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Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Depression in the elderly
According to the natural law, in the elderly occurs the physiological and pathological degeneration, of all organ systems:
cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, sexual, neurological and psychiatric, and so on.
Today, in the world as well as in Vietnam, there is the aging phenomenon of population.
One of the most important areas, of particular interest, in the health care of the elderly, is mental health care today.
1. General characteristics of mental health of the elderly.
Due to degeneration, nerve cell death, as a result, results in decreased memory, reduced reflex response, increased sensitivity to natural and social stress, and poor drug tolerance.
Artwork, (Internet source).
- Psychologically pessimistic, self-centered, fixed mindset is hard to change, and so on.
Sleep disturbance:sleep less, have trouble sleeping, turn up sleep, sleep or dream or sleep more.
This situation is like the old clock, running is not accurate, fast slow.
In psychiatric disorders, commonly seen in the elderly, depression is a current problem,
by popularity, and consequently severely affect quality of life, and often lead to suicide.
According to US statistics, this is one of the leading causes of death in the elderly.
2. The causes of depression in the elderly.
- Depression due to stress such as death, loneliness, family conflict can not solve the problem,
incompatibility between generations, living under one roof, housing cramped, material too difficult, changing housing, being isolated, and so on.
- Depression can occur, after serious diseases such as cerebrovascular accident, heart failure, kidney failure, diabetes mellitus,
and so on, (one point to note here is that depression not only occurs to the elderly,
This happens to all other members of the family, especially when the illness occurs suddenly, causing confusion and disturbance in the family.
Secondary depression caused by alcohol abuse, and so on.
- Depression due to side effects, medications for other medical conditions, medications for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and so on.
- Depression in endogenous diseases, such as recurrent depression, depression in bipolar disorder, depression, and so on.
Increased cyclical or increased stress.
3. Signs of depression in the elderly.
Emotions:sad face playful, wrinkles in the cheek deep.
looking older than age, dark eyes unhinged nervously, sitting thoughtfully thoughtful, emotionally eager to cry wailing, and so on,
but sometimes angry anger, but then fall into a state of rapid sedation.
Emotional anxiety often accompanied by demanding expression, asking for help, telling stories, complaining, panic attacks,
shortness of breath, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, want to have a close friend next door, and so on.
Thinking:slow thinking, monotonous content, or contemplating unhappiness in the past,
At present, there are pessimistic thoughts, such as fear of death, fear of severe illness without cure, feeling of self-worth,
not worth living, eating, self is a burden for the children, fear of hunger, fear of suffering,
afraid of disaster, have the idea of suicide, sometimes suspect the results of the examination, demanding repeated visits, and so on.
Behavior:Activity is slow, tiring when tired, legs tired, bent back, not interested in the daily enjoyment, like watching TV,
Books, sometimes lying, eat less, eat not delicious, do not care about personal hygiene, body care,
dressing up, afraid of bathing, cold fear, sometimes showing inertia, ignoring all, and so on.
In addition to the above symptoms, other manifestations of depression in the elderly, such as rapid weight loss, anorexia, poor nutrition.
Sleep disorders usually occur with signs of sleepiness, sleepiness or dreaming, family members like parents,
grandparents and relatives are dying to go home, so there is always a haunting death, no fear of death, no one knows, should have a loved one by the side.
Sleep disturbance, may be completely white night, accompanied by restless anxiety, excruciating excitement, go out, sit still, and so on.
Some people complain of headaches, back pain, chest pain, tongue pain, persistent constipation,
or have symptoms of indigestion, ambiguity, difficulty explaining, the use of conventional painkillers,
and gastrointestinal disorders do not help, but when taking antidepressants, the symptoms decreased significantly.
Some patients have manifested or forgotten, confused objects, these symptoms often occur suddenly,
Like dementia, it is easy to diagnose mistakenly, taking medication to improve memory does not help, only when taking antidepressants, the disease is improving rapidly.
Some of these are manifestations, such as giving away valuable things, or rehearsing a will, or having visits with relatives or friends as if they are going away, and so forth.
Degeneration of nerve cells, causing depression in the elderly.
4. Prevention and treatment.
- Need to detect early, (by the patient itself, by relatives, etc.), Should not belittle the complaints of the elderly, sleep disorders, and so on.
Caution should be taken when taking antidepressants in elderly people, because of poor liver and kidney function, so it is more likely to suffer from side effects or poisoning.
