Hello empowrians, my first duty as president will be to fix the marketplace was working correctly
New buyers and new sellers are coming to the workplace all the time, and we need these things work. Absolutely
perfectly, the marketplace is the heart of our economy and
Without the marketplace we don't have the virtuous cycle without marketplace winning
Citizens will win the coin doesn't win. So we need to have all these things in place and working absolutely perfectly
I would like to also add more search options in the marketplace this way we can search by top sellers in
different countries
This way we can send to friends and family worldwide
Thank you all for watching WTAWTAW
. This is Bob
Hello empowrians to answer the second question I
Don't think we should change maturation. It is put in place to bring more value to our marketplace
We will, we have more value to the marketplace the citizen wins
We all win this is our virtuous cycle. So let's keep that in place for now
But that being said there has been an update
To maturation and some other things
Well, you just have to check out the latest blog don't link to that blog will be in the description of this video below
But you can get 30 day maturation just by buying a founder mission role by August 5th
So again, please read the blog for more details
Thank you, and WTAWTAW
Hello empowrians
To answer our third question here is about the marketplace
It doesn't need a lot of revamping but I did talk to some on this a little bit in my first question
But so we just need to fix the issues that we already have in the marketplace
There is one idea brought to you by our collective intelligence you guys
That should be implemented
That I do fully support and that is a wish list this way
You know you write down what you want a seller sees what you want and they add it to the marketplace
Then you buy it that simple
This is a great idea. That's one thing. I think we need to implement along with more search options
But anyway again, thanks for watching. W TAWTAW. This is Bob signing out
Hello empowrians to answer question for
They are connected by bringing in more people the value of the coin will rise
So, how do we do that? We keep doing what we're doing
We keep inviting people
to empowr through our social other social media sites and
Just keep that going but the coin body will rise as we get it on more exchanges which we need to do
But it's also if you notice now, it's on the coin market cap
So all things are starting to ignite the coin and then again this brings in more users
And then the value of the coin keeps going up. So again, this is all part of our virtuous cycle
Thank you all for watching WTAWTAW this is Bob
Hello fellow empowrians I'm glad I got this question for number five
This is a something I've been wanting to implement anyway
we need to have
SC test whenever there is an update applied this way we can make sure the SC's
know and have the correct information to give to the students and
If they get that answer wrong, we need to re-educate them and make sure they get it, right
This way you guys always have the most updated and correct information
Because that's what we all need
Thank you all for watching. This is Bob WTAWTAW
Hello empowrians, this is a bonus question there are a lot of things I'd like to replicate from night one
Is his resilience and his
Persistence and his ability to get massive results
We can continue to get massive results
with our Power Team
The SCS that we have and you citizens, so, please keep inviting people to empower to ensure
we accomplish our mission our
goal to reach
To four billion people to make twenty five dollars a day by the year
This might be able to accomplish it by the year 2020 which is so let's just keep going we can do this
Again, thank you all for watching
This is Bob WTAWTAW
For more infomation >> 1st Rnd of Q & A - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
55岁叶童和64岁赵雅芝近照对比 网友:一个素颜未P,一个全靠P图 - Duration: 5:30.
#什麼是神創造的最高峰?(婚前愛與性要理問答12問) - Duration: 5:38.
違いがわからん!本物そっくりなランボルギーニ・ディアブロ6.0が900万円で販売中 - Duration: 5:50.
メルセデス・ベンツ「Aクラス・セダン」発表。売れそうだが「利益の減少」を招く諸刃の刃? - Duration: 6:11.
BMWがペブルビーチで「魅力的なニューモデル公開」と発表。やはり新型Z4? - Duration: 4:41.
MONSTA X RAY 3 : EP 5 [VOSTFR] - Duration: 49:16.
ランボルギーニ・ウラカン・スーパートロフェオEVOに10台限定の特別モデル登場。CEOほか関係者のサイン入り - Duration: 4:56.
"Sát thủ vô hình" với sức khoẻ dân văn phòng - Duration: 4:55.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
"Invisible killer" with health office workers
Items and routines around you work, which can cause a number of long-term health problems.
1. Your attitude.
- 100% of office workers will feel impatient, psychological dissatisfaction when the attitude of resentment, but only about 30% can be relieved by speech.
- If it is inhibited by long-term pressure, easily lead to depression, from which easy to depressed life.
Those who choose to break out tend to prefer using "strong actions" to "handle" those they do not like in the workplace.
Tip:It should be said straightforward, solved urgent, complaining is not an attitude to help solve problems.
2. Telephone.
- Hearing a lot of hearing causes your hearing to decline, causing a risk of spondylitis, damage to the neck vertebrae.
- Although the phone calls help you "seem" busy and professional, but if so continuously for 15 minutes,
Structures in the vertebral column of the cervix will be gradually worn out.
The shoulder posture also increases the burden, for the waist and the spine.
Tips:If you do not want to correct your routine, put a soft cushion on your phone's cradle, so that it feels like you are playing the piano.
