You read the title right!
You have the chance of winning a brand new Strymon El Capistan dTape echo!
The only thing you have to do is to participate in my giveaway by clicking on the first and
only link in the description box.
I want to thank from the bottom of my heart Strymon for partnering with me on this giveaway
and providing a free El Capistan pedal to one lucky viewer of my subscriber base.
Thank you so much Strymon!
Real good people there.
My favorite pedal company ever!
So it would be a huge mistake not participating in my giveaway because you don't have any
chances of winning if you don't participate, right?
So I'm going to show you how to do it!
First, you click on the first link in the description box and you have to enter your
email address, this is very important because I'm going to announce the winner by email
and not on my Youtube channel.
Then, you have multiple actions that you can take to have more chances to win on this giveaway.
So you have to share it on Facebook, or Twitter or even on Messenger if you have some friends
that would be interested in winning a El Capistan it's more personal.
And then you have bonus actions to gain even more entries like subscribing to my channel,
or visiting Strymon's website.
If you're already subscribed to my channel, you will just confirm that you are and many
other actions.
So if you want to have as many chances as possible, do all of these actions and pray
that you will have luck for this pedal.
The contest will be open for 10 days from now, so it's going to end august 7th and I'm
going to announce the winner by email august 8th.
So, once again, thank you very much to Strymon, share massively if you want more chances and
to have more people to get to know this awesome giveaway and have a chance of winning, and
good luck everyone!
For more infomation >> Win a FREE Strymon El Capistan Pedal! (Giveaway open July 28 - August 7, 2018) - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Quick Forecast Saturday, July 28, 2018 - Duration: 0:38.
「Nightcore」→ Despacito ✗ Shape of You ✗ Attention ✗ That's What I Like ✗ MORE (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:09.
Nightcore - Despacito X Shape of You X Attention X That's What I Like X Look What You Made Me Do X There's Nothing Holding Me Back (subtitles in video)
英媒:中美大使世貿交鋒火藥味濃 - Duration: 5:01.
「Nightcore」→ Not Today ✗ Mic Drop ✗ Blood Sweat & Tears ✗ I Need U (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 4:52.
「Nightcore」→ Not Today ✗ Mic Drop ✗ Blood Sweat & Tears ✗ I Need U (Switching Vocals)
[Sub][Image 13] Cardfight!! Vanguard Official Animation - Kamui!! Revenge of Determination - Duration: 25:40.
They got away.
Dratted boots...
Where are Aichi and Kamui?
Kamui! What's gotten into you?
It's what you said, Brother Aichi!
But isn't "Team Asteroid" more than just those guys?
Other members may come here.
Or go to other shops...
Those "other shops" must include...
Who's the strongest fighter at this shop?
It's a card game in which you yourself become the vanguard and fight!
Imagine it! Imagination will become your strength!
Image 13 Kamui!! Revenge of Determination
Damage... check!
Put the card in the Damage Zone.
Bro! Bro!
Is that the best the Asia Circuit's second-place winner can do?
It's that guy...
From now on, this shop is affiliated with Team Asteroid!
We'll teach you how to have serious fights.
Here, put these on.
Let go of me!
Leave her alone!
Ohh, Kamui!
What'll we do, Kamui?
Don't worry, Nagisa.
Hate to break it to ya, but Gouki ain't this shop's strongest fighter!
It's me!
You're stronger than Gouki Daimonji?
Don't lie to us.
I ain't lying!
I defeated Gouki!
Right, Nagisa?
So if you want Voyage, you've gotta beat me first!
He thinks he can beat us.
Ooh, I'm shakin' in my boots!
Fine. I'll fight you, boy.
If I win, you guys gotta leave Voyage!
For Team Asteroid, the results of a fight mean everything.
We'll obey what the winner says.
Winners get all! Losers get lost!
However... a condition of the fight, you have to wear these VF gloves.
Got it.