- Elderly people often have many diseases, so many medications, so drug interactions are very complex, sometimes reduce the effect, sometimes causing further depressed mood.
Especially avoid alcohol use, while treating depression.
- Due to functional impairment of the elderly, combined with poor sense of the senses,
The way to use the drug should be clear instructions, easy to understand, easy to perform for the patient, and instructed his family to monitor.
- It is necessary to provide comprehensive care, in addition to drug use, patients should be regularly supported psychologically,
resolve conflicts, avoid feeling lonely or abandoned, and so on.
- Good diet, easy to digest, easy to digest, not excessive diet, especially psychological comfort in the meal.
- Having a plan and model of taking care of daily activities, combining recreation with the situation,
For example, nursing homes, hospices, and so on.
- Finally, the elderly themselves, also need to know how to accept, understand old rules,
avoid over activities, increase light activities, avoid passive sitting, find fun in simple things, and so on.
Doctor:Le Dao Nghia.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
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✅ Sigrid Bernsons framtidsbesked - Duration: 2:35.
Hon har tre vinster bakom sig och slog först igenom i Let´s dance. Men efter sommarhiten "This summer" förra året, har Sigrid Bernson satsat fullt ut på artistkarriären
När artisten gästade Nyhetsmorgon berättade hon om möjligheten att återvända till Let´s dance och om hur årets medverkan i Melodifestivalen stod i vägen för att återvända till programmet
– Jag var tillfrågad att göra "Let's dance" i våras, och grejen var att funderade på att göra både det och Mello
Sen insåg jag att jag nog inte kommer orka det. Och det var väldigt tur för jag var skittrött efter Mello, säger Sigrid Bernson i Nyhetsmorgon
Vill inte stänga dörren till Let´s dance Men även om hon inte återvände i år till Let´s dance, vill inte Sigrid Bernson stänga dörren helt
– Jag har sagt till alla som frågar att det är en dörr som verkligen är öppen och jag älskar "Let's dance"
Men det är mycket möjligt att man ser mig där igen, säger hon. – "Let's dance" har varit en stor del av mitt liv, och en jättestor glädjekälla
LÄS MER: Sigrid visar sanningen – 1 år efter erkännandet GW är drömpartnern Och om hon skulle återvända till Let´s dance har Sigrid Bernson en danspartner i åtanke
Krimonologen och polisprofessorn Leif GW Persson skulle vara hennes självklara val, säger hon i Sigrid Bernson
– Det hade nog varit kul för jag har ju haft lite en inriktning i "Let's dance"
Jag har fått alla unga hunkar. Det har inte gjort mig något, om man säger så, men det kanske hade varit kul att dansa med något helt annat också
Comment INVESTIR en BOURSE ? (R.O.I de 14 % par AN) - Duration: 19:00.
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ITALIA vs RESTO DEL MONDO ✪ Confronto Militare [2018] - Duration: 3:24.
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Pourquoi Timothy Dalton est le meilleur James Bond ? - Duration: 5:53.
SPESA DA PILATO - Duration: 9:33.
Minecraft Datapack | Cut Clean 1.13 - Duration: 1:26.
✅ Harcelée dans la rue, elle publie la vidéo de son agression - Duration: 4:44.