- Using a headset can cause you to lose focus, and hearing loss can be reduced.
According to American research, the habit of wearing headphones, making the people like to stay alone, and do not want to communicate with colleagues.
- On the packaging headphones also write the words "should not be used continuously more than 3 hours".
This also shows the harmful effects of continuous use of headphones.
Tip:You can replace the headset with a small speaker, and avoid getting too loud, so do not use the headset with ease.
4. Seat.
- Frequently sitting cross-legged, or sitting in the same position for a long time, will make you feel numbness,
As insects crawl on their feet, they even cause venous disease, which causes obesity.
Tips:45 minutes away, should leave the work desk, to relax the tendons.
5. Coffee.
- 1 cup of coffee a day, can reduce 50% of sperm quality in men.
In coffee with high concentrations of caffeine, can change the function of cardiovascular, at the same time cause high cholesterol levels in the blood.
- The study found that people who drink 5 or more cups of coffee a day are twice as likely to develop heart disease than people who do not drink coffee.
The longer you drink coffee, the more coffee you drink, the more likely you are to have cardiovascular disease.
Tip:Limit coffee.
If you have a habit of drinking something, choose fresh fruit juice.
6. Tobacco.
- Tobacco can cause lung cancer.
Tip:It's a good idea to ban smoking at work so you can get rid of this habit.
7. Computer.
- During the day hugging the computer, can cause you to have a nervous breakdown, and visual impairment.
Tips:Eat plenty of foods rich in vitamins A and C, like carrots, tomatoes, and so on.
Eye drops.
- Frequent use of eye drops, which can cause conjunctivitis.
Tip:Look out the window, watch the sky, grass, or close your eyes recall the beautiful memories,
For the eyes to relax, it is also a good way to keep away from eye drops with chemicals.
9. Synthetic vitamins.
- Generic vitamins, tranquilizers, and so on are all very harmful to your health.
- Most drugs, including multivitamins, are a burden on the liver and kidneys.
In addition, drugs that stimulate the metabolism, the more harmful the cardiovascular system.
Tips:Use green vegetables, fruits instead of drugs, change the fresh water into white water, get up early every day, you will feel better health every day!
According to Pham Thuy, Dan tri.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
Stranger Things 3: Starcourt ...
Audi A1 1.4 TFSI 122PK S EDITION PANO DAK / NAVI / XENON / 18'' ROTORS / UNIEK! - Duration: 1:12.
小S经常半夜打电话给姐姐!从汪小菲的话中,我知晓了小S婚姻状况 - Duration: 3:43.
Audi Q7 3.0TDI E-TRON S-LINE *!*PANO/CAMERA/TREKHAAK*!* - Duration: 1:09.
戴安娜王妃曾两次公开"报复"查尔斯 当卡米拉佩戴戴安娜吊坠时会想到这些往事吗?|卡米拉 - Duration: 5:18.
Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro 252pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:14.
Top seven most useful short cut keys for CATIA - Duration: 3:35.
Select "Part"
Select "Part"
shortcut for "Properties" as "space(bar)"
shortcut for "Properties" as "space(bar)"
shortcut for "positioned Sketch" as "Alt+S"
shortcut for "positioned Sketch" as "Alt+S
short cut for "constrains" as "Alt+C"
short cut for "constrains" as "Alt+C"
shortcut for "Normal view" as "Alt+N"
shortcut for "Normal view" as "Alt+N"
shortcut for "fit all in" as "Alt+F"
shortcut for "fit all in" as "Alt+F"
going for drawing
going for drawing
shortcut for "properties" as "spacebar"
shortcut for "properties" as "spacebar"
shortcut for "Dimension" as "Alt+D"
shortcut for "Dimension" as "Alt+D"
alt+f=fit all in
alt+f=fit all in
Squash caviar - Russian vegetable puree recipe ♡ English subtitles - Duration: 6:20.
Hello! My name is Elena Bazhenova.
I am glad to welcome you at my kitchen!
Squash caviar is a great appetizer, which is easily prepared at home.
Recipes on the Internet you will find a lot. I offer you my own version.
For the recipe, we take: 2,5-3kg courgettes, 1kg onions, 1kg carrots,
2 tablespoons salt, 150-200g sugar, 300-350 ml vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons 9% vinegar,
3 tablespoons tomato paste.
Do not to use ketchup or tomato juice.
Chop the onions finely and fry it on the vegetable oil until golden.
Meanwhile, let's prepare the courgettes.
Wash and cut them into a parts.
Remove the seeds.
The seeds will spoil our vegetable puree.
In young courgettes the seeds is soft; do not remove they.
Do not peel the young courgettes.
Next courgette.
You can dice the courgettes.
I'll grate the courgettes on a coarse grater.
Place they in a colander to drain.
Now grate the carrots.
Fry the carrots on a skillet after the onions, on the vegetable oil.
If the vegetable oil is not enough, then it should be added.