Hey, don't ya know what those gloves do?
Yeah, I know!
Is that so? Real scary, ain't they?
Kamui! Don't do it!
Even Team Asteroid can lose...
This is the end!
I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!
I'm really actually gonna die!
It's okay. I'll do it!
Why is Kamui...?
Don't worry, Gouki!
I beat you! I surpassed you!
And now I'm gonna surpass my old self by beating him!
Your old self?
Yeah. You jerks took over the shop I used to go to.
It was all my fault, for being weak.
But today, I'm gonna get my revenge for that!
Unfortunately for you, boy, we don't care to remember the weak.
Then I'll make sure you won't forget me again!
I'm the Great Kamui Katsuragi!
I'm Kyou Yahagi, a member of AL4.
Short for "Apex Limited 4," the four strongest members of Team Asteroid.
Normally, a brat like you would never get the chance to fight one of them.
What's that got to do with anything?! Let's go!
Stand up, Vanguard!
The Great Kamui rides!
I ride!
Stealth Beast, Cat Devil!
You go first.
Y-Yeah, I know!
The Great Kamui rides!
Raizer Custom!
Its skill activates!
I attack your Vanguard!
Damage check.
No trigger.
It's my turn, huh?
I ride!
Stealth Beast, Million Rat!
With Cat Devil's skill, I draw one card!
Million Rat attacks!
No guard!
Drive check.
No trigger.
Damage check!
Go on, put it in the Damage Zone.
Nothing to worry about!
I'm gonna endure this pain and beat Team Asteroid!
The Great Kamui rides!
Hi-powered Raizer Custom!
Its skill activates!
I superior call Battleraizer!
And then I call more!
I'm counting on ya guys!
Kamui is cool-headed.
I'm sure he can...
Stand and draw.
I ride!
Swift Archer, FUSHIMI!
Furthermore, I call Stealth Beast, Million Rat!
Its skill activates! Multiply!
Yes, sir!
Broken Arrow!
That attack passed right through a rear-guard in the front row!
Swift Archer, FUSHIMI can attack the back row.
Drive check!
Critical trigger!
I give all of the effects to Million Rat!
My Million Rat attacks your Vanguard!
Ohh, sweet Kamui!
Like I said, nothing to worry about!
Seems this isn't the first time Kamui's fought this guy. Given that...
...he oughta know all about the sneaky fightin' style of the guy's clan, Murakumo.
Stand and draw!
The Great Kamui rides!
Perfect Raizer!
Imaginary Gift! Accel!
Come out, Burstraizer!
Ready, Raizers?!
Stealth Beast, Moon Edge!
Get 'im!
Stealth Rogue of Silence, Shijimamaru!
Not bad. But...
...can you block this?!
Raizer Crush!
Now the jerk has 4 damage!
Oh, but I ain't done attacking yet!
With the skills of Perfect Raizer and Burstraizer,
three of Kamui's units have been stood back up!
Go for seven attacks!
Burstraizer attacks!
Million Rat!
You oughta worry more about yourself!
Even with these gloves on, this is still a Vanguard fight!
I'll keep the pressure up till I win!
Hi-powered Raizer Custom attacks your Vanguard!
This move will...
...finish him off!
So close, Kamui!
But still, that got him to 5 damage.
What's so funny?
The fact that you couldn't finish me off with that attack
shows just how far short you fall as a fighter.
Sorry, but playtime is over now, boy.
It's my turn!
I ride!
Dueling Dragon, ZANBAKU!
Imaginary Gift! Accel!
Come to me!
Twin Swordsman, MUSASHI!
You're up next...
...Left Arrester!
On top of that, ZANBAKU's skill activates!
Counterblast! Soulblast!
I superior call Right Arrester!
ZANBAKU gets +5000 power!
So you've lined up four units in the front row?
Just as I figured!
Bring it on!
Yeah, Gouki?
Wh-What's wrong with you two?
