Saturday, July 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 28 2018

welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K

stay frosty it's a cool crisp 103 degrees here in Southern Cali as I head

into El Pollo Loco to take a look at one of their returning overstuffed

quesadillas with this version being a barbecue bacon avocado and at first

glance you might mistaken us for the Crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell and

honestly you wouldn't be wrong in thinking that considering how similar

they look with the toastiness of that outside folded tortilla feast your eyes

on a decent amount of fire grilled chicken along with chipotle BBQ sauce

some queso goodness bacon onion avocado and normally cilantro all tucked inside

a large flour tortilla that's folded over and grill pressed to a warm and

slightly crispy finish yeah this one's definitely packing the good stuff but

does it deliver on taste well we're gonna find out right now it's the

barbecue bacon avocado overstuffed quesadilla here at El Pollo Loco

let's peep out this flavor fresh from the grill and to be honest kind of

looking like the other guys just a bit and speaking of the grill that's exactly

what it feels like I'm on right now I am so over this heat let's do this it's the

barbecue bacon avocado overstuffed quesadilla from El Pollo Loco mmm I got

an instant upfront and in-your-face shot of avocado and that chipotle BBQ sauce

and a little bit of the saltiness of the bacon coming in on the back end didn't

taste the chicken at all in that one but guys it's pretty tasty let's keep going

well the cheesy queso of goodness that I got in that second bite actually goes

amazingly well with the bacon as you'd expect it to because bacon and melted

cheese how could you go wrong with that right

that's already a plus and the bacon itself is actually pretty crunchy it's a

little bit on the saltier side but it goes amazingly well in general with

everything so far but the avocado is nice on this guy's the creaminess of

that along with the fire grilled chicken is tasty really digging this not bad

those couple of bites pretty much obliterated any of the avocado that was

in this one but as you can see there's a plentiful amount of bacon in here along

with that chipotle sauce and just overall a decent amount of chicken it's

nice and crunchy on the tortilla itself and even though this has got the essence

of the Crunchwrap supreme in my head right now it's a very nice summer

barbecue type of Flair this one's got really nice in terms of the quality of

it let me pick up the other half because this one seems just a little bit more

packed here it's a decent amount of filling that they give you on this one

guys and I have to say even though the presentation like I said reminds me of

something from the other guys it really is a nice combo of having something

suited for the summer barbecue-wise but giving you a little bit of

that Mexican flair as well and like I mentioned earlier the cheesy queso along

with the bacon is always a major highlight whenever those two get

together on anything it's always gonna be a party guys and naturally with

something like this this just adds to it the nice chewiness that I'm getting from

the tortilla and everything on the inside it's pretty solid

so aside from some of the extra saltiness that I mentioned as you can

see this is pretty much a summer barbecue on the inside of that tortilla

there's a lot of filling on this one guys there's plenty of that Chipotle

barbecue sauce which has a nice sweetness to it and the smokiness that

it's packing on top of the bacon itself really are the standouts with this one

in addition to the cheese itself and then naturally the chicken pretty tasty

I just wish it had a little bit more avocado but aside from that and

everything else you just heard this is definitely worth your time especially if

you're a fan of smoky barbecue type flavors it presents well it tastes great

and price-wise it's not bad considering how thick and hearty this is so overall

I'm gonna have to give the barbecue bacon avocado overstuffed quesadilla

here at El Pollo Loco and decent 8 out of 10 if they can dial back the

saltiness just a bit on this and add maybe a little bit more avocado to

balance all of it out I think this would be much closer to a 9 but as it

stands it's pretty delicious guys and like I said definitely worth your time

but as always that's just my opinion what do you guys think have any of you

guys ever tried any of the overstuffed quesadillas here at el pollo loco and if you

have which one is your favorite on top of letting me know if you think this

really does look like the Crunchwrap supreme drop some comments down below

and definitely let me know and with that this is Ian K closing out another

episode of peep this out and like I always say I've got brand new content

every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the next review

coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty hey and before I forget if you're

interested make sure to check out my original review of the overstuffed

quesadilla that I checked out here to at el pollo loco almost 2 years ago it'll

help you compare it to this new version because after all variety is the spice

of life right yeah it most definitely is alright everyone until next time

I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> El Pollo Loco® | BBQ Bacon Avocado Overstuffed Quesadilla Review! 🥓🥑🧀 - Duration: 4:18.