Fry on medium heat.
Until the carrots softened.
Heat the pan with a thick bottom.
Pour in it the remaining vegetable oil.
Squeeze out the juice from the grated courgettes.
Fry them in the pan.
The carrots became transparent.
A lot of juice.
Add the cooked carrots here.
Together with the oil.
Stir and boil for 5 minutes.
The vegetables boiled 5 minutes.
Mash the vegetables using a blender.
It turn out yellow puree.
The carrots gave a beautiful color.
Add salt. Mix and taste.
Tomato paste.
We will make the needed color using the tomato paste.
Mix again.
I added more 1 tbsp tomato paste for the color.
Together with sugar, because the tomato paste is sour.
Cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, sterilize jars and lids.
Don't forget mix occasionally, so that the caviar does not get the kitchen dirty.
The squash caviar is ready.
This vegetable caviar can already be served to the table.
If don't remove excess juice from the courgettes, the caviar is cooked much longer.
I'll put aside some squash caviar to try it when it cools down.
Add the vinegar to it to keep for the winter.
Add the vinegar and mix.
Cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Put the squash caviar in the sterilized jars.
Wrap and leave it until the complete cooling.
And in the winter, open a jar of squash caviar and put it on a rye bread ...
You will get a real pleasure!
Prepare with pleasure and enjoy!
🎁 Je REDÉCOUVRE mes ANCIENNES cartes YU-GI-OH ! 🎴 [Partie 2] - Duration: 9:02.
I wish you good viewing ➡ 👍🔁💬 🙏 Look at the cards 📝 the description 🙏 #SubREM27 in the comments, if you read this 😘
Minecraft vs Pacman vs Real Life. Fight to the finish in Herobrine's challenge. - Duration: 9:53.
Herobrine has challenged us to a game
we are in the game
Oh no.
we have got to get out of here.
wait a minute, what does that say?
To exit the game, there is a portal at the other side.
lookout for monsters, there is nowhere you can hide.
OK, we need to collect all of the the pills and get to the exit.
do you think there are any monsters in here.
I hope not.
let's split up and get as many pills as we can.
OK, let's go.
yes. there's weapons
Oh no. minecraft monsters.
Benjamin. Monsters.
Thank You Benjamin
that's what brothers are for
I think no weapons only work once.
let's stick together.
good idea
this just got real
I've got this
come on slow-coach
take that zombie!
we are out of weapons. come on let's go.
Daniel. get up. come on.
it's not active yet
we ride together and we die together.
Bad boys for life!
alright boys
thanks daddy
if we collect all of the pills it will be finished and we'll go home.
you stay here I'll get the rest of the pills. OK?
come on daddy. Hurry up!
come on, let's go home
come on boys. let's go home
it's good to be home. let's delete that game as well.
Herobrine is gone. High 5.
if you liked the video. if you want see more please give us a thumbs up.
and subscribe by clicking this button, or clicking a button below.
you also can click the pictures above for more family adventures.
bye bye
No Man's Sky - 1st steps Finding Sodium - Duration: 4:29.
hello is Ricardo and welcome back to no man's skynext, now if you're a new
player to no man's sky it can be a little bit daunting what the hell do you
do and in the first moments of the game you met with a very urgent need to
recharge your hazard suit protection from the elements and this is then by
collecting sodium okay but as a result of that there's a few components you
need first so once you get past all this setup section and you would have seen
this by now you get a first view of your landscape you see all these crystals
come in from the ground strange plants lovely cloud scapes and vistas you know
sentinels but you don't even know as sentinels rumbling about you know and
you're given worse what you think is a multi-tool or a gun like effect anyway
this tool is going to be indispensable for you in getting what you need from
this planet now first off you can see your scanner is damaged
you're gonna need ferrite dust now ferrite is quite quick fortunately it's
everywhere ayane is anyway you're looking for a
rock like subjects okay you're gonna get that mining laser that multi-tool that
you got and you're gonna mind ferrite right out of the ground
my advice is move a little bit away from the crash site so those sentinels don't
start shooting you and you can see these sort of small easy win ferrite outcrops
these larger ones take a little bit more time to mine and you're gonna have to
wait for your laser to cool down now the multi-tool is very versatile it is
charged up with carbon so don't let it run out too soon before you even get
some carbon reason governor ferrite desk now back there you go scanner repaired
now the scanners repaired we can do a scan on
pchew press the C key the scanner goes off then identifies different materials
around the area which you can then run off to and mine now as you notice ya
hazmat protection is running out what it doesn't do is tell you what type of
structure it is as you can see I've got some sodium right the way over there
depicted by the yellow icon but when we get close or closer right I'll find that
I care of my it without an advanced mining laser right which I haven't got
yet there's no point me going that way I'm just scan and find a more smaller
and manageable source of sodium to put into the suit now my shields are
dropping you can see has a yellow glow around the edge of the screen saying I'm
incurring damage but fortunately you know it's a couple of quick sprints
around I can do some mining on the way
it's just over the sides of that Ridge and there you go you get it's lovely I
think it's a lovely yellow plant anyway if you like what you're seeing do me a
favor click that like and subscribe button and also that notification icon
and that'll let you know when I'm putting more videos of no man's sky and
other things on YouTube with the sodium now collected I can recharge my suit and
then with that I'm free to go off an attempt to find my spaceship as you can
see the signal has been detected this has been a quick how did you get started
in no man's sky I've been Ricardo if you like what
you're seeing you know what to do see you soon and look out for more videos in
the series
✅ 花蓮地檢署檢察官林俊佑認為女兒在幼稚園受到欺負,日前竟帶著2名休假員警,闖入幼稚園內,大聲質問年僅3、4歲的幼童,不僅嚇哭小朋友,還當場失禁,引發社會譁然。主持人兼律師謝震武對此也相當氣憤,昨(2 - Duration: 3:13.