Pour dénoncer le harcèlement de rue, elle a fait appel à la vidéo et aux réseaux sociaux
Une jeune femme a publié les images de son agression, à Paris, par un homme qui l'a frappée au visage lorsqu'elle lui a répondu après des remarques obscènes
Tout est parti d'un post sur Facebook : Marie Laguerre, 22 ans, a raconté mercredi 25 juillet sur la plate-forme, images de vidéosurveillance à l'appui, comment un homme lui avait adressé mardi soir des « bruits/commentaires/sifflements/coup de langue sales, de manière humiliante et provocante » alors qu'elle rentrait chez elle, dans le nord-est de Paris
« J'ai donc lâché un "ta gueule" en traçant ma route. Car je ne tolère pas ce genre de comportement
Je ne peux pas me taire et nous ne devons plus nous taire », décrit-elle dans sa publication
Mais « ça n'a pas plu à cet homme », poursuit-elle, expliquant qu'il lui a d'abord « jeté un cendrier dessus », avant de la suivre, de la « frapper au visage en pleine rue, en pleine journée, devant des dizaines de témoins »
Le texte est accompagné de la scène filmée par la vidéosurveillance du bar devant lequel les faits se sont déroulés
On y voit l'agression, suivie de l'intervention de plusieurs témoins à la terrasse du café qui tentent de parler avec l'homme et l'empêchent de s'approcher à nouveau de la victime, avant qu'il finisse par s'en aller
La jeune femme a porté plainte dans le 19e arrondissement.Samedi, Marie Laguerre a cette fois-ci eu recours à Twitter pour interpeller sur le harcèlement de rue en publiant « Parce que j'ai répondu à son harcèlement, un homme m'a frappée en pleine rue, en pleine journée, devant des dizaines de témoins
Inadmissible. Stop au harcèlement de rue. #noustoutes #metoo #balancetonporc #harcelementderue@MarleneSchiappa » (la secrétaire d'Etat à l'égalité femmes-hommes)
Interrogée par Le Parisien, elle explique avoir « la pommette et l'arcade abîmées » et se dit « dépassée par l'ampleur qu'a prise la vidéo », retweetée des centaines de fois, tout comme la publication Facebook (publique, ainsi que son compte Twitter), qui a suscité des centaines de commentaires
« L'enjeu est grave : c'est celui de la liberté des femmes de circuler librement dans l'espace public », a commenté Marlène Schiappa dans un entretien publié dimanche sur le site du Parisien
Elle a rappelé que « le droit actuel sanctionne [le] type d'agression » dont a été victime Marie Laguerre
Mais, ajoute-t-elle, « la grande nouveauté est que la loi va permettre d'agir en amont pour empêcher la gradation de la violence »
« C'est primordial : en interdisant le harcèlement de rue, en sanctionnant par une amende de classe 4 les outrages sexistes, on abaisse le seuil de tolérance, on dit qu'il n'y a plus de fatalité », explique la secrétaire d'Etat
Elle assure que « les premières amendes devraient être mises à l'automne ».Le projet de loi contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles, voté en mai par l'Assemblée, vise à créer un « outrage sexiste » pour le harcèlement de rue, passible d'au minimum 90 euros d'amende immédiate
Le défi de la semaine #31 - Ministère d'encouragement - Duration: 1:19.
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12 coups de midi : Christian et Jean-Luc Reichmann, le début d'une belle histoire - Duration: 2:34.
1950: "That Was The First Time I'd Had Sex With Another Guy." - Duration: 4:08.
When I was 12, which would have been about 1950, I made my trip to my grandparents'
Each of my brothers and sisters had a chance - a period of a week or two or sometimes even
three - on the farm.
One summer, they asked me when I was about 12, if I wanted to come during deer hunting
season because they knew one of the hunters that stayed in this - their home had become
a tourist home - one of the hunters had a son about my age named Carl.
So I would look forward to meeting Carl.
We slept out on a sun porch and two cots that - and that was far away from the bedrooms,
where Grandpa and Grandma and Aunt Lu slept.
Carl was a very handsome, young guy and more traditionally masculine than I.
And we were sleeping right next to each other and we were listening to country music.
He loved West Virginia music.
And I reached over and started petting him and fondling his genitals.
I tried to put his hand on my genitals and he refused, but he let me continue to masturbate
That was the first time I'd had sex with another guy.
I'm not conscious of having been dreaming or thinking about wanting it until then.
My grandparents and especially Grandma and Aunt Lu always went to the tent revivals that
were held in Cowanesque Valley every summer.
An evangelist named DJ Daniels would give these fire and brimstone sermons.
And after the sermon, he said, "Now, every head bowed, every eye closed, have you done
anything this week that you feel guilty or sorry for?"
And so on.
"If so, gently raise your hand."
And I raised my hand.
And the next morning when I got up for breakfast, which Grandma was cooking on the wood stove
in the kitchen.
And no one else was up yet.
And she looked to me and she said, "I noticed you raised your hand last night."
And I said, "Grandma, you were supposed to have your eyes closed!"
And I refused to answer any more questions.
I must've felt guilt or I wouldn't raise my hand.
And I was raised by parents - we went to church every week.
A Protestant church and so on.
But the guilt wasn't very deep.
It was the first time that I had sex with another guy, even though it wasn't very mutual.
And it was in the context of a friendship that continued for a number of summers, though
it never was sexual again.
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ITALIA vs RESTO DEL MONDO ✪ Confronto Militare [2018] - Duration: 3:24.
Military Power Comparison
Italy vs Rest of the World
Total Population
Defense Budget
Active Military Personnel
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
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Patrol Boats
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SPESA DA PILATO - Duration: 9:33.