You want to make a YouTube channel? Well I have a few tips to tell you before you

make that first video right now. Hello creator what's going on welcome back to

another video. If you're new here and you need someone to help aid and assist you

with growing your YouTube channel and editing then consider subscribing to the

channel right here and make sure to hit that notification bell to know exactly

when I upload a new video. Now beginning your YouTube channel may be a little

hard you might not know what exactly what you need to do that's why I'm here

to tell you a couple of things it's get you started and help you like know what

you have to do before you make that very first video. Now let's jump in.

Number one: pick a niche. If you don't know what a niche is or a niche depending on your

preference that's what you do on your channel. Gaming could be your niche, music

it to be your niche, beauty could be your niche, and vlogs could be your niche it's

whatever that what you do in your channel just you have to pick one of

those things but obviously being as creative as possible. Anything that you

enjoy doing could be your niche or your niche so make sure to be very specific

on what you do. You have to make sure the whole audience could be coming to

everything like all videos instead of like specific ones. Like if you're doing

a variety channel that's not good because specific people come for

specific thing. This is my very first video but on my other channel SweetAnd

SpicyGirl that was a very variety type channel. It's not growing as faster as it

should is if I had a niche and I would have began with that then it would have

been a consistent growth. Next after you pick your niche write down 100 video

ideas. That may sound like a lot but when I was picking the niche of what I wanted

this channel to be I wrote down 100 video ideas and I wrote it down in this

book. Me doing that showed me two things if I could write down 100 video ideas

then I know that I can have 100 video ideas good to go for the future and I

know if I can write down 100 video ideas and I know I can write down 200 video

ideas I know I can write down 300 video ideas so I know that me writing 100 won't make

me like not loose like content ideas or not have any video ideas for the future

so I know that this channel or your channel could be a consistent thing. Once

you found the niche and you found out like okay

100 video ideas I think I got this I think this is actually really good I

think this is a good idea good premise then name it. This may take a while

longer because you're like this is like the channel name this is it this is like

you can't change it you can but like if you made like over is like 300 videos

and then like I'm gonna change the name like mmm it's hard to just go back on it

so try to make this like it. Make sure it's related to your niche so you'll

know exactly like okay people will know this is what you do. My name for this

channel is called Aid Creators and I help assist and aid creators. The idea

behind that can make people know that this is what your channel is about or

like a quick thing about okay I think I know what this channel is about let me

go to the channel just to make sure but now they can not kind of know what you

do on the channel with your channel name; and make sure it's creative. There's a

website that you can see if your name is taken on social medias or websites it's

called I'll put it in the description so you guys can check it

out so if you have a name and you want to see if it's used on YouTube use it on

Twitter if it's a .com already or .net or whatever then you can check on there to

see if it's like okay to use like so you'll know you're the only blah blah

blah then you can find out their own go ahead and it's in the

description you'll be good to go. After you figured out your niche your 100

videos and you named it then figure out what gear do you need. I'm not saying

that you have to buy this this doesn't mean you have to buy your gear you have

gear. Most likely you guys have a phone so if you have a phone then you have a

camera and you have a camera than you can make youtube videos!

You have the mic inside of your camera so you'll be good to go that way as well;

and if you have a camera then you can use that as well. Just use what you have.