花蓮地檢署檢察官林俊佑認為女兒在幼稚園受到欺負,日前竟帶著2名 假員警,闖入幼稚園內,大聲質問年僅3、4歲的幼童,不僅嚇哭小朋友 還當場失禁,引發社會譁然。主持人兼律師謝震武對此也相當氣憤,昨( 6日)在《新聞面對面》罕見開炮,怒問新任法務部長蔡清祥:「法務部 ,檢察官是你管吧?行政有沒有處理,這種人可以當檢察官嗎?有沒有拔 你部裡面?起訴就結束了嗎?有交代了嗎?」 離譜檢察官林俊佑 著2位警員闖到幼稚園為女兒討公道,最後被花蓮地檢署依妨礙自由等案 速起訴,謝震武昨日在節目尾聲討論此案,忍不住痛批:「我覺得這真是 譜到極點!」更隔空怒問蔡清祥:「起訴就結束了嗎?有交代了嗎?你知 對那孩子以後未來成長、整個幼稚園小孩的成長有多大傷害?這樣的人不 在當檢察官過程中有濫權嗎?適合當檢察官嗎?蔡清祥部長一句話都沒有 ?就花蓮地檢署起訴就算了嗎?」怒氣也讓錄影現場鴉雀無聲… 謝震 越說越覺得離譜,接著反問來賓之一的民進黨立委郭正亮:「郭委員,這 事情部長都不需要說話?就起訴就結束了嗎?」郭正亮表示同意他的看法 「我立刻回去告訴蔡部長 這個一定要有所表態
」 今(27日)法務部長蔡清祥也罕見召開記者會,痛批對該檢察官 行為痛心、遺憾與不齒,「檢察官怎麼可以濫權做這樣的行為?」預計下 三懲處報告就會出爐。 (中時電子報) 豪門夢碎!女星撇隱婚酒商 又宣布分手富二代 妹癌逝頻遭傳接收妹夫 女主播曝結婚喜訊首謝妹 性感女神身材走樣 《肉蒲團》露點艷星PO照認了有1歲兒 小 怎麼了?最新素顏曝光「臉蛋腫到認不出」
MONSTA X RAY 3 : EP 5 [VOSTFR] - Duration: 49:16.
4 manières d'atténuer la peau noircie du cou - Duration: 7:27.
[MV] A-YEON _ You&I - Duration: 3:31.
Dazzling sunshine
Cool breeze
Gently blows to me I Feel good
Your eyes are
Like the blue ocean
Softly melt me away I fly high
You smile at me
We laugh together
Heaven is here
If we're together
You & I
You & I
When you stroke
My hair
I close my eyes again I Feel good
Like I'm dreaming
I feel comfortable
Take me this way Oh fly high
You look at me
We laugh together
Heaven is here
If we're together
You & I
You & I
Love me, Love me, Love me
Like you do Love me
Feel me, Feel me, Feel me
Like you do Feel me
Love me, Love me, Love me
Like you do Love me
Feel me, Feel me, Feel me
Like you do Feel me
You & I
You & I
Brigitte Bardot « abandonnée au coeur de l'été », après un dérapage (photo) - Duration: 1:35.
Meghan Markle enceinte de jumeaux selon son père (photo) - Duration: 1:49.
Gabriella Grimaldi, la fille de Charlène de Monaco, en tenue traditionnelle (photo) - Duration: 1:33.
Hi everybody. I am with my pal richard
You saw him in 2 of my videos with the young Bruce and also dressed in captain america
we are going to visit random rooftops and we will see what will happen
I am ready
action here we go
we are going to climb here and this is going to be a surprise. Is the roof interesting? Let's check it out
I received dust in my eyes
here we are, we succeed to climb
it was not complicated
we are going to visit
here we go
We are going to make it in 3D
hi! hi!
let's get started
we are at hobbitsbourg
what is fine on this roof is the choice of acces, we can go everywhere
once we are over there, we go on the flate place, we make a round
we can come back here with a cat leap
we go here
we can even go on the next rooftop
go over there, go on the top of it
and in case, we come back this way and we come back where we started
hi eiffel tower
with special effects we will write Freerun
be careful, don't grap this bar, you will have a bar here you can grab. voila
left leg
outch they won't have tv anymore
sorry mister pigeon
he lived here
i found an autochtone
what did you say?
an autochtone
i wonder if in comics Peter Parker had vertigo before he gets his powers
is it for us or not?
firemen come to catch us, that goes wrong (I laugh at clickbait videos on youtube)
that reminds me something. Where did I see this?
some noise there. I leave the edge
hey! What monument is this?