Trầm cảm ở người cao tuổi - Duration: 8:08.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Depression in the elderly
According to the natural law, in the elderly occurs the physiological and pathological degeneration, of all organ systems:
cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, sexual, neurological and psychiatric, and so on.
Today, in the world as well as in Vietnam, there is the aging phenomenon of population.
One of the most important areas, of particular interest, in the health care of the elderly, is mental health care today.
1. General characteristics of mental health of the elderly.
Due to degeneration, nerve cell death, as a result, results in decreased memory, reduced reflex response, increased sensitivity to natural and social stress, and poor drug tolerance.
Artwork, (Internet source).
- Psychologically pessimistic, self-centered, fixed mindset is hard to change, and so on.
Sleep disturbance:sleep less, have trouble sleeping, turn up sleep, sleep or dream or sleep more.
This situation is like the old clock, running is not accurate, fast slow.
In psychiatric disorders, commonly seen in the elderly, depression is a current problem,
by popularity, and consequently severely affect quality of life, and often lead to suicide.
According to US statistics, this is one of the leading causes of death in the elderly.
2. The causes of depression in the elderly.
- Depression due to stress such as death, loneliness, family conflict can not solve the problem,
incompatibility between generations, living under one roof, housing cramped, material too difficult, changing housing, being isolated, and so on.
- Depression can occur, after serious diseases such as cerebrovascular accident, heart failure, kidney failure, diabetes mellitus,
and so on, (one point to note here is that depression not only occurs to the elderly,
This happens to all other members of the family, especially when the illness occurs suddenly, causing confusion and disturbance in the family.
Secondary depression caused by alcohol abuse, and so on.
- Depression due to side effects, medications for other medical conditions, medications for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and so on.
- Depression in endogenous diseases, such as recurrent depression, depression in bipolar disorder, depression, and so on.
Increased cyclical or increased stress.
3. Signs of depression in the elderly.
Emotions:sad face playful, wrinkles in the cheek deep.
looking older than age, dark eyes unhinged nervously, sitting thoughtfully thoughtful, emotionally eager to cry wailing, and so on,
but sometimes angry anger, but then fall into a state of rapid sedation.
Emotional anxiety often accompanied by demanding expression, asking for help, telling stories, complaining, panic attacks,
shortness of breath, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, want to have a close friend next door, and so on.
Thinking:slow thinking, monotonous content, or contemplating unhappiness in the past,
At present, there are pessimistic thoughts, such as fear of death, fear of severe illness without cure, feeling of self-worth,
not worth living, eating, self is a burden for the children, fear of hunger, fear of suffering,
afraid of disaster, have the idea of suicide, sometimes suspect the results of the examination, demanding repeated visits, and so on.
Behavior:Activity is slow, tiring when tired, legs tired, bent back, not interested in the daily enjoyment, like watching TV,
Books, sometimes lying, eat less, eat not delicious, do not care about personal hygiene, body care,
dressing up, afraid of bathing, cold fear, sometimes showing inertia, ignoring all, and so on.
In addition to the above symptoms, other manifestations of depression in the elderly, such as rapid weight loss, anorexia, poor nutrition.
Sleep disorders usually occur with signs of sleepiness, sleepiness or dreaming, family members like parents,
grandparents and relatives are dying to go home, so there is always a haunting death, no fear of death, no one knows, should have a loved one by the side.
Sleep disturbance, may be completely white night, accompanied by restless anxiety, excruciating excitement, go out, sit still, and so on.
Some people complain of headaches, back pain, chest pain, tongue pain, persistent constipation,
or have symptoms of indigestion, ambiguity, difficulty explaining, the use of conventional painkillers,
and gastrointestinal disorders do not help, but when taking antidepressants, the symptoms decreased significantly.
Some patients have manifested or forgotten, confused objects, these symptoms often occur suddenly,
Like dementia, it is easy to diagnose mistakenly, taking medication to improve memory does not help, only when taking antidepressants, the disease is improving rapidly.
Some of these are manifestations, such as giving away valuable things, or rehearsing a will, or having visits with relatives or friends as if they are going away, and so forth.
Degeneration of nerve cells, causing depression in the elderly.
4. Prevention and treatment.
- Need to detect early, (by the patient itself, by relatives, etc.), Should not belittle the complaints of the elderly, sleep disorders, and so on.