ZANBAKU's skill is--
Furthermore! ZANBAKU's skill is--
Isn't this... a collar?!
That's right!
But that's not all.
I can't move!
What's going on here?!
With the skills of Dueling Dragon, ZANBAKU, Right Arrester and Left Arrester,
I've kept you from riding other units,
or even standing, until after your next turn.
That's nuts!
That's how he took out Bro!
That's what makes his deck so scary!
Well? Ready to surrender yet?
Then here I come!
I attack your Burstraizer in the Accel Circle!
Sic 'im!
I ain't letting you by! Intercept!
Why'd he use one Burstraizer to block an attack against another Burstraizer?
Didn't you notice?
The Burstraizer in the Accel Circle
was gonna have 19,000 power on his next turn!
"His next turn"? You mean he hasn't given up yet?!
Keep quiet.
I attack your Vanguard.
None can escape my sword!
Drive check!
Boom! A critical trigger!
I give the power to Twin Swordsman, MUSASHI,
and the effect to my Vanguard!
Second check!
This time he got a front trigger!
Brutal Binding Slash
Brutal Binding Slash! Brutal Binding Slash
Brutal Binding Slash
Damage check!
No trigger!
Second check!
I got a front trigger, too!
But this puts you at 5 damage.
I'm not done yet!
Perfect guard!
Twin Blader!
You can't guard against MUSASHI's attack with just one unit!
Asura Kaiser!
You made him waste an Asura Kaiser.
I told you guys to keep quiet.
Left Arrester attacks your Vanguard!
Million Rat boosts!
See that? I pulled through.
My turn is over.
Trouble is, your Perfect Raizer still can't do anything!
This guy's way stronger than he used to be.
But still...
This time, I'm gonna beat you and surpass my old self!
Come on, already! It's your turn!
Damage check...
No trigger...
I win!
Brother Aichi... I lost...
It's so frustrating...
That was weak!
Both the deck and the fighter were way too weak!
He had some nerve challenging a member of Team Asteroid at his level.
This weakling's deck is worthless!
That scumbag!
How dare you scatter Kamui's cards!
Young lady...
I wouldn't touch that wimp's cards if I were you.
Yeah, his weakness might rub off on ya.
My Kamui is not weak!
Then why did he lose?
My Kamui is not weak...
You don't have to pick up Kamui's cards.
That's your job.
You're going to pick up Kamui's cards.
Sure. I'll do whatever you ask.
I'll pick up the cards,
and I'll even leave this shop, if you like.
However, I'll only do that if you beat me!
Brother Aichi...
I'll be fine. Don't worry.
You should rest, sweet Kamui.
You're really gonna do it?
Okay, let's get started.
What a great feeling.
Beating challengers burning with vengeance...
..and driving them to despair is the best thing ever!
Stand up, Vanguard!
Sweet Kamui, thank you for fighting for my sake!
C'mon! I didn't do it for you!
You did too! I could tell!
Hey! Get offa me!
I've gotta go cheer on Brother Aichi!
Why do you call Aichi "Brother"?
Is there some meaning behind that?
Th-There's no deep meaning to it, really!
Image 14 Awaken!! PSYqualia Th-There's no deep meaning to it, really!
I never said anything about it being "deep"! Image 14 Awaken!! PSYqualia
Image 14 Awaken!! PSYqualia
✨자신감도 생기고 시간도 절약하는 파운데이션 프리 (Foundation Free) 첫 시도 꿀팁! ✨ㅣSOL A 솔아 - Duration: 7:55.
Hi! I have a foundation free tutorial which I really wanted to show you guys.
I'll explain the reason for this tutorial and pros for foundation free in the description bar!
Please check that out.
I'll take you to the world of foundation free where you don't have to worry about this humid hot summer.
Though I have dry skin, I get oily in summer as I'm very sweaty.
I use skincare that controls sebum production.