Over there? It is Montmartre
You want me to test first?
oh I have so many fun to go down here
that will be in the video?
fu** what a bad idea to put antenna here
pfff he did it in 7 seconds
that smells gas
it is not me
oh sorry
I know what I smelled it was not sulfur and it was not city gas
I would have fallen 3 times in real
you want to play photographer?
what do you mean?
look. I saw a youtuber who liked to take pics of people in split on rooftops
I am less sensual?
poor pigeon there
so we visit the other side
we came from here, we were over there and now we go over there
that slides
someone is coughing
it is cigarette time
I begin on rooftops
oh seagulls
I don't know if they make noise because of us. It is possible
we are in their home
they make grow dru**
you see? we can't see where we come from anymore
we try to make know some sports, we try to sensitise
on dangers by saying them not to go on rooftops (blowhard1) we have to respect security and people
we also came to take pictures (blowhard2), we try not to disturbe people
we destroy nothing, we don't break antennas
But you know you could fall?
We do things sure for 100%. The only thing would be a heartquake
but you are right, we understand
I can call firemen if you are afraid to go back down
no no it is ok, we found our way. we found acces
we asked to people over there if we could use the hatch, they say "no problem" (blowhard3)
there are anti pigeons nets
they could retain you
we are bigger pigeons
yes you are bigger pigeons
good afternoon
So we are at the end of our trip
it was a pleasure to see you again. We met for the captain america video on rooftops
yes, I left my costume to visit paris rooftops. We did not have enough time the other day
yes exactly. And I was on spiderman...no I am not spiderman
no no it is not him...
if you liked the video put a thumb up
share the video, and subscribe to my channel
See you soon folks
see you
Pikarin's Pentagon Minpha Makeup【Eng Sub】|Hikari Shiina - Duration: 16:47.
For a casual person like me,
if I fill it with black
well, it'll do by filling in
Sweet Little Devil look
Dreamy Cute look
It looks so fake
Hello everyone watching Kawaii Pateen, I'm Pikarin
Nice to meet you
Today is Minpha-like dreamy cute makeup
is what I am doing today!
So, why Minpha? Why why?
The reason is,
In the magazine called CURE
I did a project on it
and did Minpha makeup
Since many people said the Minpha makeup was really cute
and I thought I'd really want to do this on Kawaii Pateen
and wanted to become Minpha
and with a thought of wanting to become Minpha, I did the Minpha makeup
If there was a guy who was really cute like this
girls will lose the will to live if guys can be so cute
but it's ok in the end
Pikarin will show you the cute Minpha makeup
so let's start the Minpha-like makeup
The circle lens are Candy Magic
If you say Minpha, the image is pink circle lens
but the reality is more light brown or gray color circle lens
so I chose Candy Magic King Gray
Since I only had Candy Magic King Gray in hand so I chose this
I chose the closest one which was King Gray
but a lighter gray will give that Minpha look
The foundation is Cle de Peau
This Cle de Peau can last for many hours
It gives the shine, covers well and it has everything you need for cosmetics
but it's quite pricy so it's better if you buy it after you turn 20
Next is the powder. The powder simply goes around the nose
you just apply it to parts where you sweat
For the nose shadow, even though I will be wearing eye patch
but it will give a 3D effect so it's better to do it
Next is this blush
It's a Candy Doll Blush produced by Tsubasa in strawberry pink
Bluish pink...oh, the scent
Minpha makeup matches this blush
Just holding it is cute
so I will add this to the wide area
Minpha is like a doll makeup
and not aiming toward childish type look
so the position of the blush is not down but upper part
Adding to the wide area above
Next is eyelid makeup Dodo
This looks exactly like Minpha hair color
Adding a little bit of this to the eyebrows
Adding even more and
Adding above the eyebrows and parts there are no eyebrows
It will be good if you add it like an eyebrows mascara
You can use it on eyeshadow
You can even use it on your lips
Next is Love Liner Pencil
Since this is a really soft pencil
So if you want to draw it really black, it's a great one
If it is a makeup you want to draw a wide area in black,
Since if you draw it with a hard black, it will hurt
and it will be difficult to blend it in
In those case if you use a soft pencil, it will be very easy to draw
It's so soft that adding just a little bit will give it quite a lot
You will tend to make mistake so a cotton swab is a must
You circle around but still draw it droopy
It's ok to do it with an eyeshadow
but if you want to make it vivid, all of it in pencil is ok
I'm actually not using eye shadow
Not using shadow
Without using eye shadow, this 3D look is possible
Since eye shadow is light ,
Shadow is like a pollen?