Lighting is also good to natural light outside you guys can go and do that and

it'll be good as well so only use what you need and then basically that's the

gear that you'll need unless you really want to upgrade which don't do that now

that's since you're only getting your channel but like later on if you want to

upgrade a few things you can. Once you got that figured out make sure that you

have a couple editing software's. Not editing your videos and not editing your

thumbnails is not gonna cut it. Find free editing software's for your videos or

your thumbnails on your phone or if you don't want to you want a little bit

better things you can find free things on your computer PC Mac there's

different free things and do it that way. It's also whatever works for you. For

editing software's on your phone I recommend Kinemster it's on Android

and iOS phones and also for another editing app for iOS users there's one

called iMovie which works great for beginners and you can look up tutorials

on how to use it all throughout YouTube. Thumbnail editing

apps on your phones could be Adobe Photoshop Express and Snapseed I really

recommend Snapseed. PC free editing software's could be Shotcut or Light

Work. Thumbnail free PC computer softwares are GIMP, PicMonkey, or Canva so

a couple of those work as well. There are hundreds of videos online for all of

those things that I just mentioned and I'll put links down below for all the

things that I just mentioned if it's an app or if it's on the computer so

everything will be down below if you guys want to download it or look it up

or anything like that old in the description. Something else that I feel

like I need to mention that's really cool that he did there's another YouTube

creator named Nick Nimmin. He teaches people how to make youtube videos and

how to grow their channel he really digs into it.

Well back in 2016 he created something called the YouTube Starter Kit. Inside is

an end screen if you don't know what that is it's like at the end of the

video promoting other videos on channel, channel art or channel banner which is

like on your channel page and it's at the top it's like the design, a branding

watermark which is right here kind of like that but he has it like as a

subscribe button it's kind of really cool, and the Big Book of YouTube

Resources. It's all free and downloadable. New YouTubers can get this when they're

beginning their YouTube channel in the description down there I'll put a link

to his YouTube channel where he talks about all of the things in his YouTube

Starter Kit and his download will be inside of that video as well.

Creators why don't you comment down below why do you want to start a channel?

and if you're interested in videos like this subscribe to the channel right

there and if you haven't yet checked out any of my other videos

the most recent upload will be at the top right there and if you also want to

see a video that's perfect and just for you then click on the video at the

bottom right there. I'm Ra'liyah Blythe and I help assist and aid creators see

you next time

For more infomation >> BEGINNING A YOUTUBE CHANNEL IN 2018 (BEGINNERS) - Duration: 8:00.


Esta es la razón por la que Meghan gasta 10 veces más en ropa que Kate Middleton ¿No tiene control - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Esta es la razón por la que Meghan gasta 10 veces más en ropa que Kate Middleton ¿No tiene control - Duration: 4:16.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Las Herraduras Mexican Restaurant to Food City, 2600 W 16th St, Yuma, Arizona, 17 July 2018 GOPR0413 - Duration: 12:17.

El Rancho Motel, 2201 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 276-3702

17 July 2018, Yuma, Arizona

Tacos El Zamy Mexican Grill

Las Herraduras Mexican Restaurant, 2256 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-0559

Foothills Bank

O'Reilly's Auto Parts

Romeo's Car Wash

Hunter Steakhouse

Fry's Food & Drug

The Barber's

Rally's Hamburgers, 2380 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-7380

Rainbow Apartments, 700 W 24th St #150, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-9162

Circle K

8th Ave

24th St

Beach Club Apartments, 2350 S 8th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-7579

Endoscopy Center of Yuma, 1030 Suite H & I

Chile Pepper Mexican Food, 1030 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-4213

Massage, Foot & Body


George's Barbershop Yuma AZ, 1150 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 329-5860

Allure By Maggy Styling Salon, 1150 W 24th St B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-0333


Avenue A

24th St

Lab Corp, Westbluf Medical Center, Alicia Medical Clinic, ABC Neurology, Farmers Insurnace

Yuma Regional Medical Center Administration Building 2400 S Avenue A, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 344-2000

Brenda Ernst, 2375 S. Ridgeview Dr, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 317-2518

Cancer Center

PROMED Office Complex

18th Ave

Yuma Self Storage

Pasquinelli Produce Co, 2144 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-7813

McCord Cynthia P DDS, 2179 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-4707

Urgent Care, Valley Clinic

Storage MAX

22nd Dr

Albertosons, Taco Bell, Savon



76, Giant

Brewers Restaurant & Sports Bar, 2331 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-0073