I've been enjoying this Ottie Soak Out PHA Toner that I've shown in my past videos.
I use this toner in 2 ways.
In summer, I store this in fridge and use it as a wipe-off toner!
The cooling effect will help with the pores and sebum
It instantly cools down the skin too.
You know it's important to cool down the skin in this hot weather, right?
I will have to put extra effort in to skincare today since I won't be wearing any foundation.
Also, I pour this on to a 5 layer cotton pad
And stick it on to the face like a face mask for once or twice a week to cool down the skin!
I recommend this method for those who have high body temperature and rosacea like me!
I bought this 5 layer cotton pad from Olive Young.
Having it on for too long can dry out your skin.
Try not to exceed 5 minutes!
It only takes less than 5 minutes in busy morning.
It's a good tip for a daily skincare routine in summer.
If you have greasy nose with blackhead,
Focus on the nose only just like I'm doing now!
If you are worried about the driness as it's a 'sebum control product',
Don't worry. It's contains Aloe vera extract which is good for hydration!
I'm going to use a cream from the same line!
This is a perfect gel cream for summer.
Usually, gel creams have sticky residue
This doesn't do that. It has perfect oil and moist balance.
I use it every day. I almost finished it.
This is the last step of the skincare. I put 1.5 layer of it.
It's better to press it in to the skin with the warmth of the palm!
Apparently, the warmth of the palm helps ingredients to absorb in to the skin!
Keep that in mind
My sebum control light skincare is done with Ottie Soak Out toner and cream.
It's a light and refreshing skincare that hydrates the skin enough.
It creates perfect base for foundation free makeup.
Let's move on to the sunscreen!
If you are not confident to skip foundation,
you could use a brightening sunscreen at this step.
An oily sunscreen will become greasier and greasier as the time passes.
So it's better to use a light weight sunscreen.
I used a concealer that isn't too sheer or high coverage.
It doesn't have to be the same product.
Try sheer coverage concealers that you don't use for this look!
It will naturally sheer out the scars and the imperfection!
You don't need to powder your face.
But I think it mattifies the skin and neaten up the whole look.
It's a good tip for a beginner!
Fill in your brows with subtle arches with the color that matches to your hair.
You can just fill in the sparse area,
or fill in the whole thing just like how you do it with foundation on.
I'm just gonna put one shadow as a base!
Apply ashy muted rose shadow all over the lid.
Gently curl the lashes and create subtle definition on the lower lash line.
Just line the eyes with an eye liner that you normally use.
Since it's not a heavy makeup, I pulled down the tail a little bit.
You can do whatever that suits you!
The key of the foundation free makeup is the strong red lip point!
I've used it before. It's so smooth and lightweight that you can't even feel it on your lips.
Ah, I'd like to ask you to test it out only if they had off line stores.
Having red lips will brighten up the whole complexion without having foundation on
So your skin won't look as weird.
I forgot the mascara….
I just coated my lashes with mascara that I use normally.
Did you enjoy this makeup tutorial?
I first heard of 'foundation-free' concept from Liah Yoo's video.
I thought exactly the same as what Liah Yoo thought.
I'm sure some of you are thinking 'People who don't wear foundation have great skin… '
'but I need to put some' '
You might still think the same even after watching my video.
But honestly, other people aren't interested in my skin as you think
Even if they do, not many of them would comment on your skin.
If they say things like 'why is your skin so bad? Did you get pimples on your skin?'
I guess those people are not that important to your life. I hope you try this light makeup to protect your skin.
I hope you take more time to think about yourself and experience new things solely for you.
That's why I decided to film foundation free makeup.
I hope this video was helpful for you to find your true self.
Don't forget to like and subscribe if you enjoyed today's video!
I know foundation free is hard to try at first
But it's actually easy if you gradually reduce the steps of the makeup.
Gradually make your way from foundation free.
I'll see you in my next video. Bye!
How to keep a diary - Duration: 3:40.