Since shadow seems like sand sometimes,
It's hard to tell whether I added or not so I don't add much
so for a loose person like me,
filling will black will still do the job
Next is eye liner. This is liquid type
This is to trace the part I had added with the pencil,
doing the details
Doing the inner corner of the eyes as well
The short part of the inner corner or the thin part on the outer corner
Yes, like this.
To open up the eyes, this is needed
Widening the double eyelid
This is eyelash glue
You don't have to use this, but using this
Substitute for base
On the spot where you want to widen the double eyelid
Adding eyelid glue or
any kind of adhesive type of goods to be added lightly
will work well with IB TAPE or Mezaic Tape
It will make it easy for those things to stick
It will also be easy to take off after you have applied them
So for those of you who has a problem,
if you put a glue kind of thing on top
it will come off easily
and I am attaching this one
When I open my eyes, the line on the inner corner of the double eyelid
to the point where the double eyelid does not stick together should be widened
is the key point
Since Minpha's eyes are opened up to there
It's like opening up the eyes on the inner corner
It's not like the eyes are cut open on the bottom
Parallel double eyelid. Where the inner corner and the width of the double eyelid is not stuck together
The top eyelashes are these ones
The Eye-Mazing 001, which Jun Komori is doing the model
It's quite bushy eyelashes
Since I had an image of Minpha to have quite bushy eyelashes,
so I tried this on.
When I look at pictures, there are ones where the eyelashes aren't so bushy
Well, even with the bushes it is still cute
, gives a good look
and can utilize this makeup well
Adding the volume lashes will make it look gorgeous or glamorous.
Little devil look
Next is K-Palette liquid liner
This could be the most important key point of Minpha
Adding to the double eyelid line of the eyes
Adding a lot to the double eyelid line
For those of you who made the eyes with eye tape or Mezaic
just tracing over it is ok as well
I also had drawn right over the tape as well
By doing this, it will make a great difference whether you will look like Minpha or not
Next are the eyebrows
CANMAKE secret color eyes no.2
I had used only the pink part
Usually you would match the eyebrows color to the hair color
If that is so, you may think this color is too bright when you see at the store
but since this color is pink beige,
so it blends in well, or should I say close to my skin color.
so for the pink color, buying a pink that is actually a bit dark
and draw on the eyebrows matches much better
If you would buy a color in this hair color,
it will look like you drew nothing
and I believe many of you will erase your eyebrows to draw a new one
The real players will probably shave everything and draw new eyebrows
For those of you who cannot shave everything off, buying some color like this
matches much better
If you look close, Minpha was using quite a dark color
The concealer
This is the eyes concealer from L'Oreal Paris
With this, covering up parts you don't need around the eyebrows
to make the pink eyebrows as much as possible to the ideal Minpha eyebrows
I'm sure you have an image of the Visual-K to have narrow gap between the eyebrows and the eyes
so many of you may think it's better to erase the eyebrows and draw a new one under
but in case of Minpha, it's not like that
Double eyelid line and widening the width
so even with your original position, the double eyelid will come up automatically
so it will come closer
If you erase your eyebrows, the forehead and the eyebrows may come together
Unless your eyebrows are really high above in the forehead
It will be a bit sad if your eyebrows are way high in the forehead
Unless your eyebrows are high in the forehead,
drawing in your original eyebrows position is good enough
With the widening of the double eyelid and the false lashes,
The position of your eyes will become higher
The distance here will be closer
The eye shadow
It's better to add some
I could live without them though
but just to have them as adjustment
adding them lightly
It has a good shine so it's like magic
Like day dream
An eyeshadow like that
Unicorn...and image of riding an unicorn
The bottom lashes. This is Tsubasa model from Dolly Wink
This one is a real classic, and so many people are using it
A great bottom lashes
This time I used it without cutting
Applying without cutting
Maybe making it a little droopy. Yes, a bit droopy
If it is heavy makeup like Minpha I don't need to cut it to use it
I got this as an offering
This is as if I got it just to do Minpha
A real cute eye patch which says "Kill"
It's pink as well
I wonder when I got it...maybe 2 years ago
It had been tucked away
Finally I was able to use it
Thank you very much
I'm not sure if the they are still fan or not
Since I'm doing the eye patch, I took off the false lashes
Yes, take off and do the patch
You may even want to take the circle lens off as well
Just deciding on being Minpha all day
For those who have decided deep in heart that you will totally be Minpha today
I'm sure it's ok as it is
It will be less stress for the eyes so you can take off circle lens and false lashes
Using these two colors again
and drawing the eyebrows again
Only one color will be bland so using two to make it like a gradation
It's self satisfaction. Adding a bit under the eyes
Adding the Etude House glitter to the inner corner
Whether adding white to the inner corner makes a great difference
This may depend on your taste,
Adding white will make it really flashy
make you look like a little sweet devil gyaru
The lipstick is the red one from MAC
For red lipstick, there are quite matte ones,
but for a MAC one, I think this is quite shiny
This is Visee treatment lip glossy
This has a minty fresh feel
I really liked it and used it long but it's gone now
When I looked at Minpha pictures,there were many colors,
but since this time the whole look is fairy like
so I had added the red lipstick for strong point
Another big point of Minpha is this hair color
Pink, this light pink. This pink color
Finding this wig is the key
or even choosing to dye your hair into this color will be quite a key
With this wig,
Cutting a bit of the bangs,
Split it sideways looking like Minpha as possible
By adding head dress, if you are doing wig to look like Minpha like me,
Adding the head dress will make it look natural
The wig look will lessen
Using head dress or hair ornaments will be nice
This is raising the hair up
Showing fluffiness as if having a pigtail
I'm sure there is an image of fluffy, wavy, loose and wavy look
so having that in mind
so with this wig, having Minpha in mind as possible
and made this hair
How was the Minpha style dreamy cute makeup?
