more details from that day.
You can take her to the places where the both of you frequented
to regain her memories.
That's right, son. Didn't you write about solutions to regain lost memories?
That's right.
There is a kind of psychological healing which is called...
- Reenactment
- That's right.
That's right.
Take her to the places where the both of you frequented where there were special memories.
For example, romantic,
sad, shocking,
or these scenes that are more thrilling.
Stop. Don't say anymore. How come when you say it, it sounds so creepy.
Who is this?
Calling Yin Yin.
Calling Yin Yin right now.
Yin Yin, I'm taking you to a place tomorrow.
I will tell you tomorrow. Dare to go?
See you tomorrow.
Why are we here?
Because I found a key that can open your memories.
The truth about the F grade on the research report.
So you're saying that A grade, you didn't betray me?
I will never betray you.
Even if Li NI Ke changed the grade,
and implied that I'm not a biological daughter, causing me to leave home,
but why did I go to New Southern?
And from where did I found out that I have a twin sister?
The rest, it's all up to you. The only thing I can do
Is to help you find your memories from your memories.
Do you still remember
we once made a bet if we dare go on the roller coaster together.
I dare to.
What's wrong with you?
I'm fine. I didn't do good so my mom scolded me.
Really? You did so well already.
Your mom's expectations for you are too high.
She always has very high expectations.
That's right too. That's why you are so outstanding.
The next time we turn in our research reports, do you dare get an F with me?
Indeed, you're the person that I can trust the most.
But why do you have to get an F?
Because I want to see
If the only thing everyone cares about is if I score good grades or not.
I want to know if they love me or just my grades.
Afterward, I got an F but you got an A.
I thought you betrayed me.
What's wrong with you?
I'm fine.
I accidentally discovered that your mom's blood type is AB.
From the start, I thought I saw it wrongly but subsequently, I confirmed it.
Perhaps, your blood type was tested wrongly?
I don't think so.
Yin Yin.
What's wrong with you?
You are a big fat liar.
I really don't know why.
Who knew if you really submitted a random research report.
This time, we agreed to do it together. You just couldn't dare do it.
Why wouldn't I dare?
All of our dare or not dare games, I dare it all.
What am I doing here? Am I playing solo by myself?
What am I in your eyes? I'm just nothing?
What? You did it on purpose?
That's right. I purposefully got an F.
I can't always an obedient daughter. I can't always be outstanding.
Did I do wrong?
I'm going to beat you to death.
She's at New Southern Vocational School.
Who are you?
Why have I never seen a picture of my one year old self?
Is it possible that Li Ni Ke's words are true?
Then who is this person?
[Adoption Agreement]
This date is my birthday.
So, so all these years...
I've always be living a lie.
The gift from someone who betrayed me,
why would I still keep this?
[Qing Teng Gossip Group: Guessing why Chu Yin Yin went missing.]
Even though I didn't know who sent me that anonymous text,
but when I saw there's someone who looked exactly like me,
somehow, I thought that this person must be my relative.
As for you, you were people who betrayed me.
Thus, I went to New Southern.
I remember now.
It was him.
What do you remember?
Yesterday, I remembered my password to my online photo album.
And then I log in to the photo album that's streamed with my lost phone.
If someone uses my phone to take photos, it'll be uploaded online at the same time.
Yesterday, in the online photo album,
I found a selfie of a stranger. That stranger
is the person who stole my phone. He's Slippers' accomplice.
That's great. They must not know there's this online technology.
Let's send the photo to Officer Chen.
Mr. Lan, what are you doing?
I saw that the police is in school again.
It's routine questioning. It's about Xia Er.
Has there been any progress?
Can you stop asking me so many questions?
These days, I'm such a mess because of this issue.
Then, I'll ask you a different question.
If it's a question that I don't want to answer, just hold it back.
Let me try.
Are you single right now?
Why are you asking about my privacy?
I just wanted to ask you
if you were free this weekend.
And all the upcoming
public holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, is there anyone who celebrates them with you?
What if I say there is someone?
There is someone? Who?
Can you quiet down a bit?
I can't. I can't control my emotions right now.
Since we have a clear photo now, we should be able to find that suspect really quickly.
Xia Er will be fine soon.
Kong Ling.
Say, the person who told me the news about my twin sister,
would they also know my biological parents?
Do you want to find your biological parents?
I don't know.
I'm just curious.
I wonder who they are.
No matter what decisions you make,
I will support you.
Frankly, it's not a big deal.
In any case, for all these years, I didn't know about their existence.
Now that I have mom and Xia Er, everything's fine.
If we can find the person who told you about Xia Er's existence,
and really have news regarding your biological parents,
I'll go find them together with you.
I was just going to say, what are you looking for?
Mom. Have you seen my basketball uniform?
You have so many basketball uniforms, how should I know which one you're looking for?
Not those ones. It's the one that my friend gave me.
The one that Chu Yin Yin gave you?
Mom. Don't think nonsense. That uniform is related to Yin Yin's memory. It's really important.
Do you remember it or not? The Golden State Warriors one.
What Golden State Warriors? How would I know?