Honda Civic 1.5 i-VTEC 182pk CVT 5D Sport - Duration: 1:13.
Absolutely Beautiful Green Z12 Small House with a Gable Roof and Easy to Build - Duration: 3:34.
Absolutely Beautiful Green Z12 Small House with a Gable Roof and Easy to Build
Absolutely Stunning Hobbit Tiny House for sale in West Jordan, Utah - Duration: 3:19.
Absolutely Stunning Hobbit Tiny House for sale in West Jordan, Utah
Gorgeous Stunning APH 536 From A Thens Park Model Rvs - Duration: 3:36.
Gorgeous Stunning APH 536 From A Thens Park Model Rvs
How to Edit Photos - Quick Edit #58 - Colorful Iguana - Duration: 6:42.
How to edit photos. Lightroom Tutorial.
hello welcome to today's quick edit today I'm working on another JPEG image
and of course I usually always work in RAW images and I'm going to put a card
up here and link back and I'll put a link down in the description as well
two days ago where I explained why I'm working on JPEG images this week so and
sometimes those are just what you have it's really the summary there but so
this time I am working on an image of an iguana this was taken at the San Antonio
Zoo in Texas and it was taken through glass so it's got extra challenges not
only is it a JPEG but it's taken through glass so we've got I mean and of course
the glass on an animal exhibit a zoo isn't the cleanest thing in the world so
I still really like the image so I'm gonna go ahead and work with it the
Iguana itself in my memory was much more colorful so we're gonna go ahead and do
some really heavy saturation on the colors in this image so go ahead and
start working on it okay
so I'm gonna bring up the exposure that's to turn on my clipping we'd be
careful of the clipping in this one because you see around here I've got a
pretty strong highlight around the edge of his face and this lighting I shot
this with an sony a6000 on automatic settings so it's crazy I must have had
my 55 to 200 millimeter on because I see it was set at 139 millimeters it shot at
one 200,000 F 5.6 an ISO 8601 abri exposure just a little bit and bring up
the contrast I can bring up the shadows
not too much gonna bring the blacks down a little bit because that increases our
contrast okay gasps let's see very little movement in the highlights and I
get a plan I'm gonna bring the highlights down and bring up the clarity
never of course want to go too far in the clarity but working with a JPEG
through glass and more than sharpness that's going to help take care of that
and the D haze here it's going to help take care of some of the issues I have
shooting through the glass here and that's we're getting pretty noisy here
but we'll go ahead and try to correct that in a second you'll bring up the
vibrance and the saturation and we're starting to get a little bit more
towards the way I remember this little guy looking so I'm gonna to bring the
shadows down a little bit for the contrast little darks sadly for their
lights down a little bit the highlights down a little bit alright so we're gonna
go into the saturation here remember this guy was super blue so we're gonna
turn those up and the green I'm gonna don't looking we're gonna see this some
red and magenta it has I see what happens we go so yellow it a lot in the
background and but we also get some pretty cool yellow on him and it
actually looks nice to have it in the background well it's a pretty bold so we
turn up the Blues on him we get some nice complementary colors going on there
so I'm gonna come down go ahead and skip all the way down here to up a camera
calibration and increase the Blues just just there in and the Greens the reds
and that's that's some pretty intense color there but that's what I remember
this guy looking like he was he was like a rainbow guy remove the chromatic
aberration let's see if it recognizes my lens nope alright so
I'm gonna go ahead and do some noise reduction first here let's do some
luminance a chance to catch up there and we'll color alright
I'm gonna do some overall sharpening now it's mask yet I don't need anything in
the background but I'd like just like that alright I want his eye to be
sharper now the sharpening brought back some noise I think we're still okay
though so I'm going to do that with the
adjustment brush I'm gonna put that have it set on clarity you know go ahead and
show mask overlay I should probably switch to my tablet to do this cuz I'm
not very coordinated with the mouse but I'm gonna do it anyway here we go
that is the area I want I had that on auto mask too to help me keep that clean
and he got the clarity up what Wei hai had already is and we've the haze a bit
too and that really is cleaning up his eye quite a bit do more sharpness on his
eye too there we go that's making up it wasn't
so much that I didn't nail the focus on this but just that there was so much
interfering with it between me and where he was and if he look I'm shooting at
139 millimetres means there was a pretty good distance between where he wasn't I
was than the glass and everything else in between so but done there that is it
for this little guy this cute lizard little iguana ah that's it for this
quick edit I will see you tomorrow we'll be back to doing normal raw images thank
you for joining subscribe to my channel for daily photo quick edit videos and
frequent longer lightroom photoshop & photography tutorials click the bell
down below to be notified whenever I post a new video and please visit tear
McCleary calm for prints image licensing of downloads and photography articles
Modern And Utility For Your Life Is The Zx55 - Duration: 3:11.