Caution should be taken when taking antidepressants in elderly people, because of poor liver and kidney function, so it is more likely to suffer from side effects or poisoning.
- Elderly people often have many diseases, so many medications, so drug interactions are very complex, sometimes reduce the effect, sometimes causing further depressed mood.
Especially avoid alcohol use, while treating depression.
- Due to functional impairment of the elderly, combined with poor sense of the senses,
The way to use the drug should be clear instructions, easy to understand, easy to perform for the patient, and instructed his family to monitor.
- It is necessary to provide comprehensive care, in addition to drug use, patients should be regularly supported psychologically,
resolve conflicts, avoid feeling lonely or abandoned, and so on.
- Good diet, easy to digest, easy to digest, not excessive diet, especially psychological comfort in the meal.
- Having a plan and model of taking care of daily activities, combining recreation with the situation,
For example, nursing homes, hospices, and so on.
- Finally, the elderly themselves, also need to know how to accept, understand old rules,
avoid over activities, increase light activities, avoid passive sitting, find fun in simple things, and so on.
Doctor:Le Dao Nghia.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
Le défi de la semaine #31 - Ministère d'encouragement - Duration: 1:19.
How To Location Track | Trace in Hindi | Urdu - Duration: 8:39.
Aslam O Alikum
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✅ Harcelée dans la rue, elle publie la vidéo de son agression - Duration: 4:44.
Pour dénoncer le harcèlement de rue, elle a fait appel à la vidéo et aux réseaux sociaux
Une jeune femme a publié les images de son agression, à Paris, par un homme qui l'a frappée au visage lorsqu'elle lui a répondu après des remarques obscènes
Tout est parti d'un post sur Facebook : Marie Laguerre, 22 ans, a raconté mercredi 25 juillet sur la plate-forme, images de vidéosurveillance à l'appui, comment un homme lui avait adressé mardi soir des « bruits/commentaires/sifflements/coup de langue sales, de manière humiliante et provocante » alors qu'elle rentrait chez elle, dans le nord-est de Paris
« J'ai donc lâché un "ta gueule" en traçant ma route. Car je ne tolère pas ce genre de comportement
Je ne peux pas me taire et nous ne devons plus nous taire », décrit-elle dans sa publication
Mais « ça n'a pas plu à cet homme », poursuit-elle, expliquant qu'il lui a d'abord « jeté un cendrier dessus », avant de la suivre, de la « frapper au visage en pleine rue, en pleine journée, devant des dizaines de témoins »
Le texte est accompagné de la scène filmée par la vidéosurveillance du bar devant lequel les faits se sont déroulés
On y voit l'agression, suivie de l'intervention de plusieurs témoins à la terrasse du café qui tentent de parler avec l'homme et l'empêchent de s'approcher à nouveau de la victime, avant qu'il finisse par s'en aller
La jeune femme a porté plainte dans le 19e arrondissement.Samedi, Marie Laguerre a cette fois-ci eu recours à Twitter pour interpeller sur le harcèlement de rue en publiant « Parce que j'ai répondu à son harcèlement, un homme m'a frappée en pleine rue, en pleine journée, devant des dizaines de témoins
Inadmissible. Stop au harcèlement de rue. #noustoutes #metoo #balancetonporc #harcelementderue@MarleneSchiappa » (la secrétaire d'Etat à l'égalité femmes-hommes)
Interrogée par Le Parisien, elle explique avoir « la pommette et l'arcade abîmées » et se dit « dépassée par l'ampleur qu'a prise la vidéo », retweetée des centaines de fois, tout comme la publication Facebook (publique, ainsi que son compte Twitter), qui a suscité des centaines de commentaires
« L'enjeu est grave : c'est celui de la liberté des femmes de circuler librement dans l'espace public », a commenté Marlène Schiappa dans un entretien publié dimanche sur le site du Parisien
Elle a rappelé que « le droit actuel sanctionne [le] type d'agression » dont a été victime Marie Laguerre
Mais, ajoute-t-elle, « la grande nouveauté est que la loi va permettre d'agir en amont pour empêcher la gradation de la violence »
« C'est primordial : en interdisant le harcèlement de rue, en sanctionnant par une amende de classe 4 les outrages sexistes, on abaisse le seuil de tolérance, on dit qu'il n'y a plus de fatalité », explique la secrétaire d'Etat
Elle assure que « les premières amendes devraient être mises à l'automne ».Le projet de loi contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles, voté en mai par l'Assemblée, vise à créer un « outrage sexiste » pour le harcèlement de rue, passible d'au minimum 90 euros d'amende immédiate
JT de 8h du lundi 30 juillet 2018 - Duration: 1:09.