Then I'll find it myself.
Then okay. I'll go over there and look for you.
Yin Yin.
Ni Ke.
Yin Yin, I heard you remember a lot of the things in the past. I'm really happy for you.
Thank you, Ni Ke.
Yin Yin, I was too petty and calculative.
I saw you as my opponent.
Actually, I know you weren't trying to compete with me.
I cared too much about what others think of me.
I did many harmful things.
I hope you can forgive me.
Ni Ke, stop apologizing.
During this period, I also thought about a lot of things in the past.
I realized I was really a hateful person in the past.
So that's probably why you didn't like me.
If you don't mind. Starting from today,
let's be friends. Okay?
Yin Yin.
You have really changed.
Kong Ling. Is there new updates on Xia Er's case?
We are still waiting for news.
But Officer Chen said they'll have a result really soon.
There's clues for another suspect.
This is great.
Right, Yin Yin. Do you still remember the basketball jersey that you sent me?
Maybe that's a key evidence of you going to find Xia Er.
What basketball jersey?
Is it the Golden State Warriors one?
What are you talking about?
Yin Yin, you sent a basketball jersey to Kong Ling before.
We don't know why but there's some mark on it with pen.
We racked our brains so much before we could decipher it.
Do you remember which way you pointed?
If you can't remember it, it's fine. Just that I can't seem to find the jersey.
It's fine. Right now, there are a lot of blank spots in my brain.
But I'll take it slow. We can definitely find more evidence.
-Good. Good.
-I'm pretty good right.
-It's almost-
Son, move to the side.
How come you're like a detective all day long? You're still looking for it?
What is he looking for?
It's that basketball jersey that Chu Yin Yin gave him.
Is it the Golden State Warriors one?
You know?
Dad, how did you know? Where did you see it?
I think your mom stuffed it somewhere.
-I- I didn't stuff it.
What are you saying? Why do you blame me every time something is lost?
I remember. I remember.
Earlier, your mom said that this cushion hurts my butt so she stuffed it here.
Son, I didn't stuff it. I promise, it definitely wasn't me.
Did I stuff it? You're the one who stuffed it, why did you say I stuffed it? When did I stuff it?
I have some memory of this shirt.
That's amazing! I knew you would.
As long as I find it, you'll definitely remember.
This book too.
It keeps coming up in my memories. It's this book.
Help me send this out. I've filled out the form. The deliveryman will come pick it up. I'm going out.
Ok, I understand.
[Ocean Vacation Apartments]
Do I really want to live alone in this sort of place?
I can't answer.
I went to New Southern on the second day.
That night,
how tormented you must have felt.
Yin Yin, promise me.
In the future, don't do these silly things, got it?
Yin Yin.
Hao Tian, what's wrong?
I'm here to admit what I did wrong.
Admit what you did wrong?
I know that you've always wanted to know how you went to New Southern. Actually-
You knew why I went to New Southern?
Didn't you receive a text from a stranger?
Well actually, I was the one who sent it.
Exactly what is going on here, Hao Tian? Tell us.
I'm fine.
I accidentally found out.
Your mom seems to have AB blood.
From the start, I thought I saw it wrongly. I later confirmed it.
Is it possible that your blood type is wrong?
I don't think so.
Yin Yin.
What's wrong?
I'm fine.
What Ni Ke just told you‚Ä?/i>
There isn't any trustworthy person! Not even one!
Yin Yin!
But how would you know Xia Er's existence?
[When We Were Young]
‚ô? After being apart for hundred days we meet again ‚ô?
‚ô? How should I explain this Okay we are fated to be ‚ô?
‚ô?With the same mesmerizing fragrance ‚ô?
‚ô? Your hair is still as long ‚ô?
‚ô? But you are much prettier now ‚ô?
‚ô? There isn't much change in you ‚ô?
‚ô? Thinking back to that moment of sweetness ‚ô?
‚ô? Now you back to me again ‚ô?
‚ô?I like watching the stars at nightfall ‚ô?
‚ô?They blink and blink, like someone's eyes ‚ô?/i>
‚ô?Tonight‚Äôs wind blows calmly My mood is also calm ‚ô?/i>
‚ô?I can hear the sounds from before ‚ô?/i>
‚ô?Memories are just like wind chimes in the summer ‚ô?/i>
‚ô? A scenery created by the soft caresses of the wind ‚ô?
‚ô?Your eyes, blink and blink, touches me the most ‚ô?/i>
‚ô?We laughed so happily back then ‚ô?/i>
‚ô?Thank you fate, we used to be so close ‚ô?/i>
‚ô? We once left so many memories in each other's hearts ‚ô?
‚ô?I also thank you, for so many first time experiences together ‚ô?/i>
‚ô? Thank you for indulging me and my headstrong self ‚ô?
‚ô?An entire sky filled with stars, they are all your eyes ‚ô?/i>
‚ô?Listening with a smile, watching me but not coming close ‚ô?/i>
‚ô?There‚Äôs probably not another chance to awaken the past ‚ô?/i>
‚ô?So I can only, I can only think about you in my heart ‚ô?/i>
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