Modern And Utility Fuor Your Life Is The Zx55
Seat Ibiza ST 1.2 TSI 85pk Chill Out + - Duration: 1:12.
🏁Kā nomainīt bremžu diski VW GOLF 3 [PAMĀCĪBA AUTODOC]🏁 - Duration: 3:28.
Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.
Use an HEX ı6. Unscrew the brake caliper fastening.
Remove the brake caliper.
Use a phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the brake disc mounting bolts and remove it.
Install the brake disc and secure it. Use a phillips screwdriver.
Install the brake caliper and fix it. Use an HEX ı6.
✅ Canna-gate, nuova frecciatina di Eva Henger a Francesco Monte: "Forse ha sbagliato indirizzo" - Duration: 1:57.
Eva Henger torna a parlare del canna-gate Sono passati ormai mesi dal canna-gate che ha infiammato l'ultima edizione dell'Isola dei Famosi, ma, proprio qualche giorno fa, in un'intervista al settimanale Sono, Eva Henger ha riaperto il vaso di Pandora, questa volta per raccontare come è andata a finire quella amara vicenda
L'ex naufraga ha dichiarato di non aver mai ricevuto da Francesco Monte quella denuncia a lungo promessa
L'ex fidanzato di Paola Di Benedetto che, come le foto su Instagram dimostrano, si sta godendo l'estate, non è più andato avanti per vie legali
Eva Henger, però, che in quanto a frecciatine sa essere sempre abbastanza pungente, a Sono ha ironizzato: "Magari Francesco ha sbagliato indirizzo", alludendo al fatto che quella denuncia non è mai arrivata nella sua cassetta della posta
Francesco Monte "rimbalzato" da Tale e Quale show: il retroscena Sarcasmo a parte, sembra che il canna-gate alla fine si sia concluso così
Forse Francesco Monte avrà preferito guardare avanti, pensare al lavoro, al domani, piuttosto che incastrarsi in una vicenda tanto complicata, con una rivale determinata e tenace come la Henger che ha sempre confermato e ribadito la sua versione dei fatti
E se, invece, questa nuova frecciata di Eva Henger riaccendesse in Monte la voglia di farsi giustizia? Aspettiamo di vedere se l'ex tronista risponderà per le rime all'acerrima nemica o, anche in questo caso, lascerà correre
[ENGSUB] Jin & j-hope Massage Time?! - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 10:11.
[Jin does not know who is behind him]
Jin: These fingers are...
Jin: These fingers are definitely Jungkook's
Jhope: I'm disappointed
Jin: Jhope ah~~~
Jhope: I'm really disappointed, he called Jungkook
Jin: Sometimes I'm wrong
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Acuario | Gente con malas Intenciones + Pregunta Interactiva Horóscopo Semanal - Duration: 4:50.
Shaun the Sheep Season 5 Full Episodes Compilation 10 | Superfun - Duration: 6:05.
Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
Bulletproof, Gullwing Roof, Flaming Youth - Duration: 41:35.