Del Oro Mobile Estates

Pablo's Mexican Food

Dairy Queen, 2000 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-1703

20th St

Avenue B

Sunshine Market & Liquor, 1997 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 329-4387

Crystal Clear Pool Service, 1981 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 919-4666

Southwest Lumber True Value Hardware, 1917 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-9867

Terracina Villas, 1850 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 539-0517


Super Suds Coin Laundry

Oriental Gift Shop

Al's Tuxedo Shop

Eduardo's Mexican Food, 1701 S Avenue B # 112, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-6469

Yuma's Tech Monkeys LLC Smartphone Repairs and more, 1701 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 919-7557

Best Nails & Spa

McDonald's, 1610 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-1610

16th St


Express Stop, 1600 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-1020

Arizona Donuts




Food City, dd's Discounts, Dollar Tree

Jack in the Box

Food City, 2600 W 16th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 343-0840


Asian Gourmet, 2560 W 16th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 819-0888

For more infomation >> Las Herraduras Mexican Restaurant to Food City, 2600 W 16th St, Yuma, Arizona, 17 July 2018 GOPR0413 - Duration: 12:17.


Jay Instagram Star ✨ jaygocrazy.16 🔥 Trends Dance Compilation - Duration: 3:10.

Jay Instagram Star ✨ jaygocrazy.16 🔥 Trends Dance Compilation

For more infomation >> Jay Instagram Star ✨ jaygocrazy.16 🔥 Trends Dance Compilation - Duration: 3:10.


El Pollo Loco® | BBQ Bacon Avocado Overstuffed Quesadilla Review! 🥓🥑🧀 - Duration: 4:18.

welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K

stay frosty it's a cool crisp 103 degrees here in Southern Cali as I head

into El Pollo Loco to take a look at one of their returning overstuffed

quesadillas with this version being a barbecue bacon avocado and at first

glance you might mistaken us for the Crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell and

honestly you wouldn't be wrong in thinking that considering how similar

they look with the toastiness of that outside folded tortilla feast your eyes

on a decent amount of fire grilled chicken along with chipotle BBQ sauce

some queso goodness bacon onion avocado and normally cilantro all tucked inside

a large flour tortilla that's folded over and grill pressed to a warm and

slightly crispy finish yeah this one's definitely packing the good stuff but

does it deliver on taste well we're gonna find out right now it's the

barbecue bacon avocado overstuffed quesadilla here at El Pollo Loco

let's peep out this flavor fresh from the grill and to be honest kind of

looking like the other guys just a bit and speaking of the grill that's exactly

what it feels like I'm on right now I am so over this heat let's do this it's the

barbecue bacon avocado overstuffed quesadilla from El Pollo Loco mmm I got

an instant upfront and in-your-face shot of avocado and that chipotle BBQ sauce

and a little bit of the saltiness of the bacon coming in on the back end didn't

taste the chicken at all in that one but guys it's pretty tasty let's keep going

well the cheesy queso of goodness that I got in that second bite actually goes

amazingly well with the bacon as you'd expect it to because bacon and melted

cheese how could you go wrong with that right

that's already a plus and the bacon itself is actually pretty crunchy it's a

little bit on the saltier side but it goes amazingly well in general with

everything so far but the avocado is nice on this guy's the creaminess of

that along with the fire grilled chicken is tasty really digging this not bad

those couple of bites pretty much obliterated any of the avocado that was

in this one but as you can see there's a plentiful amount of bacon in here along

with that chipotle sauce and just overall a decent amount of chicken it's

nice and crunchy on the tortilla itself and even though this has got the essence

of the Crunchwrap supreme in my head right now it's a very nice summer

barbecue type of Flair this one's got really nice in terms of the quality of

it let me pick up the other half because this one seems just a little bit more

packed here it's a decent amount of filling that they give you on this one

guys and I have to say even though the presentation like I said reminds me of

something from the other guys it really is a nice combo of having something

suited for the summer barbecue-wise but giving you a little bit of

that Mexican flair as well and like I mentioned earlier the cheesy queso along

with the bacon is always a major highlight whenever those two get

together on anything it's always gonna be a party guys and naturally with

something like this this just adds to it the nice chewiness that I'm getting from