Le JT de 8 Heures sur France 2 du lundi 30 juillet 2018 présenté par Nathanaël de Rincquesen propose un bilan de l'actualité en début de journée, à voir et revoir en direct et en replay ici
Pendant Télématin, le 8 Heures est une plage d'information qui propose des reportages et témoignages sur les événements de la nuit et donne l'agenda de la journée
Retrouvez chaque sujet du JT en replay découpé avec les élements de contexte à lire et partager
Sujets associés8 Heures
F-22보다 뛰어난 성능에도 묻혀버린 비운의 전투기 - Duration: 11:12.
F-22보다 뛰어난 성능에도 묻혀버린 비운의 전투기 - Duration: 11:04.
F-22보다 뛰어난 성능에도 묻혀버린 비운의 전투기 - Duration: 11:05.
Χρύσα Σπηλιώτη: Τα συγκινητικά της λόγια για την κόρη του συζύγου της, Δημήτρη Τουρναβίτη | News | f - Duration: 2:29.
Συγκίνηση στο πανελλήνιο έχει προκαλέσει η είδηση πως η σορός της αγαπημένης ηθοποιού, Χρύσας Σπηλιώτη ταυτοποιήθηκε τελικά το βράδυ της Κυριακής
Η ίδια τον περασμένο Οκτώβριο, είχε παραχωρήσει συνέντευξη στο bovary.gr και τη Νάνσυ Μητροπούλου και μεταξύ άλλων, είχε αναφερθεί με συγκινητικά λόγια στην κόρη του συζύγου της, Δημήτρη Τουρναβίτη
«Η σχέση μου με τη μητέρα μου ήταν πολύ δύσκολη γιατί πάντα η μια ήθελε να αλλάξει την άλλη
Δεν υπήρχε αποδοχή και σεβασμός στη διαφορετικότητά μας. Ευτυχώς η μητέρα μου ζει ακόμα και έτσι έχουμε την ευκαιρία να μαλακώνουμε πια πολύ η μια με την άλλη
Δεν έχω κάποιο βιολογικό παιδί αλλά αυτό ποτέ δεν με εμπόδισε από το να νιώθω μητέρα
Για την κόρη του άντρα μου παραδείγματος χάρη την Αλίκη τρέφω μητρικά συναισθήματα, για τα βαφτιστήρια μου αλλά και για όσα παιδιά έχω επαφή μαζί τους
Και θαυμάζω πολύ τις γυναίκες που έχουν υιοθετήσει παιδιά. Που μπορούν να προσφέρουν αγάπη χωρίς να βλέπουν τα παιδιά σαν την διαιώνιση του DNA τους
Επίσης βρίσκω αξιοθαύμαστο το να υιοθετείς παιδιά από άλλες φυλές», έλεγε πριν μερικούς μήνες η Χρύσα Σπηλιώτη
왜 미 공군이 A-10 선더볼트 2를 포기 절대 하지 않는? | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 8:58.
Alex Bowen hits out at 'disgusting bullies' who made fiancée Olivia Buckland CRY with cruel comments - Duration: 4:27.