Well, when you change the width of the double eyelid, for girls...well boys as well
people change their look drastically
It's quite difficult
When you do makeup, this width is good,
but without makeup this width looks sleepy
Girls have different situations
That was revived again in this Minpha makeup this time
I feel like Minpha can become god among gyaru as well
or maybe he already is...maybe
This pink hair also has that dreamy cute look
It seems unreal
It has a happy look
The hair looks like cotton candy and cute
The dress this time had Minpha in mind
and used pastel colors
I'm sure brands like Listen Flavor will match with this as well
I'm sure with pastel style, it will all match
or maybe a Lolita type dress
For Minpha, not only that but there are elements like 2D or Anime character element that I want to copy
So for me, I would also want to be an icon which has a lot of elements that people want to copy
is what I had realized again this time
Since there are many other videos
so please check them out
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Minecraft vs Pacman vs Real Life. Fight to the finish in Herobrine's challenge. - Duration: 9:53.
Herobrine has challenged us to a game
we are in the game
Oh no.
we have got to get out of here.
wait a minute, what does that say?
To exit the game, there is a portal at the other side.
lookout for monsters, there is nowhere you can hide.
OK, we need to collect all of the the pills and get to the exit.
do you think there are any monsters in here.
I hope not.
let's split up and get as many pills as we can.
OK, let's go.
yes. there's weapons
Oh no. minecraft monsters.
Benjamin. Monsters.
Thank You Benjamin
that's what brothers are for
I think no weapons only work once.
let's stick together.
good idea
this just got real
I've got this
come on slow-coach
take that zombie!
we are out of weapons. come on let's go.
Daniel. get up. come on.
it's not active yet
we ride together and we die together.
Bad boys for life!
alright boys
thanks daddy
if we collect all of the pills it will be finished and we'll go home.
you stay here I'll get the rest of the pills. OK?
come on daddy. Hurry up!
come on, let's go home
come on boys. let's go home
it's good to be home. let's delete that game as well.
Herobrine is gone. High 5.
if you liked the video. if you want see more please give us a thumbs up.
and subscribe by clicking this button, or clicking a button below.
you also can click the pictures above for more family adventures.
bye bye
初恋 宇多田ヒカル フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:50.
初恋 宇多田ヒカル フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:50.
DOG Drawing and Coloring with Glitters | Learn Colors for Kids and Toddlers - Duration: 9:17.
Laeticia Hallyday et Maxim Nucci, leur amitié alimente encore les ragots (photo) - Duration: 1:32.
No Man's Sky - 1st steps Finding Sodium - Duration: 4:29.