the tortilla and everything on the inside it's pretty solid

so aside from some of the extra saltiness that I mentioned as you can

see this is pretty much a summer barbecue on the inside of that tortilla

there's a lot of filling on this one guys there's plenty of that Chipotle

barbecue sauce which has a nice sweetness to it and the smokiness that

it's packing on top of the bacon itself really are the standouts with this one

in addition to the cheese itself and then naturally the chicken pretty tasty

I just wish it had a little bit more avocado but aside from that and

everything else you just heard this is definitely worth your time especially if

you're a fan of smoky barbecue type flavors it presents well it tastes great

and price-wise it's not bad considering how thick and hearty this is so overall

I'm gonna have to give the barbecue bacon avocado overstuffed quesadilla

here at El Pollo Loco and decent 8 out of 10 if they can dial back the

saltiness just a bit on this and add maybe a little bit more avocado to

balance all of it out I think this would be much closer to a 9 but as it

stands it's pretty delicious guys and like I said definitely worth your time

but as always that's just my opinion what do you guys think have any of you

guys ever tried any of the overstuffed quesadillas here at el pollo loco and if you

have which one is your favorite on top of letting me know if you think this

really does look like the Crunchwrap supreme drop some comments down below

and definitely let me know and with that this is Ian K closing out another

episode of peep this out and like I always say I've got brand new content

every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the next review

coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty hey and before I forget if you're

interested make sure to check out my original review of the overstuffed

quesadilla that I checked out here to at el pollo loco almost 2 years ago it'll

help you compare it to this new version because after all variety is the spice

of life right yeah it most definitely is alright everyone until next time

I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> El Pollo Loco® | BBQ Bacon Avocado Overstuffed Quesadilla Review! 🥓🥑🧀 - Duration: 4:18.


「LimS™」▸ FAKE LOVE - BTS MEP - Duration: 4:11.

If it's for you

I can act like I'm happy even when I'm sad

If it's for you

I can act strong even when it hurts

Hoping love will be perfected with only love

Hoping that all my weaknesses will be hidden

In this dream that won't ever come true

I grew a flower that couldn't be blossomed

I'm so sick of this

Fake Love \(≧﹏≦)/

Fake Love (ɔ≧ᄌ≦)ɔ

Fake Love (ɔ╥︹╥)ɔ

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake Love \(≧﹏≦)/

Fake Love (ɔ≧ᄌ≦)ɔ

Fake Love (ɔ╥︹╥)ɔ

I wanna be a good man

just for you ~ ♥

I gave you the world

just for you ~ ♥

I changed everything

just for you ~ ♥

Now I dunno me

~ Who are you? ~

In our forest, you weren't there

I forgot the route that I came on

Now I don't even know who I used to be

So I ask the mirror, who are you?

If it's for you

I can act like I'm happy even when I'm sad

If it's for you

I can act strong even when it hurts

Hoping love will be perfected with only love

Hoping that all my weaknesses will be hidden

In this dream that won't ever come true

I grew a flower that couldn't be blossomed

Love you so bad (ɔ♥︹♥)ɔ

For you, I'm enacting a pretty lie

Love you so mad (≧﹏≦)

I'm erasing myself to become your doll

Love you so mad (ɔ♥︹♥)ɔ

For you, I'm enacting a pretty lie

Love it's so mad (≧﹏≦)

I'm erasing myself to become your doll

I'm so sick of this

Fake Love \(≧﹏≦)/

Fake Love (ɔ≧ᄌ≦)ɔ

Fake Love (ɔ╥︹╥)ɔ

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake Love \(≧﹏≦)/

Fake Love (ɔ≧ᄌ≦)ɔ

Fake Love (ɔ╥︹╥)ɔ

Why you sad ?

I don't know, I don't know


tell me you love me

Look at me

I threw myself away

Not even you can understand me

You say I'm strange when I changed into the person you liked

You say I'm not the person you used to know

What do you mean?