「Nightcore」→ Despacito ✗ Shape of You ✗ Attention ✗ That's What I Like ✗ MORE (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:09.
Nightcore - Despacito X Shape of You X Attention X That's What I Like X Look What You Made Me Do X There's Nothing Holding Me Back (subtitles in video)
「Nightcore」→ Not Today ✗ Mic Drop ✗ Blood Sweat & Tears ✗ I Need U (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 4:52.
「Nightcore」→ Not Today ✗ Mic Drop ✗ Blood Sweat & Tears ✗ I Need U (Switching Vocals)
If Trump thinks he can get more than 3% economic growth, he's dreaming - Duration: 11:33.
With the political world deeply focused on the question of whether the Trump administration comprises a gang of Russian pawns, less attention has been devoted to more mundane questions, such as what ever happened to Trump's economic policy? As it happens, economists are keeping their eye on that ball, and their conclusion is that it's in a bad way
More specifically, they recognize that Trump's policy is aimed heavily at achieving annual economic growth of more than 3%
Advertisement During the presidential campaign, Trump promised growth of 3.5% a year, and sometimes even 4%
There's no disagreement that a sustained growth rate of this magnitude would be a significant achievement
Over the past decade, the economy has grown at an average of about 2% a year. The Congressional Budget Office forecasts an annual average of about 1
9% well into the next decade. The U.S. hasn't had sustained real annual growth (that is, over inflation) of better than 3% since the 1990s, with a brief spurt in 2004 and 2005
Making up the difference from 2% to more than 3% looks like a pipe dream. High rates of growth, and the productivity that drives it, are likely distant memories from a bygone era
Bill Gross, Janus Capital Share quote & link This sentiment crosses ideological lines
It's shared by Jason Furman, formerly the chief economist for the Obama White House ("it would require everything to go right … in ways that are either historically unparalleled or toward the upper end of the historical range") and Edward Lazear, who served the same role for George W
Bush ("pray for luck," he advises). Then there are the nonpolitical observers, such as bond guru Bill Gross, who says: "High rates of growth, and the productivity that drives it, are likely distant memories from a bygone era
" And academic economists such as Northwestern's Robert J. Gordon, who states bluntly in his pessimistic book "The Rise and Fall of American Growth" that U
S. GDP's best years are behind it. Michael Hiltzik Watch the U.S. age before your eyes in this amazing animated graphic By Michael Hiltzik Apr 16, 2016 | 5:46 PM In fact, the only place one can find confidence about a growth rate of 3%-plus is inside the Trump administration, where Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says it's "very achievable
" But he would say that, wouldn't he? After all, Trump's economic doctrine is dependent on it
Without such growth, Mnuchin's promise that the Trump-backed tax cut would "pay for itself" is a fantasy
Let's stand in the headwinds and see how they look. They fall into four categories: demographic, historical, technological and Trump-centric
Gross domestic product growth comes from two main sources, as Chad Stone of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explains: growth in the labor force and growth in productivity
Trump maintains that he can improve on the first because — so he claims — Obama economic policies threw millions of Americans out of work
Column The Trump plan: Every bad tax idea, in one place By Michael Hiltzik Apr 26, 2017 | 3:35 PM But unemployment statistics suggest instead that there isn't much slack in the workforce
At 4.4%, the unemployment rate is at about the point economists judge to be full employment
It's true that the labor participation rate — the share of working-age persons with jobs — is at a mere 63%, down from 66
4% in January 2007, but the aging of the U.S. population leaves little hope of reversing the trend line
The most recent increases in the workforce occurred in the 1970s through the 1990s, with the entry of baby boomers and women
But the baby boomers of both sexes are retiring now. According to the Pew Research Center, unless immigration takes up the slack by providing 18 million more workers, the U