Alex Bowen has fiercely hit out at cruel body shaming trolls who made his fiancée Olivia Buckland cry
The former Love Island star, 27, took to Twitter on Saturday to slam the 'disgusting bullies', after they called Olivia fat in a string of 'vile' comments online
Revealing his partner, 24, had been left 'crying in his arms' by their words, Alex called for more to be done about cyber-bullying and trolling, due to its effect on mental health
The pair are currently enjoying a holiday in Los Angeles, but Olivia was left devastated on Saturday morning when she her appearance was criticised on Twitter
Not standing for such behaviour, Alex immediately took to his own page to lash out at the 'disgraceful' bullies for making his 'unreal' fiancée so upset
He wrote: 'Had liv crying in my arms this morning because of hurtful comments made by disgusting girls and elder women too f***ing disgrace saying she's put weight on and looks fat
'Well she's f***ing unreal and no one should be made feel like that.Bullies', before adding an angry emoji
After recovering from the hurtful comments, Olivia went on to thank her handsome fiancé for sticking up for her, and warn her 473,000 followers of the dangers of social media
Retweeting his message to her page, she wrote: 'Thank god I have this man.When I feel weak he is my strength
I'm so lucky and he makes me realise the bigger picture.'I hate letting things get to me like that, but when your (slightly silly) insecurities are pointed out point blank it's very difficult
'I woke up feeling insecure & a bit down, which happens.I read the comments & they got to me like never before I broke
'However, I got the same comments the other day, whilst I was in an amazing strong mind, and they didn't faze me
We all have our moments, we need remember that.' Vowing to never fake anything to her fans on social media, she added: 'SO, I wanted to share that with you guys because I like to remind myself & you guys that I am real and I am human and I have my days! 'Life is not perfect & my social media will never try convince you so
ANYWAY, off to have fun on holiday now.Lots of love xxx' Olivia and Alex took their minds off the cruel trolls by enjoying another action-packed day in LA - visiting Venice Beach before meeting friends for cocktails
Former scaffolder Alex never fails to praise his girlfriend in public, and is often seen making gushing comments on her sizzling Instagram posts
The pair met on Love Island back in 2016, and became engaged in New York after a whirlwind six month engagement
They are set to tie the knot in September, and recently confirmed they are releasing their own reality show Alex And Olivia Said Yes!, which will document their preparation for the wedding
Speaking to MailOnline in May, Olivia admitted she never dreamed of meeting her Mr Right on a reality show
Olivia said: 'It's the last thing I thought would happen.It is crazy to think that two years ago I was in a much different position to what I am in now
I was actually like "I hate men" when I went into the villa.' Before joking of his input in wedding planning: 'I mean, he helps out with the decision making but he usually just sits there like "What is this?"
Malta Cross Fox # 5 🦊 Find the fox! Fox is a slender, Fitonyashka 🖤 You can not bite a fox! - Duration: 12:46.
Denis Korza presents.
Green tea "Green field - flying dragon".
Yami - yami.
Wow, you fucking! Duck!!!
Fuck the fuck! Again plastic!
Fuck your mother!
# One-Planet # I'm here ... I'm just sitting.
# Types of paws freezing # Type winter # Type in the house shit I want
# Again, not rolled ..
# I'll skip later.
# Oh, No! Perhaps 38 standard. # I do not need to go into the house anymore.
Not love!
Find the fox!
Malta the Cross Fox
Why did you fall apart, belly?
# Who did you call a "paunch"?
# What, immediately remembered the name?
Did you stuff your belly?
# It's not your business!
# I just peed a little.
Energetic dance!
# What was that now?
# You gave me vitamins in food, or what?
Good girl.
Good girl Malta!
# English for the fourth.
We woke up the child.
# I do not like the empty corner ..
# Normal hint?
As long as I get to you, I'll have time to sleep.
# Twice.
Yes you are my miracle!
Malta. Ugh! Go regret, Malta.
# Yeah, now!
# Well ass, so asshole. # You asked for it yourself.
# Your application is accepted. # Thank you for contacting.
Well, that's good too.
# Generally excellent!
Without it, no matter where.
# You speak for yourself ..
# Clean and fluffy!
# Well, then, you yourself know what to do.
# And do not delay!
# And I'll prepare a new portion for now.
# Although not. # You need to burn a few calories.
# Fox fitness.
These are the wolf habits! There - here, there - here.
Along the perimeter.
Ururu! Are you a fox or a wolf?
# I nyashka fito-fox.
Waltz fox.
And I also know how to walk with a waltz.
What do you lack of territory Malta?
# For Waltz - the whole world is not enough.
# On this exponential training is over.
# Please leave the hall!
Here we are!
One more topotun.
Uh, how trampled!
# I am a statuette.
A bad animal, you can not sit on the table! You can not! # Blah, not rolled.
# It's a pity! Could be friends ...
# And call it bad!
Well, get out of here!
# Aaay! Bald brotherhood - does not exist! # Life is pain!
# Mutual understanding in it - zero.
# I'm frozen!
# Let relatives send me a down jacket from Mars.
Have you been burned, monster?
# Sunburn - does not warm at night!
Marsupial, striped animal.
# Why are you so with me?
# A whole bunch of nasty, offensive adjectives,
# In just one minute ....
# Asshole on the table.
# I do not even have bells ...
# To throw them out ...
# And then I would dip them into a mug.
# Shit! It seems an extreme bowl of borscht ...
# It was superfluous!
#You're gone! It's sickening without you ...
Someone who survives borscht,
Someone is drinking bourbon.