No, I've grown blind

What do you mean this is love

it's all fake love

I dunno

I dunno why (๑﹏๑)

I don't even know myself

I just know

I just know why

cause it's all fake love (╥﹏╥)

Fake Love (╥▿╥)

Fake Love (╥ₒ╥)

Love you so bad (ɔ♥︹♥)ɔ

Love you so bad (ɔ♥︹♥)ɔ

For you, I'm enacting a pretty lie

Love you so mad (≧﹏≦)

I'm erasing myself to become your doll

Love you so bad (ɔ♥︹♥)ɔ

For you, I'm enacting a pretty lie

Love you so mad (≧﹏≦)

I'm erasing myself to become your doll

I'm so sick of this

Fake Love \(≧﹏≦)/

Fake Love (ɔ≧ᄌ≦)ɔ

Fake Love (ɔ╥︹╥)ɔ

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake Love \(≧﹏≦)/

Fake Love (ɔ≧ᄌ≦)ɔ

Fake Love (ɔ╥︹╥)ɔ

If it's for you

I can act like I'm happy even when I'm sad

If it's for you

I can act strong even when it hurts

Hoping love will be perfected with only love

Hoping that all my weaknesses will be hidden

In this dream that won't ever come true

I grew a flower that couldn't be blossomed

Hope you enjoyed our MEP with subtitles! ('▿')👌

For more infomation >> 「LimS™」▸ FAKE LOVE - BTS MEP - Duration: 4:11.


Las Herraduras Mexican Restaurant to Food City, 2600 W 16th St, Yuma, Arizona, 17 July 2018 GOPR0413 - Duration: 12:17.

El Rancho Motel, 2201 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 276-3702

17 July 2018, Yuma, Arizona

Tacos El Zamy Mexican Grill

Las Herraduras Mexican Restaurant, 2256 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-0559

Foothills Bank

O'Reilly's Auto Parts

Romeo's Car Wash

Hunter Steakhouse

Fry's Food & Drug

The Barber's

Rally's Hamburgers, 2380 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-7380

Rainbow Apartments, 700 W 24th St #150, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-9162

Circle K

8th Ave

24th St

Beach Club Apartments, 2350 S 8th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-7579

Endoscopy Center of Yuma, 1030 Suite H & I

Chile Pepper Mexican Food, 1030 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-4213

Massage, Foot & Body


George's Barbershop Yuma AZ, 1150 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 329-5860

Allure By Maggy Styling Salon, 1150 W 24th St B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-0333


Avenue A

24th St

Lab Corp, Westbluf Medical Center, Alicia Medical Clinic, ABC Neurology, Farmers Insurnace

Yuma Regional Medical Center Administration Building 2400 S Avenue A, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 344-2000

Brenda Ernst, 2375 S. Ridgeview Dr, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 317-2518

Cancer Center

PROMED Office Complex

18th Ave

Yuma Self Storage

Pasquinelli Produce Co, 2144 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-7813

McCord Cynthia P DDS, 2179 W 24th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-4707

Urgent Care, Valley Clinic

Storage MAX

22nd Dr

Albertosons, Taco Bell, Savon



76, Giant

Brewers Restaurant & Sports Bar, 2331 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-0073

Del Oro Mobile Estates

Pablo's Mexican Food

Dairy Queen, 2000 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-1703

20th St

Avenue B

Sunshine Market & Liquor, 1997 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 329-4387

Crystal Clear Pool Service, 1981 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 919-4666

Southwest Lumber True Value Hardware, 1917 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-9867

Terracina Villas, 1850 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 539-0517


Super Suds Coin Laundry

Oriental Gift Shop

Al's Tuxedo Shop

Eduardo's Mexican Food, 1701 S Avenue B # 112, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-6469

Yuma's Tech Monkeys LLC Smartphone Repairs and more, 1701 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 919-7557

Best Nails & Spa

McDonald's, 1610 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 783-1610

16th St


Express Stop, 1600 S Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 782-1020

Arizona Donuts




Food City, dd's Discounts, Dollar Tree

Jack in the Box

Food City, 2600 W 16th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 343-0840


Asian Gourmet, 2560 W 16th St, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 819-0888

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