S. workforce will continue to shrink at least through 2035. What are the prospects for that surge of immigration? Dim, obviously, as long as Trump's hostility drives policy
GDP growth hasn't consistently bettered 3% since the 1990s, and it's unclear what would make it happen now
(Statista) That places the onus on productivity growth. Productivity, defined as real output per hour of labor, is unlikely to pick up to the degree necessary to jolt economic growth above 3% for the long term
From 2008 through late 2016, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U
S. was mired in a productivity slump averaging growth of 1.1% a year. That's a pittance compared to the postwar average of 2
3%; the last high point was reached in 2001 through 2007, when growth averaged 2.7% a year
Economists are a bit perplexed by the productivity slowdown, especially since it seems to be afflicting all industrialized economies at the same time
Indeed, the U.S. is doing better than most. Northwestern's Gordon maintains that it's the result of a secular end to a long technological cycle — that the low-hanging fruit of innovation-driven gains has been picked: the first industrial revolution, air conditioning, automobiles, computers and communications and the replacement of small stores by big-box chains
Labor productivity (red bars) is at a low ebb, for reasons economists don't entirely understand
(BLS) Gordon is skeptical that the touted revolutions beckoning around the corner will add much to productivity
He contends that the potential of robots, artificial intelligence, big data and driverless cars has been oversold or already baked into the existing economy
Advertisement He also warns of a major headwind: rising inequality. The decline in the standard of living resulting from skewing economic rewards toward the top will result in an overall slowdown of economic growth, he says
It's proper to observe that many economists and technologists consider Gordon to be unduly pessimistic, but there's scarcely any question that he's put his finger on some evident trends
The last factor is the drag on growth of other Trump policies. Deregulation could spur short-term improvements in some industries, but on the whole, it threatens to create costs — the consequences of dirty air and water or of an increase in the uninsured don't come cheap
And even the most sedulous fans of deregulation, such as Douglas Holtz-Eakin of the American Action Forum, don't forecast additions to economic growth of more than a few hundredths of a percentage point a year
That won't get Trump much closer to 3%-plus. With economists being cautious to their bones, few will say categorically that reaching Trump's goal is impossible
But he's placed a lot of weight on the shoulders of that goal and produced precious little evidence to show it can be achieved
The general consensus seems to be: it could happen, but that's not the way to bet
Keep up to date with Michael Hiltzik. Follow @hiltzikm on Twitter, see his Facebook page, or email michael Advertisement Return to Michael Hiltzik's blog.
BUMP OF CHICKEN 天体観測 歌ってみた ピアノver - Duration: 5:58.
Le musicien Jack White est ravi d'avoir interdit les smartphones à ses concerts - Duration: 3:01.
Le rockeur Jack White a des idées très précises sur la façon dont il souhaite mener ses concerts
Par exemple, l'interdiction faite aux spectateurs de garder leurs téléphones ou caméras allumées
Comme l'a fait aussi Alicia Keys, les téléphones et autres objets sont rangés dans des pochettes Yondr et bloqués dans un espace protégé
Et bonne nouvelle, le public est ravi. « Je suis content de voir que le public suit
C'est une expérience : je veux voir comment il réagit dans ce scénario. Je veux que ce soit comme aller au cinéma ou au théâtre », explique-t-il à Rolling Stone
L'effet boule de neige Jack White précise que non seulement les gens sont vraiment contents, mais que des groupes l'appellent et lui disent « Ah, on pense à faire la même chose »
Une chose l'amuse : « la chose la plus négative que j'aie entendue est que les gens ne savent plus l'heure qu'il est »
Il est également prêt à tenter une autre expérience. « Je suis toujours surpris de voir comment des gens qui ne se connaissent pas sont capables de jouer ensemble », a-t-il dit
Il aimerait donc bien faire une tournée durant laquelle les musiciens ne seraient pas autorisés à se parler
« Ils ne se verraient que sur scène », précise-t-il. Pas sûr que cette idée-là prenne aussi bien
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