And the fox, and without it, it is cut off.
# Yes to you in the comments, wrote three losers, # What to take off sleeping, the sign is heavier than bad.
Go on, girl.
# Ah ... # Naive you are creation!
# Look, I'm coming straight to you already.
# Oh .. I did not.
# Call it. # I'm already going.
# Now just ...
# Prisyada, on the path.
Well, that's okay too.
# Laik, right?
Well done, well done!
Good girl!
Good girl Malta!
# I knew that you're gonna like it!
Not where you need to, of course, but ...
Also good.
# And I'm already coming to you. # You just wait!
Just wait! Just wait!
And it does not matter what the kilometers between us!
Neither snow nor rain,
No snow, no rain, Do not make us break promises with you!
Malta, on. On.
On, go girl. On.
Just wait! Just wait!
White days, dark nights.
White days, dark nights....
I do not forget all that was between us.
# I do not forget that mix, # Curd dessert.
# So ... Thank you! But no.
Yes you are my drowsy little! Malta.
Malta! Here, take it.
# You got it already!
On! Fucking.
On, I brought you.
On, I brought you. Only not for a finger please .. Ah!
But you can not bite!
Sinister. You.
On. # Come on here, and get out of here!
# I eat this, and you are failing out of my possessions.
# It's too dry. # Not juicy.
# All. # And now leave.
# And now, I'm sleeping.
After one hour.
# How do you bother me ...
Malta. Ugh!
Ugh! Well, how are you?
# I'm super. When you do not bother.
Good. Good girl! Good, Malta.
Malta! Phew ...
Phur? Phyr-snore ??
No? Do not want to get acquainted?
Do not want to get acquainted? Well well well...
I'm already familiar with empty hands.
# Now take a look, and you will get acquainted.
# I give you an extreme chance. # Let's get along well
Are you swearing?
Why are you swearing?
# I also know how to bite. # Do not forget.
Malta! Malta ... Phew.
No? Can not you touch? # NO!
Oh please? Well?
# I said no!
A! I understood.
I understood.
You do not want to get acquainted.
# You're dumb. # I will suffer from you ...
Liked the video? - Subscribe! And do not forget to throw the fox on the feed!
Love Island's Ellie Brown kicked out in eviction shocker? - Duration: 4:50.
Love Island viewers were asked to vote for their favourite girl and favourite boy at the end of last night's episode as yet another elimination day looms
While it remains to be seen just how many contestants will be kicked out of the villa, the islanders with the lowest votes are at risk of becoming ditched
At the moment, Ellie Brown, 20, is the bookies Betfair's favourite to go at 11/4, especially after she clashed with Georgia Steel, 20, yet again yesterday
The Geordie lass locked horns with Georgia over her treatment towards Laura Anderson, 29, and her controversial date with, 22, last week
In yesterday's episode, Ellie yelled at the barmaid: "Don't come back and say you're loyal when you're f****** not
"I think you're very hypocritical and I don't want you as a friend, but I'll be civil with you
" Georgia then said in the Beach Hut: "I will be civil, I'm not a nasty person. I'm definitely not intimidating and I definitely didn't mean to upset anyone
"Yes I'll be civil, but I think she's a nasty girl." Sexy lady Ellie Brown enters the Love Island villa This years Love Island is red hot
1 / 15 Grace Wardle, 25, is also the bookies favourite to be dumped tonight at 11/4
She has faded into the background in recent episodes, leading many viewers to question whether she's still actually in the villa
Out of the boys, Charlie Brake is also a favourite to go at 11/1, followed by unlucky in love Alex George at 10/3
Betfair Spokesperson Katie Baylis said: "Things have well and truly kicked-off amongst the girls now with the Ellie/Georgia/Laura feud the big talking point of the last few days
"While many backed Ellie's stance towards Georgia, the way she went about it hasn't impressed a lot of fans and she is the 11/4 favourite alongside Grace to go tonight from the girls camp
"While Grace hasn't done anything wrong, she hasn't really done anything at all and there seems to be no spark whatsoever with her and Alex which is why she's a favourite to go as well
" She added: "Georgia is next at 4/1 following the events of the last few days, but she may just sneak in based on previous loyalties
"For the boys Charlie is favourite to go at 11/4, while Alex is next at 10/3 with many punters thinking time is surely up for the unlucky in love doctor
" Viewers will have to sit tight until tonight to find out who's been let go. Love Island continues tonight at 9pm on 2
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