hello is Ricardo and welcome back to no man's skynext, now if you're a new
player to no man's sky it can be a little bit daunting what the hell do you
do and in the first moments of the game you met with a very urgent need to
recharge your hazard suit protection from the elements and this is then by
collecting sodium okay but as a result of that there's a few components you
need first so once you get past all this setup section and you would have seen
this by now you get a first view of your landscape you see all these crystals
come in from the ground strange plants lovely cloud scapes and vistas you know
sentinels but you don't even know as sentinels rumbling about you know and
you're given worse what you think is a multi-tool or a gun like effect anyway
this tool is going to be indispensable for you in getting what you need from
this planet now first off you can see your scanner is damaged
you're gonna need ferrite dust now ferrite is quite quick fortunately it's
everywhere ayane is anyway you're looking for a
rock like subjects okay you're gonna get that mining laser that multi-tool that
you got and you're gonna mind ferrite right out of the ground
my advice is move a little bit away from the crash site so those sentinels don't
start shooting you and you can see these sort of small easy win ferrite outcrops
these larger ones take a little bit more time to mine and you're gonna have to
wait for your laser to cool down now the multi-tool is very versatile it is
charged up with carbon so don't let it run out too soon before you even get
some carbon reason governor ferrite desk now back there you go scanner repaired
now the scanners repaired we can do a scan on
pchew press the C key the scanner goes off then identifies different materials
around the area which you can then run off to and mine now as you notice ya
hazmat protection is running out what it doesn't do is tell you what type of
structure it is as you can see I've got some sodium right the way over there
depicted by the yellow icon but when we get close or closer right I'll find that
I care of my it without an advanced mining laser right which I haven't got
yet there's no point me going that way I'm just scan and find a more smaller
and manageable source of sodium to put into the suit now my shields are
dropping you can see has a yellow glow around the edge of the screen saying I'm
incurring damage but fortunately you know it's a couple of quick sprints
around I can do some mining on the way
it's just over the sides of that Ridge and there you go you get it's lovely I
think it's a lovely yellow plant anyway if you like what you're seeing do me a
favor click that like and subscribe button and also that notification icon
and that'll let you know when I'm putting more videos of no man's sky and
other things on YouTube with the sodium now collected I can recharge my suit and
then with that I'm free to go off an attempt to find my spaceship as you can
see the signal has been detected this has been a quick how did you get started
in no man's sky I've been Ricardo if you like what
you're seeing you know what to do see you soon and look out for more videos in
the series
Top seven most useful short cut keys for CATIA - Duration: 3:35.
Select "Part"
Select "Part"
shortcut for "Properties" as "space(bar)"
shortcut for "Properties" as "space(bar)"
shortcut for "positioned Sketch" as "Alt+S"
shortcut for "positioned Sketch" as "Alt+S
short cut for "constrains" as "Alt+C"
short cut for "constrains" as "Alt+C"
shortcut for "Normal view" as "Alt+N"
shortcut for "Normal view" as "Alt+N"
shortcut for "fit all in" as "Alt+F"
shortcut for "fit all in" as "Alt+F"
going for drawing
going for drawing
shortcut for "properties" as "spacebar"
shortcut for "properties" as "spacebar"
shortcut for "Dimension" as "Alt+D"
shortcut for "Dimension" as "Alt+D"
alt+f=fit all in
alt+f=fit all in
🎁 Je REDÉCOUVRE mes ANCIENNES cartes YU-GI-OH ! 🎴 [Partie 2] - Duration: 9:02.
I wish you good viewing ➡ 👍🔁💬 🙏 Look at the cards 📝 the description 🙏 #SubREM27 in the comments, if you read this 😘
Laeticia Hallyday et Maxim Nucci, leur amitié alimente encore les ragots (photo) ? - Duration: 2:35.
"Dziś umarła Kora, ale również dziś narodziła się legenda Kory" Tomasz Raczek o śmierci przyjaciółki - Duration: 1:41.
Tomasz Raczek obudził się dziś (w sobotę) o 5.30 nad ranem. Niedługo potem dotarła do niego tragiczna wiadomość
Dokładnie o tej godzinie - 5.30 umarła jego przyjaciółka Kora Jackowska. Znany krytyk filmowy i publicysta, który sam przebywa w szpitalu, powiedział o tym łamiącym się głosem w radiu Tok FM
Przez pewien czas byli sąsiadami. Raczek wpadał do Kory często na "herbatę miłości", którą samą przygotowywała
Zobacz też: "Załamanie przyszło tydzień temu". Magdalena Środa o ostatnich chwilach Kory Jackowskiej Kora opowiadała mu często o swoich lekturach
Tomasz Raczek nazywa Korę "Joanną d'Arc demokracji w Polsce". Tomasz Raczek przyjaźnił się z Korą
Był jej sąsiadem.
Let's eat chicken and pizza with Nado mukbang - Duration: 5:16.
Lexus CT 200h F Sport Line Sunroof, LED koplampen, Premium navigatie - Duration: 1:10.
KAI? 18?? ??? ???? KF-X?? ????? ???? ??. | ??? ??? - Duration: 3:36.
Top seven most useful short cut keys for CATIA - Duration: 3:35.
Select "Part"
Select "Part"
shortcut for "Properties" as "space(bar)"
shortcut for "Properties" as "space(bar)"
shortcut for "positioned Sketch" as "Alt+S"
shortcut for "positioned Sketch" as "Alt+S
short cut for "constrains" as "Alt+C"
short cut for "constrains" as "Alt+C"
shortcut for "Normal view" as "Alt+N"
shortcut for "Normal view" as "Alt+N"
shortcut for "fit all in" as "Alt+F"
shortcut for "fit all in" as "Alt+F"
going for drawing
going for drawing
shortcut for "properties" as "spacebar"
shortcut for "properties" as "spacebar"
shortcut for "Dimension" as "Alt+D"
shortcut for "Dimension" as "Alt+D"
alt+f=fit all in
alt+f=fit all in
Soul Saver Online - "NekoGiftbox" × 42 Unboxing - Duration: 3:26.
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